DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20201 Case No. 2018-00972-FOIA-OS Equity Forward v. HHS, Civil No. 18-1509 (D.D.C.) November 30, 2019 Mary Alice Carter Executive Director Equity Forward Sent via email: Dear Ms. Carter: This letter is the fifth interim response to your May 9, 2018, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Specifically, you requested access to and copies of all calendars or calendar entries, schedules and/or travel itineraries for the months of March 2018, April 2018, and May 2018 for the following HHS officials: ● Alex Azar, Secretary ● March Bell, Chief of Staff for the Office for Civil Rights ● Matthew “Matt” Bowman, Deputy General Counsel ● Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health ● Brian Harrison, Deputy Chief of Staff ● Valerie Huber, Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary for Health ● Scott Lloyd, Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement ● Shannon Royce, Director of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships ● Roger Severino, Director of the Office for Civil Rights ● Paula Stannard, Counsel ● Heidi Stirrup, Deputy Director, Office of White House Liaison ● Peter Urbanowicz, Chief of Staff ● Steven Valentine, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary for Health ● Margaret “Maggie” Wynne, Counselor The Department processed approximately 489 pages of potentially responsive records captured in the agency’s search for FOIA request 2018-00972-FOIA-OS. After a careful review of these pages, I have determined to release 239 pages to you in their entirety, and I am further releasing 58 pages in part, with portions redacted, pursuant to Exemptions (b)(5) and (b)(6) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. §552 (b)(5) and (b)(6)). I have also determined to withhold 127 pages in their entirety, pursuant to Exemptions (b)(5) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. §552 (b)(5). Furthermore, I have determined that 64 pages should be sent for consultation to other agencies and returned to this Department for final disposition. Finally, I determined that 1 page non-responsive and duplicative to your request. VERSIGHT Page 2 of 2 Case No. 2018-00972-FOIA-OS Equity Forward v. HHS, Civil No. 18-1509 (D.D.C.) FOIA exemption (b)(5) protects inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency. This exemption protects documents that would be covered by any privilege an agency could assert in a civil proceeding. These privileges include, among others, the deliberative process privilege, the attorney-client privilege, and the attorney work-product privilege. FOIA exemption (b)(6) permits a Federal agency to withhold information and records about individuals in “personnel and medical files and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.” The definition of “similar files” has historically been broadly interpreted to include a wide variety of files, and the United States Supreme Court has held that Congress intended the term "similar files" to be interpreted broadly, rather than narrowly. I have analyzed these records and find they meet the threshold requirement of this exemption. Additionally, I have reviewed and weighed the public interest in disclosure of this information against the privacy interest in nondisclosure, and found that the privacy interest outweighs the public’s interest in disclosure. We will continue to review the remaining records as efficiently and expeditiously as possible, consistent with our available resources and the Order of the Court. Should you have questions or concerns regarding the Department’s response and\or the processing of your request, any such issues should be communicated to your legal counsel and Department of Justice Attorney representing the Department in this matter. Sincerely yours, for Brandon J. Gaylord Supervisory Government Information Specialist and HHS FOIA/PA Public Liaison Enclosure(s) pVERSIGHT Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Meeting w/Dr. Victor Dzau, National Academy of Medicine POC: Morgan Kanare ~/hHR\ ™'1! Dinah Bembo 202-690 -769 4 I Date: 20 18/04/30 15:21 :38 Start Date: 2018/05/10 13:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/10 13:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASH CR 716-G Hi Dinah, Please find the participant list, agenda, and bias, below . I will let you know if we plan to discuss any other topics with Dr. Giroir during the meeting, but the NAM opioid collaborative is to be the primary focus. NAM Meetin g Att endees: • Victor J. Dzau, President, National Academy of Medicine • Michael McGinnis, Leonard D. Schaeffer Executive Officer, National Academy of Medicine • Elizabeth Finkelman, Associate Program Officer, National Academy of Medicine Agenda: • Discuss the NAM's Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic (concept paper enclosed), including the participation and engagement of HHS NAM Att endees' Biographies: Victor J. Dzau, MD , is President of the National Academy of Medicine. He is an internationally acclaimed leader and scientist whose work has improved health care in the United States and globally. Under his direction, the National Academy of Medicine advances research and improves health by providing objective, evidence-based guidance on critical issues. His foresight in translation of research into diagnostic methods, medicines, and creative solutions for human health issues is a great asset to the Academies and to the public at large. His own research laid the foundation for development of angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, used globa lly to treat high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. He pioneered gene therapy for vascular disease and was the first to introduce DNA decoy molecules to block transcription as gene therapy in humans . Prior to becoming President of the National Academy of Medicine, Dr. Dzau served as Chancellor for Health Affairs and President & CEOof Duke University Medical Center. He has received numerous awards including the Max Delbruck Medal from Humboldt AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000001 University Charite and Max Planck Institute, the Gustav Nylin Medal from the Swedish Royal College of Med icine, the Polzer Prize from the European Academy of Sciences & Arts, the Ellis Island Medal of Honor , and the Distinguished Scientist Award of the American Heart Association . M ichael McGinnis, MD, MA, MPP : An active front-line participan t in national and international health policy and programs for more than four decades, Michael McGinnis is currently Leonard D. Schaeffer Execut ive Officer at the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) . He is also an elected Member of the NAM, Executive Director of the NAM Leadership Consortium on Value & ScienceDriven Health Care, and founder and facilitator of its Learning Health System initiative . In a tenure unusual for political and policy posts, he held continuous appointment through the Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton Administrations at the Department of Health and Human Services, with policy responsibilities for disease prevention and health promotion. In this capacity, he was founder and steward of various still ongoing programs and policies, including : the Healthy People program of nationa l goals and objectives, the HHS/USDADietary Guidelines for Americans, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, and the Ten Essential Services of Public Health . In other appointments, he served as founding director/chair of: the health program group at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ; the World Bank/European Commission Task Force for Health Reconstruction in Bosnia; the federal Office of Research Integrity, and the HHS Nutrition Policy Board. Early in his career, he served as director of the World Health Organization's smallpox eradication program in Uttar Pradesh, India, and director of the U.S.Eastern Europe cooperative health research program. Educated at Berkeley (AB), UCLA(MA, MD), and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government (MPP), he is perhaps most recognized for his research and publications on population health and the root sources of morbidity and mortality. Recognitions include the federal Distinguished Service Medal, the 1996 National Health Leader of the Year award , and the 2013 national Public Health Hero award. Elizabeth M . Finkelman, MPP Elizabeth Finkelman is an Associate Program Officer in the Office of the President at the Nationa l Academy of Medicine. In her role, she manages special projects and initiatives of the NAM , including the Vital Directions for Health and Health Care initiative, the Healthy Longevity Grand Challenge, the NAM Annua l Meeting scientific program, and the NAM's developing work on the opioid epidemic . Prior to joining the NAM President's Office in 2015, Elizabeth spent several years working in program administration and research within the Division on Earth and Life Studies at t he Nat ional Academies . She comple t ed her undergraduate degree at McGill University, double majo ring in cell and molecu lar biology and poli t ical science. Elizabeth has a Master of Public Policy degree from the George Washington University with a concentration in health policy . Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence,Laura (HHS/105) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/04/30 15:21:38 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000003 Concept Paper-March (41 NATIONALACADEMYOF MEDICINE 2018 TI IE ASPEt... STITUTE Hea!U1, Medicine and Sodetv Program Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic Objective The National Academy of Medicine (NAM ), in partner ship with the Aspen Institute (Al ), seeks to launch a two -year Action Collaborative on co untering the U.S. opioid epid emic. The Action Collaborati ve would be an NAM-facilitated standin g body that brin gs toge ther stakehold ers nation ally to advance progr ess across pr iority areas through collaboration , coordination , communication, and shared learning act ivities. Ba sed on our initial data gathering act ivitie s, the Collaborative might focus on: h ealth profe ssional education and train ing ; opioid presc ribin g beha vior and guidelin es; medical treatment. includin g finan cing and strengthening links bet ween medical and supportiv e services; community impl ementation model s and resou rces. Background: The Opioid Addiction Crisis The United States is in the thro es of a devas tatin g opioid addiction crisis- the deadlie st add iction of our time. Dri ven by alarming rates of opioid abuse and mi su se, dru g overdose is now the leadin g ca use of accidental dea th in the U.S., takin g the lives of over 170 Americans every day. In 2016 , over 64,000 people died from dru g overdoses in the U.S .-a 21 % increa se from 2015-and , of tho se death s, about 42,000 were linked to opioids. 1 Preliminary data indicate the se trends worsened in 2017. 2 The economic toll of the epidemic is also growing; the Pre sident' s Council of Economic Advisers recently estim ated that the opioid cri sis cos t $504 billi on in 2015 , or 2.8% of GDP. 3 Since 1999 , the numb er of opioid-related deaths (from both pr escription opioids and heroin ) h as quadrupled. 4 And , betwee n 1999 and 2010 , the number of presc ription opioids sold in the U.S. increase d at the same rate, des pite rep o1ted pain leve ls remainin g largely unchan ged . It is widely accepted th at prescription opioids have been a key driv er of the existing epidemic. In 2015 , the total number o f opioid pre scription s exceeded 225 million , equating to a prescribing rate of about 71 pre scriprjon s p er 100 people. The 2016 data indic ate that the overall pre sclibing rate impro ved som ewhat with 66 .5 prescripti ons per 100 peopl e, and these rates vary widely across states and co untie s. 5 Several effort s have been laun ched to curb unnecessa ry opioid pre scribin g and use. And wbjle the numb ers of pre scription opioid deaths ha ve begun to level off in recent years, overdoses and deaths due to synthetic opioids-including heroin , fentanyl, a nd car fentanil-h ave been on the rise , as they are cheap er, more accessible, and more potent dru gs . Rec ent studi es have produ ced stron g evidence "supporting the conclusion that the recent presc ription opioid epidemic has res ulted in a significant increase in dome stic heroin use and associated overdose dea tbs.' ' 6 Of the more than 64,000 dru g 1 https:// www /databri cfs/db294.btm 2 http s://www .cdc.go v/nchs/nvss/vstT/drug-overdo se-data.htm 3 http s ,// www .wb itehou ngs-statement s/cea-report-under estimat ed-cost -opioid -cri sis/ https:// www .cdc.go v/drugoverdo se/epidemic /iodex.htmJ ' http s://www .cdc.go v/drugoverd ose/maps/rxrate-maps.htmJ 6 http s://www .nap.e.du/read/24781/chapter /8 (page 207) 4 AMEFHCAf\. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000004 Concept Paper-March 2018 ove rdo se deaths in 20 16, ove r 20 ,000 of tho se death s were attributed to fentany l and fentanyl analogs .7 It is estimat ed that 4-6% of tho se wh o misuse op ioid s transition to heroin , and that about 80% of those using hero in fir st misused prescription op ioid s. 8 While the root ca uses of the epid emic are seve ral and comp lex , they are often link ed to a few c1itical, overarching issues: the over-prescription of opioids for treatment of pain; insufficient health provider ed uca tion and training in pain management and addiction; under- treatme nt of opioi d use disorders; bruTiers and limitation s to treatment financing; limited use of publi c health strnteg ies to treat illicit opioid use disorders; and the stigmatiza tion of opioid use disorders, rather than their treatment as a chro nic co nditi on. The Need for Collaborative Action As the c1isis has worsene d , communities, otganizations. ctnd industries across the nation, and all leve ls of gover nm ent , have sp rung to act ion to help overcome the epidemic. At the federal level , divisions across the Department of Health and Hum an Se rvices , includin g th e FDA and NIH have cal led for "all hands on deck " to en d th e c1isis . and last October. President Trump decl ared th e ep idemic to be a public health emergen cy . Yet , despite the heightened attention , the CTisis, on the whole, is not improving; in fact, it ' s ge ttin g worse. Extensive and multi factori al in natur e, the ep idemic will require a mu lti-sectoral and multi-pronged response to be successfu lly overcome; no organization, government agency, or sec tor ca n solve this crisis on its own. Da e to the comple x ru1d m gent nature of the epidemic, and the need for muJtiple diverse approaches, within the past yea r alone , num erou s initiatives , reports , guid elines an d recommendations have been developed to address the epidemic across th e private and public sec tor s at national, stat e, and local levels. A selection of the entiti es leading major initiatives actoss sectors are highlighted in the box be low. The initiatives and act iviti es of each see k to identify sh·ategies to help miti gate the crisis, some of which include , and to varying degrees: addic tion prevention ; prescribing guide1ines ; pre scr ipti on drug monitoring and regulation; add iction treatment and recove ry; health provider ed ucation and training ; law enfor ceme nt and criminal justice reform; stig ma and othe r socia l factors. Th e proliferation of initiatives and policy interventions raises concerns for the extent to which th ese activitie s are coordina ted and uniformly gro und ed in strong evidence. This fuels the risk for , and in some cases has resulted in , overlapping, sometimes duplicative, or eve n conflicted actio ns and recommendat ions, such as in the areas of opioid prescribing standard s and treatment protocols. Successfully overcoming the ep id emic will require stronger mechanisms to support better coordina tion, information-sharing , and evidence-based practice , To eva l uate this need, and to determine how greater cross-sectoral coo rdin atio n and cohes ive strategies might be achieved, the NAM, in partnership with the Aspen Institute, co nvened a brainstorming meeting on January 8, 2018 at the Na tional Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC. Invited participants included leaders hip and representatives from a broad and diverse set of stake holder groups, includin g: health syste m s, hea lth educat ion and accre ditati on assoc iations, providers and provider associat ions, federal and sta te government , the payer comm unity , retail pharmacy , crim inal justice, the business sector, non-profit and academia. 7 https ,//www .drugabu lated-lopics /trends-s tatistics/ overdose •death •rates 8 https ,//w ww.drugabu s-ab use/opio ids/opioid-overdose-crisis#se ven 2 AMEFHCAf\. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000005 Concept Paper - March 2018 Select Entities Leading Major Initiatives or Activities to Address the Opioid Epidemic Federal • The White House • Centers for Disease Control and Preparedness • Centers for Medicar e and Medicaid Services • Food and Drug Administration • National Institut es of Health / National Institute on Drug Abuse • Office of the Nat ional Coordinator • U.S . Surg eon General • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration • Department of Justice • Department of Veterans Affairs State • Association of State and Territ orial Health Officia ls • Nat ional Governors Assoc iation • State Governor s' offices, as well as state departments of health and pub lic health (examples in Massachusetts, Maryland , Ohio, Vermont, and West Virginia) Health Systems and Associations • American Hospital Association • Christiana Care • Kaiser Permanente • Hospital Corporation of America • Massachusetts General Hospital Pharmac y • CVS Health • Walgreens Payer • Aetna • Blue Cross Blue Shield • Cigna Patient • Addiction Policy Forum • PatientPoint and Shatterproof Technolog y • Epic • IBM Research/IBM Watson Healt h Medical Associations and Accreditation Organizat ions • Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education • American Medical Association • American Association of Medica l College s Law Enforcement and Criminal Justi ce • County - or city-level police department s (e.g., Lake County , IL; Montgomery County , MD ; Arlington, MA; Seattle, WA ; and Glouc ester, MA) • Opioid drug courts (e.g., Buffalo, NY) 3 AMEfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000006 Concept Paper-Mar ch 20 18 Over the course of their delib eration s, participants indicated severaJ areas that could benefit from stronger collaborati ve action , and where the NAM-AI could facilitate, includin g education curricul a and training, prescribin g guidelines, communit y implementation models and resources , and medical treatment. In particular, tbe group underscored the tmique ability of the NAM to systematically convene stakehold ers, cw-ate existing recommendations and guidelines, identify and elevate those that are firml y ground ed in eviden ce, and garner the endorsement of the releva nt stakeholder groups in movin g toward national standards and best practices . Based on NAM's past success in deveJoping collective actions with hea lth professions and educators, the group also saw standardizing education cmTic ula and trainin g as a key opportunity . At the meeting, the NAM' s Action Collaborative ("Coll aborative") activity model was propo sed as a potentiall y strong and effective platform to facilitate greater collaborati on and cohesion across stakeholder group s. Action Collaborati ves assemble and engage key stakeholders w ith similar field responsibilitie s and shared interests to act collectively in addressjn g a specific, multifa ceted, and o ften urgent, health care challenge. These ad hoc convening activities provide stakeholder members with a collaborative platform on which to build a shared "action agenda" for advand ng progre ss. Action Collaborati ve ac tivities can include (but are not limit ed to): • 3 fmm al meetings annually defining strategy and workstreams, overseeing the coordin ation and progress of the Collaborati ve • Up to 4 workstreams participated by relevant stakeholders and supplemented by experts outside the Collaborative. • Publi c workshops, if deemed appropri ate and useful to impro ving insights or progress on relevant issues • Expert-auth ored discussion papers, commentaries, or special publi cations • Terrain mapping, including data analysis/synth esis and targeted surveys • Tools developm ent, includin g implem entation tools and digital applications • Knowledge hub: a web-based, open access resource that promot es the sharing of best practices, especially commm1ity activities • Incubating capacity , includin g organization s and networks This model has been successfully applied to the issue of clinician stress and burnout in identifyin g evidence-based strategies to impro ve cJinician well-b eing at both the indi vidual and systems levels. Among the model' s strengths : it offers a neutral, independent forum in which to convene all stakehold ers, includin g public and pti vate sector representatives; and it has uniqu e flexibility in tenu s of participation , goal definition , structure, and output s. Notably, the action collaborative is not intended to limit the activities of individuaJ stakeholder organizations, but rather, to offer a coordin ating mechanism for their activities, as well as a venue for mutual understandin g of shared issues and strategic action. Altoge ther, the pa1ticipants at the Januar y meeting were enthusiastic about the prospect of a Collaborati ve focused on the opioid epidemic, and were encouraging of NAM-AI leadership in this space. Since the meeting, we have held consultative calls and issued a survey across key stakeholders to solicit addit ional input on priority areas where an Action Collaborative could play a unique role and add meaningful value to existing efforts. Overall, the feedback and data generated from these outreach effott s indicated several areas that would benefit from sn·onger collaborative action within the Action Collaborative framework, includin g: health professional education and trainjng; prescribin g behavior and guidelines ; medical treatment , includfo g fin ancing and strengthening the links between medical and 4 AMEfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000007 Concept Paper - March 2018 supportive services; community engagement and resources; culture change and stigma; and research, data , and metrics. Given the scope of this Collaborative , we are seeking $ 1.5M in total fund ing to execute the Collaborative over a 2-year period. With sufficient funding in hand, we will convene a "kick-off ' stakeholder planning meeting to finali ze the mission, goals, and object ives of the Collaborativ e, to affirm the foc us areas (workstream s), as well as to explore the objectives of the workstreams and potential activities to achieve those objectives. Institutional Experience The National Academy of Medicin e, working in partnership with the Aspen Institute , is poised to facilitate the coordin ation, collaboration, and shared learning that is essential to our nation's progress in overcomi ng the opioid epidem ic. The NAM and the Aspe n Institute are both highly esteemed organizations, known for convening diverse and nonparti san thought leaders, scholar s, and exper ts to provide independent and objective assessments of the world's most complex and pressing issues. The NAM's Actio n Collaborative model offers a promi sing framework for the propo sed coordination effort. Worki ng together in this context, the NAM and the Aspe n Institute could jo intly leverage their neutral convening capabi lities and extensive leadership networks to advance real progress in overcoming the opioid crisis. About the National Academy of Medicine Part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, National Academy of Medic ine is an independen t organization of eminent professiona ls and serves alongside the National Academy of Sciences and the Nat ional Academy of Eng ineering as an advise r to the nation and the international commun ity. Throu gh its domestic and global initiatives, and unique ability to assemb le the nation's most eminent scholars and experts, the Nationa l Academy of Medicine works to addre ss critical issues in health, medicine, and related policy and inspire positive action across sectors. Over the pas t five decades, the NAM's work has shaped the agenda for health, health care, and the biomed ical sciences worldwide. As America's most trusted health advisor, the NAM is committed to illumin ating pressing issues that require attention and remedi ation , and to informin g and facilitating health leader s and policymakers in creating the best possible solution s. About the Health, Medicine and Society Program of the Aspen Institute The Health , Medicine and Society Pro gram (HMS) is the domestic health initiative of the Aspen Institute. Estab lished in 2005 , HMS brings together influential groups of thou ght leaders, decisionmakers, and the informed pub lic to consider health challenges fac ing the US in the 21st century and to identify practi cal solutions for addre ssing them. HMS' rigorous ly nonpartisan work spans a range of timely topics - from the opioid epidemic, end-of-life care, and gun violence to public health comm unication, health systems innovation , and much more. At the heart of most of HMS ' activities is a package of research, convenings, and publication s that supports policymake rs, scholars, advocates, and other stakeholders in their drive towards change. A publi c-facing component helps grow a constituency for innov ative ideas. HMS emphasizes reasoned discussion and analytica l rigor, but honor disruptive thinkin g; seek intersections across discipline s; and go beyond the "usual suspects" in recruitin g participants for HMS events so that diverse voices can be heard. HMS ' goal is to nurture new connectio ns, inspire thoughtful debate, and identif y and advance action-ori ented strategies to improve the nation 's health. 5 AMEfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000008 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); To: Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Subject: Trinity Health Meeting POC:Dinah Bembo Date: 2018/05/03 13:55:55 Start Date: 2018/05/03 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/03 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Sender: Recipient : Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/03 13:55:55 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000009 Trinity Health Meeting with ADM Giroir DATE May 3, 2018 TIME 2:00-2:30 PM AGENDA ;fLOC ATION: HHS ~. ·20o~;pe~~ -~ t:eiiu~~ CR 716-G - OVERARCHING GOAL MEITING ~ - - Discuss mutual goals of reducing the impact that the devastating opioid crisis is having on individuals, families and communities. • • • PURPOSEOF ~ Deepen relationship amongst organizations committed to reducing opioid harm. Share respective areas of opioid prior ity and engagement. Identify alignment and opportunities for future collaborations . Agenda • • • • Introduct ions Trinity Health highlights 22 state footprint and system-wide opioid stewardship initiative ADM Giroir highlights HHS'songoing opioid prior it ies Identify any immediate and long-term next steps for collaboration We,i ri ity Health, serve together in the spirit of the Gospel as a ~Ip · n~ t'~ tE_j~ ming healing presence within our communities. A"'vv, . ~::tu,. ,:;uJnJto Those Who Are Poor • Justice • Stewards hip 4 l11tegr,ty \► Trinity Healt h EXT-18-1509-L-000010 Paul F. Conlon, Pharm.D., J.D. Senior Vice President, Clinical Quality and Patient Safety In his role as senior vice president, clinical quality and patient safety, Paul Conlon is committed to making sure Trinity Health exceeds quality standards and ensures patient safety throughout the organization . He is responsible for overseeing clinical quality and patient safety measuring, monitoring and reporting . Conlon brings to Trinity Health hands-on experience as a clinical pharmacist in critical care and infectious disease, plus decades of academic and health care management experience . As a faculty member of the University of Michigan's College of Pharmacy, Conlon teaches clinical pharmacy. Additionally , he has held various positions within Mercy Health Services, a Ministry of Trinity Health. He also served as a health care consultant to General Motors Corporation, led an l npatient pharmacy department, directed pharmacy operations for a health insurance carrier and directed clinical quality support processes for a large teaching hospital. Conlon lends his expertise to numerous community, state and national clinical quality improvement groups, and has authored numerous articles for professional journals. He is on the Board of Directors of the Michigan Hospital Association Keystone Center, the Joint Commission Pioneers in Quality Advisory Panel, fs the co-chair the National Quality Forum Quality Partners initiative on Opioid Stewardship , and is the co-lead of the Catholic CEOHealthcare Connection (CCHC)Opidemic Collaborative. Previously, Paul has served as the co-chair of the National Quality Forum Medication Management Consensus Steering Committee. He has served 2 terms on the National Quality Forum Consensus Standards Approval Committee . For his achievements , Conlon was the first recipient of the Michigan Health and Hospital Association Patient Safety and Quality Leadership Award. Conlon earned a Doctor of Pharmacy degr ee from the University of Michigan, a Juris Doctorate from the University of Detro it and a bachelor 's degree in pharmacy from Northeastern University in Boston. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000011 ,► Trinity Health Trinity Health is Building a People-Centered Health System Committed to Opioid Stewardship and Reducing Opioid Harm May 2018 AMl {ICAf\ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000012 Our Mission drives our Vision and strategy We, Trinity Health, serve together in the spirit of the Gospel as a compassionate and transforming healing presence within our p o~~Qe ·T Our Core Values • Reverence • Commitment to Those Who are Poor • Justice • Stewardship • Integrity EXT-18-1509-L-000013 Our People-Centeredstrategyis focusedon individuals,populationsand communities Community Health & Well-being Efficient & effective episode delivery initiatives Efficient & effective care management initiatives Serving those who are poor , other populations , and impacting the social determinants of health EXT-18-1509-L-000014 ()T rinit y Health 2018, All R,ghts Reserved 3 TrinityHealth's 22-state diversifiedsystem today $17.68 In Revenue .... 1.3M $1.1 B Attributed Lives Community Benefit Ministry 133K 7.5K 25.6K Colleagues Employed Physicians & Clinicians Affiliated Physicians 94 22 13 Hospitals * in 22 states J\r,..,1i:: q Ir, I\ f\. ~ !'iffllllfllll G HT Clinically Integrated Networks ( PACE Programs 109 Continuing Care Locations EXT-18-1509-L-000015 •owned, managed or in JOAs or JVs. {)Trinity Health 2018, All R1_gh1s Reserved 4 In FY17, we provided a highly diversified set of services to almost 6 million people Number of People Served Babies Born Physician Visits ER Visits Discharges Home Health & Hospice Admissions Long-term Care Days Acute Discharges 5.9M* 67,500** 12.7M 2.4M 0.6M 107,000 1.2M 579K*** EXT-18-1509-L-000016 ()Trln11vHer lth 2018,1111 RtghtsReserved 5 System-wideTrinityHealth opioidresponse • Board of Directors approved Opioid Use Reduction Care Improvement Work . • Opioid Use Reduction Care Optimization team representing all organizations leveraging the expertise and passion of clinical leaders (200+) across the country. • Education for leaders , clinical staff and patients. - Creating awareness of the emergency. - Using non-stigmatizing language . - Developing pain management shared decision making process and tools. • Incorporate into Enhanced Recovery after Surgery - Surgical Home initiative. • Connecting with NQF, CCHC, ACS, State initiatives , local community initiatives . • Initial Screening Assessment for Risk of SUD . - Mandatory and non-mandatory questions. • Opioid Education on Discharge Instructions. • Identification within EHR. • Integration of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (POMP) into the EHR Systems. • Virtual content management site to exchange ideas and evidenced-based interventions. • Promotion of multi-modal pain management programs as alternatives to opioid medications for pain. I\ fl.Al=R l(;J\ f\. Hi!hlfjji l G HT EXT-18-1509-L-000017 ,ornn,11Health 2018, Ah Rlfll1t~ R,,s;,rveu 6 OU Resources OU Responsibilities OU Recommendation Identification Proper Identification of Chronic Opioid Use Education Increase Awareness Physicians /Nurses/Pharmacists / Staff/Patient/Caregiver Non-Stigmatizing Language Prevention Screening tor Risk of SUD Coding/documentation Manage SUD Patients Identification, Clinical Decision Support Pre-Op Education /Pain Expectations Education Patient shared decision making/outlining options for pain management (Surgical Services Focus Initially) Treatment Referral /Network (SH/Addiction focus) Multimodal Pain Management Pharmacy Evidence-Based Care Pathways and Guidelines □--- Technology Process Identification PDMP/EMR Integration Prescribing Limits Informatics Trinity Health Guidance Opioid Sparing Recommendations Active Clinical Decision Support Data Capture Compliance with Treatment Guidelines Improve Functionality of EMR Acute Care and Ambulatory @ @,© Process D Technology Trinity Health Formulary Review Opioids and Alternative Agents Opioid Utilization Monthly Report System, Local, and Clinical Condition Level Reporting Discharge Meds , Supply Chain , Medication Administration Record OUR Focus ,/\ ~ A~~ 1 (; ril1.¥ l\r IdA'f A collaborative effort of physicians, clinicians and leaders from across developing impactful , patientopioid utilization stewardship strategies to address the opioid epidemic . EXT-18-1509-L-000018 ©Tnnuy Health 2018 All Rights Reserved 7 Annual purchasevolumeof opioidshas decreased 12% since FY 2015; purchaseof opioidantagonistshas increased96% in the same period (graph shows data from FY 2013 to present) u, 600 2.0 • I: .2 I: 1.8 1.4 400 ·- C, 7i,E C: (1) o E ::s C) .c: :a= ~ :a= ·- 0 g> 0 1.6 (1) ::s-C1> a. "C E ·o..:! = ~ ~ 500 en mW u, 1.2 300 200 tU -0 ... ~> 1.0 "C (1) 0.8 ·-C. .c: CJ ·-0 tU en 0 a.. ::s a. 0.6 0.4 100 0.2 0 0.0 -+-------,---------r---------.-----~------+- 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Fiscal Year ft r..,1i::q l(;J\ f\. -e- Opioid -e- OpioidAntagonist ~ ~ IG,M;:OpioidantagonistpurchaseexcludesantagonistspackagedwithopioidagO f1!~t~yHealth2018 EXT-18-1509-L-000019 AII Rlgl1ts Reserved B Mercy Behavioral Health Care ■ Mercy Behavioral Health Care has a dominant role in maintaining the region's safety net for behavioral health services. • Providence Hospital maintains a 67% market share for inpatient behavioral health services and over 85% occupancy rate. • Providence Hospital is the only provider of inpatient psychiatric services for children outside Greater Boston. • Providence Hospital operates one of only two psychiatric units for elders in the region. • Providence is the only provider of substance use disorder treatment in the region that has a continuum of care that includes both inpatient Acute Treatment, Clinical Stabilization, and Opioid Treatment Programs. l\f\Al=Rlt ,J-~I Hi!hlfjji l G HT EXT-18-1509-L-000020 ,o,nn,11 Health 20 18, AllRlol1t~ R,,s;,1""<1 !i Addressing the Opioid Crisis ■ Regional, National, and Statewide Leadership ✓ Opioid Working Group - MHA - Hampden County Taskforce ✓ Trinity Health Opioid Utilization Reduction & Public Policy ■ Expanded Medication Assisted Treatment Options ■ Opioid Overdose Prevention Program ■ Development of Addiction Medicine Workforce EXT-18-1509-L-000021 ttrrrin111Health 2018, All R1gl1tsRestlrvet/ 10 Pathways to Care: Addressing Opioid Crisis • Community Engagement and Education ✓ Educational Forums & Special Events (Jan 12th , Chris Herren) ✓ Future Health Documentary on Opioid Addiction • Enhancement of Environment ✓ Opioid Treatment Program - PBHH - Wellness Activities • Enhancement of Care ✓ Family Involvement - Streamlined Access - Clinical Training EXT-18-1509-L-000022 33% and improve patient and staff satisfaction ■ Opened Clinical Stabilization Service in Feb 2017 to provide access to more than 7,000 days of inpatient treatment as stepdown from Acute Treatment Service (i.e. detox - a service already provided at Providence Behavioral Health Hospital) ■ Creating streamlined pathways into opioid addiction treatment from ED, hospital, and ambulatory networks - working with correctional system to develop pilot program to maintain opioid treatment if incarcerated (highest risk population) EXT-18-1509-L-000024 "'1Trin111 Health 2018, Ali Rlgl1tsRes!!rved 13 Mercy BehavioralHealth Care Implemented Opioid Overdose Education & Naloxone Distribution Program ■ Implemented standing order at MercyRx pharmacy for any individual or third-party at risk of witnessing overdose to be able to be obtain education and a naloxone rescue kit ■ Standardized education and risk assessment regarding opioid overdose for all patients in substance use disorder treatment and streamlined access to naloxone for patients in treatment ■ Initiated a community education program with ED RN & clinicians ■ Dispensed >500 naloxone rescue kits in 2016 and more in 2017 EXT-18-1509-L-000025 "'1Trin111 Health 2018. All Rlgl1tsRes~rvecl 14 Mercy BehavioralHealth Care Developing Addiction Medicine Workforce Through Enactment of Federal Law & Rule Changes ■ Providence Hospital Opioid Treatment Program was one of the first programs in the nation to receive federal exception approved by SAMHSA/DHHS to allow mid-level practitioners (i.e. Physician Assistants) to prescribe methadone in opioid treatment programs in order to expand access to care, resulting in reduced time/waiting lists to treatment ■ Current staff (Physician Assistants) have also completed requirements and begun prescribing buprenorphine in 2017 , now carrying panels of patients, expanding access to care, resulting in reduced time/waiting lists to treatment AM FR l(;J\ \~ f\. -IGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000026 ©Tr init y HMlth 2018. All Rlg l1ts Reserved 15 With Support, Meeting The Challenges Ahead • Expansion of Services • Building a Continuum of Excellence • Community-Based & Innovative Partnerships • Integration of Behavioral Health Care into All Care EXT-18-1509-L-000027 "'1Trin111 Health 2018, Ali Rlgl1tsRestlrvetl 16 Trinity Health's policy recommendationsfocus on people-centeredimperativesfor reducingopioid harm • Building awareness, education and engagement across all stakeholders including patients, providers, pharmacists, families and communities. • Ensuring resources and coordinated, comprehensive solutions across local , state and federal levels of government. • Supporting a whole-person approach to meet the full range of an individual's physical, behavioral and social support needs. ReducingOpio id Hann : Prolcy,,, ... t!rsO.f • Enhancing prevention through communication, transparency and accountability among all stakeholders. ~lW ~ ,I 1114 ...... --IMtl!'M.r,..,._.~ _Qi!ltt,....ei- ~~..o-. , - 11.n _.~~llUM SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) Subject: Meeting w//Margaret Anderson, Managing Director, Deloitte Consulting LLP POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/04/30 16:30:56 Start Date: 2018/05/10 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 15:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) Sent Date: 2018/04/30 16:30:56 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000033 Margaret is a managing director engaging across the federal health, nonprofit, and life sciences sectors where she is focused on advancing treatments and interventions for patients, as we ll as helping to improve the outcomes and efficiency of research and delivery systems. Prior to Deloitte, Margaret advocated for cross-sector collaboration , cultivated a culture of innovation , and engaged patient s as partners while serving as executive director ofFasterCures, a Washington DC-based center of the Milken Institute. She has worked on biomedical and public health policy serving previously at the Academy for Educatio nal Development , as program director at the Society for Women's Heal th Research, and as a health science analyst at the American Public Health Assoc iation. Margaret has served on national boards and committees includin g the Nat ional Institutes of Health (NIH), National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Advisory Counc il and Cures Acce leration Network Review Board , and National Health Council. She cun-ently serves on the boards of ACT for the NIH, Asthma & Allergy Foundation , and Melanoma R esearch Alliance. She hold s a bachelor's degree from the Unive rsity of Maryland and a master's degree in science, technology & public policy from George Washington University. AMEfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000034 Jonathan joined Deloitte in 2004 and supports a range of Federal government and not for profit clients in addressing critical mission and business issues . Jonathan has deep experience in strategic planning , commercial wargame design, and using collective intelligence to problem solve. He has been called upon to help address a number of national issues to include Critical Infrastructure Protection, US Cyber Strategies , and US-China energy policies . Leveraging the collective intelligence used in aspects of commercial wargaming, Mr Baba has developed and leads Deloitte's federal crowdsourcing efforts . Using collective intelligence in his solutions, Mr Baba has designed a winning Xprize challenge on early cancer detection, led the HHS opioid hackathon, supported the DoD and White House on maturing the country's Advanced Manufacturing Institutes , and developed a technology solution to address human trafficking in the global shrimping industry. Mr Baba was awarded a Master's Degree in Business Administration and is an industry graduate of the National Defense University Advanced Management Program . Mr Baba was awarded a B.A. in International Relations from Syracuse University in 1990. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000035 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); To: Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) Subject: OSGUpdate w/VADM Jerome Adams POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/04/04 09:34:14 Start Date: 2018/04/06 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/06 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf-o4069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) Sent Date: 2018/04/04 09:34:14 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000036 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984b1caf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) Subject: National Memorial Day of Observanceat Arlington National Cemetery on May 28, 2018 Date: 2018/05/04 09:20:32 Start Date: 2018/05/28 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/28 12:00:00 Priority : Normal Type : Appointment Location: Arlington National Cemetery Dear CAPTRivero, It would be a singular honor to attend and to participate in the National Memorial Day Observance, and to represent the men and women of the Commissioned Corps. I look forward to receiving any additional details and information in preparation for this event. One question : although I understand I wi ll be participating on the uniformed side of the ceremony and may be in a box reserved as such, is it possible to have my wife accompany me and sit in an amphitheater general seat? Please do not go to any trouble if the answer is not immediately obvious . Many thanks for this opportunity. BG Brett P. Giroir, MD ADM, US Public Health Service Assistant Secretary for Health Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000037 Office Phone: 202 -6q0-7694 From: Rivero, Josef (NIH/NHLBI) [E) (mailto:josef. rivero@nih .gov) Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 5:58 PM To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Cc: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject : National Memorial Day of Observance at Arlington National Cemetery on May 28, 2018 Greetings Admiral Giroir, Sir in behalf of the Commissioned Corps National Events Planning Group and the National Commissioned Officer Association, we would like to request your presence to attend and participated at the annual 2018 Nation al Memorial Day of Observance at the Arlington National Cemetery on May 28, 2018 Monday 0900-1200. Your role should you accept th is invitation is to lay a w reath at the Tombs of the Unknown as the highest ranking official represent ing the Commissioned Corps of the United Stated Public Health Service in honoring and remembering our national heroes at this sacred ground . Immediately following the wreath laying ceremony, your presence is requested to join the memorial day of observance program in the ANC amph itheater with the US President Donald Trump or designee with other dignitaries. A special amphitheater box seat is reserved fo r you should you choose to join the memorial day program . If you have additiona l inquiries feel free to contact me via mobile phone at 301-742-1055. Very Respectfully Requested, Josef Rivero PA-C, CAQ(EMPA), MSSc, CCHP, MT (ASCP) CAPTAIN,U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Federal Asian Pacific American Council NIH Advisory Council Co-Chair 2017 Immediate Past Chair of th e Health Services Category Senior Physician Assistant, Transplantation lmmunotherapy & Hematology, Nationa l Heart Lung and Blood Institute , NIH 10 Cente r Drive, MSC 1230, Building 10-CRC,Room 3E-5330 Bethesda, MD 20892 E-mail: josef.rivero@nih .gov Mob ile Phone: .... ~b_)_ (6_) ___ _, Multidisciplinary in Approach, Connected by Service , Adva ncing Public Health #WeAreCorpsS TRONG AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000038 Giroir, Brett {HHSLOASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHSLOASH) Giroir, Brett (HHSLOASH); Ngu~en,Tuan (OSLOASH); Bembo, Dinah {HHSLOASH); Valentine Steven (HHS/IOS)(Steven.Valentine@hhs.aov) {fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) Sent Date: 2018L0SL0409:20:32 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000039 requests The Secretary of Defense the honor of your presence at the Monday, the twenty-eighth of May, two thousand eighteen at eleven o'clock in the morning Tomb of the Unknowns Arlington Memorial Amphitheater Arlington National Cemetery Af:v- R.s ~ .p. by 22 May to: pv ~ Attire: Business Attire EXT-18-1509-L-000040 Service Dress Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : HOLIDAY- Memorial Day Date : 2018/05/04 09:20:46 Start Date: 2018/05/28 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 00:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/04 09:20:46 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000041 From: To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: Hold for Wendy Holman Date: 2018/04/22 15:18:23 Start Date: 20 18/04/24 17:00:00 End Date: 20 18/04/24 17:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/22 15:18:23 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000042 From: To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subj ect: Hold for Office Time Dat e: 2018/04/22 21:34:49 Start Date: 20 18/04/26 08:30:00 End Date: 20 18/04/26 10:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 20 18/04/22 21:34:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000043 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Berger, James J. (HHS/OASH); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/DASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( To: (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Wright, Don (HHS/DASH)( ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Pre-Brief w/James Berger Re: Blood Centers & Red Cross scheduled Tuesday, May 1, 2018 POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/04/25 15:44:51 Start Date: 2018/04/27 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/27 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: DASHCR 717-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Berger, James J. (HHS/OASH); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/DASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( Recipient: (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH)( ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/25 15:44:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000044 ARC MEETING TO ADDRESS Institute of Medicine (IOM) REPORT Recommendations ''STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE CARDIAC ARREST SURVIVAL: 5/1/2018 A TIME TO ACT'' .: ···t·· ···... .. .. . .. -y·. z· ~ ~: .... '-=-~ ....... AMERICAN PVERSIGHT •. "Y ··.~ - n--: ~· .....: "~-. -~-'-· . -.r?.: ..f./.'?.i \: .s .