EPA SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CHEMICALS CHARGE TO THE PANEL TRICHLOROETHYLENE As amended by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 2 1 st Century Act on June 22, 2016, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct risk evaluations on existing chemicals. In December of 20 6, EPA published a list of the initial ten chemical substances that are the subject of the Agency?s chemical risk evaluation process (81 FR 91927), as required by TSCA. Trichloroethylene (TCE) is one of the ?rst ten chemical substances and the ninth of the ten to undergo a peer review by the Scienti?c Advisory Committee on Chemicals (SACC). In response to this requirement, EPA has prepared and published a draft risk evaluation for TCE. The EPA has solicited cements from the public on the draft and will incorporate them as appropriate, along with comments ?om peer reviewers, into the ?nal risk evaluation. The focus of this meeting is to conduct the peer review of the Agency?s draft risk evaluation of TCE and associated supplemental materials. At the end of the peer review process, EPA will use the reviewers? comments/recommendations, as well as public comment, to ?nalize the risk evaluation. This draft risk evaluation contains the following components: a Discussion of chemistry and physical-chemical properties Characterization of uses/sources Environmental fate and transport assessment Environmental exposure assessment Human health hazard assessment Environmental hazard assessment Risk characterization Risk determination Detailed description of the systematic review process developed by the Of?ce of Pollution Prevention and Toxics to search, screen, and evaluate scienti?c literature for use in the risk evaluation process. CHARGE QUESTIONS: Systematic Review (Section 1.5 of the Draft Risk Evaluation):. The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires that EPA use data and/or information in a manner consistent with the ?best available science? and that EPA base decisions on the ?weight of the scienti?c evidence?. The Final Rule, Procedures for Chemical Risk Evaluation Qnder the Amended Toxic Substances Control Act (82 de?nes ?best available science? as science that is reliable and unbiased. This involves the use of supporting studies conducted in accordance with sound and objective science practices, including, when available, peer reviewed science and supporting studies and data collected by accepted methods or best available methods (if the reliability of the method and the nature of the decision justi?es use of the data). The Final Rule also de?nes the ?weight of the scienti?c evidence? as a systematic review method, applied in a manner suited to the nature of the evidence or decision, that uses a pre-cstablished protocol to comprehensively, objectively, transparently, and consistently identify 1 INTERAGENCY DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE and evaluate each stream of evidence, including the limitations, and relevance of each study and to integrate evidence as necessary and appropriate based upon limitations, and relevance. To meet these scienti?c standards, EPA applied systematic review approaches and methods to support the TCE draft risk evaluation. Information on the approaches and/or methods is described in the draft risk evaluation as well as the following documents: 0 Strategy for Conducting Literature Searches for Trichloroethylene: Supplemental File for the TSCA Sc0pe Document, Trichloroethylene (CASRN 79-01-6) Bibliography: Supplemental File for the TSCA Scope Document, Trichloroethylene Problem Formulation 6-073 7) 0 Application of Systematic Review in TSCA Risk Evaluations EPA has solicited peer review and public feedback on systematic review approaches and methods for prior evaluations. A general question on these approaches is not included in this charge; however, EPA will accept comment on the systematic review approaches used for this evaluation if provided. 1. Environmental Fate and Exposure: EPA qualitatively analyzed the sediment, land application, and biosolids pathways based on physical/chemical and fate properties. Exposure estimates to the environment were developed for the conditions of use for exposures to aquatic organisms. 1.1. Please comment on qualitative analysis of pathways based on physical/chemical and fate properties. (Section 2.1) 1.2. Please comment on the data, approaches, and/or methods used to characterize exposure to aquatic receptors. (Section 2.2) 1.3 Please comment on assumption that TCE concentrations in sediment pore water are expected to be similar to the concentrations in the overlying water or lower in the deeper part of sediment, in which anaerobic conditions prevail. Thus, the TCE detected in sediments is likely from the pore. (Section 4.1.3) 2. Environmental Exposure and Releases: EPA evaluated releases to water and aquatic exposures for conditions of use in industrial and commercial settings. EPA used Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) and Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data to provide a basis for estimating releases. EPA used these releases and associated inputs within EFAST 2014 to estimate instream chemical concentrations and days of exceedance. EPA also evaluated monitored values of TCE in surface water and where possible compared those values to estimated release concentrations. 2.1. Please comment on the approaches, models, and data used in the water release assessment including comparison to monitored data. (Section 2.2) 2.2. Please provide any speci?c suggestions or recommendations for alternative data or estimation methods, including modeling approaches, that could be considered by EPA for conducting or re?ning the water release assessment and relation to monitored data. (Section 2.2) 3. Environmental Hazard: EPA evaluated environmental hazards for aquatic species from acute and chronic exposure scenarios. 