?31} Ilsa-tassel" C3 ltd, IN THE SUPERIGR CDURT 0F THE STATE DF ARJEDNA IN AND FDR THE DF YUMA CITY OF EMA rel. STEVE IRR in his Case No; Sl4??CV262il??El4 official capacityr as Fire Chief, and SUSAN M. 1 in her official capacity as Chiefof Police, an Miaona municipal corporation, 0F c?vmqp ilisv t. - i ?6 v. Reseounsas WA COUNTY eat rel. DIANA GUMEE, in her official capacity as Director of the Yuma County Public Health Services District, a political subdivision of the State of miaona, Respondent. The Court having reviewed and fully considered all of the allegations in City of Yuma?s Application for Temporarv Restraining Order and Drder to Show Cause {With Notice) and Application for il'reliminarjvr Injunction, the Memorandum in support of said Application, submitted on behalf Steven Irr, Cit}r of Yuma Fire Chief and Susan M. Smith. Chief of Police, as well as the arguments and positions of the parties and their counsel during the emergencyr hearing on April 3, 2626, and the Court being fullyr advised in the premises, the Court ?nds as follows: 1. ARE. 36-665 applies to this case and operates to provide the requested remedj.r sought by Petitioner. Page 1 of 4 2Petitioner has established that a elear and imminent danger exists to its first? responders and the publie and thus Petitioner has met the burden under ARE. tid?t?lijtj?j. 3. The imminent danger and rislr requires an immediate order and notiee to individuals about whom inibnnation is sought and provided is not reasonable under the eireumstanees. 4. The outbreak and spread of the virus is an ongoing erisis throughout the ?t?nma eommunity, throughout the State of Ariaona, throughout the United States and throughout the world. 5. Based on the Applieation and eoinmon knowledge: is a highly eontagious disease that is spreading quieldy throughout the world, throughout the 'r'uma eommunity and is dangerous, For people who get the mortality rate is high. Communities throughout the State of r'trirena and the United States are being overwhelmed by the number of people eontraeting the {ItiWIlJ-lil virus and hospitals are not able to provide eare. S. Petitioner's first responders are in imminent danger ofeontraeting CUUID 19 beeause of their interaetions with the eommunity. 9. Having prior knowledge of the name and address of individuals who migh have the virus or who have tested positive for BEND-19 is very useful to ?rst responders in helping them avoid eontraeting the virus. it]. health information is eonfidential and must he protested and disseminated in a way to make it the least intrusive or less broadly disseminated. l. The name and address of individuals who have tested positive and who are pending test results for COVIDIS are relevant and for Petitioner?s ?rst responders. 12. An order from this Court. requiring the immediate issuanee ol? (SQUID-19 health information to Petitioner would not be a hardship to Respondent at this time. 13. Respondent has not breaehed its obligations at this time, however, there is an immediate need for the requested information to be diselosed to Petitioner. Page 1 of 4 HEREBY ADJUDGHD AND DECREED thati until the Geverner ef the State ef Ariaena reseinds his state-wide Deelaratien ef Emergeney in eenneetien with the euthreak, that the Direeter ef the Yuma Ceunty Pu'elie Health Serviees IJistriet (?Respendent?) shall immediately and witheut delay, but in an event net less than 24 heurs. previde Petitiener?s Fire Department and Department with the names and addresses [hr persens whe have tested pesitive i'er IS FURTl-iliiR ORDERED that Respendent shall immediately and witheet delay, but in an event net less than 24 hears. previde Petitiener's Fire Department and l?eliee Department with the names anti addresses fer persens whe have pending test results the eaves-is, tn the extend Respendent has this infannatien. 1T 15 ORDERED that as negative test results are en a weekly basis the names and addresses hi the peepie testing negative shall he deleted i'rem Petitiener?s list ef CDVIDJQ ini'ermatien. IS FURTHER that all infermatien diseiesed te Petitiener shall remain and he kept een?dentiai and enly available te Petitiener?s emergeney dispatehers and first respender supervisers. IT [5 FURTHER that he names will he eenveyed er hreadeast ever radie transmissiens and apprepriate preteetive measures shall he implemented in eenvey the required infermatien and the same shall net be disseminated heyend the purpese at this (killer. DATED this day ef April, REED. jrah avid M. Haws l?r? ledge Page 3 et'd Cmpica' nf the fnr?gnin?l placed in [he balms MI: I: fallnwing lbia i day nf ?ea In: Edward Dapuly [?aunty Anni-nu}; Eales, Assistant Cit}r Attorney LYNN FAKE, Ciark uf'the Supari?r Court Deputy Clerk l' Page 4 Elf-?1