ELÚ'l" ".I'EHA Starr tiuuntpI Courthouse Annett D 'ñce Phone [955111543DU Starr Counlvludge LM N. Fhll 5.' 5?.5t1_ ¡191 En 1955] 351—6513 His-Grande El'i' l, Texas 15532 FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL EMERGENCT …AGEMENT ÚRDER 1WITH M…DATDHY CÚUH'I'YWIDE 5Tá'lt' H.T HÚMEJSTáY SAFE WHERE-AS, iu eonjunetion with the National Entergettc3r Declaration issued hy President Trump and Governor Ahh—on's Declaration of Disaster en March 13, 2Ú2t], and out of an ahundaoee of cautioo to limit or reduce the spread of CÚE'lD-IQ to Stan County; WHEREAB, it is i'irttreessa:i'j,-r to ensure that the maximum number of people self=isolate in their places of residence to the maximum estem feasthe, while enabling essential sewiees to continue, to slow the spread of CÚWD-19 to the maximum ettteut possible; WHEREAS, despite the current state of public health crisis, people will need to leave self—isolation to obtain or perfonu vital services or to otherwise facilitate sudto1ised activities necessaryr for continuity of social and eotrunercial life. As such, persons should at all times as reasonath possih1e cumplar with Social Distaneing Requirements ss defined by the Ceutets for Disease Control; WHEREAS, the '£3ount;t..r Judge has constdted with the Starr County Heeldt Authority, the Mavors end School Board Superintendents, including independent schools* leedership, of each citg.-r within Starr County, ami state health officials; THEREFÚRE, the County Judge in his authorityr pursuant to the Tettas Government Code 15- 4113 et seq. hereby issues the following Third Supplemth Emergency Management Drder with Mandatory Eom1tvwide STAY AT HDME in his ::s:;tar:itg.-r as Starr ilour¡tg,r Judge with the advice and eottsent of Commissiouets Com-t; FAJLURE TÚ CÚMPLY WITH ¿HT DF THE PRÚWSIÚNS DF THIS ORDER CDN5T]TUTES ¿H [MMIHEHT THREAT TÚ PUBLIC HEALTH: Ef] ¿]: ¿] H£]ME Except ss cd1envise directed in this order, all individuals currently living within Starr County, Texas EHALL SHELTER AT THETH; PLACE DF RESIDENCE FUE. A PERIÚD DF 14 Dñ't'5. Fill public and private gstherings of any number of people occurring outside a household cr living unit are prohibited, except for die limited purpo&s as expressly pemdtted herein. Nothing iii this Úrder prohihi1s the gothen'ng of members of a household or residence, which includes hotels, motels, shared renta] units, she1tera. and similar facilities. Page 1 of? Except as otherwise directed in this order, al] employees of Starr County who do not reside in Starr County are DEDERED to sltelter in their place of residence. To the extent individuals are using shared or outdoor spaces, they must at all times es reasonath possible maintain social distancng of at least sis feet from any other pemen when they are outside their residence. 'The STA? AT HUME mumlate does not apply to the person[s) engttging in the following activities: lt Essential Personal Aedvtttss a] "Essenttal Personal Activities means: il To cngagc in activities or perform tasks essential to their health and safety. or to the health and safety of their family or household members (including, but not limited to. pets], such as, hy way of example only and without limitaticn, ohtaining medical supplies or medication. visiting a health care professional, or obtaining supplies they need to work from home; To obtain necessary services or supplies for themselves and their family, household members, and pets, or to deliver those sendees or supplies to others, such as, hy way of esmane only and without limitation, carmed food. dry goods, fresh fruits and vegetahlea, pet food and st.tpply, iieeh meats, fil-h, and poultry, and any other household consumer products, and products necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences; iii] To en gage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals compi y with Social Distancing Requiremmts, such as, hy way of example and without limitation, walking, hiking, hilting, or nntning; iv'_t To perform work providing essential products and services at an Essential Business or vt to oumvise carry out activities specifically pennitted in this Order, including Minimum Basic Dperations; andt'or "Minimum basic operations" means opaations consisting exclusiver of employees or contractura performing aclivitiee at their own residenees (i.e., working from home]. vi] To care for n family member or pct in another household. 