1. Date of Tournament- Feb 6th, 2021 2. Name of Tournament- Spiegel Memorial IBT 3. School HoldingTournament and Address- 3514 Kenilworth Boulevard, Sebring, FL3387O 4. Point of Contact- Joshua Miller Head Coach 863-835-1787 millerj4@highlands.k12.fl.us Tournament Director Blake Germaine 5. Type of Tournament- IBT 6. Numberof Days- 1 Day tournament 7. Numberof Teams Desired- 18-20 8. Numberof Matches- 16 man bracket 9. Awards- top 5 individuals, outstanding wrestlers, and topteams 10. Weigh-in StartTimes- Saturday WI 8:00 AM. Seed meeting will start at 8:00 AM. 11. Wrestling-Start Times- Saturday Wrestling at 10:00 A. M. This is year?s tournament will be in a held at Sebring High School. Entry fee is $325 Please get payment in before the tournament. My AD will not let anyone wrestle if payment is not in before the tournament. Please make checks to Sebring High School Wrestling. Thanks,Joshua Miller