Office of Information Governance and Privacy U.S. Department of Homeland Security 500 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20536 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement May 5, 2020 Daniel McGrath American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW, B255 Washington, DC 20005 RE: American Oversight. v ICE et al., 1:19-cv-01817-RCL ICE FOIA Case Number 2019-ICLI-00051 Supplemental Production Dear Mr. McGrath: This letter is a supplemental response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), dated February 8, 2019, for all records pertaining to Jeffry Hernandez Rodriguez aka Roy Alexander Hernandez Rodriguez aka Roxsana Hernandez and Mergensana Amar. ICE has considered your request under both the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. ? 552. For this production, ICE reviewed 101 pages of potentially responsive records. Of those 101 pages, ICE determined that 19 pages were nonresponsive or duplicative and 181 pages were responsive. This production consists of 82 pages. These documents have been Bates numbered 2019-ICLI-00051 1701 through 2019-ICLI-00051 1782. Please note, the remaining responsive pages have been referred to other agencies and/or components for direct response to you. ICE has applied Exemption 5 to protect from disclosure intra-agency documents that contain the recommendations, opinions, and conclusions of agency employees. The disclosure of these communications would discourage the expression of candid opinions and inhibit the free and frank exchange of information and opinions among agency personnel on important agency decision-making by having a chilling effect on the agency's deliberative process. FOIA Exemption 5 protects from disclosure those inter- or intra-agency documents that are normally privileged in the civil discovery context. The three most frequently invoked privileges are the deliberative process privilege, the attorney work-product privilege, and the attorney-client privilege. After carefully reviewing the responsive documents, I have determined that portions VERSIGHT ICE FOIA Number 2019-ICLI-00051 Page 2 of 3 of the responsive documents qualify for protection under the deliberative process privilege, the attorney-client privilege, and the attorney work-product privilege. The deliberative process privilege protects the integrity of the deliberative or decision-making processes within the agency by exempting from mandatory disclosure opinions, conclusions, and recommendations included within inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters. The release of this internal information would discourage the expression of candid opinions and inhibit the free and frank exchange of information among agency personnel. The attorney work-product privilege protects documents and other memoranda prepared by an attorney in contemplation of litigation. The attorney-client privilege protects confidential communications between an attorney and his client relating to a legal matter for which the client has sought professional advice. It applies to facts divulged by a client to his attorney, and encompasses any opinions given by an attorney to his client based upon, and thus reflecting, those facts, as well as communications between attorneys that reflect client-supplied information. The attorney-client privilege is not limited to the context of litigation. ICE has applied FOIA Exemptions 6 and 7(C) to protect from disclosure the names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of DHS employees contained within the documents. FOIA Exemption 6 exempts from disclosure personnel or medical files and similar files the release of which would cause a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. This requires a balancing of the public's right to disclosure against the individual's right to privacy. The privacy interests of the individuals in the records you have requested outweigh any minimal public interest in disclosure of the information. Any private interest you may have in that information does not factor into the aforementioned balancing test. FOIA Exemption 7(C) protects records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes that could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. This exemption takes particular note of the strong interests of individuals, whether they are suspects, witnesses, or investigators, in not being unwarrantably associated with alleged criminal activity. That interest extends to persons who are not only the subjects of the investigation, but those who may have their privacy invaded by having their identities and information about them revealed in connection with an investigation. Based upon the traditional recognition of strong privacy interest in law enforcement records, categorical withholding of information that identifies third parties in law enforcement records is ordinarily appropriate. As such, I have determined that the privacy interest in the identities of individuals in the records you have requested clearly outweigh any minimal public interest in disclosure of the information. Please note that any private interest you may have in that information does not factor into this determination. ICE has applied FOIA Exemption 7(E) to protect from disclosure internal agency case numbers contained within the document. FOIA Exemption 7(E) protects records compiled for law enforcement purposes, the release of which would disclose techniques and/or procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law. I have AMERICAN PVERSIGHT ICE FOIA Number 2019-ICLI-00051 Page 3 of 3 determined that disclosure of certain law enforcement sensitive information contained within the responsive records could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law. Additionally, the techniques and procedures at issue are not well known to the public. If you have you any questions about this matter, please contact Assistant U.S. Attorney Benton Peterson at or 202-252-2534. Sincerely, Fernando Pineiro Jr. Acting FOIA Officer Enclosure(s): 82 page(s) cc: Benton Peterson Assistant U.S. Attorney CWA Building 501 3rd Street, NW Washington DC 20001 PVERSIGHT U.S. Customs and Border Protection 720 E. San Ysidro Blvd. San Ysidro, CA 92173 DATE: 05/11/2018 Mobile Medical Group, Inc. ,h,,.::: ,- I 5030 Camino de la Siest:11 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone (619) 260-6300 "-l (b..:..a )(--' 6)-'-' ; (--' b)-'(7..:..a )(--' C)'---------'I PHYSICIAN ASSIST ANT LIC# b)(6); (b)(?)(C) PA-C D ! I .,, (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Superv iso ry CBP Offi ce r: (b)( 6); / L \/ "'7 \/ SCBPO . ,-.. , Reco mm end atio n: Approve [El Disapprove D Ju st ifi cat ion for reco mm endati o n (to include alte rnatives if dl saoor ova l is recom mende d: 212 (a) (7) (A) (i) (I) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, a .. Reviewi ng 2nd Line Manager (GS13 o r Above) : I i (b)(6): (b)(7)(C) .. (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ~ Branch Chief Deci sio n: Approved [El Disapproved D Ju stifica ti o n fo r decisio n {t o Inclu de fi nal dis pos ition if disaooroved ): 212 (a) (7) (A) (i) (I) of the Immigration and Nationality Act , a :o .o:1.., AMc {ICAN PVERSIGHT LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE-FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (Last Updated 05/08) DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000006 2019-ICLl-00051 1706 Record of Sworn t,tatement in Proceedings under Section 235(b)(1) of the Act U.S. Departm ent ofHomdnnd Srcurity Office: SAN YSIDRO, lr, Office 11ad 11ttome711q11111lliedundor tho' ro11,ulaUons who provldo pro boao or free LoQal Acoll4HIIIProgl"IIms mtalatalna II Ult of o~nlution1 nnrlc.e11.The lnfoma ?tion pom,,d on tbl ? Ila: Is provldtd to EOIJl by the Prvvldon. EOIR dots not endorse any ortheu orsa11la1"6111 tlons or 11ftome711.Addltlon? lly, 1:0IR don not parUclpate In, nor Is It reapo11slbla for, the repro's,entation declslons or parfor1111IIC4I of . thasa 011111nlmtions or attDme)"ll. Dl1dalmpr1 AMf-~ o' PVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000019 2019-ICLl-00051 . 1719 19\ o Non Profl t Orsanlzatlon ... Prtwte AnO('T\ey List of Pro Bono LegalService Prqviders http://www.justice Updated April 2018 ,gov/eolr/I lst-pro-bono-lega 1-service-provid ers Imperial Immigration Court 1501 West 8th St. Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 387-3284 o Bond hearings o Removal proceedings o ICE paroled request omco rorl..isnlgaUon B.mow (EOIR), Office orthu Dinldx>r,Offlc,u of Aa ruqulnod by 8 C.F.R. I 1003 .6l, the bec:wve uisal Accea J'l"OAramo maJnlulno ? IIo of organ.lulion1 and ?tto:noaya q111Ufted under the regulationo who provide pro bono or mo legal ..,..,,.lcea. Tbe ln(onr111tton palled on thl ? Ult to EOIR. by the Providen. EOIR doe a not undono any of these orgaoiaattons or attol"'lleya Addtuonally, EOIJl dooa not partidp ?to ID, Dor h It re11ponatble for, the 1'8prnunbrtlon decl1lon11 or performance of Oladafmpn AMf-q theta oiganlmlioD!i or anz>ra")"II, PVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000020 2019-ICLl-00051 1720 .1 o Non Pront Or11nl1allon oo Referral5eMa o o o Prlvate Attornev Updated April 2018 List of Pro Bono Legal Service Providers http://www.J ust lee .gov/ eo i r/llst-pro-bono-lega I-service-provide rs Los Angeles Detained Immigration Court EsperanzaImmigrant RightsProjecto Public Counselo Catholic Charities of Los Angeles 610 S Ardmore Avenue 1530 James M Wood Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90005 Los Angeles, CA 90015 Tel: (213) 385-2977 Tel: (213) 251-3505 Fax: (213) 385-9089 Fax: (213) 487-0986 www.esperanza-la .org hts m lgra nt_rlg Human RightsFi~o -o o Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm ,, ,. 333 South Hope Street; 42nd Floor o Serving counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, Kern, & Santa Barbara Los Angeles, CA 90071 Tel: (213) 294-"2648 . . of crime La probono@hu mall ri~~tsfi rst.o rg www .human rlghtsflrsto rg .. o Reduced fee, nominal fee, or pro bone depending on o Represents indigent .lndivlduals seekingasylum o Assist in various forms of Immigration relief, victims need and grant avallabllity o Languages: Spanish or lnterpeter o Asyl1:1mapplicants , should call and leave a message. services 1---------------------4 CHIRLA- Coalition for Humane Immigrant No walk-Ins Rightso ,. o Represents detaln .ed and non-detained the LA and Adelant~ immigration 2533 W. Third Street, Suite 101 Los Angeles, CA 90057 Individuals at courts, and the LA . J .~, t! . Office. Asyl~ m. as needed. others o Languages: Spanish, Tel: (213) 353-1333 Fax: (213) 353-1344 Asian Americans AdvancingJustice - LosAngeleso www . .l . . o Consultations on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturadays 1145 Wilshire Blvd CA 90017 Los Angeles, at 8am ,. . . o Languages: Spanish Tel: (888) 349-9695 ildva ncingjustlce-la ..9rg ' 1501 West 8th St. Suite 100 . I. If detained, call between 9am-12pm, {714) 909-2668 M-F : "' .. (213) 387-3284 g_s....If not ~etained, call,betwe~n 10am-3pm, ____ gs_a_n_d_b_o_n_d_h_e_a_r_ln_ __ _p_ro_c_e_ed_l_n ...o_R_e_m_o_v_a_l English / Other: 88~~3.4~-969S Chinese/-9:t(.fEURUtJ fr, Khmer/~ Korean/.GBP,& Tagalog/ "'!-F: _ll1': 800-520-2356 l~~fll~ ,., ~ .ei: 800-867.3126 800-867 -3640 OI ~Jl S~tJ ~ 77~: Paano na!l:llp 1~ayo matutulungan: 855-300- 2552 Thai/ li'iil.:in1tm1l.lt11~i~dl~:800-914-9583 Vietnamese/ C)n s11.glup d&: 800-267 -7395 B.m ..w (EOJRJ, Offlco orlbo Dtred:llr, Offlco or Aa reqttlred by 8 C.F.ll. I 1003 .6l, lbo Executi..., OfD.ce lvrlmmls;n,t.lon Prosn, 111111111fnlalns a JIit of orgaAls.ltoa ? and llttonle)"I quallll.ed under the reg11.lat1001 who pnntde pro bono or rreo Le&al Acce11111 Jeaal 1enicea. The 1nrorau1tio11 posted on this lh1t la pivvtded tD EOIR by the Proriders. EOik 4....,. aot aodor? o IIDYorthaH orpnlmor In, nor 111it rNpOnable for, the "pl'etant11UD11 docl1ioa1 or pmormaneo tlana or 11tlon1.eyri. AddltJon11lly, EOIR doH not p11rtldpah the .. 011111ntmdon1 Ol'ottomeya. DIKfglmcto AMER PVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000021 2019-ICLl-00051 . 1721 o Non Profit Oraan!tatlon .. RefetralSer.1ce ... Prmle Attorney Updated April 2018 List of Pro Bono Legal Servic.e Pr~"Vi1;iers eolr /list-pro-bo no-I ega1-serv_ice-provlde rs . Los Angeles Immigration Court . ...., Kids In Need of Defense (KIND)o PublicCounselo 888 West 6th Street, #900 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Infolosa nge les@supportklnd .o rg 610 S Ardmore Avenue . Los Angeles, CA 90bo~ . . .. . i nfolosa ngel es@supportkind.o rg Tel: (213) 385-2977 . Fax: (213) 385-9089 . www.publ lccou nseforg/practlce_a reas/1mm lgra nt_rlg .. .' hts . International Institute of Los Anseleso o KINDonly represents minors and unnacompanied 435 S. Boyle Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90~.3 _( Tel: (213) 274-0170 children o KINDayuda a menores de edad y nlno/as noacompanados ---------1 t---------------Immigrant Defenders Law Centero 634 s.Sprlns St, 10th floor Tel: (323) 264-6217r ;.; .' Fax: (323) 264-6418. . Robert Foss, Division Qlrector www.iilosangeles.~rg . Los Angeles, CA 90014 o ' i _ 'j ~'; r'. o Asylum cases, deportation defense, children's cases El Rescateo Tel: (213) 634-0999 Fax: (213) 634-0999 1501 West 8th St. Sult~ .100 CA 90017 Los Aflgeles, , o . , .. ; o L o Unaccompanied minors only o Languages: Spanish - Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rightso CHIRLA (213) 387-3284 I -1 o Re'!)~_val proceed1 .~ -~nd bond hearings 2533 W, Third Street, Suite 101 Los Angeles, CA 90057 Tel: (213) 353-1333 Fax: (213) 353-1344 o Consultations on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturadays at8am o Languages:Spanish .-.., ~. . ,... ..... AM[. or tho Dir,11:lnr, Office of Review (EOIR),omco Lepl Accou Programs maJatalns a llat of <>1"8Dllhatlonsand attonle)'S quallftud undor du, .-ragulatlon1 who p"'vtdo pro bono or free lapl Nrvlllltl. Tho ldonn ?tlon pelted on Ulla Uat Is P"'oldod to EOUt by the Providen. E:OlH. d~u not .ondoru any ofthoN Or&? Dim- deol ? h;oao or performance of t10n1 or 11.ttoniayaAddltlonally, KOIH. doa1 not p11rtidpat. l11,11orIs It re? ponrdble for, the repreunlntioa Pl.11dalmcr1 Aa nqulrod by 8 C.F.B..I 100:J.6a. the I.xeeuUvo omce for I mmlgntloa t hou OIJlllnlmtlon li or attorneys. PVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000022 2019-ICLl-00051 1722 o Non Profit ?'1:1 nl HI la n ... Prmte Attorney Updated Aprfl 2018 List of Pro Bono LegalService Providers o o ReferraI Service eol r/11st-pro-bo no-lega I-service-provide rs ..... Human RightsFirst.. :o, . .. , " ' Esperanza Immigrant Rights Projecto 333 South Hope Street, 42nd Floor Catholic Charities o_f i.os Angeles 1530 James M Woo ,d Blvd . Los Angeles, CA 90015 .. . Los Angeles, CA 90071 Tel: (213) 294-2648 ~ Tel: (213) 251-3505 i, : www. hu manrightsfirst.o rg Fax: (213) 487--0986 - o Represents detained and non-detained Individuals before the Los Angeles and Adelanto immigration o Represents Indigent lndlvlduals seekingasylum. o Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm o Languages: Spanish, others as needed. o Asylum applicants should call and leave a message. No walk-ins . San Bernardino, Ventura, Kern, & Santa Barbara o Assist in various forms of Immigration rel~ef, victims ; '.o:~:.'. of crime o Reduced fee, nominal fee, or pro bone depending on need and grant avallab1l1ty o Languages: Spanl~.~oor interpeter services :l . , .. '.!.. I;;!;, ~- -. . (\ ~ ~ . .I ,, , Jlorio;w (Ef?lll), Office of tho Dlred.-T, Office of AJ, req111nd by 8 C.l' .R.. I 1003.61, tho Exoca,tiT9 Ofllca for hnmlrUon and attDrn&y? qua JIBad 11ndeT the 1'9811liiltgns who pl"Ovldepl"Obong or Pn>p m ? mah,tnlns a llllt of orsanlutlona Loaal ACQQSII I ? proold.d tg EO[R. by the Prvridvrs. EOIR. dges not endgrse any of th&aa orsanlulepl Rrv1ce ?o Tba information pond Qn tlll ? 11111: deelslons OT P41rforma11eeof Uon, or attorneys. Addltlonally, EOllt does not partidpate In, nol' ls It raspoallble ror, the ntpnontlltfon . these orsanlml!on moratt11n11,7u. J>b,d9lmpr1 AM[H PVERSIGHT f"o DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000023 2019-ICLl-00051 1723 ~ o Non Profit O'1:.tnlz.itlon o o ReferraI Semce ou PrlYate Attomry List of Pro Bono Legal Service Providers Updated April 2018 Otay Mesa Immigration Court Casa Comella Law Centero El Rescateo 2760 Fifth Avenue, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92103 Tel: (619) 231-7788 Fax: (619) 231-7784 www.casacorne Ila.o rg 1501 West 8th St. Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90017, (213) 387-3284 . r. o Bond hearings o Removal proceedings o ICEparoled request o Asylum, victims of serious crime ABA Immigration Justice Projecto Jewish Family Service_of San Dleg;oo 2727 Camino del Rio South, Suite 223 8788 Balboa Avenue ... San Diego, CA 92108 San Diego, CA 92123 Tel: (619) 255-8810 : (858) 637-3365 Fax: (619) 255-8792 contact@a baIJp.o rg Fu:: (858) 637-301!. -~'-' S f d rg/ . I // services/I h ttp: www.J ss .o site Page erver 7pagename=pro . . . . f mmlgrat1on/projects lnittatlves/imm1gratlonjustlce_p grams re ugee main \ . - _ . roJect_ljp_of_san_dlego.html o Please call for apP,oi~,ment o Services limited to San Diego, CA o Office Is not open to the public, please call for appointment -------------------- o Sef\'.lcesinclude: l:)ionfl:Hearlngs, Removal Defense, Cancellation of Removal, Asylum, Adjustment of Status o lanuuages: Spani!l_h, Arabic, Multilingual Interpretation May be Available -r:-, - . R.r,1...., .(ll,OIR), Office or the Dil'Cldur, Offlco of AJJn,qulrYd by 8 C.F.R.. I 1003.61, th& becutlve Office forimmiptloa Lepl AOC&""Pn,gnu:01 mlllntaln1 a lill of orpnJu.tio1u aad att.DrDll)'IIqliaUftad under the i-eguleUons who provlde pro bono or fna lepl serrii=es. The ldonn11tion pod'lld on this lid: I? provided to aont by the Prmdan . EOIR does not end on, 1117of these orpnhaUoq11or att.omeya. Additionally, EOIR doH not parttc::lpat-e 111,qor I ? It N,rpooidbla for, the repre ? ontatloA dechlnoa or penor1111ne.e of . thoto orgaAl111tion1 or an.on"Yl'. Dl!dplmcn AMER PVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000024 2019-ICLl-00051 - 1724 !. o Non Profit ora~nlutlon o o Referril I SerAce List of Pro Bono Legal Service Providers ooo Private Anomey Updated Aprll 2018 I-service-providers San Diego Immigration Court .. ABA Immigration Justice Projecto Casa Comella Law Centero 2727 Camino del Rio South, Suite 223 2760 Fifth Avenue, .Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92108 San Diego, CA 92103 Tel: (619) 255-8817 Tel: (619) 231-7788 Fax: (619) 25S-8792 Fax:(619) 231-7784 o Services limited to San Diego, CA LawCente o Office Is not open to the public, please call for www .casacornel appointment o Offer legal orientations to Individuals ln removal proceedings at the San Diego Immigration Court, Wednesdays 8:30 amo 10:00 am (English and Espanol). o Asylum, unacompanted minors, victims of serious , . crime 1 . . . o .:.. call for more information. LegalAid Societyof San Dle10o Jewish Family Serviceof San Diegoo 110 South Euclid Avenue San Diego, CA 92114 8788 BalboaAvenu.e San Diego,CA 92123 Tel: (877) 534-2524 Tel: (858) 637-3365 Fax: (619) 263-5697 Fax: (858) 637-301~ "' :.1. .- I. Imm o Free legal services OoJ ., ite/PageServer?pagename=pro o WIii not represent asylum cases grams_refugee_maJn . : .. o Non-detained representation L---=-- ......... , ' only -----------------1 o langues : Spanish I - , o Ple.1secall for appointment :, . ' o Services Include: B_on ,d Hearings, Removal Defense, Cancellatlon of Reniov .al, Asylum, Adjustment of Status o languages: Spanish, Arabic, multilingual Interpretation may ;be available . ,,, . Dl,s:l11lmer1 ~ req11iredby 8 C.P.R..I IQOJ.61, t.b, Ex,ieuu..