CERTIFICATION BY COMPLAIN ANT I, i self (34% at 4/3 I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge the information contained in the attached complaint is true and correct. I understand that a person who knowingly ?les a false complaint is subject to prosecution for and the penalties attached to the crime of perjury. By ?ling this complaint I am alleging a Violation of Iowa Code chapter 68B, House Code of Ethics, or House Rules Governing Lobbyists. Subscribed and Af?rmed to before me thisw?dayof Notary Public in and for the State of Iowa I, [/74 I 8634. do hereby certify that on the Chief Clerk of the House illi- dayof__ I received the above certi?cation and attached complaint. Qaw?dbu Chief Clerk of the House Iowa General Assembly HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES EFHICS COMPLAINT FORM Alleging violation of Iowa Code chapter 683, House Code of Ethic-s, or House Rules Governing Lotibyists Ag ro?m D0 - $.9ng Gum Name ofRespeygen: alleged vi ator) Respondent?s Address (if known): - 8 6" ?Street Address/A. artment No. 4/861; Des air/2&5 . ?5?02625? Code 43 309*" 7959? u- Ciigeolbr Iowaaon owners 0 Phone number and email address 6 7 By: Rafa Bat/(413? Name of Complainant Complainant?s Address: .A 0 61551,. Street Address/A artment No. I D85 Ma?a: 1/3 9 City/State/Zip Code ?743 43:27 ?qu/efeb [76415. Iowa 00? Phone number and email address 0 1, Ale-i Ba Mel l? hereby complain that Name of Complainant I Dorr lam Gun Owns; ?lms engaged in conduct Name of Respondent that allegedly violate the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 68B, House Code of Ethics> or House Rules Governing Lobbyists as follows: That on 01' about. (list date or dates on which conduct Took place): De ?5 Jew/c2 Gem Owner; wdidthe following: Name of Respondent [Qwerous occasfms ,20 13, 22017 Reeite conduct taken by Respondent that 15 believed to violate Iowa Code chapter 683, House Code of Ethics or the House Rules Governing Lobbyists. List the code provision or rule that has been allegedly violated. Attach additional pages if more space is needed: io?9fme?m Any other information that may relate to this matter: pm??a 3441' :14 6) rmaffm (?35 (lilac/l 51. BEFORE THE IOWA HOUSE OF REPRESENATIVES ETHIC COMMITTEE IN THE MATTER OF In Re: Aaron Dorr AND Iowa Gun Owners Ethics Complaint Comes now, Representative Clel Baudler, and respectfully states that Aaron Dorr has violated the provisions of Iowa?s statutory Code, and Joint Rules of the House and Senate, as it pertains to ethics, as follows: Preliminary Statement 1. i. This action is the result of Aaron Dorr?s lobbying activities in the Iowa House of Representatives and Iowa Senate on many occasions and his failure to register as a lobbyist before the members of the Iowa General Assembly. 2. This action is also the result of Iowa Gun Owners failing to register as a client. The Parties 11. 3. Aaron Dorr is the executive director of Iowa Gun Owners, a section 501(c)(4) non-pro?t organization registered with the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Division and with the Iowa Secretary of State. 4. Iowa Gun Owners is a section 501(c)(4) non-pro?t organization registered with the Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Division, and with the Iowa Secretary of State. 5. The mailing address for both Aaron Dorr and Iowa Gun Owners is: PO Box 3585, Des Moines, IA 50323. 6. The physical address of Iowa Gun OWners is: 1616 Fuller Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50265. 7. The residential address of Aaron Dorris: 115 Feller Curve, Van Meter, IA 50261. 8. Ole] Baudler is a duly?elected representative in the Iowa House of Representatives. The address is: Statehouse, House of Representatives, Des Moines, IA 50319. 9. The residential address for Representative Clel Baudler is: 2260 Hwy 25, Green?eld, IA 50849. 10. Aaron Dorr is a party subject to the jurisdiction of the ethics committee since the activities in which he has engaged are activities controlled by Iowa Code and the Iowa Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists, . lot-ea Code 11. Iowa Gun Owners is a party subject to the jurisdiction of the ethics committee since the activities in which the organization has engaged are activities controlled by Iowa Code and and the Iowa Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists -. Iowa Code ?683.3l(6) (201 7). Facts 12. The conduct providing the basis for this complaint has been ongoing for the past three years, and longer. 13. During the 2017 session of Iowa?s Eighty-Seventh General Assembly, Aaron Dorr was not a registered lobbyist. 