What to Expect When It Gets Hotter: The Impacts of Prenatal Exposure to Extreme Heat on Maternal Health∗ Jiyoon Kim† Ajin Lee‡ Maya Rossin-Slater§ January 7, 2020 Abstract We use temperature variation within narrowly-defined geographic and demographic cells to show that exposure to extreme heat increases the risk of maternal hospitalization during pregnancy for potentially life-threatening causes. We find that this effect is driven by women residing in historically cooler rather than hotter counties, suggesting that adaptation plays a role in mitigating the health impacts of weather shocks. We also find that the heat-induced deterioration in maternal pregnancy health is larger for black than for white mothers, suggesting that projected increases in extreme heat over the next century may further exacerbate the black-white maternal health gap. ∗ We thank Alan Barreca, Janet Currie, Bhash Mazumder, Ciaran Phibbs, as well as participants at the 2019 American Society of Health Economists annual meeting and the 2020 Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) annual meeting. We use the State Inpatient Databases from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, provided by the Arizona Department of Health Services, the New York State Department of Health, and the Washington State Department of Health. We thank Jean Roth at the National Bureau of Economic Research for assistance with the data. † Department of Economics, Elon University; E-mail: jkim14@elon.edu ‡ Department of Economics, Michigan State University. E-mail: leeajin@msu.edu. § Department of Medicine, Stanford University; NBER; IZA. E-mail: mrossin@stanford.edu. 1 1 Introduction The United States has experienced a deterioration in maternal pregnancy- and childbirth-related health over the last several decades (Kassebaum et al., 2016), and the burden of health complications is not borne equally by all mothers. For instance, black women are 3.3 times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than their white counterparts (Petersen et al., 2019). Most discussions about maternal health have focused on the role of the health care system, but we know much less about other—environmental —determinants of maternal health and the racial disparities in it.1 This paper studies the impact of an environmental factor that is becoming increasingly relevant due to the growing consensus that climate change is contributing to a gradual warming of the earth (NASA, 2013): exposure to extreme heat. Specifically, we estimate the effect of exposure to extreme temperature during pregnancy on maternal hospitalizations, using the universe of administrative inpatient discharge records from three U.S. states: Arizona, New York, and Washington. In addition to providing us with rich data on maternal health and health care utilization during pregnancy, at childbirth, and in the postpartum period, these states vary in their historical weather patterns, allowing us to examine the role of adaptation in mitigating the potential health impacts of temperature shocks. As individuals in historically hotter places may adapt to high temperatures through the adoption of mitigating technologies such as air conditioning and behavioral responses such as spending more time indoors (Graff Zivin and Neidell, 2014), the health costs of extreme heat may be disproportionately borne by individuals residing in historically cooler areas. Consistent with this notion, several studies have documented such geographic heterogeneity in the relationship between temperature and elderly mortality (Deschênes and Greenstone, 2011; Barreca et al., 2015; 2016; Carleton et al., 2018). To identify the causal effects of extreme temperature, we leverage arguably exogenous temporal variation within narrowly-defined geographic and demographic cells. Our preferred models control for a full set of birth-county×birth-month×race fixed effects, birth-state×birth-year fixed effects, and a quadratic time trend interacted with birth-county×birth-month indicators. As a concrete example, consider a black woman giving birth in Queens county, New York, in August 2010 and a black woman giving birth in the same county in August 2011. Our empirical strategy leverages the difference between these women in the temperature deviation during their pregnancies from the Queens-specific quadratic trend among all August births, while controlling for the average difference in pregnancy temperature exposure between all New York state births in 2010 and 2011. We find that exposure to extreme heat has adverse impacts on women’s health during pregnancy, and that this health cost is not distributed equally across mothers. We estimate that an additional 1 For examples of these discussions in the press, see: https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/6/26/ 15872734/what-no-one-tells-new-moms-about-what-happens-after-childbirth https://www.npr.org/2017/05/12/528098789/u-s-has-the-worst-rate-of-maternal-deaths-in-thedeveloped-world https://www.npr.org/2017/05/12/527806002/focus-on-infants-during-childbirth-leaves-u-s-moms-indanger. 2 day during the first trimester with an average temperature above 90◦ F increases the likelihood that a woman is hospitalized during pregnancy by 0.03 percentage points, which represents a 0.8 percent effect at the sample mean. This effect is driven by hospitalizations for emergency or urgent reasons, suggesting that it represents a deterioration in underlying maternal health rather than a change in women’s ability to access health care. When we examine the timing of prenatal hospitalization, we find that extreme heat in the first trimester has both immediate and latent impacts, as measured by heightened risks of hospitalization both in the first and third trimesters. Analysis of diagnosis codes further indicates that this effect is driven by hospitalizations due to a variety of pregnancy complications, including hemorrhage in early pregnancy, antepartum hemorrhage, excessive vomiting, early or threatened labor, and infectious and parasitic conditions. Several of these conditions are serious and potentially deadly— Kuriya et al. (2016) report that hemorrhage is the third leading cause of maternal pregnancy-related death, while infections can result in sepsis, which is the top cause of maternal pregnancy-related death in the United States. We next document that the aggregate effect on pregnancy hospitalizations is entirely driven by women residing in historically cooler counties with below-median daily mean temperatures. For these women, we observe a 0.1 percentage point increase in the likelihood of an emergency or urgent hospitalization during pregnancy (4.4 percent at the sample mean). This pattern suggests that because historically cooler places are likely less adapted to extreme heat than historically hotter areas, mothers residing in cooler places bear a disproportionate cost to their pregnancy health.2 We also show that the effects on prenatal hospitalizations are much more pronounced for black than for white mothers. For black women, an additional day during the first trimester with average temperature above 90◦ F increases the likelihood of first and third trimester hospitalization by 0.04 and 0.08 percentage points, respectively, representing 3.2 and 2.3 percent effect sizes at the sample means. By contrast, for white women, the corresponding coefficients are much smaller and statistically insignificant. Lastly, we estimate that an additional day with above-90-degree heat in the first trimester raises maternal length of hospital stay at the time of childbirth by 0.006 days (0.2 percent). Similar to the findings on prenatal hospitalizations, the increase in length of stay at childbirth is greater in cooler than in hotter counties. However, we find that the effect on length of hospital stay at childbirth is driven entirely by white rather than black mothers. We further show that, for white mothers, prenatal heat exposure reduces the likelihood of postpartum hospital readmission. These results may reflect widely documented racial disparities in the types and quality of health services received 2 We have also considered modeling differences in effects based on air conditioning (AC) adoption rates. However, AC data, available from the Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), only exist in three years over our sample period (2001, 2005, and 2009) and are aggregated to the Census region level. Given that we only use inpatient data from three states in our analysis, we do not have sufficient variation to estimate heterogeneous effects based on AC adoption rates. 