· EXT-18-1509-L-000045 BRIEF NARRATIVE TALKING POINTS FOR AGENDA ITEMS Background:In 2013, American College of Cardiology,AHA, ARC,CDC, NIH and VA asked the IOM to conduct a consensus study on the factors currently affecting cardiac arrest treatment & outcomes in the U.S. Charged with evaluating the following 5 areas:CPR and the use of automated external defibrillatorsEMS and hospital systems of resuscitation careNational cardiac arrest statisticsResuscitation researchFuture therapies and strategies for improving health outcomes from cardiac arrest within the next decade ~AN SIGHT O F F I CE AS S I S TANT SE C RETARY FOR OF T HE HEALTH EXT-18-1509-L-000046 Establish Robust Data Collection and Dissemination Recommendations 1. Establish a National Cardiac Arrest Registry CDC should expand & coordinate cardiac arrest data collection through a publicly reported and available national cardiac arrest registry to help increase federal & state accountability for current system performance & promote actions to improve cardiac arrest outcomes.Foster a Culture of Action Through Public Awareness & TrainingCDC should expand & coordinate cardiac arrest data collection through a publicly reported and available national cardiac arrest registryEnhance the Capabilities and Performance of EMS SystemsSet National Accreditation Standards Related to Cardiac Arrest for Hospitals & Health Care SystemsAdopt Continuous Quality Improvement Programs ~AN SIGHT OFF ASSISTANT SECRETARY I CE FOR OF THE HEALTH ~.J~ t-t11.,~,. ~ .,,, i ~] EXT-18-1509-L-000047 ..;t~.c 't' ~ - ·~~ - Establish Robust Data Collection and Dissemination Recommendations 6. Accelerate Research on Pathophysiology, New Therapies, & Translation of Science for Cardiac ArrestAccelerate Research on the Evaluation & Adoption of Cardiac Arrest TherapiesCreate a National Cardiac Arrest CollaborativeThe AHA and ARC -with HHS and other federal agencies, national & international resuscitation councils, professional organizations, private industry, & patient advocates - should establish a National Cardiac Arrest Collaborative to: unify the cardiac arrest fieldldentify common goalsBuild momentum to improve survival from cardiac arrest with good neurologic & functional outcomes. ~AN SIGHT O F F I CE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR OF T HE HEALTH EXT-18-1509-L-000048 Agenda Items for May 1st Meeting with AMERICAN RED CROSS lntroductions:Mr. Jack McMaster, Red Cross President of Preparedness, Health and Safety Services {PHSS)Dr. Richard Bradley, Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of TexasDr. Clifton Callaway, Professor, Vice-Chair, and Ronald D. Stewart Endowed Chair in Emergency Medicine Research at the University of PittsburghMs. Julie Manes, Red Cross Director of Government Relations ~AN SIGHT OFF ASS I STANT SECRETARY I CE FOR OF THE HEALTH EXT-18-1509-L-000049 Agenda Items for May 1st Meeting with the American Red Cross • Update and Review the ongoing implementation of 2015 Institute of Medicine report "Strategies to Improve Cardiac Arrest Survival: A Time to Act"Recommendation #8, The establishment of a national cardiac arrest collaborative - ARC and the American Heart Association (AHA) responsibilities delegated by the report - There is a need for and a request for a formal HHS POCto coordinate the different components of the collaboration across HHSRecommendation #1, Establishment of a national cardiac arrest registry; status of Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES) - Update on ARC and AHA activities relative to implementation of other IOM report recommendations ~AN SIGHT OFFICE AS S ISTANT SECRETARY OF FOR THE HEALTH EXT-18-1509-L-000050 J. A. McMaster President - Preparedness, Health & Safety Services American Red Cross John A. (Jack) McMaster assumed the role of President Preparedness, Health & Safety Services for the American Red Cross in July of 2010. He is responsible for the entire portfolio of Red Cross preparedness, health & safety training courses and associated products. He also serves as President of the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council. Prior to joining the American Red Cross Mr. McMaster was President and CEO of LSSiData, a privately held corporation in the data services industry. Mr. McMaster holds a BS from Manhattan College, a MA from New York University in International Political Science, a MBA from the Stern School at New York University, and ~AN SIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000051 Clifton W. Callaway MD, PhD • University of Pittsburgh • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Dr. Callaway attended Harvard University, received his MD, PhD in Neurosciences from the University of California, San Diego, and trained in Emergency Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh . Currently, he is Professor, Vice-Chair, and Ronald D. Stewart Endowed Chair in Emergency Medicine Research at the University of Pittsburgh. His research is particularly focused on improving brain recovery after resuscitation . Dr. Callaway is an investigator for the Resuscitations Outcome Consortium, the Neurological Emergencies Treatment Trial network, and the new SIREN emergency research trial network . Clinical activities include a post-resuscitation care team to provide systematic care of patients who have been resuscitated with CPR . He is immediate past chair of the American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Committee and past co-chair of the Advanced Life Support Task Force for the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). ~AN SIGHT OFF AS S ISTANT SECRETARY I CE FOR OF THE HEALTH EXT-18-1509-L-000052 RICHARDN. BRADLEY,MD, FACEP • PROFESSOR OF EMERGENCY MEDICINEDr. Richard Bradley is the Chief of the Division of Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, which includes a fellowship in Emergency Medical Services. Before this assignment, he accumulated seven years of experience as Medical Director or Chief of Service at two major hospital Emergency Centers in Houston. Dr. Bradley is a 1990 graduate of Santa Clara University. He completed his medical training at Georgetown University School of Medicine in 1994. Before graduating from college, Dr. Bradley accumulated ten years' experience as a firefighter, paramedic, and 9-1-1 dispatcher. Since graduating from medical school, he has completed a residency in Emergency Medicine at the Stanford-Kaiser Combined Emergency Medicine Program and a Fellowship in Emergency Medical Services with the Houston Fire Department. ~AN SIGHT OFF ASSISTANT SECRETARY I CE FOR OF THE HEALTH EXT-18-1509-L-000053 JULIE MANESS ARC DIRECTOR OF GOVERNMENT RELATIONS ~AN SIGHT OFF I CE OF THE EXT-18-1509-L-000054 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subj ect: 220th U.S. PublicHealth ServiceBirthday Celebration Date: 2018/05/04 10:09:18 Start Date: 2018/07/16 08:00:00 End Date: 2018/07/16 11:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Locat ion: NIH Ms. Gray and Ms Bembo, This is indeed a great news to have our Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Brett P. Girioir accepting our invitat ion to deliver the keynote address at the 220th U.S. Public Health Service Birt hday Celebration on July 16, 2018 at NIH. We will provide you with the final program and script of this national event 2 wee ks before the events. Thank you, All the best, JosefRivero PA-C,CAQ(EMPA),MSSc,CCHP,MT (ASCP) CAPTAIN,U.S. PublicHealth ServiceCommissionedCorps Federal Asian PacificAmerican Council NIH AdvisoryCouncilCo-Chair 2017 Immediate Past Chair of the Health ServicesCategory Senior Physician Assistant, Transp lantation lmmunotherapy & Hematology, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH 10 Center Drive, MSC 1230, Building 10-CRC, Room 3E-5330 Bethesda, MD 20892 E-mail: josef (b~)(~6)~-~ Mobi le Phone: '~ Multidisciplinary in Approach, Connected by Service, Advancing Public Health #WeAreCorpsSTRONG AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000055 Dear CAPT Rivero : Thank you for inviting ADM Brett P. Giroir, Assistant Secretaiy for Health. to de liver the Keynote at the 220 th U.S. Public Health Service Birthdav Celebration schedu led for Monday, July 16, 20 18 in Bethesda, MD. He has accepted yo ur kind invitat ion and looks forward to participating. - I will contact you to obta in additiona l information needed fo r his attendance. Please note that while ADM Giroir fully anticipates being in attendance. occasionally, due to circumstances beyond bis control, it becomes necessary for him to alter bjs plans. ,VJ..'lilethis occurs infreguently, I feel you shou ld be aware of trus possibility. I would, of co urse, notify you and your staff of any changes at the ear liest oppo rtuni ty. lfl can be of further assistance. please contact me at 202-690- 7694. I look forward to work ing with you on this event. Again, thank you and best wishes for a successful event. Sincere ly, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to th~ Assistant Secretarv for Health O(fice of the As sistant Secretarv for Health 202-690-7694 - From: Rlvero. Josef (NIH/NHLBll IE) 1 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 5:46 AM To: Gray, Oneika {HHS/OASH) Cc: Bembo, Dinah {HHS/OASH) ; Zhou, Eric {NIH/NIAID) ,[El Subject : 220th U.S. PHS Birthday Celebration July 16, 2018 Greetings In behalf of the NIH CC Liaison Office and Event Subco mm ittee , we request the presence of o ur U.S . Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Brett P. Giroir to attend and provide the key note address to the 220 th U.S. Public Health Service celebrat ion at the National Institutes of Health on July 16, 2018. The theme of the celebration is commemorate the 220 th existence of US. Public Health Service and celebrate our rich history , g lobal impacts and plans for the future. Attac hed is the flyer invitation and event program for details. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000056 Please RSVP below: To view yow- invitation please click the link below. If you are unable to click on the link please copy and paste the address into your web browser. https: // /anim.cfm?i =390893&k =0 16842017254 Respectfully Requested, Josef Rivero PA-C,CAQ(EMPA), MSSc,CCHP,MT (ASCP) CAPTAIN,U.S. PublicHealth Service CommissionedCorps 2017 Immediate Past Chair of the Health ServicesCategory Senior Physician Assistant , Transp lantation lmmunotherapy & Hematology , National Heart Lung and Blood Institute , NIH 10 Center Drive, MSC 1230, Building 10-CRC,Room 3E-5330 Bethesda, MD 20892 E-mail: josef.rivero@nih .gov Mobile Phonef.... ~_)(_6_) __ Multidisciplinary __, in Approach, Connected by Service , Advancing Pub/le Health #WeAreCorpsSTRONG - Giroir, Brett (HHSLOASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHSLOASH) Reci(!ient: Giroir, Brett (HHSLOASH)< Lo=Exchangelabs[ou=ExchangeAdministrativeGroui;i {FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)Lcn=Recii;i ients[cn=a56fce4755704c4ca031d621b46fd6f7-Girori, Bre> Sent Date: 2018[05[04 10:09: 18 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000057 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Wolitski, Richard (HHS/OASH); To: Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/DASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Call w/Rich Wolitski POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/08 14:46:12 Start Date: 2018/05/08 15:45:00 End Date: 2018/05/08 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G "l(b)(6) 1 ADM Giroir Kb)(6) IParticipants:k'b)(6) I Giroir, Brett (HHS/DASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/DASH); Wolitski, Richard (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/DASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 14:49:12 Delivered Date: 2018/05/08 14:46:12 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000058 From: Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH) Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH); Health Disparities Council ; Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HRSA) Duplantier, Daniel (OS/ASPE); Smith, Adrienne M. (OS/OASH); Araojo, Richardae(FDA/OC) ; Liburd, LeandrisC. (CDC/OD/OMHHE); LaCounte,Cynthia (ACL) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Robertson, Lance(ACL) ; Bardis, John (HHS/ASA) ; Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; Yoest, Charmaine(OS/ASPA); Graham, John (HHS/IEA) ; Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO); Norton, Jane (OS/IEA) ; Wharton, Melinda (HHS/OASH); CC: Bui, Juliet (OS/OASH); Rochez,Jo An (HHS\OGC); Ramey,Christine T. (HRSA) ; Shea, Madeleine A. (CMS/OMH); Allender, Michelle (HRSA) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Bakos,Alexis (OS/OASH); James, Cara V. (CMS/OMH); Smith, Benjamin P. (IHS/HQ) ; Miller, Darrell (IHS/ABR) ; Moore, Roslyn Holliday (SAMHSNOPPI); Casale,Cecilia (AHRQ/OEREP); Gottlich, Vicki (ACL) ; Nelson, Keiva (OS/OASH); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000059 AvilesMendoza,Guillermo (O5/ASPR/OEM); Dorsey, Rashida (O5/ASPE); Perez-Stable, Eliseo (NIH/NIM HD) [El ; Carter, Carla (HHS/OCR); Chesley, Francis (AHRQ/OEREP); Upchurch, Meredith (ACF) (CTR) ; Graves, Darci L. (CMS/OMH); Wiggins, Audrey (HHS/OGC) ; Kim, Curi (ACF) ; Phillips, Sally (HHS/ASPR/OPP); Luke, Jordan (CMS/OMH); Schiff, PamelaM. (CMS/OMH); Kennedy, Elliot (OS/OASH); Shell, Caroline (HHS/OASH)(CTR) ; Velasco,Jose (O5/ASPR) ; Hafter, Chris C. (CMS/OMH); Joseph, Denise (O5/ONC) ; Levine, Cheryl (OS/ASPR/OPP); Hawkins, Jamar (HHS/OS) ; Schuham, Aaron (HHS/OGC); (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=c4b426dc641841c0b8fc53bcc4f4b5a2-Schuham, Thompson, John (HHS/OCR); Kotwicki, Lauren (HHS/OASH); Kim, Jeongsoo(HHS/ASPE); Chau, Victoria (SAMHSA); Toedt, Michael (IHS/HQ) ; Iturriaga, Erin (NIH/NHLBI) [E) ; earlier, Melissa (HHS/ASPE); Johnson, Kenneth D. (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Adams, C. Renee(HHS/OASH/OSG); Hudgins, Kristen (ACL) ; Correa-De-Araujo,Rosaly(NIH/NINERP) [El ; Breen, Nancy (NIH/NCI) [El ; Rollins, Rochelle (OS/OASH) Subject: CANCELED• TO BE RESCHEDULED: HHS Disparities Council Meeting (POC: Juliet Bui, 240-453· 6166) Date : 2018/04/16 10:12:56 Start Date: 2018/04/18 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/18 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment HHS; 200 Independence Avenue, SW, DC; Conference Room 729-G; Dial-In: kh H f; \ ~ PasscodeVb)(6) I Health Disparities Council; Duplantier, Daniel (OS/ASPE);Smith, Adrienne M. (OS/OASH); Araojo, Richardae(FDA/QC); Liburd, LeandrisC. (CDC/OD/OMHHE);LaCounte,Cynthia (ACL); Wagner, Steven (ACF); Robertson, Lance(ACL); Bardis, John (HHS/ASA);Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL); Yoest, Charmaine(OS/ASPA);Graham, John (HHS/IEA); Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/10);Norton, Jane (OS/IEA); Wharton, Melinda (HHS/OASH);Bui, Juliet (OS/OASH); Rochez, Jo An (HHS\OGC);Ramey, Christine T. (HRSA);Shea, MadeleineA. (CMS/OMH); Allender, Michelle (HRSA); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);Bakos,Alexis (OS/OASH);James, Cara V. (CMS/OMH);Smith, Benjamin P. (IHS/HQ); Miller, Darrell (IHS/ABR); Moore, Roslyn Holliday (SAMHSA/OPPI);Casale,Cecilia (AHRQ/OEREP);Gottlich, Vicki (ACL); Nelson, Keiva (OS/OASH);AvilesMendoza,Guillermo (OS/ASPR/OEM);Dorsey, Rashida(OS/ASPE);PerezStable, Eliseo (NIH/NIMHD) [E]; Carter, Carla (HHS/OCR);Chesley, Francis (AHRQ/OEREP); Attendees: Upchurch, Meredith (ACF) (CTR); Graves, Darci L. (CMS/OMH);Wiggins, Audrey (HHS/OGC); Kim, Curi (ACF); Phillips,Sally (HHS/ASPR/OPP);Luke, Jordan (CMS/OMH);Schiff, PamelaM. (CMS/OMH);Kennedy, Elliot (OS/OASH);Shell, Caroline(HHS/OASH)(CTR); Velasco,Jose (OS/ASPR);Haffer, Chris C. (CMS/OMH);Joseph, Denise (OS/ONC);Levine, Cheryl (OS/ASPR/OPP);Hawkins, Jamar (HHS/OS); Schuham, Aaron (HHS/OGC);Thompson, John (HHS/OCR);Kotwicki, Lauren (HHS/OASH);Kim, Jeongsoo (HHS/ASPE);Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH);Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH);Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HRSA);Chau, Victoria (SAMHSA); Toedt, Michael (IHS/HQ); Itur riaga, Erin (NIH/NHLBI) [E] ; Carlier, Melissa (HHS/ASPE); Johnson, Kenneth D. (HHS/OCR);Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR);Adams, C. Renee (HHS/OASH/OSG);Hudgins, Kristen (ACL); Correa-De-Araujo,Rosaly (NIH/NIA/ERP) [E] ; Breen, Nancy (NIH/NCI) [E]; Roll ins, Rochelle (OS/OASH) Location: Sender: Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH) Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH); Health Disparit ies Council ; Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HRSA) ; Duplantier, Daniel (OS/ASPE); Smith, Adrienne M. (OS/OASH); Araojo, Richardae(FDA/OC) ; Liburd, Leandris C. (CDC/OD/OMHHE); LaCounte,Cynthia (ACL) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000061 Robertson, Lance(ACL) ; Bardis, John (HHS/ASA); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; Yoest, Charmaine(OS/ASPA); Graham, John (HHS/IEA) ; Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO); Norton, Jane (OS/IEA) ; Wharton, Melinda (HHS/OASH); Bui, Juliet (OS/OASH); Rochez,Jo An (HHS\OGC); Ramey, Christine T. (HRSA); Shea, Madeleine A. (CMS/OMH); Allender, Michelle (HRSA) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Bakos, Alexis (OS/OASH); James, cara V. (CMS/OMH); Smith, Benjamin P. (IHS/HQ) ; Miller, Darrell (IHS/ABR) ; Moore, Roslyn Holliday (SAMHSA/OPPl); Casale, Cecilia (AHRQ/OEREP); Gottlich, Vicki (ACL) ; Nelson, Keiva (OS/OASH); AvilesMendoza,Guillermo (OS/ASPR/OEM); Dorsey, Rashida (OS/ASPE); Perez-Stable,Eliseo (NIH/NIMHD) [El ; Carter, carla (HHS/OCR) ; Chesley, Francis (AHRQ/OEREP); Upchurch, Meredith (ACF) (CTR) ; Graves, Darci L. (CMS/OMH); Wiggins, Audrey (HHS/OGC); Kim, Curi (ACF) ; Phillips, Sally (HHS/ASPR/OPP); Luke, Jordan (CMS/OMH); Schiff, PamelaM. (CMS/OMH); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000062 Kennedy, Elliot (OS/OASH); Shell, Caroline (HHS/OASH)(CTR) ; Velasco, Jose (OS/ASPR); Haffer, Chris C. (CMS/OMH); Joseph, Denise (OS/ONC); Levine, Cheryl (OS/ASPR/OPP); Hawkins, Jamar (HHS/OS) ; Schuham, Aaron (HHS/OGC); (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn =c4b426dc641841c0b8fc53bcc4f4b5a2-Schuham, Thompson, John (HHS/OCR); Kotwicki, Lauren (HHS/OASH); Kim, Jeongsoo(HHS/ASPE); Chau, Victoria (SAMHSA); Toedt, Michael (IHS/HQ) ; Iturriaga, Erin (NIH/NHLBI) [E) ; earlier, Melissa (HHS/ASPE); Johnson, Kenneth D. (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Adams, C. Renee(HHS/OASH/OSG); (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=b56c5e249bf64516897cdld14a038642-Adams, Hudgins, Kristen (ACL) ; Correa-De-Araujo, Rosaly(NIH/NINERP) [E) ; Breen, Nancy (NIH/NCI) [El ; Rollins, Rochelle (OS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/16 10:12:56 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000063 From: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: Office Time Date: 2018/04/22 21:41:41 Start Date: 20 18/05/01 08:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/0110:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment S d . Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/22 21:41:41 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000064 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: Opioids 4/18 Event Call Date : 2018/04/16 11:31:18 Start Date: 2018/04/16 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/16 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 11h)(R\ Sender: Recipient: I Code:kb)(6 ) I Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/16 11:31:18 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000065 From: To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: Office Time Date: 2018/04/22 21:42:05 Start Date: 20 18/05/0116:00:00 End Date: 20 18/05/0117:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 20 18/04/22 21:42:05 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000066 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); To: Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Transportation Driver: Dominic Hardy l(b)(6) I Date: 2018/04/26 11:27:20 Start Date: 2018/05/0112:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/01 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: DHHS Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); Recipient: Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/26 11:27:20 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000067 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( To: (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)( ; Kluk, Michael (HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH)( ; Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH) Subject: Bi-WeeklyOSG/DCCPRDiscussion w/VADM Jerome Adams POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/04/04 09:39:36 Start Date: 2018/04/2 5 15:45:00 End Date: 2018/04/25 16:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/DASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/DASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); ecip,en · Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)( ; Kluk, Michael (HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH)( ; AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000068 Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH) (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=a552ae24e0e244eb8c84deacdd8d8c40-Persaud, Sent Date: 2018/04/04 13:07:33 Delivered Date: 2018/04/04 09:39:36 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000069 Assistant Secretary for Health Briefing ADM Brett Giroir , MD Wednesda y, April 25, 2018 3:45-4 :45 PM CR 716-G 1. CCA TT request 2. HPSP Update a. OGC written opinion b. Officer Agreement status (500+) c. Policy- CCD/CCI d. Additional Special Pays : i. Access ion Bonus ii. Assignment Pay 3. DCCPR/D SI Manp ower & Personnel Update AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000070 (~-1,· .:.~t.R\Jt' b -~ DE PARTME NT OF HEAL TH AND HUMAN SERVTCES ,~ ,,.~t/'"10 .~ {} Public Health Sei:-v ice Commissioned Corps Personnel and Readiness Olliee of the Surgeon G.:-nernl 1101 Wootton l'urkway - PL. Suite IO0 Rockville, MD 211 852 DATE: April.23 , 2018 TO: Assistant Secretary for Health FROM: Surgeon General SUBJECT: Staffing Requjrements for the Division of Commissioned Corps Personnel and Readiness - INFORMATION ONLY OVERVIEW The Surgeon General (SG) commands and manages the daily operations of the Commissioned Corps (Corps). The Office Surgeon General (OSG) implements policies on recruitment , appointment , retention , utilization , reassigm11ent, compensation, discipline, separation, and retirement of officers . The day-to-day admin istration of the Corps' personnel actions is delegated to the Director of the Division of Commiss ioned Corps and Readiness (DCCPR) . b)( 5) BACKGROUND Administration of the Corps is executed and managed by the Director, DCCPR and the multiple branches within the DCCPR strncture. DCC PR serves to develop , manage and execute all manpower and personnel plans, programs and policies for the Corps. We strive to ensure readiness of Corps personnel to serve the health care needs of the nation across the full spectrum of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) operations. DISCUSSION b)(S) AMLf11,,.1/\l\i pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000071 Paye 448 lo Page 457 Jthheldpursuant to exemption (0)(5) 1on Act or the Freedomor 1nrormat AM~HICAN ,OVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000072 - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : UBER Date : 2018/05/09 16:29:15 Start Date: 2018/05/10 18:45:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 19:15:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: The Dorothy Betts Marvin /t heater, The George Washington University Marvin Center; 800 21st Street, NW -DC Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/09 16:29:15 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000073 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Mccance-Katz,Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Meeting Call Discussionw/Dr . Elinore Mccance-Katz,SAMHSAPOC:Dinah Bembo 202Date: 2018/05/04 10:59:44 Start Date: 2018/05/04 13:15:00 End Date: 2018/05/04 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Dr. McCance-Katzwill initiate the call @ 202-690-7694 Mccance -Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Mccance-Katz,Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/04 12:39:04 Delivered Date: 2018/05/04 10:59:44 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000074 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : UBER Date : 2018/05/09 16:29:38 Start Date: 2018/05/10 20:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 20:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Residence Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/09 16:29:38 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000075 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Alem, Martha A (CTR) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( To: (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Meeting w/Dr. Stewart D. Smith, ICE RE: CCPOC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/09 18:53:15 Start Date: 2018/05/11 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/11 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Alem, Martha A (CTR) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( Recipient: (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/09 18:53:15 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000076 Haigwood, Patricia (OS/ASPR/BARDA)(CTR) Haigwood, Patricia (OS/ASPR/BARDA)(CTR) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: BARDAInnovation Program/WearableTechnology Update Discussion Date: 2018/04/23 14:07:44 Start Date: 2018/04/25 17:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/25 18:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Giroir Office Attendees: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Haigwood, Patricia (OS/ASPR/BARDA)(CTR) Haigwood, Patricia (OS/ASPR/BARDA)(CTR) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/23 14:07:44 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000077 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( To: (fd508090f8984blcaf04069be6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Rep. SessionPrep w/Laura Kemper POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/04 15:42:24 Start Date: 2018/05/07 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/07 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( Recipient: (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/04 15:42:24 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000078 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Updates w/Laura Pence POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/10 09:48:57 Start Date: 2018/05/10 17:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 18:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/10 09:48:57 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000079 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Office Time Date : 2018/04/23 14:33:12 Start Date: 2018/04/24 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/24 12:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/23 14:33:12 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000080 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Security Training for Geneva Date : 2018/05/15 14:29:20 Start Date: 2018/05/16 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/16 14:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/15 14:29:20 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000081 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Office Time Date : 2018/04/23 14:33:31 Start Date: 2018/04/24 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/24 14:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/23 14:33:31 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000082 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Subject: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Readingthe President'sCommissionJudge Karen Gren ScholerPOC:Dinah Bembo 202-6907694 Date: 2018/04/26 15:24:26 Start Date: 2018/07/19 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/07/19 18:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Dallas,Texas Judge Scholar gave the blessing at my swearing in. I would love to do this . BG Brett P. Giroir, MD ADM, US Public Health Service Assistant Secretary for Health Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201 Office Phone: 202-690-7694 From: Judge [mailto:Judge ] Sent : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 7:21 PM To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Ccf bH5) ; Jennifer ; Karen ; Lori Subje ct: Personal Invitation and Request to Admiral Giroir Dear Admiral Giroir , I would be deeply honored to have you and Jill attend my formal judicial investiture ceremony on Thursday, July 19, 3:30pm in the Ceremonial Courtroom located on the 15th Floor of the Dallas Federal Courthouse, 1100 Commerce Street , Dallas, Texas 75242. There will be a live stream broadcast to the Belo Mansion Ballroom (ridiculous crowd expected) with a reception there to follow. I would also love to include you in the investiture program by having you read the President's Commission appointing me to be a United States District Judge for the Northern District of Texas. "Save the date" announcements and invitations will follow in the coming weeks, but I wanted to AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000083 provide you with this advance heads up. Please advise as to your availability when you are able . Many thanks! Respectfully, Karen Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient : Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/26 15:24:26 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000084 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); To: Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: 1:1 w/VADM Jerome Adams, SG POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/04/16 17:38:07 Start Date: 2018/05/08 08:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/08 09:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/16 17:38:07 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000085 From: To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: Dr Seldin Memorial Date: 2018/05/04 15:48:06 Start Date: 2018/06/16 15:00:00 End Date: 20 18/06/16 18:00 :00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location : Dallas Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/04 15:48:06 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000086 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Meeting w/Richard Pops, CEO Alkermes POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690- 7694 Date: 2018/04/26 16:14:20 Start Date: 2018/05/08 15:15:00 End Date: 2018/05/08 15:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASH CR 716-G Dinah, can we do 3:30? Please let me know what additional information you need from me. Thanks very much. Best, Mat Mathew P. Lapinski Crossroads Strategies LLC 202.499.4787 On Apr 26, 2018, at 4:12 PM, Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) wrote: Good Afternoon Mat, I hope all is well today! Regrettably, ADM Giroir will not be available from 12:30pm-2:30pm; However, he would be available from 9:30-10:30am and 2:30-4:30pm on the sth of May . Please advise if any of those time frame would be available. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000087 Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690-7694 From: Mat Lapinski [mai ] Sent : Wednesday, April 25, 2018 5:42 PM To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subje ct : Meeting request on behalf of Alkermes Dr. Giroir , I have been asked to see if you might have time available on Tuesday, May 8th , from 12:30 2:30 pm for a meeting with Richard Pops, the CEOof Alkermes. Alkermes is an international bio-pharmaceut ical company that is act ive in the menta l health and addiction space. Specifically, Mr. Pops discuss policy re lated to medication assisted t reatment for recovery from heroin and other opioids. The company manufactures Vivitrol, long-act ing injectable naltrexone. Mr Pops would like to introduce himse lf and the company to you in your new ro le at HHS, discuss how Vivitrol is being used in the treatment of substance abuse disorder, and discuss implementation of the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act . Thank you for your consideration , and please.let me know if you have questions or need other information . (b"-') .:....:: (6 "') __ I can be reached at ""'l __, Thank you again. Best, Mat Mathew P. Lapinski Crossroads Strategies, LLC 202-559-0 170 Sender:[Giroir,Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/26 16:14:20 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000089 Alkermes Attendees for Mav 8 th Meeting with ADM Brett Giroir Rich Pops, Chairman and CEO Richard Pops is the Chairman and CEO of Alkermes. Under his leadership, serving as CEO since 1991, Alkermes has grown from a privately held company with 25 employees to an international , publicly traded biopharmaceutical company with more than 2,000 employees. Mr. Pops currently serves on the Board of Directors ofNeurocrine Biosciences, Acceleron Pharma , Epizyme, the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and the National Health Council. Peter Norman, Senior Vice President, Policy & Government Relations Peter Norman leads the U.S. Policy and Government Relations function for the company , which includes federal and state initiatives as well as programs with professional and patient organizations. Mr. No1man joined Alkermes in 2013 and has worked in the phaimaceutical government affairs for over 15 years in the nation's capital. Megan Jackson, Director, Federal Policy & Government Relations Megan Jackson oversees Republican federal government relations in the Washington, D.C. office. In this role, she manages the office's policy and outreach efforts on Capitol Hill and also leads the company's community relations team. Mrs. Jackson previously spent more than 15 years on Capitol Hill working in health policy, including eight years as Deputy Chief of Staff for Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02). AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000090 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Baker, Rebecca(NIH/OD) [E] ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( To: (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Intro Meeting w/Rebecca Baker, SpecialAssistant to Dr. Collins POC:Dinah Bembo 202-6907694 Date: 2018/05/15 16:21:59 Start Date: 2018/05/16 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/16 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Baker, Rebecca(NIH/OD) [E] ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( Recipient: (fd508090f8984b1caf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/15 16:21:59 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000091 b)(6) REBECCA G. BAKER, Ph.D. EXPERIENCE Special Assistant to the NIB Director Office of tbe Director , National Institutes of Health , Bethesda MD 2016-present Lead strategic developme nt of the Helping End Addiction Long-term (HEAL ) initiative to address (he opio id crisis, in co llaboration with, federal partners , sc ientific experts , the private secto r, and other stakeholders , Prepare materials for NIH leadership , i:ncludiug legislative testimony , public presentations, and strategic communications to Department of Health and Hum an Services and White House leadership. Provide expert guid ance and assistance to NlH leadership on scientific and policy issues . Analyze and report on NlH policies, programs, plan s, and research accomp lishm ents. Accomplishments: Coord inated design and laun ch of the NlH HEAL initiative., in collaborat ion with NIH pre ss and legislat ive teams, NIH leadership, and outside stakeholders . Developed plan for a public private partnership between FDA, N1H, biopharmaceutical companies, and research foundations to develop mor e flexible options for the treatment of opioid use disorder , overdose preven tion and reversal , and new non-addictive therapies for pain. Led N TH design and execut ion of the Partnership for Accelerati .ng Cance r Therapies (PAC T), a public private partnership between FDA , NfH, biopharmaceutical companies, and research foundations. Special Assistant to the Deputy Director for Science, Outreach, and Policy 2015-2016 Office of the Director , National Institutes of Health, Beth esda MD Provided expert guidance and ass istance to N1H lead ership on policy issues affecting both the NIH and the national biomedical research community. - Coo rd inated N IH activ ities in communicatio ns, legislati ve affairs, sc ience policy , and outreach. Analyzed and reported on NJH policies , programs , plans, and research accomplis hm ents. - Served as a liaison and represented NIH Institutes and Centers NlH in meetings with the White Hou se, the Department of Health and Human Services , and Congressional liaisons . Accomplis hments : Designed and managed NfH effotts in the White House-led Nationa l Cancer Moonshot planning proce ss . - Led development and roll-out of the agency position on potential NIH act ion s to control drug pricing. Organized NlH response to press , Congress ion al, and HHS interest in research using human feta l tissue. Coo rdinat ed roll-out of final rule and NIH policy for Clinical Trial data sharing . Science Policy Analyst 2013 -2015 Office of Science Poli cy, Office of the Director , Nationa l Institutes of Health, Beth esda MD Provided expert input into the development and implementation of the NIH Genomic Data Policy . Contributed to the plans for the Precision Medicine Initi ative and the NIH Policy for Scientific Collect ions. Postdoctoral R~search Scientist 20 l 0-20 l3 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Di seases , Bethe sda , MD , L aboratory of Immu nology Topic: Genomic identification of novel disease genes in patients with rare immunological diseases. Developed comm unication and policy skills through participation on NTHFellows Editorial Board, Science Policy Discussion Group , writing for the NIH Catalyst , and scie11ce instruction for research nurses. Postdoctoral Research Scientist Arv,L. , .. pVERSIGHT 2009-20 10 EXT-18-1509-L-000092 Co lumb ia University, New York, NY, Departmen t of Microbiology and Immunology Topic: MicroRNA mo lecules in macrophage biology, chronic inflammatory disease and atherosclerosis. E D UCAT IO N Ph.D, Cell and Molecular Biology , 2009 Univer sity of Pennsylvania Dissertation: Localization of the Adapter Protein SH2 -containing Leukocyte Phosphoprotein of 76kDa directs T Ce ll Receptor and Integr in Function in T cells. Cornell University B.A. summa cum Laude in Biology, 2004 Thesis: Structura l Analysis of Virulence and A virulence functions of A vrPto, a Type III effector protein of the tomato pathogen Pseudomonas syringa e, using a Potato Virus X-based expression system . HONORS AND A WARDS NIH Office of the Director Award Nat ional Institutes of Health In tramural Research Training Award 2010-2013 American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship Recipient Cance r Resea rch Institute Train ing Grant Recipient Howard Hughes Medical Institute Unde rgradua te Fellowship Recipient SELECTED 2016 2006-2009 2005 -2006 2003-2004 P U BLICATIONS Baker, R., Hoos, A., Adam, SJ., Whalley, D., Doroshow, J. , Lowy, D., Tabak , L.A., and Co llins, F.S. The Partnership for Accelerating Cancer Therapies (PACT). The Cancer Journal , 2018, in press. See ley JJ. , Baker R., Mohamed G., Bruns T ., Deshmukh S, Freedberg D. , Ghosh S. Induction of innate immun e memory via microRNA targeting of chromatin remodeling factors . Nature , 2018 in press . Kaufman DJ ., Baker R., Milner L.C. , Devaney S., Hu dso n K.L.. A Survey ofU.S Adults' Opinions about Conduct ofa Nationwide Precision Medicine Init iative Cohort Study of Genes and EnvironmentPLOS One, 2016 Paltoo D.N., Rodriguez L.R., Feolo M., Gillanders E., Ramos E. , Rutter J. , Sherry, S., Ota Wang V. , Bailey A., Baker R., Caulde r M., Harris E.L., Langlais K., Leeds H. , Luetkeme ier E., Paine T., Roomian T., Tryka K., Patterson A., Green E.D .. Data use under the N IH GW AS Data Sharing Policy and future directions. Nature Genetics, 2014 Lee D., Kim J., Baker R.G. , Koretzky G.A., Hamm er D.A .. SLP-76 is required for opt imal CXC R4- st imul ated T lymphocyte firm arrest to I CAM - 1 under shea r flow. Eur J Immunol. 2012 Baker R.G. , Hayden M.S. , Ghosh S .. NF- KB, inflam mation , and metabolic disease. Cell Metabolism. 20 11 Kambayashi T., Okumura M., Bake r R.G., Hsu CJ ., Baumgart T., Zhang W., Koretzky G.A.. Independent and cooperative roles of adaptor molecules in proximal signaling during Fcepsi lonRI-mediated mast ce ll activation. Mo! Cell Biol. 2010 Baker R., Ghosh S .. Direct Act iva tion of P rotein Kinases by Ubiqu itin. J Mo! Cell Biol. 2010 Baker R.G., Hsu CJ. , Lee D. , Jordan M .S., Maltzman J.S. , Hammer D.A. , Baumgart T. , Koretzky G.A .. Th e adapter protein SLP-76 mediates "outside-in" integrin signaling and function in T cells. Mol Cell Biol. 2009 AMr::fHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000093 Bezman , N* ., Baker , R.G * ., Jordan , M.J., Lenox, L.E., J.S., Koretzky, G.A .. Rescue of pre-TCR but not Mature TCR signaling in mice expressing membrane -targeted SLP-76. Cutting Edge, J /mmunol. 2009 Baker, R.G. , Koretzky G.A .. Regu lation ofT cell integrin function by adapter proteins. Immunol Res . 2008 Af\ Rebecca G. Baker Page 3 of 3 C :ilioc uments and Scttings \omm 15493\Des ktop\rgb _resume[ 4].doc pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000094 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Do Not Schedule Date : 2018/04/26 17:08:44 Start Date: 2018/04/27 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/27 15:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/26 17:08:44 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000095 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH)( ; Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)(; Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH)(; Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH)( ; Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH); Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH); Alice Bettencourt (HHS/OASH)(; Vafiades, Mark(HHS/OASH); Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH)(; Kappeler, Evelyn (HHS/OASH); To: Downs, Tanette (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Wharton, Melinda (CDC/OID/NCIRD); Sweis, Roula (HHS/OASH); Blakey, Carter R (HHS/OASH)( ; Wolitski, Richard (HHS/OASH); Berger, James J. (HHS/OASH); Hayes, Kaye (HHS/OASH); Menikoff, Jerry (HHS/OASH) ; Kaneshiro, Julie A (HHS/OASH); Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH); Jimenez, Carol (OS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Jones, Wanda K. (DHHS/OS/OASH); Moore, Scott (HHS/OASH); Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH); Richmond, Holli (HHS/OASH); Feaster, Shannon (O5/OASH) ; Hansen,Cynthia (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) OS - OPHSRHAs; Aikin, Ann (OS/OASH) ; Sohi, Gurpinder (HHS/OASH); Montgomery, Christine(Huong) (HHS/OASH); CC: Arzu, Merlin (OS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Bishop-Crawford,Jennifer (OS/OASH); Vythilingam, Meena CAPTUSPHS(US) ; Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Subject: FY 19 Spend Plan Brainstorm Meeting w/Hoa POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/04/23 14:50:34 Start Date: 2018/05/29 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 729-G • Vb )(6) r<.DM Giroirl(b)( 6) IParticipants:lth \/~, I Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);Wright, Don (HHS/OASH)(; Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/OASH);Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)(; Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH)(;Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH) (; Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH);Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH); Alice Bettencourt (HHS/OASH)(;Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH)(;Kappeler, Evelyn (HHS/OASH);Downs, Tanette (HHS/OASH);Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH);Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Wharton, Melinda (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Sweis, Roula (HHS/OASH);Blakey, Carter R (HHS/OASH) Attendees: (; Wolitski, Richard (HHS/OASH);Berger, James J. (HHS/OASH);Hayes, Kaye (HHS/OASH);Menikoff, Jerry (HHS/OASH);Kaneshiro,Julie A (HHS/OASH);Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH);Jimenez, Carol (OS/OASH);Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH);Jones, Wanda K. (DHHS/OS/OASH);Moore, Scott (HHS/OASH);Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH);Richmond, Holli (HHS/OASH);Feaster,Shannon (OS/OASH);Hansen, Cynthia (OS/OASH);Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);OS • OPHSRHAs; Aikin, Ann (OS/OASH);Sohi, Gurpinder (HHS/OASH); Montgomery, Christine(Huong) (HHS/OASH);Arzu, Merlin (OS/OASH);Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH);Bishop-Crawford, Jennifer (OS/OASH); Vythilingam, Meena CAPTUSPHS(US); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Se AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT nd Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH)( ; Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/DASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)( ; Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH)(; Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH)( ; Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH); Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH); Alice Bettencourt (HHS/OASH)( ; Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH)(; Kappeler, Evelyn (HHS/OASH); Downs, Tanette (HHS/OASH); Recipient : Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Wharton, Melinda (CDC/OID/NCIRD); Sweis, Roula (HHS/OASH); Blakey, Carter R (HHS/OASH)( ; Wolitski, Richard (HHS/OASH); Berger, James J. (HHS/OASH); Hayes, Kaye (HHS/OASH); Menikoff, Jerry (HHS/OASH) ; Kaneshiro,Julie A (HHS/OASH); Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH); Jimenez, caro l (OS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Jones, Wanda K. (DHHS/OS/OASH); Moore, Scott (HHS/OASH); Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH); Richmond, Holli (HHS/OASH); Feaster,Shannon (OS/OASH); Hansen,Cynthia (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); OS - OPHSRHAs; Aikin, Ann (OS/OASH); Sohi, Gurpinder (HHS/OASH); Montgomery, Christine(Huong) (HHS/OASH); Arzu, Merlin (OS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Bishop-Crawford,Jennifer (OS/OASH); Vythilingam, Meena CAPTUSPHS(US) ; Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/04/23 14:50:34 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000099 Pilge 485 to Page 567 lthheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of lnformauonAct AMf::HICAN pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000100 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH)(; Richmond,Alicia (HHS/OASH); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/DASH); Vafiades, Mark (HHS/DASH); Broido, Tara (HHS/DASH)(; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/DASH); Gianelli, Diane M (DASH) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH) Dupree, Laforest (HHS/DASH); Kotwicki, Lauren (HHS/DASH)( Subject: Pain ManagementPre-Brief w/Alicia Richmond POC:Dinah Bembo 202-69-7694 Date: 2018/05/10 11:12:36 Start Date: 2018/05/29 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: DASH CR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/DASH);Singh, Vanila (HHS/DASH)(;Richmond, Alicia (HHS/DASH); Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/DASH);Vafiades, Mark (HHS/DASH); Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH)(; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);Gianelli, Diane M (OASH); Attendees: Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,);Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/DASH);Dupree, Laforest (HHS/DASH); Kotwicki, Lauren (HHS/DASH)( Giroir, Brett (HHS/DASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/DASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Singh, Vanila (HHS/DASH)(; Richmond,Alicia (HHS/DASH); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/DASH); Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH)(; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Gianelli, Diane M (OASH) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH); Dupree, Laforest (HHS/OASH); Kotwicki, Lauren (HHS/OASH)( Sent Date : 2018/05/10 11:12:36 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000102 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Giberson, Scott F. (CMS/OHC); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd 508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) Subject: Meet and Greet w/RADM Scott Giberson POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/04/23 15:06:25 Start Date: 2018/04/30 12:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/30 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Giberson, Scott F. (CMS/OHC); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) Sent Date: 2018/04/23 15:06:25 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000103 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); To: Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Transportation Driver: Gary Pratt Kb)(6) 1° r!(b\(6) I Date: 2018/05/10 11:12:52 Start Date: 2018/05/29 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: White House Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (O5/OASH) ; Recipient: Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/10 11:12:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000104 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Date : 2018/04/23 16:35:47 Start Date : 2018/04/25 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/25 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/23 16:35:47 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000105 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Transportation Driver: Date : 2018/04/27 12:39:19 Start Date: 2018/05/07 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/07 12:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/27 12:39:19 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000106 From: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: Hold for Travel Date: 20 18/05/16 07:12:19 Start Date: 20 18/06/15 14:30:00 End Date: 20 18/06/15 18:00 :00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment S d . Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/16 07:12:19 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000107 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative Date: Vanderbilt Date : 2018/05/30 09:38:04 Start Date: 2018/06/28 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/29 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/30 09:38:04 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000108 From: To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subj ect: SEC Meeting Dat e: 2018/04/28 18:44:57 Start Date: 20 18/04/30 08:30:00 End Date: 20 18/04/30 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/28 18:44:57 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000109 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Dinah at COOPoffsite Date : 2018/05/04 17:42:01 Start Date: 2018/05/07 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/08 00:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/04 17:42:01 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000110 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/DASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)( ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH)( ; Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/DASH)( ; Vafiades, Mark (HHS/DASH); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH)( ; Alice Bettencourt (HHS/OASH)( ; Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/DASH) Subject: FY19Spend Plan and FY20 HHS Budget Submissionw/Hoa PDC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/04/17 12:36:31 Start Date: 2018/04/23 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/23 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: DASH CR 716-G Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/DASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)(; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000111 (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) ; Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) (Don .Wright@hhs .gov) ; Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH) (michon ; Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH) ; Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH) ( ; Alice Bettencourt (HHS/OASH) ( ; Perrone, LaVonnia (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 12:36:31 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000112 Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Health FY 2019 Spend Plan April 23, 2018 Hoa ThanhBudget Of?cer, OASH 1meline for FYl pen an □May 2018 - Brainstorm meetingJune 2018 - Spend plan guidance and requestJuly 2018 - Spend plan dueAugust 1, 2018 - Grant forecast templates due and preliminary review of spend plan materials [September 2018 - Fiscal year 2018 grant awards and year-end closeout]October 2018 - Individual office meetings with ASHNovember 2018 - Follow-up meetings with offices (if necessary)December 2018 Spend plan decision and approval AMERICAf\ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000114 2 Offices FY2018 Enacted* FY2019 President's Buch!et * General Department Management (GDM) lrrnnediateOfficeof the AssistantSecretary for Health..................... Office ofHJV AIDS and InfectiousDisease Policy........................... Officeof Disease Preventionand Health Promotion.......................... President's Councilon Sports, Fitness and Nutrition......................... Office for Hrnmn Research Protections............................................ NationalVaccine Program Office..................................................... Officeof AdolescentHealth............................................................. PublicHealthReports...................................................................... Teen PregnancyPrevention.............................................................. Officeof MinorityHealth................................................................. 