investigation summary nepm pmvider/Fae ityz CARE CENTER or KIRKLAND Intake 3690337 1539527! License/Cert x: NH1419 . -- . . invmigatien 02/19/2020thmugh Raglan/U" 1 RC5 REglml 2/Unit Dams): 02/19/2020 Complz ant ennui: nateis) Allegations: LRepuner states ht transfer to University of WA Hospital suspeeted Tuhemulusis Patient Quantiferun test was pusillve ch impressian stated "(an'texdude Tuhercuiasis," and patient noted with (Hugh tdday 9 residents Observations: Generai rare and Services and Envimnment Interviews: Administrative staff and Renard Reviews: Resident recurds iine staff inrident reports Residents, pdi ies representatives Allegation Summary: 1. The fat ty mndurted a mu investigation and was tuiidwing the Department of Heaith inorii gu deiine The staff remains in edmmuniratian with the non, The resident was suspezled to have TB tater test revealed that she in faet did not have T5, The intectian mntmi pdiiey was fullnwed and the surveillanre bank is up tn date. Residents staff and visitars are in edmpiianee with the DOH guidelines, Na residents are in isuiatian. Staff dhserved during are and were in edmpiianre with intectian mntmi standards and pratllces. Sampie staff up tn date on T5 skin test, unalieged vial-trams): a Yes No ceneius rm I ed Provider pncriee Idem di in ed Pravider Practice rm Idem Ania mianis) wnnen ue Ciutian wnnen Page 1 cf 1 m5!)