7/29/2019 Indicator 11: Child Find (Early Childhood Transition) a Trams [itiatrei-vnorq Amway Divisions State 2018- Performance School Year: 19 Username: Hector.Garzal4 Role: Certi?er Plan Home Data Entry District Admin Instructions and FAQ Exit Indicator I Child Find (Timely Initial Evaluation) Data from School Year 2018-19 District UNITED ISD (240903) Go District: UNITED ISD Region: 0] Data from School Year: 2018-19 Data Entry Open and Close Period: 6(1/2019 - ?lx?l 7/2019 Status: Incomplete Shou-il-Iide Instructions Data Collection Required Field TEA Home TEA A-Z Index TEA Locator TEA District Number: 240903 Help received. a. Number of students aged 3-21 for whom a verbal or written request for 918 a FIIE was received: (prior written notice must be provided in each request and in compliance with CFR ?300.503) 31.1. Number of students counted in in which the reason for request 2 indicates the child should have been referred prior to the current school year 21.2. Number of students ages 3-21 for whom signed, written parental 879 consent to evaluate was received (TEC ($29004) 21.3. Number of students determined not eligible: 21.4.) Must 132 ?14. Number of students determined eligible: a4.) Must 747 a5. Number of students determined eligible and the ARD committee 2 determined additional services are needed, taking into consideration support and services previously provided must be equal to or less than a.6. Types of additional services documented in the IEP (a student may count in multiple service types) i. Related services 0 ii. Supplementary aids services 2 Program modi?cations 2 Section One: Students ages 3-21 for whom a request for a Full and Individual Initial Evaluation (FIIE) was 1l3 7/29/2019 indicator 11: Child Find (Early Childhood Transition) iv. Supports for personnel 1 a7. Timeline to implement additional services (a student may count only once for longest service(s) duration) a.7. ii.) Must 21.5.] i. Up to six months 0 ii. More than six (6) months, up to one (1) year 2 Section Two: Evaluation and eligibility determined WITHIN State established timelines b. Number ot?students with evaluation report written within State 879 established timelines from receipt ot?signed, written parental consent district maintained detailed records ofreason for delay described in CPR c. Number of students with eligibility determined by ARD committee 879 within 30 calendar days from date ofevaluation report (TAC district maintained detailed records ofreason for delay described in CPR Section Three: Evaluations NOT within State established timelines d. Number of students with evaluation report NOT written within State 0 established timelines from receipt of signed. written parental consent. d2.) [Must (21.2. - d. 1. 1?30 calendar days over timeline d2. 31 or more calendar days over timeline e. Reasons for delay: l. e.2. e3. e4. e.5. [Must e. 1. LEA delay due to scheduling e2. LEA delay due to lack of available assessment personnel e3. LEA delay due to late report from contracted personnel e4. Parent delay (No detailed records maintained by LEA) e.5. Student transfer/enrollment into district prior to completion oftimelint begun in previous district (No detailed records maintained by LEA of agreement with parent to speci?c timeline for completion) (3.6. Other 0 rBrictl} Describe}: 100 characters maximum) District Percentage against 100% State target 100.0 Return History: 2/3