Ftom: Come! 0! Brooklyn Neigltbothooda [WW.ml Sent: Thunday. 07. 2008 4:56 PM To: Wade Subject: --..- -. COUNCIL OF BROOKLYN NEIGHBORHOODS MGWW 201mm W. NV 112? "0400-32? emu; Wm may.? teem-MIMI? Wmamw Oaanuaatlen (?much-am Fana'er'u'm Neutron WM Mime-eav- Mime when WOW MMWW MW 0?me we manual move-n December 7. 2006 Mr. Kevin S. Cotbett Mr. Charlea E. Dottey Mr. David Feinbel'g Mr. Mall: 8. Hamiater Mr. Joeepl: F. Holland Ma. Diane Taylor Sin and Madam: The Council of Brooklyn Neighbomooda utgea the Board of the Empire State Development development - regulations. - beconecteda?erthe?nteubmiuion forappmval. Respond. challenge. 0 TheI-?Els consideration wonhy ofwomcueseenuioanalyuis. development of the Vendetbilt Yards. Respectfully. Urban Candace Cuponter Co Cluirpenon Co Chairpenon The COUNCIL OF BROOKLYN NEIGHBORHOODS (4.1. .um. mmum .vmu 1-: ofrceognizeddimcommunity mum joined review ofthe ptopoeed Atlantic Yards development in Prospect Heights. Bnooklyn.