Case 8:11-cv-02014-JDW-TBM Document 77-1 Filed 02/15/13 Page 1 of 3 PageID 2711 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT Of FLORIDA TAMPA DIVISION BIG CAT RESCUE CORP., a Florida not for profit corporation, ) } ) ) ) Plaintiff, vs. ) BIG CAT RESCUE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, INC.; O.W. EXOTIC MEMORIAL ANIMAL FOUNDATION; and JOE SCHREffiVOGEL; ) ) ) ) ) ) Defendants. CASE NO. S:ll-cv-02014·JDW-TBM ) CONSENT FINAL JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCI10N Plaintiff having filed an action for eopyrigbt infringement against Defendants, the parties now request entcy of this Judgment. IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED THAT: l. Plalntifl' BIG CAT RESCUE CORP. ("BCR''), with its principal place of business at 12802 Basy Street,, Florida 33625 owns U.S. Copyright Reg. No. VA0001788273 ( ..BCR Voluntee;rs with Whole Prey Rabbits Photograph"). 2. Defendants, BIO CAT RESCUE l3NTERTAINMBNT GROUP, INC.; G.W. EXOTIC MEMORIAL ANlMAL FOUNDATION; and JOE SCHREIBVOGEL (collectively "Defendants'') with their prlncipal place of busine$S at 25803 N. CR 3250, Wynnewood. Oklahoma 73098; have infringe4 upon Plaintifi's copyright rights and engaged in misrepresentation under 17 U.S.C. § Sl2(f). Page 1 of 3 Case 8:11-cv-02014-JDW-TBM Document 77-1 Filed 02/15/13 Page 2 of 3 PageID 2712 3. Permanent Injunction is hereby issued against Def'endant3 eojoining them as follows: Defendants, their principals, agents, servants and employees, and all persons in A. active ~onccrt or participation with any of them, sbalJ not reproduce, distribute and use, modify or publish the BCR Volunteers with Whole Prey Rabbits Photograph or any other ~bstantially B. similar photograph for any purpose; Defendants shall not any other act which infringes upon Plaintiff's BCR Voluntects with Whole Prey Rabbits Photograph. C. DefendAnts shall not represent, either directly or indirectly that they own the BCR Volunteers with Whole Prey Rabbits Photograph. 4. Final judgment is entered against Defendants BIO CAT RESCUE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, INC.; O.W. EXOTIC MEMORIAL ANIMAL FOUNDATION; and JOE SCHREIBVOGEL as to Counts 1 and n of the Complaint, jointly and severally for statutory damages of $50,000.00 to accn1e at the applicable post-judgment .statutory interest ra1e for which let execution issue. ~ON.iAMESfi. WHITI'EMORE Approved as To Fonn and Content: Big Cat Rescue Entertainment Group, Inc.,..... ~ / By: Title: Date: Page2 of3 ~/'p_Q r2. .. g.-{ '1 C&D #- ~ -(g Case 8:11-cv-02014-JDW-TBM Document 77-1 Filed 02/15/13 Page 3 of 3 PageID 2713 Date: . ~ -fs-!).o I} G.W. Exotic Memorial Animal Foundation :1?-Ec f»A t-ee- bJJn;y: L. By: Title: Date: e. f. 0 9-f6'" (}o / 3 Joe Schreibvogel .tj($:~~~ Date: 1300065 Page3 of3 01- g- -fHJL $ ,