OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR March 18, 2020 The Honorable Donald J. Trump WhiTe House 1600 Avenue, NW WashingTon, D.C. Dear Mr. President wriTe To respechuIIy reauesT you immediaTely deploy The USNS Mercy HospiTal Ship To be sTaTioned of The porT of Los Angeles Through SepTember i, 2020, To help decompress our currenT heaITh care delivery sysTem in Los Angeles region in response To The i9 ouTbreak. As you know, California has been disproporTionaTely impacfed by repaTriaTion efforTs over The IasT few monThs. Our sTaTe and healTh care delivery sysTem are significanTIy impacfed by The rapid increase in cases. In The IasT 24 hours, we had 126 new 9 cases, a 2i percenf increase, In some parTs of our sTaTe, our case raTe is doubling every four days. Moreover, we have communify acquired Transmission in 23 counfies wiTh an increase of 44 communiTy acquired infecfions in 24 hours. We projecT ThaT roughly 56 percenT of our populafion?25.5 million people?will be infecTed wiTh The virus over an eighT week period. This resource will help decompress The healTh care delivery sysTem To allow The Los Angeles region To ensure ThaT if has The abiIiTy To address criTicaI acufe care needs, such as hearT aTTacks and sTrokes or vehicle accidenfs, in addiTion To The rapid rise in 9 cases. The popuIaTion densiTy in The Los Angeles Region is similar To New York CiTy, will be disproporTionaTely impacfed by The number of 9 cases. I would ask ThaT The US Navy coordinafe wiTh my Office of Emergency Services, Through The Defense CoordinaTor Officer To rapidly deploy This asseT. you foryour parT ership and look forward To our confinue dis ussion. GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 - (916 445-2841 I