Ca?s'e Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Pa NORTHERN DISTRICT OF 1ms FILED UNITED 5774755 DIS [c 69 327 015mm 2: 723%; 3 2020? 4 i ,7 ?unnu- JUDITEDSWES a ME R6 aw wow-H HUNG .iV. ND. icy-00343 .iChanEs imam mooea '3 51/2/66 Mam/U ?ax: my? 1w 1% java/15,5 70 ma /8 3.3552(9) gm.) ,1 7E) LLMZED $774755 DISTRICT I iiDdenalm?r, Omuks decson Mara-Pile; His @0017ch imim 4-0 vegan?ce \o A infance. 57$ 1 Prison mm't Lid)? sewed a, sea/?ame; byrH'C/m a? Supervised ?o?k i?o timed 15h E'b?lence. his or} {mi Prim/1 Fairsum-l- +0 16 11.5. c. ?asm (EQU) @303, as amended 51 3 madam. am 572;; 4&70?1?3 20:3, My. L. us am, 132 57??,523?? (Deg? .. Moore Fling-J 1L0 one, Com/14' o-F robbery [921130) Purdumer- 3m a, plea in ?July 0? The. @5555203 Punish mere} 4? i?0 m9n+H5 in i And A {term 04" Superv-?sn?ck Re Reine O'c 32c: WeN?chS. . H?i hung been C?n~Cinecl ?Qur mere. . ?4 P61- C?se Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 2 of 20 PageID 106 3) 3? Mm?s. Cowh?nw?l H/fyg: 7?H15 Jf'fmr: raped-in has been Ha ha: ?pen-L-MLL?meh harJJ'lcanlna' cln?cs, hdanj 0+hert's' Cu- . LA Reridgn'l'Cmre heal-H) {?aws Shaded Lakimciadn. His :1 00+ and CmQZ-ntmg.n+ ka +?neir JreH on his booty? bw?L eithenwisia 4H6 hurt: b?m ?Odin-Ll); bLfL?U??n?L?g?d new. 13:0 a has walem?ned iL?seLF 9n+he 300 Md +h?ucrh vuiihe (in: S?irfsv L/j?a/f?M/cf? (fa/45 27:61: LWA?a?e/c 94,4245: (2721/ Maw/2% 1.5 {Du/579 awe; . Lam/L May/:7 7, 29m. ?zz/cr?cyo. MW. 2442; Hq??myy A/m/y "500/5 wag/m7 mm. 771:5 adj/7?6 riff/??rr?llft/ as ,4 Fd?/frn/ ?429.9424/ 6171/79)? 52% ?ail tigfen Cfr??g?/?AS 5:27.14, Jo?ac, 529': #1785/ #74491?. M?ny MM 74 gm}: mc/ :97? #467591)": xl/J 46/5/7443.? ,4 [79' map/2L;/ man?l?r/ Afar/41 C?r?mdh. IiK?J/c/Ajmh, F476 f?M/rz/z J5 ?ay . ?a?in? mm #491 ,4 15/404; ?54744 P62 Case Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 3 of 20 PageID 107 4914/3/4/4294/ J/Li?v?fm/??sr ?wla??ay/EW . 14:21. .. . 22/223292? Arc. a?sgw. 5495.!? . fake?: . . .. -mJ?wmd?/mm/ 54975819445 valid/#6921. .. E/Lg?o?ZQ?me/ - My mime.-. ?aw xii/41424. ?124); .. res .-- --., -.__Mezzi . mm 5.. 1.15. -5baeLLm59ug??is L. -_ht_t.m_self: - . L--. seat--. ?mmimm?. biogmge. &Lm? .--.. - .. -54? _.Dejt?aamMQ hemkkh {ibL?t - . . . in media - bet-1n ?rm-1r {?915.42 . .-- [?chdi? {swim}- . . -. m0 MHzned??s L-.- 5515 4-. gandii?bm m4- MAN -. Amy??Eu -1305; 3 case Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 4 of 20 PageID 108 z; 311;. Ppejen?l-s wiHn A hisLorrxr William} I?m) lune, 0mm Pn?umor?n loge/(C ?l'o bMeU'e/r l?p?a?to?z fee Ana/$244, ?a/g/V?cwg/ ftcarcA' ?at/4A??/e ??me Min: 24: 42/ 6/52/4222 fr? i; [514:2 . [af?icts/4 47? I252 arc/r Are 456/? My Avjwa/e/ th #795". 42/ MM ,lpg/gvn? 42": My 279/ ?22414 ??ame C??yp/ c: 7/ gira?eoME/XSH 1:5Cmre 312.2% 4-0 hm an 420T Fina} showfn 2;??le M1 1.6? Recicj;v?i5m R?sk ktUtfog Q0405. SEQ +if4?z/ea/ 1 Given H5 aheq?h 3 if}. Serb/{Ll 1'14)in QMY ?87 Man4~h5 Home. Dd?nym 9L A-nc) +29 0t2r~07- 20;? 