14. During the 2017 session of Eighty-Seventh General Assembly, Iowa Gun Owners was not listed as a client. [Ifa person is determined to be a regulated lobbyist, the client of the lobbyist is also subject to regulation. A client ofa lobbyist is defined as a private person or a state, federal, or local government entity that pays compensation to or designates an individual to be a lobbyist. The definition of ?client? does not specify that members of a client organization or association are included within the definition. The regulations applicable to clients include the following: Reporting requirements] Lobbyist Regulation in the Legislative Branch, Tim MCDermott, Iowa Legislative Services Agency, State Capitol, Des Moines, Iowa 50319 515-281-8090 Legal Services Iowa Legislative Services Agency. December, 2011.. [Attachment 15. By his own admission, Aaron Dorr has directly communicated with legislators for the purpose of proposing and encouraging the passage of legislation. ?I?m in the Iowa Capitol today having some meetings with legislators.? 16. In 2009, Aaron Don was registered to lobby the Iowa General Assembly as the designated lobbyist for the client, Iowa Gun Owners, and ?led lobbyist reports, sometimes timely, and oftentimes late. [Attachment 17. In 2015, Aaron Dorr ?led a lobbyist registration on January 22, 2015 to represent Iowa Gun Owners. [Attachment He declared on no bills. 18. There is no record of Aaron Dorr registering as a lobbyist in 2016. 19. There is no record of Aaron Dorr registering as a lobbyist in 2017 prior to the date of this ?ling. 20. There is no record of Iowa Guns Owners registering as a client in 2016. 21. There is no record of Iowa Guns Owners registering as a client in 2017 prior to the date of this ?ling. 22. On January 9, 2017, the ?rst day of Iowa?s Eighty-Seventh General Assembly, Aaron Dorr recorded: ?We?ve been here a couple hours already ?nalizing legislation . . . This statement is proof that he has been directly involved with the legislative process, including the involvement of interrningling with legislators to encourage the passage of legislation. 23. Dorr and Iowa Gun Owners failed to abide by the Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists, Rule Lobbyist ?3 Client Reporting, by not ??ling reports required under section 688.38 with the chief clerk of the house or the secretary of the senate?, 24. Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists, Rule Lobbyist ?3 Client Reporting, de?nes ?lobbying purposes? to include: ?Time spent by the lobbyist at the state capitol building commencing with the ?rst day of a legislative session and ending with the day of ?nal adjournment of each legislative session as indicated by the journals of the house and senate.? ?Time spent by the lobbyist attending meetings or hearings Which results in the lobbyist communicating with members of the general assembly or legiSIative employees about current or proposed legislation.? ?Time Spent by the lobbyist researching and drafting proposed legislation with the intent 10 the legislation to a member of the general assembly or a legislative employee.? ?Time spent by the lobbyist actually communicating with members of the general assembly and legislative employees about" current or proposed legislation.? Argument IV. 25. As recently as 2015, Aaron Dorr was aware of the law and rules that his activities require him to be registered as a lobbyist. [Attachment See Facts #5 13 14 above. 26. Aaron Dorr knows and understands the law and rules pertaining to lobbying members of Iowa?s General Assembly based upon his previous registrations. 27. For purposes of Iowa Code Aaron Dorris a lobbyist. 13. o. ?Lobbyist? means an individual who, bl? acting directly, does of the following: (1) Receives compensation to encourage the passage, defeat, approval, veto. or modification of legislation, a rule, or an executive order by the members of the general assemtilvr a state agency, or any statewide elected official. (2) Is a designated representative of an organization which has as one of its purposes the encouragement of the passage, defeat, approval, veto, or Modification of legislation, 3 rule, or an executive order before the general assembly, a state agency, or any statewide Elected official. 28. The ?purpose? of Iowa Gun Owners is: ?To advocate for the Second Amendment rights of all law abiding Iowa citizens.? (Sig) Iowa Gun Owners Form 990 (2014), Part 1, Mission. [Attachment 29. To Advocate is ?No speak in favor of or defend. by argument. To support, vindicate, or recommend publicly,? Black?s Law Dictionary, p. 51, Fifth Edition. 1979. 30. A statement on Iowa Gun Owners (hereinafter also referred to as IGO) website concludes that the organization was set up for lobbying purposes: ?In 2010 the anti?gun crowd in Des Moines knew that there was a grassroots gun rights lobby in Iowa that would hold them accountable for their actions for the ?rst time in years.? LL51. [Attachment 31. Petitions availab1o on the mo website make the following plea to lawmakers: ?On behalf of law-abiding gun owners all across the state of Iowa, I urge you to cosponsor and seek record, roll 4 call votes on the Iowa Stand?Your~Ground Bill, with no weakening amendments.? [Attachment 32. Aaron Dorr has violated Iowa Code subsection (13), paragraph subparagraph (1) (Code 2017) in that he has been the ?designated representative of an organization (Iowa Gun Owners) which has as one of its purposes the encouragement of the passage, defeat, approval, veto, or modi?cation of legislation, a rule, or an executive order before the general assembly, a state agency, or any statewide elected official.? 