-. omc. ror.I~mlanitJon R?'l'iew (EOIB.), omeeoft.bu LltndDr, Office or Legal Accea ProgJII ma m11!ntalns a 11stof orwin.tudoao and attm,,0711 quallft?d under lhe regulationo .. ho provide pro bona or free lepl nmcu. Tho information posted 011 t.bla HIii:111pnwtded to EOIR. by Providerri. EOIR daeu not eador10 aay ort.bHe orpolmtio111 or 11ttora8J"II.Addttionally, EOIR doe ? nat parUdpato In, nor 111It r?11ponatble for, repNnntlltlon dechioaa or pmorm11m::eof AMER t.b"" D'5"nlmtlon s or llftoraeya. PVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000025 2019-ICLl-00051 1725 , 1, .,, ; o Non Profit Orgilnlratlon oo Referrill Service ooo Prl\lll!e Attorney List of Pro Bono Legal Service Providers http://www.justice.go\// Updated April 2018 rovlde rs eoir /list-pro-be no- lega 1-serJlce~j:) San Francisco Immigration Court Immigration Law Clinic Asian Law caucuso U.C. DavtsSchool of Lawo 55 Columbus Ave. One Shields Ave Tff.30 Davis, _CA 95616-5201 . ,. ' (530) 752-6942 San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 896-1701 (415) 896-1702 www .adv anclngjustice-a lc.o rg o Holly Cooper, Associate Director and Amagda Perez, Staff Attorney o Specialize in cr1mlnal removal defense o Rarely take asylum cases o Serving Northern and Central California Mandarin, cantonese, Vletnamese, Hindi o languages: ---t __________________ .,_ Asian Padflc Islander Legal Outreacho o Detained and non-detained cases . o Mon-Fri, 9am-Sprif .-'1o.o. . o languages: Spanish,.-ltallan. La Raza Centro Le~~Io 1121 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94103 474 Valencia St., Ste.. 2~5 (415) 567-6255 San Fianclsco, CA Fax: (415) 567-6248 Tel: (415) 575-3500 ., . Asytum Program of the San Francisco Lawyers' Fa,c:(415) 255-759~ Committee for Civil Rl1htso rel.arg WW\,\',,I o o.' . ~,io.) :J..... .. . 'j 131 Steuart Street, Ste. 400 o Non-detained only . San Francisco, CA 94105 Tel: (415) 543-9444 o languages: Spanish .. ' Social Justice Collaborativeo .. . . Fax: (415) 543-0296 420 3rd Street, Suite.130 . Oakland, CA 94607 ~. .... Tel: (510) 992-3964 . 't .': - ..._ Asylum o ______ _____________ .......,.. Only --1 Fax: (510) 255-5200 .~oratlve. org (!~ WWW :~o~laljustlcesi 1 '. _.. o Consultations by,Appointment Only ' o I o o lar~ages - Spa~ish, Tamil o De'portatlon defe.nse priority .t . . . 01:!ildalmen All n,qulnd b:r8 C.F.B.. S 1003-61, th" AM~~ Offieo for.lmmlsnU011 Jlmew (XOIK), Office orth,. Dlredor, Office or Enoutln ma.lnlllin.a o lilt or 01"8Dnhalion1 and atton.eyw q1111Uliadunder !he ....,au lat.tons wbo provide pro bono or fne Lepl Aeoess Propmo lepl Al'Ylcea. The in format.Ion polled on this lllll:la proYidtd to iOIR by .the Pro\'ldeni. EOIR doH not endorve 11ny oftheae organlaideelslo= or performaa.ce of tlon11 or attor,,.uyw, Addltli111.alt,, EOIR don 11.otparUdpalD In, nor I~ It reaponslbl, for, !Jie ~pn,sent.Uon . ..:. .::.: . ' ,. . thu ?e o,ganlmttollli or ?ttomll)'II. pVERSIGHT .,.. ,Y.,;... DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000026 2019-ICLl-00051 1726 l. : -J: . . ' o Non Proflt orsanlHtlon oo Refe1nlSe/V1ce oo o Private Altoml!'f Listof Pro Bono LegalSetvice Providers no-lega 1-se~lc~~p rovlde rs http://www Community LegalServicesin East Palo Alto (CLSEPA)o Kids In Need of Defense (KIND)o San Francisco Office 1861 Bay Road East Palo Alto, CA 94303 200 Pine St, 3rd floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Tel: (650) 326-6440 Fax: (866) 688-5204 lmmlgration@clse Tel: (415) 694-7389 . Fax: (415} 956-902~. Infos anfrancisco@~'u P~.ortkind.o rg . '-~-' ) .~ . Updated April 2018 o Residents of San Mateo and Santa Clara counties only o KIND only represents minors and unnacompanled children o No collect calls ayuda a me_(,oi.e.s de edad y nlno/as'noo Kll'{D_. o Languages: Spanish ;,. acon:ipanados Center of Northern Resource Central American Centro Legal de la Razao California* 3400 E. 12th Street Oakland, CA 94601 . 3101 Mission St, Suite 101 Tel: (510) 437-1554 San Francisco, CA 9:tl.10 Fax: (510) 437-9164 Tel : (415) 642-4400~ ,.... Fax: (415) 824-280~ .. . www .centrolega -----=---=-----------------t ..... .., I oo .'.' ,o ' I'.'o~ o Asylum, TPS, Naturalization, DACA, U Visas o Cancellation of r~rnoval, SUS,Family Petitions o U~i~ations - 9th ~i~t~lt appeals . o BIA appeals i I,. ,11: o R .....I~o--(.EOIK), Office or tho N roq uirod by 8 C, F. R..11100:J.61, tho I.xecuttV11Offli>e r~r I 111mJsnaU011 tho rei;ulatlont wflo pravlde 11lilt of ol'gjlla.liattona and 1ttan1eyw qualified u11d11r ma.111'1111111& Lopl Al!C8SSPf'l>W9.m11 lopl serri.,_. Thu Information po8'ed on thla lilt ii praridad to EOIR by the Praridon. EOIR don not endona any for, the r'opruentBtloa dedtlons tloa1 or llttDrueys. Addtt.lonally, .EOIJl doa? not partidp11ta In, nor It It ,-poalllble tll"e orga11lmdom 1 or attoruey.. Dlad.glmers AMER . PVERSIGHT Dil'llc:IDr,Offlc. of pro booo or frea of these orga11l11111or perform1111iceof DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000027 2019-ICLl-00051 1727 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY NOTICE TO ALIEN ORDERED REMOVED /DEPARTURE VERIFICATION (b )(6); (b )(7)(C); b)(6): b)(6); (b)(7)(C); Event , .. No: ,_ , fL '\I ~ .A-File No: Date : \ I r-" \ .- . Alien's name: Roy Alexander _2_0_6_4_1e_1_4_1 __ __ __ _ os1111201a HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ You have been found to be inadmissible to the United States under the provision's of s.ect ion 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (Act) or deportable under the provisions of section 237 of the Act as a Visa Waiver Pilot Program vio lator. In accordance with the provisions of section 212(a)(9) of the Act , you are prohibited from entering, attempting to enter, or being in the United States For a period of 5 years from the date of your departure from the United States as a consequence of your having been found inadmissible as an arriving alien in proceedings under section 235(b )(1) or 240 of the Act. D D For a period of 10 years from the date of your departure from the United States as a consequence of your having been ordered removed in proceedings under any section of the Act other than section 235(b)(1) or 240, or of being ordered excluded under section 236 of the Act in proceedings commenced prior to April 1, 1997 . IR] For a period of 20 years from the date of your departure from the United States as a consequence of being found inadmissible and being previously excluded , deported , or removed from the United States. D At any time because in addition to being found inadmissib le, you have been convicted of a crime designated as an aggravated felony. After your removal has been effected, you must request and obtain perm ission from the Secretary of Homeland Security to reapp ly for admission to the United States during the period indicated. You must obtain such permission before commencing your trave l to the United States. Application forms for request ing permission to reapply for admission may be obtained by contacting any United States Consulate or U.S . Department of Homeland Security office . Refer to the above file number when requesting forms or information. WARNING FOR ALL REMOVED ALIENS: It is a crime under TIUe 8 United States Code, Section ?1326, for an alienwho has beenremoved from tho UnitedStates to enter, attempt to enter, or be found in tho United States without the Secretary of HomelandSecurity'sexpress consent. Dependingon the circumstancesof the removal , conviction for this crime can result in Imprisonmentof a periodof from 2 to 20 years and/or a fine up to $250,000. SPECIALNOTICETOSEX OFFENDERS: FederalLaw requires a convicted sex offender, including an alien who has beenremoved from or otherwise departed the United States and subsequently returns, to rogister In each JurisdictionIn tho UnitedStates In which he or she resides, Is employed, or Is a student. Vlolatlon of this requirement can result In prosecutlorJ.and Imp risonment for up to 10 years under itlA 1A llnltAd States Code Section 2250. .o . - b)(6); (b)(7)( C) l(b )(6): I SAN 'l_SIDRO, CALIFORNIA - - ~aming) .. CSP OFFICER .- (Title of officer) - II , . . Verification I Departure Date " (Location of OHS Office) -, . of Removal (Complete this section for file copy orily) I Port of Departure I Title of Officer Signature of Verifying Officer (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Photograph of Alien Ba*4ke >srHh Jer (Signature'of alien hose fingerpnnand photograph appear above) A~ Page 1 of 1 OHS Fori:iit 296 (1/12) pVERSIGHT rint) DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000028 2019-ICLl-00051 1728 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY NOTICE TO ALIEN ORDERED REMOVED /DEPARTURE VERIFICATION l..(b-)(-6)-; (-b-)(7-)-(C-);-(b- )(_7_ )( E~ )I Vb )(6): (b)(7)(C): Alien's name: ~b)(6): (b)(7)(C): I A-File No: 206us1u -- -- ------- I Roy Alexander Date: 0s/111201a IJRRNANDBZ ROORIGUBZ You have been found to be Inadmissible to the United States under the provisions of section 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (Act) or deportable under the provisions of section 237 of the Act as a Visa Waiver Pilot Program violator . In accordance with the provisions of section 212{a)(9) of the Act , you are prohibited from entering , attempting to enter, or being in the United States For a period of 5 years from the date of your departure from the United States as a consequence of your having been found inadmiss ible as an arriving alien in proceedings under section 235(b)(1) or 240 of the Act. D D For a period of 1O years from the date of your departure from the United States as a consequence of your having been ordered removed in proceedings under any section of the Act other than section 235(b)(1) or 240, or of being ordered excluded under section 236 of the Act in proceed ings commenced prior to April 1, 1997. ~ For a period of 20 years from the date of your departure from the United States as a consequence of being found inadmissible and being previously excluded , deported , or removed from the United States . D At any time because in addition to being found inadmissib le, you have been co~~icted of a crime designated as an aggravated felony. After your removal has been effected , you must request and obtain permission from the Secretary of Homeland Security to reapply for admission to the United States during the period indicated . You must obtain such permission before comme ncing your travel to the United States . Appl ication forms for requesting permiss ion to reapply for admission may be obtai ned by contacting any United States Consulate or U.S. Department of Homeland Security office . Refer to the above file number when requesting forms or information . - WARNING FOR ALL REMOVED ALIENS: It ls a crime underTillo 8 Unltod States Codo, Sectio n 1326, for an allon who has boon removed from the Unllod States to en tor, attempt to enter, or bo found in tho Unltod States without the Secrotary of Homeland Security's oxpress consent. Dopondlng on the ci rcumstances of tho remova l, co nviction for this crime can result in lmprlsonmon l of a period of from 2 to 20 ' yoars and/or a flno up to $250 ,000. ~ t:' ..... - SPECIAL NOTICE TO SEX OF FENDER S: Federal Law requires a convicted sex offendor, Including an allen who has boon removed from o r otherwise departod the United States and subsequon tly returns, to roglstor In each Jurlsdlctton .Jntho Unltod States In which ho or she resides, Is omployed, or Is a student. Vio lation of this roquiremont can result In prosocutlon and Imprisonme nt for up to 10 yoars under T.'" - ?" , ,_,._..,c::,-o--,.._..,_"-. lion 2250. . ' . (b)(6); (b)(7)( C) I lf h \( R\. CBP OPPICBR - .varning) , SAN YSIDRO, CALIFORNIA (Location or DHS Office) (Tille or officer) V II I Verification of Removal I o1 (Complete this sect ion for file copy only ) Departure Dat e I Man ~~r of Departure 'Port of Departu re Signature of Verify ing Officer I TiU~ of Officer Photograph of Alien b)(6); (b)(7)(C) A Page 1 of 1 DHS Foll{1 l--296(1/ 12) pVERSIGHT int) DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000029 . 2019-ICLl-00051 1729 Notice and Order of Expedited Removal U.S. Department ofllomelantl Securit y DETERMINATION OF INADMISSlBILlTY Event Number I. ~b)(6); (b)(7)(C); (b)(7)(E) In the Matter of: ROY ALEXANDER HERNANDEZ File No: A206 418 141 kb)(6) ; (b)(7)(C); Date: May 11, 2018 RODRIGUEZ (8 Pursuant to section 235(b)(l) of the Immigrati on and Natio nality Act (Act); U.s.c: 1.22S(b)(l)) , the Department of Hom eland Security has determined that you are inadmi ssi ble to the United Sta tes under section(s) 212(a) D (6)(C)(i); ? (6)(C){ii); ii (7)(A)(i)( I); ? (7)(A)(i)(II); ? (7)(8)(i)(I); and/or ? (7)(B)(i)(ll) of the Act, as amended, and therefor e are subject to remova l, in that: 1) You are not 2) You are a native 3) On or about May 9, 2018, Mexico at the San Ysidro, 4) You are an immigrant not in possession permit, border crossing card, or other Immigration and Nationality Act . ... a citizen of or national Honduras of citizen the United of Honduras. you applied for Port of Entry. States. admission of a valid valid entry into the unexpired documeri"t United States immigrant as required from visa, reentry by the (CONTINUED ON I-831) b)(6); (b)(7)(C) l(b)(6); ~ .esp OFFICER Name and title of immigrati on officer (Print) o ORDER OF REMOVAL UNDER SECTION 235(b)(l) OF THE AEURT Based upon the determination set forth above and evidence presented dur ing inspection or exa minati on pursuant to section 235 of the Act, and by the auth ority con tained in section 235(b)(l) _of the Act, you are found to be inadmissible as charged and ordered removed from the Unite d States. Sig.na1urcof immigration officer Name and title of immigrati on officer (Print) Name and title of supervisor (Print) D Signatu re of supervisor, 1favnilable Check here if supervisory concurrence was obt aine d by telephone or other ,ineans (no supervisor on duty). CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I perso nally served the original of th is notice upon the above -named perso n-o n __ _ _______ _ (O3te) Signature of imm igration officer A l~1AI\J pVERSIGHT Form 1-860 (Rev 08/0 1/07) DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000030 2019-ICLl-00051 1730 .- - (rumeuBJS t,U9/N) . :;I '"f ' 0 5 >;,;/ -\f'~ 0 t{) uo1i~ou st\AJO~l809J e6p1tMOIDf~I AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000031 2019-ICLl-00051 1731 Continuation Page for Form _I _-_8_6_o___ U.S. Department of Homeland Security _ _ Fi IP hl11mher ""> ni; 41 R 1 41 Date (b)(6); (b)(7)(C); (b)(7)( E) I May 11, 2018 Event No: lfh\f~\. fh\f7\fr'\. ON THE BASIS OF THE FOREGOING, IT IS CHARGED THAT YOU ARE SUBJECT TO REMOVAL FROM THE UNITED STATES PURSUANT TO THE FOLLOWING PROVISION (S) OF LAW: , , , Alien's Name ROY ALEXANDER HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ ===:=============------------------======--============== ====------- --------====---=======-212(a) (7) (A) (i) (I) of the Ill1Illigration and Nationality Act (Act), as who, at the time of application for admission, is not in possession immigrant visa, reentry permit, border crossing card, or other valid by the Act, and a valid unexpired passport, or other suitable travel of identity and nationality as required under the regulations issued under section 211(a) of the Act. amended, as an immigrant of a valid unexpired entry document required document, or document by the Attorney General C' Signature b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) I Title CBP OPPICER y __ 2 _ of __ 2 _ Pages Form 1-831 Continuation Page (Rev.08 /0 1/07) pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000032 2019-ICLl-00051 1732 Page I 6f2 0 Targeling Framewor k !< b)(7)( E) ALIEN fllE f Reol!...!A:!...._~ Remar1t: !(b)(6). CITIZEN OF HONDURA e INTO THE U.S. FROM MJ!:Tirr.n~~:T"'.,..,., _ ____. PEDESTRAIN. SERVED AN 1-860 (ER/CF) TAKEN INTO DHS CUSTODY PENDING ER/CF !(b)(3) Unspecified Statut e Officer: j(b)( 6); (b)( ?)(C) A~"~ pv~ ~ l--S---------------. 2019-ICLl-00051 1736 DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000036 5/10/2018 Page 3 of 6 Targeting Framework CJ Narrative Croilted by!r h\f ~\ - (b){7\/C) last 111od1fi1Jd (b)(6): (b)(7)(C) by lo,91201 B 11 22 05111/2018 01.18 ON 05/09/2018, SUBJECT JS A CITIZEN OF HONDURAS kb)(3) Unspecified Statute INTO THE U.S. FROM MEXICO VIA SYS POE PEDESTRAIN. SERVED AN 1-860 ER/CF TAKEN INTO DHS CUSTODY PENDING ER/C~ )(3) Unspecified b)(3) Unspecified . . . I ..... - ltinerary:AUTO-GENERATED ~-;_- -_- .__-_.. ..:....:;___;__ las/modlfiedby!( b)( 6 ); (b)(?)(C) ITINERARY __I -.. .. . --- - . 0:111/201801 19 Land f>edeatrfan Conveyance I 0511112018 oug last modified b;,fo )( 6 ). (b )( 7 )( C ) (Back to Top] Encounter Cate: 05/09/2018 10:30 LOCAL TIME Remari\ . /1... \/ "7 \/ I" \ I 0511112018 02 16 Custody CurrenUy In Port: Priority: SAN YSIDRO, CA. 2504 Custody Time In : 05/09/2018 Custody Time Out ; 14:20 LOCAL TIME Custody Status: CURRENTl. Y Transfer To: IN CUSTODY Secured Holding Location: CELL 9 Baggage Che~k Number: 7732863/ 64 Secured Holding Location Time In: 05/10/2018 secured Holding Location Time Out: 13:44 LOCAL TIME Responsible Party: SYS/ AEU / MC Terminal Number. Riek Level Reaeon: Risk Level: LOW Safe/Sanitary Condition: Yes Water AccH?lble: Yes Room Temperature Reason: Room Temperature: 66-80 F Degrees ICE Declined to Celaln: - 'i Secondary Check(s) Conduc19'd By (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Cell WELFARE CHECK CELL 9 WELFARE CHECK CEU. 9 05111/2018 01 :36 WELFARE CHECK CEU. 9 05111/2018 01 :17 WELFARE CHECK CEU. 9 05111/2018 00:57 WELFARE CHECK CEU. 9 05111/2018 00:45 WELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05111/2018 00:25 WELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05111/2018 00:11 Arv1-nr:AN pv E~ -~~ ~ Date/Time Chea Type v-- ------------------ 2019-IGI 1-000511737 0511 I /2018 02:21 DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000037 ......... -n ........ .,~ 5/10/2018 Page 4 of 6 Targeting Framework (b )(6); (b )(7)(C) 'NELFARE CHECK OTHER CHECK Notes: CELL TEMPERATURE 70.9 'NELFARE CHECK CELL g CELL 9 05110/2018 23:24 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/2018 22:59 05110/2018 23:48 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/2018 22:42 HOT MEAL OFFERED Noles: MEAL GIVEN, FEMALES AND CHILDREN HAD CHOICE OF CHICKEN NUGGETS OR CHICKEN SANDWICH WITH JUICE AND VEGETABLES. MALE AOUL TS CHICKEN SANDIMCH WITH VEGETABLES AND JUICE. 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 (b)( 6); (b)( ?)