1] I[listeining Healthcare Dpcrntion $eniees a) "Healthcare l.'Zl'perations" means: il A health care provider er facility including hospitals, clinica, dentista, pitannacies, pharmaceutical and hiotechnolcgy companies, other healthcare facilities, healthcare suppliers, home healthcare services providers, mental health provist, or any related undior ancillary healthcare services, and veterinary care and all healthcare seodces provided to animals. ii) "Healthcare Operations" does not include fitness and exercise gytns or similar operationsifacilities, ner does it include Adult Daycare Centers or similar operations. 3] Performing Ene:tinl Infrastructure IIil|:terntln-na a] "Essential me... Operations" means: il any services or performance work necessary to the operations and maintenance of public works constructiont consmtction of housing,, airport operadons. WHIGI', SBWEI'. Page 1 oilr gas, eleeitieal, ei] reflning, reads and lughwaye, public tratmpertatien, selid 1waste cellectien and remesa], internet, and telecenumuiicstiens systems and suppert [including the preusien ef essential glebal, natienal, and lecalinn'aslrueture fer eemputing services, business infrastructure, cenunm1icatiens, and web--based sen-fines]. ii] Te the extent pessihle, such eperatiens and eperaters shall earry ent these services er werk, in eemplisnce with Eecial Distaneing Requirmncnts. iii] Transpertatien, maintenance, repairs ef all tmnspertatien related equipment including but net limited te vehiclm. 4] Perfermlng er ?eeessing Essential Gevemmental Funetiens a] "Essential Geuemment Funetinns" means: !] duties, eperatiens, er iimcuens perfenned by: [1] First respsnders, [2] Emergency managment pusermcl, [3] Emergency dispatehers, (4) The Starr Ceunty Atterney, his assistants... and staff, [5] The Stan Ceunty District Atterney, his assistants, and staff, [d] Ceurt persennel, [?] Law enfereement persennel, [E] Seheel Persennel te include and limited te essential staff es identified hy individual sclsJ-el systems. Said persen(s] are authe1ised te leave their residence fer the purpsse ef canying ent established preteeels. [9] Families ef scheel aged children fer the limited pum-eee ef ehtaining n1eal and instructienal packets fer their children frem their lecal scheel systems; and [lil] Uthcrs whe the Ceunty Judge deems necessary te perfenn essential services. h) Each gevemmmtal entity shall identify and desig1ate apprepriaie empleyees er centrseters te eentinue prnviding and canying eut any Essential Geue1mnental Functiens. el All Essential Gevemmental Functiens shall be perfenned in compliance with 5ecial Distaneing Requirements, te the cstent peasihle. 5] Te Upernte Essential Businesses a] "Essential Businesses" means andier includes: il ii) Healthcare Dpemtiens and Essential lnfrastmcture Dperatiens; Greeery steres, certined fannerso markets, farm and preduee stands, supermarkets, feed banks, eemrenience sterce, and ethmo establislunents engaged in the retail sale ef canned feed, dry gee-ds, fresh fruits and vegetahles, pet feed and supply, nesh meets, fish, and peuttry, and any ether heuseheld eensemer predects [such as cleaning and persenal care preductsl. This includes steres that sell greeeries and alse sell ether nen- greeery preducts, and pmducts necessary te maintaining the safety, sanitatien, and essential epcratien ef residenees; ?gtienltnre, feed, and beuerage ctdtiuatien, pmccssing, and distributien, including but net limited te, ihrrning, ranching, iishing, dairics, ercamcrics, distilleriesand hrewerics in erdcr te preserue inventery and preductien [net liar retail business]; Businesses that are necessary te supply agriculture, feed, and beserage cultivatien, precessing, and distributien; Businesses that preside feed. shclter. and seeial services, and ether necessities ef life fer ecenen1ically disadvmtaged er etherwise needy individuals; Fsgc3ef'l' vi) Newspapers. televisiun. radie+ and ether media services; vii) Gas staticns and ante-supply, ame-repair. and related facilities; viii] Banks and related financial institutieua; is) Hardware stetes; a] Plumbers. eleenteians, estenninaters. Hvac repairs and ether sesiee prmdders wha previde services that are necessary tu maintaining