33. Iowa Gun Owners has violated Code subsection (13), paragraph subparagraph (4) (Code 2017) in that is has made ?expenditures of more than one thousand dollars in a calendar year, other than to pay compensation to an individual who provides the services speci?ed under subparagraph (1) to communicate with only the members of the general assembly who represent the district in which the individual resides, to communicate in person with members of the general assembly, a state agency, or any statewide elected of?cial for purposes of encouraging the passage, defeat, approval, veto, or modi?cation of legislation, a rule, or an executive order.? (Emphasis ours.) 34. Aaron Dorris not exempt from registering as a lobbyist. Any basis of using Iowa Code section 68B.2, subsection paragraph (7), which states that a lobbyist is not ?individual who is a member, director, trustee, of?cer, or committee member of a business, trade, labor, farm, professional, religiorlS, education, or charitable association, foundation, or organization who either is not paid compensation is not Speci?cally designated as provided in paragraph ?a subparagraph (1) or Iowa Code ?6813.2 is not a solid argument for failing to register. (Emphasis ours.) Contrarily, it is implied that he is the ?speci?cally designated? individual based upon previous years? reCords, and because he holds the position of executive director of Iowa Gun Owners and has held that position for over 6 years with no changes in the organization?s structure, mission, or purpose, The failure of an organization. to designate a person to lobby on its behalf does not relieve it from its legal, moral and ethical responsibilities and duties. 35. The following video clips from 1G0 Facebook page include his direct communication with a legislator to encourage the passage of legislation: 453 05843 805 1695/ Actual direct communication between Aaron Dorr and Senator Rick Bertrand (R-Sioux City). February 7, 2017. l446259652064907f Actual direct communication between Aaron Dorr and Senator Rick Bertrand (R?Sioux City). February 1, 2.017, 5 1 5601035 130768/ Actual direct communication between. Aaron DOTI and Senator Rick Bertrand (R-Sioux City). April 4, 2017. 36. On March 7, 2017, Dorr brags on Video that ?we? defeated amendments and got the ?Stand your ground bill? passed. 483628924994646/ 37. At 22 seconds into the Video, Dorr makes a statement: ?and nothing is being con?rmed from Senator Dix?s of?ce.? In order to receive that information a direct contact with a legislator or legislative staff had to have been made. 38, The organization, 1G0, through. the emails sent with Dorr?S signature, claim that ?Iowa Gun Owners relies on grassroots pressure to advance or defeat legislation in the Capitol and to hold legislators accountable at election time.? Email to IGO members on Tuesday, March 21, 2017. [Attachment 39. On the bottom of every email sent by IGO is an italicized statement that says: ?Iowa Gun Owners is a nonpro?t, nonpartisan, s.ingle-purpose organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Connotationally protected right to keep and. bear arms through an aggressive grassroots program designed to mobilize public Opposition to anti-gun legislation.? (Emphasis 0111's.) [Attachments and asJaa] 40. In most email messages sent by IGO to its members, credit for passage of pro-Second Amendment legislation is given t0 1?30 alid its membership. [Attachments through An organization cannot take credit for its accomplishments and simultaneously claim tl lobbying to in?uence the passage of legislation. Prayer of Relief V. 41. Whereas the facts and arguments above are proof that Aaron Dorr and Iowa Gu have violated Iowa Code, sections 688. 1, subsq., and violated various rules of the Rules Governing Lobbyists, ask the Iowa House Committee on Ethics ?nd that Aaron Dorr and Iowa Gun Owne improperly and illegally violated the Iowa Code and Iowa Joint Rules Governing 42. The Committee should censure, reprimand, and order Iowa Gun Owners to cea: its activity immediately. 