0 ffice on Women's Health.............................................................. Office of Research Integrity(Non-Add)........................................... MinorityAIDS lrutiative................................................................... Embryo Adoption Awareness Campaign.......................................... Teen PregnancyPreventionInitiative(TPP Evaluation)..................... A~ S ubtotal ,. GD M ............................................................................ Ctii:ll\.:in U pv ... * Dollars - l""I ... in millions 11.678 1.402 6.726 1.168 6.493 6.400 1.442 0.467 101.000 56.670 32.140 8.558 53.900 1.000 6.754 295.798 11.678 1.402 6.726 1.168 6.493 6.400 0.200 0.467 0.000 53.956 28.454 8.558 0.000 1.000 0.000 126.502 EXT-18-1509-L-000115 3 ing Table or Offices Ian FY2019 President's Buch!et * FY2018 Enacted * Other PregnancyAssistance Fund (AffordableCare Act)........................... FamilyPJanning(HRSA).................................................................. Div of CormnissionedCorps Personnel and Readiness (SSF) ........... Subtotal, Other............................................................................ 25.000 286.479 27.801 339.280 23.350 286.479 27 .801 337.630 0.100 1.500 2.772 3.000 1.125 0.850 0.600 9.947 645.025 0.100 1.500 2.772 3.000 1.125 0.850 0.600 9.947 474.079 Joint Funding Agreements (JFA) Chronic Fatigue SyndromeAdvisory Committee.............................. AdvisoryCmte on Blood & Tissue & Availability ............................. RegionalHealth Administrators........................................................ President's Councilon Bioethics 2/ .................................................. Pres Advi5o.ryCouncilon CombattingAntibiotic-ResistantBacteria.. Pain Mgmt Best Practices InteragencyTask Force ........................... Tick-Borne Disease Working Group................................................ Subtotal, JFA.............................................................................. TOTAL OASH .............................................................................. EXT-18-1509-L-000116 4 1ve emp FY .1019 PROPOSED SPEND , PLA.N INITIATI\ TE Office : D :ate:: l) Inimtive Title 2) Initiative Tra~.kin2 Number {Office abhre1 •iafion plus numhe.r) 4 Acti:on Status ·Ch{lCko B 3) Total Bndz:;et · one box N ev;r: # of years plfil'W.ed __ Continu atio.o: Y eac __ _of _ _ y ear cycle Contract Coope.rati , re Ag:reem.,ent Gran t Interage:ll cy Agreement Int ra-De . arrtmenta l De~e .atioru; of Aut!hori.,.r 6) List Strategic Priority Addressed. 7) Type of Contliact (check all relevant boxes) Communi cation L ogistics Data Co llect ion/Per.form.ance :Meaisu.rns • A~ D Vi, te Teclrrwcail As st. 7) Execurn ·e Snmmary · Briefly d.€.scribe initiatiwi and expecW t:kliverabks / J\:lust b.s in blJlht.ft,muit 41t.d:fil in this section. pVr::.H" \::IM EXT-18-1509-L-000117 5 otential Economies o e □Communication (4) - OAH, OMH, NVPO and OWHMeeting Logistics (6) - OAH, OMH, OPA, NVPO, ORI and OWHData Collection/Performance Measures (3) - OAH, OMH and OWHWebsite (6) OPA, OMH, NVPO, ODPHP, OHRP and ORITechnical Assistance (2) - OHRP and RHA AMERICAf\ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000118 6 Next Steps □Send brainstorm meeting data request to offices April 25th Brainstorm meeting Office attendees Director and DeputyDate - May 23rd (1oam12pm)Brainstorm meeting de-brief - end of MaySend spend plan request to offices - beginning of June AMERICAN pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000119 7 8 Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Health FY 2020 Department of Health and Human Service Budget Submission (HHS-J) Preliminary Meeting April 23, 2018 Hoa ThanhBudget Of?cer, OASH • rv1ew □HHS-J - first budget submission in the budget request cycleA-19 legislative proposals due April 11,20182 submittedDiscretionary budget justificationTables and narrativesPerformance ManagementMeasures and targetsDeadline - May 4, 2018Secretary's Budget Council - mid June/early JulyDecision - end July/early August AMERICAf\ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000121 2 Internal Timeline for Submission pril 24 - Send guidance out to the officesMay 1 Office submission due to the budget office May 2 Send pacl SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative Date: Vanderbilt Date : 2018/05/30 09:38:27 Start Date: 2018/06/28 08:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/28 19:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/30 09:38:27 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000128 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Daly, Mary (ODAG) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Meeting ConferenceCall w/Mary Daly POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/07 08:52:24 Start Date: 2018/05/07 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/07 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASH- CR - OASHwill initiate the call @ ~b )(6) Sender: I Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Daly, Mary (ODAG) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/07 08:52:24 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000129 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia {HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)( ; Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH)( ; Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH)i Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Kluk, Michael (HHS/OASH) Subj ect: Bi-WeeklyOSG/DCCPR Discussionw/VADM Jerome Adams POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/04/24 12:00:30 Start Date: 2018/05/09 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/09 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)(; Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH)( ; Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Kluk, Michael (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/04/24 12:00:30 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000131 From: Mccance-Katz,Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS) Mccance-Katz,Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Richmond,Alicia (HHS/OASH); (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/en =Recipients/en=db07f34311b348dcb2bb7a29aba4b7a9-Richmond, Jones, Christopher (SAMHSA); Zarnick, Rebecca(SAMHSA/OSORA) ; Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Ejims-Akarolo,Ada (SAMHSA/OA)(CTR) ; Owens, Arne (SAMHSA/OAS); Campbell,Jennifer (SAMHSA); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Flick, Heather (OS/OGC); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; To: Collins, Francis (NIH/OD) [E] ; Gordon, Joshua (NIH/NIMH)[E] ; Gottlieb, Scott (FDA) ; Graham, John (HHS/IEA) ; Greenstein, Bruce (OS/IOS) ; Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO); Kalavritinos, Jack (FDA/OC) ; Khanna, Gopal (AHRQ/IOD) ; Koob, George (NIH/NIAAA) [E] ; Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Robertson, Lance(ACL) ; Rucker, Donald (OS/ONC); Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000132 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Sigounas, George (HRSA) ; Verma, Seema (CMS/OA); Volkow, Nora (NIH/NIDA) [ E] ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Weahkee, Michael(IHS/HQ) ; Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA) Robertson, Brian (SAMHSA/OC); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); Meyers, David (AHRQ/IOD) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; CC: Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) ; Bakos,Alexis (OS/OASH); Bui, Juliet (OS/OASH); DeputySecretary(OS/IOS) Subject: [Materials Attached] BHCCPrincipalsMeeting Date: 2018/03/23 12:01:31 Start Date: 2018/06/01 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/01 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment -Ith\(l'n IPasscode: Ith\( ~ \ I Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);Richmond,Alicia (HHS/OASH);Jones, Christopher (SAMHSA); Zarnick, Rebecca(SAMHSA/OSORA); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH);Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH);Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);Ejims-Akarolo,Ada (SAMHSA/OA)(CTR); Robertson, Brian (SAMHSA/OC); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH)(;Owens, Arne (SAMHSA/OAS);Campbell, Jennifer (SAMHSA);Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH);Flick, Heather (OS/OGC);Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC);Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL);Collins, Francis(NIH/OD) [E]; Gordon, Joshua (NIH/NIMH) [E]; Gottlieb, Scott (FDA); Graham, John (HHS/IEA); Greenstein, Bruce (OS/IOS); Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA);Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Kadlec, Attendees: Robert (OS/ASPR/IO);Kalavritinos, Jack (FDA/OC); Khanna, Gopal (AHRQ/IOD); Koob, George (NIH/NIAAA) [E]; Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH);Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR);Robertson, Lance (ACL); Rucker, Donald (OS/ONC);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Sigounas, George (HRSA); Verma, Seema (CMS/OA);Volkow, Nora (NIH/NIDA) [E]; Wagner, Steven (ACF); Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ); Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA);Meyers, David (AHRQ/IOD); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL)(;Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD); Alexis Bakos (;Bui, Juliet (OS/OASH);DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) Location: HHH, Room 705A Call in 5 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT d . Mccance-Katz,Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS) EXT-18-1509-L-000133 Mccance-Katz,Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Richmond,Alicia (HHS/OASH); Jones, Christopher (SAMHSA); Zarnick, Rebecca(SAMHSNOSORA); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Ejims-Akarolo, Ada (SAMHSA/OA)(CTR) ; Owens, Arne (SAMHSNOAS); Campbell,Jennifer (SAMHSA); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Flick, Heather (OS/OGC); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; R . . t· Collins, Francis (NIH/OD) [E] ; Gordon, Joshua (NIH/NIMH) [El ; Gottlieb, Scott (FDA) ; Graham, John (HHS/IEA) ; Greenstein, Bruce (O5/IOS) ; Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/O5/OGA); Hargan, Eric (O5/IOS) ; Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO); Kalavritinos, Jack (FDA/OC) ; Khanna, Gopal (AHRQ/IOD) ; Koob, George (NIH/NIAAA) [El ; Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Robertson, Lance(ACL) ; Rucker, Donald (O5/ONC) ; Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000134 Sigounas,George (HRSA) ; Verma, Seema (CMS/OA); Volkow, Nora (NIH/NIDA) [ E] ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Weahkee, Michael(IHS/HQ) ; Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA); Robertson, Brian (SAMHSA/OC); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); Meyers, David (AHRQ/IOD) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) ; Bakos, Alexis (OS/OASH); Bui, Juliet (OS/OASH); DeputySecretary(OS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/23 12:01:31 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000135 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services BEHAVIORAL HEALTH COORDINATING COUNCIL Friday, June 1, 2018 11:00-12:30 pm Room 705A, HHH Building Please make every effort to att end in person. Whtie call in is available, it may be difficult to hear and participate in the discussion. Conference call number: kh )f fi \ Passcode: l(b)(6) I I AGENDA 11.ooa.m. W elcome and Introdu cti ons Adm. Brett Girorr, Asst. Sec. for Health and Mr. Arne Owens, Prit:1dpalDeputy Asst . Sec for Mental Health and Substance Use (Introductions and Co-chair Welcome and Updates) 11:15 a.m. Workforce Subcomm itt ee Paula Horvatich, SAMHSA & CDR Nydra Tyus, HRSA (Presentation of proposed workforce subcomm ittee deliverables) 11:35 a.m . Opioids and Controlled Substan ces Subcomm itte e • Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force report out by Dr. Vanila Singh, OASH • General update and review of proposed deliverab les by Dr. Christopher Jones, SAMHSA & Dr. Wilson Compton, NIDA • POIA updat e by Dr. Christopher Jones & SAM HSA or Dr. Wilson Compton, NIDA 11:55 a.m. Ser ious M ental Illness. Dr. Robert Heinssen, NIMH/N IH (Updates dn ISMICCprogress) 12:15 p.m. Next Steps and Closing ADM Giro ir Materials: BHCCSubcomm ittees Report Suggested f SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)( ; Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH); To: Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Kluk, Michael (HHS/OASH) Subject: Bi-WeeklyOSG/DCCPRDiscussion w/VADM Jerome Adams POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/04/24 12:02:29 Start Date: 2018/05/31 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/31 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G - Kb)(6) JADM Giroirl(b)(6) !Participants: f(b)(6) I Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)( ; Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH) ; Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG) ; Kluk, Michael (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/24 12:02:29 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000155 Assistant Secretary for Health Briefing ADM Brett Giroir, MD Thursday, May 31, 2018 1:00-2:00 PM CR 716-G 1. Commissioned Corps - General Updates (RADM Hunter/RADM Trent-Adams) 2. Commissioned Corps Policies and Correspondence update (RADM Hunter/RADM Trent-Adams) 3. Commissioned Corps Personnel (RADM Hunter/RADM Trent-Adams) 4. Division of Systems Integration/IT (RADM Trent-Adams) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000156 Assistant Secretary for Health Briefing ADM Brett Giroir, MD Thursday, May 31, 2018 1:00-2:00 PM CR 716-G 1. Commissioned Corps - Genera l Updates (RADM Hunter /RADM Trent-Adams) a. HPSP Update i. OGC opinion for Accessio n Bonus expected by Friday , June 1. ii. Officer Agreement status (2900+ received/1648 proce ssed for June 1 payroll) b. VA MOA expansion c. DCCPR/DSI Manpower & Personnel Update d. Next 0MB Call scheduled for June 18th at 0930 to discuss HPSP and Corps Payroll/HR systems e. Working on rescheduling meeting with the CTO scheduled by Mr. Mansdoerfer (CTO's office cancelled last minute) 2. Commissioned Corps Policies and Correspondence update (RADM Hunter /RADM Trent-Adam s) a. Assignment Pay b. Nomination List for Candidates to the Corp s (95)(20 l 8-R2) c. Temporary and Permanent Grade Promotion Packets 3. Commissioned Corps Personnel (RADM Hunter /RADM Trent-Adams) a. DoD SME - G 1 status b. Offer sent to civilian for the calls to active duty team ; continuing to search for additional candidates for the HR specialist positions c. Deputy Director - final stage of interview s - SG will conduct final interviews next week 4. Division of Systems Integration/IT (RADM Trent-Adam s) a. Project Manager - will extend the current contract with Marj en and plan on having an additional project manager ASAP b. IT requirements for 0MB th 1. Worked on presentation for the June 18 meeting ; updated the number of requirements to ~258. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000157 ( -~~ ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND H UMAN SERVICE S ,.dSQ lz'- Public Health Service Commiss 1oned Cor ps Personnel and Read iness Office of the Surgeon General 1101 Wootton Parkway , Plaza Leve l, Suite 100 Rockville , MD 20852 DATE: May 31, 2018 TO: Assistant Secretary for Health FROM: Director, Division of Commissioned Corps Personnel and Readiness SUBJECT: Policie s Governing Temporary Promotions and the Procedures of a Tempora1y Promotion Board - INFORMATION ONLY OVERVIEW This memorandum provides you a brief overview of CCI 332.01 (CC23.4.2) "Te mporary Promotions" that sets forth the policies and procedures governing the temporary grade promotion program for officers in the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service (Corps). The authority for promotion to temporaiy grade include: l. 2. 3. 4. Section 209 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act (42 USC 210b.) Section 210 of the PHS Act (42 USC 211.) Section 215 of the PHS Act (42 USC 216.) The Executive Order 11140 dated 30 January 1964. This memo is for infom1ation only; no action necessary. BACKGROUND On 24 July 2003 , the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS or Department) has delegated the authorities that are necessary to administer the Corps to the Assistai1t Secretary for Health (ASH) or his/her designee including the authority to make or terminate temporary promotions of Commissioned Corps Officers. The Surgeon General (SG) or his/her designee is responsible for the appointment of Board members for the Annual Tempora1y Promotion Boai·d (ATPB). DISCUSSION (b )(5) AMLfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000158 Paye 642 to Page 6d3 Jthheldpursuam to exemption (b)(5) or tne Freedom or 1nrormat1on Act AM~HICAN ,OVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000159 - -- - -- - -- - -- - - - - --- - DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH AN D HUMAN SERVI CES Public Health Service Cornmiss1oned Corps Personnel and Read iness Office of the Surgeon Genera l 1101 Wootton Parkway , Plaza Leve l, Suite 100 Rockv ille , MD 20852 DATE: May 31, 2018 TO: Assistant Secretary for Health FROM: Director, Division of Commissioned Corps Personnel and Readiness SUBJECT: Policies Governing Permanent Promotions and the Procedures of a Permanent Promotion Board-INFORMATION ONLY OVERVIEW This memorandum pro vides a brief ove1view of CCI 33.01 (CC23.4 .21) "Pennanent Promotions" that sets forth the policies and procedures governing the permanent grade promotion program for officers in the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service (Corps). The authorities for promotion to permanent grade include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Section 203 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act (42 USC 204.) Section 209 of the PHS Act (42 USC 2106.) Section 210 oftbe PHS Act (42 USC 211.) Section 215 of the PHS Act (42 USC 216.) The Executive Order 11140 dated 30 January 1964. Reorganization Plan 3 of June 25, 1966. Subchapter CC43.4 , CNSTRUCTION 1, "Promotion of Commissioned Officers in the Public Health Service " This memo is for infonnation only ; no action necessary . BACKGROUND The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS or Department) has delegated the authorities that are necessary to administer the PHS Commissioned Corps to the Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH) including the appointment and promotion authorities that pertain to the permanent promotions program. The Surgeon General (SG) or his/her designee is responsible for the appointment of Board members for the Annual Permanent Promoti011Board (APPB). DISCUSSION AMLfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000160 Paye645 lo Page65d ithheld pursuantlo exemption (b)(5) 1onAct or tne Freedomor1nrormat AM~HICAN ,OVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000161 - -- - -- - -- - -- - - - - --- - From: DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) <>; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Claude, Rachel (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; CC: Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR) Subject: FDA Pre-Secretary's Budget Council (SBC) Meeting Date: 20 18/05/23 14:01:48 Start Date: 2018/06/1113:30:00 End Date: 2018/06/1114:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room, 614-G DeputySecretary (OS/IOS); EDH (OS/IOS); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (Kenneth.Cal; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) (; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) (Brian .Harr; Moughal ian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) (; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) (MaryAttendees : sumpter.Lapins; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC);; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS); Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); ASA (OS/OGC); O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR); Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) (; Claude, Rachel (HHS/ASFR); Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR); Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR); Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE); Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR) S d . DeputySecret ary (OS/IOS) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000162 DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/I OS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ ASPE) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Recipient: Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ ASFR) < norris .cochran@hhs .gov>; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Claude, Rachel (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) <(athe>; Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR) Sent Date: 20 18/05/23 14:01:48 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000163 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); To: Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)(; Kluk, Michael (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Close Hold: 0MB proposal (CommissionedCorps) DiscussionPOC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/04/30 14:15:09 Start Date: 2018/04/30 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/30 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location : OASHCR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Carr, Nicole {OS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia {HHS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Recipient: Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)(; Kluk, Michael (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000164 Sent natej 14:15:09 EXT-1 8-1 509-L-000165 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Transportation w/Peter (meet him in his office at 4:25pm) Date: 2018/0 5/07 08:54:21 Start Date: 2018/05/07 16:25:00 End Date: 2018/05/07 16:55:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 0MB Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/07 08:54:21 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000166 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Travel to CDC Date : 2018/05/30 12:55:21 Start Date: 2018/06/13 18:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/13 20:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: ATL Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/30 12:55:21 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000167 From: DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (H HS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/I OS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ ASPE) < John.Obrien@hhs .gov>; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; To: Best, Daniel (HHS/I OS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ ASFR) <>; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curt is, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Pugliesel, Alanna (HHS/ASFR) ; Simms, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL) <5ara>; CC: Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Burbank, Nick (HHS/ASFR) Subject: ACF Pre- Secretary's Budget Council (SBC) Meeting Date: 20 18/05/23 14:12: 50 Start Date: 20 18/07/10 15:30:00 End Date: 20 18/07/10 16:00:00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room, 614-G DeputySecret ary (OS/IOS); EDH (OS/IOS); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) (; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Urbanowicz, Pet er (HHS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) (; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) (Brenda.Destro@hhs .gov); Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) (Marysumpter.Lapins; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL); Arbes, 5arah (HHS/ASL); Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Parker, Jim (HHS/1OS); Agnew, Attendees : Ann (HHS/1OS); Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (Kenneth; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (Laura; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR); Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) (Katherine.Bailey@hhs .gov); Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) (Mir; Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR); Pugliese!, Alanna (HHS/ASFR); Simms, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR); Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) (Janis.Coughlin@hhs .gov); ASA (OS/OGC); Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE); Burbank, Nick (HHS/ASFR) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000168 Sender: DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ ASPE) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/I OS) ; Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curt is, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Pugliesel, Alanna (HHS/ASFR) ; Simms, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) <(ather>; Burbank, Nick (HHS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/05/23 14:12: 50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000169 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Travel to DC Date : 2018/05/30 12:55:42 Start Date: 2018/06/14 18:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/14 20:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: DCA Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/30 12:55:42 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000170 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Council Member Administrative Briefings/Swearing In Date : 2018/05/10 16:14:39 Start Date: 2018/05/29 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Secretary's Dining Room Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/10 16:14:39 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000171 ADMINISTRATION OF THE OATH OF OFFICE New members of the President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition Tuesday, May 29, 2018 1:00 p.m., 705A You will be administering the oath of offic e to the newly appointed members of the Presid ent's Council on Sports, Fitn ess & Nutrition . The flags wi 11be on display in room 705A. You should administer the oath in front of the flags. You should ask the appointees to join you in the front of the room and to stand facing you . State the following text lo the members : PLEASE RAISE YOUR RIGHT HANDS AND REPEAT AFTER ME I DO SOLEMNLY SWEAR II THAT I WILL SUPPORT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES II AGAINST ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, II THAT I WILL BEAR TRUE FAITH AND ALLEGIANCE TO THE SAME II THAT J TAKE THIS OBLIGATION FREELY II WITHOUT ANY MENTAL RESERVATION OR PURPOSE OF EVASION II AND THAT I WILL WELL AND FAITHFULLY DISCHARGE THE DUTIES II OF THE OFFICE ON WHICH I AM ABOUT TO ENTER II SO HELP ME GOD. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000172 President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition Members 1. Mariano Rivera , Co-Chair No t attending ) 2. Misty May-Treanor, Co-Chair 3. Herschel Junior Walker , Co-Chair 4. Brenda Larsen Becker 5. William Belicbick (No t attendin g) 6. Johnny David Damon 7. Trevor Josepb D rinkwater 8. Louis Ferrigno 9. Robert Goldman I 0. Nan A.S. Haywo1th 11. Matthew Hesse 12. Ashlee Lundvall 13. Jacob Olson 14. Mehmet Oz {]'Jot attending) 15. Natalie Gulbis Rodarmel l 6. Shauna L. Rohbock 17. Kyle Frederick Snyder I 8. Stephen Soloway 19. Julie Teer 20. Chris Tisi 21. Robert Char les Wilkins 22. Samuel James Worthington , Jr . 23. Linda Yaccarino A~IL-1 ll'-,,// \I,. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000173 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative Meeting w/American Dental Association POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date : 2018/05/16 11:59:17 Start Date: 2018/06/12 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/06/12 15:15:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/16 11:59:17 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000174 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: Hertz Rental Car Reservation#: ~b)(6) I Date : 2018/05/30 15:41:17 Start Date: 2018/06/01 22:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/01 23:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Dallas Love Field Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/30 15:41:17 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000175 From: DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) ; b)(6) O5/IOS) l(b)/6) I Hargan, Eric (05/105) ; Moreno, Rafael (O5/ASNIOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/l05) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/l05) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/1O5) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stanna rd, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ ASPE) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/1O5) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; Khanna, Gopal (AHRQ/IOD) ; Levine, Lucie (AHRQ/OMS) ; Migdail, Karen J. (AHRQ/1O0) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) Chesley, Francis (AHRQ/OEREP) <>; Meyers, David (AHRQ/IOD) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; CC: Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Medvedev, Bree (OS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR) Subject: AHRQ Secretary's Budget Council (SBC) Meeting Date: 2018/05/23 14:22:46 Start Date: 2018/06/13 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/06/13 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretarys Conference Room, 607-G DeputySecretary (OS/IOS); EDH (OS/IOS); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (Kenneth.Callahan@hhs .gov); Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) (; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/1OS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) (; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) (; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) (MaryAttendees:; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/1O5); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC);; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS); Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); Khanna, Gopal (AHRQ/IOD); Levine, Lucie (AHRQ/OMS); OS DSCR (HHS/OS); ASA (OS/OGC); Migdail, Karen J. (AHRQ/IOD); Chesley, Francis (AHRQ/OEREP); Meyers, David (AHRQ/IOD); O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Bailey, Katherine (O5/ASFR) (; Cravens, Catherine AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000176 (OS/ASPE); Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR); Medvedev, Bree (OS/ASFR); Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR); Curt is, Jillian (HHS/ASFR); Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR) Information to be sent out at a later time . 5 d . DeputySecret ary (OS/IOS) DeputySecret ary (OS/IOS) ; lr'h) fn \ IOS/IOS) lfh V fl \ I Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; R . . t· Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; ecipien · Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; Khanna, Gopal (AHRQ/IOD) ; Levine, Lucie (AHRQ/OMS) ; Migdail, Karen J. (AHRQ/IOD) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Chesley, Francis (AHRQ/OEREP) ; Meyers, David (AHRQ/IOD) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Medvedev, Bree (OS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/05/23 14:22:46 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000177 From: DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) ; I i... \t a , (O5/IOS) Ith \fR\ Hargan, Eric (O5/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (O5/ASNIOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Claude, Rachel (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; CC: Medvedev, Bree (OS/ASFR) ; Trived i, Aalap (OS/ASFR) Subject: AHRQ Pre-Secretary's Budget Council (SBC) Meeting Date: 2018/05/23 14:24:11 Start Date: 20 18/06/13 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/13 14:30 :00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room, 614-G DeputySecretary (OS/IOS); EDH (OS/IOS); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) (Charles.Keck; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) (Brian; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Dest ro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) (; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) (; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Charrow, Attend ees: Robert (HHS/OGC);; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS); Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); ASA (OS/OGC); O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR); Bailey, Katherin e (OS/ASFR) (; Claude, Rachel (HHS/ASFR); Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR); Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR); Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE); Medvedev, Bree (OS/ASFR); Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000178 Sender: DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; _lilifil_ S/IOS) l(b )( 6 ) I Hargan, Eric (u::.11u::.J; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowi cz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS)
; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Recipient: Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Claude, Rachel (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ ASFR) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Medvedev, Bree (OS/ASFR) ; Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR) l1~ Sent Date: 20 18/05/23 14:24 : 11 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000179 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Do Not Schedule Date : 2018/05/16 12:12:34 Start Date: 2018/05/18 17:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/18 18:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/16 12:12 :34 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000180 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); To: Vythilingam, Meena CAPTUSPHS(US) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Meeting w/CAPT Meena Vythilingam POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/31 09:18:20 Start Date: 2018/06/01 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/01 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Vythilingam, Meena CAPTUSPHS(US) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/31 09:19:51 Delivered Date: 2018/05/31 09:18:20 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000181 From: DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) ; Hargan, Eric (05/105) ; h \/~\ (05/105) !th\/~ \ I Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/1O5) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/105) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/105) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/105) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/105) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/105) ; Stanna rd, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ ASPE) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ ASFR) < norris>; Weahkee, Michael (!HS/HQ) ; Newman, Emily (IHS/HQ) ; Church, Ann M. (I HS/HQ) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL) ; Bailey, Kat herine (OS/ASFR) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; CC: Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Powell, Natalie (OS/ASFR) ; Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) Subject: IHS Secretary 's Budget Council (SBC) Meeting Date: 20 18/05/23 15:08:08 Start Date: 20 18/06/29 15:00 :00 End Date: 20 18/06/29 16:00:00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room, 607-G DeputySecretary (OS/IOS); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); EDH (OS/IOS); Moreno, Rafael (O5/ASA/IOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/1O5) (Kenneth.Cal; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (Laura; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Keckler, Charles (HHS/105) (; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/1O5); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) (Brian; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) (; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpte r (HHS/IOS) (Marysumpter; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne , Maggie (HHS/1O5); O'Brien, Attendees : John (HHS/ASPE); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); matthew; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS); Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ); Newman, Emily (IHS/HQ); Church, Ann M. (IHS/HQ); OS DSCR(HHS/OS); ASA (O5/OGC); O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR); Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL); Bailey, Katherine (O5/ASFR) (Katherine.Bailey@hhs .gov); Cravens, Catherine (O5/ASPE); Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR); Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR); Powell, Natalie (O5/ASFR); Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000182 Information to be sent out at a later time. Sender: DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; Harqan, Eric (~S/IOSl< Eric,Haraan@hr>; lrb)(6) ro s /IOS) (b\(6) Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kennet h (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura ( HHS/IOS) < Laura.Caliguiri@hh >; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) <>; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Recipient: Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ ASFR) <>; Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ) ; Newman, Emily (IHS/HQ) ; Church, Ann M. (IHS/HQ) ; O"Keefe, Erin ( HHS\ASFR) ; Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Powell, Natalie (OS/ASFR) ; Curtis , Jillian (HHS/ASFR) Sent Date : 2018/05/23 15:08:08 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000183 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: Deliver Remarks:Biotech Week Date : 2018/05/16 14:03: 14 Start Date: 2018/09/06 08:30:00 End Date: 2018/09/06 16:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Boston, MA - ---- Original Message--From : Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent: Friday, May 04, 2018 4:58 PM To: Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Betnbo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject : RE: Biotech week Thank you Bret t P. Giroir, MD ADM, US Public Health Service Assistant Secretary for Health Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) 200 Independence Avenue , SW Washington, DC 20201 Office Phone: 202-690-7694 ----- Original Message----From : Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) Sent: Friday, May 4, 2018 4:45 PM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH} Cc: Giroir , Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Biotech week Hi Dinah, It has been reque sted that Gr. Giroir surrogate this requested for the Secretary . As usual I have not informed the host of the se yet , in order to give Dr. Giroir an opportu nity to rev iew and AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000184 decide if he or one of the support staff w ill attend. Please be sure when you contact them they underst and th is is a response to their request fo r Secret ary Azar. Thank you Best Beth Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/05/16 14:03:14 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000185 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Boston, MA Date : 2018/05/16 14:03:24 Start Date: 2018/09/06 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/09/07 00:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/16 14:03:24 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000186 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Meeting w/Laura Pence POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/0 5/16 17:52:52 Start Date: 2018/05/17 09:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/17 10:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/16 17:52:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000187 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Healy, Jenifer (HHS/OS/OGA); Lamourelle, Gabrielle (HHS/OS/OGA); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( To: (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH) Subject: WHA Briefing w/Jenifer Healy and Gabrielle Lamourelle, OGAPOC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/07 14:41:37 Start Date: 2018/05/08 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/08 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR716-G WHA Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Healy, Jenifer (HHS/OS/OGA); Lamourelle, Gabrielle (HHS/OS/OGA); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( Recipient: (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/07 14:41:37 L AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000188 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: PossibleCDCTrip Date : 2018/05/11 10:49:09 Start Date: 2018/06/21 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/22 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient : Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/11 10:49:09 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000189 From: DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) ; l(b )( 6 \ 1(O5/IOS) lf h HRl I Moreno, Rafael (O5/ASNIOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (O5/ASFR) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Willis, Mollie (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curt is, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) CC: Cravens, Catherine (O5/ASPE) ; Powell, Natalie (O5/ASFR) Subject: IHS Pre-Secretary's Budget Council (SBC) Meeting Date: 2018/05/23 15:48 :53 Start Date: 2018/06/29 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/06/29 15:00 :00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room, 614-G DeputySecretary (O5/IOS); EDH (O5/IOS); Moreno, Rafael (O5/ASA/IOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/ I OS) (; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/1O5) (Laura.Caliguiri@hhs .gov); Brady, Will (HHS/1O5); Keckler, Charles (HHS/1O5) ( ; Urbanowicz, Pet er (HHS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/1O5) (Brian.Ha; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) (; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/1O5) (Mary-sumpter; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie Attendees: (HHS/1O5); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); matthew; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS); Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); ASA (O5/OGC); O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR); Bailey, Katherine (O5/ASFR) (Katherine; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR); Willis, Mollie (HHS/ASFR); Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR); Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR); Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE); Powell, Natalie (OS/ASFR) S d . DeputySecretary (05/105) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000190 DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; .-,.... - ,...,-a, .., (OS/IOS)l/b )(6) I Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stanna rd, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ ASPE) ; Recipient: Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Willis, Mollie (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Powell, Natalie (OS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/05/23 15:48:53 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000191 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Jilani, Shahla (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Follow Up w/Shahla Jilani POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/0 5/17 09:23:49 Start Date: 2018/05/31 09:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/31 10:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Jilani, Shahla (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 09:23:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000192 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Giberson, Scott F. (CMS/OHC); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: ConferenceCall Re: Ebolaw/RADM Giberson PDC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/0 5/23 16:44:23 Start Date: 2018/05/25 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/25 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: ADM Giroir will initiate the call @Vb)(6) I Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/DASH); Giberson, Scott F. (CMS/OHC); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/DASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/23 16:44:23 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000193 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative Hold: Marine 8th & I Street, SE Date : 2018/05/3110:38:12 Start Date: 2018/06/22 19:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/22 21:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Navy Yard Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/3110:38:12 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000194 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Brandt, Kimberly (CMS/OA) ; Felder, Fran (CMS/OA); To: Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: ConferenceCall w/Kimberly Brandt, CMSPOC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/17 16:44:27 Start Date: 2018/05/17 18:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/17 18:10:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G -- Kim will call 202-690-7694 Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Brandt, Kimberly (CMS/OA) ; Felder, Fran (CMS/OA); Recipient: Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 16:44:27 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000195 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/DASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); David Mansdoerfer (; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/DASH); Helgeson,Scott M. (CMS/OHC) Subject: Meet and Greet CAPTScott Helgeson POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/24 08:47:44 Start Date: 2018/05/29 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: DASHCR 716-G Sender : Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/DASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); David Mansdoerfer (; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Helgeson,Scott M. (CMS/OHC) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 08:47:44 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000196 Captain Scott M. Helgeson, P.E. , M. Engr. Acting Director Employee Services Group, Office of Human Capital, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CM S) Biograp hy Since 2016, fisst as Deputy Director and no w Acting Director , CAPT Helgeson has provided leadership to the Employee Services Group (ESG). His focus and drive is the ESG mission to provide efficient and customer -foc used services to a CMS workforce of over 6,000 in the areas of training & deve lopment, internal commu nications & engagement, pay & benefits and faciJities/space management. From 2014-2016 , Captain Helgeson served as Deputy Director and also Acting Director of the Division of Commissioned Corps Personnel and Readiness (DCCPR) in the Office of the Surgeon General. In these roles he provided leadership, direction and control ove r policy development, readine ss and deployments, and operations, includin g the recruitment, personnel actions, assignments, training, compensation, medical affairs, promo tion board s, officer evaluation s and awards serving over 6,700 officers of the United States Publi c Health Service (USPHS) Commissioned Corps. Previous leadership assignment.s include Director, Assignments and Career Manageme nt Branch, DCCPR, Acting Deputy Area Director, and Acting Director of the Office of Envirnnmental Health and Engineering , both for the Nashville Area , Indi an Health Service (IHS). As an engineer officer, Captain Helgeson has extensive field engineering and mid-level management experience serving with IHS in Californi a. Alabama, Wisconsin and an .isolated hardship duty station serving the Oglala Sioux Tribe on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He is most proud of the 8 years serving as the Director of the Sanitation Fac ilities Constrnction (SfC) program for the Nashv ille Area where he led the program to serve thousands of homes with new or improved water and wastewater faciliti es while decreasing the average duration of proj ects, a key 0MB performan ce measure , from 3. 18 to 1.75 years. This substantial improvement in service delivery earned the program the Society of American Milit ary Engineers Cununin g Plaque for #1 PHS engineering unit in 2010. Emergency response experience includes deployments to support recovery efforts i11Louisiana after Hurricane Andrew in 1993, to the Pine Ridge Reservation after tornado destructio n in 1999, and to the Gulf Coast after HmTicane Katrina in 2003. In 2008 Captain Helgeson served aboard the USS Kearsarge as part of the US Navy-Jed Continuing Promise mission providing hum anitari an services in Nicarag ua and Colomb ia and disaster response services in Haiti. In 2014 while serving as the Acting Director of DCC PR, CAPT Helgeson was responsib le for leadersbjp of headquarters durin g the Corp' s response of over 1,000 officers to and in support of the Ebo la outbreak in West Africa. Recently, in 20 16, Captain Helgeson deployed to support a staffing crisis in the Great Plains Area of Indian Health Service assisting i11the management of the Omaha / Winnebago hospital in rur al Nebraska. Updated: May 20 18 Af\ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000197 Captain Helgeson was commissioned in the USPHS in 1992 after graduating from the University of Maine with a Bachelor s degree in Civil Engineering. He is a registered Profe ssional Engineer in the state of South Dakota since 1997 and earned a Masters of Engineering in Engineering Management from the University of Idaho in 2007. In 2017, Captain Helgeson completed the 4 week program; Leadership for a Democratic Society, class #438. Thi s exclusive, residential executive development program offered by the Federal Executive Institute prepar es high performing, visionary senior federal leader s to assume the mantle of executive leader ship. A highly decorated officer throughout his 26 year career, Captain Helgeson has received numerous uniformed service awards including the Surgeon General' s Exemplary Service Medal , the PHS Outstanding Service Medal, the PHS Commendation Medal (4x), and the United States Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. Agency and profe ssion honors include six IHS National Director 's A wards, the Chief Engineers' Literary Award, and the John C. Villforth Leadership Award on behalf of the Commissioned Officer s Association. Updat ed : May 2018 Af\ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000198 Curriculum Vitae (CV) • Cover Sheet CAPT Scott M. Helgeson , P.E., M. Engr. Education: Masters of Engineering in Engineering Management - University of Idaho (2007) Bache lors of Science in Civfl Enginee ring - University of Maine (1991) Federa l Executive Institute, Leadership for a Democratic Society, OPM, Charlottesville, VA (2017) Exoenence : Position (Acting) Director Deputy Director Deputy Director (Actina) Director Director (Acting) Deputy Area Director (Acting) Director Director District End lneer Sr. Field Enaineer Field Enaineer Jr. Field Engineer Agency/ Location Employee Services, Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS) , Baltimore , MD Employee Srvs, CMS, Baltimore, MD Div. Com. Corps Personnel Readiness, Ofc of Surgeon Genera l, Rockville, MD DCCPR, OSG, Rockville, MD Assignment s & Career Mgt Branch, DCCP R, OSG, Rockville, MD Indian Health Service (IHS), Nashville, TN Pay Grade 0-6 Billet 0-6 Dates 20 17- Present 0-6 0-6 0-6 0-6 20 16-· Present 2015-2016 0-6 0-6 0-7 0-6 2014 2013 - 20 14 0-6 0-6 20 11-2013 Ofc of Environmental Health & Engineering , IHS, Nashville, TN Div. of Sanitation Facilities Construction , IHS, Nashville , TN IHS, Sacramento , CA IHS, Rhinelander, W I IHS, Martin, SD (lso-Hard Station) IHS, Atmore , AL 0-6 0-6 2008 - 2011 0-4 / 0-5 / 0-6 0-4 0-3/ 0-4 0-3 0-2 0-6 2003 - 2011 0-5 0- 4 0-3 0-2 2000 1997 1994 1992 Deployments: • IHS Hospital Staffing Crisis, (Winnebago , Nebraska), Leadership • Continu ing Promise Mission/ USS Kearsarge . (Nicaragua , Colombia, Haiti) • Hurricane Katrina , (Gulf Coast MS), Disaste r Engineer • National Orange Alert, (Washington, DC), Liaison Officer , Sec Ops Center .