DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES 330 C Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201 May 15, 2019 Sent via email: Re: ACF FOIA 19-F-0034 Dear Mr. Evers: This is a partial response pertaining to Case No. 18-cv-2845 filed December 14, 2018, relating to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request 19-F-0034 submitted to the Administration for Children and Families. You requested the following six items: 1. Records sufficient to show the number of, age, sex, length of detention, and reason for placement of minors in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) housed at the Shenandoah Valley Detention Center, the Yolo County Juvenile Detention Facility, the Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Center, and any other "secure placement" facility for unaccompanied alien children (UACs) between April 1, 2017, and the date of search. 2. Records reflecting any complaints of physical or emotional abuse at any of the three facilities listed in Part 1 of this request or any other "secure placement" facility that ORR has received since October 1, 2008. 3. Records sufficient to show any policies or best practices that ORR follows to move UACs out of secure placement and into residential settings. 4. Any records responsive to Sen. Mark Warner and Sen. Tim Kaine's June 22, 2018 letter to ORR.4 5. All photographs, videos or audio recordings taken in any inspections by ORR of any facility holding UACs between April 1, 2018 and the date of search. 6. All email chains including any photographs, videos, or audio recordings of facilities housing UACs sent by or to any political appointee-including where any political appointee is copied (cc'd) or blind copied (bcc'd) on any email-in the head office of ORR between January 1, 2017, and the date of search. The Office of Refugee Resettlement conducted a thorough search of their files and located five pages responsive to Item 1, eight pages responsive to Item 2, and 77 pages responsive to Item 3. An additional 191 pages were reviewed and deemed nonresponsive. If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the processing and handling of this request, you may contact the Assistant United States Attorney in the United States Department of Justice who is handling this case for the Department. Austin Evers ACF FOIA 19-F-0034, 18-cv-2845 2 ACF will continue making rolling releases until the program office has exhausted their search efforts and all of the responsive records have been reviewed. Sincerely yours, Carla C. Smith -S Digitally signed by Carla C. Smith S DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=HHS, ou=ACF, ou=People, cn=Carla C. Smith -S, 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=20013 80247 Date: 2019.05.15 16:04:16 -04'00' Celeste Smith FOIA Director Office of Communications Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Washington, D.C. Enclosures 2 AMERICAN PVERSIGHT FOIA-19- F-0034 Item #1· Records suffic ient to show the numbe r of, age, sex, length of detention, and reason for placement of mino rs in t he care of t he Office of Descript ion of Task Refugee Resett lement (ORR) hou sed at Shenandoah , Yolo, NOVA, and any other" secure placement" faci lit ies be t ween April 1, 2017, and t he date of Note: Please let me know if you are u nab le to capture the "reason fo r placement". Please note that the " reason for placemen t " is not a data point that we can provide . Length of Stay was caluclated based on admiss ion date to discharge date and if there #o f UAC M ont h admitted M 2017 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 Jan Feb Mar (up to 3/ 12/2019) Grand Tot al Gender Grand Tota F 9 8 31 24 24 16 15 18 19 17 19 14 22 16 13 13 15 8 1 1 3 l l 1 11 15 7 9 8 31 24 24 16 16 19 19 20 20 15 22 17 13 13 15 8 11 1 1 16 8 8 1 10 9 3 355 11 366 10 # of UAC M onth admit t ed 2017 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 Jan Feb 13 14 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 l 2 2 Grand Tot al 2 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 21 6 7 3 7 5 4 3 l 1 3 6 4 4 6 4 4 5 1 3 6 5 18 17 13 10 8 9 11 9 8 31 24 24 16 16 19 19 14 12 8 20 20 15 22 17 13 13 15 8 11 16 8 13 4 1 9 9 7 7 6 6 10 7 1 2 7 7 l 1 36 86 1 220 1 3 1 s 2 2 2 Ma r 3 Age at t ime of admission 17 Grand Total 15 16 1 1 2 1 3 10 9 3 366 AMlfHCAI\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000001 J UAC ID DOB b)(6 (b)( 6) D AMFF 'J COB GENDER DATE_ADMITTED DATE_DISCHARGED PROGRAM_NAME PROGRAM_TYPE I 999 Guat ema l. M 4/3/ 2017 7/ 27/2 017 Stienandoah Val ley Juv en il e Center Secure 2002 El Salvado M 4/5/2 017 4/ 6/ 2017 Shenandoah Valley Juv en il e Center Secure 12 , 000 Hondu ras M 4/ 9/2 017 5/23/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure I 999 Mexico M 4/15/2 017 5/ 13/2017 Yolo Count y Juven i le Detent ion Secure 4/23 / 2017 11/7/2 017 Yolo Co unt y Juven i le Deten t ion Secure 12002 Honduras M 002 Honduras M 4/24/2 017 8/14/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 12 12 ,000 Honduras M 4/25/2 017 7/ 11/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juv en il e Center Secure I 999 Honduras M 4/26/2017 S/31/2 017 Shenan doah Val ley Juv en il e Cenle r Secure 001 Guatemal. M 4/'J'J/2017 8/ 1/2 017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cen1er Secure 12 5/4/2 017 8/1/2 017 Shenan doah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure R000 Hondura s M M I 999 M e)(iC0 5/8/2 017 S/28/2 017 Yolo County Juv en i le De t ention Secure 1999 Et Salvado M 5/9/2 017 8/17/2 017 Shen andoah Valley Juv en il e Cen1er Secure 001 Me,dco M 5/ 10/2 017 9/18/2 017 Shenan doah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 12 I 999 Honduras M 5/ 11/ 2017 8/2S/2 017 Shenandoah Val ley Juv en il e Cente r Secure 6/20/20 17 Shenan doah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure: RO(X) Hond uras M 5/ 15/2017 I 999 M exico M 6/27/20 17 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 5/ 18/20 17 12, 000 Soma lia M 5/28/ 2017 Shenan doah Val ley Juv en il e Cente r Secur e 5/22/2 017 1999 Hond uras M 7/ 12/2017 Shenan doah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Se cur e 6/1/20 17 7/13/2017 Shenan doah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 12001 El Salvado M 6/1/20 17 1999 M exico M Secur e 7/1 4/ 20 17 Yolo CotJnty Juvenile Detention 6/2/2017 1999 M exico M Secure 7/20/20 17 Yolo Coun t y Juvenile Deten tio n 6/3/20 17 001 El S.a lvado M 6/ 5/2017 8/12/ 2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven ile Cente r Secu re 12 6/8/2017 8/11/ 2017 Yolo Coun ty Juven i le Dete ntio n Secu re 12001 Honduras M 12, 002 El Salva do M 12/4/ 2017 Sh ena ndoa h Valley Juv en il e Cente r Secure 6/8/2017 000 El Salvado M 6/9/2017 11/ 5/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secu re 12 1999 Honduras M 6/ 10/2 017 6/18/2017 Yolo Cou nty Juven i le Detentio n Secure 12, 6/13/2017 7/19/2 017 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Det enti on Secu re 000 Honduras M 12, 001 Hond uras M 6/14/2017 8/23/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 1999 El Salvado M 6/14/2017 7/ 24/2017 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Detent ion Secure I 999 Honduras M 6/14/2017 7/2 4/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juv en il e Cente r Secure 6/15/2017 8/1/201 7 Shenandoah Val ley Juv en il e Center Secure 12001 El Salvado M 12 001 , Hondu ras M 6/16/2017 7/28/2 017 Yolo Co unt y Juven i le Oetent ion Secure 2000 El Salvado M 6/16/2017 7/26/2017 Yolo Co unt y Juven i le Detent ion Secure 12,000 El Salvado M 6/17/2017 6/27/2017 Yolo Co unty Juven i le Detent ion Secure I 999 EI Sa lvado M 6/17/2017 7/21/2 017 Yolo Count y Juven i le Detent ion Secure 6/ 17/2 017 7/24/2 017 Yolo County Juvenile Deten tio n Secure I 999 Nigeria M 001 Me•i c: o M 6/ 17/ 2017 7/19/2 017 Yolo Coun ty Juven i le Detention Secure 12 000 Yemen M 6/ 18/2 017 9/13/2 017 Yolo Cou r,ty Juven i le De t en tio n Secure 12 000 El Salvado M 6/ 18/2 017 7/6/2 017 Shenan doah Valley Juv en il e Cenle r Secure 12 6/ 19/2 017 8/2/20 17 Yolo Count y Juven i le Detention Secure R000 Mexico M 6/20/2 017 8/8/20 17 Yolo County Juven i le Detention Secure 000 Hondura s M 12 M I 999 M e)(iC0 6/22/2 017 7/19/2 017 Yolo County Juv en i le De t ent ion Secure 6/22/2017 7/1 0/201 7 Yolo CotJnty Juven i le Detention Secure 1999 M exico M Secure 7/2 0/2017 Yolo County Juvenile Detention 1999 M exico M 6/24/20 17 Secure 7/20 /20 17 Yolo County Juven i le Detention 1999 M mtlco M 6/24/20 17 999 Honduras M Shenan doah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 8/14/2 017 1 6/24/20 17 7/1 4/2 017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 1999 M exico M 6/26/20 17 M 10/2/201 7 Shenan doah Val ley Juv en il e Cente r Secure I 999 M exico 6/29/2017 002 M eKlco M Secure 8/8/2017 Yolo Co unt y Juven i le Detent io n 7/ 1/2017 12 Secure 11/18/2017 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Det entio n 1999 Honduras M 7/ 5/2017 12, CXX) El Sa lvado M Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 8/18/2017 7/7/2017 000 Mex ico M Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secu re 11/27/2017 7/8/2017 12 Secu re 11/18/2017 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Deten tio n 1999 Hondur as M 7/10/2017 M 7/11/2017 9/13/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juv en il e Cente r Secu re 12001 Mexico 12, 000 El Salvado M 7/14/2017 8/23/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juv en il e Cente r Secure 999 Mexico M 7/16/2017 9/7/2017 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Deten tio n Secu re 1 I 999 El Salvado M 7/17/2017 8/3/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 7/2 0/2 017 11/ 10/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure I 999 Honduras M 7/21/2017 10/2/ 2017 Yolo Co unt y Juven i le Detent ion Secure 12000 Mex ico M 000 El Salvado M 7/21/2017 8/25/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 12 12 , 000 El s.alvado M 7/21/2017 8/30/2017 Yolo Co unt y Juv en i le Detention Secure 12,000 El Salvado M 7/21/2017 8/ 17/2 017 Yolo Count y Juven i le Detention Secure 12,001 El s.alvado M 7/21/201 7 8/22/2017 Yolo County Juven i le Detent ion Secure I 999 Guatema l; M 7/22/2 017 8/2S/2 017 Yolo County Juv enile Detention Secure 001 El Salvado M 7/22/2 017 12/S/2 017 Yolo County Juv en i le De t ention Secure 12 000 Hondura s M 7/24/2 017 7/2S/2 017 Shenan doah Val ley Juv en il e Cente r Secure 12 I 999 Gua t ema l, M 7/26/2 017 9/S/2017 Shenan doah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 7/26/2 017 10/27/2 017 Yolo Coun ty Juveni le Detention Secure 12001 El S.alvado M I 999 Nicaragua M 7/27/2 017 8/30/2017 Yolo County Juven i le De t en tio n Secure 001 El S.alvado M 7/27/2 017 9/18/2017 Yolo Count y Juven i le Detention Secure 12 002 Hon d uras M Yolo County Juven i le Detention Se cur e 9/14/20 17 7/28/2 017 12 8/23/20 17 Shenan doah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Se cur e 7/28/2 017 R000 El Salvado M 8/23/2 017 Shenan doah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure I 999 Hon d uras M 8/2/2017 000 EI Sa lvado M 12, Secur e 1/6/ 2018 Yolo Count y Juvenile Det ention 8/3/20 17 002 M exico M Secure 11/15/20 17 Yolo County Juvenile Detention 8/4/20 17 12 002 Hon dur as M Shenan doah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 5/23/ 2018 8/4/20 17 12 M Secu re 10/27/ 2017 Yolo Co unty Juven i le Dete ntio n 12000 Mexico 8/7/2017 001 Honduras M 12, 11/30/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secu re 8/7/2017 00 1 Honduras M 11/8/ 2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secu re 8/8/2017 12 10/1 7/ 2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juve nil e Cente r Secure 8/9/2017 12000 M ex ico M 12, 003 Gu atema t M 11/9/ 2017 Shena ndoa h Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 8/10/2017 000 Gua tema l, M 12, Secure 11/21/20 17 Yolo Cou nt y Juven i le Dete ntio n 8/11/2017 000 Honduras M Secu re 10/17/ 2017 Yolo Cou nt y Juven i le Dete nti o n 8/12/2017 12 2000 Honduras M 8/12/2017 2/28/2 018 Yolo Co unt y Juv en i le Detention Secure I 999 Me;icic o M 8/14/2017 10/ 13/201 7 Shenandoah Val ley Juv en il e Center Secure I 999 Mexi co M 8/15/201 7 9/21/2 017 Yolo County Juven i le Detent ion Secure 2001 Gua tema l, M 8/17/2017 9/1 4/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juv en il e Center Secure 001 Gua t emal. M RI 8/20/2017 2/1/2 018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 8/21/2017 10/4/ 2017 Shenandoah Valley Juv en il e Center Secure 12000 Honduras M I 999 El Salvado M 8/25/2017 10/2 4/2017 Yolo Co unt y Juven i le Detent ion Secure 000 El S.alvado M 8/25/2017 9/14/2017 Yolo Coun ty Juv en i le Detention Secure 12 8/2$/2017 12/12/2 017 Shenandoah Val ley Juv en il e Cente r Secure 12002 Hondu ras M 001 El S.alvado M 8/29/2017 12/26/2017 Shenan doah Val ley Juv en il e Cente r Secure 12 8/'JIJ/2017 10/ 2/2 017 Yolo County Juven i le Detention Secure R001 Hondura s M 001 Hondura s M 8/31/2 017 11/13/2017 Shenan doah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 12 000 Hondura s M 8/31/2 017 9/8/2 017 Shenan doah Val ley Juv en il e Cente r Secure 12 9/3/20 17 2/2 1/2 018 Shenan doah Valley Juv en il e Cen1er Secure R00 1 Guatema l. M 11/8/20 17 Shenan doah Val lev Juven ile Cente r Secu re 1999 Et Salvado M 9/6/20 17 Secure 9/22/20 17 Yolo County Juven i le Detention I 999 Hon dur as M 9/7/20 17 DISCHARGE_TYPE Age Out O rd ered Removed Tra nsfe r Age Out Tr ansfe r O rd ered Removed O rd ered Removed O rd ered Removed Tran sfe r Tr ansfe r Age Rede te rm ination Local Law Enforcement O rd ered Removed Tr ansfe r Tr ansfe r Transfe r Age Rede t e rm inatl on Age Out Marsha l' s Sef\lice Tr ansfe r Transfer Tr ansf er Tr ansf er Ordered Removed Tr ansfe r Age O ut Tr ansfe r Tr ansfe r Age Out Tr ansfe r Tr ansfe r Tr ansfe r Tr ansfe r Local Law Enforceme nt Transfer O rd ered Removed O th er Transfer Transfer Tran sfe r O rd ered Removed Tran sfer Age Out Transfer Tr ansfe r O rdere d Removed Age Out Ordered Removed Tr ansfe r Age Out Tr ansfe r Ordered Removed Reun if ied (Ind ivid ua l Sponso r l Tr ansf er Trans f er Tr ansf er Age O ut Age O ut O rd ered Re mo ved r , ansfe r Tr ansfe r Tr ansfe r Tr ansfe r Tr ansfe r Tran sfer O rd ered Removed Tran sfe r Tr ansfe r Transfe r O th er Tr ansfe r Tr ansfe r Age Out Tr ansfe r O rde red Removed Vo luntary Departure Tr ansfe r Tr ansf er Tr ansfe r Other Tr ansfe r Tr ansfe r Tr ansfe r O rd ered Removed ,¾;e Out Tr ansfe r O rd ered Removed Transfe r Transfer Local Law Enforcement Tr ansfe r Transfer Transfe r Tran sfe r O rd ered Rem o ved Age O ut Transfer Tr ansfe r Age Out Age @adm ission LOS 115 44 28 198 112 77 35 94 89 20 100 131 106 36 40 41 42 42 47 68 64 179 149 8 36 70 40 40 47 42 40 10 34 37 32 87 18 44 49 27 18 26 26 51 18 95 38 136 42 142 131 64 40 53 17 113 73 35 40 27 32 34 136 41 93 34 S3 48 26 21 156 103 292 81 115 92 69 91 102 66 200 60 37 28 165 44 60 20 106 119 33 74 8 171 63 15 "~ PVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000002 14 17 17 17 17 IS 17 IS 17 14 17 1S 17 17 14 17 17 14 15 17 17 17 17 17 15 15 17 17 IS 17 17 17 17 16 17 16 17 17 17 15 16 17 16 17 16 15 14 17 17 16 17 17 16 15 17 17 16 17 17 17 17 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 14 17 15 14 14 16 17 17 17 17 16 17 17 16 17 16 16 17 16 16 17 17 17 17 000 El Sa lvado M 2000 Hondu ras M 000 000 000 001 Guatemat M Mex ico M Guatema l: M El S.alvado M 000 Els.alvado M 003 Guatemal. M 000 Hondura s M 001 Me>eico M F 002 M e>ei co 000 Guatemal. M 000 Hon dur as M 000 El Salvado M 002 Guatema1. M 003 El Salvado M 1999 El Salvado M 000 El Salvado M 002 El Salvado M 00 1 Guatemal. M 002 Honduras M 1999 Me>eiW M OCO Honduras M CXX) Guatema l. M 002 Mexico M 000 El 5.alvado M 000 El 5.alvado M 001 El 5.alvado M 000 El Salvado M 2000 Colomb ia M 000 Me>eico M 002 Hondu ras M 2000 El Salvado M 000 Egypt M 001 El Salvado M 1999 Nicaragua M 000 El S.alvado M 000 El Salvado M 001 Guatemal. M 000 El Salvado M 002 Ireland M 000 Guatemal; M 1999 Honduras M 000 Guatemal. M 003 Nicaragua F 00 1 Hondu ras M 000 Honduras M 00 1 Hondu ras M 000 Me>elco M 000 Guatema l. M 003 Mex ico M 000 Honduras M 000 Mex ico M 000 Honduras M CXX) Mex ico M 001 Gua t emal. M CXX) Honduras M 000 EI S-alvado M 001 El Salvado M 001 Hon duras M 000 Me>eico M 002 Hon duras M 000 Guatema l. M 002 Guatemal; M 000 Guatemal ; M 000 EI Sa lvado M 001 Hon dur as M 004 Guatemal. F 001 Guatema l; M 002 Honduras M 000 Hondu ras M 000 El Salvado M 000 Gua t emal. M 002 EI Sa lvado F 000 Et Salvado F 000 EI Salvado M OCX) Hondu ras M 001 Honduras M 001 El S.alvado M 001 Mex ico M 001 El 5.alvado M 000 Mex ico M 000 Honduras M 000 Mex ico M 000 Me>eico M 000 El Salvado M 2000 Honduras M 000 Honduras M 000 Honduras M 001 El Salvado M 000 M e>el co M 000 El Salvado M 003 El Salvado F 000 Hon dur as M 001 El Salvado M 001 Hondur as M 000 Honduras M 000 Me>eico M 2001 Hand uras M Afv1 11\../ 9/7/2017 9/14/2017 9/21/2017 9/23/2017 9/26/2017 9/26/2017 9/27/2017 9/27/2017 9/28/2017 9/28/2017 9/29/2017 9/29/2017 9/'JIJ/2017 10/12/2017 10/18/2017 10/19/2017 10/20/2017 10/2 1/2017 10/2 1/2017 10/21/2017 10/21/20 17 10/21/20 17 10/2 1/2017 10/23/2017 10/26/2017 10/27/2017 10/'JIJ/2017 10/31/2017 10/31/2017 11/1/2017 11/2/2017 11/ 2/2017 11/4/2 017 11/ 5/2017 11/ 7/2017 11/11/2017 11/11/2017 11/12/2017 11/13/2017 11/16/201 7 11/18/2017 11/21/2017 11/22/2017 11/24/2017 11/27/2017 11/28/2017 11/29/2017 ll /'JIJ/2017 12/ 1/2017 12/2/2017 12/6/2017 12/7/20 17 12/8/2017 12/12/2017 12/13/2017 12/14/2017 12/15/2017 12/18/2017 12/19/2017 12/20/2017 12/20/2017 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 12/27/2017 12/27/2 017 1/4/2018 1/5/2018 1/6/2018 1/6/2018 1/6/2018 1/10/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 1/ 19/2018 1/ 19/20 18 1/ 19/2018 1/20/2018 1/23/20 18 1/2 5/2018 1/26/2018 1/26/2018 1/27/2018 1/27/2018 1/'JIJ/2018 1/'JIJ/2018 2/1/2018 2/5/2018 2/7/2018 2/8/2018 2/8/2018 2/10/2018 2/10/2018 2/10/2018 2/12/2018 2/13/2018 2/15/2 018 2/16/2018 2/16/2018 2/ 18/2018 2/20/2 018 10/3/2017 S/15/2018 12/13/2017 11/30/201 7 Shenandoah Shenandoah Yolo County Stienandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Val ley Juven il e Center Juvenile Det enti on Val ley Juven il e Center Secu re Secure Secure Secure 12/1S/2017 Shenandoah Valley Juven ile Center Secure 11/30/2017 Shenandoah Valley Juven ile Center Secure 11/16/2017 Yolo County Juven ile Detent ion Secure 12/ 6/2017 Yolo County Juven i le Detent ion Secure 12/12/2017 Shenandoah Valley Juven ile Center Secure 5/ 17/2018 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Detent ion Secure 11/6/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juvenile Cenler Secure 11/2/2017 Yolo County Juven i le Detent ion Secure S/17/2018 Shenandoah Valley Juven il e Center Secure 11/30/2 017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 3/13/2018 Yolo County Juvenil e Det enti on Secure 12/ 1S/2017 Yolo County Juven i le Deten tion Secure 11/21/2017 Yolo County Juven i le Detention Secure 4/17/2 018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure: 12/21/20 17 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Detention Secure 11/27/2017 Yolo County Juven i le Detention Secure 12/12/20 17 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 12/12/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 12/20/20 17 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 1/23/20 18 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 11/14/2017 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Deten t ion Secure 3/30/2018 Yolo County Juven i le Det enti on Secure 1/22/2018 Shenandoah Valley Juven il e Center Secure 1/5/2018 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Deten ti on Secure 12/1/2017 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Detent ion Secure 3/28/2018 Nova Secu re 12/21/2017 Nova Secure 12/14/2017 Nova Secure 1/17/2 018 Nova Secure 1/2 4/2018 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Detention Secure 8/28/2018 Nova Secure 4/23/2018 Nova Secure 12/ 19/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 7/ 19/2 018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 11/2S/2017 Yolo County Juvenile Deten tion Secure 12/7/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Celller Secure 1/S/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 2/15/2018 Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Cenler Secure 11/30/2017 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cen1er Secure 3/1S/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 1/2/20 18 Yolo County Juven i le De tention Secure 12/2/20 17 Yolo Coun t y Juveni le Detention Secure 3/1/20 18 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 2/22/20 18 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 1/20/2 019 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure S/8/20 18 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 1/17/20 18 Yolo County Juven i le Detcmtlon Secure Secure 7/29/2018 Nova 1/4/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 3/2/2018 Yolo County Juven i le Deten ti on Secure 5/7/2018 Yolo Coun t y Juveni le Deten ti on Secu re 3/1/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 3/20/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure Secure 4/9/2018 Nova 7/27/2018 Nova Secure S/ 8/2018 Nova Secure 4/S/2018 Yolo County Juven i le Detent ion Secure 7/23/2018 Nova Secure 6/7/2018 Nova Secure 3/20/2018 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Detention Secure 3/12/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 5/16/2018 Nova Secure 4/13/2018 Shenandoah val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 1/20/2018 Yolo County Juven i le De tention Secure 3/2/2018 Nova Secure l0/ 1S/2018 Yolo County Juven i le De tention Secure 12/18/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 3/30/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 4/9/2018 Yolo County Juveni le Det ent ion Secure 4/12/20 18 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Detention Secure 3/24/2018 Yolo County Juvenile Detent ion Secure Secure 4/22/20 18 Nova 7/24/20 18 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 3/22/20 18 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 7/9/20 18 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 5/26/20 18 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Secure 4/10/2018 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Detent ion Secure 3/12/2018 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Deten ti on Secure 4/5/2018 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Detent ion Secure 6/19/2018 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Deten ti on Secure 2/7/2018 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Deten ti on Secure 3/9/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven ile Center Secu re S/24/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 5/17/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 3/15/2018 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Detention Secure 3/13/2018 Yolo Coun t y Juven i le Detent ion Secure 3/26/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 3/30/2018 Shenandoah Valley Juven il e Center Secure 6/8/2018 Yolo County Juven i le Detent ion Secure 2/14/2018 Yolo County Juven i le Detention Secure 2/14/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Secure 3/1/2018 Nova Secure S/4/20 18 Shenan doah Val ley Juven il e Cen1er Secure 8/17/2018 Yolo County Juven i le De tention Secure 7/12/2018 Yolo County Juven i le De tention Secure S/3/2018 Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Secure 3/26/20 18 Yolo County Juvenile Detention Secure 4/27/20 18 Yolo County Juven i le Detention Secure Age Out Age Out Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfe r Transfe r Local Law Enforcement Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Voluntar y Departure Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfe r Transfer Age Out Tr ansfer Transfer Reuni fie d (lnd ivldllla l Sponso r ) Transfer Orde red Removed Age Out Age Out Transfer Reun if ied (Indiv id ual Spon~or) Age Out Other Other Age Out Orde red Removed Transfer Age Out Vo luntary Departure Orde red Remo ved Age Out Transfe r Reuni fie d (Prog ram/Faci lity) Transfer Reuni fie d (lnd ivid uial Sponsorl Orde red Re moved Transfer Age Out Age Out Transfe r Age Out Transfer Transfer Age Out Age Out Voluntary Depar t ure Tr ansfer Age Out Age Out Tr ansf er Transfer Transfe r Transfer Orde red Removed Transfe r Orde red Removed Transfer Reun if ied (Ind ivi dua l Sponsor) Tr ansfe r Age Out Age Out Vol unt ary Oepar1ure Transfer Transfer Orde red Removed Transfer Reuni fie d (Ind ividua l Sponsor) Age Out Transfer Age Out Age Out Age Out Vo luntary Depar t ure Transfer Ordered Removed Transfer Local Law Enfort ement Age Out Tr ansfe r Orde red Removed Age Out Transfer Age Out Transfer Transfer Age Out Age Out Transfer Transfer Transfer Tran sfe r Ord ered Removed Age Out Tr ansfer 26 243 83 68 80 65 so 70 75 231 38 34 229 49 146 14 57 IS 17 17 32 178 61 37 52 52 60 92 49 154 84 66 31 147 49 42 74 80 294 163 38 249 12 21 48 86 8 111 36 4 92 84 415 157 42 234 27 80 145 77 95 112 220 139 106 214 167 15 17 16 16 17 16 16 16 17 17 16 17 17 16 17 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 14 16 17 17 16 14 15 16 IS 17 17 14 17 17 lS 16 17 14 17 17 16 17 17 16 17 16 17 16 15 17 17 14 17 56 lS 282 17 17 88 76 140 107 346 83 17 89 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 85 64 93 186 62 170 123 75 45 69 143 11 38 114 105 15 17 16 16 17 17 lS 38 34 46 17 17 16 16 so 13 118 17 4 16 17 17 16 80 16 17 183 146 76 36 66 I 'II PVERSIGHT 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 16 17 HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000003 17 lS 17 17 M M 002 Honduras M 001 Hondu ras M 2002 001 003 000 G\Jatema l, M Guatema t M EI Sa lvado F El Salvado M 001 El S.alvado M 001 Guatema l, M 001 El Salvado M 000 El Salvado M 001 El 5a lvado M 000 El Salvado M 000 Hondura s M 001 Ho ndur as M 002 Me,cic:o M 00 1 Me,cico M 002 Guatema l, M 000 Hondu ras M 000 Mexico M CXX) Honduras M 00 1 EI Sa lvado M 000 Mex ico M 000 Me,cie,o M 002 Honduras M 000 China M 000 El S.alvado M 001 GtJatemal. M 001 Honduras M 000 Hondu ras M 000 Honduras M 2004 Honduras M 000 Honduras M 000 El S.alvado M 2001 Hondu ras M 004 Honduras M 000 Guatema l. M 001 Ho ndur as M 001 Me,cic:o M 000 Hondur as M 001 Guatema l. M 001 Hondu ras M 000 001 000 000 002 Hondura s M Hondur as M Honduras M Et Salvado M Honduras M OCX) Hondu ras M 001 Guatema l, M 000 Guatema l. M 00 1 El Salvado M 002 Me,cico M 000 Mex ico M 001 Guatemal. M 002 Guatema l. M 001 El S.alvado F 003 El S-alvado M 001 Honduras M 001 Guatema l. M 001 Honduras M 001 El S-alvado M 000 Ho nduras M 002 Guatema l, M 000 Guatema l. M 000 Honduras M 001 GtJatemal; M 001 El Salvad o M 001 001 002 001 000 00 1 000 001 004 000 002 002 001 000 001 Guatema l. M Et Salvado M Ho ndura s M GtJatemal; M El Salvado M Hondu ras M Honduras M El Salvado M Hondu ras M Mex ico M Guatema l. M Hondu ras M GtJatemal. M Guatemal. M Lebanon M CXX) Honduras M 000 Guatema l. M 001 Honduras M 001 Honduras M 003 Ho nduras M M 002 Me,cico Me,cico M 000 Honduras M 001 Me,cico M 001 Mex ico M 002 El s.alvado M 001 Ho ndu ras M 001 Hondu ras M 002 Hondura s M 002 Me,cic:o M 001 El Salvad o M 002 Ho ndur as M 000 Mex ico M 002 Honduras M Afv,L I'-/ 2/21/2018 l/22/2018 l/24/2018 l/24/2018 l/27/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 3/2/2018 3/3/2018 3/5/2018 3/5/2018 3/12/2018 3/15/2018 3/15/2018 3/16/20 18 3/24/2018 3/27/2018 3/29/20 18 3/30/20 18 4/5/2018 4/7/20 18 4/9/20 18 4/10/2018 4/10/2018 4/11/2018 4/12/2018 4/12/2018 4/14/2018 4/15/2018 4/16/2018 4/18/2018 4/18/2018 4/19/2018 4/20/2018 4/21/2018 4/21/2018 4/25/2018 4/25/2018 4/ 25/2018 4/28/2018 4/ 29/2018 5/1/2018 5/3/2018 5/4/2018 5/5/2018 5/10/2018 S/ 11/20 18 5/ 11/2018 5/ 16/20 18 5/ 16/2018 5/ 17/2018 5/17/2018 5/19/2018 5/21/2018 5/22/2018 5/24/2018 S/26/2018 5/31/2018 4/7/2018 6/25/2018 3/1/2:018 5/2 4/2018 9/2/2018 5/1/2018 10/30/2018 Shenandoah Valley Juven ile Center 4/27/2018 Yolo County Juven i le Detent ion 4/30/2018 Shenandoah Valley Juven ile Center 5/8/2018 10/29/2018 4/6/20 18 7/2/2018 S/18/2018 S/31/2018 4/2S/2018 S/23/2018 10/11/20 18 7/5/2018 6/27/20 18 5/25/2018 4/15/2018 6/6/2018 6/21/20 18 5/18/2018 5/22/2018 5/30/2018 5/23/2018 7/24/2018 7/2/2018 6/13/2018 6/6/2018 5/2 4/2018 6/27/2018 5/17/2018 6/ 19/2018 7/26/2018 7/2 4/2018 8/ll2018 6/7/2018 S/26/2018 7/2S/2018 10/24/20 18 12/S/2018 6/S/20 18 5/22/20 18 7/5/20 18 6/27/20 18 8/21/20 18 6/26/20 18 6/26/20 18 9/9/2018 6/6/2018 6/12/2018 6/13/2018 6/14/2018 7/27/2018 6/14/2018 6/16/2018 7/30/2018 7/2S/2018 9/13/2018 10/30/2018 7/31/2018 9/20/2018 8/21/2018 8/28/2018 8/28/20 18 9/2/2018 9/13/20 18 9/6/20 18 9/6/20 18 8/28/20 18 8/22/20 18 10/20/2018 10/9/2018 8/29/2018 9/27/2018 11/7/2018 6/19/2018 6/ 20/2018 6/23/2018 6/23/2018 6/26/2018 7/6/2018 7/11/2018 7/13/2018 7/ 19/2018 7/20/20 18 7/21/2018 7/21/2018 7/ 25/20 18 7/27/2018 7/27/2018 7/28/2018 7/YJ/2018 7/31/2018 8/1/2018 8/2/2018 8/3/2018 8/3/2018 8/4/2018 8/16/2018 8/23/2018 8/24/2018 8/26/2018 8/26/2018 8/28/2018 8/30/2018 8/30/2018 8/30/2018 8/31/2018 9/2/2018 9/l/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juven i le Detention Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cen1er Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Yolo County Juven i le Detention Shenandoah Valley Juven il e Cen1er Yolo County Juven i le Detention Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juv€!nile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Val lev Juven il e Cen te r Shenandoah Val lev Juven il e Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo CotJnty Juven i le Detention Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Shenandoah Vaflev Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juven i le Det enti on Yolo County Juven i le Det ent ion Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Shenandoah Valtev Juven il e Cente r Shenandoah Val lev Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juven i le Det enti on Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Yolo County Juven i le Detent ion Yolo County Juven i le Detention Nova Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Nova Nova Nova Nova Yolo Cour,ty Juven i le Detention Yolo County Juven i le Detention Yolo County Juven i le Detention Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Yol o County Juven i le Detention Yolo CotJnty Juven i le Detention Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juven i le Detention Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Shenandoah Val lev Juven il e Cente r Shenandoah Val lev Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juven i le Detent ion 8/9/2018 Nova 8/8/2018 Nova 6/27/2018 7/6/2018 6/25/2018 10/29/2018 7/19/2018 8/29/2018 11/ 1/2018 8/8/2018 10/9/2018 8/1/2018 6/1/2018 6/5/2018 Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Yolo County Juven i le Detent ion Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center 10/9/2018 9/20/2018 U./ 19/2018 10/23/2018 11/ 11/2018 9/27/2018 10/18/2018 12/26/2018 10/4/2018 10/29/2018 2/S/2019 9/20/2018 12/20/2018 11/9/2018 10/23/20 18 11/30/20 18 Yolo County Juven i le Deten ti on Yolo County Juven i le Deten t ion Shenandoah Val lev Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juven i le Det ent ion Yolo County Juven i le Deten ti on Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Shenandoah Valley Juven il e Center Nova Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juven i le Detention Nova Nova Yol o County Juvenile Detention Vol o County Juven i le Detention Yolo County Juven i le Detention Yolo County Juven i le Detention Yolo County Juven i le Detention Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juven i le Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detent ion Shenandoah Val lev Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juvenile Det ention Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juven i le Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juven i le Detent ion Yolo County Juven i le Deten ti on Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Shenandoah Val lev Juven il e Cente r Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juven i le Deten ti on Shenandoah Vaflev Juven il e Cente r Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Center Yolo County Juven i le Detent ion Shenandoah Val lev Juven il e Center Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Yol o Count y Juven i le Detention Yolo County Juven i le Detention Shenan doah Val lev Juven il e Certte r Yol o County Juven i le De tention Vol o County Juven i le Detention Yolo County Juven i le Det ention Shenandoah Val ley Juven il e Cente r Yolo County Juven i le Detention Secu re Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure: Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Se cure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Tran~er Orde red Removed Age Out Transfer Reunif ied (lnd ivld U1a l Sponsor ) Transfe r Ord ered Removed Age Out Tr ansfer Transfer Transfer Age Out Tr ansfer Tran sfer Tran sfer Tran sfer Tr ansfer Reunified (Ind ividua l Sponsorj Reuni fi ed (Ind ividua l Sponsor) Tr ansfer Age Out Age Out Tr ansfer Age Out Tr ansf er Transf er Transfer Age Out Voluntary Depar ture Transfer Trans fer Age Out Transfer Transfer Other Transfer Reunif ied (Ind ividua l Sponsor l Age Out Tran sfer Tr ansfer Age Out Transfer Reuni fi ed (Ind ivid ua l Sponsorl Age Out Volunta ry Departure Age Out Age Out Tr ansfer Tr ansfer Tr ansfer Transfer Reuni fi ed (Ind ividua l Sponsor) Transfer Age Out Transfer Trans fer Ordered Removed Transfer Reunifi ed (lnd ividllla l Sponsor! Transfe r Voluntary Departure Reunified (lnd ividua t Sponso r} Voluntarv Depart ure Transfer Transfer Orde red Removed Tr ansfer Tran sfer Tran sfer Tran sfer Tr ansfer Tr ansfer Age Out Transfer Age Out Tr ansfer Tr ansfer Transfe r Tr ansfer Tr ansfer Reunif ied (Ind ividua l Sponsor } Age Out Transfer Age Out Age Out 45 123 5 89 187 17 16 17 17 17 61 17 17 16 16 243 57 59 66 238 32 112 64 77 40 60 198 98 89 50 8 58 72 38 Local Law Enforcement Reuni fi ed (lnd M du al Spo nsor) Tran sfer Age Out Tr ansfer 17 17 16 14 14 16 17 16 17 17 17 17 16 78 17 17 17 58 49 36 69 27 59 96 90 99 43 28 87 176 216 32 17 56 47 102 41 41 115 84 81 36 45 32 156 49 89 149 63 119 49 43 46 39 86 132 38 89 56 S3 48 51 56 48 47 37 28 85 74 32 59 99 68 48 138 80 87 35 55 122 39 62 159 21 112 70 51 89 I 'II PVERSIGHT IS 41 48 41 101 223 Voluntary Depar ture Transfer Transfer Tran sfer Age Out Transf er Tran sfer Transf er Tr ansfer Tr ansfer Tran sfer 17 17 17 HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000004 17 17 15 15 17 17 14 16 16 17 14 15 17 16 17 17 16 13 17 16 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 13 16 16 16 17 16 16 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 17 17 14 16 17 17 15 17 16 17 16 16 17 17 17 16 16 17 17 15 16 16 17 15 16 15 17 17 17 17 16 17 (b)(6 b)( ) 3) 001 000 002 000 001 001 001 001 003 001 003 002 001 001 001 001 000 001 CXX> 001 001 001 001 002 001 002 001 002 002 001 001 002 002 001 001 001 004 001 002 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 002 001 001 001 001 003 001 OOS 001 002 003 002 002 001 Guatemal, M Honduras M Honduras M Honduras M Honduras M Guatemat M Honduras M Jamaica M El S.alvado M Honduras M Honduras M Honduras M Honduras M Guatemal: M Honduras M M Me,dco Guatemal, M Honduras M M India Mexico M Honduras M Mexico M EI Salvado F Honduras M Mexico M Mexico M El S-alvado M Honduras M Honduras M Honduras M Honduras M Honduras M Honduras M Me)(iCO M Honduras F M Me)(iCO Guatemat M Honduras M Guatemal, M Guatemal, M El Salvado M Honduras M Honduras M Guatemal; M Me)(iCO M Honduras M Honduras M Mmtlco M El Salvado M Honduras M Honduras M El Salvado M El Salvado M Brazil M Honduras M Mexico M Guatemal. M Mexico M Honduras M Guatemal. F Honduras M Honduras M Honduras M 9/7/2018 9/8/2018 9/12/2018 9/26/2018 9/27/2018 9/28/2018 10/1/2018 10/5/2018 10/6/2018 10/9/2018 10/10/2018 10/10/2018 10/13/2018 10/17/2018 10/17/2018 10/28/2018 10/31/2018 11/3/2018 11/8/2018 11/9/2018 11/13/2018 11/13/2018 11/17/2018 11/18/2018 11/19/2018 11/20/2018 11/21/2018 11/24/2018 11/26/2018 11/26/2018 11/26/2018 11/28/2018 11/30/2018 12/4/2018 12/19/2018 12/20/2018 12/21/2018 12/21/2018 12/22/2018 12/26/2018 12/29/2018 1/4/2019 1/5/2019 1/11/2019 1/11/2019 1/11/2019 1/17/2019 1/24/2019 1/24/2019 1/25/2019 1/28/2019 2/2/2019 2/8/2019 2/8/2019 2/9/2019 2/11/2019 2/15/2019 2/18/2019 2/21/2019 2/27/2019 3/1/2019 3/2/2019 3/8/2019 10/23/2018 10/29/2018 11/28/2018 11/29/2018 11/5/2018 11/15/2018 3/4/2019 11/5/2018 12/S/2018 2/25/2019 1/2/2019 12/26/2018 12/3/2018 10/20/2018 1/3/2019 12/28/2018 12/7/2018 2/6/2019 12/14/2018 2/14/2019 2/14/2019 12/26/2018 1/9/2019 12/17/2018 1/14/2019 1/29/2019 1/28/2019 2/26/2019 1/14/2019 1/17/2019 2/20/2019 12/18/2018 ]./7/2019 1/11/2019 1/18/2019 2/27/2019 1/31/2019 3/8/2019 2/5/2019 2/8/2019 2/lS/2019 3/6/2019 3/11/2019 2./27/2019 2/5/2019 3/S/2019 3/7/2019 3/4/2019 Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Cen1er Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Cen1er Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo Cour,ty Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Detention Yolo County Juvenile Oetentlon Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center Yolo County Juvenile Detention Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure: Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Secure Tran�er Transfer Transfer Reunified (Individual Sponsor) Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Reunified (Individual Sponsor) Transfer Transfer Age Out Transfer Reunified (Individual Sponsor) Age Out Age Out Reunified (Program/Facilltv) Transfer Ranaway from Facility Transfer Transfer Voluntary Departure Transfer Transfer Reunified (Individual Sponsor) Reunified (lndividlllal Sponsor} Transfer Ordered Removed Transfer Ordered Removed Transfer Age Out Reunified (Individual Sponsor! Transfer Reunified (Individual Sponsorl Transfer Transfer Transfer Reunified (Individual Sponsor) Transfer Transfer Transfer Age Out Age Out Ordered Removed Transfer 46 51 77 64 39 48 154 31 60 139 84 77 SI 3 78 61 37 95 36 97 93 43 53 29 56 70 68 94 49 52 86 20 69 38 30 69 41 81 76 41 41 42 60 59 47 25 47 42 39 46 43 38 32 32 31 29 25 22 19 13 11 10 4 AMFRICAN PVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000005 17 17 17 15 17 17 16 16 15 17 14 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 17 17 15 16 16 17 15 16 17 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 16 14 17 17 15 17 17 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 17 16 15 16 17 CHIIffREN ~FAMILIES Office of Refugee Resettlement www I 330 C Street. SW .. Washington, DC 20201 The UAC Manual of Procedures (UAC MAP} For ORR Staft Contractors, and Grantees Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities Office of Refugee Resettlement Office of the Director The Division of Policy and Procedures 2018 (Version 2) AMlfHCAI\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000006 Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities Table of Contents Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities ..................................................................... 2 1.1 Summary of Procedures for Placement and Transfer of UAC............................................... 5 1.2 ORRStandards for Placement and Transfer .......................................................................... 8 1.2.1 Placement Considerations .............................................................................................. 8 1.2.2 Children with Special Needs ........................................................................................... 8 1.2.3 Safety Issues ................................................................................................................... 8 1.2.4 Secure and Staff Secure Care Provider Facilities ............................................................ 8 1.2.5 UAC Who Pose a Risk of Escape ..................................................................................... 9 1.2.6 Long Term Foster Care .............................................. ..................................................... 9 1.2.7 Placing Family Members ................................................................................................. 9 1.3 Referrals to ORR and Initial Placements ............................................................................... 9 1.3.1 Requests for Information from Referring Federal Agency ........................................... 11 1.3.2 ORR Designates Placement .......................................................................................... 12 1.3.3 Care Provider Accepts Placement ................................................................................ 16 1.3.4 UAC Transferred to ORR Custody ................................................................................. 17 1.3.5 Initia l Placements in the Event of an Emergency or Influx ........................................... 22 1.4 Transfers within the ORR Care Provider Network .............................................................. 22 1.4.1 Least Restrictive Setting ............................................................................................... 33 1.4.2 30 Day Restrictive Placement Case Review .................................................................. 33 1.4.3 Long Term Foster Care ................................................................................................. 