43. Further, a monetary Sanction should be imposed as punitive damages to prevent Owners, Aaron Dorr, and future potential offenders from violating Iowa?s Ethics Cr Governing Lobbyists and Clients. Legal Services Division December 2011 Inside this Briefing 0 Overview 0 What is Lobbying? . Who are Regulated Lobbyists? - Lobbyist Regulations 0 Client of a Lobbyist Regulations 0 Summary Legal Background Brie?ngs are prepared and updated periodically by the Legal Services Division of the Iowa Legislative Services Agency, a nonpartisan agency providing legislative drafting and research services to the committees and members of the Iowa General Assembly. The briefings provide background infor- mation regarding a particular area of law. Although a brie?ng may identify issues for consideration by the General Assembly, nothing contained in a brie?ng should be interpreted as advocating a particular course of action. The reader is cautioned against using information contained in a brie?ng to draw conclusions as to the legality of a particular behavior or set of circumstances. Prepared by: Tim McDermott Iowa Legislative Services Agency State Capitol Des Moines, Iowa 50319 515-281-8090 Legal Background Briefing on Lobbyist Regulation in the Legislative Branch Overview Lobbying in the legislative branch is undertaken by many different people representing themselves, an informal group of people with similar interests, or more formal organizations or associations. Only the activities of certain types of lobbyists are regulated by the Iowa Code and rules adopted by the Senate and the House of Representatives. This document examines the types of lobbyists that fall under the regulatory provisions of the Iowa Code and the rules adopted by the Senate and the House of Representatives. References to the Iowa Code in this briefing are to the 2011 Iowa Code and Code Supplement unless otherwise noted. References to Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists are to SCR 7, adopted by the 84th General Assembly in 2011. What is Lobbying? The term ?lobbying" is not defined in either the Iowa Code or the Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists. The Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists provide the only suggestion of what may constitute lobbying services in a nonexclusive list of services to be reported by the clients of regulated lobbyists.1 Who are Regulated Lobbyists? The definition of the term ?lobbyist" in the Iowa Code lists four types of lobbyists and includes eight exclusions to the definition.2 Only the types of lobbyists described in the definition are regulated under the Iowa Code and the Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists. The term ?lobbyist,? as it applies to the legislative branch, includes an individual that directly does any of the following: 1. Compensated Lobbyist. Receives compensation to encourage the passage, [or] defeat of legislation Legal Background Briefing - Page 1 of 4 - Legal Services Division A Lobbyist Regulation in the Legislative Branch December 2011 . by the members of the General Assembly 2. Organization Lobbyist. Is a desig- nated representative of an organi- zation which has as one of its purposes the encouragement of the passage, [or] defeat of legislation before the General Assembly 3. Government Lobbyist. Represents the position of a federal, state, or local government agency, in which the person serves or is employed as the designated representative, for purposes of encouraging the passage, [or] defeat of legislation by members of the General Assembly 4. $1,000 Expenditure. Makes [annual] expenditures of more than $1,000 to communicate in person with members of the General Assembly for purposes of encouraging the passage, [or] defeat of legislation [other than] to communicate with only the members of the General Assembly who represent the district in which the individual resides, [or] other than to pay compensation to an individual who provides the lobbying services Of the eight exceptions to the term "lobbyist", six apply directly to persons before the legislative branch. Those exceptions include: . Party Officials. Officials and employees of a political party organized in Iowa and representing more than two percent of the total votes cast for governor in the preceding general election, but only when representing the political party in an official capacity.7 . News Media. Members of the news media when engaged in the reporting and disseminating of news and editorials.a - Elected Of?cials. All federal, state, and local elected officials, while performing the duties and responsibilities of officef? . Witnesses. Persons whose activities are limited to appearances to give testimony or provide information or assistance at sessions of committees of the General Assembly or who are giving testimony or providing information or assistance at the request of public officials or employees.10 0 Legislative Staff. Members of the staff of the United States Congress or the Iowa General Assembly.11 a Unpaid or Nondesignated Lobbyist. An individual who is a member, director, trustee, officer, or committee member of a business, trade, labor, farm, professional, religious, education, or charitable association, foundation, or organization who either is not paid compensation to be a lobbyist or is not specifically designated as a lobbyist by an organization.12 Lobbyist Regulations If a person qualifies as a lobbyist under the Iowa Code definition of lobbyist and does not qualify under one of the exclusions in the definition, the person may be described as a regulated lobbyist. If it is determined that a person is a regulated lobbyist, the person is subject to the following regulations in order to lobby before the General Assembly: 0 Registration requirements.13 0 Subject matter and bill lobbying registration requirements. 