93W.?g THAT EC HA MBLED WORD GEM ENE Bf David L. Hun-yr! and Jeff Knureh: The Irattem n1 mega- crazy ward? are all mixed up. Tr: play- the game. pm Ihem hack mm lhe right order lhat 1hey make real mr?s Wu can ?nd In {mur dlciuzrnary. Wrila the lettms nf each real word each Crazy mrd. bu: only one lethal to a square 'll'l' 1 PGI 2 mm". 1333:: mom. 'mgno? .r?l NBKA WF 2 UL: :3 ORCW aura muqu any Ream; mummum LIKE amt 33-51] mamas-m: [m Maw wu're {ead In salve lqday'a JUmblg Far H1115. Stud we mature f?-f 3 mm. lay arnund Ina taunts In the males. "fun I you can an! them in mile: 54:: "mt may make inur funny anmt Jumbfes: PIG BANK CHDW FLIP Arman-tar ND MB In uur famlly can ?acme aluminum Ilke nur PCIP CAM