U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20528 Homeland Security January 16, 2020 SENT VIA EMAIL TO: JYenouskas@goodwinlaw.com Joseph F. Yenouskas GOODWIN PROCTER LLP 901 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001 Re: 18- CV-02846 (2018-HQFO-01112) American Oversight vs DHS Fourth Interim Release Dear Mr. Yenouskas: This is our fourth and final interim response to your client’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), dated June 20, 2018. For this production, DHS reviewed 282 pages of which 97 pages are released in full, 41 pages are withheld in full, and 124 pages are withheld in part pursuant to FOIA exemptions (b)(5) and (b)(6), and 7 pages are duplicate or non-responsive. DHS has also located and referred 8 pages to Human Health Services, who will review the pages and contact you. 5 pages were also sent out for consultation. The 262 pages for release are bates stamped DHS-001-1112-001459 to DHS-001-1112-001720. If you have any questions regarding this release, please contact Assistant United States Attorney, Denise Clark, United States Attorney’s Office for DC, Civil Division by email at denise.clark@usdoj.gov or phone at (202)-252-6605. Sincerely, Bradley E. White Sr. Director Privacy Office Appeals/Litigation Enclosure: 262 pages Page 001 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001459 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000001 Page 002 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001460 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000002 Page 003 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001461 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000003 Page 004 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001462 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000004 Page 005 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001463 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000005 No . 16 - 1540 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES DONALD J . TRUMP, PRESIDE NT OF THE UNITED STATES , ET AL., PETITI ONERS v. STATE OF HAWAII , ET AL . APPL I CATI ON FOR STAY OF THE MANDA TE OF THE UNITE D STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NI NTH CI RCUIT AFFI RMI NG MODIFIE D I NJUNCTI ON ON WRIT OF CERTI ORARI TO THE UNITE D STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NI NTH CI RCUIT J EFFREY B. WALL Act in g So li c i tor Ge ne ra l Cou n se l of Record Depart ment of J u stice Washington, D. C . 20530 - 0001 Sup re rneCtB rief s@usdo j . gov (202) 514 - 2217 DHS-001-1112-001464 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000006 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES No . 16 - 154 0 DONALD J . TRUMP, PRES I DENT OF THE UNITE D STATES , ET AL . , PETITIONERS v. STATE OF HAWAII , ET AL . ON WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NI NTH CI RCUIT APPLICATION FOR STAY OF THE MANDATE OF THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT AFF I RMI NG MODI F I ED I NJUNCTI ON More t h an t wo months certiorari e n force me n t 6, review to 20 17 ) of Executive (Order ) . ago , on June two 26 , 2017 , t his nationwide Ord e r 13 , 780 , As re l eva n t h ere , Cour t granted in ju nctions 82 Fed . Reg . t h e Cour t barring 13 , 209 (Mar . part i a ll y stayed bo t h in ju n c t i o n s t o a ll ow t he Ord e r ' s ref uge e prov i s i o n s t o " t ake effect ," wi t h " relationship the in of wi t h " a U . S . person S . Ct . 2080 , 2089 cour t exce pt ion this case (2017) . modified Several its refugees or who entity weeks or i g in a l DHS-001-1112-001465 . later have a bona fide Tr ump v . IRAP , , when in ju nction the to 137 district u n der mi ne DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000007 2 t hi s Court ' s stay in t ervened (July t he . In so doing , the t was this t i ve l y nu ll ifie even . That ignored ear l ier stay. t he this en t i re remarkable a to the Nin t h refugee modified rese tt l emen t ag en cy has promised the services arrival to concl u sion of its the reads ref ug ee this J un e 26 stay obtains refugee arrival June before 26 stay Eno ugh will take the t ime Ninth The tomorrow issuance quo a n d frus t ra t e o rderly of co u rt Circuit wi t hou t the re fugee : the cour t of meaning of its own court of appea l s Order if a government (or now Las t -- of the in has again. U. S . t o prov i de this co un try . with" req ui re ment IRAP , 137 S. Ct . at , the Cir cu i t t he federal suc h a promise eno ugh . effect for . func t i ona ll y in operat is from Cou rt ' s " re lationship r uling t he government u pon the the ref ug ees . repeating s l ate , exemp t determined challenging stay on aga in 19 , 20 1 7) injunction part i a l blank is (July provisions r u ling On a seemingly in re spect res ul t bears Court ' s Court necessarily s u cceed refugee Court's this t h at to ru l in gs , the affirmed appeals co n c l uded d t he No . 1 6- 1 540 Cou rt with Court 's mentioning provisions li ke l y injunction Desp i t e it prov i s ion s , Ord er, of the Thur sday , r ef ugee a stay . governmen modification effec t o t he and granted 19 Order) that as 2089 . "a ssurance That out And because ") ' s dec i s ion for renders every t he i ve . of beca u se the appeals ' co u rt drastically t he manda t e - - will implementation DHS-001-1112-001466 decision of the d isru pt refugee -- which shortened t he status prov i s i ons DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000008 3 t h at t hi s Cour t mad e c l e ar a n t i t he s i s of its subseque no t perm i t what t he i t s r ulings 1 37 S . Ct . at to be fo re u n cer ta in ty and d isruption To be clear appeals ' Con t rary it . the Th e Court can of t h at " close s uffi argum en ts this p hr ase of close prov i s i o n s of 11 0 1 e t seq ., for members the f urth e r of appeals ' ru li ng Th e waiver cou rt of ( IRAP , a li e n s f ro m t h e Order . de cision ph rase IRAP , i t the b e l ow , in goo d fa i t h . cited the t he When Order ' s waiver , and parents as examples d rawn from t h e I mmigrat i on a n d Nat i ona li ty Ac t ( I NA), 8 U. S . C . t h at gover n whi c h re l at i v e s are the to the Court ' s line INA (and the between close and 26 Th e govern men t extended Order ' s waive r provision) con t inue s t o be lie v e t h a t J un e de cision is DHS-001-1112-001467 the the p ermi tt e d to pet i t i on rece i v e a n immi gra n t v i sa . same Th e gov er nme nt of of t he in junc t i on is drew that ( IRA P , p rovision a n a li en abroad therefore . a n d it rela t ion s hi ps" a n d the spo u ses , children f amil y me mbers , y s t ruck disa g ree s with familial t o inte rpre t t h at lists me r its ce t o exem pt in fashion . gov ernmen t attempted Cour t use d that that court what The Cour t should . carefull the gov ernme n t also t o resp on de nts ' pro vi sion , which in i s t he and a n d s h ou l d prevent re f ug ee provisions , the 2088) the by staying in t er p re tat ion 1 37 S . Ct . at b e frus t ra t ed Th at prescribed to p reserve b e upse t while ar e pen d ing to helped stay " e q ui t ab le ba l a nce " it 2 08 9) to respect cou l d proc ee d . Cou r t ' s o r iginal n t Ju l y 19 Order sho u ld no t a llo w the with mon t h s ago family draws . its inte rpretat ion most natu ra l one . DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000009 4 Respo n de n ts ' contrary l ega l def in es source relatives and cap t ured exte nd ed Th e t the district collapses a stay obv i ous courts t han , co u rts ' of t he reading of ng of family h arm to t he in ju nction court , insof of exempt ei t her with the mer i ts s h ou l d construe temporary grant summarily meri t s . does not fundamental and prov i s i ons . applying t he lowe r where as the Nint h upend the stat u s quo and adm inis t ra t ive decisi and the on req u ests that t h e Court affirmin federal f r om the in the Order , pending either stay as . consi der e vent , while t he mod i f i ed s u fficient the Court ' s a pet i t i o n for a t h e pet i t i on , t he se i ssu e s together Cour t s houl d grant i t considers a Al t erna t i v e l y , whil e i t cons i ders or t he gove r nment u nder l y in g cases a stay g agr eemen t b e tw een t hi s application re ve rse In ully dee ms a n ass u rance applicant wr i t of cert i orar i, and it agency a ref ugee d i spos i t i on of the t h e Cou rt wou ld respectf appea l s ' a r as ref u g ee - resettlement to been and t h e n at i ona l in t eres t . Th e gover nmen t therefore stay h as t he ' s dec i s i on. refugee members , Circ u it ' s ref ug ee - ass u ra nc e r u ling do greater the of c los e governmen t l ess of a ll (no d in ju nction) Nin t h Circuit is basis be t ween t he error already close , the nullification government l ega l t o in c l ude d is t in c t ion Nev ert heless l i n e-drawi their any cour t' s mod ifie any t hi s aspect ' lacks fami l y members fam il y memb er s . lower Moreover c l ose by effectively reques in t erpre tat i on t he application a .1 1 most Thi s Court ' s Rule 23 . 3 pro vi des that , "[ e ) xcep t in t he extraordinary circ u mstanc es , a n app lic a t ion for a stay will DHS-001-1112-001468 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000010 5 STATEMENT 1. Th ree litigation . nationals of related of t foreign Admission at Program . persons I d . at Order t ha t for present gover nmen ts seek in g a nd . (Ref ug ee 2084 . who may be en try to 6 (a) un der the Program) Sect ion admitted , 6(b) as at issue entry in of heigh t ened adequate t hi s suspe nds pending limits refugees a certain - a review info rmat ion country Uni t ed t his terrorism wa i vers , pend ing prov i de Section t ravel are 90 days t o case - by - case 2084-2085 of t he suspends coun t ries n at ion a l s ad ju dications program six of 2(c) , subjec whe t her 1 37 S . Ct . of Section risks regarding provisions for States review I RAP, . 120 days Refugee of that to 50 , 000 t he number in Fiscal Year 20 1 7 . Ibi d . not be en t er ta ine d unl ess t he relief req u ested was firs t sought " in the cour t be lo w. On J uly 15 , 2017 , t he governmen t moved in the court of appea l s for a stay pe n d in g appeal, C .A. Doc . 3 , but on J uly 24 , 2017 , t he cour t of appeals den ie d t h at motion as moot after t his Cou rt itself s tay ed the modified injunc t ion pending appea l, C . A. Doc . 7 . In its br iefin g be l ow, the government renewed its stay req u est , ask ing the court of appea ls , insofar as it affirmed the modified in ju nction , to stay its mandate pending the gover nmen t ' s pursu i t of review in t hi s Court . 17- 1 6426 Gov ' t Rep l y Br . 22 . The cour t of appeals effec t i ve l y denied tha t reques t in its decision : far from staying its mandate , the co u rt of appeals express l y acce l era t ed t he t ime for i ts i ssua n ce , from t he defau l t t ime of 52 days to only five days. Addendum (Add.) 34-35 . At a minimum , this case prese n t s " ex t raordinary circums ta nces ." Rule 23 . 3 . Gi ve n the exceeding l y short t ime the court of appea l s a ll owed before i ts manda t e wou l d i ssue , and t h at court ' s c l ear indication that in its view the mandate sho ul d issue promptly , renewing t he gover nmen t ' s request for a stay pe n d in g t hi s Court ' s review would be fu t il e and wou l d needlessly consume add i t ion a l time and reso u rces of the co u rt of appeals and the parties . DHS-001-1112-001469 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000011 6 Respo n de n ts a n d Dr . I sma il States at in t hi s case Elshikh -- challenged Di s t ric t Cour t for 2084 - 2085 . e ff ect , the whi c h it The day district l ater the cou rt the t he a State of Hawa ii Sec t i ons 2 and 6 in the e nte red to Sections -- Di s t ric t of Hawaii . b efore converted app li ca t i o n of (No . 16-1540) Order was t o take re st ra ining pre li min ary their IRAP , 137 S . Ct . s c h ed ul ed a temporary 2 a nd 6 in Un i t ed injunction en t i re ty . o rder , , barr i ng Id . at 2084 . On Ju n e 12 , 20 17 , t h e Nin t h Ci rcu i t l arge l y aff i rmed t h e in junc t i on as t o Sec t ion s 2(c) , 6(a) , and to the provisions A s e parat I RAP, No . addressing e group 1 6- 1 436 , Uni t ed States Circui s ubsta ntial 2. 2084 . t , part of bot h i njunc t ions . 20 1 7 , t hi s Court and i ssued consideration Section Court That 2 (c) , the t h e Di str i ct cour t en e n jo in ed ba n e , 2085 . in in a Trum p v . su i t in of Mary l and . Section affirmed that as t he I RAP, 2(c) , a n d t he injunc t ion in 2084 - 2085 . in bo t h cases I RAP, 1 37 S . Ct . at the a pa r t i a l stay of for Order t s ough t certiorari granted Id . at p l a in t iff s , t he respondents Id . at The governmen d t he injun ct ion re vi e ws . c h a ll enge d the s i tt ing . int er nal also Di str i ct 1 37 S . Ct . at Fo u rth of 6(b) , a n d vacate t he mer its government 2085-2086 ' s petitions of bot h i njunc t i ons . Co u rt ' s stay . for a n d a stay On June cert 26 , i orar i p end i ng t h e Court ' s I d . at 2086 - 2089 . r u ling states With respect to : Th e in ju n ct i o n s rema in in p l ace o nl y wi t h respect t o part i es s i mil ar l y situated to Doe , Dr . El sh i kh , and Hawaii . I n p rac t i ca l terms , this means that §2 (c) may not be enforced a g a inst foreign n at ion a ls who h a ve a cre d ible claim of a bona DHS-001-1112-001470 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000012 7 fide re l a t ion s hi p wi t h a person or o t he r foreign nationals States . All provisions of [the Order ] . Id . a t 2088 . ill u strate The Cour t explained the indi vict u als , Th e Court e n t er sort of a c lo se c i t ed as entities of evading " [t ] h e s t ude n t s adm i tt ed to offer of lists , and exc l us i o n . " 6 (a) relatio the ." Ibid . " For re q uired ." Ibid . or visit mu st co u rse , ra t her des i g n ated of Ibi d . relationship Ibid . cou n t r i es to immigration en t ry for as examples have a nd "a been may an l ec tur er By co n trast issues , the wh o accepted Ibi d . desig n a t ed coun t ries their than who Hawaii , " " a worker " As for be formal The Cour t gave a n Amer i ca n aud i e n ce . " to a fam il y member , fro m a n Amer i ca n co mpa n y ," granted the IRAP , adm i ss i o n is cases no t , "a contact , add t hem t o client by claiming in ju ry from their of in junc t i on Ibi d . by and ordinary secure Th e Court 6 (b) in the from the then with , " the devoted na t ionals affirmed live t h e University in v i t ed t o address foreign to from group of these q u alifies relationship [t he Order ] . " emp l oyme n t nonprofit that explained formed purpose "[ t ] he facts Dr . El s hi kh' s mot h er- in - l aw . " Co u rt doc umented , and familial States or , " the relationship in t he United subjec t t o the a n exa mp l e " [a l fore i g n n at i o n a l wh o wi shes t h e Uni t ed l i ke Doe ' s wife that entity are 6 (b) as Ninth 137 S . Ct. " may not a n s h ip with refugee a similar Circ u it at partial with 2089 . stay respect to The Cou rt be enforced agains t wh o credib ly ca n a perso n or e n t i ty in the DHS-001-1112-001471 the Sections ruled 6(a) t ha t Sections an individual cl aim a Uni t ed States and seeking bona f i de ." Ibid . DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000013 8 "As applie t h at " t he explained to d to the Uni t ed secur i ty ." 29 , 14 , 20 1 7 , provisions Court As any such t i ps provide in for t t o a memora ndum issue , the be g an implementin and respondents co n s i der balance to the Ibid . who l ack the need ' C, t i ve held t he Court connection favor t he g Sections of the Nat ion's t D published issues as (Ju l y upda t ed as it , 3, t he re l evan t i ssues I d . at Homeland 6 (b) on June p rovisions at The sa me day , thos e gu i dance gove r nment Some prev io us l y and t hose ava il ab le . age ncies . of public 2017 ). the t he State day . whi c h t he became of Pres i d en t on 2 (c) , 6 (a) , and enforcemen components d b y the date of n Day l i g h t Time o n t h at counsel and effec Departments the y commenced var iou s implementation subsequently refugees c l ar if y in g t he age n c ie s a nd their A, effe ct . " * * * Pursuan 8 : 00 p . m. Easter Exs . to ho we v er, Ibi d . a. 2017 , take comp elling 3. Security comes States 's in d ivi d u als," may , "when it en jo ined other provisions Government Ju ne al l of continued address in g provided to D. Ct . the Doc . guidance to review 301 , was and 7.2 2 See Bureau of Consu l ar Affairs , U. S . Dep ' t of State , Important Announcemen t : Execu t i ve Order on Visas (State Visa Gu idance) , https : //travel . state . gov/content/t ra vel/en/news/ importa n t-a nnoun ce men t . h t ml ; Bureau of Popu l at i o n, Refugees, and Migrat ion, U. S . Dep ' t of State , Fact Shee t : Info r mation Regarding the U.S. Ref ug ee Admission Program (State Refugee Fac t Sheet), h ttps : //www . state . gov/j/prm/re l e ases/facts hee ts/ 20 1 7/2723 1 6 . h t m; U. S . Dep ' t of Homel a nd Sec . (OHS), Fre que n t l y Asked Questions on Protecting t he Nat ion from Foreign Terroris t Entry in t o t he United States (OHS FAQs ), h ttps : //www . d h s . gov/ ne ws/20 1 7/06/29/frequent ly -asked-quest i o n s-protect in g- n at ion-fo re ign- t erroris t -en try un ited - states . DHS-001-1112-001472 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000014 9 b. On J un e 29 , t h e p ublic gui d ance an emergency the J u n e 26 stay respo n de n ts stay of of . has agreement that what betwee n the rese tt l eme n t 11 - 12 . rese tt lemen t provide certain refugee successfu agreement co u ntry agency e n t ered be fore has t o t h e United as every -- States the if Court ' s a l i ens . r uling does t he Depart ment D. Ct . ag enc y . nine commi t men t n o n govern men ta l wi t h t h e gover nmen t t o Depart ment t o the St a t e s . 3 , 201 7) . wh o is 13 , 2017 ) . . of here , sponso r ship - assurance o n e of of of ref u gee St a t e to following D. Ct . Doc . 301 - 1 , at In ord e r to fac i l i tat e State perm i tt ed ref u gee ' s arr i va l . with a a nd t he United ref ug ee no contact this i es " Court ' s As rele vant - rese tt lemen t l e men t , t h e Department t he t hi s agree me n ts Dee l . 11 1 4- 1 7 ) (J uly for of ref u gees s er v ice s a n d ass i s t a nce l resett ligh t n c e i s a co n t rac t ua l serv ice s -- Doc . 345 , a t 1 6 (J u ly typically known refugee ' s arr i va l in the 5 (Bartlett t o " clarify 2. t f i l ed it t o inte r p r et as An assura h ave provide the is a U. S . - based at case t hi s Court ' s Ju n e 26 stay adm ission Doc . 293- 1 , governmen ask ing in court t he in this fro m t he Ord e r tw o categor argued orga ni za t i o n s t h at co u rt injun c t ion d i str i ct obtained from from , respon d ents d i s t ric t its app lic a n t s for State receiving D. Ct . Doc . 293 - 1 , at ru l in g t o ex empt cover the u r ge d the Fi rs t , they not in scope r u ling aft e r t hen available motion opera t i ve 20 17 , See ob ta in s suc h an to ibi d . t rave l ( ':ll 1 6 ); to t hi s D . Ct . The rese tt lemen t ag ency , howeve r , re f ug ee u ntil D. Ct . Doc . 301-1 , at DHS-001-1112-001473 he o r sh e arrives 7 (Bartlett Deel. <[[ DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000015 10 21) an Accord in g l y , t h e Departme n t of assurance agreement Depart ment b e t ween Re f u g ee Fact Sh eet . Seco n d , the t oo narrow l y the ' s g u idance u ding daug h t er , parent did not stay and l emen t that phrase " close r uling a lso a q ualifying t he government familial phrase - in - law) , spo u se , fiance(e) relationships . See State D. Ct . Doc . 345 , at incl u de g ra ndpa re nts , 11 . to g Visa " e x t en d e d u family exc l uded categories a n d t h at such from Sec t i ons members . a l so constitute relatives sh oul d therefore re n , 2(c) , 6(a) , and 6(b) . 6. The co u rt a n d ' eq uita b le t s ' motion " w [o u ld ] not for upset I NA, the [this sisters DHS-001-1112-001474 or or uncl es , - in - law , and argu e d t h a t these re l at i onsh i ps u i ca ll y exe mpt 7- 11. , t he d i s t ric t court . D. Ct. ] Cou rt ' s caref ju dgment ' broug h t to bear son whole D. Ct . Doc . 293- 1 , at clarification 7- 11. ' s def i n i t i on categor On Ju l y 6 , 2017 , af t er e xp e d i t e d briefing de nie d responden at a u nts , familial be gu i dance , ad u lt (wh e t h er Respondents " c l ose State Gui dance ; OHS FAQs , ni e ces , n ep hews , co u sins , br othe rs - in - law and any o t her 's t he The government g ra ndchild See incl u de a parent , child siblin t he bo na fide 293-1 , on prov i s ion s of that and re l at i ons hi p u i n D. Ct . Doc . . and int erpreted agency a U. S . en t i t y . so n -i n -law , daug h t er- i n- l aw , h a l f) , and step Q29 ; see resett argued on t hi s Court ' s ruling government (incl refugee resp on dents t hi s Court ' s J un e 26 Relying a do e s no t , by i t s elf , e s t ab lish relationship co n strued between Stat e ' s gu i da n ce s tat ed t ha t wh e n ' tailo Do c . 322 , at u l balancing r [ing] a stay ' DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000016 11 in this matter of the stay discretion " nor for and " presume t h at judgmen t' dependent of the original; c i tat ion their l arge l y its court motion t he or in for every as to assurance agreement bona fide relationship this Cour t' s J un e Sections court 6(a) he l d t h at . filed t ime the d i str ic t 9-26 . a resett with 26 of l emen t ruling the government , , a new motion in 3. (as relevant and Order . cour t' s in ju nction DHS-001-1112-001475 court State t herefore seek in g district , the h as has within ' s interpretation here) as to Id . at as sty l ed agency a U. S . entity stay stated to mot ion First whom t he Departme n t of from Hawaii re q ues t 13 , 2017 , the resp ondents' 345 , at in i a ll y t he same arguments t hi s On J u ly a Id . at seek in g 4- 15 . the (brackets of appeals entertain and of part a n d 6(b) the could at ion D. Ct . Doc. ref ugee but as appea le d , a n d t he court in jun ction re l ief, case Ibid . The court in g substant of injunction a given .' " ts 'exer cise l ack of jur i sd i ct ion . 3) . clarification mod ific of 7 , 2017 , respondents s ubstantial in ju n ctio n . eq u ities i t presents existing D. Ct . Doc . 328 - 1 , at granted a preliminary cour t present same enforcement ' [c]r aft ing Doc. district On J u ly t he d i str i ct in t he a. Court ' s Responden (C.A. own unders ta nding originating d t hei r appea l for or modify 4. in omi tt ed). v . Trump , No . 17-16366 enforce t he leg a l iss u es of appea l s d ismisse t ha t subst i t u t e its as mu ch on the s ubstance however , of to the is 16 - 17 . . court modify its he l d that obtained an a qua l if y i ng meaning exemp t of from Second , the of " c l ose fami l i a l DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000017 12 re l at i o n s hi p " is too district denied court in ju nction 24 . to in vario The co u rt stay its b. narrow . Id . at responden denied ruling pending Because the 20 1 7 , 26 a motion stay . J u ly 15 , a l so filed in stay this 16 - 1540 2017) . Gov ' t Out a no t i ce of of the for the Circ u it ' s opposing issued stay disposition a clarification of the li ke lih ood of success Mot . for only eq u ities both favor On J u ly for t ha t c l a rifica injunction and applicant b ut it Id . that a , and stay are . " (emphasis omitted)) Cou rt the denied granted DHS-001-1112-001476 in " is likely Ninth 39 . In not be alia) Opp. (A stay reversal here) should (inter t he i n t hi s t he 17 - 18 , 1 6- 1 540 Resp. 20 17) in relevant at demonstrated (Ju l y 1 8 , 19 , 2017 , this t io n, arg u ed o n t h e mer i ts . certiorari the appea l . government Cl ar i f i cat i on 36 where gove rn ment request) inj u nction June the pe n d ing d its (docketed t he mod ifie t hi s 15 - 17 (as resp ondents unless of cau t ion , t h e mod i f i ed i ts i mmedi ate l y a l t er n at i ve l y requested of stay , modifying government the Cour t 24 . ' s i n t erpre tat i on of Court t he 18 - 22 , court of appea l s (wi t h an accompany i ng stay that Id . at order court government i ts gov ern ment ' s req uest Clarification of modify 's a n abundance appeal The court req u esting Mot . 11-15 . D. Ct . Doc . 345 , at ru lin g , Cou rt to re view . d i str i ct Court ' s June i d . at request . appellate e n t i re l y on the 26, see witho u t comment in ju n c t i o n rested filed ts ' u s othe r respects also 11; to a Gov ' t ava il ab l e , and the . gove r nment ' s req uest part t he government 's DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000018 13 a l ter n at i ve request Ju l y 19 Order . order c. motion the a stay government affirmed the On September of 24-27 , agenc i es assured t he suffer and inability Add . 27 ; see : Appeals to resolution for t he Ninth Gorsuc h would descr court kinds " tangible moot the C . A. Doc . 7 . In the , extent t he 17- 1 6426 expedited held t ion the court have by formal i b i ng the the stay harm injuries s u pport t o effec t ua t e t heir ," Th e court [] briefing of from the t hrough ." argument, t he did from Add . 23 ; refugee-resett exc l usion see t ual of forma ll y invested injuries moral , l emen t lo ss of spiri and not process "in t angib le DHS-001-1112-001477 Br . 22 . co u rt and of mandate t he government the , appeals its refugee-resettlement that 's Add . 1-35 . district assurances determ i ned of its co u rt br i ef in g and that government Gov ' t C . A . Reply t o " enjoin financial Add . 27-31 . as t h e mod i f i ed in ju n ct i o n. injunc two refugees reso u rces , to of appeals covered Af t er . in ju nction the refugees 23-35 . Add. that 7 , 20 17 , after modifying denied appeal t hi s Court . The co u rt excl u ding Add . pending in of Court respect pending Thomas , Ali t o , and appea l s appea l s aff i rmed i . in of modified with s t ayed Cou rt appea l. Ibi d . req u ested pe n d in g review err fu ll. Th e court for court in is Circuit "[ t ]h e District in ju nction t o the Just i ces t h e stay that assurance t he Governmen t' s appeal gra n ted t h e Ninth stated preliminary by a formal I b i d. pending 1 9 Order the covered Ci rcu i t . " the a stay Th e July modifying ref ugees of for missions appea l s acknowledged from ." t ha t DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000019 14 " t h e ass u rance age n cy not ] and say or written the " assura n ce nce Ibid . process ." ab u sed Th e court , the agency l emen t ] nevertheless " c [ou l d It clearly the erred requiremen ass u rance is signed factual t h a t the ou t by , before [this ] sign i ng an under tak e a se l ec t i on Add . communi t i es . b u t before add i t ion a l its hol d ing t s set agencies wi t h l oca l in in of appea l s n o t ed that rese tt l eme n t u ndertakes [refugee-resett i t s d i scr e t ion meets * * * agreement 3 1. co u rt t o matc h refugees And after Add . district ul t im a t ely assura Court. betwee n the t h e Government that findings the i s technically preparat the re f u gee ions fo r t he 3 1-32 . arrives , re fugee . Add . 32 . Th e court t h at of appea l s did refugee-rese prior It ho wever , to t hei r has resettlement agencies h ave also n umber of in ju nction "[ m] ore a l ready the "does no t -- t h at more i s i n effect 2 6 stay refugees ." into dispute Ibid. t h a n 175 , 000 r uling t ha t The Uni t ed negate States the t ures wou ld fall co u rt of arrival currently DHS-001-1112-001478 . a Add . 32 . It li ke l y to stated concern within t he lack t ha t 2 4, 000 refugees express appeals Add . 32 . and arrangements before Add . 33 . . wi t h finding t h a n t h e n umber . ' s show i ng n o contact approximately " d i d not ref ug ees government typ i ca ll y h ave make fo r re f ugees d i d not 6(b) Court ' s Ju ne this the formed ," due t o t he expendi bee n assured whil e Section e n t ry that relationship Th e court d i spute tt l emen t agenc i es refugees hel d , not further en t er that t hi s about the of the scope stated forma l assurances that ," DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000020 15 a n d unless those refugees wi t h a U. S . perso n or applications ." ii . The 2088) a qua li fy in g bona e n t i ty , t h e Order fi d e re l at i onsh i p " suspe n ds t h ose cour t of appeals of " close also familial upheld t he in - l aw , aunts 12 - 13 ; "[ this ] see Cour t' s excl u de [d ]" Add . u se only Uni t ed States as in t erpre tat i o n , uncles re l at i ves remote covered guidance immi g rant visa . Instead of i ssuance of s t ay ing acce l era t ed of i ts for i n- appea l s ionships held ' connection t ed the in c l ud e an alien that * * * wi t h the would no t govern men t ' s relatives abroad who are t o receive an Add . 15 - 22 . t hi s Court , as appeals no I t rejec to by t he brot h ers- re l at i ons hi ps that Add . 1 4 . its of relat have familial by t he I NA to pet i t ion . cour t who permitted rev i ew in 's , nephews , and cous i ns . " familial u als f i de .'" in The ' close " individ ' bona , nieces 12 - 22 . of or h ave qua li fy iii court district gover nme n t ' s gu i da n ce , " gra n dpare n ts , gra n dc hil dre n, Add . ' rela t ion s hi ps " (IRAP , 137 S . Ct . as in c l ud in g , in add i t i o n t o the l aw , s i sters- refugees Ibid . interpretation at have mandate the issuance gover nmen t had it . Add. " wou l d not 52 days af t er [its ] opinion mandate shall iss u e five of is days filed after 3 4 -35 . its manda t e reques The ," bu t it the filing t ed , the court ord in ar il y occur pending court note d t ha t u n t il at l eas t d irec t ed t h a t "[ t ] he of [ its ] opinion ," Ibid . DHS-001-1112-001479 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000021 16 ARGUMENT Th e Nin t h Circuit modified and in ju n ct ion upends courts the as contract that to u al ref ug ee p ermi tt e d reconciled arrival with -to the may not a which enter the t he lang u age or and 6(b) Thi s Court res p ec t to refugees pending t his appea l s from review in already t he covered t he h as j urisdiction authority under co un sel strongly So l edad Nat ' l J ., (1 987) . 28 U. S . C . in favor War Mem' l in to chambers Th e Court of to for g. . of Having this case a t he un derlying already (No . substantial part stay in aid granted 16 - 15 4 0) , t he of the s tay a San Diegans for stay . 548 U. S . v . Braunskill gra n t ed DHS-001-1112-001480 wi th n ce agree men t of a l ready rulin injunction All Hilton be gra n t ed as t o Sect ion s 1651 (a) ); e v ery canno t l emen t assura issue Paulson, a furnish J un e 26 stay t he merits in v. h as obtained secures t he modified injunctions in lower . of in jun ction has States of the stay appeal 's ru lin g The ag enc y Uni t ed by a resett or i g in a l underlying s t ayed (Kennedy , a nd should 26 stay Stat e Departme n t effect Cour t' s disposition the undoub t ed l y 776 can of logic court b e app lie d to any refugee t hi s Court of any practical d i str i ct s t ruck . resettlement And i t dra in s t he part i a l stay 6(a) Cou rt Depart ment from the Court ' s June t his t he Order commi t men t after this balance whom the serv i ces upholding co n trav enes e qu i tab le ' conclusion applicant ' s decision and Court i ts own factors the 1 30 1, 1302 , 481 U. S . Mt . (2006) 770 , cert io rar i. DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000022 17 137 S . Ct . at 2086 . cour t ' s modified cour t of the i rreparab 418 , to cour t do ubt of (2008) ; cf. on those Lu cas . matter refugee-rese tt l eme n t gover nme n t person do not seekin g 1 37 S . Ct . at that , ref ugee deeming covered to en t er and the 6(b) merits of assura n ces Uni t ed States are v. changed are in effect Ho l d e r , 556 Counc il, r U. S . Inc ., stay pending since t ha t appea l cas t s any read i l y sat i sf i ed here , the ass u rance in t o co u nt r y . . as t ed fu t ure " with a part i cu l ar And beca u se dur ing the the the n umber of 26 s DHS-001-1112-001481 IRA P , stay ruling a re fugee - absence the of agency number of any a nd the refugees of individuals injunction l appea l s read to limi t ed period , t h e modified federa ref u gee . " the con t ac t be t ween that t he a injurie as wi t h J u ly d espite exceeds agreements Th e court Co u rt ' s sufficient arrival a n d wou l d suffe Res . Def. ent e r this t yp ic a ll y any to by such fac t ors the purpor age n cy prior Nken ) (stan d ar d for (emph as i s added) out or merits v . Townsend , 486 U. S . 1301 , 1304 age n c i es enter 2089 rese tt l e me n t relationship On the to in ju n c ti o n t he i l y es tab li s h ed t ha t e stab l i s h a n y relationship req u irement altogether 6(a) . district . I n a n y eve n t , t h e stay an original See t he modified on the Not hin g h as determinations staying n ecessar v . Na t ural in chambers appeals) -- a stay . (2009) ; Winter (Kennedy , J ., t h e same to succeed l e h ar m wi t h ou t 555 U. S . 7 , 22 ( 1 988) -- n ow aff i rmed t was likely 434 - 435 Ju l y 19 Order injunction appea l s h as governmen And its l i ke l y t h a t Sections effec t i ve l y DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000023 18 eviscerates this Cou rt ' s partial Depr i v in g that this Cour t national whi c h securi respondents wi ll therefore u nderlying h as t y. insofar from rev i ew the the it t h e mer i ts stayed that of merits order this effect in at injury 2088 . . whil e injure the safeguard i ng In contrast , en t ry of refugees . This Court affirming covered shou l d t he modified by an assurance Cour t ' s ' s v ie w, the Court Ci rcu i t ' s ru l in g to . grant of original resolution appeals ' in terpretat the n eed not of This t h e u nder l y in g t ion , both pending the of this underlying i o n of t h at l y may simply t his it t he s t ay DHS-001-1112-001482 mod i f i ed already has a nd has it Cou rt ' s disposition in ju nction rest the itself en t i r e l y on dispu t es ru l in g wi ll t he Cou rt grant Co u rt ' s J u ne 26 sta y . meri t s , stay the i n ju n c t i o n, modified ru l in g affirming separately affirming s u ch a stay . injunc Moreover decides according in terest ref u gees pen d ing provisions irreparably de l ay in the any exempts co u rts ' misinterpretation Cour t would of a pp eals ' mandate it Ninth before of a n y practical 137 S . Ct. a brief those . in t h e court of t h emse l ves government of regarding para mou n t IRAP , Order in ju nction Cou rt a See as merits I n the correct meri t s s t ay t he co u rt agree me n t this the respon d ents in ju nction lower stay canno t show that cause the part i a l considers gover nme n t , stay co u rt of become over moot . appea l s ' and t he Once the The mandate DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000024 19 affirmin g the modified injunc t ion while t his Cou rt considers the woul d be more meri ts . If the Cou r t appropriate t o g rant gover nmen t respec application as S. Ct . at t he review a petition of for uing 1 6A11 9 1 Gov ' t Court de termines in 28 U. S . C . 2101 ( f) t u rn that for plenary respec t fu ll y Appl . 17 its of -- which is appropr will i ate gover nmen t ' s application implem e nt modified the to the of , see IRA P , 137 for a wr it mandate t he petition un derlying adopts the government stay Given .3 appeals , the now occu r tomorrow t he wi t hou t in j un ction Cou rt requiring in the -- the co n so l i date pen d ing cour t of i ts appeals i ca ll y (rat he r t h a n stay ) i ssuance en ab le of unde r , g rant be l ow or administrative . , the co n stru e t hi s stay appea ls ' of Court ruling (co ll e ct in g cas e s) , and t he dec i s ion application t o acce l era t e drast mandate stay an t his co u rt with ' as petition d i spos i t ion t he requests consideration dec i s ion course appeals certiorari Stay consideration Whichever of req u est t he it Court stay pet i t ion , a n d su mmar i l y reverse it of the a writ s tay p ending that t he co u rt t fu ll y req uests 2 08 6 (constr c er t ior ar i); that ne v er t he l e ss ' of an administrative to t he co nsi d er government the to inte r im . 3 Alternatively , beca u se t he d is put e t urns en t irely on the l ower courts ' misreading of t hi s Cou r t ' s Ju ne 26 stay r uling , t his Cour t may co n strue t hi s app l i cat i o n as a reques t to modify or clarify t h at stay ruling to make clear t ha t an assurance agreement sta n d in g a l one d oes not establish a qua l if y in g bo n a fide re l at ion s hi p between the resett l e men t agency a nd a ref ugee for whom it contracts with the gove r nment to provide f u t u re services . DHS-001-1112-001483 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000025 20 I . THE COURT SHOULD STAY THE NINTH CIRCUIT'S DECISION AFFIRMING THE MODIFI ED I NJUNCTIO N PENDI NG THIS COURT' S DI SPOS ITI ON OF THE MERIT S I N THE APPEAL OF THE UNDERLYI NG I NJUNCTI ON Recognizing preserv in g t he "u rge n[ cy ]" national co u rt ' s original specifically limited the t ion with court ruling, modified district inj unc tion n ce from , based respec the l y review gra n t a stay by this t t o Sections 6(a) and t o " take t," effec and by same . affirming misguided Thi s Court rev ie w of When refugee 6(b ) and ref us ed t o injunction pend in g h as now repeated the i ts wi t h only every same in terpretat t o stay 6(b) 2088 - 2089 . t o exempt The cour t of appeals Court pe n d in g i ts d i str i ct t h at modified Court ' s J un e 26 stay , and refused order stayed in the injunction stayed error on Court Sect ion s 6(a) 19 Order . co u rt ' s this IRAP , 137 S . Ct . at its t hi s Court in i t s J uly t he gover nmen t ' s "in t eres t prov isions t excep t ions . by an assura its appeal i ty ," t o a llo w those t he district stay injunc , explici covered secur of modified ion ruling to of this faci li tat e s h ou l d therefore aga in t he under l y in g meri ts . A. Th e Ninth Circuit ' s Reading Of This Court ' s June 26 Stay Ru lin g Is Wrong And Woul d Severely Impair Th e Order l y Implementation Of The Order Th at Thi s Court Contemplated The cour t in j unction res ts J un e 26 stay of appeals t" as ruling to cred i b l y claim the United ruling on a deep l y flawed . The 6(a) ' s ref ug ee suspension effec ' " a ll" a bona States." J un e 26 stay refugee t he interpretation and Section fide upholding ruling of t hi s Court ' s held 6(b) ' s refugee applicants excep t DHS-001-1112-001484 2089 . t h at cap those re l at i ons hi p wi t h a person IRAP , 137 S . Ct . at modified Section "may tak e " who can or entity in The district court DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000026 21 a n d the court of app l ican t as agreement with q u alifying Sect ions bear that 6(a) stay State a. 5 h as - rese tt lemen t e n t ered and 6(b) . this This agency age ncies in t o the assurance t herefore a exempt canno t plausibly as a practical Court as to t he Refugee matter render t h e ref ug ee prov i s i ons in the Deel . __ ~l (b_)C 6 land I are obviously avai lable as needed . ~l will be our POC, but l~b)( (b)(5) h DHS-001-1112-001557 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000099 From: ~tb_)(6_>___ ~ Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 5:15 AM To: :b \/6\ r bH6) : b)(6) (b)(6) Subject: RE: Detention Space Matt Thanks to you and your team . We will move this forward to USM, but will likely work with your team, as needed, to respond to any leadership questions . Is there someone you wou ld like us to work with directly? (b)(S) Once again, thanks for the quick turn . rb)(6) Budget Director Office of the Chief Financial Officer U. S. Department of Homeland Security From: Albence, Matthew Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2018 11:03:44 PM To: Blume, Allen; Miller, Philip T; Joachim, Robert; Roncone, Stephen Cc : Littlepage, Eric; Dorritie, Erin; Howard, Lia; Scott, Kika; Mencher, Daniel; Blank, Thomas; DHS-001-1112-001558 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000100 b)(6) Subject: RE: Detention Space Please see attached. This was a heavy lift by the ICEteam and is really well done. Thanks. f b)(6) From: l._ " ; )1/h\/ R\ I I l)lh\/R\ ll lh\/R\ I I Subject: FW: immig ration priorities Date: 2017/10/29 15:09:05 Priority: Normal Type: Note So I talked with Julia and Stephen Miller yesterday on immigration priorities. Stephen and (I believe) Short had a conversation w Gen Kelly to get guidance on plan for selling the immigration priorities. Below is their initial draft of DHS items. To be honest we have done some of these and are planning more. Based on our meeting late last week we are all moving in the same direct ion. Elizabeth - I defer to you how you want to sync up all the below w Leg , OPA and OPE as well as the components. I have some tips on messaging from them. They were supportive of our OPE outreach and are looking forward to supporting our opeds and pitch deck deve lopment. DHS-001-1112-001583 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000125 Generally the below is a bit too prescriptive with respect to who does what but is in line with what we were planning to do. I suggest a group call once the deck is done this week as well as have christyn start putting an immigration calendar together. Let me know how you want to move forward. Jonathan From!C https://upload. wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commo ns/thumb /6/64/Ursula %28detent ion cente r%29 l .png/270px Ursula %28detention center%29 l .png Separated family members detained in cages X https://upload. wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commo ns/thumb/a/a5/U rsula %28detent ion center%29 2.jpg/270px Ursula %28detention center%29 2.jpg Detained children lying on matresses within a caged area Photos provided by Custom and Border Protect ion to reporte r on tour of Ursala detention facility in McAllen , Texa s. Reporter s were not allowed to take their own photo s. Urs ula is the colloqui al name of the largest U.S. Customs and Border Protection detention center for undocumented immigrants. It was opened in 2014 in McAllen, Texas on W. Ursu la Aven ue. In June 2018, it gained notoriety for the pract ice of keeping children in large cages made of chain-link fencing.I.!lill DHS-001-1112-001592 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000134 About[edit] The center, better known as "Ursula," is the largest immigration processing and detention center run by the Border Patrol and the Customs and Border Protection Agency.fl] The detention and processing center was opened in 2014 at 3700 W. Ursula Avenue in McAllen, Texas.Q.1The facility is made from a former warehouse which was leased by the federal government and modified to be able to hold 1,000 children. Q.1Children are kept in cages made of chain-link fencing inside of the 77,000 square-foot warehouse. Q.lill Minors who arrive at the Mexico- Un ited States border unaccompan ied or who have been separated from their families are suppo sed to only stay in this type of processing center for under 72 hours.w After processing , minors are sent to facilities run by the Department of Health and Human Services.rn The facility also houses adults and individual s are separated based on how they crossed into the United States .111 Filming or photography is not allowed inside of the facility.ill During the weekend of June 16, 2018, reporters were allowed to tour the facility (without cameras). jjj Sender: I Short, Tracy j (b)(6) q/b\/6\ "Wolf, Chad l(b)(6) Recipient: l (b\(6) I I I Sent Date: 2018/06/20 14:38:23 Delivered Date: 2018/06/20 14:38:24 DHS-001-1112-001593 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000135 Page 136 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001594 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000136 From: DIKMAN SABRI Y l/b\/6\ I I l/b\/6\ "Wnlf Ch:>rl l/b)/6) To: (b)(6) I I 11/h \lh\ IlihiiR'i7 I 11 ffi.b_\ /6) " FLANAGAN PATRICK S l(b\/6\ l(b)(6) "T:>vlnrMa o ~ llb)/6) l(b)(6) "Blank Thomas l(b)/6) (b)(6) "Stoddard Kaitlin V l/b\/6\ (b)(6) "Hoffman Jonatha n l/b\/6\ l/b\/6\ "PETERU N MEGHANN K llbl(6l CC: l(b)/6) "McCament James l/b\/6\ (b)(6) "Humme lbera. Hannah l(b)(6) (b)(6) "VISCONTI JAY l/b\/6\ l/b\/6\ "Urbine Brandv llb\/6\ l(b)(6) "KOSEOR RYAN M l/b\/6\ (b)(6) nlh\/6\ l f IJ I I IJ I I I I llrl\lh\ 11/h \lh\ lllh\lhl Wb llti l I I I I Illh\/6\ I l/h\/6\ I h I lllrl\lh\ I 1/h\/ R\ I llh\/RI 11 /h\/R\ 1 I I I 11 /h\/R\ I lllh\lR\ Kb.lliil..J l!EiiliLl I l!EiiliLI lllh\/R\ I Subject : RE: Immigrat ion Statistics in the Press Date: 2018/06/ 17 15:31:03 Priority : Normal Type: Note Sir, 15,635 total accompanied and unaccompanied children were encountered by CBP between April 19 and May 31. The 1,995 children that said they were separated due to the policy are 13% of the total number (15,6365) of accompanied and unaccompanied minors CBP saw during the same timeframe. Thank you Fro m : Wo lf , Chad Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2018 11:42 AM To: DIKMAN , SABRI Y ~"'" (b.,...,, )(6,.,.... l -------------. Cc: FLA N AGAN , PA TRI CK S l(b)(6) Kaitlin V Jb)(6) r§ • DIKMAN, SABRIY !(b)(6) Sen d er. !(b)( ) 6 U/b)/6) !