• United Defense 04 (Ft Sam Houston , TX), Liaison Officer • Tornado Response (Oglala, SD), Disaster Engineer • Hurricane Andrew, (Charenton LA), Disaster Engineer Selected Collateral Duties Held ~ • Chairperson , CMS Commissioned Corps Awards Board • Served on various Commiss ioned Corps Boards, • Voting Member, Engineer Professional Advisory Comm ittee (EPAC) Arv Awards J Honors : Uniformed Service Awards • PHS Surgeon Generals Exempla ry Srv Medal • PHS Outstanding Srv Medal • PHS Commendation Medal (4x) • USN Ac hievement Medal • PHS Citation • USN Meritorious Unit Commendation • PHS Global Response Service Award • PHS Hazardous Duty Service Award • P,tlS Crisis Response Service Award (4x) pVERSIGHT - 2003 - 2000 - 1997 - 1994 2016 2008 2005 2004 2004 1999 '1992 20 17-Pres. 20 13-2016 2001-2003 Other Awards / Honors • IHS, Nashville Area Employee of the Year, (2010) • IHS, Directors Award for Excellence (2009) • COAi E PAC John C. Villforth Leadership Award (2008) • Received Exceptiona l Proficiency Promotion to 0-6 . Ranked #1 In promotion class. (201 O). • Received Promotion to 0-5 . Ranked #1 in promotion class. (2005) , EXT-18-1509-L-000199 CURRICULUM VITAE CAPT Scott M. Helgeson , PE, M. Engr. United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps EDUCATION 05/ 2007 Master of Engineering (M.Engr.) in Engineering Management, University of Idaho 12/ 1991 Bachelor of Science (BS) in Civil Engineering , University of Maine. 10/ 2017 Federal Executive Institute (FEI), Leadership for a Democrat ic Society (LOS) Class #438 , 4 week Executive Development Program , OPM, Charlottesvil le, VA. PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE Registered Professional Engineer (PE) #6280 in South Dakota. Initial: 1/30/97 . Expiration: 1/3 1/2019 WORK EXPERIENCE 12/20 17 - Present Acting Director, Employee Services Group, Office of Human Capital (06 Billet) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) , Woodlawn , MD Duties: • • • Lead the Employee Services Group (ESG) to provide efficient , effective and customer-focused services in the functional areas of training, internal communication, pay & benefits and facilities! space management to a workforce of over 6,000 . Supervise four GS-15 Division Directors . Second line supervisor of 50 +/- subordinate staff. Concurrently maintain Deputy Director of ESG duties (see below) Accomplishmentsand Impacts: • • • • • Supported the Director, Office of Human Capital (OHC) to establlsh and implement a comprehensive plan to reorganize the Office. Organized and moderated five All Managers Meetings since the beginning of FY18, with an average of 600 managers attending each meeting , to share current information and reinforce key topics to CMS managers . Established new Leadership performance element and implemented into all GS-15 Division Director performance plans. Identified opportunity and directed staff to complete real estate consolidation project in Bethesda . o Impact: Reduced the CMS utilization rate from 273 to 182, reduced the footprint by 20,000 square feet , and saved over $2.0 million in rent over the next two years. Facilitated discussions and led CMS to a decision to close the 7111 Security Boulevard lease in 2020, bringing staff and training center functions back to campus. o Impact: Th is action will save CMS $3.1 million dollars in annual lease and operat ional cost avoida nce starting in 2021. AMLfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000200 06/2016 - Present Deputy Director, Employee Services Group , Office of Human Capital (06 Billet) Centers for Medicare-and Medicaid Services (CMS) , Woodlawn., MD Duties: • Support the Group Director in leading and managing the Employee Services Group (ESG) to provide efficient , effective and customer-focused services in the functional areas of train ing, interna l communication , pay & benefits and facilities/ space manageme nt to a workforce of over 6,000 . • Supervise four GS-15 Division Directors. Second line supervisor of 50 +/-. • Delegated authority / serving as Approving Official (AO) for 7 purchase card holders . • Chairman of the CMS "Back on Campus " Integrated Project Team (IPT) Work Group . The IPT was chartered in 2016 by the CMS Deputy Chief Operating Officer to coordinate the activities of 5 operational components in a multi-year , $100+ million dolla r project to modernize the workplaca , reduce leased space costs, and bring employees back to the CMS main campus. • Collateral Duty : Chairperson , CMS Commissioned Corps Awards Board (2017- ) Accomplishments and Impacts : • Implemented specific initiatives to build the ESG team and institute a problem-solving culture inside ESG. Organized and convened seven unique activities to build the ESG team including: four allstaff meetings , two all-staff day-long team building/ train ing activities supporting the "ESG Solves Problems" theme and a Creative Leadership seminar with noted author Chic Thompson . o Impact: Engagement of staff substantially improved. The EVS Employee Engagement Index (EEi) increased by 18 percentage points , from 67% in 2016 , to 85% in 2017 . The EEi in ESG is the highest in OHC and 11 points higher than the CMS average . • Prepared and delivered high-level briefings to CMS Sr. Executives on the Strategic Planning Management Council (SPMC) , on the following subjects : o Back on Campus initiative . Provided progress update and faciHtated decis ions. o State of CMS Space. Promoted current enterprise -wide space costs , utilization rates and opportunities for efficiencies. Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS). Promoted 2015 results themes and 2016 actlon plan. • Organized and assembled the 2016 and 2017 ESG Accomplishments report and 2017 ESG Performance Plan o Impact: ESG accomplishments and plan clearly communicated to OHC and Managers • Re-wrote four manager 2017 Annual Performance Plans o Impact: Improved metrics and alignment with new OHC strategic goals. • • • • Established and maintained a new ESG Management SharePoin t site. o Impact: Improved the communication , tracking and sharing of materia l with ESG managers . Utilized professiona l engineering knowledge ahd federal faci lity program management experience to contribute new ideas to the Division of Facility and Space Management. o Impact: New project management SharePoint site established and maintained to track and report progress to stakeholders on major facility projects o Impact: New FY 18 budget line items proposed that incorporate improved justificat ion and show return on investment. o Impact: Identified opportunity to save $2.0 million in rent by consolidating an existing lease. Collaborated with office of financial management to research and identify mortgage -billing anomalies by GSA. Successfully esca lated concerns to the HHS OGG who is now pursuing a case . o Impact: potentia l savings of $1 O million per year. Served as sr. manager on the OHC Cookout Committee (2016 , 2017 , and 2018) . o Impact: Supported OHC employee engagement and team building Ourri9ufum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson, PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page 2 EXT-18-1509-L-000201 01/ 2015-06 /20 16 Deputy Director, Div .. of Commissioned Corps Persoanel & Readiness (06 Billet). Office of the Surgeon General (OSG), Rockville , MD Duties : • Manage and direct all aspects of Corps Headquarters operations, including, recruitment, personnel actions , assignments , training , compensation , medical affairs , and officer support serving over 6,700 officers of the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. o 1st line supervisor of six Sr. Managers or Section Chiefs. 2 nd line supervisor of 40 +/-. o In responsible charge over 60+/- FT E's • Represent DCCPR and provide updates at monthly corps leadership meeting , to the SG, ASH and to Agency partners . • Build/ maintain positive working relationsh ips wfth Agency Commissioned Corps Liaisons / Chief Professiona l Officers and other Corps stakeholders and partners. • Review and prepare executive correspondence and decision memoranda including responses to Congressional inquiries. • Assemble position descriptions , interview candidates and recruiV fill vacancies in Corps HQ. • Assemble and track annual $25 million spending plan and support presentation to the Services and Supply Fund (SSF) Board. • Collateral duty Appointed member of the Assistant Secretary for Health's Transpa rency , Ownership , Accountability and Quality Improvement (TOAQI) Committee. • Collateral duty: Member , OASH Joint Management/ Ba~gaining Unit Awards Evaluation Committee Accomplishments and Impacts: • Led Corps HQ strategic planning initiative. Convened meetings with all managers to build consensus. Surveyed customers and stakeholders to secure the Voice of the Customer . Ci Impact: Established shared CCHQ vision , mission , and tag line. Drafted strategic plan with 5 primary goals and multiple objectives. First-ever Corps HQ Strategic Plan. • Led the 2015 flag officer promotion process in accordance with new 2015 policy. o Impact: 14 officers promoted to or within the flag grades thereby restocking the depleted ranks of executive Corps leadership . First flag promotion process completed by HQin 3 yrs . • Provided executive leadersh lp, support and operational coordination to support ongoing multi-year comp lex project to transition active duty pay and personne l functions to USCG. o Impact: Established project tracking tool and communications team . Edited and approved multiple communications to the Corps. • Established Staff Train ing and Development Committee to improve employee engagement through increased access to professional development opportunities. o Impact: Committee researched training needs and arranged 4 onsite group trainings (customer service , project management , conflict resolution and email etiquette) • TOAQI : Assisted in crafting and deploy ing survey of all OAS H program areas to identify opportunities for improvement. o Impact: Identified medical affairs process In HQ to undergo Lean transformation . • Established the direction , edited and approved new internal monthly Corps HQ employee news letter. o Impact: 5 newsletters published . Improved communication and employee engagement. Ourri9ulum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson,PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page 3 EXT-18-1509-L-000202 06/ 2014 -0 1/ 2015 Acting Director, Div. of Commissioned Corps Personnel and .Readiness (Flag). Office of the Surgeon General (OSG), Rockville, MD Duties : • Lead Corps Headquarters , comprising policy ., readiness , and all operations serving over 6,800 officers of the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) Commissioned Corps. • 1st line supervisor of 5. 2nd line supervisor of 25 +/-. • In responsible charge over 75+/- FTE's • Represent DCCPR and provide updates at monthly corps leadership meeting , to the SG, ASH and to Agency partners . • Build/ maintain positive working relationships with Agency Commissioned Corps Liaisons / Chief Professional Officers and other Corps stakeholders and partners. • Assemble and track annual spending plan and support presentation to the Services and Supply Fund (SSF) Board. • Review and prepare executive correspondence and decision memoranda including responses to Congressional inquiries • Asse mble positons descr iptions , interview candidates and recruit/ fill vacancies in Corps HQ • Collateral duty: Leader , OAS H Joint Management/ Bargaining Unit Awards Evaluation Committee Accomplishments and Impacts: • Successf ully led DCCP R during absence of principa l who was deployed overseas leading the Corps Ebola Response in West Africa. o Impact: Maintai ned all services to the Corps during time of unprecedented strain of significant internationa l deployments . Organized and led three CCHQ all-hands quarter ly staff meetings . • o Impact: Improved internal communication • Initiated HQ strategic planning process. Established agreement with Federal Occupationa l Health to provide organizational development and support. • Authored/ sent message to all officers and superv isors reinforcing the importance of accurate and true scoring on Commissioned Officer Effectiveness Report (COER) • Continued to implement new project management initiatfve: o Impact: 5 projects completed , including new PHS awards poster (first in 20 years) and new CCHQ website launched . • Awarded Surgeon Generals Exemplary Service Medal for serving as Acting Director. 03/ 2013 - 05/ 20 14 Director, Assignments and Career Management Branch (GS15/ 0-6 Billet). Office of the Surgeon General (OSG), Division of Commissioned Corps Personnel and Readiness (DCC PR), Rockville, MD Duties : • Lead the Assignments , Officer Support , Commissioned Officer Training Academy , Compensation and Medical Affairs section chiefs and associated staff supporting the. majority of operations of the USPHS Commissioned Corps . o 1st line supervisor of 6. 2nd line supervisor of 50 +/ -. o In responsible charge over 66% of DCC PR staff. • Organize and convene weekly operations meetings with DCCPR managers. • Perform Acting Director DCCPR responsibilities when called upon. 0urri9ufum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson,PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page4 EXT-18-1509-L-000203 • Foster posit ive working relationships with Age ncy Commissioned Corps Liaisons / Chief Professional Officers and other Corps stakeho lders and partne rs. • Identify opportunities for internal process improvements and gains in efficiencies. Accomplishm ents and Impacts : • Mapped the internal Corp business process of the submission of a requestfo r personnel action (form 1662) to the Call to Active Duty / attendance at Officer Basic Course . Gathe red data from multiple corps systems to identify recent and current performance time to complete the process. o Impacts : Used data to highlight substantial increases in time-to-complete at critical management retreat o Impacts : Exhibited process for Recruitment branch director to follow in generating other process maps in the other areas such as the new Call to Active Duty Process. • Promoted project management principles to sect ion manager s. Established 35 new projects and teams to tackle improvements throughout DCCPR. • New separations unit established using exist ing resources to provide centralized and coordinated serv ice to officers planning to separate from the service. • Provided executive and techn ical direction to the COTA chief in successfully navigating through HHS confere nce approva l process and securing a rare waive r for local students to receive per diem reimbursements when attending the Officer Basic Course . o Impact: Officer Basic Class saved from cancellat ion and disruptions alleviated for local attendees . • Completed scopes of work , independent government estimates and requisitioning with in tight endof-year timeframes to secure temporary administrative / profess ional support under an existing, previous ly-unused PSC contract vehicle . o Impact: Three contract employees secured for DCCPR in the areas of project management support , customer reception and data entry . o Impact: $75k in end-of-year funding obligated that otherwise would have been lost. • Identified opportu nity and championed DCCPR effort to evaluate and make selections for interns under the Presidential Pathways program. o Impact: 2 interns selected and currently employed the reby providing an opportunity for current studen ts and additional resources fo r DCCPR • Edited and submitted internal report analyzing the efficiency and cost effectiveness of denta l care, medical author izations and medica l records management functions currently provided by Medical Affairs. Report illustrated substantial improvemen ts realized over the past 5 years and highlighted the cost-effectiveness of current process. o Impact : Report used to respond to questions and assumptions posed by the Department that functions could be transferred with resultant cost savings. • Provided executive leadership , support and coordination within ACMB and with the USCG on high visibility and complex project to transfer payro ll and personne l functions . o Impact: Retiree payroll function successf1,1llytransferred to USCG on Jan 1, 2014 . Ourri9ufum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson , PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 6145 2 pVERSIGHT Page 5 EXT-18-1509-L-000204 08/ 2011 - 02/ 2013 (Acting) Deputy Area Director/ Executive Officer , (GS 15/ 0-6 · Billet) IHS/ Nashville Area Office (NAO), Nashville , TN. Duties : • Assist the Area Director to plan , direct , appraise , manage , evaluate and establish strategic priorities for the programs , services, functions and activities of the Nashville Area Office. • Perform Acting Area Director responsibilities when called upon. • Direct supervision of 4 Office or Division Directors and associated staff. o 1st line supervisor of 10. 2 nd line supervisor of 30 +/-. 3 rd line supervisor of 100+/-. o Supervise 3 Human Resources staff o Supervise Director of Information Resources Management (IT) o Supervise Director of Acquisitions (Contracting) o Supervise Director of Financial Management (Finance) o Supe(Vlse Director Office of Environmental Health and Engineering • Member of the Area Executive Leadership team. • Perform Area Executive Officer functions . o Represent the Area on the IHS Counci l of Executive Officers o Leads area ·team managing implementation of the HSPD-12, Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards . o Responsible for identification of roles, assignment and approval of indlvlduals for accessing the Unified Financial Management System . o Responsible for efficient operations of the NAO and delivery of professional management services to internal customers . • Provide leadership in management of special area projects. Establish and endorse projects for the Area . • Maintain liaison with regional Employee Relations/ Labor Relation (ER/LR) speclallst and Regional HHS Office of General Counsel for the purpose of tracking and address ing any employee conduct and performance issues . Lead Area official for labor relations/ bargain ing unit issues . • Organize and conduct monthly Area Director / Sr. Staff/ Division Directors meetings . Establish and track action items. • Establish, review and recommend new or improved area policies and procedures. Accomplishments and Impacts: • Improved the NAO Sharepoint site and the processes used to initiate, track and report on area projects . 55 projects were launched and tracked in 2012, each representing a major area initiative . Technical assistance was provided to over 15 different project champions . o Impact : Project management culture was established and reinforced. o Impact : Efficient tracking and reporting of project accomplishments was realized and used by the Area Director to support quarterly communications delivered to HQ and tribal customers . • Established plan to cascade 2012 Senior Executive Service (SES) Performance contract elements to NAO managers. Served as primary Area contact to HQ for tracking , monitoring and reporting of Executive Level performance . Authored significant portions of and performed overa ll final editing of 2011 and 2012 Area SES contract final performance report. Trained successqr . o Impact: Success in authoring / editing the final SES performance summaries supported the Acting Area Director in receiving the highest ratings (achieved outstanding results) from the IHS Director in 2011 and 2012 . Ourria~fum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson , PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 6145 2 pVERSIGHT Page 6 EXT-18-1509-L-000205 • • • • • • • Conducted end-of-year performance evaluations on nine staff members using HHS Performance Management Appraisal Plan (PMAP) and/ or Commissioned Officer Effectiveness Report in 2011 . Developed 2012 performance plans for ten staff . Transitioned staff to new 5-tier PMAP at midyear. Conducted nine end-of-year performance evaluations in 2012 . Tracked the implementation , completion and quality of all PMAPs th roughout the area (2011 and 2012). Led staff in designing a Q/A checklist to assu re quality of PMAP processing. o Impact: Performance expectat ions and accountabil ity was maintained and reinforced . o Impact : Achieved goal of zero error rate on processing of final 2011 PMAP's (zero returned for correct ion Within NAO). Q/A check list adopted for use by all within the SE Region in 2012. Designed and established unique and creative processes and procedures using a baseball -themed tracking tool to meet the Human Resources 80-day hiring time model. "NAO HR Baseball " process-mapped and communicated the hiring process to the local hiring managers and HR spec ialist in the context of re.aching first base , second base , third base and home plate to improve efficlencles and successfully fill positions . The tool was presented by the Area Director at the National Combined Coun cils meeting in Janua ry 2012 and was cited as a creative example of using process improvement techniques to improve administrative processes . o Impact: At the end of the first year of use, (FY 2012) , the NAO HR Baseball tool increased positions filled by 15 (+68%) and decreased time to hire by 120 days (-40%) from 2011 baseline. o Impact. At the midpoint of FY 13, positions filled for the year were at 2 1 and the time-to hire metric had dropped to 111 days which represented a decrease of 187 days (-63%) from the 2011 baseline. Led Human Resources team in des igning and assemb ling a hiring manager toolkit providing resources and standardized guidance to hiring manager s in the successful navigation of the prepare-to-hi re phase . Training was delivered to all NAO hiring manager customers on the use of the toolkit (December 2012). o Impact : Post-training survey results showed significan t increase in knowledge of hiring managers in the hiring process and their specific part of the process . This increased knowledge is expected to translate into increased efficiency in the hiring process and continued decrease in the time-to-hi re metric . Led large and diverse Area project team to establish new health service unit in Lockport , New York. Project plan established , tribal customers consulted , facility identified and leased , renovations completed , furniture and equipment delivered , information technology hardware and connectivity established , local leadersh r° p hired and staffing plan established to support initial delivery of first serv ices in summer 2013. o Impact: 2,000 new tribal customers from the Tuscarora Nation and Tonawanda Nation will have improved access to health care in summer 2013. Twice led NAO Federal / Tribal Team through the Tribal Budget Formulation process (September 2011 - January 2012 and October 2012 - January 2013). o Impact : Consultation with Area tribes was achieved along with consensus on budget increases to support both the 2014 and 2015 budget submissions . Led the Area team in manag ing the successful implementation of HSPD-12 , Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards . Drafted and issued new Area policy and standard operating procedure on all aspects of PIV card management in preparation for October 2012 HHS accred itatio n review . NAO field sites were the first sites in IHS to be reviewed by HHS for the current review period. o Impact: HHS accreditation of four NAO PIV facilities was received (first in IHS). Established controls and tracked Area performan ce under HHS Efficient Spending requirements to assure NAO reduced spending and did not exceed allocated 2012 travel target. Ourri9ulum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson, PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page 7 EXT-18-1509-L-000206 o • • Travel spending was reduced 3.1 % from $908,319 in FY 11 to $880 ,131 in FY 12. Finished the year at 92% of the allocated target (Oct 2012 ). NAO was a wise steward of travel dollars. Served on 2011 and 2012 Area Award review board and as Maste r of Ceremony for Area Awards and Promotion Ceremony (Decembe r 2011 and Decembe r 2012) . a Impact : Dozens -OfArea staff were celebrated and recognized for significant performance . Presented Nashville Area update to the Board of Directors , United South and Eastern Tribes , semi- annual meeting , May 2012 o Impact : the Acting Area Director was represented at a critical tribal leadership forum fo llowing an unexpected fam ily emergency. 10/ 2008 - 08/ 2011 (Acting) Associate Director, (0-6 Billet) IHS/ Nashville Area I Office of Environmental Health and Enginee ring (OEHE), Nashville , TN , Duties • Plan , direct , appraise , manage and evaluate the Area environmenta l health services , health facility engineer ing , sanitation facilities construction , emergency management and physical security programs. Estab lish strateg ic priorities. • Direct supervision of 4 Divis ion Directors and associated OEHE staff . o 1st line supervisor of 6. 2.nd line supervisor of 10. 3 rd line supervisor of 10. • Meet with tribal officials and organizations to communicate program emphasis , priorities , needs , accomplishments, problems, proposals and to rece ive tribal consultat ion . • Develop, maintain and track Environmental Health Support Activity (EHSA) budget ($2 million) . Allocate and distribute program resources • Collateral Duties: Leader of Area Task Force ARRA (charged with manag ing successfu l projects funded by American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) • Member of Area Executive Leadership team . Perfo rm Act ing Area Director and Deputy Area Director responsibilities during absences of primary officials. Accomplishments and Impacts: • Designed, organized and led production of comprehensive summary report commun icating 2008 OEHE accomplishments to trl bal customers . o Impact : Summary of Accomplishments manual will aide in communicating OEHE skills and capabilities to customers and promote buyback of program serv ices . • Redes igned program workplan templates to incorporat e cus tome r focus , performance metrics, strategic objectives and mid -year performance reviews. (2010) o Impact : Establis hed culture stressing measureable accomplishments and accountability within OEHE • Led re-write of OEHE Programs . Services , Functions and Activit ies (PSFA) manual. First re-write of manual in 12 years (2009). o Impact : PSFA manual will aide in communicating OEHE skills and capabili t ies to customers and promote buyback of program servioes . • Organized and led annual techn ical workshop for all Nashville Area OEHE staff (5/09 and 11/ 10) a Impact: Improved collaboration, sharing of technical knowledge and team building within OEHE . • Re-wrote position descriptions for Administrative Officer and Director , Division of Facilitie s Engineering . Ourri9ufum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson, PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page 8 EXT-18-1509-L-000207 • • • • Led Task Force ARRA in successfully ob ligating 100% of Area ARRA funds into contracts or agreements by the end of the fiscal year, 9/30/10. Disbursed 82% of ARRA funds to recipients. o Impact : Met intent of legislation to deliver funds quickly to shovel ready projects. Received Area Directors Award for Excellence in recognition of success in leading Task Force ARRA (2009). Led transit ion of emergency management and physical security functions from Office of Area Director to OEHE (7/201 O). Identified and drafted core functions to be transferred. Maintained Acting Associate Director duties concurrent with Engineer Program Chief duties (below). Received Area Employee of the Year : Engineer (2011 ), for Acting Director OEHE accomplishments. 02/ 2003 - 08/2011 Environmental Engineer Program Chief (0-6 Billet) IHS/ Nashvi lle Area / OEHE/ Division of Sanitat ion Facilities Construction , Nashville, TN . Duties • Manage the Nashville (NS) Area Sanitation Facilities Construction (SFC ) program ($10 million annua l project budget , $1 million annual program budget ) providing service to 28 tribes across 12 states from Maine to Texas . • Provide overall technical guidance and direction to 16 empl·oyees in five field offices that provide direct engineering , project management and utility consulting services to 24 tribes . • Negotiate funding plans and project funding agreements with triba l ent ities that manage shares of the SFC program or project funding as autho rized through PL 93-638. • Provide residual governmental program responsibilities (funding allocation, maintenance of sanitation deficiencies data and advocation for tribal needs) for 4 Self-Governance Tribes. • Develop and implement Area SFC polices and procedures . • Deve lop and track project and program budgets utilizing the HHS Unified Financial Management System (UFMS) , Project Accounting Module. • Allocate IHS and EPA Clean Water Act project funding to SFC projects . • Advocate for Area tribal SFC needs at national meetings and events . • Member - IHS National web Sanitation Track ing and Reporting System (wSTARS) team • Membe r - IHS National Strategic Planning (SP) Core Leadership Team • Leader - IHS SP Practica l Vision Element 3B team (charged with reducing project durations) • Collateral duties: Area Commissioned Officer Awards Coordinator • Collateral duties: Area Environmental Health and Engineering Training Coordinator • Collateral duties: Area NEPA Officer (2007 - 2008) Accomplishments : • Led the Area SFC program in decreasing average project durations (0MB measure of National SFC program efficiency) from 3.18 to 1.75 years from 2006 - 201 o. Frequently led all IHS Areas in shortest durations . Area SFC team selected to receive the SAME Cumming Plaque for #1 PHS engineering unit in 2010 . • Successfully utilized newly deployed Unified Financial Management System (UFMS) Project Accounting Module to establish and track project finances for over 200 active area SFC projects . • Received positive review and identification of numerous program strengths from IHS/ OEHE HQ consultation team during first HQ program review in 6 years (January 2007) . The consu lt Ourri9ufum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson, PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page 9 EXT-18-1509-L-000208 team cited the Area program for "administering a successful and complex construction program " with "quality and dedicated staff at all levels of the organization and the obvious commitment to provide the highest possible quality of services to Indian communities ". The team identified several notable strengths , including the Area strategic plan, project durations, operation and maintenance program , data systems , and housing fund distribution methodology. • Increased Area share of IHS project appropriations by 11% , from $4.81 million to .$5.34 million . (2007) • Increased 3 rd party project contributions by 21% , from $4.01 million to $4.86 million. (2007) • Increased program workload credit (RRM) from 53.5 to 76.4 man years from 2006 to 201 O. • Designed , deployed and completed unique 5-year program strategic plan incorporating "six sigma" management too ls and techniques based upon tribal customer needs. Established comprehensive benchmarks for success that have established clear path for future success . (2006-201 O) • Developed , received tribal consultation on and implemented new Area policies on Sanitation Deficiency System (SOS), Housing Priority System (2004), Unit Costs (2006), and Active Project Tracking (2007). • Dratted and implemented technician Performance Appraisal Systems (2004) and new Performance Management Appraisal Plan (2006) • Implemented six Corrective Action Plans as identified in the 2003 Management Control Review for the SFC program. • Developed annual 2-day area workshop for all Nashville Area SFC staff. (2003, 2004 , 2005 , 2006, 2008 , 201 O} • Presented annual half day of training for SFC and tribal staff on Web -based SOS. (03,04 ,05,06,07) ._ Successfully advocated for continued 3-year funding support from EPA Region 1 for IHS Tribal Utility Engineer position in Bangor , ME. (10/2003). Agreement extended to 5 year in 2007 . • Successfully advocated for new 3-year funding support from EPA Region 4 for new IHS Tribal Utility Engineer position in Atmore , AL. (2006). • Successfully advocated for new 2 year funding support from EPA Region 4 for new IHS Field Engineer position in Catawba , SC (2006) • Successfully negot iated and implemented a new Memorandum of Understanding with the State of Mississippi Rural Development Program thereby allowing a $1.0 million project contribution and successful completion of wastewater treatment plant for Choctaw Tribe (2005/ 2006) • Presented SFC program updates to tribal officials at semi-annual United South and Eastern Tribes (USET) conferences (6/2003, 10/2003, 6/2004 , 10/2004 , 6/2005 , 2/2006, 6/2006, 10/2006 , 2/2007 , 10/2007, 2/2008 , 4/2009, 10/2010 , 2/2011) • Participated as a peer reviewer in the IHS/ OEHE Headquarters Consult & Review of the Alaska Area Div. of Sanitation Facility Construct ion Program, September 2003. Traveled to the field and reviewed active DSFC projects in Bethel, Nunapitchuk and Kwethluk . • Processed 30-70 commiss ioned officer awards per year from nomination to award for Nashville Area CO's from 2003 - 2008. /HS Directors Award presented to all Area Commi'Ssioned Officer award coordinators in recognition of superior accuracy and timeliness of award process ing (2004), • Organized and led or co-led area committee for annual Area Awards and Promotions Ceremony In 2003 , 2004 , 2005 , 2006, 2007,2010 . Impacts: • Established culture of positive customer service , measureable results and accountability through initiation and compl.etion of 5-year strategic plan, and production and promotion of annual scorecard accomplishments in 2006, 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , and 2010 (completion ). • Restored confidence in the viability and future of the NS SFC program through application of high Ourri9ufum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson, PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page 10 EXT-18-1509-L-000209 • • • • • energy and infus ion of new ideas following six years of Acting NS Area program directors (2003) . Consistently lead the NS Area SFC program in serving 1,000 native homes with new or improved san itation facilities annually. Consistently exceeded total external project contributions target ($3.73 million) over the past 3 years Successful collaborations With partners have increased program staff by four engineers. Increased accuracy of 2007 SDS list by assuring top four projects for each tribe have detailed engineers estimates. Provided ''leadership by example '' to NS Area CO Engineers on the Importance of mobility, readiness . accountability, and visibility in their PHS careers in order to provide the best possib le service to the nation through our work within the IHS SFC . 08/ 2000 - 02/2003 District Environmental Engineer (0-5 Billet) IHS/ CAO/ Sanitation Facilities Construction Branch, Sacramento, CA Duties • Lead the Sacramento District Office (SDO) and it's employees in effectively and efficiently carrying out the duties and goals of the California Area Indian Health Service , SFC program . • Provide first tier technical guidance to SDO employees in the areas of project development , project management , engineering design, construction , and procurement. • Preliminary engineering , final design and project management of special projects . • Supervise 1 engineer in Ukiah , 1 engineer in Fresno , and 1 engineer and admin assistant in Sacramento. • Collateral duties : IHS representative to the Engineers Professional Advisory Committee (EPAC) • Collateral duties : Associate Recruiter Engineer Category Lead. Recruited and managed recruitment activities for 18 associate recruiters. Accomplishments ; • Authored the follow ing Preliminary Engineering Reports to support new SFC projects . o "Water Treatment Upgrades, Cortina Rancheria". Project CA-01-L32. 5/2001. o "Water Treatment and Source Upgrades , Stewarts Point Rancheria". Proj. CA 00-L29 . 6/01. • Developed and implemented new spreadsheet based project register format featuring real time balances for all district projects . Format accepted as the area standard. • Developed preliminary design and project documents for new communi ty wide wastewater collection system on the Tule River Reservation , project 01-L 10. Feb 2002 • Completed comprehensive des ign package (plans, specs and bid documents) for Microflltration Water Treatment plant, Stewarts Point Rancheria , project 00-L29. December 2002. • Led the Sacramento District in serving 50 scattered homes per year with water/ sewer facilities . Impacts • Mentored one new Jr. environmental engineer and two COSTEP engineers . • Led the Sacramento District in developing , and funding 10 new SFC projects in 2002. 100% increase in project workload over previous years. • Focused SDO engineers on the importance of assemb ling a thorough Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for existing and potential projects. Led SDO in assembling 6 PER's. All PER's resulted in projects obtaining necessary contr ibution funding from outside sources. • Geographic mobility resulted in improved problem solving skills and new engineering ideas . Ourri9ufum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson , PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page 11 EXT-18-1509-L-000210 • Success In District Engineer and Engineer Recruitment responsibilities resulted in a nomination submitted by the Indian Health Service for an Exceptional Capability Promotion to 0-5. 11/03/97 - ·8/03/0 0 Sr. Environmental Engineer (0-4 Billet) IHS/ BAO/ Sanitation Facilities Construction Branch (SFCB), Rhinelander , WI. Duties: • Management of 17 SFCB projects at the Keweenaw Bay, Lac Vieux Desert and Hannahville Indian Reservations, Michigan worth more than $3 million. • Design of individual and community water distribution systems , water treatment systems , biosolids disposal areas, wastewater collectfon systems, and sewage pumping systems. • Provide leadership to Jr. engineers within the Rhinelander District. Accomplishments : • Developed project summary , designed and managed construction of $700,000 Zeba Wastewater Collection and Sewage Pump Station , project BE-98-586. Gained experience in wastewater collection and pumping systems design and construction ln cold weather climates. Discharging lagoon problem resolved . • Developed project summary, negotiated funding contributions from Keweenaw Bay Indian Community and Village of Baraga, and managed construction for $265,000 Wate r and Sewer Main Extens ions , project BE-98-18R . Project funded , designed and constructed in one summer . • Designed $400 ,000 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBA) Building Expansion , project BE-96-391 , for Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa . Summer 1998. Impacts: • Restored positive working relationship between IHS and Keweenaw Bay Indian Community. • Lead engineer for Rhinelander District trans ition to the industry standard "CS I" specification format. • Geographic mobility resulted in improved problem solving skills and new engineering ideas . 11/13/94- 11/02/97 Sr./ Environmental Engineer (0-3/ 0-4 Billet) IHS/AAO/ Sanitation Facilit ies Construct ion Branch (SFCB) , Martin, SD. Isolated Hardship Duty station . Duties • Management of SFCB projects at the Pine Ridge Reservation, Oglala Sioux Tribe . • Survey , design , draft and inspect ion of SFCB projects including sewage lagoons , water tanks , sewage lift.stations and mains, individual wells and onsite sewage disposal systems . • SupeNised 1 construct ion inspector. Accomplishments • Independently developed proposal for joint projec t between IHS and Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) Mni-Wicon i Water Project in Manderson , SD. Successfully negotiated agreement for additional $424,000 towards larger IHS project. Project included design of Manderson Water Tank (365,000 gal), pump house, and 1.5-mile water main extension . Gained experience in water pumping , distribution, and storage design and construction in cold weather climates. June 1995 - Oct. 1996. • Independently organized team of engineers and sanitarians to conduct survey of sanitation facilities for Pine Ridge Reservation . Produced & presented detailed report of findings , Feb. - July 1996. Ourr~o~fum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson, PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page 12 EXT-18-1509-L-000211 • • • Designed, drafted and managed const ruction of 12 acre Manderson Lagoon Expansion . 19951997. Success in project duties resulted in upgrade of billet to Sr. Environmenta l Engineer. Routinely served more than 50 home sites per year with individual sanitation facil1ties. Impacts • Developed excellent working relationship with the Oglala Sioux Tr ibe. • Sanitary Survey report used by the Oglala Sioux: Tribe to raise interna l and external awareness of sanitation facility constr uction needs. • Diligent. technica l assistance to the Oglala Sioux Tribe in the acquisition of land necessary for a lagoon expansion in the commu nity of Wanblee led to IHS funding of the project for $600 ,000 , 1997. 4/30/92 - 11/12/94 Jr. Environmental Engineer (0-2 Billet} IHS/NAO/ Sanitation Facilities Construc tion Branch (SFCB), Poarch Band of Creek Indian Reservation, Atmore, AL. Duties • Management of SFCB projects at the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indian Reservat ion (MBCI) and the Poarch Band of Creek Indians Reservation (PBC I) • Survey, design , draft and inspect ion of SFCB projects. • Supervise d 2 construction inspectors. Accomplishments • Designed wastewater lagoon expansion (aerated with PE lining) for Pearl River community (MBCI), project NS-94-578. • Designed water and sewer main .exte nsions for Fred Walke r Village HUD developmen t (PBCI), 93. • Conducted sanitary survey of community sanitation facilities and genera ted comprehens ive report of findings and recommendatio ns for MBCI, 1994. Impacts: ·•· Develo ped essential engineering , project management, su rveying and drafting skills. • Sanitary survey report used by the MBC I to improve maintenance of community sanitation facilitfes. READINESS Readiness Status/ Tie r: Deployment Roles: Basic/ Tier Ill Disaster Response Engineer and Liaison Officer Training: Nashville Area IHS/ OEHE Disaster Response Field Training - May 2009 Nashville Area IHS/ OEHE Disaster Response Field Training - April 2006 Emergency Coordinator Augmentee (ECA) training, USPHS Noble Training Center, 2002 Passport: Previous : Official (Maroon) US Governme nt. Expired 7/8/20 13 Current: Personal (Blue}. Expires 2026 Deploymen t/ Responses : • 03/20 16-04/20 16 (6 weeks ). Deployed to Winne bago, Nebraska to augment and support leaders hip Ourr~o~fumVitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson, PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page 13 EXT-18-1509-L-000212 • of Indian Health Service hospita l during staffing crisis . o Received letter of thanks from Mary Sm ith, Principa l Deputy Director of IHS o Awarded PHS Response Service Award 8/4/08 - 9/26/08 (8 weeks ). Deployed with PHS Team #1 (Jn USS Kearsarge for US Navy mission Cont inuing Promise 2008. Served in Nicaragua and Colombia . Extended 2 additional weeks to perform damage assessme nts in Haiti after hurricane destruction. Provided sanitation facility engineering subjec t matter expertise to military engineers implement ing a variety of capital and infrastructure projects. Designed and constructed a small water tank project in Colombia which provided water storage to a community of 3,000 people . o Received PHS Commendation Medal, and US Navy Achievement Medal for superior accomplishments and impacts associated with this mission. • Excerpts from USN Achievement citat ion ".. .. rnsplaying exceptional technical skill and resourcefulness , he spearheaded the assessment of water supplies and distributions systems .... .He provided comprehensive assessments with recommendations to relief organizations and the Government of Haiti to allow them to implement short and long term projects that would benefit thousands of citizens ... ... Commander Helgeson 's exceptional professionalism , unrelenting perseverance, and loyal devotion to duty reflected credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. " o Received PHS Global Response Service , Special Assignment , Hazardous Duty, Foreign Duty and USN Meritorious Unit Commendation awards for duties related to thfs mission . • 9/18/05 - 10/1/05 Deployed to the coast of Mississippi as part of a 10-person engineering team response to Hurricane Katrina . Performed wate r system assessments and provided technical assistance to the State of MS department of Public Water Supply . o Received PHS Crisis Response Service Award and PHS Outstanding Unit Citation • 8/14/04 - 8/30/04 Deployed to HHS Secretar ies Operations Center to augment staffing during National Orange Alert . Performed Coordinator on Duty functions for 14 days, (overnight shift). o Received PHS Crisis Response Service Award • 2/18/04 - 2/23/04 Deployed to Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Disaster Field Office for NORTHCOM United Defense 04 Exercise. Performed Liaison Officer duties for HHS SERT . • 6/30/99 - 8/13/99 Detailed (30 days total) to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota to assist in the design and construction of a $3 million IHS/ SFC disaster recovery project following tornado destruction in the community of Oglala . o Received PHS Commendation Medal , PHS Crisis Response Service Award , and IHS Directors Award for accomplishments related to this assignment. • 8/27/92 - 8/31/ 92 Detailed to the Chitimacha Reservation in Oharenton, LA to assist the Tribe in restoring water and wastewater facilities following Hurricane Andrew . o Received PHS Unit Commendation , PHS Crisis Response Service Award , and PHS Special Assignment Award for accomp lishments related to this assignment. ASSIMILATION Assimilated into Regular Corps 1999 COMPUTER SKILLS Extensive , hands on use of the following software: PowerPoint, MS Word , Excel, Sharepoint , MS Project . Ourri9ufum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson , PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page 14 EXT-18-1509-L-000213 PROFESSION AL ASSOCIATIONS 2017 - Present Member, National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE ) 2009 - Present. Member , Order of the Engineer , Vanderbilt link. 2007 - Present. Member, American Society of Engineering Managers (ASEM) 1993 - Present. Member, USPHS Commissioned Officers Association (GOA). • President of the Bemidji Branch of GOA (1999-2000 ). 1997 - Present. Member , Society of American Military Engineers (SAME ) • Active member of the Readiness Committee for the Sac ramento Post (2002-2003) . • Executive Assistant for the Southwest Regiona l Vice President (2002-2003). • Elected to the Board of Directors for the Sacramento Post (2002 - 2003). PHS SUPPORT ACTIVITIES / OFFICERSH IP Aug 2017 Chalrperson , CMS Commiss ioned Corps Awards Board Nov 2016 Served on confidential CMS (Agency) Commissioned Corps board. Aug 2016 Served on category recruitment board , reviewing and triaging enginee ring appl ication s Apri l 2014 Represented the Chief Engineer at a meeting of the Society of Amer ican Military Engineers (SAME) Senior Executive Group. Jun 2013 Served on high-level DCCPR -managed board supporting the Commissioned Corps Appointed by the Chief Engineer as a Senior Engineer Counselor for the 2012 Promo tion Year. Sep 2012 • Counse led and provided ca reer advice two enginee r officers who scored in the bottom quart ile of promotion class Feb . 2003 - Jun 2012 . Appointed by the Area Director as the Nashville Area PHS Awa rds Coordinator. • Received IHS Directors Group Award for 0 Superior award processing and timeliness" November 2003 • Member of the Area organizational committee that stag ed the first Area-wide recognition ceremony in the Nashvi lle Area in 10 years . (Dec. 2003 ) • Led area committee to evaluate nominations and organ ize 2004 , 2005, 2006 and 2007 Area Awards and Promotion Ceremony. Jan 2001 · Dec 2003 Appo inted by the Surgeon Genera l as IHS Representative to the Engineer Professional Advisory Comm ittee (EPAC ). • Chairman of the Recru itment and Retention Subcommittee (2001 - 2003) • Member of the Awards Subcommittee (2003 - 2007 ) • Member of the Emergency Preparedness Subcommittee (2008- 2011) Jul 2001 - Dec 2002 Appointed by the Chief Engineer as Category Representat ive to DCP for implementation of the Associate Recruiter Program in the Engineer Category . • Recruited and managed 20 Associate Recruiters in IHS. • Chief Engineer cited the Engineer Assoc iate Recruiter (EAR) Program as the most fully deve loped and successfu l ARP currently ·1nthe PHS, a standard for other categories to follow . •July 2002 • EAR Program cited by Acting Surgeon General Moritsugu as a model for other categor ies to follow - 2002 GOA Conference 0urri9ufum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson, PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 6145 2 pVERSIGHT Page 15 EXT-18-1509-L-000214 • Received IHS Directors Award for "Excellence in Managing IHS Engineer Recruitment Activit ies" - November 2002. PUBLICATIONS and PRESENTATIONS "Leadership vs. Management: Lessons Learned From the Field ', Mid-Le vel Managers Course, Commissioned Officer Training Academy, Rockville , MD, Multiple Courses from 2014 - 2015 "Rope Pump Wells: Sustainable Rural Water Delivery in Nicaragua,'', 2010 USPHS Scientific and Training Symposium , San Diego, CA, May 23, 201 O "Experiences and Lesson Learned from Deployment aboafd USS Kearsarge ", 2009 USPHS Scie.ntific and Training Sympos ium, Atlanta , GA, June 2, 2009 "Indian Health Service Strategic Planning Using Design for Six Sigma Principles" , 28 th Annual American Society of Engine ering Managers (ASEM) National Conference, Chattanooga , T N, November, 2007 "Incorporating Design for Six Sigma Principles into Strategic Planning for the Sanitation Facilities Construction Program in the Nashville Area Indian Health Service ", 2007 USPHS Scientific and Training Sympos ium , Cincinnati , OH, June 5, 2007 " The PHS Engineering Response to Hurricane Katrina ', Society of American Military Engineers , NashviJle Post General Meeting , February 15, 2006. "Nashville Area SFC Program Updates", Health Directors and Natural Resources Committees , United South and Eastern Tribes semi-annual meetings, June 2003 , November 20.03, February 2004 , June 2004 , October 2004, June 2005, February 2006 , June 2006 , October 2006 and :February 2007. "An Introduction to PL 93-638 SFC Delivery Methods ". Indian Health Services , Office of Environmental Health and Engineering Orientation Course , San Francisco, CA, January 25, 2006 "Public Health Service/ Indian Health Service Update". Society of American Military Engineers, Sacramento Post Sustain ing Members Forum , April 18, 2002. Helgeson , Scott M. and Martinson, Matthew . "P,essure Pipe Comparisons ", The Military Engineer , Vol. 93, No. 614, November-Decembe r 2001 , Received USPHS Engineer Literary Award (2002 ) "Overview of Public Health Service Engineers and the Indian Health Service SFC'. Society of American Military Engineers , Sacramento Post General Meeting , April 12, 2001. " The IHS!SFC Disaster Response to Tornado Destruction in Oglala, SO on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation'', COA Public Health Service Professionals Conference , Phoenix , AZ, June 1O, 2000. A WARDS/ HONORS Uniformed Service : Individual Honor Awards (listed in order of precedence) PHS Surgeon Generals Exemplary Service Medal 2015 PHS Outstand ing Service Medal 2013 PHS Commendat ion Medal 2009 , 2008, 2004 , 1999 USN Achievement Medal 2008 PHS Citation Ribbon and Plaque 1997 Ourr~o~fum Vitae, CAPT Scott M. Helgeson , PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page 16 EXT-18-1509-L-000215 Uniformed Service: Unit. Honor Awards (listed in order of precedence) PHS Presidential Unit Citation PHS Outstanding Unit Citation PHS Unit Commendation Ribbon USN Meritorious Unit Commendation 2016 200 7, 2007,2006 2004,200 0, 1997, 1996, 1993 2009 USPHS Service and Training Awards .