U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C. 20535 May 29 , 2020 MR . JASON LEOPOLD BUZZFEED NEWS 7THFLOOR 1630 CONNECTICUT AVENUE NW WASH INGTON , DC 20009 FOIPA Request No.: 1432673-000 Civil Action No.: 19-cv-01278 Subject: All 302's of individua ls wh o were questioned /interviewed by FBI Agents wo rking for the Office of Specia l Counse l Robert Mueller Dear Mr . Leopo ld: The enc losed documents were reviewed under the Freedom of Informat ion/Privacy Acts (FOIPA ), Title 5, United States Code , Section 5521552a. Below you wi ll find checked boxes under applicable statutes for the exemptions asserted to protect information exempt from disclosure. The appropriate exempt ions are noted on the processed pages next to redacted informat ion. In addition, a deleted page information sheet was inserted to indicate where pages were wi thhe ld ent irely pursuant to app licable exempt ions. An Explanation of Exempt ions is enclosed to further explain justification for withhe ld information . Section 552 P' (b)(1) P' (b)(7)(A) r r (b)(2) P' (b)(3) Federa l Rules of Criminal Procedure 6(e} 50 u.s.c § 3024 (il(1} P' (b)(4 ) P' (b)(5) P' (b)(6) (b)(7)(B) P' (b)(7)(C) P' (b)(7 )(D) P' (b)(7)(E) r r r (b)(7)(F) (b)(S) (b)(9) Section 552a (d)(5) r r r r r r r r r m (2) (k)(1) (k)(2) (k)(3) (k)(4 ) (k)(5) (k)(6) (k)(7) 300 pages were reviewed and 211 pages are being released . P' Deletions were made by the Department of Just ice/Office of Informat ion Policy. To appea l those den ials, please write directly to that agency. Please see the paragraphs be low for relevant information specific to your request and the enc losed FBI FOIPA Addendum for standard responses applicable to all requests. P' Document (s) were located which originated with , or contained information concerning , other Government Agency (ies) (OGA]. r This information has been referred to the OGA (s) for review and direct response to you . The FBI wi ll correspond with you regard ing this informat ion when the consu ltat ion is comp leted. P' We are consu lting with another agency. request. Please refer to the enclosed FBI FOIPA Addendum for additiona l standard responses app licable to your "Part 1" of the Addendum includes standard responses that app ly to all requests. "Part2" includes additional standard responses that apply to all requests for records on individua ls. "Part 3" includes genera l information about FBI records that you may find useful. Also enclosed is our Explanat ion of Exempt ions. Although your request is in litigation , we are required by law to prov ide you the following informat ion: If you are not satisfied with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's determ ination in response to this request, you may administratively appeal by writing to the Director , Office of Informat ion Policy (OIP), United States Department of Justice , 441 G Street , NW , 6th Floor, Washington , D.C. 20530 , or you may subm it an appeal through OIP's FOIA STAR porta l by creat ing an account following the instruct ions on OIP's website : https://www.justice.gov/oip/submit-and-track-request-or-appeal. Your appea l must be postmarked or electronica lly transmitted within ninety (90) days of the date of my response to your request. If you subm it your appea l by mail, both the letter and the envelope should be clearly marked "Freedom of Informat ion Act Appea l." Please cite the FOIPA Request Number assigned to your request so it may be eas ily identified. You may seek dispute resolution services by contacting the Office of Government Informat ion Serv ices (OG IS). The contact information for OG IS is as follows: Office of Government Information Services , National Archives and Records Administration , 8601 Adelph i Road-OGIS, College Park, Maryland 20740-6001, e-ma il at ogis@nara.gov ; telephone at 202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448; or facs imile at 202-741-5769. Alternat ively, you may contact the FBl's FOIA Public Liaison by emailing foipaquestions@fbi.gov . If you subm it your dispute resolution correspondence by email , the subject heading should clearly state "Dispute Resolution Services ." Please also cite the FOIPA Request Number assigned to your request so it may be easily identified. Please direct any further inquiries about this case to the Attorney representing the Government in this matter . Please use the FOIPA Request Number and/or Civil Action Number in all correspondence or inquiries concerning your request. p See additional informat ion which follows. Sincere ly, ~ David M. Hardy Section Chief Record/Information Dissemination Section Information Management Division Enclosures Additional Information: Please be advised that the Records Information / Dissemination Section (RIDS) is operating at reduced staffing levels amidst the ongo ing COVID-19 national emergency. The enclosed FOIPA release represents a work product that could be generated for you under these unprecedented circumstances . We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to release as much informat ion, to as many requesters as poss ible, as this emergency continues . In response to your Freedom of Information / Privacy Acts (FO IPA) request , enclosed is a processed copy of Bates Stamped documents , FBI (19-cv-1278)-2964 through FBI (19-cv-1278)-3263. The enclosed documents represent the seventh interim release of information responsive to your request. )%, )2,3$ $GGHQGXP $V UHIHUHQFHG LQ RXU OHWWHU UHVSRQGLQJ WR \RXU )UHHGRP RI ,QIRUPDWLRQ 3ULYDF\ $FWV )2,3$ UHTXHVW WKH )%, )2,3$ $GGHQGXP LQFOXGHV LQIRUPDWLRQ DSSOLFDEOH WR \RXU UHTXHVW 3DUW RI WKH $GGHQGXP LQFOXGHV VWDQGDUG UHVSRQVHV WKDW DSSO\ WR DOO UHTXHVWV 3DUW LQFOXGHV DGGLWLRQDO VWDQGDUG UHVSRQVHV WKDW DSSO\ WR DOO UHTXHVWV IRU UHFRUGV RQ LQGLYLGXDOV 3DUW LQFOXGHV JHQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW )%, UHFRUGV )RU TXHVWLRQV UHJDUGLQJ 3DUWV RU YLVLW WKH ZZZ IEL JRY IRLD ZHEVLWH XQGHU ³&RQWDFW 8V ´ 3UHYLRXVO\ PHQWLRQHG DSSHDO DQG GLVSXWH UHVROXWLRQ VHUYLFHV DUH DOVR DYDLODEOH DW WKH ZHE DGGUHVV 3DUW 7KH VWDQGDUG UHVSRQVHV EHORZ DSSO\ WR DOO UHTXHVWV L 8 6 & † F &RQJUHVV H[FOXGHG WKUHH FDWHJRULHV RI ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW DQG QDWLRQDO VHFXULW\ UHFRUGV IURP WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH )2,$ > 8 6 & † F 6XSS ,9 @ )%, UHVSRQVHV DUH OLPLWHG WR WKRVH UHFRUGV VXEMHFW WR WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH )2,$ 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After being adv i sed the identity of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview, BROWNvoluntarily provided the following information: _____ Iwas __. of b6 b7C (U) BACKGROUND (U/~) I BROWN,I --- ----....------..---,---,---.....------,----,- b6 b7C I ... after ...... online, ...... .,....,- at the searching she located an administrative ....... assistant position CENTER FOR THE NATIONAL INTEREST (CNI) and submitted an application. ------,----,--- (U//~) BROWN interviewed for the position with PAUL SAUNDERS, the deputy director at CNI, and had a second interview with DMITRI SIMES, though BROWNdescribed this interview as "more just him talking" about himself and CNI. BROWNwas hired as! !to SIMES i n March 2016. b6 b7C (U//~) BROWN stated that her primary roles at CNI included completing dictation on behalf of SIMES, for e-mails and other correspondence, and performing editing tasks for grammar and spelling, etc. BROWNexplained that though English was not SIMES' first language, SIMES had "excellent vocabulary" and thought that her review of his writing was "not 100-• necessary." (U//fOUO) BROWN stated that the job was ''pretty easy," and that she able to work full-time while in school part-time. BROWNalso answered SIMES' phone and had access to both her own CNI e-mail and SIMES' email. BROWNalso regularly brought SIMES his lunch, which usually consisted of Chinese food and two (2) Sam Adams beers. (U//~) was MAYFLOWERMEETING (U//~) "foreign When BROWNbegan at CNI, the Center policy speech" for DONALD TRUMP at the was busy planning MAYFLOWERHOTEL in a UNCLASSIFIED//~ lmcstigationon File Ii by 10/13/2017 I at Washington, I..__ __________ District Of Columbia, United States Date drafted ....__ ___________ (In Person) 10 / 16 / 201 7 _ b3 b6 b7A b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-2964 FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//!"Of:::Je Continuation of FD-102 of _(_u_/_l_r-_e_t1_&1 __ r_n_t_e_r_v_i _e_w_o_f-1l _____ rlB_R_o_v_JN ____ 10/13/2017 . On _______ Washington, D.C. BROWNexplained that this event was by the time she began at CNI, as it went on as planned 2016. BROWNstated that the NATIONAL PRESS CLUB was for the event, but TRUMP's team believed it to be too in the move to the Mayflower. BROWNstated that the planned by the "magazine," the NATIONAL INTEREST, led HEILBRUNN. . Page 2 of 6 b3 b7A b7E more or less planned in April the original venue "bland," resulting event was primarily by editor JACOB (U//~) BROWNexplained that the magazine and the Center shared office space and sometimes had overlap with staffing, but that they functioned separately. BROWN stated that CNI was more "skeptical" about organizing the event, explaining that TRUMP, who was not yet the Republican nominee, was not the preferred candidate of the CNI (NFI ), as CNI believed TRUMP to be a ''controversial guy." Nevertheless, BROWN explained, the magazine and the Center maintained a close relationship, and the magazine would frequently "run stuff by" SIMES to "get his opinion on things." BROWN stated CNI experienced a "lot of turnover" as most of the staff was younger and there was "not a lot of mobility" for staff to receive promotions. (U//~) BROWN stated that a few days before the event, SIMES asked BROWN if she wanted to attend a ''VIP reception" to meet TRUMP prior to the speech; BROWNstated she was not interested. BROWNstated SIMES was "respectful" of her declination, which BROWN stated she made on ideological grounds. The reception was held in an adjacent room to where the speech was made at the hotel and was more of a receiving line type of meeting. Though BROWNdid not attend she stated that icANTELMO, an assistant director at CNI, did attend, as did a ''decent amount of people," according to BROWN. I (U//~) BROWN stated she did not see [Attorney General] JEFF SESSIONS, JARED KUSHNER, or SERGEY KISLYAK at the Mayflower, but she knew from her colleagues that they attended. BROWNdid see KUSHNER walking to the Mayflower as she entered the building. BROWN stated that SESS I ONS and ._ ___________ ___.!two notable su orters of CNI and thou h she never saw SESSIONS at the offices, (U//fOUO) b6 b7C CNI MAKEUP As her SIMES "noticed" that of CNI. (U//f'Otia) that with b6 b7C time at CNI progressed, BROWN stated she got the sense her "political persuasion," which was not in l ine BROWNexplained that SIMES would make certain comments UNCLASSIFIED//FOUe FBI(19cv1278)-2965 F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED//!'Oe& Continuation of FD-,Ol of ...:(_u_/_l_E_o_u_u_, _r_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w_o_f....!l~===~I_B_R_o_w_N ____ to her, such as "Isn't it crazy that statements made BROWNuncomfortable, affected the trust SIMES had in her. 10/13/2017 . On _______ 3 of . Page people call SESSIONS a racist?'' and she stated she believed this b3 b7A b7E 6 Such BROWNstated that while she was at CNI, SIMES was planning a trip to Russia; she stated that normally she handled all of SIMES travel, though with this trip she was tasked with "zippo" and was "way less involved" than she had normally been. BROWN stated that SIMES had hired someone else! (U//POUO) I b6 b7C !was hired above BROWNand had not remember what it was; in any event, _______ -was just below SAUNDERS, who in turn was beneath SIMES. BROWNstated the staff consisted of about 10 people, in addition to fellows and interns. --------,,----,----------------a "pretty big title," but BROWNcould BROWN stated predominantly handled that (U/;70~0r were I most staff were American, but that accounts I -----I_B_ROWN .._ believed __.I BROWNalso and also worked _____ Russian thatj stated an employee at CNI. named .._ I _____!fluent _. I b6 b7C I l y spoke (U//Ji;:OUS-, BROWN reported daily to SAUNDERS, though she also had daily interaction with SIMES. SAUNDERS was fairly adamant about being notified of things before SIMES found out about them. BROWNstated that she was hired to eventually replace! handled accounting among other things for CNI and left shortly after BROWNstarted there. BROWNstated that~old her about one incident in which SIMES "grabbed her arm" whil~was in his office attempting to answer a ringing phone; SIMES later apologized tol for the incident. lwho b6 b7C I (U//~) DEALINGS WITH ADMINISTRATION AND RUSSIAN OFFICIALS BROWN recalled having set up a meeting between SIMES and KISLYAK and stated that SIMES was always ''really specific" about how he wanted things done;" he was "very particular." BROWN stated that SIMES was seeking to have lunch or dinner with KISLYAK, and BROWNcontacted the Russian Embassy directly. BROWNexplained on the phone to the Embassy operator that she was calling on behalf of SIMES; the operator immediately transferred her directly to KISLYAK. BROWNstated that KISLYAK appeared "annoyed" that BROWNwas able to get directly through to him and instructed her to call his staff instead. BROWN spoke to KISYLAK's (U//-fleUe-) UNCLASSIFIED/fF,el:70 FBI(19cv1278)-2966 FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//i?e{::J& ContinuationofFD-102of assistant added to (U/ ~) Interview of! and provided some dates KISLYAK's calendar. !BROWN suggested .On 10/13/2017 _______ by SIMES, which . Page the 4 of 6 b3 b7A b7E Embassy (U/ /~ BROWN recalled a "bigger" event that she invited KISLYAK to on behalf of CNI; she recalled that there were two (2) separate invitations for two (2) separate events, and that the Embassy was confused and contacted SIMES. SIMES was not happy about the confusion. BROWN stated that SIMES and KISLYAK had a direct relationship and shared a "world view" as echoed by the policies of CNI. BROWN stated that she corresponded frequently with CATHERINE VARGAS, executive assistant to KUSHNER at KUSHNER COMPANIES in New York. BROWNprovided a screenshot of an August 16, 2016 e-mail between herself and VARGAS referring to a 10:00 AM meeting on August 18, 2016 to be scheduled between SIMES and KUSHNER, held at 666 5th Avenue, 15th Floor, New York, NY. BROWNstated that this meeting did occur as she booked travel for SIMES. BROWNexplained that PAUL MANAFORTwas supposed to attend the meeting, but did not; he was represented by RICK GATES instead, who also attended the meeting. BROWNdoes not know the substance or purpose of the meeting. (U//~OUO-, (U//ro~o) BROWNalso showed a screenshot of an e-mail dated November 17, 2016, from VARGAS to BROWN; the e-mail was blank with the subject "SERGEY IVANOVICH KISLYAK." VARGAS ... I ____________________ _ called BROWN immediately after sending thee-__,...,,....----,,----,-...,......-----,,....,,....--mail and asked BROWN if KISLYAK was "the right guy to talk to." BROWN stated that both she and VARGAS were confused as KUSHNER did not provide VARGAS with specific clarity on the question; BROWNstated that she would ask SIMES directly. BROWN stated that VARGAS "thought it was strange" and stated that KUSHNER was "keeping it kind of hush hush," though BROWN explained VARGAS may have used a different expression. b6 b7C (U//~) BROWN represented the question directly to SIMES via e-mail, which she also showed to agents, but received no response; BROWN stated that SIMES "handled it from there" and she never received follow-up from either SIMES or VARGAS. BROWN stated that she recalled reading about KUSHNER's "testimony to Congress" and stated that he could not remember KISLYAK's name; BROWN stated she thought this was inaccurate as it "didn't match" the conversation she had with VARGAS regarding KISYLAK. (U,';'fOUO) BROWN stated that of all the CNI board members, CNI staff that if MAURICE "HANK" GREENBERG called, "you better GREENBERG was apparently a very influential board member. BROWN (U//fOUO) told her answer." UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO FBI(19cv1278)-2967 F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED/fFOUO Continuation ofFD-102 of (U/ /'l'"rn11:'.T) Interview of! ~ROWN .On 10/13/2017 _______ . Page 5 of 6 b3 b7A b7E stated that though she never met him, she remembered having seen a check from GREENBERG'S companies, the STARR COMPANIES, payable to SIMES for "consulting fees." BROWNdoes not remember the exact amount but stated that it was "surprisingly large." (U//fOUO) BROWN showed agents several other e-mails dated August 2, 2016 between SIMES and GREENBERG that she observed. The e-mails seemed to describe GREENBERG's desire to engage SIMES in getting assistance from KISYLAK and VLADIMIR PUTIN with regard to the "ITB situation;" GREENBERG appeared distraught and wanted to rectify the situation immediately. SIMES suggested going through PUTIN's economic adviser. (U//POUO) TERMINATION FROM CNI Over time, BROWNexplained, SIMES and SAUNDERS began giving her "less and less to do," which she interpreted as a "trust issue." SAUNDERS sat BROWNdown on or around Friday, March 3, 2017, and began a rambling explanation as to why BROWNmay not be a good fit for CNI. BROWNwas fired at the end of the day. (U//POUO) (U/~fOUe) BROWN stated that SIMES was not present when she was fired by SAUNDERS. BROWNbelieved that her firing was in part due to confusion she had generated with KISYLAK and the Russian Embassy as described above, but also due to a recent "phishing" e-mail she received from an apparent board member at CNI, which she opened. Immediately afterward BROWNcalled CNI's IT department, and then told SAUNDERS; SAUNDERS told BROWNshe should have called him first. SIMES was reportedly "upset" at the incident as he had to then change all of his e-mail passwords. (U//~) BROWN stated that though fired on March 3, she had e-mail access to both her and SIMES' e-mails for several weeks afterwards. BROWN took screenshots of several e-mails using her iPhone on or around March 4, 2017, after she was fired. (U//POUO) BROWN stated that she has had no contact with SIMES s i nce she was fired from CNI. BROWN spoke with SAUNDERS about unemployment benefits shortly after her termination. BROWNalso remains in periodic contact with several current and former CNI employees! I b6 b7C BROWN stated that she was contacted by a journalist on her cell phone the "same day" she was let go from CNI while she was at school. The journalist apparently knew she had been fired, leading BROWN (U//POUO) FBI(19cv1278)-2968 FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO b3 Continuation of FD-102 of _(_u_;_~ ___ )_I_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w_o_f---'=! ======!_B_R_o_w_N ____ . On 10/13/2017 _______ . Page 6 of 6 b7A b7E to believe that someone at CNI had told them. BROWN could not remember the name of the journalist but stated they were from a major us media outlet. BROWNwas also contacted by the WASHINGTON POST several weeks later, though she did not communicate much information to them. __ ~ (__ U__ /__ ;_'l'"_C_t,_6......,)...,1 __________________________ 1------------------------------------,~B-R_O_W_N_r.Jema amenable to further contact agents copies of screenshots and of agreed to provide via all e-mails referenced UNCLASSIFIED//~ b6 b7C ins e-mail above. to reporting FBI(19cv1278)-2969 - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ b3 b7A b7E 2- UNCLASSIFIED/~ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 09/21/2017 Dale of enlty FEDERAL GRAND JURY MATERIAL - DISSEMINATE PURSUANT TO RULE 6(E) Do not disseminate except as authorized by On Wednesday, September 20, his place of business, telephone number Financial Investigator ________ ._ ____ ~lfrom the Office of the the identity of the interviewing _______ !provided the following Prior to the interviewing a comment to the effect that federal rule of criminal procedure 6{e). 2017, was interviewed at Washington, DC, Present for the interview were DOJ Senior ...,... ____ and FBI Special Agent~'------Special Counsel. After being advised of parties and the nature of the interview, information: parties asking any questions,L-1----r--Jl~m_a_d_e he was expecting "us" to visit him. I ___ , b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED//LBS !nq:stigation on File/! b, .... , 09/20/2017 at Washington, Person) --------.t::::======.-------- District Of Columbia, United States Datcdrartcd (In 09/21/2017 This doc11mc111 contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the fBJ and is loaned lo your agency: ii and its to be distributed outside your agenc,·. b3 b6 b7A b7C b7E 'P~1f'l.5f~l278)-2970 b3 b6 b7A b7C b7E f0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED/~ (u / ~ Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or 2017 (Grand Se Jury tember 20, Subpoena .On _0_9_/_2_0_l_2_0_1_7_ . Page 2 of 2 b3 b6 b7C and that _r_e_q_u_e_s_t_a_l_l __ d_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n_/_r_e_c_o_r_d_s_f_o_r __ t_h_e_a_b_o_v_e ___ m_e_n_t_i_o_n_e_dl I lwas served with a Federal UNCLASSIFIED/~ Grand Jury Subpoena he would (Subpoena I b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-2971 - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ b7A b7E 7 - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 03/23/2018 Date of cnlty Richard William Gates III was interviewed by Superviosry Special Agent Special Agent ___________ Supervisory Specia l Agent -P=========___;:...., and Special Counsel Attorneys Andrew Weissmann and Greg _A_n_d_r_e_s ____ G_a_t_e_s_'_a_t ..... torney, lof Sidley Austin LLP, was I present. and the After nature being of the advised of interview, b6 b7C the identity of the interviewing Agents Gates provided the following information: ID Watchdog The initial investment in ID Watchdog was from funds held in a Cypriot bank account in the name Global Sites. The funds were wire transferred from Global Sites to an account in the name of Jupiter and then wire transferred to ID Watchdog. Gates subsequently bought warrants in ID Watchdog from-------------------Gates took out a loan (Gates signed and subsequently paid back the loan. McCain a promissory To pay note) for these warrants, Campaign During the John McCain presidential campaign, ____________ a 501c (4) called Americans for Patriotism to support the McCain campaign. Gates stated he heard that a Paul Manafort controlled Cypriot account, LOAV, contributed money to the 501c(4), and the funds in the LOAV account were from Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch. Manafort and Rick Davis also set up a media/digital advertising support to the received a percentage of the ad payments. 3EDC. Gates stated that LOAV was funded know if the money sent from LOAV to 3EDC Deripaska. Submarine b6 b7C company, 3EDC, to provide social McCain campaign, and 3EDC LOAV fronted the money for by Deripaska but Gates did not was actually funds provided by Deal the sale of two nuclear submarines alleged to receive kickbacks from lmestigationon b6 b7C 02/28/2018 File Ii at Washington, ,......!:======::::::!a========"""i"""---------- worked with Manafort on from France to Pakistan. !was this deal and Manafort was paid between District I Of Columbia, United States Date drafted (In Person) O3IO6/2018 b6 b7C b6 b7C b7A b7E by ---------------------"'-------------------------This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-2972 b7A b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof (U) Interview of Richard ------------------------ Gates $250,000 - $400,000 in kickbacks. Gates advised were from a newspaper and he did not know if the true. Manafort never discussed this with Gates. Energy .On _0_2_/_2_8_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page that these allegations 2 of 7 allegations were Today According to Energy today was a company thatl invested in and subsequently also invested in. rl....a. ___ ..,_jh_a_d--t~i~e-s--t-o-~ Russia and Kazakhstan. _____ set up a telephone call between someone who worked at Energy Today and Gates where they discussed opportun i ties for Gates to conduct lobbying and PR work for the company. Specif i cally, Gates' role was to formulate a strategy to work with state government regulators to obtain oil drilling licenses and conduct PR/GR lobbying. I I b6 b7C b4 b6 b7C The owner of Energy Today hiredl !Gates and paid them approximately approximately 1.7 million shares of Energy Today stock. Gates stated that he! ~ever actually performed any significant work for Energy Today. They developed a PR/GR strategy but they never actually reached out to any state government regulators to execute on their strategy. The plan was to initiate a pilot project utilizing the proprietary technology and then issue press releases about the pilot project to generate hype. However, they were never able to initiate any actual deals or projects. I I Gates also attempted to secure investors from Ukraine to invest in Energy Today and obtain oil licenses to drill in Ukraine. However, Gates never obtained any new investors or licenses in Ukraine. Gates stated that the cost of the licenses in Ukraine was cost prohibitive. ____ !told Gates that if they could get the company two or three state ventures and execute on a PR strategy, the pri c e of the shares wou l d increase and they could sell the stock and make a lot of money, or conversely the company would get acquired and they would make money. Gates t hought I 1 ~I______________________________ ___.IGates stated he had b6 b7C b4 I I FBI(19cv1278)-2973 b7A b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof no reason end, the (U) Interview of Richard ------------------------ Gates to believe Energy Today contracts never actually The President of Ener Toda .On was not a real materialized. and ot _0_2_/_2_8_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page viable company. 3 of 7 I n the into an argument, and told Gates and t----,..-------------------------------' that he was making changes to the company and he needed them to return their stock so they could be exchanged for new shares in the new company. However, Gates never received any new shares. Gates utilized Morgan Stanley to facilitate these transactions. b6 b7C ---- Gates described_! ___ las a well-connected was constantly working on deals and meeting such as the president of Sony Latin America. the next great deal. legitimate businessman who with legitimate execut i ves !was always work i ng on b6 b7C I b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-2974 b7A b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof (U) Interview of Richard ----------------------- Gates .On _0_2_/_2_8_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 4 of 7 b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C pates b6 b7C Plea ._ __ __.~nitially called after Gates pleaded guilty decided to plead guilty. Gates and Gates calle~ ____ .lback th e Friday to explain to him what he did and why he ._ _______________________ ____. FBI(19cv1278)-2975 b7A b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof (U) Interview of Richard ------------------------ Gates .On _0_2_/_2_8_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 5 of 7 b6 b7C Cyprus Accounts Manafort was aware of the Cypriot companies, Cypriot bank accounts, and that money was moving in and out of these accounts. Gates and Manafort had constant conversations about these accounts and the movement of money in these accounts. Gates stated they had hundreds of conversations about these accounts and the status of the money in these accounts. There were review sessions where they discussed which accounts had money and then Manafort would direct Gates where to transfer the money. These rev i ew sessions were usually conducted over the phone, at Manafort's New York apartment, DMP's office, or via emails. Moreover, Manafort directed Gates when to open new accounts. Then, Gates would contact! ~n Cyprus via telephone or email and would tellllthat Manafort was instruct i ng him to open accounts for him in Cypru~came up with the names of the nominee Cypriot companies controlled by Manafort. Gates worked with (handled the day-to-day '---------,,------,-------------,,-,--..,....----....---..r-, operations) in Cyprus. Gates initially met ....... ___. through the political work DMP conducted for him in Cyprus. Deripas a initially introduced! !to Manafort in 2007. The Ukrainian oligarchs instructed Manafort that he needed~n accounts in Cyprus in order to get paid. Manafort told Gates thatl___Jwas responsible for setting up accounts in C rus for Manafort. Deri aska financiall orted DMP's work for r-----,. ______________________________ ....J Gates met._ __ __, pproximately 8 times in person in Cyprus. Gates went once with Manafort to Cyprus to meet wit~~------'~o discuss political work and set up the Pericles structure. b6 b7C __ I b6 b7C I L_...