/b}/6} (b)(6) Sent Date: 20 18/06/17 15:31:03 DHS-001-1112-001598 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000140 From: I Ciccone, Christine f b)(6) 1/h \/ f\\ I I ] (b)(6) To: bl/ 6) "Wonnenberg, David l/bl/ 6l I I Mh\/R\ CC: I "Wolf Chadl(b)(6) Kb)(6) I I "Shah, Dimp le [ bl/ 6) l(b)(6) I Subject: RE: Request for call from Senator Cornyn to Secretary Nielsen Date: 20 18/ 06/16 16:31:58 Priority: Normal Type: Note Perfect. After noon would work best. From: fb ...._l<5 _>_______ ~ Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2018 4:30:38 PM To: Ciccone, Christine 5 Cc : Wonnenberg, David; Wolf, Chad; Kerr, .... l< _>___ 5 ~lf .... b_>< _>___ I ..... Shah, Dimple Subject: Re: Request for call from Senator Cornyn to Secretary Nielsen Christine - Absolutely. Just one point of clarification: he hasn' t introduced legislation yet, but does see opportunity to improve upon his 2014 HUMANE Act. Our team is working on those changes now so a discussion is timely. DHS-001-1112-001599 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000141 Will coordinate with you on separate chain with our judiciary team if that works ? Sent from my iPhone 5 _.frote: fb_l(_l __________ On Jun 16, 2018, at 3:10 PM, Ciccone, Christine ..... Hi Monica and~ Would it be possib le to have a staff call on Monday to discuss the legislation I your boss introduced on family separation ? kbl(5l rb)(5) Thanks, Christine 6 From : .._l (b-)(_ l_______ _. Sent: Sat urday, June 16, 2018 12:22:15 PM To: Wonnenberg, David ~ Cc: Wolf, Chad; Ciccone, Christine; Kerr, j~ (b_l(_6l_________ Subject: Re: Request for call from Senator Cornyn to Secretary Nielsen DHS-001-1112-001600 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000142 Sounds like a little phone tag but am confident they can connect today. Thanks all! Sent from my iPhone On Jun 16, 2018, at 12:10 PM, Wonnenberg, David rrote: l(b )(6) +Christine Greetings , Monica. Yes, we'll work this . From: ~~b_ J(6 _l ______ ~ Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2018 11:46:54 AM To : Wonnenberg, David; Wolf, Chad Cc~~' (b_J< 6_l________ _. Subject : Re: Request for call from Senator Cornyn to Secretary Nielsen DHS-001-1112-001601 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000143 Also adding Amy so we are on same page. Sent from my iPhone >On Jun 16, 20 18, at 11:42 AM, b)(6) wrote: b)(6) > >Chad and David - I hope this emai l finds you both well. I apo logize for bothering you on a Saturday, but Senator Cornyn is trying to get a hold of the Secretary today re: border. Can we make call happen today? > >Thanks in advance, > >Sent from my iPhone jrrnnp Sender: b)(6) rh ri,tinP J(b)( 6 ) I I "WnnnPnnPrn I -,,.";rt Wb)(6) I I ~b)(6) vvo1r Lnaa 1(b)(6) I Recipient: b)(6) I (b)(6) I " Shah, Dimp le r h\ /fi) I I h\/R\ Sent Date: 20 18/06/16 16:31:58 DHS-001-1112-001602 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000144 From: ll(blL~l Hoffman, Jonathan l{b)(6) l(b)(6) "Wolf Chad l/b )/6) (b)(6) To: "Ciccone Christine l/b)/6) l/b)/6) "Tavlor Miles l/b)/6) l/bl /6) CC: "Waldman Katie l/b)/6) (b)(6) ii I I ll/h\/R\ I 11/h \l n\ I lllh\/n\ I llh\/n \ I I lktil(fll IliiillfilJ I I l/b\/6\ I l/b\/6\ I I Subject: RE: Assistant Secretary Ciccone San Diego Visit - Friday June 15, 2018 Date: 2018/06/14 16:30:51 Priority: Normal Type: Note Agreed. The tour needs to focus on the proces s. What actually happens. Kids can call parent s it's more a function of the prisons the parents are in as to whether they can talk to the kids (like any other prison setting for adults). Reuniting from the centers - if that happens frequently - wou ld be another good area for the tour to focus on. The information sharing - how that information is conveyed to parents and lawyers. Whether that is done on paper , in briefings etc. There may also be an opportunity to discuss the impact of California state laws that limit our ability to bring more facilities on line. Please have your team circle back as soon as the tour is over let us know what else could come up. Thanks! From: Wo lf, Chad Sent: Thursday , June 14, 2018 4:21 PM To: Ciccone , Christine -------------~ (b)(6) Cc: Ta !or, Miles (b)(6) ~--'----------.----Hoffman , Jonat han ~------'----------.----~ (b)(6) Subject: Re: Assistant Secretary Ciccone San Diego Visit - Friday June 15, 2018 Not sure if you can take photos - but that would be good . Focus on conditions, what they tell minors and parents when they separate, how they comm unicate while separated, process to reunify, etc. Sent from my iPhone On Jun 14, 2018 , at 9:06 PM, Ciccone, Christine ~l (b_)(6_>____________ _ Chad , Jonathan , Miles, Tomorrow I will be pre-tourin g the San Diego POE CODEL planned for DHS-001-1112-001603 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000145 Monday. Any aspects that would be particularly helpful for me to focus on or document so we can best prepare to respond to their press campaig n next week? Agenda attached . Include s HHS facility. Christine From: l._ ________________ Sent : Thursday, June 14, 20 18 2:58 PM To : ICb)(6) , .-l (b-)(6_) ___________ _, Subj ect: Ass istant Secretary Ciccone San Diego Visit As discussed. I made some minor tweaks. It was a pleasure speak ing with you. Sender: lktiHfll Hoff man , Jonathan l{b)(6) l(b)(6) "Wolf Chad l/bl/ 6\ (b)(6) "Ciccone Christ ine l(b)(6) (b)(6) Recipient: "Taylor, Miles l/bl/ 6\ l/bl/ 6\ "Waldman Katie l(b\(6) l(b)(6) 1kbl(fll iib I 6 I ll!b\/6\ I I ll /h\/n \ 11/h\/n \ I I m n \/RI l lln \fn l I I ll l h \/ R\ I l/b\/6\ I I Sent Date: 2018/06/ 14 16:30:50 Delivered Date: 2018/ 06/ 14 16:30:51 DHS-001-1112-001605 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000147 O,bi ,~l From: Taf or, Miles~(bl(6l l(b) 6) "S1KMN l/bl/ 6\ (b)(6) 'Hottman Jonatnan 1wrote: l(b)(6) Miles: There was some traffic on thi s earlier with AS2, Francis and Kevin, and I believe Kevin has the pen on a paper . I'v e added Francis for full visibility and any input they would like to add. There are several concerns with this approach. b)(5) DHS-001-1112-001606 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000148 b)(5) DHS-001-1112-001607 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000149 (b)(5) DHS-001-1112-001608 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000150 b)(5) Matt Sent wi th BlackBerry Work ( www .blackberry .com) From: Taylor, Miles I._ Cb_)(6 _)_______ __, Date: Saturday, Jun 23, 2018, 4:54 PM To: Albence, Matthew~b)(6) Thomas f._b_JC6 _l _______ _ _______ Cc : Wolf, Chad_.__ (b)(6) (b)(6) b)(6) ~---'-- !Blank , __. ___, Mitnick, John MCALEENAN, KEVIN K Subject : ATD DHS-001-1112-001609 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000151 Matt &Tom, (b)(5) We will be pinging AG &DAG over the weekend, and Monday we will have NSC convene the interagency on this and our other resource requests . Just a few bullets is fine. But want to make sure we're hitting the right notes to help you all. M Miles Taylor Deputy Chief of Staff U.S. Departm ent of Homeland Security DHS-001-1112-001610 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000152 Iktiitin Sender: Taf or, Miles l[bl(6l l(b) 6) "S1KMN l/b\/6\ lllb\/6\ " Hoffman Jonathan llb\/61 Recipient: llbl/6\ "Wolf Chad l/b\/6\ (b)(6) IlililifilJ I IlililifilJ 1i(t;il(6} I ll lh\/R\ 11 / h\/R\ I I I I/hi/ RI I 1/ h 1/R\ I I Sent Date: 20 18/06/24 12:14:35 DHS-001-1112-001611 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000153 Page 154 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001612 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000154 Page 155 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001613 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000155 Page 156 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001614 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000156 Page 157 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001615 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000157 Page 158 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001616 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000158 Page 159 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001617 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000159 Page 160 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001618 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000160 Page 161 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001619 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000161 Page 162 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act DHS-001-1112-001620 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000162 From: SlKM N l{bl(6l Iliiiliru ll£bl(fll " Hoffman Jonathan l/b\/6\ To: Iliiiliru lkbl£6l l/b\/6\ I "Wolf Chad l/b)/6) 11/h\/R\ 11/h \In\ I l(b)(6) CC: I i(bl(6) I Iktil(fll " Houlton , T~ler l{bH6l l(b)(6) Iliiiliru I Subject : RE: 51 tweet Date: 2018/06/ 18 23:34:09 Priority : Normal Type: Note Sent them to you Kirstjen Nielsen Secretary of Homeland Security From : Hoffman, Jonath an Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 4 :31:45 AM To: SlKMN; Wolf, Chad Cc : Hoult on, Ty ler Subject: RE: S1 tweet DHS-001-1112-001621 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000163 What are the concerns? From: SlKMN Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 11:26 PM ~T_o_: _H_o_ffin _ a_n", J_o_n_at_h_an__._l _________ lOn Jun 23 , 2018, at 8:37 PM , Wo lf, Chad I._ Cb_)<6_ l ________ __. > >If by a computer, can one of you send me the following: b)(5) DHS-001-1112-001650 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000192 > >Any other key stat to illu strate our points? > >Sent from my iPhone Sender: Hoffman, Jonathan l{b)(6) l(b)(6) "Waldman Katie l/bl/ 6) (b}(6) "Tavlor Miles l(b\(6\ (b)(6) "Wolf Chad l________ _. Subject: Materials for Clearance - Immigration I ESEC: b)(5) DHS-001-1112-001660 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000202 Let me know if I'm missing anything . Lauren E. Claffey Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Public Affairs Department of Homeland Security r b)(6) i Sender: I Bobb, Christ ina l____ To : ~(b)(6) j0 )(6) Cc: Balunis, Timm -j(b)(6) lfb\/6\ H:O 1" I Miles Taylor Deputy Chief of Staff U.S. Department of Homeland Security DHS-001-1112-001684 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000226 On Apr 20, 2018,at 7:46 PM, Hoffman , Jonathan i l!/b)/6) • Waldman, Katie l On Apr 20, 2018 , at 9: 16 AM , Hoffman , Jonathan ~l (b_)(_6)_________ wrote: > > Chad > > Just spoke w the Commissioner. We have a NYT inquiry into the separated FAMU numbers. They have a source stat ing the number of CHILDREN separated is over 700 this FY. The number is actually much lower. The 700 number is the number of total fam ily member s in those units that are bro ken up (ie paren ts and children). > (b)(5) > (b)(5) DHS-001-1112-001697 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000239 (b)(5) > Th anks. > • Waldman, Katie !(b)(6) Sen d er. !(b)( ) 6 "Hoffman Jonathan b 6 !!rb\/6\ 11 h\/6\ Sent Date: 2018/04/ 22 16:20:48 DHS-001-1112-001698 DHS-(DHSHQ)-18-0360-L-000240 From: IktiH!ll Waldman, Katie i(bl(6l i(bl(6l "Wolf Chad l(b)/6) l/bl/ 6) "Mitnick John l/bl/ 6\ l/bl(6l "Baroukh Nader l/b\/6\ (b)(6) To: "Hoffman Jonathan l(b)(6) (b)(6) "Short Tracy lfbl/6 l l/bl/ 6\ "Tavlor Miles lfblf 6l l(b)(6) IlailifilJ I IliiilifilJ I kbH!ll I I1/h\fn\ ll fh\fn\ I I ll ih\/ R\ l lailifil..J I l' lh\ /R \ llaillfil] I lllh lfli l 11 / bl/6) I I ll h\lR\ ll fhl/6\ I I I IkbH!ll CC: "Shah, Tern!:! i(bl(6l l(bl(6l IliiilifilJ I Subject : RE: Statement on UACs Date: 2018/05/28 16:48:43 Priority : Normal Type: Note Yes • (bl(5l b)(5) • From : Wolf , Chad Sent : Monday, May 28, 2018 4:43 PM To : Waldman, Ka - t_ie...!l (=b= )(6 =)=========--I Mitnick , John l~ Trump 's latest threat , to close the border to all traffic, would risk serious damage to U.S. businesses . Administration officials want Mexico to work more aggressively to keep migrants from reaching the U.S. - a dicey bet given that country 's historic ambivalence about American migration policies and its limited resources dedicated to enforcement. AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000040 2019-ICLl-00011 737 Nielsen serves two important roles for a president who sees political combat in the Twitter trenches as central to winning in 2020: He expects her to turn some of his highest-profile promises into policy, but also to take the heat when they're met with controversy . Her staunch defense of those policies - at the cost of her credibility with members of Congress - pleases a president who prizes loyalty , even as it complicates her future, according to current and former officials who spoke with The Times . Dona ld J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 0 ....through their country and our Southern Border. Mexico has for many years made a fortune off of the U.S., far greater than Border Costs . If Mexico doesn't immediately stop ALL illegal immigration coming into the United States throug our Southern Border, I will be CLOSING ..... Q 125K 11:37 AM - Mar 29 , 2019 8 O 46 6K people are tallang about this > The Homeland Security department did not make Nielsen or another official available, nor provide comment. "I think she's being a good soldier," said Rep. Bennie Thompson , a Mississippi Democrat and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. "She 's just trying to keep her job. " A senior White House official conceded there were moments when Nielsen was on the outs, but said that especially with her defense of the president's national emergency declaration in February, "her stature in the administration has only risen." "She's still in the position of defending some of the less popular administration policies ," the official continued , requesting anonymity to speak about internal personnel matters. "I'd say that is going to consistently be her challenge; she's going to be one of the administration officials who's called to the Hill the most in this era of very heavy Democrat oversight. " AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000041 2019-ICLl-00011 738 Donald J. Trump 0 @realDonaldTrump ....the Border, or large sections of the Border, next week . This would be so easy for Mexico to do , but they just take our money and "talk .· Besides . we lose so much money with them , especially when you add in drug trafficking etc .}, that the Border closing wou ld be a good thing! Q 95.2K 11:43 AM - Mar 29, 2019 8 O 40.4K peop1e are talking about this > Immigration policy was once claimed as being a major victory for Trump. Early in his tenure , the number of people crossing the border without authorization dropped precipitously . As the numbers fell to a 45-year low, administration officials brushed aside suggestions of a temporary lull and proclaimed that Trump's mere presence in office had changed everything. Two years later , U.S. officials spent this past weekend detaining hundreds of men , women and children underneath an international bridge in El Paso behind fencing and barbed wire. As officials have long warned , the rise in asylum-seeking Central American families has overwhelmed a U.S. immigration system designed decades ago for single , adult Mexican men who could be promptly returned across the border. The numbers remain below the highs hit from the 1980s into the mid-2000s , when U.S. agents routinely arrested more than 1 million people a year at the U.S.-Mexico border. In fiscal 2017, officials arrested 303,916; in fiscal 2018, which ended Sept. 30, U.S. agents arrested 396,579 people , closer to the levels seen in the last years of the Obama administration. But being well below the historic peak provides little comfort to Trump and aides domestic policy advisor Stephen Miller and John Bolton, the president's national security advisor - who talk of asylum seekers as "invaders." like "I don 't get the sense that most people are satisfied with the status quo, " the senior White House official said. Nielsen entered this difficult arena with much less experience than her predecessor as Homeland Security secretary , John F. Kelly - a retired Marine Corps four-star general who headed the military's Southern Command before joining the administration . AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000042 2019-ICLl-00011 739 As a young lawyer three years after Sept. 11, 2001 , she had worked on President George W. Bush's Homeland Security Council and managed legislative policy at the Transportation Security Administration. Nielsen then spent more than a decade in private-sector security consulting before volunteering to help serve as the "sherpa " guiding Kelly through his confirmation. She followed him to Homeland Security as his chief of staff in early 2017, and to the White House when he became chief of staff six months later. In October 2017, Trump nominated Nielsen to replace Kelly as head of Homeland Security, w hose more than 240,000 employees handle not only immigration and border security-Trump 's signature issues - but also cyber-security , safeguarding elections and hurricane response. She brought to the job a deep knowledge of policy, according to those who know her. "She 's literally an encyclopedia ," said Blain Rethmeier , who worked at the Bush White House with Nielsen and helped her and Kelly navigate their confirmations . Still, Trump has viewed Nielsen with suspicion because of her association with theRepublican establishment. And she has worked hard to show her dedication to a president who prizes loyalty . Like Kelly, she has publicly backed, or declined to condemn , a number of Trump 's more extreme statements. Shortly after taking the helm at Homeland Security , Nielsen dodged questions from senators on whether Trump had described Haiti and some African countries as "shitholes" - stating a preference for immigrants from nations like Norway . In July 2018 , she echoed Trump's claim that "both sides were to blame " after the deadly violence between white supremacists and counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Va ., saying: "It's not that one side is right, one side is wrong ." Through repeated controversies, she's stuck with the administration line. "She 's tenacious," Rethmeier said. "A lot of people in this political environment would 've tucked tail, resigned and gone to the private sector. " Last year , with Trump incensed by reports of a large group of Central American migrants traveling north , he berated Nielsen for over half an hour in a Cabinet meeting . In June , Nielsen stood at the White House podium and took ownership of the controversial tactic of splitting up migrant children and their relatives. Two days later , the president undercut her when, amid growing public outcry and bipartisan pressure, he signed an executive order to stop family separation . AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000043 2019-ICLl-00011 7 40 Both Congress and the Homeland Security department's inspector general currently are investigating how the family separation policy came about- and whether Nielsen had been truthful in her testimony about it. Then in October - standing before a border barrier bearing a plaque commemorating the president - Nielsen touted the first miles of Trump 's promised wall, though the newly erected replacement fencing in Calexico was planned back in 2009. Weeks later , just after deploying troops to the border ahead of the Nov . 6 midterm election , Trump canceled a trip with Nielsen to the Texas border, saying he'd decided to fire her. In an interview with The Times just before he left the White House , Kelly, who declined to be interviewed for this story , said he'd warned colleagues not to take credit for drops in border crossings that would inevitably go back up. As for Nielsen, he said, "She is her own woman ; she is not a protege . ... It's a very, very difficult job ." AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000044 2019-ICLl-00011 741 From : Blank, Thomas Sent : 14 Feb 2019 17:15:28 +0000 l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) To : Subject: I RE: Appropriations Agreement No, I had not see that one. ~ Kb _)(_5_ ) --------------------~ Wi ll send. Thomas Blank Chief of Staff U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement U.S. Department of Homeland Security (b)(6 202 732 .........,....__-. Cell 202 591 b)(6) ; froml (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I Sent : Thursday, February 14, 2019 12:02 PM To : Blank, Thomas ~~b_)(_6)_; _ (b_)(_7)_(C_)____ ~ Subject: FW: Approp riations Agreement Have you seen this? ~b_)(_5)__ ~ From :f b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Sent : Thursday, February 14, 2019 11:00 AM To: Asher, Nathalie R Kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) ~; Marin, David A 4(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Cc: #ERO CHIEFSOF ST ;-A -:'-;F::--;: Fc;:: k::::::: b)::::::: (6=)= : (=b):::::: (7=)=(c=)=====---~1 Subj ect: FW: Approp riations Agreement FYSA b)(6) did a nice job flagging the ERO items below that are w/in t he current bill. NGOS dictating (b)(5) Sent with BlackBerry Work (www .blackberry.com ) From :kb)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) Date: Thursday, Feb 14, 2019, 10:46 To b)(6); (b)(?)(C) b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Cc: b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) Subject: Appropriations Agreement Per our discussion, please see t he attached draft legislation and joint explanatory statement. Some details are below, with the NGO she lter language listed first: AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000045 2019 -ICLl-00011 7 42 b)(5) AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000046 2019-ICLl-00011 7 43 (b)(5) AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000047 2019-ICLl-00011 7 44 b)(5) AML r-.,. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000048 2019-ICLl-00011 7 45 b)(5) AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000049 2019-ICLl-00011 7 46 b)(5) AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000050 2019-ICLl-00011 747 (b )(5) AMEf \i pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000051 2019-ICLl-00011 7 48 (b)(5) Kb)(6); I Field Operations Enforcement and Removal Operations U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Department of Homeland Security 50012 th Street SW I Washington, DC 20536 I 202-73~b)( ~};J ffice) I 202-210Kb)( 6) ~ell) (b)( 6); (b)( 7)( C ) Email SIPRnet WICS Warning: T 1s SIFIEO//FOR OFFICIALUSE ONLY (U//FOUO). It contains in formation that may be exempt from public release under the Free dom of Information c is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distr ibuted, and disposed of in accordance with OHSpolicy relating to FOUO information and is not to e blic or other personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval of an autho rized OHS official. No portion of this repo rt shou e media, either in written or verba l form. AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000052 2019-ICLl-00011 7 49 From: Blank, Thomas Se nt: 14 Feb 2019 17:14:59 +0000 To: kb)(6): (b)(7)(C) ~b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subje ct: FW: Appropriations Agreement Here is another litt le gem. Thomas Blank Chief of Staff U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement U.S. Department of Homeland Security 202 732 b)(6); Cell 202 591 b)(6); Fromj(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Se nt : Thursday, February 14, 2019 12:02 PM ~ To : Blank, Thomas ~ Kb_)(_6_ ); ~(b_)(_7~ )(C _ )____ Subject : FW: Approp r iations Agreement Have you seen this? .... l(b_)_(5_)___ __, From: l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Se nt : Thursday, February 14, 2019 11:00 AM To : Asher, Nathalie R l(b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) Cc: #ERO CHI EFS OF ST ~A:-:F:-;F --;: f == b)=(6::::: ):=(== b)::::::; (7:::: )(::::::C= ) I;Marin, David A f b)(6); (b)(7) (C) ====:__ _ _:__,I ._________ __, Subject : FW: Approp r iations Agreement Sent with BlackBerry Work (www.blackberry.com ) From:fo)(6): (b)(7)(C) Date: Thursday, Feb 14, 2019, 10:46 hlfR)· rh,mrr., Cc:!{b)(6): (b)(7)(C) Subject : Appropriations Agreement To {b) (6); (b)(7)(C) I I b)(6); h\f7\/ Per our discussion, please see t he attached draft legislation and joint explanatory statement . Some details are below, with the NGO she lter language listed fi rst: AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000053 2019-ICLl -00011 750 b)(5) AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000054 2019-ICLl-00011 751 (b)(5) AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000055 2019-ICLl-00011 752 b)(5) AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000056 2019-ICLl-00011 753 b)(5) AME~ l \ pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000057 2019-ICLl-00011 754 b)(5) AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000058 2019-ICLl-00011 755 b)(5) AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000059 2019-ICLl-00011 756 b)(5) l(b)(6); I Field Operation s Enforce ment and Removal Operation s U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Department of Homeland Security 50012th Street SW I Washington, DC 20536 I 202-n2 Kb)( ~office) I 202-2l~b)( 6); f ill b)(6); (b)(? )(C) Email SIPRnet WICS Warning: release under the Free dom of in accordance with OHSpolicy valid "need-to-know" without CLASSIFIEO//FOROFFICIALUSE ONLY (U//FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public Information It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distr ibuted, and disposed of relating to FOUO information and is not to ublic or other personnel who do not have a prior approval of an authorized OHS official. No portion of this report s o the media, either in written or verba l form. AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000060 2019-ICLl-000 11 757 From : Se nt: To: Blank, Thomas 14 Feb 2019 17:53:46 +0000 l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subje ct: FW: Appropriations Agreement More help. Thomas Blank Chief of Staff U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement U.S. Department of Homeland Security 202 732fh )fR1! Cell 202 591-kb)(6)! From : Kelly, Christopher S Se nt: Thursday, February 14, 2019 12:44 PM ~T....::.o_ : .::.... Da .:..... v....::. is:..:.. , __ M__ i k....::. e.:..... P -=! (=b)=(6 ==)=== : (== b == )( = 7)== (C == )======-1 !(b)(6): (b)(7)(C) Cd b)(6): (b )(7)(C) ..:.. B....::. la....::. n k.....:. ,_T___ homas l~ , Davidson, Michael J h\t~\. th\t7\tf"\ , Loiacono, Adam V !th\t~,- th\17\tr, f>,Asher, Nathalie R (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) , Erichs, Alysa 4fh)fn)· fh)f7)fr,) ~ Subject: GC Legal Memo: Cr iminal Prosecution of Aliens Who Entered Unlawfully: Legal Guidance on Potential Separation of Family Members 1'hHR)· fh)f7)rr., I Davis, AllYesterday afternoon, General Counsel Mitnick signed the attached memorandum to Secretary Nielsen, entitled Criminal Prosecution of Aliens Who Entered Unlawfully: Legal Guidance on Potential Separation of Family Members. We are sharing the memo randum for your visibility and awareness only. Please keep the document close hold . b)(5) Than ks, Adam V. Loiacono Deputy Principal Legal Advisor for Enforcement and Litigation AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000091 2019-ICLl-00011 788 Office of the Principal Legal Advisor U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Desk:202-732 Kb)(6I )_·~ I hone: 202-500- - h-)(_n_ b)(6): (b)(7)(C) This commun icat ion and any aITTi! ~!&lli ls ay conta in conf identia l and/or sensit ive attorney/cl ient priv ileged information or attorney work product and/or law enforcement sensit ive in or is not for release , review, retransm ission, dissem ination, or use by anyone other tha n the intended recipient. Please notify the sender if this e · een misdirected and immediate ly destroy all originals and copies. Furthermore do not print , copy , re-transm it, disseminate, or otherwise use · · ation. Any disc losure of this communication or its attachments must be approved by the Office of the Principal Legal Adv isor, U.S . lmmigra , stems Enforcement. This document is for INTERNAL GOVERNMENT USE ONLY and may be exempt from disclosure under the Freedo ation Act, 5 USC §§ 552(b)(5), (b)(7). AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000092 2019-ICLl-00011 789 Fro m : Sent : To: Subject: Import ance: Blank, Thomas Thu, 7 Jun 2018 23 :20 :28 +0000 Albe nce, Matthew: !(b)(6): (b)(7)(C) RE: ERO Family Separat ion Prot oco ls Norma l Thank you. Sent with BlackBerry Work (www.blackberry.com) Fro m: Albence, Matthew Ii'"-"b '-'-' )(=6.:.:.. ): ..:..:: , Asher, Nathalie R r Subject: FW: ERO Family Separation Protocols FYSA From: Asher, Nat ha lie R Sent : Wedn esday, Ma rch 28, 20 18 10:45 PM To: Bible, Daniel fo )(6): (b)(7)(C) ~;l~ (b-)-(6-):-(-b)-(7_)_ (C- )-----------~ Lucero , Enr iq ue M (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Cc: John son , Tae D (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) l; Archamb eault , Gregory J >; (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ~ (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ; Jenning s, David W b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ~---~-----~ fo )(6): (b)(7HC) lkb)(6): (b)(7)(C) Yb jAsher, Nathalie R I )( 6 ): (b)(7)(C) Subject : ERO Family Separat ion Prot oco ls FODs SNA, ELP, PHO , SND and PHI , AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000093 2019-ICLl-00011 790 Due to recent increased scrutiny on family separations, we are looking to be more proactive in how we approach this sensitive issue, understanding that they can quickly escalate into very high profile cases. As we discussed on our conference call dated March 28, 2018 (minus PHI), these agreed upon protocols are only for those FAMU separations that are done by ERO after ERO accepts custody of a FAMU: • Authority to separate an alleged FAMU resides at DFOD and FOD level. This authority is not conferred to acting DFODs. • Within two hours of the separation, a Field Office FOJC or a FRC AFOD will send an email notification to JFRMU advising of the separation.* • Increased awareness and scrutiny of the detained adult's case management are critical so as to avoid potential gaps in case management and for consideration of mitigating or aggravating factors (i.e. adult never mentions alleged child vs. adult consistently trying to connect with separated child). *JFRMU will be sending a notification template to the FOJCs and FRC AFODs this week to streamline the process and ensure uniformity in reporting. Please let me know if you have questions - thank you for your cooperation. NRA AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000094 2019-ICLl-00011 791 From: Sent: To: Blank, Thomas Fri, 8 Jun 2018 23:49:55 +0000 (b-)(-6-); -(b-)(-7-)(C_ )_~ Kovacic, Raymond;Joh nson, Liz;l.... Cc: Jennings, David Wj (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) ~](b)(6): (b)(7)(C) RE: Sen. Merkley Tour Request 6/17 /18 Normal Subject : Importance : Thanks. Sent with BlackBerry Work (www .blackberry .com) From: Kovacic, Raymond ~. Johnson, Liz fb )(6): (b)(7)(C) .'-rb-,-n-,-rc_.,-"""'" '---- I ri:;t ~6_._) _s"""", cc: Jennings , David Wj (b)(6): (b)(7)(C) !' (:':"' b':":' )( 6::':' )=c : (~b ):"": (7:::= )(:=:C:':"' ) ===;' l h)/R)· /h)/7)/ r. ) b)( 6); (b )(7)( C) Subject: FW: Sen. Merkley Tour Request 6/17/18 Good Evening All, SEN Merkley is requesting a tour of Port Isabel Det Ctr again . Dave is working it from ERO. Due to the sensitivity of recent events, I thought you should be aware . Thank you, Ray Raymond Kovacic Ass istant Director ICE - Office of Congressional Relations From: Jenning s, David W ~~ ..,;; (6--'-' );...,. ("'" b).... (?'-' )-'-' ( C'-' )_____ ___. Date: Monday, Jun l l , 2018 , 9:09 AM To: Blank , Thomas .,..l (b......, )(....,..6 __ );--= (b,,;)(__ 7---; )(,,,... C)____ .....,..,..,,,..,.,....,......... Subject : RE: Sen. Merkley Tour Request 6/ J 7/ J 8 Ema il says request for 6/ 17 Sent with BlackBerry Work (www .blackberry.com) From: Blank , Thoma s '4(b)(6); (b)(7)( C) Date: Monday, Jun 11, 2018 , 8:32 AM To: Albence , Matthew 1~ (b- )-(6-);-(-b)-(7-)-(C-)-----~ Subject: RE: Sen. Merkley Tour Request 6/ 17/ 18 Did Merkley get a tour? He would have held a press conference if he did most likely. Thomas Blank Chief of Staff U.S. Imm igrat ion and Customs Enforcement U.S. Department of Homeland Security 202 732 kn ,rl'l\· I Cell 202 591-!(b)(6ll From: Albence, Matthew Sent: Friday, June 8, 2018 8:12 PM To : Blank, Thomas fb )(6); (b)(7)(C) ~ Subject: RE: Sen. Merkley Tour Request 6/17 /18 10-4. Bible one of our best. He'll handle well. Sent with BlackBerry Work (www .blackberry.com ) From: Blank, Thomas i..... b_)(_6_ );_(b_)_ (7_ )(_C_ ) ____ _. AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000101 2019-ICLl-00011 798 Date : Friday, Jun 08, 2018, 8:10 PM To: Albence, Matthew 1~ (b-)(-6-);-(b-)-(7-)(_C_ ) -----~ Subject: RE:Sen. Merkley Tour Request 6/ 17/18 Looking forKb)(5) ~b)(5) Sent with BlackBerry Work (www.blackberry.com ) From: Albence, Matthew i._b_ )(_6_ ); _(b_)(_7_ )(C _ )_____ Date : Friday, Jun 08, 2018, 7:52 PM To: Blank, Thomas i(b)( 6); (b)( 7)(C) ~C_c:.!::!( h :::)::: fR::: ) ·=(::: h ):::(7:::) :::::: ((' :::·· ' ====::;------~~ _. (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) kh )( fi)· (h)(7)(r,) Subject: RE:Sen. Merkley Tour Request 6/17 /18 10-4 Sent with BlackBerry Work (w ww.blackberry.com ) From: Blank, Thomas l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Date : Friday, Jun 08, 2018, 7:51 PM To: Albence, Matthew ~--------~ (b)(6); (b)(7) (C) C:_::c~: (::::: b::::: )(6:::::):::::: (::::: b:::: )(:::::::7 )::::::: (C:::::)::::::::=-.'.::====:::::::------~' 1(b)( 6): (b)( 7)(C ) Subject: FW: Sen. Merkley Tour Request 6/17 /18 r b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I Matt For sensitive handling . Tom Sent with BlackBerry Work (www.blackberry.com ) From: Kovacic, Raymond ~..., (b~)~ (6~ );=(b~)_(7_ )(_C_ ) ____ ___. Date : Friday, Jun 08, 2018, 7:48 PM To: Blank, Thomas l(b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) ~, Johnson, Liz {b )(6); (b)( 7)(C) !; Homa n, Thomas (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ; Cissna, Francis (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) (b)(6): (b)(7)(C) I: h)(R)· (h)(7)( r, ) l;kb)(6): H\'. b)(6) ; (b)(?)(C) Cc: MCALEENAN, KEVIN K 1(b)(6): (b)(7)( C) !Homan, Thomas <..... !;Cissna, Franc is kh )fn)· fh)f7) fr, ) t.... Kb)(-6-); -(b-)(-7)-(C_ )__, -Kb)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) 0 ! Subject: Heads Up - S1 briefing next Mon All, S 1 has requested an immigration/border security briefing on Monday afternoon. I am work ing on an agenda and will share it soon. It will involve a discussion on (1) current operational p icture (issues/concerns) for each component; and (2) solut ions (short-te,m AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000127 2019-ICLl-00011 824 policy fixes and long-term , such as regs and legislation). Please stand-by for further information. Thank s. Tracy AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000128 2019-ICLl-00011 825 From: Sent: To: Blank, Thomas Tue, 19 Jun 2018 20:52:51 +0000 Kovacic, Raymond ~(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Cc: ~Edge, Pete r T Johnson, Tae DK ,__ b--')('-6"""' ):--'(b-')-'(7"""" )"'"" (C"""" )___________ Nathalie R;l(b)(6): (b)(7)(C) Subject : RE: Prospective Family Separation Flores 'Fix' Legislation Import ance : Normal __,.~ Asher, I Good Afternoon: As we go through this week when legislation is being developed on the fly (as is the case in the House as votes are planned later in the week) and Senators are developing and dropping bills that affect us t hi s week, I wanted to make sure we are on the same page. l(b)(5) b)(5) Thanks, Tom Thomas Blank Chief of Staff U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement U.S. Department of Home land Security 202 732 (b )(6): Cell 202 591 (b)(6); From : Kovacic, Raymond Sent : Tuesday, June 19, 2018 4:40 PM To : Roncone, Stephen .-(b-)(-6-):-(b_)__ (7-)(_C_) _____ Edge, Peter T __, Blank, Thomas Kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Cc: Johnson, Tae D <{b)(6): (b)(7)(C) !(b)(6); (b)(7)( C) Wb)(6): (b)(7)( C) Asher, Nathalie R b)(6); (b)(7)(C) i Clever, Trac i L ~ b)(6): (b)(7)(C) b)(6); (b)(7)(C) b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ~--------~ Subject: RE: Prospective Family Separation Flores 'Fix' Legislation (b)(6); /L..\/ "7 \/r"-\ Do we have figures to support increased detention costs with a Flores fix? Thank you, AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000129 2019 -ICLl-00011 826 Ray Raymond Kovacic Assistant Director ICE- Office of Congressional Relations From : Roncone, Stephen..... l(b_)_ (6_);_(b_)_(7_)(_C_ ) _____ Date : Tuesday, Jun 19, 2018, 12:01 PM _. To: Blank, Thomas fo )(6): (b)(7)(C) I Edge, Peter T ¥b )(6); (b)(?)(C) Raymond Kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Cc: Johnson, Tae D fb)(6): (b)(7)( C) hlJect : Kt : Family Separation Leg1slat1on HJ(b)(6); I If I understand your question cor rectly, you're asking what, if anything l(b)(5) l(b)(5) Thanks; I'm double - checking with I ERO as Well. V/r, AMERIC/\r-... pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-M-000132 2019 -ICLl -00011 829 kb)(6): Deputy Chief of Staff Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) 571-308 Kb)(6); - · I From :! MEXIOO ■ BRAZIL ■ Other ■ Other (U//LES) USBP's FMUA and UAC (ages 0-17) apprehensions composition CY 17 (as of June 29, 2017). FMUA Daily Monthly Averages ■ FY 2016 ■ FY 2017 I. I. I. 1. UAC Daily Monthly Averages I. I. MAR APR MAV JUN JUl 80 82 109 103 129 25 25 35 40 ■ FY2016 ■ FY FY 2015 I.I. I MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 11 11 10 13 l◄ 31 28 36 ■ FY 2016 21 23 ■ FY 2017 4 4 2017 FY2015 8 ■ FY2016 ■ FY 2017 (U//LES) CBP'sOffice of Field Operations' FMUA and UAC ages (0-17) apprehensions CY 17 (as of June 29, 2017), compared to the same t ime period for CY 16 and CY 15, depicting that, histor ically, the majority of encounters occur dur ing the summer. FMUA Inadmissib le Composition UAC Inadmissible Composition m m • MEXICO ■ GUATEMALA ■ HONDURAS ELSALVADOR ■ ROMANIA • OTHER ■ "1EXICO ■ GUATEMALA ■ ELSALVAD~ HONDURAS ■ ROMANIA • OTHER {U//LES) CBP's Office of Field Operations' FMUA and UAC (ages 0-17) apprehensions composition far CY 17 (as of June 29, 2017). WP•&mA.lililFlls&{rF&A QFFIEilALWliliiQPHJi'rlflt'.'J liiPffQA&liiMliiP•ili liD•lilifl'Jls Page 2 of 5 AM RICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-(CBP)-18-0360-O-000014 (U//FOUO) As traditional Central American push and pull factors have not significantly changed, Central Americans will continue to make a risk-based calculation about the timing of their migration attempts. We assessthat migrants' interpretations of changes in U.S. policy - real or perceived - affect the ir confidence in the calculation of likely success in reaching and re main ing in the United States, leading them to await more favorable conditions before attempting their journey. We have moderate confidence in this assessment because we lack recent polling data and/or interviews of Central America-based indiv iduals who have yet to migrate. (U//FOUO) The perception of stricter border enforcement policies has caused potential Central American migrants to abandon their plans to migrate to the U.S. temporarily opting to migrate within Latin America. 5 Others, who have made their way as far as Mexico , are choosing to stay and seek asylum in Mexico rather than continue their journeys to the United States.6•7•8•9 (U//FOUO) Central Americans who aspire to migrate to the U.S. reported str icter border enforcement policies would not deter them, according to a Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research-Office of Opinion Research (INR/OPN) focus group comprised of aspiring Central American migrants .10 Moreover, a December 2016 INR/OPN survey found Central Americans likely to migrate were concerned about possible policy changes; however, the U.S. was still their top destination .11 (U//LES) The majority of subjects interviewed by CBPfrom January to June 2017 claimed the main push factors infl uencing their decision to migrate to the United States remain consistent with previous years: poor economic conditions, unemployment, violence, and increased gang influence or threats. Similarly, migrants' main pull factors rema ined consistent with previous years: better economic opportun ity , support of family and self, enjoyment of a better way of life, and reunification with family 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (U) Implications {U//FOUO/LES) If migrants abandoned their 'wait-and-see' approach toward migrating because they assesstheir chances of staying in the United States are increasing, then we would expect to see an incremental rise in migrant flow over the next several months. 17, 18 • - information it can use to develop mitigation measures for increased FMUA and UAC migration. ~H@151.991PIE6,S/POft 9Pl'ICIJllt ~JI! OUtf/l!Jlli/ji l!!f4POftCl!!Fitl!!U, JEUJlflra·c Page3 of 5 AM RICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-(CBP)-18-0360-O-000015 (U) This product responds to: HSIPFTopic: CBP-01-POA-TOC-2,CBP-01-POA-TOC-4 (U) Tracked by: OHSIE Int elligence Priority-Illicit Immi gration and Travel (U) Reporting Notice: This product was prepared by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Intelligence and U.S. Border Patrol's Office of Intelligence. This product was coordinated with CBP's Office of Field Operations, the Office of Internationa l Affairs, the OHS Human Smuggling Cell and Homeland Security Investigation's Office of Intelligence. Comments and queries may be directed to the Analytic Standards and Programs Division, Production Management Branch at: (U) FEEDBACK: For general comments or questions related to the dissemination of this lease e-mail the CBP01 Production Mana ement inbox at : (U) Please participate in a brief customer feedback survey regarding th is product. Your feedback is important to our efforts to improve the quality and impact of our products on your mission. Please scroll to the last page to find the form and then follow a few simple steps to comp lete and submit your response. Thank you. (b ) (7 )(E) (U//FOUO) I CBPI UAC-FMUA July 2017 I (U) USBPFMUA/UAC Apprehensions I Extracte d informat ion Is U//LES I Overal l document classification Is U//FOUO/LES 2 (U//FOUO) I CBP I 29 June 2017 I (U/FOUO) USBPNat ionwide UAC and FMUA Apprehens ions by Citizenships FY2015TD- FY 2017TD I Extracted information is U I Overall document classificatio n is U//FOUO 3 (U//FOUO) I CBP I 7 July 2017 I (U) Bord stat - FMUA and UAC I Extracted informat ion is U//FO UO I Overall document classificat ion is U// FOUO 4 (U//FOUO) I CBPI UAC-FMUA July 2017 I (U) USBPFMUA/UAC Appr ehensions I Extracted information is U//LES I Overall document classification is U//FOUO/LES 5 (U) I New York Times I 3 July 2017 I (U) Central Americans, "Scared of What's Happening" in the U.S., Stay Put I Accessed on 6 July 2017 I Extracted information U I Overall document classification is U I https://www.nytimes.com/2017 /07 /03/wor ld/ a mer icas/h ond u ras-migration-bor der-wal I. htm l#sto ry-contin ues-19 6 (U) I NPRI 2 May 2017 I (U) Central American Refugees Opts to Stay in Mexico Due to Trump's Policies I Accessed on 6 July 2017 I Extracted informat ion is U I Overall document classification is U I http://www .npr.org/2017/0S/02/526613680 / centra lamerican-refugees-opt-to-stay - in- mexico-due -to-trumps-po licies 7 (U) I Reuters I 5 May 2017 I (U) Spooked by Trump, Cent ral American immigran t s turn to Mexico I Accessed on 6 July 2017 I Extracted information U I Overall document classification is U I http://www.reuters.com/artic le/us -usa-immigratio n-centralamerica-idUSKBN1811BA 8 (U) I New York Tim es I 12 Febr uary 2017 I (U) Migrating North, but to M exico, Not t he U .S. I Accessed on 6 July 2017 I Extracted information is U I Overall documen t classification is U I http://www.nbcnews.com/news/la t ino/more-familiesfleeing-central -america - resett le-mexico -instead-aiming-u n779601htt ps://www.nytimes.com/2017 /02/12/world/a me ricas/mexico-migration-asyl um .htm I 1 WPUibtld;61FIE8f; Cc: kh )/ R)· /h ,n,rr., W""" b'-')('-"6_.. ):....;. (b;;;...; )"'"' (7...._ ).;._; (C..... )_______ Subject: Congressional Inquiry from Congre ssman Castro __, Mr Kovacic We met in the Rio Grande Valley last month. I need your hep with a POC for ORR. Cong ressman Castro is helping fam ilies reunite after they have been released from custody . Do you have a POC for congre ssional inquiries at ORR? I am copying fb )(6); (b)(7)(C) ~nd passing inquiry along. !commun ity Relations Officer Stakeholder Engagemen t I Victims oflmmigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigratio n and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Desk: 210.283. ~ Cell 210 3 89~~?