4o wimp/etc. PPfsa'n 01:50}! a. Mam/431's Pia-urn 01? Mar/ray Gene/ML 6M3 ?red-M- 40 ?ve (Dark 5010 +0 refwfe ?VJ-nae Wmdw3 can Mart}: 24, 2020. 3?64 Mm (?ansl'yes in Wiser: as ?H?e ?309 54m99/? {419 Lam \0 WE h4+ps a wee - 273l/a/own Am! PG Case 3:90-cr-00008-D Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 5 of 20 PageID 109 H- Isa. AA ;F0r? $9.46; ?35?71 CulLll?/U [?ueujad *0 ?exfmorcla?nw MCI rg?E'err?eJ 4m AQ Ef?mg?ss?iana?? 20:9: Only ?l?be 80p (12de retained"the. Firs-(- BOP IJQ {Dnaer his a. 3mm179m an H19 de?isio-n whb??'h'eri iOxC'lg; 12/229424?; may/A? 7/45/21 1.1/71 A 7?51 an git/ML It's/Mom: f?arf 35.92 ?4de as 6303 (1130) 01C ?H?ia ErS'f? Step 46? 01? Zora? 1:1le . J32 6471?". 5'13)? C?rclii 70:85. he ComM;??l?0v\ {Jilin}! 3%?061?34- 30m Tubal-ions etc gen/Wag under (8115.0? 225537..- ?1 1 LL) CA) ?34-5 ?Hire: gpecl'?; ca?ejpfne? of (?exfmofdfnary Land {pm at {?25 rid? MM Com brnA41'cm mC QAd-arj cm aka/rm rag/5&1: 4,525.6 . The +hf?e? tapedrgic. cmA-?cjories 11ft: (I) ?rmly-lit illness Q?:Une jor" am '1 rm; serious 1965 Case Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 6 of 20 PageID 110 .3 Physical, mecliml)0r nae/1:141 issue ?1:11 fathom-Ea ?ber . 1 5110 Walt. ?rom Proodinj ?dcicma wltihkn 1;?th L2) Our; 9% Ae?C?en?m?r, ambined a: samba-s .aldeiom?h?m in or membd mm hecmg -1221? . "A?hQ-C?fj?lrtj me?s)? and (3) of?n?l'h of i oyxhe. Wave 5109' +ha m?mor :91? incr?p?i?f?im?. 19F +119. 1?an ar/?r?dr?; (Kis?. 5 18.11.43 CPS), 11camwh 1 1 if! 1 512454 arc/{n my and llfca?cc??vy W?oz?csfx .Sw??occ ?47mm 728 Mauro-19m FZ?w/v?? Fm?an/m/xh/ 645277424 i5 Hm ?eronIo? Where. moor: resid?ls tut-HY 1'70 o?l?het? {\nme-ts .A'So?c Aupnl 1712010__ 51mg 54131-6 1Q Poa?wc case's Arm? if,? 58 o?Ehe/ in mark 1 Shadinc] 5156.6 amp ?11, ?ex+ d?ly April {82030- sew/Al more inn/12445 0er daylom?pm's 4nd wane, TEL?{?fdj remwwf +0 iso/er'bn Cram Hoe mrrm+ $+m+uj 915 uMerMa? of 6M A?jvnio 111% due Jro no @015th muf?n} poi/1?1 'm 150 \A?Lt'vn. N0 on: Knew/'5 in {mm mm uan on ?H?e Coil/"Mad an: P?io Case 3:90-cr-00008-D Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 7 of 20 PageID 111 597%!7 f/M AVE. 575977? 4 5 5A ff 6774/ Wim 4024:75079__ TAG: ?47244?: (mam?mm 475/1675 424/444 47M 4447? We?? /2 44/4444 44/24/1115 4444- 7 - 46444444}, 445/ #7444447 44242941 65:45:, 44 57:5244424445/ mwrammvl. 17%: CM 0491" ?vf?ac/ 44/ ??x'of 4942ij 4% 4m ?Asp/? o/aza 140? 44 MM. warden/7% @2740?; 97%er 454/ (:12 1- 4994/ 424.56% 749 4:045Ar/d 1 64:44.24. 42,44,444. .94 64.44.44 4244444 444444444 41/ 6444.44 4444/ M14421 4.2 104':- ?154174424212 fg?o/m 45 ijS/zn/'A/4/J 4494 @484 IN 3581 CALM adanf H444 Q04 Hap 2 35?53 mm; 4.441(1) need liar 5641:119an paw +hg?de?ad?:_ inf-?hp mos?l? MC: 1% LLSL. ?13553 (4.) - Firs-F? Guilt. and brlt?lkfr 4-0 @U?O?la 14.4. P67 c??se Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 8 of 20 PagelD 112 i i wei?h in awf?rfc?cui?b?a? Second]. bans o??