Please use this tab to provide information or ideas about cuts or savings that are not included in other tabs of this worksheet. instructions: Piease provide any additionai reievant information either in this tab or in attached documents. Concepts to consider inciude: deiaying or deferring main tenan ce, delaying or restructuring vendor payments, renegotiating or rebidding vendor contracts, iiguidating assets, or programmatic changes tofocus city services on oniy those with the greatest need. Proposais outside ofthese areas are weicom ed and these concepts are provided oniy to generate ideas specific to your department. 'Finance Department is proposing thefollowing cuts from our 2020 budget Fund 1000 Revenue Department 8 Auditor, Assistants $77,339/ea $618,? 12 Fund 5104 Accounting Dept Implementation ofnew Sales Tax System $3,000,000