38 1.4.4 Transfer to Long Term Foster Care ............................................................................... 39 1.4.5 Group Transfers ............................ ........................ ................. ........................ ............... 40 1.4.6 Transfer to a Residential Treatment Center (RTC)....................................................... 42 AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000007 1.4.7 Requesting Reconsideration of a Secure or RTCPlacement Designation .................... 45 1.5 Placement Inquir ies ......................................................................................................... 45 1.5.1 ORR Nationa l Call Center ........................................................................... ................... 45 1.6 Determining the Age of an Individual without Lawful Imm igrat ion Status ........................ 46 1.6.1 UAC in HHS Custody ..................................................................................................... 47 1.6.2 Instructions ................................................................................................................... 47 1.7 Placement and Operations during an Influx ....................................................................... 49 1.7.1 Activation of HPCs ........................................................................................................ 51 1.7.2 Placement into HPCs.................................................................................................... 51 1.7.3 Placement into Influx Care Facilities ............................................................................ 52 1.7.4 Admission and Orientation for HPCsand Influx Care Facilities .................................... 58 1.7.5 Medical Services ........................................................................................................... 59 1.7.6 HPCand Influx Care Facility Services ............................................................................ 59 1.7.7 Transportation during Influx ......................................................................................... 60 1.7 .8 Federal Staffing Plan .......................................................................................... ........... 60 Appendix 1.1 "Add New UAC" Screen Shot .............................................................................. 61 Appendix 1.2 Intakes Placement Checklist .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined . Appendix 1.3 Notice of Placement in Restrictive Setting ......................................................... 66 Appendix 1.4 Medical Checklist for Transfers ........................................................................... 68 Appendix 1.5 Screen Shot of the Transfer Request and Tracking Form ................................... 69 Appendix 1.6 Template for Summary Notes: 30 Day Restrict ive Placement Case Review ...... 71 Appendix 1.7 Long Term Foster Care Placement Memo .......................................................... 72 Appendix 1.8 Request for Reconsideration of Placement ........................................................ 73 Appendix 1.9 Care Provider Checklist for Transfers to Influx Care Facilities ............................ 74 Appendix 1.10 Medical Checklist for Influx Transfers ............................................................... 76 UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 3I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000008 Look for these icons for quick cues on what is required for a specific procedure or a reference to a particular policy in the UAC Policy Guide. W UAC Policy Guide (ORR Guide to Children Entering the United States Unaccompan ied) ~Email e:t)Mail @ Tasks associated with a deadline II Form or other template '-t UAC Portal • Phone call UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 41 Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000009 1.1 Summary of Procedures fo r Placement and Transfer of UAC OVERVIEW See Section 1.3 for detailed procedures regarding initia l placement within the ORR care provider network. ORR has additional procedures to place or transfer UAC in the event of an emergency or influx to make safe and suitab le placements exped itious ly. ORR makes all initial placement decisions. The U.S Department of Home land Security (OHS)or other federa l agencies, such as the U.S. Ma rshals Service or the FBI, refers apprehended minors who are UAC to ORR 7 days a wee k, 24 hours a day. The ORR Intakes team receives referra ls of UAC and designates init ial placements for UAC within the ORR care provider network based on bed capacity and other considerations. Afte r ORR Intakes notifies the designated care provider and the referring agency of a UAC's placement, the referr ing agency physically transports the UACto the designated care prov ider, and the care provider adm its the UAC into the program. See Fig . 1.1 . Fig. 1.1 Federal Agency Referral and ORR Placement of UAC Step 1 Referral i-. Step 2 Placement Designation f-+ Step 3 Notifications 4 Step 4 f---+ Step 5 UAC UAC Transported Admitted After placement, UAC may be transferred to another facility w ith in the care prov ider network. See Section 1.4 for deta iled procedures on t ransfers wit hin t he ORR care prov ider network. Care providers identify UAC in need of tra nsfer and elevate to case coordinators and other staff who wil l elevate the case as needed in order to identify placement options. The receiving care UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facil it ies SI Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000010 provider accepts placement. Sending and receiving care providers arrange logistics and transportation and provide notifications. The receiving care provider admits the UAC into their program. ORRapproves all transfers within the care provider network. See Fig. 1.2. Fig. 1.2 Transfers within the Care Provider Network UAC identified in need of transfer. Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 f------7Transfer Request File Case coordinators ~ created. identify placement options. i Step4 Care provider accepts placement. \I Step 5 FFSapproves transfer request. Step 6 Sending and receiving care provider programs arrange logistics, update records, and notify stakeholders. + Step 7 UAC arrives at receiving care provider. Care provider admits UAC to program, updates records, and notifies stakeholders. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities GI Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000011 Key Players Care Provider Program Responsibilities Depending on the procedures, the care provider staff include staff who accept UAC placements; case managers, who coordinate services, clinicians, and medical coordinators who oversee medical services and assessments of UAC. ORR Staff The major players for initial placement and transfer include the ORR Intakes staff, the first ORR point of contact for the federal agency referring UAC, and Federal Field Specialists (FFS)and FFSsupervisors who oversee placement and transfer. Government contractors who provide independent third party recommendations and child welfare technical assistance to programs. Case Coordinators Related Forms/Instruments UAC Initial Placement Referral Form Used By Intakes; DHS Intakes Placement Checklist Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting Intakes, FFS Case Manager; Clinician ; Case Coordinator; FFS Case Manager, Case Coordinator, FFS Case Manager Medical Coordinator, Medical Staff Case Coordinator, Care Provider Case Manager Transfer Request Transfer Request and Tracking Form Medical Checklist for Transfers Long Term Foster Care Placement Memo Care Provider Checklist for Transfers to Influx Care Facilities Medical Checklist for Influx Transfers Medical Coordinator, Medical Staff See Section 3 for Details About the Following Forms Mentioned in this Section: Notice to ICE Chief Counsel Change Address/Change Case Manager of Venue Care Provider Program UAC Assessment UAC Case Review Case Manager Individual Service Plan Case Manager Alien's Change of Address Form/Immigration Court Case Manager {EOIR-33/IC} Care Provider Family Reunification Checklist Case Manager ORR expects care providers and ORR staff and contractors to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) when communicating information about sponsors and UAC. This includes password protecting documents and limiting PII in emails, including the body of the email. Best practices for protecting PII are provided throughout the section and include sample email templates. Documents that are uploaded in the UAC Portal do not need password protection. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 71 Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000012 1.2 ORRStandardsfor Placement and Transfer III See Section 1.2 of UAC Policy Guide {ORRGuide to Children Enter ing the United States Unaccompan ied) {UAC Policy Guide). 1.2.1 Placement Considerations III See Section 1.2.1 of the UAC Policy Guide. 1.2.2 Children with Special Needs III See Section 1.2.2 of the UAC Policy Guide. 1.2.3 Safety Issues III See Section 1.2.3 of the UAC Policy Guide. 1.2.4 Secure and Staff Secure Care Provider Facilities PROCEDURES Not ice of Placement in a Restrictive Sett ing {Secure, Staff Secure and non-Treat ment Authorization Request {TAR) Residential Treatment Cente r {RTC) faci lit ies) With in the 48 hours of initial placement of a UAC into a secure, st aff secure, or non-TAR RTC setting {as discussed in Section 1.4.6), the case manager not ifies the UAC in a language he or she understands during the explanation of their placement in a restrictive setting: • That t he UAC has an opportunity to request a Flores bond hearing {see 2.9). UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provide r Facilit ies SI Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000013 • Provides the Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting. The care provider marks the appropriate box(es) noting the reason for the placement, provides a summary of the placement decision based on the evidence provided to the care provider by ORR . • The UAC signs and dates the form . (If the UAC refuses to sign the form the care provider notes "UAC refused to sign" on the signature page of the document) . The care provider scans and uploads the Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting into the UAC Portal. A copy of the Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting is maintained in the UAC's case fi le, and another copy is provided to the UAC to keep with their personal belongings. • Reviews the UAC's placement within 30 days and at least every 30 days thereafter. • If the UACis in a secure facility or RTC,informs the UAC that they can request the ORR Director to reconsider their placement if after the 30 day case review they are not stepped-down. (See section 1.4.7.) (o~lJJ 1.2.5 UAC Who Pose a Risk of Escape lJJ See Section 1.2.5 of the UAC Policy Guide. 1.2.6 Long Term Foster Care lJJ See Section 1.2.6 of the UAC Policy Guide. 1.2.7 Placing Family Members lJJ See Section 1.2.7 of the UAC Policy Guide. 1.3 Referrals to ORR and Initial Placements UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilit ies 9I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000014 OVERVIEW The tables below identify key participants in the Initia l Referral/Placement process and list key forms and instrument s completed during these steps. Appendices referred to in this section include forms or other templates referred to in the procedures, and are found at the end of this UACMAP section. Key Players Responsibilities OHS (or other federa l agency) ORR Intakes Team (ORR Intakes) Operating at key points of entry near borders and across the country; responsible for referring UAC to ORR. Specialists in ORR headquarters who receive and process all referral requests, locate and designate appropriate placement, and document all referrals and placement designations. ORR Intakes operates 24 hours per day, seven days a week. Responsible for addressing any concerns or issues that arise during referral and initial placements. FFSsupervisors are responsible for approving placement in special cases (such as secure placements). ORR Intakes may consult with DHUC if medical or mental health issues are involved in UAC placement considerations. Federal Field Specialists (FFS) ORR Division of Health of Unaccompanied Children (DHUC) Care Provider Programs ORR's network of grantees who care for UAC ref erred to ORR. Care provider programs must have a primary and secondary contact available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week who will respond to ORR Intakes team within one hour of ORR Intakes' request for UAC initial placement. Related Forms/In strume nts Used By The UAC Portal is the system of record for all UAC All parties referrals and initial placements. OHS referrals submitted via DHS's database provide OHS a direct data link which automatically generates a "Pending" record with completed fields into the UAC Portal. OHS; ORR Intake s The form UAC Initial Placement Referral Form matches the "Add New UAC" Intakes Section of the UAC Portal and is only used when OHSdoes not submit UAC information via the UAC Portal. In those cases, ORR Intakes types information from the referral directly into the Portal in the "Add New UAC" Intakes tab. PROCEDURES UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 10 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000015 1. DHS (or other federal agency) refers UAC through UAC Portal or Intakes Hotline ( or 202-401-5709). Referrals can take place 24/7. !El/It /-1:J 2. ORR Intakes creates record for a "Pending" UAC in the "Add New UAC" Intakes section of the UAC Portal (alternatively, auto-populated via DHSdatabase referral). See Fig. 1.3. -1:J Fig. 1.3 "Add New UAC" Tab on UAC Portal Help I t ogon ~ UAC Portal te > UAC P~nd.Jne> UAC Add/tdit r fl Scan:h ~ itk om,e l11forrnot.on FirstN•mit : Fl L L~ t Name: Mkldlc Ne~: Affum~r. DOB: Country of 8irth : ttu lth Concerns?: j lmmigr•tion SLlt.ll$ ot Refe1Tol: @ No Q ye,s =l "m=• •-=--- --"[ ~v) @ No O 'to!!: 5 Appendix 1.1 is a complete "Add New UAC" form in the UAC Portal. 1.3.1 Requests for Information from Referring Federal Agency PROCEDURES ORRIntakes documents and reviews UAC's biographical and apprehension information in the UAC Portal that has been submitted by DHS (or other federal agency). (If information is missing, ORR Intakes contacts DHS.) IEl/lt-1:J UAC'sbiographicaland apprehensioninformation includes: • Health related information including, but not limited to, if the UAC is pregnant or parenting and whether there are any known physical or mental health concerns. If there are significant health concerns (i.e., the UAC is not fit for travel), ORR requests that the referring federal agency medically clear UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities HI Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000016 the child before ORRwill designate placement. In its discretion, ORR may designate placement for UAC who are pending medical clearance. • Whether the child has any medication or prescription information, including how many days' supply of the medication will be provided with the child or youth when transferred into ORRcustody. • Biographical and biometric information, such as name, gender, alien number, date of birth, country of birth and nationality, date(s) of entry and apprehension, place of entry and apprehension, manner of entry, and the child's current location. • Any information concerning whether the child or youth is a victim of trafficking or other crimes. • Whether the UAC was apprehended with a sibling or other relative. • Identifying information and contact information for a parent, legal guardian, or other related adult providing care for the child or youth prior to apprehension, if known . • If the UAC was apprehended in transit to a final destination, what the f inal dest ination was and who the child or youth planned to meet or live with at that destination, if known. • Whether the UAC is an escape risk, and if so, the escape risk indicators. • If the UAC was previously in ORR custody and subsequently released to a sponsor and re-apprehended by DHSon suspicion of gang affiliation (but only on gang affiliation), a copy of the Immigration Judge's Saravia order finding DHS had sufficient evidence to justify the arrest. • Any information on a history of violence, juvenile or criminal background, or gang involvement known or suspected, risk of danger to self or others, state court proceedings, and probation. 1.3.2 ORR Designates Placement PROCEDURES 1. Within 3 hours if possible but no more than 24 hours, ORR Intakes uses placement considerat ions to ident ify a care prov ider. ORR Int akes attempts t o place th e UAC in a care prov ider faci lity as close as possible to the po int of apprehension wh ile conside ring the individua l needs of the UAC. ORR Int akes consults with FFS UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilit ies 12 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000017 supervisor and/or DHUC in special cases (such as a UAC with mental health or W Co med ical issues, UAC with crim inal or violent background). 2. ORRIntakes identifies available and appropr iate bed space at a care provider by reviewing the "Capacity Management" tab in the UAC Portal which automatically updates available beds by state, facility, and types of facil ities . See Fig. 1.4. ~ Fig. 1.4 Capacity Management Tab IINTMESI • ADMISSION Last 10 days Capacity Report ; Type CASEMGMT . ~I -T_ o•~•,--~l ---- lity N.ame I ~v J Fullded Capacity - Male fema~ I DISCHM6E Seltt.t State : IArl2oru Lv J Enroute ln·Trillm.fet ------------------- ToUI Male Fem.le Male II CAPACITYMGMT. (I Female In Care Male F~le I HfALlH Total Beds In Res.r-rve: Mil~ Fe:miile HSMDPRS -------- Tot~ I Beds Una'illailable Male Female I EVEN'5 Retondle Total Ve NOTE: Care provider MUST verify information in their facility on a daily basis by 9 a.m . so that the UAC Portal will generate an accurate report of the number of UAC in care, and number of open beds. See Fig. 1.5. ~ Co Fig. 1.5 Verification Tab for Care Providers 3. ORR Intakes uses the Intakes Placement Checklist If the UAC has: • A juvenile or adult criminal history , including invo lvement in human trafficking or smuggling. • Prior acts of vio lence or threats in government custody • Gang/cartel involvement UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 13 I P age AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000018 • Prior escape(s) or attempted escape(s) from government custody • Mental health concerns • Sexual predatory behavior lIIIJ] IJ]Appendix 1.2 is a copy of the UAC's Intakes Placement Checklist. 4. ORR Intakes inputs all available information on the UAC's criminal history or behavioral concerns into the Intakes Placement Checklist. IJ]""el 5. The on-call FFSsupervisor must approve all placements when Intakes uses the Intakes Placement Checklist to designate placement. The FFSsupervisor decides if the recommended care provider type associated with the Intakes Placement Checklist is a suitable placement for the UAC. Each placement is assessed on a case- by-case basis. [gl11' 6. Intakes emails the completed Intakes Placement Checklist to the Care Provider. [gl IJ]""el 7. After receiving the Intakes Placement Checklist the care provider scans and uploads the form into the UAC Portal after electronically admitting the UAC into the program. The care provider generates the Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting and 8. populates the UAC biographical information and the care provider facility information. The care provider: • Marks the appropriate box noting the reason for the placement • Provides a summary of the placement decision based on the evidence provided to the care provider by ORRand DHS (this will be a summary of the Intakes Placement Checklist and any informat ion DHSprovides with the initia l referral) • Prints out a copy of the form, which is provided to the UAC at admission into the facility. (For more information , see section 3.) UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 14 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000019 Fig. 1.6 is a snapshot of the Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting. See, section 1.2.4. !i'1l Translations of the Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting • The Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting is available in English and Spanish. At the UAC's option, the minor is provided a Spanish version of the form. However, any summary of their placement must be provided in English and Spanish if using the Spanish version of the form. • If the child speaks a language other than English or Spanish, the care prov ider facility utilizes a language line or other translator that translates the relevant English port ions of the form into the UAC's preferred language. This includes t ranslation of the form 's summary of placement section . Ii Appendix 1.3 is the Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting. Fig. 1.6 Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting .._______ __.,._.