Case 7:20-mc-00013 Document 1 Filed 05/26/20 Page 1 of 1 Pageid#: 1 ; y j' , . 7' .io N (% ep13 1 : ' 2 ' . IX.ZRK' S'CIF'Ftt 7E U.S.DIST.COURT A.T K ANOKE.VA AO 451(Rev.12/12) Clerk'sCertit kKonofaludm eattobeRegisteredi nAnotherDistrict . U M TED STATES D IS fbrthe CT COURT jrjj -uo - MAt 2 6 2229 East eraDistrictofMissoud DX 2UADEQ. DLEYP2. ZKY MONSANTO COMPANY Plaintt V. CivilA cfon No.4. '18-cv-01787-JAR JUSTICE FAMILY FARMS,LLC De#ndant CLERIC S CERTIFICATION O F A JIJD GM ENT TO BE REG ISTER ED IN ANO TIIER DISTRICT œr :--. i-ti--.-,-dj-. --ti----p,-:-j-d. --t--t---dby. ----.--rg-,-? q /,j ol Ialsocert ifythat,msappears9om thiscoud'srecords,nomofonlistedinFed.R.App.P.4(a)(4)(A)iàpending beforethiscomt G etl ' m eforappealhasexpiredyandnoappealhasbeen filedor?ifonewasfledmitisno longer pending. oate: ' ldt JwC?. / CLERK OF CO URT # b'' c/lf reofclerkorDclwf . pClerk , . Case 7:20-mc-00013 Document 1-1 Filed 05/26/20 Page 1 of 2 Pageid#: 2 Case:4:18-cv-01787-JAR Doc.#: 11 Filed:09/13/19 Page:1 of2 PagelD #:60 UNITED STATES DISTW CT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF M ISSOX EASTERN DW ISION M ONSANTO CONP ANY, Plaintift l VS. JUSTICE FAW LY FARM S,LLC, Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CaseN o.4:18-cv-01787-JAR FK ED UO ER SEAL FINAT,CONSENT JIJDGM ENT Plainiff M onsanto Company (qsplaintiff'or R' M onsanto''),hereby pleads, stipulales, consents,and agrees to this Final Consent Judgm ent to be entered on its Complaint against DefendantJusticeFamllyFalm s,LLC CDefendanf'orï'Justice'')(Doc.No.1),asfollows: Judgment is entered in favor ofM onsanto and against Justice itlthe principal nm ountofEightHtmdred and Fourteen Thousand andFourHtmdred and Forty-FourDollarsand FlApNineCents($814,444,59). 2. Pre atld post-judgment interest ()tlthis Judgment shall accrue at the rate of EighteenPercent(18%)ApR runningâom November25,2017untilthefullpaymentismade, Justlceand M onsanto agreed thatM onsanto willrefrain from execution upon tlle Final Ccnsent Judgment so long as Justlce m akes dmely payments as set forth in the Cou dential Settlement Agreement and Contingent Releâse of Llability (the ''Settleinent Agreement>')andisnotothelwiseindefaultunderthetermsoftheSdtllementAgreement. :. . . ' ' . -. . . GREG ORY J.LINI; 1' ?!R4& C1' & K A TRUE COPY.OFT+1rL'EIGI .: NAL . ' UNIT '' :TA/1 YS' : DI ''d' :!Col) .RT EAs . BY: % z - . . ' I . . . t :OURI . r . ', , .. , og ' y ctsax (@ Case 7:20-mc-00013 Document 1-1 Filed 05/26/20 Page 2 of 2 Pageid#: 3 k I . Case:4:18-cv-O1787-JAR Doc.#: 11 Filed:09/13/19 Page:2 of2 PagelD #:61 Any amount.spaid to M onsanto prior to the date ofthe default pursuantto the l SettlementAgreementbetweenM onsanto andJusticeshallbecreditedtothejudgmententered herein,plusadditionallatefeespertlzeFinalConsentJudgment':telm s, 5. .ThisComlshallretain jurisdictlon overthepartieshereto and overthesubject mattertoenforcethisConsentJudgm ontand SettlementAgreem ent. 6. The partles hereby waive their right to frial by jury ao it relates to any enfomementofthisjudgment,andwaivetheirrighttoappealfrom thisConsentJudgment. ThefailureofM onsantoto strictly erlforcethetermshereofshallnotwaiveany of M onsanto'sHx tsherein. ThisconstimtesafnaljudgmentpursuanttoFederalRuleofCivilProcedùre52, andm ay beexecutedupon entry. 9. As memorialized in the palies'SettlementAgreemententered on November9, 2018,M cnsanto and Justicehave aclm ow ledged tllatthey understand theterms ofthis Consent Judgment, and aler a fu11 opportunity to review those terms and consult wlth counsel,they acceptand agl'eeto theenkyofthisConsentJudgmentassetforth herein. U ISSO ORDERED,ADJUDGED,AND DECREED. Datedthis13th day ofSeptember,2û19. V '. V JOIIN , OSS IJNI , STATESDISTKICT JUDGE Case 7:20-mc-00013 Document 1-2 Filed 05/26/20 Page 1 of 1 Pageid#: 4 H U S C H B LA O K W E LL M atthew R.Grant Partner 190 CarondeletPlazw Suite600 St.Louis,M O 63105 D irect:314. 480.1914 Fax:314. 480.1505 mattgrant@huschblackwell. com M ay 21,2020 W A U .S.M AR Clerk ofCourt United StatesDistrictCourt W estern DistrictofVirginia 210 Franklin Road S.W .,Suite 540 Roanoke,VA 24011-2208 Re: M onsanto Company v.Justice Family Farms,LLC. Registration ofForeign Judgm ent DearM s.Dudley' . On behalfofthejudgmentcreditor,Monsanto Comgany,werequestthattheenclosed judm entbefiledandregisteredwiththeUnitedStatesDistnctCourtfortheW esternDistrictof V irginia.ln colmection w ith thisrequest,please tindthefollow ing items: 1. Clerk's Certitication and a certified copy ofthe finaljudgment entered on September 13,2019 in the U nited StatesD istrictCourtforthe Eastern Districtof M issouriin the m atterofM onsanto Company v.Justice Family Farms,LLC.; 2. A check payable to U nited States District Court for the W estern District of Virginiaintheamountof$47.00whichrepresentstheCourt'stilingfee;and 3. A self-addressed, stamped envelope for your convenience in returning the recorded and date-stamped copiesofthepleadings. Ifyou have any questions,please 1etm e know . Sincerely, M atthew R.Grant Partner