Interim Guidance for LIMITED OUTDOOR YOUTH SPORTS OPEN FOR YOUTH SPORTS • This guidance specifically addresses skill-building drills and team-based practice, as described in the CDC Guidance on Considerations for Youth Sports. • Develop a plan or checklist for reopening of outdoor facility consistent with CDC guidance that includes: — Communications and signage. — Routine and frequent environmental cleaning and disinfecting, especially for high-touch surfaces, in accordance with CDC recommendations. • Each program shall create a plan or checklist to ensure that: — N o group may exceed 10 individuals at any time. — I ndividuals shall maintain 6 feet of physical distance, wherever and as often as possible. — Staff shall wear face coverings. —T here is a staff training plan that includes COVID-19 prevention. —S taff and youth athletes are screened regularly for illness or exposure to COVID-19. — I f they can be worn safely and consistently, youth athletes age 9 and older shall wear face coverings. —S taff, youth athletes, and parents/ guardians shall wear face coverings when participants are arriving and leaving. — Individuals from outside the program are limited in their interactions with staff and participants, including parents/guardians during drop off/ pick up. —Y outh athletes who are sick from COVID-19 may not attend a practice or training until they are cleared for release from isolation according to CDC guidelines and cleared to return by a healthcare provider. —A ny staff or youth athlete exposed to a person with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 may not attend the program until they have completed quarantine following CDC guidelines. —S ocial distancing protocols and procedures exist for staff, youth athletes and parents/guardians, with special consideration for entrances and exits, queues, bottlenecks, facility layouts, and safe capacity limits. OPEN FOR EMPLOYEES • Train staff on current COVID-19 prevention guidelines, such as hand hygiene and cleaning protocols, along with proper PPE use and disposal. • Implement a daily screening process for staff and youth athletes, which includes CDC or MDH recommended health questions, and consider temperature testing. • Direct staff and parents/guardians of youth athletes to follow CDC and state guidelines regarding home isolation for suspected or confirmed COVID infections. • Require face coverings when interacting with other staff and youth athletes, and parents/guardians, particularly if social distancing cannot be assured. • Train staff on the proper responses to those who challenge social distancing, facial covering, and other protocols. • Evaluate all program activities to identify possible “high-touch” practices and opportunities to reduce or prevent COVID-19 transmission. • Outdoor facility capacity may be limited based upon executive order or other local government guidance. • Check with the local health department for any additional requirements in the jurisdiction For more information go to 05.27.2020 Interim Guidance for LIMITED OUTDOOR YOUTH SPORTS OPEN FOR SOCIAL DISTANCING OPEN FOR CLEANLINESS AND COMFORT OPEN FOR COMMUNICATION • Consider establishing a 6-foot marking system to visually demonstrate the recommended social distancing. • Frequently clean and disinfect equipment and gear, and all hightouch surfaces per CDC guidelines. • Communicate commitment to COVID-19 prevention by posting adherence with the CDC’s guidelines. • Consider staggered practice and training times to minimize bottlenecks at entrances and exits of outdoor facilities. • Make hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, soap and water, or similar disinfectant readily available to parents/guardians, staff, and youth athletes, including at the entrance of the outdoor facility and at bathroom facilities. • Show everyone care by having signage that details social distancing protocol and COVID-19 prevention. • Limit parents/guardians attendance. If it is necessary for them to be at practice, ensure that proper social distancing is maintained between parents/guardians. • Keep each group separate from other groups using physical distance or by using shared areas during breaks, no use of indoor locker facilities, and limit the number of people in shared bathroom facilities to minimize exposure. • Limit all activities to avoid contact. • If food is available at the outdoor facility, the facility will follow the guidance developed for food service. • Communicate with parents or guardians, staff, and youth athletes on the measures taken for their comfort and on the shared responsibility to monitor their health and stay home if not feeling well. • Restrict team huddles, high fives, and handshakes or other close contact activities. All Executive Orders still in effect must be complied with. See most up to date orders here: For more information go to 05.27.2020