the safety, snnitatien+ and essential eperatien ef residenees, Essential Fetsenal Activities. and Essential Businesses; si) Landscaping as:-d pccl cleaning serviem; sii) Businesses prcviding mailing and shipping services, including pcst cfnce beses; aiii) Laundrcmats. dry cleanersi and laundry service previders; siv) Restaurants and ether related facilities are subject te the fellewing restrictiuns: il] May unly prepare and serve feed fer drive--thru. delivery. cr carry cut; 112] May net operate later than lil pm.; (3] Eichccls and other ettlities that typically pre-vide fi'ee feed services te students er members ef the public muy centinue te de se under this Order en the cunditicn that: (el the feed is previded te students er members efthe public en a piel:--up and take--away basis crn|y; and [4'_t these previding feed shall net petrnit fee-d te he eaten at the sitedccaticn where it is previded: xv] Businesses that supply preducts needed fer peeple te werls n'cm hcmc; svi] Businesses that supply cther essential businesses with the suppcrl er supplies necessary te eperate; svii] Businesses that ship cr deliver grcceries, feed, geeds er services directly te residences; :ntviiilsltirlinesT tesis... and etber private transpertatien fur hire that provide transportaticn services necessary fer Essential Activities and ether purposes expresst autherieed in this Drder; sia] Hume-based care fer senicrs, adults, er children; aa) Residential facilities and shelters fer seuiers, adults, and children; asi] Prefeasienal services. such es legal er aeeeunting serstieee. when necessary te assist in cumpliance with legally msndated activities; asii]- Funeral hcmes; b] Except fer Essential Businesses, al] cpetating businesses Iccatcd within, er using a facility in 5tatr Ceunty shall cesse al] business activities ether than minimum basic cperaticns. e] Fer the purpeses ef this Urder, "Minimum Basie Uperatiens" include the fellewing, previded that empleyees eemp1y with B-eeial Distancing Requirements as defined in this Eeetinn, in the extent possible, while earrying cut such npersticns: !] The minimum necessary activities te maintain the value nf the business* inventery, ensure security, preeess papel] and empleyee benetits, er fer related funetiens; andfcr ii] The minimmn necessary activities te facilitate empleyees eftl1e business bein ? able te ccntinue te wcrk remcter frem their residenees. All Schecl districts are hereby directed te adepl mea] and instructicnsl packet distributicn pretechs te he implemented simultaneeusly te minimice the need fer families te leave their Page 4 et" 1" residence nn multiple eecasinns. Pee-ple at high risk nt" severe illncu nutn CUUID--l 9 and peane whn are sick are urged te stay in their residence te the extent pesaible except as necessaryr te seek medical care. Fer purpeses nf this Urden "pn3ple at high risk ef severe illness iiem CUWD--lo" are peeple whn meet the CDC delinitieu et' higher risk. All Essential Businesses are strungl;ir eruaettraged te remain epen. Tn the greatest extent feesible, Essential Businesses shall cemva with Sucia] Distancing Requirements including custnmers standing in line. ti] Businesses that are Ezrplic:itl'1|.r Uussd [l) Child este facilities (Il]- Adult davcare facilities [limited te the actual building and premisas where clients tuat_t,r net enngregate; businesses rna;ir centinue tu prnvide medical services andfer fund servines at the alientos hntne as permitted by any applicable state ur federal regulatiuns) [3] Gyms anti fitness ceu1ersu and [4] Businesses that eperate sein eperated a:uusement machines, and (5) Nai15a1ens ESSE Air-'EL Fill travel is prnhibited except fur Essential Travel that is identified hcrein: 1] This Urrler alluws travel inte nr nut nf the County tu part'nrm Essential Persuual Activities. Healthcare Uperatinns, nuerate Essential Businesses, er maintain Essential Gnveruntcntal Functinns and Essential Infrastmcnne Upetatinns. a] lndividuals engaged in any Essential Travel shall cemva W'lll'l al] Eneial Distaneing Requirements. ij "Essential Travel" includes travel fur atij|.r efthe fellnwiug purpnses: [1] Aug; travel related tu the pruvisinn ef et aceess tn Essential Persnnal Activities... Essential Gnverran:ntal Functiens, Essential Businesses, nr Minimum Basie Dperatinns; [2] Travel te