3 by women (Nelson, 2002; Hostetter and Klein, 2018)—compared to black mothers, white mothers may be more successful in compensating for prenatal health shocks by staying longer at the hospital when giving birth, thus averting future hospital readmissions in the postpartum period. Our study contributes to a burgeoning literature, which has identified adverse short-term impacts of extreme temperature on several outcomes, including elderly mortality (Deschênes and Moretti, 2009; Deschênes and Greenstone, 2011), population-level emergency department visits and hospitalizations (Green et al., 2010; White, 2017), and cognitive performance (Cho, 2017; Garg et al., 2018; Goodman et al., 2018; Graff Zivin, Hsiang, and Neidell, 2018). Multiple studies have further documented negative effects of in utero heat exposure on birth outcomes—including birth weight, gestation length, and the probability of stillbirth (e.g., Deschênes et al., 2009; Dadvand et al., 2011; Schifano et al., 2016; Auger et al., 2017; Ha et al., 2017a,b; Kuehn and McCormick, 2017; Barreca and Schaller, 2019)—highlighting the sensitivity of the prenatal period to extreme heat.3 To the best of our knowledge, only one prior study has analyzed the relationship between prenatal heat exposure and maternal health, using information on mothers’ pregnancy risk factors and labor/delivery complications reported on birth certificates (Cil and Cameron, 2017). However, as multiple validation studies indicate that maternal pregnancy risk factors, obstetric procedures, and complications of labor and delivery are heavily under-reported on birth certificates (Parrish et al., 1993; Buescher et al., 1993; Piper et al, 1993; Dobie et al., 1998; Reichman and Hade, 2001; DiGiuseppe et al., 2002; Roohan et al., 2003; Lydon-Rochelle et al., 2005), and the degree of under-reporting varies with maternal demographic characteristics and birth outcomes (Reichman and Schwartz-Soicher, 2007), analyses of maternal health based on birth records data are likely subject to bias from non-random measurement error. We address this issue by instead using inpatient discharge records that provide more accurate information on maternal health at each hospital visit, and allow us to examine diagnoses and the timing of prenatal health insults. Our findings suggest that, in the absence of mitigating interventions, the projected increase in exposure to extreme heat over the next century may contribute to further worsening of maternal health. This deterioration in maternal health is likely to be greater in historically cooler areas, which have had less scope for adaptive responses. Moreover, since black women are both more likely to be exposed to extreme heat (due to differences in residence locations and in access to mitigating technologies such as air conditioning, see O’Neill et al., 2005; Gronlund, 2014) and experience larger adverse impacts of heat exposure on pregnancy-related health, our estimates imply that climate change could further exacerbate racial disparities in maternal health. 3 Fetuses and infants are sensitive to extreme heat due to their developing thermoregulatory and sympathetic nervous systems; see Young (2002); Knobel and Holditch-Davis (2007); Xu et al. (2012). Two recent studies have also shown that early life heat exposure has lasting negative effects on long-term cognitive ability (Hu and Li, 2019) and adult earnings (Isen, Rossin-Slater, and Walker, 2017). 4 2 Data Our data comes from the State Inpatient Databases (SID) from the Healthcare Cost and Uti- lization Project (HCUP). The SID are state-specific files that contain the universe of inpatient records from participating states. Since the availability of variables varies across states and years, we focus on three states that contain all three of the key variables necessary for our analysis: (1) patient county of residence, (2) admission month, and (3) encrypted person identifiers to track patients over time in the same state. Our resulting sample consists of 2.72 million inpatient records of 2.24 million mothers from Arizona (2003 to 2007), New York (2003 to 2013), and Washington (2003 to 2013). We use diagnosis codes to identify inpatient visits associated with childbirth.4 Since less than two percent of all births occur outside of hospitals during our analysis time period, we observe the near-universe of all mothers giving birth in our analysis states.5 We also identify maternal hospitalizations during pregnancy (i.e., those occurring in the 9 months before delivery) and postpartum hospital re-admissions using patient identifiers. To measure temperature exposure, we obtain data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). We have information on the mean, maximum, and minimum daily ground temperature and precipitation levels for every county and year-month during our analysis time frame. We then merge these data to the maternal inpatient records, using information on the mother’s county of residence at the time of delivery. We use the mother’s year and month of delivery to assign exposure to temperature during pregnancy by assuming a 40-week pregnancy duration for all observations.6 Distribution of Temperature Exposure. Figure 1 shows the distribution of daily average temperature in Arizona, New York, and Washington during our sample period. We compute the average number of days per year falling into each of the 10 temperature bins expressed in Fahrenheit degrees. When we measure temperature exposure during pregnancy for each woman, we find that five percent of observations in our data have non-zero exposure to above-90-degree heat. Summary Statistics. Panel A of Table 1 shows the average number of days per year with mean temperature falling in different bins in each of our three analysis states. Arizona on average 4 5 We use DRG 370-375 or 765-768 & 774-775, depending on the version of DRG. See https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db144.htm for statistics on out-of-hospital births in the U.S. 6 We have information on gestational age for only about 10 percent of our HCUP sample, which comes from diagnosis codes. It appears that gestational age is only recorded in cases where there are health complications, and we find that children with gestational age information have lower birth weight, longer length of stay, and higher likelihoods of readmission and death than those without gestational age information. Moreover, using actual pregnancy duration to assign exposure can be problematic due to the possible endogeneity of gestational age with respect to the in utero shock (Currie and Rossin-Slater, 2013). 