(listed in order of precedence) Global Health Campaign Medal Hazardo us Duty Service Ribbon Foreign Duty Service Ribbon Special Assignment Service Ribbon Isolated Hardsh ip Service Ribbon Crisis Response Service Award Global Response Service Award Response Service Award National Emergency Preparedness Award Regular Corps Assimilation and Ribbon Commissioned Corps Training Ribbon 2013 2009 2009 2009 , 2005 , 1992 1995 2006 , 2004; 2000, 1992 2009 2017 2002 1999 2002 USPHS Badges and Insignia (listed in chronolo gical order) Office of the Secretary , DHHS ID Badge Assoc iate Recruiter Badge Field Medical Readiness Badge 2013 200 1 1997 Other Honors and Awa rds (listed in chro nological order) IHS Nationa l Directors Award - HR Baseball SAME Cummings Plaque for A rea DSFC Program (#1 PHS Eng. Unit) IHS, Nashville Area Honor Award - Employee of the Year 1 Engineer IHS, Nashville Area Honor Award- Directors Award for Excellence IHS, Nashvi lle Area Special Act Award-A RRA Implementation Team COA/ EPAC Joh n C. Villforth Leadership Award IHS Nationa l Directors Award, Area SFC Strateg ic Plan IHS, Nashville Area Special Act Award - Strateg ic Planning Team IHS, Nashvi lle Area Special Act Award - New Harmony Project Team SAME Cummings Plaque for Engineer Respond ers IHS Directors Award, CO Award Liaiso ns IHS Directors Award, SFC Nationa l Program IHS National Directors Award , Area Hurricane Response Team USPHS Engineer Literary Award , IHS National Directors Award, Eng. Recruitment IHS National Directors Award, Ogla1a Response Team IHS, AAO Group Perfor mance Award IHS, NAO Outstanding Area Employee IHS, NAO Outstanding Group Perfo rmance 2012 2011 201 0 2009 2009 2008 2007 2006 2006 2005 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2000 1996 1993 1993 Received Exceptional Proficiency Promot ion to 0-6. Ranked #1 in promotion class . (July 2010) . Received (normal cycle) Promotion to 0-5. Ranked #1 in promotion class . (April 2005) . Nominate d for an Exceptional Capability Promotion to 0 -5 by the Indian Health Service (Dec 2002). Ourri9ufum Vitae , CAPT Scott M. Helgeson, PE, M. Engr,, PHS # 61452 pVERSIGHT Page 17 EXT-18-1509-L-000216 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/DASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/DASH)(; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/DASH); To: Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/DASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/DASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/DASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/DASH/DSG); Hunter, Joan (OS/DASH)( ; Simon, Barry (OS/OASH) Subject: A-19 Pre-Briefing POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/07 18:34:49 Start Date: 2018/05/10 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 16:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: DASH CR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/DASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/DASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/DASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/DASH)( ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/DASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/DASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)( ; Simon, Barry (OS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/07 18:34:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000218 Paye 712 lo Page 715 ithheld pursudntto exemption (b)(5) or tne Freedomor rnrormat,onAct AM~HICAN ,OVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000219 - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Schiller, Lowell ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( To: (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: FDA Briefing w/Lowell Schiller POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/17 18:08:55 Start Date: 2018/05/18 17:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/18 17:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Schiller, Lowell ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( Recipient: (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 18:08:55 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000220 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative COSBriefing Opioid Litigation Discussion Date: 2018/05/31 12:50:57 Start Date: 2018/06/08 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/08 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/31 12:50:57 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000221 From: Jimenez, Carol (OS/OASH) Jimenez, Carol (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); Howard, Sandra (OS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH); East, Janet (HHS/OASH); Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH); Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH); Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH); Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH); Naimon, David (HHS/OGC); To: Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Kappeler, Evelyn (HHS/OASH); Downs, Tanette (HHS/OASH); Arzu, Merlin (OS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Debisette, Annette (HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Wharton, Melinda (CDC/OID/NCIRD); Sweis, Roula (HHS/OASH); Dupree, Laforest (HHS/OASH); Blakey, Carter R (HHS/OASH); (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn=afe86c1cela l 4ca2addb8b4929e0befa-B Hall, Christina (OS/OASH); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000222 Wolitski, Richard (HHS/OASH) ; Berger, James J. (HHS/OASH); Hayes, Kaye (HHS/OASH); McGue,Sharnette A. (OS/ASA/OPHS) ; Benor, David E.(HHS/OGC); Mantoan, Patricia (HHS/OGC); Menikoff, Jerry (HHS/OASH) ; Kaneshiro,Julie A (HHS/OASH) ; Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH) ; Shell, Caroline (HHS/OASH)(CTR) ; Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Johnson, David M. (HHS/ OASH) ; Jones, Wanda K. (DHHS/OS/OASH); Moore, Scott (HHS/OASH); Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH); Richmond, Holli (HHS/OASH) ; Feaster, Shannon (OS/OASH); Hansen,Cynthia (OS/OASH); Rosenfeld, Betsy F (HHS/OASH); Paxman, Dalton G (HHS/OASH); Wright, Annette (OS/OASH); Smith-Hirak, April (HHS/OASH/DRHA); Lalvani, Mahak (OS/OASH); Ricks,Sharon L (HHS/OASH); Richards,Edecia (HHS/OPHS); Gonzales,Anna (OS/OASH); Massoudi,Mehran (HHS/OASH); Acker, Alisha R. (OS/OASH); Jones, Shary (OS) ; Konsella, Laurie (HHS/OASH); Austin, Brad (OS/ASPR/OEM); Strawder, Kay A (HHS/OASH); Bouvion, Renee (HHS/OASH); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000223 Evans, Syreeta (OS/OASH); Harrington, Brenda) (HHS/OASH) Subject: OMH Monthly Think Tank - OASHInvited - Honoring Asisan American and PacificIs lander Heritage Month Date: 2018/05/17 17:49:58 Start Date : 2018/05/22 10:30:00 End Date : 2018/05/22 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Tower Building, 2nd Floor Conference room; internet/phone connection in body of meeting invite Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);Wright, Don (HHS/OASH);Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH);Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH);Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH);Howard, Sandra (OS/OASH);Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH);East, Janet (HHS/OASH);Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH);Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH);Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH);Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH);Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH);Naiman, David (HHS/OGC);Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/OASH);Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Kappeler, Evelyn (HHS/OASH);Downs, Tanette (HHS/OASH);Arzu, Merlin (OS/OASH);Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH);Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH);Debisette, Annette (HHS/OASH);Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH);Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH);Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG);Wharton, Melinda (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Sweis, Roula (HHS/OASH);Dupree, Laforest (HHS/OASH);Blakey, Carter R (HHS/OASH);Hall, Christina (OS/OASH);Wolitski, Richard (HHS/OASH);Berger, James J. (HHS/OASH);Hayes, Attendees: Kaye (HHS/OASH);McGue,Sharnette A. (OS/ASA/OPHS); Benor, David E.(HHS/OGC); Mantoan, Patricia (HHS/OGC);Menikoff, Jerry (HHS/OASH);Kaneshiro,Julie A (HHS/OASH); Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH); Shell, Caroline (HHS/DASH)(CTR); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH);Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH);Jones, Wanda K. (DHHS/OS/OASH);Moore, Scott (HHS/DASH);Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH); Richmond, Holli (HHS/OASH);Feaster,Shannon (OS/OASH); Hansen,Cynthia (OS/DASH); Rosenfeld,Betsy F (HHS/OASH);Paxman, Dalton G (HHS/OASH);Wright, Annette (OS/OASH);Smith-Hirak, April (HHS/OASH/DRHA);Lalvani, Mahak (OS/OASH);Ricks, Sharon L (HHS/OASH);Richards, Edecia(HHS/OPHS);Gonzales, Anna (OS/OASH);Massoudi,Mehran (HHS/OASH);Acker, Alisha R. (OS/OASH);Jones, Shary (OS); Konsella,Laurie (HHS/OASH);Austin, Brad (OS/ASPR/OEM);Strawder, Kay A (HHS/OASH);Bouvion, Renee (HHS/OASH);Evans, Syreeta (OS/OASH);Harrington, BrendaJ (HHS/OASH) Dear Colleagues, As you know, the Office of M inority Health (OMH ) sponsors a monthly "Th ink Tank" series for staff professional development . On behalf of Dr. Lin and OMH, we invite all of OASH to join usplease feel free to forward to your staff as well. Please join us for the OMH Think Tank honoring Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. During this month's Think Tank, we wil l hear a presentation from Amina Ferati, Senior Director of Government Relations & Policy at Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF). Ms. Ferati will discuss APIAHF's work to promote policy and programs focused on improving the health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000224 In-person attendance is strongly encouraged. For those w ho are not able to attend in person, see below fo r call-in and int ernet connection information: OMH May 2018 Think Tank Inform at ion Tuesday, May 22, 2018, 10:30am - 12:00pm ET Tower Building, 2 nd Floor Conference Room Dial-In: j(b)(6) r articipant Passcode: r-Kb)-(6-) ----, We b Link: https:7/usdepartmentofhealth gm We look forward to seeing you all at the May 2018 Think Tank. Thanks, Carol Carol S. Jimenez Deputy Director Office of Minority Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 240-453-6162(direct line) 240-453-2882 (main line) Website: Stay connected with us on Twitter I Twitter en Espanol I Facebook I lnstagram YouTube Sender: Jimenez, Carol (OS/OASH) Jimenez, Carol (OS/OASH}; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); Howard, Sandra (OS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH); East, Janet (HHS/OASH); Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH); Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH); Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH); Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH); Naimon, David (HHS/OGC); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Kappeler, Evelyn (HHS/OASH); Downs, Tanette (HHS/OASH); Arzu, Merlin (OS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Debisette, Annette (HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Wharton, Melinda (CDC/OID/NCIRD); Sweis, Roula (HHS/OASH); Dupree, Laforest (HHS/OASH); Blakey, Carter R (HHS/OASH); Hall, Christina (O5/OASH) ; Wolitski, Richard (HHS/OASH); Berger, James J. (HHS/OASH); Hayes, Kaye (HHS/OASH); McGue,Sharnette A. (O5/ASA/OPHS); Senor, David E.(HHS/OGC); Mantoan, Patricia (HHS/OGC); Menikoff, Jerry (HHS/OASH); Kaneshiro, Julie A (HHS/OASH); Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH); Shell, caroline (HHS/OASH)(CTR) ; Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Jones, Wanda K. (DHHS/OS/OASH); Moore, Scott (HHS/OASH); Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH); Richmond, Holli (HHS/OASH); Feaster, Shannon (OS/OASH); Hansen,Cynthia (OS/OASH); Rosenfeld, Betsy F (HHS/OASH); Paxman, Dalton G (HHS/OASH); Wright, Annette (OS/OASH); Smith-Hirak, April (HHS/OASH/DRHA); Lalvani, Mahak (OS/OASH); Ricks,Sharon L (HHS/OASH); Richards,Edecia (HHS/OPHS); Gonzales,Anna (OS/OASH); Massoudi,Mehran (HHS/OASH); Acker, Alisha R. (OS/OASH); Jones, Shary (OS) ; Konsella, Laurie (HHS/OASH); Austin, Brad (OS/ASPR/OEM); Strawder, Kay A (HHS/OASH); Bouvion, Renee (HHS/OASH); Evans, Syreeta (OS/OASH); Harrington, BrendaJ(HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 17:49:58 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000227 I RESEARCH AND PRACTICE I Using Evidence-Based Policy, Systems, and Environmental Strategies toIncrease Access to coJnmtmity Healthy Food and Opportunities forPhysical is Activity Among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, andPacific Islanders method of preventing chronic diseases. 3 -r, However , racial and ethnic minority commu nities such as Asian Americans and Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (NHPis) often do not benefit from these approaches to the same extent as the broader population because of 1he lack of contextual information on the 7 target and immfficient tailoring of messages and infonnation. 8 Tims, a twin app roach that couples population-wide interventions with targeted interventions in commwlities that experience significant health dispar ities needed lo achiev e comparab le results among Asian Americans and NHPls.!J-J. t The Strategies to Reach and Implement the Vision of Health Equity (STRIVE) Project, 1 of I Shilpa Patel, MPH, Simona Kwon, DrPH, MPH, Pedro Arista, MPH, Ed Tepporn, BA, Marianne Chung, MPH , Kathy Ko Chin , MS, Catlin Rideout. MPH, Nadia Islam, PhD, and Chau Trinh-Shevrin, DrPH Recent initiatives have focused on the dissemination of evidence-based pol icy, systems, and environmental (EBPSE) strategies to reduce health disparities. Targeted, community • level efforts are needed to supp lement these approaches for comparable results among Asian Americans and Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (NHPls).The STRIVE Project funded 15 Asian American and NHPl community - based organizations (CBOs) to i mplement culturally adapted strategies _Partners reached more than 1.4 mill ion people at a cost of $2.04 per perso n. CBOs are welt positione d to implement EBPSE strategies to reduce health disparit ies. (Am J Public Health. Pub lis hed onl ine ahead of print Ap ri l 23, 2015: el-e4 . doi :10.2105/ AJP H.2015.302637 ) The Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention and other large funding organizations have um·easingly emphasized disseminating evidencebased policy , systems, and environmenta l 2 (EBPSE) improvementsl. as a coslreffective 6 grantees funded under the Centers for Disease Co11trol and Prevention's Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health pro gran1,c~ disnibuted $3 million to 15 Asian American and NHPI commun ity-based organ izations and other local partners (herei naft er referred to as partners)across the United St.ates Read1 is measur ed through a variety of sources including congr egation sizes at local church implementation sites, numb er of Asian Americans and NHPJs in partners' local juris· diction using census data. number of restaurant patrons , and numb er of peopl e reached through media placement RESULTS Information about the partners, their target populations, the EBPSE strategies they implement ed , and their estimated reach are provided in Tabl e l. STRIVE partners reached more than 1.4 million peop le through th eir EBPSElcvel stra tegics iJ113 months according to the grant project time frame . The STRIVE Program dispersed 15 awards , ranging between $95 000 and $320 000, to 15 partners , W ith a final reach estimate of l 472 373 people, the STRIVE Program had a cost of about $2 .04 per per so n reach ed. to implement target ed and culturally adapted EBPSE sn·ategies to inc.Tease access to h ealthy DISCUSSION food and physical activity for their communi ties to complement ongoing population-wide interventions being implemented by health departments and other organizations . Each partner nsed a multisector coalition consisting of representatives from diverse areas inclu d iI1g policy, public health, econom ic development , and faith-based communities, as weU as findings of a nee ds and resource assessme nt using the Cent ers for Disease Contro l and Prev ention 's Community Health Assessment and Group Evaluation tool 13 to guide strategy selection and implementation . We describe the reach and cost-effectiveness of using this approach. On an accelerated timeline, STRIVE part · ners successfully reached more than 1.4 mil• li01 1 people in a 13-month timeframe at a relatively low cost per person reached , Data are lac.king on cost estimates of similar research, limiting conclusions about the cost-effectiveness of simila r targeted pop ulation-w id e approaches. Moreover, previous research has focused on the African Ame1ican population .15 Data on the effectiveness of EBPSE approaches among Asian Americans and NHPls are limited16 •17 but suggest a mismatch 18 be- METHOD S twee n the group for which the strategy was developed and validated and the Asian Ame1ican and NHPI community .19 For instance, language barriers (e.g., wa lldng trails with signs posted only in English) and lack of As part of a larger mixed -methods evalu,ition used to coiled data on the process and unpad of EBPSE strategy unplement.ation 14 partners were asked to estimate the reach of cultural relevan ce (e.g., com munity gardens that do not &,rowvegetl).bles favor ed by Asian American and NHPI co=unities) pr eve nted groups such as Asian Americans 20 and NHP1s21 from benefiting from EBPSE strat e- their strategy, defined as the number of Asian Americans and NJ-IP[s and broader population exposed to the ir specific EBPSEstrntegy between February 2013 and lVlarch 2014 , which serves as our proxy measur e of th e effectiveness of sn·ategy implementation , gies in the same way as the broader population . Tirns, targeted and culturally adapted co1=1 1mity- level efforts are needed to supplement more broad -bas ed approaches to acJJjeve comparab le r!ts among Asian Americans an d NHPI.s, J p v~A9tai ro-t~ Aprll 23. 20 15 I American Journal of Public Health Patel et al. I Peer EXT-18-1509-L-000228 Revi ewed Research and Practice I el I RESEARCH AND PRACTICE I TABLE1- Population,GeographicJurisdiction , Strategy , and Reachof STRIVEPartners(n = 15) Organization AsianPacificCommuoity in Actlon AsianAmericansin Chaodle r, Al Persons Reached, No. Stratei& Population andLocalJurisdiction Sc/loo l pollcy:polrcychangeat theschoo l districtlevelon nutritionandhealtlly 19938 eating anddevelopment of commun ity gardens in selected schools . AsianServices In Action , Inc, AslanAmericans and NHPls ln Grea ter Cleveland/Cuyahoga County, OH planof/\SiaTown to Phys fcalactivity: Changes weremadeto thecurrentenvironmental 80000 designate green spaceforphysical activityincluding walkingtrailsandbikelanestor residents of thecommunity . Nu!titionpolicies: Refugee resettlement organizations incorporated nutritfonInto lhefr accultu rattoncourses to targetthebenefits of healthyfoodsanddetrimentof fast foods.Ethnicvoluntaiysocial gtoUpsadopted policiesto havenutritional standar ds dunngcommun ity e\lCOts. BoatPeop le SOSAlabama AsianAmericans andNHPlsin Bayou price , as well Farmer's market : Vendors provided freshllsllandshellfishal a reduced areas la Batre,AL,andsurrounding as culturalgreensandherbsincluding redmusta rd, mizspoona, snappeas , Thai 12000 basil, and~ale. BoatPeop le SOSCalifornia Vietnamese nail salon workers in CA Orange County, WorkS ite policy:Nailsalon businesses adopteda policyfor phys icalactivityamong 220508 employees. Theyalso provlde d translatedmaterials and oultural compe tency training lo staff. Center for PanAslanCommun ity Services, Inc. Korean Comrnunl\y SeNices AsianAmericans in De~a lb an~ Gwinnen Coun ties, GA Koreanchurchattendee s in Palisades, Parll,NJ Community gardens: Thegardens grewvegetables andherbsthatarein manyAslan 135832 , andlongbean s. Amelican recipessuchas bokchoy, bitter mel'on,edamame Nutlition polfc i es: Thepolicyincrea sed access to /lealthierfoodoptions.including 92380 brown,or multig!llin riceandmultigrain 01wholewheatbreadal faith-based institutions. andNHPlsin llallhl KokuaKallhlValleyComprehensive AsianAmericans Fam ily Serv ices Valley,HI Commuoity gardens and farmer 's markets ; Theyincfudedfruits andvegetables that 25090 are morerelevant to thetargetpopu lationsincludingtaro, mango, andcertain greens. Theyalsoincreased access to Supplemen. tal NutritionAssistance Program at targeted markets.Education materials weretranslatedinto Chuukese , Samoan , and llokanolanguages . Nationa l TonganAmerican Society NHP ls in SaltLakeCounty, LIT Joint useagreements : Schools andfarth-basedinstitutionsleachi ng NHP IS 13912 implemented joint useagreements to lncrease accessto freeenvfronmeots torphysicalactivity. Physical ac1Mties incloded hula andZumba. NewMexmo AsianFamily Center As1an American 1ouths1n AllJuquerq11e , NM Walkingtrails: Stakeholders 1ncludingtheDep artmentof Health,fait h-ba~ed 28643 a walkingtrail In lbe institut ions,andsmall businesses adoptedandcreated International Ofstrict, a commun ity heavilypopu l atedbyAsianAmericans. andVietnamese , Theyalso prov idedtranslate d mate rials in Chinese Orange Coun1y AsianandPacific IslanderCommunity Alliance AsianAmerican and NHPIyouthsin CA Orange County, Schoolpolicy: Schoo l districtsadopted a policyto dissem inatefreeandreduced •price 50000 also deve loped lunchinformation to targetAslanAme ricanandNHPIyouths . They intothe GetFit toolkits a culturally adaptedinformationa l sheetto be inserted dissem inated by Ille schools andtranslatedmaterla ls intovariouslanguages including Chinese.Filipino,andKorean. Operation Samahan fllip1no,Native Hawaiian, Laot1an , Restaurant policy:Implemented a policy1nFilipino, 1/ietnamese , Tha i, Laotian, Vielflamese, andSamoan restau 1ant their menusto Includehealthier Chamorro, andHawai ian restaurantsto change patronsln SanDiego,CA ingredient s-!fruitsandvegetables) , smaller portfonoptions,andnutlitlon labeling 639284 onmenus . Restauran t Opportuniaes Center ol NewO~eans Taulama for Tongan s Vietnamese restaurantworkers in New O(leans, lA PacificIslanderchurchattendees in SanMateo County, CA Restaurant policy:Implementeda policyacrossVietnamese restaurants to increase 7 538 ~eal\hy foodoptions for restiLlrant workers and their families . Nutritionpolicy: Implemented~ policyacross faith•base d institutionsto change their 9852 menusforcommunity events to includehealth ierfoods-that are relevan.t to Paolfic Islandersaswell as to prov ide sm.aller portions . Continued Patel et al. AmericanJournal of Public Health I EXT-18-1509-L-000229 PlJlllished online ahead of print April 23, 201.5 RESEARCH AND PRACTICE TABLE1- Continued IINITIDSl~HS Sikh gurowara attendees in NJ Numtionpolicy:Gurdwaras(Sikhtiouses of worsh ip) implemented policies forhealthy 104700 meals(Langar), increa srni access to localfarmer's foodoptionsat communal rnar~e ts. Physical activitypolicy:Incorporated physica l acti\Jity informationinto theschooloumculum. Universi ty of Haw1li'i ' Go,emment employees andge~era l population of Guamgovernment departments Worksite weUness policy:Increased thenumber 35696 that participaied in a wotksite wellness program aimedat full-timeemployees. ln villages Gommunjty garde~s: Increased thenumber of community gardens thatincluded popularfoodstor AsianandPacificIslande r dishes. Note.NHPis• NativeHawa iians/Pac ific Islanders . ingwit h theUSAssociated Pacif ic Islands,whichincludes Guam , Gu-am 's Non.Commu~ icableD[sease Consortium implemented its STRIVE 'TheUniversity of Hawai'iManoahasa historyof work Projectthroughtheuniversi ty. Limitations The STRIVE evaluation had several limitations, particularly around the calculation of the strategy's reach. First, limitationsin disaggre• gate.d Asian ArnF..1icanand NHPl data may have resulted in an over- or underestimation of the reported 1·eachnumbers. Second, although elT01i.s were made to use local estimates for calculating reach, there i~ no guarantee that strategies directly affected every person counted bf these methods. method. how• ever, has been used in similar projects evaluati11gthe effectivenessof policy, systems,and environmental strategies in communities.22 - 2 ~Finally, gjven the accelerated tirneline, partners were not asked to directly collect infonnation on changes in healthy eating and physical activity as a result of strategy i.mplement.atiun. Conclusions Despite these limitations,STRTVEpartners were able to implement EBl'SEstrategies that reached a significantnumber of peoplein their !oral jurisdiction.Federal healU1prevention dollars that are solely focused on population-wide slrategiesto address health disparitiesmay not bo reaching racial and ethnic minority populations who are most affected by chronic diseases. As trusted comrmm.itygatekeepers.Asian American and NHPTc011.1m1mity-based organizations are well poised to implement EBPSE strategi!'.sto reduce Asian American and l\!HPI health disparitiesin a cost-eHectivemanner. ■ Ab outtheAuthors Shi/paPule/. SirnnriaKWQn . Catlin Rideout, Nadia Mam, a11dCba" Trin/,-Shevrin are wit/, th• Cenrerfor rhe Sh,dy of Asian A llletUl/11 Healrh.Departme11t of Popt,lalion ffoallh, NYU Schooluf Media,,,:, M.ouYork,NY Pedro Arisla, Ed iepporn, Marianne Chu11g, nnd Kathy Ko Chiu are 1111'/11 t/ieAsian & Pacific!sl.a11der Ame,fam Health Porom.San Ftr.mcisw,CA. Co,w~pondence should be sen/ to Sid/pa Pale/, MPH. N'IU Centerfor the Study ofA.,ian A mericanHealrh, De1,art1111mr uf Pupu/Miunfl/Jalfh, 227 &lst 30th Srreet , 837KNew York, NY 10016 (e-mail:·Shilpopatel@ nyumc.o,;,J) . Reprims ca11be orderedat /ittp:/(www.ajplwrg b.11 cliclringthe 'Repnnls" link. 17,/sarticlewas acceptedFebmary 14, 2n 15. Contributors C. TrinlvShevrm. K. Ko Chin. S. Kwon, N. Islam.and E. Teppo111cum:.eptu~llzed imd ;,-upervfaedthe projecl. S. P:;itelle(! the writing and completed 1l1e~rialyses. C. Ridf\Ou~P. Arista. -and M. Omng assisted with th e projecl ,-..-, weU llS with the analyses and wdling Acknowledgments l'hP STRJVEProject is a pa!'tnership betw~en Ule Asiau & PacificIslander American HcaJU\ Forum and the NYU School of Medicine Centel' for the Study of Asian Amerfoan llealth , TI1ispublication is supported by the Centers fo'r Di.~easeControl and Prevention (CDC) Racial and Ethnic Approad1es to Community Health Cooperntive Agreement (U58 DP00468 5) and furth€r sup po rte d by the CDC (U48DPOO 1904 an d U-58DPQ05621) and Ilic Natio nal fustit11te oa Minori ty IJealth and l!ea llh Dispantic,s (NINOID; P60MD 000538). We thank all of the STRIVEparmers because this proje<.twot~1S eri heall'h promotion : promise. perforrna11ce.a11d potential. Am J P11blicHeallk 2003;93(4) '.557-574. 9. Ahern] , Jones MB, Bakshis E, Gille.; S. Rewsi1ing Rose: comparing1he henefits and costs of population· wide and targeted interventions. Milbank Q. 2008 ; 86(4):581-600. 10. Diez Roux AV. n, e study of group-level factnrs in epidemiology: rethinking variables. study designs. nnd ru,,~yUwl approaches . EpidcmilllR1111 . 2004- ;26 , 104-111. J p vEA®ta-1rtr April 23. 20 15 , American Journa l of Public Hea lth Patel et al. EXT-18-1509-L-000230 I Pee r Revi ewed Researc11 and PractTce I e3 RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 11. Milstein B, Hom e,· J, Briss P, Burto11D, l'ed1acek T. Why behaviora l i!nd ~vironmental inlervenlions am needed to -improve health '1t lower cost5. Nealtll A)J (Millwood).2011 ;30(5) :823 - 83Z. 12, Ccutefs for Disease Coutrnl and Preventiom Racial and ethnic approadtes lo comm,ui.ityheaJlb. Available al; http:/ / 11c cdpl1p/ dch/ progl'•111s / read1, i\cr.essed April, 22, 2014. 13 , Centers for Disease C011troland Preventio 1L C.)nmmniryllealth Ass~sme111 and Group E1,alua1io11 (CHANGE): Building a Fo11r1dationof Knowledge to PrumiizeCm1mnout,y Needs.Atlanta GA: US Depar1ment of Ileallh and Humao Services; 2010. 14. Arista P, Tt1,pornE, Kwon S, et al. Recommendations for implementing policy, systems, and environmental improvements to address chronic diseases in AsianAmericans.Native Americans, and Pacific lslanders A·etJChmnic Dis. 2014;1 l ,E202 . 15 . Liu) , Davidson E, Bhopal HS, ct al. Adapting health promotion interventions to meet lhe needs of ellmic: minoJi\y groups: mixed-methods evidence ,-ynthesis. Health Tee/mo/ Assess. 2012;16(44) :1-46 9. 16 . Netto C , Bhopal R, Lcdcrlc N. Khatoon J.Jackson A. How can health promotion interventions be adapted [or min ority ethnic commU)'licies? Five princip les for the development of behavioural interventions. Health Pramot Int. 2010;25(2) :248-l57 , 17, Nierke1,s V. Hartman !VIANicolaouM. et al. EfTcc-Liveness of c11ltural adaptations of interve11ti ons aimeci nt smoking cessation, diet, and/orpbys ical activity in cllm.ic minorities. A systematic review. PLoS ONR 2013 :8( l 0): e73373 . 18 Chen EK. Reid MC, Parker SJ, Pillemer K. TailQring evidenro-based interventions for new populations: a meth.od for program t1t.l1tptatio11 through community eng>1ge ment Eva/ HealthProf 20 l 3;31l(1):73- 92. l 9. L ew R, Chen W'vV.Pl·omising p1·actices to eliminate tobacco disparities among Asian i\mcricau, Native lla waiian and Pacific Islander communities. Hea/lh.Prc.mwt !tact . 2013 ;14(5 suppl):6$- 9S. 20 US, Kwon SC, Wee,11;1Si.ughe I, Rey MJ, Td nhShevrin C. Smoking amo ng Asian Americans: aaculturn• tion ,rnd gender in tne context oftobncco cunrrol policies in New York City. 1/eal(hPrvmolP,-a, ;/, 2013 ; 14(5 supp l): 18S-ZBS , 2 1, Van Duyn MA, McCrae T, Wingrove BK. et al Adapting evidence-basedstrategies lo increase physical activityamong AfricanAmericans , Hispanics, Hmong, and Native Hawaiians: a social mru•keting approach . PrevChru111c Dis. 2007:4 (4):AJ 02 . 22. Bunn ell R, O'Neil D, Soler R,eLal. Pilty comm11J1l ties putting prcvc1ition to work: accelerating climnic disease prevention U,rough policy, syslen,s, and environmental change.J CommunityHealth.2012 ;37(5):1081- 1090 . 23 . O'Neil D, Bumiell R, Soler R. et al. E$timating 01e read, of communfty in te rventions in COCs CPPW and CTG Programs. Presented at: Americru, Public Health AssociationAnmml Meeting & Exposition; October 27-31. 20 1Z: Sanl'rancisco.CA. 24. Robles B, Kuo T, LcighsM, Wang MC,Simon P Using populacion reach as a proxy measure for inter• vemion impaci to priorili7. e selection or obesity pl'eVention strategies in Los Angeles Cmmty, 20 10-20 12. llm} Public Health. Z014; 10'1(7):e14-el 9. American Journa l of Public Health I PublishedEXT-18-1509-L-000231 online ahead of print April 23, 2016 APIAHF ASIAN& PACIFIC ISLANDER AMERICANHEAtTH FORUM RACIAL AND ETHNICAPPROACHESTO COMMUNITY HEALTH (REACH) PROGRAM REACH - Driving Better Health and Lower Costs Since 1999, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) REACHprogram has invested in evidence based programs that close gaps in health outcomes for racial and ethnic groups. REACHfunds evidence -based and communitydriven prevention efforts that put a stop to expensive and burdensome conditions. As the nation tackles how to control health care costs, REACHgrantees are working to save money in communities across the country by tackling the upstream influences of health outcomes . REACHgrants are competitively awarded to community organizations and local governments that understand the importance of local and tailored approaches to reducing chronic illn esses and encouraging healthy lifestyles. Ending Costly Chronic Diseases in Communities of Color Chronic diseases are the most common, cost ly and preventable health conditions. More than half of all adults have a chronic disease and 7 in 1O deaths are from chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and stroke. These conditions cost the nation billons (86% of health care spending is for those with chronic disease) and the human toll is uncountable. REACHtargets these chronic conditions, such as obesity, which alone costs the nation $147 million each year and particularly impa cts communities of color. Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, for example, are 3 times more likely to be obese than whites, while Asian Americans are 25% more likely. REACH is a Proven Investment REACHdrives community centered approaches that effectively eliminate health disparit ies. Over the course of 15 months, a REACHfunded Asian American and Pacific Islander cohort of 15 community organizations across the country reached 1.4 million people with nutrition and physical activity improvement programs at a cost of $2.04 per person. 1 African American communities with REACHgrantees focused on cardiovascular disease or diabetes saw reduced obesity trends compared to sim ilar communities without grantees. 2 Diabetes costs the country $247 bi ll ion annually. 3 Heart disease and stroke cost $316.6 billion. 4 Six Hispanic communities with REACHgrantees focused on hypertension saw significant increases in behaviors that lead to better control of high blood pressure.5 Between missed days of work, medicine and treatment, high blood pressure costs the U.S.$46 billion a year.6 AM 1 Patel et al. "Usfng evidence-based policy, systems, and envi1onmemal mategies to increase access to healthy food and opportunities for physical activity among Asian Anie1ica11s,Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders:' American Journal of Public Health.2015 Jul: I 05. 2 Liao et al. ''Reduced Prevalence of Obesity lo 14Disadvantaged Black Communities In the United States: A Successful 4-Year Place-Based Participatory Intervention:' American Journal of Public Health. 2016 Aug; 106(8):1442-8. 3 "Economic Costs of Diabetes in the 20 12:•American Diabetes Association Diabetes Ca1·e/\pr 20 13, 36 (411033-1046. 4 Mozaffarian et al. "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2016 Update!' American Heart Association. 2015 Dec. 5 Liao et al. "Irnprovlng actions to control high blood pressure in Hispanic communities - Raelal and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health Across thtc U.S.Project, 2009-2012:' Preventative Medicfne . 2016 Feb; 83: 11- 15. 6 Mozaffarian et al."Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2016 Update!' Amencan Heart Association. 2015 Dec. EXT-18-1509-L-000232 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative: Monthly Update w/ONDCP Date : 2018/05/24 09:35:16 Start Date: 2018/06/19 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/19 10:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: DHHS Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 09:35:16 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000233 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : TAMEST(The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas) Date : 2018/05/17 18:39:18 Start Date: 2019/01/14 00:00:00 End Date: 2019/01/15 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 200 Hi Cir N, Hor Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 18:39:18 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000234 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative: Monthly Update w/ONDCP Date : 2018/05/24 09:36:39 Start Date: 2018/07/24 10:45:00 End Date: 2018/07/24 11:15:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: ONDCP Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 09:36:39 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000235 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Transportation Driver: Date : 2018/05/1116:31:26 Start Date: 2018/06/12 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/12 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: White House Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/1116:31:26 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000236 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Transportation Driver: Date : 2018/05/1116:31:38 Start Date: 2018/06/12 12:30:00 End Date: 2018/06/12 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/1116:31:38 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000237 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Transportation Driver: Date : 2018/05/24 09:37:12 Start Date: 2018/07/24 10:15:00 End Date: 2018/07/24 10:45:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 09:37:12 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000238 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Washington, D.C. Alumnae Reception Date: 2018/05/18 08:01:49 Start Date: 2018/06/19 18:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/19 19:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment location: Jack RoseDining Saloon, 2007 18th St NW, Washington, DC Washington, D.C. Alumnae Reception Event t ime: Tuesday, June 19th at 6:00 PM To be held at: Jack Rose Dinina Saloon 2007 18th St NW Washinaton DC Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 08:01:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000239 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative Monthly Update w/ONDCP Date : 2018/05/24 09:38:13 Start Date: 2018/08/21 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/08/21 11:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: DHHS Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 09:38:13 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000240 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); To: Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Meeting w/Jose' Montero, Director, Center for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/08 12:35:44 Start Date: 2018/05/10 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Recipient: Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 12:35:44 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000241 Director, Center for State, Triba l, Local, and Territo rial Support (proposed) Cur rent Roles Dr. Montero serves as the deputy director of CDC responsible for overseeing support to the US health departments , tribal nations, and Insular Areas, and as the director of CDC's Center for State, Tribal , Local, and Territorial Support (proposed). He oversees key activities and technical assistance designed to improve the public health system's capacity and performance in an era of health reform. Background Previously, Dr. Montero served as vice president of population health and health system integration at Cheshire Medical Center/DartmouthHitchcock Keene. In that capacity, he helped the healthcare system advance its Healthy Monadnock population health strategy. Key components of this process were improved partnerships with all organizations engaged in addressing social determinants of health for the population served and development of a sustainability pathway for the region's population health strategy. For seven years, Dr. Montero served as director of the Division of Public Health Services at the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). In that role, he led the delivery of high-quality, evidence-based services and prompt response to public health threats and emerging issues in the state. Dr. Montero was credited with maintaining New Hampshire 's reputation as one of America 's healthiest states. He oversaw the development and implementation of policies that advanced a healthier population , as well as the development of the state public health improvement plan and its implementation at the regional level. Under his leadership, DHHS developed a systematic approach for collecting, using, and disseminating actionable data and improved coordination between public health and health care. In New Hampshire, Dr. Montero also served as chief of New Hampshire's Bureau of Communicable Disease Control , deputy director for public health emergency preparedness and response, and state epidemiologist. Dr. Montero has extensive experience in public health leadership and in the prevention and control of infectious diseases. His major research interests include vaccine-preventable diseases, epidemic preparedness and response, and integration of public health and population approaches into clinical practice. Dr. Montero has held many national and regional committee leadership positions, including president of the board of directors of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and chair of AST HO's Infectious Diseases Policy Committee. He worked closely with CDC as a member of the board of scientific advisors for the Office of Infectious Diseases; the Social Determinants of Health Think Tank , a subgroup of the STLT Subcommittee to the Advisory Committee to the Director of CDC; and the CDC Advisory Committee to the Director of CDC to prevent tuberculosis in healthcare settings. He has also served on the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the National Academy for State Health Policy, the Institute of Medicine Roundtable on Population Health Improvement, the New Hampshire Citizens Health Initiative, Dartmouth Meoical School's Leadership Preventive Medicine Residency Advisory Committee , and the Foundation for Healthy Communities . Education Dr. Montero holds a medical degree from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He specialized in family medicine and completed his residency at the Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia. He also holds an epidemio logy degree from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia, and a master 's degree in healthcare delivery science from Dartmouth College. AMEfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000242 Assistant Secretary for Health Meeting with Office for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support Director Thursday , May 10, 2018 9:45am - 10:15am ET 200 Independence Avenue , SW Room 716G Participants ADM Brett P. Giroir, M.D. , Assistant Secretary for Health , Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Steven Valentine , J.D. , Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health , U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Jose T. Montero , M.D., MHCDS., Office for State, Tribal, Local , and Territorial Support , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Agenda Topics Overview of CDC's Office for State, Tribal, Local , and Territorial Support (OSTLTS) • Public health system support • Population health and health care integration AMEfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000243 From: To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: Hold for Travel: telecommute day Dat e: 2018/05/18 08:07:12 Start Date: 20 18/07/20 08:00:00 End Date: 20 18/07/20 08:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 08:07:12 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000244 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative Monthly Update w/ONDCP Date : 2018/05/24 09:38:57 Start Date: 2018/09/18 10:45:00 End Date: 2018/09/18 11:15:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: ONDCP Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 09:38:57 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000245 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative Monthly Update w/ONDCP Date : 2018/05/24 09:40:17 Start Date: 2018/10/16 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/10/16 11:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: DHHS Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 09:40:17 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000246 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative Update w/Dr. Redfield Date : 2018/05/18 11:58:59 Start Date: 2018/06/22 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/23 00:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient : Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 11 :58:59 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000247 Poge744 cursuam to exemption 11hheld (b)(5) or the freedom or1nrormat1onAct AM~HICAN EXT-18-1509-L-000248 ,OVERSIGHT - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative Monthly Update w/ONDCP Date : 2018/05/24 09:41:51 Start Date: 2018/11/20 10:45:00 End Date: 2018/11/20 11:15:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: ONDCP Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 09:41:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000249 From: Secretary Scheduler (O5/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (O5/IOS) ; AMA2 (05/105) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (O5/IOS) ; Pelekoudas, Kristina {HHS/IOS) ; Fisher, Ruth (HHS/IOS) ; To: Tignor, Beth (HHS/105) ; Twomey, John K. {HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/105) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: AMA reoccurring meeting with ADM Brett Giroir Date: 2018/05/18 14:45:28 Start Date: 2018/06/12 17:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/12 17:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 615-F Attendees: AMA2 (05/105); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS); Olson, c.arolyn (O5/IOS); Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS); Ruth Fisher (;Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS); Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/1O5);Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Opioid updates Sender: Secretary Scheduler (O5/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Recipient: Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; Fisher, Ruth (HHS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 20 18/05/18 14:45:28 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000251 From: To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subj ect: Office Time - Prep for COS Meeting Date: 2018/05/13 21:52:35 Start Date: 20 18/05/15 10:00:00 End Date: 20 18/05/15 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/13 21:52:35 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000252 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Tentative Monthly Update w/ONDCP Date : 2018/05/24 09:42:38 Start Date: 2018/12/18 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/12/18 11:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: DHHS Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 09:42:38 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000253 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: Wheels Up: DCA United Flight# 4402 ***Confirmation Nol(b)(6) r* Date : 2018/05/18 15:59:48 Start Date: 2018/05/19 14:45:00 End Date: 2018/05/19 16:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Whhels Down: NYC-Newark, NJ Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 15:59:48 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000254 From: DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) ; Hargan, Eric (05/105) ; lt'b)(6) [OS/105) lrh,1F;, Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/105) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/105) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/1O5) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) < John.Obrien@hhs .gov>; Best, Daniel (HHS/105) ; McGuffee, Tyler Ann (HHS/ASL) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/105) ; Brady, Will (HHS/1O5) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/105) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/1O5) ; Gottlieb, Scott (FDA) ; Brookes, Brady (CMS/OA) ; CMS SVl ; Perez-Rivera, Diana (CMS/QA) ; To: Abram, Anna (FDA/OC) ; Silvis, Lauren (FDA/OC) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/105) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Sigounas, George (HRSA) ; Patenaude, Caitlin (HRSA) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Dube, Timothy (O5/ASPE) ; Stecker, Judy (O5/ASPA) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/O5/OGA) < Garrett.Grigsby>; Kalavritinos, Jack (O5/IEA) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) < Laura.Trueman@hhs .gov>; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ ASL) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) I Guram, Jeet (CMS/OA) ; Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/OASH) ; CC: Healy, Jenifer (HHS/O5/OGA) ; CMS Administrator Subject: Drug Pricing Blueprint Roadmap Date: 2018/05/23 12:42:32 Start Date: 2018/05/24 17:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/24 18:00:00 Priority : Urgent Type: Appointment Location: 607-G DeputySecretary (O5/IOS); Hargan, Eric (05/105); EDH (O5/IOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS); Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/lOS); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Best, Daniel (HHS/lOS); McGuffee, Tyler Ann (HHS/ASL); Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS); Brady, Will (HHS/lOS); Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) (Mary-sumpter.Lap; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); Gottlieb, Scott ( FDA); 'Brady Brookes (Brady.Broo'; Attendees: CMS SVl; Perez-Rivera, Diana (CMS/OA) (diana.perez-r; Abram, Anna; Silvis, Lauren (FDA/OC); Pence, Laura (HHS/lOS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Sigounas, George (HRSA); Patenaude, Caitlin (HRSA); Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) (; Dube, Timothy (OS/ASPE); Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA); Kalavritinos, Jack (OS/IEA); Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL); Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); OS DSCR (HHS/OS); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000255 Jeet Guram (CMS/OA) (; David Mansdoerfer (; Jenifer Healy (HHS/OS/OGA) (; CMS Administrator Attendees: Peter Urbanowicz, John O'Brien, Dan Best, Tyler Ann McGuffee, Jim Parker, Will Brady, Mary-Sumpter Lapinski, Ann Agnew, Brady Brookes, Seema Verma, Dr. Gottlieb, Anna Abram, Lauren Silvis,George Sigounas, Jen Moughalian, Dr. Giroir, Matt Bassett, Sarah Arbes, Brenda Destro, Tim Dube, JudyStecker, Bob Charrow, Garrett Grigsby,Jennifer Healy, Jack Kalavritinos,Laura Trueman Lead: Dan Best 5 d . DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; Harnan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; l{b)(6) tOS/IO~J !rh\/f; ) Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; McGuffee, Tyler Ann (HHS/ASL) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Gottlieb, Scott (FDA) ; Brookes, Brady (CMS/OA) ; CMS SVl ; Perez-Rivera, Diana (CMS/OA) ; Abram, Anna (FDA/OC) ; Recipient: Silvis, Lauren (FDA/OC) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Patenaude, Caitlin (HRSA) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Dube, Timothy (OS/ASPE) ; Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA) ; Kalavritinos, Jack (OS/IEA) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Guram, Jeet (CMS/OA) ; Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/OASH) ; Healy, Jenifer (HHS/OS/OGA) ; CMS Administrator ; I; AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000256 Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/23 12:42:32 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000257 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Transportation: Taxi/Uber Date : 2018/05/18 16:00:14 Start Date: 2018/05/19 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/19 13:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: DCA Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 16:00:14 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000258 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)(; Kluk, Michael (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH); David Mansdoerfer (; Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH)( ; Lamb, Ronald (OS/OASH) Subject: DCCPR/DSIBudget Meeting w/Hoa POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/14 12:41:41 Start Date: 2018/05/17 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/17 11:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Sender : Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)( ; Kluk, Michael (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH); David Mansdoerfer (; Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH)( ; Lamb, Ronald (OS/OASH) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000259 Sent Date: 20 18/05/14 12:42:25 Delivered Date: 2018/05/14 12:41:41 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000260 From: To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject: HOLD for Training Date: 2018/05/24 15:58:56 Start Date: 20 18/05/25 12:30:00 End Date: 20 18/05/25 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 15:58:56 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000261 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : 11am Conference Call Date : 2018/05/24 16:33:09 Start Date: 2018/05/25 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/25 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: ADM Giroir will initiate the call 240-276-9848 Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 16:33:09 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000262 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Wheels Up: NYC-Newark,NJ United Airlines flight #956 Date : 2018/05/18 16:02:04 Start Date : 2018/05/19 17:55:00 End Date: 2018/05/20 07:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Wheels Down: Geneva, Switzerland Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 16:02:04 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000263 Agency Information 4355 River Green Parkway Duluth GA, 30096 855-890-5174 Date: 05/01/2018 Record Locator: 7V3RJJ Travelers: Giroir, Brett.Paul Agent: hhs.trave Sat, May 19 2018 Geneva , Switzerland check-in ~~ HOTEL INTERCONTINENTAL Address : Phone : Rate: Room Desc: Info: Confirmation No. HOTEL 41 22 919 3939 USD 311 .00 NON SMOKING 7-9 CHEMIN OU PETTT -SACONIIIEXGEVEVE 2:45 PM Ronald Reagan Ntl Washington (DCA) to Nye-Newark (EWR) - · Confirmation No. f b}(6) depart United Airlines ,__ __ ~ Takeoff : 2:45 PM Term inal : B Flight 4402 Landing: 4 : 15 PM (Terminal: A) OPERATED BY /EXPRESSJET AIRLINES Ronald Reagan Ntl Washington, DC Nye-Newark, NJ DBA UNITED EXPRESS Economy [ E J Class I Embraer PLEASE CHECK-IN WITH THE I lh 30m RJ135/140/145 OPERATING CARRIER Travelers: Name: Giroir, Ticket#: Seat: FF#: Brett. Paul fo )(6) 21C l(b)(6) 'V' 5:55 PM depart -'{rs Nye-Newark (EWR) to Geneva (GVA) - Confirmation N':'" o-."