(C) 05110/2018 22:15 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/2018 21 :56 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/201 B 21 :44 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/201 B 21 :27 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/2018 21 :06 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/2018 20:48 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/2018 20:37 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/2018 20:19 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/2018 20:08 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/2018 19:52 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05/10/2018 19:44 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 os,1012018 19:30 'NELFARE CHECK CELL9 05/10/2018 19:12 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05/10/2018 18:49 WELFARE CHECK CELL 9 WELFARE CHECK CELL 9 0511012018 18:07 WELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/2018 17:48 WELFARE CHECK CELL 9 05110/2018 17:35 Vo/ELFARECHECK CELl 9 05110/'2018 17: 18 Vo/ELFARECHECK CELL 9 05110/2018 16:53 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/2018 16:23 1/,,'ELFARECHECK CELL 11 05110/2018 15:51 MEAL OFFERED CELL 11 05/10/2018 15:41 b)(6) ; (b)(7)( C) 05110/2018 18:28 No/es: Meal$ (Hot burrilo or sanwich and juice) 111erved between @ 1130 1JOOh11u,sCell cieaned by Job Options 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 11 b)(6); (b)(7)( C) 05/10/2018 15:11 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/10/2018 14:52 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/10/2018 14:27 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/10/2018 13:58 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/201 B 13:26 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/2018 13: 1B WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/2018 13:02 CELL 11 WELFARE CHECK OTHER CHECK Noles: Fluke 5111Temperature Meter readingal 0930-~h,....,r....,.: 1.,,.,0_.6_-=--------~ \f,,'ELFARE CHECK CELL 11 (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) OS/10/2018 12:55 05110/201812:30 'NELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/10/201812:15 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/201 B 11 :49 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/10/2018 11:41 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/2018 11 :31 DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000038 2019-ICLl-00051 1738 5/10/2018 Page S of 6 Targeting Framework (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 05/10/201811:14 VVELFARECHECK CELL 11 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/10/2018 10:48 MEAL OFFERED VVELFARE CHECK HOT MEAL OFFERED CELL 11 05110/2018 10:34 Notes: Meal provided.Adults burrito. ci1ildren cereal withmilk (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 05110/201809:46 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/201809:01 OTHER CHECK CELL 11 05/1012018 08:38 Notes: 70 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/201B 08:32 WELFARE CHECK CEL.1.11 05110/201B 08:01 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/201B 07:40 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/2018 07:21 WELFARE CHECK CEL.1.11 05110/2018 06:50 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/2018 06:27 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/2018 05:59 b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 05110/201B 05:41 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/10/2018 05:23 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/10/2018 05:05 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/201B 04:45 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 0511012018 04:36 SHOWER OFFERED HOT MEAL OFFEREO VVELFARE CHECK CEL.1.11 05110/2018 04:06 CEL.1.11 05110/201B 04:06 Notes: 70 Temp VVELFARE CHECK CEL.1.11 05110/201B 03:47 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/2018 03:34 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/10/2018 03:15 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/10/2018 02:54 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/10/2018 02:20 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/2018 01 :SJ VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/2018 01:21 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05110/2018 00:41 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/10/2018 00:19 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/09/2018 23:37 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/09/2018 23:13 VVELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05109/2018 22:59 OTHER CHECK CELL 11 05/0912018 22:24 b)(6); (b)(7)(C) b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Notes: CELL TEMPERATURES ARE BETWEEN 71-73 DEGREES. CELL 11 VVELFARE CHECK l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) MEAL OFFEREO CEL.1.11 051101201801 :OD 05/10/2018 00:04 05/09/2018 22:23 05109/2018 22:19 Noles: MEALOFFERED. WAS GIVEN A CHICKEN c: NDWlCH OR CHICKEN NUGGETS, VEGGIE PACK, AND JUICE. (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 05109/2018 21 :47 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 VVELFARE CHECK A~ CELL 11 P Vi~~~--s- T----------------L-'-. -'--i-''-'---'--~- 05/09/2018 21 :23 DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000039 ...,...,---.,.---,,.--.---.--22{0341-9-9--HIG~L:= 1/4 -l-90~00~6t41-41+733f9~-------_JIoo. 5/10/2018 Targeting Framework A~AL If""'/\ Page 6 of 6 (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 05/09/2018 20:54 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/09/2018 20:34 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 0S/09/2018 20:16 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/09/2018 19:52 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/09/2018 19:24 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/09/2018 19:04 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 0S/09/2018 18:42 1/'JELFARECHECK CELL 11 05/09/2018 18:21 WELFARE CHECK CELL 11 05/09/2018 18:03 WELFARE CHECK CELL 2 05/09/2018 17:37 1\1 \ 0v._____________ DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000040 2'-l.lOL+; 19::1=--1-1..IC ..... L1-=1.I-O.M.10Ll,,l.;05J.-11-11~74~o,._ ________ _.V1012018 J ._;.~ - DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURI 1 ... NOTICE TO ALIEN ORDERED REMOVED/DEPARTURE VERIFICATION A-File No: 206 418 141 Date: 01/ 2 4/2014 Alien's name : JEIFRI ALEXANDER HERNANDEZ-RODRIGUEZ You have been found to be inadmissible to the United States under the provisions of section 212(a) of the Immigrat ion and Nationality Act (Act) or deportable under the provisions of section 237 of the Act as a Visa Waiver Pilot Program violator. In accordance vJittrthe provisions of section 212(a)(9) of the Act, you are prohibited from entering , attempting to enter , or being in the United States 181For a period of 5 years from the date of your departure from the United States as a consequence of your having been found inadmissible as an arriving alien in proceedings under section 235(b)(1) or 240 of the Act. D For a period of 10 years from the date of your departure from the United States as a consequence of your having been ordered removed in proceedings under any section of the Act other than section 235(b)(1) or 240 , or of being ordered excluded under section 236 of the Act in proceedings commenced prior to April 1, 1997 . D For a period of 20 years from the date of your departure from the United States as a consequence of being found inadmissible and being previous ly excluded, deported, or removed from the United States . D At any time because in addition to being found inadmissible, you have been convicted of a crime designated as an aggravated felony . After your removal has been effected , you must request and obtain permission from the Secretary of Homeland Security to reapply for admission to the United States during the period indicated . You must obtain such permission before commencing your travel to the United States . Application forms for requesting permission to reapply for admission may be obtained by contacting any United States Consulate or U.S. Department of Homeland Security office . Refer to the above file number when requesting forms or information . WARNING FOR ALL REMOVED ALIENS: It is a crime under Title 8 United States Code, Section 1326, for an alien who has been removed from the United States t.o enter , attempt to enter, or be found In the United States without tho Secretary of Homeland Security's express consent. Depending on the circumstances of the removal, conviction for this crime can result in Imprisonment of a period of from 2 to 20 years and/o r a fine up to $250,000. SPECIAL NOTICE TO SEX OFFENDERS:FederalLaw requires a convictedsex offender, including an alien who has been removedfrom or otherwisedeparted the United States and subsequentlyreturns,to register In each jurisdiction in the United States in which he or she resides, is employed,or Is a student. Violation of this requirement can result in prosecutionand imprisonmentfor up to 10 years under Tille 18 United States Code, Section 2250. (b)(6); (b)(7)( C) LAREDO , TEXAS BORDER PATROLAGENT (Signature of officer serving warning) (Location of OHS Office) (Title of officer) Verification of Removal (Complete this section for file copy only) D i---..........c_..........._1---'-t b)( ; Title of Officer Right Index Finger Photograph of Alien b)(6) ; b)(7)(C) (s .,.._____ _, taking fingerprint) Page 1 of 1 DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000041 2019-ICLl-00051 1741 Notice and Order of Expedited Removal U.S. Department or Homeland Security DETERMINAT ION OF INADMISSIBILITY Event No:kb)(6); (b)(7)(C); File No: A206 418 141 Date: January Inth eMatterof 24 , 2014 JEIFRI ALEXANDERHERNANDEZ-RODRIGUEZ AKA: HERNANDEZ, JEFREN Pursuant to section 235(b)(I) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (Act) , (8 U.S.C. 1225(b)(t)) , the Department of Hom eland Security has detennined that yo u are inadmissible to the United States under section(s) 2 12(a) D (6)(C)(i); D (6)(C)(i i); !RI(7)(A)( i)(l); D (7)(A)(i)(II); ? (7)(8)(i)(I) ; and/or D (7)(8)(i)(II) of the Act, as amended , and the refo re are subject to removal , in that: 1. You are an immigrant not in possession of a valid unexpired immigrant visa, reentry permit, border crossing card, or other valid entry document required by t he Immigration and Nationa lity Act; To wit: you were app rehended within 1 00 air miles of the international boundary of the United States of America and Mex ic o within 14 days of having illegally entered the U.S. by crossing the Rio Grande River in the Southern District of Texas. You illegally entered with the intent to re si de and seek employment in the Uni ted States. You were not inspected or admitted by an Immigration Officer at a port of entry designated by th e Attorney General. ~b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Border Patrol l(b)(6); Agent Signalun: of immigration officer Name nnd title of immigration officer (Print) ORDER OF REMOVAL UNDER SECTION 23S(b)(l) OF THE ACT Based upon the detennination set forth above and evidence pre sented during inspection or examinat ion pursuant to section 235 of the Act, and by the au thority contained in sect ion 235(b)(I) of the Act, you are found to be inadmi ssib le as charged and ordered removed from the United States. fb)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) Border Patrol Agent Signature ofimmi ra1ion officer Name nnd title of immigration officer (Print) (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ACTING PATROL AGENT IN CHARGE Name and title or supervisor (Print) D Signarun: or su sor, if available Check here if supervisory conc urrence was obtained by telephone or other means (no superv isor on duty). CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I personally served the origina l of this notice upon the above-named person on l{b)(6); GAi\ - -- -~.L. GBP=b.=-l/,__ J,-:1-f_, '{'---- (Date) I Signature ol 1mmigrchonnflicer pvEHSIGH DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000042 Fonn 1-860 (Rev. 08/01/07) 2019-ICLl-00051 1742 u ..::5.DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURI 1 1 NOTICE TO ALIEN ORDERED REMOVED /DEPARTURE VERIFICATION A-File No: 206 418 141 Date : 01/24/2014 Alien's name : JEIFRI ALEXANDER HERNANDEZ- RODRIGUEZ You have been found to be inadmissible to the United States under the provisions of section 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (Act) or deportable under the provisions of section 237 of the Act as a Visa Wa iver Pilot Program violator. In accordance with the provisions of section 212(a )(9) of the Act , you are proh ibited from entering , attempting to enter , or being in the United States (g! For a period of 5 years from the date of your departure from the United States as a consequence of your having been found inadmissible as an arriving alien in proceedings under section 235(b) (1) or 240 of the Act. D For a period of 10 years from the date of your departure from the United States as a consequence of your having been ordered removed in proceedings under any section of the Act other than sect.ion 235 (b)(1) or 240, or of being ordered excluded under section 236 of the Act in proceedings commenced prior to April 1, 1997. D For a period of 20 years from the date of you r departure from the United States as a consequence of being found inadmissible and being previously excluded , deported , or removed from the United States . D At any time because in addition to be ing found inadmissible, you have been convicted of a crime designated as an aggravated felony . Afte r your remova l has been effected , you must request and obta in permiss ion from the Secretary of Homeland Security to reapp ly for admission to the United States during the period indicated. You must obtain such permiss ion before commencing your travel to the United States . Application forms for requesting permiss ion to reapply for admiss ion may be obtained by contacting any United States Consulate or U.S. Depa rtment of Home land Security office. Refer to the above file number when requesting forms or information. WARN ING FOR AL L REMOVED ALIENS: It is a crime under Title 8 United States Code, Section 1326 , for an alien who has been removed from the United States to enter, attempt to enter , or be found in the United States witho ut the Secretary of Homeland Security's express consent Depending on the circumstances of the removal , conviction for this crime can result in imprisonment of a period of from 2 to 20 years andlor a fine up to $250,000. SPECIAL NOTICE TO SEX OFFENDERS: Federal Law requires a convicted sex offender, including an alien wh o has been removed f rom or otherwise departed the United States and subsequently returns , to register in each jurisdiction in tlile United States in which he or she resides, is employed, or is a stude nt Violation of this requ irement can result in prosecution and imprisonment for up to 1Oyears under Title 18 United States Code, Section 2250. (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) (Signa ure o o cer serving warning) BORDER PATROL AGENT LAREDO, TEXAS (Title of officer) (Location of OHS Office) Verification of Removal (Complete this section for file copy only) Departure Date I Port of Departure I Signature of Verifying Officer I Manner of Departure Title of Officer Right Index Finger Photograph of Alien d~ Y' /--eJc YJ0. h 5" (Signature of alien whose fingerprint anphotog raph appear above) -;Tr> l(b)(6); th \/7\f ('~ I . (Signature ofbfficial taking fingerprint) Page 1 of 1 DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000043 20 19-ICLl-0005 1 17 43 Notice and Order of Expedited Remova l U .S. Depnrtmcnt of Home land Secu rity DETERMINATION OF INADMISSIBILITYk ~b~)(_7)~(E~) -----~ File No: Date: A20 6 418 Janu ary 141 24 , 2014 In the Matter of JEIFRI ALEXANDER HERNANDEZ- RODRIGUEZ AKA: HERNANDEZ, JEFREN Pursuant to section 235(b)(l) of the Immigration and Nat ionality Act (Act), (8 U.S.C. 1225(b)(l)) , the Department of Homeland Security bas determined that yo u are inadmis:;ible to the United States under section(s) 212(a) ? (6)(C)(i); ? (6)(C)(ii); 00 (7)(A)(i)(I); ? (7)(A)(i)(ll); O (7)(B)(i)(I); and/or ? (7)(B)(i)(ll) of the Act, as amended, and therefore are subject to remov al, in that: 1 . You are an immigrant not in possessi on of a valid unexpired immigrant visa, reentry permit, border crossing card , or other valid entry document required by the Immigration and Nationality Act; To wit: you were apprehended within 100 air miles of the 14 days of having international boundary of the United States of America and Mexico within illegal l y entered the U. S. by crossing the Rio Grande River in the Southern District of Texas. You illega l ly entered with the intent to reside and seek employment in the Unit e d States . You were not inspected or admitted by an Immigr a tion Officer at a port of entry designated by the Attorney General. l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Border Patrol Agent Name nnd title of immigrationofficer (J>riot ) ORDER OF REMOVAL UNDER SECTION 235(b)(l) OF THE ACT Based upon the determination set forth above and evidence presented during inspection or examination pursu ant to section 235 oftbe Act, and by the authority conta ined in section 235(b)( l) of the Act, you are found to be inadmissible as charged and ordered removed from the United States. fb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Border Patro I (b)(6); (b)( 7)(C) l Agent :signature 01 1mm1gra1bno'fliccr Nnme and title of immigrationofficer (Print) l(b)( 6); (b)( 7)(C) I (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ACTING PATROL AGENT IN CHARGE Signature of suI,crvisor, if a\llrilablc Nome and title of supervisor (Print) D Check here if supervi sory concurrence was obtained by telephone or other means (no supervisor on duty). CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1 personally served the ori inal of this notice upon the above-named person on __ b)(6); _ l.... ~_a-''1,.,_W'""''l'/'----'(Da1c) b )( 7) ( C) p Signamreofimmigmlion officer l;iH I DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000044 Forni 1-860 (Rev. 08/0 1/0 7) 2019 -ICLl -00051 1744 ,,...,,, Record of Sworn Sta1...,mentin Proceedings under Section 235(b)(l) of the Act U.S. Dtpartmc111 or llomela11dSecurity Offia::LARBDO SOOTB, TX, BORDER PATROL STATION' FilcNo:A206 418 141 ~b)(6); (b )(7)(C); (b )(7)( E) SIB!l:mentby:-e:-==-----==~-==-==--,--------------------------- AXA: BBRHANPBZ, JBFRBN ALBXANDKR HBRHAHDBZ-RODRICJIJBZ In the case of: JBIFRI Date ofBirth: 02/13/1.985 S Female Patrol Agent Gender (cin:lc:one): At:J.AlUUJO SOtJTR.TX. BORDER PATROL STATJ:ON Dalc:January 24, 2014 >>order Before:j(b )(6); (b )(7)(C) (N'amellldt'~) In the SPANISH language. Ioterpn:ter_NO_HB __ tl'_SBD _____ ~Employed by________ _ I am an officer of the Uni1edStates Departmentof Homeland Scanily. I am aulhorizedto administerthe immigration laM end 10lalcesworn stalements. I want IDIBlccyour sworn stalement regardingyour 11pplication for admissionto the Unilcd Slalcs. Bc:fon:I IBlccyour statement. I also WllJ"ltto explain your righls, and !he pwpose and 00nscqucncesof this interview. You do not appearto be admissibleor to have the required legel ~ IWlhorizingyour admission to the Uniu:d Stales. This may result in your being deniedadmission and immcdiaielyreturnedto your home 00untrywithout a hearing. If 11 decision is made to ref'we your admission into the Uniu:d Sllllcs,you may be immediatelyremoved from lhis 00untry,and if so, you may be bam:dfrom reentry for IIperiodof 5 yearsor longer. This may be your only opportunityto present informationto me and the Departmentof Homeland Securityto make a decision. It i~veiy importantthalyou ti:11 me lhe innh. ICyou lie or give misinformation,you may be subjectto criminalor civil penalties, or bam:dfrom receiving immigrationbenefi~ or reliernow or in the future. Excepta I will explainto you, youaw not entitled IOa hearingor review. U.S. law provide, protcaion to o:r1llinpawns who face persecution,hann or torture upon n:turn to their home country. If you rear or have IIconcern about being removed from the Unilcd SlalCSor about being sent home, you should tell me so during this interview becauseyou may not have anotherchance. You will have lhc opp:,rtunily to speak privllll:ly 1111d confidentiallyto anolherofficer about your fear or oooccm. Thal officer will d:etcrmineiryou should remain in 1he Unitl:d Stales and not be removed because of that fear. or lhe Departmentof Homeland Security. Until IIdeci5ionis reached in your c:asc,you will remain in lhc l:UStody Any statement you make may be usedapinst you inlhis or any subsequent a.dministmive pnx:ccding. Q. Do you A. Yes. Q. You are and do you A. Yes. Q. Do you understand what I have said being processed understand? understand to you? for Expedited the charges against Removal. Has you and that this been explained you are being to you formally deported? A. Yes. Q. Would you like to speak to a consulate officer? A. No . .. , (CONTINUED ON I-831) Pagclof_3_ Arv Vr'\ l-867A (0Mll/117) 'I pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000045 2019-ICLl-00051 1745 U.S. Department or Homeland Security Alien's Name JBIPRI IB67A Continuation Page for Form File Number Date ALBXANDERBERHJUmEZ-RODRICJtJBZ A206 418 141 January 24, 2014 Kb)(6); (b )(7)(C); (b )(7)( E) Q. Are you willing A. Yee. Q. Do you swear A. Yes. to answer or affirm my questions that all at this statements time? you are about to make are t%ue and complete? Q. What is your true and complete name? A. Jaifri llexander BBRHANDBZ-Rodriguez. Q. Have you ever used any other names? A. No. Q. When and where ware you born? A. I was horn on the 13th of P'abruary, Q. What country A. Mexico. are you a citizan Q. What country A. Mexico. are your parents 1985, in San Juan Del Rio, Quarataro, Mexico. of? a citizen of? Q. DD you have any family resicling in the Onitad States? A. Yes, I. have brothers but I dm,.'t Jen.ow where they live. Q. Ara you in possession of any ilmldgration the United States legally? A. Ho. Q. Do you have any petitions A. No. Q. How, when and where A. I. crossed the river Q. Were you inspected filed documents that allow you to enter or remain in on your behalf? did you enter the Onitad States? (Rio Grande River) Thuraday (1/23/2014) by an immigration officer at a Port near Kuevo Laredo, Mexico. of Entry? A. No. Q. For what purpose A. To live did you come to the Onited and work in Dallas, Texas. Q. Por what length A. J'or three years of did you plan to stay and then return to Mexico. g. Bad you entered A. Yes. the Signature trnitad States illegally States? in the onited juut before States? you were arrested? ( b)(6); ( b)(7)(C) Pat.rel ___2 Agant of ___ 3 Pages DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000046 2019-ICLl-00051 1746 U.S. Depar1meot of Homeland Security Alien's Name JEIFRI File Number Date ALBXANDBRmraNANDBZ-RODRIGtJBZ JU06 418 141 tb )(6); (b )(?)