__ ..,.·.::---::.::::=r.=:.--::.;...-=:=t..:-. .... -=:;...-=:..-· ,_i..,._........ ._......,,~-....... b,oo,-~_,..---4'.--.I~ ~------~•""'9-•-- - -.-:.-··--.- .......... - 9. ORR Intakes provide s prior notification to care provider staff in these cases: UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 15 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000020 • Shelter Designation: If UAC has special health concerns in order to determine if the care provider is able to accept the designation • Transitional Foster Care: In all cases • RTC: In all cases • Staff Secure: In all cases • Secure Care: In all cases R /1:8:1@ 1.3.3 Care Provider Accepts Placement PROCEDURES 1. ORR Intakes contacts care provider on placement. 1:8:1 2. The care prov ider must accept placement unless UAC does not meet established facility specific criteria. W 1:8:1 3. ORR Intakes contacts OHSor other referring agency and provides the name and contact information of the designated care provider using the Placement Notification Summary email template below. 1:8:1 1:8:1 Email Template from ORR Intakes to OHS(or Other Referring Federal Agency) Contact Placement Notification Summary Email Template To: OHS(or other referring federal agency contact) CC: [insert Care Provider intakes contact] Subject line: "Placement Notification for UAC [include the UAC's last four digits of the "A" number]" Please see the attached password protected document for the UAC identified above. The password will be sent separately. Separate password protected document includes the following applicable fields: [Insert UAC name, A number; date of birth and country of origin] who was referred to ORR by [insert OHSsector or other referring federal agency] has been assigned to [insert designated care provider]. This individual has the following medical, mental health or other special concerns [insert ]. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 16 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000021 [Insert information if known about crim inal background] [Insert name of referring official] has flagged the following safety concerns: [insert]. NOTE: If Intakes Placement Checklist is used, include the following but DO NOT send this information to the DHS contact : CC: FFSSupervisor; FFS;CFS;PO; ORR Intakes Team Lead The fo llowing information based on the Intakes Placement Checklist may be relevant to this placement: [insert]. If a 30 Day Restrictive Placement Case Review is required for th is placement, indicate "30 Day Restrictive Placement Case Review Required" in the subject line and in the body of the email. 1.3 .4 UAC Transferred to ORR Custody PROCEDURES 1. ORR Intakes: • Requests that DHS or other referring federal agency contact the care provider to provide notice of travel arrangements , including expected arr ival date and time of the UAC at the care provider's location and the contact information for the transporting officials. • Assists care provider and referring agency with logistics. • Ensures the referring federal agency has correct contact information for care prov ider and is aware of any limitat ions or restrictions to the day/time UAC can be accepted by care provider . [gj 2. DHStransports UAC and personal belongings to receiving care provider facility at the day/time previous ly commun icated to receiving care provider facility . 3. The care provider contacts the ORR Intakes Hotline 202-401 -5709 immediately upon receiving a UAC with special concerns not reported in the referral and also sends ORR Intakes an email specify ing the issue. Co1t [gl 4. The care prov ider immediately admits the UAC to the program in the UAC Portal and offers the UAC the opportunity to contact their consulate. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities Co"'el 17 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000022 Quick Glance: How to Admit UAC to Program When a UAC arrives at a program, the user needs to log in to the UAC Portal and click on the Admission tab of their specific program (program name will appear in a drop-down menu) . If a user has access to only one program, then the user will default to that program in the Admission tab. Users w ith accessto mu ltiple programs must select the correct program in the Admissions section. UAC Portal To admit a UAC, the user must click on the Alien Number on the left-hand side of the screen . ..,._ I • OM ISS.ON Clicking on the "Alien No." opens up the Admission screen. Under Status, select "Admit ." If the UAC didn 't arrive at the program, the user should contact ORR Intakes to confirm the UAC's placement status. If appropriate, the user should select "Cancel." Users should not select the status "Pending" as that will put the UAC back into ORR Intakes and the care provider will not be able to access the file. The user should check the "UAC Basic Information" to confirm that it matches the DHS documentation . If the name, date of birth {DOB), country of birth , also known as ("AKA") , or gender do not match DHSdocumentation , the user must update the information to accurately reflect DHS records. The Alien Number should match the Alien Number in the DHS documentation. If it does not, the user must contact or rducs_intakes@acf.hhs .gov to request a change . {Include both the incorrect Alien Number and the correct Alien Number in the notice to appear {NTA).) UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 18 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000023 The user should answer "Yes" to the quest ion "By select ing Yes in t his field ...", and fill in t he Adm ission Date and Time, and then click Save. After saving the information, the UAC is adm itted to the program. How to update information after admissions Care prov ider staff may correct biograph ical informa ti on or the admission date/t ime after adm itting a UAC by going to the UAC's file in the case management section. 1) Click on "Go to Adm issions" link. 2) Change the informa ti on and 3) Click Save. CASlMCiT. DmLIIIIII ..... .... JI-OtW II AnMiTTlD AKA, '-lffl M LOS! 61J °"""'''°'' """' ~ Dsto: ~J(.ol•ltllJiil\ 5. Receiving care prov ider accept s UAC, his or her belongings, and supporting documenta tion tha t is prov ided by OHS. UAC supporting documentation includes: • OHSrecords (See Quick Glanceto OHSRecords). • Documents related to medical, mental health, and safety concerns available at time of apprehension (medica l clearance and medication s, criminal j uvenile record s, as applicable). NOTE: OHSdoes not release law enforcement documen t s but will provide ORR information about charges or convictions if known at time of refe rral o r placement . • UAC birth certi ficate. {OHS has not been releasing UAC birth cert ificat es confiscat ed at time of apprehen sion. As a result, care providers mu st request the birt h cert ificat e from the UAC's family or consulat e.) NOTE: Care providers must not conta ct consulates of a non-mandatory notification country 1 for birth certifica t es if 1) the UAC makes an asylum 1 At this time t he Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Hondu ras are not mandatory notification countr ies. Mexico is not a mandatory notification country, but the United States does have a bilateral agreement that confers sim ilar protocols for minors, therefore Mexican consu late officials will be given access to UAC under similar arrangements as a mandatory notification country. See also ORRGuide: 5.4.1 Notifications to Consulate s.III UAC MAP: Sect ion 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 19 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000024 claim and is from a non-mandatory notification country or 2) where the UAC has a fear of persecution by their home country's government. 6. The care provider requests missing information/documents from DHS or other sources as needed. If DHScannot provide medical/mental health/safety concerns documents , or criminal juvenile records, the care provider requests the documents from Customs and Border Patrol (DHS/CBP)and copies the assigned FFSwithin 1 business day of admitting the UAc. liliJ]@-1J Quick Glance: OHSRecords ORR is working with DHSto streamline the transfer of DHSand other records obtained or generated at point of apprehension of a UACto make sure these records are included in the UAC hard copy and electronic files . The OHSrecords may include: • DHS Form 1-862 Notice to Appear or other charging document • OHSForm 1-216 Record of Person or Property Transferred • OHSForm 1-213 Record of Deportable/lnadmissible Alien • CBP Form 93 Unaccompanied Alien Child Screening Addendum (trafficking information) • DHS Form 1-770 Notice of Rights and Request for Disposition • DHS Form 1-779Juvenile Medical Screening and other medical paperwork • DHS Form 1-217 Information for Travel Document or Passport • Other forms, if applicable, such as DHSForm 1-200Warrant of Arrest or DHS Form 1-286 Notice of Custody Determination Copies of any publicly available federal, state, or local criminal records in the possession of the apprehending DHScomponent at the time of transfer and appropriate available documentation describ ing any gang, immigration, criminal, or other activity that may affect placement. • 7. Within 48 hours, the care prov ider uploads all available documents to the UAC Portal under the case management tab, upload document section with a t itle that clearly identifies the type of document. A hard copy goes into the UAC case file. See Fig. 1.7. (r)-1) Fig. 1.7 CaseManagement Upload Document Section UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 20 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000025 - Assessments >I Add New >I Sµonso, > I Add New >I Add New >I Add New > I Add New >I Add New > I Add New Quick Glance: Using UAC Portal Blank Templates and Uploading Documents Each UAC's record in the UAC Portal includes assessments that care providers complete and update based on fillable templates in the UAC Portal, as well as other documents, notes, or other records that aren't in the database. Care providers must create, scan or upload these documents as electronic attachments to ensure UAC records are complete. (The same is true for records related to sponsor assessments.) Blank templates may be found under "Assessments" in the UAC Portal (Figure 1.7 and below). These include Initial Intakes Assessment, Assessment for Risk, UAC Assessment, Sponsor Information, ISP, UAC Case Review, and other categories highlighted below. As indicated in Step 7 above, most documents that are uploaded are added using the "add new" button on the UAC Documents tab located at the bottom of the Assessment list. ... tnit:t.aJ ln.ltkt.-1AlffU ment AJltnfflC:fll f·or-ftlw UACA u.e:u ment Sp on,oi lnfo.....ilon >IMdUACC_.., ~.,.. •IAdd- Hli!Oric•l 5111 Kbtoriul Meda l ll«ord ! duait•m UACl-Tc rm f<>stc,Ca,., fqy cf 11~""'1 UACOocumcnl(•J Care providers should not print out UAC Portal Assessments, scan them, and then upload the assessments into the UAC Document tab. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 21 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000026 Naming Convention for Uploaded Documents Care providers should use only letters or numbers when assigning a document name and should use_ instead of spaces between words. Do not use any other punctuation marks in the title of a document. The title of the document should follow this naming convention: [insert UAC A number] _ [Document type : birth certificate , DHS Form (include number).etc.] . Do NOTpassword protect any documents that are uploaded to the UAC Portal. These documents are housed in a secure environment and do not need encryption. 1.3.5 Initial Placements in the Event of an Emergency or Influx IJJ See Section 1.3.5 of the UAC Policy Guide. See also UAC MAP Section below 1.7 Placement and Operations during an Influx . 1.4 Transfers within the ORR Care Provider Network OVERVIEW Transfer of UAC between ORRcare prov iders is a complicated process requiring close coordination among case managers at both the sending and receiving care facilities, sending and receiving case coordinators, the sending medical coordinator (or other medical staff), FFS staff, and other stakeholders such as attorneys and child advocates as appropriate. Key Players Responsibilities Sending Case Manager Sending Case Coordinator Makes the initial recommendation for transfer based on regular assessments of UAC and prepares the Initial Transfer Request File. Reviews the Transfer Request File and consults with case manager and decides if a transfer to an alternate placement will better meet the UAC's individual needs. Identifies an appropriate alternative placement. Responsible for completing the Medical Checklistfor Transferswithin 3 days of identifying a UAC in need of transfer. Sending Medical Coordinator or Medical Team FFSStaff Reviews the Transfer Request File and approves or denies the request. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 22 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000027 ORR Division of Health for Unaccompanied Children (DHUC) Receiving Case Coordinator Receiving Case Manager ORR Project Officers (PO) Contract Field Specialist (CFS) Responsible for reviewing transfer requests if a child does not meet all the criteria for transfer as specified in the Medical Checklistfor Transfer. Reviews the Transfer Request File and notifies the receiving care provider. Notifies sending care provider of acceptance and contact information and accesses UAC records in UAC Portal. Notified when group transfers are due to program closings. ORRcontract staff who act as liaisons to provide technical assistance for transfers when needed. Related Form s/ Instrum ents The sending care provider uses the Transfer Request form in the UAC Portal to initiate t he transfer for review by case coordinators and FFS. UAC transferred to secure or staff secure receive the Notice of Placement in Secure or Staff Secure Care ProviderFacility. The medical coordinator completes the Medical Checklistfor Transfers and saves a hard copy and an electronic copy in the Health tab of the UAC Portal. The Transfer Request File, which is emailed among and used by all parties, at various stages, involved in UAC transfers (i.e., case coordinators, FFS, other stakeho lders). The file contains all supporting documentation related to the transfer (See the email template below). Case management records are described in ORR Policy Guide and UAC MAP Section 3: Services. NOTE: Not all supporting documents for the Transfer Request File are stored on the UAC Portal. This means that all parties are required to submit emails (along with updating the Transfer Request in the UAC Portal) to relevant parties at key stages. Transfer Request and TrackingForm, DischargeNotification Form, and Change of Address/Change of Venue (COA/COV}are three different forms used to inform immigration court and ICEchief counselor of a transfer and need for a change of venue. The LTFCcare provider sends ORRthe Long Term Foster Care Placement Memo to ensure continuity of services and tracking of records for a UAC following transfer. I I Appendix 1.4 is the -1EJ Appendix Medical Checklistfor Transfers. 1.5 is a screen shot of the Transfer Request and Trackingform. PROCEDURES UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 23 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000028 1. Sending case managers continuously assess UAC in their facilities' care to review whether their placements are appropriate . If a case manager recommends transferring a UAC, their assessments and any related documents (in addition to any new documentation created in Step 2 below) become part of the Transfer Request File. Wi] 2. If the sending case manager identifies a UAC whose placement is inappropriate under ORR Policy, he/she must perform the following steps within 3 business days : • Ensures that UAC will be medically cleared for transfer by requesting that sending medical coordinator or other medical staff completes the Medical Checklistfor Transfers. [ill Co If the child does not meet all the criteria for transfer (based on the medical checklist), the medical coordinator contacts the DHUC at DHUC responds to the case manager within 1 business day . If DHUC determines that the child is fit to travel despite not meeting all the criteria, DHUC will send an email to the case manager indicating that the child can travel. G:)18] NOTE: The UAC's transfer file of hard copy documents does not include the Medical Checklistfor Transfer because it is confidential information. i]l2!Co If DHUC determines that the child is not fit to travel, DHUC will contact the case manager explaining why the transfer has been denied and will specify a timeframe in wh ich the care provider staff should reevaluate the UAC. 18J(o • Generates the Transfer Request in the UAC Portal, located in the UAC Portal under the "Discharge" tab. See Fig. 1.8. The case manager clicks on "Add New" on the right-hand side of the screen to fill out the request. -leJ Fig. 1.8 Transfer Request in UAC Portal (A) UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 24 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000029 "\\.. rorro, ---~~~~-Alli !om o, .,..,. ; M CA$fMI GotoHeal t h 1 1 >( Go toS IR I >1 Go to l nu11 kfs j l>t GotoAdmission] l>I Goto CawMgt .1 Compiles the Transfer Request File, which contains attachments sent via email and is used by all parties involved (case coordinators, FFS,other programs) at various stages of transfer. The file contains all supporting documentation related to the transfer. (See the Quick Glance: Transfer Request File below.) • '-ti Emails the Transfer Request File to the sending case coordinator (See Email Template below). [8J Quick Glance:The Transfer Request File The Transfer Request File includes the following: • UAC Assessment • Updated UAC Case Review • Medical Checklist for Transfers Supporting Documentation • • • • • Case manager notes Intakes and admissions assessments Child trafficking screening results Clinical notes Psychological evaluation with diagnosis (required for therapeutic care) UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 25 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000030 • Health records to include medical, dental, and mental health • List of current medications and dosages • Educational records (assessments and report cards) • UAC's birth certificate • DHSand immigration court documents • Criminal/juvenile record documentation • Significant Incident Reports and internal incident reports • Any other significant documentation For Transfersto ResidentialTreatment Centersincludethe following additional documentation: • Psychiatric evaluat ion or psycholog ical evaluation recommending RTCplacement • Psychiatric hospitalization records and discharge summary, if applicable • Clinical, psychological and psychiatric progress notes 181EmailTemplate of Transfer RequestFile TO: Subject: Transfer Request File for UAC [list last four digits of the UAC's A number] Body: Name and contact information of care provider staff coordinating transfer Please see the password protected documents for the UAC identified above. The password is sent separately. [Transfer Request File includes all attachments included from the Transfer Request file above.] 