ADDENDUM No 1 TO: All Proposers FROM: Metro Purchasing RFP: 200171 LMPD Comprehensive Review and Recommendations DATE: June 9, 2020 RE: Closing Date Extension and Questions/Answers Close Date Extension: The closing date has been extended to June 16, 2020 @ 3 PM. If you have already submitted your proposal, don’t forget to go back to your submission and acknowledge this addendum. 1. Q: Traditional law enforcement operational consulting often fails to incorporate diverse perspectives in review processes and evaluations. Is the mayor's office looking for a clinical review of policies, procedures and practices? A: Yes, we’re looking for a review of policies, procedures, and practices, but also looking at ways to incorporate diverse views through community engagement and listening sessions that will inform the review and recommendations. 2. Q: Will the mayor's office be open to an evaluation process that combines professional law enforcement subject matter expert evaluation of practices with equitable justice, racial reconciliation and social justice subject matter expert evaluation? A: Yes 3. Q: Will the agency provide a designated executive rank liaison and point of contact for the evaluation team with the authority to facilitate and provide access to the evaluation team? A: Yes 4. Q: Will the agency be open to identifying stakeholders and facilitating or providing access for stakeholder input? RFP200171 Addendum #1 1 A: Yes 5. Q: Will the agency agree to host and facilitate multiple meetings with invited stakeholders and community groups as a part of the evaluation process? A: Yes 6. Q: As a component of the evaluative process, and subject to state and federal law as applicable, will the awarded firm have access to the following: a. Agency training curriculum records and in-house presentation decks? A: Yes b. Individual training records? A: Yes c. Full text copies of complaints and subsequent investigations? A: Yes - closed Public Integrity Unit investigations. Opening, closing, and summaries of Police Standard Unit investigations and other documents as requested d. Contact information of complaining party? A: Yes e. Subsequent re-interview of all parties to complaints? A: Complainant – yes; Officers – yes, subject to contractual and statutory rights. f. Access for review of historical in-car and body camera files? A: Yes g. Ride along evaluations and interviews with agency officers? A: Yes, subject to officer contractual and statutory rights h. Contact lists, including email addresses, for surveys and assessments for officers, executives and other stakeholders? A: Yes i. All collected offense, arrest, detention or traffic stop data, documentation and records? A: Yes j. All agency generated or distributed crime statistics and analysis? A: Yes k. Access to internal affairs investigation records? A: – see answer 6(c) above l. Access to background investigation and hiring practice records? A: Background investigation -No, pursuant KRS 15.400(3) A: Hiring practice records – Yes, subject to contractual and statutory rights m. Employee performance review records for subjects of complaints and internal affairs investigations? A: Yes, subject to employees contractual and statutory rights 7. Q: Are the LMPD’s data collection systems automated, in that they capture data in a digital format for all of the various reports officers and detectives complete? A: Yes 8. Does the governing body already have an articulated public safety vision for Louisville? A: Yes RFP200171 Addendum #1 2 9. Is it expected that the assessment includes a review of the operations of the LMPD’s investigations, radio communications and records management functions? A: Yes All addenda must be acknowledged. RFP200171 Addendum #1 3