--------------------------------------'----, In 2012, Gates traveled to Cyprus at Manafort's direction to remove Manafort from the Cypriot bank accounts, certificates of trust, and incorporation documents and put them in either Gates or Kilmnik's name. Gates instructed Kilimnik to fill out the necessary documentation to place the accounts in Kilimnik's name and then Gates forwarded those documents tol to set up the accounts. Gates toldl IManafort wanted his name removed from the Cyprus accounts because of the Tymoshenko lawsuit and he was concerned that she would locate his accounts in Cyprus. Gates stated there was no validity to Tymoshenko's l a wsuit and that Manafort was not money laundering for Firtash. Although Manafort had his name removed from the accounts, he still controlled and owned the accounts. Gates also had Kilmnik travel to Cyprus once to open an account in his name so they could transfer money from Cyprus to Ukraine. I b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-2976 b7A b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof (U) Interview of Richard ------------------------ Gates .On _0_2_/_2_8_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 6 of 7 FBAR Manafort told Gates that they did not need to disclose their foreign bank accounts because find the people who work for !"layered them". Manafort advised that because they were not on the accounts from an ''official point of view", they did not need to disclose these foreign bank accounts to their accountants. At some point, Manafort's accountants, KWC, started asking Gates if the Cyprus bank accounts were Manafort's. Gates told KWC that they needed to speak with Manafort. Gates was aware that these accounts were owned/controlled by Manafort and that Manafort was hiding them from his accountants. I I b6 b7C b6 b7C Gates eventually realized based on questions by Kwq_________ __.lthat he needed to get his name off of Manafort's accounts because he was exposed. Gates subsequently had his name removed from the accounts and had nominees put in his place. Gates never discussed this with Manafort because Manafort already thought that Gates removed his name from the accounts, and that only nominee Cypriots were on the accounts. Manafort knew and understood that these were his nominees and that they were his accounts. U.S. Vendors and Real Estate Manafort directed Gates to vendors from the Cypriot bank ,__ take care of handling execute accounts. wire transfers to pay Manafort's Manafort advised that he would ___________________ b6 b7C _. Regarding Manafort's real estate purchases, Manafort dealt with his accountants at KWC, but over time Gates became aware that Manafort was using money from his Ukraine work to purchase real estate and fund his families expenses directly from the Cypriot accounts. Gates stated that Manafort used the funds from Cypriot accounts to hide the income from his accountants. KWC KWC were Manafort's accountants. Generally, KWC sent DMP ledgers to Gates and KWC created DMP tax liability projections based on ledgers. At the end of the year, KWC wouuld file an extension with the IRS for DMP and work on completing DMP's ledgers. _l____ __.lprepared the ledgers with the finalized categories and then sent them to KWC for review. KWC would review the ledgers to make sure the entries were appropriately categorized. Gate ,__ was getting more questions from KWC about !took over the account. Gates had a couple __. ___ 1 the ledgers when_J ___ of conversations with b6 b7C _ b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-2977 b7A b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof Manafort lot more know the provided conference (U) Interview of Richard ------------------------ Gates .On _0_2_/_2_8_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 7 of 7 Kwq about the fact that both jwere asking a questions about the ledgers. There were times when Gates did not answers to KWC's questions, so he would ask Manafort and Manafort the answers. Every year there was a review session, usua l ly via call, with Manafort, Gates, and KWC about DMP/Manafort's taxes During the years when DMP/Manafort were making a lot of money, DMP /Manafort's tax liability was high. Manafort did not want to pay this tax liability and would speak tol Subsequently, the income was categorized as loans rather than income. Gates was not directly involved in these conversations between! land Manafort, but Manafort told ! !that the some of the money obtained from the Ukraine were the "loans". However, Manafort and Gates knew that the "loans" were actually income and it was fraudulently being categorized as loans to Manafort's accountants. I Sometime in 2014, Gates had a conversation witN ____________ _ where it became clear to Gates that they did not know that Manafort controlled the Cypriot bank accounts and entities. Gates stated that ! !had specifically questioned Manafort about the Cypriot bank accounts and entities, and Manafort stated that he was not the beneficial owner and Gates made the same representation. However, Gates stated that they both knew what they told! !was not truthful. b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C Regarding bonuses Gates received from Manafort's Cypriot accounts, Gates stated that Manafort asked Gates if he was "taking care of it'', a reference to the taxes, and Gates interpreted that to mean Manafort was insuring that Gates was not claiming this as income because it was coming from Manafort's Cypriot accounts and could reveal Manafort's control over the accounts. Gates explained that he and Manafort did not need to have a specific conversation about this because they both knew what they were doing and understood that it was illegal. Generally, Manafort and Gates would do it Gates to provide false orders. would direct Gates to do something on his behalf without question. For example, Manafort wou l d task information to the banks and Gates would fo l low his Generally, Manafort spent November through Florida; March through May at is condominium September at his home in the Hamptons. March at his home in in Virginia; and May through FBI(19cv1278)-2978 - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ b7A b7E 8 - UNCLASSIFIED//~ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 04/09/2018 Date or entry Richard GATES, was interviewed at the 395 E Street SW, Washington, D. C. Also present in the interview were Senior Assistant Special Counsel (SASC) Zainab Ahmad, SASC Andrew Weissmann, ASAC William McCausland, and SSA! ! Gates was interview as part of the terms of his p l ea agreement. GATES provided the following information: b6 b7C GATES joined the Donald J. TRUMP Presidential Campaign in March 2016. The financial health of the campaign was not good at the time because TRUMP was self-funding the expenses. TRUMP made a pledge to his supporters on this point which he wanted to uphold. GATES did not think there were any fundraising opportunities at the time. The campaign had apathy towards not doing anything else and the RNC [Republican National Committee ) support was not yet there. Eventually the TRUMP Campaign started to build a fundraising mechanism. [Steven] MNUCHIN joined the campaign and became the finance cha i r around May of 2016. Other people on the campaign had a problem with the decision to bring MNUCHIN on because he had never raised a fundraising penny in his life. TRUMP realized the magnitude of self-funding a campaign - it could not be done. Paul MANAFORTdid not have much of a role i n the campaign in March or April. MANAFORTbecame more involved after TRUMP won the primary. MANAFORTand Jared [KUSHNER] spoke often about how much it work it would be to fundraise. After the primary they were able to lean on the RNC to assist with fundraising. There were many fundraising events. I b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//~609b3 lmcstigationon 03/20/2018 at Washington, District Of Columbia, United States (In Person) 0 3/20/2018 ..... -===================~------------------------- File Ii Date drafted b6 b7C b7E by..,,.=========='"------------------------------------This document contains neither recommendationsnor conclusions or the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contentsarc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-2979 b7A b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//.F9UO" ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Richard Gates Interview 3/20/2018 .On _0_3_/_2_0_/_2_0_1_8_. Page 2 of 8 b6 b7A b7C The campaign could never buy the advertising time they wanted because the financial expense was not in the ballpark of what they could afford to spend. The [James] COMEY email scenario helped - the last ten days before the election were good from a fundraising perspective. The money never really flowed. People contributed to big PACs due to the fact there were competitive House and Senate races.~! __________________ ___, contributed. I I MANAFORT and knew each other for hired on to the campaign. The campaign wanted! which was something he did not want to do.I a long time.! Ito move to b6 b7C I was New York -......!:===~----------- b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO FBI(19cv1278)-2980 b7A b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Richard Gates Interview 3/20/2018 .On _0_3_/_2_0_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 3 of 8 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b7A UNCLASSIFIED//POUO FBI(19cv1278)-2981 b7A b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Richard Gates Interview 3/20/2018 .On _0_3_/_2_0_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 4 of 8 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//~ FBI(19cv1278)-2982 b7A b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED//~ ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Richard Gates Interview 3/20/2018 .On _0_3_/_2_0_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 5 of 8 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//~ FBI(19cv1278)-2983 b7A b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Richard Gates Interview 3/20/2018 .On _0_3_/_2_0_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 6 of 8 b7A b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//~ FBI(19cv1278)-2984 b7A b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED//i!'ef:::Je ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Richard Gates Interview 3/20/2018 .On _0_3_/_2_0_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 7 of 8 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//~ FBI(19cv1278)-2985 b7A b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//~ ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Richard Gates Interview 3/20/2018 .On _0_3_/_2_0_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 8 of 8 b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//~ FBI(19cv1278)-2986 CEC L.ASSI:IEC ON 02-i2-2020 BY; NS ICG I._ ___ b6 b7C b7A b7E __, - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 1- ~//L!!S FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 07/11/2018 Date or entry On Thursday, July 5, 2018, Richard Gates appeared at the Office of the Special Counsel in preparation for possible testimony at the trial of Paul Manafort (Manafort) in July 2018. Also present were Senior Assistant Special Counsel Greg D. Andres. The following information was furn i shed: Since 2018, his last meeting with the Gates has been in contact ___________________ Office with ._ of the Special Counsel on June 27, __, b6 b7C Gates was shown a photo that recently appeared in various news art i cle (copy attached). Gates stated the photo was taken prior to his Ukraine tenure with Paul Manafort and Davis Manafort Partners. Gates ident i fied the location of the photo as Davis Manafort's office in Kiev, Ukra i ne. Gates was Standing able to - Left identify to the Right:_I following ________ - Left to Right: Konstantine I UNSUB (new articles identified ....,..h_o_w_e_v_e_r~, Gates said this was not Gates brought Investigator! his laptop photo: ________ while b6 b7C I with the Government, Gates to get help from SL (Sergei and b6 b7C __, Kilimnik, UNSUB, poss~i~b~l:;...,Y~l=====::::::r---' this individual as _I ____________ _ Paul Manafort and_] _______ ~ I plea agreement he was going the I UNSUB and._ Sitting Prior to his told him that people. from in the presence of IParalegal stated Manafort Lyovochkin) and Senior his Financial Specialistsl I b6 b7C b7E I !mcstigationon 07/05/2018 at Washington, District File Ii ,......!:=====~=:;----------------- by ._ __________ __. _________________________________ Of Columbia, United States Date drafted (In b6 b7C b7A b7E Person) O7 / 11/2018 _ This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the propcI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside )Our agency. FBI(19cv1278)-2987 DECLASSIFIED BY: NSICC b3 b6 ON 02-12-2020 - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 3 - b7C b7E FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 02/16/2018 Date or entry (U//~) On 1/30/2018, via secure interviewing (U/ telephone. agent, SA interviewed After being LENZI provided b6 b7C MARK LENZI, advised of the identity the following information: of the n-ous+ LENZI I (U//'ffitl'e') 2003 to b6 b7C LENZI worked 2007, assigned (U//1!'-0UO' IRI and for International Republican Institute to Tbilisi, Georgia. In 2007, LENZI (IRI) from left IR I to b6 b7C KILIMNIK (U//~) IRI routinely hosted conferences these conferences, LENZI got to know other KONSTANTIN KILIMNIK. for its country individuals at teams. Through IRI including (U//~) KILIMNIK ran the Moscow office of IRI from 2004 until 2005. LENZI worked with KILIMNIK to send Moscow youth groups to Tbilisi. Around this time, LENZI had been advised by IRI headquarters to be carefu l about what he disclosed to KILIMNIK about IRI activities in Georgia. KIL I MNIK visited IRI's offices in Tbilisi one time. (U//~) I b6 b7C b3 !mcstigationon 01/30/2018 at Washington, District Of Columbia, United ,.....!:=====-----'------------------ File/! States Datedrarted (Phone) 02/05 / 2018 b6 b7C b7E by ---------------------------------------------This document contains neither recommendations norcondusions of the FBI. It is the propcI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its to be distributed outside) our agency. 'f0~'1'e1'-qfct711.278 b3 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-102of (U/ /~) Interview of ----------------------- MARK LENZI .On _O_l_/_3_0_/_2_0_1_8_. Page 2 of 3 b6 b7C (U//POUO) English KILIMNIK was smart and and knew the region very i)() [Due to indeterminate paragraph is being marked (U//~eue) director In for very well. good at what Additionally, classification SECRET pending of the further he did. He spoke good he had great contacts. information review.] 2005, IRI fired KILIMNIK. STEVEN NIX, the IRI, was both KILIMNIK's and LENZI's boss. (U//~l LENZI provided address _l_______________ forwarded to him by one lA). The email describe3 an email of his provided, this I US-based b6 b7A b7C Eurasian I I KILIMNIK's Davis-Manafort email ____,I in April 2006 that had been subordinates at IRI (attached here as a b6 b7C from b6 b7C b6 b7C (U/ }-POUOj b6 b7C (U/ /FOUO, SAM PATTEN FBI(19cv1278)-2989 b3 b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-102of (U/ /'Frn;&) Interview of ----------------------- (U//POUO) KILIMNIK. long time MARK LENZI .On 3 of _O_l_/_3_0_/_2_0_1_8_. Page WILLIAM SAMUEL "SAM" PATTEN was the head of IRI Moscow before PATTEN had worked for Senator Collins. PATTEN had lived for a ..._ _. in Russia and ________________________ I (U//~OUO) over what 3 LENZI had been a good friend he described as PATTEN selling of PATTEN's out. but had a falling b6 b7C out In 2008, PATTEN had gone to work in Georgia where he worked initially for the Georgian government and subsequently for the opposition. LENZI described PATTEN's clients at this time as sketchy. (U//POUO) (U//+€l-U&) LENZI last saw PATTEN in Washington, DC in or around 200 1 5 b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-2990 CECLASSirIEC ON 02-11-2020 - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ BY: NSICG b6 b7C 3 - b7E ~/ /OROON /MOPO~~ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date or entry (U) On or about Special Agent 5/16/2017 ______ _______ ___ Su ervisory Special interviewe A ent ....._ _______ ... ---------------------------------, ,__ 05/18/2017 and b6 b7C DOB After being the nature of the information: advised interview,J of the identit of the Jprovided interviewing the following 1 agents and (U) Administrative (U) The 05 16 2017 calls to /2017. On 05/17/2017 a brief telephonic of this FD-302. interview.....,::w::...i. .......:...:.""""'.:.:.:. ........ ,t,.:.,dthrough a series of phone and on 05/15/2017 and 05/16 SA ontacted and conducted clarifying interview which is included at the end b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C b3 05/16/2017 at United States ;._!:====:::::::=======:::;--------- File Ii by.._ ____________________ {In Person, Date drafted b6 b7C b7E Phone) O5 / 17 / 201 7 _,__________________________ This document contains neither recommendations norcondusions of the FBI. It is the propcI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its to be distributed outside) our agency. _ 'f0~'1'e1'-qfct711.278 b3 b6 b7C b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ~//OR:CON/MOPORM (U) Irn~t~e~r~v~i~e~w:....:.o~fi)----------__J ======'~------------ Continuation ofFD-'.lfl2 of _(_D_O_B..!::! • . Page o 11 _0_5_/_1_6_/_2_0_1_7_ 2 of 3 b6 b7C (U) I b6 b7C b6 b7C u (U) I b6 b7C b6 b7C (U) I b6 b7C b6 b7C (U) ~//ORGObi/MOPOffif FBI(19cv1278)-2992 b3 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. fl5-flR-lO) ~//OROOU/MOPORM (U) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of ( Interview of DOBI I .On _0_5_/_1_6_/_2_0_1_7_ . Page 3 of 3 b6 b7C (U) I b6 b7C (U) 05/17/2017 (U) email I Tl \ SAi address Telephone Icalled and to Call ______ ask clarifying ___.at ._I_______ questions. _.I to clarify his b6 b7C I b6 b7C ~ /OFtOOU/!iOFOffif FBI(19cv1278)-2993 - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ b7A b7E 1- UNCLASSIFIED/,4ri;& FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 08/24/2017 Date or entry FEDERAL GRAND JURY MATERIAL - DISSEMINATE PURSUANT TO RULE 6(E) Do not disseminate On August except 16, as 2017, authorized by I interviewed advised of interview,! the at his place identities !provided rule of criminal procedure 6(e). ~ work address ~~-w-o____.rk telephone numbL-e_r ________ rl.;;..;;.;'---,;;,;;;..;;.;...i..;.;..;....;;__,;;...;....____,;;-=-....c......._ ________ was federal of work,...._ ____________ of the interviewing agents the following information: ...., After and the b3 b6 b7C ....., nature being of the b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED/~ 08/16/2017 I_______________ J_u_n_i_· t_e_d_s_t_a_t_e_s __ (_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n_) ___ at .. ;,.:~~~~~~~~~========;----------------Date dra!kd 08 / 18/ 201 7 _ b6 b7A b7C b7E by This document contains neither recommendationsnor conclusions or the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contentsarc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI( 19cv 1278)-2994 - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ b7A b7E 2- UNCLASSIFIED//~ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 07/06/2017 Date or entry FEDERAL GRAND JURY MATERIAL - DISSEMINATE PURSUANT TO RULE 6(E) Do not disseminate except as authorized by I federal rule of criminal I, procedure I 6(e). On May 11, 2017, telephone number interviewed telephonically. Also present during the interview ._ ______ __.loepartment of Justice Senior Financial Investigator._ (Contractor). After being advised of the identity of the interview agent and the nature of the interview,LJprovided the following information: I was b6 b7C wasl __ ___. i ng b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C ______.I On ...._ occasion, ..._ I _ I would _. also deal with Gates . Initially~said he didn't have knowledge of Manafort having bank account(s); however, he recalled later during the interview receiving incoming wire transfers from accounts in Cyprus. b6 b7C any foreign Manafort UNCLASSIFIED//ti!l-& 05/11/2017 at Los Angeles, California, United States .....:::=====..__ _____________ _ File Ii (Phone) Date drafted 0 5 / 15/201 7 by b3 b6 b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI( 19cv 1278)-2995 b3 b6 b7A b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//~ Continuation ofFD-102 of r71ast (U/ /~) spoke Interview with of Manafort I .On in approximately 2013 05/11/2017 ______ or 20141 .Page 2 of I 2 b6 b7C b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED//~ FBI(19cv1278)-2996 b7A b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 3- UNCLASSIFIED/~ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 07/06/2017 Date or entry FEDERAL GRAND JURY MATERIAL - DISSEMINATE PURSUANT TO RULE 6(E) Do not disseminate On June number except 27, as authorized by federal rule 2017, date of criminal procedure 6(e). residence. After and the nature information: being of the b6 b7C social security home address telephone number_l.....i.----------. I birth cellular was interviewed at her the interviewing agents provided the following of advised of interview,!.._ l the ident _____ i ties __, of b3 b6 b7C The I I b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED//-Hr& b6 06/27/2017 at _I_____ .... I _M_a_r_y_l_a_n_d_, _u_n_i_t_e_d_s_t_a_t_e_s_(_I_n __ P_e_r_s_o_n_l ______ -======::::::::========::::::;---------- File Ii by _____________________ .._________________________ Date drafted _ O6/27/2017 b7A b7C b7E _ This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI( 19cv 1278)-3005 b7A b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//¼rSS b6 ContinuationofFD-102of (U/ /~) Interview of I .On _o_6_/_2_7_/_2_0_1_7_ . Page 2 of b7A 3 b7C b7E b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C I Thel b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED/~ FBI(19cv1278)-3006 b7A b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED/~ ContinuationofFD-102of (U/ /~) Interview ofl .On _o_6_/_2_7_/_2_0_1_7_ . Page 3 of 3 b6 b7A b7C b7E b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C lwas advised lying to an FBI agent ~a-n-d""'_~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~_-_-_-_~lunderstood, but assured agents the truth. UNCLASSIFIED/~ is a federal crime, what she had told them was b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3007 b7A b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 2- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 05/12/2017 Date or cn1ry FEDERAL GRAND JURY MATERIAL - DISSEMINATE PURSUANT TO RULE 6(E) Do not disseminate On April except as authorized 2017, ._ ______ Virginia, work _a_t_h_e_r_p_l_a-ce of employment, interview advised interview, was financial of the identity provided I I federal ~ work 18, ! by telephone I rule address number I of criminal procedure 6(e). I ~1-------..--w-a-s-~interviewed I A)sa presert during investigator of the interviewing agent the following information: _ After and the b6 b7C the being nature of the b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C b3 Home address: Personal Email telephone b6 b7C numbers: addresses: DL: b3 04/18/2017 at ._1 _______ File Ii .--'.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_=------------------------Dale v_i_r_g_i_n_i_a_,_u_n_i_t_e_d_s_t_a_t_e_s_(_I_n_P_e_r_s_o_n_l _____ _ dra!kd O5/05/2017 b6 b7A b7C b7E by "==========------------------------------------This document con1ainsnei!her recommendationsnor conclusionsor the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned 10your agency: ii and its con1cntsarc not to be dis1ributcdoutside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3008 b3 fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-102of b7A b7E (U) Interview of I .On 04/18 __ ;_2_0_1_7 __ . Page 2 of 2 b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3009 b7A - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 2 - UNCLASSIFIED/;'Hte FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 06/05/2017 Date or cn1ry FEDERAL GRAND JURY MATERIAL - DISSEMINATE PURSUANT TO RULE 6(E) Do not disseminate except as authorized by federal rule of criminal procedure 6(e). ______________________________ ...... ____ __________ On May 11, interviewed 2017, .._ was b6 b7C Also present during the interview was .._ Department of Justice Senior Financial Investigator (Contractor). being advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the the interview,! !provided the following information: ..._ ___, ___, After nature of b6 b7C b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED/~ 05/11/2017 File,.....J Ii ________ at .,....._____________________ United States _ (In Person) Dale draflcd 0 5 I 19/201 7 b6 b7C b7E by-------------------------------------------------This document con1ainsnei!her recommendationsnor conclusions or the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned 10your agency: ii and its con1cntsarc not to be dis1ributcdoutside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3010 fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) b7A b7E UNCLASSIFIED/~ Continuation ofFD-102 of (U / /i:;SS+ Interview of .On 05/11/2017 . Page 2 of 2 b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED/~ FBI(19cv1278)-3011 - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ b7A b7E 1- UNCLASSIFIED/~ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 09/21/2017 Date of cnlty FEDERAL GRAND JURY MATERIAL - DISSEMINATE PURSUANT TO RULE 6(E) Do not disseminate except _.....; as authorized by federal rule of criminal procedure ____________________________ ______ ,.... ....;. On September 20, 2017, work address telephone number employment, ____________ Senior Financial of the identities interview, Investigator of the ~ b6 b7C SA-1-------~ ___, ___________ by __________ ___. After interviewing !provided _. work place of -----------.-------------------were interviewed at their and 6{e). being agents and the nature of the following information: advised the I knew neither one ever had contact with who Pau_l_M_a_n_a_f_o_r_t __ (M_a_n_a_f_o_r_t_)_w_a_s ____ ,_b_u....,t Manafort. I I b6 b7C I b6 b7C I was served with a Federal Grand Jury subpoena,! 1 advised --------the subpoena b3 b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED/~ 09/20/2017 File at Alexandria, :Ii-==============================::;-------------Dale Virginia, United States (In Person) drafted O9I21/201 7 b6 b7A b7C b7E by This document con1ainsnei!her recommendationsnor conclusions of the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned 10your agency: ii and its con1cntsarc not to be dis1ributcdoutside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3012 ro-.,02 - 1 of (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ b7A b7E 2 - UNCLASSIFIED//-i:!BS FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date Do not FEDERAL GRAND JURY MATERIAL - DISSEMINATE disseminate except as authorized by federal rule On September 20, .____ __,! Virginia, orentry 09/21/2017 PURSUANT TO RULE 6(E) of criminal procedure 6(e). I b6 b7C 2017, cellu~l_a_r_t_e_l_e_p_h_o_n_e_n_u_m_b_e_r....,..1---------,.-w-a_s_i_'_n_t_e_r_v....,iewed the Grand Hyatt Washington Hotel located at 1000 H Street DC by SAi land Senior Financial Investigator Also present during the interview was_! _________ _ from the law firm of Kellogg, Hansen, Todd, Figel and .__ ......,...., ___, Patrick . ._ ______ ~work address is 1615 M Street NW, Suite 400, Washington DC, and his work telephone number isl After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview, !provided the following information: in the lobby NW, Washington of ____ _____ I b6 b7C believed the total for the work he did for Paul Manafort approximately $125,000. ldid not have discussions with Manafort about any of his overseas accounts. !recalled an email he saw from Manafort to controller, in which Manafort told to expe_c_t_a_w_i_r_e_f_r_o_m___,an _o_v_e_r_s_e_a_s--company. could not recall the name of the ---------(Man a fort) was I I, company. Manafort's Manafort I I wires was one clients !never Feldstein I ldid ____ _.I ____ and I not to_! ___ ofl pay have _ with had contact (NKSFB). I any issues !only a check. clients with Rick I I Gates I I with his bank who paid (Gates) regarding with or any a wire. Nigro, Most Karlin, of Segal, ______......,________________________ _, did not know how .__ Manafort got I I name to do this work. I assumed it a referral from another of clients. --1---.ldoes work high profile individuals in the Washington DC area. I I b6 b7C of was for I b6 b7C through many UNCLASSIFIED/A:,BS- !nq:stigation on 09/20/2017 at Washington, Person) File;.li...!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~t-1 ___________ b, _I ---i.ll ____ District Of Columbia, -,- ____________ United States Date drafted (In 09/20/2017 r----------- This doc11me11tcontains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the fBJ and is loaned to your agency: it and its to be distributed outside your agenc,·. b6 b7A b7C b7E 'P~1f'l.5f~l278)-3024 b6 b7A b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//~ Continuation of FD-102 of _(_u_/_l_~ ___ r_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w_o_f_l ____________ . On _0_9_/_2_0_1_2_0_1_7_. Page 2 of 2 b6 b7C b6 b7C Manafort Manafort never travels told_l ___ ~!what internationally. Manafort never invested money Manafort did for a living, only that b6 b7C in_l _____ l company. b3 b6 b7C I Although !brought documentation to give to the writer,_! _____ _ advised he wanted to make copies of the documents before giving them to the writer, and would contact the writer when the documents were ready. UNCLASSIFIED//~ b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3025 b7E -1 ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ of 12- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 01/25/2018 Date of cnlty On Tuesday, November 28th, 2017 '-------~was interviewed at 395 E Street SW. by Senior Assistant Special Counsel (SASC) Andrew A. Weissmann, SASC Zainab Ahmad, Supervisory Special Agent _________ and Forensic Accountant _______ _. SASC Jeannie Rhee was also present during a portion of the interview. !was represented byl I I and J a paralegal ..... f_r_o_m"'"I--------,.-----' I I b6 b7C I !was also present. After being advised the identities of the interviewing parties SASC Weissmann explained to! that the interview was voluntary and if at any time he wanted to consult with his counsel he could do so. I I was advised that he needed to be honest in answering the questions and that making false statements could constitute a federal crime.! acknowledged that he understood and then provided the following information: I I Introduction to 1met Donald Trump J. Trump at a conference I Through organizations he attended associated I I b6 b7C withl I received I I attend a conference developer, was to been held in which Trump, be a speaker. in calls his role as a !recalled the suggesting business conference man and having initiative arrived. his sales President event.! remained to move outside the hotel and personally meet Trump as he While walking back in to the conference space, !presented pitch and offered his help in the event Trump decided to run for in the future. Corey Lewandowski was accompanying Trump at this provided his contact information to Lewandowski and the two in touch. I ,------:;__----====------------, At the conference, awaiting ----------------------------Trump's arrival with a small group of attendees, I I decided on his own I I After Trump announced his candidacy contacted! regarding a rally some logistical arrangements for during and around the event. This Trump's airplane in which it was I lmestigationon File Ii 11/28/2017 at Washington, !:::================~--------------Date for President, he or Lewandowski ....__________ _.assisted in making the rally and interacted with Trump interaction included a meeting on discussed District Of Columbia, United States drafted (In b6 b7C Person) 11/2 9/ 201 7 by This document contains neither recommendationsnor conclusions of the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contentsarc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. b6 b7C b7E FBI(19cv1278)-3026 b6 b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) (U) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or Interview of! .On 11/28/2017 _______ ! stated I described remained to Trump that in touch - including Beginning television directed in.._ ____________ •===:::;------'started as a campaign surrogate. !stated and offered by Trump and/or Lewandowski. Appointment in formal . Page campaign some in person contact this - after 2 of 12 b6 b7C he but meeting. this appearing representation on b6 b7C was role Around June 20, 2016, when Lewandowski was fired from his role in the Trump campaign, Jared Kushner called! I The two discussed taking on a larger role in the campaign, with Kushner askino! when he could come to New York to meet in person. Later that same week, traveled to New York and met Kushner at his offices at 666 5th Avenue where Kushner asked! what he would like to do for the campaign. ! stated that he, in his prior interactions with the campaign, had assessed the operational aspects to have been a mess, chaotic, and in need of process. At the time of these observations, he hadn't wanted to overstep his informal role, but since Kushner had called and invited him to New York, he pitched a potential..._ _______________ _. type role. assessment was that Kushner was the defacto campaign manager and appeared to make hiring/firing decisions.! lcame to this conclusion after Lewandowski was fired, but thought that Lewandowski may not have had full authority as campaign manager. I I I I I I I After small this discussion at conference room in I and Rick b6 b 7c Gates. I and_! _____ !walked to Kushner's offices, Kushner Trump Tower for a meeting. In the room were! !described him as.