Individuals NEW SAFER AT HOME ORDER Effective: April 30, 2020 at 5:00 pm. I Expiration: Muv 15, 2020 at 5:00 pm. 0rderedtc stav at name except ta meet basic needs nccureped tp stav hameand fallpiv seed sanitation practices Emplavsrs Businesses closed except far these that meet a critical need a minimal risk: sanitation Businesses mavepen subject ta sanitatian and sccial-d'rstancing guidelines; certain higher-risk remaining business-ES and sbciaI?distancing rules and guidelines far businesses and activities remain clased Retail stares teS?faaccupancv rate. scciaI-distancing and sanitatian rules A ll retail stares upen subject ta 50% eccupancv rate. social-distancing and sanitatien rules Eeaches Clpsed far all purppses Dpen except nagatherings pf10 and pepple must maintain Efeet pf separatism Medical prccadures except for these deemed ?necessarv" under varieus criteria as determined Allpwed untess prohibited in thefuture bv the State Health 0fficer ta preserve resaurces necessarvta diagnase and treat :20le 9; prcviders must fallow COVID-lE-related rules and guidance state regulatprv beards pr public health authcrities WHAT IS STAYING THE ?an-wart: gatherings Still limited ta fewer than persens with feet nfdistance between "Drive-in? gatherings still permitted if participa stav in cars with thelr Entertainment venues {such as night clubs, theaters, hewlingallevs} Still clpsed Athletic facilities and activities {such asfitness centers and cammercial gvms] Still clasecl Class-amtactservice peeviders?sueh as barber chaps. hairaala-ns, nailsalansJattaa services) Still clased Earlier Citizen centers Regular except meals still available thraugh curbside pick-up er delivery- Educatianal institutions Ed ucatibnal institutians still clased ta in-persan davtime special activities ms} Child dav care facilities Still must net allaw 12 pr more children in a mum Hespltals and nursing hamas Still must implement palicies ta restrict visitatian Restaurants. hairs* and brat-resists Still limited ta take-put, curbside, at delivery alabamapublichealthgov P0 EA L'l'