From: Subject: Date: To: City of Memphis Public Records Request - FOIA :: W009033-082218 August 26, 2019 at 4:32 PM --- THIS EMAIL IS SENT FROM AN UNMONITORED ACCOUNT. DO NOT REPLY --- 08/26/2019 Ms. Wendi Thomas 1 Francis Ave Cambridge MA 02138 RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 8/22/2018, Reference # W009033-082218 Dear Ms. Wendi Thomas, The City received a public records request from you on 8/22/2018. Your request menXoned “Please provide the following from the Memphis Police Department: 1. Any Joint Intelligence Briefings (JIBs) between 1/1/2014 and 8/22/18 that include references to/menXons of journalists Kayleigh Skinner (@kayanneskinner), Andrea Morales (@andreamorales), KaXe Fretland (@kaXefretland) and Wendi C. Thomas (@wendi_c_thomas) and their social media (Facebook and Twieer) accounts. 2. Any emails sent or received by the city Office of Homeland Security that reference/menXon the above-named journalists and/or their social media accounts between 1/1/2014 and 8/22/18 3. Any emails sent or received by Memphis Police from Louis Graham at the Commercial Appeal, Warren Funk represenXng the Commercial Appeal, a Mr. Lowers at the Commercial Appeal, or anyone represenXng the publisher or security at the Commercial Appeal between 7/1/2016 and 8/30/2016 . 4. Any emails, memos, communicaXons, JIBs or other documents that reference journalists and Black Lives Maeer sent/received between 7/1/16 and 12/30/17.” It is not pracXcable for the records you requested to be made promptly available for inspecXon and/or copying because: The office is s*ll in the process of retrieving, reviewing, and/or redac*ng the requested records. The Xme reasonably necessary to produce the record(s) or informaXon and/or to make a determinaXon of a proper response to your request is: September 09, 2019. Sincerely, Public Records Office City of Memphis LILY UI