CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: From: CC: Stephanie Date: Re: Gilbert Montaño, Chief Administrative Officer Greg Nichols Martha Griset, Ramsey Green, Chad Brown, Yulbritton Shy, Landry April 29, 2020 GCE Services Energy Efficiency Contract Funding This memorandum is to provide background and receive approval to move forward with processing the requisition for the Siemens HVAC Preventative Maintenance Contract. The 2020 contract total is $174,000. BACKGROUND Over the last four years, GCE Services has provided energy efficiency services to the City of New Orleans. In this time, with their support we have completed 25 Energy Smart projects, which provided $508,237 in incentive dollars through the New Orleans energy efficiency program towards capital projects. In addition, these projects have saved us $257,053 on our Entergy bill in the last 12 months ending March 1, 2020. Additional projects currently slated to take place under contract renewal could save an additional estimated $475,000 annually on the City’s Entergy bill. This contract provides for regular oversight of the City’s building automation systems in 26 City buildings. Property Management does not have the enough expertise or staff at this time to perform these services in-house. Postponing funding this contract puts the City’s at risk for systems to go off programing, increasing our utility costs and leading to the detororiation and/or failure of AC and Heating equipment, particularly during the cooling months this summer. It is critical that GCE Services continue work. Without this contract, the City is likely to see an increase in utility costs and in HVAC repair costs. ACTION REQUIED Approve Property Management creating a $174,000 requisition to fund this contract. Approve ______________ ______________ Decline ______________ Attachments  GCE Services Year 4 Proposal Let’s Discuss