~~~~;_j l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Take care, AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000001 2019-ICLl-00011 942 Ray Raymond Kovacic Assistant Director ICE - Office of Congress iona l Re lat ions U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Office of Public Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 23, 2018 Zero-Tolerance Prosecution and Family Reunification The Department of Home land Security (DHS) and Health and Human Services (HHS) have a process established to ensure that family members know the location of their children and have regular communication after separation to ensure that those adults who are subject to removal are reunited with their children for the purposes of removal. The United States government knows the location of all children in its custody and is working to reunite them with their families . As part of the apprehension, detention and prosecution process, illegal aliens, adults and children , are initially detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) before the children are sent to HHS' Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and parents to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody . Each entity plays a role in reunification. This process is well coordinated. U.S. Customs and Bord er Protection • CBP has reunited 522 Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) in their custody who were separated from adults as part of the Zero Tolerance initiative. The reunions of an additional 16 UAC who were schedu led to be reunited on June 22, 2018 were delayed due to weather affecting travel and we expect they will all be reunited with their parents within the next 24 hours. There will be a small number of children who were separated for reasons other than zero tolerance that will remain separated : genera lly only if the fami lial relationship cannot be confirmed, we believe the adult is a threat to the safety of the child, or the adult is a criminal alien. • Because of the speed in which adults completed their criminal proceed ings, some children were still present at a United States Border Patrol (USBP) station at the time their parent(s) returned from court proceedings . In these cases, the USBP reunited the family and transferred them , together , to ICE custody as a family unit. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000002 2019 -ICLl -00011 943 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement • ICE has dedicated the Port Isabel Service Proc essing Center as the primary family reunification and removal center for adults in their custody. • A parent who is ordered removed from the U.S. may request that his or her minor child accompany them. It should be noted that in the past many parents have elected to be removed without their children. • ICE has posted information in all of its facilities advising detained parents who are trying to locate, and/or communicate with, a child in the custody of HHS to call the Detention Reporting and Information Line for assistance , which is staffed by live operators Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 8 PM. • The information provided by these parents to the call operators will be forwarded to HHS for action. ICE and HHS will coordinate a review of their custodial data to identify where each child is located, verify the parent/child relationship , and set up regular communication and removal coordination, if necessary . • Each ICE Field Office has Juvenile Coordinators who manage these cases throughout the immigration court proceedings. • Further , ICE maintains a publicly available online detainee locator which can be used to locate adults detained by ICE. This site can be accessed at: https://locator. ice. gov/ odls/#/index ICE has completed the following steps toward reunification: • Implemented an identification mechanism to ensure on-going tracking of linked family members throughout the detention and removal process; • Designated detention locations for separated parents and will enhance current processes to ensure communicat ion with children in HHS custody ; • Worked closely with foreign consulates to ensure that travel documents are issued for both the parent and child at time of removal; and • Coordinated with HHS for the reuniting of the child prior to the parents' departure from the United States. U.S. Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement • Minors come into HHS custody with information provided by DHS regarding how they illegally entered the country and whether or not they were with a parent or adult and , to the extent possible, the parent(s) or guardian(s) informa tion and location. There is a central database which HHS and DHS can access and update when a parent(s) or minor( s) location information changes. • As of June 20th HHS has 2,053 separated minors being cared for in HHS funded facilities , and is working with relevant agency partners to foster communications and work towards reuniting every minor and every parent or guardian via well- AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000003 2019-ICLl -00011 944 established reunification processes. Currently only 17% of minors in HHS funded facilities were placed there as a result of Zero Tolerance enforcement , and the remaining 83% percent arrived to the United States without a parent or guardian. • Parent(s) or guardian(s) attempting to determine if their child is in the custody of the Office of Refuge e Resettlement (ORR) in HHS Administration for Children and Families should contact the ORR National Call Center (www.acf.hhs.gov /orr/resource /orr-nationa l-ca ll-center) at 1-800-203-7001, or via email information @ORRNCC .com . Information will be collected and sent to HHS funded facility where minor is located. The ORR National Call Center has numerous resources ava ilable for children , parent(s), guardian(s) and sponsors . • Within 24 hours of arriving at an HHS funded facility minors are given the opportunity to communicate with a vetted parent, guardian or relative. While in HHS funded facilities' care, every effort is made to ensure minors are able to comm unicate (either telephonic or video dependin g on the circumstances) with their parent or guard ian (at least twice per week) . However , reasonable safety precautions are in place to ensure that an adult w ishing to communicate with a minor is in fact that m inor's parent or guardian . • Minors in HHS funded facilities are permitted to call both family members and/or sponsor s living in the Unit ed States and abroad . Attorneys representing minors have unlimited telephone access and the minor may speak to other appropriate stake holders, such as their consu late, the case coordinator, or child advocate . Additiona l informa tion on telephone calls, visitation , and mail policies are available in the policy guide. • Under HHS ' publicly available policy guide for Unaccompanied Alien Children, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) releases minors to sponsors in the follow ing order of preference: parent; legal guardian; an adult relative (brother, sister , aunt, uncle , grandparent or first cous in); an adult individua l or entity designated by the parent or legal guardian (through a signed declaration or other document that ORR determines is sufficient to estab lish the signatory's parental/guardian relationship); a licensed program willing to accept legal custody; or an adu lt individual or entity seeking custody whe n it appears that there is no other likely alternative to long term ORR care and custody . ### AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000004 2019-ICLl-000 11 945 Zamarripa, Leticia 17 Jul 2018 21:00:27 +0000 # ICE-OPA-COB ICE OPA COB 07-17-18 ICE OPA COB 07 -17-2018.docx From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Daily Close of Business Report Jul y 17, 2018 Compiled by (b)(6); (h)f7)( r. ) Enforcement and Removal Operations ERO - El Paso: Detainee interview request , NPR (New Mexico) Kb)(6); (b)(7)(C)l multi-me dia reporter with KRWG Public Media in Las Cruces, New Mexico, requesting to interv iew fb)(6): (b)(7)(C) l a detainee at El Paso Processing Center. PAO provided Privacy Waiver and Detainee Interview Request forms, and will coordinate interview once completed forms are submitted. (L. Zamarripa) ERO - El Paso: Bed space at NM ICE detention facilities , Albuquerque Journal Reporter j(b)(6); jrequested populations of Cibola County Correctional Center and Otero County Detention Center. PAO provided bed space for both facilities. (L. Zamarripa) ERO - San Antonio: Reporters requesting access to PIDC to observe immigration court proceedings , Rolling Stone, Reuters, NPR Reporters requesting access to Port Isabel Detention Center to observe immigration procee dings. PAO coordinating with AFOD over PID C to clear reporters for access. (L. Zamarripa) ERO - San Antonio: Reporters requesting detainee interview, The Texas Observer, The Christian Science Monitor l(b)(6); with The Texas Observer, anq<~!~ ~!;___ Texas correspondent with The Christian Science Monitor, requested guidance on how to request to interview a detainee in ICE custody. PAO forwarded the Privacy Waiver and Detainee Interview Request forms with instructions on how to comp lete and submit. l(b)(6);(b)(?)(C) I I I ERO - San Antonio and El Paso: Family separation queries , USA Today Network (Austin Bureau), The Intercept, San Antonio Express-News, FOX (El Paso affiliate), Dallas Morning News (Mexico correspondent) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000005 2019-ICLl-00011 946 (b)(6);(b)(7)(C) with USA Today Network's Austin Bureau, and fb )(6): (b)(7)(C) Iwith The Intercept , (b)(6);(b)(7)(C) immi ration re orter for the San Antonio Express-News, ~k b-)(-6)-; ~ l(b)(6); with KFOX, and (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Mexico correspondent with The Dallas Morning News, submitted queries regarding children who were separated from their parents at the border. PAO referred reporters to DHS. (L. Zamarripa) l ERO - Omaha, Nebraska: Prior deport killed; police investigating , World-Herald Local daily reporter requested ICE comment concerning the immigration history of an alien who is the victim of a local shooting (fatality). PAO issuing cleared statement. (S. Neudauer) ERO - Kansas City: Alien in local custody for rape, FOX (affiliate) Reporter requested comment concerning the immigration history of an alien in local custody pending two felony counts (one for rape of a minor). ERO KC arrested the sub· ect June 1 but has since turned the alien over for local pro secution. PAO drafting Statement. (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ERO - Houston: Immigration history of suspected serial killer, Daily Wire (Digital) The Daily Wire requested the immigration history otl(b)(6):(b)(7)(C) la suspected serial killer who was arrested this morning in Hou ston after a city-wide manhunt. PAO requested immigration history from HOU ERO to draft Statement. (T. Oberle) ERO - Houston: Alleged illegal alien taken into custody, South Jetty (weekly newspaper) Reporter requested information onKb)(6);(b)(7)(C) Ian alleged illegal alien who was fishing near Port Aransas on June 25 •,;.u.~~,i;.u.._........,,ninto custody by federa l official s. nto custody, for what and what is the The reporter would like to know who took (b)(5); (b)(?)(C) process moving forward. PAO researching query. ere) ERO - Houston: Location of detainee, Univision (Digital) Reporter requested infonnation on the location ofl.-(b..... )-(6...a );.... (-b)..... (7-)-(C_)_________ Ia citizen of El Salvador who is believed to be in ICE custody. PAO researching query. (T. Oberle) ERO-Boston: Request for reaction to internal report that became public, WBUR (NPR Boston affiliate) PAO refused to confirm authenticity of an internal summary of cases in communities in the area of responsibility where juri sdictions did not comply with agency detainer reque sts. (J. Mohan) ERO - Lexington: Arrest data for Kentucky, Lexington Herald-Leader PAO provid ed reporter with ICE FOIA information after he requested the number of arrests in each county of Kentucky for 2018 . PAO provided a link to last year's data. (N . Alberico) ERO - Chicago: Wrong tip line information on online story, KWQC (NBC, Davenport) PAO contacted TV station regarding an online story that referenced the DHS tip line . The number provided online was incorrect; the station fixed the error. (N. Alberico) Homeland Security Investigations AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000006 2019-ICLl-00011 947 HSI- Pensacola: Child predator sentencing, USAO news release Tampa SAC James C. Spero is quoted in a Northern Di strict Florida USAO news relea se on the sentencing of a man on child production charges. (T. Spicer) HSI - Miami: Human trafficking, Thomson Reuters Foundation Miami SAC Mark Selby was interviewed about HSI's role in a new toolkit designed to help financial institutions fight human trafficking using data. PAO staffed the interview. (T. Spicer) HSI - Austin: International money laundering sentence, news release PAO forwarded quote from San Antonio SAC Shane M. Folden to USAO for news release announcing today ' s sentence oQb)(6); (b)(?)(C) on charges of international money laundering related to receiving funds from victims involving a conspiracy with others in excess of $ 1 million in losses. (L. Zamarripa) I HSI - Indiana olis: Immigration lawyer sentenced for visa fraud, Virginia Quarterly Reporter(b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) reque sts to interview age b)(6 l · vestigated the case of an immigration ays she's working a long-fo1m piece lawyer who was recently sentence d for visa fraud b)(7)(C) on immigration fraud and is looking for an emblema 1c case. PAO coordinating with HSI. (N. Alberico) Strategic Communications Homeland Security Investigations -Twitter , Twitter en Espanol and Facebook : ICE seeks information leading to the arrest of an MS13 associate wanted on sex trafficking charges News Release Tw itter and Facebook : Sign up for new s about ICE' s work investigati ng cyber crime delivered to your inbox: https: //service.govdelivery.corn/accounts /USDHSICE /subscriber /new -Enforcement and Removal Operations Twitter en Espano l: ICE ERO Newark arrests 37 individual s in Middlesex County , NJ enforcement surge News Release en Espanol Operations Anticipated/Scheduled Interviews and Events: -Wednesday , July 18 - Middle Di strict Florida USAO will quote Tampa SAC James C. Spero on the sentencin g of a serial child predator who was arrested while already on probation for child pornograph y offenses. (T. Spicer) Wednesday , July 18 - Southern Di strict Florida USAO will credit Miami SAC Mark Selby and pa1tner agencies in the expected sentencin g of a man for unlaw fully exporting firearm s, accessories and ammunition to Brazil. (T. Spicer) Thursday, July 26 - Boston SAC Peter C. Fitzugh will join Attorney General Jeff Session s and the U.S. Attorney for Di strict of Massachusetts Andrew Lelling in an open -press event to announce the results of an HSI-led document and benefit fraud operation. PAO plans to staff AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000007 2019-ICLl-00011 948 event set for 10 a.m. (EDT) at the U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts office, One Courtho use Way , Boston Massachusetts. (J. Mo han) Monday, July 30 or Friday, Aug. 3- H.E.R.O. George Riley ofHSI Cherry Hill has been chose n as Hometown Hero for Philadelphia Eagles and will be filmed at work July 30 or Aug. 3. (E. Dabul) #ICE# Leticia Zamarripa Public Affairs Officer/Spokeswoman D EPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY U.S. Im, · · and Customs Enforcement (ICE) (9 15) 85 ffice (915)857-60 3fax (915) 72 obile h)fn)· /h) Follow ICE (~00® AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000008 2019-ICLl-00011 949 From: kb )( 6 ): (b )(7)(C) Sent: 16 Jul 2018 20:32:27 +0000 Gonzalez, Barbara M To: Cc: I Kb)(6); (b)( 7)(C) Subject: Attachments : FW: CRO COB 7.16.18 Final CRO COB 7.16.18 Final.d ocx t) ;i,:(.::~:;t·· CLOSE OF BUSINESS REPORT J --~ OFFICE OF STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENTNOICE Daily Close of Business Report July 16, 2018 Compiled by: (b)( 6); (b)( 7)(C) .Vote: To be remove rom e 'RO COB distribution list, please email l(b)( 6); (b)(7) (C) l(b)( 6); at l(b)( 6); (b)( 7)(C) I I Enforcement and Removal Operations : -ERO - Milwaukee: 287g Waukesha County graduates CRO drafting article for Insight with assistance of ERO . ~K b-)(-6-);-(b-)(-7-)(-C)~I ERO - San Antonio: Family separations in the Rio Grande Valley CRO assisted with a varie ty of tours at the Port Isabe l Detention Cente r (PID C) and Dilly family facilities. [b H6): ' I ERO - San Antonio: Reunification of families CRO received a call from St. Mary's Immigration Clinic and Congressman Cas tro ' s Office in San Anto nio regarding reunifi cation. ERO referrin g to Consuls to obtain birth certificates. CRO coordin ated visitations with ORR and informed attorneys that ORR will have to complete pro cess for reunification. j(b)(6); __ I ERO - San Diego: San Diego CRO coordinating with San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium (SDIR C) to set up a brief with FOO Greg Archambeault and stakeholders from various organizations /agencies from SDIRC , to discuss topics of interest to include highly publicized "se parat ion/reunific ation of fami lies" issues. l(b)(6) ; (b)( 7)(C) I ERO -A ustin/Bastrop: Sheriff accused of targeting Latino community (b)(6 ); (b)(l )(C) CRO and PAO monitoring situation after Bastrop Interfai th Coali tion met with ._____ ___,o discuss last month 's zero toler ance traffic violation sweep in the predominantly Latino Stony Point neighborhood . Mexican Consul in Austin has complain ed publicly to media th at of the 63 individua ls stopped, 13 were put into deportation proceedings in what the coali tion believes is a AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000009 2019-ICLl-00011 950 tar eted attack on the immigrant and Latino population, resulting in numerous inquiries ~ b)(6); , . . ·- · ·- Homeland Security Investigations: HSI - Chicago: Presentation request by Human Resources Association CRO coord inating subject matter expert for IMAGE presentation and booth participation at a Human Resource Assoc iation conference this fall. kb)(6):(b)(7)(C)I HSI - Dallas: Human Trafficking Outreach CRO providing human trafficking education and awareness to nurse practitioners and I administrators at area hospitals in Lewisville and Plano , TX. kb)(6); HSI - San Antonio: Shelter tour CRO Lacy toured the new shelte r Centro Seg uro for victims of trafficking. The center is a partnership with NGOs and law enforcement that help identify teens that are victims of sexual trafficking. l(b)(6); I HSI - San Antonio: Human Trafficking outreach planning CRO and VAS attending a planning meeting with NGOs and faculty from Centro Seguro for a trafficking outreach in the San Antonio area this August. l(b)(6); I HSI - Tampa: Citizens' Academy CRO coordinating community nominees for Fall HSI Tampa Citizens' Academy class. l(b)(6:I Kb)(6); I ICE General: -ICE - Denver: State of the City address CRO represented ICE at the Denver State of the City address with the Mayor ofDenver(b)(6); l(b )(6); I (b )(7)( ICE - New York: Women in Law Enforcement CRO attends Women in Law Enforcement event, sponsored by Drug Enforcement Administration. l(b)(6);(b)(7)(C) I ICE - San Diego: Blood Drive San Die o CRO coordinating with local Red Cross to set up ICE Blood Drive in July.~~~(~\ I (b )(6); ICE - San Diego: Congressional with SAC San Diego CRO coordinating with Representative Darrell Issa's (CA-49) office for an HSI 101 in early August with his staff, presented by SAC J(b)(6);(b)(7)(C) I ICE- San Diego: Recruitment with National Association of Police Organizations San Diego CRO provided assistance to HQ Recruiting office to assist at the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) . NAPO is a coalition of police unions and associations from AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000010 2019-ICLl-00011 951 across the United States organized for the purpose of advancing the interests of America's law enforcement officers through legislative advocacy, political action and educat ion. fb)(6);(b)(?)(C) - Upcoming Engagement: -Tuesday, July 17 - CRO will attend the town council meeting in Lawrence Township, NJ to provide community with reso urces and information on ICE ERO.l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I Wednesday , July 18 - CRO will attend monthly Middlesex Count Human Services Immigration Committee meeting in New Brunswick, NJ. b)(6);(b)(?)(C) Wednesday, July 18 - CRO will attend the SF Coalition Against Human Trafficking committee planning meeting for the 2018 annual conference in San Francisco, CA. l(b)(6);(b)(?)(C) I Wednesday, July 18 - CRO and ERO will conduct a tour of the El Paso Service Processing Center for the State Department Fraud Prevention Group, Juarez. ~b)(6);(b)(?)(C) J Thursday, July 19 -CRO and ERO will conduct a tour of the West Texas Detention Center in Sien-a Blanca, Texas for the ACLU and Texas Civil Rights Project.Kb)(6);(b)(7)(C) I Thursday, July 19 -CRO will attend Quarterly Stakeholder Meeting at ERO Newark Elizabeth Contract Detention Facility in Elizabeth, NJ. Meeting will be led by AFOJ¥b)(6); (b)(?)(C) §DDO l(b)(6):(b)(7)(C) ~nd SDDOl(b)(6);(b)(?)(C) I Thursday, July 19 - CRO supporting a Project Campus Sentinel presentation at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, FL. Will discuss CRO role and upcoming HSI Tampa Citizens' Academy .~ l(b)(6); I Friday, July 20-CRO and ERO will conduct a tour of the El Paso Service Processing Center for the Hope Border Institute. Tour to include an overview of in-processing, medical and dining facilities and general operations. ~b)(6);(b)(7)(C) I Friday, July 20- CRO will join DSAC b)(6); S (b)(6); from HSI Newark and FOD Tsoukaris, DFOD b)(6); ~..!;!..!~.:.:.;;.:l,,,..J' om ERO Newark will meet with Con2ressman Christopher Smith {D-4) at the Monmouth County She riffs Office in Freehold, NJ. Meeting will cover immigration enforcement as well as human trafficking and female genital mutilation. l(b)(6);(b)(?)(C) I Monday, July 23 - CRO and sAKb)~6~;,_lwillmeet with a Defense Logistics Agency's program manager and staff in Battle Creek, Michigan to plan for the September 2018 labor trafficking internal forum. (b)(6); /L\/ "'7 \/ ,-.,. \ Monday, July 23 - CRO coordinatin a ·oint ERO and HSI 101 presentation for a group of Air Force cadets in Tampa, FL. b)(6);(b)(7)(C) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000011 2019-ICLl-00011 952 Wednesdav July 24 - CRO and ICE IMAGE Coordinator will meet with SBA Representative 5 b)( ); (b)(?)(C) o coordinate ass istance with distribution ofIMAGE forum flyer to SBA usmesses t at utilize E-verify, increase registration and to establish parameters for a strateg ic partnership with nexus to E-verify. Kb)(6); I Wednesday, July 25 - CRO joins USCIS CR b)(6); Congressional meeting in Indianapolis, Ind. "---'-'---'---_, b)(6); (b)(7)( C) or District 13 CBO and ### AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000012 2019-ICLl-00011 953 From: Sent: Subject: Attachments: ~b)(6);(b)(?)(C) 1 Aug 2018 20:49:06 +0000 ICECROCOB 8.01.18 Final CROCOB 8.1.18 Final.docx (3 ;:::.:.:;~:;t·· CLOSE OF BUSINESS REPORT J ,-- ...__ OFFICE OF STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENTNOICE Daily Close of Business Report August 1, 2018 Compiled by: l(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Note: To be removed from the CRO COB distribution list, please email 4(b)(6);(b)(?)(C) ~~~~ ~\ ,.._ , a 1(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) I - Homeland Security Investigations: - ICE - San Diego: Human trafficking CRO coo rdinated/supporied HSI human traffickin g informational briefing for National University rad school ro ram, with HSI special agent and a partner non-profit agency Lifeline presenter. b)(6);(b)(?)(C) HSI - San Juan: Town hall meeting CRO worked with the Puerto Rico Nat ional Guard PAO to identify a venue to host an HSI San I Juan town hall meet ing at Fort Buch anan, Puerto Rico . kb)(6); HSI-San Juan : National Security & Immigration Enforcement Group (NSIEG) CRO worked wi th genera l manager of Stud ent Services at University of Sacre d Heart to finalize details involving the NSIEG's support a Project Campus Sentinel presentation at the university's internat iona l exchange students' orientation day .l(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) I - HSI - San Antonio: Human traffickin ..--------""'--=---, l Toj~ (b-)(-6}-;(b-)(-7)-(C -)--~ AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000027 2019-ICLl-00011 968 From : Simon , Joseph D Sent : 15 Jun 2018 16:40:40 +0000 To : Feere, Jon FW: [Urgent Clearance Request] Immigration Family Separation Subje ct: Factsheet Attachments: FW: [Urgent Clearance Request] Immigration Family Separation Factsheet .eml AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000028 2019 -ICLl-00011 969 Gonzalez, Barbara M 20 Dec 20 17 15:15:11 -0500 Blank, Thomas b~){=6=):~{b~)~ {7~){=C~) ____ l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Simon, Joseph D~l< From: Sent : To : Cc: I ~lF eere, Jon;Johnson, Liz RE: Letter of concern from Amnesty Internationa l Subj ect: You're welcome, Sir. Will do. Barbara M. Gonzalez, MP A Assistant Director (A) Stakeholder Engagement / Victims oflmmigrat ion Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) 202.570. b)(6 cell b)(6); (b)(7)(C) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This document may contain confidential and sensitive U.S. Government information , and is not for release, review, retransmission, dissemination or use by anyone other than the intended recipient. Please not ify the sender if this emai l has been misdirected and immediately destroy all originals and copies of the original. Any disclosure of this document must be approved by the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. From : Blank, Thomas Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 3:15 PM To: Gonzalez, Barbara M Cc:!(b)(6): (b)(7)(C) )Simon, Joseph D~k h~'~ rR~,-~r~h~ H~7 '~rr. ~-'~----~1 Subject: RE: Letter of concern from Am nesty Internat ional ; Feere, Jon; Johnson, Liz Thanks Barbara. Please keep me in the loop . From: Gonzalez, Barbara M Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 2:53 PM To: Blank, Thomas Cc: Kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Simon, Joseph D; b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Subject : Lette r of concern from Amnes!i::"7" -r:n= er::::n :-::: a:i:-: 1~ on:::--:a ::r-----~ I Feere, Jon Sir: For your visibility, I'm wo r king with ERO,Privacy and OPLA to respond to this letter. I'm already in contact with the POC. Please let me know if you need additional details. B arbar a M. Gonzalez, MP A AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000029 2019-ICLl-00011 970 Assistant Director (A) Stakeholder Engagement/ Victims oflmmigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office U.S. Immi ration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) 202.570 b)(6) cell (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This document may contain confidential and sensitive U.S. Government information, and is not for release, review, retransmission , dissemination or use by anyone other than the intended recipient. Please notify the sender if this email has been misdirected and immediately destroy all originals and copies of the original. Any disclosure of this document must be approved by the Depa1tment of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. From: b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) Sent: n ay, ecem er 15, 2017 5:26 PM ~---------~ To: 'N_athalie .R.Asher@ice .dhs.gov' (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) )(6); (b)(7)(C) Cc(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) ~b)(6); (b)(?)(C) I Subject: Letter of concern from Amnesty Internationa l cc: CRCL; OIG Dear Ms. Asher, Please find attached a letter of concern from Amnesty International, with regard to ICE ' s recent separation of asylum -seeking family members on the southern US border. Thank you for your attention on this matter. Sincerely, l(b)(6); I l(b )(6); (b )(7)(C) Researcher /Advisor on the USA Am nesty International Internat ional Secretariat - Americas Regiona l Office 600 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, 5th Floor Washi ngton, DC 20003 USA Email: (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Direct: + 1-202-509 (b)(6); AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000030 2019-ICLl-00011 971 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL https ://www.amnesty.org DISCLA IMER This emai l has been sent by Amnesty Internationa l Limited (a company registered in England and Wales limited by guarantee, number 0 1606776 with a registered office at 1 Easton St, London WC1 X 0DW). Internet commun ications are not secure and therefore Amnesty International does not accept legal responsib ility for the contents of th is message . If you are not the intended rec ipient you must not disclose or rely on the information in this e-mail. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the autho r and do not necessari ly represent those of Amnesty Internationa l unless specifically stated. Electronic communica tions including emai l might be monitored by Amnesty Internat ional for operational or business reasons .. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000031 2019-ICLl-000 11 972 Fro m : Se nt: To: Cc: Subje ct: Gonzalez, Barbara M 22 Dec 2017 20:11:36 -0500 Blank, Thomas Kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) feere, Jon""' tth""''""" t~.... , .... · t..,. h,.... n.... ,.... tr_,..._____ RE:Amnesty International _, Will do, Sir. Barbara M. Gonza lez, MPA Assistant Director (A) Stakeholder Engagement / Victims oflmmigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) 202 .570 .Eb)(6);~ell l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This document may contain confidentia l and sens itive U.S. Government information, and is not for release, review, retransmiss ion, dissemination or use by anyone other than the intended recipient. Please notify the sender if this emai l has been misdirected and immediately destroy all originals and copies of the origina l. Any disclosure of this document must be approved by the Department of Home land Security, U.S. Imm igrat ion and Customs Enforcement. Fro m: Blank, Thoma s 4(b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) Date: Friday, Dec 22, 201,..._ 7...,. 5._.. :...., 15._P ._.M "-'----------~ To : Gonzalez , Barbara M l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Cc: (b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) b)(6); (b)(7)(C) , Feere , Jon 1(b)(6): (b)(7)(C) Subject: RE: Amn esty International Let's stand down for now please. Sent with BlackBerry Work (www.blackberry.com) From: Gonzalez , Barbara M ~ "-=th=\t=~=' ·=th='=n='=t r='====== Date: Friday , Dec 22, 20 I7, 4 :56 PM To : Blank , Thomas fb)(6): (b)(7)(C) I Feere, Jon Cc:l{b)(6): (b)(7)(C) t, ,......., 1fh)fn)· ( h)(7)(C:) !, (b)(6): (b)(7)(C) Albence, Matthew th )fn)· fh)f7)f (; ) Miller Phili T b 6 ; b 7 C Asher N athalie R ~lrh~)f~n~)·~fh~)~f7~)f~(;~ ) ----~~ Cc (b)(6): (b)(7)( C) , Bennett, Danielle (b)(6); (b)(7)( C) Clifford, Erin J l":-. (b--)~ (6~);--(b~)... (7~)(~C~ ) --------,-, J;-o·hn- s-on - ,--;, L....,. iz..,.... (b-)(-6-): -(b-)(... 7-)(__ C_) ---.....-,E ;,,,l,zea, ..... Jennifer Subject: RE: Amnesty International Hi Barbara. This is clear for ERO, it mirrors previously cleared statements. kb)(6): (b)(7)(C) Staff Officer-ERO/Office of EAD !(b)(6): (b )(7)( C) 202. 73~(b)(6)1office 956.43 : cell From: Gonzalez, Barbara M Sent: Friday, December 22, 2017 2:26 PM To: #ERO CHIEFS OF STAFF; Albence, Matthew; Miller, Philip T; Asher, Nathalie R Cc:fo )(6): (b)(7)(C) !Bennett, Danielle;Kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Pifford , Erin J; Johnson, Liz; Elzea, AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000039 2019-ICLl-00011 980 Jennifer Subject: Amnesty International ERO: Amnesty International sent us the attached letter regarding the San Diego cases involving the separation of alleged family units. After conferring with OPLA, I plan to send them the below response. I know OPA sent them a response too but they've pinged us directly for more. Because they don't have a G-28 representing the individuals , we will not speak to specific issues regarding the cases. Please let me know if you have concerns with this statement. Thank you . (b)(5) Barbara M. Gonzalez, MP A Assistant Director (A) Stakeholder Engagement / Victims oflmmigration Crime Engagement Office (VOICE) U.S. Immigrat ion and Customs Enforcement (ICE) 202 .570 b)(6); ell b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Follow ICE AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000040 2019-ICLl-00011 981 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This document may contain confidential and sensitive U.S. Government information, and is not for release , review , retransmission , dissemination or use by anyone other than the intended recipient. Please notify the sender if this email has been misdirected and immediately destroy all originals and copies of the original. Any disclosure of this document must be approved by the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000041 2019-ICLl-00011 982 I From: Se nt: kb)(6): (b)(7)(C) 16 Aug 2019 21:23:59 +0000 To: l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ~ICE OPA EROIssue Paper Subject: RE:OPA Issue: Telemundo requests statement on Salvadoran separated from child due to prior criminal conviction Goo d Afternoon The following Spec iali st l(b)(6); _, statement(with edits) and on background have been cleared by ERO. (b)(6); (b)(7)(C); (b)(5) Thank you, Kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) I Staff Officer Detailed From:Kb)(6); (b )(7)(C) Se nt : Friday, August 16, 2019 5:09 PM To: #ICE OPA EROIssue Paper1(' ~b-)(-6-):-(b_)_ (7-)(_C_) -------~ Subject: OPA Issue: Telemundo requests statement on Salvadoran separated from child due to prior criminal conviction ALCON, Please review the draft statement bel ow for release to the media. Thanks! DEADLINE: 3 p.m . EDT 08/ 16/2019 b)(6); (b)(7)(C); (b)(5) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000042 2019-ICLl -00011 983 (b)(5) AMEf ICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000043 2019-ICLl-00011 984 b)(S); (b)(6); (b)(7)(C); (b)(7)(E) From:l (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) l(NBCUniversal, TLMD) ib )(6); (b)(7)(C) Sent: Friday, Augus t 1 · ,...._ __________ 5 To: Oberle , Timoth y N (bl( ); (b)(?)(C) Cc: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) BC U niversal) !(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I (NBCUniversal, TLM D) 1(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Telemun do Network Inquiry __. My apolog ies. I have the additional info1mation: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) DOB: b)(6); kb)(6): (b)(7)(C) E l Salvador Thank You , b)(6); h \ /7\f(' \ Sent from my iPhone 6 On Aug 16, 2019, at 9:37 AM , Ob erle , Timothy N l._ (b_)(_);-(b-)(-?)(_C_) ________ _.r rote : (b)(6); {L-.\1 '7 \t r- \ Due to privacy rul es we req uire at a minimum , eithe r an A- numb er OR the name + birthdate + country of origin in order to release a sta temen t on someone in our cus tody. !(b)(6); lis an extremely common name and we wo uld not want to provide comment on the wrong person . Let me know if yo u have any of that info and I will research your query . Thank s! v/r Tim Oberle Public Affairs Officer /Spokesman U.S. Immi gration an d Custom s Enforcement AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000044 2019-ICLl-00011 985 b)(6); (b)(7)(C) From : l(b)(6);(b)(7)(C) tNBCUniv ersal, TLMD) 1~ (b_)(_6)_; (_b)_(7_ )(_C_ ) ----~ Sent: Friday, August 16, 2019 10:47 AM To: ICEM edia Cc: l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) l(NBCUnive rsal) .-(b-)(-6)-; (-b)-(7-)(-C)-----------. (b'""' )(....,6 )..__ : ..... (b'""" )(-'-7 )"(C ""' .... )____ ___, kb)(6 I(NBC Un iversal, TLMD) .._. Subject: Tele mundo Ne twork Inqu iry Dear Media Team, We are following the case otb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Ia Salvadorian 11 month old child, who was held at a m inor 's shelter in Phoen ix, Arizona. He was released this morning to the Salvador ian Consulate in Arizona . Toda , he will be reun ited with his moth erl(~)~6);___ Jin El Salvador. His fathe (b)(6);(b)(7)(C) s currently held at a det ention center m t e US. Can you p lease provide information regard ing the case ofl:b)(6);(b)(7)(C) I Our deadline is today , at lpmP ST/4pm EST. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000045 2019-ICLl-00011 986 From : l(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Sent : 16 Aug 2019 21:08:46 +0000 To : #ICE OPA ERO Issue Paper Subject: OPA Issue: Telemundo requests statement on Salvadoran separated from child due to prior criminal conviction ALCON, Please review the draft statem ent below for release to the media. Thanks! DEADLINE : 3 p.m . EDT 08/16 /2019 b)(?)(C) ; (b)(5); (b)(6) AML f\ pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000046 2019-ICLl-00011 987 b)(6); (b)(7)(C); (b)(5) From: l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) [NBC U ni versal, TLMD) l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Sent: Friday , August 16 2019 12 :07 PM ,..__________ To· (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Cc b)(6); (b)(7)(C) _. (N U niver sal, TLM Subject: Re: [EXTE My apologies. I ha ve the additional info rm ation: b)(6); b)(7)(C) or Thank You, b)(6); L-..\/"7\ / 1""\ AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000047 2019-ICLl-00011 988 Sent from my iPhone On Aug 16, 2019, at 9:37 AM, Oberle, Timothy N ~b)(6);~, t.... 5 b-)( -);-(b-)(?-)(-C)________ ..... rro te : I Due to privacy rules we require at a minimum, either an A-number OR the name + bi1thdate + country of origin in order to release a statement on someone in our custody.khVn)· lis an extreme ly comm on nam e and we would not want to provide comment on the wrong person . Let me know if you have any of that info and I will research your query . Thanks! 0 v/r Tim Oberle Public Affairs Officer /Spokesman U.S. Immigrat ion and Custom s Enfo rcement Hou ston, Texas Desk: (28 1) 774 b)(6); Cell: (346) 26 b)(6); (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ~-~ I (NBCUn iversal, TLMD ) ,¥,_b_)(6_)_;(b_)(_7_)(C _)____ From:l(b)(5); (b)(?)(C) Sent: Friday, Augus t 16, 20 19 10:47 AM To: ICEMe dia ~----------------. (NBCU.-n_iv_e_rs_al~)l= (b=)(= 6)=;(= b)=(7=)(= C)===,---------~ Cc:Kb)(6);(b)(7)(C) (b)(~); BCUniversal, TLMD) 1(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) u ~ect: Telemundo Network Inqmr y ___, I Dear Media Team, I We are following the case of~b)(6); (b)(7)(C) a Salvadorian 11 month old child, who was held at a minor's shelter in Phoenix, Arizona . He was released this mornin g to the Salvador ian Consu late in Arizona . Today, he will be reun ited with his mothe*b)(6); (b)(7)(C) lin El Salvador. His father l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C)Iis currently held at a detention center in the US. Can you please provid e information regarding the case of1b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Our dead line is today, at lpmP ST/4pm EST. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000048 2019-ICLl-00011 989 From : Sent : To : Cc: Subject: Feere, Jon Thu, 21 Jun 2018 16:45:07 +0000 Homan, Thoma ...·~-~~~..... . J h (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) S1mon, osep Affording Congress an ppor unity to Address Family Separation E.O. (b )(5) Jon Jon Feere Senior Advisor U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Department of Homeland Security ******** This communication and any attachments may contain confidential and/or deliberative and/or law enforcement sensitive information. It is not for release, review, retransmission, dissemination, or use by anyone other than the intended recipient. Any disclosure of this communication or its attachments must be approved by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.******** AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000049 2019-ICLl -00011 990 From: Sent : To: Cc: Subject: Feere, Jon Thu, 21 Jun 2018 19:20:27 +0000 Homan, Thomas;Blank, Thomas Simon, Joseph Dfbl(6); (b)(?)(C) I RE:Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation E.O. The article includes this new language: This story has been updated to clarify how migrant parents will be processed going forward. An earlier version incorrectly stated the Trump administration was suspending prosecutions for parents of migrant children. The senior Customs and Border Protection official quoted below was describing how the agency's operations would change to no longer refer parents of migrant children for prosecution. Decisions whether or not to prosecute are the purview of the Department of Justice. A Justice Department spokesperson denied changes to the zero tolerance policy and said prosecutions would continue. A spokeswo man for the Justice Department, Sarah Isgur Flores, said "zero tol erance" remained in effect. "There has been no change to the Department's zero tolerance policy to prosecute adults who cross our border illegally instead of claiming asylum at any port of entry at the border," she said. https://www .washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-will-stop-prosecuting-parents-who-crossthe -border -iIlegaIly-w ith -ch iIdren-officia l-says/2018/06/21/ 4902b 194-7 564-1 le8-805c4b67019fcfe4 story.html Jon From: Feere, Jon Sent : Thursday, June 21, 2018 2:58 PM To: Homan, Thomas (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Blank, Thomas b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Cc:Simon, Joseph D b)(6): (b)(7)( C ) (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) b)(6): (b)(7)(C) Subject: RE: Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation E.O. (b)(5) Jon AMEf ICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000050 2019-ICLl-00011 991 From : Feere, Jon Sent : Thursday, June 21, 2018 12:45 PM To : Homan, Thomas b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Cc: Simon, Joseph D Blank, Thomas Vh)fn )· f h)f 7 )f C:) )(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject: Affording Congress an Oppo rtunity to Address Family Separation E.O. (b)(6 ); (b)(?)(C) b)(5) Jon Jon Feere Senior Advisor U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Department of Homeland Security **** * *** This communication and any attachments may contain confidential and/o r delibera t ive and/or law enforcement sensitive information. It is not for release, review, retransmission, dissemination, or use by anyone other than the intended recipient. Any disclosure of this communication or its attachments must be approved by U.S. Immigra t ion and Customs Enforcement.***** * ** AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000051 2019-ICLl-00011 992 I fb)(6); (b)(?)(C) 3 Mar 2019 22:43:07 -0800 b)(6); (b)(?)(C) ,._ b_6_ ·_b___7__C__ ..-----~ From : Sent: To: Cc: b)(6 ); (b)(?)(C) Director I Request for Parole Attachments: G-28 !(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) kb)(6): [FINAL.pdf Honduras). Attn: Field Office Subject: jpdf, Parole Request..l(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Dea r Fie ld Offi ce Dire cto r, Pl ease find attached a request for paro le and a G-28 for my client *b )(6); (b)(7)(C) !rh )fn)· (h)( 7 )( (; ) ! l(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) lciass member seek ing immediate reunification wi th his chi ld from whom he was separa ted under the "Zero -to lerance" policy. We loo k forward to hea ring from yo u confirming receipt of this request. Thank yo u for your time and attent ion to this matter. Sincerely, l(b)(6); bD, MPP Director of Litigation and Policy, Al Otro Lado b)(6); (b)(?)(C) 323-404 b)(6 (cell) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000052 2019-ICLl-00011 993 I kb)(6); (b)(?)(C) 3 Mar 2019 23:02:10 -0800 b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Fro m : Sent: To: Cc: ~b~)< ~6~ ):~ ~I cctb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject: Separated parent s SharePoint Good afternoon gents, your offices have a few cases listed in SharePoint where the Waiver/Parent Separation Forms do not appear to have been uploaded and/or the barrier to reunification/ERO comments have not been updated to the Parent-UAC Reunification tracker. Please have someone update the SharePoint ASAP. If the case is not yours, please transfer to the respective Office in SharePoint. Thanks Acting Deputy Assistant Director HQ-Domestic Ops 21Q 889 (b)(6); fh)f7)f r. ) AMlf ICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000089 2019-ICLl-00011 1030 l(b)(6);(b)(7)(C) From: Sent: Subject: Attachments: 1 Aug 2018 20:49:06 +0000 ICECROCOB 8.01.18 Final CROCOB 8.1.18 Final.docx (3 ;:::.:.:;~:;t·· CLOSE OF BUSINESS REPORT J ,--...__ OFFICE OF STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENTNOICE Daily Close of Business Report August 1, 2018 Compiled by: CR0fb) (6); ~- I Note: To be removed from the CRO COB distribution list, please email Ms ~~~~~t--, b)(6); at l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) h\/7\/f"\ I . . - Homeland Security Investigations: - ICE - San Diego: Human trafficking CRO coo rdinated/supporied HSI human traffickin g informational briefing for National University rad school program, with HSI special agent and a partner non-profit agency Lifeline presenter. b)(6);(b)(?)