Dale March 19' 2020 al92037 AM PDT Sum Fw cruel Hal's responaelo llre cw; shelter In Place ommanoe Hello mow FPOA members. As rnarry ol you heard, on Maren 1&h lne Cly ol Fresno held a press nonrerence ro oeelare a snow or Place' omar Hwevcr Warrant Crud Hall was asked kl! posman on oroer and ne snol back won me balm enrarl re lne Mayor no any Councrl members Based On hli 91% say leaders doclded lo adopt a 'Sleller ln Ml an aldcf Dull-l9 yesterdays board modulo. Much began aller lhe "urgmg" was rssued Chlel Hall addressee lhe Board 01 Dreams and read us are ems-I queslron Not sumnsm wv all agreed and he recelved an enmusnsac raponse lrom all 01 us Hel so nrongly hs oosmorrs. I asked l! could send me marl to all at you and he agreed Here 1 rs run wanl no be clear with everyone mar mo oroer l5 nor enrorceanle In as currenl srale lra and MI only serve la oanre an zlre-dy uneasy and urrsranle oomrrunrey wrnre mummy agree max our leadels snoulo plaoes o1 and sue-s me ol ar lronre we al need lo rake a nrealn and no! succumb lo our rears We are rallung aocul ervrl Irnemes arm mung away the consmwonal cl our cmzena our lorelallrers fought and area tor Yhe Iulhomy lne cumunlty nee mm on you should nor belakerl Igmly or wllnour rrloul lrorn all our aonrnunny leaders members ol our commumy an unenlorcoaole ordnance rs not me anmer Slow dawnl The people 0' warn manual-7n and role They lralen to you Keep llrem lnlovmed and lell l'hem homo slay sale, or al lam saler People are a lo! smarrer than were llrern creoll Ion even me poor and under comm Yhele may come a lone men aclual lnrears lo bask: human Irlcludmg lncarceranon, are necessary but will lhenl "love all ol you lo allow our lo oo lhe Hum wrlhoul our lreeoorn do me wllnool your meals and suppon our novernmenr and rule or law one: lh-s re over Tm Ba haven; say I5 mall am ashamad our cm! :eNal's' gladly mp! me pay muons and secumy that an! nnronorlong lupuyers prome us no serve meal We: al me 549" lrnulrle we abandon llrem and go home Not only aremey amng homo, om we are also our laxpayars lo ray our 9040mm employees a: me very same lune we are about to order our cmzerrs no flay home pay We are nd evarr rel-wrung our employees use lrrerr Iucralwn government lrma on bench: Mule orey sneller ar norne on a paid yacalron Every one ol goverrnnenl employees should be al work mm we all squad lnerr currenl labs lrrerr they snouro be moorlrzeo lo serve our mmuney In omer weysrc ease mew eurlerrng We can oelwermod rorne elderly nelp mace need and suppon mese Mm are neearng our words no enelrenrrg In place Now ls llre nrne for us I7 cm and run Amencl lm hoe-1 as challenges logellrer. makes us a great Country" AnorewJ Hall chrel o1 Polrce Fresno Pom Depannrenl Nd lo be laxen are or when lrre cruel rs lo'eml servants" he re NOT relemng lo puollr: salelv proleseronala who are al ensuvlnn a sale and socrely Todd Flalzel Presrdenl Fresno Pellet Omoes' Assxlamn