Case Document 1-5 Filed 04/26/83 Page 38 of 41 1 Parish of Orleans State of Louisiana Af?davit of Anne Turnbull Comes now, Anne Tumbull, being duly sworn and does depose and state as follows: Iu 1, Anne Tumbull, served on thejury of George Toca, in 1985. It was a murder trial at Criminal District Court. 1 took jury duty very seriously. It was dif?cult to arrange, being sequestered, as I worked days and my husband worked nights. and he had to get time off. I was a medical technologist at the VA. medical center. The judge seemed to heme quite an attitude with the lawyers, and was always trying to move things along faster, to Speed the whole thing up. One important thing that stood out for me was the young girl who was testifying that the defendant was at the hotel on the night of the shooting. She was Very adamant about it. in the jury room we had a question about where the motel was that she said they were staying at. Peeple were talking about the motel being in Kenner somewhere, so they couldn?t have been there. We got a phone book out that was there in thejury room and looked up where the motel was, and saw there were two motels. That helped us clear up the facts, as all the facts had not been given to us on the courtroom. I like to get all the Facts. and tie up all the ends. We needed to ?nd them out for ourselves. I recall having concems about the motel staff not telling the truth about not renting to minors. i wasn't convinced about that either, but we didn?t hear any more evidence about it, though I Would have liked to. Page 1 of2 Initials: .