Learn about the CORONAVIRUS COLORING BOOK together.stjude.org You might have heard lots of people talking about something called the “coronavirus.” Coronavirus is a type of virus that can make you feel sick. Some people also call me C O V I D -1 9 It is the sickness I cause. COVID is short for coronavirus disease. Coronavirus is a big word, but did you know that “corona” means crown? When you look at coronavirus under a microscope, a part of the virus looks like a crown. together.stjude.org People in many parts of the world have gotten sick because coronavirus spreads easily from person to person. Co r hr t SN on EE ZE ou av gh iru s ca n t ra v e l the air in a OR COUGH It can also spread when people touch something the virus has been on, like hands or door handles. This is why you might see people wearing masks and gowns. together.stjude.org If people get coronavirus, they may get a fever, feel tired, cough, or have a hard time breathing. Most people feel only a little bit sick and G E T B E T T E R Q U I C K LY It feels a lot like when you have a cold or the flu. together.stjude.org There are things you can do to keep from catching coronavirus and spreading it to others. yo n e h D i d yo u k n o w t h a t w WA S H S D N? A H ay Y O U Rirus go aw g e r m s l i ke c o ro n a v Keep your hands away from your face, eyes, mouth, and nose. To keep others safe, sneeze or cough into a tissue or your elbow. together.stjude.org u Your hospital is doing things to help you stay safe too. Nurses might ask if you feel sick or see if you have a fever. You might notice fewer people are coming to the hospital or that your favorite activities have been canceled. Your care team is working hard to make sure everyone stays SAFE AND H E A LT H Y together.stjude.org Some people worry about all the changes from coronavirus. They may worry about getting sick or worry about family members. A way to not worry as much is to share your feelings and ask for help. If you are worried, don’t be afraid to tell someone. together.stjude.org St. Jude complies with health care?related federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. ATTENTION: If you speak another language, assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 1?866?278?5833 (TTY: 1?901?595?1040). ATENCION: si habla espanol, tiene a su disposici?n servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingUistica. Llame al 1?866?278?5833 (TTY: 1?901?595?1040). 2.18m 7,le cums, 23mm gum 44.1fm mu 8.833: as l5) um :u-am aw) 1-866-278-5833 em. 8mm 8+8. .1319? a? .(1-901-595-1040 Powered by St. Jude Children?s Research Hospital together.stjude.org