(C); (b )(?)( E) Q. Have you ever A. Yee. :been apprezumcsed Q. How many times have you been the United States illegally? A. This is my third time. Q. Have you ever been ordered I867A Continuation Page for Form r,y any law euforcement apprehended January o~x1cere by the ll'rlitad States 24, 2014 un1tec:1 states? 1n Border Patrol for entering removed? A. Ho. Q. Have you ever lived in the tJnited States before? A. Yea. Q. Would you be harmed er face persecution if you are returned to your native couotry? A. Bo. Q. Do you have any questions at this time? A. No. Signature b)(6) ; (b)(?)( C) rrit1e Border Pat.rol __ 3 _ Age.1:1t. of __ 3_ Pages DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000047 2019-ICLl-00051 1747 14"". U.S. Dcpartmrnt orUomdand Security Jurat for Record""- Sworn Statement in Proceedings under Section 235(b)(l) of the Act Q: Why did you leave your home country or 00untryof Lastrcsidtnc:c? A.TO LIVE AND WORlCIN THE llHITED STATES. or beingremovedfrom lhe United Swes? Q. Do you have any fear or a,no:m about beingn:tum.cdLOyour home~try AHO. Q. Wouldyou be harmed if you are n:tumcd to your home 00untryor co1mbyoGBP1astresidence? Q. Do you have ll11Y questionor is there anythingelse:you would like to add? A.JIO. I have read (or have had n:ad to me) this SUllement,oomisting of ~ages (inc::lulfing lhi.spage). I swethalmy amwers aretr\lC and oom:a to die brn of my knowledge and thal this~ment is a full, U\IC and QOITCC\ R'QJNof my inlmogatio11on the dale indiailed by 1heabovenamed offi~ of lhe Departmentof HomelandSecurity. I have initialedach pageohhis slall!ment(and 1he com:ctionsnotedon page(s)____ ~ Signatu~: JBIFRI BA: BBRDHDBZ-RODRIGVEZ ALBX.llmD BBlUQNDBZ, .n!PRZK Swornand subscribedto befo~ me at uuumo SO'O'TB, TX, BOJWBR PATROL STATION onJanuary 34, 3014 Kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Border Patro1 Agent (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) S.-,nonllllllip,aaomWitnessed by: BPA ----< 1-867B (IIMI LV7) DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000048 2019-ICLl-00051 1748 Name: HERNANDEZ-RODRJGUEZ, JEIFRI ALEXANDER Name: HERNANDEZ-RODRJGUEZ,JErFRl ALEXANDER Alias(s): JEFREN HERNANDEZ Alias(s): JEFRENHERNANDEZ Event#: Kb)( 7)( E) Event#: NI: 206418141 NI: 20641814 1 DOB: 02/13/1985 DOB: 02/ 13/1985 COB: MEXICO COB: MEXICO l(b)( 7)( E) Disposition: ExpeditedRemoval(1-860) Disposition: ExpeditedRemoval(1-860) Name: HERNANDEZ-RODRJGUEZ, JEIFRI ALEXANDER Name: HERNANDEZ-RODRIGUEZ, JEIFRI ALEXANDER Alias(s): JEFRENHERNANDEZ Alias(s): JEFRENHERNANDEZ Event#: l(b )(7)( E) Event#: kb)( 7)(E) Ni : 206418 141 Ni: 206418141 DOB: 02/13/1985 DOB: 02/13/1985 COB: MEXICO COB: MEXICO Disposition: ExpeditedRemoval (1-860) Disposition: ExpeditedRemoval(1-860) Name: HERNANDEZ-RODRJGUEZ, JEIFRJALEXANDER Name: HERNANDEZ-RODRJGUEZ, JErFRJALEXANDER Alias(s): JEFRENHERNANDEZ Alins(s): JEFREN HERNANDEZ Event#: l(b )(7)( E) Event #: Kb)(7)( E) Ni: 206418141 A#: 2064 18 141 DOB: 02/13/1985 DOB: 02/13/1985 COB: MEXICO COB: MEXICO Disposition: Expedited Removal (1-860) Disposition: ExpeditedRemoval(1-860) A~( '"i CAN pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000049 2019-ICLl-00051 1749 l(b )(7)( E) !(b)(7)( E) Fi'st:Name 1.FAMILYNAME(~ 1.et16s) HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, ROY ALEXANDER 4.Alias HERNANDEZ, JEFREN HERNANDEZ, JEFFRY 7. BirthDate Mldcle~ 2.~ 33 Event No: ! When Fo 0A ICN0WN fN n lA INFORMATION FOR TRAVEL DOCUMENT OR PASSPORT .. 8EX 11.oy Alazandor 7. HEIGKT JtV11nt Ko I l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C); I I BON1l'l1US Jll/ I. KOlnltrUJI 1= ICOMIUXION IWEICUff 160 NEAAE8T LAAG6 CITY TO PlA06 IIWldOA90AA8 ~R 8. 018TANCe AND DIR20Tl0til OP BIA'TH OF PI.AC6 OF BIR(TM) PROM THJS I.MO& CITY 10. IF Cff lZl:N8HIP 18 DIFFIIA&NT FflOM OOYNTRV OF BIRTH. ll!JCPLAIN.lF NAT\J.MUZl!D IN Al<< COUlin"AV. SHOW DATE AND PI.AC8 OF NATURMJZATION. CERTIP10ATe ~&ER, ANO &TATE HOW CmzEHStl.lP W/1.8 AOOUIAm. S0lfDUIU,.I 11, HAMES: LOCATIONS AND DATEB ('l'EARSI OF ATTENOAHO& OF FOREIGN 8CHOOL.8 12. NMIEJI, EXACT LDCAnDNB AND DATES~ ATll!HCNCCB Of' R)N!IGN Cl4UACHEL IHCI U0B DA ANO 'T\,IRE OF Nff RBUQIOi.e CEJIEr,a::)MY WHICH MAY MA.Vii 8l!l!N RECCRDED . .. ,. Kot Applicable 1$. I.AST ~MANENT . . Kot:" Appllcabh /...,,._,,,...__, ---.-.-. ,..._,,,.......,_,...,__.._I N!.810SH08 IN 00WCTRY OF crnzacatlP 14. ADDRE88 IN OOUNTR'f' OF LA8'T FOAIEIGH RS81Cl!NCtl .. 18. Pl.ACE OF ENTRY WTO UNrn!tl BAH YSIDRO, 8TATE8 CA . l DAT& OF ENTRY INTO UNITl!D STATE& 5/t/2018 10)0 18. UST DATli AHO fll.AC&OP saauAHCe AHD NUIMIER OF PAS81'0RT, BIA'TH CER'TU'10AT1;. BAl"TIIIMA.LCERTIPICATE OR COCUMl!HT OF IDENTIT't'. 8P&01PY DAT&S OP MIUTAAV 8ERVICE, 00I..IHTRY ANO UHl'T, RAHi(. 8ERW.. NUM!Mm, AND PL.Aeea OF INDUCmON .. AND DIACHMCH!. WOHi 17. IN POIMIIINIQN OF TAAVl!L DOCUMENT' 0A I'~ AT TINE Of' EN'TWf: ? YES ii NO. D&aa.111& DOQ I~), IF 8ua,EOT P~ AT TIME Of' EHfflY 0A DOI!& NOT HAY'li ~ ADOQUMINT , INDCOATE 010 NOT tlAVI! TAA\IQ. 00CUM6HT'~ ~ffl E!V1:ROBT"'NEO ONE: VR NCJ..8TATI? Haw, MD WKl!Ali rr WNJ O AINeD: ~T KIND Of' DOCUMl!JfT IT WMI, AND WHAT BECAME OF rt'. WHEN, Mot Applicable .. 1a. FATH&R"S HAMB p..,.u.10 ~n I I I~;;F I I PRE8GBPNT ADQfll!U 19. MOn4ER'eMAIDSNNAME Mado IIOIJRICIVBZ "" .. .... l'LACE OF Ill~ 0.-.TBOFBtffflt ~ ~ . ..1ptACEOFB1~ IIUfflt PfUi8ENT ADDRSSS .. 110. NAME, RE1AT10NSHIP. AND ADOR688E8 OF ASLATl'\IE8 AIIRCU'D "~ .. Not Applicable 11, Pf\EV10U8L Y U EXQ I IDE> ? DEPORTliD ON .. . .. o. ? NiQUIIUiD T0 Da"AAT Kot Applicablll r"""J ~o VE8 tc-71 IN PRISON CA A f'U8UO IN8TT'T\1"0N NO. IF 80. GIVE 0A.Tlil8 AND l'lAOE8 oat IN THII OOUNTI'IY OF .Wt:41CHA NATIONAL, 1: ~".. rr ., , ;~! 1. MC DATI? AND PUCE OF MARJ\lABE - ~ r~vEFf ? rcrA u.s. ,' . . . auo , TO CANADA.GIVE DATE Kot Am>lielll>lo . ' . ., " :M. NAME& AQll8, AND ADORE.88EII OF AU.CNILIJREN Dl!PORT'ABL& o Applicable 23. NAME, NATIONAUTV AND PRESeNT ADDRESS OF 8P0U9E, N(D PCftTOP ARRIVAl. JN CANADA, NG NAME OF VEa&a.. -- Dtpar1me?I of Homtla11dS< 9TATES VLlt, Z2. INDICATE WH~ JEOT OR cmzl;N: ~ DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000058 2019-ICLl-00051 1758 Page 1759 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b )(3):Unspecified Statute of the Freedom of Informat ion and Privacy Act Atv.(:~CAN pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000059 Page 1760 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b )(3):Unspecified Statute of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act AMc ~ICAN pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000060 Bn1.ea u o f C u stoms aucl Borcle1. P1.otectiou Sau Ys id r o Por t of Eu try Admi ss ibility Euforceme u t l:u it Co mput er C h ec kli s t fo r Expedit e d nnd Ot h er RemoYal s Name: I Alien Regis tration Number: I Prior Expedited Removal: 0 EOIR /J removed: ? YES 0 NO MALE Sex: 206 418141 HONDURAS YES ? NO 02/18/ /985 DOB: HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, Roy Alexander Cou nt ry of Citizenship: o Fraud type: Date: 01123120/4 Date: ASYLUM Location: I HOUSTON !Location: ERCF/Detain ed DISPO SITIO N: RESULTS: SYSTEMS QUERIES: b)(?)( E) 0 Pos111ve ? Pos111ve ? Negative 0 Negative u Posu1ve ~ Negative 0 ? Positfre ? Negative 0 Negative Posufre Warrant: N TLookout:I ? 0 0 Positive 0 Negative Positive ? ? Negative Positive N Negative C RIM INA L AN D ID ENT I FICAT ION I NFOR:\IA TIO N: (b)(7)( E) NIA Criminal State Identification Number: (b )(6); (b )(7)(C); (b )(7)( E) NIA State Identification Number/Driver Lie : Nll t Social Security#: ITECS: 0 D Kb)(?)(! Inpu t Com plctc (i.c cha rgc, l(b)( 6); (b)(?)(C) p o1uAR : I l(b )(6); (b )(7)(C) ~ G- 166 (If appli ca ble) ,uldrc ss, rclati\'C s, misc numh crs} !E\'cnl Pa ge in ,\ File 0 kb)(7)( E) 0 FD-2 49 (Ca rd or Paper) 0 R-8 4 Fin al Dis pos iti on Report (if nppl ica blc) Kb)(6); (b)( ?)(C) 0 II 0 Co py of l\li sc Docs (i.e. mat-wit info, s eized d ocu ment s, etc) 1--BJ (D} Referra l 0a ggagc C he ck# U.SC BPOff !CER FILE PREPARED DATE: -----------7732863/6 4 5110120/8 *iVIA ND/\TORY Printed Name & Title of(Fi lc) Prepari ng Office r and date AML--{CAN pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000061 2019-ICLl-00051 1761 05/11/2018 01:23 CLAIMS MAINFRAMESYSTEM UPDATE PROCESSING MENU l(b)(6); f b)(6): (b)(7)(Cj SELECT AND COMPLETE ONE LINE 1. RECEIPT NO. : (SELECTIONS BELOW FOR APPLICATIONS PETITIONS ONLY) DATE: 2. USER ID: 3. BENEFICIARY/APPLICANT NAME (LAST) : BIRTH DATE: 4. A NUMBER: 5. REFERENCE NO.: 6. AND (MMDDCCYY) (FIRST): (MMDDCCYY) A2 06418141 PETITIONER {FIRST): FOUND FOR THE ALIEN NUMBER AS ENTERED NO RECEIPTS NAME (LAST) : DC997986 l(b)(7)( E) AML--{ICAN pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000062 2019-ICLl -00051 1762 l(b)(7)(E) SELECT 1. 05/11/2018 CLAIMS MAINFRAME SYSTEM UPDATE PROCESSING MENU AND 01:23 COMPLETE ONE LINE RECEIPT NO.: (SELECTIONS BELOW FOR APPLICATIONS AND PETITIONS DATE: 2. USER ID: 3. BENEFICIARY/APPLICANT NAME (LAST): HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ BIRTH DATE; 02181985 (MMDDCCYY) 4. A NUMBER: 5. REFERENCE NO. : (FIRST): ONLY) (MMDDCCYY) ROY ALEXANDER A PETITIONER NAME (LAST) : NO RECEIPTS FOUND FOR NAME ENTERED. 6. fb)(7)( E) ENTER RECEIPT# I AME-~CAN pVERSIGHT (FIRST): OR A-# TO CHECK ARCHIVE. DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000063 2019-ICLl-00051 1763 U.S. Customs and Border Protection U.S. Department of Homeland Security Yb )( 7 )( ~ Person Query Generated 8y:l(b)( 6 ); (b)(?)(C) 05/11/2018 01 :51 AM EDT ~Crtl8r1a Record (b)( Last: Page 1 of 1 JD: Name~ HERNhNDEZ ROY Kiddle N l)cb (Start STC: Doc N: St,.te/Prov: Alien N: Alien Rcpt J.Usc Pilot Lie N: Pilot Country: First Nar..c: Name: y A RODRJGIJEZ Nickname: N SSN, entry Hise or Issuance: N: Criminal Phone Affiliation: Soundex! Type: Case#: Alt N: ATF Profile: (Eridl, InterNt A N: Alt CC>mT!\ Type: Non S1,1spccts: 't Archived N Incident. y Secondary N NLE'TS y NLETS State NLETS State!5): CTI"P: Electronic Kedia: JI CTI"P: NLETS Statc(2): TX IILETS OUR: N Stcate w Country: Sta::es: NLETS State (l): Race: Address LogG: Fin Account, 14) : Gender: ) l Pre fix: y y Control Deb Doc Type: Ph<;,nc Type: Comm: History: Record 02/l8/19R5 Sub-Records: Encounter OTTS Type: l : M State/Prov: Record&: Inspections, ( 1) : y Y CA Citizenship: ASA: N: [Total Number of Records:D ) AMERICAN pVERSIGHT For Official Ilse Calv 'LaJPY.' liAleFBeR'leRt&enaitlote DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000064 2019-ICLl-00051 1764 U.S. Customs a nd Bo rder Protection U.S. Department of Homeland Secu rity Person Encounter Detail Page 1 of 1 Generated By : Kb)(6); (b)( ?)(C) 05/11/2018 01 :52 EDT Encounter Last Name Arst Name HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ ROY Document Numbor Person Detail Mlddle lnitul c;.nder M 0 2 /18/1985 Document Type Document Country Cl~U of Admission Admit Until Date EncounterUno Tvoa Encounter Date Encounter Tlme Terminal Lane Site/Encounter Loc ation PEDESTRIAN 05/09/20 14 : SO R9VE L2 55 - CBP-S AN YSIDRO , LAND BORDER Enc ounte Inbound/Outbound IN BOUND 18 lt nspector I l(h )( R ). ( h )f7H r. ) I r Person Date of Birth - Detail - I Pflm.a,v Query Re5u1t I Reten"NI To Aaency I lrns - Man ifest Data Manifest Indicator IPassenaer Status IFllahtNesse! N I I Transmitted Bv IDeoarture Loc ation Number l camerCode IAnival I I I Location ) AMERICAN pVERSIGHT For Offi~ial U&;eOnlJ ' Lao EHfereeFReRt ao R&itiue 2019-ICLl-00051 1765 DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000065 U.S. Customs and Border Protection U.S. Dep~t of Homeland Security ~ Query Result Page 1 of 1 I Generated Bv: l(b)(6); (b)(7)( C) 05/11/2018 01 :52 EDT REQUEST A . D03/1985 70497364 05/11 / 2018 ! .TXT NAM/HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ,R OY ~b)(6). Seo Date and Time 01:51:25 -- Reauest Messane Detail DQ. CACBP3615. CA. TX. 0 21 8.SE X/ . . RESPONSE I Source 1,1-..\/ DR.TX OLNOOOO 22 : 51 05/10/2018 22 : 51 05/10/2018 irh HR). IX I 19520 86293 I I 7 \/ C:\ Date and Time 05/ 11/2018 01 : 51 : 26 I I . .o .. Status Unacknowledqed CJ\CBP3615 I QUERY DATA NAM/HE RNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, ROY DOB/1985 - 02 - 18 SEX/M NO RECORDS FOUND RESPONSE I T Source L-'h \/ 7 \f l=\ I Date and Time 05/ 11 /2 0 18 01 :5 1 : 26 I I ' .,,,. ,,', St.itus Unack nowledoed DR. CAOLNOOOO 22 : 51 05/1 0/ 20 18 428 28 2 2.5 1 05/10 2018 86291 CACBP3615 lrnwn. 1 TXT DATE: 05.10.18 *TIME: 22.51 HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ ,R OY A;B 19850218 ERRORo NAM ANI END AML--{CAN pVERSIGHT For Official Use Only / Law Enforcement Sensitiv e DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000066 2019-ICLl-00051 1766 ' .' U.S. Customs and Border Protect ion U.S. Dep~rtroeot of Homeland Security } )(6); _, ~uery Result Gen erated By. kb)(6). (b)(7)(C) ' 05/11/2018 01 .53 EDT I Page 1 of 1 .. REQUEST Reau est Messaae Detail lNOlNN70497357.QW.CACBP3615.NAM/ HERNANDEZ RODRIG~Z.ROY RESPONSE Source khHRI - A . DOB/ 19850218 .: .. I I Date and Time 05/11/2018 01:51:24 .. Date and Time 05/11 / 2018 01 : 51 : 24 l I ,, .,._,.,. .... , Sea 70497357 .--.... ..., .o' .,:' '?'. _,.. Status Unacknowl eda ed 1L01NN70497357 CAC3P3615 NO ~ WANT NAM/HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, ROY A DOB/19850218 o oo MESSAGE KEY QW SEARCHES WANTED PERSON FILE FELONY RECORDS REGARDLESS OF EXTRADITI ON AND MISDEMEANOR RECORDS INDICATING POSSIBL E INTERSTATE PERSONS EXTRADITION FROM THE INQUIR ING AGENCY'S LOCATION. ALL OTHER~ FILES ARE SEARCHED WITHOUT L IMIT ATIONS. AML--{ICAN pVERSIGHT Fer OUieial Use ORiy / Law Enforeeme 11tSe11~itioe DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000067 2019-ICLl-00051 1767 Vehicle /Pedestrian Lane#: __ Primary Officer : _ _ ___ Release Time : __ ___ _ __ _ _ _ ___________ _____ __ __ ______ Search Start Tim e: _ __ _ _ _ _ Appendix **o*. ~ ~ __ ____ _ Arrival/Inspection Date & Time: -~;....;S:;...,..../o =-?'-'--/--'\--='6a.-. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _____J IOAA#: 2018-AR- _ _ ______ _ Wris tband Color: ____ Claim/Bag Check#: ___ IOIUSAS# : 2018-2504- _._____________ _ Off icer Completin g Form: ________ Basket#/Letter; __ .. (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) It-------t kb)(7)(E) .__ ___ _ __ Secondary Officer : _ __ Mc__,,, __ Search Stop Time: __ __ Sector Notified At: Agen t Responded At: __ Agent Arrived At: fb )(7)( E) _ _ _ D - SYS P.O.E. Persona l Search Worksheet o*" * .. ..... ~ .......... "'A ,. o ...,, ---...o**H* *...................... o .--oo*:i,** o *o Jt.......o .... "...o ...,. ...... 11.. "'I\....... .. ****"****"~*...o ? ? o o o 4 SON SEARCHED: ARE YOU ILL, TAKING Af\lY EDICATIONS , OR ARE YOU UNDER MEDICAL CAR E: NO, IF YES EXPLAIN: ___J~'"!:. ~\):....._ - .....:O~Q.,:::.; ~\ec., ~ .~-;\,<\,,L_.....:~=--.u,i.iu_~()..~L_ - -------- - -,i .... Alien File#: A SSN: _______ DOB: MINOR? YES? N~ _ ____ State: __ __ __ -- ---- POB City: __ ___ Residence Address: -City: ----Race: -- W ---- -,--- --- \v\' Sex: __ _ __ ___ __ - ---- _ Marital Status: __ NO[& c;Dct ~ &3 ~\6 Eyes --- _ ___ "6t"-r, _ ___ _ __ _ \- 3/4 "-J,..:Q :._ V'l---=6-=V :..;f :..:O.:.:..S..L----- ------ Zip code : _ __ Hair: ___ _ __ SID#:___ Country : __ ---- - ---- WT: YES? UAC? F\\~'f\(}QX Middle: _ STATE DLN (OLN): __ --- State: ~--- HT: '\f.-Oy First: 0\)Q,"2. ------ Country: ----, ---- \\a'AO\)f(Xl] Citizenship: *o**********~o*********~*****~****oo..,.._~* oo. .. . .oo ***************o*******~-o oo o ooooo o*****X***oo~. . . ~~- ~~~-~-o ***~~~,\ilr#kif-*** ***********~o***** W Conveyance Type: Vehicle Make: __ _ __ In/Out: AY\ Model: __ Color: _ __ _ ___ '<. Results : Q_ Search Type: _ _ ___ (PIN) If Search Positive : __ ___ License#: _______ tt ooooo fto-oo..,, ...-k1t*****.......**.,_.***1t***** o oo oo 4 t:******....-111: ***********ti***tt Incident Type: VIN : __ __ ______ __ Year : ___ o o..-,,-6:. ............. _ __ o ~oo1t":it*H-...1r"#fo o..o oo oooo ST/CTRY : _ _ _ _ -- Funds on Person: (USO) S _ oooo********ill*iil*oo;o.oooIt111>** Reason For Search : --------- _ ____ _ ____ Co - -- - --,- Rf other Funds: Incident Types: N=Negative Search; P=Passenger Protesl; R=Port Runner, T=Pote ntially Violent; O=OTHER ; S=Non-SAS POSITIV E Search; C=Non-SAS Category II Violation (e.g.: AD-Forced amended Declaration : AG-Agricullure Violation; IN-Immigration Violation, NC-NCIC Intercepted; X-Non Extradited; OTOther Agency (I.E., FDA); PR-Prohibited/Abandoned Items) . (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 1 === Search Officer.'=. === . =i===.1 W itness: J (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 1 Authorizing Superviso r: ___ L rb )(6); (b)(7)(C) . . 1- ...__~ , _____ __J _ ... ... . ... .... .. (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) EV ENT#: SY (b )(7)(E) IF YES . LO, RC I AR x: --- Released To : 0W D/ER (VR) Released By: ______ ?North (USA ) _ ___ Supervisor Appro ving Release: ___ ?P.E.T. []OTHER : ______ Date Released: _ _ _____ _ __ ___ 'i1 f S-1inthe Ible of the sear-oh.. Atv.ERCAN pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000069 2019-ICLl-00051 1769 Page l of 6 PrintRapsheet Screen USVISITOZ kb)(6); (b)( 7)(C); (b)( 7)( E) b)(7)(E) (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) NAME HERNANDEZ.JEFREN RODRIGUEZ (b )(7)( E) DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000070 2019-ICLl-00051 1770 5/9/2018 Page 2 of 6 Print Rapsheet Screen (b)( 7)( E) DESCRIPTORS ON FILE ARE AS FOLLOWS : NAME HERNANDEZ,JEFREN RODRIGUEZ SEX M RACE BIRTH DATE HEIGHT WEIGHT EYES W 1984/12/24 505 110 BROWN BLACK HAIR BIRTH CITY BIRTH PLACE UNREPORTED MEXICO CITIZENSHIP UNITED STATES PATTERN CLASS l(b)(?)(E) OTHER BIRTH SOCIAL DATES SCARS-MARKS-TATTOOS 1985/02/13 1987/09/22 NONE SECURITY NULL !rh\f ~ \. fh\ f7 l"'$50<$500, COURT-CO CRIM CRT NO 5 DALLAS (TX057303J) CHARGE-THEFT PROP>=$50 < $500 2006-04-20 CONVICTED TME-30D FNE-0800 CST-0249 END OF rART 1 - PART 2 TO FOLLOW Arv pv .