-,------------~,- a b6 b7A b7C I e During this portion but the reason for of his the meeting ~!__ presence became __.!stated clear at he acted the end. as an observer, b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3027 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview I of .On Kushner stated that of the campaign have a role in ,__ ...,,.. nd Kushner After this meeting, working. 11/28/2017 _______ would 3 of . Page 12 be ______________ ___ ____ ____,..... would started ,____ ~!does not recall there for the bulk of when it. Gates left the asked ...._ stated ___. meeting, but recalled whether ...._ he him being b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C __________________ I __. ...._ was focused was not on his new role and responsibility. Activities the campaign _____________ _ ___ ...._ during _._s_t_a_t_e_d_t_h_a_t_h_i_s ____ decisions. official time of __.role campaign staffers -------stated he was unsure if role or because he was J.._ I ____ his work with the campaign, ,.....,. land also workinq on his I defined.!,__ _______ _. started coming to him to make they were coming because of his I At the ___,, _____________ ___J,_..a..;;=..-=.a., ___.,__ __. ~as still serving .....;; as! ____________ _ ____ I I I l ,__ b6 b7C I _________________________ I ___________ ____.stated approximately 11 out of Tower and then traveling ----.....was .__ __.I responsible accomplished via email. 14 days physically home for a long with weekend fo ... r__l __________________ the he typically spent campaign at Trump ...._ ____. l,__w_h_i_c_h __ w_a_s ______ _,, I ----------------------------------- !worked b6 b7C with FBI(19cv1278) -3028 b6 b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of! .On 11/28/2017 _______ 4 of 12 . Page b6 b7C viewed himself as the filter between the used a common sense approach with He was not provided with parameters or ..... -------r--------------, campaign and --------------------------budget . ._ _ ___.I stated he believed reported _____________ reported to Kushner. to him . .._ ________ _.relied on her I !detailed a few individuals he ___. (phonetic) was described as a because her tenure with the campaign predated his arrival and she possessed institutional knowledge. She one of his most direct reports. ________ handled responsibilities and had reporting responsibility to~!---...... 1-L_a_t_e ....r, brought in !viewed side there his role to as support him; I I had beingL! ______________ b6 b7C was I ____ a .,.....:......!:::::::::;----' worked with I ......w=h_i,le the was political typically and managed by Manafort and Gates.I being more interest from the staff in the .._ _, Manafort, their team. He described this team as consisting of younger guys did not recall their names in other !described politica l side. Gates, and two b6 b7C ____________________________ described Manafort and Gates to have a significant role managing delegates. There was fear within the campaign of the rules committee and the actions they could take to affect change in the nomination process. Manafort and Gates presented themselves as being knowledgeable about the process. ----------associated with b6 b7C lstated that staff would be brouQht on to the campaign - and be ---w-1-.t-hout him being made aware._l _______jraised this issue with Kushner he tried to resolve the issue at ..___________________ his paid after levelJ ___. stated in August 2016, he was on a plane with Trump when they heard on the television that Manafort had res i gned . ..____ !stated Trump was upset at this charact e rization because Trump felt he had fired Manafort. asked Trump why he fired Manafort and not Gates as well. Trump replied yes to removing Gates as well and asked~!-----. I b6 b7A b7C I FBI(19cv1278)-3029 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of 11/28/2017 _______ .On . Page 5 of 12 b6 b7C lfelt that Trump made it Gates was to be fired I that Gates was also fired. ------------------------- clear that !advised b6 b7C ______________ _.IWhenl !attempted to fire employees he ran into opposition from Bannon and Conway who stated he had to run those decisions through them. c:::::J....s.onsulted with Kushner who confirmed what Bannon/Conway had stated. L_Jdoes not recall !and stated that Bannon wanted to keep Gate_s ___B_a_n_n_o_n __ d_i_d_n_o_t_p_r_o_v_i_d_e_ I reasons but stated it was Bannon's decision ___ I stated that Gates possible involvement ledger was part of his argument that Gates I raised those issues with Kushner. alleoations reaardina Gates. Specifically, ! ! to make. with Ukraine and the black had significant issues and was also aware of other an alleoation that he had b6 b7C b7D ! recalled involving I I from HR and discussing whether it was a larger issue. I I stated he also discussed the matter with Kushner but by the time he had that conversation with Kushner, was under the impression Gates was gone from the campaign. I I learned Gat e s moved to the Republican National Committee (RNC) and then later the RNC stationed back with the campaign. I Campaign I finances b6 b7C encountered a competino budqet version maintained by Steve Mnuchin. I I Mnuchin's projections would tie specific inflows to specific expenditures and worked with Brad Parscale. IParscale, Kushner, and Mnuch i n were typically involved in budget discussions although others (NFI) participated as well. I I Mnuchin and were responsible for fundraising, with_l _____ and others - including! !LNU - handling calls to big money donors. someone served as a bundler, the RNC assigned them a bundler number. _ If b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3030 b6 b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of! .On 11/28/2017 _______ . Page 6 of 12 Discussions of contributions from Trump started at the management l evel without Trump's involvement. Mnuchin would often take the outcome of those discussions and have direct interactions with Trump. Parscale was responsible for project digital fund raising. Parscale drove a lot of the campaign expenditures - and would detail the amount he needed for GilesParscale's (G-P) efforts. G-P would submit daily invoices and were paid daily. The daily invoices included details of payments to or invoices from sub-contractors, but.c=J.stated the purpose of the sub-contractor was not always apparent. L_jdescribed a desire to audit the G-P invoices, but stated it was not done as the campaign did not have the manpower or bandwidth to undertake the effort. Parscale reported to Kushner who approved his requirements. I !was not involved in that approval. b6 b7C ____ lwas not aware of money coming to the campaign from foreign sources and stated that everyone knows you cannot accepts such funds. He d i d recall a screw up where a fundraising email blast, organized by Parscale, went to at least one overseas official, possibly located in the Uni ted Kingdom. Parscale had been buying email lists - through an organization called Conservative Connections - and! !believed the foreign address came from them. did not recall the specific timing of this issue or how he learned about it but believed it could have been in July or August. He did not recall how Parscale resolved the issue but knew Parscale handled the response. b6 b7C ____ !did not recall any foreign contributions being made to the campaign. However, he stated if an attempt to send foreign funds to the campaign had occurred it would have been handled by I !initially as he actual l y handled the money - including cash and other physical deposits. Red Curve p r ovided daily cash reports to the campaign. stated cont rib u ti on s came to an account controlled by Red Curve and that the campaign relied on Red Curve for maintaining compliance with Federal Election Commission (FEC) requirements, including filings. I ! stated he believed! ! and lawyers from Jones Day would have dealt with any FEC issues, although he expected! I would have acted on his own regarding something as clear cut as dealing with a foreign contribution.! ! stated that I::::] and Jones Day lawyers communicated without his oversight and that! I had access to everyone because he was a primary source of finance information. b6 b7C I I ------------------------------------- Candidate .__ _.Iwas financial contributions aware that Trump's loans to the campaign were converted to contributions but does not recall being part of the discussion. He believes that the decision was made because of the p o tential negat i ve b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3031 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of I .On 11/28/2017 _______ . Page 7 of 12 optics with it being a loan to Trump. !stated that the campa i gn could have had trouble raising funds if the possibility existed they would be used to pay back Trump's loans. I I was shown the forgiveness letter filed with the FEC. He again stated he did not recall being involved in the decision process and may have heard about the conversion from either I I or Don McGahn. I I speculated that a decision this big - given the amount of money involved - would have been made with all Trump's children and not just Kushner. There were standing meetings on Monday mornings with Trump and his children. l I also thought, based on the timing of the conversion, that Manafort had possibly been involved in the process. b6 b7C '----~!recalled always feeling that the campaign was broke and that every time money would come in there would be multiple people competing for the same dollar. !stated the end of the campaign was especially a time of financial pressure. His personal opinion was that Mnuchin and Parscale's projections - for traditional and online donors respectively - had been lofty, the campaign had spent based on their projections, and ultimately the money did not come in at the expected level. b6 ____ I was asked b6 b7C I about his awareness of Trump's multiple contributions of $2,000,000 and single $10,000,000 contribution after the loan conversion decision. He recalled Mnuchin and Kushner would have been involved in discussing those decisions and possibly Parscale and Bannon as wel l especially with the later contributions. With regards specifically to the $10,000,000 contribution, he recalled a shared belief held by himself, Mnuchin, Kushner and Parscale that if Trump wanted to win, the campaign needed $10,000,000 to come from the candidate. The urgency was driven by the thought that some swing states were polling within the margin of error and a last minute push might make the difference. I )believ e d the funds would have been used for ad buys but he did not specifically recal l how the expenditures were split. He assumed a majority went to G-P for digital ad buys and possibly Jamestown Associates for traditional media. Reaction b7C to DNC Hack '----~!was asked about the response within the campaign to the news of the Democratic National Committee hack. He recalled the primary response of the campaign was to evaluate their own systems for ways to make them more secure. He also recalled unspecified speculation that if collusion with Russians had occurred, it most likely would have been done by the Clinton campaign. I the Uranium I identified One deal playing the Clinton into these Cash book and discussions. information After relaying the above information, there was a break When it resumed, SASC Andrew A. Weissmann and Supervisory in b6 b7C regarding the interview. Special Agent FBI(19cv1278)-3032 b6 b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of I ------;::::===.continued counsel. .._ __ ~!provided There was no formal employees use their get the information emphasis on process .On the interview the following of._ _ __. in information: 11/28/2017 _______ the 8 of . Page presence of 12 b6 b7C his campaign's email policy but the preference was that ._ ________ ~email address. The main goal was to out to people on the campaign and there was no b6 b7C . .._ _ __.!was shown an email chain dated 08/02/2016 related to payment invoices with the following individuals on the email chain: Rick Gates, _________________ stated that! !wanted to get ..__ __.!paid for his services to the campaign. I I was directed to an email dated 07/25/2016 which stated "Here's a sensitive one that you and I need to discuss.'' _!___ !stated that "sensitive" in the email was a reference to wanting the invoice to get paid.! had received previous invoice he had questioned because there were no contracts signed for the services and the agreements were verbal. When r===Jwas presented with an invoice related to a verbal agreements which~was not aware of he would often contact Corey Lewandowski, and ask if there was a verbal agreement and what the terms of the agreement where. Lewandowski would often advise that the invoice was overinflated. I I I stated that I Donald Trump told him when they _,I Lewandowski ....., i b7C I ____________ _____ ___.Itold ____________ b6 Trump I about ! the ! were at b6 b7C '--------------.------' and issues related to ___ ..,but did not know the specifics. was unpopular with people at the campaign because of something he did and he was not viewed asl ldid not know the specifics. did not re~c_a_l_l_w_h_a_t ~------1 role \ I was on the campaign. ______ ! consulted with Corey Lewandowski to were "qood people and who were bad people." !Kushner was also responsible -----the campaign; thus, enabling Kushner campaign I determine who at the Lewandowski advised campaign that I for getting Lewandowski removed to have a greater role over the I b6 b7C from . .__ __.Istated at campaign seen again that Manafort was not a hard worker. Often Manafort showed up headquarters at 10:00 a.m. and left at 1:00 p.m., never to be for the rest of the day. Manafort had a "mob boss" attitude. b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3033 b6 FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) b7C b7E Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of .On 11/28/2017 _______ . Page ...___ stated he heard that "the kids", referring to Donald Trump's brought Manafort on to the campaign. Kushner was Manafort's biggest advocate but I I did not know why. I I advised that he did not relationship with Trump's kids . 9 of 12 kids, have b6 b7C a .___ ___.I stated that Kushner always protected Gates but he did not know why and did not understand why. I I stated that Pars ca le was one of Gate's biggest supporters. After Manafort was fired from the campaign, Parscale would bring Gates into the campaign office and Gates would sit next to Parscale. Parscale often would have high level conversations while Gates was close to him and shortly thereafter the information would leak to the press. b6 b7C ____ !was shown an email chain dated 09/30/2016 with the subject "Outstanding Payments." I I stated that he felt the email implied to Steve Bannon that I I was not doing his job. l I used the term "not legit" in the email to represent that Gate's assertions were not accurate regarding Mike Caputo's claim because Lewandowski told~! __ __.1 that Caputo was a volunteer on the campaign and should not be paid. I I stated he had a telephone conversation with Bannon the same day the email was sent but he could not recall the specifics of the conversation. I I forwarded the email to to check to see whether the payments enumerated in numbers 1 and 3 in the email were paid. b6 Manafort and Gates were brought on to the campaign as volunteers. stated the campaign required employees to sign an NOA; either a vo l unteer NOA or a paid employee NOA. Manafort and Gates signed the volunteer NOA. l I does not recall Manafort being paid for his expenses. I I had never heard of Manafort getting paid one million dollars by the campaign and if would have seen or heard about such a request he would have objected. Conversely, Gates was paid for expenses and I I thought that his expenses were inflated. Gates originally requested a certain amount for his expenses and when the campaign agreed to pay those expenses, Gates increased the expenses to approximately ________ _.refused to pay Gates' expenses and told Don McGahn that if he wanted Gates to be paid then he should do it himself. b6 b7C b7C -------- I ---~I I suspected that Manafort and Gates profited monetarily in different ways than being paid directly by the campaign for their services. I I stated that after Trump secured the nomination, Manafort and Gates pitched an idea to pay a firm 5 to 10 million dollars for add buys. I I stated this made no sense because Trump already secured the nomination.!._ _ _. could not recall the name of the firm but the person who ran the firm was a friend of Manafort. I j went to !and made sure the deal was not executed.! !viewed Manafort and Gates as ~I _____ _ b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3034 b6 b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of .On 11/28/2017 ------- . Page 10 of 12 ._ _ ___.was shown an email chain dated 11/05/2016 between himself and Hope Hicks. Hicks was part of the ''original five" who were with the campaign from the beginning. I !stated he and Hicks had a good relationship and they both did not like GatesJ !did not know if Hicks would know how or why Gates was not fired from the campaign. Hicks knew that I I was constantly trying to get Gates removed from the campaign and she tried to help him by forwarding negative articles about Manafort and Gates to I give him ammunition to show ~stated that he created L___jmade it known to many removed.! stated that local council election let questionable past. I I b6 b7C t~n that they w:re involved the terml _ • _ to people at t e campaign tat you would not want Gates to alone a presidential election questionable acts. describe Gates. Gates needed to be participate in a based on his _____ !was shown chain dated 08/31/2016 which referenced a New York Post article regarding Gates' association with a company named Eyelock. ~I__ _. stated he had never heard of Eyelock prior to receiving the email. Hicks sent this article to! !so he would have more ammunition to try to get Gates removed from the campaign. ! discussed this negative art i cle Kushner and Parscale in an effort to get Gates removed. Kushner to l d~,---. not to worry about it and that Gates was a good guy.! ! continued to advocate to Kushner that Gates needed to be removed. Eventually, I I was put in his place by Kushner and was told that Gates was staying and that I !needed to deal with it. b6 b7C I ,__ __ ~Ialso complained to Kushner about Manafort and told him about questionable people Manafort represented in the past such as~I ___ _ .._ ____ !as well as allegations that Manafort received two suitcases full of cash to provide to the Regan campaign which never reached the campaign. l l told Kushner that if you simply google Manafort or Gates there were lots of articles which revealed that they were involved in a lot of questionable activity. However, Kushner did not seem to care and ignored 1 b6 b7C 1 In light of Gates' questionable history with money, I !was shocked he was appointed to be the person in charge of the money for the inauguration committee. I I stated Kushner made this decision with significant support from Parscale . .__ __.Iwas when shown an email dated 08/31/2016 which included a service agreement contract with Cambridge Analytica. i i stated that he reviewed a draft of this service agreement and made changes to it because he did not like some of the language in the agreement. Cambridge was hired by Bannon. I I stated the people who owned Breitbart also owned Cambridge and that is how Bannon was familiar with Cambridge. Cambridge was hired by b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)·3035 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of _____ __. .On 11/28/2017 ------- . Page 11 of 12 the campaign to work on targeted ads using a data modeling and a data targeting methodology. I I was referred to Appendix D which stated that they had a service agreement with Cambridge since 06/13/2016. I stated he was not familiar with this but Lewandowski would know about it . b6 b7C .__ __.I was not familiar with any foreign sources of campaign contributions to include any from Asian countries. I I stated there was one incident with Parscale where he sent out campaign contribution solicitations utilizing a list that had foreign individuals.I I stated Parsca l e was confronted about this and told that it was not legal to solicit foreign contributions. I I stated that he thought Parscale was aware of this law because he never stated he was not aware of this requirement when confronted. !was not aware of any actual foreign money being contributed as a result of this. Prior to the public being told that Manafort was leaving the campa i gn, ___ I was aware that Trump fired him. I I heard that there was a meeting at Trump Tower attended by Manafort, Trump's kids, and Trump where Manafort was told there was too much bad press about him and as a result they could not keep him around. I I heard that Manafort told them the stories were not accurate.! ! was on the Trump campaign plane wi th Trump, Hicks, I (phonetic), and Steve Miller when the news of Manafort's resignation was televised on the plane. Trump was very upset and stated Manafort did not resign and that he fired him. Trump spoke to Kellyanne Conway via telephone on the plane and asked her why the media was reporting that Manafort resigned when he fired him. Conway stated that she made the decision to tell the media that he resigned. Trump was not happy about this decision. Subsequently, I I told Trump that since he fired Manafort he also needed to fire Gates because they were a package deal. Trump said yes fire Gates as well. I b6 b7C b6 b 7C i The Monday after the election, Sam Dearborn called ..___ ~into his office and was told his services were no longer needed. I I did not have any role in the inauguration or the transition. I I thinks Dearborn was brought into the campaign by Manafort. I I stated he believed Dearborn did not like him because I I b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3036 b6 b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of ,___ __.!was not aware consulted by people 11/28/2017 .On of Manafort playing on the campaign or a role in administration . Page 12 of ------the campaign or being after he was fired 12 . b6 b7C ._ __ ~!did not become aware of the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Natalia Vesenlnitskaya, Manafort, Kushner, and Donald Trump Jr. until it was reported in the news this summer. b6 b7C The last time recalled seeing House. Gates was with._ _______ b6 b7C _I ___ __ _.! thinks recall why. he has I heard the name Gates ___. was on 06/17/2017 ~l ___________ at the White ___.lbut he cannot b7A b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3037 b7A b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 2 - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 01/30/2018 Date of cnlty I I date of birth 1,....._n_u_m_b_e_r __ e_n_d_i_n_g_i-.-~r---,lwas interviewed I J by lsocial FBI Special security Agent account I land Special Counsel Prosecutor Greg Andres. Present d_u_r_i_n_g_t_h_e _ ___. interview was A/ASAc _________ and attorney for Richard Gates,I J After being advised of the identities of the interviewing p~a_r_t_i_e_s _ ___. and the nature of the interview,! !provided the following information: ~------~lmet Richard Gates in the Presidential Campaign. At the time, fundraising events for Reagan which Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. Gates campaign and through that work, they times. After the campaign, I _____________ 1980's during the Ronald Reagan _. produced included artists such as Wayne Newton, andl lboth worked on the had contact with multiple !kept in touch with Gates and ...._ J ofl -- Prior to location. to find together. out b6 b7C !estimated he had contact with Gates andl laround 5...._p_e_r __ y_e_a_r-.-~Gates has invited! Ito produce events at times have some professional and social overlap. For example, involved in the Trump Presidential Campaign as was Gates. The last _______ land Gates did together was approximately one year before campaign began. I Gates Gates' ~---~lis close I and I contact has I are not close been related to like a brother friends for decades has never been t~ and have friends. a specific The majority event. made land I together films b6 b7C ..... ----------------------;..-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:_ 10 days ag~~------~lcontacted Gates Burkhardt knew Gates and LJworked 1 0 times and they !was project the of_l _____ 11/16/2017 at b6 b7C !have been over the years. District Of Columbia, United States Datcdra!kd J b6 b7C arrested. Washington, a ------------------- to be distributed outside 1011ragency. b6 b7C (Phone) 12/05/2017 by This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not L.-1 b6 b7C ~land lS lmestigationon b6 b7C I______ Since the 1980' s, Gates and_!_____ __.I have "crossed paths" numerous times. The most recent contact was approximately 10 days ago and was prompted by the process File Ii b6 b7C b6 b7A b7C ,b 7 E FBI(19cv1278)- :JvJu b6 b7A b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of _(_U_)_.,I _____________ ...._II_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w ___ 11/16/2017 . On _______ . Page 2 of 2 b6 b7C b6 b7C was willing to be for Gates because Gates is "a good b6 b7C man." FBI(19cv1278)-3039 b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 4 - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 07/17/2018 Date of cnlty On May 10th 2018 3:00 PM, at the office of Democratic Congressiona l Campaign Committee's legal counsel, Perkins Coie, 700 Thirteenth Street Northwest, Suite 600, Washington, District of Columbia 20005,._ _____ __. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, was interviewed by employees of the Special Counsel's Office. In attendance ___________ were Perkins Coie Federal Bureau of ._____ _.I Federal Counsel Attorney the interviewing following: b6 b7C ___. Attorney._ _______ ~ Perkins Coie As~s~o.:....:.c~i~a~t.:...:.e~!===:::;--...., Bureau of Investigation Special Agent~! _______ __. Investigation Staff Operations Specialist Analyst Special Counsel Attorney Jessica Romero, and Special Heather Alpino. After being advised of the identity of agents, and purpose of the interview, stated the c=J: b6 b7C b6 b7C \.....__________________________________ ___.! team of 6 email staffers, one software developer, and social media management. There were two advertising overlap in responsibilities. The Digital Team was team. They had access to the digital team's shared access outside of that drive. ~'--~!believed this DCCC's main server. Within the shared drive were each department, c=Jused the digital department's retrieve Photoshop files for placing onto digital lmestigationon File Ii 05/10/2018 at Washington, ============~-----------------------Dale District Of Columbia, consisted one person dedicated to folks, with lots of digital, but not an IT drive but no elevated drive was housed on different folders for share drive to content. She wou l d store United States drafted (In Person) 05/10/2018 b6 b7C b7E by This document con1ainsnei!her recommendationsnor conclusions of the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned 10your agency: ii and its con1cntsarc not to be dis1ributcdoutside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3097 b6 b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of _____ files in the drive network infrastructure members were given __. .On 2 of _0_5_/_l_0_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 4 on occasion, but not regularly. Within the DCCC, the was mostly hosted on Microsoft Windows. All team Dell laptops to perform work on. The Digital Department access to the Wordpress ran the sites. website and was one of several ---------------------------- who had The team saved passwords to shared documents. had no reason to believe that the accounts listed on those shared documents had been victimized. used Google Drive shared to her personal account, the shared password document was not in this Google Drive. I I b6 b7C a During the Summer of 2016, c::::J mostly worked from the DCCC office in DC. When she worked from home using her WiFi, she could get to the soc i al media and websites without going through the VPN. The software developers would VPN into the network, but most of the team had no need to do this. I During 2016! work email address was ________ _. and her personal email wasl She did not recall if she shared her password with anyone at the time or how often she changed her passwords, butc::::J..£.ecalled that she never shared personal passwords with people at work. L_J did use the same password in multiple accounts and she believed it was likely that she did have the same password in two places at once . ! ._ __ __.IDCCC account username was She used this to VPN into the DCCC a few times, she recalled following the "how-to" document on connecting that referenced an IP address to connect. c=Jhad access to the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) Vertica database server through software written by _________________________ ....,but did not have a personal account that software to query the Vertica would be able server. to connect. She ______________________ ,__ b6 b7C _. leveraged b6 b7C b6 b7C this DCCC's donation processing website, which was hosted by ActBlue.com. ActBlue.com was a place where Democratic campaigns and non-profits could process contribution payments. Groups could create fundraising projects and process the gifts. The site did not store credit card information, but did store encrypted details related to the credit card. ActBlue.com was not a DCCC ent i ty, but all DCCC small dollar gifts were processed using this website for the 2016 campaign b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3098 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview I of .On _0_5_/_l_0_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 3 of 4 cycle. There were different fundraising pages created for high dol l ar gifts, used because of lower fees for customers. The DCCC used ActBlue.com to collect all small gift amounts and direct mail contributions. explained that direct mailers and emails would include a shortened URL to a specific page hosted on ActBlue.com. Visits to these links would be tracked using IBM Marketing Cloud. Almost all click traffic at the time came from email embedded links. The management portal of ActBlue.com was hosted on WordPress Engine, which is where the developer would interface. C:J b6 b7C C:J learned of the news that the DCCC's Wordpress website had been hacked in June 2016 when the CEO and COO of DCCC learned from CrowdStrike. She recalled that CrowdStrike was on site that day, on or around June 21st 2016. The hack included a change to links on the DCCC page that would redirect visitors to the DCCC's ActBlue payment processing page for donation processing. There were two places that this link was changed, the top and bottom navigational panels. The link was changed from ActB l ue.com to ActBlues.com. The redirect to the malicious ActBlues.com domain would then redirect users back to the legitimate ActBlue.com website. The redirect occurred very quickly in a secure manner, and users would still be able to make payments. In the WordPress Engine site for DCCC's ActBlue's portal, confirmed that the URLs with lower volume had been redirected to ActBlues . I .