este fer elderly. minuts. dependenta persons with disabilities+ nr uther 1'Llli'l-Ef3hl-EPBTSUDE [3] Travel te nr Frnm educatienal institutinns fet purpnses nt' teeeivbrg materials t"er distance learning. fer receiving meals, and as:,' etber related services; [4] Travel te return tu a place nt" residence frem uutside thejunsdietinu; [5] Travel required by laur enfurecmcnt ur cuurt arder; and [15] Travel required fur nen--residents tu rettnu te their place nf residence uutside the Enuntv. Individuals arc strnnplv enceuraged tu verify that their tmnspurtatinn cut nf the i.")taattj..r remains available and ntnctienal prier tu mmmencing such travel. h] Public Transit: !] Public Transit may nul:,rr be used l'nr purposes nf perfunuing: [l] Essential Pcrsnnal activities; nr lo'a!a,e5nf1r ti] Te travel to and nom work [at Tc cperate Essential Businesses; nr [bj Maintain Essential Goveauttental. ii] To the greatest extent feasthe people riding un public traesit shall comply with Social Distancing Requirements. [|] "Social Distanm'ng Requirements" means: [al includes maintsining at least aia-foot social distancing [tom other individuals; [b] washing hands with soap and wates For at least twenty seconds as frequently as possible or using hand sanitisen [el covering coughs or sneeaes [into the slaeye or elhow. not hands), tegu1arly cleaning high-touch surfaces; and [d] not shaking hands. [HQ...RGBPTIUN AHD CQHE LIE I 5 This Utder is issued in accordance with, and incorporates hy reference, the National Emergency Declaration, Uovemor Ahhott's Declaration ot" Disaster, the Starr County Disaster Declaration, the Emergency Managernntt Orders md Recommmdations and all subsequettt related orders and guidanee hum these authorities. This Drder is a supplement to all previous orders and not in place of such. In the event ot" a conflict or apparent conflict between the orders, this Order shall control. This Drder comes after the release of substantial guidance nam the Starr County Health Authority, the Texas Depamnent of Health 5em'ue, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other public health ofncials throughout the United States and around the world, including a 1.r'ariety of prior orders to combat the spread and hartos of CUWD-19. The Starr County Health Authorityand Starr County Judge, in consultadon and comunicauon 1ll-"ith the Starr County Connniasioners Court, other local eleeted leaders, and will continue to assess the quickly evolving situation and may modify or eatend this lC.irde.', or issue additional Orders, related to CD?lD-19 as may be necessaty... lfany provision of this Urdcr to the application thereof to any person or cireumstance is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Order, including the application of such part or prousion to other persons or circtenstances, shall not be affected and shall continue in full force and effect. To this end, the procisions of this Order are seve1'ahle. EHEQEQEMENT violation ofthis Order constitutes an imminent threat to public health. The Sheriff, Constables and all Chiefs of police in the County and command staffs of State Lanr Enforcement agencies Operating in the County are hereby requested to assist to ensure compliance with and enforce this Urden EE...LEE Page ti of? n persen that feils te eempl:,r with this Urder 11135" be assessed & fine net tu eseeed $],Uut] pe: einlsiinn nr ennnnemcnt i.u jai1 fura term nat lu estee-ed IED ?|an in jsi1- This dues ml limit t]-t' eurtei] eddilienal eivi1 er edminsl pene1ttes tmder the Teses Heeld1 and Safety Cede er the 'l'esss Penal Ende. 'l'h1's Un1er shell heeeme effeetive st 11:D1ern en Wednesday, Mereh 25, EEI-EU sntl w1|1 eenttnue ti:! he in effect until ll:59pm en Tuesday, npri| 3. 2021], nr 1.u1ti| it is mt:tt:ndcd, IES-Eil'tdud, superseded, Ut" amntlet1 in u1'itittg bj.f the 5mn: Cete1ty Judge- DEDERED this the way ef March, 2D2U, in the CUUHTT CIF STJ'tRIL T..., in 1.sitness whereef I subsenhe my name and eeuse te he anised the seal ef the CDUHTW' DF STnRH. STARR ED... . era Starr Cnunty Judge Filed with me, the Cemty Eterk ef Starr County, this m9...sy efh1sreh2d1t], h3r Judge Elsy vers, whese signature !hereby sttest tmder my hand the sea] el" Stan C:-- y. ./ e?fi;" *"Hmnh&e "...es Jr. & PUS_,,TED sem Ceu.nty Clerk LI-t".'-t r.,s H?I]E'Il Page '? uf?