5/25/2020 NYS JOINT COMMISSION ON PUBLIC ETHICs ON LINE LOBBYIST REGISTRATION SYSTEM LOBBYIST BI-MONTHLY REPORT March - April 2017 Lobbyist: BOLTON ST. JOHNS, LLC Client: GREATER NEW YORK HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, INC. Additional Lobbyist ALBERT JOHN BOLEN PHILIP BRANDON CAMILLE CONNOLLY TOM DEROSA GIORGIO DEROSA JOSEPH DRAVES ED GISKE EMILY HANLEY MONICA JOSEPH DANIEL JURSIK JULIE KEOGH MICHAEL KLINE JULIAN LAGER JASON MCCARTHY BILL MCCARTHY JOHN MOORE JAMES MOSS VIOLET O'DONNELL, JR JOHN F. REILLY PATRICIA RITZ SARA Summary of Compensation and Reimbursed Expenses (reporting period only) Compensation: $28334 Reimbursed Expenses: $0 Lobbying Expenses (reporting period only) A. Aggregate expenses less or equal to $75: $133 B. Aggregate expenses for salaried of non-lobbying employees: $70 C. Itemized lobbying expenses: No itemized expenses D. Total Expenses (A+B+C): $203 Subjects on which you lobbied HEALTH CARE REGULATION Person, State Agency, Municipality or Legislative Body lobbied https://onlineapps.jcope.ny.gov/LobbyWatch/Administration/LB_HtmlLBimonthly.aspx?x=EA0zp%2bpp4P1bn%2b%2blmeEQwcokK6cDc%2bodp1pLt%2f4uvQ22… 1/2 5/25/2020 NYS JOINT COMMISSION ON PUBLIC ETHICs ON LINE LOBBYIST REGISTRATION SYSTEM SENATE, ASSEMBLY, GOVERNOR Bill, Rule, Regulation, Rate Number or brief description relative to the introduction or intended introduction of legislation or a resolution on which you lobbied A.3003-A/S.2003-A A.3007/S.2007 A.3004-A/S.2004-A A.4328 A.3339 A.3000-A/S.2000-A A.297-A/S.2496 A.5004 A.438/S.2162 A.2526/S.474 S.1475 A.5159/S.1033 A.1319/S.290 A.2460/S.3661 Title and Identifying # of procurement contracts and documents on which you expect to lobby None Lobbied Number or Subject Matter of Executive Order of Governor/Municipality on which you expect to lobby None Lobbied Subject Matter of and Tribes involved in tribal-state compacts, etc on which you expect to lobby None Lobbied https://onlineapps.jcope.ny.gov/LobbyWatch/Administration/LB_HtmlLBimonthly.aspx?x=EA0zp%2bpp4P1bn%2b%2blmeEQwcokK6cDc%2bodp1pLt%2f4uvQ22… 2/2