~emoler CST-Queer an 0.. -- Samar; Medium'k and A {1:100 Fisk?09 Gemini 'I?n ?riwn weighs. hawk} mm: Queer. .FW%,he #3 CL Fe: ?fty Flam A 13/215er his heal?l'h amot {4?5 wait a; *3m?01igij" heml?L?n and ??aco?ty :q5hOMl0l Ute Cam/Jr tech/me .WIS Semar?C/ncti- . . . i Hi5 adop+vcln?ic? (910 PICK him n+9 *pr?om ?Hat. .. W15 6334 Cam/Jr ?rr?vah?j and- Ofdem?n, Ni) Falwnw 84mm fo?x?StD?LSki-Z box? drive, him Janie." Pesldencx: Labor? HEN me?gm Lane, 45,4579}? .1 767723 Mia/c?. wz'rl? Ms ?eck .g?zninj my/erxb?/ .527z 5Wz/z'sa/ fa ?i *1 awm?kfa 4/ Jame, 275 475 exyfarc ?an/24; 7/44/ .535. EMHW 7A ?ag/mm a? ?/zirm_s ?ag/744 at awe &//?7/2920 ?wwo/rr! 51/4909; Jot/A! Wm m; yam In 74? 5925 674,? if: am 7L . (45776 Km??xzewa?yg- .447 assay/Wehr? MAS camp/?y?g/ 74 p? (?aw?Z 57 ?j ?Ga/#4521 4..- .- P68 Case 3:90-cr-00008-D Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 9 of 20 PageID 113 24?- ?7?fo cap/442?s! 74-: ?1274/ 12/45 ,1;ng [4242. Garb? 74: 257474 7 1774/ ?rg/Aro/eo/ '74? r4 23/21.! 7/4/Wat/ ?/wma? ?ak-41: a/rbr? AMA 74; {955) ILAAJLW #2 #991 135/ 14/ 719 A/v/A/t" ?9er - {@262 53 AIS 5PW K/y 6155/ rd f?l?/Mr/ '27::er alr??ze Mir. 22.22213, ?g {.2555 (atirpAmQrs xx? ?@415 waxy/c9! ?fS (Fara 71755 24:: ??kw megs??m/ cm- MW 542/ [26/ A3644, (?A?c?msanv?r. 722 {kW/Heard?; M07) ?rmge 5'9 2% 5129539501; PA?fi?f Ji?m?fnojlh Flu??j. F63 Case Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 10 of 20 PageID 114 Ah .. . - th_g?_wsM?jyjA met-L .. .-- .. #44193; . 5 - - M- 3132-141" cue-egL . m. .- Zia M.-- F- . Amy . fewq?/S 792w? .. - ?hh P0. Egg-liaagz . .11; mm? MI I 6: FTWEW PUBLIC INFORMATION 11-05-2019 PAGE 002 INMATE DATA 12:38:21 AS OF 11-05-2019 REGNO..: 25596-079 NAME: MOORE, CHARLES JACKSON RESP OF: FTW PHONE..: FAX: 817-413-3350 HOME DETENTION ELIGIBILITY DATE: 12-07-2020 THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE DATA IS FOR THE CURRENT COMMITMENT. THE INMATE IS PROJECTED FOR RELEASE: 0 - 7-2021 VIA GCT REL CURRENT NO: 020 COURT OF JURISDICTION TEXAS, NORTHERN DISTRICT DOCKET CR3-90-003-D FITZWATER ans-?Wm: 07:27-1990 00?06-2010 HOW COMMITTED. US DISTRICT COURT COMMITMENT PROBATION IMPOSED NO FELONY ASSESS ASSESS FINES COSTS NON-COMMITTED.: $50 00 $00.00 $00.00 $00 00 PROPERTY: NO SERVICES: NO AMOUNT: $00.00 CURRENT OBLIGATION NO: 010 OFFENSE 551 18:2113 ROBBERY BANK BANK REOBBERY, A CLASS FELONY SENTENCE 3559 SRA SENTENCE SENTENCE IMPOSEDXTIME TO SERVE.: 150 MONTHS TERM OF 3 YEARS DATE OF OFFENSE 08?30?1938 GDOUZ MORE PAGES TO FOLLOW CS MW Case 3:90-cr-00008-D Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 12 of 20 PageID 116 FTWEW PUBLIC INFORMATION 11-05-2019 PAGE 003 OF 003 INMATE DATA 12:33:21 AS OF 11-05-2019 REGNO..: 25596-UTS NAME: MOORE, CHARLES JACKSON RESP OF: FTW PHONE..: 817-534-8400 FAX: 817-413-335G CURRENT COMPUTATION NO: 020 COMPUTATION U20 WAS LAST UPDATED ON 01-11-2011 AT DSC AUTOMATICALLY COMPUTATION CERTIFIED ON 01-12-2?11 BY DESIGXSENTENCE COMPUTATION CTR THE FOLLOWING WARRANTS AND OBLIGATIONS ARE INCLUDED IN CURRENT COMPUTATION U20: 020 010 DATE COMPUTATION 0T?l7~2010 TOTAL TERM IN 150 MONTHS TOTAL TERM IN EFFECT CONVERTED..: 