3. Based on their check of the Capacity Manage ment tab in the UAC Portal, the sending case coordinator proposes an alternative placement and comple t es "Type of Program" and "Case Coordinator Proposed Program" on the Transfer Request in the UAC Portal. See Fig. 1.9. I ves r No lecommende d: :asaCoordi nat or Nam e: UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 26 I Page AMlfHCAI\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000031 NOTE: If the sending case coordinator's recom mended tran sfer placement differs from the sending case manager's recommended level of care, the case coo rdinator staffs the case with the supervisory case coordinator, who makes a recommendation to the FFS. The case coordinator also staffs the case with the supervisory case coordinator if the UAC has special needs or concerns. Ultimately , the FFSresolves any disagreement in recommendations between the sending case manager and the sending case coordinator, and decides on placements for UAC with special needs or concerns. W 4. The receiving case coordinator contacts the proposed receiving care provider point of contact. The receiving care provider must accept the transfer request within one businessday and notifies all case coordinators and FFSwith their decision. If a program is unable to accept the transfer because of state licensing requirements , the receiving care program emails the sending case coordinator with the reason and the sending case coordinator re-refers the transfer to an alternative care provider. @ l:8l 5. After the receiving care provider accepts the transfer request, the sending case coordinator: • Notifies both care providers of the accepted transfer and provides the point of contact for programs to complete the logistics of the transfer based on the email template below of the case coordinator notification of transfer acceptance. The email includes a request for the sending FFS to approve the transfer in the UAC Portal. • Notifies any other potential receiving care provider facilities that a placement was found. • IMMEDIATELYupon notification of acceptance (but no later than t he next business day) documents his/ her recommendation on the Transfer Request in the UAC Portal. @l:8]-1) l:8JEmailTemplate of SendingCaseCoordinator Notification of Transfer Acceptance TO: Sending FFS;Sending Care Provider Point of Contact; Receiving Care Provider Point of Contact Subject: Notification of Transfer Acceptance for UAC [include last four digits of A number] Please see the attached password protected file which includes the full name and A number of the UAC above. The password will be sent separately. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 27 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000032 Please note that [insert name of receiving care provider] has accepted this UAC. This is to notify everyone involved of the actions to be taken to complete the transfer of this UAC from [sending care provider]. The Transfer Request has been completed by the program, and the case coordinator has entered the recommendation in the UAC Portal. The Transfer Request is waiting for FFSapproval in the UAC Portal. Below are the action needed to complete the transfer. Sending FFS:(insert name] Approve Transfer Request in the UAC Portal Sending Care Provider Coordinate logistics with receiving program to transfer UAC. Provide transfer notifications to the following entities: OHS,Legal Service Provider, Child Advocate and sending and receiving FFS. Receiving Care Provider Coordinate logistics with sending program to transfer UAC. Sending Care Provider Contact Information Insert name of contact, address, email, phone number. Receiving Care Provider Contact Information Insert name of contact, address, email, phone number. NOTE:The FFSmay require further assessments such as psychological/psychiatric evaluation, or may further elevate the case to the FFSsupervisor. In these cases, the FFS will notify the sending case manager and sending case coordinator within 24 hours. Co 6. The FFScompletes the ORR Decision section of the Transfer Request in the UAC Portal within 24 hours, making sure to fill out the three fields "Decision," "Date of Decision," and "Name of ORR Decision Maker." See Fig. 1.10. FFSalso replies with a follow up email to the case coordinator notification of transfer acceptance email that the final release decision was completed in the Transfer Request in the UAC Portal. (o-1) [8J UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 28 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000033 NOTE: When the FFSapproves the Transfer Request in the UAC Portal, the status of the UAC should change from Admitted to In-Transfer. Unless this status changes, the Transfer Request was not correctly completed. Data of Decision: r Remanded, please provide info as detailed in comments ~am• of ORR Decision Maker : 7. The sending case manager: • Updates the case manager portion of t he Transfer Request in t he UAC Portal. Completes the change of venue section of the request form for transfers to a different immigrat ion court jurisdiction when a UAC does not have an attorney of record. For UAC represented by an attorney and NTA has been filed, completes only the notice of transfer section and informs the attorney that a change of venue motion needs to be prepared and filed by the attorney. Sends to the receiving case manager and FFSany significant information received or significant incident reports that occurred after the transfer request was sent. Ensures that documents are completed and uploaded to the UAC Portal. • Ensures that documents and items that will accompany UAC at time of • • • • transfer are secure. • WITHIN 24 hours prio r to the physical transfer : emails stakeholders using the sample email template below (Email Template to Stakeholders Prior to Physical Transfer). • Completes the Notice of Transfer to ICEChief Counsel Change of • Address/Change of Venue in the UAC Portal. Saves a hard copy of the completed Transfer Request and TrackingForm in the UAC's case file . @181 i!lll~ IE!Email Template to Stakeholders PRIORTO PHYSICALTRANSFER UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 29 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000034 NOTE: Must be completed in 24 hours or less, depending on the circumstances (i.e., transfers that involve "step ups" to secure or UAC in need of immediate psychiatric attent ion may be expedited) . From: Sending Case Manager To: Receiving Case Manager Sending and Receiving ICE FOJC ICEOffice of Chief Counsel (OCC) EOIRImmigration Court Administrator UAC's Legal Service Provider or Attorney of Record Sending and Receiving Case Coordinator Sending and Receiving FFS VOLAG, if applicable Child Advocate, if applicable Subject line: UAC [include last four digits of A number] transfer Please see the password protected file with information about the physical transfer of the UAC mentioned above from [include sending care facility] to [include receiving care facility.] The password is sent by separate email. Password Protected Attachments: Transfer Request and Tracking Form NOTE: Do not send the Transfer Request and Tracking Form to ICEFOJC,ICEOCC, EOIR,or Legal Service Provider . Only send the Notice of Transfer to ICE Chief Counsel Change of Address/Change of Venue and Discharge Notification Form. 8. When the UAC is in " In-Transfer" stat us, the UAC is still active in the prog ram . The sending program needs to complete the Program Exit to discharge the UAC from care. -'eJ 9. When the FFSapproves the transfer in the UAC Portal and the sending care provider d ischarges the UAC, the UAC Portal will automatically place the UAC in the "admission tab" of the receiving program listed under "Case Coordinator Proposed Program."(The receiving program will not be able to admit the UAC if the incorrect program is listed in this field . If the field is left blank, the FFSwill not be able to complete the ORRdecision piece.) -'eJ 10. The sending care provider is responsible for physically transferring the UAC to the receiving care provider. If safety is a concern, particularly when transferr ing the UACto RTCor secure care, the sending care provider may use trained staff or contract with a UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 30 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000035 security transportation service to assist. The sending and receiving programs coordinate to address any safety or medical concerns. The sending case manager: • Notifies the UAC of the t ransfer. • Ensures the Transfer Request and Tracking Form and the Discharge Notification Form are completed in the UAC Portal immediately after t he UAC's physical transfer. See Fig. 1.11 . • Signs the Transfer Request to validate that all items listed are included in UAC's packet. • Updates the UAC Case Review and Individual Service Plan, documenting the need for Transfer and Recommendations for placement. • Ensures a copy of the UAC's required documents and all the UAC's belongings (i.e., cloth ing, medication, legal documents,) are transferred. • Verbally not ifies UAC's approved contacts of transfer. • Offers the UAC chance to contact the ir consulate to notify them of the transfer. Co!!llll:8l-1J Fig. 1.11 ScreenShot of DischargeNotification Form in UACPortal Quick Glance:Documentsthat SendingCaseManager Must Complete/Upload to UAC Portal Prior to Transfer • • Initial Intakes Assessment UAC Assessment • Assessment for Risk • • Individual Service Plan Family Reunification Forms and Supporting Documentation • • • • • Significant Incident Reports, if applicable DHS Form 1-862 Notice to Appear Legal Representation list acknowledgment Know Your Rights acknowledgment Care Provider Family Reunification Checklist UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 31 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000036 • • Medical Checklist for Transfer Transfer Request and Tracking Form • Health records, to include medical, dental, and mental health Quick Glance: Items That AccompanyUAC • UAC personal belongings, including clothing, money, valuables, and items obtained during the UAC's stay at the referring care provider • Transfer Request and Tracking Form • 30-day medication supply (any exceptions must be fully discussed with sending and receiving care providers prior to transfer) • Care Provider Family Reunification Checklist • Transfer Request • Health records, to include medical, dental, and mental health • Original documents (birth certificates) TRANSFERLOGISTICS:Receiving and sending case managers discuss the UAC's Assessment, UAC Case Review, Transfer Request and status of family reunificat ion to ensure continuity in case planning and relationships with primary care givers and prepare the UAC for the transfer. UAC in care are not allowed to trave l without a care provider staff member. ~,- i!l-11 Special Situations RegardingTransfer Logisticsand PhysicalTransfer: • • If there is an emergency, the sending case manager IMMEDIATELY emails FFS (or the FFSon-call supervisor at 202-401-5709 if it is after business hours) and indicates the name and contact information of the care provider staff responsible for coordinating the transfer, the FFSreviews the circumstances to determine if the UAC requires an emergency transfer to a more secure facility.~ If the decision following the 30-day review of secure, staff secure or RTC placements is that the UAC will be transferred to an alternative program, all parties follow the procedures described for transfer placement acceptance. • If there are any safety concerns regarding the physical t ransport of the UAC, the case managers consult with the FFS. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 32 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000037 • If the sending and receiving care providers cannot agree on transfer logistics, the sending case manager elevates the issue to the FFSand Project Officer, documenting the disagreement and the eventual solution in the Transfer Request. Quick Glance:AccessingRecordsfor UACWho Have BeenTransferred 1 In UAC Portal, click on Case Management 2 Select the transferred UAC by clicking on the tab and list of UAC in program will display (NOTE: Health information, such as immunizations, diagnoses, etc., are located under the Health tab in the UAC Portal.) A#. 3 Under UAC Basic Information section, see 4 Use the drop down box to change the drop down menu which displays all programs in which the UAC has been admitted. program selection to one of the previous programs to view the documents. 5 Check for documents in all previous programs. For Technical Assistance: Call UAC Help Desk at 210-858-8304 or 1.4.1 Least Restrictive Setting IJJSee Section 1.4.1 of the UAC Policy Guide. 1.4.2 30 Day Restrictive Placement Case Review OVERVIEW ORR requires secure, RTC,and staff secure care providers, together with the case coordinator and FFS,to staff and review placement of UAC in their facilities at least every 30 days after initial placement . UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 33 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000038 Care providers may conduct a review sooner than 30 days if new informat ion makes clear an alternate placement is more appropriate so that the UAC may be transferred to a more appropriate care setting without delay. The Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting is available in English and Spanish. At the UAC's option, the minor is provided a Spanish version of the form. However, any summary of the ir placement must be provided in English and Spanish if using the Spanish version of the form. If the child speaks a language other than English or Spanish, the care provider facility utilizes a language line or other translator that translates the relevant English portions of the form into the UAC's preferred language. This includes translation of the form's summary of placement section. PROCEDURES Review of Restrictive Placements The Following 30 day Case Review is conducted for UAC in Secure, Staff Secure and RTCs. ff the UAC is in an RTC as a result of a TAR placement the child's case manager at the "base" facility work with clinical staff at the RTCfacility to extend the child's placement beyond 30 days. 1. Over the 30 day period following placement or during the 30 day period following the previous 30 Day Restrictive Placement Case Review , ORRgrantees, contractors and ORRstaff perform the following: • Clinicians continue weekly or biweekly counseling sessions that focus, in part, on the UAC's dangerousness, threats to self, others or the community and risk of escape. The information collected or reported by the clinician, includes: o Clinical and psychological reports and documents, including those by medical and/or mental health providers. The Ohio Youth Assessment System is included, as applicable. See, Section 3 for more information. o Clinical notes maintained by the clinician, documented in accordance with ORR policy and procedure. • Case managers working in coordination with the FFS,obtain the following information , as applicable: o Attestations from law enforcement. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 341 Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000039 o Criminal history, includ ing but not limited to police records, arrest records, court records (including Saravia and Flores hearings), probation records, etc. This may include documents ret rieved from foreign governments. o Records pertaining to a UAC's dangerousness obtained from non-law enforcement entities, including schools, child welfare agencies or other government inst itutions. o Interviews with the UAC's family or other caregivers. o Track behavioral SIRs ind icative of dangerousness or flight risk, this includes destruction of property and SA SIRsin which the UAC is a perpetrator. o Information that indicates a UAC may not be a danger, including reports from schools, counselors (including from the UAC's current placement). IIlr!ll]G) 2. Prior to UAC's 30 th day of placement in a secure, staff secure, or RTC facility or prior to their 30 th day Case Review , the clinician, case manager, FFSand case coordinator staff the UAC's 30 day Case Review using the information provided at the UAC's refe rral/t ransfer request and the information gathered by the case manager/FFS as described in the proceeding step, and determine whether the UAC requires continued placement in a restrictive setting. • The case manager, clinician and case coordinator make recommendations regarding the UAC's placement to the FFSduring the 30 day Case Review staffing. • After considering recommendations from the UAC's clinician, case manager and case coordinator, the FFSmakes a final restrictive placement case review decision regarding the UAC's placement. • If the UAC has resided in a secure or RTCfacility for over 90 straight calendar days the FFSconsults with Supervisory ORRstaff on the case regarding the reasons for the UAC's continued placement , and thereafter after every 30 day restrictive placement case review (unless the UAC is stepped down or discharged). UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 35 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000040 • If a restrictive placement case review is not completed prior to the 30 day mark, the case manager records the reasons for the delay in summary notes regarding the placement. • The summary notes maintained by the case manager include the following information: o UAC's basic biographical information. o Background information on the case. o Summary of case review discussion. o Summary of evidence. o The care provider's recommendation, including names and titles of those making recommendations, and basis for it. o The case coordinator's name, recommendation and basis for it. o The FFS'sname, decision and basis for it. o Signature of Note Taker (typically the case manager). NOTE: ORR has provided a Summary Notes Template that care providers may use. If care providers develop their own template it must include, at a minimum, the information described above and must be signed. @Ill IllAppendix 1.6 is the Summary Case Notes Template. 3. FF$ Decision: • Continued placements: If the FFSdecision is to continue the UAC's placement the information justifying the UAC's placement in a restrictive setting is summarized by the case manager and provided in a new Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting, with a date stamp within the "summary of placement decision or case review" section of the form. Fig. 1.12 is the snapshot of the Summary of Placement Decision or Case Review Section of the Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting. The case manager marks the appropriate box noting the reason for the placement. If the case manager is unclear what the rationale for the FF$decision is, the case manager contacts the FFSfor clarification and assistance in drafting language into the summary portion of the form. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 36 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000041 • Step ups: If the FFSdecision is to step up the child to a more restrictive environment, the case manager working with the FFSjustify the decision in the UACCase Review and include this information in the Transfer Request. Transfers follow standard transfer policies and procedures. • Step downs: If the FFSdecisions is to step down the child to a less restrictive environment, the case manager works with the FFSto justify the decision in the UACCase Review and include this information in the Transfer Request. Transfers follow standard transfer policies and procedures. NOTE: If a step down to a less restrictive environment is not completed within 7 days due to problems finding a suitable care provider to transfer the UAC to, the case manager explains what efforts have been undertaken to transfer t he UAC in writing in updates to the UACCase Review notes. The case manager provides these updates to the UAC, attorney of record, LSPand/or Child Advocate , on demand. @11:8J Fig. 1.12 Summary of Placement Decision or Case Review Section of the Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting Notice of Placement in a Restrictiv e Setting summaryof placementdecisionor casereview: 4. The case manager uploads all information used in assessing the restrictive placement case review (including the signed Summary Notes) in the UAC Portal. All information used in assessing a 30-day Case Review decision is considered evidence. This information must be shared with the UAC's attorney of record, LSPor Child Advocate, on demand and does not requ ire a prior Authorization for Release of Records only proof of representation. Wl-.tell:8J 5. Notice to the UACof the 30 day Case Review: UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 37 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000042 • Continued placements: The UAC signs and dates the new Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting form if placement continues in the current restrictive placement. (If the UAC refuses to sign the form the care provider notes "UAC refused to sign" on the signature page of the document. The care provider scans and uploads the Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting into the UAC Portal.) After the UACsigns the form, a copy is uploaded into the UAC Portal, and copies are maintained in the UAC's case file and provided to the UAC to keep with their personal belongings. • Step ups: The UAC is notified at the time of transfer that they a re being stepped up pursuant to ORRpolicy. The UAC is provided specific info rmation regarding the placement decision in a language he or she understands upon arrival at the receiving care provider facility, which is included in the summary portion of the Notice of Placement in Restrictive Setting. • Step downs: The UAC is provided notice that they are prepared for step down and given updates by their case manager on efforts made to transfer the UACto a less restrictive environment. A summary of the information contained in the UAC Case Review just ifying the step down is provided to the UAC on demand and signed and dated by the case manager. NOTE: If a step down to a less restrictive environment is not completed within 7 days due to problems finding a suitable care provider to transfer the UAC to, the case manager explains what efforts have been undertaken to transfer the UAC in writing in updates to the UAC Case Review notes. The case manager provides these updates to t he UAC, attorney of record, LSPand/or Child Advocate , on demand. Coi\l"'el121 6. Restrictive placement case review is not required to be expedited prior to 30 days based on a UAC's anticipated age out. However , FFSand care providers may init iat e a restrictive placement case review prior to the 30-day mark at their discretion. fJJ(o 1.4.3 Long Term Foster Care IIJ See Section 1.4.3 of the UAC Policy Guide. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 38 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000043 1.4.4 Transfer to Long Term Foster Care NOTE:Transfers to Long Term Foster Care follow standard operating procedures with the exception of these steps. 1. The sending case manager requests from the legal service provider or attorney of record confirmation of the UAC's eligib ility for immigrat ion relief, type of imm igration relief, and status of court hearings or relief petitions (unless ORR authorizes the care provider to proceed without meeting this requirement). NOTE:To request permission to proceed with transfer without coordinating with the legal service provider or attorney of record, the case manager consults w ith the case coordinator. If the case coord inator agrees, they submit the request to the FFS,who will make the final decision . Note, there must be other circumstances which would result in a longer stay (e.g., the child 's country of origin is in a state of emergency, indicating that the child w ill likely not be repatr iated for an extended period of time) . [gJ 2. Sending case coordinator: • Notifies the appropriate LTFCpoint of contact that a UAC has been identified for a transfer and provides the sending care provider's Transfer Request File; • Informs the LTFCpoint of contact if the referral is being reviewed by another care provider. [gJ 3. The receiving LTFCpoint of contact attempts to identity a placement within 10 business days of receiving the transfer request . (o 4. Prior to accept ing the transfer, the receiv ing LTFCpoint of contact confirms from the rece iving legal service provider or attorney of record that they will arrange for legal services for the UAC and that the UAC will be eligible for legal relief in the transfer jurisdict ion . {ORR may waive this requ irement. Howeve r, there must be other circumstances which would result in a longer stay, such as the child's country of origin is in a state of emergency , indicating that the child will likely not be repatriated for an extended period of time. To request a waiver , the case manager subm its the request to the FFS,who will make the final decision.) lJl[g!(o UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 39 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000044 5. If the LTFCprovider or national VOLAG cannot identify a placement within 10 business days, they must notify the sending case coordinator with a copy to the receiving case coordinator why a placement has not been found (e.g., programs are at capacity and UAC is on waitlist, no capacity for females, and no suitable placement for a UAC's special needs). In the notification the provider indicates whether they will continue attempts to identify a placement. [gj(o 6. If placement is identified, the LTFCprovider or national VOLAG completes the Long Term Foster Care Placement Memo and submits it to the sending case coordinator with a copy to the receiving case coordinator (includes the name and contact information for the staff responsible for the coordination of the transfer). [gj[i NOTE:The receiving case manager must submit emergency placement changes to the case coordinator within 24 hours of the placement change. [gj(o [Ill Appendix 1.7 is the Long Term Foster Care Placement Memo. 7. The transfer process follows the procedures for UAC Portal updates, notifications, etc. as for other transfers within the ORR network. For example, the sending care coordinator notifies all parties of the transfer placement memo and requests the FFSto approve the transfer request in the portal. Once that is completed, t he FFSnotifies all parties. -1J[gj 8. The UAC's sending care provider and receiving LTFCprovider coordinate pre-placement orientation services to prepare the UAC and foster family for placement, helping the UAC understand what to expect from the foster care provider and foster parents by: • Utilizing agency and foster parent welcome letters, program brochures, and foster family books that may include pictures and descriptions of home, family, and community life. • Coordinating the pre-placement contact between the UAC and the receiving LTFCstaff and foster parents. 9. The sending care provider physically transfers the UACto the new placement. 1.4.5 Group Transfers OVERVIEW UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 40 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000045 Group transfers can occur for various reasons, including but not limited to: • Emergency Event • Natu ral Disaste r • Program Closure A group transfer must be approved by an FFSsupervisor, unless conducted according to an emergency evacuation plan that was pre-approved by an ORR Project Officer. IIl'-t (See also ORR group transfers due to influx in Section 1.7 below .) PROCEDURES NOTE:Group transfers follow standard operating procedu res, except group transfers do not invo lve case coordinators. A care provider must submit a "Program Level Event" under the "events" tab of the UAC Portal if a group transfer is the result of a natural disaster. Group transfe rs also differ from standard individualized transfers in the following ways: 1. The sending care provider point of contact: • Identifies UAC who meet group transfer criteria (stated above). • Provides a Transfer Manifest of UAC meeting the group transfer criteria and emails it to the assigned CFSand FFS.See Fig. 1.13. III Ii~ Fig. 1.13 Transfer Manifest Day of Tra■sPortatioa lafonaatio■ Se■clia2 Facility laformatio■ facilttv !liame: Facilitv POC: POC Pho■e Namber: Aher■ate Facilih , POC: Alter■ate POC Plioae "l(amber: Date: Tra■sport POC: POC Pho■e Nmabe r: Estimated date of arrin.1 at DARC: Estimated time of arrinl at DARC: t No. A# First Name Last Name Med s (Y/N List if Yes) Allergies (Y/N List if Yes) 1 2 UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 41 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000046 NOTE: If the group transfer is due to a program closing, the sending case manager sends it to his or her ORRproject officer (PO). 2. FFS: • Reviews the proposed Transfer Manifest to ensure that it complies with ORR policies and procedures. • Notifies the sending case coordinator and case manager of the final approved Transfer Manifest. 3. IJJ i!ljgl The sending case manager : • Updates the UAC Case Review and ISP for each child, and completes the Transfer Request and Discharge Notification Form in the UAC Porta l, documenting the need for transfer and recommendations for placement. • Sends notification to the FFSthat all of the approved UAC on the Transfer Manifest have been entered into the UAC Portal. l!llljgl"'eJ 4. The FFSenters the transfer approval into the UAC Portal. See Fig. 1.10. -tel 5. If FFSapproves the transfer the sending case manager notifies the following of the transfer approval for each child in the group: • ICE FOJC • UAC's Legal Service Provider or Attorney of Record, if applicable • Child Advocate, if applicable • Potential Sponsor of Record. jg! 1.4.6 Transfer to a Residential Treatment Center (RTC) IJJ See Section 1.4.6 of the UAC Policy Guide. PROCEDURES 1. If a UAC exhibits significant mental health issues, the sending case manager arranges for an evaluation by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities IJJ 42 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000047 2. If a licensed clinical psychologist or psychiatrist determines that the UAC requires residential treatment level of care, the care provider sends the written report and Transfer Request File to the sending case coordinator and copies the FFS.l:Blj 3. The case coordinator reviews the Transfer Request File (which includes case management, clinical, health, and educational information) and elevates the request for RTCplacement to the FFS. l:Blj NOTE: If the FFShas any concerns about the recommendation, he/she elevates it to the FFSsupervisor who may consult with the DHUCto arrange a second opinion, if necessary. 4. The sending case coordinator finds a suitable RTCplacement, and sends the Transfer Request File to the receiving case coordinator. The receiving case coordinator sends the Transfer Request File to the RTCpoint of contact. l:Blj 5. Within 5 businessdays of receipt of the RTCtransfer request, the RTCpoint of contact notifies the receiving case coordinator of acceptance or denial of RTCplacement. The receiving case coordinator notifies the sending case coordinator, who then notifies all parties of the decision. For accepted placements, follow standard transfer procedures. When accepting transfer, the RTCpoint of contact's email indicates the method of funding for the placement: 1) Treatment Authorization Request (TAR), or 2) ORRfunded bed. If the RTCdenies placement, the care provider must provide written justification to the receiving and sending case coordinators, and to the receiving and sending FFS.If an RTC refuses to accept the child or if there are no available beds, the case coordinator elevates the issue to the FFSand FFSsupervisor and the FFScontacts DHUC. l:Blj NOTE: Any disagreements between an RTC,a sending or receiving case coordinator are elevated to the FFS.The receiving and sending FFSwould consult and resolve any issues through a staffing phone call for all involved parties. l:Bltit 6. Notification of Placement in a Restrictive Setting Non-TARplacements: Non-TAR placements will follow the procedures set forth in the previous sub-section 1.4.2 for secure and staff secure placements, however the RTC provider marks the appropriate box in the "RTC" section of the first page of the form justifying placement into the RTC. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 43 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000048 TAR Placements: UAC placed in an RTCnot affiliated with ORRthrough a Cooperative Agreement or contract, do not fill out the Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting form. The Clinician at the UAC's "base" care provider facility working with the FFS, mental health professionals (including those at the TAR approved RTCfacility) marks the appropriate box in the "RTC" section of the first page of the form. The clinician or case manager signs the form and indicates in a parenthetical which "base" care provider they represent. The clinician provides a summary of the justification for placement in the summary section on the form and provides the form to the UAC. • The Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting is provided to the UAC by the clinician at the "base" care provider facility prior to the UAC's transfer or by staff at the TAR approved RTCfacility after the UAC's transfer. • Clinical staff at the RTCexplain the reasons for the UAC's placement at the time of admission in a language the UAC understands. I 7. The sending care provider arranges transfer logistics. If a psychologist or psychiatrist recommends that a UAC travel with emergency medications for treating a mental health crisis (commonly known as PRN medications) that the UAC may experience during the transfer, the case manager at the sending care provider makes arrangements for a mental health professional to accompany UAC during transport and the receiving RTC may be asked to assist with transport. 8. The RTCreviews the UAC placement every 30 days, at a minimum . The case manager and the clinician provide the clinical updates and placement recommendations to the case coordinator and FFSto evaluate the need for continued stay or transfer. The case manager follows the procedures set forth in 1.4.2. The case manager: • Updates the UAC Case Review and Individual Service Plan and the treatment/discharge • recommendations in the UAC Portal. Notifies the case coordinator that the records are ready for review. G:)[8]-1) 9. If the RTCrecommends a transfer, the FFSreviews the transfer recommendation and notifies the case coordinator of the transfer decision and all parties follow the steps for transfer. If there are any disagreements as to the time in care or transfer recommendations, the FFSmust elevate to the FFSsupervisor for resolution. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities l:8l 441 Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000049 1.4.7 Requesting Reconsideration of a Secure or RTC Placement Designation Proceduresin clearance Fig. 1.14 Screen Shot of the Request for Reconsideration of Placement [to come] I] Appendix 1.8 is the Requestfor Reconsiderationof Placement fo rm [to come] . 1.5 Placement Inquiries An individual looking for a UAC who may be in ORRcustody may contact the ORR Natio nal Call Cent er, at 1 (800 ) 203- 7001. 1t 1.5.1 ORR National Call Center PROCEDURES If the UAC is in ORR custody, the call center staff does not share the child's location or placement information until commun ication is deemed safe and appropriate. W 1. The call center staff notifies the corresponding care provider with the caller's name, contact information and relationship to the unaccompanied child. 1t 2. The care provider determines whether the individual is a safe and approved contact. As deemed appropriate and following ORR's procedures , the care provider may facilitate communication between the caller and the UAC. Ill 1t 3. The care provider contacts the individual and informs him/her that the UAC is safe and in ORR custody. Ir UAC MAP: Sect ion 1: Placemen t in ORR Care Provide r Facilit ies 45 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000050 1.6 Determining the Age of an Individual without Lawful Immigration Status (II See Section 1.6 of the UAC Policy Guide. OVERVIEW HHS custody is restricted to UAC, i.e., minors who are under the age of 18. HHS and OHSjoint ly developed policies and procedures to assist in the process of determining the correct age of individuals in custody, given the frequent lack of documents and other factors that present challenges to placement. Key Players OHS Case Manager FFS FFSSupervisor CFS Medical Responsibilit ies Agents who apprehend individuals make the initial determination based on available documents and other evidence. If ORRdetermines that individual is not a minor, OHS ICEagents wi ll be enlisted to pick up individual at care provider facility. Responsible for obtaining documents and additiona l evidence, if needed and available. Provides all required documentation to the FFS,who makes final age determinations based on mu ltip le forms of evidence. Depending on the state, responsible for writing a memo, attaching all supporting documents, and notifying ICEto request pick up of the adult at the program when the additional evidence warrants it. Responsible for reviewing all documentation for age redetermination gathered by the case manager. Provides technica l assistance to the case manager, elevates requests for dental exam to the FFSsuperviso r, and reviews and submits all documentation to ICEto request they pick up the individual if determined to be an adult. (Depending on t he state, the FFS may also send a memo to ICE).Obtains FFSsupervisor's approval of the memo to ICE if a denta l exam was used as the basis for the age redetermination. Responsible for approving medica l age assessments for UAC and approving request (and memo where necessary) to ICEto re-apprehend an individual deemed to be an adult. ORRcontract staff who act as liaisons for birth certificate verifications and requests between care providers and consulates. If a care prov ider or FFS requests the consulate interviews the UAC to help verify ident ity, the CFS acts as the main POC. Reviews imaging techno logy and physical exams and the dental and UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facil ities 46 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000051 Professional Experienced in Age Assessment Methods skeleta l maturity assessments that calculate the estimated probability that an individual is 18 years or older. An agreement between DHSand ORRspecifies that medical age assessments use only dental assessments. 1.6.1 UAC in HHS Custody IJJ See Section 1.6.1 of the UAC Policy Guide. 1.6.2 Instructions PROCEDURES 1. The case manager requests the family send birth certificate of UAC if he/she arrives without one. If the family or the UAC refuses, the case manager contacts the consulate or CFSfor assistance in obtaining the birth certificate (unless the UAC is claiming asylum). 11 s!) 2. When requested by the case manager and with the approval of the UAC, CFSarranges for the UAC's consulate to interview him/her for help in obtaining a birth certificate or in determining the identity of the UAC. ti s!:i 3. The case manager continues making assessment if the following occur: • There are concerns about the UAC's age based upon appearance and manner isms. • Discrepancies in the assessment of the UAC and sponsor assessment that raises concerns about the UAC's age. • The information provided seems suspicious or the documents appear to be altered based on the overall appearance of t he documents or photos UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Faciliti es 47 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000052 on those documents (birth certificates, school records, or other ID provided) . 2 The case manager requests through the CFSto have the birth certificate verified by the consulate unless the UAC is seeking asylum due to persecution by their government. (The consulate will provide corrected birth date, name, or parents' names to the ORRCFSif the birth certificate has been altered in any way.) ctJ11[81 4. The CFSforwards the consulate's response and attached documents to the case manager, copying the FFS.[81 5. The case manager gathers information to support the age re-determination and additional information requested by ICEin cases involving taking custody of an adult and sends to FFS.These may include : • Fake birth certificate • Consulate's email • Document from the consulate, such as the actual (unaltered) birth certificate or RENAPor DPI or government issued ID Immunization and TB test results (if received) Any statement by an individual in ORRcustody confessing their actual age or birth date Statement by family member or sponsor of the UAC that provides a different date of birth, age, or identity The dental forensic written report indicating the probability this individual has reached the age of 18 Memo by case manager documenting results of UAC Portal search for the name, date of birth, and/or documents provided by a UAC • • • • • 6. The FFSwrites a memo on ORR Letterhead to ICErequesting they pick up the individual and outlines the basis for the age redetermination that his individual is really an adult. If the basis uses the dental forensic, the FFSsupervisor must approve of the age redeterm inat ion and approve the memo to ICE.The FFSsends the memo using password protected procedures and all supporting documentation to the FOJCproviding the shelter POCto arrange for pick up. 2 If there are discrepancies or concerns that the UAC may using someone else's birth certificate, the case manager may ask the consulate to interview this UAC who can also inquire about family history and provide validity to the birth certificate of the UAC. The consulate may also be able to provide a family tree that can be used by the case manager and the consulate during the assessment and interview for any discrepancies. The consulate may provide a statement as to any concerns he/she has in the interview and suspicion of this person using someone else's birth certificate. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 48 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000053 Memo Format: Date: To: OHS,ICE, FOJC From: Name, ORR DUCO FFS Re: ADULT-Age Redetermination - Name-A# -- ORRshelter/placement name Narrative summary of the age redetermination process completed.