__ ___________ DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000072 ~20~1~9-~IC~L ~l-~00~0~5~ 1~17u7~2 ________ _J 5/9/2018 Page 4 of 6 Print Rapsheet Screen b)(7)(E) CHARGE 1-PROSTITUTION 43.02(A) PC COURT-CO CRIM CRT NO 4 DALLAS (TX057283J) CHARGE-PROSTITUTION 2009-05-12 CONVICTED TME-45D FNE-0400 CST-0313 3-ARRESTED OR RECEIVED 2009/04125l (b)( 6 ); (b)( 7)( C) AGENCY-POLICE DEPARTMENT DALLAS (TXDPDOOO0) AGENCY CASE-l(b)( 6); I I F.INGEBPBINI INEQB~ATION kb)( 6); (b)( 7)( C) _ PRINT DATEr.!009/04/25 NAME USED-HERNANDEZ.JEFFRY CHARGE 1-LEWD/IMMORAL.11NDECENTCONDUCT 104.01 ABC COURT-CO CRIM CRT NO 4 DALLAS (TX0572B3J) CHARGE-LEWDnMMORAUINDECENT CONDUCT 2009-05-12 CONVICTED TME-45D FNE-0100 CST-0253 CHARGE-LEWDIIMMORAL.11NDECENT CONDUCT 2009-05-12 CONVICTED TME-30D FNE-0750 CST-0249 END OF PART 2- PART 3 TO FOLLOW DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000073 u 2019 ICLI 00051 177J 5/9/2018 Page 5 of 6 Print Rapsheet Screen ~b)(6); (b )(7)(C); (b )(7)( E) USVISITOZ PART3 l (b)( 7)( E) FINGERPRINT INFORMATION ! fo )(6): (b)(7)(C) PRINT DATE/2014/01/23 PHOTO INFORMATION - 1 PHOTOS AVAILABLE Kb)(6); (b)( 7)(C) POSE/DESC/ I PHOTO DATE/2014/01 /23 NAME USED-HERNANDEZ,JEFREN CHARGE 1-ENTRY WITHOUT INSPECTION, TIME OR PLACE NOT DESIGNATED CHARGE 2-ALIEN INADMISSIBILITY UNDER SECTION 212 COURT- 0 CHARGE-ILLEGAL ENTRY DOCKET #l-14-PO096 45 DAYS 1-27-14 S-ARRESTED OR RECEIVED 2014/01123A AGENCY-CBP-WEST BP SECTOR LAREDO (TXCBP3300) AGENCY CASEPRINT INF MATJON RIN PH TO INFORMATION - 2 PHOTOS AVAILABLE (b)(6); (b)( 7)(C) POSE/ DE / PHOTO DATE/2014/01123 l(b)( 6); (b)( 7)(C) PoSE7DESC/ I PHOTO DATE/2014/01/23 NAME USED-HERNANDEZ-RODRIGUEZ,JEIFRI ALE CHARGE 1-0301-tLLEGAL ENTRY END OF PART 3- PART 4 TO FOLLOW USVISIT0Z PART4 b)(6); (b)( 7)(C) '----,.,,..,..,==,-----.L...., - FBI IDENTIFICATION RECORD (b)(?)(E) 8-ARRESTED OR RECEIVED 2014/03/07 AGENCY-ICE/ERO HSTN DTN ]AC HOUSTON (TXICE6900) f b)(7)( E) DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000074 5/9/2018 Page 6 of 6 Print Rapsheet Screen F.INGEBPB INT INEQRMj TION l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) PRINT DATE/2014/03/07 NAME USED-HERNANDEZ-RODRJGUEZ,JEIFRI ALE CHARGE 1-ALIEN INADMISSIBILITY UNDER SECTION 212 RECORD UPDATED 2014/03/07 ALL ARREST ENTRIES CONTAINED IN THIS FBI RECORD ARE BASED ON FINGERPRINT COMPARISONS ANO PERTAIN TO THE SAME INDIVIDUAL. THE USE OF THIS RECORD IS REGULATED BY LAW. IT IS PROVIDED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AND MAY BE USED ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE REQUESTED. A~ r...) r AN r'.VC C-.(~UT 1_ ~ _L,~15' 2_ (7_~( ' E~--'U__ - ____________ DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000075 ___.:. ________ ___JI 2019-ICLl-00051 1775 . 5/9/2018 Page 1 of I Candidate Subject Print I - V-iew _ A _ l-ert_s___,,-- E_n_co _u_n_te-rs--,' ' '----~~-- Compare !mag~ ~ I Cancel j A~~~~ pv u ~-----------~2~01+rn~,cokl~1 DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000076 0JV0v:;05H1---41-1-77u.6>----------____. 5/9/2018 Page I of 1 Encounter History FIN#: 17851616 (b)(7)(E) (b )(7)(E) 1/1212015 21:57:23 R 3/07/2014 17:30:44 IR 0 0 0 0 1289 163805 389228 4 Encounter IDs NO PHOTO NO PHOTO A~ pv~ ~-______________o.... c..... DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000077 ____.2 .....1.... 9=-1 ....1...::1... 0.... 00.... s.... 1.......... 17.._7,__7.__ __________ __, 5/9/20 18 Page I of 1 Candidate Bio Terminal Picture j l1 ..... (b_)..... (6..... )... ; _ __. Client Status First Name Last Name IHER NANDEZ-RODR IGUEZ Sex DOB (MM/DD/YYYY) IM 10211311985 Country or Citizenship A# IMEX 1206418141 Address-City Residence Address-State Residence Country or Birth Location Addre ss-Country Residence I Comments Co!!','1\ent text o ' . '' '.' '.''' I nay be incoirplet,o . Pcfer LO Event k h)( 7 )( F ) for '' '. .' '. o' o o o o o o AOOENDt.:M J/07 / 14 o o . . o o . . ' o . ' . . . . o o o ,,n Janu .. ry 27 , 201.; , tlloc SubJ.-ct Cou1t , Sourhe1n District of Tt>X.l' w,1~ convicted ,11.d &t:'ntenc<>d 7t ICFD I'\ v Date/Tome or Apprehension (dd-Mon-yy HR:MM) L Length or Tome Illegally In US Apprehended By Status of Entry l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) [Q NK c _____ Mlsc2 Misc 3 Misc 1 I . 01 8 use 1325 a) <11 1n U . S . Oiscrict LO 45 d,1ys con11n,oment . (' : 1.;- po - 00960) Location of Apprehens ion Method or Location/Apprehens,on details ___J l(b)(7)( E) A~ PV 1w~r~~ Eq\j H I DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000078 2019-ICU-000511778 5/9/20 I 8 Page I of 1 Candidate Bio Userl(b )(6); Picture ! Terminal c!,;, !l( b;;;,,);,;,,(6;;;,;);;,,: __ Client Status First Name Last Name !HERNANDEZ Sex DOB (MM/DDNYYY) Country of Birth jM 109/22/1987 JMEXICO Country of Citizenship A# Location IDAL !MEXICO Address-C ity Residence Address-State Restdence Address-Country Residence \UNK Loca~on of Appr ehension Date/Time of Apprehension (dd-Mon-yy HR;MM) Apprehended By Status of Entry Length of Time Illega lly in US Misc 1 M1sc2 Misc3 Melhod of Location/Apprehens ion JUNK l(b)(7)( E) DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-G-000079 2019 ICU 00061 1779 5/9/2018 Page I of I Candidate Bio User ~~ )(6);_ I] Picture Term inal k..,,,b""' ),.,,( 6,,.)..,:_ 1 ___.,_,I I Client Status First Name last Name IHERNANDEZ-RODRIGUEZ Sex 008 (MM/00/YYYY ) Country of Birth @_ 7101/1985 !MEX ICO Country of Citizensh ip A# Locat ion !MEXICO E Address-City Residence Address-Stale Residence Address-Country Residence IUNK Comme nts SUBJECT JS /\ CROSSDRESSER Tl!AT ENTERED THE Ut,ITED STATES ILLEGALLY NEAR THE TE:rs R~l adon:,;s Cc,-1s,il2r 2.: 2n su .t\rti:u!o 5 "FUNC IONES CON SUL .A.r - - - -t' - • - r::..i,,, - • ' . . - - . - . . - . . • . . . . . - • - ~ . . • , - . . . . . • ~ ~ -- - - - - - - . , AMERICAN pVERSIGHT 2019-ICLl-00051 1784 DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-I-000002 -- Date: Time started: Location: l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Name: l ~----__J Title: MD X Employer·: Backgr·ound: 1. Tell me what you remember about Ms. HERNANDEZ. ~~ . ~;7 ~ 2. Did Ms. HERNANDEZ m,ention she had been evaluated on May 11, 2018 at an ER in California? fa · 3. What is the protocol for abnormal VS at intake? ~ 4. Whati,s the peli-cyJor si~r~ing off orders? 5. Should the RN have placed a mask on Ms. HERNANDEZ once the history was obtained during intake? ~ 7 6. What is the protocol for abnormal V:S at intake? ~ 7. Should the RN have documented a physical exam of Ms. HERNANDEZ at intake? 8. Should the RN have treated the temp of 100.8 at i11take? And th,e temp of 102.0 at 0900 hours? 9. Should a complete set of . ital signs have be.__.obtained at 0900 hours versus just a temp? 9. What is the policy for placing someone i11medical observation? /2 · --- ~ £-- 10. Was that policy followed in this case? 11. Do you have anything else you would like to add? Time Ended: AMERICAN pVERSIGHT 2019-ICLl-00051 1785 DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-I-000003 • r Date: Time started: Location: b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Name: Employer: Background: ~2.-( /,-//t 1. Tell me what yo11remember about Ms. HERNANDEZ. 2. How is medical notified if a ~etainee ~ ,....,-V!'_ ~<30, ,,e...,.►;r,c:=, ,-=- ,h~ a;we~~ ill upon arrival? . '1/lf/$ ·~.,...,,,...--~ ,e::;,t'c_~-- ;A.-1,,/42-- 3. Was medica notified in this case? 1~ I _A d/1-'?+: ~1!Y'/r . 'b --1 d' ? 4. What 1s your o icy requirements 1or reportmg commun1ca . e 1seases. v-,!-< r ' ~ ~· ~·~~ 6. Do you review and discuss infec ious and commW1icable disease control i11 your quarterly ~ 1 l,,A ~ ~ · · .n? C 62£ administrative meetings? r~ 7: Do you re~•ort to, the IH~C Publ~c Health, Saf~ty, and P~ep~redness Unit all deta~~~ diagnosed with a communicable disease of public health significance? ~ ~ ~ 8. Does the medical isolation room(s) provid ,e negative pressure? . \b~ 9. What is the Tb protocol? J. ' ' ~· .,....,.,.<-- · · L:>-":. . . ~ . ~ .,.-<- ~ .~ -«---- ~ 1(~)(6); (b)(7)(C) r~ ~ e:,-/ ,,,,;; /4_.,A:--J~~ -~~ / ~ ~ ~~~ ;~- 2200-Officer ~-~ I 2240- Office~ (b)(B); (b)(?)(C) ~nd fb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Relived officen._b~ )(6~ );_~jand (b)(6): 2300 - No change in detainee status. 11-18-18 0100 - No change in detainee status. 0300 - No change in detainee status. 0500 - No change in detainee status. I 0600 - No change in detainee status. SGTrb)(B); (b)(?)(C) takes over Log. Day shift 11/18/18 Sgt. l(b)(6);(b)(7)(C) 0700 - Shift change conducted. notified that per Majon 1h11 R, Officerf h1m, 1~ 111 ,rr, 1advised no change in DT status/also I rletainee to have no restraints on . 0900- Office (b)(6); notifies Sgt. (b)(B); (b)(?)(C) no change in detainee Amar status. (b)(7)(C . 1100-Offlcer ) otifies Sgt. 1300 -Officer ._______, otifies Sgt . .___ ___ 1402 Majo (b)(6); 10 change in detainee Amar status . __.10 change in detainee Amar status . notified to have hospital staff place restraints on detainee Amar. /h \/ 7 1/C:\ AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000004 2019-ICLl-00051 1831 1404 Lt. ~~(~~(;"' notified Officer j(b)(6)~to restrain detainee Amar per directives. 1408 Officer ~~(~~(; notified detainee Amar is now restrained. I 1414 Notified Majorl (b)(6);~- restrains were applied at 1408 hours per his directives. 1443 Officersfb )(B); (b)(?)(C) 1500 Officerl :.~I and D/O l\bl\~l;_I- No changes for D/T Amar at this time. 11-19-18 0033 D/ (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) eports his headcount of 1. No change of status for D/T Amar. eports his headcount of 1. No change of status for D/T Amar. 0432 D/ 0639 D/ ._ ___ _. reports no status change of status for D/T Amar. 0700-Day shift 11/19/18 Sgt.fb)(B); (b)(?)(C) rec eived pass down that there is no change in detainee Amar status. Officer'SKb)(6); (b)(7)(C) 0810- Officerl (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I notifies Iand ~(~~('"' on post. that the neck brace has been removed from detainee, not other changes at t his time in D/T Amar status. 1000 -Officerl (b)(6);(b)(7)(C) Icalls in H/C 1 and 1211 -Office! (2nd) b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 2nd) I(1st) F4 :l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) H : Amar #216269802 (41st) Med. lso : l_____ __.llst missed meal G-2: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 1st missed meal st missed meal 1st missed meal Information reports submitted. l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Sergeant GEO Correct ions & Detention (R) No rthwest Detention Center 1623 East J Street Tacoma, Washin Tel: b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Fax b)(6); (b)(7)(C) www.geogroup .com T his ema il and any files tran smitt ed with it ar c confid ential a nd ar c int end ed solely for the use of th e indi vid ual or entit y to which they ar e addre sse d. If you ar e not the intended recipi ent or th e per son res pon si ble for d eliver ing the email to the int end ed r ecipi ent, be ad vised that your have r eceived thi s email in error and th at an y use, dissemination , forwarding , printin g or copying of thi s email is stri ctly prohibited . If you ha ve recei ved thi s email in error , plea se imm ediatel y notify by r eplying to thi s email. AMERfCAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000059 2019-ICLl-00051 1886 Fro m : l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Sent: 24 Oct 2018 05:4 1:19 +0000 b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subje ct: Declined meals These detainees have declined the ir dinne r meal today . D-2 : b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 1st missed meal missed meal missed meal 2nd missed meal H-seg: Amar - #216269802 - 22nd missed meal Informationa l reports submitted f b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Sergeant GEO Corrections & Detention (R) Northwest Detention Center 1623 East J Street Tacoma , Washi n Te l: b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Fax b)(6); (b)(7)(C) T his ema il a nd a ny 111 es tran smitted with it are confid entia l a nd are intended solely for the use of th e indi vidu al or enti ty to which they ar e addr essed. If you ar e not th e intended recipient or th e p erson responsible for d eliver ing the email to th e intend ed recip ient, be advised that yonr have received this email in error and th at any use, disseminati on, for wardin g, pr intin g or copying of this ema il is strictl y pr ohibited. If you have received this ema il in er ror, please immediate ly notify by replying to this e mail. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000060 2019-ICLl-00051 1887 Fro m : Sent: rb )(6); (b)(7)(C) 22 Oct 2018 04:47:15 +0000 (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subje ct: Declined meals The following detainee declined his dinner meal on 10/2 1/18. H-seg: Amar- #216269802- 16th missed meal (D/T has no commissary in his cell and he accepted the apple) Informationa l report submitted. l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Sergeant GEO Corrections & Detention (R) Northwest Detention Center 1623 East J Street Tacoma , Washington 98421 Te l: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Fax (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) www This email and any 11Ies tran smitt ed with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of th e indi vidua l or entit y to which they ar e addre ssed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person re sponsible for deli verin g the email to the intend ed recipient , be advised that your ha ve received this email in error and that any use, dis seminati on, forwardin g, printin g or copying of this email is strictl y prohibited. If you ha ve recei ved this emai l in error, plea se immediate ly notify by replying to th is email. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000061 2019-ICLl-00051 1888 From: Sent: rb )(6); (b)(7)(C) 19 Oct 2018 05:55:13 +0000 (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) SubJect: Declined meals The following detainee missed his dinner meal on 10/18/18 . H-seg: Amar #216269802 - 7th missed meal Information report submitted f b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Sergeant GEO Corrections & Detention (R) Northwest Detention Center 1623 East J Street Tacoma , Washington 98421 Tel: b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Fax: ~b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) www.geogroup .com This ema il and an y tiles tran smitted with it are confidential and arc intended solely for the use of the individu al or entity to which they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the p erson responsible for deliver ing the email to the int ended recipient, be advised that your have received this email in error and that any use, disseminati on, forwardin g, printin g or copying ofthis email is str ictly prohibit ed. If you ha ve received this email in er ror , please immediat ely notify by replying to thi s email. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000062 2019-ICLl-00051 1889 l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) From : 12 Oct 2018 19:21:15 +0000 Sent: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject: Declined meals During the serving of the lunch meal on 10/12/18, Detainee Amar #216269802 declined his tray making this his 154th consecutive declined meal. Info. report submitted. f b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I Lieutenant/CERT Commander GEO Corrections & Detention (R) Northwest Detention Center 1623 East J Street Tacoma, Washington 98421 Tel: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Cell Fax f b)(6); (b)(7)(C) This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, be advised that your have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediate ly notify by replying to this email. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000063 20 19-ICLl-00051 1890 From : Sent : To : Subject: ~b)(6); (b)(?)(C) 30 Nov 2018 22:35:18 +0000 fb)(6); (b)(?)(C) Detainee suicide Good afternoon, I wanted to inform you that DHS OIG received t he information regarding the death of ICE detainee Mergensana Amar and we opened a case. I wanted to inquire about getting copies of any reports/records, surveillance video, list of involved employees to interview, etc. Should I deal directly with AFOD j(b)(6); (b)(?)(C)~ on this matte r? Thanks l(b}~~);_J Feel free to call either Vince or myself if you have any questions. (b)(6); f h \1 7 \lr\ Uh\/n\ /h\/ 7\/C:\ Special Agent Departme nt of Homeland Security Office of the Inspect or General Seattle Resident Office Phone i(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000064 2019-ICLl -00051 1891 Case 3:18-mc-05016-BHS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/18 Page 1 ot 3 The Honorable Judge Benjamin H. Settle 2 3 4 5 G CNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHI!\GTO:.'\f AT TACOMA 7 8 9 NIBEMATIEROF: 3:18-n1c-05016 -BHS NO. 10 MERGENSANA AMAR 11 File No. A216-269-802 [PROPOSED] EMERGENCY EX PARTE MOTION TO PROVIDE INVOLUNTARY 12 MEDICAL TREATMENT 13 The United States Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs 14 15 16 Enforcement (hereafter "ICE"), by and through the Lnited States Attorney for the Western District of Washington, has filed an ex parte motion for an order permitting ICE to immediately provide 17 18 J9 involuntary hydration and medical treatment for Mergensana Amar, "o. A21 G-269-802, who is currently being held as a civil detainee at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington. 20 21 Rascd on the declarations of Officci -269-802 20 (hereinafter "Amar"), a civil detainee of the Northwest Detention Center ("NWDC") in Tacoma, 21 Washington. ICE seeks authorizat10n to pursue these measures to prevent substantial injury or loss 22 23 of life due to Amar's self-imposed hunger strike 24 REI,EVA~T FACTS 25 Amar is a 39 year-old male, a native and citizen of Russian, and applied for admission to the 26 United States at the San Ysidro port of entry on December 2, 2017 without valid immigration 27 documents. 28 Declaration of J(b)(6); ~- l(' ~ Decl. ") submitted herewith at E'vlERGENCY EX PARTE MOTION TO PROVIDE [\/VOLUNTARY MEDICAL TREATM Er-;T - 1 ii 2; Declaration of Dr. UNIIT.D STATES 120] PAC!FlC t\VF.S\J TACOMA, W ASHISGlffl"i?t#trz-~ (253)42~ (b)(6) ; AMlf ICAr--.. pVERSIGHT ! DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000068 2019-ICLl -00051 1895 Case 3:18-mc-05016- BHS Document 1 Filed 09/06/18 1 l(b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) Page 2 of 7 l("Dj(b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) !Deel.") submitted herewith at, 2. On December 19, 2017, 2 Amar was transferred from California into custody at the NWDC, and placed into removal 3 proceedings on January 3, 2018 charged with inadmissibility under section 212(a)(7)(A)(i)(I) of the 4 5 Immigration and Nationality Act. Id. On August 7, 2018, an Immigration Judge ordered Amar 6 removed from the United States, and Amar has until September 6, 2018 to appeal this order, but to 7 date, he as not filed an appeal. Id. 8 9 10 While in NWDC custody, Amar began a hunger strike on August 22, 2018 stating the 5 ); (b}(?)