Daau?ign Eaualapa IE3: the '?aitad Siatas Disarm (Tami Waa?iam Diatriat RURAL 311d DOE . I Mahatma; 1F. FOODS, INC. and SMIITHFIELD FRESH MEATS CORR, - Jana Dam haraby daalara as fallawa: I haw warkad at Smith.?aid?s Miasauri alaughtarhouaa and plant mm ?13121115? ?ar mart: 1:11am Syaara.? 2* I work an the: ?cut aide? af {he plant? Wham animala are bmkan dam]. Ema precincts and packaged. 3. Daring my tima as an an?alayaa 0f the Plant, 1' have attanclad maatinga and participated- in. wants; as a workar :mambar 0f the Rura1 Cdmmanity Workara Ali-ianaa I 4? I am. afraid. fai? my and aasfaty? aa wall as that health and aaf'aty of people: am in. amtaai; with and that largar canananity 01:" the- way which Smith?ald ia managng ?aa Plant in. .ralapmlaa 9111}! it: {ha last week that Smith?eid baga-n ?raaidmg us; with aurgical-? atyla maaks. Smith?al? originally WM 113 that we will receive 0116 Saab. mas}: par swamps s3: it. breaks. Althea-gm at lsast {ms day this wsak, Smith?ald hasdsci O'Ut-Iiasw masks as warkars Entered. 6i swan Plant waskers have masks? I have ssaa mambars ?f the: sanitation era-w inside the Plant and was walking; tiff {if the sat fleas, witth masks 0a i have alsa sass. them sittiag"7i'a. the hallway withsat masks {ms 71. Smi?thfiald has mada n0 affari ta" spread aut' washers deihg their jshs. I From whafs I stand 011 1tihs cut ?ash I can see many awrhers standing shauidelutam shauldar SQ that thsy regularly? cams :inta physical- sshtast with she anothaa and maid even. sat one anathsr with their knives? Evan warsa Smith?ald has increased our has speed during sausihg warkaifs to mass with the lina ta ?nish their tasks. This I. {leads workers is cams ihts sontast with has aasihas mars 8. Shiith?sid pissed Pissiglas batwaan same, but hat ah, in tha 'lila'nt. .9. Earth-erg Smith?sld I has has shift: time sihss l'ths pahdaraic stash-3d; 0111? shifts are ssmatimss as bag as slams hams. During ihass shifts we ars- ptrwidsd thrsa brsaka two ?ftasaminuts breaks sad ans thirty insists break at the and Of which was must-ha basis is. p?sitian an. tha ?ne. As a rasuits we: barely havs iims ts get off and hack Oh. the 1.2mm ist slams wash 01,1117 hands tihhmaghly. 10; 'Smithiiaid has not; pmsidsd say additionai bzrsaks far ?as to be. able to wash our hands. .11. This was-k? Smith?ald has sant paspla amumi Haas to spray stir haada but they will only spray our 12. Smith?aid has alsa 1101; provided as tissuas- for when was at chugh. BueeStgn Envelepe ID: .13. Altheegh Smith?eld has instructed us to stand sis: feet apart While eff the line. it eentinues te allew many workers tre take breaks at the same whiehlmakes seeial distaneittg impessible. 14. There are net e'eeugh seats in the eal?e'teria the all the Wetfkers whe are. allewed to be in it at the same time. Te sit at tables. peeple must-be eleset thaasis feet and there are net Plexiglas dividers between all peeple at the table. 1.5. Restreems and hallways are alse very erewded. This is partieularly tree at. the statt and end at the shift in the hallway. Where we sleek: in and eleek eat. 16. Mereever, altheugh Smith?eld has started taking weekers? temperatures when they enter the it allews a elase line te fem} while werkets wait. .17. Smith?eld has alse encouraged werkers te eeme late work siek. When the COVIDH I 9 pandemic: began, workers beget: te Seer: aftet werkers began te stay heme, $mith?eld effeted werkers a free lunch, during whieh? it premeted a $509 beans fer workers whe did net miss a shift. is April. 18. The image belew is a pester that I have seen in the Plant advertising the beams and it is still hanging in the Plant. a DeeuSign Eiwalepe iD: 19. Mama; I believe that many werkers are a?'aid at the company; which leads them te eeme tie werk even when they feel ill; Werkers are tee werzried abe'ut lesing their jobs te raise eeneems about Smithfieldis COVlea?li) greetiees. Fer example? .- Smithfield regularly discipliees workers whe miss a [shift even when they are siek. Smith?eld typieally (lees net give sielt. leave and assigns a ?pei?t? fer every shift missed. . If a werlter receives in a year they be fired. Systems like this make people afraid te speak tip. 20. i Farthetmera many weakness, including myself; have ehildzrea and have laid detail. reets in the Milan area. There are net many employment eppertunities in the area besides Smithfield and thus .lesing this jeb W?uld mean a snuggle. te find. gitew weak and liker having te? spend additienal time away? item (site?s family te travel te new Works aiettg with ?nding the child. eare that teqeires. - Ell. To my knetaledge? at least eight Workers have been eat sick with ef 22; Te my kiiewledgm has 'aet advised any Piant ta'eiikers that they have beet-1 ?11 eentaet with settleeaelrepertiag COVIDJQ-arelated 23. i fear what will happen te time if Smith'field ?nds eat am partieitfiatisa? in. this suit .l eauld net aliferd to lese my jebt i 24. ijiiewevet? am mete fear?tl ef the risks Smithliieid is creating the met, my leeuwerkers? friends, nei.glilaers,, the Milan areai Missouri; and the as a whole. 1 fear the risk at getting sick from at the plant due te'the elese eentaets i am ?amed to have with-ether werkers and then infecting others. Dmnu?ig? mam ES, ?i?mgg dasgit?a my m? Smm?a?d'? ma?iim, algm?: a: a P?am?ff 19:1 mm gamma? my?eif?m? ii dwima 33mm ?f?pamw 1313: Jim f?mgai?g and wma?t 'Emmte?. MU