(C) HSI - San Juan: Town hall meeting CRO worked with the Puerto Rico Nat ional Guard PAO to identify a venue to host an HSI San Juan town hall meet ing at Fort Buch anan, Puerto Rico l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I HSI-San Juan : National Security & Immigration Enforcement Group (NSIEG) CRO worked wi th genera l manager of Stud ent Services at University of Sacre d Heart to finali ze details involving the NSIEG's support a Project Campus Sentinel presentation at the university's internat iona l exchange students' orientation day . J(b)(6);(b)(?)(C) I - ~-~ ·)(6), an traffic,-ki_·n~g~--_, R b)(7)(C) nd VAS l(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) att ended planning and logistics meeting for the citywide human a rc ing outreach for teens this week. CROs and VAS wi ll assist at the command center for this operation . ~h\ffi\· , , I HS (b)/7\/C\ Enforcement and Removal Operations : - ERO - San Diego: Stakeholder meeting CRO coordin ated/suppor ted San Diego Immigrant Rights Consort ium (SDIRC) briefing with FOD Greg Archambeaulll' h\ln\ l h\ 17\ IC:\ 1Chief Counsel Jason Aguilar and chief of staff and stakeholders from 13 SDIRC agencies such as Red Cross, AC LU, Catholic AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000090 2019-ICLl-00011 1031 Charities, Jewish Family Services, etc. Top ics of interest includ ed highly publicized "sepa ration/r eunification of families" issues, other enforcemen t policies and a discussion of the assistance these agencies can provide to VOICE victims. kh )f R)· fh)f7)f (; ) I ERO - San Antonio: False report of child's death in custody CRO assisting PAO in identifying where rumor of child dying in custody originated . It appears there is an attorney who may be tied to attorney l(b)(6): (b)(7)(C) !who posted the false information. l(b)(6); I ERO - San Antonio: Family reunification CRO assisting AILA with a case of a Guatemalan mother in custody at Port Isabel Detention Center. Child is in ORR custody in NY. Child arrived with father who has already been deported; mother enter ed though different port of entry which complicated the case. «~b)(-6-);-~ ERO - San Antonio : Hunger strike at Karnes County Family Residential Center (KCFRC) RAICES is claiming that fathers at KCFRC are going on hunger strike. RAICES is holding a protest and pr ess conference in front of Karnes to announce that the fathers in ICE custody are going to be going on a hunger strike if they are not released. CRO and PAO working with ERO to dispel rumors. l(b)( 6); _ , J ERO - San Antonio: Occupy ICE SATX @ abolishlCEsatx Group Occupy ICE SATX completed their second week of camping and pro testing in front of the San Antonio sub-office for non-detained and bonds. RAICES tweete d that Patrio t Front attacked the peaceful encampment of Occupy ICE SATX. San Antonio Police Department was called out since the young protestors blocked an officer's vehicle and were starting to get belligerent. https ://www .pscp .tv/w/ 1vOGw VRodDrKI{? ~~~\ ~, I ERO - San Antonio: Grassroots Leadership of Austin complaints CRO met with ~(b)(6): (b)(7)(C) Iattorney for Grassroots to dispel rumors suITounding the transport vehicle accident and residents at Hutto being blocke d from using phones, showe ring or religious services. Grassroots was alleging that a group of separa ted mothers invo lved in fenderbende r were denied medical treatment after complaining of pain and injuries after transfe r to the South Texas Detention Comp lex for reunificati on. CRO offered assistance in identifying cases and ensuring women receive medica l treatment. The accident was a fender bender with no reported injuries. l(b)(6); I ERO - San Francisco: Protestors Protestors have been camping outside ofICE buildin gs in San Francisco and Sacramento as well as the Oakland Federal building over the last two weeks. CRO is monitoring progr ess and gauging pulse through social media. l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I Significant VOICE calls/engagement : VOICE - Detroit: VOICE awareness AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000091 2019-ICLl-00011 1032 CRO shared information about the VOICE program with the program director of the Victim Witness Division of Fayette County Ohio to include informat ion about the DHS-Vine and VOICE service s avai lable to victims of crime and their familie s. CRO will rema in available to assist the director and her staff with questions that may arise. I~?~~~~;'~' J VOICE - Detroit: VOICE awareness CRO shared information abo ut the VOICE program with the program director of the Victim Witness Office at the Fairfield County Prosec utorto include informatio n about the DHS-Vine and VOICE services available to vict ims of crime and their families. CRO will remain available to assist the director and her staff with questions that may arise. !(b)(6); I VOICE - New Orleans: ICE detainee locator Victim contacted CRO to et more information regarding the ICE Detaine e Locator. CRO answered basic question s. b)(§);_. VOICE - New York: Domestic violence CRO referred VOICE domestic violence case to HSI VAS. VOICE victim requested counseling services for psychological and emotional trauma from domestic violence. l(b)(6); I ICE General : - ICE - Chicago: USCIS CRO joined USCIS District 42 quarterly comm unity and congre ssiona l meeting fb )(6); (b)(7)(C) I ICE - San ~ u an: Na tiu(fb,l,; u); """' Lla'-U.L--. 6 CRO met with Sergean !:-=-===-r-T==--r-=....,..,,,.,..,......----r-::! irector of Community Relations for the Puerto Rico Police Depa men an uan area , o go over coordinating instruction s for ICEERO and HSI participat ion at annual Natio nal N ight Out event in San Juatj{b)(6); (b)(?)(C) ICE- San Diego: Tour /brief: CRO coordinated with U.S. Customs and Border Protection counterparts for border /port tour and accompany ing briefing for visiting HQ recruiting office personnel. l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ICE - New Orleans : Communication with community member CRO spoke with local community member and answered basic immigration polic}'.,as well as, explained the differences between the various immigration enfo rcement agencies. l(b)(6);~, ):.L,! ( I I ICE - New York: CRO to join FEB Steering Committee CRO met with Execu tive Directo*b)(6);(b)(7)(C) for the Federal Executive Board (FEB) to discuss serving on the NY FEB Steering Committee with 200 federal partners. Director Robin son discussed mission of FEB including emergency preparedness alerts, work force trainin g and maintaining database of federa l leadership. FEB prov ides recommendat ions to local leaders of each partner agency based on inclement weather conditions and emergencies that affect federal per sonnel. CRO will provide names of ICE leadership in the NYC area to be added to the contact list and work with FEB staff to develop ideas for workforce trainin g.l(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Upcoming Engagements: AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000092 2019-ICLl-00011 1033 I Thursday, August 2 - CRO will attend the HSI Detroit-sponsored airport law enforcement officer s training at the Wayne County Airport Police Department presented by the HSI Nationa l Security Investigations Division with a focus on FGM awareness . l(b)(6); I Thursday, August 2-DSAC (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) nd CRO will meet the executive director of the Arab American Community - mencan uman Rights Council (AHRC) . l~~~~~t __ Thursday, August 2- CRO to attend DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) Quarterly Community Engagement Roundtable at the Masjid Baitul Jaamay , Glen Ellyn , Ill. Kb)(6)I ~b)(6); I Thursday, August 2 -4 - CROs LACY and Fort'e and VAS ~b)(6); (b)(7)(C) fill participate in this quarter's citywide human trafficking outreach for teens. Centro Seguro and various NGOs and stakeho lders will be providing information on human trafficking to var ious hotels , convenience stores and others to identify victims of human trafficking. Duty agents at HSI , San Antonio Police Department and Bexar County Sheri b)(B) on standby in case of the ill assist at the command center discovery of any trafficked minors. CROs and VA b)(?)(C) for this operation . j(b)(6); I Thursday August 2 - CRO participating in an i-Guardian presentation led by TFO l, 1th \/ Cl\· /h\/ 7 \/ f"' \ P jlh\/ Cl.}; /h\/ 7 \/f"'\ _.I I f~b~ )(=6= ):-'-' (b= )"-' (7--')'-" (C"-' )______ Subject: FAMU separation Q&As FYSA Acting Deputy Assistant Director HQ-Domestic Ops 210 889 (b)(6); fh \/7\( ("' \ From: Bennett, Danielle Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 2:50 PM To: b)(6): (b)(7)(C) (b)(6); (b)(7)( C) VR)· fh)f7)f(;) b)(6); (b)(7)(C) · Elzea, Jennifer K ._b-'-' )('--6-'-'): -'-(b-'-' )('---7-'-')(C_ )'--- ___ Jennings, David W I !fh )(R\· (h\f7\(r.\ ~ (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Cc: Wilcox, Bryan S Kb)(6); (b)(?)(C) (b)(6); (b)(7)( C) ....________ l l(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) __,ll i~li~l cc) ,J rh ,,~,- rr,,, ,;::=l~(b~)(~6:,:.. );~(b~)(~7~ )(.:. C!.... ) ___ __.!Johnson, Tae D b)(6): (b)(7)( C) 7 ,r r ~b)(6): ~(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) ...,....,._J=k::::::: b)::::::: (6= ):==::::::;-__, b)(6): (b)(7)( C) IRodrigu ez, Sarah Subject: RE: BOP Sheridan visit 06-16 -20 18 by Oregon Congressional delegation See attached for ICEQ&A and statements on family separations and BOP facilities . Dani AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000138 2019-ICLl-00011 1079 From: Archambeault, Gregory J 21 Jun 20 18 19:28 :35 +0000 Agu ilar, Jason;j(b)(6): (b)(?)(C) Se nt: To: Cc: Subje ct: Attachments : !t h \{ ~ \· f h \ f7 \f (' \ FW: FAMU separation Q&As Q and A on family se paration s and reunifica t ions .docx, BOP Stat ement and Q&A.docx These are a few days o ld but still pertinent. Just for your info rmation . From;Kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Se nt: M onday , June 18, 20 18 12:51 PM To: #ERO FOOSl(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) cc:l ; (b)( ?)(C) he reporter traditionally covers immigration but is looking to expand into HSr1mresimz:rrnmsrtases. The reporter is no t looking to write a specific story at this time. (Y. Pitts O'Keefe) Wednesday, December 5 - PAO is staffing a meet-and-g reet with Field Office Director, Phoenix Henry Lucero and CNN Senior Investigative reporte~(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ~he reporter is new to CNN but not Ari zona (he was once with the Ari zona Republic and the go-to reporter for former S 1 Janet Napo litano). The reporter is not looking to write a specific story. (Y. Pitts O 'Keefe) #ICE# AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000160 2019-ICLl-00011 1101 From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: l(b )(6); (b )(7)(C) 29 May 2018 20:56:33 +0000 #ICE-OPA-COB ICE OPA COB 5/29 ICE OPA COB 05292018.docx OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Daily Close of Business Report May 29, 2018 Compiled byj (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Homeland Security Investigations -HSI - Harlingen: 2 Cuban nationals arrested in connection to the 86 illegal aliens discovered inside tractor trailer May 22, Local CBS Local CBS is following up the story regarding the 2 on 86 illegal aliens discovered inside tractor trailer. PAO provide d the names of those already charged in federal court. Media wi ll be getting a copy of the criminal compl aint VIA Pacer. (N. Pruneda) HSI - Harlingen: a deported Mexican national from load claims that DPS shut down the air inside the tractor trailer causing aliens to panic and dig holes on the roof, Univision National out of Mexico City Univisi on 's network correspondent based in Mexico City is asking why DPS turned off the air from inside the tract trailer causing the illega l aliens inside to panic and dig holes on the roof of 1 the trailer. PAO punted this to Texas colla teral DPS PIO~(b)/6):(b)(?)(C) jfhe investigation continues. (N. Pruneda) - HSI - Birmingham, Ala.: Predator app suspect indicted, USA O news release The Northern Di strict of Alabama USAO distributed a news re lease with a quote from New Orleans SAC Jere Miles following the federal indictments of two persons on child pornography prod uction charges pur suant to an HSI invest igation . One of the suspects was previously highlighted via the Operation Predator app in an attemp t to locate him so the case is anticipated to receive significant loca l media attention. (B. Cox) HSI- Boston: Final pre-publish signoff on HSI Boston gang ops interview. -Newsweek. PAO provided final approval following pre-publish review of HSI Boston Special Agent interview with Newsweek correspondent on joint Boston FBI/HSI MS-13 gangs operation cover story to run in early June. (J. Mohan). AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000161 2019-ICLl-00011 1102 -Enforcement and Removal Operations - ERO - San Antonio: ICE awarded contract to transport unaccompanied minors to shelters, TYT investigates TYT Investigates submitt ed a req uest asking ICE to comment on a contract related to the transportation of accompan ied minors. This media outlets also alleges that a lawsu it was filed regard ing religious discrimination against a Muslim Secur ity Guard. PAO provided the ORR med ia link to file their request to them. (N. Pruneda) ERO - San Antonio: What happened to a family from El Salvador, Dateline e detenti (b)(B); (b)(?)(C) · embers from El Dateline News is as ·b 6 • b 7 c the fath and seven -year-old Salvador. The moth ( >< ), < ><>< > b)(6); (b)(7)(C); (b)(3) Unspecifie d Statute ow Dateline is asking abo ut their whereabo uts. PAO is working with SNA ERO on the matter. Item is pending. (N Pruneda) ERO - San Antonio : GEO publishes story on KCRC utilizing buses that contain car seats to take illegal alien children out to field trips, Telemundo National and NBC National News Both national media outlets are requesting an ICE comment regar ding the story publi shed by GEO regarding KCRC add ing car seats to their transport buses. It is not uncommon for ICE to allow children to go on field trips, that acco rding to GEO. PAO is working with SNA ERO regarding this matter . Item is pending . (N. Pruneda) ERO - San Antonio: ICE olicies causing migrant children to be lost, National NPR National NPR reporte r b)(B); (b)(?)(C) reques ting an ICE official to conduct a "live" radio interview regard ing how po 1c1es are being mischaracterized to the extent of cast ing blame on the agency for the loss of children. ICE Rusnak clarified issue and encouraged this reporter to reach out to ORR. (N. Pruneda and C. Ru snak) ERO - San Antonio her children separated , CNN Nationa l ubm itted a request asking why a mother and her three ~---~ minor ch..H-<+~~~'--"""=i::.i..u=i....=.,,..__...q ey entere d illegally into the United States. The fami ly in question om Guatemala . Acco rding to ICE records, this woman has been pro e issue paper is being reviewed for final approva l. Item is pending. (N. Pruneda) f,..,11,,-ll.l..l,LJ ....... ........,~ ERO - San Antonio: Separation of families, BBC BBC asked about how immigratio n authorities are dealing with immigrant minors separated from their fam ilies. PAO asked reporter to send request to the DHS Press Team. (N. Pruneda) ERO - Miami: Arrest of 3 individuals on prostitution related charges, NBC affiliate, Palm Beach Post Reporters called looking to confirm that detainers have been pl aced on three men arrested in Palm Beach County. The three men we arrested on loca l charges from maintaining a house for prostitution to possessio n of coca ine. PAO confirmed the detainers with a statement approve d from HQ . (N. Yglesias) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000162 2019-ICLl-00011 1103 ERO -N ew York N.Y.: Media inquiry re : whether ICE officers can misrepresent themselves to make arrests , DocumentedNY PAO followed with SAC and ERO regarding query as to whether or not ICE can misrepresent themselves as local law enforcement to make arrests (E. Dabul) ERO - Newark, N.J .. : Media inquiry re: request to attend Egyptian national detainee's hearing, Northlersey.com PAO followed up with USDOJ who answered reporter's questions regarding rules as to public and press attending detention hear ings (E. Dabul) Strategic Communication Homeland Security Investigations Twitter and Twitter en Espanol : ICE HSI's Operation Predator is an international initiative to protect children from sexual predators https:/ /www.ice.gov /predator / https ://www. ice. gov/ es/depredador Twitter and Twitter en Espanol : Suspected child sexual exploitation or missing children may be reported to @MissingK.ids, an ICE HSI Operation Predator partner, via its toll-free 24-hour hotline, 1-800-THE-LOST. Learn more about ICE's Operation Predator: https:/ /www.ice.gov /predator / https://www.ice.gov /es/depredador Twitter and Twitter en Espanol : In fiscal year 2017, more than 2,700 child predators were arrested by HSI special agents under this initiative and more than 900 victims identified or rescued https ://www.ice.gov /predator / https ://www.ice.gov /es/ depredador Twitter: ICE has created a smartpho ne app - the first of its kind in U.S. federal law enforcement - designed to seek the public's help with fugitive and unknown suspect child predators #StopChildExploitation https://www.ice.gov /predator/smartphone-app Twitter : ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Special Agent Aegeda Fountaine offers practical words of career advice to aspiring law enforcement professionals https ://www. ice. gov/features /women-ice Twitter: Learn more about HERO Child-Rescue Corps, a program for wounded, injured & ill Special Ops Forces to receive training in high-tech computer forensics & law enforcement skills, to assist federal agents in the fight against online child sexua l exp loitation https ://www.ice.gov /hero Twitter: Michael Compton, a computer forensic analyst at C3 and former member of the Human Exp loitation Rescue Operative (HERO) Child Rescue Corps program, describes using 3D technology to help @missingkids identify the remains of a victim https ://www.ice.gov /features /3d-technology Twitter: Since the launch of Operation Predator in 2003, HSI has arrested over 16,000 people for crimes against children, incl. the production & distribution of online chi ld exp loitation material, traveling overseas for sex w/ minors & sex trafficking of children https://www.ice.gov /predator Twitter: ICE & @missingkids have worked together for years sharing info, technology & techniques to help ID child victims globally. The most recent enhancement has been through AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000163 2019-ICLl-00011 1104 C3's ability to produce 3-D skulls for NCMEC to be used in assisting in age progression or postmortem photo s Twitter : Retired ICE leaders and law enforcement professionals Catherine W. Sanz and Rachel Cannon tell it like it is: https://www.ice.gov /features /women-ice Enforcement and Removal Operations Twitter and Facebook: ICE Enforcemen t and Removal Operations (ERO) leader Marisa A. Flores reveals why she chose the challenging field of law enforcement as a career. Learn more about #WomeninLaw Enforcement https://www .ice.gov/features /women-ice - Operations Anticipated/Scheduled Interviews and Events: Wednesday , May 30 - Atlanta FOD Sean Gallagher and PAO will staff a HQ-approved media ride-along for VICE to observe a FUGOPS targeted arrest of an illegal re-entry convicted felon in Georgia. Exact location TBD due to operational security. (B. Cox) Wednesday , May 30 -- AP Elliot Spagat will conduct a background interview with ERO DAD Tim Robbins from the Pacific Enforcement Re sponse Center (PERC) to discuss ERO's Target ing Operations Division. (D. Bennett) Wednesday , June 6 - ICE Deputy Director Homan will participate in the repatriation of a 1493 Christopher Columbus letter to the Spanish government on Wedne sday, June 6 th at 6:30 pm at the Spanish Ambassador 's residence (2350 Foxhall Road NW).(B. Raedy) # ICE# AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000164 2019-ICLl-00011 1105 From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: l(b )(6); (b )(7)(C) 31 May 2018 20:29:52 +0000 # ICE-OPA-COB ICE OPA COB 5/31 COB_ OPA_5_31_18.docx OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Daily Close of Business Report May 31, 2018 Compiled by (b)( 6 ); (b )(?)(C) Homeland Security Investigations -HSI - Atlanta: Sextortion child pornography indictment , USAO news release PAO provided a quote from Atlanta SAC Nick Annan for a Northern District of Georgia news release following the arraignment of a Georgia man on child pornography production and distribution charges for inducin g teenage girls on social media to send him nude images that he subseq uently sent to their family and friend s when they refused to prod uce more grap hic child pornography that he demanded. (B. Cox) HSI - Conway , S.C.: Special agents surrounding residence , ABC, CBS, NBC Myrtle Beach , Myrtle Beach Sun-Times Multiple reporters requested comment following calls from neighbors about a group of federal agents that surrounded an area home this morning. PAO confirmed HSI was at the location pursuant to an ongoing investigat ion, but did not disclose any add itional detail as the agen ts were executi ng a search warrant that remains sealed. (B. Cox) HSI - Baton Rouge , La., Child sexual exploitation sentencing , USAO news release PAO provided a quote from New Orleans SAC Jere Miles for a Middle District of Loui siana news release announcing the sentencing of a Louisiana man to more than 10 years in federa l prison for uploading images of young children to the Internet. (B. Cox) HSI - Jacksonville, Fla.: Honduran nationals sentenced for unauthorized employm ent of alien workers, news release Tampa SAC James C. Spero is quoted in a news release announcing the sentencing of two Honduran citizens for conspiracy to commit wire fraud. In addi tion to the prison sentencing, they AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000165 2019-ICLl-00011 1106 were also ordered to forfeit a total of $812,149, the amount of proceeds obtained as a result of the offe nses . (T. Spicer) HSI - Montana: Montana man sentenced to nearly 42 years in federal prison for producing child pornography, USAO news release PAO edi ted and forwarded for web posting a USA O (Distric t of Montana) news release regarding the 500-month sentence imposed on a Montana man for producing child pornography. (C. Rusnok) HSI - Montana : Any previous alien harboring charges against woman in the news? , Havre Herald (Montana) The reporter asked d (b)(B); (b)(?)(C) lad ever been charged/convicted of harboring illegal aliens as his source had informed him. This woman has been in national and interna tional news after she took a video of a border patrol age nt who asked for proof of US citizens hip since he saw her speaki ng Spanis h while in line at a store . PAO recom mended he contac t the USA rega rdin g suc h convictions. (C. Ru snok) HSI- Boston: Request for confirmation /details on HSI child porno gra phy arrest, Cambridge Chronicle . PAO confirm ed arre st of Cambrid ge, MA res ident arrested by H SI on federal arre st search warran t in intern ational child porno graphy case as part of HSI Co lorado Spring s-led investigation last week. (J. Mohan). HSI - El Paso: Agents offer IMAGE presentation to El Paso airport tenants , Telemundo, Univision, ABC, FOX, CBS NBC (affiliates) El Paso SA Marco Reta gave an IMAGE presentation to abo ut 70 tenants /vendors at the El pro vided media on-camera interviews Paso International Airport. ELP DSAQ b)(B);(b)(?)(C) after the p resentat ion. PAO staffed interviews and p itched stories to repo rters abo ut how IMAGE can help employe rs comp ly with the law, as we ll as help reduce unauthoriz ed emp loymen t and the use of fraudu lent identity documents. (L. Zamarripa) - Enforcement and Remov al Operations - ERO - El Paso: Transgend er detainee death follow-up questions, New York Daily News, BBC News, CBS (Albuquerque, NM, affiliate) Reporter's requesting comme nt regarding the May 25 death of ICE detainee Jeffry HERNANDEZ, 33, of Honduras , died at a local A lbuqu erque, New Mexico , hospital. BBC News specifically asked for comment about allegations that ICE "murdered " Hernandez because she didn't rece ive prope r medical ca re. PAO respo nding with link to news release and approved language . (L. Zama rripa) ERO - San Antonio: NBC News asking about family detention after a recent photo tweet of GEO bus from 2016, NBC National NBC News submitt ed a number of quest ions dating back to 2007 related to T Don . Hutt o then fast forwards to the alleged hunger strike issue from Karnes dating to 2015. The reporter's questions are stemming from a photo of a GEO bus with baby seats from 2016. (see the AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000166 2019-ICLl-00011 1107 reporter's email with hypertext below). Responses will be vetted and approved before issuing a respo nse. Item is pending. (N. Pruneda) ERO -Houston: Illegal alien, deport ed 3 times in the past, kills 17 year-old girl in car to""' n""" ·-=B '-'r..,,, e~it~b= a'""' rt'""' ~""" e"x"'""' a=s ________ _, wreck, ABC News; Telemundo Hous"" HOU PAO responde b)(5); (b)(?)(C) on the b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ....... ~---~~-~~-....... h . h" deportatJon 1story o ...._--.------.-.--.---1 , a c1 zen o ua ema a, w o 1tanot er vehicle, May 27, killing a -year -o gir an )(6) wo others. Much of the media coverage prior to the release of the statement claimed tha ~)(7)(C) ad two prior deportations, however he had been deported three times previously. PAO was o by reporte r from ABC that they rece ived the misinformation regarding the number of historical deportations from the Harris County Sheriffs Office. (T. Oberle) ERO - Savannah.Ga.:Arrest of domestic violence alien, USA Today Reportd(bl(5); (b)(?)(C) requested ICE comme nt on the agency's arrest of an unlawfully present Mex ican national in Feb. 2017 with a history of domestic vio lence toward his spouse. PAO advised the man is presently in remova l proceedings before EO IR and we're awaiting the outcome of the court's ruling before determining future actions. PAO also prov ided general context that ICE makes custody and remova l decisions based upon the totality of the circumstances so both arrests and convictions are considered by the agency for enforcement purposes. (B. Cox) I ERO - Miami: Information on Colombian oversta y case, Miami New Times Reporter called trying to get information on a Colom bian national who entered the country on a nonimmigrant visa in September 2005 , but failed to depart in accordance with the terms of her adm ission. On Feb. 15, 2001 an immigration j udge issued her a final orde r ofre moval, and ICE arrested her May 21 pursuant to the jud ge's order. PAO provided the prev iously cleared statement. (N. Yglesias) ERO - Pasco County, Fla.: Questions about local numbers and perceived changes in policy, Tampa Bay Times A reporter is asking again about local county immigration arrest numbers , PAO let the reporter know local data must be requested through FOIA process. Additiona l questions from the reporter were on ICE enforceme nt poli cies and any changes under the current administratio n, and PAO directed reporter to the DHS imple mentat ion memos . (T. Spicer) ERO - San Antonio: Guatemalan woman detai.'ILl.&,.aJ~~~ ing US with 3 children, CNN PAO provided on-background discussion to CNN' egard ing a prev iously Guatemalan woman with a criminal convict ion who entere t e S with her three childr en to s a convicted crimina l with a permanent bar from being able to legally enter (b)(3) Unspecified St atute not be housed in an FRC. (C. Rusnok) ERO - El Paso: Transgender detainee passes away in NM hospital, Arizona Republic, KPBS (Fronteras - Border Issues) PAO provided the link to ICE news release regarding the May 25 a 33 YO transgender woman from Honduras who passed away in a New Mexico hospital early Friday morning. She had also AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000167 2019-ICLl-00011 1108 been wi th the recent caravan that arrived at the California border. In addition to sharing the link , generic vetted info on p lacement of detainees and tra ns gende r policies were also prov ided. (C. Rusnok) ERO - San Antonio: Request to tour SW US detention facility for photo story , Business Insider A photographer with Busine ss Insider asked to tour a Texas detention facility for a photo story. PAO explained that no tours are being given , but his contact info would be added to a list of requesting media. (C. Ru snok , A. Pruneda) ERO - Houston: Update on Honduran student arrested for assault in school , NYTimes PAO provided updated statement to NY Times reporter b)(5); (b)(?)(C) ho asked about the 19 YO Honduran man who was arrested by Houston PD for assau mg ano er student, and was then turned over to ICE after a detainer was place d Jan. 31. PAO exp lained to the reporter that ICE doesn't target stude nts, but does target aliens who are arrested on crimin al charges. (C. Ru snok) ERO - Chicago: Update on Honduran student arrested for assault in school , Hoy/ Tribune PAO exp lained to the reporte r that (b)(5); (b)(?)(C) as not arrested during last week's Fug Ops opera tion where 156 were arreste mt e 1cago area; but he was briefly detained. He did not possess his 1-94 documentation as required. (C. Rusnok) ERO- Boston: Reporter seeking current status on detainee, Cambridge Day/MIT news outlet. PAO responded with current status and a confirmation of a subject' s impend ing departure but did not provide removal specifics. (J. Mohan). ERO - Newark, N.J .. : Issue paper submitted re: Q&A for Star-Ledger interview with FOO Tsoukaris re: NJ AG's recommendations about making changes to NJ AG directive from 2007- Star-L edger PAO submitted issue paper for review re: changes NJ is suggesting to laws about what police can ask about immigratio n status when making arrest s (E. Dabu l) Strategic Communications ICE retweet s @RedWhiteBl ueDot , 4 things you may not know about ivory po aching. Thi s video was made poss ible by a tie-up between @AV Asg @ICEgov and Dr. Sam Wasser from @UW ICE retweets@ EDNY news , Long-Time Gambino Crime Fam ily Member Pleads Guilty to Racketeering Co nspiracy (Announ ced with @NewYorkFB I @ICEgov @SCPDHq & @NYPDnews) https://www. justice. gov /usao-edny/pr/long-time -gambino-crim e-family-memberpleads-guilty -rack eteering-conspiracy ICE retweets @USAtty Hur st, Announced today dismantling of major drug trafficki ng org in East Central MS w/ arrests yeste rday of 11 federally indicted for drugs /gun s in multi ple state s. Thx Philadelphia PD, @MissDPS MBN ,@ DEAHQ ,@ ICEgov ,@ ATFHQ ,@ USMarsha lsHQ , she riffs, police & many others. Great teamwork! AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000168 2019-ICLl-00011 1109 Homeland Security Investigations Twitter, Twitter en Espanol and Facebook: 2 men charged with sex trafficking by force, 1 defendant, Tyler Robert Bachtel, remains at large. Members of the public should not try to apprehend him. Anyone with information should contact local law enforcement or the ICE Tip Line at 1-866-DHS-2-ICE. News Release Twitter : Montana man sentenced to nearly 42 years in federa l prison for producing child exploitation material. This case was a cooperative investigation between ICE HSI and the Cascade County Sheriffs Office. News Release Enforcement and Removal Operations Twitter: ICE Dallas deports Nigerian who had his U.S. citizenship revoked after sexually abus ing a 7-year-old before he was naturalized News Release - Operations Anticipated/Scheduled Interviews and Events: I 6 ); (b)(?)(C) fbl( . .ew two Honduran 1ema c Ies house d at ____ __.w1·11mterv1 F rt"day, June 1 - CNN reporter ._ OMDC. Both wome n were apprehended on April 27 by US Border Patrol agents. Both women were arrested and charged with illegal entry 1325 charges, pursuant to DOJ' s Zero Tolerance policy. As part of both cases, a total of five children who were travelling with their mothers at the time of their arrest were transferred to ORR. Both women are now in ICE custody pending an expedited removal and reunification of fam ilies. The interviews will take place at the OMDC.(L. Mack) Friday, June 1 - #FamiliesBelongToget herRally will be hosting a protest at the Republic Square Park , located at 422 Guada lupe St, Austin, Texas 78701. The protest is set to begin at 4 :30 p.m. PAO will be monitoring this protest. (N. Pruneda) Tuesday, June 5 - HSI Detroit Special Agent in Charge Steve Francis will lead an open press event to announce significant admin arrests as pa1t an ongoing worksite probe into a Cleve landarea landscaping business. NDOH U.S. Atty Justin Herdman and Border Patrol Chief Douglas Harrison will also make remarks at the event, which will be held at the Border Patrol's Sandusky Bay Station at 10 a.m. EST, 709 SE Catawba Rd, Port Clinton, OH 43452. (K. Walls) Wednesday , June 6 - ICE Deputy Director Homan will participate in the repatriation of a 1493 Christopher Columbus letter to the Spanish government on Wednesday, June 6 th at 6:30 pm at the Spanish Ambassador's residence (2350 Foxha ll Road NW).(B. Raedy) Tuesday, June 19 - PAO will staffareporter from NorthJersey.com to attend and cover HSI Newark FGM training, which will take place at Newark Airport.(E. Dabul). # ICE# AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000169 2019-ICLl-00011 1110 kh )(n)· (h)( 7 )( r. ) Public Affairs Officer/ Spokesperson, New England Region U.S. Imm igration and Customs Enforcemen t (ICE) U.S. Department of Homeland Security Desk: (617) 565 (b)(6); Cell : 857 409- (~)(7)( (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000170 2019-ICLl-00011 1111 From : Kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Sent: 10 May 2018 12:35:32 +0000 Bible, Danielj(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) !;Archa m beault, Gregory J FW: Notes To: Subject : FYI Acting Depu ty Assistant Directo r HQ-Domes tic Ops From: Lucero , Enrique M 1~ fh~\~ fn~\·~f ~ h \~(7~\~fr,~, ' -----~ Date: Wednesday, May 09, 2018, 9:02 PM To: Asher, Na thalie R (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) (h\frl)· (h\(7\(r,\ (b)(6); (b)(? )(C) , Loiacono , Adam V b)(6); (b)(7)(C) (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject: RE: Notes I apologize as we just received update informat ion from Yuma Sector that are significant changes. I have edited my response below and it shou ld be noted that Yuma Sector began toda y and prosecuted 5 head of household FAM U. From: Lucero, Enrique M Sent: Wedn esday, May 9, 2018 5:01 PM To : Asher, Nathalie R (b)(6): (b)(7)(C) (b)(6): (b)(7)(C) ; Loiacono, Adam V b)(5 ); (b)(?)(C) r,;:b:';': )(;';;6'F ): =;=:: (b:';': )(;:;7~ )(C~ )F======t__..-- ___ F/..,_,_R.,_ \· _,_, /h_,_, \.,_,/7'--'\ '-'/r._,_,. \ _____ _.kb)(6): _j Subject: RE: Notes Nathalie: I tweaked and adde d to the notes below . (b)(5) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000171 2019-ICLl-00011 1112 (b )(5) Regards, (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000172 2019-ICLl-00011 1113 From : Asher, Nathalie R Sent : Wednesday, May 9, 2018 2:28 PM To : Lucero, Enriqu e M fo )(6): (b)(7)(C) !(b)(6): (b)(7)(C) Kb)(6); (b)(7)( C) Subject: FW: Notes ~; Loiacono, Adam V I Burke, Monica S 4""' (b"""" )'"" (6""' ):_,_ (=b)""' (7'""' ).,_, (C.... )________ ! __. Sent with BlackBerry Work (www .blackberry.com) From: Jennings, David W ~~ Subject: RE: Notice of Lawsuit and TRO/PI to the Attorney General Cc: Moira Skinner ....::.; Jennings , David W ,l(b )(6); ~ >, kh\(n\· /h \( 7\((; jkb )(6); (b )(7)(C) : o ice of Lawsuit and TRO/PI to the Attorney General Thansk Adam V. Loiacono Deputy Principal Legal Advisor for Enforcement and Litigation Office of the Principal Legal Advisor U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Desk: 202-732 kb)(6): I phone: 202-500 -lth\/R I fb) (6); (b)(7)(C) I ---A TTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE---ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT --This communication and any attachments may contain confidential and/or sensitive AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000209 2019-ICLl-00011 1150 attorney/client privileged information or attorney work product and/or law enforcement sensitive information. It is not for release, review, retransmission, dissemination, or use by anyone othe r than the intended recipient. Please notify the sender if this email has been misdirected and immediately destroy all orig inals and copies. Furthermore do not print, copy, re-transmit, disseminate, or otherwise use this information. Any disclosure of this communication or its attachments must be approved by the Office of the Principal Legal Advisor, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. This document is for INTERNAL GOVERNMENT USEONLY and may be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 USC§§ 552(b)(S), (b)(7). From: Cronen, CM -4'.h\t R\· th\17\t r. \ Date: Saturday, Ju l 28, 2018, 4:34 PM To: Lo iacono, Adam V r(-b-)(-6-):-(b_)_(7= )-(C-)-------, 1th \t ie:\- t h \ 17 \t r' \ I. Jenning s, David W (b)(6): (b)(7)(C) Cc: Lo iacono, A dam V b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 1' b)(6): (b )(7)(C) ~ l~<~b)<~6~ ) :~(b"""' )-'-' (7~ )(=C--') --------------~ , Coxe, Chri stopher R ._ t ;,,;, h\;;,, t R;,,;, \;,,, · ;,,; /h,;,; \ ;,,;t7,,,; \ ;,,;, / r.,;,; ·' ======~---- , Mo ira Skinner Subject : RE: Not ice of L awsuit and TRO/PI to the Attorney General This is a DJ or higher call. Just texted him. cmc From: Lo iacono, Adam V i(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Date: Saturday, Jul 28, 2018, 16:30 To: Coxe, Christopher R ; Johnson, Tae D ~~ , Archambeault, Gregory J ~ _. 1thVR)· fh)f7)f r. ) Cc: Cronen, CM fh )fR)· fh)f 7 )rr., !Jennings, David W p-,~kb~)(~6~);~(b~)(~7~ )(C _ )~--------~ !rb)(6): (b)(7) (C) _ Subject : FW: Separation Procedures AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-R-000238 2019-ICLl-00011 1179 ~b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 27 Jun 2018 18:37 :49 +0000 From: Se nt: To: l(b)(6): (b)(7)(C) !Archambeault, Gregory J'-'kb-'-)('-6'-); -'(b-')('-7'""'" )(C --')'-----------' RE: Tour Subject: Mario, l(b)(6); lwas prosecuted by the BP and is still under US Marsha l custody in San Luis. We had nothing to do with his prosecut ion and he has not come into our cust ody . (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) From:j(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I Se nt: Wednesday , June 27, 2018 11:30 AM To : Archambeau lt, Gregory J.-!( b-)-(6-):- (-b)-(7 _)_(C _)________ __,Wh lfFn·,rh 1m rr. 1 r b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject: RE:Tour Sir, Please see updates below . b)(6); b)(7)(C Do you have any prosecution updates o{ bl(6); (b)(?)(C) Thanks, ~b)(6); From : Arch amb eault, Gregory J Se nt: Wedne sday, June 27, 2018 10:57 AM To: b)(6): (b)(6): (b)(7)(C) (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) "-'=--'-'----=---'-'---'-='"---'-'-'----"--'-------L---------..J ~b)(6); (b)(7)(C) > Subject: RE: Tour kb)(6); I Has anything changed with these cases? Have any new cases been added? I'm assuming not but just wanted to check. Thanks, Greg From : fi-. Hi::, ,-,i-.,,7,,r-, I Se nt: Friday, June 22, 2018 2:26 PM To : Arch ambeau lt, Gregory J !( :b:):(6~ ):: <:b)=(7;::; )~(C:)=================:k AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT b~ )2(6~ )= : (~b)~(7 =)~ '.(C :'.)::::~ DHS-18-0360-R-000239 2019-ICLl-00011 1180 l(b)(6); (b)(? )(C) ll(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) rb )(6); (b)(?)(C) Subject : RE:Tour Sir, there is a lot of confusion between the "zero tolera nce" F AMU separat ions and other FAMU separat ions . Senator Harris interviewed caravan F AMU adults that where prosecuted for 8 USC 1326 and separated prior to the "zero tolerance" directive. There are currently only four "zero tolerance" separations that have taken place in our AOR. There are FAMUs at OMDC that were separated due to criminal history (ES) and consulate verification that no relation existed. The following subjects are the four that were separated as a result of"zero tolerance" : I (GUATEMA LA)- Prosecuted for 8 USC 13251. Kb)(6); (b)(? )(C) Time Served. On May 31, 2018, TOT to ICE/ERO. On June 11, 2018 , requested dissolution from the credible fear process and to be returned to Guatemala. Removed to Guatema la on 6/20/18. On June 19, 20 l 8Xb)(6); bigned and returned paren tal wa ivers to the Guatemalan Consulate and Respondent's Attorney (Federal Defenders of San Diego) for his Childj(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Minor placed under the Guatemalan's charge. Kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) I ~~~~~~C) as removed to Guatemala on 6/20/ 18. Ch ild: fo)(6): (b)(7)(C) in New York VRK - Cayuga Centers. I (Age 5) is current ly in ORR custod y 2. i(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) !GUATEMALA) - Prosecuted for 8 USC 1325 Time Served On Mav 31 201; , TOT to ICE/ERO. On June 8, 2018j (b)(3) UnspecifiedStatute f b)(3) Unspecified st atute ~nd to be return ed to Guatema la. Removed to Guatemala on .........,.6 -=2-=-0 1 1=1-=-8 .-------~ On June 19, 2018, b)(6); and Respondent's Attorney fo~,-(6_)_:,~b)(-7)-OnadIO a(CHS NASS my cce po,NMd by amazon web services NFTS ':'~OS sal':/orce INF PASS A ✓- , APPO, fM myAccount ~ U1CIS R£Cl110"1C .......,,_s-,sm, CLAIMS 4 T USCIS INNOVATION From: Sliger, Clyde R (CTR) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:45 AM AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000002 To: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Andrews, Chonlatit Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas The following groups are currently on the CIRT call. Part icipants Participants : 0640 Christine Slaydon (CIRT} 0640 Victori a Necais e (CIRT} 0656 Matthew Rosov (USCIS NOC) 0659 Clyde Sliger (Foreign OPS) 0700 Anthony Bowi e (Netwo rk Eng.) 0700 Michael Lee 0724 Irene 0756- Jam e (OneNel) 0808 Kristan Montgomery (CIRT} 0813 Reginald Marshall (USCIS EWO) 0813 Meridith Fountain (CIR 1 0813 Robert "Kyle" Lord (CIRT} 08 18 Louis Harris (USCIS Firewall) 0820 Shelb y Fayette (PbM} 09 12 Hewad Benawa (Performance Eng.) 09 19 Paul Byrd (PbM) 0927 Wesley stephens (AWS) 0930 Michael Geary (CAMINO) All groups that should be on the call are on it and if anyone feels someone needs to be added, CIRT is reaching out to get them online. Senior Network Engineer OIT/EUS NATIONS The Salient CRGT Team I OCONUS D (b)(6) 202-272-1350 ryment Main Number Direct Number Cell Number FAX Number https://dhsuscisprod.service-now .com/mylT From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:37 AM To: Gill, Lori R; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Thank you. Alex, do we know if any other systems are impacted? AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000003 Joanna Joanna Ruppel Chief, International Operations Division USCISRefugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate Joanna. Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov (b)(6) From: Gill, Lori R Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:22 AM To: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Good morning Jennifer and Joanna, Todd is here with me now. OIT stood up a Critical Incident Response Team on Friday. At the present time, we do not have an information about the root cause. It does not appear to be a CAMINO issue, as CAMINO is working domestically. It appears to be an IT infrastructure issue. As we get more information, we will keep you updated. Since we think it is an infrastructure issue, the DIT(it)/CAMINO team cannot do much to resolve it except to continue to follow up and monitor OIT's efforts. Todd is actively monitoring the situation and we will reassess whether to elevate the issue in OIT around lunchtime. We don't think calling OIT first thing will help just yet. We will keep you updated. Lori From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 8:42 AM To: Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Gill, Lori R; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: FW: CAMINO not working overseas Jennifer, For your awareness,CAM I NO hasbeendown for out internationaloffices since Friday. As you can imagine, is quite disruptive. We still do not know the reason. It works in the US. Joanna JoannaRuppel Chief, InternationalOperationsDivision U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Joanna.Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov (b )(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000004 From: Sliger, Clyde R (CTR) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 4:55:46 AM To: Zenteno, Alfredo (FSN); Otten, Henry D; McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Baker, Roy L (CTR); Carter, Carl B (Brian) (CTR); Gardner, Todd E; Langlois, Joseph E; Johnson, Bobbie L; Fatica, Erin K; Lassen, Brett H; Spalter, Brian M; Monica, Donald J Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas CIRT call is going on now, no resolution at this time and no ETR. Senior Network Engineer OIT/EUS NATIONS The Salient CRGT Team IOCONUS D pryment Main Number (b )( 6) 202-272-1350 Direct Number Cell Number FAX Number https://dhsuscisprod.service-now.com/mylT From: Zenteno, Alfredo (FSN) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 7:55 AM To: Otten, Henry D; McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Baker, Roy L (CTR); Sliger, Clyde R (CTR); Carter, Carl B (Brian) (CTR); Gardner, Todd E; Langlois, Joseph E; Johnson, Bobbie L; Fatica, Erin K; Lassen, Brett H; Spalter, Brian M; Monica, Donald J Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Morning Everyone, Confirming that CAMINO is not working here in MEX, and for what I can see for LACC as well. Thanks! (b )(6) Alfredo Zenteno ~----~ ii ~----~ '~ t>2:la lfredo. zenteno@uscis. dhs. gov From: Otten, Henry D Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 2:51 PM To: McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Baker, Roy L (CTR); Sliger, Clyde R (CTR); Carter, Carl B (Brian) (CTR); Gardner, Todd E; Langlois, Joseph E; Johnson, Bobbie L; Fatica, Erin K; Lassen, Brett H; Spalter, Brian M; Monica, Donald J; Zenteno, Alfredo (FSN) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000005 Update: Engineering teams at USCIS,OHS and Amazon Cloud have been troubleshooting Friday. No resolution. all day Henry Otten Ref11oee Affajrs Asylum and International Operations (b)(6)1 1 "''• U.S.Citizenshi ( , and lm.mJgratlon ,., ....