Campus Update, Monday March 23, 2020 Dear East Bay Campus Community, Following Governor Newsom’s announc ement last week direc ting all Californians to S tay at Home to protec t our public health, we are making the following updates for the c ampus: Instruc tion: All c lasses, inc luding final exams, will c ontinue to be held virtually through the end of the semester. For questions related to instruc tion, email ac ademic _affairs@ c New travel restric tions: International travel is prohibited until further notic e. Cal S tate East Bay students in study abroad programs are required to return to the U.S . as soon as possible and as long as it is safe to do so. Contac t Thomas Tyner at the Center for International Educ ation at 510-8857510 or email thomas.tyner@ c for assistanc e. Housing: S tudents living in c ampus housing are strongly enc ouraged to return to their permanent home residenc es, where they c an attend the remainder of the semester virtually. However, those who have no other housing options or have other c onc erns, suc h as limited ac c ess to tec hnology, will be allowed to remain in housing on a c ase-by-c ase basis. Residents will rec eive a notic e from housing today with further move-out instruc tions. For any other assistanc e, please c ontac t housing personnel at housing@ c Residenc e halls and c ampus dining will remain operational with soc ial distanc ing measures enforc ed. Commenc ement: With great regret, the in-person May c ommenc ement, whic h is our c ommunities’ most important day of the ac ademic year, is being postponed and we are exploring and seeking input on ways to rec ogniz e, honor and c elebrate our graduates for their remarkable ac hievements. We understand the signific ant impac t of this dec ision and the disappointment eac h of you are feeling. Consideration of public health for all attendees and partic ipants will determine resc heduling. We will provide an update to the university c ommunity when we have more information. For questions c onc erning c ommenc ement, email c ommenc ement@ c for assistanc e. For additional information, advisories, FAQs, and resourc es, please visit our website and review our FAQs for detailed information. We apprec iate your understanding as these c hanges oc c ur. Please know that eac h dec ision is made after muc h c onsultation and with the goal to safeguard everyone in our c ommunity as best we c an. Leroy M. Morishita President Marc h 23, 2020