Can Terror, Deception and Hypocrisy help a nation survive? Excerpt from book ‘First Comes the Mosque’ by George H. Hassanzadeh Mosque and Hypocrisy In keeping with the 7th century antisocial speech made by Hussein ibn Ali, the Shi’a most revered imam in regards to the Arab supremacy, current Iran Shiite leaders ‘propaganda department’ spreads fraudulent information with the intention to deceive public opinion that Iran as an ‘inferior nation’ need the help of the ‘superior’ Arab clerics. This unspeakable affront started with Ruhollah Khomeini and is continued not only by Iran’s current supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, but also, the mullah’s chain of command who demand practice of various rituals of the same nature. With the philosophical believe that “Economic is fore Donkeys,” 1 A severe depression and a downward economy, 2 has made job seekers a generation of servile bootlickers, and frauds. And for those with a job, must do anything told by the Arab clergy in control, in order for them to keep their job, things that people would not do under better circumstances. Nowadays, when Khomeini’s name is mentioned, Iranians often curse the founder of the Arab Islam, the Arab imams of the past, the current Shiite clerics, but mostly themselves for allowing such condition. In recent history, no country has been so adversely affected and sunk so deeply into foreign ideology, foreign control, and foreign duplicity, as has Iran. Shiite leaders openly demand Iranians to practice strange and denigrating Arab practices as part of demeaning Iranian society and the Iranian culture. In addition to series of unsightly and undesirable Arab rituals, Mosques propagates hypocrisy, serfdom, and obsequious manner for Iranians in many other ways. For example: Hand kissing As part of demeaning rituals that superior Arabs demand, in addition to bowing down to the Arab clergy, one must also kiss the hand. According to an observer, Iran’s present supreme leader Ali Khamenei demands that all government employees show in public (with a photographer always on hand) their reverence and alliance to Islamic caliph (leader, governor) by bowing down and kissing his hand. This demand also gives the right for all other Arab clergies to be accorded the same privilege. Ex-president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was not spared the humiliation. He publicly had to kiss the hand of the Arab supreme leader, (practically every morning) or each time they met. By doing this, Iranians distinctively understood their place in their own society in regards to the Arabs preeminence. They submitted to the obligatory rite of Arab clergy’s superiority and in control, and Iranians inferiority and obedience. As one of his obligatory duties, President Ahmadinejad had to bow down and kiss the hand of the Supreme leader Ali Khamenei most mornings on his way to his office. In return, even the high-ranking officials bow down in a servile way kiss President Ahmadinejad hand in public, seeking favor. THE BOOTLIKING: While the origin of bootlicking and servile performing in Iran is not clear, some Iranian scholars believe it begin at the mass arrival of Arabs into Iran in the 16th century. For their daily survival, Arabs acted slavish and subservient to Persians. However, the ritual became reversed as the Arabs achieved power through religion. No doubt, flattery, worship were accorded a king or leader and practiced by Persians throughout history. In 1979 Arab Islamic revolution, bootlicking gained currency with people seeking to win approval, especially from the superiors, (the clerics in command). Iran has became overwhelmingly a nation of subservient and bootlickers. Sadly, Iran under Arab control has churned out a generation of men with reputation for obsequious obedience; generations “if you want to get ahead,” join the flatters, butter ups. Arab clergies are constantly followed by brownnose assistants who will do anything Arabs superior demand. Another high-ranking officer of Islamic revolution is kissing the hand of an Arab mullah 9Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi) to gain promotion. Photo credit: Mohammad Hussein Emami. The supreme leader Khamenei is surrounded (as the Iranians say), by “The bootlickers who are trying to outdo each other in an Army Salute.” In order to get ahead, these no self-respect revolutionary high-ranking army men raise their hand in salute and keep up the salutation mode as loge as it takes until one of them brings his hand down first. THE IMPOSTERS In addition to bootlicking, some Iranian officials believe that pretending faithfulness by falsely create ‘burn mark’ on their forehead. This action as part of taghiyah (permissible lie in Shi’a sect) is done to fallaciously show with clay tablets pretence of piety and alliance to Arabs and Arab Shi’a. The lack of self-respect, has caused most officials to falsely claim that their ceaseless prayer to Arab Allah, “Namaz” (in Persian) Salah (in Arabic), by displaying a permanent burn on their forehead supposedly coming from endless resting their foreheads on a clay tablet while