3.1. Please comment on approach for characterizing environmental hazard for each risk scenario acute aquatic, chronic aquatic). What other additional information, if any, should be considered? 3.2. Please comment on the use and interpretation of Species Sensitivity Distributions (S SDs) and hazardous concentrations (HCoss) for ecological risk characterization and provide any speci?c suggestions or recommendations for how this information could inform risk assessment for TCE or other solvents. 4. Occupational and Consumer onsure: Occupational Exposure EPA evaluated acute and chronic exposures to workers for conditions of use in industrial and commercial settings. For exposure via the inhalation pathway, EPA quanti?ed occupational exposures for both workers and occupational non-users based on a combination of monitoring data and modeled exposure concentrations. For exposure via the dermal route, EPA modeled exposure for workers, accounting for the effect of volatilization. EPA assumed dermal contact with liquids would not occur for occupational non-users. EPA assumed that workers and occupational non- users, exposed via the inhalation and dermal pathways, would be adolescents and adults of both sexes (216 and older, including males and females of reproductive age, and pregnant women and their developing embryo and fetus). 4.1. Please comment on the approaches and estimation methods, models, and data used in the occupational exposure assessment. (Section 4.2. Please provide any speci?c suggestions or recommendations for alternative data (modeling or monitoring) or estimation methods that could be considered by the Agency for conducting the occupational exposure assessment. If so, please provide speci?c literature, reports, or data that would help us re?ne the exposure assessment. (Section INTERAGENCY DRAFT DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE 4.3. Please comment on assumptions used in the absence of speci?c exposure information dermal surface area assumptions: high-end values, which represents two full hands in contact with a liquid: 890 cm2 (mean for females), 1070 cm2 (mean for males); central tendency values, which is half of two ?ill hands (equivalent to one full hand) in contact with a liquid and represents only the palm-side of both hands exposed to a liquid: 445 cm2 (females), 535 cm2 (males)). Please also consider these values in the context of different lifestages and body weights. (Section 4.4. Please comment on approach to characterizing the limitations and overall con?dence for each occupational exposure scenarios presented in Section 2.3.1. Please comment on the appropriateness of these con?dence ratings for each scenario. Please also comment on EPAs approach to characterizing the uncertainties summarized in Section To estimate occupational non-user (ONU) inhalation exposure, EPA reviewed personal monitoring data, area monitoring data and modeled far-?elddexposure concentrations. When EPA did not identify personal or area data or parameters for modeling potential ONU inhalation exposures, EPA assumed ONU inhalation exposures could be lower than worker inhalation exposures; however, relative exposure of ONUs to workers could not be quanti?ed. When exposures to ONUs were not quanti?ed, EPA considered the central tendency from worker personal breathing zones to estimate ONU exposures. 4.5. Please comment on the adequacy, appropriateness, and transparency of approach and the assumptions EPA used to characterize ONU exposure via this approach. (Section 2.3 . 1) 4.6. Are there other approaches or methods for assessing ONU exposure for the speci?c condition of use? Consumer Exposure Consumer exposure estimates were developed for the conditions of use for inhalation and dermal exposures to consumers. EPA performed systematic review, collected data from available sources and conducted modeling for estimating consumer inhalation and dermal exposures using the Consumer Exposure Model (CEM) model. Product speci?c consumer monitoring information was not identi?ed during the systematic review process, therefore, model inputs related to consumer use patterns (duration of use, mass of product used, room of use, and similar inputs) are based on survey data found in the literature as described and referenced within the TCE draft risk evaluation. Weight fractions of chemical within products are based on product speci?c safety data sheets (SDS). Default values utilized within the models are based on literature reviewed as part of model development as well as Exposure Factors Handbook. 4.7. Please comment on the appropriateness cf the approaches, models, exposure or use information and overall characterization of consumer inhalation exposure for users and 4 bystanders for each of the identi?ed conditions of use. What other additional information, or approaches, if any, should be considered? (Section 2.3.2) 4.8. Please comment on the appropriateness of the approaches, models, exposure or use information, and overall characterization of consumer dermal exposure for each of the identi?ed conditions of use. What other additional information or modeling approaches, if any, should be considered? (Section 2.3.2) 4.9. Dermal exposure was evaluated using the permeability sub-model Within CEM. Please comment on the suitability and use of this modeling approach for this evaluation. Please provide any suggestions or recommendations for alternative approaches, dermal methods, models or other information which may guide EPA in developing and re?ning the