~etJ 7. If the UAC is using a verified birth certificate but there is reasonable suspicion of this person being an adult, the case manager emails a request to the FFSfor a dental forensic exam. ~ 8. The FFSapproves the dental forensic exam and copies his/her FFSsupervisor. ~ 9. The medical department at the care provider arranges for a dental exam and requests the examining dentist to provide an age determination report. The report must indicate the likelihood of this individual's age in percentage format. If the examiner cannot write this report, they may take digital images and the medica l department can request a TAR for the images to be sent to a DHUC approved providers who can review those images and provide the program this type of report as agreed upon between ORRand OHSICE. 10. If the dental report indicates this individual is likely to be an adult at the 75% probability threshold, the FFSprovides this report to the FFSsupervisor for review along with all other efforts, concerns, and other proof. Ill~ 11. If there is the report plus another type of proof such as a confession of using another's birth certificate, or confession from the family or sponsor, or the consulate's shared concerns, then FFSwrites a memo to ICE requesting they pick up the adult. ~et) 12. If a UAC or a sponsor has provided fraudulent documentation to ORRfor the purposes of sponsorship (altered birth certificates or impersonating another person), the care provider submits a Significant Incident Report. -1eJ 1.7 Placement and Operations during an Influx OVERVIEW UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 49 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000054 As stated in UACMAP section 1.3.2, ORR Intakes identifies available and appropriate bed space at a care provider by reviewing the "Capacity Management" tab in the UAC Portal which automatically updates and identifies available beds by state, facility, and types of facilities on a daily basis. See Fig. 1.4. The Capacity Report serves as a bellwether when the number of UAC coming into the United States exceeds the standard capabilities of ORRto process them using standard operating procedures. The ORRDivision of UAC Planning and Logistics (DPL) oversees comprehensive planning to ensure that the UAC Programs are able to accommodate the number of referrals of children to ORRcare. DPL prepares plans for anticipated shelter capacity and staffing needs. DPL leads coordination with other federal agencies and management of grants and contracts. If ORR requires temporary shelters to care for UAC, DPL is the operational and logistical lead player for those efforts. ORRarranges for influx care facilities (ICF), provides additional transportation services, and puts other operations into place to meet the need during an influx. Because certain ICFmay require a 72-hour medical waiting period prior to receiving UAC, ORRactivates Health Processing Centers (HPC)to initially screen and vaccinate children prior to their placement into ICF. Key Playe rs Responsibilities ORR Intakes Monitors bed space based on daily capacity reports and updates ORR leadership when data indicates an influx is underway. Also designates initial placement of qualified UAC into an HPCfollowing DHS apprehension. ORRDivision of medical officers, epidemiologists, and other public health experts who ensure UAC are screened and processed consistent with public health standards during an influx. ORRDivision that manages the influx/emergency component of business operations. Responsible for UAC program planning and operations during times of influx. Approves UAC identified for an initial placement or transfer to free up bed space during an influx; approves travel plans. Identifies eligible UACfor transfers, coordinates travel plans, and manages logistics, such as notifications to stakeholders. Verifies that transfer checklists and documents are complete, checks UAC prior to boarding and transports UAC to Influx Care Centers. DHUC Division of UAC Planning and Logistics (DPL) Designated FFSor FFSSupervisor Sending Case Manager Influx Transportation Staff UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 50 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000055 Related Forms/Inst ruments Transfer Man ifest CareProviderInflux Transfer Checklist Medical Checklistfor Influx Transfers Case Manager, CFS, FFS,DPL Case Manage r Medica l Coordinator , Medica l Staff, DPL 1.7.1 Activation of HPCs IJJ See Section 1.7.1 of the UAC Policy Guide. 1.7.2 Placement into HPCs IJJ See Section 1.7.2 of the UAC Policy Guide. PROCEDURES 1. ORR Intakes continuously updates ORR management of the following: • Care provider facilities, HPCs,and ICF that have reached capacity • Total number of UAC pending • Total number of tender age UAC pending • Number of UAC exceeding pending placement for 24 hours or less, 48 hours, and 72 hours • Any special placement {e.g., medically fragi le UAC) • List of all UAC pending placement, including initial referral information l!l]I 4. Within 4 hours of receipt of the Transfer Manifest , the designated FFSor FFSsupervisor approves the proposed Transfer Manifest and notifies the sending case manager, copying the case coordinator for situational awareness, of the final approved Transfer Manifest. The FFSnotifies the Data and Analysis team of group transfers for 20 or more UAC to allow for a mass transfer ORR approval via the UAC Porta l. -1JG>l!l]l121 NOTE : No additional UAC may be added to the Transfer Manifest once it is approved by ORR. 5. Within 4 hours of receipt of the approval of the Transfer Manifest, the sending case manager completes the case manager section of the TransferRequest in the UAC Portal and as soon as possible notifies the FFSand CFSwhen it is complete. See Fig. 1.7. The case manager leaves the case coordinator section of the TransferRequest blank. If more than 20 UAC are on the Transfer Manifest, the case manager ONLY fills in the Requested Date field. See Fig. 1.15 . -1JG>1!1]1121 Fig. 1.15 Case Manager Transfer Request for Transfers of 20+ UAC Case Coord ination : Concur with Request inc rves r No UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provide r Facilit ies 53 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000058 6. The sending case manager at the HPCor standa rd shelter coordinates with the Transportation Contractor, if applicable, and the DPL Operations and Logistics Lead to develop a travel plan that meets the following requirements: • UAC must depart the HPCor standard shelter within 48 hours of transfer approval and arrive at the ICF no later than 5:00 p.m. If the estimated time of arrival is after 5:00 p.m. or the plan involves 8 hours or more of travel time for the UAC, the sending case manager immediately elevates the issue to the sending and receiving FFSwho will staff the issue with the senior FFSsupervisor for approval. • Detailed transportation arrangements, including route, Border Patrol check points, transportation staff and driver names. • Steps to ensure UAC travel with a supply of current medications (if applicable), his/her belongings, and transfer documentation. • Provides for preparations for the UAC. • Meal arrangements. • Addresses any additional security measures in place at the ICF. IIIG>[gl/ 11 7. The sending case manager provides the approved Transfer Manifest to the Transportation Point of contact and the Transportat ion Contractors prov ide the case manager with the transportation plan (routes, staff, drivers' names, etc.). [gl/11 8. The designed sending and receiving FFSor FFSsupervisor and DPL Operations Lead approve the travel plan no later than 48 hours prior to the proposed transfer date. (r)l2] 9. The sending case manager completes the following for each UAC on the approved Transfer Manifest: • • • • CareProviderChecklistfor Transfers to Influx Care Facilities CareProviderFamily Reunification Checklist Transfer Request and TrackingForm Medical Checklistfor Influx Transfers iii iiiAppendix 1.9 is the CareProviderChecklistfor Transfers to Influx Care Facilities. liJl]Appendi x 1.10 is the Medical Checklistfor Influx Transfers. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilit ies 54 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000059 10. Sending case manager updates the Transfer Manifest to include the following: • Final names of UAC; A#s; date of birth; checkbox confirming that UAC has completed medical and vaccination records • Transportation date and time • Name of transport staff • Transfer location • Transportation route to transfer locat ion • Estimated time of arrival to transfer location Ii 11. ORR designated staff approve the Transfer Requests in the UAC Portal at least 24 hours prior to the physicaltransfer of the UAC and notify the case manager of comp letion based on the sample email template below. NOTE: Groups of 20 or more require notification to Data and Analysis Team. '1J@[8J t8JEmail Template Transfer Manifest To: Designated CBPContact Referring and Receiving ICE FOJC Referring and Receiving Case Managers Referring and Receiving Case Coordi nators Referring FFS CC: DPLteam, Data and Analysis Team Subject: Tran sfer Manifest Please see the password protec ted Transfer Manifest for UAC. The password will be sent by separate emai l. Attachments: Transfer Manifest If the Transfer Manifest is for 20 or more children, the designated FFSor CFSemails the Data and Analysis Team to input the approva ls in the UAC Porta l based on thee email template below. '1J@[8J t8JEmail Template: Transfer Manifest for Groups of 20 or More From: DPL To: Designated Data and Analysis Team Contact CC: DPL team, Data and Analysis Team Subject: Transfer Manifest for [insert number of UAC] UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Faciliti es 55 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000060 Please see the Transfer Manifest with detailed information about the UAC who will be transferred from [include source program name] to [insert receiving program name.] [Insert name of ORROfficial approving the Transfer Request] approved this transfer request on [insert date of approval.] The password will be sent by separate email. Password protected attachment: Transfer Manifest 12. The sending case manager notifies legal service providers for UAC on Transfer Manifest and uploads UAC documen ts to the UAC Portal (see Quick Glance below) . Quick Glance: Documents that Sending Case Manager Must Complete/Upload to UAC Portal Prior to Transfer to ICF • • • • • Initial Intakes Assessment UAC Assessment Assessment for Risk Individual Service Plan Background Checks Table • • • • • • • • • Family Reunification Forms and Supporting Documentation Significant Incident Reports, if applicable DHS Form 1-862 Notice to Appear Legal Representation List acknowledgment Know Your Rights acknowledgment Care Provider Checklist for Transfers to Influx Care Facilities Medical Checklist for Influx Transfers Transfer Request and Tracking Form Copies of health records, to include medical, dental, and mental health (UAC must be clear of all contagious conditions, including scabies and lice) 13. The sending care provider prepares the UACfor transfer: • Within 24 hours before physical transport , conducts lice and rash checks on all UAC on Transfer Manifest. If UAC is found to have lice or rash, removes the UACfrom Manifest and immediately notifies the designated sending and receiving FFSof the change. • Notifies the UAC of the transfer, considering the UAC and others' safety and well-being, in determining when and what information is shared and allows UAC closure with staff and peers. • Arranges for discussion between sending and receiving case managers if there are special circumstances. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 56 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000061 • Gathe rs the documents and items whic h wi ll accompa ny t he child on th e transfe r. i@ Quick Glance:Items That AccompanyUACon Transfer to ICF • • • • • • • • UAC personal belongings, includ ing clothing, money, valuables, and items obtained duri ng t he UAC's stay at the sending care provide r Transfer Request and Tracking Form 30-day med icatio n supply (any exceptions must be f ully discussed with sending and receiving care provi ders prior to transfe r) Care Provider Family Reunification Checklist Transfe r M anif est Car e Provider Checklist for Transfers to Influx Care Facilit ies Copy of healt h records, to include med ical, denta l, and menta l health Original docu ments (birth certifi cat es, OHS fo rm 1-862 Not ice to Appear) 14. The sending case manager ensures that transfer documentation and items are provided to the influx transportation staff for each UAC at time of transfer. iJICo 15. Influx transportation staff: • Verifies that Care Provider Checklist for Transfers to Influx Care Facilities is complete no later than 2 hours prior to physical transport . • Verifies that all t ransfer documentation and items listed on the Transfer Request and Tracking Form and Care Provider Checklist for Transfers to Influx Care Facilities for each UAC are in the transportation staff's possession in a secure manner (especially health documents and immunization records). • Verifies that the lice and rash check was completed. • Immediately before the UAC physically boards the vehicle, checks each UAC's temperature to ensure that it is not elevated. If a UAC has an elevated temperature, then removes the UAC from the Transfer Manifest and IMMEDIATELY notifies the sending care provider and receiving FFSof the change. If the UAC complains of an illness or other medical concern or the transportation staff observes an illness or other medical concern, IMMEDIATELY elevates the issue to the designated FFSand sending care provider and does not allow the UAC to board the vehicle. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilit ies iJICol:8l 57 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000062 16. The sending care provider point of contact: • As the UAC physically boards the transport vehicle, immediately exits each UAC in the UAC Portal (discharge type: "tra nsfer"). • After departure of the transport vehicle, immediately sends notice of f inal number of UAC who departed and a final Transfer Manifest based on the Final Manifest Email template above. G)-1J[g! Special Situations Regarding Transfer Logisticsand Physical Transfer: HPCs,ICF, and Transportation Contractors must commun icate and coordinate the physical transfer of UAC and be aware of the following: • Any special secur ity procedures at the ICF • Timely reporting of changes in flight , such as cancellations • Missed flights • Changes of UAC boarding flights or traveling by bus due to il lness • Requests for the ICF to meet t he HPCtransport staff at the airport to accept new placements • When ICF requires UAC to arrive with a hard copy of his/her health records • Any trouble encount ered en route (i.e. ext ra paperwork necessary to bring UAC on flight, extra Border Patrol checks en route, ...) 1.7.4 Admission and Orientation for HPCs and Influx Care Facilities PROCEDURES 1. The ICFstaff escorts the UAC immediately upon arrival into a medical intakes area. G) 2. The med ical coordinator comp letes a medical intakes screening by: • Checking each UAC temperature to ensure that his/her temperature is not elevated. • Checks each UAC for lice and rash and refers for treatment and/or isolation, if necessary. • Reviews transfer documentation that accompanied the UAC to confirm that the UAC is medically cleared. • Ensures receipt of health documents, to include immun ization and lab/chest x-ray documents. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 58 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000063 • • • Ensures receipt of sufficient medication supply and ensures a refill is obtained, if required. If a UAC has an elevated temperature or rash, immediately notifies the ICF ORRstaff and sending and receiving FFSto determine whether the UAC requires further medical evaluation or whether the UAC should be safely transported back to the sending care provider or to an alternative program. If the UAC complains of an illness or other medical concern or if the influx transportation staff or receiving care provider observes an illness or other medical concern, immediately elevates the issue to the designed FFSand medical coordinator via phone and email and does not allow the UAC to mix with other UAC already in place in the facility. @j1rf8J 3. ICF staff admits the UAC to care provider program in the UAC Portal. (See Quick Glance: How to Access UAC Records after Transfers in Section 1.4 above.) "eJ 1.7.5 Medical Services III See Section 1.7.5 of the UAC Policy Guide. 1.7.6 HPCand Influx Care Facility Services III See Section 1.7.6 of the UAC Policy Guide. PROCEDURES 1. Within 4 hours of the UAC arrival, the ICF: • Offers the UAC a meal and/or snack and the opportunity to shower and receive clean clothing. • Reviews the Care Provider Checklist for Transfers to Influx Care Facilities to ensure that all required documentation is in the UAC Portal. • Completes an inventory of the UAC's belongings, including medication, and signs the Transfer Request and Tracking Form and uploads it to the UAC Portal. • Signs the Transfer Manifest and sends a copy to the designated DPL. • Reviews the Care Provider Family Reunification Checklist to ensure that all required documentation is in the UAC Portal. UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORRCare Provider Facilities 59 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000064 NOTE:If any items or documents are missing, the receiving care provider contacts the sending care provider within 3 business days. If the receiving care provider does not receive the missing items within 3 days of request or receive uploaded missing documentation in the UAC Portal, the receiving care provider contacts the sending FFS to resolve. 2. Within • • • Colll:8J 24 hours of the UAC arrival , the ICF: Completes the Initial Intakes Assessment. Facilitates contact between the UAC's family and/or potential sponsors. Follows up with the UAC potential sponsor to assist in completing the family reunification packet ; complete the sponsor assessment interview, if not previously completed; assessthe potential sponsor's ability to provide for UAC needs; check status of completion of criminal background checks, if applicable. @IIl:8Jtt 3. Within 5 days of the UAC arrival , completes the UAC Assessment and ISP. Coll~ 4. The ICF holds weekly case staffing in consultation with the case coordinator regarding potential transfers in case a significant or concerning change occurs for the UAC. · .6.dd ibon al Infor m at ion: family Group : l ..:l - Select Color - fl ag UAC: Rlelationship Gr oup ID: >IAddN ewRow Name Nom e Name A No . Age I Ai:• I Ai:e ANo. I I A No . I I . Rel at ionship to UAC . Relationship to UAC Rel atio nship to UAC I I- - Selee! RelatloMhip - Select RelatioMhip - .:J .:J Medical/Ment<1I Heafth lnform<1tion ~ Health Con~m: r I 1 Pregnant r lni ury r Illness r Oth er summary (List diagnosis, medications , observat ions, and number of months pregnant) ) r ti UAC hos urgent medical/mental hulth condit ions. check here to indicate t hat t he UAC hos been seen >IUpload Upload Medical Form.: b~-1,:t,J,,fi.,,~r;fl'.1,,,. I Customs and Borde r Protection (C FO) ..:l Referr al Date I Roferrolnme I Referr ing Referral O..te/ Time: A&ency: Referr ing Select Refermg Sector ..:l ORR Placement Dat e/ Time: ORR Place ment Date I ORR Plac• ment Time I Sector: Manner of ..:l Proc:essin~ POC: UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilit ies 61 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000066 Entry: ) Email(s): Phone: City and/ or Location Code Stoic Ent ry City ond/or Locotion Code Ent ry: Apprehension : I ..:.I SelectOption Appr ehension City and/or l0< at ion Code Select Option I Date/Time En ,. _t_r"'" y _S_ta_t_c ______ Selecta State - __,Entry Dote ..:J j- Apprehension Slate ~,~-~s .- 1-.ct - . -s-t.-,-e-- ----..:J ..:J I Location: A pprehension Date I .~ I I App rehe nsion Time Curren t Location City and/ or Location Code 1Current -, _S/30_12_0_11_ Entry Time Curre nt l ocati o n Date J ..:.I Select Opbon Curre nt l ocation Time ..J ~W:leutre:w >IAdd New Row Name Name Name I I Phone No, Relationship to UAC Phone No. Relati onship to UAC I I I I I I I I Relationship Phone No. Phone No. Namel Name Phone No. Notes; Justification for Secure Placement Gani: Affili at ion C: C: Any Known Gang Affiliation: Determined by: A ddress ..:J Ad dress ..:J Add ress ..:J - Select Relationslil) - Relationship to UAC - Select Relationst,ip - Addressl ..:J Add ress ..:J r r r, r Suspect No Unknown Name of Gang: Self-AdniMion of UAC Gang Tattoos Gang A ffiliation Summary Gang Affiliation summary : Det ent ion Facility Infor mation (If UAC re ceived from a det en tion facil ity ) Facirity Name: I I ) Phone Number: Fax Number: Admission Date: Discharge Dale : Summary of Known Incident Reports During Stay at Detention Center: ... .. C: ..:] Adul Detention POC: Program Type: I ) ) Yes Type of Det ention Facility : I I I Relati onship to UAC I I I Address to UAC - Select Relations!,I) - Relationship to UAC - Select Relationshl) - Phone No. Name l -Sele ct Relationship - I I Select Program Type C: ) summary of known TB tests and medical/ mental health cond ition: ..:] >IRel!el I Enroll in Program: >IF~t I C: ) ..:] >IHoo-f•l! I UAC MAP: Sect ion 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 62 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000067 Appendix 1.2 Intakes Placement Checklist Intakes Placement Checklist Office of RefugeeResettlement ORR staff use this Intakes PlacementChecklisttodetermine the initial placement of UACwho may require placement in a restrictive setting, such as a staff secure or secure facility . An ORR Federal Field Specialist approves the final placement decision. 