GiFl Wt )H'i TI '55 DAKOTA MA A CANTWELL NA ?El?scwatz. Hawaii I . *7 "5 RAN. KANSAS mu MA Enlt E?tattg hat" att um ALASKA COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, H1: AND TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, DC 20510?6125 mm A WEBSITE: httpu? DAVID 5TH LAN Cl March 9, 2020 Chad F. Wolf, Acting Secretary US. Department of Homeland Security 2707 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue. SE. Washington, DC. 20528 Dear Secretary Wolf: Since COVID-19 was ?rst identi?ed in Wuhan, China last year, the Virus has spread to over 50 countries, including the United States, and infected over 100,000 pe0p1e. Here in the United States, the outbreak has infected several of my constituents in Washington state with unfortunate loss of life. Tireless workers in Washington and across the country are treating patients and working to contain the spread of COVID-19, including through quarantines and by closing certain facilities. With 14 operational and support components comprised of more than 240,000 employees and contractors under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), I request that you provide the following information: 1) What guidance, messaging, or information has DHS provided to its employees and contractors regarding precautions taken in response to Please detail how that information has, or will be, disseminated to DHS employees and contractors, including: a. Any policies guiding the dissemination of such information; b. How and in what manner such information has been disseminated; c. To whom such information has been disseminated; and (1. Any planned follow-up. 2) Have you implemented interim guidance from the US. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the US. Department of Labor?s Occupational Safety and Health Administration for employers to plan and respond to If so, please detail how you have implemented this guidance and whether additional guidance or recommendations would be help?il in mitigating the risk of transmission among DHS employees. 3) Does DHS have a pandemic response plan or other policies or protocols in place regarding preparation for, or response to, an outbreak at or near DHS facilities? a. If so, please provide a copy of that plan, policies, or protocols, and indicate whether the plan has been implemented for some or all of operations. b. Has the CDC provided adequate guidance on this plan or protocol speci?c to If not, would additional guidance or standardized recommendations from the CDC or other entity on speci?c policies or practices be helpful? c. If no such plan, policies, or protocols exist, is DHS in the process of developing a pandemic response plan or policies, either generally or speci?c to If so, when is such plan expected to be completed and implemented? 4) Have you taken any steps to limit international or domestic travel for DHS employees? 5) Are you currently providing or encouraging COVID-19 screening for DHS employees at any of your facilities or for employees who have travelled to areas where the virus has been identi?ed? 6) Please outline any telework or ?exible leave policies that you have implemented for DHS employees in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. If existing policies have been enhanced or amended speci?cally in response to the outbreak, please detail how that information has been communicated to employees and whether those policies are currently being implemented across DHS. 7) Has DHS provided any guidance on, or have you identi?ed any rules, regulations, or policies across the Department, operational and support components, or the industries you oversee, that may require relaxation, exception, or waiver in order to mitigate the risk of transmission? Thank you in advance for your assistance with this request. I ask that you provide the requested information as soon as possible and in no event later than March 16, 2020. Sincerely, MARIA CANTWELL Ranking Member