dermal exposure estimates. (Section 4.10. Please comment on EPAs approach to characterizing the limitations and overall con?dence for each consumer exposure scenarios presented in Section 2.3.2. Please comment on the appropriateness of these con?dence ratings for each scenario. Please also comment on approach for characterizing the uncertainties summarized in Section 5. Human Health Hazard: For hazard identi?cation and dose-response, EPA reviewed the evidence for TCE toxicity and selected liver toxicity, kidney toxicity, reproductive toxicity, developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, and cancer, that taken as a whole, demonstrated the most robust, sensitive and consistent adverse human health effects for risk characterization. EPA used benchmark dose (BMD) modeling where practicable and, when BMD values were adequate, they were used to generate the Point of Departure (POD) for characterizing chronic and acute exposure scenarios. 5.1. Please comment on the appropriateness of the. approach, including the data quality evaluation, and the underlying assumptions, and weaknesses. 5.2. Have the most scienti?cally supported health effects and PODs been identi?ed for Are there additional data regarding sensitive life stages or health effects for TCE that EPA needs to consider? If data gaps exist in the TCE database, how could the uncertainty about sensitive health effects and critical windows of exposure be better accounted for in the risk characterization? Non-Cancer 5.3. EPA performed a weight of evidence assessment for the endpoint of developmental cardiac defects based on available epidemiological, in vivo animal, and mechanistic data. EPA concluded that the available literature overall supported a causal relationship between develoPmental exposure to TCE or its metabolites and cardiac defects (Section and Appendix G.2). Additionally, EPA determined that the Charles River Laboratories (2019) developmental toxicity study was insuf?cient as a replication of the Johnson et a1. (2003) study (Appendix G. 1). The Charles River dissection methodology differed from 5 5.4. 5.5. Cancer 5.6. 5.7. INTERAGENCY DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Johnson et. a1. (2003), resulting in reduced sensitivity to the full range of cardiac defects compared to Johnson et al. (2003) and other studies. Therefore, EPA concluded that the Charles River study did not adequately recapitulate the methodology of the Johnson et a1. (2003) study. Please comment on Weight of Evidence (WOE) analysis approach and conclusions for this endpoint. EPA did not input the data on response to pulmonary infection from Selgrade and Gilmour (2010) into the TCE PBPK model due to uncertainty over the proper dose metric to be used. Therefore, EPA relied on standard methods for cross-species scaling bloodzair partition coef?cient for HEC, allometric scaling for HED) and accordingly reduced the default 10X UFA uncertainty factor to 3 (see Section Please comment on whether this approach is appropriate and whether the UF is sufficient. Please comment on the assumptions, and weaknesses of the non-cancer dose- response approaches used to estimate the non-cancer and cancer risks to workers, occupational non-users, and consumers. Please comment on whether EPA suf?ciently justi?ed its selections of BMRs for BMD modeling results and uncertainty factor values in deriving the PODS and benchmark margin of exposures (MOEs) (Sections 32.532 and As part of this discussion, please comment on justi?cation for selecting a 1% BMR for the cardiac malformation endpoint based on the severity of the endpoint potential mortality). EPA performed a meta-analysis on the published database for liver cancer, kidney cancer, and non-Hodgkins (NHL), concluding that there was a statistically signi?cant association between TCE exposure and all three cancers when accounting for various sensitivity analyses. Please comment on methodology and conclusions. For the cancer dose-response assessment, EPA derived an inhalation unit risk (IUR) and oral cancer slope factor (OSF) based on epidemiological kidney cancer data from Charbotel et a1, 2006, adjusted upward to also account for the relative contribution NHL and liver cancer. Per EPA Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment, overall, the totality of the available data/information and the WOE analysis for the cancer endpoint was suf?cient to support a linear non-threshold model (Section Please comment whether the cancer hazard assessment has adequately described the methodology and justi?cation for the cancer dose-response approach, including the use of a linear model and the adjustments made for the other tumor sites (Section 6. Risk Characterization: EPA calculated environmental risk using exposure data modeling tools and monitored datasets) and environmental toxicity information, accounting for variability within the environment. EPA concludes that TCE poses a hazard to environmental aquatic receptors, with invertebrates and ?sh being the most sensitive taxa identi?ed for aquatic exposures. Risk Quotients (RQs) and the number of days a concentration of concern (C 0C) was exceeded were used to assess environmental risks. The risk characterization section provides a discussion of the risk and uncertainties around the risk calculations. EPA calculated human health risks for acute and chronic exposures. For non-cancer effects EPA used an MOE, which is the ratio of the hazard value to the exposure. EPA evaluated potential risks for workers and ONUs, consumer users, and bystanders/non?users children, women of childbearing age). For the most sensitive endpoint of congenital heart defects, a benchmark MOE of 10 was used for both acute and chronic