__ __I corrected found that the the credentials between several b6 b 7c I the malicious redirect in late June, but shortly after links were once again changed to ActBlues. stated that for the Wordpress engine were shared on a spreadsheet others, so it was impossible to see who had made changes. I b6 b7C I During the June 2016 timeframe, someone on the team had looked into the analytics to determine how much traffic was redirected, but were not able to come up with a number. Also, C:Jdid not recall if they were able to determine the day the links were changed. did not recall how many donations DCCC received through the ActBlue.com portal during the Spring and Summer of 2016, but believed it to be in the hundreds, with a daily total being only around ten. c::::Jdid not notice anything unsual in the IBM Analytics account that would have made her suspect an account compromise. did not recall any donor complaints subsequent to the issue. b6 b7C C:J I [Agent Note:~ I was shown a series of printed b6 emails] b?C C:J recognized the first email, dated August from her inbox at the request of counsel. She opening the email, but did notice that it had retrieved it for counsel. She also noticed that email to the COO of DCCC, who in turn sent it 2nd 2016, as she pul l ed it did not recall receiving or been opened when she she had forwarded the to CrowdStrike.~l __ ~Ialso b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3099 b6 b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of I _0_5_/_l_0_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page .On 4 of 4 recognized the second email, dated April 6th 2016, and also noticed that it had been opened. However, this email was not forwarded to the COO of DCCC.~ also recognized the third email dated August 6th 2016, and stated that when she retrieved it that she noticed it had not been opened. !found these spear phishing emails convincing, and noted that they appeared legit. c::J stated that she was willing to pull additiona l metadata regarding the spears if needed. b6 b7C I ___ ! had no memory of changing her allowing others to use her personal to use her credentials. passwords accounts. during this She never time frame, or authorized others C:J During 2016, did not recall seeing any warning messages or banners on her Google account warning her of malicious activity. She also did not notice any denial of service, such as not being able to log onto one of her accounts. I 1was unfamiliar with archival compressing tools such as WinZip, WinRAR, and 7zip. c::::Jrecognized the name of! ! but did not use his computer. only used Microsoft Wi ndows computers, but believed that may have used a Unix computer. I During I April I and May of 2016, I C:J from~l ____ .....,..,..........,,.....-..,,..-~lduring the log on sporadically from home. ___I originally week. her average On the working weekends, day she being would learned of the DCCC compromise through an all staff meeting. was concerned with the possible compromise of her personal emails and the potential of the emails being released publicly. She described the threat of releasing personal emails as terrifying because she used it for all aspects of her life. The hack of the DCCC's computer network and DCCC website caused no huge personal expense. I personal invested no alerts b6 b7C c:J recalled work b6 b7C I reca income taxes filed falsely in their in credit monitoring for employees. for suspicious credit activity. name I b6 b7C b6 b7C in 2017. The DCCC stated that she received FBI(19cv1278)-3100 b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 1- UNCLASSIFIED//~ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 06/14/2018 Date of cnlty On or around 6/12/2018, SA_! _______ (SCP) Andrew Weissmann, Greg Andres, attorneys for..._ _______________ being advised of the following information: people and and Special Counsel Prosecutors Brian Richardson spoke to ______________ __,After b6 b7C ~ on the call, ...______ ~counsel proffered the I At the time of MANAFORT's call to~ on 2/24/2018,r--------,.~was the car .. was driving. confident that MANAFORT had called him on his usually saw the caller's number when he received calls MANAFORT's number did not display on! !phone. use speakerphone for this telephone call. I____________________ _._ in b6 b7C what b6 b 7c was ------------------ but _____________I had ....__ -:--"',------. 30, 60, and 90 seconds feel like. lasted approximately 30 seconds. MANAFORT said, up." ,_____ "This ___.I responded, is Paul "Hello - Paul developed was an intuitive confident that I Manafort. I need to give sense of the call you a heads- b6 b7C Paul." MANAFORT said, "I need to give you a heads up about Hapsburg." point, turned down the radio so he could hear the call clearly. MANAFORT continued, "Have you seen any articles about It's important that we talk. I have an update about Hapsburg." I ...____ I __,!responded, "I can't MANAFORT continued, "I need At this talking not talk to right give I point, hung up the . .----......_...,.l_w_a_n_t_e_.d to get off At this more Hapsburg? now." you a heads b6 b7C b6 b7C up about Hapsburg phone while MANAFORT was the phone quickly. ... " still b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED//~euelmestigationon File Ii by 06/12/2018 at Washington, District Of Columbia, _'=-_=_=333~~~====~==~-----------------------Datc United States drafted (Phone) O6/14/2018 !'========----------------------------------- b6 b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3101 - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ b7A b7E 7 - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 02/05/2018 Date of cnlty date of birth number California, was interviewed Special Counsel Prosecutor ._ social securit by FBI Special Agent._ ________ Greg Andres. Present during the of ___.and interview were After being the nature of b6 b7C ________________________________ _ advised of the the interview, identities I ! of the provided interviewing the following parties and information: Background b6 b7C ~-----------------------------------~lhe industry, on the mortgage lending has been side. I employed in the banking I b6 b7C ~--------------' Portfolio Managers and is the underwriting Credit Analysts. group which consists b6 b7C of b6 b7C Relationship communication with service the client's lmestigationon 12/13/2017 Managers borrowers lending at Washington, are generally and they work needs. District the with Of Columbia, individuals the Portfolio United in States direct Managers (In b6 b7C to Person) _:.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.::.::.::.~---------------------12 / 18 / 2 0 l 7 File Ii Date drafted by b6 b7A b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3102 b6 b7A b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of _(_U_) ..... l..._ _______ Loan ._l _r_n_t_e_r_v_i_· e_w _________ 12/13/2017 . On _______ . Page 2 of 7 Process When a potential loan comes to a Relationship Manager, it is referred to the Portfolio Management Group. !assigns the loan to a Portfolio Manager and Credit Analyst for underwriting. A needs list is sent to the borrower via the Relationship Manager and relevant documentation such as: personal financial statement (PFS), loan application (1003), schedule of real estate owned (REO), tax returns and other income documentation is obtained. b6 b7C A cash flow analysis is conducted by the underwriting team. If the borrower is a commercial entity or the collateral is an income generating property, the cash flow analysis is different than if the borrower is an individual or non-income generating entity. The underwriting team looks for the global cash flow of the borrower and the source of repayment of the loan. In order to determine global cash flow, underwriters look at tax returns, income statements, PFS and other income documents. If the loan meets BOC's guidelines, the underwriters will prepare a Credit Approval Memorandum (CAM), which is an internal document describing the borrower, the loan terms, the financial analysis of the borrower and the sources of repayment. The CAM is reviewed by the underwriting team lead and then I I If approved, it is sent to I I for approval. b6 b7C b6 b7C Loans by the Debt Chief Service Credit exceeding $5 million must be approved Officer. Coverage Debt Service Coverage (DSC) is a ratio calculated to assess whether the borrower can afford to repay the loan as well as all of their other debt obligations. DSC is an important factor because BOC does not want to rely on converting assets, liquidating brokerage accounts or selling property, as a source of repayment. BOC requires unsecured loans to have a DSC of at least 1.25X the loan amount. The debt for the unsecured loan is included in the global debt calculation and is amortized with principle and interest over a five year period. When determining cash flow, underwriters review tax returns, PFS, interim financial statements such as profit loss statements (P&Ls), W2s, ls, REO schedule, investment income portfolios and bank account statements. BOC does not require P&Ls to be audited by CPAs, but requires the information in the P&Ls to be accurate. K- FBI(19cv1278)-3103 b6 b7A b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of (U) I______________ Interview ....:........:....=:::=======::!..· . 12/13/2017 _______ On 3 of . Page 7 When determining debt, underwriters review the PFS, credit report and REO schedule. All debt obligations including mortgages, car loans, commercial lines of credit and any other loan are required to be reported on the PFS. Underwriters have visibility into much of the borrower's debt through their credit report, but not all loans are reported to the credit bureaus and therefore BOC relies on the borrower to provide an accurate and complete picture of their global debt obligations. The PFS is signed information contained by the borrower therein. to attest to the accuracy of the the b6 b7C ___________ ___ .....____________ Paul Mana fort and .__ I line of credit from BOC for their entity, r---------------was created for their I ....., ....._ .._ I applied I for .....-------------------f I did not _a_n_y-,-h-.i-s"""t,....o-r ... i_c_a.....,,...l----,i-n_c_o_m_e_f"'"o_r_u_n__,,d-e_r_w_r......,.i...,.t....,i .... n-g-..,.t-o--r-e"""l-y-u-p-o-n-. -...,A,....s--aresult, I I business ._t_h_e __ u_n_d_e_r-writing for __,, a business plan and projected cash the loan. In addition, flow were Manafort reviewed andl as Ihave pa--r-t_o_f_~ !were required to personally guarantee the loan and therefore cash flow analysis was calculated for them as individuals. Guarantor income was an important factor for this loan as it was unsecured and the business entity did not have any historical cash flow to rely upon. L--r----...,_d_i~d not know how Manafort and/orl lwere referred to BOC. could not recall when he first learned of the! .._ ___ __,loan . ....______ ~would have been approached someone from the underwriting team with an overview of the loan in the ear l y stages. recalled that a number of wealthy individuals were associated wit !but he could not recall specifics. byl lor b6 I b7C I ..... ------------,,-------...------for the BOC loan. did not personally was supplied reviewed indicated I by Manafort and factored the proceeds primary source of repayment review the business plan and.._ __ _. but he recalled such a business plan was into the underwriting process. Manafort and of the BOC loan would be used for up front costs !believed the ._w_a_s ..... 1-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ..._-_-_-_-__. ...!and the the I Portfolio Credit Manager for Analyst was '"I ___ thel ....., ________ l1oan l... would I b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3104 b6 b7A b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of have tol them (U) Interview _---2:::::::=======::::!.....-------------. been the person to! lif On to review the underwriting had the authority to they did not meet BOC's 12/13/2017 _______ . Page and relay the deny loans before guidelines. 4 of 7 information bringing b6 b7C I ______ purpose of !met Manafort and lone time in the spring of 2017. The the meeting was to discuss issues BOC had found with~I _____ ___. did not know how BOC uncovered the issues but he recalled BOC had learned This was a "major trigger" and "red fla "for In addition, BOC learned that was not moving forward as they had anticipated. -------------' ---------------------------------' b6 b7C Downgrading a loan meant adjust i ng the risk rating downward. This was a regulatory process for the purpose of internal and external audits. The bank is required to carry addit i onal reserves depending on the risk ratings of their loans. The meeting with Manafort and! with! repai~d-.-~i-----~l_w_a_s_t_r_y_i-.n-g_t_o_a_s The meeting took place Manafort, ______________ Durina the meetina at was to discuss what was happening and how the loan would be .... sess the risk to the bank. BOC's offices in Century ___,and possibly( Manafort and monetary default distinction tol their loans. due to non-payment. as it meant I At some point,( learned I !recalled had a vested interest in b6 b7C attendance. b6 b7C ___.. I Manafort and! lender, Genesis Capital, was a This would have been a relevant they were not making payments on !did that! with Manafort I ______ .___ not and b6 b7C ____. Manafort saying he ha rotect his investments. This was not to except that it showed Manafort still in and believed that there was ----======-=.:..:..::.::..:..:.::.....:.;to -----------------' particularly relevant City. I were I ------,-----------,-------------------,------,---------'!was sure if he learned this before or after the meeting I was not sure how he learned about I b6 b7C I ------------------------------not disclose that the default to their b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3105 b6 FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of b7A b7C b7E 12/13/2017 . On _______ _(_U_)....!!========="-! _r_n_t_e_r_v_i_· e_w _________ 5 of . Page 7 b6 b7C Neither Manafort, norl!made any represenfations changes in treir personaT"Tiiiia!,cial situations.= Manafort and as guarantors, were still financially not believe there were an issues with their financial resources. because he believed BOC would be able to turn to Manafort source of repayment. to BOC about b6 b7C !believed that viable and did an as a After the meeting, jwas aware of a significant amount of back and forth between BOC and Manafort and! an effort to structure a repayment schedule. was not a party to that back and forth. Based upon what was relayed to la repayment schedule was not reached and the loan was transferred to BOC's Special Assets Group.! !did not know the specifics, but believed a restructure was ultimately agreed upon and the bank has received I b6 lin I b7C I I Generally, BOC requires borrowers and guarantors financial documents on a quarterly basis . .._____ Manafort orl lever provided updated financials. to provide updated ___.did not know if b6 b7C CAM ____________________ was shown ...._ CAM that Manafort's cash flow analysis. support his income moved forward. the CAM _. was able income was a significantly Had BOC known information was falsified and inflated, to b6 b7C determine by reviewing the relied upon factor i n the supplied by Manafort to the loan would not have -------business' explained that had underwriting known that Manafort's 2015 income was closer to $400,000 rather than $4.5 million, this would have been a two-fold issue. First, it would have raised the issue of character as information was being falsely represented to the bank. This issue alone would have caused! Ito deny this loan. would likely have confronted Manafort with the discrepant information first to see if there was a reconcilable reason for it. If determined that Manafort falsified information, he would deny L.,-t,...h-e"""""l_o_a_n_. 4--------, was not aware of this issue ever happening before at BOC. I b6 b7C I The second issue would have been would have had on the DSC calculations. the material I impact a reduced i nco me not belie ve ldid b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3106 b6 b7A b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of _(_U_)_.l ________ .._l Manafort would have qualified only $400,000 in 2015. I recalled that ,..........!==:::::;-l~l-i~n-e .... of credit. 12/13/2017 . On _______ _r_n_t_e_r_v_i_· e_w _________ for the loan had his 6 of . Page business' income 7 been b6 b7C initially, This amount Manafort and was reduced to I I sought D b6 b7C a __.lwhen _! _____ I In review of Manafort's cash flow analysis on the CAM,! !could tell that his 2015 income was relied upon and factored into his DSC ratio. Alexander stated that Mnaafort's 2012-2014 tax returns were used and averaged along with his 2015 P&L. lnoted on the income worksheet, Manafort's income in 2014 was lower than previous years. It was not abnormal for self employed borrower's income to fluctuate. This was the reason BOC used a three year average and looked at the 2015 income. Alexander explained that BOC wanted an understanding of both historic cash flow and projected cash flow. b6 b7C Had BOC known Manafort's income in 2015 was significantly lower than 2014, this would have been a problematic downward trend. ldid not believe Manafort's income would have met the 1.25X DSC threshold. It's possible the loan could have been restructured to a lower loan amount or a secured loan. !reiterated, had he known Manafort lied, he would have denied the loan for that reason alone. b6 b7C _l ______ I Use of Proceeds Manafort be used for ____._indicated ________ _________________ ____._to the .__ roceeds of the BOC loan were ....._ b6 ,...._ and ...... __, b7C ~---------------------------------------' This was relevant information to BOC. Had BOC known Manafort and were usin the proceeds of the loan for it may have negatively affected the loan. It may have caused the loan to be restructure to a different type of loan or resulted in the loan being denied. It definitely would have caused the primary source of repayment to be adjusted. ~-------------- --------------- Had BOC learned after executing their business intended, it would have ._ ________________ believe such an issue not funding the loan that Manafort and !asere plan and not_l _______________ __.fas been troubling as BOC was relying primarily on the to repay their loan. !did not would ... b6 b7C l have caused BOC to issue a default notice. loan was a business loan. The purpose of the loan of the proceeds was supposed to be for business That said, ______ was not sure if there were any prohibited the loan proceeds. Generally, it was difficult for BOC to know how loan proceeds were used. ----------- and the purposes. uses of exactly use b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3107 b6 b7A b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of _(_U_)--========~!_r_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w _________ .On 12/13/2017 _______ 7 of . Page 7 REO !would not normally review did--n-o_t_b_e_l_i ..... eve he looked at Mana fort's not aware of any issues related to a borrower's or! Manafort's orl REO schedule IREOs. I and he lwas b6 b7C !REOs. Had! !known that Manafort misrepresented his ownership i nterest in various properties on his REO for the purpose of misleading the bank, he would most likley have declined the loan. If Manafort had not disclosed mort a e debt against his properties, this would be a character issue for If the lack of disclosure was due to an oversight, _. would factor in the debt to the DSC. The additional debt would negatively affect the DSC, potentially to the point where the loan would not be ap~roved. If the lack of disclosure was meant to mislead the bank, !would deny the loan. b6 b?C ______ ______ ... Other _____ _.!recalled one time. It was speaking~w~i~·~t~h~-------' represented to that I I represented or could not recall if he spoke with before after speaking with Manafort and _________ _....expressed to~,--that BOC was disappointed at the lack of timely response to requests for information. could not recall any representations made by I I I I I b6 b7C I I FBI(19cv1278)-3108 - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ b3 b7E 7- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 11/06/2018 Date or entry date of birth (DOB) Social Security ..._. __. home I I Address of..._ __________ I cellular telephone number of ________ ~t_e_l_e_p_h_o_n_e_n_u_m_b_e_r_o_f_l_.._ _____________~I was interviewed at the Special Account Number Counsel's (SSAN) Office, Washington, D.C. Present b6 b7C I were representing! The interviewing -------:-----------:------;::::::========~----team consisted of FBI Special Agent .,......:---~-~:::;---------....FBI Staff Operations Specialist.._ Assistant Zelinsky. ______ ! and Aaron Prior to the start _______ Special of the ___. FBI Intelligence Counsel (ASC) L. Rush interview, ASC Atkinson Analyst!.._ __ _ Atkinson and ASC verbally reviewed the b6 b7C b7E identities ______ of the provided interview team the following and the information: After nature being of the advised interview, _______________________ .... Rights Accountability Global Initiative his previous job was Foundation (HRAGIF). of the at Human b6 b7C b6 b7C lmcstigationon 09/13/2018 at Washington, District Of Columbia, File Ii --=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-:.,-------------Date by United States dra!kd (In Person) 10/05/2018 b3 b6 b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv 1278)-3110 b3 b6 b7C b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) (U) Interview Continuation of FD-102 of / 2018 of on ___. ._________ ------------------------ 09/13 .On 2 of _0_9_/_1_3_/_2_0_1_8_. Page 7 b6 b7C At the end of January 2016, Denis KATSYV called and asked ! if he would be interested in a job. ! ! asked if the job was in I. T., and KATSYV responded that he would provide more info if attended a meeting at .__ ___.attended the meeting at .__ The meeting was already in progress when he arrived and they were discussing creating HRAGIF, although they hadn't settled on a name yet. The meeting participants were discussing adoption issues. Present for the meeting was KATSYV, Natalia VESELNITSKAYA, Rinat AKHMETSHIN, Ed LIEBERMAN, .__ _. and a couple of other people that! I did not know and did not see again. Anatoli SAMOCHORNOVwas not at the meeting. There was a translator present at the meeting for! land VESELNITSKAYA. ~I _____ _ could only remember his first name of only prior knowledge of the Magnitsky Act came from the media, and_! _____ ! described it as general information. I I listened to the information being presented in the meeting to try understand what kind of job he would be getting. b6 b 7C _________________ _ _______ ______ At the described end his of the position meetin as ,......_._____ was offered ....._ ____ ~His a job. duties I included _I ___ _ b6 b7C His official title was believed it sounded more im ortant then it was. was also asked ._ .....was not a decision maker and did not direct anyone. AKHMETSHIN was the decision maker and told I I who to meet.! !did not work with VESELNITSKAYA but she was involved in HRAGIF working on the Russian side. VESELNITSKAYA was involved in working with Russia on adoption issues. Back then did not know that VESELNITSKAYA was a lawyer or that she was a lawyer for KATSYV. It made sense to! !now, looking back, based upon how VESELNITSKAYA was acting. I !never met anyone who put money in except for KATSYV. Finding money wasn't! job, he assumed that only KATSYV and VESELNITSKAYA were doing that. --------------------------_____________________ I ... I ! FBI(19cv1278)-3111 b3 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. fl5-flR-lO) (U) Interview of L.l ___.!on 09/13 _______ Continuation of FD-102 of / 2 O 18 3 Page . On _0_9_/_1_3_/_2_0_1_8_. ----------------------- of 7 In the meeting they discussed why HRAGIF was started. !didn't know what KATSYV's interest was in starting HRAGIF, but assumed they wanted to change the name of the Global Magnitsky Act to the Globa l Human Violations Law, or something similar. knew they wanted to take the name Magnitsky off. During the meeting_j __________ ___,_ldid not come up. lwas just listening with the goal of finding out what his role was and if he could do it. I _! b6 b7C _____ I I I I ___________________ ...._ I KATSYV offered! I the job at the meeting. In February 2016 HRAGIF was established as a 501(c) (4) in Delaware, but! !was not involved in the incorporation which was conducted by the Baker and Hostetler Law Firm and LIEBERMAN. In_j ____ _ !believed he offic i ally received his first paycheck. started inl had no involvement in HRAGIF betweenjr....... -----------~j_a_n_d_t_h_e_r_e ....... was no work.! ___, I I officially I started working at I HRAGIFI I ._______ was paid approximately la year while working at HRAGIF for helping to remove the name Magnitsky and help restart adoptions. I !believed that removing the name Magnitsky wou l d allow the Russians to lift the adoptions ban. There wasn't an indication that this was linked to a Russian government effort, but they believed that if they could remove the name Magnitsky they could then go to the Russian government which would lift the adoption ban in a quid pro quo scenario. first met KATSYV, in r---.,_ __________________________ ...J~h~e~was travelling through way back through attended a social event where met KATSYV. ....._ __________ ~introduced him to KATSYV. !knew KATSYV through business ties. !did not work for KATSYV, and did not know how long they had known each other. The second time saw KATSYV, he was again travelling through and he went to a restaurant later to the same restaurant and r-- with __ .......__ ______ ___. KATSYV came ran in to b6 b7C b6 b7C _. On his he first I I In ___ ._ ____ ........_ ___ KATSYV calledj land asked about KA_T_S_Y_V--w~an ted to know wL.h_a_t_,l,--------,.1-w_a_s_d--'o ing, knew ,..t_h_a_t __ -'was in the U.S., and KATSYV was interested in gettingL.i ____ b6 __,, b7C __,! FBI(19cv1278)-3112 b3 b6 b7C b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) (U) Continuation of FD-102 of _________. of .._ Interview on 09/13 / 2 O18 Page . On _0_9_/_1_3_/_2_0_1_8_. ----------------------- KATSYV asked,__ __________ when he was in Washinton .....for he would b6 b7C While working at HRAGIF, ~1____ ___.!did not speak with VESELNITSKAYA that often. At first she participated in the creation of the website and logo, as everyone else did . ._ ____ _.never saw VESELNITSKAYA before that first meeting. !might have talked to VESELNITSKAYA~'------~' ._ ________________ __.!might have talked with VESELNITSKAYA over b6 b7C had no involvement in D.C. number 7 and said phone 4 of call. HRAGIF. I phone calls and emails, but didn't remember texting with her . .._____ ~Ifirst met Anatoli SAMOCHORNOVat the end of March to the beginning of April 2016 . .._ ____ ~understood that SAMOCHORNOVwas working for VESELNITSKAYA as a translator on other things. For HRAGIF SAMOCHORNOV did translation and interpretation. AKHMETSHIN and LIEBERMAN worked as lobbyists for HRAGIF. Consultants included .__ __. the firm COZEN O'CONNOR and the POTOMAC SQUARE GROUP. All of these individuals/firms received checks for services. had no decisions in their hiring b6 !had first heard about the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower when he was..____________________________________ They were watching CNN and saw breaking news in which ._ _____ recognized VESELNITSKAYA and AKHMETSHIN. !didn't remember SAMOCHORNOVbeing mentioned. ( I had not heard about the meeting before then, nor any mention of a meeting with the Trump Campaign, Paul MANAFORT, or Jared KUSHNER.,______ ___.was not aware of anyone at HRAGIF providing information to the Trump Campaign. VESELNITSKAYA had never mentioned she had been at a meeting at Trump Tower during the event at the Newseum. b6 _____ b7C ----------------I I I b7C I On approximately received a phone I was after I missed I cal~l_f_r_o_m __ S_AM_O_C_H_O_R_N_O_V __ w_h_i_l_e __ h_e_w_a_s__,.! ________ the initial had been call in and then and called SAMOCHORNOVback. seen the news on CNN. ___. _ _,, This b3 b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3113 b3 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. fl5-flR-lO) (U) Interview Continuation of FD-102 of / 2 O 18 ----------------------· ofl L----------....1. Ion09/13 o _0_9_/_1_3_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 5 of 7 ll b3 b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3114 b3 b6 b7C b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) (U) Interview Continuation of FD-102 of / 2 O 18 ----------------------· of! ! on ..._ ______ __, 09/13 o n _0_9_/_1_3_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 6 of 7 b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3115 b3 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. fl5-flR-lO) (U) Interview of -------------------------------- Continuation of FD-102 of / 2 O l S on 09/13 Page . On _0_9_/_1_3_/_2_0_1_8_. 7 of 7 b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C I Various reporters have tried to reach out tol via emai l and phone calls. I I has not responded. A Buzzfeed reporter had knocked on his door. No attempts have been made from the Russian press. The Russian Government has not tried to contact! The last time -----------~!had contact with KATSYV was a long time ago. None of the others have tried to contact him. I I b3 b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3116 b7A b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 1- UNCLASSIFIED/~ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date or entry On Au ust ,-------------- 16, 2017, ;----- was interviewed at his place of ___. After being advised of the agents and the nature of the interv i ew, information: works on ...... ----.L......,..-----1 ,._ ____________ b6 b7C work address __ t_e_l_e_p_h_o----'ne number~!--------..---- ........ -----------~w-o_r_k cellular telephone number employment, _________________ identities of the interviewing ______ !provided the following 08/24/2017 next door to .__________ which is the last known address ......"'"""".a.aa,"" went to ...,...___ ......,____ _,, for b6 b7C and remembers the has been closed for a couple of years, and...._ ____ ~did not know where the owner was located. provided a number of! !as the last number he had for _____ [writer's note: Through open source ,....._______________ ...a.,_....aa....-----------, investigation, it appears ...... ____ ""'I""______________ ___. Agents home address ....