POM mm The covmw (coronayrrusl pandemic has created drmcult srtuatrons For many rn our communrty To resrdents who may be aliected erther drrectly by the virus or as a result of financial problems related to the pandenuc, a polrcy has been to allow For deferred payment or rent to oualrhed residents it should be noted that Resrdents who have the ability to pay therr rent and tees trmely should do so The delerment is not a lorgweness but merely the payment due Residents who have resources to pay or have the ability to should do so that rn nund, here are the guidelines tor how your landlord work tenants dunng economrc emergency Vow landlord agree to a rental payment plan where you can show that You are COVlelv, or that you are caring For a household or tanuly memberwho is sick cox/low 2 You have experienced a layoff, or a loss of hours, or another rncome reduction trorn busrness closure or other economrc or employer rmpacts or covms l9 3 You are a recommendation hom a government health authorrty to stay home, to selfcquzrantlne, or to avoid congregatrng others dunng the state or emergency 4 You have extraordinary outolpocltet medrcal expenses, or you have childccare needs from school closures related to in order to oualriy For rental payment plan, you will need to show wntten verrhcatron from an employer orlrom a medrcal prolessronal, showrng that you tall rnto one of the tour categorres lrsted above in to showrng the oualrhcatrons above, resrdents must also meet thelollowrng reourrernents to gualrty tor the determent Resrdents must be current on all oblrgatrons underthe lease Resrdents must not have a current or recent lease violation, or yrolatrons otthe house rules Resrdents must have a good payment hrstory Resrdents cannot have any court or actrons agarnst Owner Please know that state and local laws relatrng to suspension ot rents owed by oualriyrng tenants dunng the emergency do not excuse your duty to pay the lull rent, that duty is only suspended untrl the State and orthe City revoke the state oi emergency Once the emergency is lived all oftba .earnrulstad unpaid rent: will become due within 12 months What your landlord would lrlte to do is to work you now to make sure that you do not get to a pornt where you are unableto payyouraccumulated rents and then lace Hence the paymentplan [Note the related emergency laws only aliect the duty or a tenant to delay payment of rent, you have to comply at all times all or the otherterms of your tenancy agreement] Landlord may elect to have drlierrng repayment plans based on each crrcumstances Please coma--cc dscus the deters cf the payment plan Please also understand that none otthe landlord's rent is waned ltyou need any at your resrdence please let us know 545.: Sunset Boulevard, Suite 510, hullvwoud, calrlomra 90923 romreudcnnalcom RENT DEFERRAL AGREEMENT Thank you for offering to help during this time. This Agreement is voluntarily entered into on the date below between Resident, on one hand, and Owner, it’s Management Company, employees, agents, and assigns (collectively “Owner”), on the other, and is intended to be part of the Lease Agreement previously entered into between Resident and Owner Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic (“Pandemic”) and resulting governmental actions affecting businesses and the economy, Owner has determined to provide below Rent Deferral Options for those who qualify. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Rent Deferral. Owner and Resident agree to a deferral, or partial deferral, per Tenant’s request, of the payment of rent for the month of April 2020 as stated in this agreement. It is acknowledged and agreed that rent is still owed. Owner will waive late fees for the deferred payment. The intent of this deferral is to provide temporary assistance to resident due to the direct economic effect of the COVID-19 virus. In the event the Pandemic and its effect for the Resident continue into the month of May 2020, Resident may apply for additional deferral and modification of this agreement. Nothing herein shall require owner to allow for continued deferral of future rent. Acknowledgement of Compliance. Resident affirms the following as of the date of this agreement: 1. Resident is current with all payment obligations under the terms of the Lease Agreement 2. Resident is in full compliance with all other terms of the Lease Agreement and House Rules 3. There is no pending eviction or collection against Resident Acknowledgment of Default. Resident acknowledges that upon execution of this agreement, Resident will be in default of the terms of the Lease Agreement. However, this agreement allows Tenant to cure the default without penalty or fees. Waiver and Release. Resident acknowledges that execution of this agreement shall constitute a complete and total resolution, release and waiver of any and all claims, of any nature, known or unknown, of resident which may exist or potentially exist against Owner as of the date of this agreement. This agreement supersedes any previous agreements, oral or written, regarding any and all claims of any nature, known or unknown, of Resident which may exist or potentially exist against Owner as of the date of this agreement. Lease Agreement. The terms of the Lease Agreement shall remain in effect except as specifically amended by this agreement. Resident agrees to strictly abide by all such terms and conditions. Any violations shall entitle owner to void the payment schedule here in and seek immediate legal remedies. No Landlord Waiver. Landlord acceptance of any partial payment of rent does not waive Landlord’s right to demand payment in full or waive Landlord’s rights to enforce other rights pursuant to the Lease Agreement. Any payment by the Tenant shall be first applied to the past amount owed. TERMS OF DEFERRAL ON FOLLOWING PAGE 6464 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 610, Hollywood, California 90028 T 323 467 8210 F 323 467 8230 romresidential.com RENT DEFERRAL AGREEMENT Deferred Payment Plan Building: ________________________________________ Unit:_______ Landlord:________________________________________ Tenant(s):________________________________________ This document sets out the agreement that we have made as of today’s date regarding a repayment plan for the rent for your unit located at the address above. We have agreed as follows: The unpaid rent that you owe through __________ 2020 owe is: ___________________. Resident agrees to pay April 2020 rent and fees in the amount $___________ as follows: $_______________ due on or before _________________, 2020 by 11:59 pm $_______________ due on or before _________________, 2020 by 11:59 pm $_______________ due on or before _________________, 2020 by 11:59 pm $_______________ due on or before _________________, 2020 by 11:59 pm $_______________ due on or before _________________, 2020 by 11:59 pm $_______________ due on or before _________________, 2020 by 11:59 pm $_______________ due on or before _________________, 2020 by 11:59 pm Resident understands that in addition to the payment schedule above, Resident shall also pay any non-deferred due and owing rental obligations pursuant to the terms of the Lease Agreement. Dated: ____________________ Resident: Print Name: ____________________ ____________________ Resident: Print Name: ____________________ ____________________ Landlord/Agent: Print Name: ____________________ ____________________ 6464 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 610, Hollywood, California 90028 T 323 467 8210 F 323 467 8230 romresidential.com