12 YEARS 6 MONTHS EARLIEST DATE OF 08-30-1988 TOTAL PRIOR CREDIT 0 TOTAL INOPERATIVE TIME 0 TOTAL GCT EARNED AND PROJECTED..: 588 TOTAL GCT 486 STATUTORY RELEASE DATE PROJECTED: EXPIRATION FULL TERM 01-16-2023 TIME 9 YEARS 3 MONTHS 20 DAYS PROJECTED SATISFACTION 05-07-2021 PROJECTED SATISFACTION GCT REL GODOG TRANSACTION SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED 0 Case Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 13 of 20 PageID 117 Bureau of Prisons Health Services . Clinical Encounter - Administrative Note Inmate Name: MOORE. CHARLES JACKSON Reg 25596-0T9 Date of Birth: 0511011940 Sex: Facility: FTW Note Date: 0711112019 12:50 Provider: Amaechi. 0. RN Unit: 804 Admin Note - Community Hospital Report encounter performed at Health Services. Administrative Notes: ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE 1 Provider: Amaechi. 0. RN Community hospital report from hospital E3 unit. form nurse Nyokabia RN. Admitted on 07103119 for sepsis and altered mental 51$qu . lobe pneumonia traced back to allbladder. On 116119 un envent laparoscopy cholecystectomy with IOC. '778119 ERCP Fl ?-51 Fl 3 ave istory car iomyopathy, glaucoma. On regular diet. surgical site secured with demo bound. Copay Required: No Cosign Required: No TelephoneNerbalOrder: No Completed by Amaechi. 0. RN on 0711112019 13:02 77/ fuel/m1? fwnejjo Leaf/W e111? (5019/ 11% Wain Generated 0111112019 13:02 by Amaechi. 0. RN Bureau of Prisons - FTW Page 1 of 1 Case Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 14 of 20 PageID 118 Moore, Charles (M 51365970) Encounter Date: 07/06/2019 MC F?tiiltltattb Dore, Cl'tarles MRN: 513559r0 Anesthesia Preprocedure Evaluation Date of Service: ii6i2019 i925 AM Creation Time: ?i6i2019 19:25 AM Merchant. Munir S, MD Anesthesia Anesthesia Review of SystemstMed Hx Brief Hx: choledocholithiasis I no history of anesthetic complications: PONV Apia! Score: 1 All patient medications were reviewed Patient summary reviewed Nursing notes reviewed NPO status: Patient is NPO 8 No difficult IV access Puimonary Cardiovascular i - Chest xray reviewed - ECG reviewed Comments: CXR 7/3f19 Comments: EKG WSHB No acute tung intimates are seen. There is miid eventration of the Sinus anterior aspect of the right hemidiaphragm. intraventricuiar Conduction Deiay Heart size is normai. No pieurat ?uid. Vottage criteria for LVH Moderate degenerative spondyiosis of the Exercise Tolerance: >4 METS . spine. ls patient taking beta blockers?: Yes and taken - within 24 hours (Carvedilol 12.5 mg PO 07706119 at 1821 hour) 1 . 1 (1- .W?zsm' C76 t. No acute cardioputmonary disease [am an) sleep apnea clinically suspected. PM GliHepaticiRenal {Ht} 1 Comments: Degenerative disc disease Comments: choiedochotithiasis Lumbarithoracic spine GERD weii controiied, Blindness Right ye i p) neuropathy. back i neck pain, lmmuneilDl'Musc - negative neuromusculoskeletal ROS No for male patient. No obstetric history on tile. (-1 current infection Unknown m. 31:25 . Mbore. CharlesJ (MR it 513659?0) Printed by Wright, Kristi A, LVN at Page?l of 3 Case 3:90-cr-00008-D Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 15 of 20 PageID 119 0 DATE REVIEWED: 12-10-2019 INSTITUTION: FMC FORT WORTH UNIT: SAN ANTONIO INMATE NAME: Moore REG NO: 25596-079 Winch: One): ELIGIB i INELIGIBLE ?ank: One): MINIMUM MEDIUM HIGH Case Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 16 of 20 PageID 120 Bureau of Prisons Health Services Clinical Encounter - Administrative Note Inmate Name: MOORE. CHARLES JACKSON Reg 25596-070 Date of Birth: 0511011940 Sex: Facility: FTW Note Date: 0110712020 12:18 Provider: Silva. Joelle LMSW Unit: 804 Social Work - Release Planning encounter performed at Health Services. Administrative Notes: ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE 1 Provider: Silva. Joelle LMSW Inmate to Social Work for First Step Act Direct Home Con?nement Assessment: SW received a call from the inmate's CM stating he had received an approved release plan from the USPO and he was wanting to submit the inmate for Direct Home Con?nement under the Eligible Elderly Offender criteria. 61/16) Inmate Moore is a TQ-ye - . Care 3 Medical, Care 1 MH inmate designated to FMC Fort Worth. He has a He meets the age criteria of being over 60 years old. and has served greater 3/12 @020 o- -thirds is time, havng served or 2 years 3 months and 29 days as of today. According to his unit team he does not have a prohibited offense or offense hit. The inmate presented today as instructed to health services. He was awake. alert and orientated in all spheres with clear and linear thinking. His affect was pleasant and upbeat. He was dressed appropriately in the day inmate uniform. He was clean and neat in his appearance. also appearing well groomed. He was able to ambulate across the compound to health services and up a ?ight of stairs to my of?ce without assistance. He functions independently on the compound and is independent in all of his ADL's and at this time. Overall. he appears and functions signi?cantly younger than his actual age. He has an approved plan from US Probation to the Western District of Texas. He states he will live with a friend of his. Trish Beck. whom he states he has known for over 30 years. The residence is a town home located at 1124 Clayton Lane, Apt K.. Austin, Texas 78?23. Given he is T9 years old. he will qualify for his Social Security Income upon release. Given he has missed Medicare open season. he will have his Part A upon release. but will not be eligible for Part or until 2021. In the interim. he will have to enroll in the county health care system for routine medical care and to manage his chronic. on?going medical issues. The inmate also believes he may also qualify for VA bene?ts and states he was receiving them prior to incarceration and believes he will qualify again post release. He appears to meet all the criteria set forth in the Operations Memorandum dated April 4. 2019. Home Con?nement under the First Step Act. Social work remains available as necessary and appropriate. Copay Required:No Cosign Required: No TelephoneNerbal Order: No Completed by Silva. Joelle LMSW on 0110112020 12:53 Requested to be reviewed by Baruti. A. MD. Review documentation will be displayed on the following page. Generated 0110112020 12:53 by Silva. Joelle LMSW Bureau of Prisons - FTW Page 1 of 1 Case Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 17 of 20 PageID 121 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS PROBATION OFFICE 2450 STATE 113 MMES R. GOLDEN. JR. ALPINE ammo oI-Ier mam emcee 5m memo-mustmmu SDI WEST FIFTH STREET- 99475 21?? warm romance CTUR 111 E. anomm am EET. SUITE 2'30 DEPUTY CHIEF momma OFFICER SAN - 700 E. SAM ANTOIIO AVENUE. SWE EDD EL PASO SUITE Ito-105 IWEWALL SAN memo HO 5. CED-AR STREET FEEDS MOD December 20. 2019 E. CESAR CHAVEZ aomewno. sunE Bow am mronio rams-1200 AVENTJE. SUITE 100 A USTI moo Mimi-1934 Case Manager J. Rupe FMC Fort Worth 3150 Horton Road, Fort Worth, Texas 75119 It} be i RE: Moore,Charles wig/W Why'd Reg. No.: 25596-079 RELEASE PLAN- APPROVED MO HAlF-Hiije i? Gaul/pa, Q?t?v? mo oMtb @144 P5 19'? PIWLEJ 7:103? . ?Arm? Dear Case Manager Rupe, IQM Md 4?1 Mil H??qg) My investigation determined the inmate' 5 pre- -release plan has been APPROVED. The pre- -release investigation revealed the followin . . (70:20! ?(In ResidenceZFarnilg: On December 20, 2019, I met with the inmate's associate, Trish Buck, at the defendant's proposed residence of 1124 Clayton Lane Apartment Austin Texas She walked me through the two- bedroom, two-bath apartment on the first floor. She resides alone in the residence Ms. Buck indicated she views the defendant as an uncle. She indicated they have known each other for over 30 years. Ms. Buck indicated there are no firearms in the residence, and none were observed. The residence is on a bus line. Employment: The inmate is currently unemployed. Special Conditions: The defendant shall not possess firearms and shall participate in group counseling as directed by the probation office .. ? ea Case Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 18 of 20 PageID 122 A FM Plan: The lnmate's the proposed release site is APPROVED. Should you have any further questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact me at {512)391-8737. Sincerely, Unda Cano U.S. Probation Of?cer LC cc: LaTanya Robinson, Community Corrections Manager. San Antonio, Texas kase Document 11 Filed 04/23/20 Page 19 of 20 PageID 123 FEDERAL Dds: 09-13?2020 bldnu/ A. {3&2er RECEIVED H23 all? Idniful 5531-5 54 America HTWES. I g?hMa IRESM Ware I NY Om Se. may? cw lgmquenu.? Rec?ud?Nw?ln Sax-Lerncg .W usc? 35%; (cocoub C. .1m 231:0? haemf wriHm A: Lat: Amie no Accasr A9 ?t?yptr- Swf-Hrs Cit/d: 1L0 Inc. Kolavn here bur dernl Medic-ml FT ?l @4sz hw'vs 3: Wm Rem Mm: ewes mg, FT U0r?1 mult?a? Carl?! PO. BOX [533?) I 591916 #391 Kl. 9019 Gas "an3 3W3 is 331M 00H. a?pnr? mania 'S'n 431:5?an ?aupqs Q.) (n (D 99 LO 9 (II