-· ' Services From: Otten, Henry D Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 7: 13 AM To: McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Baker, Roy L (CTR); Sliger, Clyde R (CTR); Carter, Carl B (Brian) (CTR); Gardner, Todd E; Langlois, Joseph E; Johnson, Bobbie L; Fatica, Erin K; Lassen, Brett H; Spalter, Brian M; Monica, Donald J Subject: CAMINO not working overseas 10, INC610767 - ticket is open Other affected applications are NASS and MylT . IT is troubleshooting to determine if firewall or SLOPE is causing the problems. Nuta initiated troubleshooting. Henry Henry Otten (b)(6) Refugee Affairs , Asylum and International Operations I I U.S.Citizensh .ip ) and lm.mJgratlon '••= -· Servic AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000006 Ruppel, Joanna Monday, May 22, 2017 11:19 AM Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Gill, Lori R; Higgins, Jennifer B Baker, Katherine H; McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L RE:CAMINO not working overseas From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Thanks, Alex. Have the international staff been notified of this? Joanna Joanna Ruppel Chief, International Operations Division USCISRefugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate Joanna. Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov I I (b)(6) From: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 11:05 AM To: Ruppel, Joanna; Gill, Lori R; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Baker, Katherine H Subject: CAMINO not working overseas Here is an update on the issue with the overseas CAMINO/applications • The likely problem has been identified outages: as a routing loop in the system. This means data is routed within the network in an endless cycle and does not reach its destination. • The OIT team working on this issue now has to determine who owns the router and how to fix it. • We don't have an estimate on when this will be accomplished. Individuals in our international offices who can connect using VPN will be able to use the impacted systems, but this does not cover 100 percent of our staff. OCON US employees are also able to access CAMINO/applications through Workplace As A Service. I will keep you updated. From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:12 AM To: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Alex, As you can see, I just sent out a message as a heads-up to all 10 staff, but if your team could provide more information to all 10 staff after the call, that would be appreciated. We want everyone to know this is being worked and to manage expectations. AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000007 Thanks, Joanna Joanna Ruppel Chief, International Operations Division USCISRefugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate Joanna. Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov I I (b)(6) From: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:02 AM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; Gill, Lori R; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Baker, Katherine H Subject: FW: CAMINO not working overseas Some information on the other impacted systems, and who is currently working on resolving the issue. From: Andrews, Chonlatit Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:57 AM To: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Alex, Thesesystemsthat are hostedon AmazonWeb Servicesare impactedin OCONUS network environment. -Chonlatit AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000008 Authentica ti on Successful ..... IC0"'9 IOSlngll S.On-On ror USCIS appil(aDon, PIUSUfltcl a~ appllCaOOfl Youart auo,on~ NASS my cces NFTS po,ve,9dby amazon webservlces I F PASS l A ✓- - APPOI T 10.KCHS myAccount ~ IIS(:~ Ufl:l'A0!,oCJ.............,,mm, CLAIMS 4 T USC!S INNOVATION From: Sliger, Clyde R (CTR) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:45 AM To: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Andrews, Chonlatit Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas The following groups are currently on the CIRTcall. AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000009 Part i ci pants Participants : 0640 Christin e Slaydon (CIRT) 0640 Victoria Necaise (CIRT) 0656 Matthew Rosov (USCIS NOC) 0659 Clyde Sliger (Foreign OPS) 0700 Anthon y Bow ie (Network Eng.) 0700 Michael Lee 0724 Irene 0756- Jame (OneNet) 0808 Kristan Montgomery (CIRT) 08 13 Reg inald Marshall (USCIS EWO) 08 13 Meridith Founta in (CIR 08 13 Rob ert "Kyle" Lord (CIRD 08 18 Lou is Harris (USCIS Firewall ) 0820 Shelby Fayette (PbM) 09 12 Hewad Benawa (Performance Eng.) 09 19 Paul Byrd (PbM) 0927 Wesley Stephens (AWS) 0930 Michael Geary (CAMINO) All groups that should be on the call are on it and if anyone feels someone needs to be added, CIRT is reaching out to get them on line . Senior Network Engineer OIT/EUS NATIONS The Salient CRGT Team I OCONUS D (b)(6) 202-272-1350 11oyment Main Number Direct Number Cell Number FAX Number https:// dhsuscisprod .service-now .com/mylT From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:37 AM To: Gill, Lori R; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Thank you. Alex, do we know if any other systems are impacted? Joanna Joanna Ruppel Chief, International Ope rations Division USCIS Refugee, Asylum and Internationa l Operations Directorate AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000010 Joanna. Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov (b )(6) From: Gill, Lori R Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:22 AM To: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Good morning Jennifer and Joanna, Todd is here with me now. OIT stood up a Critical Incident Response Team on Friday. At the present time, we do not have an information about the root cause. It does not appear to be a CAMINO issue, as CAMINO is working domestically. It appears to be an IT infrastructure issue. As we get more information, we will keep you updated. Since we think it is an infrastructure issue, the DIT(it)/CAMINO team cannot do much to resolve it except to continue to follow up and monitor OIT's efforts. Todd is actively monitoring the situation and we will reassess whether to elevate the issue in OIT around lunchtime. We don't think calling OIT first thing will help just yet. We will keep you updated. Lori From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 8:42 AM To: Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Gill, Lori R; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: FW: CAMINO not working overseas Jennifer, For your awareness,CAM INO hasbeendown for out internationaloffices since Friday. As you can imagine,is quite disruptive. We still do not know the reason. It works in the US. Joanna JoannaRuppel Chief, InternationalOperationsDivision U.S. Citizenshipand ImmigrationServices Joanna.Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov I I (b)(6) From: Sliger, Clyde R (CTR) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 4:55:46 AM AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000011 To: Zenteno, Alfredo (FSN); Otten, Henry D; McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Baker, Roy L (CTR); Carter, Carl B (Brian) (CTR); Gardner, Todd E; Langlois, Joseph E; Johnson, Bobbie L; Fatica, Erin K; Lassen, Brett H; Spalter, Brian M; Monica, Donald J Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas CIRTcall is going on now, no resolution at this time and no ETR. Senior Network Engineer OIT/EUS NATIONS The Salient CRGT Team (b )(6) I OCONUS D prment Main Number 202-272-1350 Direct Number Cell Number FAX Number https://dhsuscisprod.service-now.com/mylT From: Zenteno, Alfredo (FSN) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 7:55 AM To: Otten, Henry D; McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Baker, Roy L (CTR); Sliger, Clyde R (CTR); Carter, Carl B (Brian) (CTR); Gardner, Todd E; Langlois, Joseph E; Johnson, Bobbie L; Fatica, Erin K; Lassen, Brett H; Spalter, Brian M; Monica, Donald J Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Morning Everyone, Confirming that CAMINO is not working here in MEX, and for what I can see for LACC as well. Thanks! (b)(6) Alfredo Zenteno Ir .--------, '~ ~ alfredo.zenteno@uscis.dhs.gov From: Otten, Henry D Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 2:51 PM To: McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Baker, Roy L (CTR); Sliger, Clyde R (CTR); Carter, Carl B (Brian) (CTR); Gardner, Todd E; Langlois, Joseph E; Johnson, Bobbie L; Fatica, Erin K; Lassen, Brett H; Spalter, Brian M; Monica, Donald J; Zenteno, Alfredo (FSN) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Update: Engineering teams at USCIS,OHS and Amazon Cloud have been troubleshooting all day Friday. No resolution. AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000012 From: Otten, Henry D Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 7:13 AM To: McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Baker, Roy L (CTR); Sliger, Clyde R (CTR); Carter, Carl B (Brian) (CTR); Gardner, Todd E; Langlois, Joseph E; Johnson, Bobbie L; Fatica, Erin K; Lassen, Brett H; Spalter, Brian M; Monica, Donald J Subject: CAMINO not working overseas 10, INC610767 - ticket is open Other affected applications are NASS and MylT. IT is troubleshooting to determine if firewall or SLOPE is causing the problems. Nuta initiated troubleshooting. Henry Henry Otten Refugee Affairs , Asylum and International Operations (b)(6) I ,...... , I U.S.Cid2enshi ) and lmmlgratfon ,,.~ Servic AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000013 Ruppel, Joanna Monday, May 22, 2017 11:44 AM Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Gill, Lori R; Higgins, Jennifer B Baker, Katherine H; McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L RE:CAMINO not working overseas From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: I think as a general matter, when there is a problem that affects everyone working abroad, we should keep the field posted on the issue. Would be terrific if you or your team could send out an update. If you think it more appropriate to come from me, just let me know. Thanks, Joanna Joanna Ruppel Chief, International Operations Division USCISRefugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate Joanna. Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov (b)(6) I I From: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 12:42 PM To: Ruppel, Joanna; Gill, Lori R; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Baker, Katherine H; McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas No, I did not send the information out to the international staff, although Clyde and Brian have been working with individuals in some of the offices to test things. the issue - they pinpointed OIT is now close to resolving the problem, so it should not be too much longer. If you want me to send the information to the 10 staff, let me know - I updated my update below with the new information. From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 12:19 PM To: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Gill, Lori R; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Baker, Katherine H; McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Thanks, Alex. Have the international staff been notified of this? Joanna Joanna Ruppel Chief, International Operations Division USCISRefugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate Joanna. Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000014 (b )(6) From: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 11:05 AM To: Ruppel, Joanna; Gill, Lori R; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Baker, Katherine H Subject: CAMINO not working overseas Here is an update on the issue with the overseas CAMINO/applications outages: • The likely problem has been identified as a routing loop in the system. This means data is routed within the network in an endless cycle and does not reach its destination. • The OIT team working on this issue has pinpointed • We believe the issue will be resolved soon. the problem and is now fixing it. Individuals in our international offices who can connect using VPN will be able to use the impacted systems, but this does not cover 100 percent of our staff. OCON US employees are also able to access CAMINO/applications through Workplace As A Service. I will keep you updated. From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:12 AM To: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Alex, As you can see, I just sent out a message as a heads-up to all 10 staff, but if your team could provide more information to all 10 staff after the call, that would be appreciated. We want everyone to know this is being worked and to manage expectations. Thanks, Joanna Joanna Ruppel Chief, International Operations Division USCISRefugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate Joanna.Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov I I (b)(6) From: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:02 AM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; Gill, Lori R; Ruppel, Joanna AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000015 Cc: Baker, Katherine H Subject: FW: CAMINO not working overseas Some information on the other impacted systems, and who is currently working on resolving the issue. From: Andrews, Chonlatit Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:57 AM To: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Alex, Thesesystemsthat are hostedon Amazon Web Servicesare impactedin OCONUS network environment. -Chonlatit Authentication Successful 'Nt ome 110 s.ng11Sign-OntorUSCISappllcaons PltM&Hite tanapphcaOftyou ar• aulhOn:tO 10a;ctss m NASS cces NFTS powerwdby amazon webservices myAccount ~ '""""""'°'SISm& USCIS fUCt'AOhlC I F PASS r, •LL A APPO, TU CLAIMS 4 T _-USCIS INNOVATION AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000016 From: Sliger, Clyde R (CTR) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:45 AM To: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Andrews, Chonlatit Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas The follow ing groups are currently on the CIRT call. Part i ci pan t s Parti cipan ts : 0640 Ch ristine Slaydon (CIRT) 0640 Victoria Necaise (CIRT) 0656 Matthew Rosov (USCIS NOC) 0659 Clyde Sliger (Foreign OPS) 0700 Anthon y Bow ie (Network Eng.) 0700 Michael Lee 0724 Irene 0756 - Jame (OneNet) 0808 Kristan Montgom ery (CIRT) 08 13 Reg inald Marsha ll (USCIS EWO) 08 13 Meridith Founta in (CIRT) 08 13 Rob ert •Ky le" Lord (CIRT) 08 18 Lou is Harris (USCIS Firewa ll) 0820 Shelby Fayette (PbM) 09 12 Hewad Benawa (Performance Eng.) 09 19 Paul Byrd (PbM) 0927 Wesley Stephens (AWS) 0930 Michael Geary (CAMINO) All groups that should be on the call are on it and if anyone feels someone needs to be added , CIRTis reaching out to get them on line . Senior Network Engineer OIT/EUS NATIONS The Salient CRGT Team (b )( 6) D 202-272-1350 oy~~~tNumber Direct Number Cell Number FAX Number https://dhsuscisprod .service-now .com/mylT From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:37 AM To: Gill, Lori R; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000017 Thank you. Alex, do we know if any other systems are impacted? Joanna Joanna Ruppel Chief, International Operations Division USCISRefugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate Joanna. Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov I I (b)(6) From: Gill, Lori R Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:22 AM To: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Good morning Jennifer and Joanna, Todd is here with me now. OIT stood up a Critical Incident Response Team on Friday. At the present time, we do not have an information about the root cause. It does not appear to be a CAMINO issue, as CAMINO is working domestically. It appears to be an IT infrastructure issue. As we get more information, we will keep you updated. Since we think it is an infrastructure issue, the DIT(it)/CAMINO team cannot do much to resolve it except to continue to follow up and monitor OIT's efforts. Todd is actively monitoring the situation and we will reassess whether to elevate the issue in OIT around lunchtime. We don't think calling OIT first thing will help just yet. We will keep you updated. Lori From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 8:42 AM To: Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Gill, Lori R; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: FW: CAMINO not working overseas Jennifer, For your awareness,CAM I NO hasbeendown for out internationaloffices since Friday. As you can imagine, is quite disruptive. We still do not know the reason. It works in the US. Joanna JoannaRuppel Chief, InternationalOperationsDivision U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000018 Joanna.Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov (b)( 6) ._____ ___. From: Sliger, Clyde R (CTR) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 4:55:46 AM To: Zenteno, Alfredo (FSN); Otten, Henry D; McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Baker, Roy L (CTR); Carter, Carl B (Brian) (CTR); Gardner, Todd E; Langlois, Joseph E; Johnson, Bobbie L; Fatica, Erin K; Lassen, Brett H; Spalter, Brian M; Monica, Donald J Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas CIRTcall is going on now, no resolution at this time and no ETR. Senior Network Engineer OIT/EUS NATIONS The Salient CRGT Team IOCONUS D prment Main Number (b)(6) 202-272-1350 Direct Number Cell Number FAX Number https://dhsuscisprod.service-now.com/mylT From: Zenteno, Alfredo (FSN) Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 7:55 AM To: Otten, Henry D; McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Baker, Roy L (CTR); Sliger, Clyde R (CTR); Carter, Carl B (Brian) (CTR); Gardner, Todd E; Langlois, Joseph E; Johnson, Bobbie L; Fatica, Erin K; Lassen, Brett H; Spalter, Brian M; Monica, Donald J Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Morning Everyone, Confirming that CAMINO is not working here in MEX, and for what I can see for LACC as well. Thanks! (b )(6) Alfredo Zenteno ii .--------, t>2:la lfredo. zenteno@uscis. dhs. gov From: Otten, Henry D Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 2:51 PM To: McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Baker, Roy L (CTR); Sliger, Clyde R (CTR); Carter, Carl B (Brian) AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000019 (CTR); Gardner, Todd E; Langlois, Joseph E; Johnson, Bobbie L; Fatica, Erin K; Lassen, Brett H; Spalter, Brian M; Monica, Donald J; Zenteno, Alfredo (FSN) Subject: RE: CAMINO not working overseas Update: Engineering teams at USCIS,DHS and Amazon Cloud have been troubleshooting Friday. No resolution. all day Henry Otten Refugee Affairs, Asylum and International Operations (b)(6) I I _.~.., l~ U.S. Citizenship , and lmmlgratfon • '"•~~... •' Services From: Otten, Henry D Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 7: 13 AM To: McAllum, Jessica L; Lee, Joy L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Baker, Roy L (CTR); Sliger, Clyde R (CTR); Carter, Carl B (Brian) (CTR); Gardner, Todd E; Langlois, Joseph E; Johnson, Bobbie L; Fatica, Erin K; Lassen, Brett H; Spalter, Brian M; Monica, Donald J Subject: CAMINO not working overseas 10, INC610767 - ticket is open Other affected applications are NASS and MylT. IT is troubleshooting to determine if firewall or SLOPE is causing the problems. Nuta initiated troubleshooting. Henry Henry Otten Refugee Affairs , Asylum and International Operations (b)(6) I I U.S. Qtizenship and lmmigratfon Services AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000020 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Jon-Paul (JP) Saunier Asylum Officer, Operations Branch DHSI USCISI RAIO IASM DIV AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT Saunier, Jon-Paul Monday, May 22, 2017 12:27 PM Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C {Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Bello Leon, Melissa R Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB HQASM Flores 052217.xlsx (b)(5) (b)(6) DHS-18-0360-S-000021 From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 9:45 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirillo, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000022 Washington, D.C. Office Numberl.-------.1 (b )( 6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 9:35 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000023 Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. (b)(6) Office Number:.-! ------,1 E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 11:51 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000024 Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. (b)(6) Office Number:.--------, (b )(5) (b )(6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 9:19 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )( 6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000025 Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (b)(5) (b)(6) Washington, D.C.-"'·-------. (b )(6) Office Number: E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov I I From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 10:04 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000026 Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. ~----~ (b )(6) Office Number:......,_~---~ E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov (b)(5) (b)(6) From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, May 01, 2017 9:26 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000027 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.Cr"-"·------. Office Number:I I (b)(6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 11:41 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000028 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. Office Number:l.---------.1 (b )( 6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 11:00 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000029 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. .--------, Office Number..._ ____ __. (b)(6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 9:02 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) At\ .. I .. ~AN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000030 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. Office Number:~! (b)(6) ---~I E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 1:57 PM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000031 Gossett, Christopher R; Bello Leon, Melissa R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) JP Saunier Asylum Officer ~~~~;;~~: ~:"t~1 ---~I (b)(6) From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 9:26 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000032 Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. ~----~ (b )(6) Office Number:......._~---~ E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 11:07 AM AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000033 To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. Office Numberl~---~I (b)(6) (b)(5) (b)(6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000034 From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2017 9:14 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirillo, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT Division DHS-18-0360-S-000035 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D..=C.=------~ Office Number:! I (b)( 6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, April 03, 2017 10:51 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000036 Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. (b)( ) 6 Office Number~!-----~ E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 9:21 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000037 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. (b )(6) Office Number:========== E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, March 27, 2017 10:01 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000038 Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. (b )(6) Office Number:l.-------.1 (b )(5) (b )( 6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 11:25 AM To: Bello Leon, Melissa R; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000039 (b)(5) (b)(6) JP Saunier Asylum Officer Operations Branc~~---~I USCIS/ASM DIV l~I---~- (b)( 6 ) From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 11:11 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000040 (b )(5) (b )(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ~ Washington, D.~C. ____ Office Number:I I (b)(6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 11:37 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000041 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. (b)( 6) Office Number:~I ---~I E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 11:19 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000042 (b )(5) (b )( 6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. Office Number:I I (b)( 6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 11:28 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000043 (b )(5) (b )(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. (b)(6) Office Number:~I ---~I E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, March 06, 2017 10:47 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000044 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. Office Number:I I (b)( 6 ) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2017 11:15 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000045 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. (b )(6) Office Number:.--------. E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, February 27, 2017 12:04 PM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000046 Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.,"-C.'---------. Office Number:I I (b)(5) (b)(6) (b)( 6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000047 From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 9:13 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirillo, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT Division DHS-18-0360-S-000048 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. .--------, (b)(6) Office Number: _____ ~ E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 11:31 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB Good Morning, (b)(5) (b)(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000049 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. Office Number:l.--------.1 (b )(6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 10:21 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000050 Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (b)(5) (b)(6) I (b )(6) Washington, D.C. Office Number._!____ ___._ E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 1:12 PM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000051 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. (b)(6) Office Number:l~---~I E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 12:10 PM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000052 (b)(S) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. Office Number:l~--~I (b)(6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 9:42 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000053 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services I Washington, D.C. (b )( 6 ) Office Number:~!----~E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2017 9:28 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000054 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. (b )(6) Office Numberl.-------.1 E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Gossett, Christopher R Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 2:36 PM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Bello Leon, Melissa R; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000055 (b)(5) (b)(6) From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 10:06 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000056 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services T l Washington, D Office Number: (b )( 6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov I From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 1:27 PM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000057 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. Office Number::========= (b )(6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 11:11 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000058 Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. Office Number::======== (b)(6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov AMERICAN PVERSIGHT (b)(5) (b)(6) DHS-18-0360-S-000059 From: Gossett, Christopher R Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 9:44 AM To: Saunier, Jon-Paul; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirillo, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 10:19 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000060 Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB JP Saunier (b)(5) (b)(6) DHS/USCIS/RAIO/ ASM Operations Division ~-~(b)(6) From: Gossett, Christopher R Sent: Monday, January 09, 2017 10: 13 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000061 Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2017 12:25 PM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000062 Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) JP Saunier DHS/USCIS/RAIO/ ASM Operations Division I I (b)(6) From: Gossett, Christopher R Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2017 10:39 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirillo, Ashley B; Radel, AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000063 David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )( 6) From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2016 9:57 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000064 Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) JPSaunier DHS/USCIS/RAIO/ASM Operations Division (b )(6) From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2016 11:02 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000065 Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) JP Saunier DHS/USCIS/RAIO/ ASM Operations Division (b)(6) From: Gossett, Christopher R Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 11:07 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000066 Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )( 6) From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 9:56 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000067 Christopher R; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) JPSaunier DHS/USCIS/RAIO/ASM Operations Division I I (b )(6) From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2016 12:50 PM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000068 Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) JP Saunier DHS/USCIS/RAIO/ ASM Operations Division (b )(6) From: Gossett, Christopher R Sent: Monday, December 05, 2016 10:52 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirillo, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000069 Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016 2:00 PM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000070 Jon-Paul; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) JPSaunier (b)(6) D sylum Division Office (Tuesday & Wednesday) Cell (Monday, Thursday & Friday) From: Gossett, Christopher R Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 11:51 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000071 Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Scott, Elizabeth M Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Friday, November 25, 2016 10:04 AM To: Scott, Elizabeth M; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirillo, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000072 JP Saunier (b )(6) (b)(5) (b)(6) 0 erations, Asylum Division ffice (Tuesday & Wednesday) ,__ ___ Jell (Monday, Thursday & Friday) From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Friday, November 25, 2016 9:59 AM To: Scott, Elizabeth M; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Gossett, Christopher R; AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000073 Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) JPSaunier (b)( 6) Operations, Asylum Division Office (Tuesday & Wednesday) ~---~Cell (Monday, Thursday & Friday) I I From: Scott, Elizabeth M Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 11:40 AM To: Saunier, Jon-Paul; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000074 Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB Elizabeth Scott Asylum Officer, Operations Branch, Asylum Division Refugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate Desk:I I (b)(5) (b)(6) I USCIS I OHS (b )( 6) From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2016 12:26 PM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000075 Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Gossett, Christopher R; Scott, Elizabeth M; Saunier, Jon-Paul Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) JP Saunier Ops Branch, Asylum Division (b )(6) From: Scott, Elizabeth M Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 10:25 AM To: Saunier, Jon-Paul; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000076 Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Mura, Elizabeth E; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) Elizabeth Scott Asylum Officer, Operations Branch, Asylum Division Refugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate Deskl I USCIS I OHS I (b )( 6) From: Saunier, Jon-Paul Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2016 11: 14 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000077 Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Scott, Elizabeth M; Mura, Elizabeth E; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) JPSaunier Ops Branch, Asylum Division (b )(6) From: Gossett, Christopher R Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 11:04 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000078 Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Scott, Elizabeth M; Mura, Elizabeth E Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) From: Gossett, Christopher R Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2016 9:19 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Scott, Elizabeth M; Mura, AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000079 Elizabeth E; Gossett, Christopher R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) From: Gossett, Christopher R Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 2:51 PM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Mcintosh, Andrea S; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Katz, Jonathan E; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Pitti, Jose C; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Scott, Elizabeth M; Mura, Elizabeth E Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000080 Christopher R. Gossett HQ Asylum Officer, Operations Branch USCIS- RAIO-Asylum 20 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 6030 Washington, DC 20529 Tel·I Cell:I I (b)(5) (b)(6) I (b)( 6) From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2016 9:27 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000081 Mcintosh, Andrea S; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Katz, Jonathan E; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Gossett, Christopher R; Pitti, Jose C; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Scott, Elizabeth M; Mura, Elizabeth E; Bello Leon, Melissa R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. (b)(6) Office Number: 1.--------.1 E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000082 From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 10: 13 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirillo, Ashley B; Mcintosh, Andrea S; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Katz, Jonathan E; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Gossett, Christopher R; Pitti, Jose C; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Scott, Elizabeth M; Mura, Elizabeth E; Bello Leon, Melissa R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT Division DHS-18-0360-S-000083 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ~ (b)( ) Washington, D.~C. ____ 6 Office Number.....,.._ ____ ~ E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 9:39 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Mcintosh, Andrea S; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Katz, Jonathan E; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Bello Leon, Melissa R; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Gossett, Christopher R; Pitti, Jose C; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Scott, Elizabeth M; Mura, Elizabeth E Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000084 * Flores litigation-related & privileged * Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. Office Number:========== (b)(6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 1:55 PM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Mcintosh, Andrea S; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Katz, Jonathan E; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Gossett, Christopher R; Pitti, Jose C; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Scott, Elizabeth M; Mura, Elizabeth E; Bello Leon, Melissa R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000085 (b )(5) (b )(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. (b)(6) Office Number:l.-------.1 E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2016 8:37 AM To: Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Mcintosh, Andrea S; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Katz, Jonathan E; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Gossett, Christopher R; Pitti, Jose C; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Scott, Elizabeth M; Mura, Elizabeth E; Bello Leon, Melissa R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b )(5) (b )( 6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000086 (b)(5) (b)(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. ~----~ (b )(6) Office Number:,__ ____ ~ E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov From: Bello Leon, Melissa R Sent: Monday, October 03, 2016 10:41 AM To: Groom, Molly M Cc: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B; Mcintosh, Andrea S; Radel, David M; Daum, Robert L; Gadson, Irvin C; Varghese, Sunil R; Hong, Marianne X; McDonnell, Audrey V; Kirkland, Brooke A; Katz, Jonathan E; Ooi, Maura M; Shafi, Amina H; Mekjian, Gerard J; Grammer, Alexandra C; Ortman, Alma M; Evans, Bryan B; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Gossett, Christopher R; Pitti, Jose C; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Scott, Elizabeth M; Mura, Elizabeth E; Bello Leon, Melissa R Subject: RE: Flores-related reporting & metrics each Monday and Thursday COB (b)(5) (b)(6) AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000087 (b )(5) (b )(6) Melissa Bello Leon Student Trainee -Asylum Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Washington, D.C. Office Number:I I (b )( 6) E-mail: melissa.r.belloleon@uscis.dhs.gov AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000088 From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: (b )(5) Higgins, Jennifer B Monday, May 22, 2017 1:59 PM Ruppel, Joanna; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M URGENT:review by Division Chiefs/Deputies Proposal_Consolidated Screening Center 051917.docx; NSVCVision Stmnt Outline.docx; CBP_NSVC Case slide deck v8 051817.pptx Sorry for just seeing this.I From: Davidson, Andrew J Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 11:04 AM To: Meckley, Tammy M; Renaud, Daniel M; Neufeld, Donald W; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Symons, Craig M; Higgins, Jennifer B; Kerns, Kevin J Cc: Emrich, Matthew D; Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L Subject: FW: vision statement Associate Directors, Apologies for the short notice but I want to provide you visibility on the preliminary OHSframework and vision statement for a national vetting center. Keep in mind that another round of solicited input will be sent to OHSOperational Components this Wednesday via the OHSShared Vetting Services Governance Board but I would ask that you provide me your preliminary input and comments by COB today so we can meet CBP's requested deadline. There are obviously more questions than answers but these documents should serve as the proposed roadmap. Thanks, Andrew Davidson Deputy Associate Director Fraud Detection and National Security Directorate U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services U.S. Department of Homeland Security andrew.j.davidson@uscis.dhs.gov l(c) (b)(6) I l(o)I From: Lester-Saura, Victoria Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:43 AM To: Downey, Teresa K (Terri) Cc: LANGHOFF,EDWARDJ; Troye, Olivia; Latta, John Subject: FW: vision statement Referred to U.S. Customs and Border Protection A ll.iAI\J PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000089 Referred to U.S. Customs and Border Protection AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000090 Referred to U.S. Customs and Border Protection Referred to Department of Homeland Security AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000091 Referred to Department of Homeland Security AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000092 From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 2:54 PM To: Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L Subject: Attachments: RE: Processing Times Decision Memo/ comments FW: Processing Times Decision Memo These don't seem to match the memo I have. I'm confused. Here's the version you guys should have been working on with IO's comments included. From: Kim, Ted H Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 3:28 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L Subject: RE: Processing Times Decision Memo / comments Yes, I've reviewed the memo, and we discussed these comments at this morning's management meeting. From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 3:26 PM To: Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L Subject: FW: Processing Times Decision Memo / comments Have you guys looked at the memo and do you guys agree with this? From: Pilotti, David A Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 1:13 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Dhabalia, Dimple D; Palmer, Ann M; Gill, Lori R; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; McAllum, Jessica L Subject: FW: Processing Times Decision Memo / comments Jennifer, (b)(5) Sorry for not getting comments in by last Friday. I AMERICAN PVERSIGHT I DHS-18-0360-S-000093 (b)(5) Thanks a lot. David David Pilotti US Citizenship and Immigration Services Dep~rtrent of Homeland Security ) Mobile: I (b)( 6 From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 9:12 AM To: Hoefer, Michael D Cc: Chang, Lin Subject: RE: Processing Times Decision Memo Thanks again, Mike. We'd appreciate having two RAIO POCs-Jessica McAllum and David Pilotti. We will also provide some feedback on the decision memo by Friday given that it does impact some of our workloads. AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000094 Best, Jennifer From: Hoefer, Michael D Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 1:47 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Chang, Lin Subject: RE: Processing Times Decision Memo Jennifer, Don't feel embarrassed. We originally invited Joe Langlois and as I look back at our meeting notes I see you never had a representative. We have been focusing on processing time data out of C3, C4, and ELIS so far. At some point in the future we would like to talk to how we might do the same for 1-589 etc. No need to answer to the decision memo. If you do want to provide a representative to keep on the latest developments please send a note to me or Lin Chang. Mike Michael Hoefer Chief, Office of Performance and Quality U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (b )(6) Michael.D.Hoefer@uscis.dhs.gov This email, along with any attachments, is intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) and may contain information that is sensitive or protected by applicable law. Unauthorized use or dissemination of this email and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete or destroy all copies. Thank you. From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 11:15 AM To: Hoefer, Michael D Subject: RE: Processing Times Decision Memo Hi, Mike. I'm embarrassed to say that no one here seems to know who our representatives were for this WG. Could you please let me know? From: Hoefer, Michael D Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 11:56 AM To: Chang, Lin; Porto, Victoria; Altice-Manear, Vanessa L; Gray, Gary L; Kerns, Kevin J; Melero, Mariela; AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000095 Borgen, Michael R; Renaud, Daniel M; Valverde, Michael; Rogers, Debra A; Herrmann, Mary K; Rosenberg, Ronald M (Ron); Lafferty, John L; Nimick, Charles L (Locky); Geary, Andrew C; JosephsConway, Corliss A; Blacksten, Deborah A; Dumas, Jessica L; Lane, Rosemary M; Higgins, Jennifer B; Evans, Janna M; Bacote, Robert R (Bob); Burden, Tammany M; Quimby, Christopher M (Chris); McConnell, James E; La Bella, Magteld H; Nettleton, Spencer C (CTR); Helfrich, John F (CTR); Arroyo, Susan K; Contreras, Graciela; Martin, Heather A; Donnalley, Gia F; Neufeld, Donald W; Patching, Laura D Cc: Selby, Cara M (Carrie); Cooper, Cleveland E; Davenport, Tangenika M; Biggs, Michael C; Cronic, Michael A; Bedgood, Bernard II; Violett, Michael D Subject: Processing Times Decision Memo Good Morning, On November 22, 2016, OPQ and Customer Service and Public Engagement kicked off the Processing Times project with representatives from the Administrative Appeals Office, Field Operations Directorate, Refugee, Asylum and International Operations, and Service Center Operations Directorate. This meeting resulted in the formation of the Processing Times Working Group (PTWG). The PTWG has held a series of meetings since the project initiated to build a set of best practices in processing time computation. As the PTWG makes recommendations we will issue formal Processing Times Computation Best Practice Decision Memorandums for your review. Attached is the first set of decisions we are asking you to consider. These issues were discussed and recommended for your review at the most recent PTWG meeting on April 27, 2017 Please review and return to me with your signature by Friday, May 19. Thanks, << File: Decision Memo_Processing Times ComputationBest Practice20170512.docx>> Michael Hoefer Chief, Office of Performance and Quality U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (b )(6) Michael.D.Hoefer@uscis.dhs.gov This email, along with any attachments, is intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) and may contain information that is sensitive or protected by applicable law. Unauthorized use or dissemination of this email and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete or destroy all copies. Thank you. AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000096 Pinkerton, Christopher M (Chris) Higgins, Jennifer B Tuesday, May 16, 2017 8:19 AM Ruppel, Joanna; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H Gill, Lori R; Palmer, Ann M; Dhabalia, Dimple D FW: Processing Times Decision Memo From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi there. Do we know who represents RAIO on the WG? Have any of you heard of/seen the attached doc before? From: Hoefer, Michael D Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 11:56 AM To: Chang, Lin; Porto, Victoria; Altice-Manear, Vanessa L; Gray, Gary L; Kerns, Kevin J; Melero, Mariela; Borgen, Michael R; Renaud, Daniel M; Valverde, Michael; Rogers, Debra A; Herrmann, Mary K; Rosenberg, Ronald M (Ron) ; Lafferty, John L; Nimick, Charles L (Locky); Geary, Andrew C; Josephs-Conway, Corliss A; Blacksten, Deborah A; Dumas, Jessica L; Lane, Rosemary M; Higgins, Jennifer B; Evans, Janna M; Bacote, Robert R (Bob); Burden, Tammany M; Quimby, Christopher M (Chris); McConnell, James E; La Bella, Magteld H; Nettleton, Spencer C (CTR); Helfrich , John F (CTR); Arroyo, Susan K; Contreras, Graciela; Martin, Heather A; Donnalley, Gia F; Neufeld, Donald W; Patching, Laura D Cc: Selby, Cara M (Carrie); Cooper, Cleveland E; Davenport, Tangenika M; Biggs, Michael C; Cronic, Michael A; Bedgood, Bernard II; Violett, Michael D Subject: Processing Times Decision Memo Good Morning, On November 22, 2016, OPQ and Customer Service and Public Engagement kicked off the Processing Times project with representatives from the Administrative Appeals Office, Field Operations Directorate, Refugee, Asylum and International Operations, and Service Center Operations Directorate. This meeting resulted in the formation of the Processing Times Working Group (PTWG). The PTWG has held a series of meetings since the project initiated to build a set of best practices in processing time computation. As the PTWG makes recommendations we will issue formal Processing Times Computation Best Practice Decision Memorandums for your review. Attached is the first set of decisions we are asking you to consider. These issues were discussed and recommended for your review at the most recent PTWG meeting on April 27, 2017 Please review and return to me with your signature by Friday, May 19. Thanks, I )1;,,: 1:::1,01,11 ~<1~ 1(~ 1 lllf•)r \ 1 11n )•1 )(:!