risks. An IUR and OSF that account for the combined extra risk kidney cancer, liver cancer, and NHL was used to evaluate potential chronic risks to cancer endpoints for the worker exposure scenarios. The risk characterization also provides a discussion of the uncertainties surrounding the risk calculations. After consideration of all identi?ed information, EPA concluded that TCE presents an unreasonable risk of injury to workers, ONUs, consumers, and bystanders by inhalation and dermal exposure based on the potential for adverse human health effects (See Section 4.2). EPA also concludes that TCE does not present an unreasonable risk to environmental receptors exposed via surface water (see Section 4.1). EPA makes this determination considering risk to potentially exposed and susceptible subpopulations identi?ed as relevant, under the conditions of use without considering costs or other non-risk factors. 6.1. Please comment on whether the information presented to the panel supports the conclusions outlined in the draft risk characterization section concerning TCE. If not, please suggest alternative approaches or information that could be used to further develop a risk estimates within the context of the requirements stated in Final Rule, Procedures for Chemical Risk Evaluation Under the Amended Toxic Substances Control Act (82 FR 33726). (Section 5) 6.2. Please comment on the validity of speci?c con?dence summaries presented in Section 4.3. 6.3. Please comment on any other aspect of the environmental or human health risk characterization that has not been mentioned above. 6.4. Please comment on the calculation of risk derived from different exposure data sources modeling tools and monitored datasets) and how they account for variability in environmental and human exposure. Please provide speci?c recommendations as needed for improving the risk characterization and references to support any recommendations. 6.5. Please comment on whether the risk evaluation document has adequately described the uncertainties and data limitations associated with the methodologies used to assess the environmental and human health risks. Please comment on Whether this information is presented in a clear and transparent manner. The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (2016) (amended TSCA) states that ?potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulations? (PESS) be considered in the risk evaluation process. PESS is de?ned in the Lautenberg Act to include populations with greater INTERAGENCY DRAFT DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE exposure or greater response, including due to lifestyle, dietary, and biological susceptibility factors, than the general population. 6.6. Has a thorough and transparent review of the available information been conducted that has led to the identi?cation and characterization of all PESS (Sections 2.3.3,, and Do you know of additional information about PESS that EPA needs to consider? Additionally, has the uncertainty around PESS been adequately characterized? The EPA characterization of human health risk from inhalation exposure to workers includes estimates of risk for respirator use. These estimates are calculated by multiplying the high end and central tendency MOE or extra cancer risk estimates without respirator use by the respirator assigned protection factors (APFs) of 10 or 50 and the glove protection factors of 5, 10, or 20. EPA also characterized exposure scenarios in which respirator use was unlikely. EPA did not assume occupational non users (ONUS) or consumers used personal protective equipment (PPE) in the risk estimation process. 6.7. Please comment on whether EPA has adequately, clearly, and appropriately presented the reasoning, approach, assumptions, and uncertainties for characterizing risk to workers and ONUS using PPE. 7. Overall Content and Organization: Final Rule, Procedures for Chemical Risk Evaluation Under the Amended Toxic Substances Control Act (82 FR 33726) stipulates the process by which EPA is to complete risk evaluations under the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 2lst Century Act. As part of this draft risk evaluation for TCE, EPA evaluated potential environmental, occupational and consmner exposures. The evaluation considered reasonably available information, including manufacture, use, and release information, and physical-chemical characteristics. It is important that the information presented in the risk evaluation and accompanying documents is clear and concise and describes the process in a scienti?cally credible manner. To increase the quality and credibility of scienti?c information disseminated by EPA, EPA uses the peer review process speci?cally as a tool for determining ?tness of scienti?c information for the intended purpose. The questions below are intended to guide the peer reviewers toward determining if EPA collected, used and disseminated information that is for purpose? based on utility (the data's utility for its intended users and for its intended purpose), integrity (the data's security), and objectivity (whether the disseminated information is accurate, reliable, and unbiased as a matter of presentation and substance). The peer reviewers? critical focus should pertain to recommendations of the technical information?s usefulness for intended users and the public. 7.1. Please comment on the overall content, organization, and presentation of the NMP draft risk evaluation. Please provide suggestions for improving the clarity of the information presented. 7.2. Please comment on the objectivity of the underlying data used to support the risk characterization and the sensitivity of the agency's conclusions to analytic assumptions made.