1? - Gift law restrictions.15 - Loan and charge account restrictions.? - Honoraria restrictions.17 - Revolving door restrictions.18 Prohibitions A regulated lobbyist is prohibited from doing any of the following: . Economic Opportunities. Offering economic or investment opportunities to a legislator with the intent to influence the Legal Background Briefing 0 Page 2 of 4 . Legal Services Division Lobbyist Regulation in the Legislative Branch December 2011 legislator?s duties}9 performance of official 0 Membership Contributions. Paying for membership in or contributions to clubs or organizations on behalf of a member.20 0 Excessive Payments. Making payments to a member for property or services in excess of that which other persons would charge in the ordinary course of business.21 - Result-based Fees. Receiving a fee or bonus based on results attained by the lobbyist.? Creating Obligations. Doing anything with the purpose of placing a member under personal or financial obligation to the lobbyist or the lobbyists client.23 . Supporting Employment-related Legisla- tion. Causing or influencing the introduc- tion of any bill or amendment for the pur- pose of being employed to secure its passage or defeat.24 - Promising Campaign Support. Influenc- ing or attempting to influence a member's actions by the promise of campaign support or support for an opposition candidate.25 0 influencing Legislator?s Employer. Com- municating with a member?s employer for the purpose of influencing the vote of a member.26 Client of a Lobbyist Regulations If a person is determined to be a regulated lobbyist, the client of the lobbyist is also subject to regulation. A client of a lobbyist is defined as a private person or a state, federal, or local government entity that pays compensation to or designates an individual to be a lobbyist.27 The definition of ?client" does not specify that members of a client organization or association are included with- in the definition. The regulations applicable to clients include the following: - Reporting requirements.28 . Gift restrictions.29 . Honoraria restrictions.30 0 Charge account restrictions.31 Prohibitions Economic Opportunities. A client of a lobbyist is prohibited from offering economic or investment opportunities to a member with the intent to influence the member?s performance of official duties.? Membership Contributions. A client of a lobbyist is prohibited from paying for membership in or contributions to clubs or organizations on behalf of a member.33 Result-based Fees. A client of a lobbyist is prohibited from paying a fee or bonus to a lobbyist based on the results attained by the lobbyists4 Summary In determining whether the regulations for lobbyists apply to a person, the definition of the term ?lobbyist" is the determining factor. In addition, if a person is included under the definition of lobbyist, the client of the lobbyist is also subject to regulatory provisions. 1 Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 4. ?Lobbying purposes" include but are not limited to the following: Time spent by the lobbyist at the state capitol building commencing with the first day of a legislative session and ending with the day or ?nal adjournment of each legislative session as indicated by thejournals of the house and senate. b. Time spent by the lobbyist attending meetings or hearings which results in the lobbyist communicating with members of the general assembly or legislative employees about current or proposed legislation. c. Time spent by the lobbyist researching and drafting proposed legislation with the intent to submit the legislation to a member of the general assembly or a legislative employee. d. Time spent by the lobbyist actually communicating with members of the general assembly and legislative employees about current or proposed legislation.? 2 Iowa Code 3 lowa Code 4 lowa Code 5 Iowa Code 5 Iowa Code i Iowa Code 8 Iowa Code 9 Iowa Code 1" Iowa Code 1? Iowa Code ?2 Iowa Code ?3 Iowa Code 633.35; Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 2 and Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 2. The rules require a lobbyist to ?le a statement of general subjects of legislation in Legal Background Briefing - Page 3 of 4 . Legal Services Division Lobbyist Regulation in the Legislative Branch December 2011 which the lobbyist is or may be interested; the file numbers for bills, study bills, and resolutions which will be lobbied; whether the lobbyist intends to lobby for or against each bill, study bill, or resolution; and on whose behalf the lobbyist is lobbying the bill, study bill, or resolution. If practicable, a declaration must be med pnorto ?n bm, resolution, or study bill or stating that the lobbyists client is undedded. ?5 Iowa Code Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 16. For an overview of applicable gift law restrictions, see ?Legal Background Brie?ng on Gift, Honoraria, and Loan Prohibitions for Legislators and Legislative Employees," Tim McDermott, Legislative Services Agency, Legal Services Division, December2010,at 1 lowa Code 688.24; Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 7, 17. 