'1571 DISUICI County Jeuersan Ky Cons! Seal 10, R0 13.10 SEARCH WARRANT TO ALL PEACE OFFICERS IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY: Free! by amaavul havmg |ms day been made before me by. Delecllve Joshua C. Jaynes (7627) a peace nflmer o! Meho Police Deganmenl ma! (here Is probable and reasonable cause (or Ihe Issuance 01 this Search Warrant as 52! am in [he affidavit allached harem and made a pan helenV as ll Mly sel (0an herein: yDu are commanded In Search lhe pvemlses known and numbeved as' Louisville, KY Jeuerson ooumy unlucky and All Surrounding Cuflilage and more articular] describedaslollows: and/or in a vahlcle or vehlclas dasclibsd as: Mimi" -- 201$ Chevrolel Impala, whi|e In cola and/or on in: person or persons oi: Jamalcus Cordell Glover. -- ll/M Adnen Orlerrdes Wellm. -- an: rnylor, no . ems/rm. -- and seize the lollowinn described personal property: Manjuana. eoeelne, nerd men. and ull illegal nererriee ar us described in violerion anRS 218A. Any monies Ihzl are proceeds from inmcking. Any safes an: used ro slave illegnl unalics or money, Any ueepom rney be used ro prereer illcgal nalvolics or nroney. Any yaperwork rlrer rnry be a ufuamnucs sales or dial may indicrrerhe eenmlmenr or sales ofnucnl 5 [my paper ilur brevidencgofindividuals living in rrie residence, Any ro include med rnerrer. which may indical: anuncrel reuvuies egal Any eieermnie mcor media, compulers, suflwart, camens or ourer .< Executed [his l/bH'iday 0/20 byOfficer Badge No. searching said premisesivehiclefpersonte) described herein and by seizing the following: .by Case No Court Di~|ncl Counly' Ky Cans! Sechnn w' 2 02 FOR leslon: SEARCH WARRANT Afllanl, Jo-hua Javnm {7527) a peace officer 0! Mum I'ohcc Dcnanmclu being ("51 duly sworn' scales he/she has' and [here '5 reasoname and pmbama gmunds to believe' and Affiam does believe, there IS now on the pvemuses known and numbered as. Loulsv e, Kv Jeflevson County Kentucky and All Cunilage and mom panicularly described as lallows: WW: and/or in a vehicla or vehicles as: 2017 [Judge Charger 511128. md mm, Acting on the information received. Affizm conducted the lollowing independent investigation: 1 )On 01/02/2020, Alliant had LMPD tech unit place a 'pole camera' at the intersection ol -- within an hour at surveillance, Afltant witnessed approximately 15-20 vehicles go to and item -- _ivithin a snon period oltime ivhich is indicative oi in narcotics 2 On 01/2/2020, Detectives observed Adrian 0 Walker. in operation oi the above listed red 2017 Dodge Charger go in and from _or a short period at time Mr Walker drove WIB on _at a high rate at speed to which a lraliic stop was conducted shoniy alter Detectives could smell a strong odor oi malijuana coming train the listed vehicle A small amount at marliuana was located inside the vehicle along with a large undetermined amount ct us currency located in the center console oi the listed vehicle, 3.) Adrian Walker has a pending court case tor COMP Convicted Felon in Possession oi a Firearm, Drug Paraphernalia -- Buy/Possess. ENH Tramcking in Marnuana (less than 801) oriense. COMP Tratticking in a Controlled Substance isl Degree, 1" oriense Cocaine) (19~Fv013851) it.) On 01/00/2020, at approximately 1336 hours, Detectives observed Jamalcus Glover operating the above listed red 2m 7 Dodge Charger ivith Adilan Walker as a passenger. Detectives observed on the pole camera Jamarcus Glover 6in the vehicle. walk over '0 the Property line oi _(near there is a chain- link tence that ends with an amount oi large rocks appearing to be disturbed). Jamarcus Glover is seen on a zoomed camera dropping a large, blue cylinder-shaped Ohject near the rocks and then appears to be covering it up to avoid detection 5 Jamarcus Glover has the loitowmg pending court cases: Convicted Felon in Possession oi a Firearm. Convicted Felon in Possession ota Handgun. Receiving Slolen Propeny (Fiteamt), Drug Paraphernalia -- Buy/Possess. Tralitcking tn a Controlled Substance 15' Degree. ts! otiense Cocaine) (20-F-000008). COMP Possession oi a Controlled Substance t" Degree, 1" otlense (Heroin). COMP Possession oi a Controlled Substance 1" Degree. 