Case Document 198-14 Filed 05/07/20 Page 1 of 6 EXHIBIT 13 Case Case1:17-cr-00232-EGS 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document Document198-14 129-8 Filed Filed10/24/19 05/07/20 Page Page12of of56 FD-302 (R:'y General/Actihg A.ttorney General Sally Yate.:, and -() D01J repre:::ientat.ives on the entire zpan of the FBI's electi()n inte1:ference / collusion invl:'stigations. up to Acttnq N.SD ' A::,sistant Attorney General Mary McCord. _0_1_,_,1_,_··1_:_:_i:_1_,_ _ 111 Washin,Jtr,n, I>.i..;;trict Of <:-~.lumbia., tJnit,:;.d Stat,2,-.s Pec:ion} ____________________ , DMt"drnf1td (In ,)7 /_::0/;::i)l 7 by This dot:umffil ,or.1ain11 ntilluu fCCMUlli:1tdatil:wu;: to~ = «inr:hiUnn~ of fut, FBI. I1 i~ th~ p c ~ uf th< FBI Md lb l(Wl.o~J to ~·0111· 11gd1cy: it 11.t\d it~ co1llt11h .tlf(" l)<>t d.istnbult'-d O\lt\ide your jlgt'ucy. DOJSC0-700021201 Case Case1:17-cr-00232-EGS 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document Document198-14 129-8 Filed Filed10/24/19 05/07/20 Page Page23of of56 FD-30211 (Rtv. O:'.>-OS. J(I) .:,f 5 .On (IJ//FOUO) On January '.:":4, '..:017, 11.;.·<::a.t..0 t:d.d ::;r.r:.:<'-t t:<· :un2t'\"l."-~v1 Flynn. M,:;i";ctbe ca.llE d FJ.ynn at J.:·:::-:(1 p.m. a.rd Flynn aqr?~,:1 t(, b'2 int.e,rvif.'W('cumc·nr,::-:J th,:' co.iyver.sctt ic,n. <~ome-y was q,:iin9 to telJ. '.:.'a.t·.,:;-.-c; r i,Jttt b(,fc,!:<::" t.L(· int~-rvi>:w, but ;:\he ,.:,.;1}lt'.J him fir.St fc11: anctl"h7!: ~:e-8:~:;.,; l>:>f<11c· hr ha.J a ,:·1·.an,::0 t~; 0 1 (' DOJSC0-700021202 Case Case1:17-cr-00232-EGS 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document Document198-14 129-8 Filed Filed10/24/19 05/07/20 Page Page34of of56 FD-30211 (~\.. 0:'!-0S-10) Contin\lllliouofFD-302()f (0/ /FOUO) D.t.t, Peter P • .St:rz,:,k interview 'o,, 3 of 5 07/19/:::017 call. When he t.o.ld her the FBI was inter.view:tng Flynn shE- wa;:l n,:,,t happy. his interview partner, got (U/ /FOl10) St):Zok and FBI SSA ac:1::e::s::: tc, the White HousE: w.ith the as:::tJ~;tance of an FBI Whi.t.t? Hou.~:e detailpt.ion. Hw AP P1:.,ter P. Strz,:it int~1:view ,On C,7/19/2017 ,J>.\p-c 4 cf 5 docum'C'nted in th0 30'.:'.. Strz.ok and bc,th had the J,mp.1:e~;si,.:,n at the ti.@} that Flynn wa~; not lying vr did not T,hink he was lying. Flynn struct Strzo}: as 11 bd.ght, but not profoundly sophisticated, 11 (U/ /FOUO) rhe ag