(C)eel. at ,ni 5, 11. purpose behind his actions was to obtain release from custody. Dr. b}( 11 Amar has missed 45 meals since his hunger strike began, and is now on his fifteenth day of 12 monitored missed meals. Id. at,, 5, 8. In addition to refusing to eat, Amar has also refused to drink 13 water or any other liquids offered to him since August 25, 2018, and staff has observed him taking 14 15 16 only small sips of water on approximately three occasions in the last five days. Id. at 6. Amar is further refusing medical care necessary to assess his well-being to include: monitoring of his vital 17 signs, physical examination, glucose checks, laboratories, urinalysis, and weight assessments. Id. at 18 7. Amar' s last known weight was obtained on August 22, 2018 when he weighed 163 pounds, and 19 he has refused any further attempts to weigh him since that date. Id. at 8. As of today's date, Amar 20 21 continues to be unwilling to eat or comply with necessary medical care. Id. at 9. On August 31, 2018, medical staff observed that Amar's condition began to noticeably 22 23 decline. Id. at ,r9. Amar expressed that he was experiencing dizziness and extreme weakness with 24 physical movement coupled with diffuse body pain, especially over his kidneys. Id. Amar spends 25 26 the majority of his time lying flat in his bed, and staff monitoring Amar observe he passes urine very 27 infrequently. Id. at ,r10. As a result, the NWDC Clinical Director Dr. t~1~~1 ;"' 28 Iinvolved with Amar's treatment believes he is in imminent danger of renal failure, liver failure, and becoming EMERGENCY EXP ARTE MOTION TO PROVIDE INVOLUNTARYMEDICAL TREATMENT- 2 AMEnlCAr--.. pVERSIGHT UNTIEDSTA'IES A,ry:C)PIIIDY 1201 PACIPIC AVE~b) TACOMA,WAS~8402 (253)428 ~ (6 ); _ I DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000069 2019-ICLl-00051 1896 Case 3:18-mc-05016-BHS Document 1 Filed 09/06/18 Page 3 of 7 1 comatose due to dehydration and hypotension (low blood pressure) leading to permanent injury of 2 his internal organs or death. Id. Dr. 3 concludes that involuntary medical monitoring and (b)(6); "'l h:.:.:. 117.:.... 11 '-'-' r. "-\ _ _. hydration are necessary measures that must be administered at this time to save Amar's life and 4 5 prevent irreversible injury. Id. at~, 10, 17, 19, 22. Ihas personally 6 explained to Amar in his native language the dire medical 7 conditions he faces to by virtue of his refusal to consume appropriate nourishment and fluids. !d. at 8 i.16. She has also explained the involuntary measures that medical stafT will be forced administer to 9 10 stabilize his medical condition. Id. at 17 Amar was also evaluated by a mental health team with the 1 1 assistance of a Russian interpreter on August 29, 2018 in an attempt to have Amar end his hunger 12 13 strike, and these efforts were unsuccessful. Amar has no known significant medical history or mental conditions that would cause him not to consume nounshment. Id at 4, 11. 14 The measures Dr b)(5 ); (b)(?)(C) finds arc medically necessary to adequately treat Anwar's 15 16 condition ifhe elects to continue his hunger strike include: 17 18 19 l. involuntary hydration through administering intravenous (lV) fluids; 2. physical examination with daily weight assessments and frequent vital sign checks; 3. laboratory tests at least every 48 - 72 hours consisting of 20 a. 21 Complete metabolic panel. This test reveals an increase in markers of kidney 22 function in view of any renal inJUf)'. The panel tests include: BC~ (blood urea nitrogen), creatinine 23 level, urinalysis and proteins 24 It also reveals electrolyte disturbances as potassium, phosphate, magnesium and glucose levels can lead to heart arrhythmias. 25 26 27 28 b. Complete blood count This tcs t reveals the hemoglobin level. C. Urinalysis, which reveals the presence ofketoncs, blood and crystals in the urine. EMERGE~CY EX PARTE MOTION TO PROVJUE n,.-vOJ,U:--!TARY MEDICAi. TREAT\1ENT" 3 IJNJTEI) STATES /1.'JTOBXEY 1201 PACIFIC /l.v1-::-;uJPY b)(6); TACOMA, WASIIINC.:1"-_()..:..:K.,,.:9~'--40""1---' (253) 42, b)(~);_j AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000070 2019-ICLl-00051 1897 Case 3:18-mc-05016-BHS 1 Document 1 Filed 09/06/18 Page 4 of 7 d. \,fagnesium and phosphate levels to assess deficiency after day 13 of a hunger e. Electrocardiogram, if the patient shows elevated potassium, is necessary to 2 strike. 3 4 5 treat conditions which can lead to lethal arrhythmias f. 6 7 8 Creatinc kinase (CK) levels determine whether CK levels increase. CK is an enzyme found inside muscle cells and should be measured as it is released into the blood, when the muscle cells rupture. The increa'>e in CK as a result of the destruction of muscle tissue can lead to 9 10 acute renal failure and death. g. 11 Pre-albumin levels. Pre-albumm is used as a marker for nutritional status 12 evaluation, and levels will decrease over time the longer a patient fails to consume adequate 13 nutrition. The pre-aJbumm level correlates with patient morbidity and mortality risk. Normal pre- 14 albumin is 15-35 mg/dL. When pre-albumin falls to 5-1 lmg/dL, significant morbidity risks exist 15 16 and aggressive nutritional support is necessary 17 Id at~~ 18-20. 18 19 If Amar continues to refuse the medical treatment and monitoring, the use of soft medical restraints will be required to assure the safety of Amar and the medical staff when administering the 20 21 necessary treatment Id at 2 L. DISCUSSION 22 23 24 The majority of courts that have considered this issue have held that involuntary feeding and treatment orders do not violate a hunger-striking prisoner's constitutional rights In the rec ent case 25 26 27 of Aamcr v Obama, 742 F 3d 1023 (D.C. Cir. 2014), the D.C. Circuit held that a force-feeding protocol instituted against three detrunecs did not violate those individuals' constitutional rights 28 EMERGENCY EX PARTE :v!OT ION TO PROVIIJE INVOLlJNT ARY MEDICAL TREATME~T - 4 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT u;s;tWD ST ATES /\ITOR$Y 1201 PACrFIC ilVhNt:d (b)(6); TACOY.A. WASll:N(;TON ~H40 2 (2S) ) 42l(b)(6); I I DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000071 2019-ICLl -00051 1898 Case]: 18-mc-05016-BHS Document 1 Filed 09/06/18 when weighed against the government's legitimate penological interests. 2 3 Page S of 7 1 In Aamer, three alien detainees who had been cleared for release nonetheless remain held at the United States Kava! Station at Guantanamo Bay. Id. at 1026. The government instituted a force-feeding protocol, and 4 5 6 the detainees sought a preliminary injunction. ld. at 1026-27. In holding that the force-feeding protocol did not violate the detainees' constitutional rights, the Court concluded that the government 7 had legitimate peno!ogical interests in preserving the lives of those in its custody, and noted that the 8 ovenvhelmtng ma_i ority of courts have concluded that absent exceptional circumstances, prison 9 10 officials may force-feed a starving inmate at risk of death. Id at I 040-41 The weight of authority 11 appears to support this position. See, e.g, In re: Grand Jury Subpoena John Doe v. United Stales, 12 150 F.3d 170 (2d Cir 1998) (force-feeding order issued against a prisoner did not violate that l 3 individual's constitutional rights when weighed against the state's interests such as the preservation 14 of life, prevention of suicide, and enforcement of prison security, order, and discipline); Martinez v. 15 16 17 Turner, 977 F.2d 421 (8th Cir. 1992), cert. denied, S07 C.S l 009 (l 993) (upholding the validity of a district court's force-feedmg order and stating that petitioner failed to assert a conslltutional claim 18 when challenging the order); Uarza v. Carlson, 877 F.2d 14 (8th Cir 1989) (affirming the right of 19 prison officials to force-feed prisoner asserting a right to die as a result of a religious fast); McNabb 20 21 v. Dept. 4Correclions, 163 Wash.2d 393, 403, 405, 180 P.3d 1257 (2008) (slate interests of 22 maintaining security and orderly administration in its prison system and preservation of life where 23 medical treatment will in fact save the patient's life outweighed prisoner's right to refuse state's 24 force-feeding protocol); Laurie v. Senecal, 666 A2d 806 (R.I. 1995) (prisoner has no right to 25 26 27 28 t Citrng Turner v. Safley, 482 lJ S 78, 107 S. Ct 2251, 96 L. f<:d.2dM (I 987) (holding that the general test for assessing the !cgality of a prison regulation that "impinges on" an inmate's constitutional rights , holding that such a regulation is "valid iflt is reasonably related to legitimate penological interest.,. " ) Id. at 89, 107 S.Ct. 2254 EMElUJEl\'CY EX PARTE MOTION TO PROVID E JNVOLUNTARYMEDICAL TREATMENT5 UNITillJ STA"11'.SArrORNEY 1201 l'AC~!C AW'-IUE,~b)(6) ; T ACO~lA, WASHP--Gr 6 fti84iJi (]51)42K f b)(~); _ AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT I DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000072 2019-ICLl -00051 1899 Case 3:18-mc-0S0}G-BHS Document 1 Filed 09/06/18 Page G of 7 commit suicide through starvation); State v. Vogel, 53 7 N .W. 2d 358 (N. D 1995) (for purposes of 2 determining extent of prisoner's right to refuse medical treatment, courts cannot condone prisoner's 3 manipulation of his medical circumstances to the detriment of state's interest in prison order, 4 5 security, and discipline); In re Caulk, 480 A.2d 93 (N.H 1984) (state's interest in maintaining an 6 effective criminal justice system and in preserving life prevails over prisoner's asserted 7 constitutional rights); In re Sanchez, 577 F. Supp. 7 (S.D.N.Y 1983) (rejecting hunger-striker's 8 constitutional claims stating that motive was lo manipulate system to vacate his contempt order); 9 10 White v. Narick, 292 S.E.2d 54, 58 (W. Va. 1982) (state's interest in preserving life and preventing 11 manipulation of system outweighs any privacy interest inmate may assert in contesting force- 12 feeding); Von [!olden v. Chapman, 450 ~ YS 2d G23 (N.Y App. Div. 1982) (right to privacy docs 13 not include the right to commit suicide by starvation); see also In the Matter of Rahi Guled-Ahth, 14 Case "1\ol 2-MC0249-JLR (W.D. WA December 11, 2012); (Order granting ICE Motion to pursue 15 16 17 involuntary feeding); In the Matter ofAbdallah Ahdirahman Yu.1"14~ Case No. 12-MC-248-MJP (W D WA December 7, 2012) (same); In the Matter ofAhdul HahmanAlmaghzar, Case No. 07- 18 5006 -FDB (W. D. WA March 13, 2007) (same) 19 20 II 21 // II 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EMERG.El\CY EX PAR TE MOTION TO ,'ROVI DE J~;vou;l\TARY MEDICAL TREATMENT- (, U:\ITElJ STAff.S 1201 PACll'!C Av TACO~:A,WASH,..;__~ffi'rif;'-...J (]51)42 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000073 2019-ICLl -00051 1900 Case 3:18-mc-05016-BHS Document .1 Filed D9/06/1.8 Page 7 of 7 CONCL!JSION 2 3 Based on the foregoing, the United Stales rcspcclfully requests that the court issue an order to allow ICE to pursue involuntary hydration and medical monitoring of detainee Amar. 4 DATED this 6th day of September, 2018 5 6 7 Respectfully submitted, 8 ANNETrE L. llAYES United States Attorney 9 10 ____.r r b-)(-6)-; (b .... - )(-7)-(C_) __________ 11 Assistant United States Attorney United Slates Attorney's Officc ~~ic:\ 700 Stewart Street, Suit )~~) Seattle, Washington 98 l Phone: f bl(6l: (bl(7)(Cl E-mail: f b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EMERGENCY EX PARTE MOTIO\I TO PROV1DE lNVOl,UNT/1.RYMEDICAL TREATMENT- 7 UNJ'l1J) STATES ATIORNEY IJ.OlPACIF!CJ\v,.' TACOMA, WAS! ): 8402 (25] ) 4 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000074 2019-ICLl -00051 1901 Case 3:18-mc-05016-BHS Document 2 Filed 09/06/18 PD.\Je1 of 6 2 3 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 }l I UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AT SEATTLE 12 13 14 15 IN THE EX PARTE MATIER OF: CASE NO. 3:18-mc-05016-BHS 16 17 MERGENSANA AMAR DECLARATION OF A2 l 6-269-802 DR.K b)(6); (b)(?)(C) 18 IMD in Support of the United States' 19 Ex Partc Motion to Administer Emergency Medical Treatment 20 21 l--22 I, D r.l (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) 23 Ideclare as follows: 24 I am an Internal Medicine Doctor and serve as the Clinical Director for ICE 25 26 27 28 Health Services Corps (II-ISC) at the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) in Tacoma, Washington. I have been employed at this facility since September 30, 2015, and my duties include providing and overseeing the medical care of detainees housed at this facility. LNITED STATES A .rnHNFY 700 STEWART Srnf .-. b)(6); ~, SEi\TfLE, W AS,llt,li.i.lL~I OI (206) 553 [)Rk b)(6); (b)(7)(C) !DECLARATION - l AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000075 2019-ICLl -00051 1902 Case 3:18-rnc-05016-BHS 2. Document 2 Filed 09/06/1.8 Page 2 ot 6 I am familiar with the medical condition of detainee Amar Mergcnsana. I 2 am the supervising physician for the detainee, and I make this declaration based upon my 3 review of his medical records, my examination of the detainee, and my discussions with 4 other members of the medical staff providing treatment to the detainee. 5 3. This affidavit is made in support of the petition hy the United Stalcs 6 Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to 7 ohtain a court order for daily weight measurements, necessary physical examination, 8 laboratory blood work and urinalysis every 48 to 72 hours, for the Detainee on hunger 9 strike and, to provide hydration through an intravenous line to prevent further 10 deterioration of the Detainee. 11 12 DETAINEE ~ERGENSANA /-\MAR 13 4. Detainee Mergensana Amar (hereinafter "Amar") is a 39-year-old male 14 who has been detained at NWDC since December 19, 2017 pending removal from the 15 United States. He is a native and citizen of Russia and has no known significant medical 16 h'!Story. 17 5. Amar has be;:enon a hunger strike since August 22, 2018 and has missed 45 18 meals to date. 19 6. In addition to refusing meals, Amar has been refusing to drink water or any 20 other offered liquid since August 25, 2018. He has been observed taking small sips of 21 water on approximately three occasions in the last five days. 22 7. Amar is not only refusing meals and liquids, but since August 22, 2018, he 23 has also refused medical monitoring, including: monitoring of his vital signs, physical 24 examination, glucose checks, laboratories, urinalysis, and weight assessments. He is not 25 allowing the medical staff to assess his physical condition to ensure his health and safety 26 : during the hunger strike. 27 8. His last known weight, as of August 22, 2018 was 163 Ibs. His current 28 weight is not known because he has been refusing weight assessment since August 22, 2018. He is now going un his 15th H-'.Y l)ECLARATION - 2 .100S:tWAII.T Srnn:rJ= b)=(6-"); _ _, S~AHLE, WASl!INGIUN 9810 l (206) 55] /h \l R\ AMlf ICAr--.. pVERSIGHT I DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000076 2019-ICLl -00051 1903 Case 3:18-mc-05016-BHS 9. Document? Filed 09/06/18 Page 3 of 6 As of September 6, 2018, Amar rnntinues to be unwilling to eat or comply 2 with medical care. On August 31, 2018, Amar's condition began to decline. At that 3 time, he expressed that he was experiencing dizziness and extreme weakness with 4 movement, such as walking to the toilet. He also voiced complaints of diffuse body 5 aches, especially over his kidneys. Despite these complaints he continues to refuse all 6 offered medication and care. 7 10. Since August 31, 2018, Amar stopped talking to IHSC medical personne l 8 and GEO officers, even with the aid of a Russian interpreter. Amar spends most of his 9 time lying flat in hed, and he has not gotten out of bed to take a shower. Under constant 10 watch, medical staff has observed Amar pass urine very infrequently. Based on these 11 events, it is my opinion Amar is in imminent danger of going into renal failure, liver 12 failure or becoming comatose due to dehydration and hypotcnsion. Either of these 13 conditions could also lead to his imminent death. It is my professional opinion that 14 medical monitoring of his r.;ondilionand hydration are imperative al this time. 15 1 [. Amar was evaluated by the mental health team with the assistance of a 16 Russian interpreter on August 29, 2018, in efforts to have him discontinue his hunger 17 strike. He docs not have any known psychiatric conditions that would cause him not to 18 eat. Ile has stated that the purpose of his hunger strike is obtain release from custody. 19 THE EFR.k b)(6); (b)(7)(C) !DECLARATION - 3 7()0 S7EW1'RT STRF.Erfjl.:; bc,.,. l(::..,.6 ),_ ; _...J SEAITLt,WA~II.. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT (8[01 (206) 55. DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000077 2019-ICLl -00051 1904 Case 3:18-mc-05016-BHS 14. Document 2 Filed 09/06/18 Page 4 of 6 Medical literature reflects that metabolic imbalance caused hy fasting is 2 likely to result in permanent bodily damage and/or death once weight loss reaches 18% of 3 the patient's initial weight. 15. 4 The medical staff has explained to the Detainee through a Russian 5 interpreter the medical necessity to eat and drink to preserve his health and the medical 6 risk!i incurred during a hunger strike. Other staff members have repeatedly talked to the 7 Detainee in attempts to convince him to eat solid foods and drink water, however, the 8 Detainee continues to refuse to resume eating or drinking sufficient liquids to sustain life. 9 16. I have personally explained to the Detainee in Russian my concerns 10 regarding his condition and the medical risks involved with a continued lack of 11 inappropriate nourishment. That is, the risks of significant metabolic changes induced by 12 a decreased nutritional intake. If he continues to be on a hunger strike, he will reach a 13 state of severe metabolic imbalance, with a high risk of adverse consequences such as 14 permanent damage to their kidneys, liver, heart failure and the risk of death. 15 17. I have counseled the Detainee in Russian about the effects of self-imposed 16 dehydration and starvation on his body. I have also informed him of involuntary 17 hydration and feeding procedures that will be administered to prevent injury and or death 18 should he continue not to eat. 19 18. In my professional medical judgment, the Detainee is now at a point where 20 he requires immediate medical intervention to prevent further deterioration and serious 21 medical complications. This intervention includes administering involuntary hydration, 22 and performing necessary laboratory tests requiring involuntary blood draws. 23 Additionally, medical staff must perform physical evaluations to monitor and assess the 24 dctaincc's clinical condition. If the laboratory tests reveal 0U1er conditions requiring 25 emergency medical attention, it may be necessary to seek a further court order to 26 administer nutritional supplements and/or medications. 27 19. In my professional medical judgment, it is necessary to obtain a court order 28 to require laboratory tests at least every 48 - 72 hours, hydration as medically necessary, physical examination, uri.nalysis, daily weight assessment, and frequent vital sign checks L~ITED STATES ATTORNEY 700 STFWART STR .... '-'-'-"-'"-'.-__J DR !(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) jLJLC:LARA:-JON o 4 SEATl'l.E, W /\SH :..:i:aa=u,l AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT OI (206) 55"-"-'-'-'C!!!...J DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000078 2019-ICLl -00051 1905 Case 3:18-rnc-0~0Hi-BHS Document 2 Filed 09/06/18 Page 5 of 6 for the Detainee if he continues on hunger strike. Laboratory tests are urgently needed to 2 evaluate the metaholic state, to include electrolytes and kidney function. 3 20. The laboratory tests that need to be obtained during a hunger strike include: a. Complete metabolic panel. This test reveals an increase in markers of kidney function in view of any renal injury. The panel tests include: BL'N (hlood urea 5 nitrogen), creatinine level, urinalysis and proteins. It also reveals electrolyte disturbances 6 as potassium, phosphate, magnesium and glucose levels can lead to heart arrhythmias. 4 7 b. Complete blood count. This test reveals the hemoglohin level. C. Urinalysis, which reveals the presence of kctones, blood and crystals d. a hunger strike. Magnesium and phosphate levels to assess deficiency after day 13 of 8 9 10 ll in the urine. 12 e. Electrocardiogram, if the patient shows elevated potassium, is 13 necessary to treat conditions which can lead to lethal arrhythmias. 