17 Iowa Code 688.23; Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 18. 13 Iowa Code 888.5A. Revolving door restrictions prohibit the registration as a lobbyist for a certain period of time following public employment or service. The period of time varies in relation to the type of employment held or service Raerformed by the person. Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 10. 2? Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 8. 2? Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 15. 22 Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 9. 23 Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 11. Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 12. 25 Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 13. 23 Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 14. 2? lowa Code 23 lowa Code 683.38: Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 3 and 4. 29 Iowa Code 633.22; Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 16. 3? Iowa Code 688.23; Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 18. 3? Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 7. 32 Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 10. 33 Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 8. 34 Joint Rules Governing Lobbyists 9. 1108RR Legal Background Briefing 0 Page 4 of 4 Legal Services Division 'LegiStel?ed Lobbyist . . I II. II Registered Lobbyist April 5, 2.01? 86% Name: Aaron Dorr Address: PO 8ch 3585 Des Moines IA 50323 Phone: 515309-7858 2015 Lobbyist Registration Filed January 22, 2015 Lobbyist does ?Gt represent the Governor?s Office Lobbyist is not registered to lobby the Executive Branch Deciarations i" Clients ?mm-L-w-m-w- I Iowa Gun Owners Reports Filmj Raport Period Filed Date am, 2009 - A0130. 2099 JANUARY 11r 2010 9192.14 2009 - Jun30 20.02 JANUARY 11. 2010 L011, 2009 - JANUARY 11, 2010 9.0121. 2009 D0031, 209.9. JANUARY 11: 2010 Marl, 2009 - mm. 2099. APRIL 23: 2009 @014 2009 Feb28, 2002 MARCH 26, 2009 Print Close ICEI nf? I 44 0 1 IOWA LEGISLATURE 2015 Lobbyist Client Report Reporting Period: July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015 Report Due By: July 31, 2015 All clients of lobbyists registered to lobby before the General Assembly must file a lobbyist client report, including clients of unpaid lobbyists. The filer of this report must be the client, a representative of the client or a lobbyist authorized by the client to file a lobby client report. ?39222: 1P033585::i City: :h?siilvloin-esI-?w?h State: lA?i Zip: 50323?? Contactl: Email: Contactz: mu .. . We Phone2: Emall2: Lobbyist Name/s (If a lump sum payment is made to a firm or Retainers (Include the total partnership With multiple lobbyists, amount of all salaries, fees and ?St the firm or partnership name and retainers paid to a lobbyist, lobbying then list the names: of the firm or firm or partnership for obbying partnership's in the boxes activities in both the legislative and ow. Salaries, Fees, and Reimbursements (Include total amount reimbursed expenses.) Aaron Dorr $0 0 Filed me of Client The purpose of this report is to document the total amount paid by a client to lobby both the legislative of Client and executive branches of Iowa state government. resentative: te: July 27, 2015 EXECUHVB Total Paid (If the total amount paid is zero enter a zero) Aaron Dorr [efile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT pRocEss [As Filed Beta - DLN: 934931870002955 omen 15454004? Form990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Underseaion 5010:), 527, or of the Interim! Revenue Code (except private 201 4 fw?ldetiom) . Do not enter sacral security numbers on this form as It may be made public tu Public tnlemai Re?m?mace FInformatlon about Farm 990 and its Instructions rs at wwaRSgovg?oerSlQ Inspec?un . -.1.- '31'2014 mu. .. I I Id i IOWA Emp Dyer entr cat on numbe- Address change GUN OWNERS 2 6-4 1 1 54 7 Name change 00mg busmess as r. Inrtla'l retu Final Nitrate, and street (or 0 box If mall ?511th delivered to street address; Roomrsulte f? PO 3% 3585 Telephone number Amended return C't'l' qr town, staleor country [Ole?n pnetelcodr: DES - f" Applramn pending l?lomts. v. 50323 .3 Gross receuprs 5 293,225 m, m. ?um I Name and?address of?cer 15 this a group return for subordinates? "(b3 Are all supordmates Yes No included? I awe-exempt slab-F5 l? a?uc?gj F7 5010:) 4) 4 [.nsert no] r- 4947(a}(1) or I. 52; If attach a Inst {see Instructions) 3 Wabash: ORG Group exemptron number Form of omanlzauon CO?Tmramn f? 1mg; 1" Ag?xmmn? Other IP I I. Yeargf lormene? 