______ called .... the number provided by and left a message. _____ UNCLASSIFIED//I:.a£ 08/16/2017 File Ii at !Florida, .,....!::================.------------ United States (In Person) Date drafted 0 8 I 18 / 201 7 b6 b7A b7C b7E by This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv 1278)-3117 b7E ro-.,02 - 1 of (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 2 - UNCLASSIFIED//!'OtTO FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date --------------------------- contacted by the undersigned investigating After being advised of the official identity provided the following information: .___ ~Iis presently!._ ____ any and all questions pertaining deals with the Trump Organization .._ __ _.! estimated 2002. Prior to that that time, sometime between 2006 stated, to the halting undertaking . and of Bayrock agent of ~ born at the 08/30/2017 that he is at Bayrock was in willing to answer and joint business approximately 2001 Bayrock ceased to exist, he believed, 2008. The world financial crisis led,~!---~ any potential or ongoing projects Bayrock Idiscussed -------!was responsible identifying b7C -------------,, undersigned, or b6 b7C b6 b7C was ....____ _.!recalled two projects Bayrock undertook with the Trump Organization. One project, based in Miami, was left unfinished. The second, Trump SoHo, did proceed. In 2006, ! !began pulling out of project as the crisis started. He eventually concluded his involvement with Trump Sotto by 2007. .-I b6 was ~----- ...... -------, He stated to his time . created orentry certain individuals that worked for Bayrock._! ___ Ba Y,..r_o_c_k_'_s-1.! ____ ...1!1-a_n_d_,,a "good guy . " ._! _____ _,!was largely for! Felix Sater was in charge of potential real estate deals. b6 b7C the _. b6 b7C I In either 2005 or 2006, ! !met with! land told him that Sater had criminal convictions in his past.! ! consulted with his attorney ______ ! who told him that Sater had to take a lower profile role in the business. Sater eventually left Bayrock shortly thereafter (in possibly 2005 or 2006). !saw Sater in Florida a few years later at a social function. In the course of Bayrock's stated that "attorneys dealt financial officers." Sater, dealings with the Trump with attorneys, financial he stated, would know all Organization, officers dealt with the specifics of who b6 b7C b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO I (Phone) I File # "============:::!... _________________ 08/25/2017 a1 _ IJale drafted O 8/25/2017 b6 b7C b7E by This docume11l contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the fBJ and is loaned lo your agenC\: it and its to be disttibutcd outside your agenc,. 'fDf91•efQJ'ct7'1. 278)- J 118 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO (U//F0U0) ContinuationofFD-102of dealt with Organization, Interview of! .On whom. _!____ !stated was his principal that._ ________ contact. _O_B_/_2_5_/_2_0_1_7_. Page Certain In these, overseas. I ._ __ person. meetings EJwould 2 Trump b6 b7C relationship." He five to ten Trump offering Trump asked b6 b7C __,at ____ !stated that he and Donald Trump had "no real stated that they were not friends but had approximately business meetings. At their first meeting, c==Jrecalled him a hamburger and a drink, both of which"L__Jrefused. him, "What can we do together?" 2 of the inl between the two took place !Bayrock offices. introduce Trump to various businessmen from stated that one of these individuals was ...._ ..... ____ I ___.!stated that He is willing b6 b7C he will to meet provide I more UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO details on all these matters in b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3119 b7A b7E -1 ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ of 12- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 02/05/2018 Date of cnlty Ll __ of birth! lsocial security account ___.Jwas interv~i_e_w_e_d_b_y __ F_B_I_S_p....,ecial Agent._____________ -r-----~l~d~a--,-te number_J _______ and Special Counsel Prosecutor was counsel for advised of the identities of the interview,! !provided Kyle Freeney. Present ---------------------------the interviewing parties the following __. b6 b7C during and the interview After being the nature of information: Background -----~la t_t_e_n_d_e_d_._ ____ 1 degree inL..i,-----,1----~has graduating. began ,_ ____ ....Jwhere she obtained worked,....~i~n..._ ___________ working in be an working for ...... ..., and continued her undergraduate ~s.a..aai~n~c~e.a... __ _,, from b6 b7C -----------...---------' ___ .....,.___. ______ _______________ working fo moved from___. in the b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C Manafort lmestigationon 12/20/2017 at Washington, District Filcli by Of Columbia, United States Datcdraftcd (In Person) 12/21/2017 b6 b7A b7C b7E ------------------------------------------------- This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3120 b6 b7A b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) (u)I jrnterview _.________________ Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of _ ........ _______ . On ._ _ ___,Manafort became a client of ____ _.Private Group. Manafort moved his accounts from First _1_2_1_2_0_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page 2 of Wealth Republic Management Bank (FRB) 12 b6 b7C to UBS. b6 b7C b6 b7C When Manafort hadl and that business ______ portfolio was introduced tol lgroup~ IManafort lin cash accounts, a net worth of approximatelyj _______ he generated income primarily from his political consulting ... Manafort and assist wanted...._ ____ him with any Manafort was an average Manafort's _____ ...lgroup. group managed. When Manafort was ~_roup lending to oversee needs. to slightly smaller needs seemed similar transitioninq his accounts his investment than average client for to other clients~J _____ to UBs,I ___. b6 b7C ~ b6 b7C b6 b7C I b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3121 b6 b7A b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of l _(_U_)..,l _______ . Page 3 of . On _1_2_1_2_0_1_2_0_1_7_ .. _r_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w __________ 12 b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C Manafort was associated with the following entities: Ramshead, a horse farm in Florida; Daisy Manafort; John Hannah, a real estate holding company which owned a property at Trump Tower in New York; MC Brooklyn Holdings, a real estate holding company; MC Soho Holdings, a reale state holding company; LOAV; and Lil Red. DMP was Manafort's accounts at UBS political consulting business. DMP did not maintain .I I .... ---------------------------~=============== ... Manafort ._ _______ securities. ,._ obtained ~IManafort This was a prohibited I __________ funds in this documentation. a line of used the ....,Manafort manner as it I credit in the name of proceeds of this line use would have is indicated for the line Lil Red.I of credi._t _______ to purchase of credit.I known that he could not on the line of credit use _ b6 b7C I b6 b7C the b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3122 b6 b7A b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) _.l_r_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w __________ Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of _(_U_).._l _______ . On _1_2_1_2_0_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page 4 of 12 b6 b7C b6 b7C IEMAIL lwa~shorn b6 b7C I an email froml dated ~ with the subject lirn~._ ___________ ___.I was referred -.,..t-or!-----,-e_m_a~i~ which read, "Because there is a DTI and LTV exception the loan, it does need to be reviewed with the bank's credit officer." !understood DTI to mean debt to income, or a ration of the b~o_r_r_o_w_e_r_.'s debt versus the borrower's income~~-----lunderstood LTV to loan to value, or the amount of the loan versus the value of the asset. on be b6 b7C b6 b7C Baxter Street Initially, when Manafort was looking for a mortgage trying to use a orooertv on Baxter Street as collateral. needed the loanl through UBS, he was Manafort said he b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3123 b6 b7A b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of _(_U_)...Jl..._ _______ ~L--n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w __________ . On _1_2_1_2_0_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page 5 of 12 b6 b7C b6 b7C IEMAIL ~as .-------.kith ._ ________ the mortgage property." shown the an email subject _.!email which on Baxter and da t,..e_d ____________ lin Lr--,_ _____ explained ..._ explore the process __... f rom I...._ _________ was directed to the ___J you would like to cancel for your Trump Tower _, b6 b7C Many of the documents collected for the Baxter Street mortgage were used for the Trump Tower mortgage, such as: tax returns, bank statements and other income supporting documentation. Some documents had to be redone to reflect the correct property. Information relating to Manafort's other property was also likely re-used for the Trump Tower mortgage. The mortgage banker ....______________ Baxter Street mortgage. When the _.....____ Trump Tower for the Trump Tower mortgage was~I ______ _.!there was a different mortgage banker for mortgage b6 b7C __, the b6 began,! ~:~as shown an email dat~e_d~IL----------~l_b_e_t_w_e_e_n_l fwith the subject line,I _e_x_p_l_a_i ___ n_e_d that this was th, b7C _______ ......,I I I b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3124 b6 b7A b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) _(_U_)_.l _______ Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of ._____________ call, lock or the Mortgage rate and . On _1_2_1_2_0_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page 6 of ..,l_r_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w __________ _.IThe first Registration review the call was Call, was information 12 an introductory call. The second when the mortgage banker would provided by Manafort verbally. The purpose of reviewing the information verbally the information was accurate so loan documents could letter of approval could be issued. On the call, the through the information and the borrower verifies the information verified includes identifying information, birth and social security number as well as, income, information. Based upon the information provided by loan application is generated. b6 b7C was to verify that be generated and a mortgage banker runs accuracy. The such as date of liability and asset the borrower, the b6 b7C Loan ._ __ Application =--_)was shown an email froml __,.~ the subject linerl _________ series of mortgage documents for Manafort's loan on Trump l_A_t_t_a_c_h_e_d __ t_o_t_h_i_s_e_m_a_i_l __ w_a_s_a __ and a Form Tower. 1003 Residential Loan --1 b6 b7C Application b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C .__________,lthe information the 1003 banker but was based upon information provided for accuracy during the Mortgage Registration Typically, mortgages take in 45-60 days, was input by the by Manafort and Call. but Manafort's took mortgage ver i fied b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3125 b6 b7A b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) 12/20/2017 . On ------- __,l_r_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w __________ Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of _(_U_)1.j ______ longer . ._ __________________________________ delay Tower had something came in very to far do with apart. the .Page 7 of 12 ___,the fact that the appraisals for Trump b6 b7C I EMAIL r----,.lw_i_t~h lwas shown an email between! the subject line,~,-----------------,.._---J !datedl ~ ._ ______ b6 b7C b6 b7C ,____ __.Idid not recognize the email address b6 b7C "ccquestions@trumporg.com". b6 b7C I EMAIL !was shown ..-------------------,lwith an email betwee1 the subject li~n-e~I-------------------' ldated b6 b7C b6 b7C IEMAIL I -----------' email lwas shown an email fromr"-l_______ had an attachment titled, ~l_d_a_t_e_d~I __________ .J-T_h_e-, I _______________________ ..... __. b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3126 b6 b7A b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) l_______ Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of _(_U_) ... ..,l_r_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w __________ . On _1_2_1_2_0_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page 8 of 12 b6 b7C In the email b6 b7C onl ,_ ___ _.lwas asked to review properties were indicated as understood there were certain of LLCs .1 the attachment.I lwas asked why some "Owned by" and then an LLC name . parameters for properties held in the name ._I ______ b6 b7C _. b6 b7C b6 b7C IEMAIL ,.......____ was ,.......I was shown an email fllia.... w...!..._ _________ with the subject line,! a homeowners insurance declaration for Baxter At some point,I that she did not !recalled learning know of previously. of ,____ _JI dated..._ !Attached Street ... to ______ this email _. b6 b7C !_________. a property owned by b6 b7C Manafort IEMAIL ------~~as rith l_____ shown an email bert_w_e_e_n ...... the subject linel -,1- ______ ....Jldate dl ._ ____ _ b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C ___________ ITEXT MESSAGE FBI(19cv1278)-3127 b6 b7A b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of . I which _(_U_)_.l _______ . On _1_2_1_2_0_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page 9 of ..... l.... r_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w __________ .lwas shown !dated read, a screen shot of text messages lwas referred between! to her text 12 b6 b7C messaae b6 b7C b6 b7C IEMAIL was shown an email dated to r----'------------------------------------1 was email which referred to the with portion the of subject line b6 b7C read, b6 b7C b6 b7C IEMAIL ------~l~w~a~s-~s~h~o""""wn an email froml ._.,__,.-,-.----.-.---'~ith the subjectL-_l_i_n_e~l----------------,.f'A~Attached to this email was a Residential Loan Application Supplemental Questionnaire (RLAS) signed by Manafort. ldated b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C TEXT MESSAGE FBI(19cv1278)-3128 b6 b7A b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of _(_U_)_.l ______ __.l_r_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w __________ . On 12/20/2017 . Page ------- 10 of 12 ___________________________ ____ ,....dated was shown a screen shot of text messa es ....__ as referred to between_! _______ ......___, message which b6 b7C _. read, b6 b7C lwas shown an wi.... t-h--t-h_e....subject line email between! ,1 ___ __.ldated~I ______ ____. b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C ________ I ITEXT MESSAGE lwas shown text messages between! ldated in or around I b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3129 b6 b7A b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) l_______ ..... ~,__n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w __________ Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of _(_U_) .... . On 12/20/2017 ------- . Page 11 of 12 I EMAIL lwas shown an email w~i_t_h_t_h_e ......subiect linel betweenl Idated I b6 b7C b6 b7C I EMAIL lwas shown an email from Rick Gatesl ~atedl._ ________ w_i_t_h_t_h_e-subject lin~ !There was an invoice attached to this email which ~urported to show DMP International LLC invoicing "To Whom It May Concern"( ltor "Services rendered per the consultancy agreement pertaining to the parliamentary elections." ___. b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C Closing Manafort's Accounts b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3130 b6 b7A b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of _(_U-1)IL_____ ___Jl._r_n_t_e_r_v_i_e_w _________ . On 12/20/2017 ------ . Page 12 of 12 FBI(19cv1278)-3131 b7A b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 6 - UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date or entry ______ 07/13/2018 b6 b7C was interviewed telephonically by Assistant US Attorney Assistant Special Counsel Brandon L. Van Grack, and ..... __,,.... ___,.__ Forensic Accountants Also present on the conference call was After being advised of the identity of the interviewers, provided the following information: .._ __________________ ___ _. Senior !met ----------- Paul MANAFORT for around the time ..... 1 MANAFORTwas looking b6 b7C the first time of ther---------------------.-~ for I I b6 b7C I IProperty A company was formed for the! !purchase, b6 b7C but b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED//~ lmcstigationon 06/29/2018 at Washington, District Of Columbia, File Ii United ;..::.....!:=====:!;;;;;;;;;===;;;;;;;;;;----------- by...._ _________________ ......_ _____________________________ States Datcdra!kd (Phone) 07/02/2018 _ b6 b7C b7A b7E This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3132 b6 b7C b7A b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//?ef:Je Continuation of FD-102 of _.I_I_n_t:_e_r_v_i_e_w ________ _(_U_)__.I ________ 2 of . On _0_6_/_2_9_/_2_0_1_8_. Page 6 MANAFORT Relationship DAVIS MANAFORT PARTNERS and have a personal relationship DMP were lobbyin~g::......_f_i_r_m_s_ . ....,_____ ...._ld_i_d_n_o_t __ with MANAFORT. ~I ________________ __. I for I think that MANAFORT, I hel lrole I He did was I b6 b7C b6 b7C not I I MANAFORT would have been the person who!._ _____ _,, ____ ...__ ~--------____,would communicate with RICK GATES. !had communication with MANAFORT. Most communication was with GATES. limited I I I I direction. GATES was definitely at I MANAFORT told not he did not _________ ...... MANAFORT. He might have ._ not discuss would have started frequently lwas b6 b7C MANAFORT's I I did I acting b6 b7C involved MANAFORT's be working with work with him. b6 b7C GATES. ...------ very frequent communication with ... c ommuni c ating wi t h MANAFORT~I ______ ...... met with MANAFORT more when he withl !would I typically communicate !discussions UNCLASSIFIED/~ with with b6 b7C GATES.I GATES until he FBI(19cv1278)-3133 b6 b7C b7A b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED/fpeee Continuation of FD-102 of conversation Ex.1 ___.l ..... r_n_t:_e_r_v_i_e_w ________ _(_U_).._l _______ with MANAFORT about Emaill MANAFORT from . On _0_6_/_2_9_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 3 of He could not remember GATES would reach out to money. Iregarding I I 6 a b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C was I __ I The I I property i.-------....L.-----------..:;___;:;,..__.;:._ ~l_____________________________ ,_ ________ __.llived ,_ _____ there was Ex. 2 !believed a the there and then .1.... ______ moved property was ....,. _ __,l I ---'lthought Later on, that out. in He reca l led b6 b7C -j b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED/~ FBI(19cv1278)-3134 b6 b7C b7A b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//'Pef::Je _(_U_)_.l _________ Continuation of FD-102 of l.._r_n_t:_e_r_v_i_e_w ________ . On _0_6_/_2_9_/_2_0_1_8_. Page was probably ------------------------------brokerage firm. 4 of 6 b6 b7C a b6 b7C I did ----------was relied Ex. not not aware sound of familiar to MANAFORTdoing I ------work I b6 b7C in on -I 3 ._ ____ Ito ___.Jwas aware tol MANAFORT relating b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C the------------------------------ b6 b7C MANAFORT was the For ,------ managing b6 b7C as member the ........ --------..........JFor I recalls I listed that I properties, !may have been the,............:...-=====~property,~1-----~ thel I purchase wasl b6 b7C invo l ved I The --------------------------------explain MANAFORT's did not have to was never invo l ved in b6 b7C b6 b7C the UNCLASSIFIED/~ FBI(19cv1278)-3135 b6 b7C b7A b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED//~ l_r_n_t:_e_r_v_i_e_w ________ Continuation of FD-102 of _(_U_)__._ ________ 5 of . On _0_6_/_2_9_/_2_0_1_8_. Page 6 b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C ______ Iwas was involved not_i_·n_v_o_l_v_e_d __ i_n......_ ______________________ in a lwas involved not et much more involved b6 b7C b6 b7C inl ___________________________ ___ not .._ He does___,, with .._ involved !Property A private approximately .....,_H_e lender b6 b7C Loan made a loan for this The property property in the amount was purchased for of Iproperties I lwas familiar b6 b7C I withl I He recalls thel I He was b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED/~ FBI(19cv1278)-3136 b6 b7C b7A b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//~ Continuation of FD-102 of _(_U_)..!:l=========::!.l_r_n_t:_e_r_v_i_e_w ________ . On _0_6_/_2_9_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 6 of 6 b6 b7C I to I cares about MANAFORT and does not want anything bad to happen I him.I UNCLASSIFIED/~ b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3137 b7A b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 1- UNCLASSIFIED//~ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 10/05/2017 Date or entry FEDERAL GRAND JURY MATERIAL - DISSEMINATE PURSUANT TO RULE 6(E) Do not disseminate except On October ,________ 2, ~ telephonically. agent and the information: as by authorized federal rule procedure 6(e). telephone number ......,Iwas i nte rv iewed ._a_d_d_r_e_s_s""l ___________ After being nature of the criminal I cellular 2017, email of advised of the interview,~l------1 identity of provided the b6 b7C interv i ewing the following b3 b6 b7C The writer asked I b3 b6 b7C b3 b6 b7C Attached included to as this document lA evidence. is the subpoena emailed to_l _____ _ and is b3 b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED//f:ri3,& lmcstigationon Filcli 10/02/2017 at Washington, ......========r-------------------- District Of Columbia, United States Datcdra!kd ( Phone) 10/02 / 2017 by This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. b6 b7A b7C b7E FBI(19cv1278)-3138 b7A b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 7- UNCLASSIFIED/~P0t10 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 05/29/2018 Date or entry ___________ _.ldate of birth (DOB)! lwas interviewed at the FBI - Special Counsel's Office at 395 E Street SW, Washington, ..... ----------, ....,. DC. Present during the interview were Special A ents (SAs)....., and.._ _________ ~and Intelligence Analyst After being advised of the identities of the interviewing Agents, provided the following information: _________ _______ ..... b6 b7C -------- .._____ ~lwanted to share regarding his interactions information with L------------f"'-------------, started during th I became the ___ In !worked tryingL..._t_o_,. for r----------,1-w_h_o___.were __ eventually with Special Counsel's experience b6 b7A b7C Office with them ___J with ___....._ __ ...._ _______________ ..._and ___ ~ b6 b7C the REINCE PRIEBUS and Senator RAND PAUL. b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//!!'euo lmcstigationon File Ii 11/29/2017 at Washington, I by._l___________________________ District Of Columbia, United States Date drafted (In Person) O4 / 14/2018 _ b6 b7A b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3139 FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) .----------------ContinuationofFD-102of (U//l"eJUO) b6 b7A b7C b7E UNCLASSIFIED//PUW Interview otJ .On _1_1_;_2_9_/_2_0_1_7_ . Page 2 of 7 b6 b7A b7C I I b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C jL...---___ UNCLASSIFIED//FOW b6 b7A b7C _______J FBI(19cv1278)-3140 b6 b7A b7C b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED/f!'eUG- ContinuationofFD-102of (U//l"0U0) Interview ofj .On _1 _1/_2_9_/_2_0_1_7_ . Page 3 of 7 b6 b7A b7C I I b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3141 b6 b7A b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO ContinuationofFD-102of (U/ /~ Interview ofl .On _1_1_;_2_9_/_2_0_1_7_ . Page 4 of 7 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C I b6 b7A b7C I b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO FBI(19cv1278)-3142 b6 b7A b7C b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED//P0U0 ContinuationofFD-102of (U//P0U0) Interview ofl .On 11/29/2017 ______ .Page 5 of 7 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C I IINote: The lbut FBI requested did not receive any documents! those documents.] !still had b6 b7A b7C from b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//!'OtJO FBI(19cv1278)-3143 b6 b7A b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//~ ContinuationofFD-102of (U//POUOf Interview! .On 11/29/2017 _______ . Page 6 of 7 b6 b7A b7C I I b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C lsaid he has a sporadic relationshi ,__u_n_u_s_u_a_l~for~l----~~o reach out to and they talked r-- ___ a lot ...., _________ used ...... __ and TRUMP. The ,__ have always ___. ,__ with BANNON several times . ___ ._ ________ thinks withDbut was close it with wouldn't for __,, ______. lis a huge conspiracy theorist and hardcore le are listenin in on his conversations. UNCLASSIFIED/~ libertarian be BANNON met who b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3144 b6 b7A b7C b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED//F0tJO ofl Interview (U//F0U0) ContinuationofFD-102of _____ lsaidl lmay be willing would be based on whether ties to people she wants Office. This she sees any 11/29/2017 _______ .On 7 of . Page 7 to the Special Counsel's to burn TRUMP and whether b6 b7C w,.....e_r_e ___ u_b_l_1_·_s_h_e_d_a_f_t_e_r __ b_e_1_·n__. __ _, b6 b7C to talk she wants to protect. ___.,.....___.,...._________ ..,... ______________________ ...,... After ...__,,..... ___________ ....._ ____________________ .,..... ____ that, went to work for had ... been the to __.,...._____....,.____...,..__...... _____,,___ ...had introduced and warned that is a ________ ___. ...____ ___. ----- .______________ ___. .._ ,--..;...;...;;.;..;......;;..;..;..;....__ probably ._ ___ scra talked ___,said lwas Office. with PARSCALE and in 2015, Ukrainian sometime Russian or asked I who Isaid knew major donors. BUSH's emails IP addresses. about his meeting _____ recently -I the Special Counsel's I I lknew Washington D .c call fro Special Counsel's regarding I with !recalled I who askedl Office reqardinql ...lwas asked what opened but he that about about! he knew about..._.,.....___,,___ didn't know much about UNCLASSIFIED//FOU9- meeting. Additionally, lknew he was in lmonths ago he received ltalk to the FBI or lspecifical ly b6 b7A b7C the .,..... ____ it. _,_said it was a b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3145 b7E ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 02/27/2018 Date of cnlty _______________________________ ...._ interviewed Columbia. _________ I I b6 b7C I I Filcli b6 b7C was at Patriots Plaza I, 395 E Street SW, Washington, District of After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview,! provided the information: ----------following lmestigationon ___. 10/10/2017 rM-2230634 I A copy at of Washington, I ______ the .__ District __.!was Of Columbia, saved United to the States Datcdra!kd lA fi l e . (In Person) 02/27/2018 b6 b7C b7E by This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv 1278)-3146 II-,, L___j ~"t 1.~.: - 2··~ -,u -··-~·' Se.ri.a ..l. 9 r ~ ...,,,~ A• ... - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ b7E ..) 1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 12/08/2017 Date of cnlty interviewed Columbia. b6 b7C at Patriots Plaza I, 395 E Street SW, Washington, District of After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, !provided the information: I -----------following b7A I Author lmestigationon Filcli by ! requested 12/05/2017 at information Washington, b7A about! District Of Columbia, ~SM-2230634 :'.:===============:::::;-------------- United States Datcdra!kd (In Person) 12/08/2017 I'===========-------------------------------------- bG b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI( 19cv 1278)-314 7 b7A b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 12/04/2017 Date of cnlty On November ,__ ______ with are attorneys 29, and 2017 at Special approximately 10:30 AM, FBI Special Agent Counsel Attorney LAWRENCE R. ATKINSON spoke on the telephone. __, __________ ..______ .....:, ___ -======::::;---- from advised continued b6 b7C representation -------------------------------------advised of the nature of the interview and the interviewing Agent, of their of '- ________ _,_provided identity of the following After the information: being I b6 b7C I I lmestigationon Filcli b6 b7C I 11/29/2017 at Washington, District Of Columbia, .....!=======.------------------------ United States Datcdraftcd ( Phone) 12/04/2017 b6 b7A b7C b7E by This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3148 b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of cnlty 12/08/2017 (U) On 12/06/2017 SA interviewed CHARLES BOYD, USAF, Retired, (BOYD) over the phone at SA called BOYD and left a voicemail stating SA._ _____ was from the FBI and wanted to speak with BOYD regarding the Center for the National Interest. BOYD returned SA,__ _____ ....,call and after being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, BOYD provided the following information: I ! b6 b 7C ____________________________________ __ (U) .,_ He was willing to talk, however ._____! BOYD requested week lmestigationon to wished to that SA! continue !call after he had him at the e.._n_d_o_f_t_h_e ___ b6 b7C reschedule. 12/06/2017 at Washington, Filc:li....=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:::;===----------------------Datc District Of Columbia, United States drafted ( Phone) b6 b7C b7E 12/06/2017 by This document contains neither recommendationsnor conclusions of the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contentsarc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI( 1278)-3149 19cv b7A b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 07/11/2018 Date of cnlty lereviously ......--~~nd .__A_g_e_n_t_lr------Andres. the the Present interviewing following during parties information: --------~kxplained loan underwriting Underwriters in identified, was interviewed by FBI Special Special Counsel Prosecutor~G_r_e_g __________ ---. b6 b7C the interview were counsel fo~--------------~ After being advised of the identities of and the nature of the interview,1 !provided ~-----~- that The Federal Savings Bank's (TFSB) residential is handled by a Operations Group in Maryland and Chicago. The residential loan underwriters are~i---------, b6 b7C b6 b7C hard TFSB is money not a hard money lender. lenders and traditional lwas shown the Form 1003 ---------.--------.,..----,---,--------- TFSB is somewhat bank lenders. for 1further identified by bates ------~ TFSB0085912-TFSB0085917 respectively. of a hybrid between Manafort's loans against and ..... 1 __________ numbers TFSB0085889-TFSB0085895 I b6 b7C __ and b6 b7C lmestigationon File Ii by 07/10/2018 at I Washington, District Of Columbia, United States Date drafted (In Person) O7 / 11/2018 b6 b7A b7C b7E I-------------------------- ..... This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv 1278)-3150 b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 2 - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date or entry 09/12/2018 Sheriff's De artment number was interviewed telephonica FBI Special Agent._ ________ __, After being advised of the of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, the following information: l ly by identity !provided Alexandria .