Rahm Emanuel Department of Police - City of Chicago Garry F. McCarthy Mayor 3510 S. Michigan Avenue . Chicago, 60653 Superintendent of Police September 18, 2015 Sent via Email: freddymartinezQ?gmaiLcom Freddy Martinez Re: NOTICE OF RESPONSE TO FOIA REQUEST REQUEST DATE: August 20,2015 FOIA FILE NO.: 15-4801 Mr. Freddy Martinez: The Chicago Police Department is in receipt of your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the following: Documents sufficient to show any First Amendment Worksheets related to Black Lives Matter, We Charge Genocide or BYP100 groups in Chicago; Documents sufficient to show any First Amendment Worksheets related to Black Friday, November 28, 2014; Documents sufficient to show any First Amendment Worksheets completed with "Level investigations of Black Lives Matter, We Charge Genocide or BYP100 groups. Documents sufficient to show any First Amendment Worksheets completed with "Level investigations; Documents sufficient to show any First Amendment Worksheets completed for Black Friday, November 28, 2014; Any other documents sufficient to show planning for Black Lives Matter demonstration that was planned on Black Friday, November 28, 2014 Your request was reviewed by the undersigned. It was determined that your request is granted in part and denied in part. However please be advised that certain information has been redacted from the First Amendment Worksheet (Attachments) on the Pending Ferguson Grand Jury list. Details of the redactions are set forth below: The redacted information would unnecessarily reveal a specific strategic investigative technique that is currently utilized by Bureaus throughout the Chicago Police Department in order to develop specific law enforcement response methods and is exempt from disclosure under the following exemptions found in the Illinois Freedom of Information Act: 5 ILCS (West 2010), as amended by Public Acts 97-333, effective August 12, 2011; 97-385, effective August 15, 2011; 97-452, effective August 19, 2011), provides that a public body may withhold information if releasing it would disclose unique or specialized investigative techniques, other than those generally used and known or disclosed internal documents of correctional agencies related to detection, observation, or investigation of incidents of crime or misconduct, and disclosure would result in demonstrable harm to the agency or public body that is the recipient of the request. These items are therefore, exempt from disclosure. Emergency and 9-1-1 - Non Emergency and (within city limits) 3-1-1 - Non Emergency and TTY: (outside city limitSl 1312) 746-6000 E-mail: prilicc@cityofchicago.org - Website: In your request for ?Documents sufficient to show any First Amendment Worksheets completed with ?Level investigations of Black Lives Matter, We Charge Genocide or BYP100 groups, and Documents sufficient to show any First Amendment Worksheets completed with "Level investigations, our search yielded no responsive documents. If I can be of any further assistance please contact me at 312-745-5308 or at the following address: Chicago Police Department Attention: Freedom of Information Office of Legal Affairs, Unit 114 3510 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60653 Sincerely, P.O. A. Bunch #8023 Freedom of Information Officer Department of Police Officer of Legal Affairs You have a right of review by the Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor (PAC). You can file a request for review by writing to: Public Access Counselor Officer of the Attorney General 500 South 2nd Street Springfield, Illinois 62706 Phone: 312-814-5526 or 1-877-299-FOIA (1 -877-299-3642) Fax: 217-782-1396 E-mail: publicaccess@atq.state.il.us When filing a Request for Review, you must include a copy of the original FOIA request and this denial letter. You may also seek judicial review of a denial under 5 ILCS 140/11 by filing a lawsuit in the State Circuit Court. FIRST AMENDMENT WORKSHEET Chicago Police Department Date and Time of Request 5 Jan IS 1000 hours 1.0: Superintendent of Police _5 JAN '5 I I ?first Amendment Invest. Tracking No. I . 00l-l l6-2014 Attention. General Counsel little-it. trim"..- From: District Commanderl Unit Commanding Officer of Exempt Rank: Commander Stem Calms #520 Name and star number Initial Authorization to Conduct CI Authorization to Continue a First Amendment investigation IZI Intelligence Gathering Order to TerminateIDtsapproval Of re attng to. IZI PUDIIC Gathering Investigation Initiated: (We) (Time) 1600 hours Date Authorization Expires: t/sns FACTUAL BASIS FOR INVESTIGATION - For authorization to initiate or continue an investigation. indicate how the investigation will serve! continue to serve a proper law enforcement purpose and source of information relied upon to justify the investigation; for termination of an investigation or disapproval of an initiation request. indicate rationale for that determination . - . . Llll'il?llthree demonstrations/ rotests were held. Some of those demonstrations! rotests involved sub'ects enterin an ex resswa and la in down in intersections which hindered the movement of emer enc vehicles. The information found via 0 en source searchin of the lntemet was communicated to De artment command sta?? char ed with ensurin the safe of the rotesters/demonstrators and the ublic so that the demonstration! rotest could take place. This First Amendment investigation was limited to Open source searching of the Internet1600 See Attached Continuation Sheet 'tdicate investigative Techniques and Minimization Procedures to be used See Attached Continuation Sheet C, Request authorization to use Level ll Investigative Techniques (electronic surveillance. undercover methods) based on the following justi?cation: El See Attached Continuation Sheet PERSONS OR GROUPS TO BE INVESTIGATED Name Address Af?liation, it Any No. Signature of District CommanderlUntt Commanding Of?cer Signature of General Counsel Data General Counse"s Determination. of Exempt Rank) Concur pug. Smut ?1 Do Not Concur CPD-11.440 (Rev. 10103) . Pending Ferguson Grand Jury decision: OSIG monitoring: Chicopwatch HandsUpUnited Let Us Breathe Occupy Chicago National Day of Protest Against Police Brutality Rekia Boyd Candlelight vigil for Rekia California and Ogden Weekend of Resistance Ferguson FerusonOctober SiandWithFerguson WontTurnDOWn JusticeForMikeBrown March for Ferguson - Chicago WGC We Charge Genocide Chicago Police Violence Against Youth of Color Anonymous OpChicago OpFerguson RevCom (RCP or Revolutionary Communist Party) Black Youth Group Justice for Roshad Don't Shoot Coalition Black rebels Black is Back Coalition New Black Panther Party Black Riders Liberation Party of General T.A.C.O. Revolution Club Chicago ~5 Jllii l5 eraser. is? won. sir-re 32 HRS Corey Harris (He is a subject who was shot by CPD) His name was on the posterboard found at Near North. Change is on us Fergusonresponse Demotropolis Opjohncrawford OpDarrlenl-lunt Demotropolls #Chicopwatch (keyword- and subject analyses) New Black Panther Party Revolutionary Communist Party Ferguson-Chicago (keyword) #LetUsBreathe (keyword) Activist/Anarchist (self described) Million Mask March Justice for Roshad C, Black Youth Group ?5 JAH I.) I 42 *1le 15 Nov 2014..k WHEL a. X. 5 Hugo Smakavich m-Eers FOLLOWING FOLLOWEPE. 51 15 1 1? All these protesters need to go home and grab their guns. SIGNS DOWN GUNS UP LETS KILL A COP #chicago #ferguson #newyork Photos and Videos Come at me ?Hugo Smakavich - mil I. I say put your signs down. And pick up your guns. Let's start killing cops #Chioago #Ferguson Come at me. I'll gladly go down fighting 1' 113 um" 01 3135? 10m uosn?jam passed slsgumuumo 0323qu paasew . .. h} SMEI SLEEG l00 l38 1'10 wapuamuadng 9? nu' swam we?reQ's l?NFOR?f-fyi?a?kifli .I r- ";51 1 meet FULL mule u. h? r-n arm:- 905 72 2.51 480 Tweets Tweets re lies Photos 5 Black Rebels Minister of Defense Zulu Gadda? St - Black Rebels LOUIS RDG Black Rebels IS a Action Group 8. Urban Militia Fighting for NY. COPS pUt #El?charner I w" unuru. Stan-n Us! which caused death. in response to the Eric Garner grand jury decision in New York City on December 3, 2014, the self- described "urban militia" group Black Rebels tweeted the following?remark on their Twitter account. Black Robots. i -l-l 1, For every one of us they raise out, We gotta take one of them out! Thats the only way this wult stop right now anG ll- 13 The preceding caption was tweeted on December 3, 2014 at approximately 1445 The Black Rebels organization is a political action group and urban militia who fights for Uhuru, which is Swahili for freedom. The group's leader is Zulu Gaddafi, and they are known to operate out of St. Louis, MO. Furthermore, the group offered a cash bounty on Twitter for the location of Ferguson, MO Officer Darren Wilson on November 9. 2014. Sources Black Rebels. Twitter(Dec. 3. 2014, approx. 2:45 PM). Andres Jauregui. 'Urban Militia' Group Black Rebels Offers Bounty For Location Of Officer Darren Wilson (Nov. 19. 2014. 10.12 AM), 6184710.!11ml Of?cer Corbett #4134, Chicago Police Department This document is for Law Enforcement Only. Any action based on this information is subject to con?rmation. Crime Prevention and Information Center - 312.745.5669 CPIC@chicagopolice.org - Unit I I6 - Black Rebels :1 .. For every one of us they take out, We gotta take one of them out! Thats the only way this will stop right now. iiFtbG H1- 1? Monday I 24 Nov 14 FERGUSON GRAND JURY DECISION ANNOUNCED 1" District State and Jackson 1700 hours approximate start March in the Central Business District (CBD de?ned as locations in the and 18?" Districts) 2"d District City of Chicago Public Safety Headquarters 3510 S. Michigan 1830 hours start March to and around Central Business District which ended at approximately midnight Tuesday] 25 Nov 14 1ST District State and Jackson 0715 hours approximate start March ended at Water Tower Park at approximately 1400 hours. 