5 experiences 17 days per year with mean temperatures above 90◦ F. By contrast, New York and Washington have substantially fewer days with above 90◦ F mean temperatures. These differences underscore the importance of examining heterogeneity across local areas with different historical climates. Panel B of Table 1 provides means of maternal health outcomes that we analyze (expressed as rates per 100 mothers). Approximately four percent of women get hospitalized during pregnancy, with the most common diagnosis being a pregnancy-related complication. Overall, 0.5, 1.2, and 2.6 percent of women are hospitalized in the first, second, and third trimesters, respectively. There are some meaningful differences in the maternal health outcomes across the three states, highlighting an additional reason for including state×year fixed effects in all our regression models, which we describe in more detail next. 3 Empirical Strategy A robust medical literature discusses the biological mechanisms through which extreme heat could be damaging to human health, and highlights that exposure to extreme temperature can be particularly risky for pregnant women. The underlying issue is that pregnant women are not able to regulate temperature as efficiently as non-pregnant individuals due to the physiologic changes they undergo during gestation (Schifano et al., 2016), which means that elevated body temperature during pregnancy can lead to various complications. Heat exposure can alter placental blood flow patterns, which can reduce the integrity of the placenta and increase the chance of abruption (He et al., 2018). Heat could further raise the likelihood of other serious pregnancy complications, including hypertension, preeclampsia, and prolonged premature rupture of membranes (Beltran et al., 2014, Yackerson et al., 2007). In addition, elevated temperature can increase the fetal heart rate and lead to uterine contractions (Vaha-Eskeli and Erkkola, 1991). All of these issues can translate into women needing to be hospitalized during pregnancy and experiencing complications at and even after childbirth. The goal of this paper is to quantify the causal relationship between extreme heat and maternal health. A central challenge is that exposure to hot days is not randomly assigned. For instance, several studies have documented differences in the health and human capital outcomes of children born in different months of the year due to selection into conception based on parental characteristics and differential exposure to seasonal factors such as the influenza virus (Buckles and Hungerman, 2013; Currie and Schwandt, 2013). In addition, there is non-random sorting of families into hotter and colder regions of the country based on incomes, preferences, and other characteristics, suggesting that cross-sectional comparisons between mothers residing in different regions are unlikely to isolate the causal effects of temperature exposure from the influences of other factors. To address this challenge, we follow the prior literature by leveraging temperature variation 6 within narrowly defined geographic and demographic cells, and flexibly accounting for local outcome trends. We first collapse our data into cells defined by all possible combinations between the mother’s county of residence at delivery, the year-month of childbirth, and race/ethnicity categories (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian American, and other). We then use the following regression model to estimate the effects of exposure to extreme temperature during pregnancy: Yc,y,m,r = α+ 3 10 X X βt,j T empt,j c,y,m + t=1 j=1,j6=7 3 X f (P reciptc,y,m )+θc,m,r +ηy,s(c) +δc,m ×f (y)+ c,y,m,r (1) t=1 Yc,y,m,r is an outcome for a mother residing in county c, giving birth in year y and month m, of race/ethnicity r, and we rescale the outcomes by multiplying by 100 (e.g., the number of mothers admitted to the hospital during pregnancy per 100 mothers). The variables T empt,j c,y,m represent the number of days in trimester t falling into each (j) of the 10 bins of temperature, ranging from less than 10◦ F to 90◦ F or more, as illustrated in Figure 1.7 The bin representing temperatures in the [60o F , 70o F ) range is omitted as the reference group. Thus, the βt,j coefficients can be interpreted as estimates of the impact of an additional day in a given temperature range (j) relative to a day in the [60o F , 70o F ) range in trimester t. We are particularly interested in the coefficient βt,10 , which measures the effect of an additional above-90-degree day in each trimester t. We control for indicators for the bottom and the top terciles of mean precipitation in each trimester, f (P reciptc,y,m ). θc,m,r are fixed effects for every birth-county×birth-month×race cell. ηy,s(c) are birth-state×birth-year fixed effects, which account for differential outcome trends across states, any state time-varying policies, and the fact that we observe states in different sets of years in the HCUP data. δc,m × f (y) are county-by-calendar-month-specific trends (e.g., Queens-Countyby-August-specific trends), which we model with a quadratic polynomial. To further account for differential population sorting based on temperature, we control for the average number of mothers per 100 residing in zip codes in different quartiles of the median income distribution. We weight all regressions by cell size.8 Because weather is highly spatially correlated, we cluster our standard errors on the commuting zone level.9 Identifying Assumption. Our model identifies the effects of extreme heat exposure using year- to-year deviations in temperature from the county-month trend within each cell. Thus, our estimates of βt,j represent causal effects of pregnancy exposure to temperature under the assumption that the within-cell variation in temperature (conditional on birth-state×birth-year fixed effects and 7 In some specifications, we examine the effect of the number entire period of pregP3 Pof10 days during the t,j nancy falling into each temperature bin. That is, we replace β T emp t,j c,y,m in equation (1) with t=1 j=1,j6=7 P10 j β T emp . c,y,m j=1,j6=7 j 8 Results based on collapsed data with cell size weights are identical to those using the underlying individual-level data, since we do not have any other individual-level controls. 9 Our results are also robust to using an alternative adjustment of standard errors to reflect spatial dependence, as modeled by Conley (1999) and implemented by Hsiang (2010). Results available upon request. 7 county×calendar-month trends) is uncorrelated with other determinants of maternal health. While this assumption is inherently untestable, we present some indirect tests to assess its plausibility. First, we check whether there is any systematic relationship between temperature variation and population demographic characteristics. We collapse our data to the birth-county×birthyear×birth-month level, and estimate a version of equation (1), excluding controls for demographic characteristics and zip code income quartiles. As outcomes, we consider the number of mothers who are of different races/ethnicities and the numbers of mothers residing in zip codes in different quartiles of the median income distribution per 100. Panel A of Appendix Table A.1 shows that our measure of extreme heat exposure is not correlated with the shares of mothers who are white, black, or Asian. However, we do find a positive correlation between the number of mothers who are Hispanic and the number of days above 90 degrees during pregnancy, suggesting the importance of examining the effects of heat exposure within cells defined by different race/ethnicity subgroups.10 In panel B of Appendix Table A.1, we find a marginally significant positive correlation between heat exposure during pregnancy and the share of mothers residing in zip codes in the third quartile of the median income distribution (but not with the shares of mothers in other quartiles). To address the concern that differential trends in exposure to heat are correlated with income, we include controls for zip code level income quartiles in all of our regression models. Second, we test the robustness of our results to including hypothetical exposure to temperature assuming a mother gave birth two years prior to her actual delivery year-month. As we show below, we find that our main effects of exposure during pregnancy remain strong and significant even when we add two-year leads in temperature exposure. 