1" ottense (Cocaine). Tampering With Physical Evidence, COMP Traihcking in Marijuana (less than 802) 1" ottense (190R 001503-003). COMP Tralticking in a Controlled Substance 1" Degree, ottense Cocaine), COMP Tampering with Physical Evidence 6 Amanl has conducted surveillance multiple times on site near the physical location oi _and through the pole camera Aliiant has witnessed on occasion sublecls ninning (mm _to the rock pile near the property line oi _wnere Jemercus Glover dropped the suspected narcotics and then the subtects then run back into Alriant believes through my 10 years at narcotics related detective work and experience that Jamarcus Glover and Adrian Walker are the sources oi narcotics lor the "trap house' (where drugs are sold) at --When the narcotics being dealt lrom _are low (pedestrian and vehicular traihc is minimal). Mr. Walker and/or Mr. J. Glover show up operating the red 2017 Dodge Charger and appear to "re-up" the drug house at --. Mr. Walker and/or Mr J. Glover are seen either entering/exiting -- or going to drop suspected narcotics at the rock pile near the property line oi -- Once they leave the area. normal pedestrian and vehicular traitic resumes Want has observed the listed red 20w Dodge Charger make lreouent trips item _to - Both Mr. Glover and Mr Walker have been known to operate the listed vehicle. 8 On 01/16/2020. during the atternoon hours, Atiiant Witnessed Jamarcus Glover operating the listed red 2017 Dodge Charger. Mr. J. Glover pulled up and parked in lronl oi --. Atliant then observed Mr. Glover walk directly into apartment I Alter a short period ol time, Mr J. Glover was seen exiting the apanment with a suspected USPS package in his right hand, Mr Glover then got into the red 2017 Dodge charger and drove straight to --which is a known drug house, 9.) Afllanl through a us postal inspector that Jamavcus Glover has been receiving packages at -- Atliant knows through training and experience that it is not uncommon tor drug trailickers to receive mail packages at diiterent locations to avoid detection irom law enlorcenient Ainant believes through training and experience, that Mr J, Glover may be keeping narcotics arid/or proceeds trom the sale oi narcotics at -- _to sale keeping to Alliant has observed the above listed white 20l6 Chevrolet impala park in front oi -- on diitereni occasions. This vehicle is registered to Eleonna Taylor 12.) Athant has through multiple computer databases that ereonna Tawor lives at 13 Afliant verilied through multiple computer databases that as cilia/2012020. Jamalcus Glover uses -- his currenl home address 14 Mr Glover and Mr, Walker are acquaintances and have been seen going to and irom . Additionally, the red 2017 Dodge Charger has been driven by these individuals mentioned Within this aflidavtt Alliant has witnessed during physical surveillance [he suspected drug tie/tickers sharing the red 2017 Dodge Charger numerous times to transport and store their suspected narcotics 201E Chev'olei lmva'a- Wm'e "i COM -- and/or on the person or persons or IBM Glm'cr. rm Adnal'i Orinnoea Walker. liziim. Breonno Taylor. Down os'loql, -- described personal properly, to wil: Minimum cocaine. heroin, nierii and all illegal riareoues or paraphernalia as described In \'Ielnllon 2 Ally munies lhai are proceeds from drug u-amekinp. Any larei riral are used io stoic illegal narcolics or money. Any "capo!" xhal may he used in nrnreer illegal narcotics or money, Ally liral may