-:tr= h:::: 1l=R=,=:::::'.... I Takeoff : 5:55 .PMTe rminal: C United Airlines Nye-Newark, NJ Flight 956 Economy [ S J Class I Boeing 767-300 I Dinner I 7h 5Dm Travelers : Seat: ff # : Name: Giroir , Ticket# : Brett.Paul !(b )(6) 18D k""'b '-" ){ =6 -') _ __, Landing: 20 May, 7:45 AM (Terminal: 1} Geneva, Switzerland Fri , May 25 2018 Dallas Ft. Worth , TX 6:50 AM Geneva (GVA) to Frankfurt (FRA) - Confirma tion No. ~b)(6) depart United Airlines Takeoff : 6 : 50 AM Terminal: 1 1f' Flight 9035 Geneva, Switzerland OPERATED BY LFTNSA CITYUNE LH Economy ( S) Class I EMBRAER 190 1229 LH Flight 1229 Snack or Brunch I 1h 15m PLEASE CHECK-IN WITH THE OPERATING CARRIER Travelers: Seat: Assigned At FF#: Name: Giroir , Ticket#: Check-In () !(b){6) Brett.Paul Kb}(6) 10:10 AM depart 1" Frankfurt (FRA) to Dallas Ft. Worth (DFW) - Confirmat1on No. !(b)(6\ United Airlines Takeoff : 10:10 AM Termina l : 1 Flight 8864 Frankf urt, Germany OPERATED BY DLH LUFTHANSA LH 438 Economy [ T ) Class I Airb us Industrie LH Flight 438 PLEASE CHECK-IN WlTH THE A330- 300 I Meal I llh Om OPERATING CARRIER Travelers: Name: Giroir, Ticket#: Seat: Assigned At ~_ F_F_#_: --~ Brett.Paul Check-in () !fh'\lfi\ ICb)(6) Landing: 8:05 AM (Terminal : 1) Frankfurt , Germany Landtng: 2 : 10 PM (Terminal : D) Dallas Ft. Worth, TX ~~~--~ Additional • • • • Information: Check In Times Are 90 Minut es Prior For Domestlc Flights Or 120 Minutes For I nternational Flights . Check Carrier Web Site For Change/Cancel And ·Baggage Policies . For Us Airport Trave l Tips Refer To Www.Tsa .Gov. For Emergency Assistan ce Call 855-890-5174 • Org Code : HHSPACA • TA Number : TANUM0FTK6 AMLfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000264 18713 Invoice# Ticket Num ber Account# Issue Date VEL !fh\(f.) I Wed , May 02, 2018 I !th\ ( tl\ Booking ID Issu ing Location C4E Booking Agent ID XP Form of Payment VIJtXXXXXJOOClCll2137 f Transact ion Type Booking Currency Electronic Ticket USO ~ Name: Giroir/Brett.Paul + + + ,¼- Flight#/ Class Fare Basis Carrier Equip Type Travel Dates Time Cfty - Airport UNITED AIRLINES ERJ 4402 / E EAAODFEY Confi rmation : OWN98L Sat. 05/1912018 Sat, 05/1912018 Leave :, RONALD REAGAN NTL WASHING TON Arrive :: NYC-NEWARK Connecting .,.. 245P ~ 415P UNITED A IRLINES 763 956/S SCA Confirmation : OWN98L Sat, 05/1912018 Sun, 05/2012018 Leave ;; NYC -NEWARK Arrive:: GENEVA 555P 745A UNITED A IRLINES E90 9035 IS SCA Confirmation : OWN98 L Fri. 05/25/2018 Fri, 05/25/20 18 Leave :: GENEVA Arrive :: FRANKFUR T _., Connecting,..,.,. 650A BOSA UNITED AIRLINES 333 8864 IT TOG Conf irmation: OWN98 L Fri, 05/25/2018 Fri, 05/25/2018 Leave:: FRANKFURT Arrive: : DALLAS FT. WORTH Fee(s) - 1010A 210P $1 ,406.00 $306.41 $1,712.41 $1,712 .41 Fare Ta x Description Payment Date Online Dom/I ntl Air/Rall 05/02/2018 Amount Form of Payment Reference # Vlxxxx21371 086886 Tota l Amount Amount Charged $8.26 AIr only Indicated here . $8 ,26 Fee : Onlin e Dom/lnij Ai r/Rall $1,720.67 Al r + Fee - Remark(s) - WAS UA EWR425 .12UA GVA UA FRA535 .00UA DFW446 .00NUC1406 .12 END ROE1-00 UA XT36 .60US3 .96XA5.60A Y27 .OOCH10.90DE 25. 70RA 175.00YQB.OOXF DCA4.5EWR4 .5 U22/HHSPACA 029/T ANUMOFTKG .U82/0T'RS HHS :, 4355 RiverG,een Parkway :, Duluth GA 30096 ;: Phone - 1-855-890-5174 Print; Tue , May 15, 2018 09 :23 AM Official Invoice Generated by Travel Incorporated AMLfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000265 Document Header lnformation Document Type : TA N umber: TA Date : Organization ~ Purpo se: Type Code ~ Auth TANUM0FTK6 04/20/ 18 HHSPACA SPE:CIAL AGENCY MISSION Document Name: Trip Name ; Currency ; Current Statu s: Doc umelll Dernil : TR IP0 0EB6O U.S. Deleg aLion to the 71 st Wor ld H ea lth Assemb ly USD Posack Obligation lJ.S . Delegation to the 7 1st Wor ld Hea lth Asse mbl y SfNGLETRJP Traveler Profil e ID: Giroir, Brett P Name : TJD ; Title: Security Cl: Offo:e Addre ss: O£fice Phon e: Home Address : AJternate Addre ss: l(b)( 6 ) Org11 oic<1 tion: ~b)(6) 200 Independ e nce A ve., SW 716 -G
Washington, 2 02-690 -7694 HHSPACA Duty Stalion : Card: EMAJL: Cell Phone: Home Phone: Alte rnat e Phone : DC 20201 j(b )(6) Card Holder brett. g iroir@hb Domment Information Trip Number: l Purpos e: U.S. Delegat ion to the 71 st World Hea lth. Asscmhly Itinerary Locati ons 'From 05/19/18 Itinera:ry L ocntion GENEVA.CHE To 05/25 / 18 Per Diem RaJe)l 3 18.00 I 164.00 PwpuM: Document Totals 4.704 .52 Total Expen ~es: Reimbursable Expen ses: No n-Reimhnrsahle Ex penses : Advan ce Authori zed: Advance Requested: 2.97 4.00 I, 730.52 .00 .00 Document Totals by Expense Category Expense Category COM.CARR. LODGING M&IE 1'AV BXl'-C TMC FEE Total Expenses : Cost 1,707 .5 1 Advance Amo unt 1,908.00 J.066 .00 l4.75 8.26 4,704.52 .00 .00 .00 .oo 00 .oo Trip 1 Details ese rvations Summary Reservat ioa Type COMM-CARR COMM -CARR COMM-CARR COMM-CARR LODGE f P I\.Jr,t\ r~,6~JY GHT Vendor Uni ted Un ited United United lndepeodenl Ticket# Location Cost 1004126291 1004126291 1.7 07 5 1 .00 1004 126291 1004 126291 .00 .00 J ,866.00 1004126291 EXT-18-1509-L-000266 l~~om: DCA-Washiogton , DC (USA) (National Apt ) TO: EWR-New ark, NJ (USA) (Newark IntL. Apt) rlr Saturda y Ma y 19, 2018 DCA-Was hiogt on, DC (USA) to EWR-Newark , NJ (US A) (Ne ay 19 Unit ·ed 4402 Washington . DC ( USA ) (National Apt) 05/ 19/20 18 2:45PM Confirmation N umber: l(b)( 6 ) Plight Inform at ion Distance J 98 mile s No Seat Assigned Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minute s N onstop Newark, NJ ( USA) (Newark l111L.Ap1) 05/19 /2018 4: l 5PM Em issio ns I04 .9 lbs of CO2 Cost 1.707 .51 USD EWR-Newark, NJ (USA) (Ne to GVA-Gen eva, Switzerland May 19 United 956 Newark, NJ O utbound llig ht on the 5/19 is a contract fare; however , Inbow 1d flight to DFW is commercial fare no con trac1 fare c.xis1.

Account Summary for the Selected Trip Org : H HSPACA fa'pense Ca tego1y : COM .CA RR. Expense Category : LODGlNG Ex-pensc Category: M& JE Expense Category: TA V EXP -C Expense Category: TMC FEE Label : OAS l-li lmmedia te Office fi sc::ilYear: 20 18 fiscal Yea r: 20 18 Fiscal Year: 2.018 Fisca l Yeu: 2018 Fiscal Year: 2018 Ace'l Code: 20 L8/// 1990 I 36//21203// // Amount ; I . 707 .5 1 AmounL l .908.00 Arnoum: 1,066 .00 Amount: J4. 75 Amoun t: 8.26 To taJ: 4,704 ,51 Pay ment Method CBA-CENTRALLY BILLEDACCT Amount 4 ,704.5 2 Payment Detail Information Organization HHSPACA HHSPACA HHSPACA Accou nt ing String 2018 /// I 990136 //2120 3//// 20 LSI// J 990136//2 !203 //// Label OAS H/ lmmediate Office CAS H/Immediate Office OASH/lmmediate Office 2018 /// l 990136//11203 //// IBA-TRAVEL CARD PERSONAL 1, 730 ,52 1.908 ,00 1.066.00 Totals by Label HHSPACA OASH/lmru.ediate Office To tal 2018/// 1990136 //2 1203 //// 4,704.52 Totals by Payment Method CBA-CEN TRAL l Y BILLEDACCT Total fBA-TRAVEL CARD Total PE RSONAL Total 1, 730.5 2 1,908.00 1.066.00 No Attnch.ments Attachment s Receipt CheckUst De scr ipttor, AIR Lodging M& IE Date 05/ 19/ 18 05 / 19/18 05/19/18 0Sl20/\8 r-... p ~lt~ SIGHT 05 /21/18 Lodging M&lE Lodg ing M&IE Crm $1.707.5] 1&318.00 $123.00 $318.00 $ 164.00 $3 18.00 $164.00 EXT-18-1509-L-000268 05 /22/18 05 /22/18 05/23 / 18 05 123/ 18 05/24/18 05 /24 / 18 05 /25/18 Lodging M&IE Lodging M&lE Lodg ing M&lE M&fE $318.00 $164. 00 $318.00 $ 164.00 $.318.00 $164.00 .$123.00 Audits Audit Name Result NFT DOCUMENT FAIL Traveler Justif ica tion: NON -CON TRACT FALL FARE Traveler Jusrification : Rca~on Tra ve l to i1inerary location GENEVA , CHE require s No1ifica1ion of For eign Travel. NF T s ubmined FLJGHT: 4402, DEPARTLNG : 05/19/18. NON-CONTRACT FARE: EAA0DFEY (UNKNOWN AlRPORT CODE) A non-contract fare Wl)S s·elected .. Please provide a justification why a contract fare was not used. Co ntract fare is available on the 5/ 19 outbound flight from DCA ; howe ve r, on .ly commercial fare, are available on 5/25 inbound flight from GVA to OFW. Document History 05/15/2018 Auth: TRIP00EB6O Copyright 1989-2009 Concur Government Edition: Concur Inc. Giroir, Brett Pf._ b_)_(6_)__ STATUS C REAT ED RESERVATIONS SIGNED UPDA T ED REVIEWffP FGN SECURITY APPROVD CERHPCED NFT FINAL APPROVA L APPROVED PENDLNG Posack Obli ga tion DATE 04 /20/2018 04 /20/2018 05/01/2018 05 /0 112018 05 /0112018 05101/2018 05 /02 / 2018 05/02/2018 05/02 /2018 05 /0312018 TIM E 11 :49AMEST 12:54PMEST 7:46AM EST 8:20AM8S1' l 0:0 I AM EST 11 :S I AMEST 7:03AMEST 8:J lAMEST 8:1 lAMEST 3:36AMEST __, SIGNATURE NAME MIC HAEL SAVITC H MIC HAEL SAVlTC H SAVITCH. MICHAEL JOHN BECKFORD , S HE'.RRYC Kappus, Nisha EARL. MYRIAL E PERRONE , LA VONN1A HARRINGTON KRETSCHMAlER. ANN MJ.CHON SYSUTlLITY REASON User, EAl I certify that the electronic signatures listed abo ve are valid and on file SIGNEDDATE Docllllleot Signatures 'traveler / Preparer Name: Traveler/Preparer Signature: Date: Approver Name : Approver Signalllre : Date : AMLfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000269 From: DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; Vh )( fl) (OS/IOS) l(b )( 6 ) Hargan, Eric (0 5/105) <>; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (H HS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ ASPE) <>; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/I OS) ; To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ ASFR) < norris>; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curt is, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Pugliesel, Alanna (HHS/ASFR) ; Simms, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Burbank, Nick (HHS/ASFR) I CC: Bernier, Michael (HHS/ASFR) ; Claude, Rachel (HHS/ASFR) Subject : SAMHSA Pre-Secretary's Budget Council (SBC) Meeting Date: 2018/05/25 12:39 :5 1 Start Date : 2018/07/12 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/07/12 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room, 614-G DeputySecretary (OS/IOS); EDH (OS/IOS); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) (; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) (; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) (; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) (; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL); Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); Best, Daniel (HHS/1OS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Parker, Jim (HHS/1OS); Agnew, Attendees: Ann (HHS/IOS); Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (Kenneth.Callahan@hhs .gov); Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (Laura; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR); Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) (Katherine.Ba; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) (Miriam.Cabezas@hhs .gov); Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR); Pugliesel, Alanna (HHS/ASFR); Simms, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR); Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) (; ASA (OS/OGC); Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE); Burbank, Nick (HHS/ASFR); Bernier, Michael (HHS/ASFR); Claude, Rachel AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000270 l(HHS/ASFR) 5 d . DeputySecret ary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; 1/hV F;\ l(OS/IOS) !rh \/ ~ \ Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/!OS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ ASPE) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ ASFR) <>; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Pugliese!, Alanna (HHS/ASFR) ; Simms, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Burbank, Nick (HHS/ASFR) ; Bernier, Michael (HHS/ASFR) ; Claude, Rachel (HHS/ASFR) i Sent Date : 2018/05/25 12:39 :51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000271 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Confirmation No. HOTEL Subject: HOTELINTERCONTINENTAL Date : 2018/05/18 16:09:52 Start Date: 2018/05/20 08:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/20 08:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: 7-9 CHEMINDU PEID • SACONNEXGEVEVE Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 16:09:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000272 From: DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; I rGS/IOS) Ith \/ ~ \ l(b)(6\ Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpte r (HHS/IOS) ; To: Stanna rd, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ ASPE) <>; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Mccance-Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS) <>; Avula, Deepa (SAMHSNOFR) Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; CC: Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curt is, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Bernier, Michael (HHS/ASFR) ; Claude, Rachel (HHS/ASFR) Subject : SAMHSA Secretary's Budget Council Meeting Date: 20 18/05/25 12:38:42 Start Date : 20 18/07/12 13:30:0 0 End Date : 20 18/07/12 14:30:00 Priority : Norma l Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room, 607-G DeputySecret ary (OS/IOS); EDH (OS/IOS); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); OS DSCR (HHS/OS); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS); Callahan, Kennet h (HHS/IOS) (; Brady, Will (HHS/I OS); Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/I OS) (Laura.Caligui; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) (Charles.Keckler; Ur banowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ( ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) (; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpte r (HHS/IOS) (; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); O'Brien, Atte ndees: John (HHS/ASPE); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); matthew.bassett@hhs .gov; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS); Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); ASA (OS/OGC); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR); McCance-Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS); Avula, Deepa (SAMHSNO FR); Bailey, Kather ine (OS/ASFR) (Katherine; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE); Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR); Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR); Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR); Bernier, Michael (HHS/ASFR); Claude, Rachel (HHS/ASFR) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000273 Info rmation to be sent out at a later time. 5 d . DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; I l(b)/6) IOS/IOS) l/b)/6) Hargan, Eric (OS/1OS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/1OS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/ I OS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/1OS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/I OS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) ; R . . t Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; ecipien : Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/1OS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ ASFR) < norris>; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Mccance-Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS) <>; Avula, Deepa (SAMHSA/OFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curt is, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Bernier, Michael (HHS/ASFR) ; Claude, Rachel (HHS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 12:38:42 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000274 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Diane Millard ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Subje ct: National Quality Forum w/Diane Millard POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/18 17:13:56 Start Date: 2018/06/11 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/11 10:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location : OASHCR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Diane Millard ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 17:13:56 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000275 From: DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) ; Ila... 1(O5/IOS )!th \f ~ \ Hargan, Eric (05/105) ; Moreno, Rafael (O5/ASNIOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/1O5) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stanna rd, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ ASPE) < John.Obrien@hhs .gov>; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/1O5) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/1O) ; Meekins, Chris (OS/ASPR/1O) ; Pet illo, Jay (OS/ASPR/OFPA) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) '"n I Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Bailey, Kat herine (OS/ASFR) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; CC: Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR) ; Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Petzinger, Stephen (OS/ASFR) ; Goyle, Suraj (OS/ASFR) ; Shabelski, Alexandra (OS/ASPR/OFPA) Subject: ASPR Secretary's Budget Council (SBC) Meeting Date: 2018/05/25 08 :48:08 Start Date : 2018/06/27 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/06/27 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room, 607-G DeputySecretary (OS/IOS); EDH (OS/IOS); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (Kenneth.Callahan@hhs .gov); Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (Laura.Caliguiri@hhs .gov); Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) (Charles.Keckler@hhs .gov); Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) (; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) (; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) (MaryAttendees:; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC);; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Parker, Jim (HHS/1O5); Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); Kadlec, Robert (O5/ASPR/IO); Meekins, Chris (OS/ASPR/IO); Petillo, Jay (O5/ASPR/OFPA); OS DSCR (HHS/OS); ASA (OS/OGC); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR); Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) (; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE); Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000276 Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR); Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR); Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR); Petzinger, Stephen (OS/ASFR); Goyle, Suraj (OS/ASFR); Shabelski, Alexandra (OS/ASPR/OFPA) Information to be sent out at a later time . 5 d . DeputySecret ary (OS/IOS) DeputySecret ary (OS/IOS) ; Vh )(Fi) l(QS/IOS) !rh )(R) Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; R . . t· Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; ecipien · Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/1O) ; Meekins, Chris (OS/ASPR/IO) ; Petillo, Jay (OS/ASPR/OFPA) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Bailey, Katherine (O5/ASFR) ; Cravens, Catherine (O5/ASPE) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Trivedi, Aalap (O5/ASFR) ; Curt is, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Petzinger, Stephen (OS/ASFR) ; Goyle, Suraj (O5/ASFR) ; Shabelski, Alexandra (OS/ASPR/OFPA) ! Sent Date: 2018/05/25 08:48 :08 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000277 From: To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) , Bre> I Date: 2018/05/19 09:30:38 Start Date: 20 18/12/10 00:00:00 End Date: 20 18/12/15 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/19 09:30:38 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000278 From: DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; lfh \ /~ \ [ OS/IOS) lfh lf n \ t Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (H HS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) ; To: Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Willis, Mollie (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curt is, Jillian (HHS/ASFR) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Powell, Natalie (OS/ASFR) Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR) ; CC: Petzinger, Stephen (OS/ASFR) ; Goyle, Suraj (OS/ASFR) Subject: ASPR Pre-Secretary's Budget Council (SBC) Meeting Date: 20 18/05/25 08:43:54 Start Date: 20 18/06/27 14:00:00 End Date: 20 18/06/27 14:30:00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room, 614-G DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) lilil@] (OS/IOS); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (Kenneth.Callahan@hh; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) (; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) (Brian; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) (Brenda; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) (; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Attendees :; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS); Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); ASA (OS/OGC); O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR); Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) (Katherine.Bailey@hhs .gov); Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR); Willis, Mollie (HHS/ASFR); Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR); Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR); Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE); Powell, Natalie (OS/ASFR); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR); Petzinger, Stephen (OS/ASFR); Goyle, Suraj (OS/ASFR) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000279 5 d . DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; lfn\/R\ lt'OS/IOS) Ilk \/R\ I Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (H HS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Recipient: Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ ASL) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Parker, Jim (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ ASFR) <>; O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR) ; Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Willis, Mollie (HHS/ASFR) ; Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; Curt is, Jillian ( HHS/ASFR) ; Cravens, Catherine (OS/ASPE) ; Powell, Natalie (OS/ASFR) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Trivedi, Aalap (OS/ASFR) ; Petzinger, Stephen (OS/ASFR) ; Gayle, Suraj (OS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 08 :43:54 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000280 From: Geoffrey Ling Kb)(6) !§lg> Geoffrey Ling(b) / 6)>; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OA!:>H); To:; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Invitation: Dinner: Geoff Ling, Liz Feld, Brett Giroir @ Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:30pm - 8pm (EDT) (brett Date: 2018/05/21 16:56:48 Start Date : 2018/06/26 18:30:00 End Date : 2018/06/26 20:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: The Army And Navy Club, 901 17th St NW, Washington, DC 20006, USA Attendees : Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) more details» Dinner: Geoff Ling, Liz Feld, Brett Giroir W hen Tue Jun 26 , 2018 6:30pm W here The Army And Navy Club, 901 17th St NW , Washington (map ) Calendar brett.giro i r@hhs .gov Who Geoffrey - 8pm Eastern Time , DC 20006 , USA Ling - organizer - creator brett.giroir@hhs_gov Going? Yes - Maybe - No more options » Invitation from Google Calendar You are receiving this courtesy emai l at the account brett.giro because you are an attendee of 1hls event. To stop receiving future updates for this event , decline this event A lternative ly you can s1gn up for a Google account at https://www .google .com/calendar/ and control your notification settings for your entire calendar Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to modify your RSVP response Learn More - Sender: Geoffrey Ling l(b)(6) Recipient: - Jj)> Geoffrey Ling~>; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/21 16:34:07 Delivered Date: 2018/05/21 16:56:48 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000281 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Subject: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) DARPA60th event that is being held on Sept 5-7 at the Gaylord National Harbor in Oxon Hill, MD Date: 2018/05/22 14:34:34 Start Date : 2018/09/05 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/09/08 00:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 14:34:34 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000282 From: Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH) Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Rivero, Josef (NIH/NH LBI ) [El ; To: Martin, Iman (NIH/NCI) [El ; Valentine, Steven ( HHS/OASH) ; Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH) ; Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) CC: Chambers, Zakiya (OS/OASH) Subject: Memorial Day Parade Check-in/Wa lk through Date: 20 18/05/25 13:57: 17 Start Date: 20 18/05/25 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/25 15:00 :00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Location: b)(6) pa sscodeI( b)(6 ) I Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Rivero, Josef (NIH/ NHLBI) [E]; Martin, Attendees: Iman (NI H/NCI) [El; Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Chambers, Zakiya (OS/OASH) Sender : Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH) Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Rivero, Josef (NIH/NHLBI) [El ; Recipient: Martin, Iman (NIH/NCI) [El ; Valentine , Steven (HHS/OASH) ; Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH) ; Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Chambers, Zakiya (OS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 13 :57: 17 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000283 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Eli Briggs ; Laura Hanen Subject: To DiscussHHSOpioids Init iative and Potential points of collaboration w/NACCHO/localhealth departments POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/22 17:03:41 Start Date: 2018/06/0115:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/0115:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR716-G 0000000 National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Eli Briggs ; Laura Hanen <> Sent Date: 2018/05/22 17:03:41 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000284 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secre tar Office C>fthe Assistant Secretary for l lealth Wash iugton. D.C. 20201 Thank you for your interest in requesting a meeting wi th the Assistant Secretary for Healt h. Pl ease complete the OA SH Meeting R equest fonn below and return to Ms. Din ah Bembo at and also "cc" M s. Oneika Gray ( ). Your email should include the following: ff you have any quest ions on how to complete the form or, ifyou would Like to check the sta tus ofyour meeting request, please contact Ms . Dinah Bembo at or 202-690-7694. We look.forward to hearing fro m you . Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health Meeting Request Form Name of Reguestor: Eli Briggs Organization: NationaJ Association of Coun!)'. and Ci!l ' Health Officials Point of Contact (POC): Eli Briggs POC Phone Number: 202-507-4194 POC Email: Potential Datc{sl of Meeting Reauested: 5/29/2018 Cl1ck here to enter a date. Click here to enter a date. Potent ial Start Time(sl: 10:00am Click here to select time Click here to select time Othe r Contact Information: I Cell: ~b)(6) Potential F:ndTimc(5l 11:00am Click here to select time Click here to select time Pur~ose of Meeting: (Toeic and main eoints for discussion): D iscuss ion HHS opioids in.itiat ive and pot ential point s of coUabora tion wit h NACCHO /loc al healtb department s. Will documents be provided to OASH ? Yes~ No □ (J.f "Yes •·, MUST be 110 later than 48 hours Prior to M eeting) Meeting Atte ndees : (Please list attendees names and title below) 1. Laura Hanen , Chi ef, Government Affai rs 2. Eli Bri i:rn:s,Senior Government Affairs Director 3. Ian Goldstein, Government Affairs Specialist 4. Chevelle Glymph , Senior Direct or, Program s 5. (If there will he more participants at the meeting please lh~tthem also) Page 1 AMLfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000285 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia {HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)( ; David Mansdoerfer (; Migliaccio-Grabill, Kate (HHS/OASH); Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH)( ; Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Final COA/DallasDiscussion POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/23 08:42:39 Start Date: 2018/05/29 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 16:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 729-G Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia {HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)( ; David Mansdoerfer (; Migliaccio-Grabill, Kate (HHS/OASH); Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH)( ; Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984b1caf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) ; Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/05/23 08:46: 18 Delivered Date : 2018/05/23 08:42:39 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000287 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Transportation Date : 2018/05/25 15:30:20 Start Date: 2018/06/07 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/06/07 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient : Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 15:30:20 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000288 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : Transportation Date : 2018/05/25 15:30:33 Start Date: 2018/06/07 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/06/07 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Recipient : Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 15:30:33 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000289 Giroir, Brett ( HHS/OASH) Giroir , Brett (HHS/OASH) < /o=Exchangelabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group To: (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn = Recipients/cn = a56fce4755704c4ca031d621b46fd6f7-G irori, Bre> Subject: Flight# WN1587 from DCA - > DAL (3 hours and 20 mins.) Date : 2018/05/27 22 :59: 14 Start Date : 2018/06/01 19:50:00 End Date: 2018/06/01 23 :10:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Trip Overview Trip Name: Trip from Washington to Dallas Start Date: June 01, 2018 End Date: June 06, 2018 Created : April 24, 2018, MICHAEL SAVITCH (Modified: April 24, 2018) Description: Commissioned Officers Association (COA) 53rd Annua l USPHSScientific and Training SymposTum; and Region VI I Agency Record Locator : kb)(6) Passengers: Brett.Pau l Giroir Tota l Estimated Cost: $ 638.40 USD Important: Reservat ions must be approved and ticketed no later than : 05/30/2018 5:50 PM Eastern The trip will be automatically cancelled if It is not approved before the deadline . Agency Name: DTI - HHS Daytime Phone: l(b)(6) Nighttime Phond....____ __, Reservations NfV N NNN t._U ..., (V('.IN tv Friday, June 01, 2018 Southwest 1587 Departure: 07:50 PM Seat: No seat assignment Washington D.C. Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA) Duration : 3 hours, 20 minutes Nonstop Arrival: 10:10 PM Dallas Love Field (DAL) Confirrnat lon: i(b)(6) Status: Booked directly in Southwest /MISRSC Distance: 1181 miles E-Tlcket Emissions: 460 .6 lbs CO 2 Cabin: Gov Cont ract (Y) I Wednesday, ] une 06, 2018 Flight Dallas, TX (DAL) to Washington, DC {DCA) Southwest 241 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000290 Departure: 07: 10 PM Seat: No seat assignment Dallas Love Field (DAL) Durat ion: 2 hours, 45 minutes Nonstop Arrival: 10:55 PM Washington D.C. Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA) Confirmation: MIBRSC Status: Booked directly in Southwes t /MI8RSC Distance: 1181 miles E-Ticket Emissions: 460.6 lbs CO2 Cabin: Gov Contract (Y) Tota l Estimated Cost Air Airfare quoted amount : $ 567 .44 USD Taxes and fees: $ 70.96 USD Tota l Estimated Cost: $ 638.40 USD TICKET NOT YET ISSUED. AIRFARE QUOTED I N ffiNERARY IS NOT GUARANTEEDUNTI L TICKETS ARE ISSUED. Remarks U05/C4E/35*C73 OLB-HHS OS U89/4A882296336 U22/HHSPACA U25/2002455032 Giroir, Brett (HHS/DASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/27 22:59:14 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000291 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) DCA Bre> (2 hours and 45 mins.) Date : 2018/05/27 22:59:15 Start Date : 2018/06/06 20:10:00 End Date: 2018/06/06 22:55:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Trip Overview Trip Name: Trip from Washington to Dallas Start Date: June 01, 2018 End Date: June 06, 2018 Created: April 24, 2018, MICHAEL SAVITCH (Modified: April 24, 2018) Description: Commissioned Officers Association (COA) 53rd Annua l USPHSScientific and Training SymposTum; and Region VI ~---~ Agency Record Locatoj (b)(6 ) Passengers: Brett.Pau l.., G~ir-o~ ir __ _. Tota l Estimated Cost: $ 638.40 USD Important: Reservat ions must be approved and ticketed no later than : 05/30/2018 5:50 PM Eastern The trip will be automatically cancelled if It is not approved before the deadline . Agency Name: DTI - HHS Daytime Phone: l(b){6) Nighttime Phonel~.----~ Reservations NfVNNNNfVfV,VNNN Friday, June 01, 2018 Southwest 1587 Departure: 07:50 PM Seat: No seat assignment Washington D.C. Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA) Duration: 3 hours, 20 minutes Nonstop Arrival: 10:10 PM Dallas Love Field DAL Confirmation (b )(6) Status: Booked directly in Southwest /MI8RSC Distance: 1181 miles E-Ticket Emissions: 460 .6 lbs CO 2 Cabin: Gov Cont ract (Y) Wednesday, ]une 06, 2018 Flight Dallas, TX (DAL) to Washington, DC {DCA) Southwest 241 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000292 Departure: 07: 10 PM Seat: No seat assignment Dallas Love Field (DAL) Durat ion: 2 hours, 45 minutes Nonstop Arrival: 10:55 PM Washington D.C. Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA) Confirmation: (b )(6 \ Status: Boeke 1recty rn Southwest /MI8RSC Distance: 1181 miles E-Ticket Emissions: 460.6 lbs CO 2 Cabin: Gov Contract (Y) Tota l Estimated Cost Air Airfare quoted amount: $ 567 .44 USD Taxes and fees: $ 70.96 USD Tota l Estimated Cost: $ 638.40 USD TICKET NOT YET ISSUED. AIRFARE QUOTED I N ffiNERARY IS NOT GUARANTEEDUNTI L TICKETS ARE ISSUED. Remarks U05/C4E/35*C73 OLB-HHS OS U89/4A882296336 U22/HHSPACA U25/2002455032 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/27 22:59: 15 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000293 From: Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RADM Wolfe mtng w/ ADM Giroir re: Commissioned Corp Evaluation Date: 2018/05/29 10:44:41 Start Date: 2018/05/3116 :15:00 End Date: 2018/05/3117:00:00 Priority : Normal Type : Appointment Location: 716G HHH Att e ndees: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) From: Giroir , Brett (HHS/OASH) Date: May 24, 2018 at 10:45:44 PM GMT +2 To: Wolf e, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Valentine , Steven (HHS/OASH) , Bembo , Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Commissioned Corps Evaluat ion Dear RADM Wolfe, It was truly a terrific experience in Geneva, and I am very happy we were able to spend some t ime together. You did an outstanding job and I have new respect (even more) for Global Affairs. When you return, perhaps we can have a short meeting during which I would like to seek your assistance on a Technical Advisory Group working for me assessing various aspects of the Corps within agencies. It would be easier to do this in person than trying to explain the history and process over email. This will be a busy week, with a t ight communications plan, so I would like to chat Tuesday or Wednesday if possible. Best wishes and safe travels , BG Brett P Giroir, MO ADM, US Public Health Service Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH) Senior Advisor for Mental Health and Opioid Policy AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000294 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201 Office Phone: 202-690-7694 Sender: Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Giroir, Brett ( HHS/OASH) ; Recipient : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 10:44:41 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000295 From: To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subj ect: HOid for potential speaking engagement Date: 2018/05/29 12:56:52 Start Date: 20 18/11/29 16:00:00 End Date: 20 18/11/29 21:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: President Bush CHINA-US Relat ions Conference Sender: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 12:56:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000296 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Richmond,Alicia (HHS/OASH); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH)( ; To: Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) Subject : BHCCPre- Briefing POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/29 12:57:12 Start Date: 2018/05/29 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Richmond,Alicia (HHS/OASH}; Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH)( ; Recipient : Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 12:57:12 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000297 From: DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) ; lfh\/e::) [ OS/IOS) ~h)fn) Hargan, Eric (05/105) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (O5/ASA/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID) [E] ; Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/1O) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) h Subject: Briefing on Sepsis Landscape Date: 2018/05/29 16:16:54 Start Date: 2018/06/07 09:30:00 End Date: 2018/06/07 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 607-G 11i-.11e:: 1 1(OS/IOS); Hargan, Eric (O5/IOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS); Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (Laura; Brady, Will (HHS/1OS); Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD); Wil liams, Attendees: Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID) [E]; OS DSCR (HHS/OS); Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/1O); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/ IOS) (Mary-sumpter .Lapinski@hhs .gov) Topic: Briefing on Sepsis Landscape Lead: Dr. Giroir Agenda: Dr. Giroir - 7-10 minute overview Dr. Fauci - 7-10 minute overview Dr. Redfield - 7-10 minute overview Dr. Kadlec - 7-10 minute overview Laura Caliguiri - 7-10 minute overview Mary - Sumpter Lapinski - 7-10 minute overview Notes: Briefing Materials due 48 hours in advance. Sender: DeputySecret ary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000298 Hargan, Eric (O5/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (O5/ASA/IOS) ; caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Wil l (HHS/105) ; Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Fauci, Anthony (NIH/N IAID) [E] ; Kadlec, Robert (O5/ASPR/IO) ; Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/105) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 16:16:54 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000299 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Subject : 7:30 pm cocktails & 8:00 pm seated dinner w/Holli Richmond POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date : 2018/05/29 16:31:02 Start Date: 2018/05/29 19:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 21:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Kushner Residence- Kb)(6) I Casual Dinner with IMT and JCK Date: Time: May 29, 2018 7:30 pm cocktails & 8:00 pm seated dinner ~ Location: Kushner Residence - f~b_)_(6_) ___________ Dress: Casual (uniform not required) Guests: 14 invited guests; individuals only, no spouses. From HHS, Secretary Azar, The ASH and SG have been invited. Run of Show 7:30pm-Guests arrive ; cocktails outside 8:00pm - seated dinner FYI. From: "Fisher, Ruth (HHS /IOS)" Subject: RE: Toni ght Date: 29 May 2018 16:28 To: "Mansdoerfer , David (HHS/OASH)" , "Tignor , Beth (HHS /IOS)" Cc: "Twomey , John K. (HHS /ASL)" Hi David, This is all I have on dinner tonight: The details for dinner are as follows: Date: May 29, 2018 7:30 pm cocktails & 8:00 pm seated dinner Time: Location: (6_) _____________ Kushner Residence · b_)_ f.... AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT ____. EXT-18-1509-L-000300 Attendees: Co-Chairs o Hershel Walker: Retired NFL football player Members: o Shauna Rohbock: Soldier, U.S. Army National Guard, former Winter Olympian o Natalie GuIbis: Retired LPGAgolfer o Linda Yaccarino, Chairman of Advertising and Client Partnerships at NBCUniversal o Johnny Damon: Retired MLB player o Julie Teer: BGCA o Matt Hesse? o Kyle Snyder? Other: o Secretary Azar o Assistant Secretary Giroir o Surgeon General o Holli o Jared • lvanka Thanks! Ruth Ruth Fisher Deputy Director of Sched11/i11g The Department of Health and Human Services kb)(6) Ruth .Fisher@hhs .gov Co nfidential and pre-decisional communication From: Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/OASH) Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 4:22 PM To: Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Fisher, Ruth (HHS/IOS) Cc:Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL) Subject: Tonight Beth / Ruth Do you have the comp lete rundown on tonight' s dinner with Ivanka ? The ASH and the SG will also be in attendance and I want to make sure everyone is on the same page . DM AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000301 Sender: Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 16:31:02 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000302 From: Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH) Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Wu, Samuel (OS/OASH) ; Bakos, Alexis (OS/OASH) Subject: OMH Update Meeting with ADM Giroir Date: 20 18/05/29 16:29:48 Start Date: 20 18/06/08 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/06/08 16:00:00 Priority : Norma l Type: Appointment Location: HHH/TBD Attend ees: Sender: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Wu, Samuel (OS/OASH); Alexis Bakos ( Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH) Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Recipient: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Wu, Samuel (OS/OASH) ; Bakos, Alexis (OS/OASH) Sent Date: 20 18/05/29 16:29:48 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000303 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)(; To: Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,) Subject: Meet and Greet w/Dr. Diane Foley, OPA POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/29 17:08:04 Start Date: 2018/05/30 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/30 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)(; Recipient: Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069be6000de2-Valentine,) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 17:08:04 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-L-000304 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20201 Case No. 2018-00972-FOIA-OS Equity Forward v. HHS, Civil No. 18-1509 (D.D.C.) December 30, 2019 Mary Alice Carter Executive Director Equity Forward Sent via email: Dear Ms. Carter: This letter is the eighth interim response to your May 9, 2018, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Specifically, you requested access to and copies of all calendars or calendar entries, schedules and/or travel itineraries for the months of March 2018, April 2018, and May 2018 for the following HHS officials: ? Alex Azar, Secretary ? March Bell, Chief of Staff for the Office for Civil Rights ? Matthew "Matt" Bowman, Deputy General Counsel ? Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health ? Brian Harrison, Deputy Chief of Staff ? Valerie Huber, Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary for Health ? Scott Lloyd, Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement ? Shannon Royce, Director of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships ? Roger Severino, Director of the Office for Civil Rights ? Paula Stannard, Counsel ? Heidi Stirrup, Deputy Director, Office of White House Liaison ? Peter Urbanowicz, Chief of Staff ? Steven Valentine, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary for Health ? Margaret "Maggie" Wynne, Counselor The Department processed approximately 301 pages of potentially responsive records captured in the agency's search for FOIA request 2018-00972-FOIA-OS. After a careful review of these pages, I have determined to release 150 pages to you in their entirety, and I am further releasing 68 pages in part, with portions redacted, pursuant to Exemptions (b)(5) and (b)(6) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. ?552 (b)(5) and (b)(6)). Furthermore, I have determined that 78 pages should be sent for consultation to other agencies and returned to this Department for final disposition. Finally, I determined 5 pages non-responsive and duplicative to your request. Page 2 of 2 Case No. 2018-00972-FOIA-OS Equity Forward v. HHS, Civil No. 18-1509 (D.D.C.) FOIA exemption (b)(5) protects inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency. This exemption protects documents that would be covered by any privilege an agency could assert in a civil proceeding. These privileges include, among others, the deliberative process privilege, the attorney-client privilege, and the attorney work-product privilege. FOIA exemption (b)(6) permits a Federal agency to withhold information and records about individuals in "personnel and medical files and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." The definition of "similar files" has historically been broadly interpreted to include a wide variety of files, and the United States Supreme Court has held that Congress intended the term "similar files" to be interpreted broadly, rather than narrowly. I have analyzed these records and find they meet the threshold requirement of this exemption. Additionally, I have reviewed and weighed the public interest in disclosure of this information against the privacy interest in nondisclosure, and found that the privacy interest outweighs the public's interest in disclosure. We will continue to review the remaining records as efficiently and expeditiously as possible, consistent with our available resources and the Order of the Court. Should you have questions or concerns regarding the Department's response and\or the processing of your request, any such issues should be communicated to your legal counsel and Department of Justice Attorney representing the Department in this matter. Sincerely yours, Brandon J. Gaylord Supervisory Government Information Specialist and HHS FOIA/PA Public Liaison Enclosure(s) Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; To: Stannard, Paula (HHS/I OS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: MOU Follow Up Discussion Date: 20 18/03/05 13:48:50 Start Date: 20 18/03/07 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/07 16:00:00 Priority : Norma l Type: Appointment Location: Laura's Office, Suite 614-G Attend ees: Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/1O5) Notes: Laura asked for this meeting to following back on the recent MOU discussion. Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient : Stannard, Paula (HHS/I OS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 20 18/03/05 13:48:50 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000001 Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) ; Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; To: Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Logan, Scott (ACF) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Milner, Jerry (ACF) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Blackwell, Edith (HHS/OGC); Moughalian,Jen {HHS/ASFR) Hertzog, Christian (HHS/ OGC) ; Kanodia, Preeti {ACF) ; Smith, Andrew (HHS/IOS) ; Tossell, Elizabeth (HHS/OGC); Bock, Joe (ACF) ; Stedt, Elaine (ACF) ; CC: Fliss,Julie (ACF) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) <>; McMillen, Cheryl (HHS/ASFR); Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR) ; Lewandoski, Mona (OS/ASFR); Radel, Laura (HHS/ASPE) Subject: Family First Implementation Discussion Date : 2018/ 03/05 16:03:28 Start Date : 2018/03/12 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/ 12 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 416-G (ASL conference Room) Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Street, Amanda (HHS/I OS); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE);Logan, Scott (ACF); Wagner, Steven (ACF); Milner, Jerry (ACF); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC);Blackwell, Edith (HHS/OGC);Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Hertzog, Christian {HHS/OGC);Kanodia, Preeti (ACF) Attendees : (; Smith, Andrew (HHS/IOS); Tassell, Elizabeth (HHS/OGC);Bock, Joe (ACF); Stedt, Elaine (ACF)(; Fliss, Julie (ACF); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR);McMillen, Cheryl (HHS/ASFR); Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR);Lewandoski, Mona (OS/ASFR);Radel, Laura (HHS/ASPE) Fa mily First Prevention Services Act and the title IV-E foster care flexible funding Jroposal Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Recipient : Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Street, Amanda (HHS/ IOS) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000002 Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Logan, Scott (ACF) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Milner, Jerry (ACF) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) ; Blackwell, Edith (HHS/OGC) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Hertzog, Christian (HHS/OGC) ; Kanodia, Preeti (ACF) ; Smith, Andrew (HHS/IOS) ; Tassell, Elizabeth (HHS/OGC) ; Bock, Joe (ACF) ; Stedt, Elaine (ACF) ; Fliss, Julie (ACF) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ ASFR) < norris>; McMillen, Cheryl (HHS/ASFR) ; Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR) ; Lewandoski, Mona (OS/ASFR) ; Radel, Laura (HHS/ASPE) Sent Date: 2018/03/05 16:03:28 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000003 Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter {HHS/IOS) ; Zebley, Kyle (HHS/OS/OGA); Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA); Demby, Austin (HHS/OS/OGA); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Schaeffer, Alison (HHS/OS/OGA) Subject: AMA pre- brief for meeting with AmbassadorBrandstad Date: 2018/03/05 19:56:59 Start Date: 2018/03/06 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/06 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Locat ion: 615-F AMA2 (OS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS); Olson, caro lyn (OS/IOS); Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS); Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL);Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Zebley, Kyle (HHS/IOS); Grigsby, Attendees: Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA);Demby, Austin (HHS/OS/OGA);Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Schaeffer, Alison (HHS/OS/OGA) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler(OS/IOS) ; AMA2(OS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=d 145efc9c35c4865aca6e9d47786b204-Har Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Recipient: Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Zebley, Kyle (HHS/OS/OGA); Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA); Demby, Austin (HHS/OS/OGA); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Schaeffer, Alison (HHS/OS/OGA) Sent Date: 2018/03/05 19:56:59 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000005 Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO) Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO); (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=a 182eda693d040d3832bae6efcf7a255-Kadlec, Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Ford-Barnes,Arwenthia (HHS/ASPR/IO); Meekins, Chris (OS/ASPR/IO); Seiler, Brittney (OS/ASPR/IO); Stephan, Briana (OS/ASPR/1O); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) Subject : ASPRAdaptive Planning Briefing Date : 2018/03/06 08:21:39 Start Date: 2018/03/06 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/06 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: SCIF 523B (Small Conf Room) Attendees: Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO);Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR);Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Ford-Barnes,Arwenthia (HHS/ASPR/IO);Meekins, Chris (OS/ASPR/IO);Seiler, Brittney (OS/ASPR/IO);Stephan, Briana (OS/ASPR/OEM)(;Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) Briefing on threats and discussion on adaptive planning efforts. Lead : ASPR Kad lec Participants: Jen Moughalian, Matt Bassett, Maggie Wynne , Paula Stannard, Chris Meekins Possible: Norris Cochran Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO) Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient : Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Ford-Barnes,Arwenthia (HHS/ASPR/IO); Meekins, Chris (OS/ASPR/1O); Seiler, Brittney (OS/ASPR/1O); Stephan, Briana (OS/ASPR/1O); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/03/06 08:21:39 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000006 Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; To: Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Brennan, Patrick (OS/ASPA) Subject: AMA Cabinet Meeting Prep Date: 2018/03/16 13:38:11 Start Date: 2018/03/20 08:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/20 08:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 610-F Attendees: AMA (; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS); John.Twomey@HHS .GOV; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS); Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS); EDH; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Stannard, Paula(HHS/IOS); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE);Brennan, Patrick (OS/ASPA) Requested By: Brian Harrison Secretary Scheduler(OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient: Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) i EDH (OS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) i O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Brennan, Patrick (OS/ASPA) Sent Date: 2018/03/16 13:38:11 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000008 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; '' ; '' ; To: Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105) ; CC: Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Subject: UACCoordination Date: 2018/03/19 11:22:45 Start Date: 2018/03/19 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/19 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Conferencecall ~(b )( 6 ) 1Participant: Vh)( R) I Lloyd, Scott (ACF);;; Wagner, Steven Attendees: (ACF); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Powers, Mary (ACF); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/IOS) *Scott will Host* Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; '' ; '' ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; ; Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/03/19 11:22:45 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000009 Boyd, Michelle (OS/ASPE) Boyd, Michelle (OS/ASPE) ; To: Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) CC: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Briefing with 4-H Youth Leaders Date: 2018/03/16 16:06:38 Start Date: 2018/04/ 10 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/10 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: HHS Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue SW, SOSA Attend ees: Boyd, Michelle (OS/ASPE);Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE);Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS} Dear Colleagues, I would like to inv it e yo u to attend a b riefing led by young peop le attending the 20 18 Nat ional 4H Conference . Approxima t ely 20 of t hese young leaders have been working toge t her to add ress a "challenge question" we posed to them: o If the U.S. were to create a nation al youth policy what are the fundamental or essential needs for all youth in the U.S. which that policy should addre ss? Please join us on Tuesday, Apri l 10 at 1:30 p.m . in Room SOSAat t he HHS Humphrey Buildi ng to hear the ir thoughts about the needs of U.S. youth. Please feel free to fo rwa rd this inv itation to ot her intereste d colleagues. We hope to see you there! Brenda Destro Depu ty Assistant Secretary, HSP, ASPE, HHS ( b_)_(6_) ______________ Online Meeting (GoToMeeting}: l~ Confe rence Call Num ber: "Kb -').,_ (6-')____ Conf erence Call Code: ~ kb_)~ (6...:.. )__ ~ _, ~ EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000010 Boyd, Michelle (O5/ASPE) Boyd, Michelle (OS/ASPE); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105) Sent Date: 2018/03/16 16:06:38 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000011 DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; l(hV R\ [O S/IOS) Vh \( R) ~ HHS.GOV>; Hargan, Eric (O5/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: Destro, Brenda (HHS/ ASPE) ; Burnszynski, Jennifer (OS/ ASPE) ; Clark, Timothy (HHS/IOS) ; Weber, Mark (HHS/ASPA) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Shipley, Samuel (HHS/1O5) ; Graham, John (HHS/ASPE) Moreno, Rafael (O5/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; CC: Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Marriott, Brian (ACF) ; Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE) Subject: b )( !Briefing on HHS Welfare Reform Work Group Date: 2018/03/13 15:16:00 Start Date: 2018/03/20 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/20 14:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room, 607-G DeputySecretary (O5/IOS); EDH (O5/IOS); Hargan, Eric (05/105); Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) (Charles.Keck; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Graham, John (HHS/ASPE); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Burnszynski, Jennifer (OS/ASPE); Clark, Timothy (HHS/IOS); Weber, Mark Atten dees: (HHS/ASPA); Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); Shipley, Samuel (HHS/IOS); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (Kenneth ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/1O5) (; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Wagner, Steven (ACF); Marriott, Brian (ACF); Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE) Event Na me: HHS Welfare Reform Work Group: ASPE Briefing for the Deputy Secretary March 20, 2018 Location: Deputy Secretary's Conferenc e Room , 607-G Time --- : 1:30 - 2:00 Reason: As a follow up to discussion with the Acting ASPE at their regu lar meeting on February 26, the Deputy Secretary reque sted to be briefed on the propo sed Welfare Reform EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000012 Solutions Series, a series of blogs highlighting loca l programs across the country that are promoting work . ln this briefing, ASPE will provide an overview of the HHS Welfare Reform Work Group wh ich ASPE is coordinating in order to identify , develop, and execute a range of administrat ive strategies within HHS to encourage work and self-suffic iency. While much of the activity is intermediate- or long-term in nah1re, the Work Group has identified some steps that can be executed more quickly. One such " rapid result" item is the Solutions Series of blog posts. So that we can determine if and how we may move ahead with this series, we wou ld like to provide the reqt1ested briefing as soon as conven ient. Deputv Secretary's Role: It would be helpful for the first blog in the Welfare Reform Solution Series to be authored by the Deputy Secretary and focused on exp lainin g the motivation for the series, including the importance of getting people to work and the connection to the Relmagine r-IHS goal of putting people at the center of HHS programs. ASPE, working with ASPA , has drafted a blog for the Deputy Secretary's review. Briefing Participants: Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan Associate Deputy Secretary Charles Keckler Maggie Wynne, Counselor for Human Services Policy John R. Grahan1, Actit1g Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) Brenda Destro , Deputy Assistant Sec retary for Human Services Policy, ASPE Jennifer Burnszynski , Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Services Policy, ASP E Tim Clark , Acting Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs , ASP A Mark Weber, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs for Human Services, ASPA If available: Steven Wagner, Acting Assistant Secretary , Adminish.ation for Child ren and Famjlies Ann Agnew, Executive Sec retary (ES) Sam Shipley, Policy Coordjnator , ES Lead: John R. Graham, Actit1g Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation POC: Sam Shipley, J..... (b_)(_6)__ __,~ Sa111uel.ship ley@h EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000013 Press, Press Contact: NI A; this is an internal brief mg Briefing Materials: ASPE will provide briefing materials two (2) business days before the meeting. Notes: o The draft blog pos t has been through a first round of intradepartmental clearance and ASPE is now holding it until this briefing occurs. o The Deputy Secretary also requested to be briefed on ASPE's work on effect ive marginal income taxes. We will submit a separate meeting request for that briefing. o ASPE and ACF will also request to brief the Secretary on welfare reform work, effect ive marginal tax rates, and potential collaborat ion on Medicaid comm unity engagemen t requiremen ts. o If desired, any of these briefings could be combined. Draft Meeting Agenda: l . HHS Welfare Reform Work Group Overview 2. Welfare Reform Solut ions Series a. Potential blog from the Deputy Secretary DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ ASPE) ; Burnszynski, Jennifer (OS/ASPE) ; Clark, Timothy (H HS/IOS) ; Weber, Mark (HHS/ASPA) ; Recipient: Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Shipley, Samuel (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Marriott, Brian (ACF) ; Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE) ; Graham, John (HHS/ASPE) Sent Date: 20 18/03/13 15:16:00 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000014 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S) Subject : ACF'sNational ResearchConferenceon Early Childhood (NRCEC2018) Date: 2018/03/06 11:37:40 Start Date: 2018/06/25 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/28 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment D SAVE THE DATES! ACF's National Research Conference on Early Childhood (NRCEC 2018) will be held Monday, June 25 -Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at the Marriott Crystal Gateway in Arlington, VA. Three days of Breakout Sessions, Plenaries, Posters and Networking Events! Topics of interest include : Family Engagement Impact of Difficult Circumstances on Development Develop ing Evidence-Based Curricula Cost Analyses for ECE Quality Racial Equity in the Classroom Quality of Classroom Interactions and Child Outcomes Infant/Toddler Practitioner Professional Development Master Lecturers : Pamela Davis-Kean, University of Michigan John Fantuzzo, University of Pennsylvania Marcy Whitebook, University of California, Berkeley EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000015 Lynne Katz, University of Miami IUpdates about NRCEC 2018 can be found at www I Wy_nne,Maggie (HHSLIOS) Wy_nne,Maggie (HHSLIOS) Sent Date: 2018L03l0611:37:40 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000016 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: eat Date : 2018/03/20 13:03:29 Start Date: 2018/03/20 14:45:00 End Date : 2018/03/20 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/20 13:03:29 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000017 Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: Burnszynski, Jennifer (OS/ASPE) ; Ghertne r, Robin (HHS/ASPE) ; Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE) ; Macartney, Suzanne (OS/ASPE) CC: Chien, Nina (OS/ASPE) Subject: Marginal Tax Rate Briefing Date: 20 18/03/20 13:29:19 Start Date: 20 18/03/26 10 :00:00 End Date: 20 18/03/26 11:00:00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Location: Brenda's Office Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/1OS); Burnszynski, Jennifer (OS/ASPE); Attendee s: Ghertne r, Robin (HHS/ASPE); Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE); Macartney, Suzanne (OS/ASPE); Nina Chien (nina.chien@hhs .gov) Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Burnszynski, Jennifer (OS/ASPE) ; Recipient: Ghertne r, Robin (HHS/ASPE) ; Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE) ; Macartney, Suzanne (OS/ASPE) ; Chien, Nina (OS/ASPE) Sent Date: 20 18/03/20 13:29:19 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000018 DeputySecretary (O5/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; plHHS.GOV>; 1/ h \/ fi ) 1(OS/IOS) kb)(6) Wynne, Maggie \HH:,11u:,; ; To: Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/O5/OGA) ; Zebley, Kyle (HHS/O5/OGA) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASNIOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Hoffman, Linda M (HHS/OS/OGA) Subject: Saudi Embassy Event Overview Date: 2018/03/15 13:31:19 Start Date: 2018/03/22 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/22 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 614-G ~ Attendee OS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/O5/OGA); Zebley, Kyle O5/OGA); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (; Moreno, Rafael SA/IOS); Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Hoffman, Linda M (HHS/O5/OGA) Attendees: EDH, Laura Caliguiri, Maggie Wynne, Linda Hoffman and Garret Grigsby DeputySecretary (OS/1O5) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient: Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/O5/OGA) ; Zebley, Kyle (HHS/O5/OGA) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Hoffman, Linda M (HHS/OS/OGA) Sent Date: 2018/03/15 13:31:19 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000019 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: PBLbriefing for Peter Date: 2018/03/21 18:26:01 Start Date: 2018/03/22 10:00:00 End Date : 2018/03/22 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/2118:26:01 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000020 Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IDS) Subject: Meet with Maggie and Sarah Lloyd RE: Baby Love Presentation Date: 2018/03/22 09:06:43 Start Date: 2018/03/22 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/22 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Peter'soffice 615F.3 Attendees: Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Fro m : Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) Sent: Wed nesday, March 21, 2018 6:20 PM To : Wyn ne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Cc: Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Subject : Re: rescheduling Ok On: 21 March 2018 18:19, "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS)" wrote: W e'll take the 10 am t ime slot. Thanks! From: Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 6:10 PM To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Cc: Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Subject : Re: rescheduling I cou ld also do 10am or noon to 1230pm . Booked aft er 2 pm On: 21 March 2018 18:0 7, "Wy nne, Maggie (HHS/IOS)" w rot e: Yes, but the present at ion may be a litt le roughe r t han if done later in t he day. I have an 8-9am so SLS and I won't have another chance to run through it befor e meeting wi t h you. EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000021 Maggie From: Urbanow icz, Peter (HHS/IOS) Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 6:05 PM To: Wynne , Maggie (HHS/IOS) Cc: Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Subject: Re: rescheduling Can we meet at 9am Thursday?? On: 21 March 2018 16:51, "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS)" wrote: Great . My only two unmissable commitments tomorrow are from 1-2 and from 4:30-5 :15. From: Urbanow icz, Peter (HHS/1OS) Sent : Wednesday , March 21, 2018 4:49 PM To: Wynne , Maggie (HHS/IOS) Cc: Kendall, Damaris {HHS/OS) Subject : Re: rescheduling Sure. Let me look at my calendar and give you a time. On: 21 March 2018 16:47, "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS)" wrote: Peter, In lieu of our weekly meeting today , is there time tomorrow (or early Friday) whe n Sarah-Lloyd and I could provide a run-through of our Baby Love presentation and get your feedback? -Maggie Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/22 09:06:43 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000022 From: Buchanan,Chris (IHS/HQ) Buchanan,Chris (IHS/HQ) ; Major, Christine (HHS/ASA); Weahkee, Michael(IHS/HQ) ; Fowler, ElizabethA. (IHS/HQ) ; Newman, Emily (IHS/HQ) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) Subje ct: !HS/HHS HR Discussion Date: 2018/03/22 13:20:05 Start Date: 2018/03/26 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/26 11:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: (b) (6 ) I passcode:Kb )(6) I Major, Christine (HHS/ASA);Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ); Fowler, Elizabeth A. (IHS/HQ) Atte ndees: (;Emily Newman (;Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC);Stevenson,Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) Sender: Buchanan,Chris (IHS/HQ) Buchanan,Chris (IHS/HQ) ; Major, Christine (HHS/ASA); Weahkee, Michael{IHS/HQ) ; Fowler, ElizabethA. (IHS/HQ) ; Recipient: Newman, Emily (IHS/HQ) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/22 13:20:05 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000023 DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary(OS/IOS) ; 1(OS/IOS) It h \/ ~ \ !@HHS.GOV> i Vh V n \ Ecoffey, Stacey (HHS/IEA) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS); To: Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, laura (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) CC: Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) Subject: EDH Meeting with CITC attendees Date: 2018/03/22 12:26:53 Start Dat e : 2018/03/23 09:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/23 10:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 614-G DeputySecretary (OS/IOS); EDH (OS/IOS); Ecoffey, Stacey (HHS/IEA); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS); Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (; Attendee s: Keckler,Charles (HHS/IOS) (; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (;Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Ecoffey, Stacey (HHS/IEA) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS); Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient: Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler,Charles (HHS/1OS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/22 12:26:53 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000024 Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Office of the Executive Secretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Stimson, Brian (HHS/OGC) Austin, Samantha (HHS/OGC); White, Caroline (HHS/OGC); Wright, Natasha (OS/IOS) ; Hawkins, Jamar (HHS/OS) ; Campbell,Taylor (HHS/OGC)(CTR) ; CC: Sellers, Angela (ACF) ; Grove, Matthew R. (HHS/OS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles(HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) Subject: ACF NPRM(Follow-up from discussionw/ Dep Sec) Date : 2018/03/07 10:02: 13 Start Date: 2018/03/16 13:00:00 End Date : 2018/03/ 16 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location : ExecutiveSecretary ConferenceRoom (HHS) Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Wagner, Steven (ACF); Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC);Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC);Stimson, Brian (HHS/OGC);Austin, Samantha (HHS/OGC);White, Caroline Attend ees: (HHS/OGC);Wright, Natasha(OS/IOS); Hawkins, Jamar (HHS/OS); Campbell, Taylor (HHS/OGC)(CTR); Sellers, Angela (ACF); Grove, Matthew R. (HHS/OS);Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); ExecutiveSecretary ConferenceRoom (HHS); Keckler, Charles(HHS/IOS); Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) Purpose: To discuss next steps to develop a regulation originating from the Administration fo r Families and Children Location: Exec Sec Conference Room; 614H Call-in# : K ~b~)(~6)__ ___. IPasscode: Kb)(6) Participants: Maggie Wynne Ann Agnew (optional) Steven Wagner Scott Lloyd Bob (harrow Matt Bowman EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000025 Brian Stimson If you have a questions, please contact the Exec Sec policy coordinator Natasha Wright (Natasha.Wr ight 2@hhs .gov) or Jamar Hawkins (Jamar .Hawkins@hhs.go v). Office of the Executive Secretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Office of the Executive Secretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; Bowman, Matthew {HHS/OGC) ; Stimson, Brian (HHS/OGC) ; Recipient: Austin, Samantha (HHS/OGC) ; White, Caroline (HHS/OGC) ; Wright, Natasha (O5/IOS) ; Hawkins, Jamar (HHS/OS) ; Campbell, Taylor (HHS/OGC) (CTR) ; Sellers, Angela (ACF) ; Grove, Matthew R. (HHS/OS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 20 18/03/07 10 :02: 13 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000026 Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE) Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE); To : Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105) CC: Adair, Geraldine (05/105) Subject: Meeting to discuss Aging and Reimagine Date: 2018/03/22 14:39:15 Start Date : 2018/03/23 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/23 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location : 611E Attendees : Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105); Adair, Geraldine (05/105) Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE) Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE); Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105) ; Adair, Geraldine (O5/IOS) Sent Date : 2018/03/22 14:39:15 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000027 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Scott Lloyd - out of office Date: 2018/04/17 20:42:34 Start Date: 2018/04/25 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/28 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 20:42:34 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000028 From: Newman, Emily (IHS/HQ) Newman, Emily (IHS/HQ) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/1O5) ; Bird, Catherine (O5/OGC) ; Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ) ; Buchanan, Chris (I HS/HQ) Subject : Hold/Meeting Date: 2018/03/08 00:14:32 Start Date: 2018/03/08 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/08 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Attend ees: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/1O5); Bird, Catherine (O5/ OGC); Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ); Buchanan, Chris (IHS/HQ) Sender: Newman, Emily (IHS/HQ) Newman, Emily (IHS/HQ) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/1O5) ; Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC) ; Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ) ; Buchanan, Chris (IHS/HQ) Sent Date: 2018/03/08 00 : 14:32 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000029 Jones, Mary (HHS/OGC)(CTR) Jones, Mary (HHS/OGC)(CTR) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Adair, Geraldine (OS/105) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Subject: TRAVELTO HHS Date: 2018/03/22 14:50:33 Start Date: 2018/03/23 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/23 12:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: WHITE HOUSE;Gary Pratt; contact #Kb) (6 ) lorKb)( 6 ) I Attendees: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) (;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Jones, Mary (HHS/OGC)(CTR) Jones, Mary (HHS/OGC)(CTR) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn=8e909f67a00443a284637f68430162d Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/22 14:50:33 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000030 Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Smith, Andrew (ACF) ; Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; O'Dell, Ben (OS/CFBNP); Lynch, ca lder (CMS/OA) ; Keckler, Charles(HHS/IOS) ; Carter, Clarence (ACF) ; Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR); List, Deborah (ACF) ; Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC); Oellerich, Don (HHS/ASPE); Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE); (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/ en=Recipients/cn=d lec6a59bae242e9afda4fe97135c4e9 Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE); Burgess, Kimberly (HHS/ASPE); Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE); Robertson, Lance(ACL) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Antelo, Lauren (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Marquita (ACL) (CTR) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Lewandoski,Mona (OS/ASFR); Duran, Mishaela(ACF) ; Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE); Royce,Shannon (OS/CFBNP); Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Hauan, Susan (HHS/ASPE); Baldwin PhD., Melinda (ACF) ; Branham, Keith (OS/ASPE); Frohlich, Lauren (ACF) ; Fairley, Kenya (ACF) ; Orsinger, Rachel (ACF) ; White, LeBretia (ACF) ; Kelvington, Areon (ACF) ; Kleinschmidt,Arthur (SAMHSNCSAT); Le, Minh (ACF) ; Hayes, Michael (ACF) ; West, Kristina (OS/ASPE); McLain,Ophelia M (ACL) ; Crossen, Larissa (ACL) ; Nicholls, Richard (ACL) ; Lazare, Mary (ACL) ; Nibley, Megan (OS/ASPE); Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Christensen, Heidi (HHS/CFBNP); Zakhour, Christine (ACF)(CTR) ; McDonald, Robin (ACF) ; Jones, David (ACF) ; Murray, James (ACF) ; Williams, Cameron (HHS/ASFR); Mizoguchi, Ms. Carol (ACF) ; Washington-Thomas,Lisa (ACF) ; Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR) ; Benton, Amanda (OS/ASPE); Acker Housman, Stephanie (OS/ASPE); Wubbenhorst, William (ACF) ; Dawson, Shawndell (ACF) ; Cargill-Willis, Katherine (ACL) ; Johnson, Jennifer (ACL) ; Cruz, Allison (ACL) ; Callaway, Shawn (ACL) ; Huerta, Clare (ACL) ; Newell-Perez,Sara (ACL) ; O'Brien, Pamela (ACL) ; Roberts, Wilma (ACL) ; Thomas, Carla (ACL) ; Wright, Melvenia (ACL) ; Snow, Catherine (OS/CFBNP)(CTR) ; Erickson, Laura (OS/ASPE) ; Ryan Streeter ; <>; Winship, Scott (JEC ; Myers, Justus (JEC ; Connolly, Michael (Lee ; Vaseghi, Bardia (ACF) ; Golonka, Susan (ACF) ; Negri, Warren A. (ACF) ; Layton, Chris (OS/ASFR); Morris, Genevieve(OS/ONC/IO) ; Rancourt, John H. Jr. (OS/ONC) ; Traver, Christopher (ACF) ; Simcox, Edwin (OS/IOS) ; Koyani, Sanjay (OS/IOS) ; Morse, Jonathan D. (CMS/CPI); Chu, Rose(HHS/HP) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recip ients/cn= 14f38ccf37b041c8a7b40f6c97d8a94c Novak, Thomas (OS/ONC); Henriksen, Maureen (ACF) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en"' 77891ldba2c647 l c9e252c2a52342b2b-Henriksen Ghertner, Robin (HHS/ASPE); Dant, Christi (ACF) ; Moore, Kathleen (ACF)(CTR) ; Williams, Pamela M. (CMS/CPI) Brentzel, Ingrid (CMS/CPI); Morgan, Agnes M. (CMS/CPI); Simms, Bridget (CMS/CPI); Duran, Mishaela(HHS/ASPE); Pika, Joseph (HHS/ASFR); Administrative Group Johnson, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR); EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000033 Craig, Kathryn (HHS/ASFR); Comeaux, Nicole M. (CMS/CMCS); campbell, Thom (ACL) ; Stiles, Corinna (ACL) ; Hannan, Marylee (FDA/OC) ; Waters, Damon (ACF) ; Butler, James (ACF) ; Monteiro, Carol (ACF) ; Friedman, Eileen (ACF) ; Shelton, LaMonica(ACF) ; Mickens, Shantel (ACF) ; Dawdanow, Sanje (ACF) ; Schindler, Thomas (ACF) ; McDowell, Larry (ACF) ; Allen, Gary (ACF) ; Russell,Kisha (ACF) ; Fong, Julie (ACF) ; Shields, Frank (ACF) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn= 193da65a3fb4443883f782bd4cc52379-Shie Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF) ; Siegel, Julie (ACF) ; Green, Angela (ACF) ; Fleischer, Erica (ACF) ; Duis, Melissa(ACF) ; Jackson, Mrs. Jacqueline (ACF) ; Young, Veronica (ACF) ; Scala-Foley, Marisa (ACL) ; Germanis, Peter (ACF) ; Meade, Erica (HHS/ASPE); Rathgeb, Colleen(ACF) ; Finegold, Kenneth (HHS/ASPE); Lacina, Barbara (ACF) ; Marks, Caryn (OS/ASPE); Williams, Andrew (ACF) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000034 Raymond, Meredith (ACL) ; OS - ASPEHSP; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Clairmont, Karen (ACF) ; Gwilliam, Rachel (ACF) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn =2ebf5cf4534f44b5a472cef3a5c6c212 Kitchen, Antoinette (ACF) ; Lee, Katy (ACF) ; Shwalb, Rebecca(ACF) ; Balenger,Juanita (ACL) Daniels, Jeff (ACF) ; Holloway, Christopher (ACF) ; Matthew, Resa(ACF) ; WallaceJr., Keith (ACF) ; Harrell, Margaret D. (ACF) ; Dixon, Frances(ACF) ; Randolph-Robinson,Caprisca(ACF) ; Deterding, Nicole (ACF) (CTR) ; Jorge Blandon ; Chilton, Mariana <>; Mary Ann Haley ; Daly, Michelle E. (SAMHSA/CSAT); Derbes, Catherine (OS/ASPE}; Brodowski, Melissa(ACF) ; Chappel, Andre (HHS/ASPE); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) ; Charles Holloway ; b )(6) ~> Subject: HHSSocial Capital SpeakerSeries 2nd Session: Practitioner Perspectives-Familiesand Peer Supports Date: 2018/04/03 16:56:46 Start Date: 2018/04/24 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/24 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Hubert Humphrey Building - Room 422F Smith, Andrew (ACF); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL);O'Dell, Ben (OS/CFBNP);Lynch, Calder Attendees: (CMS/OA); Keckler,Charles (HHS/IOS); Carter, Clarence(ACF); Lawrence,Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR};List, Deborah (ACF); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Balderston, EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000035 Deirdre (HHS/OGC);Oellerich, Don (HHS/ASPE);Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE);Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR);Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE);Burgess, Kimberly (HHS/ASPE);Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE);Robertson, Lance(ACL); Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA); Antelo, Lauren (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Stevenson, Marquita (ACL) (CTR); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Lewandoski,Mona (OS/ASFR);Duran, Mishaela(ACF); Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE);Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP);Wagner, Steven (ACF); Hauan, Susan (HHS/ASPE);Baldwin PhD., Melinda (ACF); Branham, Keith (OS/ASPE);Frohlich, Lauren (ACF); Fairley, Kenya (ACF); Orsinger, Rachel (ACF); White, LeBretia (ACF); Kelvington, Areon (ACF); Kleinschmidt,Arthur (SAMHSA/CSAT);Le, Minh (ACF); Hayes, Michael (ACF); West, Kristina (OS/ASPE);McLain, Ophelia M (ACL); Crossen, Larissa(ACL); Nicholls, Richard(ACL); Lazare, Mary (ACL); Nibley, Megan (OS/ASPE);Powers, Mary (ACF); Christensen, Heidi (HHS/CFBNP);Zakhour, Christine (ACF) (CTR); McDonald,Robin (ACF); Jones, David (ACF); Murray, James (ACF); Williams, Cameron (HHS/ASFR);Mizoguchi, Ms. Carol (ACF); Washington-Thomas,Lisa (ACF); Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR); Benton, Amanda (OS/ASPE);Acker Housman,Stephanie (OS/ASPE); Wubbenhorst, William (ACF); Dawson, Shawndell (ACF); Daniels,Jeff (ACF); Holloway, Christopher (ACF); Matthew, Resa(ACF); WallaceJr., Keit h (ACF); Harrell, Margaret D. (ACF); Cargill-Willis, Katherine (ACL); Johnson, Jennifer (ACL); Cruz, Allison (ACL); Callaway,Shawn (ACL); Huerta, Clare (ACL); Newell-Perez,Sara (ACL); O'Brien, Pamela (ACL); Roberts,Wilma (ACL); Thomas, Carla (ACL); Wright, Melvenia (ACL); Snow, Catherine (OS/CFBNP)(CTR); Erickson, Laura (OS/ASPE);Ryan Streeter;;Winship, Scott (JEC; Myers, Justus (JEC;Connolly, Michael (Lee; Vaseghi, Bardia (ACF); Golonka, Susan (ACF); Negri, Warren A. (ACF); Layton, Chris (OS/ASFR);Morris, Genevieve(OS/ONC/10); Rancourt, John H. Jr. (OS/ONC);Traver, Christopher (ACF); Simcox, Edwin (OS/IOS); Koyani, Sanjay (OS/IOS); Morse, Jonathan D. (CMS/CPI);Chu, Rose(HHS/HP); Novak, Thomas (OS/ONC);Henriksen, Maureen (ACF); Ghertner, Robin (HHS/ASPE);Dant, Christi (ACF); Moore, Kathleen (ACF) (CTR); Williams, Pamela M. (CMS/CPI); Brentzel, Ingrid (CMS/CPI); Morgan, Agnes M. (CMS/CPI); Simms, Bridget (CMS/CPI); Duran, Mishaela(HHS/ASPE);Pika,Joseph (HHS/ASFR); Johnson, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR);Craig, Kathryn (HHS/ASFR);Comeaux, Nicole M. (CMS/CMCS); Campbell,Thom (ACL); Stiles, Corinna (ACL); Hannan, Marylee (FDA/QC);Waters, Damon (ACF); Butler, James (ACF); Monteiro, Carol (ACF); Friedman, Eileen (ACF); Shelton, LaMonica (ACF); Mickens, Shantel (ACF); Dawdanow, Sanje (ACF); Schindler, Thomas (ACF); McDowell, Larry (ACF); Allen, Gary (ACF); Russell, Kisha (ACF); Fong, Julie (ACF); Shields, Frank (ACF); Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF); Siegel, Julie (ACF); Green, Angela (ACF); Fleischer, Erica (ACF); Duis, Melissa(ACF); Jackson, Mrs. Jacqueline(ACF); Young, Veronica (ACF); Scala-Foley,Marisa (ACL); Germanis, Peter (ACF); Meade, Erica (HHS/ASPE);Rathgeb, Colleen (ACF); Finegold, Kenneth (HHS/ASPE);Lacina, Barbara (ACF); Marks, Caryn (OS/ASPE);Williams, Andrew (ACF); Raymond, Meredith (ACL); OS - ASPEHSP; EDH (OS/IOS; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS); Clairmont, Karen (ACF); Gwilliam, Rachel (ACF); Kitchen, Antoinette (ACF); Lee, Katy (ACF); Shwalb, Rebecca(ACF); Balenger, Juanita (ACL); Dixon, Frances(ACF) (;Randolph-Robinson, Caprisca(ACF); Deterding, Nicole (ACF) (CTR); Jorge Blandon; Chilton,Mariana; Mary Ann Haley; Daly, MichelleE. (SAMHSA/CSAT); Derbes, Catherine (OS/ASPE);Brodowski, Melissa (ACF); Chappel, Andre (HHS/ASPE); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS); Charles Holloway~fh\fl=:\ ~ Join us for the internal: HHS Social Capital Speaker Series Practitioner Perspective s: Famili es and Peer Support s Tuesday, April 24 from 12:00pm to 1:30pm in 422F The presenters o Dr. M ariana Chilton - Director of the Cente r for Hunger-Free Commun it ies and Principal Investigator of the Building Wea lth and Healt h Network . Dr. Mary Ann Haley - Deputy Director of the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness. o Mr. Jorge Blandon - Executive Vice President of the Family Independence Initiative o EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000036 o M r. Clarence Cart er - Director of Family Assistance at the Admin istration for Children and Families (moderator) About this session This session focuses on bonding social capital through family and peer supports. During this session, presenter will provide tangible and compelling examp les of how their programs build and leverage social capital to improve opportunity for low-income popu lations. Read more about the f eatured programs below. About the speaker series The Speaker Series will explore social capital, featuring a variety of researchers, policy experts, and practitioners' perspectives and programs on the utilization of social capital. This series will facilitate learn ing among HHS colleagues, inform how HHSconceptualizes social capit al, and lay the groundwork for how HHS policy, prog ram, and research work can leverage social capital and civil society to promote work and reduce dependence. Webex Login Event number: kb)(61 ~==::::::.:::.::: _-_..... __, Event password: i:..: kb~l~<6~\___ ~ _ i;..: 1. Click here to join the on line event . Or copy and paste the following link to a browser : 2. CIiek "Join Now ". To join the audio conference only Kb~)(~6~) ----~ Call-in toll number (US/Canada): = Access code: .... k"' ..:.. '='('/, ..:.. ,.__ __ ...., Featured Programs o o Building W ealth and Health Network: The Building Wealth and Health Netwo rk provides asset-bu ilding act ivities and trauma-informed peer support to low-income caregivers of young children under the age of six who are participating in TANF and work-mandatory. The goal of the program is to increase the caregivers financ ial, human, and social capital in order to improve financia l security and maternal and child health. Eligible participants can participate in Building Wealth and Health Network as an allowable work activity. The peer support groups, draw from the Sanctuary(R) trauma-informed approach to social services. The Network curriculum focuses on four doma ins called SELF-- creat ing personal, emotional, . moral and physical Safety; processing and managing Emotions; recognizing Loss and letting go; and developing goals for a sense of Future - and financia l empowe rment programming that includes savings accounts that receive a 1-to1 financia l match from the Network . Family Independence Init iative : The Fami ly Independence Init iat ive (FIi) trusts and invests in t he initia t ive and capacity of low -income families so they can work individually and collectively to achieve prosperity. FIi does this by providing an offline and onl ine environment to strengthen social networks , access capital, and support one another in EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000037 o achieving mob ility . The more families share with each other and FIi, the more init iatives they take, the more, not less, accessto financial capital they can access in to accelerate their efforts. Fil has partnered with more than 10,000 adults, teens, and children in 10 cities to create this new environment . On average, during two years of engagement w ith FIi families report a 22% increase in monthly income, save an average of $1,039 through newly established retirement investment accounts, and report a 55% decrease in federal subsidies such as TANF and SNAP. Ultimately, FIi is changing the narrative about low -income families in our country . Project STRIVE (Support to Reunite, Involve and Value Each Oth er) is an evidencebased approach to family mediation that seeks to intervene in the lives of newly homeless youth and young adults to prevent them from spiraling into chronic homelessness, by successfully reunifying them with their parents or guardians. The intervention/med iatio n consists of 5 one-hour sessions based on cognitive - behavioral and family systems, with the specific aims being to reunify runaway youth , improve family functioning , and improve mental health. The STRIVEprogram has been shown to improve youth health and behavioral outcomes, and reduce risky behaviors. CT has launched a STRIVEpilot statewide to help prevent and end youth homelessness and provide tools to families and youth to help them stabilize and th rive. As part of this initiative in CT, interested staff from schools, child welfare, homeless assistance, and other systems across Connecticut are being trained on using STRIVE.Project STRIVEwas developed by Dr. Norweeta Milburn of UCLAand has been implemented with 151 families in Los Angeles County and the surrounding areas and has been used within their juvenile justice system. This is an internal speake r series for HHS only. Please f orward invitation and invite other HHS staff as appropriate. Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Smith, Andrew (ACF) ; Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; O'Dell, Ben (OS/CFBNP); Lynch, Calder (CMS/QA) ; Keckler,Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Carter, Clarence (ACF) ; Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Administrative Group Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR); List, Deborah (ACF) ; Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC); Oellerich, Don (HHS/ASPE); Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE); Burgess, Kimberly (HHS/ASPE); Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE); Robertson, Lance(ACL) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/ IEA) ; Antelo, Lauren (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Marquita (ACL) (CTR) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Lewandoski, Mona (OS/ASFR); Duran, Mishaela(ACF) ; Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE); Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP); Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Hauan, Susan (HHS/ASPE); Baldwin PhD., Melinda (ACF) ; Branham, Keith (OS/ASPE) ; Frohlich, Lauren (ACF) ; Fairley, Kenya (ACF) ; Orsinger, Rachel (ACF) ; White, LeBretia (ACF) ; Kelvington, Areon (ACF) ; Kleinschmidt,Arthur (SAMHSA/CSAT); Le, Minh (ACF) ; Hayes, Michael (ACF) ; West, Kristina (OS/ASPE); Mclain, Ophelia M (ACL) ; Crossen, Larissa (ACL) ; Nicholls, Richard (ACL) ; Lazare, Mary (ACL) ; Nibley, Megan (OS/ASPE); Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Christensen, Heidi (HHS/CFBNP); Zakhour, Christine (ACF) (CTR) ; McDonald, Robin (ACF) ; Jones, David (ACF) ; Murray, James (ACF) ; Williams, Cameron (HHS/ASFR); Mizoguchi, Ms. Carol (ACF) ; Washington-Thomas,Lisa (ACF) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=a78b49e29949477d9a77720a53cf33a4-Washington Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR) ; Benton, Amanda (OS/ASPE); Acker Housman, Stephanie (OS/ASPE); Wubbenhorst, William (ACF) ; Dawson, Shawndell (ACF) ; Cargill-Willis, Katherine (ACL) ; Johnson, Jennifer (ACL) ; Cruz, Allison (ACL) ; Callaway, Shawn (ACL) ; Huerta, Clare (ACL) ; Newell-Perez, Sara (ACL) ; O'Brien, Pamela (ACL) ; Roberts, Wilma (ACL) ; Thomas, Carla (ACL) ; Wright, Melvenia (ACL) ; Snow, Catherine (OS/CFBNP)(CTR) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn= 71e4b6632a5442a3b3f5e63f4239c79d-Snow, Erickson, Laura (OS/ASPE); Ryan Streeter ; ; Winship, Scott (JEC ; Myers, Justus (JEC ; Connolly, Michael (Lee ; Vaseghi, Bardia (ACF) ; Golonka, Susan (ACF) ; Negri, Warren A. (ACF) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000040 Layton, Chris (OS/ASFR); Morris, Genevieve(OS/ONC/IO) ; Rancourt, John H. Jr. (OS/ONC); Traver, Christopher (ACF) ; Simcox, Edwin (OS/IOS) ; Koyani, Sanjay (OS/IOS) ; Morse, Jonathan D. (CMS/CPI); Chu, Rose.(HHS/HP) ; Novak,Thomas (OS/ONC); Henriksen, Maureen (ACF) ; Ghertner, Robin (HHS/ASPE); Dant, Christi (ACF) ; Moore, Kathleen (ACF)(CTR) ; Williams, Pamela M. (CMS/CPI); Brentzel, Ingrid (CMS/CPI); Morgan, Agnes M. (CMS/CPI); Simms, Bridget (CMS/CPI}; Duran, Mishaela(HHS/ASPE); Pika, Joseph (HHS/ASFR); Johnson, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR); Craig, Kathryn (HHS/ASFR}; Comeaux, Nicole M. (CMS/CMCS); Campbell,Thom (ACL) ; Stiles, Corinna (ACL) ; Hannan, Marylee (FDA/OC) ; Waters, Damon (ACF) ; Butler, James (ACF) ; Monteiro, Carol (ACF) ; Friedman, Eileen (ACF} ; Shelton, LaMonica(ACF) ; Mickens, Shantel (ACF) ; Dawdanow, Sanje (ACF) ; Schindler, Thomas (ACF) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000041 McDowell, Larry (ACF) ; Allen, Gary (ACF) ; Russell,Kisha (ACF) ; Fong, Julie (ACF) ; Shields, Frank (ACF) ; Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF) ; Siegel, Julie (ACF) ; Green, Angela (ACF) ; Fleischer, Erica (ACF) ; Duis, Melissa(ACF) ; Jackson, Mrs. Jacqueline (ACF) ; Young, Veronica (ACF) ; Scala-Foley, Marisa (ACL) ; Germanis, Peter (ACF) ; Meade, Erica (HHS/ASPE); Rathgeb, Colleen(ACF) ; Finegold, Kenneth (HHS/ASPE); Lacina, Barbara (ACF) ; Marks, Caryn (OS/ASPE); Williams, Andrew (ACF) ; Raymond, Meredith (ACL) ; OS - ASPEHSP ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Clairmont, Karen (ACF) ; Gwilliam, Rachel (ACF) ; Kitchen, Antoinette (ACF) ; Lee, Katy (ACF) ; Shwalb, Rebecca(ACF) ; Balenger, Juanita (ACL) ; Daniels, Jeff (ACF) ; Holloway, Christopher (ACF) ; Matthew, Resa(ACF) ; WallaceJr., Keith (ACF) ; Harrell, Margaret D. (ACF) ; Dixon, Frances (ACF) ; Randolph-Robinson,Caprisca(ACF) ; Deterding, Nicole (ACF) (CTR) ; Jorge Blandon ; Chilton,Mariana<>; Mary Ann Haley ; Daly, Michelle E. (SAMHSA/CSAT); Derbes, Catherine (OS/ASPE); Brodowski, Melissa(ACF) ; Chappel, Andre (HHS/ASPE); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) ; Charles Holloway ; l(b )(6 ) !?