4 Results Table 2 and Figure 2(a)-(c) show that extreme heat exposure during the first trimester raises the likelihood that a mother is hospitalized during pregnancy. Specifically, we find that an additional day with above-90-degree heat during the first trimester raises the likelihood that a mother is hospitalized during pregnancy by 0.03 percentage points, which translates into a 0.8 percent effect size when evaluated at the sample mean.11 In column (2) of Table 2, we show that the increase 10 In supplementary analyses, we have also examined the relationship between extreme heat and the sex ratio at birth, finding no significant effects (results available upon request). The lack of relationship between extreme heat exposure and infant sex suggests that there is no significant effect on miscarriages, as changes in the sex ratio at birth are often used as proxies for changes in miscarriage rates (e.g., Sanders and Stoecker, 2015; Halla and Zweimüller, 2013). 11 Appendix Table A.2 shows how the estimates change as we add in different fixed effects and trends. Adding in race×birth-county×birth-month fixed effects substantially changes the estimates on heat exposure during the first trimester, highlighting the importance of controlling for differences in maternal outcomes across counties and birth months. Further adding in state×year fixed effects and quadratic county×month trends increases the precision and the magnitudes of the estimates slightly. However, the estimates on heat exposure during the first trimester in 8 in prenatal hospitalizations is driven entirely by visits for emergency or urgent reasons rather than scheduled appointments, which implies a deterioration in underlying maternal health as opposed to an improvement in health care access or utilization. In Figure 3, we present estimates and 95% confidence intervals from regression models that use indicators for various diagnoses codes associated with prenatal hospitalization as outcomes. We find that the increase in maternal hospitalizations in response to extreme heat during the first trimester is driven by a range of pregnancy complications (ICD-9 codes 640-649). Specifically, these include hospitalizations due to hemorrhage in early pregnancy (ICD 640), antepartum hemorrhage (ICD 641), excessive vomiting (ICD 643), early or threatened labor (ICD 644), and infectious and parasitic conditions (ICD 647). Several of these conditions can be life-threatening—hemorrhage is the third leading cause of maternal pregnancy-related death, while infections can result in sepsis, which is the number one cause of maternal pregnancy-related death (Kuriya et al., 2016). Next, we examine heterogeneity in the effect on maternal hospitalizations during pregnancy by geography, timing of the hospitalization, and maternal race. Adaptation and Heterogeneity Across Historically Cooler and Hotter Counties. To examine the role of adaptation to extreme heat, we study differences between mothers residing in counties with below- and above-median daily mean temperatures averaged over the whole data period. Table 3 and Figure 2(d)-(i) show that the effect of extreme heat on maternal pregnancy hospitalization is driven entirely by women residing in cooler rather than hotter counties. Specifically, an additional day with above-90-degree temperature increases the likelihood of an emergency or urgent hospitalization during pregnancy by 0.11 percentage points (or 4.4 percent) for mothers in below-median counties. For mothers in above-median counties, the corresponding estimate is much smaller and statistically insignificant. Moreover, the difference in the effects on emergency/urgent hospitalizations between mothers in below-median and above-median counties is statistically significant (p-value: 0.009). Further, in Appendix Figure A.1, we show that the effect sizes for different diagnosis categories are larger in cooler than in hotter counties. Timing of Hospitalization and Differences by Maternal Race. We investigate the timing of prenatal hospitalization in Table 4 and find that extreme heat exposure during the first trimester has both immediate and latent effects on prenatal hospitalization for mothers. Specifically, Panel B of Table 4 suggests that additional day with above-90-degree heat in the first trimester increases the likelihood of hospitalization in the first trimester by 0.01 percentage points and hospitalization in the third trimester by 0.02 percentage points. Further, we find that the effect of exposure to extreme heat is much more pronounced for black than for white mothers. Table 5 shows that an additional day with above-90-degree heat increases columns (3) and (4) are within the confidence interval of our main estimate in column (5), [0.009, 0.053], suggesting that our main results are not driven by a particular choice of fixed effects and trends. 9 first trimester hospitalizations by 0.04 percentage points (or 3.2 percent) and third trimester hospitalizations by 0.08 percentage points (2.3 percent) for black mothers. By contrast, we find no significant relationship between heat exposure and prenatal hospitalizations in any trimester for white mothers. The differences in effects are statistically significant (p-values are 0.014 and 0.077, respectively, for first and third trimester hospitalizations).12 Appendix Figure A.2 also shows that the coefficient magnitudes for effects on various diagnosis categories are larger for black than for white mothers (although the differences here are not always statistically significant, due to reduced power when focusing on specific diagnosis codes). Lastly, Table 6 demonstrates that the increases in prenatal hospitalizations for black mothers are much larger in historically cooler counties for all three trimesters, highlighting once again the importance of adaptation. The differences in estimated coefficients are statistically significant with p-values close to zero. On the whole, these results suggest that temperature exposure may be an important determinant of the widely documented black-white gap in maternal pregnancy-related health. In particular, as black mothers are on average exposed to more days with extreme heat than white mothers, our estimates imply that disparities in both the levels of extreme heat exposure and the magnitudes of the effects of exposure could help explain the racial gap in maternal health. Maternal Health at and after Childbirth. Table 7 presents results for maternal length of hospital stay at the time of childbirth and readmission to the hospital after childbirth. Column (1) of Table 7 shows that an additional day with above-90-degree heat in the first trimester leads to a significant 0.006 day increase in the average length of stay (0.2 percent). Consistent with our results on prenatal hospitalizations, Table 8 shows that the increase in maternal length of stay is larger in historically cooler than in hotter counties, and the difference is marginally significant (p-value: 0.063). However, unlike the results for pregnancy hospitalizations, Table 9 shows that the effect on maternal length of stay is larger for white than for black mothers (although the difference is not statistically significant at conventional levels). This pattern provides suggestive evidence that white mothers may be better able to compensate for adverse health effects by staying longer in the hospital at childbirth, reflecting racial disparities in women’s ability to access health care resources (Nelson, 2002; Hostetter and Klein, 2018). We do not find any evidence that prenatal heat exposure raises the likelihood that a mother is readmitted to the hospital in the postpartum period. If anything, Table 7 shows that third trimester exposure to extreme heat reduces the risk of postpartum readmission on average. That said, the negative effect on postpartum readmission is driven entirely by white mothers (Table 9), while the coefficient for black mothers is positive (albeit insignificant). This pattern is again consistent with the idea that white mothers are able to compensate for prenatal health insults by 12 When we estimate our models separately for black and white mothers, we drop counties that have fewer than 50 black or white mothers. This sample restriction allows us to identify the effects for each subgroup by providing sufficient variation in temperature exposure conditional on a large set of fixed effects and trends. 