Baker Act Decision Tree and Bulletin Professional Standards I I 1.. I . - Sta? has concern about studenfs behavior as danger to 535? andlor others 47 Student seen by Principallbesignee or Schoo! Counseiar to evaiuate and mamas LEGAL Sc?wo! Adminisitramr awaits with Wing {?sh ?ntewent?on Team, Pame Counseiar, Sch-no! District Crisis Response Team, Mamie Crisis ?i?eaml Schooi Nurse, Paratt ?aiscm, Schoc? Based Manta! Seam-z Wet, or other appropriate staff. Simian: remains in crisis and 325 to exhibit behaviors which gotentia?y meet Baker Ac: criteria. Schoovi Po?ce determines b??m does not meet Senna: Pa?cef?cemad staff initiate Baker Act, if criteria met. i Student remains in crisis and continues to exhibit behaviors, which pmentia?y meet BakerAct. Wignee coma!? and infumxs Wsmegai guaz?ianw that the decision has mm Es Wgtrammrte?. ?6 Schooi Pa?cejo?ter {aw Enforcement Agency transports mm to hospita! in discrete manner. Student returns to class. Debrief and fo?owp with Waived staff P?ndbaVBa?ymeor?imoi dex?nm?ads?k?kx _Zgwn?a??pf?;nn??h 3f?? mm meets with Crisis Response Team} paren?smegai guarc?aais} and - - Schooi Wiice..5taff student is referre? to the deta?s spea?c S'chooi Based Team. observabie behavior. - Jr After discharge from haspitat, schooi staff andfor - 0 District Crisis 859mm Team meets with Debrief anti fo?owup with 3 pamtismega! Mania}, and e?smss chach mamm. WonkakmgW?efwto?aeSdM?md mm {355% TeameSE appropriate. Team coifaborates with sci?moi team far swam re- - mm: 39W Pia": intermhm: Omaga Schan staff {PmdanAPISchooi Counsebr} action items and referral. =?dsis needs imxmdiate ac?m 3km: anc?iary staffac?on items Wan-actan waited by idersti??d BakerAct participants THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF JUN Z. EASSA, EDS. KEITH OSWALD PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL DIRECTOR DEPUTY 0F SCHOOLS SAFE SCHOOLS BAR BARA TEREM 8 ES CIO LINCOLN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL . 1160 AVENUE N, ROOM 268 RIVIERA BEACH, {133404 Paone: 556149431569 Fax: 561~494~1470 ws me acescno Leone so Contact: Action By: Kenya Ct Madison, Eds? 561~703~8239 Information Only TO: Principals FROM: Keith Oswald, Deputy Superintendent! Chief of Schools SUBJECT: BAKER ACT DECISION TREE PROTOCOL hishlishizee The Florida Mental Health Act of 1.971, commonly known as the "Baker Act" in Florida allows for involuntary examination (what some call emergency or insoluntary commitment]. Judges, law enforcement officials, physicians, or mental health professionals can initiate the Baker Act. Criteria for an involuntary exam are that the individual: 0 presents a danger to self'or others; sod/Or i appears to have a mental illness as determined by a licensed mental health professional. its a District, we want to ensure the safety of all our students and that the same practices occur regarding-any potential Baker Act on a school campus. Professional development. activities are being developed to ensure that all pertinent, affected personnel is familiar with the requirements. With the advent of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act, additional support and processes are in development and will be released throughout: the school year. School administration and staff should do everything possible to prevent and demescalate a student crisis, using all resources school counselor, crisis or School Based Team member, school ESE contact, school nurse, school-based mental health provider, District Crisis Response Team, or mobile crisis team member available prior to making a referral}. The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida ATopnnated District: hythe Florida Department of Education Since 2005 An Equal Education Opportunity Provider and Employer Fees 29?? .. sonar; 5515552 oscos BAKER ACT oscsiom TREE enorocm School districts are required to provide immediate noti?cation to a student's parent/guardian if a student is removed from school or school-sponsored activity as the result of a Baker Act. This notification, in response to Involuntary examination and "emergency health needs", is required for compliance to the following statutes: Fs. assessors), gs. 31.8.0056i4llalltgi, and the School Health Services Plan. The following procedures are recommended: Attachment If a student appears to be in crisis, move the sto'deotto a quiet, safe place while accompanied at all times by at least one adult and ensure school administration is notified. Use verbal and non-?verbal de~escalatlng strategies in an effort. to reduCe the student's distress. Contact the District Crisis Response Team by calling the Department of Safe Schools at 561?982?0901. The Crisis Response Team will collaborate with school teams to observe, assess, intervene, and plan for the individ student?s concerns. if a student remains a threat to him/herself and/or others, School Police is to be contacted after other strategies and resources have been exhausted. School Police will gather information from others who . have observed and/or have knowledge. of the student's concerning behavior and may request a written statement to assist in their decisionmmakin'g process. . Make every effort to include the In all phases of the process and request that the parent/guardian sign a release giving authorization for the school to communicate with the hospital. and receive information post discharge treatment support, discharge plan, re?entry plea, and medication). Update. the SIS Mental Health tab with the date of the mental or behavioral health crisis and Crisis Team Response. Submit a referral to the School Based Team to ensure appropriate follow up and/or monitoring. Approved: Donald EfFennoy IKEd?sbuprin-tendent The Schooi District of Palm Beach County, Florida TopL??h'ted were: by the Florida "?epartment of Education 'Slnce 2005 An Equal Education Opportunity Provider and Employer