____ ~Itelephone b6 b7C Paul Manafort's defense lawyers provided the Alexandria Jail with a laptop which was intended for Manafort's use reviewing discovery related to his current and pending trial. The laptop was only permitted to be used by Manafort at certain times and while in the Alexandria Jail's law library. While not in use, the laptop remained in the Watch Commander's office . ._ __ _.!was provided with the username ensure that the laptop could not connect used to communicate with anyone. There User Account and an Admin Account. passwords. and password for the laptop to to the internet and was not being are two accounts on the laptop, a had both usernames and When Manafort's defense lawyers originally Alexandria Jail, I I accessed it using the provided. However, at some point, the laptop defense lawyers and then subsequently brought 21, 2018. When the laptop was returned, I User Account, but not the Admin Account as the brought the laptop to the usernames and passwords was picked up by Manafort's back the morning of August !was able to access the password did not work. I A paralegal, first name unknown (FNU) left a note for_! __ _ which asked if I I had changed the password to the Admin Account because could not access it and the password did not work . .-----, had not changed the password and took note to mean that neither I I nor Manafort's defense lawyers had changed the password either. I I was unable to access the Admin Account. C:J I 08/21/2018 at Alexandria, File Ii _.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::===:;----------------------Date by Virginia, b6 b7C b6 b7C I Whenc=J brought the laptop to Alexandria Jail on August 21, 2018, he also brought two USB drives. One of the USB drives had a sticky note affixed to it which read "Blank". ! plugged in the USB drive which lmcstigationon b6 b7C United States b6 b7C (Phone) dra!kd O9/10/2018 b6 b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendationsnor conclusionsor the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributedoutside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3151 b6 b7C F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) b7E (U) Alexandria Continuation of FD-102 of Sheriff's Department I_______!.__ ________________ IT .On _O_S_/_2_1_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 2 of 2 was supposed to be blank and noticed the memory was approximately half full. However, when I I opened the drive, no files appeared. ~I ___ _ configured the drive to show "hidden files" and saw a folder named "trash" ___ _.ldid not open any which contained a large number of hidden files. of the files. Due to Alexandria the change Sheriff's ____ Inotified ___________ of password and .._ Department the hidden files, _. b6 b7C b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3152 b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 3 - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 11/09/2017 Date of cnlty JAMES JAY CARAFANO, date of birth (DOB)._ ______ ~ social security account number (SSAN) was interviewed at THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION, 214 Massachusetts Avenue Northeast, Washington, D.C. 20002. Present during the interview with CARAFANO was ________ from the HERITAGE FOUNDATION Office of General Counsel. CARAFANO was advised the nature of the interview was to discuss a foreign policy meeting he l d by the DONALD J. TRUMP campaign on March 31, 2016 at the TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL in Washington, D.C .. CARAFANO was further advised intentiona l ly providing false statements to the interviewing Agents would be a violation of federal law. After being advised of the identities of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview, CARAFANO provided the following information: I I b6 b7C CARAFANO confirmed he was in attendance at the March 31st meeting. CARAFANO attended the meeting as a representative of the HERITAGE FOUNDATION. The HERITAGE FOUNDATION is a think tank organization which provides educational briefings to presidential candidates but does not advise or provide direction to the candidates. In addition to prov i ding briefings to TRUMP, CARAFANO provided similar briefings to the past 17 republican candidates and many other individuals. Prior to working at the HERITAGE FOUNDATION, CARAFANO was a speech writer at the Pentagon. CARAFANO was invited to the meeting by Senator JEFF SESSIONS. He first met SESSIONS through his work at the HERITAGE FOUNDATION, approximately fifteen years ago. SESSIONS told CARAFANO to invite others to the meeting so CARAFANO invited._ _____ __,_CARAFANO also considered inviting I ,_ ___ ~lbut ultimately did not do so. I The focus of the meeting was national security. To the best of his recollection, CARAFANO remembered the attendees as being himself, SESSIONS, TRUMP, l l KEITH KELLOGG, SAM CLOVIS, J. D. GORDON, and CARAFANO could not remember if RICK DEARBORNwas in attendance. ~I---~ I b6 b7C b6 b7C I At the attendees. a national lmestigationon beginning of the meeting, TRUMP shook hands with all the Each attendee was then afforded a couple minutes to speak about security topic. ~l__ _,lspoke about matters related to nuclear 09/12/2017 at Washington, District Of Columbia, United States (In Person) b6 b7C b6 b7C b7E _:.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.: Date d rartcd 10 / 0 4/ 2 0 17 File Ii by This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3153 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of Interview (U) of James Jay Carafano. weapons and the North provided a brief from U.S. Military Strength." with TRUMP and stated same documents on the copy of the 2016 Index FOUNDATION website. A digital lA attachment .On _0_9_/_1_2_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page 2 of Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). CARAFANO a HERITAGE FOUNDATION document titled, "The I ndex CARAFANO left a copy of his briefing materials the interviewing Agents could find a copy of the HERITAGE FOUNDATION website. Writer identified a of Military Strength document on the HERITAGE copy the document is enclosed for the file as a to this FD-302. CARAFANO could not remember meeting or if anyone had taken topic of Russia was brought up about energy issues and stated TRUMP's people, in contact with CARAFANO did not know the young of if there was a specific agenda for the notes during it. CARAFANO remembered the by a young man with dark hair, who spoke he had connections who could get TRUMP, or Russian president, VLADIMIR PUTIN. man and never saw him again. When asked what the response was to with TRUMP and PUTIN, CARAFANO stated his concerns about such a meeting and Logan Act. CARAFANO recalled the topic as a result of discussions related to any discussions about nuclear matters the proposal of arranging a meeting he believed the SESSIONS had voiced how it could be a violation of the of Russia may have been brought up the Ukraine and not as a result of related to Russia. CARAFANO then explained that each individual had brought their own topic to the discussion and TRUMP seemed to be the most intrigued by I !presentation on the nuclear triad and NATO. CARAFANO specifically remembered had apologized to TRUMP for taking up too much time during his brief. CARAFANO did not remember any further discussions about Russia. I 3 I CARAFANO attended the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016. During the RNC, the HERITAGE FOUNDATI ON partnered with the U.S. State Department to host an educational event which was widely attended by approximately 800 to 900 people. The attendees included a variety of foreign ambassadors from all around the world, who were invited by the U.S. State Department. CARAFANO introduced SESSIONS when he spoke on a panel during the RNC, along with HERITAGE FOUNDATION representative, I I That panel focused on topics related to Russia, China, and Europe. When asked whether or not CARAFANO was present the Russian Ambassador at the RNC, CARAFANO stated remembered a line had formed to meet with SESSIONS ambassador had stood in that line with many others CARAFANO recalled SESSIONS met with the Ukrainian following and stated the meeting with the Russian b6 b7C b6 b7C when SESSIONS met with he was. CARAFANO and the Russian to meet with him. ambassador immediately ambassador was a very FBI(19cv1278)-3154 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Interview of James Jay Carafano. .On ------------------------ impromptu engagement. hospitality area at observe him speaking CARAFANO remembered seeing the reception event for the with the Russian ambassador CARAFANO provided another candidate brief the TRUMP TOWER in New York. The meeting was SESSIONS and MICHAEL FLYNN were also there. the meeting had focused on homeland security involve any discussions about Russia. _0_9_/_1_2_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page CARTER PAGE in the ambassadors but did during that event. 3 of 3 not to TRUMP after the RNC, at chaired by RUDY GIUIL I ANI. CARAFANO recalled the topic and the border and did not of CARAFANO was part of the presidential transition team, the State Department transition team and the Department of Homeland Security transition team. During his time on those teams, CARAFANO never had any substantive discussions about policy related to Russia nor did he observe any activity which he would consider to be evidence of collusion wi th the Russian government. Enclosed for the file as a physical lA item is a copy of a photograph of the March 31st meeting and a corresponding seating chart. Both i tems were shown to CARAFANO during this interview. A copy of the items are enclosed for the file as a digital IA attachment to this FD-302. FBI(19cv1278)-3155 b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 6- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 12/04/2017 Date of cnlty DAN CASSERLY, Vice President and United States (U.S.) Country Head of Government Affaris at NOVARTIS CORPORATION (NOVARTIS), was interviewed by Special Agent (SA)~! ________ !....._F_o_r_e __n_s_i_c ....... A_c ....... countant and Assistant Special Counsel at Patriots Plaza I, 395 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20546. CASSERLY was accompanied by NOVARTIS outside counsel.._ ________ ~from Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing officials and the nature of the interview, CASSERLY provided the following information: b6 b7C CASSERLY was not part of any one commercial business at NOVARTIS. As part of CASSERLY's role at NOVARTIS, CASSERLY maintained a functional relationship withl lat NOVARTIS' global entity, NOVARTIS AG. Within the U.S., CASSERLY reported to! ! CASSERLY had approximately 20 to 25 employees that worked for him. b6 b7C I I CASSERLY was responsible for external advocacy for NOVARTIS. As part CASSERLY's role, CASSERLY interfaced with the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Presidential administration, and pharmaceutical trade associations. of CASSERLY knew the name MICHAEL COHEN from headlines in the newspapers. In early 2017, JOE JIMENEZ reached out to CASSERLY via email about entering into a contractual relationship with COHEN. JIMENEZ asked that CASSERLY meet with COHEN to discuss using COHEN as a consultant. Prior to meeting with COHEN in New York City, CASSERLY performed some GOOGLE searches on COHEN. CASSERLY was shown an email Bates stamped NVS 00000235 through NVS_00000236. CASSERLY did not receive any sort of notification from JIMENEZ prior to receiving this email. CASSERLY's relationship with JIMENEZ revolved around CASSERLY's dealinqs with U.S. qovernment affairs. b6 b7C lmestigationon 11/09/2017 at Washington, File Ii ====================----------------------Date by District Of Columbia, United States drafted (In Person) 11/21/2017 _s_A--====================!._ _______________________ _ This document contains neither recommendationsnor conclusions of the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contentsarc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. b6 b7C b7E FBI(19cv1278)-3156 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Interview of Dan Casserly .On 11/09/2017 _______ . Page 2 of 6 DONALD TRUMP was an unknown candidate. After TRUMP won the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, everyone in Washington, DC suggested they knew TRUMP and that companies should hire them as a consultant. COHEN was similar in that regard. When JIMENEZ said he wanted to hire COHEN as a consultant for NOVARTIS, CASSERLY At that time, the only thing CASSERLY knew about COHEN was from the news. .______ ~I CASSERLY did not recall any discussions with COHEN in New York. In preparation for CASSERLY had discussions with KENDRIS. b6 b7C with JIMENEZ prior to meeting the meeting with COHEN, Referring to the email Bates stamped NVS 00000235 through NVS 00000236, CASSERLY noted that When JIMENEZ said "Confidentially," in his email to CASSERLY, CASSERLY understood JIMENEZ to mean that he did not want CASSERLY discussing the COHEN relationship with others. FELIX EHRAT brought KENDRIS in the loop on the COHEN relationship. CASSERLY believed the only people at NOVARTIS that knew about COHEN being hired as a consultant for NOVARTIS were CASSERLY, EHRAT, KENDRIS, and JIMENEZ. I I b6 b7C CASSERLY was shown an email Bates stamped NVS 00000205. CASSERLY recalled sending this email to JIMENEZ. CASSERLY sent an email like this to all NOVARTIS executives every year. This email was not drafted and sent to JIMENEZ because of COHEN. However, CASSERLY offered it JIMENEZ that he (CASSERLY) discuss the "stakeholder targets'' with COHEN when CASSERLY was scheduled to meet with COHEN on March 1, 2017. CASSERLY did this because JIMENEZ wanted to know if COHEN could provide access to the TRUMP administration. Lobbying was something that could be interpreted as advocacy. Consulting was someone assisting with strategy and providing advice. the past, NOVARTIS hired former members of Congress as consultants. CASSERLY had no predetermined judgment of what COHEN would be doing NOVARTIS. CASSERLY was not sure how JIMENEZ intended to use COHEN. In for On March 1, 2017, CASSERLY attended an in-person meeting with COHEN, KENDRIS, and EHRAT at NOVARTIS' New York office. This was the first time CASSERLY spoke to COHEN. COHEN was wearing a suit and a large watch. COHEN said he was! ! EHRAT was based in! CASSERLY was not sure if EHRAT flew in just to attend the meeting with COHEN. b6 b7C J Just discuss before the meeting how NOVARTIS could with COHEN, CASSERLY, KENDRIS, and EHRAT met use COHEN. CASSERLY, KENDRIS, and EHRAT to FBI(19cv1278)-3157 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Interview of Dan Casserly discussed what they thought COHEN knew, the TRUMP administration, and the types him on. .On 11/09/2017 _______ whether or not of issues they . Page 3 of 6 he knew anyone in considered engaging During the meeting with COHEN, COHEN was asked what he knew about NOVARTIS. Disappointingly, COHEN did not know a lot. COHEN did no due diligence in advance of the meeting. COHEN asked if NOVARTIS had a presence in the U.S. EHRAT provided COHEN with an overview of NOVARTIS, but COHEN was quick to cut EHRAT off. COHEN talked a lot about his relationship with the TRUMP administration. COHEN had his cellphone out and checked it constantly during the meeting. CASSERLY had the impression that COHEN was trying to demonstrate how close he was to the TRUMP administration. In the middle of the meeting, COHEN answered an incoming call. COHEN said it was a celebrity or someone from TMZ. COHEN put his phone on speaker, but did not tell the person on the phone that they were on speaker. CASSERLY described the incident as awkward and uncomfortable. CASSERLY believed COHEN was At one point during the meeting with COHEN, CASSERLY provided COHEN with a stakeholder map. As CASSERLY went down the list of individuals on the stakeholder map, CASSERLY asked COHEN about his relationship wi th each person. There was a focus onl some discussion of l owering drug prices for veterans. COHEN said NOVARTIS did not need any of the individuals on the stakeholder map because NOVARTIS could just go through COHEN for access to the TRUMP administration. land b6 b7C b6 b7C One idea COHEN had during the meeting was for NOVARTIS to build a manufacturing facility in Indiana as a way of bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. COHEN said doing so would look good for TRUMP and could build favor with TRUMP. COHEN may have used this as an example of what he could do for NOVARTIS, but CASSERLY thought COHEN was also serious about NOVARTIS building a manufacturing facility in Indiana. At this point in the meeting, issues important to NOVARTIS were no longer being discussed. CASSERLY felt as if the tables were turning and NOVARTIS was working for COHEN. CASSERLY brought pen and paper to the meeting with COHEN. However, CASSERLY did not write anything down because nothing in the meeting was noteworthy. CASSERLY did not know how much COHEN was being heard it was a lot of money. After the meeting questioned how such EHRAT agreed to ask paid by NOVARTIS, but with COHEN on March 1, 2017 concluded, CASSERLY a contract with COHEN happened. CASSERLY, KENDRIS, and JIMENEZ. At a later time, JIMENEZ told CASSERLY that a FBI(19cv1278)-3158 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Interview of Dan Casserly .On 11/09/2017 _______ . Page 4 of 6 friend recommended COHEN. JIMENEZ's friend said COHEN was only tak i ng five clients, so NOVARTIS needed to get in quickly if they wanted to hire COHEN as a consultant. Sort of jokingly, JIMENEZ told CASSERLY that! lcASSERLY did not know who JIMENEZ's friend was that recommended COHEN. I I b6 b7C CASSERLY noted that things often happen at an executive level that CASSERLY did not necessarily understand. JIMENEZ thought hiring COHEN was an opportunity. CASSERLY has had consultants fizzle out quickly in the past. There was so little known about COHEN prior to meeting him. NOVARTIS' priority issues were also pharmaceutical industry issues. CASSERLY was concerned about TRUMP's critiques on drug prices. CASSERLY did not discuss this concern with KENDRIS and EHRAT. There was talk by the TRUMP administration of healthcare reform. For these reasons, NOVARTIS needed to speak with individuals in the TRUMP administration. CASSERLY's first and only interaction with COHEN was the March 1 , 2017 b6 meeting. After meeting with COHEN, CASSERLY had discussions with KENDRIS b7C and EHRAT about figuring out how to use COHEN that was not risky or dangerous to NOVARTIS. CASSERLY felt like COHEN wasl KENDRIS and EHRAT agreed with CASSERL~Y-_-c_A_S_S_E_R_L_Y.....,.I ____ _.. ...... I I I I so CASSERLY did not want to share NOVARTIS' positions with COHEN. CASSERLY did not believe COHEN had access to the indiv i duals he claimed to have access to. COHEN tried too hard. During the meeting with COHEN on March 1, 2017, there was brief discussion regarding a NOVARTIS product that was awaiting approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The approval by the FDA was delayed due to a manufacturing plant issue bein caused by TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS (TEVA). COHEN said Given COHEN'S comment, CASSERLY thought about ._ _____ ~as a potential issue when it came to COHEN. CASSERLY was not sure if he ever expressed his concerns about COHEN I Ito anyone at NOVARTIS. After the ._ ___ _.!with meeting with COHEN, CASSERLY may have COHEN with KENDRIS and EHRAT. raised .._ _______ __. JIMENEZ told CASSERLY to meet with COHEN. However, CASSERLY also wanted to understand JIMENEZ's relationship with COHEN. After the meeting with COHEN, EHRAT took CASSERLY, KENDRIS, and EHRAT's collective insights regarding COHEN back to JIMENEZ. CASSERLY did not know if EHRAT raised .__ ___.when EHRAT spoke with J I MENEZ. _______________________ CASSERLY had no telephone calls with COHEN after March 1, 2017. CASSERLY received no insights about meeting with the TRUMP COHEN on b6 b7C b6 b7C b4 b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3159 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) administration interaction Interview of from between Dan Casserly 11/09/2017 _______ .On COHEN. CASSERLY did not JIMENEZ and COHEN either. there think . Page 5 of 6 was much CASSERLY could not recall when, but after retaining COHEN, JIMENEZ traveled to DC to attend a PHRMA Board meeting. JIMENEZ wanted to use COHEN to set up meetings with individuals in the TRUMP administration while in DC. CASSERLY did not ask COHEN to set up any meetings. CASSERLY did not know if JIMENEZ asked COHEN to set up meetings. If someone did ask COHEN to set up a meeting, COHEN was unsuccessful in doing so. COHEN would have set up meetings for JIMENEZ that COHEN thought JIMENEZ should attend rather than meetings JIMENEZ requested COHEN set up. COHEN needed to be managed. Regarding CASSERLY had with CASSERLY, KENDRIS, and EHRAT's the im ression that JIMENEZ CASSERLY would NOVARTIS. be surprised if collective TRUMP knew about view COHEN's of COHEN, b6 b7C relationship CASSERLY was shown an email Bates stamped NVS 00000247. CASSERLY's comment in this email about._ ___________________ ____,was in reference to his continued impression of COHEN from the March 1, 2017 meeting. At the conclusion of the March 1, 2017 meeting with COHEN, there was some discussion between CASSERLY, KENDRIS, and EHRAT about a future breakfast/coffee meeting with COHEN in DC. Consultants CASSSRLY worked with at NOVARTif typi:atly ranged b6 b7C between lper month on the low-end to per month on the ~h_i_g_h ___ e_n_d.,...._-F-.-r-m_e_r_C .... oogressmen NOVARTIS hired as consu tants ranged on the high-end of! ~er month. Within the political sphere, higher dollar contracts were not unusual. One of NOVARTIS' consultants that CASSERLY used during the OBAMAadministration,! b6 b7C I CASSERLY was shown an email Bates stamped NVS 00000922 . .._ ____ _.was CASSERLY included the bullet point "Michael Cohen engagement" in this email to JIMENEZ because CASSERLY had not spoken with JIMENEZ about COHEN since CASSERLY met COHEN on March 1, 2017. CASSERLY used this one-on-one discussion with JIMENEZ as an opportunity to speak with JIMENEZ directly about his (CASSERLY's) impressions of COHEN. CASSERLY also wanted JIMENEZ's perspective on how to use COHEN. It was during this one-on-one that JIMENEZ told CASSERLY that he (JIMENEZ) JIMENEZ did not pressure CASSERLY to use COHEN, nor did JIMENEZ tell CASSERLY how he should use COHEN. In fact, CASSERLY felt like JIMENEZ implied that b6 b7C ------------------------------ FBI(19cv1278)-3160 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Interview of CASSERLY should not use meeting with COHEN that CASSERLY was aware that Dan Casserly .On 11/09/2017 _______ 6 of . Page 6 COHEN. CASSERLY knew after the March 1, 20 17 he did not want to use COHEN as a consultant. COHEN's contract was for one year. CASSERLY did not know all the reasons why NOVARTIS continued to pay COHEN when the company was not using him. CASSERLY noted that it could have been fear of reputational harm if the contract was terminated. COHEN did have some access to what was a very volatile TRUMP administration. NOVARTIS may have been trying to determine if there was value in having COHEN on retainer. CASSERLY would have preferred to have the in-person meeting with COHEN before hiring him. After meeting COHEN, CASSERLY would not have hired COHEN for what CASSERLY did for NOVARTIS. However, CASSERLY did not know if that would have been the determining factor for whether or not COHEN was hired by NOVARTIS. If COHEN was able to set up meetings with individuals from, for example, Health and Human Services (HHS) or the Vice President, then COHEN may have been valuable. However, CASSERLY ~I _____ _ ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: All included in the attached emails and documents shown to b6 b7C CASSERLY are lA envelope. FBI(19cv1278)-3161 b7A b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 1- UNCLASSIFIED//~ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 08/22/2018 Date or entry the After interview, being advised I was interviewed via telephone number~! ____ __. of the identity of the Agent and the nature of provided the following information: I b6 b7C b6 b7C UNCLASSIFIED//~ lmcstigationon 08/16/2018 at Washington, District I I________ ,___ ____________ File ..... Ii by Of Columbia, United _ States Date drafted (In Person) O8 I 16/2018 b6 b7A b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3164 - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ b3 b7E 6- UNCLASSIFIED//POUO FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 07/31/2018 Date or entry _____ ___, was interviewed DOB: ,__ at Dulles International Airport, Dulles, Virginia. The interview was surrept i tiously recorded by the interviewing Agents. The recording has been documented under separate cover and has been submitted to ELSUR evidence. Present for the interview were SAi SA.__ ______ _. SA._!____ _. ____ _.! and SA! was advised of the voluntary nature of the interview and that the interview could end at any moment of his choosing. _____ was further advised that lying to an FBI Agent was a federal offense. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview, provided the following information. The below is a summary of the recorded statements made by ! I I _____ _.!indicated the captioned interview. interview room, I Washington, D.C. area b6 b7C I he did not have a traveling companion on the date of As the Agents were walking with I to the !advised he was planning on being in the for 48 hours, after which he would be going home to see! I the following _b_e_a_t_t_e_n_d__,,i_n_g_, __ h_o_w_e_v_e_r_ _h_e_h_a_d_n_o_t __ b_o_o_k_e_d__.a hotel yet . day I that b6 b7C he would the I showed 1 Agents Trump details (Trump) for the would be event on his in attendance. phone and advised President Donald b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED/fpego. lmcstigationon File Ii 03/19/2018 at Dulles, Virginia, United States (In b3 b6 b7C Person) =================================~--------------- Date dra!kd O7/24 / 2018 b7E by This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3165 b3 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//-F-OPO (U/1POU9-j. Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of / Interview of ________ 19 / 2 0 18 _. 03 .On 03/19/2018 . Page 2 of 6 b6 b7A b7C b7E b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//F0UO FBI(19cv1278)-3166 b3 b6 F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) b7C b7E UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO (U//1."etffii- Interview 19 / 2 0 18 Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of / of 03 '----------' .On 03/19/2018 . Page 3 of 6 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED/fFOUQ. FBI(19cv1278)-3167 b3 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED/fFOUO (U//~ Interview Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of ______________________ / 19 / 2 0 18 _______ of ...._ _, 03 .On _0_3_/_1_9_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 4 of 6 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO FBI 19cv1278)-3168 b3 b6 b7C b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED//POU9- (U//FOUQ) Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of / Interview of ..._ ______ ____.03 19 / 2 0 18 .On 03/19/2018 . Page 5 of 6 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO FBI(19cv1278)-3169 b3 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//POU~ (U//~ 19 / 2 0 18 Interview of,__ ______ Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of / ---103 .On 03/19/2018 . Page 6 of 6 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C UNCLASSIFIED//POUe FBI(19cv1278)-3170 - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ b3 b7E 4 - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 08/30/2018 Date or entry b6 b7C was interviewed at the date of birth~!-------~ United States District Court for the District of Columbia, 333 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20001. Present for the interview was FBI Special Agent! !and Assistant Special Counsel Aaron Zelinsky. I I was accompanied by his attorneys,~ telephone number email address J telephone number e1..m_a_i.,.1--a ...... d...r_e_s_s __ I I II II _ l________ ........, ._ ___ __.!was provided with a proffer agreement for this interview. He his attorneys reviewed the agreement and! !signed it. advised that intentional false statements during this interview would violation of federal law. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, I !provided following information: I I and was be a b6 b7C the b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C lmcstigationon File Ii 08/24/2018 at Washington, District Of Columbia, '==========================!._ United _____ States Date dra!kd (In Person) O8/24/2018 b3 b6 b7C b7E by This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3171 b3 b6 b7C b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) (U) Interview Continuation of FD-102 of 1 2 O 18 · ----------------------· of._ _______ .....,1on 8/24 on _O_S_/_2_4_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 2 of 4 b6 b7A b7C b7E b6 b7A b7C b3 b6 b7A b7C b3 b6 b7A b7C b3 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3172 b3 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. fl5-flR-lO) (U) Interview Continuation of FD-102 of 1 2 O 18 · ----------------------· of!1.- _______ ...Jlon 8/24 oll _O_S_/_2_4_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 3 of 4 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b3 b6 b7A b7C b3 b6 b7A b7C b3 b6 b7A b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3173 b3 b6 b7C b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) (U) Continuation of FD-102 of Interview 12 O 18 · ----------------------· of '---------....! on 8/24 on _O_S_/_2_4_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 4 of 4 b6 b7A b7C b3 b6 b7A b7C b6 b7A b7C b3 b6 b7A b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3174 b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of cnlty (U) On or I I about 06/15/2017 utilized phone number I I and called SA !regarding an answering machine message that SA I !left c=J on 06/13/2017. In the message, SA identified himself and requested to interview c=J After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, c::::J provided the following information: b6 b7C (U) c:Jadvised I called his cellphone. calling from b6 b7C I I I I that it took him a few days to return his answering machine at his home rovided the cell hone number (U) c:::::Jwas a.._ _____________ ___.and (Page) who worked at Merrill Lynch. Later, Senator John McCain Presidential Campaign.._ ! campaign I It was to want typical for people to become delegates the call because SA and not was previously knew Carter Page Page worked for the 2008 __________________ who wanted to help for the candidates. in b6 b7C _. a presidential (U) Page called c:::::Jor possibly saw him at a party, and asked c::::J specifically if c:::Jcould put Page in touch with the Donald J. Trump Presidential Campaign (Campaign). I l main contact at the Campaign was Corey Lewandowski. c::::Jintroduced Page to Lewandowski via email. (AGENT COMMENT:c::::J later provided that email to SA._ ___ ___. which is attached as a lA) . b6 (U) When asked about further contact, c::::Jsaid that Page emailed c::J and asked to call on 05/11/2016, c=)did not elaborate further. Additionally, Page recently sent an email warning c::J that his name would be in the press as having introduced Page to the campaign. [=:I felt that it was nice of Page to warn him. After the warning, c::::J has been contacted by reporters who asked the same questions as SA! l Other than these occasions he has had no contact with Page. b6 06/15/2017 File Ii 06/19/2017 '=========::::!. m New York, New York, United ______________________ States (Phone) Dale drafted 06/ 16/ 201 7 by b7C b7C b3 b6 b7C b7E This document con1ains nei!her recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the prope11y of the FBI and is loaned 10 your agency: ii and its con1cnts arc not to be dis1ributcd outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3175 b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 4 - b6 b7C CLi'I.SSITIED BY: NSICG REASON: l. 4 DECLASSIFY ON DATE: FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (Cl 12-31-2042 ~ 03-05-20:20 ,\LL INFCJRM..ll,T ION CCNTAINEC 11/28/2017 Date of cnlty HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT w~ERE SHCJlolN OTHERWISE _____ _.ldate of birth (DOB) ____________ was interviewed in Washington, D.C. Also present for the interview was Senior Assistant Special Counsel ZAINAB AHMAD. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview, I !provided the following information: b6 b7C __ _.!currently resides at residences include,------------------------------------- b6 b7C lived while Previous .... She in working on the Trump campaign. Her cell phone number is She was previously issued a government cell phone but does not recall the phone number. currently uses the email account She has used other email addresses from the Trump presidential transition team and from the National Security Counci l (NSC). ---------------------------------,----....&.---. C:J b6 b7C L--------------------------------------11 York City transferred transition moved to New work on the Trump campaign. Later she to Washington, D.C. to work on the Trump presidential She later went to work at the National Security Council in.._1 ________ back team. ----------------- 1to ..... For electronic communication platforms, to communicate with people overseas and while does not use Twitter direct messaging, Wicker, Facebook to communicate. lhas used Viber PHARES. She no longer uses Viber or WhatsApp applications from her cell phone . I has used Viber and WhatsApp traveling overseas. She Cyber Dust, Signal, or to communicate with WALID and has deleted those ._ _ ___.I got involved in the Trump campaign because she wanted to support Presidential candidate DONALD TRUMP. She knew PHARES was already involved in the campaign. PHARES got ja job interview with RICK DEARBORN, a senior policy aide for the campaign. DEARBORNbrought !on board as a I lmestigationon 11/20/2017 at Washington, b6 b7C b6 b7C I District Of Columbia, File Ii '==================---------------Date United States drafted (In Person) 11/2 0/ 201 7 by This document contains neither recommendationsnor conclusions of the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contentsarc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. ~ b6 b7C b7E FBI(19cv1278)-3176 b6 b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ~ Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of! She originally PHARES ended up not working J.D. GORDON on PHARES but worked for .On 11/20/2017 _______ . Page thought she would be working on the campaign. Instead, I 2 of 4 with b6 b7C c=]went to the Republican National Convention in July, 2016. She worked as She was not involved in anything related to the Republican Party Platform or with policy related to Ukraine. After the conventio~was assigned to the New York office of the campaign.L__Jsat in the "war room" located on the 14th floor of Trump Tower. The "war room" was an open office setting with a series of conference tables. Only the senior campaign officials had offices. c:::J and many others aides brought their own computers to the office every I day. I Iworked mostly on L-------------,r------------,...J was paid per month for living expenses ._ ________________________ b6 b7C She _.STEVE MILLER and JOHN MASHBURN. b6 b7C -------------------------------------' PHARES, there was no one from the future Trump In 2016, I Egypt. c:::J involved in the trip. I campaign on this Other than tr i p. I was aware that PHARES planned to make a trip to wanted to go on the trip but was never asked. c=J was not the planning of the trip and did not know specifics re l ated to b6 b7C ,___ _.!received several emails from PHARES while he was on the 2016 trip to Egypt. c:::J identified the attached email dated September 9, 2016, from PHARES to! l The email indicated PHARES was trying to coordinate a meeting between President EL-SISI of Egypt and Presidential candidate TRUMP. A second email, also dated September 9, 2016, was sent from PHARES tol i and also discusses a request for a meeting between President ELSISI and Presidential candidate TRUMP. r:=:Jbelieves the meeting was eventually coordinated through officials from the Egyptian Embassy and the Trump campaign. In communications using Viber withe=] around the time the emails were sent, PHARES emphasized the importance of the emai l messages to the campaign. r:=:Jprinted off copies of both emails and placed them on the ch a ir of campaign chief executive STEVE BANNON as instructed by PHARES. c:::Jdid not follow up with PHARES on the specifics of the trip . b6 b7C ._ _ ___.!helped write notes for a statement related to the meeting between TRUMP and b6 b7C the campaign would Egyptian President release EL- FBI(19cv1278)-3177 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of! .On SIS!. These notes were not used. specifically STEVEN MILLER and was released . The Trump -------- ..__~!believes around the that PHARES may have traveled same time he went to Egypt. 11/20/2017 _______ campaign communications worked on the readout to the United 3 of . Page Arab 4 team, that b6 b7C Emirates b6 b7C the presidential election, I joined the presidential transition She had expressed her interest in joining the team to retired .-----, KEITH KELLOGG while he oversaw the national security team. ! I was leading the NSC transition team and contacted I I offer i ng her a position. I I continued to be paid per month living expenses and moved back to Washington, D.C. After team. general ! I The presidential with foreign governments, place in New kept track of presidential b6 b7C transition team was responsible for coordinating visits leaders. The team would receive requests from foreign review them, and coordinate meetings. The meetings a l l took York City and frequently involved foreign ministers. the meetings in a spreadsheet. The data was stored on the transition team computer in an open shared drive . _1 __ b6 b7C _ ..__ _.!was aware of the December 2016 United Nations vote against the Israeli settlements from television coverage but does not remember any specific conversations about it while serving on the presidential transition team. b6 b7C bl ·'S\ b3 1 ------------------- !does about ...... how the c:::::::J does President presidential transition not know about a call VLADIMIR PUTIN. not team between recall should TRUMP and any specific respond to discussions the article. Russian ' b6 b7C b6 b7C b6 b7C ..__~Ihas officials. Egyptian traveled to EgyptOtimes. She was asked about her nationals: She has interactions contacts with with many Egyptian the following b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3178 b6 b7C b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Interview of I .On 11/20/2017 _______ . Page 4 of • • • • • 4 b6 b7C last b6 b7C name. She has spoken to him on the phone and seen him in person once or twice. She does not talk with him anymore. Jdoes not know this individual . ._ ___________________________________ ...., has seen awhile. him at events but has no communication with him. b6 b7C b6 b7C ____________________ She stayed She last saw him at ,__ She has not had further contact in with touch with him for __. b6 b7C him. FBI(19cv1278)-3179 b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 3 - UNCLASSIFIED//POUO FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 01/04/2019 Date or entry SA law offices present for interviewing I land Iinterviewed! I counsel, ! SA of the interview. agents, I After being advised of I provided the following for Black, at the identities information: Manafort & Stone the was the ! of (BMS) Her job responsibilities When the firm Throughout her times, BMS had tenure offices b6 b7C at BMS the firm on Lee Street, Executives at the firm ROGER STONE, .._ I I did not engage the company. lobbyists all in lobbying. ____ !did principals Registration at a quarterly Act BMS had not have any took FARA. .._p_o_i_n_t_i ___ n_t_i__ m_e _______ MANAFORT and ~---:-"""'.'""".-:---;::::::~----, ---~!was The firm had multiple clients. The recalled was the Angolan political and had visited the offices on one Not had moved its offices. At different Union Street and Fairfax Street. included ____ Agents b6 b7C included expanded, Foreign b6 b7C specific PAUL MANAFORT, STONE were lobbyists. unsure I role of! only client._ ___ specifically party, UNITA. UNITA was a client occasion. b6 b7C in b6 of BMS b7C BMS b6 b7C (FARA) foreign clients. recollection related to how seriously ! the firm's FARA filings l_r_e_c_a_l_l_e_d __ t_h_a_t __ t_h_i_s~involved filing forms at with some DOJ on b6 b7C basis.! UNCLASSIFIED//~euo lmcstigationon File Ii 08/23/2018 at Washington, District Of Columbia, '===============::_ _______________________ United States Date dra!kd (In Person) 08/24/2018 by b6 b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3180 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO (U//~ 2 3 / 2 0 18 of_! ______ Interview _.!on 8 Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of / After For leaving financial .._ __ ___.! did files. _.___ she the ...I would did recall address not . Page 2 of 3 b6 b7C firm, information not 08/23/2018 .On ----------------------- the the know the I would I FARA unit firm's have visiting FARA-related reached BMS's out to I offices to questions I review to ______ b6 b7C b6 b7C _. if b6 b7C _________ _. b6 b7C MANAFORT about FARA b6 b7C answer. MANAFORT MANAFORT worked substantially from the BMS offices. ~MA=N~A~FO.;...:.;R~T~IL---------------'l~d~u=r~i~n~g~l...------ltenur~ i 1 .._ __ ___.did filings. not recall any specific interactions not recall this document. ___ _.!did brought to not recall her . this document ..._ __ ... ! did not filing with EX CD10 ._ __ _.!did b6 b7C EX CDll recall for the but explained that it would have legal size and been b6 b7C project. EX CD12 This document document was did not look letter-sized. referred familiar. FARA forms were this b6 b7C to EX CD13 This document seemed familiar based on the UNCLASSIFIED//~oue content of the filing. FBI(19cv1278)-3181 b6 b7C b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) UNCLASSIFIED/,'E=OPQ. (U//POUOI Interview Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of ______________________ / 2 3 / 2 0 18 of on 8 ,_______ _. .On _0_8_/_2_3_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 3 of 3 EX CD15 .___ _.Idid not recall this document. UNCLASSIFIED//FOUe b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3182 b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 2- UNCLASSIFIED//E'8UOFEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 01/04/2019 Date or entry I SA and SA interviewed! of f'-i-._c_e_s_o_f...,... __ ___..__ ___ ....._ ___ i_n_A_l_e_x_a_n_d___.r i a, Virginia. represented by the interviewing After being the agents, advised following of Iwas !at the the identities information: law b6 b7C of .._ __ ___.! recalled that he had interactions with the Department of Justice in connection with a review of Black, Manafort & Stone's (BMS) FARA filings. FARA investigators came to the office to review documents. I I did not recall how BMS produced records for the review. I ! understood this review to be a routine review for the purpose of compliance. '-1---~ understood that the cure for BMS's issues would likely have been to file amendments . b6 b7C ..___ _,!did b6 b7C not recall seeing news at the PAUL MANAFORT's dual role as an appointed lobbyist. I I likewise did not recall of Justice regarding MANAFORT. time of the investigation about OPIC director and a fore i gn conversations with the Department EX JD01 ____ I did not recall this document. not recall matters, this document. b6 b7C EX JD04 Page .._ __ 2 ___.I did criminal Page I believed the document referenced !may have been involved. b6 b 7C 1 ___, did not recall this ____ !did MANAFORT. not recall a discussion .._ Because that document. b6 b7C about a criminal investigation of UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO lmcstigationon 08/23/2018 at Alexandria, Virginia, File Ii .....~':.':.':.':.':.':.':.':.':.':.':.':.':.':.':.':.-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::..,---------------- United States (In Pe r son) Date drafted O8 / 27 / 2018 by b6 b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3183 b6 b7C b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO (U//~ 2 O18 Interview of ._ ____ _,!on 8/23 o 11 Continuation of FD-'.lfl2 of / ---------------------· UNCLASSIFIED//FeUO _0_8_/_2_3_/_2_0_1_8_ . Page 2 of 2 FBI(19cv1278)-3184 b7E - 1 of ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ 7 - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of cnlty FELIX EHRAT, Group interviewed by Special General Agent Counsel of (SA) ________ 12/04/2017 b6 b7C NOVARTIS AG (NOVARTIS), was ___. Forensic Accountant~!-----, -------~! and Assistant Special Counsel Andrew Goldstein via video teleconference at NOVARTIS' New York office, 230 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169. EHART was accompanied by Shannon Klinger, NOVARTIS' Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer and Head of Litigation. Also present were NOVARTIS outside counsel, from Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing officials and the nature of the interview, ! !provided the following information: ---------------------- Prior to b6 b7C NOVARTIS, EHRAT EHRAT joined NOVARTIS in or about Counsel. EHRAT was also a member of Committee. As Group General Counsel, EHRAT was legal affairs of the company, including regulatory ---------------------ct ob er 2011 as Group General 0 NOVARTIS' responsible affairs. Executive for the NOVARTIS had hundreds, if not thousands, of consultants. EHRAT was not normally involved in the hiring process of consultants. However, EHRAT was involved when the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or other senior individuals in the company were looking to enter into a consulting relationship. EHRAT was involved, in part, to determine whether or not a consulting contract was material to NOVARTIS. Prior to JOE JIMENEZ bringing MICHAEL COHEN'S name to EHRAT's attention, EHRAT was fairly certain he had heard COHEN's name before. EHRAT did not recall COHEN's name specifically, but EHRAT read the papers and watched the news, specifically around the time of the 2016 United States (U.S.) Presidential election. As such, EHRAT believed he became aware of COHEN's name around the November 2016 time. JIMENEZ brought COHEN's name to EHRAT's attention on February 13, 2017 by way of an email. Prior to this interview, EHRAT went back and looked at his agenda and noted that he had a one-on-one with JIMENEZ just pr i or to February 13, 2017. EHRAT could not recall if JIMENEZ mentioned his relationship with COHEN during the one-one-one. EHRAT thought JIMENEZ lmestigationon 11/13/2017 at New York, New York, United IA_l,.....-------------------------------- File Ii by S... States (Phone) Date drafted 11 / 22/201 7 b6 b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3185 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) (U) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of Interview of Felix Ehrat .On 11/13/2017 _______ 2 of . Page 7 probably did because JIMENEZ would have given EHRAT a heads up prior to the February 13, 2017 email. However, EHRAT simply could not remember JIMENEZ mentioning COHEN's name during the one-on-one. JIMENEZ wanted consulting relationships, involved in the hiring process of other so EHRAT was sure he was consultants besides MICHAEL COHEN. Policy matters had a huge impact on NOVARTIS' business. After receiving the aforementioned email from JIMENEZ about COHEN, EHRAT spoke to JIMENEZ. JIMENEZ told EHRAT that COHEN was recommended to him b a friend. EHRAT did not know who JIMENEZ's friend was. JIMENEZ believed COHEN could help NOVARTIS if being made by the DONALD TRUMP administration regulations. b6 b7C the policy declarations became law or new I I !was both unusual and not unusual. It was unusual in I thatl b6 b7C _____.I Regarding the unrelated issue, NOVARTIS was having serious conversations with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about a manufacturing plant impacting NOVARTIS' business so JIMENEZ was trying secure resources to hel NOVARTIS. As a result JIMENEZ ...._ Similarly, the February 2017 time of high alert for NOVARTIS, so from that perspective, for...._ ______________________________ period unusual policy declarations being made 2017 time frame could have had important market, the U.S. JIMENEZ worked exam le l""'""--------,. with firm. the U.S. frame was a it was not ___, The by the TRUMP administration in the February a significant impact in NOVARTIS' most and had a close network in the __________________________ _______ ...._ in the to and wanted to start a consulting _. of the law firm firm. NOVARTIS had not had a previous relationship U.S. For JIMENEZ knew relationship with the law b6 b7C ....J EHRAT did not recall the specifics of his conversation with JIMENEZ regarding how COHEN could help NOVARTIS. However, in looking back at his emails, EHRAT noted that the agenda he had put together in advance of a March 1, 2017 meeting with COHEN included items such as pricing issues, FBI(19cv1278)-3186 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof (U) Interview of Felix ------------------------ Ehrat .On 11/13/2017 _______ . Page 3 of 7 border tax, and legal matters. As such, EHRAT believed his conversation with JIMENEZ about what COHEN could do for NOVARTIS was along the same lines. From EHRAT's conversation with JIMENEZ, there JIMENEZ hired COHEN. COHEN knew the individuals administration and how they thought. Additionally, access to those individuals, if necessary. was two reasons why in the TRUMP COHEN could facilitate EHRAT's concerns about COHEN were regarding who COHEN was, what risk was involved in hiring COHEN, and whether or not there was a clear and proper contractual relationship in place. The risk with COHEN was no different than any other consultant. EHRAT wanted to know COHEN's track record and professional reputation. After JIMENEZ told EHRAT about COHEN, EHRAT performed a GOOGLE search on COHEN. COHEN was very much in the public debate. There was a fair share of negative press about COHEN. EHRAT did not take everything in the news at face value, given NOVARTIS was in the news every day. COHEN's proximity to TRUMP made EHRAT more careful in figuring out what issues existed with having COHEN on retainer. EHRAT ensured there was a proper contractual relationship in place. Additionally, EHRAT wanted to get to know COHEN personally. Regarding bribery, EHRAT did not have any specific concerns about COHEN. EHRAT brought up bribery issues with COHEN in the abstract, but EHRAT was not specifically concerned about bribery issues with COHEN. Prior to meeting COHEN, COHEN did not say anything about his access or ability to influence TRUMP. Had COHEN said something to that effect, EHRAT would not have met with COHEN. From EHRAT's perspective, that was a quid pro quo. EHRAT had two safeguards in place to ensure that did not happen; a proper contract and a face-to-face meeting with COHEN. lwas involved --------~l~w_a_s __ a_N_O_V~ARTIS U.S. Confidentiality racticed in the of consulting normal course in the contract with lawyer and the contract relationships of business. COHEN because was a U.S. contract. was something EHRAT Given the environment at the time, there was a heightened confidentiality regarding COHEN. However, EHRAT stressed confidentiality was typical for all confidential matters. b6 b7C b6 b7C EHRAT sense of maintaining Regarding the statement of work NOVARTIS prepared for its relat i onship with COHEN, EHRAT was okay with the final agreed-upon statement of work. In order to make it more broad, COHEN edited down the statement of work FBI(19cv1278)-3187 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of Interview (U) of Felix Ehrat .On 11/13/2017 _______ . Page 4 of 7 from what NOVARTIS originally provided COHEN. While COHEN's scope of work needed some sort of framework, NOVARTIS wanted to keep it open because they did not know what was going to happen in the TRUMP administration. For that reason, NOVARTIS wanted to have an open relationship with COHEN that would develop over time. As a result, EHRAT was not concerned with COHEN editing down the statement of work and making it more broad. The first statement of I! email work. EHRAT received from JIMENEZ referenced COHEN's When EHRAT first reviewed the contract between NOVARTIS and COHEN, it was clear to EHRAT that the relationship with COHEN was IThe contract included EHRAT did not li_k_e __ i_t_,__ s_o_t_h_a_t_l_a_n_g_u_a_g_e_w_a_s_r_e_m_o_v_e_d ________ I b6 b7C _ EHRAT was not involved in the negotiations regarding COHEN's compensation of $100,000 per month, nor did EHRAT know if there were any negotiations. JIMENEZ told EHRAT that he would be paying COHEN $100,000 per month, but JIMENEZ did not tell EHRAT how he came to that number. EHRAT could not compare COHEN's compensation to other consultants NOVARTIS hired. It was a unique situation. EHRAT was aware that $1.2 million per year was a lot of money. However, EHRAT noted that NOVARTIS paid hundreds of millions of dollars for outside legal advice. On March 1, 2017, EHRAT had an in-person meeting with COHEN at NOVARTIS' New York office. Also present was TOM KENDRIS and DAN CASSERLY. The relationship with COHEN was important to EHRAT's boss, JIMENEZ, so EHRAT attached the same level of importance to the relationship. Additionally, the relationship with COHEN was going to be at least one year. EHRAT also noted that the political environment in February 2017 was interesting. For these reasons, EHRAT believed it was important he attend the meeting in person. EHRAT wanted to get a personal impression of COHEN. Prior to the meeting, EHRAT received EHRAT uncomfortable. As the participants time, COHEN saidl an email from were arranging COHEN that made for a meeting b6 b7C The March 1, 2017 meeting with COHEN began with small talk about the TRUMP administration, but EHRAT could not recall specifically what was said. The meeting turned into a series of name dropping by COHEN. EHRAT believed COHEN wanted to show he was influential. During the March 1, 2017 meeting, COHEN received and answered several phone calls. There may have been some calls COHEN received that he did not take. However, one of the ca11111'6HEN ,..ng the meeting was put on fff>. FBI(19cv1278)-3188 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof (U) Interview of Felix ------------------------ Ehrat speaker. EHRAT did not recall COHEN did not tell the person what the conversation between about. The fact that COHEN was hugely unprofessional. .On 11/13/2017 _______ . Page 5 of 7 who the person was on the other line, but he/she was on speaker. EHRAT did not recall COHEN and the individual on speakerphone was answering his phone during the meeting was As previously noted, in advance of the March 1, 2017 meeting with COHEN, EHRAT had put together an agenda of items to discuss with COHEN, such as pricing issues, border tax, and legal matters. EHRAT emailed the agenda of items to KENDRIS. One of the legal matters EHRAT was interested in discussing with COHEN was a case NOVARTIS had in the Southern District b6 b7C Regarding the other agenda items, COHEN speculated about whether or not the issues would happen soon. NOVARTIS was interested in obtaining access to individuals in the TRUMP administration. EHRAT was under the assumption that COHEN could bring NOVARTIS together with certain individuals in the TRUMP administration regarding these issues. When EHRAT met with COHEN on March 1, 2017, EHRAT asked COHEN about his relationship with individuals in the TRUMP administration. EHRAT was trying to figure out who was calling the shots. EHRAT was concerned about policy declarations made by the administration becoming law, new regulations, and/or new guidance. NOVARTIS, as one of the leaders in its industry, had access to individuals in any administration. However, part of the potential relationship with COHEN was to facilitate meetings and relationships the TRUMP administration. with During the March 1, 2017 meeting with COHEN, EHRAT had the impression that COHEN did not really know what he was talking about. There was a lot of superficiality involved. Whenever EHRAT dug a little further into the technicalities of NOVARTIS' business, it was clear COHEN was not into the granularity. During the March 1, 2017 meeting with COHEN, COHEN suggested NOVARTIS build a manufacturing site in the U.S. COHEN said doing so would be good for NOVARTIS' standing in the country and with the TRUMP administration. EHRAT noted that the suggestion of building a manufacturing site was something EHRAT heard in almost every country visit he did. COHEN suggested building it in Indiana, as well as other places. EHRAT could not remember why COHEN suggested Indiana, but EHRAT assumed someone influential in the TRUMP administration was from Indiana. EHRAT was not entirely surprised by COHEN's suggestion. FBI(19cv1278)-3189 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Interview of Felix Ehrat .On 11/13/2017 _______ 6 of . Page 7 EHRAT's impression of COHEN during the March 1, 2017 meeting was based on COHEN's body language and how he said things. EHRAT had a sense that there was not a level of high professionalism there. After the meeting with COHEN ended, EHRAT had a download of the meeting with KENDRIS and CASSERLY. KENDRIS and CASSERLY's assessment of COHEN was very simi l ar to EHRAT's. EHRAT, KENDRIS, and CASSERLY agreed NOVARTIS hiring COHEN was not a very good decision. When EHRAT was first informed by JIMENEZ of COHEN's hiring, EHRAT saw some merits to JIMENEZ's decision. However, EHRAT wanted confirmation. After meeting with COHEN, EHRAT determined the merits were not very good. After the meeting with COHEN, EHRAT provided JIMENEZ a download of the meeting and EHRAT's impressions from the meeting. EHRAT told JIMENEZ that he wanted to let the relationship with COHEN go silent for the time being. EHRAT suggested JIMENEZ was disappointed. EHRAT thought JIMENEZ was surprised by how poorly the meeting with COHEN went. EHRAT speculated that JIMENEZ I b6 b7C I ! I JIMENEZ did not share the substance of his conversations with COHEN with EHRAT. On a couple of occasions, JIMENEZ told EHRAT that COHEN reached out to him (JIMENEZ), but JIMENEZ did not share the substance of those conversations with EHRAT. EHRAT had no interactions From an operational level, COHEN. As such, there was interactions with COHEN. In the conte1t recollection with COHEN after the March 1, 2017 meeting. KENDRIS and/or CASSERLY would have dealt with no reason for EHRAT to have additional of NOVARTIS'relationship with CQHRN, EHRAT had no b6 b7C of~---------------------1 Subsequent to the March 1, 2017 meeting, the next time EHRAT had a specific recollection of COHEN's name coming up was in September 2017. J I MENEZ sent EHRAT an email about b6 b7C EHRAT was shown an email Bates stamped NVS 00000992. recall speaking with JIMENEZ about._ _______________ b6 b7C receiving shorthand this for EHRAT did n o t _,. r i or to email. EHRAT's EHRAT's response, "I will gladly do so," was way of saying that he would gladly look into EHRAT subsequently looked into it. "Vas" was the successor CEO to JIMENEZ. JIMENEZ's effective date of his departure from NOVARTIS was February 1, 2018. EHRAT did not know if JIMENEZ spoke to VAS about COHEN. FBI(19cv1278)-3190 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Interview of EHRAT was shown had two o tions to an Felix email Ehrat .On Bates stam ed 11/13/2017 _______ 7 of . Page NVS 00000993. Legally, with COHEN. The com an 7 NOVARTIS could b6 b7C EHRAT did not want to with COHEN. From EHRAT's perspective, it was not worth the amount of money NOVARTIS could potentially save. Additionally, the likely outcome was one in which NOVARTIS would have to f From...._t.,.h_a_t __ p_o_i""· n_t_o_f.,,...-v""'i_e_w_, --,i_t_w_a_s_a_,..b_u_s_i.,.., _n_e_s_s_..,d_e_c-1""· s--,-i_o_n_. to I l~ ____________________ _.IEHRAT COHEN. There was no upside to taking COHEN unhappy. EHRAT would apply the NOVARTIS entered into. COHEN's access really a concern. At the time of this not even know what COHEN's access to also did not want to alienate on the risk of making someone like same logic to any partnership to the TRUMP administration was not email, September 12, 2017, EHRAT did the TRUMP administration looked like. During the March 1, 2017 meeting with COHEN, COHEN said he had been very close to TRUMP, and continued to be. EHRAT was not entirely convinced of COHEN's representation about his closeness to TRUMP. EHRAT could not recall if COHEN mentioned others in the administration that he was close to, such as JARED KUSHNER. EHRAT did not recall COHEN representing that he traveled with TRUMP. EHRAT recalled COHEN saying he had access to the White House, which EHRAT took to mean TRUMP. EHRAT did not remember COHEN mentioning Mar-a-Lago. COHEN conveyed to EHRAT, KENDRIS, and CASSERLY that he did not not want to go through intermediaries to facilitate access. COHEN represented that he had direct access to TRUMP. ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: All attached emails shown to EHRAT are included in the lA envelope. FBI(19cv1278)-3191 b7E -1 ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ of 28- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 03/29/2018 Date of cnlty HOPE HICKS, date of birth! Number ____________ was interviewed Federal Bureau of Investigation - Special SW, Washington, D.C. Present during the ! I Attorneys Andrew At the intentional charges. beginning of the interview, HICKS was informed false statements to the SAs could result in HICKS then provided the following information: lmcstigationon 12/07/2017 Goldstein at Washington, and Jeannie District Of Columbia, United that making federal States (In bS per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP Person) ,...!:::========================.::..::.:.:..; Filcli by .._ _____________________________________ b6 b7C Social Security Account on December 7, 2017 at the Counsel's office, 395 E Street interview were HICKS' attorneys IFBI Special Agents (SA) !and Special Counsel Rhee. Datcdraftcd b6 b7C b7E 12/10/2017 ,._ _________ _ This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propeI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. FBI(19cv1278)-3202 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks 1 ---------------------------------------bS interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------ . Page 2 of 28 bS per DOJ/OIP per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C bS per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C bS per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3203 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------ . Page 3 of 28 b5 per DOJ/OIP per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP 1 ---------------------------------------bS b6 b7C bS per DOJ/OIP I FBI(19cv1278)-3204 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On _1_2_/_0_7_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page 4 of 28 b5 per I r----------------------------------------..b5 DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C 1 -----------------------------------------bS per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3205 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On _1_2_/_0_7_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page 5 of 28 b5 per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C 5 pe r D0Jb6 P b7C b5 pe r DOJ/OIP 1----------------------------------------J,5 b5 per DOJ/OIP per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3206 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-:lfl2of Hope Hicks (U) interview 12/07/2017 .On _12_/_0_7_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page 6 of 28 b5 per DOJ/OIP per DOJ/OIP r-----------------------------------------bS I b5 per DOJ/OIP per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP r-----------------------------------------b5 June 9, HICKS did 2016 not Meeting know anything about .------------------------------------- _________,Ito .._ her on June 22, the meeting! 2017 when ...... -------r------.....1 I on June she went to TRUMP's I 9, 2016 residence FBI(19cv1278)-3207 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 . Page ------- KUSHNER and were already there talking wanted to fill IKUSHNERIKUSHNER wanted they were to provide --------------JUNIOR. TRUMP said conversation to TRUMP when HICKS was called 7 of 28 IVANKA b5 per DOJ/OIP in~I-------~ TRUMP in to discuss ....._s_o_m_e_t_h_i_n_g_t_h_e_y_f_o_u_n_d_i_n_t_h_e_d_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_s_b per DOJ/OIP to the congressional committees. related to a meeting with he didn't want to hear about it KUSHNER was saying KUSHNER, MANAFORT, and and he shut the down.I .__ ____.... lbsper DOJ/OIP b6 b7C b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C .------------------------------------------,.,5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C _________________________________ .__ bS_....per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3208 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 8 of _1_2_/_0_7_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page .On _________________________________________ bS per I On either INews reached out '--------------------------------- June 28 or 29, I HICKS wanting to bS per ...... -----1 meet with 28 her.I DOJ/OIP DOJ/OIP to I b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C TRUMP about what was qoinq to the Hill HICKS mentioned without qivinq her concerns him details. b5 per DOJ/OIP to b5 per DOJ/OIP I I TRUMP seemed to think it wouldn't leak. He I there were already too many people who knew I seemed upset about the emails. TRUMP thought they should just have one lawyer deal with this and didn't understand why so many people already had this information. TRUMP indicated it would le a k now that everyone has it. b5 per KUSHNER, IVANKA and HICKS went to to talk to DOJ/OI P TRUMP. FBI(19cv1278)-3209 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On _1_2_/_0_7_1_2_0_1_7_ . Page 9 of 28 b5 per and ex lained there were emails DOJ/OIP setting up a meeting. D0J/OIP _________________ ----------------------, bS per .._ ____. TRUMP told them not to go to the press. c::=JTRUMP didn't want to know anything about it. TR~U_M_P __ d_i_d~n't think the emails would be leaked to the press and said to leij laive them to who he needed to aive them to.I I HICKS said she just kept telling him they were ''really bad." I I J ~----------------------------------------.....,5 b6 b7C per D0J/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C b5 per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3210 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------- 10 of . Page _________________________________________ 28 b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C _________________________________________ b5 per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C __________________________ HICKS told TRUMP the New York Times ....:..__. about to release a story. such a roblem. knew about the documents ------------------------------------------- and the were__. bS per DOJ/OIP _______ HICKS not to respond to the story which HICKS thought was odd since TRUMP usually considered not responding to be the ultimate sin. TRUMP asked HICKS to confirm this meeting was about Russian adoption to which she confirmed that's what she thought it was about. TRUMP told her to just respond with the fact it was about Russian adoption. ..._ ___.TRUMP told b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C bS per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3211 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------- . Page 11 of 28 bS per TRUMP said ''non to the statement TRUMP told HICKS not to explain meetinq and it was about Russian _________________________________________ and told HICKS they so much but just say adoption. I were saying too he took a brief DOJ/OIP much. I b5 per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3212 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfl2of (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------- . Page 12 of .-----------------------------------------0~5 28 per DOJ/OIP I I TRUMP told re done."I her, "You've qi ven a statement. We' I bS per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3213 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------ . Page 13 of 28 b5 per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP I 1 ---------------------------------------bS b5 per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3214 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------- . Page 14 of 28 b5 per b5 per DOJ/OIP DOJ/OIP rr DOJ/OIP .....__ ___________ -========--------------------------------~7A ______JbS bS per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP per DOJ/OIP b6 b7A FBI(19cv127~7c 15 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------ . Page 15 of 28 b7A per DOJ/OIP b6 b7A b7C b7A per I DOJ/OIP b6 b7A b7C r----------------------------------------h7A per DOJ/OIP b6 b7A b7C b7A per DOJ/OIP b6 b7A b7C j=======================================::b7A per DOJ/OIP b6 b7A b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3216 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------ . Page 16 of 28 b7A per DOJ/OIP b7A per DOJ/OIP b6 b7A b7C b7A per DOJ/OIP b6 b7A b7C b7A pe r DOJ/OIP b6 b7A b7C b7A pe r DOJ/OIP b6 b7A b7C r=======================================b7A per I b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7A b7C DOJ/OIP b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3217 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 . Page ------ 1 7 of 28 b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C 1 b5 per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C I bS per DOJ/OIP DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3218 fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) b7E Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or 1 (U) Hope Hicks interview ________________________________________ 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------- . Page 18 of 28 b5 per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP '-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-b____J 5 per DOJ/OIP r ,--------------------------------------~bS per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C 1 ______________________________________ ..J:>n5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C o5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C b7A FBI(19cv1278)-3219 FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) b7E Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------ . Page 19 of 28 DOJ/OIP b7A bS per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C bS per DOJ/OIP b7A b6 b7C 1 --------------------------------------_oS bS per DOJ/OIP per DOJ/OIP b5r DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3220 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------ . Page 20 of 28 b5 per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP I b5 per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3221 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or 1 1 (U) Hope Hicks interview ________________________________________ _______________________________________ 1 --------------------------------------_tiS 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------- . Page 21 of 28 b5 per _oS per DOJ/OIP DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3222 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 ________________________________________ .On 12/07/2017 ------- . Page 22 of 28 bS per DOJ/OIP 1 1 ----------------------------------------.bS ,----------------------------------------b5 b5per DOJ/OIP per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP per b5per DOJ/OIP DOJ/OIP b6 b7C b7A bS per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3223 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or 1 (U) Hope Hicks interview ______________________________________ 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------ . Page 23 of 28 b5 per b5 per DOJ/OIP DOJ/OIP b6 b7C b5 per b5 per DOJ/OIP DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C FBI(19cv1278)-3224 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------- . Page 24 of 28 b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C b5 per r----------------------------------------b5 per DOJ/OIP DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP b7A FBI(19cv1278)-3225 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------ . Page 25 of 28 b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C r----------------------------------------b5 b5 per DOJ/OIP per DOJ/OIP b6 b7A b7C b5 per I b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C DOJ/OIP b6 b7C b5 per DOJ/OIP I FBI(19cv1278)-3226 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks interview ______________________________________ 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------- . Page 26 of 28 b5 per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP 1 b7A b5 per DOJ/OIP b7A ______________________________________ bS per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP 1 FBI(19cv1278)-3227 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks 1 --------------------------------------_bS interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------ .Page 27 of 28 per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C b5 per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C b5 per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP I b5 per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3228 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) Con1inuationofFD-:rn2or (U) Hope Hicks r----------------------------------------bS interview 12/07/2017 .On 12/07/2017 ------ . Page 28 of 28 per DOJ/OIP DOJ/OIP b5 per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP bS per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3229 E'BI mm. CLASSI!IE:C BY: NSICG REASCN 1.4 (C,DJ CECL?;_SSITY CATE: CIH: I ._ ____ _. -1 12-31-:C043 of 19- 10-0~-2013 SE!O~':P//NOPOR!~ .. __ __. iS) bl b3 b6 b7C b7E FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 01/22/2018 Date or entry Donald McGahn, White House Counsel, was interviewed at the Special Counsel's Office, located at 395 E Street NE, Washington, D.C. McGahn was accompanies by his attorneys, and of Qu i nn Emmanuel. Present for the interview were Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) ._ ______ ...,..___.I Special Agent (SA).._ ____________ ___. Senior Counselor to the Special Counsel James L. Quarles, and Senior Assistant Special Counsel Andrew Goldstein. McGahn was advised it is crime to lie to the FBI in the course of an investigation, which he acknowledged. After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview, McGahn provided the following information: I I I I bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C 1. 4 (b) !mcstigationon 11/30/2017 at Washington, District Of Columbia, File/! by.._ _____________________ United States Datedrarted (In bl b3 b6 b7C b7E Person) 12/13 / 2017 ...__________________________ This document contains neither recommendations norcondusions of the FBI. It is the propcI1y of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its to be distributed outside) our agency. _ 'f0~'1'e1'-qfct71l278) bl b3 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ~:l!:C!tET//MOr"0~-1 I :'s\ .___------' 1 ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of Don McGahn ' .On 11/30/2017 ------ . Page 2 of 19 b5 Per DOJ/OIP I b5 Per DOJ/OIP I bS Per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C bS Per DOJ/OIP bl b3 b7E FBI(19cv1278)-3231 bl b3 b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) BBO~':P//HOPORMJ..l __ ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of Don McGahn ...,1 .On 11/30/2017 ------ . Page 3 of 19 bS Per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C I I I I bS Pe r DOJ/OIP I r I bS Pe r DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bl b3 b7E S:ECRf:1 ':P//NOPOR:!:~1..--...1 FBI(19cv1278)-3232 bl b3 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of Don McGahn On .------------------------------------------b5 11/30/2017 Page 4 of 19 Per X DOJ/OIP iS) b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP Is) bl b3 b7E SBGRB'iE'//NOFOFtU ... I __ _ FBI(19cv1278)-3233 bl b3 b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) I SECRET; ( ;IMOFORN ---,.,1 (U) ContinuationofFD-102of Interview of Don l _,:,, .. , , McGahn .On 11/30/2017 . Page 5 of 19 b5 Per DOJ/OIP ,ISi X bl b3 b7E (U) Yates told McGahn Flynn had been interviewed FBI - I by the bS Per DOJ/OIP bl b3 I i,'F IJJ I McGahn down." Her asked response led I I ,S l3lfE 1 I Yates if the FBI agents had "reall him to believe Flynn was not in innec., □trout him e. bS Per :3!!lCRf:1':F//UOFO~~i ---:SJ I I ' DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3234 bl b3 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-102of Interview (U) of Don McGahn .On 11/30/2017 . Page ------ 6 of 19 b5 Per DOJ/OIP I X I ________________ I _. Attorney Xates General bad t 0 Jd h1;cowe McGahn's bv to "opening ta) k abo1Jt EJ irno salvo" was He tried that to the bS Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bl b3 b7E Acting reco1wt wbat biwJl II b5 Per DOJ/OIP I FBI(19cv1278)-3235 bl F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) b3 b7E - ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On 11/30/2017 . Page 7 of 19 ------... -::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::. bS Per DOJ/OIP I b5 Per X--c=] DOJ/OIP I bl S) b3 b7E (U) Trump instructed thinqs out. He also McGahn to instructed work with they keep Priebus and Bannon the matter between IMcGahn mentioned Trump. I Trump about the to figure them. I bS Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP Logan Act to IMcGahn told ------""""'.""----:---------;::========~---------, the FBI interview of Flynn, I I 1 l (S) ... 11--------------------1-----------------,1~l-o-M_c_G_a"""'h_n_...f~s assessed there McGahn explained was no clear 1001 violation. Trump asked the violation to him. He also explained about 1001, and the Logan Act,D bl b3 b7E bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3236 FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On 11/30/2017 _______ . Page 8 of 19 b5 Per DOJ/OIP Per DOJ/OIP ....-x---------------------------------------bS r------------------------,1 January 27, Cs. __.JI :s)j ____ bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP 2017 (U) On January 27, 2017, the next view that, based on the information !Logan Act, I dav. bl b3 b7E I Yates came back to day, Eisenberg provided, I speak relayed to McGahn his !Flynn I to McGahn at his I request I later that b5 Pe r DOJ/OIP ,~\ !~1 bl b3 b7E I bl b3 b7E I SBGRB'iE'//NOFOF!:tt ...___ - l ·'S' ! J I '·s, FBI(19cv127$)-3237 F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) BBORE':l?//NOFOFlNI ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of . -------, I bl b3 b7E '-S' I Don McGahn .On 11/30/2017 _______ . Page 9 of 19 '~'; I 5 Per DOJ/OIP 1'-1 l!::::::===================================!J bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP I (U) At some point early Trump about the proper President does not call on, but McGahn was not sure way to communicate with DOJ. DOJ directly and it usually when, he talked to McGahn told Trump the goes through the WHCO. bS Per ___________________________________________ Having that framework prevents the ._ [ ........__ White House from "nosing in" on investigations. I DOJ/OIP I I oS Per DOJ/OIP Ji S :1 bl b3 b7E FBI(19cv1278)-3238 FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) 8!30RB':P//HOFOFlN._! __ ContinuationofFD-102of Interview (U) of ...1I;'S) Don McGahn bl b3 b7E On 11/30/2017 • P·igc 10 of < 19 bS Per DOJ/OIP I: I I I I I r--------------,___ bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP ____Jp:s i bl __ b3 b7E I II ;SI .._I bS Per DOJ/OIP \ J} __________________ I __. X bS Per I DOJ/OIP I bl b3 b7E SBGRB'iE'//NOFOF!:it._ __ - _.l ·'S' ,I i, FBI(19cv1278)-3239 bl b3 b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) .!!:CM:Y,','MOr"O~I ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of Don -- ---;'S) I McGahn .On 11/30/2017 . Page 11 of ------ LJ 19 bS Per DOJ/OIP bS P DOJ/OIP bl b3 b7E : \ I I interviewed by the down and was over-! I FBI but the I Flynn him the FBI told told them he had been investigation was winding bs ..... I______________________________ Per DOJ/OIP .... I :SJ bl b3 b7E bS Per I DOJ/OIP I I I 'S' • I ' ' bS I __ _ SBGOO'i!//NOr"ORM ... bl b3 b7E Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3240 bl b3 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) gJ!:C~'i'//liOFOFaJ I 's: ....... _ ____. l ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of Don I McGahn .On 11/30/2017 . Page 12 of ------ 19 bS Per DOJ/OIP :S\ " bS Pe r DOJ/OIP bl b3 b7E I bS Pe r DOJ/OIP I X----l I bS Per I McGahn thouoht Flvnn's time DOJ/OIP bl b3 was up JI iS:1b7E had talked about UMcGahn thought sanctions on the there calls. was no way Flynn did know he not b5 Per I At that point, both Priebus and McGahn wanted Flynn to DOJ/OIP go, I bS Per X ~._______. I SBGRB'iE'//NOFOFafl I,:si ,___ _____. DOJ/OIP bl b3 b7E FBI(19cv1278)-3241 bl b3 b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) BBO~'i'//l.OFORll~1 ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of I .... __ _. iS:1 Don McGahn .On 11/30/2017 ------ . Page 13 of 19 b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP .----------.I!sj I bl b3 b7E bS Per I 3:1!:CRf:1 'f//NOr'OR:H !.___ l ..,\ ,:Si DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3242 FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) BBORE':l?//NOFOFlNL • __ ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of bl b3 b7E _.l ·,J! l:"'11 Don McGahn .On 11/30/2017 ------ . Page 14 of 19 bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP I X l,__ ___________________ ._ ______ I~----~' I ....... ___________________________ x--c=J saa~'i'/}}1Qm 1._ ___ \ _.,S'1 o I bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP b5 DOJ/OIP Per ___,11 (S:i ____J bl b3 b7E !sj l . bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3243 bl b3 b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On 11/30/2017 ------ . Page 15 of 19 bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Pe r DOJ/OIP bl b3 b5 I b7E Pe r DOJ/OIP ~'- ,.,i_l I r-----------------------; 1-------------------------------, I ;::::::===============~b~S;t:Per DOJ/OIP 1 :tJ I bS Per DOJ/OIP ;'S1 1 1 Attorney General Sessions' recusal bl b3 b7E FBI(19cv1278)-3244 bl b3 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) BBORE':P//NOPO~•L ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview (U) McGahn believed __ of Don Trump mistake in his Trump, testimony. ___ McGahn called recusal Recusal I iS! 11/30/2017 .On him on the t----------------------------1 __, wanted him to get in touch with himself from the Russia investigation. ________ ___.To - Sessions could made morning Trump to tell . Page 16 of ------- I of March him not 2, 20 17. to recuse I be a concession Sessions look 19 bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP I of having guilty.I made bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP a I bl b3 b7E FBI(19cv1278)-3245 bl b3 b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) (U) ContinuationofFD-102of Interview of Don McGahn .On 11/30/2017 ------- . Page 1 7 of 19 b5 Per DOJ/OIP I (U) Trump seemed to be saying that to the extent investigation that could hobble the presidency, help keep policy objectives from being derailed (U) When McGahn spoke rules. ! to Sessions, Sessions there was an the Attorney General said he would follow (U) Trump did not want Sessions to recusel ------------------------------------------------ I __ .... ! ;~, 1,.,1 DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP could b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP the ....... 3:ECRf:1'f//NOr'OR:H ... bS Per bl b3 b7E FBI(19cv1278)-3246 bl b3 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) I 1S) 8!30RB':P//HOFOFlN._I __ ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of Don ... McGahn 11/30/2017 .On ------- . Page 18 of 19 bS Per DOJ/OIP I (U) McGahn and Sessions had another conversation that I day.I bS Per DOJ/OIP McGahn --------------,,-.....,....-------,----------talked to [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell at some and informed him where they were regarding it was possible he called Sessions again (U) McGahn and recusal. Sessions (U) The notes referenced lawyer. McGahn wanted to had another Sessions' after the call I and discussed (SCR015 know what thought he bS Per DOJ/OIP point that day recusal. McGahn said McConnell call. if resignation bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP Per DOJ/OIP and 000023), Sessions' personal lhad any helpful insight.~ b6 b7C Sl30Rfl ':P//HOPO~ 1 ...._ \ __ .... ·s , <'1 bl b3 b7E FBI(19cv1278)-3247 bl b3 b7E F0-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-102of (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On 11/30/2017 ------- . Page 19 of (U) "No comms/serious concerns about obstruction" (SCR015 000025) was probably McGahn expressing concerns about obstruction if the press team went out saying ''crazy things." He wanted to make sure they did not try spin it. 19 bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP to bS Per DOJ/OIP Per DOJ/OIP b5 3:1!:CRf:1 'f//NOr'OR:H !.__ _ __. bl b3 b7E FBI(19cv1278)-3248 b7E -1 ro-.,02 (Re,· 5-8-1 OJ of 15- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 01/23/2018 Date of cnlty Donald McGahn, White House Counsel, was interviewed at the Special Counsel's Office, located at 395 E Street NE, Washington, D.C. McGahn was accompanies by his attorneys,! and! ! of Quinn Emmanuel. Present for the interview were Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) Special Agent (SA ______________ __. Senior Counselor to the Special Counsel James L. Quarles, and Senior Assistant Special Counsel Andrew Goldstein. After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview, McGahn provided the following information: I lmestigationon 12/14/2017 at Washington, File/ii District Of Columbia, United States Datcdraftcd (In b6 b7C bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP Person) 12/19/2017 by "-:::=====================L-------------------------- b6 b7C b7E This document contains neither recommendationsnor conclusions of the FBI. It is the prope11yof the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contentsarc not to be distributed outside 1011ragency. 1278)-3249 FBI(19cv b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-:lfl2of (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On 12/14/2017 ------- . Page 2 of 15 b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3250 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof (U) Interview of Don McGahn ----------------------- .On 12/14/2017 _______ . Page 3 of 15 b5 Per DOJ/OIP I b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP I b5 Per DOJ/OIP I b5 Per DOJ/OIP I Appointment of Special Counsel b5 Per -------------------.----------counsel, which took lace while the were directors. DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP appointing a special talkin to otential FBI Sessions, FBI(19cv1278)-3251 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On ----------------------- 12/14/2017 _______ . Page 4 of 15 b5 Per 1asked __, .....,.S_e_s_s_i_o_n_s_t_o __ c_a_l __ l_R_o_s_e_n_s_t_e~i-n _____________________ ___________ .... to Sessions, who had Rosenstein had done. 1told Trump Rosenstein had Trump what returned, DOJ/OIP started to try ----------------------appointed Mueller special to expl~S Per DOJ/OIP counsel. bS Per DOJ/OIP b6 b7C b5 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP I FBI(19cv1278)-3252 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-:lfl2of (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On 12/14/2017 _______ . Page 5 of 15 b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3253 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-:lfl2of (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On 12/14/2017 ------ . Page 6 of 15 b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3254 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-:lfl2of (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On 12/14/2017 ------- . Page 7 of 15 b5 Per !handle the special coun~S DOJ/OIP Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP I FBI(19cv1278)-3255 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) (U) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof Interview of Don McGahn .On ----------------------- 12/14/2017 _______ . Page 8 of 15 b5 Per DOJ/OIP I Discussions about he had crossed DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP Flynn: Trump said he did not say ,, was "allowed to hope. I think b5 Per any he hoped Corney would let Flynn go, but added he I b5 lines -1 I Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP I Trump did not I I b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3256 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On ----------------------- Shortly after the Special Counsel a document hold request from the was aooointed, FBI,I 12/14/2017 _______ the White . Page House 9 of 15 received b5 P r DOJ/OIP I ltwo FBI agents, who walked into the WHCO and gave the letter _ of the letter, McGahn issued a document hold to __.I Upon receipt staff as a follow on to the previous hold. He instructed staff not out any of their burn bags over the weekend while he sorted things ..._ 7 the to send out. bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP Sessions: At that point, Trump was pretty down on Sessions often come up that he was not happy. I in !expressed Sessions general I and it Trump I his displeasure would with I b5 Per DOJ/OIP I b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3257 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof (U) Interview of Don McGahn ------------------------ .On 12/14/2017 ------- . Page 10 of 15 b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b_S-Per DOJ/OIP Resignation: In mid-June 2017, McGahn told Priebus and Bannon ~c_a_l_l_e_d_h_i_m_m_u_l_t_i~·p_l_e_t_i_·m_e_s_t_h_e_S_a_,,turday of Father's he was "out." Trump Day weekend! _____ ~1-..,...--,-.,.....-,-,------,,-,----..,..,,-------'ITrump wanted McGahn to call Rosenstein and tell him to fire Mueller. Trump wanted McGahn to tell Rosenstein there was a conflict of interest between Trump and Mueller! I b5 Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3258 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof McGahn Priebus do the Sessions (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On ------------------------ 12/14/2017 ------- . Page 11 of 15 b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP told Priebus not to do it McGahn told he wanted to consult his personal attorney and recommended Priebus same. McGahn thought he told Priebus if Trump ordered him to fire he would resign.! _____________________________ _ McGahn _f_i_r_e __ S_e_s_s_i_o_n_s_, __ a_n_d neither said the bottom would do it, line was if Trump wanted them they may have to quit.I ______ to _. b5 Per discussion regarding the fact that directly to a non-recused Attorney was in place, Mueller and his team --------------much if a new AG was in McGahn place. DOJ/OIP He did recall "some semblance of" a the Special Counsel would report General. If Sessions left and a new AG would report to the new AG. offered the opinion things may not change b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP I b5 Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3259 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-:lfl2of (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On 12/14/2017 ------- . Page 12 of 15 b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP I b5 Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3260 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-:lfl2of (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On 12/14/2017 ------- . Page 13 of 15 bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP b6 b7A b7C b5 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP b4 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3261 b7E fl)-302a (RcY. 05-08-IO) ContinuationofFD-'.lfllof (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On ------------------------ 12/14/2017 ------- . Page 14 of 15 b5 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP I McGahn has talked to Trump about Manafort since he has been the Whi te House Counsel. They have talked about Manafort's role in the Russia investigation. They "sort of talked" about whether Manafort had any information potentially harmful to Trump. I I bS Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP b5 Per DOJ/OIP bS Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3262 b7E FD-1fl2a (Re,. 05-flR-lO) ContinuationofFD-:lfl2of (U) Interview of Don McGahn .On 12/14/2017 ------- . Page 15 of 15 b5 Per DOJ/OIP FBI(19cv1278)-3263