be a record oirnreu sales or |ha| may radieare rhe inmpon. coneeaimenl or sales ornaroaues. Any paper rhar may h: ~nee orrnei lduals in lhe dacuiueho. to include inaii mailer. which may rnrlieare nuaneral ncli |Ics non. illcgal electronic recording media, compmena apilware camera: or roller such devices lhor my be used ro hold or document Illegal narcotics aenu. cs ui vmlalmn 2 ISA Any noun Illn)' be evrdenee otolirer VIUIatiom oirhe Kentucky Romeo Slatulcs. Any Amam believes and slams more Is probable and reasonable cause to bellave said properly constitulls: (check aDDraDriale box or boxes): El sloien or embezzled properly: [2 property or things used as means 0! Commiulng a crime: IZI properly or things in possession o! a person who intends to use it as a means o1 cammiiling a prim El properly or inings in possession or a person in whom ii was delivered tor the purpose or cnncealing ii or preventing its discovery and which is inlerlded (a be used as a means 0' commilling a clime, properly or things consisling oi evidence lends in show a crime has been commuted or a person has commuted a crime; Diner 7 -- Afllanl has been an Oflicei' in the aloiemenlioned agency Var a perind a! 15 years and momhs, The inlornlalion and observations conlained herein were received and made in his/her papacily as an officer lnereol. On March 12"- 2 020 at approximately 1000 a m. Afflant received inrorrnation Vromlabserved: 'Amum reel- ed lol'onnolron rrorn inuilipie LMl'l) cnrue lip: tmual recenr being a ll 10201 MPD Tip 27735 ll [hill more has drug nclil iry going on al-- . A search llarranr was by MP1) Isl nrlusion on IE 30 20W where- nnreoncs and "ore recovered -- i Khan a week after the search wan-.llir. Amour -d ini'tinmlion that tile nelivily had resumed on -- AlTlalu eonduercd and wuncucd lelrioular going rind from lire iislell ioennon ror .<>. andlur in a vehicle or vehicles doscfihad as: 10" Dndse Charger mg, in mi -- 20I6 ChevroIEI Impala While in color. -- angle: on [he person or persons oi: BIM Jamarcus Cordell Glover, -- EIM Adrian Ovlandes Walker. -- Bream): Taylor. -- and snlze lho lollowing ducribud pmonal properly: Marijuana. (Mame. hum". mull and mi "Arcana: or as uiolanon 213A. Any monies mm from drug namcking, Any safcs n) more illegal naycolics or money. Any wtnpom nun my be used [0 illcgal narcolics in Kinney. Any paperwork may be a mom minim-colic: on" Ihal may indicalc in: consulmtm oi urnumnim Any paper Ihal m: be evidence living in in: modem, Any to Include mail mallet, which may indicale nnunml mm 3 summing Imm illegal Any alccuomc recording compums, sonwm. camem devices "Ia! "my be used |o hold or Illegal narcolics aclhilica in vinlnlinn 2le. Any ilcul: may be evidence olollm vmlmions Revised Slamks. it you lino me Above-described properly, or any pan lhereoi, you will sails mo propnny and dallvar ll lo me 01 any other coun in which lne ofiense ll'l respecl In which [he pmpany or lhings laken is mania, or "lain it in your custody sublacl (a main olssid noun. Dale: . 207/1.) . mg @fl'k Coun 15.} Affiant is requesting a No-Knock entry to the premises due to the nature of how these drug traffickers operate. These drug traffickers have a history of attempting to destroy evidence. have cameras on the location that compromise Detectives once an approach to the dwelling is made. and a have history of fleeing from law enforcement. Affiant has reasonable and probable cause to believe, and believes, grounds exist for issuance of a Search Warrant based on the aforementioned facts. information and circumstances and prays a Warrant be Issued. that the property (or any part thereof) be seized and brought before any Court andfor to order of said Court. WW7 4-1? Subscribedand sworn to before me my presence via oral communication on this the 2/ day of 2 01/7 .at ?[37 WA