10 staying longer at the hospital at the time of childbirth, which may avert the need for postpartum hospital readmission. 4.1 Additional Results Placebo Temperature Exposure. To assess the possibility of bias due to differential trends in temperature exposure that are not controlled for in our main regression models, we test the robustness of our results to including two-year leads of temperature exposure. In particular, for every birth-county×birth-year-month, we calculate the hypothetical exposure to temperature assuming that the child had been born two years prior. We use a two-year (instead of a one-year) lead to avoid confounding our estimates with possible effects of temperature on conception or fertility (Lam et al., 1994; Barreca et al., 2015; Wilde et al., 2017). Appendix Table A.3 shows that our main results are robust to the inclusion of this placebo control. Controlling for Air Pollution. Further, since prior research shows that pollution is highly correlated with weather and affects population health (e.g., Ye et al., 2012), we estimate our main models, controlling for the air quality index (AQI) as measured by the Environmental Protection Agency. Since AQI is not available for all counties and year/months in our analysis sample, we also re-run our main specifications using a subsample of the data with non-missing AQI measures. We find that our estimates are similar and robust to including pollution controls (see Appendix Table A.4). Alternative Relative Temperature Exposure Measure. Lastly, as an alternative way of examining the role of adaptation to extreme heat, we estimate models that analyze the relationship between maternal hospitalizations and temperature deviations from the historical county-month mean. We calculate the average temperature for every county-month (e.g., July in Queens county, NY), using data from all available years. Then, for every month in all county-year combinations (e.g., July 2012 in Queens county, NY), we calculate the difference between the given month’s mean temperature and the overall average for that county-month, and divide by the standard deviation (SD). We thus obtain a z-score that allows us to classify each month in any given county-year based on its deviation from the overall county-month average. We then estimate a regression model analogous to equation (1), except that instead of measuring the number of days that fall into each of the ten bins of temperature in absolute terms (◦ F), we use eight bins of SDs of temperature from the county-month average, ranging from less than −3 SDs to at least 3 SDs or more. We report the coefficient on the number of days with “above-3-SD” heat during pregnancy in Appendix Table A.5. If anything, using the relative measure of temperature exposure strengthens our results. We find that an additional day with “above-3-SD” heat is associated with a larger increase in the likelihood 11 of maternal hospitalization during pregnancy than an additional day with above-90◦ F.13 These results underscore the role of adaptation and indicate that extreme heat is particularly damaging when it is a relatively rare event. 5 Conclusion Scientists predict that global average temperatures will rise over the next 50 to 100 years, mostly due to a shift to the right in the upper tail of the temperature distribution. For instance, the number of days with mean temperature above 90◦ F in the average American county is forecasted to increase from about 1 to approximately 43 per year by 2070-2099 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2014). Understanding the health consequences of this increase in extreme heat is critical for informing discussions about the costs of climate change and the possible benefits of mitigating policies. Moreover, the growing literature that demonstrates heterogeneity in effects of heat across regions with different average temperatures and the importance of adaptation (Deschênes and Greenstone, 2011; Graff Zivin et al., 2014; Barreca et al., 2015; Barreca et al., 2016; Carleton et al., 2018) suggests that extreme deviations from typical weather may be particularly damaging. In this paper, we contribute to the evidence on the costs of exposure to extreme heat by documenting maternal health impacts. We use the universe of inpatient discharge records from three states and find that exposure to extreme heat in the first trimester of pregnancy leads to an increase in women’s emergency and urgent prenatal hospitalizations for pregnancy-related complications that are potentially life-threatening. The fact that the increase in hospitalizations during pregnancy is larger in historically cooler than hotter counties highlights the importance of adaptation, and the larger effects for black than for white mothers suggest that climate change may exacerbate the already substantial racial gap in maternal health. We further find that prenatal exposure to extreme heat raises maternal length of hospital stay at the time of childbirth and reduces the likelihood of postpartum hospital readmission, which may in part represent a compensatory response for prenatal health insults. The fact that these effects are only observed for white and not black mothers is consistent with the widely documented racial disparities in the amount and quality of health care services received by patients, possibly due to factors including implicit bias and structural racism (Hostetter and Klein, 2018). One limitation of our study is that we are not able to measure health impacts not captured by the hospitalizations data. Just like measures of maternal health in birth records may miss effects on other aspects of health that we do measure, our estimates based on hospitalizations cannot capture potential impacts on more minor health insults that do not lead to hospital encounters. Future research may expand our understanding of these effects with better data on other health 13 Appendix Table A.6 summarizes the temperature cutoffs for our relative measure of extreme heat (i.e., above3-SD heat). It shows that the relative measure covers a larger range of temperature than the absolute measure of above 90◦ F, which explains the discrepancy in the estimates between the two measures. 12 conditions. 13 References Auger, N., W. D. Fraser, A. Smargiassi, M. Bilodeau-Bertrand, and T. Kotasky (2017). Elevated Outdoor Temperatures and Risk of Stillbirth. Int. J. 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We compute daily average temperature by taking the average of minimum and maximum temperature in a given day measured at weather stations in Arizona 2003 to 2007, New York 2003 to 2013, and Washington 2003 to 2013. 