1. UAC INFORMATION DOB: Alien Number: I Previously in ORRD Custody Name (Last, First): Age: Date of Referral: Gender: Male Female Country of Origin : □ ~ 2. PLACEMENTDETERMINATION Intakes Staff: Approving FFS: Recommended Placement: Staff Secure□ Secure□ Shelter(TFC D RTC D RTC D □ Final Placement Determination : Staff Secure□ SecureO Shelter(TFC Therapeutic Therapeutic D FFS Decision: (select) Designated Placement: □ Reason for FFS override of Intakes ' recommendation , if applicable : 3. ESCAPERISK Any positive indication of escape risk meets minimum requirements for designation to a staff secure facility . Yes No Referral indicates that UAC has attempted to escape or expressed intent to escape from 0 detention or aovernment custody , Yes No UAC was previously in ORR care and has SIR(s) for attempting to escape or expressing intent 0 €l to escape from ORR custody. Yes No UAC will be turning 18 years of age in the next month. e 0 Yes 0 0 No (D UAC has immigration history that includes: 1) a final order of removal 2) prior breach of bond 3) failure to appear before DHS or the immigration court 4) previous repatriation to home countrv. 4 . DANGERTO SELF Any positive indication of danger to self meets the minimvm requirements for designation to a therapeutic or secure facility. Yes No Referral indicates that UAC has committed or attempted an act of self- harm, or threatened 0 0 harm him/herself while in the custodv of the referrina aaencv. Yes No UAC was previously in ORR care and has SIR(s) for committing, attempting or threatening @ 0 harm him/herself. to to Intakes Placement Checklist, 11/02/2018 ORR UAC/P-7 UAC M AP: Section 1: Placemen t in ORR Care Provide r Facilit ies 63 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000068 5, DANGER TO OTHERS UACare not placed in a secure facility absent a determination that the child poses o danger to self, others, or has been charged with having committed a criminal affense. In assessing danger, ORR wnsiders criminal history, gang affiliatian that requires further assessment , and/or sexual predatory behovior/inoppropriate sexua l behavior. ORR considers certain criminal history as evidence of danger as provided below . A. CRIMINAL HISTORY Criminalhistory or behavior meets the minimum requirements for placement into a secure care provider 1/it: 1/ involved on element of violence from the action, threat or harassment; 2} involved multiple incidents of the same offense (showing o pattern or practice of criminal activity/; or, 3/ involved different incidents of separate offenses. Criminal history not falling into one of these three categories does not meet the •dangerousness • requirement for placement in o secure facility, but may justify placement in a staff secure facility. Yes 0 No n , or the use or ca rrying of a weapo n (e.g., breaking and e ntering 1 vanda lism, DUI, etc .); or petty offenses which are not considere d ground5 for a sbicte r means of detention in any case (e.g. , shop lifting, joy riding, disturbing the peace , st!!tus offenses) . 1 ..Displn ys gang affil intion " refers to any obje;ctive in diClltion that a UAC i:s involved w ith or is a memb@:rof n gang. For ex,11mple , it may ~for to the p~s.el"IC1:!: of identifying charact e ristics such as gang tattoos , conf irmed acts such as va nda lizing property w ith a gang's "tag", other confirmed puticipation in gang activities, and/or any indications from the UAC'sbehavior while in government custody. Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Sett ing, rev. 10/26/2018 ORR UAC/P-4 UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Faciliti es 66 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000071 Notice of Placement in a Resbictive Setting Summary of placementdecisionor case review (additional pages may be added): ORRwill reviewyour placement, at a minimum, every30 daysto determinewhether your placementin a restrictive level of care is still necessary.If you remain in a secure facility or RTCafter 30 days,you may requestthat the ORRDirector reconsider your placement. For more information on this process,pleaseask your casemanager. If you believeyou have not been properlyplacedor that you have beentreatedimproperly you may also aska Federal District Courtto review your case.You may call a lawyer to assist you. UAC's acknowledgementof receipt: UAC'sSignab.Jre Date Care provider-issuingofficial: Signature Date Notice of Placement in a Restrictive Setting , rev. 10/26/2018 UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilit ies 67 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000072 Appendix 1.4 Medical Checklist for Transfers i\lEDI CAL CHECKLIST fOR TR.A.1~SFERS IDE~~G Il'ITOR.\fATIO~ UC' s Name : __J Comple tedB y(name and title): __ A!=: Date Comp leted: __ ISSTRt:CTION S • This checklist must be completed by amedicalcoordinatoror othermedical sui.ffwithin three (3) business da y s identifying the need for a transfer. • If "N o" is checked for any of the below questions , do not transf er the child without consulting the ORR Medical Team. The FFS must also be consulted in accordance "1th ORR policies and proc .edures. • The completed checklist should be uploaded to the UC Ponal under "UAC Documents " and the paper copy stored in a secure location. Do n ot mc.u . I d ea copy o fthi SC heC'stWI kli "th th ec hild ' s tra .ns ~er d ocumentsasn contamsco nfid enna . I m e diCal inf:orrnanon . • !CHECKLIST I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Has the initial medical exam been comp leted '? Ha v e results from all lab tests been receiv ed? h the child up-to-da te on inununizations '? Does the child ha v e enough medications to la st through the transfer proc ess, plus an additional3 days ? Is the child free of all medical conditions that require specialist care (such as pregnan cy, or epilepsy, or hean disease )? Is the child currently clear of the follo"w-ingsymptorra!conditions ? a. Fever b . Rash C. Cough d. Neck stiffness 'Confusion e. Diarrhe a/Vo miting f. Scabies / Lice Are all medical reports as complete as possible (e.g., lab results a.ndfinal diagnoses entered) in the UC Portal ? Ha v e all medi cal documents (e.g., Initial Medical E.--;;arnform,immunizationreco rds, lab results) been uploaded to the UC Portal ? UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilit ies I Meets Transfer Criteria Yes Yes Yes Yes U NA "" Doe_sNot "lcleet TrU1Sler Criteria l J No LJ No LJ No U No LI Yes U No 0Ye s 0 Yes 0Ye s O ' Yes 0 Yes 0Ye s LI. Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No U No L.,J_Yes U No □ No □ No 68 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000073 Appendix 1.5 Screen Shot of the Transfer Request and Tracking Form Transfer request Minor 's Profile: Height(!!. & inchu ): Weight l!Af) : Eye Color: Ident ification Marks : Transfer Request: Type of Program Requested : Requ e sted Date : Requesting Party : Requ ester Name : RequestuTitle: Requester Phone : Case Coordination: Concur with Requesting /"Yes("' No Party? If not , specify: Type of Program Case Coordinator Proposed Recommended: Procram: Use Coordinator Nt1m•: Recommended Dato : ReHon for Transfer Request: )hetter & Foster Cilre Only : Se cure & Stiff Secure Only rstanda ,d Placement r COovicted as Adult 1 ~il\'l.~ Oeinquent r Crimin al O,arg es r0iargeable l\ny Type: r ro provide a less restrictive setting(~ r ro provkte iM1nor's r only) a more restrictrve setting (trtol!£!OOty) Medkal Health r Minor's Mental Health I ttas th• Minor 's Attorney Violent/Threatening r 0tsrupt1Ye Behav'lor r M111or'sSafety rF!iaht Risk r Emergency lnflu,i Behavior fvesrNo Attorn e-y Phon• : h•nContac:t•d? Attorney of Record: Casefile Summaries Information Relatingto r Pregnancy r Diagnosed Behavio r/Illness M!!:!filcuefile r,njury r Ol~gnosedBeh.JX!Qr/Jllness with r 111ness r Non-violent r Non-diagno sed Behavior/Illness with no Medications M edications Convictlon with no M edicatio ns r Non -violent Charge r Non-diagnosed Behavior /Illn ess with M ed icati ons r Charge(s) Dropped UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilit ies 69 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000074 Minor's Modic•I/Montol Health Summuy: Behavior Summary: (history of: fli,ht risk, a"ress ive/assaultlve & sexually Inappropriate behaviors) Curr•nt Status of Family Reunification : Immigration Court Status: Ca:s• Manag■ r Comm•nts Case Manager Name: case Manaeer Comment s: rn:sr No Us• M11nagu Sugguts TMS Historical Transfu Transferll Request 1J. Data of CiilsaM1nagu Comments : ORR/DCSDecision Commants: D•cision: Oat• of Oacision: (Pending f'"Ap prove ("' Olsapprove l Remanded, ple a"Seprovide info as detailed in comments Name of ORRDecision Maker: Transfer Packet {for each minor) Good causa exists to ch 1n1• v■nu ■ in this matt.r pursuant to 8 C.F.R. & 1003.20 lb) for th• following r ORR has decided to relocate rlhe r■ ason(s); tile respon(lent to an area where space Is available/ appropri ate s-erv.lcescan be provided, since Juvenile detention space Is limited In minor has a special need (e.g., pregnancy or juven~ , medical needs , etc.I , please specify r ot her, please .specify O•part.ur•/ Arrival Information Oepilrttir e Dilte : Oepilrture Time: Tr~nsportin.: Staff Nilme: Transporting Staff Tit!@: Triln , port in1 Stiff CommenU : ArTlval Oat•: ArrivalTim• : Receivi ncStilffN~me : R@c@ivingStaffTitle: Aeceivin&Stilff Commenb: Please follow checklist in the Transfer Procedures when completing minor's transfer packet, check the cheokbox to indicate the packet is completed. List of Minor's Belongings (be sure to include medication and expl ain dosage in medical/mental health summary) OOA-COV RoquutType 1 Change of Address Transfer Sch. to Take Place on: (" Change of Value Next Sch. Court Appearance for this Juvenile Is: Reason for less than 48 hours noticeto ICE(if applicable) ,.; UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 70 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000075 Appendix 1.6 Template for Summary Notes: 30 Day Restrictive Placement Case Review SUMMARYNOTtS: fhlrt>r~ R.estt1ct:twP!Kemenl Case Re'l'lew 111.0.I.: _, 0Mo11111of""-.t"1M(.•---.,~-----91-.llllil ""'-ffll91illlltkclllltV .. ~ J.llllt»•w--.. 1 .. __......,,...___. .................. l UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 71 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000076 Appendix 1.7 Long Term Foster Care Placement Memo LONG TERM FO STER CARE PLACEME .. T l\IEJ\IO Type oflong term foster care (LTFC) plac ement r equested: C hoose an it em . ,;..#: Chck here to enter a date Minor 's Name: Click here to enter text Foster cure <1!1<'11,:r has found a placement for the above rumor. Please use the foster care program address and phone number for all comacts with the youth, including change of ,·enue fomis. Foster cnr c p1·ogr n111: ( lick here to cnt<.?rtext Pr ogra m Addr ess: l Itek her tl>clltc1 text Foster care pr ogrnm starr r espon sible for tr ansfer: Click here to enter lexI ( 'hd._ Phone#: here to cntc1 text Placement Type: D Traditional Foster Care D Therapeutic Foster Car.: D Group Care D Other (Please specify): C'hck here tl> enter text In erwork'?D Yes D No Name of Foster Famil y: Chck here to enter text l. D Residential Treatment Center IAddre ss: Chck here.:to emer text. Describe how this placeme nt meets the minor 's needs identified in the Case S11mma1yand Individual Service Plan: Click here to enrer text 2. Describe family . household. and communi ty setting: Click here to IC'ntertext 3. For an initial transfer into LTFC only (if a change of placement for a minor already in L TFC skip and move to 4): a. Has a legal service provider or attorney found that the minor would be eligible for legal relief in the receiving jurisd iction ? Choo-:,e an item. b. What is the name and contact infonnatlon for the legal service provider or anorney of record who will arrange legal services for the minor at the time of placement with your orgimization? Click here lo enter lc.'Xt. 4. For a change of p lacement for a minor already in LTFC only (skip if this is an initial transfer into LTFC) . What are the reasons for the request? Cilek here to enter text. ln recommending the placement above.foster care agency has followed state guidelines and internal policies and procedures in recommending this placement . Fo ster care program staff : _______________________ UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities Date: _____ _ 72 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000077 Appendix 1.8 Requestfor Reconsiderationof Placement [In clearance] UAC MAP: Section 1: Placement in ORR Care Provider Facilities 73 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000078 Appendix 1.9 Care Provider Checklistfor Transfersto Influx Care Facilities IDE..,TIF\~G L'\TORlLUIO:S UC's : __ Aj:. · ·--Date of Birth: __ uc·s UC's Dat e of Admission 100RR: __ UC's D;m of Transf er: -. ., 1""futidAlcolff/JlmOttlffl1IIA S 4ayuf at1.lld#io,y . I Care Fadtity : __ Recehing Influ..-< Reftlrin& Care Pro,'idu : ~ UC Case Manager 's Name: __ UC Clinician ' s :-lame : __ ORR Re\'1ewer's Name :,__ I Fully Complertd Co mp l edon Date in UAC Porta. I u u Initial Intabs Asuumrnt t,i·ithin 24 houn of admission} UC Assessmmt (Vilthm 5 dm'S of admission) AsseS!l1lent for Risk t,,·lthln 72 noun of admission) lndh ,idml $t f\ice Plan t-,·11/11115 to 6 d(l)'Sof adm/;slon) w u I I I I I I LEGAL SER\l CES I Comp ltted and Uploaded to UAC Porta l ugal Representation Lut (sigm:d acb1owledga1MJl1wuh/J14$ houn ofadmiJsion) Know Yow Rights O,r~a.ntat/011a,rd sig1111d acbio...,,f 11dge111a.111 wflh 14 dap of admisS1011flL video ands~n«J acbJo...,•/u/.f(limtmtwlthin 7 days of a~/011) LeRal Screming (within 7 to JOday; ofadml~lon) LI w u MEDICAL S£R,1crs Comple 1ed Hd tiploa&d 10 CAC Porul Pngauncy Tt1t1ng for Elpblt Femalu lrw prlorto a(fwnnmra:1011of,(tcctn.: Compl etio n Date I I I Complt-doo Datt : d1f,r In• \QCC/n,:dw-1 lmmu111nb0ns for 13-1.. Yur Oldsla.cco mi to tl:a.ACIP ,>m11Wv"1at f,a,u •1 Jioun prior to plr):lcol trQJt.:/ITJ • T dap IWIUIIU, d1pl111tulo.JM11imU ) • HcpatroiA • HqullUSB • Vamdla (cllkunpo1, ) • l.PV(lno,:1'otldpohoiln,n accln•) • ~~fR or M~fR\. (),wm/,s "lll1'!p.S.rvb,llaJ • ~1C\'J (l,wnlff8«0ualdt:.a:•) • HPV (hw,tt:mpaplllo~ll'W ) • flu 11,t/tv, :,o:onab <1'10/labl,- #M,O/ fl#IHT tlvotJ:lh./io:, s, Date Confirmed Coofirm rd Cmld clear of all eonia ouseond!nons (lncl ud.s sca!IJ~ RllAIIOS UC's Name: ____J A# : -- :R.s I I Completed By (namc and tillc): __=i Date Completed: __ D'STitCCilO:XS I • This checklist shouldbe completed by a medical coordinatoror other medical staff no later than 24 boorsprior to the proposed transfer date. • If ..::-.'o" is checked for a~ · of tb,e below questions, do not tr ansfer tb t child to an influx car e facility• • The completed checklistshouldbe uploaded to the UC Portal and the paper copy stored in.a secure locatiai Do not include a.copy oflhis checklist wilh the child's tratlSfadocwnQ'ltsas it com.ainsconlidcmialmedical infoonalicn. The person completingthis fonn should initial !he Can Pro~td0' Ch«ldtsrfor Transfersro InfluxCareFactltrfesto indicate the child is medically clearedand vaccinated. . I CHECKLIST Does Sot ~ lut :\l eets Influx Influx Tnns rer Tr ansfer C riteria Criteria 1. 2. 3. -1. 5. 6. 7. Has the initial medicaJ c:-cambeen comn1cted? Have results from all lab tcm (e.g., STD tests) and medical consulw:ionsbccnrccch-cd? TB scu crung a. Docs the child ba\"Ca negativcPPD (<10 mm) or IGRA7 b. For l S-17 yca.rolds, does th.c child ban a nonna.l chest X-ray? HIV screcrung a. \Vas the child tested for HIV? Check ".Vo" Ifchild opted ourof H!Ytesrfng b. lfthe child was tested, was the 1l1VteS1nc2ativc7 For females, was the pregnancy test ncganvc'? Did the child receJ\·c the toll01\ingimmunizations? a. Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) b. Hepatitis A c. Hepatitis B d. Varicclla (chickcDpox) e. lPV (macti,·atcd polio,irus vaccine) f . M~(R (measles, mumps, rubdJa) g. MCV4 (mmingococcal discast) b. HPV (human papilloma\"irus) i. flu , when scasaiably a\·ailablc (generally, September through June) more an 72 hours ore the Did the ch. receive o the abO\'C1mmUI11zatiODS scheduled physical transfcr7 9. Ha\"eyou coo cd cc has no 01vnmedical or dm JSsuesrcqw.nng a dmaial enluation, treatment. orm onitaing by a healthcare pr01ider? I 0. Has a clinician co nncd the child bas no kno\\'n mental health issues requinng addioonal evaluation, trcaonent. or mrillalso bs do nswithin :u hours of physical trans/sr ,pu r.heORR 0pllrations Guid11,Section 1.2.10. MedicalChecklistfor influx Tr:unfon.Rf'\·. U ,'0512016 ORR 1.T~l -l UAC MAP: Sect ion 1: Placem ent in ORR Care Provid er Facilit ies 76 I Page AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000081 l(b)(6) From: Sent: 15 Jan 2019 20:09:17 +0000 SIRs Report of Significant Incident - Event 4{b)(6) 01.15.19 SIRAllegations to Policy Team.pdf To: Subject: Attachments: IOl/15/18 - Secure Significant Incident Report: Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center - Secure I Event# : J(b)(6) Summary: Allegations and Follow up to the allegations that UC made dur ing an interview with the policy team on 1/10/19. {b_}/~ 6}__ _ Reported By - _! ea tnrcian Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center 300 Technology Drive Staunton, VA 24401 Office: 540-886-0729 x160 Cell:l(b)(6) Fax: 540-213-0257 I AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000082 UAC B:t!ik luform:1tion (b)(6) □ b)(6) Firs tNa me : Last Na me : Sta tu s : ADM lnED AKA: Dat e of Birth: Ge nd er: M A No . : LO S: 46 LOC : 220 Age: 16 Chi ld 's Country of II d Birth : on uras Admitted Date: 11/3012018 ORR Pla ce m ent Date: 617120 18 Curr ent Program : Shenandoah Va lley Juvenile Center Current Location : Staunton. VA Event Type: SIR Event Date of Eve nt: Time of E vent: 1/ 10/20 19 Eve nt ID: 11:00AM !(b)(6) I Syno psis of Allegat ions and Follow up to the allegations that UC made during an interview witl1the policy team on 1/10/19. Eve nt : Si~nifl('.tnl r lnchh:111 Report Emer ge ncy SfRr. STR S IR r Ab use/Neglect in ORR Care r Pa st Abuse/Neglect ORR Care Not in Allcgcrviccs while in ORR care. R,~porfing: Reported To State Licensing: Was the Incident Inv estigated? r r Yes r. No Yes r. No lime of Date of Report: Report: Date Not ified the Incident will be investigated: Case/Confi.rmation Number: Explain Results/Findings of Investigation: Attach Reports/Findings: ls C PS Different From Stat e Licensing: r. Yes rNo Reported To CPS: r Yes r. No Was the lncidentJn vestigated? r Yes r. No Date of Report: Date Notified the Incident will be investigated: Time of Report: Case/Confirmation Number: Explain Results/Findings of Investigation: Attac h Reports/F ind.ings: Report ed To Local Law Enforcement: Was the Incident Investigated? Date of Report: Time of Report: Officer Name: Officer Badge: rYesr.No r Yes r. No Date Notified the Incident will be investigated: Case/Confirmation Number: Explain Results/Finding s of Investigation: Attach Reports/Finding s: ORR Nolifica lion !i: Mark Bennen SIR Hotline Medical Coordinator Case Coordinator I/ 15/20 19 03:15 PM CFS SfR Hotline 1115/2019 1115/2019 03:15 PM 03:15 PM mark.bennen@acfhhs.g sirhotline@acf 2024015709 Other No til'icati on:§: : Is this an SIR for a Runawa y? AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT r Yes r. No r ,tic .:Iiamc Date N 011T,e d l",me Noh"ficd "\lcthod of Notification sper,·r) HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000088 !ICE Juvenile Coord inator Rtporttr and Fullow-Cp Co11httt: AMERICA!\ pVERSIGHT HHS-ACF-18-0697-A-000089 l(b)(6) 16 Jan 2019 15:57:52 +0000 SIRs Report of Significant Incident - Event #j1h\1R\ ~ 01/15/18 - Secure SA SIR 01.15.19 lnnappropriate Comments.pdf From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Significant Incident Report: Shenandor Valle] Juvenile Center- Secure Event#: # (b)(B) Summary: On 01/15/19 a local minor made allegations that UC made inappropriate comments. UC alleged that both minors were making inappropriate comments in a joking context. I Reported By-! (bl(6l Lead Clinician Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center 300 Technology Drive Staunton, VA 24401 Office: 540-886-0729 x160 Cell: l