(Proceedings on May 25, 1989.) (Direct of Ms. King) 1 A. 2 him. 3 Q. He's a good father. His seven year old looks up to He wants to grow up to be just like his dad. Ms. King, you understand the jury, the 12 citizens of 4 Dallas County, have found Danny guilty of the crime he's 5 charged with? 6 A. Yes, I do. 7 Q. And .this jury now has the job of setting the proper 8 punishment. You understand that? 9 A. Yes, I do. 10 Q. Are you asking this court to be merciful and kind and 11 give your husband probation? 12 A. Yes, I am. 13 Q. Do you feel -- can you tell this jury he would be a 14 proper candidate for probation? 15 A. I feel he would because he knows the law. 16 Q. And do you feel that he would follow each and every 17 condition of probation that this court set forth? 18 A. Yes, I feel he would. I would be right behind him. 19 Q. Will you help him during this period of probation and 20 make sure and work with him in keeping him within the 21 conditions of probation this court would set, if this jury 22 sees fit to give him probation? 23 A. Yes, I will. 24 Q. You are asking them to do that? 25 A. I am asking them. 184 ANN WALDING, OFFICIAL REPORTER