Mary D. Coghill Elementary School 2020-2021 Minimum Staffing Budget Includes Federal ESSA, IDEA B and Other Special Funds L.A.U.G.H Object GENERAL FUND SPECIAL FUNDS TOTAL FUNDS ANNUAL BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET REVENUES LOCAL REVENUES Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) Local HB 393 Allocation Total Local Revenues STATE REVENUES 1994 $2,177,428 41,000 2,218,428 $0 0 0 $2,177,428 41,000 2,218,428 Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) State Continuation of Pay Raises (prior year 2020) New Pay Raises (2021) Supplemental Course Academy (SCA) Total State Revenues FEDERAL REVENUES School Food Service Special Education: IDEA Part B Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): Tile I (also includes School Improvement) Title II Improving Teacher Quality Title IV Safe and Drug Free Schools/Comm 3110 $1,258,527 307,500 67,258 8,437 1,641,722 0 0 0 0 0 $1,258,527 307,500 67,258 8,437 1,641,722 4515 0 576,800 576,800 4531 0 108,228 108,228 4541 4545 0 0 389,574 42,860 389,574 42,860 4544 4590 4590 0 0 0 0 0 29,957 12,977 44,955 87,765 1,293,116 29,957 12,977 44,955 87,765 1,293,116 $3,860,150 $1,293,116 $5,153,266 241,500 1,193,935 280,924 138,344 0 0 0 0 241,500 1,193,935 280,924 138,344 0 1,854,703 230,366 230,366 230,366 2,085,069 518,000 27,490 489,141 10,427 70,000 3,340 59,434 1,267 588,000 30,831 548,575 11,694 23,699 1,068,758 2,880 136,921 26,578 1,205,679 36,000 36,000 114,181 114,181 150,181 150,181 50,000 16,000 60,750 0 0 0 50,000 16,000 60,750 249,861 376,611 0 0 249,861 376,611 CARES ACT Total Federal Revenues TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Salaries School Administrators: Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)/School Leaders/Principals Teachers Therapists/Specialists/Counselors Clerical/Secretarial Other Salaries (excludes amounts on lines 74-80) Total Salaries Employee Benefits Health Insurance Benefits-Current Employees Medicare Retirement Unemployment Worker's Compensation Object 100 111 112 113 114 100-150 Object 200 210 225 230-290 250 260 Total Employee Benefits Purchased Professional & Technical Services Other Purchased Prof & Tech Svcs (excluding lines 93-95) Total Purchased Professional & Technical Services Purchased Property Services Water/Sewerage Equipment & Vehicle Rent/Lease Repairs & Maintenance Services Other Purchased Property Services (excluding lines 99-102) Total Purchased Property Services $ Object 300 300-340 Object 400 411 442 430 400-490 Mary D. Coghill Elementary School 2020-2021 Minimum Staffing Budget Includes Federal ESSA, IDEA B and Other Special Funds Other Purchased Services L.A.U.G.H Object Object 500 Purchased Student Transportation Services 510-519 Insurance (property, liability, fleet, 520-529 errors/omissions, etc.) Food Service Management 570 Travel 580-583 Other Purchased Services (excluding lines 500-590 106-109) Total Other Purchased Services Supplies Object 600 Materials and Supplies 610 Utilities (natural gas, electricity, coal, gasoline) 620-629 Other Supplies (excluding lines 113-116) 600-644 Total Supplies Other Uses of Funds Indirect Costs Total Other Uses of Funds TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Object 900 933 GENERAL FUND SPECIAL FUNDS TOTAL FUNDS ANNUAL BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET 648,000 0 648,000 88,550 0 0 0 576,800 0 88,550 576,800 0 38,040 774,590 57,185 633,985 95,225 1,408,575 56,775 150,000 9,960 216,735 44,469 0 110,788 155,257 101,244 150,000 120,748 371,992 (22,406) (22,406) 22,406 22,406 0 0 $1,293,116 $5,598,107 $4,304,991 ($444,841) ($0) ($444,841)