\?\;Ill1\.., Michael Hoefer Chief, Office of Performance and Quality U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services HIGA~ (b)( 6 ) PVERSIGHT 1 DHS-18-0360-S-000097 Michael.D.Hoefer@uscis.dhs.gov This email, along with any attachments, is intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) and may contain information that is sensitive or protected by applicable law. Unauthorized use or dissemination of this email and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete or destroy all copies. Thank you. AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT 2 DHS-18-0360-S-000098 From: Kim, Ted H Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 2:59 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L Subject: Attachments: RE: Processing Times Decision Memo/ Alternate Processing Time Methodology comments OPQ 10 3116.docx Sorry to confuse. David was also commenting on this attached document, which was introduced at the meetings he participated in. I I (b)(5) From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 3:54 PM To: Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L Subject: RE: Processing Times Decision Memo / comments These don't seem to match the memo I have. I'm confused. Here's the version you guys should have been working on with IO's comments included. From: Kim, Ted H Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 3:28 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L Subject: RE: Processing Times Decision Memo / comments Yes, I've reviewed the memo, and we discussed these comments at this morning's management meeting. From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 3:26 PM To: Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L Subject: FW: Processing Times Decision Memo / comments Have you guys looked at the memo and do you guys agree with this? From: Pilotti, David A Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 1:13 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Dhabalia, Dimple D; Palmer, Ann M; Gill, Lori R; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; McAllum, Jessica L Subject: FW: Processing Times Decision Memo / comments Jennifer, (b )(5) I Sorry for not getting comments in by last FridayJ AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000099 (b)(5) Thanks a lot. David David Pilotti US Citizenship and Immigration Services Depart eot ~f HomelandSecurity Mobile: 1 AMERICAN PVERSIGHT I (b)( 6) DHS-18-0360-S-000100 From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 9:12 AM To: Hoefer, Michael D Cc: Chang, Lin Subject: RE: Processing Times Decision Memo Thanks again, Mike. We'd appreciate having two RAIO POCs-Jessica McAllum and David Pilotti. We will also provide some feedback on the decision memo by Friday given that it does impact some of our workloads. Best, Jennifer From: Hoefer, Michael D Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 1:47 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Chang, Lin Subject: RE: Processing Times Decision Memo Jennifer, Don't feel embarrassed. We originally invited Joe Langlois and as I look back at our meeting notes I see you never had a representative. We have been focusing on processing time data out of C3, C4, and ELIS so far. At some point in the future we would like to talk to how we might do the same for 1-589 etc. No need to answer to the decision memo. If you do want to provide a representative to keep on the latest developments please send a note to me or Lin Chang. Mike Michael Hoefer Chief, Office of Performance and Quality U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services '-------'I (b )( 6) Michael.D.Hoefer@uscis.dhs.gov This email, along with any attachments, is intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) and may contain information that is sensitive or protected by applicable law. Unauthorized use or dissemination of this email and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete or destroy all copies. Thank you. From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 11:15 AM AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000101 To: Hoefer, Michael D Subject: RE: Processing Times Decision Memo Hi, Mike. I'm embarrassed to say that no one here seems to know who our representatives were for this WG. Could you please let me know? From: Hoefer, Michael D Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 11:56 AM To: Chang, Lin; Porto, Victoria; Altice-Manear, Vanessa L; Gray, Gary L; Kerns, Kevin J; Melero, Mariela; Borgen, Michael R; Renaud, Daniel M; Valverde, Michael; Rogers, Debra A; Herrmann, Mary K; Rosenberg, Ronald M (Ron); Lafferty, John L; Nimick, Charles L (Locky); Geary, Andrew C; JosephsConway, Corliss A; Blacksten, Deborah A; Dumas, Jessica L; Lane, Rosemary M; Higgins, Jennifer B; Evans, Janna M; Bacote, Robert R (Bob); Burden, Tammany M; Quimby, Christopher M (Chris); McConnell, James E; La Bella, Magteld H; Nettleton, Spencer C (CTR); Helfrich, John F (CTR); Arroyo, Susan K; Contreras, Graciela; Martin, Heather A; Donnalley, Gia F; Neufeld, Donald W; Patching, Laura D Cc: Selby, Cara M (Carrie); Cooper, Cleveland E; Davenport, Tangenika M; Biggs, Michael C; Cronic, Michael A; Bedgood, Bernard II; Violett, Michael D Subject: Processing Times Decision Memo Good Morning, On November 22, 2016, OPQ and Customer Service and Public Engagement kicked off the Processing Times project with representatives from the Administrative Appeals Office, Field Operations Directorate, Refugee, Asylum and International Operations, and Service Center Operations Directorate. This meeting resulted in the formation of the Processing Times Working Group (PTWG). The PTWG has held a series of meetings since the project initiated to build a set of best practices in processing time computation. As the PTWG makes recommendations we will issue formal Processing Times Computation Best Practice Decision Memorandums for your review. Attached is the first set of decisions we are asking you to consider. These issues were discussed and recommended for your review at the most recent PTWG meeting on April 27, 2017 Please review and return to me with your signature by Friday, May 19. Thanks, << File: Decision Memo_ProcessingTimes Computation Best Practice20170512.docx>> Michael Hoefer Chief, Office of Performance and Quality U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (b)(6) Michael.D.Hoefer@uscis.dhs.gov AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000102 This email, along with any attachments, is intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) and may contain information that is sensitive or protected by applicable law. Unauthorized use or dissemination of this email and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete or destroy all copies. Thank you. AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000103 Liberto, James Monday, May 22, 2017 3:26 PM Chinni, Ellen; RAIO Clearance; Baker, Katherine H; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna; Nicholson, Maura J; Dhabalia, Dimple D Nasir, Syed A; Stover, Myles B RE: FY2018 National Counterterrorism Budget (NCB) Data Collection Call Due Tuesday, May 23 RE: FY2017 National Counterterrorism BDR - Due Monday, February 22 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Hello Ellen, Please see the attached message from the Budget Formulation Branch concerning the budgetary amounts for the FY2017 Submission. Will the Budget Formulation Branch continue to populate the funding levels for FY16, FY17, FY18? Thanks James Liberto Chief, Resource Management Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations Directorate US Citizenship & Immigration Services Department of Homeland Security I phone:I (b)( 6 ) cell:I~---~ fax: (202) 272-1350 James.Liberto@uscis.dhs.gov From: Chinni, Ellen Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 4:27 PM To: RAIO Clearance; Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna; Nicholson, Maura J; Dhabalia, Dimple D Cc: Nasir, Syed A; Stover, Myles B Subject: FY 2018 National Counterterrorism Budget (NCB) Data Collection Call Due Tuesday, May 23 Importance: High Good Afternoon RAIO The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) has requested updated data on actual counterterrorism spending in FY2016 and estimated funding for FYs2017 and 2018 to help meetthe objectives of the U.S. National Strategy for Counterterrorism. The following documents are attached: • • • Attachment 1 - NCTCcover memo and instructions Attachment 2 - OHS NCB Data Collection Tool Attachment 3 -To help with this data call and for reference, we are attaching RAIO's last response from Feb/March 2016 to the OCFO/Budget Formulation Branch The data call is similar to last year's data call. However, the Data Collection file is a bit more complex and has more drop down arrows on its columns. AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000104 Please provide your completed NCB Data Tool by COB Tuesday, May 23 so that we can respond to DHS by May 31. We are factoring in ample time for review and clearance as well as the Memorial Day holiday. If you have any questions please contact Azmat Nasir at Azmat.nasirl@uscis.dhs.gov myles.b.stover@uscis.dhs.gov or myself at Ellen.chinni@uscis.dhs.gov Myles Stover at Thank you in advance for your assistance. Ellen Chinni Budget Analyst Budget Formulation Branch Budget and Planning Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 20 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Room 4010 Washington DC 20529 Ellen.chinni@uscis.dhs.gov (b )(6) AMt=Hll.iAN PVERSIGHT Referred to Department of Homeland Security DHS-18-0360-S-000105 Referred to Department of Homeland Security AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000106 Pinkerton, Christopher M (Chris) From: Sent: To: RAIO Clearance Friday, February 12, 2016 1:30 PM Allen, Eugene A; Chiorazzi, Anne; Khalsa, Mirian R; Liberto, James; Palmer, Ann M; Potts, LeRoy G; Russo, Elisabeth Y; Sicard, Kimberly R; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Tomlyanovich, William J (Bill) Baker, Katherine H; Gill, Lori R; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Higgins, Jennifer B; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Langlois, Joseph E; Nicholson, Maura J; Roma, Joseph T; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L RE:FY 2017 National Counterterrorism BDR - Due Monday, February 22 Att. 3 - FY17 MASTERTEMPLATE- FOUO To Programs.xlsx; FY 2017 National Counterterrorism BDR - Due Monday, February 22 Cc: Subject: Attachments: Additional clarification from OCFO regarding this tasker. Responses are due by 4:00pm, Monday, 2/22/16. From: Cristiani, Juan L Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 2:05 PM To: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; RAIO Clearance Cc: Baker, Katherine H; Liberto, James; Fredericks, Christopher; Nasir, Syed A; Van Hoesen, Shane T; White, Jacquelyn D Subject: RE: FY 2017 National Counterterrorism BDR - Due Monday, February 22 Good Afternoon RAIO, For this data call, please only update the description of each RAIO division in column I of the data call template. We will insert budget data for FYs,2015, 2016, and 2017. I discussed this with James Liberto yesterday and told him that we would fil this in. Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you. Juan Juan L. Cristiani, Budget Analyst Budget and Planning Division Office of the Chief Financial Officer U.S. Citizenship and Immigration PhoneJ Fax: 202-272-1723 I Services (b )( 6) Juan.L.Cristiani@uscis.dhs.gov From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 1:57 PM To: Allen, Eugene A; Chiorazzi, Anne; Colic, Mirian E; Liberto, James; Palmer, Ann M; Potts, LeRoy G; Russo, Elisabeth Y; AIVlt Hll.iAI\J PVERSIGHT 1 DHS-18-0360-S-000107 Sicard, Kimberly R; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Tomlyanovich, William J (Bill) Cc: Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Fritz, Debra A; Gill, Lori R; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C; Higgins, Jennifer B; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Langlois, Joseph E; Nicholson, Maura J; RAIO Clearance; Roma, Joseph T; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L Subject: FW: FY 2017 National Counterterrorism BDR - Due Monday, February 22 Importance: High Good afternoon all, Per OCFO, please see attached/below data call. Responses are due by 4:00pm, Monday, 2/22/16. Thank you, RAIO Clearance Alma Ortman From: Cristiani, Juan L Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 12:43 PM To: Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; RAIO Clearance Cc: Baker, Katherine H; Liberto, James; Fredericks, Christopher; Nasir, Syed A; Van Hoesen, Shane T; White, Jacquelyn D Subject: FY 2017 National Counterterrorism BDR - Due Monday, February 22 Importance: High Good Afternoon RAIO, The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) has requested updated data on actual counterterrorism spending in FY 2015 and estimated funding for FYs2016 and 2017 to help meet the objectives of the U.S. National Strategy for Counterterrorism. The following documents are attached: • • • • Attachment 1 - Data submission guidelines Attachment 2 - NCTCcover memo Attachment 3 - Template pre-populated with the program narrative and funding information from last year for FY 2015 and FY 2016. I also put in actual grants information for FY 2015 and estimates for 2016 and 2017. Last year's final submission (dated 3-23-15) The data call is similar to last year, but there are now two new parts: one in columns Land M and another in Rand S. The first part is to say whether or not the activity supports countering Homegrown Violent Extremism or not in Land provide supporting information in M. The second new part is to say whether not the activity supports countering ISIL or not in Rand provide supporting information in S. Action Required Please review the narrative for the RAIO activities in column I of lines 9 to 11 of the FY16 Submission - U or U-FOUO worksheet in Attachment 3 to determine if it needs to be modified. Please also update the FY 2015 actuals in W to Y and estimates for FY 2016 and FY 2017 in columns AC to AE and Al to AK respectively (Please disregard the hidden columns. These are for cells that we have not filled out for the data call). Please ensure that the FY 2016 estimate only reflects approved AOP activity and enhancements. The data for FY 2015 and FY 2016 is from last year's submission. Please provide your revisions by COB Monday, February 22 so that we can respond to OHS by February 29. AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT 2 DHS-18-0360-S-000108 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you very much for your help. Juan Juan L. Cristiani, Budget Analyst Budget and Planning Division Office of the Chief Financial Officer U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Phone:I I (b)(6) Fax: 202-272-1723 Juan.L.Cristiani@uscis.dhs.gov AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT Referred to Department of Homeland Security 3 DHS-18-0360-S-000109 Pinkerton, Christopher M (Chris) From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Importance: Cristiani, Juan L Wednesday, February 10, 2016 11:43 AM Langlois, Joseph E; Higgins, Jennifer B; RAIO Clearance Baker, Katherine H; Liberto, James; Fredericks, Christopher; Nasir, Syed A; Van Hoesen, Shane T; White, Jacquelyn D FY 2017 National Counterterrorism BDR - Due Monday, February 22 Att. 1 - Unclassified Instructions.pdf; Att. 2 - Memo.pdf; Att. 3 - FY17 MASTER TEMPLATE- FOUO To Programs.xlsx; FY16 MASTERTEMPLATE --- UNCLASSIFIEDFOUO - DHS - USCIS_03-23-15 Final.xlsx High Good Afternoon RAIO, The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) has requested updated data on actual counterterrorism spending in FY 2015 and estimated funding for FYs2016 and 2017 to help meet the objectives of the U.S. National Strategy for Counterterrorism. The following documents are attached: • • • • Attachment 1 - Data submission guidelines Attachment 2 - NCTCcover memo Attachment 3 - Template pre-populated with the program narrative and funding information from last year for FY 2015 and FY 2016. I also put in actual grants information for FY 2015 and estimates for 2016 and 2017. Last year's final submission (dated 3-23-15) The data call is similar to last year, but there are now two new parts: one in columns Land M and another in Rand S. The first part is to say whether or not the activity supports countering Homegrown Violent Extremism or not in Land provide supporting information in M. The second new part is to say whether not the activity supports countering ISIL or not in Rand provide supporting information in S. Action Required Please review the narrative for the RAIO activities in column I of lines 9 to 11 of the FY16 Submission - U or U-FOUO worksheet in Attachment 3 to determine if it needs to be modified. Please also update the FY 2015 actuals in W to Y and estimates for FY 2016 and FY 2017 in columns AC to AE and Al to AK respectively (Please disregard the hidden columns. These are for cells that we have not filled out for the data call). Please ensure that the FY 2016 estimate only reflects approved AOP activity and enhancements. The data for FY 2015 and FY 2016 is from last year's submission. Please provide your revisions by COB Monday, February 22 so that we can respond to OHS by February 29. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you very much for your help. Juan AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT 1 DHS-18-0360-S-000110 Juan L. Cristiani, Budget Analyst Budget and Planning Division Office of the Chief Financial Officer U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Phone:I I Fax: 202-272-1723 (b )(6) Referred to Department of Homeland Security Juan.L.Cristiani@uscis.dhs.gov AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT 2 DHS-18-0360-S-000111 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B Monday, May 22, 2017 8:42 PM Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Strack, Barbara L; Ruppel, Joanna Palmer, Ann M; Kim, Ted H; Nicholson, Maura J; McAllum, Jessica L; Stone, Mary M RE: Update On FY 18 PPA Framework Options Discussion of and approaches for setting expectations of "timely" performance; Performance Goal Changes for FY 18_PDRI editsR_tracked.docx; PROPOSEDNew Universal Quality Goals - Draft quality cust svc leadership mission.docx Good evening, I apologize for the multiple e-mails but we received further guidance this afternoon. It was confirmed that James selected a PPA Framework following his meeting with Kathy last week. The framework is: 1. Quality Goal - One universal quality goal for all of USCIS. 2. Timeliness/Efficiency Goal - One universal timeliness and efficiency goal for all of USCIS.This goal would include language related to timeliness and productivity. 3. National Security/Fraud Goal - Universal goal for appropriate positions (i.e. officers). 4. Optional Goals - Up to 2-3 position-specific goals to be pulled from a Directorate-managed goal library. While it appears the framework has been established, the language for the Quality Goal and the newly proposed Timeliness/Efficiency Goal is still open for discussion. Unfortunately, the timeframe to develop the final proposal has been accelerated. As per Kathy, James expects to be briefed on the final product th the week of June 18 . It is unclear who will represent the Steering Committee at this briefing. Committee representatives have been tasked with the following: • • • Provide feedback to the Quality Goal Sub-Committee on Option 3 (attached file entitled "Performance Goal Changes for FY18 PDRI editsR tracked") by COB Wednesday. Feedback will be consolidated by that group and a revised goal will be shared on Friday. Ann and I will consolidate our feedback and comments to share with you tomorrow. Once you have reviewed, we will consolidate any feedback you provide. Provide feedback on the approaches for setting expectations of timeliness to the Timeliness Goal Sub-Committee by Friday (see the e-mail attached). Our feedback will be consolidated and considered by the Sub-Committee. A draft universal goal on timeliness will be shared with us for comment next week. Please send Ann and I any thoughts you want to share. While the framework above has been approved by James, Kathy wants feedback on an idea that she is interested in which is the introduction of a "Cultural" Goal. We don't have much to share on that but the attached goal (formerly Goal #4 entitled "PROPOSEDNew Universal Quality Goals - Draft quality cust svc leadership mission") is something like what she has in mind. We are inclined not to voice support for that goal unless any of you disagree. From our perspective much of that is covered in the core competencies. We can schedule a meeting if desired, however, we realize the short turnaround time may make that impossible. AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000112 Thanks, Ashley From: Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 1:23 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Strack, Barbara L; Ruppel, Joanna Cc: Palmer, Ann M Subject: Update On FY 18 PPA Framework Options Good afternoon, Ann and I just got off the phone with Angelia Neal from HCT. She is the main POCfor the Performance Management Steering Committee under Kathy Hochman. Last Thursday, Kathy informed us that she had updated guidance from James on the proposed PPAframeworks but shared no insights at that time. Instead, she sent an invitation to brief us on his guidance this afternoon, thirty minutes before our regularly scheduled meeting with the Union. Angelia Neal reached out to us because at one point we expressed interest in keeping some version of the current quality goals. She informed us that James was briefed on the various framework options and that he indicated the current goals should not be on the table. He voiced support for moving to one universal quality goal but did not indicate a preference for the language contemplated in Option 3 or Option 4. We asked whether that meant we could propose a new language as no one in our organization indicated much interest in either Option 3 or Option 4. Angelia said she was not sure whether we could put more options on the table at this time. We expressed concern that options were being taken off the table without the benefit of feedback, as well as the fact that we (as representatives) were not being given sufficient time to discuss this change with our leadership before being asked to make a recommendation in front of the Union this afternoon. As a result, we explained it was unlikely we would be able to voice support for Option 3 or Option 4 today. We indicated that it would have been better for them to brief us Thursday afternoon or Friday when we would have had time to discuss it internally but since they had not, we had to go with the options our leadership had signed off on. After the call with Angelia, I reached out to my FOD, SCOPS,and IRIScounterparts because we did not want them to be surprised at this afternoon's pre-meeting and have no time to prepare. Angelia said we were the only representatives she was reaching out to (likely because we are the most vocal). I have not heard back from the other representatives yet. If you would like to discuss this with Ann and I, please let us know. Otherwise, we intend to voice support for the options we identified during the meeting (#6 with the ability only to keep the Quality/Customer Service goal and #2 as our alternate). Thanks, Ashley Ashley Caudill-Mirilla Management Branch Chief Asylum Division AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000113 Pinkerton, Christopher M (Chris) From: Sent: To: Subject: Cowan, Robert M Wednesday, April 26, 2017 3:04 PM Wadsworth, Lee Ann D (CTR) Discussion of and approaches for setting expectations of "timely" performance Colleagues, Keith and I offer the following as a basis for our discussion next Monday. I look forward to it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DRAFT-- (b )(5) r-\lVIL HICAN PVERSIGHT 1 DHS-18-0360-S-000114 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DR1'\FT-- (b)(5) • Robert Cowan Center Director, USCTS National Benefits Center robert.m.cowan a uscis.dhs. ov - 0 .__ ___ __. - C (b)(6) fax: 816-251-2330 AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT 2 DHS-18-0360-S-000115 WARNING: This document is FOR ClFFlClAL USE ONLY (FClUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom oflnformation Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is not to be released to the public or other people who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval from the originator. If you believe you received it in error, please notify me immediately. Thanks. AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT 3 DHS-18-0360-S-000116 Hall, Janis V Tuesday, May 23, 2017 6:28 AM Schwartz, Mark A; Mccament, James W; Meckley, Tammy M; Renaud, Daniel M; Kerns, Kevin J; Sapko, Jeffrey M; Groom, Molly M; Neufeld, Donald W; Hysen, Eric; Carter, Constance L; Blair, David A; Renaud, Tracy L; Melero, Mariela; Young, Todd P; Swanson, Toni; Davidson, Andrew J; Valverde, Michael; Winship, Courtney A; Quinn, Kevin T; Abiose, Adijatu C; Higgins, Jennifer B; Pastrana-Lujan, Maria P; Smith, Timothy R; Norton, Glenn E; Rather, Michael B; Walters, Jessica S; Emrich, Matthew D; Symons, Craig M; Risch, Carl C; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Neill, Stephanie J; Odar, Elizabeth Clark, Levita S; Van Demark, Henry; Denayer, Larry C Transformation Documents Concept of Operations Draft 2017.05.22.docx; ESCCharter Draft 2017.05.22.docx; Proposed Governance Structure Draft 2017.05.22.docx; TLC Charter Draft 2017 .05.22.docx From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: All, Attached, please find the Transformation Documents accepted for OHSsubmission, for reference at today's Transformation Leadership Meeting. Thank you. VR fJ"'4t. ?/all, Transformation Management Branch Resource Management Division (RMD) Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) U.S. Citizenshi~ & Immigration Services (USCIS) Office: _ I Cell: I (b )(6) I AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000117 From: Sent: To: Subject: Bradley, Amal Tuesday, May 23, 2017 7:03 AM Higgins, Jennifer B RE:Asylum Division Directors' Dinner July 12th Done. Thank you, From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 4:51 PM To: Bradley, Amal Subject: FW: Asylum Division Directors' Dinner July 12th Importance: High Can you RSVPfor me and put on my calendar? Thanks! From: Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 4:30 PM To: RAIO - Executive Leadership Subject: Asylum Division Directors' Dinner July 12th Importance: High Good afternoon, I am writing to invite you to the Asylum Division Directors' Dinner on July 12th from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm EST. The dinner will be held at Ghibellina and will feature a seated dinner in a private room. The th restaurant is located at 1610 14 Street, NW, Washington, D.C. More information can be found at the restaurant's website: http://www.ghibellina.com/. If you would like to attend or would like more information, please let me know. We are still working through the menu options, i.e. family style v. individual plates. If family style is selected, we will be sure to solicit feedback on the menu to ensure that everyone's dietary requirements are accommodated. Menu selections will be circulated shortly thereafter in accordance with timelines established by the restaurant. Please RSVPby June 16th Thanks, Ashley Ashley Caudill-Mirilla Management Branch Chief Asylum Division AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000118 From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Higgins, Jennifer B Tuesday, May 23, 2017 7:39 AM Gill, Lori R; Gardner, Todd E FW: Transformation Documents Concept of Operations Draft 2017.05.22.docx; ESCCharter Draft 2017.05.22.docx; Proposed Governance Structure Draft 2017.05.22.docx; TLC Charter Draft 2017 .05.22.docx Can you do a quick review to see if there are any big items we flagged that they didn't address? From: Hall, Janis Y Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 7:28 AM To: Schwartz, Mark A; Mccament, James W; Meckley, Tammy M; Renaud, Daniel M; Kerns, Kevin J; Sapko, Jeffrey M; Groom, Molly M; Neufeld, Donald W; Hysen, Eric; Carter, Constance L; Blair, David A; Renaud, Tracy L; Melero, Mariela; Young, Todd P; Swanson, Toni; Davidson, Andrew J; Valverde, Michael; Winship, Courtney A; Quinn, Kevin T; Abiose, Adijatu C; Higgins, Jennifer B; Pastrana-Lujan, Maria P; Smith, Timothy R; Norton, Glenn E; Rather, Michael B; Walters, Jessica S; Emrich, Matthew D; Symons, Craig M; Risch, Carl C; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Neill, Stephanie J; Odar, Elizabeth Cc: Clark, Levita S; Van Demark, Henry; Denayer, Larry C Subject: Transformation Documents All, Attached, please find the Transformation Documents accepted for DHS submission, for reference at today's Transformation Leadership Meeting. Thank you. VR fJ"'4t.?/all, Transformation Management Branch Resource Management Division (RMD) Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) Office:I I Cell:I I (b)(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000119 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Gardner, Todd E Tuesday, May 23, 2017 8:50 AM Higgins, Jennifer B Gill, Lori R FW: Transformation Documents Concept of Operations Draft 2017.05.22.docx; ESCCharter Draft 2017.05.22.docx; Proposed Governance Structure Draft 2017.05.22.docx; TLC Charter Draft 2017 .05.22.docx Hi Jennifer: RAIO Clearance did not receive any feedback to forward to the requesting party. I understand that you received some comments from Joanna Ruppel on the CONOPS,which I was just able to obtain, and which was not sent to the requesting party since Joanna's effort occurred outside of the RAIO Clearance process. I compared the latest CONOPSand it does not reflect any of Joanna's feedback; however, most of Joanna's feedback were not in the form or edits, but were questions or concerns. I hope that this helps. Please let me know if there is anything else that you need. Todd E Gardner-DHS/USCIS/RAIO-i~---~I (Office)--l~---~I (Cell) (b )(6) From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 8:39 AM To: Gill, Lori R; Gardner, Todd E Subject: FW: Transformation Documents Can you do a quick review to see if there are any big items we flagged that they didn't address? From: Hall, Janis Y Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 7:28 AM To: Schwartz, Mark A; Mccament, James W; Meckley, Tammy M; Renaud, Daniel M; Kerns, Kevin J; Sapko, Jeffrey M; Groom, Molly M; Neufeld, Donald W; Hysen, Eric; Carter, Constance L; Blair, David A; Renaud, Tracy L; Melero, Mariela; Young, Todd P; Swanson, Toni; Davidson, Andrew J; Valverde, Michael; Winship, Courtney A; Quinn, Kevin T; Abiose, Adijatu C; Higgins, Jennifer B; Pastrana-Lujan, Maria P; Smith, Timothy R; Norton, Glenn E; Rather, Michael B; Walters, Jessica S; Emrich, Matthew D; Symons, Craig M; Risch, Carl C; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Neill, Stephanie J; Odar, Elizabeth Cc: Clark, Levita S; Van Demark, Henry; Denayer, Larry C Subject: Transformation Documents All, Attached, please find the Transformation Documents accepted for OHSsubmission, for reference at today's Transformation Leadership Meeting. Thank you. VR fJ"'6i.?/all, Transformation Management Branch AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000120 Resource Management Division (RMD) Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) Office:I Cell: I I (b )(6) I AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000121 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: RAIO Clearance Tuesday,May 23, 2017 9:14 AM Higgins, Jennifer B Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer,Alexandra C (Alex) RE: FY18 SecretaryKelly Qs.docx ok RAIO Clearance From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:11 AM To: RAIO Clearance Cc: Dhabalia, Dimple D; RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Yes, wait since RAaD hassomeupdatedstats. From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:09:58 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Dhabalia, Dimple D; RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Hi Jennifer, I was going to forward Joanna's response, but should I await RAD's Q2 &Q3, then? RAIO Clearance From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:09 AM To: Villasenor, Eissa M; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Thank you! From: Villasenor, Eissa M Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:04:21 PM To: RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000122 Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; Higgins, Jennifer B Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Hello all, RAD is working on Q2 and Q3. We may have updatedstatsfor Q3. Eissa From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:03 AM To: Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; Higgins, Jennifer B; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Thanks Joanna. Hi all, Should I forward this response? Or await for answersto Q1 & Q2? RAIO Clearance Michael From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:50 AM To: RAIO Clearance; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx I think we can usesome previoustalking points RAD preparedin responseto a similar question from the hill to answerthe third question: (b)(5) AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000123 (b )(5) JoannaRuppel Chief, InternationalOperationsDivision USCIS Refugee,Asylum and InternationalOperationsDirectorate Joanna.Ruppel uscis.dhs.gov r I (b)(6) From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:31 AM To: Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Ruppel, Joanna; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); RAIO Clearance; Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H Subject: FW: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Hi All, Just adding a few othersthat were not included in the initial email by Chris below. DUE: 10am today RAIO Clearance Michael From: Fredericks, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:25 AM To: RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000124 Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M Subject: FW: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx RAIO, OP&S, Attached are three questionsfrom Rep. Roybal-Allard, Ranking Memberon the House Appropriations Subcommitteeon HomelandSecurity. DHS Budget hasrequestedour responses by 10 AM in order to facilitate a preparationsessionwith SecretaryKelly at 2 PM this afternoon. I havealreadyexpressedhow unreasonablethis requestis, but told DHS Budgetwe would do what we could to try and get them responsestoday. Pleaseacceptmy apologiesfor the unreasonablerequest,and let me know if you havequestions. Thank you, Chris ************************************** Chris Fredericks Chief, Budgetand PlanningDivision Office of the Chief Financial Officer US Citizenship and Immigration Services I Phone: (b )( 6) chris.fredericks@dhs.gov Referred to Department of Homeland Security AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000125 Referred to Department of Homeland Security AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000126 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: RAIO Clearance Tuesday,May 23, 2017 11:09 AM Higgins, Jennifer B Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer,Alexandra C (Alex) RE: FY18 SecretaryKelly Qs.docx Will do RAIO Clearance From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:06 PM To: RAIO Clearance Cc: RAIO Clearance; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Just changethe first paragraphto read: (b)(5) From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 4:55: 15 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: RAIO Clearance; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Hi Jennifer, Should I wait for Barbaraor go aheadand sendwhat we have? Thanks RAIO Clearance Michael From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 11:02 AM To: Villasenor, Eissa M; Mura, Elizabeth E; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000127 Barbara, (b )(5) From: Villasenor, Eissa M Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:56:22 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; Mura, Elizabeth E; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Please see RAD's responses below. AMt=HIGAN PVERSIGHT (b)(5) DHS-18-0360-S-000128 (b )(5) From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:47 AM To: Mura, Elizabeth E; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Ok. Thanks! From: Mura, Elizabeth E Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:34:04 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Revised: AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000129 (b)(5) Elizabeth E. Mura Operations Branch Chief - Asylum Division Refugee,Asylum and International Operations Directorate Dept. of Homeland Security/U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services I Mobile: Fax: (202)272-1681 Desk·!, , I I From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:26 AM To: Mura, Elizabeth E; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx (b )( 5) From: Mura, Elizabeth E Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:23:52 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Here's our response: (b)(5) Elizabeth E. Mura Operations Branch Chief - Asylum Division Refugee,Asylum and International Operations Directorate Dept. of Homeland Security/U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000130 (b)(6) Desk: ,,_t ~---'I Mobile: l~---~I Fax: (202)272-1681 From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:11 AM To: Mura, Elizabeth E; RAIOClearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIOClearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Thanks everyone! From: Mura, Elizabeth E Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:10:36 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; RAIOClearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIOClearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx We're finishing up QI. Elizabeth E. Mura Operations Branch Chief - Asylum Division Refugee,Asylum and International Operations Directorate Dept. of Homeland Security/U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services Desk: Mobile: I I Fax: (202)272-1681 I I (b )(6) From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:07 AM To: RAIOClearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIOClearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx RAD,ASM How are you coming on the other two? RecommendsendingJoanna'sdraft to RALD to get them reviewing given the timeline. From: RAIOClearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:02:37 PM To: Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000131 Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; Higgins, Jennifer B; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Thanks Joanna. Hi all, Should I forward this response? Or await for answersto Ql & Q2? RAIO Clearance Michael From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:50 AM To: RAIO Clearance; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx I think we can usesome previoustalking points RAD preparedin responseto a similar question from the hill to answerthe third question: (b)(5) AMERICA, PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000132 (b )(5) JoannaRuppel Chief, InternationalOperationsDivision USCIS Refugee,Asylum and InternationalOperationsDirectorate Joanna.Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov I I (b)(6) From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:31 AM To: Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Ruppel, Joanna; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); RAIO Clearance; Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H Subject: FW: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Hi All, Just adding a few othersthat were not included in the initial email by Chris below. DUE: 10am today RAIO Clearance Michael From: Fredericks, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:25 AM To: RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M Subject: FW: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx RAIO, OP&S, Attached are three questionsfrom Rep. Roybal-Allard, Ranking Member on the House Appropriations Subcommitteeon HomelandSecurity. DHS Budget has requestedour responses by 10 AM in order to facilitate a preparationsessionwith SecretaryKelly at 2 PM this afternoon. I havealreadyexpressedhow unreasonablethis requestis, but told DHS Budgetwe would do what we could to try and get them responsestoday. AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000133 Pleaseacceptmy apologiesfor the unreasonablerequest,and let me know if you havequestions. Thank you, Chris ************************************** Chris Fredericks Chief, Budgetand PlanningDivision Office of the Chief Financial Officer US Citizenship and Immigration Services Phone:I< , (b)(6) chris.fredericks@dhs.gov Referred to Department of Homeland Security AMEh. PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000134 Referred to Department of Homeland Security AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000135 From: Sent: To: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 11:17 AM Cc: Lafferty, John L Subject: RE:Asylum vetting/ screening Hi Jennifer: Kim, Ted H Higgins, Jennifer B (b )(5) I I Thanks, Ted From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 5:36 PM To: Kim, Ted H Cc: Lafferty, John L Subject: RE: Asylum vetting/ screening Thanks, Ted. I sent another message to you, John, and Angie. We'll need a consolidated roll up of the facts to give to OCC. From: Kim, Ted H Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 5:32 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Lafferty, John L Subject: RE: Asylum vetting/ screening (b )(5) OK, we'll hold off until we hear from OCC. From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 5:21 PM To: Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L Subject: RE: Asylum vetting/ screening AMERICAN PVERSIGHT (b )(5) DHS-18-0360-S-000136 From: Kim, Ted H Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 4:52 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L Subject: RE: Asylum vetting/ screening From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 4:43 PM To: Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L Subject: RE: Asylum vetting/ screening RemovingAngie. (b)(5) (b )(5) L I From: Kim, Ted H Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 9:40:28 PM To: Lafferty, John L; Higgins, Jennifer B; Gipson, Angela E Subject: RE: Asylum vetting/ screening (b )(5) From: Lafferty, John L Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 4:38 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; Kim, Ted H; Gipson, Angela E Subject: RE: Asylum vetting/ screening Jennifer, AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT (b)(5) DHS-18-0360-S-000137 From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 4:11:51 PM To: Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Gipson, Angela E Subject: FW: Asylum vetting/ screening (b)(5) Guys, I'd like to get an updateright away. From: Groom, Molly M Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 7:39:51 PM To: Davidson, Andrew J; Emrich, Matthew D; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Symons, Craig M Subject: RE: Asylum vetting/ screening Craig did let Jamesand Trac know that we were lookin into the matterand oncewe havefull Thanks. (b)(5) From: Davidson, Andrew J Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 2:26:20 PM To: Emrich, Matthew D; Groom, Molly M; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Symons, Craig M Subject: RE: Asylum vetting/ screening (b )(5) Whatever the assessment is, this should be communicated to James prior to his meeting with 51 tomorrow on the 60 day reportJ I Andrew Davidson Deputy Associate Director Fraud Detection and National Security Directorate U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services U.S. Department of Homeland Security (b)(6) From: Emrich, Matthew D Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 2:16 PM AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000138 To: Groom, Molly M; Davidson, Andrew J; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Symons, Craig M Subject: RE: Asylum vetting/ screening Molly, Thanks. While OCC is conductin their review (b )(5) Matt From: Groom, Molly M Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 2:08 PM To: Emrich, Matthew D; Davidson, Andrew J; Higgins, Jennifer B Cc: Symons, Craig M Subject: Asylum vetting/ screening Matt/ Andrew/ Jennifer-- .______________ issues. Molly AMERICAN PVERSIGHT (b )(5) __.[ Thanksfor your help as we work through these DHS-18-0360-S-000139 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Palmer, Ann M Tuesday, May 23, 2017 11:20 AM Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna; Nicholson, Maura J; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Baker, Katherine H; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Gill, Lori R; Gipson, Angela E; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Potts, LeRoy G Kwan, Stephanie M; Kline, Jennifer M; Russo, Elisabeth Y; Chiorazzi, Anne RE:Tuesday Touch Base on E.O. All, Here is the summary of latest actions and detailed extract from the EO tracker. They are current as of about 11am today. I will bring copies of both documents to the meeting. Thanks, Ann m Tmdi.m' ~~ RAID00 Adimrl uClflffi.11$-111 ... -----Original Appointment----From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 10:04 AM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna; Nicholson, Maura J; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Baker, Katherine H; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Gill, Lori R; Gipson, Angela E; Palmer, Ann M; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Potts, LeRoy G Cc: Kwan, Stephanie M Subject: Tuesday Touch Base on E.O. When: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:15 PM-2:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: RAIO Conf Room 6th Floor 5/18/2017 Meeting Update: The meeting time has changed due to a scheduling conflict . We apologize for any inconvenience . Thank you . AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000140 From: Sent: To: Fredericks,Christopher Tuesday,May 23, 2017 11:34 AM RAIO Clearance;Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Zengotitabengoa,Colleen R Cc: Subject: Mccament, JamesW; Renaud,Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, BarbaraL; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, KatherineH; Moore, JosephD; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen,Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; RALD; OCCClearance;Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel,Joanna RE: FY18 SecretaryKelly Qs.docx Thanks RAIO! RALD - pleaselet us know if this is clearedor if you haveedits. ************************************** Chris Fredericks Chief, Budgetand PlanningDivision Office of the Chief Financial Officer US Citizenship and Immigration Services (b )(5) Phone:I, , chris.fredericks@dhs.gov From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:15 PM To: Fredericks, Christopher; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; RALD; CCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Hello, Apologies for the delay. Here are RAIO's responses: AMERICAN PVERSIGHT (b )(5) DHS-18-0360-S-000141 (b )(5) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000142 (b )(5) RAIO Clearance Michael Defensor From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:12 AM To: Fredericks, Christopher; RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx We are finalizing. Hopeto havethe draft for OCC for review shortly. From: Fredericks, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 2:24:53 PM To: RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M Subject: FW: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx RAIO, OP&S, Attached are three questionsfrom Rep. Roybal-Allard, Ranking Memberon the House Appropriations Subcommitteeon HomelandSecurity. DHS Budget hasrequestedour responses by 10 AM in order to facilitate a preparationsessionwith SecretaryKelly at 2 PM this afternoon. I havealreadyexpressedhow unreasonablethis requestis, but told DHS Budgetwe would do what we could to try and get them responsestoday. Pleaseacceptmy apologiesfor the unreasonablerequest,and let me know if you havequestions. Thank you, Chris ************************************** AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000143 Chris Fredericks Chief, Budgetand PlanningDivision Office of the Chief Financial Officer US Citizenship and Immigration Services Phone:f (b)(6) < ' chris.fredericks@dhs.gov Referred to Department of Homeland Security AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000144 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Importance: RAIO Clearance Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:24 PM Villasenor, Eissa M; Asylum Taskers; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Medina, Jorge E; Burdine, Tonya L Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Teferra, Leikun; Nicholson, Maura J; Ruppel, Joanna; Gipson, Angela E; RAIO-FDNSIS; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Gill, Lori R; Potts, LeRoy G; Baker, Katherine H; Dhabalia, Dimple D; RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Higgins, Jennifer B FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST]: EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) DRAFT_EO13780 Section 5 100-day Progress Report_Draft_052217.docx; DHS Vetting Report.pdf High Hello, Please see below and the attached. DUE: 5PM, TODAY, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 RAIO Clearance Michael From: Drake, Johnetta On Behalf Of USCIS Exec Sec Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:12 PM To: HQ Field Operations; #USCIS - IRIS Tasking List; #USCIS OLA Clearance; Policy-Clearance; Graziadio, Josie; RAIO Clearance; FDNSExecSec; Beason, Daniel J; Davidson, Andrew J; RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); SCOPS-Clearance; Arroyo, Susan K; Padilla, April Y; Cox, Sophia; Moran, Karla V; Weller, Angela V; Button, Maria G (Gemma); usersMGT Tasks; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Hawkins, Donald K; Baker, Tamara L; Sawyer, Kristina S (Kristy); Chappell-Kirby, Shvonne L; Irazabal, Luz F; USCIS Privacy Inquiries; Defensor, Michael R; MO-Clearance Cc: Valverde, Michael; Compton, Dana C; Neufeld, Donald W; USCIS Exec Sec; USCIS Exec Sec; Farnam, Julie E Subject: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High Good Afternoon, Please review the attached Executive Order 13780: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into The United States. This is the government-wide 100-day report. DUE: 5PM, TODAY, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000145 We request a response from the following USCIS Offices: FOO, FONS, IRIS, OLA, MGT, OP&S, RAIO, PVY, and SCOPS. To register your response, click here. Johnetta Drake USCIS Office of the Executive Secretariat □ (Cell) (Desk) (Office) (b)(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000146 Farnam, Julie E Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:28 PM RAIO Clearance Higgins, Jennifer B FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST]: EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report {DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) OHSVetting Report.pdf; DRAFT_E013780 Section 5 100-day Progress Report_Draft_052217 USCIS.docx From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: High Importance: Hi, RAIOI know your directorate had a lot of edits to the interview section in particular on the USCISreport. I've updated this OHS report with the revised language and edits you provided, if it is helpful for you to work off of this version. Please see attached. Julie Farnam Senior Advisor Field Operations Directorate U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ~~ii I (b)(6) This communication, along with any attachments, may contain confidential information and is covered by federal laws governing electronic communications. Electronic communications may also be monitored by the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this in error, please delete this message and all attachments and immediately notify the sender. From: Drake, Johnetta On Behalf Of USCIS Exec Sec Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:12 PM To: HQ Field Operations; #USCIS - IRIS Tasking List; #USCIS OLA Clearance; Policy-Clearance; Graziadio, Josie; RAIO Clearance; FDNSExecSec; Beason, Daniel J; Davidson, Andrew J; RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); SCOPS-Clearance; Arroyo, Susan K; Padilla, April Y; Cox, Sophia; Moran, Karla V; Weller, Angela V; Button, Maria G (Gemma); USCIS MGT Tasks; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Hawkins, Donald K; Baker, Tamara L; Sawyer, Kristina S (Kristy); Chappell-Kirby, Shvonne L; Irazabal, Luz F; USCIS Privacy Inquiries; Defensor, Michael R; MO-Clearance Cc: Valverde, Michael; Compton, Dana C; Neufeld, Donald W; USCIS Exec Sec; USCIS Exec Sec; Farnam, Julie E Subject: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High Good Afternoon, Please review the attached Executive Order 13780: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into The United States. This is the government-wide 100-day report. AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000147 DUE: 5PM, TODAY, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 We request a response from the following USCIS Offices: FOO, FONS, IRIS, OLA, MGT, OP&S, RAIO, PVY, and SCOPS. To register your response, click here. Johnetta Drake USC/S Office of the Executive Secretariat □ (Cell) (Desk) (Office) (b )(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000148 RAIO Clearance Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:34 PM Allen, Eugene A; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Chiorazzi, Anne; Gill, Lori R; Kline, Jennifer M; Liberto, James; Mancuso, Deborah T; Medina, Jorge E; Palmer, Ann M; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Potts, LeRoy G; RAIO-FONS-IS;Saunier, Jon-Paul; Schaper, Michael C; Sicard, Kimberly R; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Villasenor, Eissa M Higgins, Jennifer B; Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Fritz, Debra A; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST]: EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) OHSVetting Report.pdf; DRAFT_E013780 Section 5 100-day Progress Report_Draft_052217 USCIS.docx; For reference only -USCIS100-Day Vetting Report RAIO comments(Draft).docx From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Importance: High All, Due by 5 - Julie gave us a head start by incorporating the comments we previously submitted. I have also attached our prior comments (the file named For reference only-). Only provide comments on the document DRAFT E013780. From: Farnam, Julie E Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:28 PM To: RAIO Clearance Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B Subject: FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report Hi, RAIOI know your directorate had a lot of edits to the interview section in particular on the USCISreport. I've updated this OHS report with the revised language and edits you provided, if it is helpful for you to work off of this version. Please see attached. Julie Farnam Senior Advisor Field Operations Directorate r~l T Citizenship ~:~~;ation Services This communication, along with any attachments, may contain confidential information and is covered by federal laws governing electronic communications. Electronic communications may also be monitored by the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000149 use, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. immediately notify the sender. If you have received this in error, please delete this message and all attachments and From: Drake, Johnetta On Behalf Of USCIS Exec Sec Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:12 PM To: HQ Field Operations; #USCIS - IRIS Tasking List; #USCIS OLA Clearance; Policy-Clearance; Graziadio, Josie; RAIO Clearance; FDNSExecSec; Beason, Daniel J; Davidson, Andrew J; RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); SCOPS-Clearance; Arroyo, Susan K; Padilla, April Y; Cox, Sophia; Moran, Karla V; Weller, Angela V; Button, Maria G (Gemma); usersMGT Tasks; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Hawkins, Donald K; Baker, Tamara L; Sawyer, Kristina S (Kristy); Chappell-Kirby, Shvonne L; Irazabal, Luz F; USCIS Privacy Inquiries; Defensor, Michael R; MO-Clearance Cc: Valverde, Michael; Compton, Dana C; Neufeld, Donald W; usersExec Sec; usersExec Sec; Farnam, Julie E Subject: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High Good Afternoon, Please review the attached Executive Order 13780: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into The United States. This is the government-wide 100-day report. DUE: 5PM, TODAY, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 We request a response from the following USCIS Offices: FOD, FDNS, IRIS, OLA, MGT, OP&S, RAIO, PVY, and SCOPS. To register your response, click here. Johnetta Drake USC/SO ice o the Executive Secretariat (Cell) (Desk) (Office) ~---~ (b)(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000150 Symons,Craig M Tuesday,May 23, 2017 12:46 PM Fredericks, Christopher;Whitney, RonaldW; RALD; RAIO Clearance;Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Zengotitabengoa,Colleen R; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens,JessicaD; Katz, JonathanE Mccament, JamesW; Renaud,Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, BarbaraL; Stone,Mary M; Baker, KatherineH; Moore, JosephD; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen,Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; OCC-Clearance;Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna RE: FY18 SecretaryKelly Qs.docx From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Yes. Craig M. Symons Chief Counsel I Office of the Chief Counsel U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services U.S. Department of Homeland Secmitv Tel. i Cell 1 ...... ---~ !I (b )(6) This communication,along with any attachments,may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this messageis not the intendedrecipient,you are herebynotified that any dissemination,distribution, useor copyingof this messageis strictly prohibited. If you havereceivedthis in error, pleasereply immediatelyto the senderand deletethis message.Thank you. From: Fredericks, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:45 PM To: Whitney, Ronald W; RALD; RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens, Jessica D; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; DCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Thanks Ron. With theseedits is this clearedby OCC? ************************************** Chris Fredericks Chief, Budgetand PlanningDivision Office of the Chief Financial Officer US Citizenshipand Immigration Services Phone: .__I ___ _____, (b)(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000151 chris.fredericks@dhs.gov From: Whitney, Ronald W Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:42 PM To: RALD; RAIO Clearance; Fredericks, Christopher; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens, Jessica D; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; CCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Here are a few edits from OCC: AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT (b )(5) DHS-18-0360-S-000152 (b )(5) Ron Whitney Deputy Chief, Refugee and Asylum Law Division USCIS, Office of the Chief Counsel I ~~e~ice (b )(6) From: RALD Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:33 AM To: RAIO Clearance; Fredericks, Christopher; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Whitney, Ronald W; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens, Jessica D; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; RALD; CCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000153 Adding back in the RALD managers. Thanks, Jamesfor the RALD Box James C. Crescitelli Associate Counsel Refugee and Asylum Law Division (b )( 6) Office: I I From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:15 PM To: Fredericks, Christopher; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; RALD; OCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Hello, Apologies for the delay. Here are RAIO's responses: AMERICAN PVERSIGHT (b)(5) DHS-18-0360-S-000154 (b )(5) RAIO Clearance AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000155 Michael Defensor From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:12 AM To: Fredericks, Christopher; RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx We are finalizing. Hope to havethe draft for OCC for review shortly. From: Fredericks, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 2:24:53 PM To: RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M Subject: FW: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx RAIO, OP&S, Attached are three questionsfrom Rep. Roybal-Allard, Ranking Member on the House Appropriations Subcommitteeon HomelandSecurity. DHS Budget has requestedour responses by 10 AM in order to facilitate a preparationsessionwith SecretaryKelly at 2 PM this afternoon. I havealreadyexpressedhow unreasonablethis requestis, but told DHS Budgetwe would do what we could to try and get them responsestoday. Pleaseacceptmy apologiesfor the unreasonablerequest,and let me know if you havequestions. Thank you, Chris ************************************** Chris Fredericks Chief, Budget and Planning Division Office of the Chief Financial Officer US Citizenship and Immigration Services Phone:I, , I (b )(6) chris.fredericks@dhs.gov DHS-18-0360-S-000156 Referred to Department of Homeland Security AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000157 Grammer,Alexandra C (Alex) Tuesday,May 23, 2017 2:07 PM Ruppel,Joanna Higgins, Jennifer B RE: FY18 SecretaryKelly Qs.docx From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Will do From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 2:34 PM To: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex) Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B Subject: FW: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Alex, I think this is the final version. Can a cleanversion be savedon the Congressionaltracker so we can reuseif needed? Thanks, Joanna JoannaRuppel Chief, InternationalOperationsDivision USCIS Refugee,Asylum and InternationalOperationsDirectorate Joanna.Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov I I (b)(6) From: Whitney, Ronald W Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:42 PM To: RALD; RAIO Clearance; Fredericks, Christopher; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens, Jessica D; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; CCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Here are a few edits from OCC: AMERICAN PVERSIGHT (b )(5) DHS-18-0360-S-000158 (b )(5) AMcn1vAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000159 (b)(6) Ron Whitney Deputy Chief, Refugeeand Asylum Law Division of the Chief Counsel - office - cell From: RALD Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:33 AM To: RAIO Clearance; Fredericks, Christopher; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Whitney, Ronald W; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens, Jessica D; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; RALD; OCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Adding back in the RALD managers. Thanks, Jamesfor the RALD Box James C. Crescitelli Associate Counsel Refugee and Asylum Office: I Law Division I (b )( 6) From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:15 PM To: Fredericks, Christopher; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; RALD; OCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000160 Hello, Apologiesfor the delay. Here are RAIO's responses: AMERICAN PVERSIGHT (b )(5) DHS-18-0360-S-000161 (b)(5) RAIO Clearance Michael Defensor From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:12 AM To: Fredericks, Christopher; RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx We are finalizing. Hopeto havethe draft for OCC for review shortly. From: Fredericks, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 2:24:53 PM To: RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M Subject: FW: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000162 RAIO, OP&S, Attached are three questionsfrom Rep. Roybal-Allard, Ranking Memberon the House Appropriations Subcommitteeon HomelandSecurity. DHS Budget hasrequestedour responses by 10 AM in order to facilitate a preparationsessionwith SecretaryKelly at 2 PM this afternoon. I havealreadyexpressedhow unreasonablethis requestis, but told DHS Budgetwe would do what we could to try and get them responsestoday. Pleaseacceptmy apologiesfor the unreasonablerequest,and let me know if you havequestions. Thank you, Chris ************************************** Chris Fredericks Chief, Budgetand PlanningDivision Office of the Chief Financial Officer US Citizenship and Immigration Services Phone:I I (b)(6) chris.fredericks@dhs.gov AM[ Referred to Department of Homeland Security PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000163 Referred to Department of Homeland Security AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000164 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Higgins, Jennifer B Tuesday,May 23, 2017 2:31 PM Chiorazzi,Anne; Mura, ElizabethE; RAIO Clearance;Ruppel, Joanna;Villasenor, EissaM; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier,Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers;Burdine,Tonya L; Nicholson, MauraJ Stone,Mary M; Strack, BarbaraL; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso,DeborahT; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia,Dimple D; Grammer,Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James;Baker, KatherineH; RAIO Clearance RE: FY18 SecretaryKelly Qs.docx Thanks. I took careof it. I wantedto show that (b)(5) From: Chiorazzi, Anne Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 6:22:03 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; Mura, Elizabeth E; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Jennifer, (b )(5) From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:26 AM To: Mura, Elizabeth E; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000165 (b)(5) From: Mura, Elizabeth E Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:23:52 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Here's our response: (b )(5) Elizabeth E. Mura Operations Branch Chief - Asylum Division Refugee,Asylum and International Operations Directorate Dept. of Homeland Security/U.S. Citizenshi_:& Immigration Services _ Desk:I I Mobile:!, I Fax: (202)272-1681 1 (b)(6) From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:11 AM To: Mura, Elizabeth E; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Thanks everyone! From: Mura, Elizabeth E Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:10:36 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000166 We're finishing up QI. Elizabeth E. Mura Operations Branch Chief - Asylum Division Refugee,Asylum and International Operations Directorate Dept. of Homeland Security/U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services Desk:I I Mobile:I I Fax: (202)272-1681 (b)(6) From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:07 AM To: RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx RAD,ASM How are you coming on the other two? RecommendsendingJoanna'sdraft to RALD to get them reviewing given the timeline. From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:02:37 PM To: Ruppel, Joanna; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; Higgins, Jennifer B; RAIO Clearance Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Thanks Joanna. Hi all, Should I forward this response? Or await for answersto Ql & Q2? RAIO Clearance Michael From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:50 AM To: RAIO Clearance; Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Liberto, James; AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000167 Baker, Katherine H Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx I think we can usesomeprevioustalking points RAD preparedin responseto a similar question from the hill to answerthe third question: (b )(5) JoannaRuppel Chief, InternationalOperationsDivision USCIS Refugee,Asylum and InternationalOperationsDirectorate Joanna.Ruooel@uscis.dhs.gov I (b)(6) From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:31 AM To: Villasenor, Eissa M; Sicard, Kimberly R; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Ruppel, Joanna; Nicholson, Maura J Cc: Chiorazzi, Anne; Mura, Elizabeth E; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Mancuso, Deborah T; Teferra, Leikun; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); RAIO Clearance; Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H Subject: FW: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000168 Hi All, Just adding a few othersthat were not included in the initial email by Chris below. DUE: 10am today RAIO Clearance Michael From: Fredericks, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:25 AM To: RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M Subject: FW: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx RAIO, OP&S, Attached are three questionsfrom Rep. Roybal-Allard, Ranking Memberon the House Appropriations Subcommitteeon HomelandSecurity. OHS Budget hasrequestedour responses by 10 AM in order to facilitate a preparationsessionwith SecretaryKelly at 2 PM this afternoon. I havealreadyexpressedhow unreasonablethis requestis, but told OHS Budgetwe would do what we could to try and get them responsestoday. Pleaseacceptmy apologiesfor the unreasonablerequest,and let me know if you havequestions. Thank you, Chris ************************************** Chris Fredericks Chief, Budgetand PlanningDivision Office of the Chief Financial Officer US Citizenship and Immigration Services (b)(6) Phone:.....,_I ~----'I chris.fredericks@dhs.gov AMb Referred to Department of Homeland Security PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000169 Referred to Department of Homeland Security AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000170 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Renaud,Tracy L Tuesday,May 23, 2017 2:46 PM Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Fredericks,Christopher;Whitney, Ronald W; RALD; RAIO Clearance;Zengotitabengoa,Colleen R; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens,JessicaD; Katz, JonathanE Mccament, JamesW; Young, Todd P; Symons,Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, BarbaraL; Stone,Mary M; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, JosephD; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; OCC-Clearance;Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna RE: FY18 SecretaryKelly Qs.docx I am good as wel I, Chris. Tracy L. Renaud Acting Deputy Director US Citizenship & Immigration Services Denartment 1 or(~e~~)ela(~)e(6)ty From: Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:52 PM To: Fredericks, Christopher; Whitney, Ronald W; RALD; RAIO Clearance; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens, Jessica D; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; CCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx I'm good. Kathy Nuebel Kovarik OP&S From: Fredericks, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:46 PM To: Whitney, Ronald W; RALD; RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens, Jessica D; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; CCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Thank you! ************************************** Chris Fredericks Chief, Budget and Planning Division Office of the Chief Financial Officer AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000171 US Citizenship and Immigration Services I Phone: chris.fre-d-er-ic-ks_@_d_h-s.~gov (b)( 6) From: Whitney, Ronald W Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:46 PM To: Fredericks, Christopher; RALD; RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens, Jessica D; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; OCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Yes, OCC clearswith theseedits. Ron Whitney Deputy Chief, Refugee and Asylum Law Division USCIS, Office of the Chief Counsel I 1~ (b)(6) ~e~ice From: Fredericks, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:45 AM To: Whitney, Ronald W; RALD; RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens, Jessica D; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; OCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Thanks Ron. With theseedits is this clearedby OCC? ************************************** Chris Fredericks Chief, Budget and Planning Division Office of the Chief Financial Officer US Citizenship and Immigration Services I I Phone: (b)( 6) chris.fredericks@dhs.gov From: Whitney, Ronald W Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:42 PM To: RALD; RAIO Clearance; Fredericks, Christopher; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens, Jessica D; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; OCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000172 Here are a few edits from OCC: AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT (b )(5) DHS-18-0360-S-000173 (b )(5) Ron Whitney Deputy Chief, Refugee and Asylum Law Division USCIS, Office of the Chief Counsel (b )(6) I t~e~ice From: RALD Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:33 AM To: RAIO Clearance; Fredericks, Christopher; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy; Zengotitabengoa, Colleen R; Whitney, Ronald W; Hammill, Hunter A; Owens, Jessica D; Katz, Jonathan E Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; RALD; CCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Adding back in the RALD managers. Thanks, Jamesfor the RALD Box James C. Crescitelli AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000174 Associate Counsel Refugee and Asylum Law Division Office: I I (b )( 6) From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:15 PM To: Fredericks, Christopher; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M; RALD; CCC-Clearance; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx Hello, Apologies for the delay. Here are RAIO's responses: AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT (b)(5) DHS-18-0360-S-000175 (b)(5) RAIO Clearance Michael Defensor From: Higgins, Jennifer B Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:12 AM To: Fredericks, Christopher; RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M Subject: RE: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx We are finalizing. Hope to havethe draft for OCC for review shortly. AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000176 From: Fredericks, Christopher Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 2:24:53 PM To: RAIO Clearance; Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy Cc: Mccament, James W; Renaud, Tracy L; Young, Todd P; Symons, Craig M; Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; RALD; Baker, Katherine H; Moore, Joseph D; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Alfonso, Angelica M Subject: FW: FY18 Secretary Kelly Qs.docx RAIO, OP&S, Attachedarethree questionsfrom Rep. Roybal-Allard, Ranking Memberon the House AppropriationsSubcommitteeon HomelandSecurity. OHS Budgethasrequestedour responses by 10 AM in order to facilitate a preparationsessionwith SecretaryKelly at 2 PM this afternoon. I havealreadyexpressedhow unreasonablethis requestis, but told OHS Budgetwe would do what we could to try and get them responsestoday. Pleaseacceptmy apologiesfor the unreasonablerequest,and let me know if you havequestions. Thank you, Chris ************************************** Chris Fredericks Chief, Budgetand PlanningDivision Office of the Chief FinancialOfficer US Citizenshipand ImmigrationServices Phone:I, , I (b )(6) chris.fredericks@dhs.gov AM [ Referred to Department of Homeland Security PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000177 Referred to Department of Homeland Security AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000178 From: Sent: To: Subject: Higgins, Jennifer B Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:14 PM Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L FW: Meeting with RAIO regarding study on sexual and gender based violence and child migration from Central America Would like your thoughts and any background you may have on prior meetings/engagements....we would probably need to include OP&Sand OCCif we do meet. From: Lisa Frydman [mailto:lfrydman@supportkind.org7 Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 1:38 PM To: Higgins, Jennifer B; jennifer.higgins@uscis.dhs.gov Subject: Meeting with RAIO regarding study on sexual and gender based violence and child migration from Central America Dear Jennifer, I hope this email finds you well, and that one of the above emails I have for you is correct. The week of June 5, Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) and the Centro de Derechos Hu ma nos Fray Matias de Cordova, a Mexican human rights organization, will be releasing a co-researched and co-authored study on sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) and child migration from Central America. The study looks at SGBV and access to justice and protection from violence for child victims in countries of origin, SGBV during migration (i.e. in transit and while living in Mexico) and access to international protection and justice in Mexico, U.S. funding to Central America to address root causes of migration including SGBV, and U.S. funding to Mexico to strengthen both its refugee system and enforcement capabilities. Staff from Fray Matias, as well as from ORM USA - a Salvadoran women's rights organization with expertise in the justice system - will be in DC to participate in events with KIND. We would appreciate the opportunity to meet with RAIO to share our findings regarding SGBV in the region and Mexico's asylum system, and to engage in dialogue about USCIS'sefforts in Mexico to improve access to asylum. Currently we have the following dates and times available: June June June June 6 afternoon 7 afternoon 8 until 2:30pm 9 afternoon **If the only options available for you all that week are the morning of June 6 or sometime June 5 we would still be interested in meeting, we just may not have the Salvadoran organization in DC yet. Thank you very much, and hopefully there is a time that works! AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000179 Best regards , Lisa Lisa Frydman Vice President, Regional Policy and Initiatives Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) 200 Pine Street, Third Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Office: (415) 694-7381 Mobile: (510) 846-2265 lfrydman@supportkind .org www .supportkind.org c=JIDD Confidentiality Notice : The information conta ined in this email and any atta chments is intended for the recipient(s) listed above and may be privileged and confidential. Any dissemination, copying, or use of or reliance upon such information by or to anyone other than the recipient(s) listed above, is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately at the email address above and destroy any and all copies of this message. AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000180 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Medina, Jorge E Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:23 PM RAIO Clearance Allen, Eugene A; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Chiorazzi, Anne; Gill, Lori R; Kline, Jennifer M; Liberto, James; Mancuso, Deborah T; Palmer, Ann M; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Potts, LeRoy G; RAIO-FONS-IS; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Schaper, Michael C; Sicard, Kimberly R; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Villasenor, Eissa M; Higgins, Jennifer B; Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Fritz, Debra A; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Medina, Jorge E FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST]: EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) DRAFT_EO13780 Section 5 100-day Progress Report_Draft_052217 USCIS IO.docx RAIO Clearance, Please see attached IO's edits. Thanks! Jorge From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:34 PM To: Allen, Eugene A; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Chiorazzi, Anne; Gill, Lori R; Kline, Jennifer M; Liberto, James; Mancuso, Deborah T; Medina, Jorge E; Palmer, Ann M; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Potts, LeRoy G; RAIO-FDNS-IS; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Schaper, Michael C; Sicard, Kimberly R; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Villasenor, Eissa M Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Fritz, Debra A; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L Subject: FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High All, Due by 5 - Julie gave us a head start by incorporating the comments we previously submitted. I have also attached our prior comments (the file named For reference only-). Only provide comments on the document DRAFT EO13780. From: Farnam, Julie E Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:28 PM To: RAIO Clearance Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B Subject: FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High Hi, RAIO- AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000181 I know your directorate had a lot of edits to the interview section in particular on the USCISreport. I've updated this DHS report with the revised language and edits you provided, if it is helpful for you to work off of this version. Please see attached. Julie Farnam Senior Advisor Field Operations Directorate ar u.sl. Citizenship (d) Immigration Services (b)(6) (c) This communication, along with any attachments, may contain confidential information and is covered by federal laws governing electronic communications. Electronic communications may also be monitored by the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this in error, please delete this message and all attachments and immediately notify the sender. From: Drake, Johnetta On Behalf Of USCIS Exec Sec Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:12 PM To: HQ Field Operations; #USCIS - IRIS Tasking List; #USCIS OLA Clearance; Policy-Clearance; Graziadio, Josie; RAIO Clearance; FDNSExecSec; Beason, Daniel J; Davidson, Andrew J; RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); SCOPS-Clearance; Arroyo, Susan K; Padilla, April Y; Cox, Sophia; Moran, Karla V; Weller, Angela V; Button, Maria G (Gemma); usersMGT Tasks; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Hawkins, Donald K; Baker, Tamara L; Sawyer, Kristina S (Kristy); Chappell-Kirby, Shvonne L; Irazabal, Luz F; USCIS Privacy Inquiries; Defensor, Michael R; MO-Clearance Cc: Valverde, Michael; Compton, Dana C; Neufeld, Donald W; USCIS Exec Sec; USCIS Exec Sec; Farnam, Julie E Subject: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High Good Afternoon, Please review the attached Executive Order 13780: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into The United States. This is the government-wide 100-day report. DUE: 5PM, TODAY, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 We request a response from the following USCIS Offices: FOO, FONS, IRIS, OLA, MGT, OP&S, RAIO, PVY, and SCOPS. To register your response, click here. Johnetta Drake USCISO ice of the Executive Secretariat {Cell) ,__ ___ ___, (Desk) (b )(5) AMERICA1 PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000182 ~-~If Office) (b )(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000183 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Sohrakoff, Karen A Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:25 PM RAIO Clearance; Allen, Eugene A; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Chiorazzi, Anne; Gill, Lori R; Kline, Jennifer M; Liberto, James; Mancuso , Deborah T; Medina, Jorge E; Palmer, Ann M; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Potts, LeRoy G; RAIO-FONS-IS;Saunier, Jon-Paul; Schaper, Michael C; Sicard, Kimberly R; Villasenor, Eissa M Higgins, Jennifer B; Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Fritz, Debra A; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Leigh, Jessica K; Sohrakoff, Karen A RE: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST]: EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) DRAFT_EO13780 Section 5 100-day Progress Report_Draft_052217 USCIS TRIG.docx Edits to the TRIG section attached. K. Sohrakoff RAIO TRIG Program Branch Chief . ,. ... • (~ 1 U.S. Cituenship and lmmlgratf on •··~•),' Services From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:34 PM To: Allen, Eugene A; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Chiorazzi, Anne; Gill, Lori R; Kline, Jennifer M; Liberto, James; Mancuso, Deborah T; Medina, Jorge E; Palmer, Ann M; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Potts, LeRoy G; RAIO-FDNS-IS; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Schaper, Michael C; Sicard, Kimberly R; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Villasenor, Eissa M Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Fritz, Debra A; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L Subject: FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High All, Due by 5 - Julie gave us a head start by incorporating the comments we previously submitted. I have also attached our prior comments (the file named For reference only-). Only provide comments on the document DRAFT EO13780. From: Farnam, Julie E Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:28 PM To: RAIO Clearance Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B Subject: FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000184 Hi, RAIOI know your directorate had a lot of edits to the interview section in particular on the USCISreport. I've updated this OHS report with the revised language and edits you provided, if it is helpful for you to work off of this version. Please see attached. Julie Farnam Senior Advisor Field Operations Directorate U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services )~11 I (b)( 6 ) This communication, along with any attachments, may contain confidential information and is covered by federal laws governing electronic communications. Electronic communications may also be monitored by the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this in error, please delete this message and all attachments and immediately notify the sender. From: Drake, Johnetta On Behalf Of USCIS Exec Sec Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:12 PM To: HQ Field Operations; #USCIS - IRIS Tasking List; #USCIS OLA Clearance; Policy-Clearance; Graziadio, Josie; RAIO Clearance; FDNSExecSec;Beason, Daniel J; Davidson, Andrew J; RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); SCOPS-Clearance;Arroyo, Susan K; Padilla, April Y; Cox, Sophia; Moran, Karla V; Weller, Angela V; Button, Maria G (Gemma); USCIS MGT Tasks; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Hawkins, Donald K; Baker, Tamara L; Sawyer, Kristina S (Kristy); Chappell-Kirby, Shvonne L; Irazabal, Luz F; USCIS Privacy Inquiries; Defensor, Michael R; MO-Clearance Cc: Valverde, Michael; Compton, Dana C; Neufeld, Donald W; USCIS Exec Sec; USCIS Exec Sec; Farnam, Julie E Subject: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High Good Afternoon, Please review the attached Executive Order 13780: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into The United States. This is the government-wide 100-day report. DUE: 5PM, TODAY, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 We request a response from the following USCIS Offices: FOO, FONS, IRIS, OLA, MGT, OP&S, RAIO, PVY, and SCOPS. To register your response, click here. Johnetta Drake USCIS Office of the Executive Secretariat AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000185 □ (Cell) (Desk) (Office) (b )(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000186 Dhabalia, Dimple D Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:38 PM Higgins, Jennifer B FORYOUR REVIEW- RAIO Bi-Weekly w/Dl and D2 Agenda and Talking Points ATTACHMENT A-Asylum Dashboard 5-22-17.pdf; ATTAHCMENT B Summary EO Actions_052317.pdf; ATTACHMENT C - Background Information Transportation Letter Fraud.docx; ATTACHMENT D LACC Training Schedule and Attendees.pdf; ATTACHMENT E Analysis Addis Ababa 05-12-17.docx; RAIO Meeting Agenda 05.24.2017.docx; RAIO Meeting Agenda and Talking Points - 05.24.2017.docx From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hi Jennifer, Pleasefind attacheda draft of the talking points and agendaaswell as attachmentsfor your review. Looking forward to your comments/edits.Thanks. Regards, Dimple From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 6:28 PM To: Dhabalia, Dimple D Subject: RE: RAIO Front Office Meetings - Week of 05.22.2017 Yes. I also chatted with Jennifer when she came in. I have updated the document. Not sure how to upload attachments in a way that it will be obvious what they go with, so am attaching here. Let me know if you need anything else. Joanna Joanna Ruppel Chief, International Operations Division USCISRefugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate Joanna. Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov I I (b)(6) From: Dhabalia, Dimple D Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 5:56 PM To: Ruppel, Joanna Subject: RE: RAIO Front Office Meetings - Week of 05.22.2017 I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that. I would err on the side of including it for now and I can take it out when I go through them with her if needed. Will that work? From: Ruppel, Joanna Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 5:50 PM To: Dhabalia, Dimple D Subject: RE: RAIO Front Office Meetings - Week of 05.22.2017 AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000187 Do you know if Jennifer has passed on the Ethiopia analysis to the front office yet? I would ask her to follow up on that at the meeting, but not if she has not had a chance to review the paper yet. Joanna Ruppel Chief, International Operations Division USCISRefugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate Joanna. Ruppel@uscis.dhs.gov I I (b)(6) From: Dhabalia, Dimple D Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 2:38 PM To: RAIO- Executive Leadership Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Chiorazzi, Anne; Russo, Elisabeth Y; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B Subject: RE: RAIOFront Office Meetings - Week of 05.22.2017 All, Just a gentle reminderthat any agendaitems for the AD's meeting and Transformation Leadership Meeting were due to Jenniferat noon today and that I needtalking points info updatedon the ECN by COB today. Thank you! Regards, Dimple (b)(6) DlMPLEDHABALlAISPEClALAsSlSTANT IUSClS REFUGEE,AsYLUMANDlNTERNATI0NAL OPERATIONS DlRECT0RATE Office l~--~11 Mobile(DC): ~I--~I IL'2ld.imple.d..d.hahalia@uscis.d.hs.gov From: Dhabalia, Dimple D Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 5:53 PM To: RAIO- Executive Leadership Cc: Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Chiorazzi, Anne; Russo, Elisabeth Y; Caudill-Mirilla, Ashley B Subject: RAIOFront Office Meetings - Week of 05.22.2017 Good Afternoon, Next week Jennifer hasthe following meetingsscheduledwith the F/0: • • • Associate Directors' Meeting - Tuesday,05.23 at 9:30am(notify Jennifer of any issuesto raise by noon on Monday, May 22) TransformationLeadershipMeeting - Tuesday,05.23 at 11am (notify Jennifer of any issuesto raise by noon on Monday, May 22) Bi-Weekly with Dl/D2 - Wednesday,05.24 at 4:00pm (materials due back to Dimple no later than COB Monday, May 22 - link to the template highlighted below) You can find the templatefor the agendaand talking points for the Bi-Weekly with Dl/D2 on the ECN underthe Dl tab (pleaselet me know if you cannotaccessthe site). AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000188 Please note that the F/0 has requests the agenda 24 hours in advance of the meeting, therefore I appreciate your cooperation in updating the information no later than COB, Monday, May 22, 2017 so I can timely forward it on to Jennifer and the F/0 for review prior to the meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your assistance. Have a nice weekend! Regards, Dimple DlMPLEDHABALlAISPEClALAsSlSTANTIUSClS REFUGEE,AsYLUMANDlNTERNA Tl0NALOPERATl0NSDlRECTORATE Office I I Mobile(DC):I II~ dimple.d.dhahalia@uscis.dhs.gov (b )(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000189 Kim, Ted H Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:42 PM Higgins, Jennifer B; Lafferty, John L FW: Discuss Immigration Fraud Rate/Fraud Vulnerabilities Paper From: Sent: To: Subject: So that's my problem: I like counting things that are easy. From: Pejic, Gregory Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 4:17 PM To: Farnam, Julie E; Montezemolo, Markus K (Mark) Cc: Palmer, Ann M; Moulton, Shayla S; Kim, Ted H; Davidson, Andrew J; Kassekert, Anthony J Subject: RE: Discuss Immigration Fraud Rate/Fraud Vulnerabilities Paper Julie/Marc - I am sharing the attached slides in preparation for our discussion tomorrow. These are a subset of slides from a presentation we made last month to update leadership on the activities of the Metrics WG. I think these slides help illustrate the comment we provided on the draft report regarding undetected fraud. Look forward to hearing your thoughts on this tomorrow. [] ~ ~tmemmb -----Original Appointment----From: Montezemolo, Markus K (Mark) Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:02 PM To: Montezemolo, Markus K (Mark); Kassekert, Anthony J; Pejic, Gregory Cc: Palmer, Ann M; Farnam, Julie E; Moulton, Shayla S; Kim, Ted H; Davidson, Andrew J Subject: Discuss Immigration Fraud Rate/Fraud Vulnerabilities Paper When: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 1:30 PM-2 :00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: l ~ (b)(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000190 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Chiorazzi, Anne Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:46 PM Sohrakoff, Karen A; RAIO Clearance; Allen, Eugene A; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Gill, Lori R; Kline, Jennifer M; Liberto, James; Mancuso, Deborah T; Medina, Jorge E; Palmer, Ann M; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Potts, LeRoy G; RAIO-FONS-IS;Saunier, Jon-Paul; Schaper, Michael C; Sicard, Kimberly R; Villasenor, Eissa M Higgins, Jennifer B; Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Fritz, Debra A; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Leigh, Jessica K RE: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST]: EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) DRAFT_EO13780 Section 5 100-day Progress Report_Draft_052217 USCIS.docx A few edits from RAD, attached. From: Sohrakoff, Karen A Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 4:25 PM To: RAIO Clearance; Allen, Eugene A; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Chiorazzi, Anne; Gill, Lori R; Kline, Jennifer M; Liberto, James; Mancuso, Deborah T; Medina, Jorge E; Palmer, Ann M; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Potts, LeRoy G; RAIO-FDNS-IS; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Schaper, Michael C; Sicard, Kimberly R; Villasenor, Eissa M Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Fritz, Debra A; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Leigh, Jessica K; Sohrakoff, Karen A Subject: RE: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Edits to the TRIG section attached. K. Sohrakoff RAIO TRIG Program Branch Chief /.- "~"•• \a •··~-~ 1i I U.S. andCitizenship lmmlgratfon Services From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:34 PM To: Allen, Eugene A; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Chiorazzi, Anne; Gill, Lori R; Kline, Jennifer M; Liberto, James; Mancuso, Deborah T; Medina, Jorge E; Palmer, Ann M; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Potts, LeRoy G; RAIO-FDNS-IS; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Schaper, Michael C; Sicard, Kimberly R; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Villasenor, Eissa M Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Fritz, Debra A; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L Subject: FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000191 All, Due by 5 - Julie gave us a head start by incorporating the comments we previously submitted. I have also attached our prior comments (the file named For reference only-). Only provide comments on the document DRAFTEO13780. From: Farnam, Julie E Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:28 PM To: RAIO Clearance Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B Subject: FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report Hi, RAIOI know your directorate had a lot of edits to the interview section in particular on the USCISreport. I've updated this DHS report with the revised language and edits you provided, if it is helpful for you to work off of this version. Please see attached. Julie Farnam Senior Advisor Field Operations Directorate U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ~~11 I (b )( 6) This communication, along with any attachments, may contain confidential information and is covered by federal laws governing electronic communications. Electronic communications may also be monitored by the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this in error, please delete this message and all attachments and immediately notify the sender. From: Drake, Johnetta On Behalf Of USCIS Exec Sec Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:12 PM To: HQ Field Operations; #USCIS - IRIS Tasking List; #USCIS OLA Clearance; Policy-Clearance; Graziadio, Josie; RAIO Clearance; FDNSExecSec;Beason, Daniel J; Davidson, Andrew J; RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); SCOPS-Clearance;Arroyo, Susan K; Padilla, April Y; Cox, Sophia; Moran, Karla V; Weller, Angela V; Button, Maria G (Gemma); usersMGT Tasks; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Hawkins, Donald K; Baker, Tamara L; Sawyer, Kristina S (Kristy); Chappell-Kirby, Shvonne L; Irazabal, Luz F; USCIS Privacy Inquiries; Defensor, Michael R; MO-Clearance Cc: Valverde, Michael; Compton, Dana C; Neufeld, Donald W; USCIS Exec Sec; USCIS Exec Sec; Farnam, Julie E Subject: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High Good Afternoon, AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000192 Please review the attached Executive Order 13780: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into The United States. This is the government-wide 100-day report. DUE: 5PM, TODAY, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 We request a response from the following USCIS Offices: FOO, FONS, IRIS, OLA, MGT, OP&S, RAIO, PVY, and SCOPS. To register your response, click here. Johnetta Drake USCIS Office of the Executive Secretariat □ (Cell) (Desk) (Office) (b )(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000193 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Sicard, Kimberly R Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3:50 PM RAIO Clearance; Allen, Eugene A; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Chiorazzi, Anne; Gill, Lori R; Kline, Jennifer M; Liberto, James; Mancuso, Deborah T; Medina, Jorge E; Palmer, Ann M; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Potts, LeRoy G; RAIO-FONS-IS;Saunier, Jon-Paul; Schaper, Michael C; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Villasenor, Eissa M Higgins, Jennifer B; Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Fritz, Debra A; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; Mura, Elizabeth E; Schaper, Michael C RE: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST]: EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) DRAFT_EO13780 Section 5 100-day Progress Report_Draft_052217 USCIS HQASM....docx Asylum's edits are attached. From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:34 PM To: Allen, Eugene A; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Chiorazzi, Anne; Gill, Lori R; Kline, Jennifer M; Liberto, James; Mancuso, Deborah T; Medina, Jorge E; Palmer, Ann M; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Potts, LeRoy G; RAIO-FDNS-IS; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Schaper, Michael C; Sicard, Kimberly R; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Villasenor, Eissa M Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Fritz, Debra A; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L Subject: FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High All, Due by 5 - Julie gave us a head start by incorporating the comments we previously submitted. I have also attached our prior comments (the file named For reference only-). Only provide comments on the document DRAFT EO13780. From: Farnam, Julie E Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:28 PM To: RAIO Clearance Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B Subject: FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High Hi, RAIO- AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000194 I know your directorate had a lot of edits to the interview section in particular on the USCISreport. I've updated this DHS report with the revised language and edits you provided, if it is helpful for you to work off of this version. Please see attached. Julie Farnam Senior Advisor Field Operations Directorate U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services )~11 I (b)( 6) This communication, along with any attachments, may contain confidential information and is covered by federal laws governing electronic communications. Electronic communications may also be monitored by the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this in error, please delete this message and all attachments and immediately notify the sender. From: Drake, Johnetta On Behalf Of USCIS Exec Sec Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:12 PM To: HQ Field Operations; #USCIS - IRIS Tasking List; #USCIS OLA Clearance; Policy-Clearance; Graziadio, Josie; RAIO Clearance; FDNSExecSec;Beason, Daniel J; Davidson, Andrew J; RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); SCOPS-Clearance;Arroyo, Susan K; Padilla, April Y; Cox, Sophia; Moran, Karla V; Weller, Angela V; Button, Maria G (Gemma); USCIS MGT Tasks; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Hawkins, Donald K; Baker, Tamara L; Sawyer, Kristina S (Kristy); Chappell-Kirby, Shvonne L; Irazabal, Luz F; USCIS Privacy Inquiries; Defensor, Michael R; MO-Clearance Cc: Valverde, Michael; Compton, Dana C; Neufeld, Donald W; USCIS Exec Sec; USCIS Exec Sec; Farnam, Julie E Subject: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High Good Afternoon, Please review the attached Executive Order 13780: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into The United States. This is the government-wide 100-day report. DUE: 5PM, TODAY, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 We request a response from the following USCIS Offices: FOO, FONS, IRIS, OLA, MGT, OP&S, RAIO, PVY, and SCOPS. To register your response, click here. Johnetta Drake USCIS Office of the Executive Secretariat □ (Cell) (Desk) (Office) (b)(6) AMERIC PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000195 Dhabalia, Dimple D Tuesday, May 23, 2017 4:00 PM Higgins, Jennifer B RAIO 101 Slides RAIO Overview 5.23.17 -.pptx; Budget and Staffing Breakdown.docx From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hi Jennifer, Here is anotherdraft of the slides and the budget/staffingbreakdown. Please note that we're waiting on RAD to provide some information aboutthe security and integrity piece,but I wantedto get this to you to start looking at the rest of it. Hopefully I addressedeverythingwe discussed,but let me know if you see anything else. Hope to havethe completeddeck to you tomorrow morning once I hearback from RAD. Thanks! Regards, Dimple DlMPLEDHABALlAISPEClALAsSlSTANTIUSClS REFUGEE,AsYLUMANDlNTERNA Tl0NALOPERATl0NSDlRECTORA TE Office ~I____ I Mobile(DC):~I--~I I ~ dimple.d.dhahalia@uscis.dhs.gov (b)(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000196 Mura, Elizabeth E Tuesday, May 23, 2017 4:10 PM Higgins, Jennifer B Hale, Arthur A Asylum Info Share background USCISFCCprocess flowcharts - Asylum responses.doc; USCISFCCprocess flowcharts -Asylum requests.doc; FCCInformation sharing HQASM 052317.docx From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Hi Jennifer, Please see the attached responses to the questions we discussed yesterday. Let Arthur and I know if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing how the briefing goes. Thanks, Beth Elizabeth E. Mura Operations Branch Chief - Asylum Division Refugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate Dept. of Homeland Security/U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services Desk: Mobile: Fax: (202)272-1681 I I I I (b)(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000197 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: RAIO Clearance Tuesday, May 23, 2017 4:14 PM Chinni, Ellen RAIO Clearance; Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna; Nicholson, Maura J; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Nasir, Syed A; Stover, Myles B FW: FY 2018 National Counterterrorism Budget (NCB) Data Collection Call Due Tuesday, May 23 FY18 OHS NCB Data Collection Tool - U-FOUO.xlsx; RAIO Budget Levels FY 15-16-17 with enhancements.xlsx Hello, RAIO RMB is providing the two attached documents for submission to the CFO Budget Formulation Branch in support of the FY 2018 National Counterterrorism Data Call. The RAIO related PROGRAM/SUBPROGRAMDESCRIPTIONhave been reviewed/updated by the Divisions. I have also attached a RAIO Directorate Level Budget Report that covers FY 15 to FY 17 for use by the CFO Budget Formulation Branch. This report does not contain any overhead related costs, which are captured at the CFO Level. I will follow up with the CFO Budget Formulation Branch to ensure no additional information is needed. Thanks RAIO Clearance Michael Defensor From: Chinni, Ellen Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 4:27 PM To: RAIOClearance; Liberto, James; Baker, Katherine H; Higgins, Jennifer B; Ruppel, Joanna; Nicholson, Maura J; Dhabalia, Dimple D Cc: Nasir, Syed A; Stover, Myles B Subject: FY 2018 National Counterterrorism Budget (NCB) Data Collection Call Due Tuesday, May 23 Importance: High Good Afternoon RAIO The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) has requested updated data on actual counterterrorism spending in FY 2016 and estimated funding for FYs2017 and 2018 to help meet the objectives of the U.S. National Strategy for Counterterrorism. The following documents are attached: • • Attachment 1 - NCTCcover memo and instructions Attachment 2 - OHS NCB Data Collection Tool AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000198 • Attachment 3 -To help with this data call and for reference, we are attaching RAIO's last response from Feb/March 2016 to the OCFO/Budget Formulation Branch The data call is similar to last year's data call. However, the Data Collection file is a bit more complex and has more drop down arrows on its columns. Please provide your completed NCB Data Tool by COB Tuesday, May 23 so that we can respond to OHS by May 31. We are factoring in ample time for review and clearance as well as the Memorial Day holiday. If you have any questions please contact Azmat Nasir at Azmat.nasirl@uscis.dhs.gov myles.b.stover@uscis.dhs.gov or myself at Ellen.chinni@uscis.dhs.gov Myles Stover at Thank you in advance for your assistance. Ellen Chinni Budget Analyst Budget Formulation Branch Budget and Planning Division U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 20 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Room 4010 Washington DC 20529 Ellen.chinni@uscis.dhs.gov I I (b)(6) pv ~ fef§a~ fieartment of Homeland Security DHS-18-0360-S-000199 Referred to Department of Homeland Security AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000200 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: RAIO Clearance Tuesday, May 23, 2017 4:55 PM Allen, Eugene A; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Chiorazzi, Anne; Gill, Lori R; Kline, Jennifer M; Liberto, James; Mancuso, Deborah T; Medina, Jorge E; Palmer, Ann M; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Potts, LeRoy G; RAIO-FONS-IS;Saunier, Jon-Paul; Schaper, Michael C; Sicard, Kimberly R; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Villasenor, Eissa M Higgins, Jennifer B; Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Fritz, Debra A; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L; RAIO Clearance RE: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST]: EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) DRAFT_EO13780 Section 5 100-day Progress Report_Draft_052217 RAIO.docx Hi All, Attached is what I will upload to Exec Sec for this task and wanted you all to have a copy. RAIO Clearance Michael From: RAIO Clearance Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:34 PM To: Allen, Eugene A; Asylum Taskers; Burdine, Tonya L; Chiorazzi, Anne; Gill, Lori R; Kline, Jennifer M; Liberto, James; Mancuso, Deborah T; Medina, Jorge E; Palmer, Ann M; Peralta Mihalko, Maria P (Pilar); Potts, LeRoy G; RAIO-FDNS-IS; Saunier, Jon-Paul; Schaper, Michael C; Sicard, Kimberly R; Sohrakoff, Karen A; Villasenor, Eissa M Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B; Baker, Katherine H; Defensor, Michael R; Dhabalia, Dimple D; Fritz, Debra A; Gipson, Angela E; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Kim, Ted H; Lafferty, John L; RAIO Clearance; Ruppel, Joanna; Stone, Mary M; Strack, Barbara L Subject: FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High All, Due by 5 - Julie gave us a head start by incorporating the comments we previously submitted. I have also attached our prior comments (the file named For reference only-). Only provide comments on the document DRAFT EO13780. From: Farnam, Julie E Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:28 PM To: RAIO Clearance Cc: Higgins, Jennifer B Subject: FW: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000201 Hi, RAIOI know your directorate had a lot of edits to the interview section in particular on the USCISreport. I've updated this OHS report with the revised language and edits you provided, if it is helpful for you to work off of this version. Please see attached. Julie Farnam Senior Advisor Field Operations Directorate U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services )~ii I (b)( 6 ) This communication, along with any attachments, may contain confidential information and is covered by federal laws governing electronic communications. Electronic communications may also be monitored by the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this in error, please delete this message and all attachments and immediately notify the sender. From: Drake, Johnetta On Behalf Of USCIS Exec Sec Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:12 PM To: HQ Field Operations; #USCIS - IRIS Tasking List; #USCIS OLA Clearance; Policy-Clearance; Graziadio, Josie; RAIO Clearance; FDNSExecSec;Beason, Daniel J; Davidson, Andrew J; RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); SCOPS-Clearance;Arroyo, Susan K; Padilla, April Y; Cox, Sophia; Moran, Karla V; Weller, Angela V; Button, Maria G (Gemma); USCIS MGT Tasks; Kerns, Kevin J; Borgen, Michael R; Hawkins, Donald K; Baker, Tamara L; Sawyer, Kristina S (Kristy); Chappell-Kirby, Shvonne L; Irazabal, Luz F; USCIS Privacy Inquiries; Defensor, Michael R; MO-Clearance Cc: Valverde, Michael; Compton, Dana C; Neufeld, Donald W; USCIS Exec Sec; USCIS Exec Sec; Farnam, Julie E Subject: ***HOT***HOT***HOT*** [CLEARANCEREQUEST] : EO 13780 60 / 100/ 200 day Report (DUE 5PM TODAY, MAY 23) Importance: High Good Afternoon, Please review the attached Executive Order 13780: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into The United States. This is the government-wide 100-day report. DUE: 5PM, TODAY, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 We request a response from the following USCIS Offices: FOO, FONS, IRIS, OLA, MGT, OP&S, RAIO, PVY, and SCOPS. To register your response, click here. Johnetta Drake USCIS Office of the Executive Secretariat I AMERIC lfce//J 6 b)( ) PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000202 (Desk) ,____ _ ___, l (Office) (b )(6) AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000203 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dhabalia, Dimple D Wednesday, May 24, 2017 5:27 AM Nasir, Syed A RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Gill, Lori R; Palmer, Ann M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Stover, Myles B; Chinni, Ellen; Liberto, James RE: USCIS- FY 2018 HAC/SAC Budget Briefings Thanksfor raising Azmat. I can't seethe screenshotson my phone,but I'll follow up with RAD and get back to you later this morning. Thank you. Dimple Dimple Dhabalia!SpecialAssistantI USCIS Refugee,Asylum and InternationalOperations (b)(6) Directorate Officei II Mobile:I II*: dimple.d.dhabalia@uscis.dhs.gov From: Nasir, Syed A Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 7:57:33 AM To: Dhabalia, Dimple D Cc: RAIO Clearance; Grammer, Alexandra C (Alex); Gill, Lori R; Palmer, Ann M; Lafferty, John L; Kim, Ted H; Strack, Barbara L; Stone, Mary M; Ruppel, Joanna; Higgins, Jennifer B; Stover, Myles B; Chinni, Ellen; Liberto, James Subject: RE: USCIS - FY 2018 HAC/SAC Budget Briefings Hi DimpleI need your assistance with a bullet on the Refugee slide of the FY 2018 HAC/SAC Budget Briefing deck. As you are aware, our FY 2018 budget was transmitted to Congress today, and in the Budget-inBrief (BIB) document, our FY 2016 Accomplishment reflects 84,994 number (see screenshot #1 below). However, if I look at the refugee number, which we have in the draft FY 2018 HAC/SAC deck, we have 84,945 (see screenshot #2 below). In advance, my apologies if I am not comparing apples-to-apples, but are we talking about the same thing? If yes, shouldn't we keep it consistent? Screenshot #1 AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-S-000204 FY 2016 Acco mp lisbm eots : • Prriml :1· L S. Depart ment of ll omclan ESEC-BB IC b 6 · b 7 Cc: MCALEENAN, KEVIN K b)(6); (b)( 7)(C) , oman, Thomas l.!.: (b::...!. ).!..: (6:.r. ·':-':=:-b~7~C7":-=C"":"'::":----........., Cissna, Francis 1b )(6): (b)( 7)(C) f, Hunter , Theresa b)(6) ; (b)( 7)(C) hah, Dimple b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Wo lf , Chad ~(b)(S): (b)( 7)(C) I Neumann , Eli zabe~th:--'-'T (~b~)( -,-'6 )~; ~(b-'-)(-=7,..... )(.....,.C) ---~---. 1fh)(n)· (h)(7)(r, ) (b)(6); (b)( 7)(C) Subject: RE: Heads Up - SI briefing next Mon For those who have not done so, please provide your briefing material ASAP or an ETA. Thanks. From : Short, Tracy Sent: Saturday, December 9, 2017 4:50 PM To : FLANAGAN, PATRICK S ¥b)(6); (b)( 7)(C) IBlank, Thomas ~---:-----;::::======---~ Kb)(6); (b)( 7)(C) ~ ies, Lora L f h)fn)· fh)f7)( r, ) ~; Krause , Scott (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Pet yo, Br iana b)(6); (b)( 7)(C) M'~ic'-:-h'-'-ae-'; l~b=;:= )(~6,;= );=;=; (b=:= )=::: (7;;" )(:'::C:":" )::::::!...:~-_:_----fc!:: ;2=P:;:E~TE~R~Ll;: IN~ ,~M~E:=: G:::-:H -:-A:-:N:-:-:N:-;--;-; Kr,:b-:l)l;-; (6:-:-):....;(:-:b);..;,(7 :;-;: )-;-: (C:::-: )---L~~~.:....'...!...:...!..... __ Dougherty, .--.....-r-1K ovarik, Kathy b)(6) ; (b)( 7)(C) Cc: MCALEENAN, KEVIN K ""(b'-)-'-(6'-);__ (-:-b )'-(7')'-(C')-;:::=======:::!..:... Hunter, Theresa kb)(6); (b)(7)( C) kb )(6): (b)( 7)(C) I I ; H_o_m_a n ...:...,' Thomas ""' (b:..:. ):....:: (6,):_(_ b)_(7_ )_ ( C_)_____ ~ha h, Dimple b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ..i......: C:..:.;-issna, Francis Wolf , Chad I Neumann, Elizabethkh)fn)· fh)f 7)f r, ) Kb)(6); (b)( 7)(C) Subject: RE: Heads Up - Sl briefing next Mon Compon ents, Please see the revised agenda below to assist you in preparing briefing material, which will be inserted into the attached slide deck. I have inserted each subsection of the agenda below in the attached slide deck for reference purposes only for each component. Some of the agenda items may need to be consolidated or revised. Please add relevant information, graphics, charts, etc. Components are allocated 8 slides, but use less if possib le. This should be no more than 25 slides total. Please focus the major ity of your respective presentations to discussing the "OHS Initiated Solutions" in each of your respective categories and, to a lesser extent, needed legislative solutions. For br iefi ng pur poses, be prepared to m ove quickly through t he "Snapshot" of the current situation on the gro und, to afford the majority of your time to discussing so lutions. Some of these issues have al ready been briefed recently, so if you use previous briefing materia ls please update the informat ion . Each component should send me their respective briefing slides by 4 :00 p.m., tomorrow, Sunday. Please let me know if you have questi p ns. I p - f\l \j M~RSIGHT DHS-18-0360-P-000008 2019-ICLl-00011 864 If there are existing slide decks that would be more appropriate for this material, please let me know ASAP. Once I get the material from the components, I will reach out to you to assist in packaging this up for review before it goes through the formal ESECclearance process. Thank you. Tracy (b )(5) ) MLHICA~ j DVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-P-000009 2019-ICLl-00011 865 b)(5) From : Short, Tracy Sen t: Friday, December 8, 2017 3:28 PM To : FLANAGAN PATRICKs =b-)(--=-6); ....,. (b-)(=7-)(..,.... C)------, (b)(6) ; (b)(?)(C) 1------- Cc: MCALEENAN, KEVIN K <(b)(6); ..__ ____ (b)(?)(C),-- Blank, Thomas Eb)(6) ; (b)(?)(C) ._ ______ ______ _. IRies, Lor a L Thomas L~~_,,.;..,;,,.,.;--;-,.,-':-::=:--,-:,-,-----'---, b)(6); (b)(?)(C) ......_Homan, __ ....:., b)(6); (b)(?)( C) unter, Theresa b)(6); (b)(7)( C) (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Neumann, Elizabeth (b)(6); (b)(7)( C) Subject: RE: Heads Up - Sl briefing next Mon Shah Dim e (b)(6); (b)(?)( C) ; Cissna, Francis ; Wolf, Chad ~-----------~ All, Please send yo ur responses ASAP. Tracy From : Short, Tracy Sent: Friday, December 8, 2017 1:14 PM To : FLANAGAN PATRICKS '""b...,.. )(.,..,,. 6,.... ); ...,.,. (b..,... )(=7),...,. (C""'" )-----, (b)(6); (b )(?)( C) Cc: MCALEENAN, KEVIN K b)(6); (b)(?)( C) L......;.-'---'---'-,'--'---'-...;......;.~------.....__--~ ; Homan, Thomas fb)(6): (b)(7)(C) !Cissna, Francis ................--;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=======!.:.; ; Shah, Dim ple b)(6); (b)(?)( C) Wolf, Chad l(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) !Hunter, Theresa b)(6); b 7 C Neumann, Elizabeth b)(6) ; (b)(?)( C) kb)(6): (b)(7)(C) Subject: RE: Heads Up - Sl briefing next Mon .______________ I t; Ries, Lora L Blank, Thomaskb )(6): (b)(7)(C) _. All, Attached is a draft agenda for the Immigration and Border Security briefing for Sl next Monday at 12:45. I have copied it into this email for ease. This will be a 90 minute briefing. I have probably over-included most of the relevant agenda items that I could think of based on prior briefings, but some may be missing or incomplete. Please review this draft agenda, revise , and consolidate the attached Word document into one doc u ment and ret u rn it to me ASAP, as once it is in final form it will be tasked back out to you through ESECto prepare the briefing materials. Please consolidate issues for efficiency. Thanks. ,ilCA~ 1p/ ERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-P-000010 2019-ICLl-00011 866 Secretary's Immigration and Border Security Briefing b)(S) AMLfHCA~ pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-P-000011 2019-ICLl-00011 867 From : Short , Tracy Sent : Friday, Decemb er 8, 2017 10:49 AM T.-o_ :__ F_ LA _N_A=G_A__ N.:.... , P_A_T_R_ IC_K__._ b""' )(_6)_; _ (b_)(_7)_(C_ )____ b)(6) ; (b)(7)( C) Cc: MCALEENAN, KEVIN (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) i,-(b-)(-6-):-(b_)__ (7-)(__ C_ ) __ r;Ries, Lor a L _. ; Blank, Thomas 4(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) · Homan, Tho mas J(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) ___:==============--------,! ~; Cissna, Francis Subject: Heads Up - S1 briefing next Mon All, S 1 has requested an immigra tion/border security briefing on Monday afternoon. I am working on an agenda and will share it soon. It will involve a discussion on (1) current operational pictur e (issues/concerns) for each component; and (2) solutions (short-term policy fixes and long-term, such as regs and legislation) . Please stand- by for further information . Thank s. Tracy AMLfHCA~ pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-P-000012 2019-ICLl-00011 868 From: Se nt: To : Subject: kb)(6): (b)(7)(C) 17 Aug 2018 21:10:44 +0000 Feere, Jon RE:WaPo: Reunited migrant families face an uncertain future Respectfully, kb)(6): (b)(7)(C) j Special Assistant Office of the Director U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 500 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20536 (202) 732 (b)(6); Desk) (202) 590 ~)( 7 )( Cell) From: Feere, Jon Sent : Friday, August 17, 2018 05:02 PM To j(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject: FW: WaPo: Reunited migrant families face an uncertain future (b)(5) Jon From : l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Sent : Friday, August 17, 2018 3:54 PM Subject: WaPo: Reunited migrant families face an uncertain future Reunited migrant families face an uncertain future AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-P-000013 2019 -ICLl -00011 869 Kovacic, Raymond 16 Jul 2018 17:23:44 +0000 Feere, Jon FW: Congressional Inquiry from Congressman Castro Fro m : Se nt: To: Subje ct : Hey Jon, Let's discuss when you have a moment. Thank you, Ray Raymond Kovacic Assistant Director ICE - Office of Congressional Relat ions Fro m¥b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Da te: Monday, Jul 16, 20~1_8~1_:_ 04_P _M _______ To: Kovacic, Raymond (b)(6);(b)(7)(C) ~ Cc: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subj ect: Congressional Inquiry from Congressman Castro Mr Kovacic We met in the Rio Grande Valley last month. I need your hep with a POC for ORR. Congressman Castro is helping fam ilies reunite after they have been released from custody . Do you have a POC for congress iona l inquiries at ORR? I am copyingKb)(6);(b)(7)(C) land passing inquiry along. Kb)(6);(b)(7)(C) Community Relations Officer Stakeho lder Engagement / Victims oflmmigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) U.S. Department of Home land Secur ity (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Desk: 210.28kb)(6): I Cell 210 38 b)(6); ,._,,-,,11""\\ Take care, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-P-000014 2019-ICLl-00011 870 Ray Raymond Kovacic Assistant Director ICE - Office of Congress iona l Re lat ions U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Office of Public Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 23, 2018 Zero-Tol erance Prosecution and Family Reunification The Department of Home land Security (DHS) and Healt h and Human Services (HHS) have a process established to ensure that family members know the location of their children and have regular communicat ion after separation to ensure that those adults who are subject to removal are reunited with their children for the purposes of removal. The United States government knows the location of all children in its custody and is working to reunite them with their families . As part of the apprehension, detention and prosecution process, illegal aliens, adults and children , are initially detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) before the children are sent to HHS' Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and parents to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody . Each entity plays a role in reunification. This process is well coordinated. U.S. Custom s and Bord er Pro tection • CBP has reunited 522 Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) in their custody w ho were separated from adults as part of the Zero Tolerance initiative. The reunions of an additional 16 UAC who were schedu led to be reunited on June 22, 2018 were delayed due to weather affecting travel and we expect they will all be reunited with their parents within the next 24 hours. There will be a small number of children who were separated for reasons other than zero tolerance that will remain separated : genera lly only if the fami lial relationship cannot be confirmed, we believe the adult is a threat to the safety of the child, or the adult is a criminal alien. • Because of the speed in which adults completed their criminal proceed ings, some children were still present at a United States Border Patrol (USBP) station at the time their parent(s) returned from court proceedings . In these cases, the USBP reunited the family and transferred them, together , to ICE custody as a family unit. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-P-000015 2019-ICLl -00011 871 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement • ICE has dedicated the Port Isabel Service Proc essing Center as the primary family reunification and removal center for adults in their custody. • A parent who is ordered removed from the U.S. may request that his or her minor chi ld accompany them. It should be noted that in the past many parents have elected to be removed without their children . • ICE has posted information in all of its facilities advising detained parents who are trying to locate, and/or communicate with, a child in the custody of HHS to call the Detention Reporting and Information Line for assistance , which is staffed by live operators Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 8 PM. • The information provided by these parents to the call operators will be forwarded to HHS for action. ICE and HHS will coordinate a review of their custodial data to identify where each child is located, verify the parent/child relationship , and set up regular communication and removal coordination, if necessary. • Each ICE Field Office has Juvenile Coordinators who manage these cases throughout the immigration court proceedings. • Further , ICE maintains a publicly available online detainee locator which can be used to locate adults detained by ICE. This site can be accessed at: https://locator.ice .gov/odls/#/index ICE has completed the following steps toward reunification: • Implemented an identification mechanism to ensure on-going tracking of linked family members throughout the detention and removal process; • Designated detention locations for separated parents and will enhance current processes to ensure communicat ion with children in HHS custody ; • Worked closely with foreign consulates to ensure that travel documents are issued for both the parent and child at time of removal; and • Coordinated with HHS for the reuniting of the child prior to the parents' departure from the United States. U.S. Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement • Minors come into HHS custody with information provided by DHS regarding how they illegally entered the country and whether or not they were with a parent or adult and , to the extent possible, the parent(s) or guardian(s) informa tion and location. There is a central database which HHS and DHS can access and update when a parent(s) or minor(s) location information changes. • As of June 20th HHS has 2,053 separated minors being cared for in HHS funded facilities, and is working with relevant agency partners to foster communications and work towards reuniting every minor and every parent or guardian via well- AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-P-000016 2019-ICLl-00011 872 established reunification processes. Currently only 17% of minors in HHS funded facilities were placed there as a result of Zero Tolerance enforcement , and the remaining 83% percent arrived to the United States without a parent or guardian. • Parent(s) or guardian(s) attempting to determine if their child is in the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in HHS Administrat ion for Children and Families should contact the ORR National Call Center (www.acf.hhs.gov /orr/resource /orr-national-call-center ) at 1-800-203-7001, or via email information @ORRNCC .com . Information will be collected and sent to HHS funded facility where minor is located. The ORR National Ca ll Center has numerous resources ava ilable for children , parent(s) , guardian(s) and sponsors . • Within 24 hours of arriving at an HHS funded facility minors are given the opport unity to communicate with a vetted parent, guardian or relative. While in HHS funded facilities' care, every effort is made to ensure minors are able to communicate (either telephonic or video depending on the circumstances) with their parent or guard ian (at least tw ice per week) . However , reasonab le safety precautions are in place to ensure that an adult w ishing to communicate with a minor is in fact that m inor's parent or guardian . • Minors in HHS funded facilities are permitted to call both family members and/or sponsors living in the United States and abroad . Attorneys representing minors have unlimited telephone access and the minor may speak to other appropriate stake holders , such as their consu late, the case coordinator, or child advocate . Add itiona l information on telephone calls, visitation , and mail policies are available in the policy guide. • Under HHS ' publicly available policy guide for Unaccompanied Alien Children , the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) releases minors to sponsors in the follow ing order of preference: parent; legal guardian; an adult relative (brother, sister , aunt , uncle , grandpar ent or first cous in); an adult individua l or entity designated by the parent or legal guardian (through a signed declaration or other document that ORR determines is sufficient to estab lish the signatory's parental/guardian relationship); a licensed program willing to accept legal custody; or an adu lt individual or entity seeking custody when it appears that there is no other likely alternative to long term ORR care and custody. ### AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT DHS-18-0360-P-000017 2019-ICLl-00011 873 Feere, Jon 8 May 2019 22:16:51 +0000 l