/$: (1)25&(0(17 6(16,7,9( United States Secret Service Expenses Incurred at Trump Turnberry Resort (REDACTED) /$: (1)25&(0(17 6(16,7,9( :$51,1* 7KH LQIRUPDWLRQ LQ WKLV GRFXPHQW VKDGHG LQ EODFN LV /DZ (QIRUFHPHQW 6HQVLWLYH /(6 ,W LV WKH SURSHUW\ RI WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI +RPHODQG 6HFXULW\ DQG PD\ EH GLVWULEXWHG ZLWKLQ WKH )HGHUDO *RYHUQPHQW DQG LWV FRQWUDFWRUV WR ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW SXEOLF VDIHW\ DQG SURWHFWLRQ DQG LQWHOOLJHQFH RIILFLDOV DQG LQGLYLGXDOV RQO\ RQ D QHHG WR NQRZ EDVLV 'LVWULEXWLRQ WR RWKHU HQWLWLHV ZLWKRXW SULRU 'HSDUWPHQW RI +RPHODQG 6HFXULW\ DXWKRUL]DWLRQ LV SURKLELWHG 3UHFDXWLRQV VKDOO EH WDNHQ WR HQVXUH WKLV LQIRUPDWLRQ LV VWRUHG DQG GHVWUR\HG LQ D PDQQHU WKDW SUHFOXGHV XQDXWKRUL]HG DFFHVV ,QIRUPDWLRQ PDUNHG LQ EODFN PD\ QRW EH XVHG LQ OHJDO SURFHHGLQJV ZLWKRXW SULRU DXWKRUL]DWLRQ IURP WKH RULJLQDWRU 5HFLSLHQWV DUH SURKLELWHG IURP SRVWLQJ /(6 LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ D ZHEVLWH RU XQFODVVLILHG QHWZRUN /$: (1)25&(0(17 6(16,7,9( March 18, 2020 OIG-20-18 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DHS OIG HIGHLIGHTS United States Secret Service Expenses Incurred at Trump Turnberry Resort March 18, 2020 Why We Did This Audit The United States Secret Service (Secret Service) protects the President and his family, including other protectees. Members of Congress asked the DHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) to audit the expenses incurred by the Secret Service for President Trump’s visit to the Trump Turnberry Resort in Scotland from July 14 to 15, 2018. What We Recommend This report contains no recommendations. For Further Information: Contact our Office of Public Affairs at (202) 981-6000, or email us at DHS-OIG.OfficePublicAffairs@oig.dhs.gov What We Found The Secret Service incurred an estimated for President Trump’s visit to the Trump Turnberry Resort in Scotland from July 14 to 15, 2018. This amount represents the operational and temporary duty costs associated with supporting Secret Service personnel who traveled to Scotland before, during, and after the President’s visit. Of the total amount, the Secret Service paid an aggregated amount of $9,662 to the Turnberry Resort for hotel rooms, golf carts, and logistical support. A breakdown of costs appears below: Estimated Total Costs Description Total Rental Cars $466,424 Hotel Rooms $322,427 Meals and Incidental Overtime Pay $84,899 Commercial Airfare $63,744 Logistical Support $11,719 Golf Cart Rental $4,048 Total Source: OIG analysis of agency data These figures do not include salaries and benefits for government personnel traveling with the President, which the Secret Service would have incurred regardless of whether the President traveled. Also excluded are costs associated with assistance provided by the Department of Defense, such as the use of military aircraft to transport personnel and equipment, because the Secret Service is not required to reimburse these costs. We did not identify any fraud indicators or costs that were not authorized in relation to the President’s visit to the Trump Turnberry Resort. www.oig.dhs.gov OIG-20-18 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security I 505' ?4&9 5?60 Washington, DC 20528 March 18, 2020 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable James M. Murray Director ted States See etM rvice FROM: uffari nspe or Gener SUBJECT: United States Secret Service Expenses Incurred at Trump Tumberry Resort - Law?Enfereeme?t?Sene?t?ve Attached for your information is our ?nal report, United States Secret Service Expenses Incurred at Trump Tumbeny Resort Law?Enforeement?Sensit?iye. The Secret Service did not provide any formal technical comments for this report. No recommendations were made. Consistent with our responsibility under the Inspector General Act, we provide copies of our report to congressional committees with oversight and appropriation responsibility over the Department of Homeland Security. We also post the redacted version of the report on our website for public dissemination. Please call me with any questions, or your staff may contact Sondra McCauley, Assistant Inspector General for Audits, at (202) 981?6000. Attachment LAW ENFORGEMENT SENSITIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security Background The Presidential Protection Division within the United States Secret Service (Secret Service) is responsible for providing 24-hour protection for the President of the United States, the President’s immediate family, and other statutory protectees such as the Vice President, former Presidents, and former Vice Presidents. The Secret Service provides personnel to staff advance protective assignments for all local, domestic, and international travel for these protectees. Staff responsible for these assignments assess the overall security environment and implement security procedures to ensure the safety of each protectee. According to the Presidential Protection Assistance Act of 1976, executive departments and agencies shall assist the Secret Service in performing its protective duties by providing services, equipment, and facilities when requested by the Secret Service. For example: x The Department of State’s local embassy supports the Secret Service on international protective missions by booking and paying for all hotel reservations and coordinating onsite needs. These needs include, but are not limited to, acquiring rental cars, cell phones, and other logistical support required by the Secret Service. The Secret Service is required to reimburse the Department of State for all costs incurred in support of the Secret Service’s protective operations. x The Department of Defense provides military aircraft to move Secret Service equipment and personnel to support the President’s travel. The Explosive Ordnance Disposal Program supports the Secret Service’s protection efforts by providing explosive detection capabilities. However, the Secret Service does not reimburse the Department of Defense for assistance provided on a temporary basis when the duties are directly related to protecting the President or the Vice President, or other officer immediately next in order of succession to the office of the President. Results of Audit In a letter dated July 31, 2018, Senator Tom Carper, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Representative Elijah Cummings, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, asked the Office of Inspector General (OIG) to conduct an audit of expenses incurred by the Secret Service for President Trump’s visit to the Trump Turnberry Resort in Scotland from July 14 to 15, 2018. We addressed eight questions in the letter requesting information on the Secret Service’s total cost of the trip, resort-specific costs, the number of Secret Service agents who traveled, overtime costs, resort room rates, golf cart rental costs, meals and incidental expenses, and other related costs. www.oig.dhs.gov 1 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OIG-20-18 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security 1. How much did the Secret Service spend for the President and his family’s visit to the Trump Turnberry? The Secret Service’s total expense regarding protection for the trip to Turnberry, Scotland is an estimated . This amount represents the operational and temporary duty costs associated with supporting Secret Service personnel who traveled to Scotland before, during, and after the President’s visit. Table 1 provides a breakdown of the expenses associated with the protective mission. Table 1: Estimated Total Costs Description Rental Cars Hotel Rooms Meals and Incidental Overtime Pay Commercial Airfare Logistical Support1 Golf Cart Rental Total Total $466,424 $322,427 $84,899 $63,744 $11,719 $4,048 Source: OIG analysis of agency data These figures do not include salaries and benefits for government personnel traveling with the President, which the Secret Service would have incurred regardless of whether the President traveled. Also excluded are costs associated with assistance provided by the Department of Defense, such as the use of military aircraft to transport personnel and equipment, because the Secret Service is not required to reimburse these costs. The President’s visit to the Trump Turnberry Resort was one part of a four-part European trip that included stops in Scotland, Belgium, England, and Finland. Due to system limitations, the Secret Service could not provide complete cost data in certain areas for the Turnberry mission in Scotland such as overtime pay, meals and incidental expenses, and commercial airfare. Therefore, we estimated the costs in these areas. (See Objective, Scope, and Methodology for more details on how we estimated these costs.) Includes $3,054 for equipment rental; $2,804 for pipes and drapes; $2,530 for ; $1,969 for State Department overtime; $1,100 for ; and $262 for vehicle insurance. www.oig.dhs.gov 2 OIG-20-18 1 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security 2. How much did Trump Turnberry gain in profits from the Secret Service’s spending for the President and his family’s visit? The Secret Service spent $9,662 at the Trump Turnberry Resort for the President and his family’s visit. Of this amount, we could not determine how much the resort gained in profits. Table 2 provides a breakdown of the amount that the Secret Service spent at the resort. Table 2: Resort Costs Description Hotel Rooms Logistical Golf Cart Rentals Total Total $5,935 $2,804 $923 $9,662 Source: OIG analysis of agency data 3. How many Secret Service agents traveled with the President and his family to the Trump Turnberry? The Secret Service assigned personnel to travel to the Trump Turnberry Resort for the President’s visit. Personnel were assigned as: x part of the protective detail that provided 24-hour protection for the President and other protectees including the First Lady, the President’s son, the White House Chief of Staff, the Press Secretary, and the National Security Advisor; x members of the advance team involved in site preparation, assessing the overall security environment, and creating a security plan; and x part of the team that traveled to the site, ahead of or concurrent with the President’s trip, with responsibility for carrying out the security plan and providing on-site logistical support to ensure the location remained safe for the President and the protectees. Personnel who supported the Turnberry visit were from the Secret Service’s Presidential Protection Division, various headquarters divisions that support protective operations, field offices across the country that provided additional manpower, and the field office with jurisdiction over the location. According to the Secret Service, the size and composition of the advance team and personnel deployed was based on the number of protectees, type of event, expected attendance, location, length of the visit, and known threats. www.oig.dhs.gov 3 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OIG-20-18 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security 4. How much did the Secret Service spend in overtime pay for agents protecting the President during this visit? The Secret Service spent an estimated $84,899 in overtime pay for personnel protecting the President and other protectees during the visit to the Trump Turnberry Resort. 5. What was the rate that the Secret Service paid for hotel rooms at the Trump Turnberry? per night for single The Secret Service paid a hotel room rate of about occupancy and about per night for double occupancy at the Trump Turnberry Resort. These rates were less than the government’s per diem lodging rate and the resort’s seasonal rate for July 2018. Table 3 provides a breakdown by room type for the rate the Secret Service paid, the per diem rate, and the seasonal rate. Table 3: Turnberry Hotel Room Rates Secret Service Rate Paid2 Room Type Single Occupancy Double Occupancy Per Diem Rate $173 $173 Seasonal Rate $510 $523 Source: OIG analysis of agency data 6. How much did the Secret Service spend to rent golf carts at the Trump Turnberry? The Secret Service spent $4,048 to rent 19 golf carts at the Trump Turnberry Resort. Of this amount, the resort received $923 and another company received $3,125. Table 4 provides a breakdown of the golf cart rental cost, including the number of golf carts, the daily rental rate, and the number of rental days. Table 4: Golf Cart Rentals Company Trump Turnberry Other Rental Company Total Number of Golf Carts 9 10 19 Daily Rental Rate $51.28 $52.08 Number of Rental Days 2 days 6 days Total $923 $3,125 $4,048 Source: OIG analysis of agency data According to the Department of State, the resort charged the Secret Service a “cost price” (allowing the resort to break even) based on direction from its parent company, Trump Hotels. 2 www.oig.dhs.gov 4 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OIG-20-18 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security 7. How much did the Secret Service spend on meals and other incidental costs at Trump Turnberry? The Secret Service incurred an estimated in authorized per diem for meals and incidental expenses for the President’s visit. According to the Federal Travel Regulation, employees who are traveling on official business receive a daily per diem amount to cover the cost of lodging, meals, and incidental expenses. However, employees are not required to provide receipts to receive a reimbursement for the meals and incidental expenses portion of the per diem allowance. Therefore, we could not determine how much employees spent at the Trump Turnberry Resort. 8. What other costs did the Secret Service incur during the President’s visit to Trump Turnberry? The Secret Service incurred $855,575 in other costs during the President’s visit to the Trump Turnberry Resort. These costs were not requested in Questions 2 through 7, but we did capture them in the response to Question 1. The Secret Service paid these costs for various services to companies other than the Trump Turnberry. Table 5 provides a breakdown of the other operational costs. Table 5: Other Costs Description Total Rental Cars $466,424 3 Hotel Rooms $316,492 Commercial Airfare $63,744 Logistical Support: $8,915 Equipment Rental $3,054 $2,530 State Department Overtime $1,969 $1,100 Vehicle Insurance $262 Total $855,575 Source: OIG analysis of agency data This figure includes $11,121 that the Secret Service paid for an Explosive Ordnance Disposal team from the Department of Defense. At the conclusion of our fieldwork, the Secret Service was reviewing these costs, but had not requested reimbursement from the Department of Defense. 3 www.oig.dhs.gov 5 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OIG-20-18 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security Objective, Scope, and Methodology The Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General was established by the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107−296) by amendment to the Inspector General Act of 1978. We conducted this audit at the request of Members of Congress to determine the expenses incurred by the Secret Service for the President of the United States’ visit to the Trump Turnberry Resort in Scotland from July 14 to 15, 2018. To answer our objective, we: x interviewed officials from the Secret Service and the Department of State to understand the roles, responsibilities, and procedures for coordinating operational and logistical support for foreign protective travel missions; x reviewed prior audit reports on presidential travel issued by the United States Government Accountability Office to identify the types of expenses normally included and not included within the scope of their reviews; x researched laws, regulations, and internal policies governing the Secret Service’s operating procedures for planning, staffing, and executing foreign protective travel missions; x analyzed financial reports and supporting documents from DHS, Secret Service, and Department of State to identify the operational and temporary duty costs that the Secret Service incurred for the President’s visit to the Turnberry Resort in Scotland from July 14 to 15, 2018; x tested internal controls to the extent practical, given the limited scope of the review, by verifying the Secret Service properly requested, authorized, and approved the costs incurred relative to the Turnberry mission; and x assessed the reliability of the cost data by interviewing officials, recreating calculations to ensure that totals were correct, and tracing selected cost data to source records such as payroll records and invoices. We determined the data to be sufficiently reliable for our purposes. Due to its system limitations, the Secret Service could not provide detailed cost data in certain areas for the Turnberry mission. Therefore, we excluded certain travel costs (baggage fees and parking) and estimated costs in other areas such as overtime pay, meals and incidental expenses (M&IE), and commercial airfare. www.oig.dhs.gov 6 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OIG-20-18 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security Overtime pay is tracked by pay period, not by temporary duty location. In addition, Secret Service personnel may support multiple missions each pay period. Therefore, to estimate the overtime pay, we: x identified the total amount of overtime paid to the Secret Service personnel assigned to the Turnberry visit in pay period 13 and pay period 14 in 2018 (i.e., June 24, 2018 through July 21, 2018);4 x used hotel invoices to identify the number of days and the percent of time each employee spent at Turnberry, and divided that figure by the total number of days in the pay periods; and x multiplied the percent of time by the total amount of overtime paid to estimate the amount attributable to the Turnberry visit. To estimate M&IE, we: x identified the applicable M&IE per diem rate on the Department of State’s website, which was $92 a day for Glasgow, Scotland, in July 2018; x reviewed the hotel invoices to determine the number of travel days for each of the Secret Service employees; and x calculated the M&IE cost using the M&IE rate of $92 a day (on the first and last travel days, we used 75 percent of the M&IE rate, which was $69 a day). When estimating commercial airfare, we included those costs that we could reasonably attribute to the Turnberry mission such as flights between the United States and Scotland. We excluded the costs for travel between Scotland and other parts of the President’s European trip. We could not determine the amount attributable solely to the Turnberry mission because the financial system could only provide summary costs for the entire trip. Based on a review of supporting documentation for a sample of personnel, we determined our approach was reasonable for estimating overtime pay, M&IE, and commercial airfare costs incurred by the Secret Service relative to the Turnberry mission. We conducted this performance audit between October 2018 and August 2019 pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, and according to generally accepted government auditing standards. Those standards require The Secret Service travels to locations before, during, and after the President or other protectees are physically at the site for site preparation and close out activities. Therefore, we included two pay periods in our review. www.oig.dhs.gov 7 OIG-20-18 4 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based upon our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based upon our audit objectives. www.oig.dhs.gov 8 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OIG-20-18 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security Appendix A Report Distribution Department of Homeland Security Secretary Deputy Secretary Chief of Staff Deputy Chiefs of Staff General Counsel Executive Secretary Director, GAO/OIG Liaison Office Assistant Secretary for Office of Policy Assistant Secretary for Office of Public Affairs Assistant Secretary for Office of Legislative Affairs Director, United States Secret Service Audit Liaison, United States Secret Service Office of Management and Budget Chief, Homeland Security Branch DHS OIG Budget Examiner Congress Congressional Oversight and Appropriations Committees U.S. Senator Tom Carper U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren www.oig.dhs.gov 9 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE OIG-20-18 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND COPIES To view this and any of our other reports, please visit our website at: www.oig.dhs.gov. For further information or questions, please contact Office of Inspector General Public Affairs at: DHS-OIG.OfficePublicAffairs@oig.dhs.gov. Follow us on Twitter at: @dhsoig. OIG HOTLINE To report fraud, waste, or abuse, visit our website at www.oig.dhs.gov and click on the red "Hotline" tab. If you cannot access our website, call our hotline at (800) 323-8603, fax our hotline at (202) 254-4297, or write to us at: Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General, Mail Stop 0305 Attention: Hotline 245 Murray Drive, SW Washington, DC 20528-0305 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE