Directorate for total Government and Communities Planning and Artnitecture Planning Decisions v' Scottish Government Ringhultos no lirAleI A Euan FS Pearson Pearson Planning, Chartered Surveyors Your ref: Our ref: 22 November 2018 Dear Mr Pearson TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT) (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2017 APPLICATION TO SCOTTISH MINISTERS FOR A SCREENING DIRECTION (REGULATION 10): CONTINUED EXTRACTION OF PEAT AT LOCHWOOD MOSS, 1. Victoria Quay, Edinburgh EH6 600 I refer to your letter ot 15 October 2018 and to your request pursuant to regulation 9(5) ot the above regulations that Scottish Ministers issue a screening direc1ion, to determine whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required in connection With the above proposal. Taking into account the intormation you have provided as per regulation 10(1), the Scottish Ministers are of the view that the proposed development falls within the descriptions given in schedule 2, pan 2(a) ot the above regulations and, since the proposal meets the relevant criterion in column 2 ot the table in Schedule 2 to the above regulations, consider your proposal to be a 'Schedule 2 development Within the meaning of the above regulations, However the Ministers. taking the intormation received and the relevant selection criteria in Schedule 3 of the above regulations in account. have reached the opinion that the development is not likely to have a significant etlect on the environment. In exercise of the powers conferred on the Scottish Ministers by regulation 10(4) of the above regulations, and ot all powers enabling them in that behalf, the Scottish Ministers hereby direct that the above development is not EIA Development within the meaning of the above regulations and an EIA will not be required. The main reasons for reaching this conclusion are that on considering the details and specitics of this case and this site lunher, Ministers are satistied that no sensitive or designated areas will be impacted, and that the extraction operations proposed would reflect the existing operations on the site. You should bear in mind that the Scottish Ministers' opinion on the likelihood of development having a significant environmental eftect is reached only for the purpose of this Direction. <22 6. A copy of this letter and relevant checklist has been sent to Dumfries & Galloway Council. Yours sincerely ALEX KERR Victoria Quay, Edinburgh EH6 6QQ  