2009 State {If 'kagal 1A Summary 1 dESCr'be the orgamzatlon's missmn 0" most TO FOR THE SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS OF ALL LAWABIDING IOWA CITIZENS 2 Check If the orgemzatlon Its operations or dlsposed of more than 25% 0f net assets .15 ,5 3 Number of voting members of the body {Part VI, lune 1aNumber o-fandependent young members orghe governing bed-y (Part VI, lune 1bTotal number employed In calendar year 2014 (Part V, lune 2e) 5 0? 6 Total numberof volunteers {estlmate If necessary'40 FaTotal unrelated busme? revenue Part calumn (C), line Met unrelated taxabie Incgme fret-Fl Form Prior Year Current Year q! 8 Contributions and grants {PartVIILIlne 1h293,122 9 Program service revenue (Part line 29lines 3,4,and . 224 11 Other column [ALllnes S,6d,8c,9c, 10c,and 1,1,3} 0 12 Total revenue_add Ilnes 8 through 11 [nWSt equal Part column lane 293:225 13 Grants. W3 s'mslar amounts pald {Part IX. column (A), lines 1paid to Drfor members (Part IxSalarles, ?th?r compensatm?m, employee bene?ts (PM 1X, column lines 0 5?10) 5 16a Professional ?unciralsmg fees (part IX, column line lie) 0 3" Total fundrelsmg expenses {part at, column [le ?ne 25) Iii-O 17 Other expenses (partjx? column (A). ?mes liar?11d, 11f?24e} . 318,187? 230,005 13 Total expenses Add lrnes 25) 218.187 280,005 19 Revenue less expenses Subtract ttne 13 from line 12 . . . . 74,935 13,220 3-3: of current End of Year 2? Veer dog . 20 Total assets [partx140,322 183,542 3% 23. Total {pal-t X, 1ne 25Net assets orfund balances? Subtract me 21 from line 20 . . . 140.322 153,542 Sig-nature Block Under penalties ofperjuml declare that! have examined return, Includmg my knowtedge and behef,1l_,5 true, correct, and complEte Declaration ofprepa oreparer has any knowledge About Us Iowa Gun Owners is Iowa's only No Compromise gun rights organization We were formed in January of 2009 to combat Iowa's abusive "may issue" permit system wherein the county sheriff had the arbitrary power to decide who could carry a gun for self- defense and who could not. If you were friends with the sheriff you were able to carry. But if the sheriff didn't like your religion. social status. politics. or what you did for a Living you had no chance of being able to carry a gun to defend your family. We introduced Constitutional Carry into the General Assembly in 2009. Constitutional Carry is a simple idea that stems from the 2nd Amendment. Mirroring the laws in states like Alaska. Arizona. and Vermont, Constitutional Carry would allow any law abiding Iowan the right to carry a gun for any reason except the commission of a crime WITHOUT needing government permission. Of course our legislation still allowed for a permit for reciprocity purposes. In 2010 the anti?gun crowd in Des Moines knew that there was a grassroots gun rights lobby in Iowa that would hold them accountable for their actions for the first time in years. So once they voted to kill Constitutional Carry they voted to approve Iowa's current ?Shall Issue" bill that was brought forth by less principled organizations. Of course. since that bill was passed by anti?gun legislators it was full of anti-gun provisions. But Iowa Gun Owners went to work during the last election cycle exposing those politicians who were desperately seeking political cover by voting for the watered down ?regulated carry" bill. We exposed the records and candidate surveys of all the candidates to our members and other interested Iowans. Using our direct mail and email broadcast systems we communicated with over 175.000 Iowans letting them know which candidates were pro-gun and who wasju?st saying that they were. PETITION to ENACT in IOWA First Name Last Name Email Zip Code SUBMIT Fix the following errors: Hide Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Therefore: Under current law in to we, gun owners can be sued and prosecuted by criminais simply for defending themselves and their io ved ones against a criminai attack; and Under current iaw in Iowa, even if you survive a vioient attack on your iife you have no civii protections, which oftentimes results in you having to spend tens of thousands ofdoiiars to defend yourseif over again in the courtroom; and Law-abiding gun owners should be abie to exercise their God-given right to seif?defense -- without fear of facing prosecution or bankruptcy; and A Stand- Your-Ground iaw wouid simpiv aiiow iaw-abiding gun owners in Iowa the right to defend themseives and their in ved ones against criminai invasion with out facing prosecution; and On behaif of raw-abiding gun owners across the state of iowa, I urge you to cosponsor and seek record, roii caii votes on the iowa Stand- Your- Ground Bibi with no weakening amendments. Copyright Iowa Gun Owners PO. Box 3585 - Des Moines. IA 50323 (515)309-7858 Iowa Gun Owners is a non?profit advocacy organization registered with the Iowa Secretary of State. Contributions or gi?s to 160 are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. You are here: State Legislation Statewide Media Campaign Launched to Pass Stand?Your?Ground Law! Statewide Media Campaign Launched to Pass Stand?Your?Ground Law! it lei-u: ctivist I I ryingtui a mi STA . ?a LAW '13} :1 HELP US PASS STAND-YOUR- GROUND LAW IN 2017! WATCH AND DONATE your-ground-law/) Aaron Dorr March 21. 