TRUMP FENCE l-th-Itl- HM Tu: Mr- Ie? Euclcer Chief lC-?peratin Cl?icer cm; Eruadcasting. Inc. Clne can Center Atlanta. GA. SUEDE cc: Mr- David Vigilante EVP and General lCu-unsel CNN Eruadcasting. Inc. Clne CNN Center Atlanta. GA 333303 Frnm: Dunald I- Trump fur President. Inc- June l?l? Dear Mr. Euclter: The upcuming Nm'emher 3-. EDIE electiun is a ripe target fur peddlers cl-f Inisinfurrnaljun and false. manipulated cuntent. including media pulls. The Iune E. I?l? CNN pull is designed tu mislead American mters thrnugh a hissed and skewed sampling. ing tn uur independent assessment 1Isia the highly.r respected McLaughlin Er Assnciates. "The CNN pull u-ut tuday' is anuther skewed anti-Trump pull at uni}; 3% Republican. It?s a pull uf adults - nut even registered s'uters. let alune liltele.r 1Isuters. Alsu. it was dune between Iune 2nd and 5th. hefure the great ecunumic news frutn last Friday-? Further. the questiuns and tupics selected likely.r hiased the pull Further- Media pulls such as these are designed tn manufacture an anti-Trump narrative and and mislead actual vuters- It's a stunt and a phuny' pull tn cause 1.ruter suppressiun. sti?e mumentum and enthusiasm fur the President. and present a false 1rial-if generally uf the actual suppurt acruss America fur the President. Instances such as this 1.Irill nut he the last time that pollsters manipulate pulling data tu- manufacture the uutcurne and air nusinfunnaljun tu the American peuple- If CNN is genuiner committed tu free and fair electiuns. repurting accuratel].r and trudii'iilly. and pulling the genuine pulse uf American vuters. rather than seeking tn harm die Dnnald I- Trump fur President. Inc. campaign. we urge tu immediater currect its inaccurate and skewed pull- Hum-dd Trump- I:th President. I 735- Are. l5": Fl, New Tut's. HT IUHEE Paid t'nr Trump Fur President, Inc- enrich-in The poll is intentionally false. defamatory. and misleading. and designed to harm the Donald Trump for President. lnc. campaign. You are of?cially on notice ofthis dispute and therefore you are required to undertake steps to affirmatively preserve. and not deleoe. any and all physical and electronic documents. materials. information. and data that pertain in any way to the lune 3. 202B poll. including without limitation all emails. text messages. instant messages letters and memoranda. articles. and social media postings {including all dra?s as well as ?nal versions of all written communications}. as well as all other types of written. physical and digital materials. including handwritten notes. typewritten notes. summaries. charts. receipts. audio recordings. video recordings. photo-graphs, telephone call logs. calendar entries of al types. ?nancial data and information. etc. that pertain in any way or might otherwise be relevant or related to the foregoing matters. All sources of documents. materials. information. and data should be preserved. including without limitation. physical ?les. electronic ?les. computer servers. email servers. backup tapes, cloud storage. personal computers. hard drives. smart phones, tablets. and ether types of storage devices including external drives. thumb driees.1ip drives. dislts and DVDs. Failure to a?irmatiyely preset-ye such documents and materials could result in severe sanctions imposted by a court which could include. among other remedies. monetary sanctions. eyid entiary sanctions. issue sanctions andfor the striltin of answer and entry of default iudgment. This letter is not intended as a full or complete statement of all relevant facts. application law. causes of actions or legal remedies. and nothing herein is intended as. nor should it be deemed to constitute. a waiyer or relinquishment of any rights. remedies. claims or causes of action on behalf ofthe Donald I. Trump for President. lnc. campaign. all of which are hereby expressly reserved. Regards. Ienna Ellis. Esq. Michael Glassner Senior legal Adviser Chief Dperating {Jf?cer Donald I. Trump for President, lnc. Donald I. Trump for President, lnc. Donald 'l'rtunp- Inc. 735 AW. l'l. New ?t'nrlt. N'i' llJitI-I i uni-wslunaltiilrumpm::rn Paid for by Donald j. Trump fur President, Inc-