> Sent Date: 2018/04/03 16:56:46 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000043 Executive Secretary Conference Room (HHS) Executive Secretary Conference Room (HHS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Weahkee, Michael (JHS/HQ) ; Buchanan, Chris (IHS/HQ) ; Newman, Emily (IHS/HQ) ; Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC) Subject: IHS Discussion Date: 2018/03/08 09 :44: 38 Start Date: 20 18/03/08 14:00:00 End Date: 20 18/03/08 14 :30 :00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Location: Executive Secretary Conference Room (HHS) Attend ees: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Weahkee, Michae l (IHS/HQ); Buchanan, Chris (IHS/HQ); Newman, Emily (IHS/HQ); Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC); Executive Secretary Conference Room (HHS) Executive Secretary Conference Room (HHS) Executive Secretary Conference Room (HHS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ) ; Buchanan, Chris (IHS/HQ) ; Newman, Emily (IHS/HQ) ; Bird, Cat herine (OS/OGC) Sent Date: 20 18/03/08 09:44:38 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000044 Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) Lawrence,Courtney (HHS/ASL); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105) ; To: Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); Wagner, Steven (ACF) <>; Adair, Geraldine (05/105) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) Milner, Jerry (ACF) ; Bock, Joe (ACF) ; CC: Logan, Scott (ACF) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IO5) <> Subject: AFCARSupdate from ACF Date: 2018/04/18 10:18:39 Start Date: 2018/04/19 12:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/19 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 611E HHH Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL);Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105); Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); Wagner, Attendees: Steven (ACF); Adair, Geraldine (05/105); Milner, Jerry (ACF); Bock, Joe (ACF); Logan, Scott (ACF); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IO5) Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105) ; Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL)<>; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Recipient: Adair, Geraldine (O5/IOS) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Milner, Jerry (ACF) ; Bock, Joe (ACF) ; Logan, Scott (ACF) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) Sent Date : 2018/04/18 10:18:39 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000045 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP) Subject: Updates Date: 2018/03/08 10:08:00 Start Date: 2018/03/08 15:30:00 End Date : 2018/03/08 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Maggie'soffice Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient : Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP) Sent Date: 2018/03/08 10:08:00 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000046 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) Subject: Reg Developmentconsultation Date: 2018/03/22 18:08:18 Start Date: 2018/03/23 09:00:00 End Date : 2018/03/23 09:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Ann's office Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient : Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/22 18:08:18 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000047 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Call Alma Date: 2018/04/05 11:02:26 Start Date: 2018/04/05 17:30:00 End Date : 2018/04/05 18:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/05 11:02:26 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000048 Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) < / O=EXCHANGELABS/ OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE From: GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN = RECIPIENTS/CN=24E4238C1827477C8B828E3815194B36 LAWRENCE,C> Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) ; Logan, Scott (ACF) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Milner, Jerry (ACF) ; Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) Subject: Family First Presentation by SFC and WMs Bipart Staff Date: 2018/03/23 15 :50 : 28 Start Date: 2018/04/03 13:00 :00 End Date: 2018/04/03 14 :30 :00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 416 G (ASL conference room) Attendees: Logan, Scott (ACF); Wynne , Maggie (HHS/ IOS); Wagner, Steven (ACF); Milner, Jerry (ACF); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) ; Logan, Scott (ACF) ; Wynne, Maggie ( HHS/IOS) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Milner, Jerry (ACF) ; Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) Sent Date: 2018/03/23 15 :50 :28 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000049 Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Martinez, Cecilia (OS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Skrzycki, Kristin (HHS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn=c2582ea190224a01b152935657ba9ff7-Urbonowicz, Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=a 1ec840c6a2d4adbbc9 Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/en=Recipients/cn=d9f65798f9ad47998ee4791ad0e91217-Lapinski, To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Brooks,John (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); Miller, caitlyn (OS/ASFR); McMillen, Cheryl (HHS/ASFR); Cash, Lester (HHS/ASFR); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) Subject: AMA Final Hearing Prep Date: 2018/03/08 13:19:19 Start Date: 2018/03/15 08:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/15 09:30:00 Priority: Normal EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000050 Typ e : Appointment Location: 615-F AMA2! (OS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS); Martinez, Cecilia (O5/IOS); Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS); Skrzycki, Kristin (HHS/IOS); Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS); Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR);Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS); Brady, Will (HHS/IO5); Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IO5); Brooks, Att e ndees: John (HHS/IO5); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR);Miller, Caitlyn (O5/ASFR); McMillen, Cheryl (HHS/ASFR);Cash, Lester (HHS/ASFR);Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL); Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Lawrence,Courtney (HHS/ASL);Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE);Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) th o 8-9:30am, Thursd ay, March 15 : Morning Hearing Prep o COS, Peter Urbanowicz o DCOS, Blian Ha1Tison o Will Brady o Counselors o Maggie Wynne o Mary-Sumpte r Lapinski o John Brooks o Paula Stannard o ASFR o Jen Mougha lian o Amanda Street o Norris Cochran o Caitlyn Miller o Cheryl McM illan o Lester Cash o ASL o Matt Bas sett o Sara Mor se o Laura Kemp er o Courtney Lawrence o Alec Aramanda o John O ' Brien o OGC , Bob Charrow Secretary Scheduler (05/105) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IO5) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Martinez, Cecilia (05/105) ; Olson, Carolyn (05/105) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000051 Skrzycki, Kristin (HHS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=a lee840c6a2d4adbbc91e420a23c7eaf-Mougha Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Brooks, John (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); Miller, Caitlyn (OS/ASFR); McMillen, Cheryl (HHS/ASFR); Cash, Lester (HHS/ASFR); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/03/08 13:19:19 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000052 Stewart, Jessica L. (HHS/OS/OGA) Stewart, Jessica L. (HHS/OS/OGA); To: Alexander, Thomas (OS/OGA) ; Baresch,Virginia (HHS/OGA) Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA); Healy, Jenifer (HHS/OS/OGA); Daravi, Kamran (HHS/OS/OGA); CC: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Subject: HHS Health Attache and Country Representative: Discussionon Reproductive Health Date: 2018/03/08 16:53:57 Start Date: 2018/03/14 14:45:00 End Date: 2018/03/14 15:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Cohen, Snow room (5051) Stewart, Jessica L. (HHS/OS/OGA);Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA);Healy, Jenifer Attendees: (HHS/OS/OGA);Alexander, Thomas (OS/OGA); Daravi, Kamran (HHS/OS/OGA);Baresch, Virginia (HHS/OGA); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Forwarding invite: HHS Health Attache and Country Representative: Discussionon Reproductive Health Maaare confirrmed partierpatIon. Stewart, Jessica L. (HHS/OS/OGA) Stewart, JessicaL. (HHS/OS/OGA) ; Alexander, Thomas (OS/OGA) ; Baresch,Virginia (HHS/OGA) ; Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA); Recipient: Healy, Jenifer (HHS/OS/OGA); Daravi, Kamran (HHS/OS/OGA); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/08 16:53:57 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000053 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/04/18 14:16:22 Start Date : 2018/04/25 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/25 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Driver: Darnell Green, l(b)(6) I Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/18 14:16:22 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000054 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Pick up Katie at DCA Date: 2018/03/27 08:50:09 Start Date: 2018/04/16 20:30:00 End Date : 2018/04/16 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 08:50:09 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000055 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/04/18 14:16:46 Start Date : 2018/04/25 13:30:00 End Date : 2018/04/25 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Driver: Dominic Hardy,l(b)( 6) I Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/18 14:16:46 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000056 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Leave for day Date: 2018/04/05 18:54:48 Start Date : 2018/04/06 17:30:00 End Date : 2018/04/06 18:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/05 18:54:48 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000057 Stewart, Jessica L. (HHS/OS/OGA) Stewart, JessicaL. (HHS/OS/OGA); To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: HHS Health Attache and Country RepresentativeMeeting: Discussionon ReproductiveHealth Date: 2018/03/08 19:02:43 Start Date : 2018/03/14 14:45:00 End Date: 2018/03/14 15:15:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Locatio n: Cohen Building, Snow room (5051, Fifth floor) Attendees: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Dear Maggie, Thank you for agreeing to partic ipate in the meeting w ith the Health Attaches, Country Representatives, and locally employed staff. We hope that this session will be an opport unity for them to learn more about the Administration's policy, and to ask quest ions so that they know how best to represent HHS/USGoverseas. Thank you, Jessica Stewart, Jessica L. (HHS/OS/OGA) Stewart, Jessica L. (HHS/OS/OGA); Recipient : Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/08 19:02:43 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000058 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Lunch with Katie? Date: 2018/03/27 08:50:38 Start Date: 2018/04/17 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/17 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 6th floor Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 08:50:38 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000059 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC); Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF) CC: Carter, Clarence(ACF) ; Smith, Andrew (HHS/IOS) Subject: Quick call re 477 Date: 2018/03/08 19:03:00 Start Date: 2018/03/09 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 11:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Call-in l Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC); Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF) ; Carter, Clarence(ACF) ; Smith, Andrew (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/08 19:03:00 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000060 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: mtg with Paula and Steven Date: 2018/03/27 08:56:03 Start Date: 2018/03/27 09:30:00 End Date : 2018/03/27 10:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Paula's office Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 08:56:03 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000061 Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Smith, Andrew (ACF) ; Lynch, Calder (CMS/OA) ; Hill, Timothy B. (CMS/CMCS); Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE) ; Robertson, Lance(ACL) Subject: Initial Welfare EO Discussion Date: 2018/04/20 12:26:42 Start Date: 2018/04/23 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/23 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Locat ion: 614H Atte ndees: Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE);Wagner, Steven (ACF); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/1O5);Smith, Andrew (ACF); Lynch, Calder (CMS/OA);Hill, Timothy B. (CMS/CMCS);Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE) I am working with OGCto identify each HHS program/opdiv that will fall into the purview of the recent Execut ive Order Reducing Poverty in America by Promot ing Oppo rtunity and Economic Mob ilit y. In the meantime, let's all meet Monday AM-it looks like this time should work for most of us-to start discussing a plan forward and what deliverables will be expected by each opdiv for the secretary . -SL Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Smith, Andrew (ACF) ; Lynch, Calder (CMS/OA) ; Hill, Timothy B. (CMS/CMCS); Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE); Robertson, Lance(ACL) Sent Date: 2018/04/20 12:26:42 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000062 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Maggie -t{h)(fl\ I Date: 2018/03/27 09:01:23 Start Date: 2018/04/18 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/19 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 09:01:23 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000063 From: Remley, Karen Remley, Karen ; Tait, V. Fan ; Smith, Jayme ; To: Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Conference Call with AAP Sn. Leadership, Maggie Wynne, and Sarah-Lloyd Stevenson (HHS/IOS) Date : 2018/04/20 13:54: 13 Start Date: 2018/04/23 12:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/23 13:00 :00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Locati on: Dial-In: l(b )(6) f Meeting #: Kb)(6) It Access Code: l(b)(6) I Atte ndees: Tait , V. Fan; Smith, Jayme; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS); Wynne , Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sender: Remley, Karen Remley, Karen ; Tait, V. Fan ; Smith, Jayme ; Recipient: Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date : 2018/04/20 13:54:13 From: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Delgado, Allison ; To: Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Tait, V. Fan ; CC: Smith, Jayme ; Remley, Karen Subject: RE: Introduction Date: 2018/04 / 19 15:49:23 Type: Note Good afternoon. I am available during that time period. Thank you for arranging this call. We very much appreciate the opportunity to talk with Dr. Remley and Dr. Tait. Kind regards, EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000064 Maggie Wynne Deliberative and pre-decisional communication From : Delgado, Allison Se nt: Thursday, Ap ril 19, 2018 3:35 PM To : Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Cc: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Tait, V. Fan ; Smith, Jayme ; Remley, Karen Subje ct: RE: Introduction Ms. Stevenson and Ms. Wynne, I apologize for the multip le emails. Withi n this short period Jayme and I were able to arrange for Dr. Tait to be available for this call: Monday, Apri l 23 from 11:00am-12 :00pm CT (12:00pm -1:00pm ET). Once you confi rm this time, I will send out an appointment w ith call information Thank you, Allison Allison Delgado, MPH Administrative Liaison to Dr. Karen Remley, CEO/Executive Vice President Amer ican Academy of Pediatr ics 345 P-ark Blvd. Itasca, IL 60143 Desk: (630) 626 -6502 E-mail: ade lgado@aap.or g From: Delgado, Allison Se nt: Thu rsday, April 19, 2018 2:15 PM To: Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Cc: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Tait, Fan ; Smith, Jayme ; Remley, Karen Subject : RE: Introduction Hello Ms. Stevenson, Unfortunate ly, Dr. Tait is not available Monday . I have copied her assistant Jayme and we are happy to look at other dates . Is the re someone we can connect with in your office to assist us with your calendar? Thank you, Allison Allison Delgado, MPH Administrative Liaison to Dr. Karen Remley, CEO/Executive Vice President American Acad e my of Pediatr ics EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000065 345 Park Blvd. Itasca, IL 60143 Desk:(630) 626-6502 E-mail: adelgado@aap .or g From: Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Sent: Thursday, Apri l 19, 2018 1:04 PM To: Remley, Karen ; Tait, Fan ; Delgado, All ison Cc: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/ IOS) ; Del Monte, Mark Karen, Thank you for your quick reply! A call would be fantastic. Do you all have any availability Monday between 10AM and 1pm? I believe that should work on our end . Best, Sarah-Lloyd From: Remley, Karen [ma ilto:kremley@aap .org ] Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 12:04 PM To: Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Tait, V. Fan; Delgado, Allison Cc: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS); Del Monte, Mark Subject: RE: Introduction Thank you for connecting us. I suggest a call? I will include Dr. Fan Tait, our Chief Medical Officer and national expert on early childhood. Best Karen Karen Remley, MD, MBA, MPH, FAAP CEO/EVP American Academy of Pediatrics 345 Park Blvd. Itasca, IL 60143 630 -626-6343 From : Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH) Sent : Wednesday, Apri l 18, 2018 9:35 AM To: Remley, Karen Cc:Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) ; Del Mo nte, Mark Subject : Introduction Dr. Remley, It was great rneeting you and the rest of the AAP team - I hope all is well. EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000066 I want to introduce you to Maggie Wynne and Sarah-Lloyd Stevenson, both of whom work in the Immediate Office of the Secretary . They recently briefed ADM Giroir on work they are doing in regards to early childhood development through parental engagement. He was very supportive of the ir work and asked that I connect them with you, as there could be an opportunity for engagement and partnership down the road . Thank you and please don't hesitate to reach out on anything, Steven Steven Valentine Deputy Chief of Staff Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office: (202) 401-7003 I Cell: Kb)(6) steven.valentlne@hhs .gov I Confidential pre -decisional deliberat ive proc ess Sender: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Delgado, Allison ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient : Tait, V. Fan ; Smith, Jayme ; Remley, Karen Sent Date: 2018/04/19 15:49:11 Delivered Date: 2018/04/19 15:49:23 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000067 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/04/06 17:03:23 Start Date : 2018/04/09 12:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/09 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Driver: tbd Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/06 17:03:23 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000068 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Spring Cocktails and Dinner with Vh \f n\ I Date: 2018/03/27 09:10:11 Start Dat e: 2018/04/14 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/14 20:00:00 Sensitivity: Private Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: (b) (6 ) I Dress: Smart Casual Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/0 3/27 09:10:11 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000069 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Deputy Secretary at NCOmeeting Date : 2018/04/06 17:47:43 Start Date: 2018/05/07 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/09 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/06 17:47:43 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000070 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : GAO's 2018 duplication report posted Date: 2018/04/23 10:29:47 Start Date: 2018/04/26 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/27 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/23 10:29:47 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000071 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: CUAarea Date : 2018/04/08 14:17:39 Start Date: 2018/04/28 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/28 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/08 14:17:39 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000072 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: event Date : 2018/05/15 19:34:45 Start Date: 2018/05/24 07:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/24 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/15 19:34:45 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000073 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: call Matt B. Date: 2018/03/27 11:52:12 Start Date: 2018/03/27 13:30:00 End Date : 2018/03/27 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 11:52:12 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000074 Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; Ith H f'>\ irOS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; To: Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: b)( 6p re-brief for PCmeeting on Immigration Date: 2018/05/02 10:01:49 Start Date : 2018/05/02 15:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/02 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: RooseveltRoom AMA2 (OS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS); Olson, ca rolyn (OS/IOS); Pelekoudas, Kristina Attend ees: (HHS/IOS); Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS); Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Lead; Maggie Wynne Topic: Prepare AMA for PC meeting at WH on 5/3 @ 12:30pm Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler(OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Pelekoudas,Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/02 10:01:49 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000076 Chamberlain, Seth (ACF) Chamberlain, Seth (ACF) ; Keckler,Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Smith, Andrew (ACF) ; Carter, Clarence (ACF) ; Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR) ; Goldstein, Naomi (ACF) ; To: McDonald, Robin (ACF) ; Johnson, Charisse(ACF) ; Schmitt, Emily (ACF) ; Woolverton, Maria (ACF) ; Illangasekare, Samantha (ACF) ; Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) ; Sellers, Angela (ACF) ; Mccoy, Kathleen (ACF)(CTR) ; Golonka, Susan (ACF) CC: Negri, Warren A. (ACF) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Subject : Major HMRFEvaluation- PACT- Impact Findings- Briefing Date: 2018/05/02 11:40:27 Start Date: 2018/05/09 16:15:00 End Date: 2018/05/09 17:15:00 Priority : Normal Ty pe : Appointment Location: ACF IOASConference Room (Switzer 4th Floor, 4026A); or WebEx Chamberlain,Seth (ACF); Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Wagner, Steven (ACF); Smith, Andrew (ACF); Carter, Clarence(ACF); Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR); Goldstein, Naomi (ACF); Golonka, Susan (ACF); McDonald,Robin (ACF) (;Johnson, Charisse (ACF) (Charisse.Johnson@acf.hhs .gov); Attendees: Schmitt, Emily (ACF)(;Woolverton, Maria (ACF); Illangasekare, Samantha (ACF); Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS); Sellers, Angela (ACF); Mccoy, Kathleen (ACF) (CTR) (; Negri, Warren A. (ACF); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) We invite you to a briefing on impact findings from a major evaluation of a subset of Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood {HMRF} grantees. As background, the Parent and Children Together (PACT)evaluation is a multi-component evaluation of a subset of HMRF grants funded from 2011-2015. As one component of the evaluation , we conducted randomized control trials (RCTs)of two HM and four RFgrantees; we found, at 12-mo follow-up : o Fathers offered RFservices were more engaged and more nurturing, and were more steadily employed at the one-year follow -up, compared to fathers not offered the programs. o Couples offered HM services were more committed , had increased levels of supportiveness and affection, had improved co-parenting relationships, and were more EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000077 likely to be married at the one-year follow-up, compared to couples not offered the programs. This briefing will provide further background on the evaluation and the findings. These findings are embargoed: they will be revealed publicly on June 1 at a plenary at ACF's Research and Evaluat ion Conference on Self-Suff iciency. ***DO NOT DELETEOR CHANGEANY OF THE TEXTBELOWTHIS LINE*** Seth Chamberlain has scheduled this WebEx meeting. Major HMRF Evaluation - PACT- Impact Findings- Briefing Host: Seth Chamberlain When it's time, start or join the Web Ex meeting from here: b)(6) Access Information Meeting Number i~ Chamberlain, Seth (ACF) ; Recipient: Keckler, Charles (HHS/105) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Smith, Andrew (ACF) ; Carter, Clarence (ACF) ; Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR) ; Goldstein, Naomi (ACF) ; McDonald, Robin (ACF) ; Johnson, Charisse (ACF) ; Schmitt, Emily (ACF) ; Woolverton, Maria (ACF) ; Illangasekare, Samantha (ACF) ; Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) ; Sellers, Angela (ACF) ; Mccoy, Kathleen (ACF) (CTR) ; Negri, Warren A. (ACF) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) ; Golonka, Susan (ACF) Sent Date : 20 18/05/02 11:40:27 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000079 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: SLS-Kb)(6) I Date : 2018/03/27 14:28: 11 Start Date: 2018/05/04 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/05 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 14:28:11 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000080 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Molecule - haircut - 5pm - Vanessa(and Irma) Date: 2018/03/09 18:42:27 Start Date: 2018/03/15 16:30:00 End Dat e: 2018/03/15 18:30:00 Sensitivity: Private Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 1800 M Street NW - 202.822.1588 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/09 18:42:27 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000081 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Geraldine i fh HR) I Date: 2018/03/27 14:28:26 Start Date: 2018/04/03 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/04 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient : Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 14:28:26 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000082 Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS); Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Meekins, Chris (OS/ASPR/IO); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/1O); Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Russell, Elizabeth (ACF) ; Pilato, Anna (ACF) ; Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: ASPR/ACF Repatriation Date: 2018/03/09 15:24:20 Start Date: 2018/03/12 17:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/12 17:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary'sConference Room, 607-G Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Meekins, Chris (OS/ASPR/IO);Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO);Wagner, Attendees : Steven (ACF); Russell,Elizabeth(ACF); Pilato, Anna (ACF); Lloyd, Scott (ACF); OS DSCR (HHS/OS) Hello all we had to change the meeting time to 5:00 - 5 :30. Please let me know if this works or does not. PARTICIPANTS Laura Caliguiri Paula Stannard Maggie Wynn Dr. Bob Kadlec Chris Meekins Steve Wagner Anna Pilato Scott Lloyd Elizabeth Russell NOTES I reached out to everyone and this time seems to be the best time . If someone cannot make this meeting please ensure that there is someone in place of you. Thank you as always for your t ime. V/r Rafael Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000083 Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/I OS) ; Meekins, Chris (OS/ASPR/IO) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Russell, Elizabeth (ACF) ; Pilato, Anna (ACF) ; Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/03/09 15:24:20 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000084 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Matt Bowman - l(b) (6 ) I Date: 2018/03/27 14:28:47 Start Date: 2018/04/03 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/05 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 14:28:47 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000085 Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: PBLat NICHDwith Dr. Bianchi, Safe to Sleep, Child Dev. Branch, & Pediatric Trauma Date: 2018/05/02 14:01:54 Start Date: 2018/06/06 13:00:00 End Date : 2018/06/06 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: NIH Campus, building 31, room 2A03 Attendees: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ( MaggieI see you currently have something on your calendar for 1pm on this day. Would it be possible for you and I to go to NIH's campus to have our PBLmeeting at this time? I've been trying to identify the best times with NICHDstaff , and Dr. Bianchi, the director, can join us at 1pm on the 6th , and we can get a lot of the other folks who work on child development and others to join at this time . Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) Recipient : Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/02 14:01:54 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000086 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Tribal budget consultation - HHS budget overview Date : 2018/03/01 09:01:51 Sta rt Date: 2018/03/01 09:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/01 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Room 800 9:30-10:30 AM HHS BUDGETOVERVIEW and UPDATE Purpose: This session ls designed for the Off ice of Budget, Office of the Assistant Secret ary for Financial Resources to give a br ief overv iew of the HHS Budget, and describe what the current budget sit uation is and where it is goi ng. This session will give a broad overview, prov ide t ribal specific information and have time for question and answers . Federal Representatives: Jennifer Moughalian, Acting Assist ant Secretary for Financial Resources Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date : 2018/03/01 09:01:51 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000087 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Leave Date: 2018/04/09 16:42:31 Start Date: 2018/04/09 17:40:00 End Date: 2018/04/09 18:10:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/09 16:42:31 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000088 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : INDIAN HEALTHSERVICEBUDGETPRIORITIESOPENDISCUSSION Date: 2018/03/01 09:04:29 Sta rt Date: 2018/03/01 15:15:00 End Date: 2018/03/01 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Locatio n: Room 800 INDIAN HEALTHSERVICEBUDGETPRIORITIESOPEN DISCUSSION Purpose: The purpose of this discussion is t o provide an opportunity for Tribal representatives, to provide IHS Leadership as well as the leadership of the IHS Budget Formulation Team to hear feedback from all Tribal leaders on the development of the IHS Budget Priorities for FY 20. Federal Leadership IHS Leadership Team IHS Budget Formulation Team Bruce Pratt, President, Pawnee Nation Andy Joseph, Council Member, Confederated Tribes of the Colvil le Reservation Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/01 09:04:29 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000089 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Subject: 4:00pm Pick-up Date: 2018/04/24 14:24:15 Start Date: 2018/04/24 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/24 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Driver: Dante Evans contact # t b)(6) I Attendees : Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/04/24 14:24:15 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000090 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Bristow, Justin A. EOP/NSC Subject: 9:15 UACCheck-in Date: 2018/03/ 12 11:42:36 Start Date: 2018/03/ 14 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/ 14 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Dial-in:Ith \ rn \ 11 PC:lth \ ( I': \ I Attendees : Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Bristow, Justin A. EOP/NSC Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; Recipient : Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Bristow, Justin A. EOP/NSC Sent Date: 2018/03/12 11:42:36 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000091 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: follow-up appt Date: 2018/05/03 11:58:04 Start Date: 2018/05/10 11:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/10 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/03 11:58:04 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000092 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : TRIBAL LEADERSROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Date: 2018/03/01 09:05:48 Start Date : 2018/03/01 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/01 17:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment lo cation: Room 800 TRIBALLEADERSROUNDTABLEDISCUSSION Purpose: The purpose of this discussion is to provide an opportunity for Tribal representatives, OPDIV leadership and budget staff, and senior HHS leadership t o engage in a discussion about the findings from the Tribal Budget Consultation, and to work together to determine how Tribal budget priorities can best be addressed into the overall HHS budget. Deputy Secretary Remarks: Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan Jennifer Moughalian, Acting Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources Tribal Leaders Discussion: HHS wi ll be adhering to the Tribal Consultation Policy which established a presentation/speaker protocol. This ensures that the highest ranking official from each respective Tribe is given the opportunity to address the session first, fo llowed by other elected officials, those designated by their elected off icial to represen t their respective Indian Tribes and representatives of Indian/Tribal Organizations. a. The order in which we will follow is: 1. Tribal President/Chairperson/Governor 2. Tribal Vice-President/Vice -Chairperson/Lt. Governor 3. Elected or Appointed Triba l Official 4. Designated Tribal Officia l b. Officia l letter from the Indian Tribe designating a representative must be presented to IEA before the session begins. Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S) Sent Date: 2018/03/01 09:05:48 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000093 Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Royce,Shannon (OS/CFBNP); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Ortiz, Melissa(ACL) ; Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) Subject : Shannon's Birthday Lunch *New Location Date : 2018/04/25 10:10:35 Start Date : 2018/04/27 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/27 13:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: 6th Floor Dining Room Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP);Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Meszaros, Attendees: Marie (HHS/OCR);Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR);Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR);Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH);Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Ortiz, Melissa(ACL) ; Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) Sent Date : 2018/04/25 10:10:35 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000094 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Call Katy re SC issue Date: 2018/05/17 17:06:33 Start Date: 2018/05/18 15:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/18 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 202-456-1019 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 17:06:33 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000095 Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/I OS) ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Caligu iri, Laura (HHS/IOS) Subject: (PLACEHOLDER) MOU Review Date: 2018/03/01 09:52:06 Start Date: 2018/03/02 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/02 15:00 :00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Laura's Office , Suite 614-G Attendees: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); (a liguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (Laura .caliguiri@hhs .gov) Hello all, This meeting is being put on the calendar as a placeholder in hopes that all material is rcvd in time for this date and time from ASPR.Rafael Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/I OS) ; Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/01 09:52 :06 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000096 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/03/12 15:09:27 Start Date : 2018/03/20 15:00:00 End Date : 2018/03/20 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Driver: Darnell Green Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 15:09:27 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000097 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Juanita Kb)(6) I Date: 2018/05/25 09:05: 13 Start Date : 2018/05/29 00:00:00 End Dat e: 2018/06/02 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 09:05:13 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000098 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Brian Marriott out Date: 2018/04/10 10:22:36 Start Date: 2018/04/09 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/14 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/10 10:22:36 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000099 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Call with John Gray re AFCARSrulemaking Date: 2018/05/17 17:30:29 Start Date: 2018/05/18 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/18 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: ( b )(6) I Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 17:30:29 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000100 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: SLSl(b)(6) I Date: 2018/05/25 09:32:49 Start Date: 2018/08/03 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/08/15 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 09:32:49 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000101 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Mass at kb )(6) I Date: 2018/03/01 11:56:44 Start Date: 2018/03/01 19:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/01 20:30:00 Sensitivity: Private Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/0111:56:44 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000102 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/03/12 15:09:47 Start Date : 2018/03/20 17:30:00 End Date : 2018/03/20 18:00:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Driver: N/A Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 15:09:47 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000103 Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) i <>; To: Nadler, Jessica (US - Arlington) ; Keane,Thomas (OS/ASA/IOS) (CTR) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Meet and Greet w/Dr. C. Bruce Green Date: 2018/05/04 15:27:57 Start Date: 2018/05/09 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/09 12:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room, 607-G Attend ees:; Nadler, Jessica (US - Arlington); OS DSCR(HHS/OS); Keane, Thomas (OS/ASA/IOS)(CTR); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Your meeting with Associate Deputy Secretary Charles Keckler is now confirmed for W ednesday, M ay 9 1 2018@ 11:00 a.m. In preparation for this meeting , please find the following information: Hubert H. Humphrey Building U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Immediate Office of the Secretary- Room 614G 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20201 o o o If arriving by public transit, please take the orange or blue line trains to the federal Center SW metro station. When exiting the station, please walk two blocks (toward the National Mall) and the Hubert Humphrey Building will be at your immediate right. Please enter the building through the Independence Avenue entrance and present two forms of identification. If arriving by taxi, please ent er the building through the Independence Avenue entrance and present one current form of valid ID (Passport, License, or State Issued ID) If arriv ing by personal vehicle; meter parking is available for your convenience on each side of the building. Please plan to arrive within 15-minutes of the scheduled appointment . When you arrive , please ask front desk to call Rafael Mor eno 202-690-6133 . Please do not hesitate to contact our office should you have any questions. Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000104 Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; < >; Recipient: Nadler, Jessica (US - Arlington) ; Keane, Thomas (OS/ASNIOS) (CTR) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 20 18/05/04 15:27:57 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000105 From: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Event Date: 2018/05/18 10:01:13 Start Date: 2018/05/20 14:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/20 19:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appo intment Sender: Wynne, Maggie (H HS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 10:01:13 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000106 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Lance Robertson on travel? Date: 2018/03/02 09:58:39 Start Date: 2018/03/27 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/03/30 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/02 09:58:39 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000107 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S) Subject: ASPEposting of Report on Predictive Analytics in Child Welfare Date: 2018/05/18 13:10:48 Start Date: 2018/05/31 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/01 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Below is a list ofreports that ASPE plans to post on the ASPE web site after May 24 . Please let Aimee Bellman (Aimee.Be ) know if you would like any additional information . o Predictive Analytics in Child Welfare: Considerations in Contracting Vendors for Predictive Ana lytics Child welfare agencies are with increasing frequency making use of predictive analytics in their operations, primarily through contract ed services . Yet procurements for predictive analytic s are unlike most services child we lfare agencies contract for. This paper outlines issues child welfare agencies should consider when seeku.1ga contractor to provide predicti ve analytics services and provide s tips for writing requests for proposals seeking these services. o Desired Publication Date : May 30 , 20 18 o POC: Laura Radel Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S) (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=aab414d065764e13baf66a6f66b299ab-Wynne Sent Date: 2018/05/18 13:10:48 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000108 Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/1OS) ; Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ) ; Turk, Denise M. (IHS/HQ) ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S) ; Adair, Geraldine (OS/10S) ; Flick, Heather (OS/OGC) Subject: Meet with Admiral Weahkee and Maggie Wynne RE: Pine Ridge Date: 20 18/05/07 10:52 : 16 Start Date: 20 18/05/07 14:00 :00 End Date: 20 18/05/07 14:30:00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Location: Peter's office 615F.3 Attendees: Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ); Turk, Denise M. (IHS/HQ); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Adair , Geraldine (O5/IOS) Urbanowicz , Peter (HHS/1OS) Urbanowicz , Peter (HHS/105) ; Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ) ; Tu rk, Denise M. (IHS/HQ) ; Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) ; Flick, Heather (OS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/05/07 10 :52 : 16 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000109 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: call with Ja"ron and Brenda Date : 2018/03/02 13:57:30 Start Date: 2018/03/02 14:15:00 End Date : 2018/03/02 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/02 13:57:30 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000110 Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); To: Brady, Will (HHS/10S) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S) Subject: Quick TB on IHS IT Date: 2018/05/07 11:10:49 Start Date: 2018/05/09 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/09 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 510g Attendees : Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Recipient: Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/1OS) Sent Date: 2018/05/07 11:10:49 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000111 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/04/26 14:27:57 Start Date : 2018/04/27 12:30:00 End Date : 2018/04/27 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Driver: HHH 1B, Dante Evansl(b }(6) I Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/26 14:27:57 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000112 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE); Jennifer Young Lamont, Helen (HHS/ASPE); CC: LeaMond, Nancy ; Richards, Rhonda BCC: CounselorsConference Room (HHS) Subject: HHS/MRP meeting re: RAISEimplementation and caregiving Date: 2018/05/18 15:27:10 Start Date: 2018/05/30 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/30 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: HHS, 200 Independence Ave., SW, woe,Conf Rm 611E Attend ees: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE);Jennifer Young; Counselors Conference Room (HHS); Lamont, Helen (HHS/ASPE);LeaMond, Nancy; Richards, Rhonda Meeting Participants : Maggie Wynne Kara Town send AARP: Nancy LeaMond, Executive Vice President and Colleagues (2) Jennifer Young, Partner, Tarplin , Downs and Young, LLC Location: HHS, 200 Independence Ave., SW, WDC, Conf Rm 611E ~b_)_(6_)___ POC: Geraldine Adair, .... _,1Geraldine .Adair@hhs .gov Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient: Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE); Jennifer Young ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000113 Counselors ConferenceRoom (HHS) ; Lamont, Helen (HHS/ASPE); LeaMond,Nancy ; Richards,Rhonda Sent Date: 2018/05/18 15:55:16 Delivered Date: 2018/05/18 15:27:10 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000114 Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Office of the Executive Secretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS); Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Logan, Scott (ACF) ; Nicholls, Richard (ACL) ; Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; Hutchison, Lindsey (OS/ASPE); Lawver, Daniel A. (OS/ASPE); Finne, Kristen (OS/ASPR/OPP); O'Connor, Anne E. (CDC/O0/OCS); Cheatham, Tina (HRSA) ; Schmidt, Terri (IHS/HQ) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/en =Recipients/cn= 74cdcfda5048498b8c9794ccbf Frazier, Francis (IHS/HQ) ; Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) ; Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Adams, Claudia (HHS/OS) ; Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR); Hargrove, Sherine (HHS/OGC); Polich, Jeffrey (HHS/OGC); Carroll, Christopher D. (SAMHSA/OPPI); Berger, Mitchell (SAMHSA); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) Robinson,Wilma (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; CC: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/ IOS) ; Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000115 Abram, Anna (FDA/OC) ; Brookes, Brady (CMS/OA) ; Hawkins, Jamar (HHS/OS) ; Grove, Matthew R. (HHS/OS) ; Wright, Natasha (OS/IOS) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=84a38f320e3d4d788a736684e1c0dfd3-Wright, Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn = la0ebcd820024c21b29cf87d3a05ff4d-Cal Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR); Bush, Laina (HHS/ASPE); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Bowles,Jamil (HHS/IOS) ; Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/105) ; Brandon, Andrea (HHS/ASFR); Johnson, Shaunta (HHS/ASFR); Shelton, Carrie A (HHS/IOS) ; Campbell,Taylor (HHS/OGC)(CTR) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS); Stettner, Joanna L. (CDC/OCOO/OGC); Udutha, Pranay (HHS/IOS) ; Shipley, Samuel (HHS/IOS) Subject: Regulatory Reform Task Force- Services and Other Working Group Date: 2018/04/11 14:58:37 Start Date: 2018/05/09 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/09 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: ExecutiveSecretary ConferenceRoom (HHS) Keckler,Charles (HHS/IOS); Logan, Scott (ACF); Nicholls, Richard (ACL); Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR);Lawrence,Courtney (HHS/ASL); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL); Hutchison, Lindsey (OS/ASPE);Lawver, Daniel A. (OS/ASPE);Finne, Kristen (OS/ASPR/OPP);O'Connor, Anne E. (CDC/OD/OCS);Cheatham,Tina (HRSA); Schmidt, Terri (IHS/HQ); Frazier, Francis (IHS/HQ); Attendees: Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR);Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR);Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR)(CTR); Adams, Claudia (HHS/OS); Gordon-Nguyen,Marissa(HHS/OCR);Hargrove, Sherine (HHS/OGC); Polich, Jeffrey (HHS/OGC);Carroll, Christopher D. (SAMHSA/OPPI);Berger, Mitchell (SAMHSA);Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS); Robinson,Wilma (HHS/IOS); Agnew, EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000116 Ann (HHS/IOS); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Lapinski, MarySumpter (HHS/IOS); Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR);Abram, Anna (FDNOC); Brookes, Brady (CMS/QA); Hawkins, Jamar (HHS/OS);Grove, Matthew R. (HHS/OS); Wright, Natasha (OS/IOS); Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS); Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR); Bush, Laina (HHS/ASPE); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR);Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC);Bowles,Jamil (HHS/IOS); Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS); Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Brandon, Andrea (HHS/ASFR); Johnson, Shaunta (HHS/ASFR);Shelton, Carrie A (HHS/IOS); Campbell,Taylor (HHS/OGC) (CTR); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE);Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE);Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS);Stettner, Joanna L. (CDC/OCOO/OGC);Udutha, Pranay (HHS/IOS); Shipley, Samuel (HHS/IOS); ExecutiveSecretary Conference Room (HHS) Facilitator: Charles Keckler, Associate Deputy Secretary Agenda: TBD Mat erials: TBD Location : Exec Sec Conference Room (614H) Call-in#:~ Kb _)(_6)___ ~1 t>asscode:._ l(b-)(_6_) _ _. Contact: Taylor Campbell (202-690-8084 RegRefom@hhs .gov ] or Natasha Wright [202-260 -7513 RegReform@hhs .gov ] Sender: Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Logan, Scott (ACF) ; Nicholls, Richard (ACL) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPD LT)/cn =Recipients/en=fbd7ebe2c3b54c7ab98e4fd77ea593 Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; Hutchison, Lindsey (OS/ASPE); Lawver, Daniel A. (OS/ASPE); Finne, Kristen (OS/ASPR/OPP); O'Connor, Anne E. (CDC/OD/OCS); Cheatham,Tina (HRSA) ; Schmidt, Terri (IHS/HQ) i Frazier, Francis (IHS/HQ) ; Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Adams, Claudia (HHS/OS) ; Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR); Hargrove, Sherine (HHS/OGC); Polich, Jeffrey (HHS/OGC); Carroll, Christopher D. (SAMHSA/OPP I ) ; Berger, Mitchell (SAMHSA); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) ; Robinson,Wilma (HHS/IOS) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Abram, Anna (FDA/QC) ; Brookes, Brady (CMS/QA) ; Hawkins, Jamar (HHS/OS) ; Grove, Matthew R. (HHS/OS) ; Wright, Natasha (OS/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR) ; Bush, Laina (HHS/ASPE) ; Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Bowles,Jamil (HHS/IOS) ; Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Brandon, Andrea (HHS/ASFR); Johnson, Shaunta (HHS/ASFR) ; Shelton, Carrie A (HHS/IOS) ; Campbell,Taylor (HHS/OGC)(CTR) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS); Stettner, Joanna L. (CDC/OCOO/OGC); Udutha, Pranay (HHS/IOS) ; Shipley, Samuel (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/1114 :58:37 Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master calendar (HHS/OS) ; Keckler, Charles(HHS/IOS) ; Logan, Scott (ACF) ; Nicholls, Richard (ACL) ; Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) ; Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL); Hutchison, Lindsey (OS/ASPE); Lawver, Daniel A. (OS/ASPE); Finne, Kristen (OS/ASPR/OPP); O'Connor, Anne E. (CDC/OD/OCS); T . Cheatham, Tina (HRSA) ; Schmidt, Terri (IHS/HQ) ; Frazier, Francis(IHS/HQ) ; Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Adams, Claudia (HHS/OS) ; Hargrove, Sherine (HHS/OGC); Polich, Jeffrey (HHS/OGC); Berger, Mitchell (SAMHSA); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Robinson,Wilma (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); ; ;Jlg?~i'R~i ?? < >; d < >; d; d ; d <" >; /o=Exchangelabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPD LT)/cn=Recipients/cn=userfc8f8629 ; ; ; ; >; < Stettner, Joanna L. (CDC/OCOO/OGC) ; ); Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC)(ACF) lffliiJ~(R)~~i;illf ? P1~J~l~sJPYJPR?J~ "\ l'W-9!\ilG6~WJJ!l'-illtl~AA~ir,;~hllW? g:f!/ @? ii;.Uf,{t/J ""\f;ufilTlfEl~(R).i!lJJ ""\f;u)Wffl,.\ztHJl)IISJl!lf!{R IHJl' JD1QfflP!il[fl(R)~OOiil4 D J,,g!J~{&\'~PR.? 7J~(,g)~~Jft'l{'Ei!l~'~~ f:'.E. cc~ u(lj)?~Ji[ ; Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; /o=Exchangelabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPD LT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Sc0919feS6454c2b8e7cS9c38646ebec-To <~~Olfjj? ?ffl? >; ??; t~? iJPYf~ijgJ""\f;u,fplfl {s;$(R)_i!V]""\f;ufiG,.\zi'H li)IISJl!lf! (RIJPJJ?f!,'.(!fliifl(R)~llflia,} ? l?~l j~{t~P_RD J'JitiMff/l(R)U) l~\:fllil#t~lff/a~lE.i ? ?' ?:,? ;tJPY~i ; Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); ? fffm 2 's!! ? JJ!M; ?M): ? 2, ~ ? Jlffi; OllfxD 2 ~D ri/:ffi; ?? ; Keckler,Charles (HHS/IOS) i Logan, Scott (ACF) ; Nicholls, