Martha Framsted From: Chapter, Teneale Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2020 5:58 AM FW: 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Update Dru Robert R. Redfield (CDC) Sen Tuesday, January 28, 2020 1:57:24 PM (madman) Monrovia, Reykjavik To: Dr. Robert R. Redfield (CDC) Subject: 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Update Dear Cullcagues, In my last staftupdate, I shared that CDC has activated its Emergency Operations Center (socl in response to the ongoing 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak [2019>>ilCoV), which originated in Wuhan, china. CDC, along with the US Department of Health and Human Services, has been actively monitoring the situation for several weeks and is working with the World Health Organization, state and local public health partners and clinicians to respond to this emerging public health threat. Chinese authorities identified the new coronavirus that resulted in human infections and persnn>>tn-pcrson spread in China, and traveleassociated coronavirus infections in a growing number of other countries, including {we confirmed cases in four US states as of January 23, 2020. The discovery and outbreak ofa new virus among people is always of great public health concern. While we believe the 2019enCov poses a very serious pulrlic health threat, the virus is not spreading in the us. at this time and CDC believes the immediate health risk from 2019~nCoV to the general American public is low. We do expect to find more cases of novel coronavirus in the United States associated with this outbreak and it's likely there will he some person-toeperson spread with this virus. CDC's goal is to assure an effective response to this emerging infectious disease, and we expect this will require our concerted effort in partnership with state and local public health officials, the clinical community, and international partners, 1 am thankful to those who responded quickly to the previous requests for volunteers. However, we need additional volunteers over the coming weeks and months ahead to support a variety of response functions both in the field (including CDC qumantine stations) and at headquarters. We are also still in need ofvoiunteers to support the surveillance, laboratory, clinical, and communications aspects cfthe response and may he scheduling rotations for future months. To volunteer, please secure your supervisor's approval and email your name, position and title, supervisor's name, and your contact information to Novel Cor-onavirus Volunteers. This response is an example ofhow puts science into action anti serves the public to protect their health. Thank you again for your efforts in controlling the spread ofthis novel coronavirus and for your continued dedication to public health and our Nation. Sincerely>> Robert R. Redfteid, MD Director, CDC, and Administrator, ATSDR