2017 As you know. lowa Gun Owners relies on grassroots pressure to advance or defeat Legislation in the Capitol and to hold legislators accountable at election time. With your help. 35 anti-gun incumbents have been booted from office by mobilized gun owners over the past few election cycles. That's why we're on the verge of passing the largest gun bilt that Iowa has ever seen! But we can?t let up on the pressure not until this bill has been signed by the Governor. A That's why, with anti?gun legislatgrs and grganizatigns ramging ug gressure in the Cagitol. lowa ng Owners is Launching a statewide media camgaign today! Our goal is simple: to mobilize as many gun owners as possible to call their Senator and insist that they back Stand-Your~Ground law! But while we?ve placed an initial ad buy. I need your help to keeb these ads running. Of course. these are the same kinds of ads that got Iowans so fired up that they 'fired' former Senators? Gronstal, Sodders. Wilhelm. Schoenjahn. Courtney. and Brase! Now we're doing it again. mobilizing gun owners to make sure that they contact their Senator to insist they back HF517 Stand-Your-Ground law for Iowa! Check out the ad. you?re doing to love it! And once you?ve heard it. please help us fund as many of these ads as you can ctivist I . ingt 5? GROUND I II IE I: HELP US PASS ammun? GRDUND _h WATCH AND DUNATEG N:m: Trust me, this is the kind of ad that?s going to get the phones ringing in the Iowa State Senate! And with this vote coming as early as this week, we need to get as many gun owners calling as we possibly can. So if you can sponsor one ad, for an average cost of $37.70, please do so now 14777839 You can ensure that tens of thousands of gun owners are informed by sponsoring three or even ?ve ads. by clicking here But if you want to make sure that gun owners from Keokuk to Spencer and Red Oak to Decorah are making their voices heard in this ?ght then please sponsor ten ads today (http 1 25 9254 :qujn4lgN:rn: 1 14777839 It all comes down to this ?nal push in the legislature. Will all of the hard work and sacri?ce that thousands of gun owners made last fall pay off with the passage of Stand-Your-Ground law? Or will we hear a lot of big talk, with little to no follow through? You can he] us make sure that Stand-Your-Ground law becomes a reali helping us keep these ads on the air 1 14777 839 It I i'n'gt STA i ?n GROUN I LAW 4.) as I: I: HELP us PASS STAND-VUUR- LAW IN 20111 WATCH DONATE ?5 Thanks to so many of our supporters, our initial ad buy is covering media markets in Des Moines, Waterloo, Mason City, Sioux City, Davenport, and Council Bluffs. But that still leaves so many areas that we?re not covering, so many gun owners who may not know that we?re down to the wire here in Des Moines! With your support, I?d like to hit the smaller markets in addition to our current media buy. These would include stations like KMCH in Manchester, KSOU in Sioux Center, KVIK in Decorah, KXIA in Marshalltown, KCHA in Charles City, KIWA in Sheldon,A KLMJ in Hampton, and many more! Iowa Gun Owners is pulling out all the stops in this ?ght, and we have been all session. We?re sending out mail by the truck load to alert gun owners. We?re deploying emails around the clock and reporting live on Facebook every other day. This is it. There?s no time left for direct mail. but with an ad campaign like I?ve laid out above we can in these ?nal days alert tens of thousands of gun owners and get them involved! Please respond as quickly as you can, so I can lock in even more spots as quickly as possible! For Freedom, Executive Director Iowa Gun Owners P.S. With anti-gun pressure mounting in Des Moines over Stand-Your-Ground law, and with a showdown coming to the Senate ?oor any day Iowa Gun Owners launched a statewide media buy this morning! Our goal is to mobilize gun owners by the tens of thousands, urging them to call A their Senator and insist that they back Stand-Your-Ground law! While our initial ad buy is locked in, there? 3 many more parts of the state that we need to reach out to. So lease listen to the ad below and then onsor as man additional ads as you can, right away aracom. N:m:1:l i. ,1 its uw. ctivist v, . my 1 H. STA:12: HELP US PASS STAND-YOUR- GROUND LAW IN 2017! WATCH AND DONATE (http:/ ct/ 412592541quj n4lgN:m: This vote may happen this week: so please, help us get the word out bv sponsoring one, three, five. or even ten ads todav 1 14777 83 8BBD9C 1AA5E797D1 923 J?l? GUN . . l[ 'g-m 11.22.: - -- 5 :quj n41gN:m: 1 14777 83959 :4 726DD52F9278BBD9C 1AA5E797D 1 923 Posted in Latest News State Legislation Tagged HF517 Iowa Iowa Gun Owners largest gun biLL Stand Your Ground