AS Resolution Advocating to Immediately Defund the UCSDPD and Committing to  Abolish the UCPD     Whereas,​ UC San Diego has a history of racism and discrimination against Black and  other minority students, most notably the infamous 2010 “Compton Cookout” and, more  recently, the incident of repeated racist Zoom bombing on May 31, 2020; and  Whereas,​ UCPD has engaged in especially concerning practices this year, including:  supporting local police departments across the state, especially in Oakland, in fighting  against protests in the wake of the murder of George Floyd; coordinating with local  police departments, especially in Santa Cruz, to suppress and surveil student  demonstrators during the COLA wildcat strikes and related actions; and working with  local police departments, especially in Los Angeles, to provide space for the detainment  of demonstrators arrested while protesting the murder of George Floyd; and  Whereas,​ the ASUCSD recognizes the slow movement of the UC system in abolishing  the UCPD, and thus wants to hold UCSD accountable in preventing racist and violent  policing by the UCSDPD, and encouraging defunding efforts, until the UC system takes  action; and  Whereas,​ major American cities such as Minneapolis have committed to redirecting  police funding to resource programs for vulnerable communities, serving as an example  for others and the UC; and  Whereas,​ the United States has a history of systemic racism and imperialism, especially  within its policing system;  Therefore, let it be resolved,​ that the Associated Students of UC San Diego (ASUCSD)  condemns in the strongest terms anti-Blackness, racial violence, and bias by the UC and  its associated entities; and  Therefore, let it be further resolved,​ that ASUCSD reaffirms its commitment to the  Corporate Responsibility Resolution and encourages UCSD at large to do the same; and  Therefore, let it be further resolved,​ that ASUCSD shall prioritize its work with  organizations such as the Black Student Union, the Office of Equity, Diversity, and  Inclusion, and others, while also encouraging partnership opportunities such as offering  assistance to the Afrikan Black Coalition conference, to rectify the racial injustices that  have long been present on our campus and in our local community; and  Therefore, let it be further resolved, ​that the ASUCSD Office of External Affairs Minority  Representation Caucus will develop a report of anti-Blackness and police misconduct on  campus to demand that tangible changes are enforced by UCSDPD and campus  administration to ensure that a safer environment is created for students returning to  campus; and   Therefore, let it be further resolved, ​that ASUCSD shall work diligently to acquire and  publicize the records of the UCSDPD budget in order to increase transparency and allow  for student inspection on what can be defunded so that money can return to UCSD  campus efforts whilst ensuring that campus safety is still a priority.