Q- STATEMENT OF. FINANCIAL INTERESTS PLEASE PRINT h1? LAST I - A - - -- FIRSTNAME 1" IWWIWJKE -.. 'I?t haw yuan-m?; 7 If?li L51 STATUS Check applitable block or blocks more than one blank may be miarkad (owIn?Ilrudlon 01198982) Check this .: . PublicOI?ranlI Zurruntl .I Public. EmployeHCurIFnt) EI: '1 ?ng . LI. PIIblic OfficmilForIner} ISJ Public EmployFe(FormeI) asya solicitor all 04 PUBLIC POSITION OR PUBLIC OFFICE CommIssm'Ier joinIIe?. seekin?g- BI held . I . I: I I ETATL-EEFRHQ IAIIVEJI. I- LIz?eekin9 '05 GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY In much you MARINE an Candidate or Nominee (a9 deFt agency. authority. bumughEIJ. nmmiszziy Funky. digirid. Mp. etc.) -- . inl -apw_Hoos_ - :11I4: ..YEAR SEEINSTRUCTIONS lnfurmalmn in Blooms 1?5 Iepresenls forlhe calendar year listed here: :hlsbox . -: -: 31.: CREDITDRS(Saelnmrucimns 9n pang 2) OmdlloMNamEand Mdregs :nleres a? . SCC QA?thDIRECT 0R INDIRECT SOURCES INCOMElleudInu (but not limited to) all ?mploym?ni. (Bee. lnsIIuction on pg 21- NCINE - - - LL .?Tl rjeQ . F3 . . . I, . Inslruciiuns. on page 21 . 35-: a . Equity of Sir: VaIIla (Q1 TRANSPORTATION LODGING, HOSPITALITY (seemsirucmm ampage 9) ..Z 3. I?glu? Source and see I dI II I OFFICE- DIRECTORSHIE, 0R EMPLOYMENT INANY (See IrIolrucmns on pageZ) chockIhIsbox. 3 =j - dimor..isee. 14' FINANCIAL INTEREST IN ANY LEGAL ENTITY IN BUSINESS FOR PROFIT lIIsIIucllons on page 2) II NQNE, check I. Name and of Business . I :--f-f125 BUSINESS INTERESTS TRANSFERRED To IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBER (See inst?ru?otiona on page 2) If NONE, check this box. . :13 Business (Name and - . . . . . :3 internal l?leid . . . 3 - 3 - - (Numb and human) - - - . DMD The undermined hereby ai?n?s mm the. {washing Intdignagign Is lrlI9 {Ind cum-gt Io Ihe best of said p??rern lniarmauon and. said mane. subj?cI in he. penalties prescnbed by 13 P5 ?94901: {oi 5? iIIclelcii?I Io and thI Public Of?cial and Eihlcs Act. _65 Pa. 0 S. W?ikc Turzal WexfOrd', PA 15090 PSECU 3.92.2 (42.: PO Box 67010 pg; pg; ?499% . . .. . 260BradfordRoadf 53% Houston Harbaugh .. . .. .. Three Gateway Center H9: 401 LibertyAvenue, 22ndFloor Pittsburgh, PA 115222- 1005 Hefren-Til-lotson, Inc Brokerage Account; a: .. :303 SeventhAvenue i Pittsburgh, PA 15222 i i i (Each single individual investment in the account generated less than the required Income. StephenFrobouck 1090FreeportRoad .i-i g; of Wednesday, October 23, 201Q at the Marcellus Shale Coalition Shale Insight Conference at the David L. - Lawrence Convention Center -In downtown Pittsburgh. His staff member, Sara Kennedy, drove him from his home to the Conventlon Center in Pittsburgh on the morning of 4'3'3 --.-. 3'1 the coriference ori October 23, speech lasted 20 minutes-:The President of the United}; States waSEIi?aking. at this sigiiattlre eveht later that same day. 2019,_Was a voti'rig He: had to .be: on the rostrum ta gavel 3 Capitoli-EThe travel time mm the CthentiOntcenter to:th'e Capitol .in Harri-sbmg less . a 3 in seSsion and to:v_ote{ To: makeyoting seSSion at the Speaker could "nor drive to the. .. '3 than: 4 heurs Without a stop;~ Thus So, he hadztc. Secure a private ?ight (there Were no: commercial'. about a twenty-minute: .drive- - .Speiaker Tarzai thenaezw county airport to' .the Harrisng ilnternatidnal Airport; _He was picked up by a staff member at? the and they 5 Unlike the the speaker does: 991 have Eaccess to a state plane. Din-rare occasibns, the i 5 President that day Speaker has had: t6 arrange fer a private his?duties as" Speakergiboth in termsof advancingpublic policy and interms of being in th?e Capitolfcf . The Valli? 0f the . . 3 :transportatiQn signi?cantly higher thanother instances of similar travel as aresult of the-security.- and other. logistical concerns related to the arrivaljof the - HoustonHarbaugh .3. ..: 3 .13 ..: ..: ..: Three Gateway Center". - d-rOve to the Capitol. The ?ight fanived in iHarrisbIJng in tim?i 170: him t9 itfavel?o?i the at?? to the ?oor; of the House for the 11:00 AM start of sessicniori Wednesday, October 23,. 2.019. I. a: . 401LbertyAenu22dF100r Kennedy drove the. Speaker to? the County-Airgun West Mif?inz