14 f. Creatine kinase (CK), is an enzyme found inside muscle cells and 15 should be measured as it is released into the blood, when the muscle cells rupture. The increase in CK as a result of the destruction of muscle tissue can lead to acute renal 16 failure and death. 17 g. Pre-albumin is used as a marker for nutritional status evaluation. 18 Pre-albumin will decrease over time the longer a patient fails to consume adequate 19 nutrition, and the pre-albumin level correlates with patient morbidity and mortality risk. Normal pre-albumin is l 5-35 mg/dL. When pre-albumin falls to 5-11 mg/dL, significant 20 morbidity risks exist and aggressive nutritional support is necessary. 21 22 23 24 21. To ensure the Detainee's health and survival, if the Detainee continues to refuse to cooperate with blood work, medical soft restraints will be required to immobilize the Detainee and prevent unnecessary injury to both the Detainee and medical staff during medical intervention of intravenous IV fluids and IV lab draw. 25 26 27 22. Considc1ing the Dctaincc's hunger strike and refusal of medical care, in my professional medical judgment, it is medically necessary to obtain a court order for the 28 D~ (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) t.;\ITED IOECLARATION - S 700 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT STATES ATfORNF.Y STEWAR T $ TREE (b)(6); DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000079 2019-ICLl -00051 1906 Case 3:18-mc-0:?J01fi-BHS Document 2 Filed 09/0fj/18 Page 6 of G above-mentioned procedures to immediately start monitoring the Detainee's physical 2 condition and ensure their health. 3 /( 4 5 Pursuant to 28 L".S.C. ? 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 6 JI 7 Executed this 6th day of September, 20 I 8. 8 b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 9 (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 10 M.D. Board Certified Internal Medicine Clinical Director Northwest Detention Center Tacoma, Washington 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DR. (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) lECLARATIO~- CNlTLD STATES 1r..!--:'. ......._.--"-i STREE (b)(5 ); 700 SfEW/\l'.r . " . l h \f 7 \ t r\ SE/\rrLI,, WASHINGTON 9810\ (20(,) 55:lJ{b)(~); _I -6 "=!. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000080 2019-ICLl-00051 1907 Case 3: 18-mc-05016-BHS Oocume11t 3 Filed 09/06/J 8 Page 1 of 4 l , 2 4 lJNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR Tlll-: WESTFRN DJSTRICT OF W/\SHl\lCilO:\ AT SEATTI_F .'i 7 x,I, 1\1 Tiff: r-x PJ\RTE MATTER or: l) 3: 18-mc-05016-BHS ,: I: DLCLARAT IOt\ OF 10 . \11!-:RCiFNSAJ\iAAMAR I l : /\2 ! (i-2(19-802 Jb)(6); (b)(7)(C) I in Support llf the l Jnitcci States. Ex Partc Motion to Ad111i11isH.:r Erncrgcllcy Medic.ii lre,1tme11t 12 11 -----------. 14 15 - j f b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I. , ------ ldcc\,1re as follow.-;: 1 am crnploycd elsa Supervisory Detention and Dcrortation Officer 17 (SDDU) with the L'11itcdStates Dcpartlllent of I lorncland Security. United States 18 Ilrn111igratio11and Customs [ l) Enforcement (!CT), in 1hc Seattle, \~'ashing!on Field Of'Cicc, I 20 and l1c1vebeen employL:d as a detention officer since 2U07. l ain c:urrcntly assigned to the 21 ' I NortlJ\vest Detention Center (l\;WJ)C') 1n 12 23 Washington. 1 ,1111providing this dcc]aratioll bJsed upon n~y personal knowledge cind rcvicvv of ~1d111inistn1ti 1-crccmds n:- 2 27 28 T:1co1~1<1. Det,1inee Mcrgcns.ina J\rnar is ,l ci!w::11of Russia who is currently detained by ICE at the f\\f\/1)(' i in lacrnm. Stc:1tc:; at the San Ysidrn port l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) puT.\:c\ 1 \Vashington. I k applied for admission into the Lnitcd orc11trywithout valid iurn11grntion docu111cnts011 December JO'-_ , l.",I: '.U ';!,\ il 'i A T ICJl{Nl:Y '.'::11s 1:o 11 .11<'1s 11,.r:c: ..'-'-'f h= \IR .:.:.. \._ _, SI ..I AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000081 2019-ICLl-00051 1908 Case 3:18-mc-05016-BHS t I 2, 2(1 I 7. :\111,uwas transfened 2 Document 3 Filed 09/0Ei/.18 Page 2 of 4 into custody at the I\WDC on December I(), J()) 7. I le was p!accd into removal prncccclings on .JamiaryJ.2018 and charged with rnadmissibil:ty under section 2 !2(a)l7)(A)(i)(l) of lhe lmrni~rntion and l\ationality Act. 5 [ 011 1\ugust 7, 7.0IS. an !rnrnigr,ilion Judge ordered Amc1r1-crnovcdfrom the lJrnted Suites. 6 I 20 l 8 to file a notice of appeal lo the Board 1\tnar li:is until September (1, Appec1ls. lo date. !CT has 110 orlmrni?r,:tion 7 8 9 l {I record 1h<11 t\n1M h,b Viled n NotJCc;of !\ppcJI. The medical staff <111l1c\IWDC have informed me that if the Detainee it ,viii be necessary to continu,::-, to refuse nccess,iry nu1ricnts and medical t.rcal111c11L Il 12 !J perform l.iboratnry k'sls and physical evaluations to munitor and nssrss the Deh1i1~ec's cli11ic.1Icondition, and administer hydration, in order 10 SilVC his life. 14 Based on rny training am! expnicncc as a detention officer. I ,rn1,iware that 4_ Lhe death orthe Detainee as a resull of his refusal receive nutrients and medical trentnicn1 \\Ould scrimi.sly affcc: the oper8tion of the NWDC and would adverc;cly affi:ct 1uy ability IX ;irn! ici-:.s efforts lo mai1:rni111:lcsecurity aml necessary order requ111:dat this dctcntiou 19 L1cili1yi1; the following \\ily~: 21 n a. f'cr(:eptions 111dy be formed hy the detaillcd popuimion that the deknt1011 a11dn~rnoval stafTsimply let the Detainee die, without doing anything to save 21 24 thelll,. 1Nhichcould le,Hl to :icts of detainee violence and disru11tio11s.The dct,1incd :ZS popuL=ition. having formed sucl1 a perception, cou!d act ;dune or 26 dclcntion facility i11 groups to disrupi the 1 ,1111 concerned 1h.1tfood -.t:ikes or o1hGrdisruptive ur vioicn: acts 27 :?,~' \vmild he directed at staff or ,!gainst government prnpl.'.rly, in urdn to express the - dctai11L'CS, !TSCIJl!llClll. a1,d rnislr ;1tin11s. \i'\ITETl l(b){6); (b)(?)(C) ST;\ .1.:S \I i()l(\l:.Y 1::1:~I1o.1.:.r,1 <;w1:.f b)(6); \r:11 :1, -.W.\SI:::,,. ,,, C),S:I:, ( 2ii(, l '~-'f b)(6); AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT I ~-1 DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000082 2019-ICLl-00051 1909 Case 3:18-rnc-(b0l6-BHS h. Document 3 Fiicd 09/06/18 Page 3 of ri lf"such d1srupti,.c :icts \\.c1-cto occu1.. tensions between r.lcinincc.~ and ')Istc>.ffwould be ileightcncd, making ,1111tost ,ill aspects uf the detention operation mme .3 ~ di rficult and potenti,dly dangerous for st,1ff to per!.orni. C. h !:or a detainee to cmise his own cleath without staff intervention would cumplctGly thwart lCF's obligation to :.ender ,1pprnpriate medical care and prcvrnt 7 detainee suicides, ,rnd may cause other delaincc"> to decide to commit suicide by starving llle1me1vcs 9 Io I 1 10 tkath d O!hcr lklamccs 111ayalso decide that they liHvc lost c:011fidcnccin the I ll skills ,,bility, or w:llingnt:ss of medical -:;tafL.nthe NWDC to ,1drni11i~(crtheir 1ned1cal 12 lI I~ icare. They may he reluctant to seek treatment fiom the 111cdicalstaff, reluctallt to cJcc:::pl 14 I .:the trcatnienls n..:c01nmcndctl. ,111<1 mcl\ dcL:idc there is a rH.Td lu". the Is 16 I !_judgments of the medical st;dl lc;1drn1_!lo emergency situ,1tHJ1lSth:-11 could have been 17 avoided liad the detainee .,ought lllcdic,11help at ,111earlier time. I 'l 'X i, .I lkt,1i11ccs \\.ho 1wrtic.1pc1tcin hunger strikes rnay sn.crl'.ly and pcrnwncntly C. darnagc their st,ite of health, requiring lCL to 11J111cccssc1rily cx;,cnd large sum~ )() orllloncy 21 for their irnrned1:1te:rnd lung-term medical care. 22 Uthe:. dct;1i11ccs111ayp<1rttcipatc i1: hu11)2erstrikes in arte111pb to 11w11ipulaw f. 23 \ ::, 4 ltile swff iii efforts to ~ain \.',iriuus hcncfih :md privileges. l or cx:nnple. detainees may 111itt,1lchunger :;trikes in an attempt to pre~~mc sttiff to transfer tlicrn c1way from the NVv'DC. or tu gc11:1 their release front detention \Vithout tlic ability to interve111.:' ,,.,,-lien 27 28 111edically11cccs~a1y the dctL:n1io11 facility will he forced to allcrn' tl1c detainee to die l ll contravention nf JCE's kgal and l'thical nbligat1011s. (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) JJ!:CIAl(A' '.U'\ l ::l Y 7(10Sr11, ..,,,1 Sr . (b)(5 );.~ ): .,I: 11. \Y .. \'-.LJ.L>,!L.....U."'.),s, Ii I t~O(,J 5 =~ cu AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT I DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000084 2019-ICLl-00051 1911 Case 3:lS-mc-05016-BHS Docurncnt 6 Filed 09/07/18 Page 1 of 2 The l lonorablc Judge BcnJamin H. Settle 2 3 4 5 6 7 v~rrED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AT TACOMA 8 9 10 IN Tl IE MATTER OF: NO 18-MC-5016HHS 11 12 13 MERGENSANA AMAR File No. A216-269-802 EX PAR.TE STATUS REPORT 14 15 The United States Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs 16 17 18 Enforcement (hereinafter "ICE"), by and through the United States Attorney for the Western District of Washington, provides this status report to update the Court concerning the condition of detainee 19 Mergensana Amar ("Amar"). 20 On September 6, 2018, fCE obtained an order to administer involuntary medical treatment to 21 22 include hydration, laboratory tests and physical examinations of Mr. Amar in response to a hunger 23 strike he began on August 22, 2018 24 staff administering the necessary treatment sought in the order. Accordingly, medical staff are not 25 On September 7, 2018, Mr. Amar consented to the medical proceeding with any involuntary treatment. If Mr. Amar's medical status changes, or if additional 26 measures arc deemed necessary to preserve his life, ICE will promptly notify the Court 27 28 STATUS HEPORT18-MC-501 C,HIIS U'IITED STATI!S Ar: O RNEY l 120 I l'ACIFIC AVl!NULJb)( 6 ); TACOMA, W ASH[NG:?N 98402 (253 ) 4 2, b)(6) I AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000085 2019-ICLl -00051 1912 Case 3:18-rnc-05016-BHS Document 6 Filed 09/07/1.B Page 2 of 2 As outlined in lhe motion and order seeking to administer involuntary treatment, Mr. /\mar is 2 3 detained based on his inadmissibility under section212(a)(7)(A)(i)(l) of the lnunigration and Nationality Act, and was ordered removed from the United Stales on August 6, 2017. Mr. Amar had 4 5 6 until September 6, 2018 to appeal the Immigration Judge's order of removal, and ICE can fmd no record that any such appeal was filed. 7 DATED this 7th day of September, 2018 8 9 Respectfully submitted, 10 ANJol.Y I UNJTED ST A11'.S J,. STATUS REPORT- 2 18-MC-5016BIJS l201PACW!CAVF.!>.1JI' b)(6); . TACOMA, W ASHI>;c;TQ!'-r9!Vi02 (7.51) 42~(b)(6)1 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000086 2019-ICLl -00051 1913 l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) From : Sent: 13 Oct 2018 03:42:43 +0000 b)(6); (b)(7)(C) u Jee : The following detainees declined dinner meal on 10.12.18. B-2 ~l (b_)(6_);_(b_)(_ 7)(_C_) ----~!de clined first meal due to menu. ----~~ eclined first meal due to menu. D-2 ~fb_)(6_);_(b_)(7 _>< _c _) Med-lso Amar# 216269802 declined 155th meal due to hunger strik e. Information reports were completed and logged. tb )(6); (b)(7)(C) ! Lieutenant GEO Corrections & Detention (R) Northwest Detention Center 1623 East J Street Tacoma, Washington 98421 Tel b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Ce ! Fa, l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I www .geogroup .com This ema il and any files transmitt ed with it ar e confide ntial and are intended solely for the use of the indi vidua l or entity to which they are addr essed. If you are not the intended recipient or the per son re sponsible for deli verin g the email to the intended recipient , be advised that your have received this email in error and that any use, dissemi nati on, forwarding , printing or copyin g of this ema il is strict ly prohibited . If you ha ve received this email in er ror, pleas e immediate ly notify by replying to thi s email. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000087 20 19-ICLl-00051 191 4 (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Fro m : 14 Oct 2018 04:12:38 +0000 Sent: b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) Declined Mea ls 10.13.18 Subject : The following detainees have declined their dinner mea l on 10.13.18. D-3 (b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) _________ ._ l D-2 (b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) 11st meal due to menu . __.2nd meal declared hunger strike. 1st meal due to menu. nd meal due to menu. Med-lso Amar #216269802 158th meal declared hunger strike. C-1 6l_ .... l(b _l(_ ; (_ bl_ (7_l(C _l____ .... llst meal due to menu. G-4 [b_)(6 .... _l;_(b_l(_7l_(C _l ___ _.Jlst meal due to menu. Information reports were completed. I fb)(6);(b)(7)(C) Lieutenant GEO Corrections & Detention (R) Northwest Detention Center 1623 East J Street Tacoma , Washington 98421 ; (b)(7)(C) Te l: b)(6) Ce ll Fax: l(b)(6);(b)(7)(C) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000088 2019-ICLl-00051 1915 Fro m : Se nt: l~ :~ <7~ lJect: Fw: Amar (b)(6); /h\/ 7 \/r.\ See attached . From ~(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Se nt: Thursd ay, November 15, 201 8 5:10 PM I To:l (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subj ect: Fw : Amar b)(6); h \/ 7 \/r. Here is the initial report. From: J(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I Sent : Thursd a , November 15, 201 8 5:09 PM To: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject: Amar fb )(6); (b)(7)(C) I ASSISTANT WARDEN OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION The GEO Group, Inc. (R) Northwest Detention Center AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000103 2019-ICLl-00051 1930 1623 East J Street Taco m a, Washi ngton 98 4 21 Tel jtJEVA ST. KfiT;RA."1$HA, 1VOLG!NS!tJEVA ST. KfiT;RA."1$HA, 1VOLG!NS! To: l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject: FW: Death of detainee at Tacoma detention center Regard s, !(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Publi c Affair s Officer/Spokesper son Alaska, Idaho, Oregon , Washington State U. S. Immi ration & Customs Enforcement Cell: b)(6); (b)(7)(Cl Froml (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Date: Thursday, Nov 15, 2018, 9:03 PM To: b)(6); (b)(7)(C) SubJect: (b)(6); b 7 C I received word that Mergensana Amar (216269802) died today. Questions for ICE: 1. Was a forced feed ing order ever attained? If not, why not? 2. Was he under medical supervis ion? If so, what kind of medical care was he receiving? 3. Was there an outbreak of chicken pox or other commun icable diseases at the time of his death? 4. When exact ly was his body discovered? Who discovered it? 5. What will happen to his body? 6. Has his family been notified? 7. How many other people have died at the detention center in Tacoma? AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000160 2019-ICLl-00051 1987 8. Is there anyone else who is currently on a hung er strike? I am publishing a sto ry in the morning so plea se respond as quickly as possib le. Crosscut / Staff writer Office: b)(6);(b)(7)(C) Mobil~""-T----Twitter: b)(6);(b)(7)(C) From: Roman, Tanya J Sent: Tu esday, October......., ~~~~~-----~ To: j(b)(6);(b)(7)(C) Subject: RE: Interview with someone in detention at the NW Detention Center in Tacoma I Hitb)(6)1Thank you for your patience. Here is our response. Please use this versus the previous general response I sent as this contains additional information: One detainee is voluntarily drinking a meal replacement shake in lieu of their daily scheduled meals. We are not seeking a court order as there is no present need to medically intervene. ICE respects the right s of all people to voice their opinion without interference. ICE does not threaten or retaliate in any way against hunger strikers and explains the negative health effects of not eating to our detainees. Additionally, for their health and safety, ICE closely monitors the food and water intake of those detainees identified as being on a hunger strike . ICE ' s detention standards concerning hunger strikes may be reviewed here: http:/ / .gov/doclib/ detention -stan dards/20 I I /hunger strikes.pdf. " Tanya Roman Public Affairs Officer Alaska, Idaho, Oregon , Washington State U.S. Immigrations & Customs Enforcement Cell: l(b)(6);(b)(7)(C) I From: l(b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 12:35 PM To: Roman, Tanya J (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Subject: Re: Interview w1 someone in e en 10n at the NW Detention Center in Tacoma If you could get me a response by t he end of the day th at would be great. I am on deadline. Thank you, AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000161 2019-ICLl-00051 1988 Crosscut I Staff wri ter Office: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Mobile T witte r From: Roman, Tanya J ~~ (b_l(_ 6)_;(_bl_(7_l(_C_ ) ------~ Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 12:24 PM To: lJect: ontract anguage , B. Manage a Detainee Death Warden, AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000170 2019-ICLl -00051 1997 Excerpt from current ICE contract, Section X. Health Services, Paragraph B. Manage a Deta inee Death. kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) ! ASSISTANT WARDEN, SECURITY The GEO Group , Inc . (R) Northwest Detention Center, 1623 East J Street Tacoma, Was hing t on 98421 Io Fax: t b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Te l :kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Mobile: !(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) kh \/n\ (h\(7\(C:\ www I I This email and any files t ransmitted entity to which they are addressed. the email to the intended recipient, dissemination, forwarding, printing error, please immediately notify by with it are confidential and are intended so lely for the use of the ind ividual or If you are not the intended recipie nt or the person responsible for delivering be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in rep lying to this email. From:lU?.l(R), ); (b)(7)(C) Sent : Monday, November 19, 2018 1:44 PM To;t b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I Subject: Message from KM_C759 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000171 2019-ICLl -00051 1998 From : Se nt: To: Subject: l(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) 26 Nov 2018 16:59:50 +0000 l(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) FW: ICE detainee passes away at local hospital ! Good morning. Below ii'=b-l/6-l_- ls explanation on how the congressional notification works. Thanks From~ (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) Se nt : Monday, November 26, 2018 7:55 AM T4(b)(6); (b)(?)(C) SubJect: RE: ICE detainee passes away at local hospital OCR already sent the email below with the press release attached to the committees of jurisdic t ion and the DC offices of the Washington state congressional delegation {bot h senators and the House representative/s of the district where the detainee passed away. Feel free to share it with your local congressional contacts. Than ks !B:08/12/1980) : 01/12/1987) DOB: 12/07/1988) 11/23/1977) ~------------~ Please see the attached draft ESfor more information, Anything your folks might do would be greatly appreciated, b)(6); h\(7\(C:\ I From: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I Sent: Sundav November 18 2018 7:22 PM (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject: RE: Hospital ICU Update A#: 216269802 More on this ... No time-frame given for the hospital to take him off life -support. Though not specifically stated, the hospital is allowing us more time to locate next -of -kin in the hopes they will approve organ donations. According to the -213, Amar has a common -law wife in Russia. We have a phone number for her we tried, but the phone only rang and was not answered. As a common-law wife, she'd have no authority to make medical decisions for him. Still, we'll continue to try to reach her in the morning . The number we have isfb)(B); (b)(?)(C) l Our local consulate was officially closed and we've been try ing to contract the consulate in DC but have not been able to make contact . I'd like to see RIO get directly invo lved in mak ing contact w ith the Russians in the morning as we have information on his parents and siblings in Russia. The parents are: rb)(6); (b)(7)(C) pOB: 10/08/1950) ~l-----~ kDOB: 03/16/1950) Siblings: AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000192 2019-ICLl-00051 2019 (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ~B:08/12/1980) : 01/12/1987) DOB: 12/07/1988) 11/23/1977) ~------------~ Common-law wife: r )(6); (b)(7)(C) poB: 01/04/1989) As the hospital has not ended life support and is not expected to overnight, I don't think it is time to issue a death notice yet. Let me know if you think otherwise or have any questions, (b)(6); /h)/7)/ From:l (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) November 18 2018 6:20 PM (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Sent: Sunda b)(6); (b)(7)(C) u Ject: : osp1ta CU Update A#: 216269802 See below. Amar has no blood flow to the brain and has been declared brain dead. They are going to turnoff life suppprt Sent w ith BlackBerry Work (www. bl From :l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Date: Sunda b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Nov 18 2018 6:15 PM Please see below . V/R CAP ~------~ . LCSW-C, BCD m1n1strator ICE Health Service Corps Northwest Deten t ion Center 1623 E. J St. Suit t b)\~/;,! Tacoma, WA 9842 1 Office: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) BB: b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Fax b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Warn ing: This document is UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIA L USE ONLY (U//FOUO) . It contains informat ion t hat may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Informat ion Act (5 U.S.C. 552) . It is to be controlled, stored , handled, transm itted, distr ibuted, and disposed of in accordance w ith DHS policy relat ing to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid "need -to -know" without prior approval of an AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000193 2019-ICLl-0 0051 2020 authorized DHS official. No portion of this report should be furnished to the media, eith er in written or verbal form. Fromfb )(6); (b)(7)(C) Date : Sunday, Nov 18, 2018, 5:56 PM (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject: Hospital ICU Update A#: 216269802 ICU Update from Saint Joseph Hospital for 11/18/18 at 1730 Name: AMAR, MERGENSANA A#:216269802 DOB: 10/23/1978 COB: Russia DOA: 12/19/2017 Relevant Medical History: 40 yo Russian male admitted to St Joes Hospital after causing selfinflicted harm. Room: ICU 686 Date of Admission: 11/15/2018 Current Diagnosis: Anoxic Brain Injury )~;)~\ic:, Attending physician: Dr Current status: Cerebra oo ow study done today showed no flow to the brain. All testing indicates brain death, so the patient is now declared dead and life support will be turned off unless there is next of kin to reque st otherwise. Life Centers Northwest is requesting for organ donation but with no available next of kin there is no one to authorize this. Discharge Plan: Will be turned over to the medical examiner Information provided by (name and title): D~(b)(6); ~nd the CMO Dr b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ~b)(6); (b)(7)(C) MD I Staff Physician, ICE Health Service Corps (IHSC) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) US Immigrat ion Customs Enforcement (USICE) Northwest Detention Center 1623 E. J St. Suit eKbl( Tacoma, WA 98421 Main offic ~(,....,b )..,., (6,,... );""" (b..,., )(=7 )..,., (C,..,. )--, I fax fb)(6); (b)(7)(C) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000194 2019-ICLl-00051 2021 l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Fro m : 20 Nov 2018 14:28:36 +0000 fb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Se nt: To: kb)(6); (b)(7)(C) FW: Hospita l ICU Update A#: 216269802 Subje ct: We' ll wait until later in the morning to hear from the hospita l before we call them Sent with BlackBerry Work (www .blackberry .com) Fro m fb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Date: Tues day , Nov 20, 2018, 6:06 AM (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject: RE: Hospital ICU Update A#: 216269802 Thank you Sent with BlackBerry Work (www .blackberry .com) f From: l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Date: Tuesday,_Nov 20, 2018, 5:57 AM rb):~:::~~ :ospUal ICU O~ate A# Zl6W9802 Good morning, The Embassy of Russia has already spoken to his relatives. The relatives have been in contact with the hospital. Beyond that I do not have further information but will inquire as to what steps the relatives are taking and also to keep the field office informed. (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) From : l, #NWD -Notification #IHSC_ SEN_ Mental I _. 216 -269 -802 SUICE ATTEMPT AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT I<~ Menta l Hea lth i (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Heal t h ._l (b_)(_6)_;(_b)_(7_)(C _ )_________ Subject : RE: HOSPITAL UPDATE - ICU Amar# - Medical DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000209 2019-ICLl-00051 2036 Update as of 6:45 am PT: Current Status - remains the same. He is sti ll non-responsive , has an anoxic brain inju ry, no brain activ ity, no corneal response, and intubated. He is still in ICU Room 6B6. On full life support with a temperature of 34.9 C and a warming blanket. Labs are all abnormal. No gag reflex, no retraction from painfu l stimuli but he is still overbreathing the ventilat or. EEGis not indi cated at th is time due to the patient not meeting all brain death criteria. LCDRfb)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) IM LS(ASCP) Assistant Health Services Administrator Departme nt of Homeland Security Immigration & Customs Enforce m ent (ICE) Enforcement & Removal Operations (ERO) USPHS, ICE Health Service Corps. Northwest Detentio n Center 1623 East J Street !(b)(6 Tacoma, WA 98421 Offii (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) I Cell: Fax: l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Warning: This docume nt is UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIAL USEONLY (U//FOUO). It contains informat ion that may be exempt from public release unde r t he Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.552). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance wit h OHSpolicy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid "need-to -know" without prior approval of an authorized OHSofficia l. No portion of this report should be furnished to t he med ia, either in written or verba l form . I From : J/b\/6\ /b\/7\/C\ Sent : Friday, November 16, 20 18 6:16 AM To: #IHSC_SEN_Medical Tacoma , WA 98421 Offic b)(6); (b)(7)(C) BB: Fax : I ~b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Warn ing: Th is document is UNCLASSIFIED //FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO) . It contains informat ion that may be exempt from public relea se under the Freedom oflnfo rmation Act (5 U.S.C. 552). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted , distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS pol icy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other per sonne l who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized DHS official. No portion of this report should be furnished to the media, either in written or verba l form. From:fb)(6); (b)(7)(C) Sent : Friday, November 16, 2018 9:26 AM b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Hospital day # 1 in ICU A#:216269802 NAME: Amar, Mer DOB: 10/23/1978 COB: Russia DOA : 12/19/20 17 Relevant Medical History: Was on self-imposed protest Hunger Strike but began eating three meals a day with liquid nutritional supplements AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000215 2019-ICLl-0005 1 2042 Reason sent to ER: CPR initiated due to detainee asphyxiation from self harm and transferred to ICU when pulse was achieved. Current Status: pt with massive anoxic brain injury. He is intubated with no reflexes except for respiratory hyperventilation which is not life sustaining. His temperature and blood pressure are very unstable. He has started having seizures which are being treated and is requiring large dose medication to support his blood pressure. He will have a neurology consult with EEG today but is on supportive care and may still code again at any moment. He is still in ICU Room LOCATION: St Joseph's Hospital, ICU Rm 6Bravo6. 6l; Attending Physician: D bJC Trauma Physician, RN l\~1\ ~/:,~, ~tlC blC5>;CblC7lCCl I am in contact with D \~l\~l;r, She has my desk hone#, and I have her phone as 7Jcc> 5l;C 7JccJ ~ the ICU Trauma PA is at phone CblC 5l;C blC blC ICblC ._,l (b..., )(6 _J;_(b_ )(7)(C ,-, ...... )_,---~ ~ Chmcal Director ICE Health Service Corps (IHSC) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) US Immigration Customs Enforcement (USICE) Northwest Detention Center 1623 E. J St. Suit ~(b)(6 Tacoma, WAr--' 9'-"8-= 42=1=~ 6);(b)(?)(C) Main office: (b)( Voice Mail: ;(b)(7)(C) Cell: (b)(6) I fax ( (b)(6);(b)(7)(C) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000216 2019-ICLl-00051 2043 From: Sent: To: Subject: ~b)(6);(b)(7)(C) 20 Nov 2018 13:20:44 +0000 #IHSC_SEN_Medical;#NWD-Notification-Med ical FW: Hospital/ICU update Amar I CAPTl(b)(6);(b)(7)(C) LCSW-C, BCD Health Serv ices Adm inistrato r USPHS ICE Health Service Corps Northwest Detention Center 1623 E. J St. Suitd(b)(6); I Tacoma , WA 98421 Offi< b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) BB: Fax : l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Warning: This document is UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO). It contains inform at ion that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom oflnformation Act (5 U.S.C. 552). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distribut ed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized DHS official. No portion of this report should be furnished to the med ia, either in written or verbal form. ovember 19 2018 10:14 PM Name: Amar, Mergensana Hospital day #5 in ICU A#:216269802 DOB: 10/23/ 1978 COB: Russia DOA: 12/ 19/2017 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-J-000217 2019-ICLl-00051 2044 Relevant Medical History: Was on self-imposed Hunger Strike but began eating three meal s a day with liquid nutritional supplements Reason sent to ER: CPR initiated due to asphyxiation from self harm (hanging) and transferred to ICU when pulse achieved. Current Status: No changes from previous updat e. Detain ee had massi ve anoxic brain injury. He was pronounced brain dead yesterday 11/18/ 18 at 1445. He remains non-r esponsive and intubated with stable vital signs. He is on 1 medication (levafed) to support his blood pres sure. Location: St. Joseph 's ICU Room 6B6 # l<5>;(b)<7> Attending physician: Dr ~ii~iir., . receive o d from =-=:. ~)(= 6.,)~ I nf orma t 100 . RN~ ~ (b,,._" ,;,_, Next call due in 8 hour s at 0600 lI Tacoma, WA 98421 Office l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) BB: b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Fax (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Warning: This document is UNCLASSIFIED //FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO). It contains informat ion that may be exempt from pub lic release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) . It is to be controlled , stored, handled , transm itted , distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approva l of an authorized DHS offic ial. No po1tion of this report should be furnished to the media , either in written or verba l form. From:t )(6); (b)(7)(C) Date:aturday, Nov 24. 2018, 6:28 PM 1~ )(6); (b)(7)(C ) Subject: ICU Update Name: AMAR,MERGENSANA A#:216269802 DOB:10/23/1978 COB:Russia DOA:12/19/2017 Relevant Medical History:40 year old Russianmale admitted to St Joes Hospitalafter causing self-inflictedharm. Room: ICU686 Date of Admission:11/15/20 18 Current Diagnosis:AnoxicBrain Injury Attending physician:D~(b)(6);~Current status: No change according to the RN,1800 Lifesupport removed per Dr (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 1805 cardiac death per RNl\~/\~/ :, I , 0 I AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-K-000010 2019-ICLl-00051 2055 Discharge Plan: Morgue, then county corone r ,-------, Information provided by (name and title): R (b)(6); / h \1 7 \lr"\ f b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ~ RN (CTR) STG International ICE Health Service Corps (IHSC) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) US Immigration Customs Enforcement (USICE) Northwest Detention Center 1623 East J Street Tacoma WA 98421 [ b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Dr (b)(6); (b)(?)(C) I CONF IDENTIALITY NOT ICE : This document may contain information cove red und er the Privacy Act, 5 US C 522(a) , and/or the Hea lth Insura nce Porta bili ty and Acco untabili ty Act (PL 104-19 1) and its various impl ement ing regu lations, and must be protected in acco rdance with those provisions. Healthcare information is perso nal and sensitive, and must be treated accordingly. If this correspo ndence contains healthcare informatio n, it is being prov ided after appropr iate authorization from the patient or under circumstances that do not require patient authorization. Redisclosu re without additiona l patient cons ent or as permitte d by law is prohibited. If yo u rece ive this correspo ndence in error , p lease notify the sender at once and destroy any copies you have made. Warn ing: This document is UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIA L USE ONLY (U//FOUO) . It conta ins information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Informat ion Act (5 U.S.C. 552). It is to be controlled , stored , handled , transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO informatio n and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know " without prior approval of an authorized DHS official. No portion of this report shou ld be furnished to the media , either in writte n or verbal form. AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-K-000011 2019-ICLl -00051 2056 CCHHCK RUSSIAN FEDERATIO (bX6) ; (b}{7XC) rlA(rv.'.! I MT - ...... ' p AM~P / AMAR it... M J)oo 20 /JaQo 20 08 2025 pVERSIGH AHA AA6 AE:B I If -t '.\01 (b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) PE)l RUSSIAN FEDERA: b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) -p AMAP / A\IA A A A6AE B H'f 23 10 1971 !\. M/M ~"o-...: 20 08 201:, ,.c.,..- ~ 20 08 2025 b)(6) ; "' ~b)(7)(C) PVE RSIG P Subject : RE: Letter of Condolence/ AMAR, Mergensana Thank you for forwarding the letter to Mr. Amar's famil y . The or iginal letter will be forward to you via UPS. Your assistanc e is great ly appreciat ed. Respectfully, f b)(6); (b)(7)(C) SDDO Seattle Field Office NWDC-1623 Ea st J St. Tacom a, WA 98421 (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) '------' Fax) From~ (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) h Sent : Friday, November 30, 2018 11:47 AM To: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Subject : Re: Letter of Condolence AMAR, Mergensana Dear offic ej(b)(6); ~. Y ou can send lett er to us and we wi ll transf er it to Mr . Amar' s relat ives . Our address is 2641 Tu nla w Rd. , W ashin gt on D C, 20007 fo r Con sul ar Di vis ion of the Ru ssi an Emb assy Best regards, l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Consul of Consular Divis ion Embas sy of Russia. n5!, 30 H05!6p5!2018 r. 12:28:53 ES~~b-)(6_)_;<_b)-(7-)(_C)-------------~~ AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT HanHcan(-a): DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-K-000018 2019-ICLl-0005 1 2063 Good morning Consu l l(b)(6); ~- Thank you for passing the information to Mr. Amar's relatives. Our office is required to deliver the letter of condolence to the Mr. Amar's family and sincere ly appreciate if your Embassy might be willing to act as an intenned iary in sending the letter to them in Russia. Please let me know if you are able to assist in this matte r and I will forward the condolence letter to you. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Respectfully, (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Supervisory Detention and Deportation Officer Seattle Field Office NWDC -1623 East J St. Tacoma, WA 98421 l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) ""-! (b-'-' )(6 ....:. )a.... ; _ ___.!(Fax) Subject: Re: Letter of Condo lence/ AMAR, Mergensana Good morning, officer !(b)/6) : Thank you so much for information! AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-K-000019 2019-ICLl-0005 1 2064 I passed all information to Mr. Amar' s relatives and they will contact to you. Best regards, r b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Consul of Consular Divis ion Embas sy of Russia . 7 6 ...._)<_ >_; <_b>_<_>< _c _) -----------------'~ cpe;w, 28 H0$16p$1 2018 r. 19:02:31 EST, l;_(b _l<_7>_ <_ C ) ___________ ~~ Han1-1can(-a): Dear Cons ~(b)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) I am writing you regarding the case of Mergensana AMAR (DOB: 10-23-1978) based at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington . I have been the Deportation Officer in charge of the case and I am respectfully requesting your assistance with getting a letter of condolence to the family of Mr. AMAR, or if possible , provide me with the parent's address so that I can get that letter delivered to them. Also, Mr. AMAR had a few personal belongings and our office would like to return those items to the family as well. Please let me know if you are able to assist with this situation, and should you need further details and or information. Respectfu Ily, fb)(6) ; (b)(7)(C) DeportationOfficer AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-K-000022 2019-ICLl-000512067 1623 E. J St. Suite #2 Tacoma, WA 98421 Desk : l(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT DHS-ICE-19-0196, 19-0197-K-000023 2019-ICLl-00051 2068 Enforcement and Removal Operations I CE Health Se111ice Corps U.S. Department of Homeland Security 500 12th Street, SW 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20536 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement November 16, 2018 MEMORANDUM FOR: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) MD Deputy Assistant Director , Clinical Services FROM: SUBJECT: 12/ 19/2017 Detaine e Detention Center (SLRD ..... fb_ )(6 _);_(b)_(7_)(C _)___ __.I MD Clinical Director Northwest Detention Center Summary of Medical Record AMAR , Mergensana A#2 16-269-802 DOB 10/23/ 1978; Russia ~~~~"Jo{ NWDC after presen ting him self to San Luis Regional He was deemed healthy without chronic conditions. 08/ 17/2018 Detaine e had only infrequent and minor visits to medical until being referred for an RN Wellness Check on this date. He said he was fee ling depressed at having no one in his dorm to talk you in his native Rus sian language. He asked to be moved to a different dorm , G3 where other Russians resided. He did state he was stressed by his immigration and legal issues. The record was reviewed by our psychologist and deemed no further MH visit needed at that time. 08/22/20 18 Was seen by medical provider in clinic for declaration of hunger strike. Patient explained , "he has no intentions of eating from now on." Stated he is rotestin because he 5); (b)( ?)(C) Stated he think s it is taking too long for the immigration system to