prostrate himself facing Arabia. Here is where Shiite clergy and common people give false impression as their piety. In addition facing Arabia three to five times a day, officials must carry a clay-soil tablet in their pockets, ready to produce it at the request of the Arab clergy. Also it is preferred that the clay tablet (‘Turbah’ in Arabic or ‘Mohr e-Namaz’ in Farsi) come from “Arabia,” preferably from Karbala, Iraq, the site of the death of Shiite prime symbol Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Mohammad. THE ‘WEEPING MULLAHS’ Although, professional clerical mourners or paid ‘weeping mullahs’ are said to have infiltrated the Iranian society from Arabia, according to most Iranian scholars, professional mourners are in many other cultures of the world. However, this historical occupation is practiced more in the Middle Eastern culture than anywhere else. It has been said that Ruhollah Khomeini believed that the survival of his Shi’a brand of Islam strongly depends on keeping alive the tragedy of Karbala, by an infinite daily dosage of crying and mourning the death of Hussein, the Shiite prime symbol and martyr. Addressing the assembly of the Shi’a clergies Ruhollah Khomeini has said, “Whatever we posses, is directly connected to people’s bewailing, chest beating, and daily tribute to our martyrs. Elegy, lamentations, wailing melancholy impression must be carried out every day.” Everyday must be a day of martyrdom of Imam Hussein3.” “If it were not for these commemorative days, we would not have triumphed over the Shah.” 4 “Iranians must always be kept in a melancholic atmosphere, in a ‘guilt-ridden mood’, and should be made to cry for our beloved Hussein the martyred,” says Ruhollah Khomeini. 5 HojatolEslam Kazem Seddiqi born 1951 is Tehran’s Friday Prayer temporary Imam. This ‘weeping mullah’, [Ayatollah Kazem Seddiqi] has only one job and for that, he is paid well. In any gathering, (merriment or bereavement) people can hear his loud cry before he is even seen. To encourage others to show their grief for the bygone Arab imams who died in Arabia, he beats his chest and ultimately changes the mood of any gathering. He refers to the Karbala tragedy in almost every appearance he makes. The dooms day Arab mullahs believe it is an obligation of each Shiite Muslim to be sad and feel guilty his every living day. Moreover, if one is not, then he or she is left with the feeling of violating public decency. Iran’s Arab mullah Kazem Seddiqi Tehran’s Friday Prayer Leader said, “United States is a fake and fragile superpower with many internal problems, not to mention crimes, injustice, and Godlessness, a menace to the free world; it should be wiped off the map.” It has been said, that he made the same rhetoric about the State of Israel. Professional mourners are often skilled storytellers. To give more legitimacy to their story, Shiite mullahs use one of their infallible Arab imam’s sayings that often belong to Greek, Roman, Persian, and Chinese famous philosophers. The large volume of ‘Nahjul Balaghe’ or ‘Ali’s axiom’6 is one such plagiarized book. All the quotes, old proverbs, anecdotes, that are attributed to their Imam Ali, as Ali’s maxim, are plagiarized. According to Arab and Iranian writers (outside of the Islamic run nations), say, Ali ibn Abu Talib, had no education, could not pronounce Arabic words correctly, was extremely introvert, never gave a sermon; his words thrown at people angrily were often groaned unintelligible expressions. The only distinction Ali had is that he was short, obese, bullying, killed indiscriminately, and carried an unpleasant odor. Ironically, Iran (thanks to Petro Dollars) has corrupted the American media with the same absurdities that exist in Shiite countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Now, there are incalculable sites that have popped up in the recent years and have enveloped the internet solely to mislead the American public with the fallacies of the Arab Islam. 1. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in his many speeches, by Robert Tait, NewStateman. 2. "Unemployment rate, Country Comparison to the World, the World Fact book", showing 12.4% while adding “Data are Iranian Government numbers!” CIA, Retrieved 23 August 2018. 3. Shojaedin Shafa, Explanation of Issues, answers to thousand-year-old question. Farzad Publishing, pp.227 4. Ruhollah Khomeini, Shojaedin Shafa, Explanation of Issues, answers to thousand-yearold questions. Farzad Publishing. pp.277 5. Ruhollah Khomeini, Shojaedin Shafa, pp277 6. Sheikh Sharif Razi, a Shi’a cleric. Netton, Richard, Encyclopedia of Islamic Routledge. 7. Bihar el Anwar pp. 172 GEORGE H. HASSANZADEH born and raised as a Shia Muslim in Iran is the author of ‘Iran: Harsh Arm of Islam’ and newly released book ‘First Comes the Mosque.’ Hassanzadeh is recognized as an expert in Islam, Shi’a, Shari’a, and the infallible Arab Shiite clerics forcing medieval rule and a system of mind control in 21st century. George H. Hassanzadeh is a U.S. Army Veteran and lives in California, U.S.A For more information please contact: George H. Hassanzadeh 818-321-9100