Please use this tab to provide information or ideas about cuts or savings that are not included in other tabs of this worksheet. instructions: Piease provide any additionai reievant information either in this tab or in attached documents. Concepts to consider inciude: deiaying or deferring maintenance, deiaying or restructuring vendor payments, renegotiating or rebidding vendor contracts, iiguidating assets, or programmatic changes tofocus city services on oniy those with the greatest need. Proposais outside ofthese areas are weicom ed and these concepts are provided oniy to generate ideas specific to your department. 'Below are the cost reduction measures recommended by the NOFD. Each proposal has an executive level explanation, the associated potential cost savings and a spreadsheet where applicable to show our calculations. Budgeted Vacancies: The NOFD currently has 45 vacancies consisting of 35 ?re?ghters two administrative of?ce staff, four ?re prevention inspectors and four others. The corresponding budgeted amount {from PPBS) for these un?lled positions is $2,225,329. However, lam requesting that we retain the six of?ce and prevention staff, which would result in a cost reduction of$2,388,683 {See attached? NOFD Un?lled Vacancy List4-27-20]. Thejusti?cation is that the current NOFD administrative staff is only 6 employees. They are very ef?cient; however, it is unsustainable for them to manage all ?nancial and personnel transactions for nearly 600 employees. Reduce Staffing Through Unscheduled Overtime: Asyou are aware, NOFD Operations uses unscheduled overtime most days to maintain suppression staf?ng at about 94% ofthe NFPA recommended full staf?ng {4 FF per pumps). The cost to maintain this level of UNS for the remainder of2020 is projected at $6,409,098 {See attached? NOFD OT Cost Proj 4-29-20). We hired an average of21.5 FF/day with UNS YTD. Reducing staf?ng to three FF on pumps will save the majority ofthis UNS cost, but not eliminate it. If we enacted this on 1/1/20, we would still have averaged four day with UNS. We also use UNS for ?re investigations and emergencies (Le. large ?res, COVID, Hard Rock, hurricanes, etc.) however this is a small percentage ofthe total UNS. This number will decrease when our recruit class graduates in August. We estimate this would reduce UNS 25?80%. Reducing suppression staf?ng to this extent will lessen public safety considerable but given the stark ?scal realities you have described these cuts may be necessary and can be adjusted up or down as desired. For public safety reasons my proposal is that we ensure all stations remain open but that we operate about halfofthe pumps {16 out of 28] with four FF. To compensate we will increase the number ofpumps we dispatch to ensure that enough FF arrive at incidents. The cons to this option are a delay in getting enough FF to structure ?res in a timely manner; potential increase in FF injuries; a reduction in the Class 1 Fire Protection; Classi?cation Rating. This option should reduce the projected UNS by Cut Other Operating Expenses We have thoroughly analyzed our 00E, for which we were budgeted at $999,801, and we recommend this amount be reduced from between 28% {$223,030} and 36% The difference is $83,251 in DOE, which is related to hiring another recruit class of 26 FF (Hiring, testing, PPE, certi?cation, etc. See attached? NOFD Recruit Class R-Z-ZD Costs_4-29-20j. Please see explanation below for considering this option. Recruits vs. Unschedu_led OT: Although, there is a hiring freeze it is my recommendation that we hire a recruit class as planned for the following reasons. The attached document Cost Comparison Hire vs shows two costs to ?ll one FF position for an entire year, which equals 2,912 hours. One uses a new FF totaling $22,042 including bene?ts. The other uses the average FF hourly rate with UNS totaling $8 1,2 19, which does not include bene?ts. Attrition due to retirements will continue unabated. Therefore, even ifwe eliminate the majority of UNS by operating pumps with only three personnel we will still be forced to continue increasing UNS to avoid placing units out of service. Any increase in the total number of FF will reduce UNS.