COVID-19 DHS Shelter Guidance As of 3/27/20 No 1) Are you experiencing fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat or flu-like symptoms Hospitals/ED for discharge information please refer to: DHS COVID-19 Hospital Protocol For Isolation and Discharge to Shelter for Homeless Clients Yes Proceed with usual DHS protocol for illness or injury Is Client stable? No For Clients in immediate distress: Employee calls 911, requests client be transported to nearest H+H hospital, and calls receiving ER to let them know a suspected COVID-19 DHS client is being transported Client is taken to hospital Do you have a medical provider on site? No Medical Provider assess for COVID-19 and other health issues Yes For Clients that are symptomatic but stable use one of the following assessment tools: l NYC COVID-19 Hot-Line (9AM-9PM) 1-844-692-4692 Press ?0? for COVID hotline. OR AmWell Hot-Line (9PM-9AM) 1-844-SEE-DOCS (1-844-733-3627) When you are asked for the service key, use NYCHH Provider on the phone will determine if patient can stay in shelter, needs isolation, or needs emergent care. Client has COVID like illness (CLI) Determined no risk Patient is taken to appropriate DHS isolation facility Client remains in shelter Client has mild COVID-like illness (CLI) and per your clinical judgement, does not need ED, call SIU for isolation Client has COVID-19 complications (e.g. moderate shortness of breath), needs to go to ER for evaluation Medical provider calls 911, requests client be transported to nearest H+H hospital, and calls receiving ER to let them know a suspected COVID-19 DHS client is being transported assessed for need for hospitalization or isolation Patient is taken to appropriate DHS isolation facility End of isolation Discharged to shelter placement Patient is admitted to Hospital if exhibiting serious illness 1) Give client mask to put on 2) Isolate client in separate room. Yes Medical provider determines patient does not need isolation because of absence of cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fever Client returns to shelter Client is taken to hospital Patient is determined to need isolation Patient is taken to appropriate DHS isolation facility End of isolation Discharged to shelter placement, notify medical provider Patient is admitted to Hospital if exhibiting serious illness