1? District City Hall 121 N. LaSaile 0900 hours start Sit in at City Hall until approximately 1800 hours. A march through the CBD then commenced and it dissipated at approximately 2200 hours. Wednesday, 26 Nov 14 District City Hall 121 N. LaSaile 1000 hours start Protest dissipated at approximately 1045 hours. 1" District Jackson and LaSaile 1200 hours approximate start. March through CBD with it dissipating at approximately 1445 hours. Friday I 28 Nov 14 - DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING 19'h and 25''1 Districts Protests at four WalMart locations in the noted Districts Approximate start at 0730 hours with all dissipating by approximately 1530 hours 11 ANOVs issued at the location in the 1? District at 570 W. Monroe 18'" District 806 N. Michigan (Water Tower Park) 0900 hours approximate start March went through the 18" 12?" and 14'h Districts before ending at the Walmart in the 25'h District at 4650 North Avenue at approximately 1530 hours. 181 District 50 W. Washington (Daley Plaza) 1230 hours approximate start "Fur Free? March through the CBD and into the 18'h District along Michigan Avenue. It dissipated at approximately 1530 hours. Saturday I 29 Nov 14 District 50'? and Drexel (Rainbow Push HQ) 1130 hours approximate start and ending at approximately 1215 hours Monday I 1 Dec 14 1" District State and Jackson 2"d District 1100 E. 55?? Street 12"1 District 800 S. Halsted 14?'1 District 1440 N. Sacramento 17'" District Northeastern Illinois University Campus 24'? District Loyola University Campus Wednesday! 3 Dec 14 - ERIC GARNER GRAND JURY DECISION ANNOUNCED 1"l District Students killed in Mexico 50 W. Adams (Federal Plaza) 1530 hours approximate start March through CBD that dissipated at approximately 1900 hours. 1" District State and Jackson 1730 hours approximate start March through CBD that dissipated at approximately 2028 hours. Thursday I 4 Dec 14 1" District Minimum Wage 0700 hours approximate start March through CBD with it dissipating at approximately 1145 hours 15"1 District Division and Pine 1630 hours approximate start 1" District State and Jackson 1700 hours approximate start March through CBD.that shut down the north and south bound lanes of Lake Shore Drive for a time. Then ended at Roosevelt and Michigan and dissipated from there at approximately midnight. Bears game this night. 4 Arrests, 3 of?cers injured friday I 5 Dec 14 13? District Congress and Dearborn 1530 hours approximate start March through CBD with it dissipating at approximately 2145 hours at the 1" District Station due to arrestees reportedly being at that location. 15 Arrests Saturday I 6 Dec 14 11?h District Madison and Pulaski 1230 hours approximate start with it dissipating at approximately 1500 hours. District 6300 S. King 1300 hours approximate start March in the area that shut down Lake Shore Drive for a time. It dissipated at approximately 1630 hours. 10'h District 2621 w. 15?" Place 1300 hours approximate start 1430 hours approximate end . 18'" District 50 E. Pearson Sunday I 7 Dec 14 FAITH BASED INSTITUION INVOLVEMENT (50 institutions were reportedly going to participate) 11'? District Madison and Pulaski 1300 hours approximate start 1500 hours approximate time that participants boarded a bus to meet at State and Jackson. 15' District State and Jackson 1600 hours approximate start March through 030 and some went to Belmont and Western. At approximately 22245 hours all dissipated. 11 Arrests 1" District 1 st District 77 W. Washington 1000 hours approximate start 2nd District 735 E. 44th Street 1300 hours th District 1210 W. 78th Place 1100 hours approximate start :Sunday I 7 Dec 14 FAITH BASED INVOLVEMENT (50 institutions were reportedly going to participate) (continued) 10?? District 2242 S. Damen 1100 hours approximate start. 10'h District 28'?1 and Karlov 1040 hours approximate start 18th District Water Tower Park 806 N. Michigan 1230 hours approximate start 1340 hours approximate and 19th District 4500 N. Hermitage (church) 1200 hours approximate start 19th District 925 W. Diversey 1115 hours approximate with it dissipating at approximately 1315 hours 22nd District 400 W. 95th Street (church) 1300 hours approximate start March to the CTA Red Line Station at 95'" and the Ryan that dissipated at approximately 1445 hours. 22"? District 10500 S. Haisted 1015 hours approximate start 24th District 6808 N. Ashland 0930 hours approximate start 24th District Loyola University (chapel) A march traversing streets in the area of the campus. 1215 hours approximate start 1315 hours approximate end Monday! 8 Dec 14 3" District 63'?1 and Stony island 1045 hours approximate start 1115 hours approximate end ondayl 8 Dec 14 (continued) District 501 S. King 400 hours approximate start 2?1 District 00 S. Halsted 700 hours approximate start 845 hours approximate and