19 .05 .05 .1 .1 .06 .04 0 .02 −.1 −.05 −.05 0 0 −.02 −.04 <10 10−19 20−29 30−39 40−49 50−59 60−69 70−79 80−89 >90 <10 10−19 20−29 30−39 Temperature bins 40−49 50−59 60−69 70−79 80−89 >90 30−39 40−49 50−59 30−39 60−69 70−79 80−89 >90 50−59 60−69 70−79 80−89 >90 .4 .2 0 −.2 <10 10−19 20−29 30−39 Temperature bins 40−49 50−59 60−69 70−79 80−89 >90 <10 10−19 20−29 30−39 Temperature bins 40−49 50−59 60−69 70−79 80−89 >90 Temperature bins (e) Hospitalization during pregnancy, trimester 2 exposure, colder counties (f) Hospitalization during pregnancy, trimester 3 exposure, colder counties <10 10−19 20−29 30−39 40−49 50−59 60−69 70−79 80−89 Temperature bins >90 <10 10−19 20−29 30−39 40−49 50−59 60−69 70−79 80−89 Temperature bins >90 −.1 −.1 −.15 −.05 −.1 −.05 0 −.05 0 .05 0 .05 .1 .05 .1 (d) Hospitalization during pregnancy, trimester 1 exposure, colder counties 40−49 .6 .1 −.1 −.2 −.3 20−29 20−29 (c) Hospitalization during pregnancy, trimester 3 exposure 0 .1 0 −.1 −.2 10−19 10−19 Temperature bins (b) Hospitalization during pregnancy, trimester 2 exposure .2 (a) Hospitalization during pregnancy, trimester 1 exposure <10 <10 Temperature bins <10 10−19 20−29 30−39 40−49 50−59 60−69 70−79 80−89 >90 Temperature bins (g) Hospitalization during pregnancy, trimester 1 exposure, hotter counties (h) Hospitalization during pregnancy, trimester 2 exposure, hotter counties (i) Hospitalization during pregnancy, trimester 3 exposure, hotter counties Figure 2: Effects of Temperature During Pregnancy on Any Prenatal Hospitalization Notes: The figures plot regression coefficients, βt,j , from equation (1) for each temperature bin (j) for each trimester (t) with 95% confidence intervals. Outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. Standard errors are clustered by the commuting zone level. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birth-county×birth-month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. 20 ICD 640−649 ICD 640 ICD 641 ICD 642 ICD 643 ICD 644 ICD 645 ICD 646 ICD 647 ICD 648 ICD 649 −.02 0 .02 Parameter estimate .04 .06 Figure 3: Effects of Temperature Above 90 Degrees During the First Trimester on Diagnoses at Prenatal Hospitalization Notes: The figure plots separate regression coefficients, β1,10 , from equation (1) for temperature above 90-degrees for the first trimester with 95% confidence intervals for each diagnosis category. Outcomes are rescaled by multiplying by 100. ICD codes 640-649 indicate “complications mainly related to pregnancy.” The definition of each subcategory is as follows. ICD 640: Hemorrhage in early pregnancy; ICD 641: Antepartum hemorrhage abruptio placentae and placenta previa; ICD 642: Hypertension complicating pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium; ICD 643: Excessive vomiting in pregnancy; ICD 644: Early or threatened labor; ICD 645: Late pregnancy; ICD 646: Other complications of pregnancy not elsewhere classified; ICD 647: Infectious and parasitic conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy childbirth or the puerperium; ICD 648: Other current conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy childbirth or the puerperium; ICD 649: Other conditions or status of the mother complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium. Standard errors are clustered by the commuting zone level. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birth-county×birth-month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. 21 7 Tables Table 1: Summary Statistics (1) (2) (3) (4) Combining three states Arizona New York Washington 5.206 1.178 38.907 16.533 3.324 0.046 1.612 0.003 Any hospitalization during pregnancy Emergency/urgent hospitalization during pregnancy 3.995 2.571 3.645 2.945 4.032 2.601 4.022 2.335 Diagnoses at prenatal hospitalization Pregnancy-related complication (ICD 640-649) Hemorrhage in early pregnancy (ICD 640) Antepartum hemorrhage (ICD 641) Hypertension complications (ICD 642) Excessive vomiting in pregnancy (ICD 643) Early or threatened labor (ICD 644) Late pregnancy (ICD 645) Other complications (ICD 646) Infectious and parasitic conditions (ICD 647) Other current conditions (ICD 648) Other conditions (ICD 649) 3.722 0.048 0.284 0.489 0.227 1.451 0.239 0.869 0.158 2.031 0.273 3.501 0.043 0.270 0.526 0.154 1.654 0.105 0.961 0.112 1.778 0.032 3.771 0.053 0.294 0.464 0.251 1.437 0.255 0.855 0.151 2.129 0.279 3.659 0.035 0.257 0.551 0.184 1.415 0.243 0.876 0.197 1.837 0.351 Timing of prenatal hospitalization Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3 0.546 1.212 2.562 0.279 0.880 2.685 0.606 1.261 2.505 0.468 1.195 2.683 Maternal outcomes at and after childbirth Length of stay at childbirth Any readmission Readmission within 28 days 2.691 1.979 1.144 2.568 1.518 0.908 2.819 1.973 1.157 2.354 2.174 1.198 Observations 44349 3902 30347 10100 A. Exposure to temperature extremes Annual days with mean temperature [80o F, 90o F ) ≥ 90o F B. Maternal health outcomes (per 100 mothers) Sources: NOAA weather data and HCUP databases. Notes: We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. 22 Table 2: Effects of Exposure to Above-90-Degree Heat on Prenatal Hospitalization (1) (2) Prenatal hospitalization Any Emergency/urgent Panel A. Exposure during pregnancy # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy 0.021 (0.021) 0.010 (0.014) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 44336 0.465 3.995 44336 0.489 2.571 # Days above-90-degree in trimester 1 0.031∗∗∗ (0.011) 0.032∗∗∗ (0.008) # Days above-90-degree in trimester 2 0.018 (0.029) 0.001 (0.024) # Days above-90-degree in trimester 3 0.004 (0.030) -0.007 (0.023) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 44342 0.466 3.995 44342 0.490 2.571 Panel B. Exposure separately by each trimester Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients, βt,10 , from equation (1). Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. Each outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birthcounty×birth-month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birthyear fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. 23 Table 3: Effects of Exposure to Above-90-Degree Heat on Prenatal Hospitalization, by Historic Average Daily Mean Temperature (1) (2) Prenatal hospitalization Any Emergency/urgent Panel A. Below median counties # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy 0.073 (0.051) 0.109∗∗∗ (0.038) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 21816 0.204 3.876 21816 0.181 2.476 # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy 0.019 (0.021) 0.006 (0.013) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 22520 0.573 4.111 22520 0.595 2.663 P-value from testing the difference 0.297 0.009 Panel B. Above median counties Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients, βt,10 , from equation (1). Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. Each outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birthcounty×birth-month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birthyear fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. 24 Table 4: Effects of Exposure to Above-90-Degree Heat on the Timing of Prenatal Hospitalization (1) Trimester 1 (2) Trimester 2 (3) Trimester 3 # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy 0.001 (0.005) 0.007 (0.013) 0.017∗∗ (0.008) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 44336 0.225 0.546 44336 0.327 1.212 44336 0.324 2.562 # Days above-90-degree in trimester 1 0.009∗∗ (0.005) 0.007 (0.008) 0.023∗∗ (0.009) # Days above-90-degree in trimester 2 0.003 (0.010) -0.001 (0.021) 0.015 (0.011) # Days above-90-degree in trimester 3 -0.006 (0.007) 0.004 (0.019) 0.009 (0.007) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 44342 0.225 0.546 44342 0.327 1.212 44342 0.324 2.562 Panel A. Exposure during pregnancy Panel B. Exposure separately by each trimester Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients, βt,10 , from equation (1). Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. Each outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birthcounty×birth-month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. Table 5: Effects of Exposure to Above-90-Degree Heat on the Timing of Prenatal Hospitalization, by Race (1) Trimester 1 (2) Trimester 2 (3) Trimester 3 0.007 (0.007) -0.004 (0.010) 0.030 (0.018) 9835 0.242 0.514 9835 0.315 1.146 9835 0.328 2.489 0.035∗∗∗ (0.009) 0.055 (0.066) 0.084∗ (0.043) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 4923 0.162 1.093 4923 0.369 2.246 4923 0.273 3.637 P-value from testing the difference 0.014 0.288 0.077 Panel A. White mothers # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy Observations Adjusted R2 Mean Panel B. Black mothers # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients, βt,10 , from equation (1). Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. Each outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birthcounty×birth-month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. 25 Table 6: Effects of Exposure to Above-90-Degree Heat on the Timing of Prenatal Hospitalization, by Historic Average Daily Mean Temperature & Race (1) Trimester 1 (2) Trimester 2 (3) Trimester 3 -0.062∗∗ (0.021) 0.046 (0.038) 0.067 (0.054) 5602 0.220 0.546 5602 0.173 1.111 5602 0.225 2.426 0.011 (0.009) -0.008 (0.006) 0.030 (0.021) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 4233 0.275 0.471 4233 0.451 1.193 4233 0.399 2.574 P-value from testing the difference 0.003 0.160 0.513 Panel A1. Below median counties, white mothers # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy Observations Adjusted R2 Mean Panel A2. Above median counties, white mothers # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy Panel B1. Below median counties, black mothers # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy 0.560∗∗ (0.192) 0.703∗∗∗ (0.220) 0.892∗∗∗ (0.079) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 2250 -0.001 1.156 2250 0.154 2.081 2250 0.137 3.106 0.033∗∗∗ (0.009) 0.053 (0.066) 0.086∗ (0.048) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 2673 0.270 1.040 2673 0.461 2.384 2673 0.316 4.083 P-value from testing the difference 0.008 0.007 0.000 Panel B2. Above median counties, black mothers # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients, βt,10 , from equation (1). Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. Each outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birthcounty×birth-month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. 26 Table 7: Effects of Exposure to Above-90-Degree Heat on Maternal Health at and after Childbirth (1) (2) (3) Length of stay at childbirth Any readmission Readmission within 28 days # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy 0.003∗∗ (0.002) -0.009 (0.007) -0.008∗∗∗ (0.003) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 44336 0.551 2.691 44336 0.086 1.979 44336 0.056 1.144 # Days above-90-degree in trimester 1 0.006∗∗∗ (0.001) -0.008 (0.007) -0.007 (0.005) # Days above-90-degree in trimester 2 0.005 (0.003) -0.005 (0.009) -0.009 (0.006) # Days above-90-degree in trimester 3 -0.001 (0.002) -0.020∗∗∗ (0.007) -0.010∗∗∗ (0.002) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 44342 0.551 2.691 44342 0.086 1.979 44342 0.055 1.144 Panel A. Exposure during pregnancy Panel B. Exposure separately by each trimester Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients, βt,10 , from equation (1). Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. Each binary outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birth county×birth month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. Table 8: Effects of Exposure to Above-90-Degree Heat on Maternal Health at and after Childbirth, by Historic Average Daily Mean Temperature (1) (2) (3) Length of stay at childbirth Any readmission Readmission within 28 days # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy 0.016∗∗ (0.007) -0.059 (0.044) -0.004 (0.030) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 21816 0.280 2.691 21816 0.040 1.979 21816 0.015 1.155 # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy 0.003∗∗ (0.001) -0.009 (0.007) -0.007∗∗ (0.003) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 22520 0.590 2.691 22520 0.129 1.979 22520 0.092 1.134 P-value from testing the difference 0.063 0.229 0.908 Panel A. Below median counties Panel B. Above median counties Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients, βt,10 , from equation (1). Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. Each binary outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birth county×birth month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. 27 Table 9: Effects of Exposure to Above-90-Degree Heat on Maternal Health at and after Childbirth, by Race (1) (2) (3) Length of stay at childbirth Any readmission Readmission within 28 days 0.005∗∗ (0.002) -0.019∗∗∗ (0.005) -0.014∗∗ (0.006) 9835 0.719 2.565 9835 0.079 1.894 9835 0.036 1.068 -0.001 (0.005) 0.014 (0.019) 0.004 (0.027) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 4923 0.324 2.879 4923 -0.009 3.069 4923 0.028 1.900 P-value from testing the difference 0.352 0.096 0.386 Panel A. White mothers # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy Observations Adjusted R2 Mean Panel B. Black mothers # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients, βt,10 , from equation (1). Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. Each binary outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birth county×birth month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. 28 Online Appendix Appendix A. Appendix Figures and Tables ICD 640−649 ICD 640−649 ICD 640 ICD 640 ICD 641 ICD 641 ICD 642 ICD 642 ICD 643 ICD 643 ICD 644 ICD 644 ICD 645 ICD 645 ICD 646 ICD 646 ICD 647 ICD 647 ICD 648 ICD 648 ICD 649 ICD 649 −.05 0 .05 .1 Estimates, below−median counties .15 −.05 (a) Below median counties 0 .05 .1 Estimates, above−median counties .15 (b) Above median counties Figure A.1: Effects of Temperature Above 90 Degrees During Pregnancy on Diagnoses at Prenatal Hospitalization by Historic Temperature Notes: The figure plots separate regression coefficients, β1,10 , from equation (1) for temperature above 90-degrees for the first trimester with 95% confidence intervals for each diagnosis category. Outcomes are rescaled by multiplying by 100. ICD codes 640-649 indicate “complications mainly related to pregnancy.” The definition of each subcategory is as follows. ICD 640: Hemorrhage in early pregnancy; ICD 641: Antepartum hemorrhage abruptio placentae and placenta previa; ICD 642: Hypertension complicating pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium; ICD 643: Excessive vomiting in pregnancy; ICD 644: Early or threatened labor; ICD 645: Late pregnancy; ICD 646: Other complications of pregnancy not elsewhere classified; ICD 647: Infectious and parasitic conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy childbirth or the puerperium; ICD 648: Other current conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy childbirth or the puerperium; ICD 649: Other conditions or status of the mother complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium. Standard errors are clustered by the commuting zone level. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birth-county×birth-month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. 29 ICD 640−649 ICD 640−649 ICD 640 ICD 640 ICD 641 ICD 641 ICD 642 ICD 642 ICD 643 ICD 643 ICD 644 ICD 644 ICD 645 ICD 645 ICD 646 ICD 646 ICD 647 ICD 647 ICD 648 ICD 648 ICD 649 ICD 649 −.2 0 .2 Estimates, white mothers .4 −.2 (a) White mothers 0 .2 Estimates, black mothers .4 (b) Black mothers Figure A.2: Effects of Temperature Above 90 Degrees During Pregnancy on Diagnoses at Prenatal Hospitalization by Race Notes: The figure plots separate regression coefficients, β1,10 , from equation (1) for temperature above 90-degrees for the first trimester with 95% confidence intervals for each diagnosis category. Outcomes are rescaled by multiplying by 100. ICD codes 640-649 indicate “complications mainly related to pregnancy.” The definition of each subcategory is as follows. ICD 640: Hemorrhage in early pregnancy; ICD 641: Antepartum hemorrhage abruptio placentae and placenta previa; ICD 642: Hypertension complicating pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium; ICD 643: Excessive vomiting in pregnancy; ICD 644: Early or threatened labor; ICD 645: Late pregnancy; ICD 646: Other complications of pregnancy not elsewhere classified; ICD 647: Infectious and parasitic conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy childbirth or the puerperium; ICD 648: Other current conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy childbirth or the puerperium; ICD 649: Other conditions or status of the mother complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium. Standard errors are clustered by the commuting zone level. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birth-county×birth-month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. 30 Table A.1: Placebo Outcome: Race and Zip-Code-Level Income (1) White (2) Black (3) Hispanic (4) Asian # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy -0.025 (0.049) -0.012 (0.013) 0.165∗∗ (0.064) -0.008 (0.028) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 10121 0.962 76.614 10121 0.972 4.547 10121 0.934 11.286 10121 0.889 2.305 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy -0.223 (0.387) 0.144 (0.367) 0.291∗ (0.147) -0.212 (0.138) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 8978 0.958 25.033 8978 0.919 41.301 8978 0.915 22.978 8978 0.985 10.688 A. Race B. Zip-code-level income quartiles Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients, βt,10 , from equation (1). Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. All regressions control for birth-county×birthmonth fixed effects, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation. We use the data collapsed at the birthcounty×birth-month level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. Table A.2: Effects of Exposure to Above-90-Degree Heat on Any Prenatal Hospitalization (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) -0.015∗∗ (0.006) -0.010 (0.006) 0.009 (0.011) -0.002 (0.014) 0.021 (0.021) 44337 0.039 3.995 44337 0.073 44336 0.442 44336 0.445 44336 0.465 # Days above-90-degree in trimester 1 -0.031∗∗∗ (0.007) -0.025∗∗∗ (0.006) 0.024∗ (0.012) 0.016∗ (0.009) 0.031∗∗∗ (0.011) # Days above-90-degree in trimester 2 0.001 (0.010) 0.010 (0.009) -0.007 (0.009) -0.018 (0.014) 0.018 (0.029) # Days above-90-degree in trimester 3 -0.016∗ (0.009) -0.012 (0.008) 0.005 (0.009) -0.012 (0.018) 0.004 (0.030) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 44343 0.145 3.995 44343 0.175 44342 0.443 44342 0.446 44342 0.466 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Panel A. Exposure during pregnancy # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy Observations Adjusted R2 Mean Panel B. Exposure separately by each trimester Precipitation Zip code level income quartiles Race×birth-county×birth-month fixed effects Birth-state×birth-year fixed effects Quadratic birth-county×birth-month trends Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients, βt,10 , from equation (1). Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. Each outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. The bottom rows of the table shows the list of control variables included in each regression in addition to the temperature exposure variables. ‘Precipitation’ includes a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birthyear-month level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. 31 Table A.3: Robustness to Including Two-Year Leads in Temperature Exposure (1) (2) Prenatal hospitalization Any Emergency/urgent Panel A. Main specification in the subsample with two-year leads 0.108∗∗∗ (0.019) 0.069∗∗∗ (0.021) 35775 0.448 3.995 35775 0.476 2.571 # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy 0.150∗∗∗ (0.021) 0.100∗∗∗ (0.021) # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy (placebo) 0.046 (0.035) 0.068∗∗∗ (0.012) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 35775 0.448 3.995 35775 0.477 2.571 # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy Observations Adjusted R2 Mean Panel B. Adding two-year leads Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients, βt,10 , from equation (1). Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. Each outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. All regressions controls for mother’s race/ethnicity×birth-county×birth-month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. Table A.4: Effects of Exposure to Above-90-Degree Heat on Prenatal Hospitalization, Robustness to AQI Controls (1) (2) Full sample Any (3) (4) Colder counties Emergency/urgent Any Emergency/urgent (5) (6) Hotter counties Any Emergency/urgent Panel A. Main specification in the subsample with AQI measures # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy 0.022 (0.020) 0.011 (0.014) 0.129∗∗∗ (0.043) 0.137∗∗∗ (0.042) 0.021 (0.020) 0.008 (0.012) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 28717 0.523 4.113 28717 0.561 2.603 12450 0.229 4.049 12450 0.211 2.519 16267 0.616 4.162 16267 0.642 2.668 # Days above-90-degree during pregnancy 0.023 (0.019) 0.007 (0.013) 0.130∗∗∗ (0.041) 0.140∗∗∗ (0.042) 0.024 (0.019) 0.004 (0.011) Observations Adjusted R2 Mean 28717 0.523 4.113 28717 0.561 2.603 12450 0.229 4.049 12450 0.211 2.519 16267 0.617 4.162 16267 0.643 2.668 Panel B. Adding AQI measures Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients, βt,10 , from equation (1). Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. Each outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birth-county×birth-month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. In panel B, we include a series of indicators for AQI categories (“good,” “moderate,” “unhealthy for sensitive groups,” “very unhealthy,” with “hazardous” as a reference group) separately for each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-yearmonth level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. 32 Table A.5: Effects of Exposure to Extreme Heat on Prenatal Hospitalization, Using a Relative Temperature Measure # Days above-3-SD heat during pregnancy (1) (2) Any Emergency/urgent 0.088∗∗∗ (0.031) 0.056∗∗ (0.024) 44336 0.466 3.995 44336 0.489 2.571 Observations Adjusted R2 Mean Source: HCUP SID merged with NOAA weather data Notes: This table reports regression coefficients from a model analogous to equation (1), except that instead of measuring the number of days that fall into each of the ten bins of temperature in absolute terms (◦F), we use eight bins of standard deviations (SDs) of temperature from the county-month average, ranging from less than −3 SDs to at least 3 SDs or more. The table reports the effect of the number of days at least 3 SDs above the county-month mean temperature. Robust standard errors, clustered by commuting zone, are in parentheses. Each outcome is rescaled by multiplying by 100. All regressions control for mother’s race/ethnicity×birth-county×birth-month fixed effects, zip code level income quartiles, birth-state×birth-year fixed effect, a quadratic time at the county×calendar month level, and a series of indicators for terciles of precipitation in each trimester. We use the data collapsed at the race×birth-county×birth-year-month level. Cell size weights are used. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. Table A.6: Temperature Cutoffs for Extreme Heat Exposure (o F ) (1) (2) (3) Arizona New York Washington A. Average cutoff for 2-SD above the county-month averages January February March April May June July August September October November December 46.3 49.3 53.8 57.8 68.0 96.8 74.5 70.5 72.2 60.8 63.4 44.6 41.8 37.5 48.5 57 67.8 74.5 75.5 75.5 71 62.5 52 43.2 43.2 41 45.9 50.7 60.3 64.5 68 66.5 64.3 55 46.3 37.9 B. Average cutoff for 3-SD above the county-month averages January February March April May June July August September October November December . . . . . . . . . . . . 56.1 . 61.7 67.5 80 . 84.1 83 82.5 . . 56 52.1 . 53.7 58.4 65.4 69 71.8 70.3 68 65 . 52.5 Source: NOAA weather data Notes: For each state, we calculate average temperature cutoffs for our measures of extreme heat, 2 or 3 standard deviations above the overall mean temperature for a given county and month. Arizona experiences no exposure to above-3-SD heat during our study period. New York and Washington also do not experience above-3-SD heat in some months. 33