Title: Proposal for Black Lives Matter Street Mural in Downtown Wilmington, NC To: Mayor Bill Saffo and City Council Members From: Janna Siegel Robertson (UNCW), Cedric Harrison (Support the Port), Greyson Davis (GLOW Academy) Request: At the suggestion of and with support from city councilman Kevin Spears, we request permission to paint the words “Black Lives Matters” on Third Street in downtown Wilmington in support of our city’s black residents. The preferred locations would be in front of the 1898 Memorial or in front of the courthouse. The height of the letters would comprise two northbound lanes of Third Street. Included is a mock up as if it were in front of the 1898 memorial. We also provide a photo of the Charlotte BLM mural because we are modeling our mural off of their idea of having different artists decorate separate letters. We will encourage black artists to participate but will include everyone who wants to be involved. Our group would like to complete this mural as soon as possible. We understand we need to coordinate with the city transportation department to ensure street closure safety. Therefore, we ask the city to close down the northbound lanes of Third Street for 72 hours, pending poor weather conditions. Our volunteers plan to draw the letters and paint the base colors in one day/night, while our artists will need two more days/nights to paint the details. We will practice social distancing to protect all participants’ health. We also will clean the location before we leave to make sure it is accessible to the public. Description: Each letter will be painted to depict local African American history as interpreted by local artists and community volunteers. No one will be paid for their contributions. We estimate the costs to be approximately $2000 in paint and supplies. Though we would be grateful for any supplies contributed from city transportation surplus, or any city contributions that are available, we will raise money outside of city funds. Who We Are: Janna Robertson led the Forest of DREAMs mural project, directing over 600 volunteers to paint the 240 foot mural at 10th Street and Fanning Street. She has successfully led community volunteer murals over the past four years including two murals at Eldershaus, several at DC Virgo and one at Mosley PLC. Cedric Harrison, the founder of Support the Port, is a communtiy activitist who promotes local black artists. Greyson Davis is the art teacher at GLOW and a well known local black artist. All three collaborated recently on the “Wilmington N.C. in Color: History in Action” coloring book in stores around town. '11 5' [21:333-5- d' _Cc:r:ktail?- 51." The DfSIrf-Eft? Kr'tche 8: . --Tem f" 11L .-, Harnett St 33933?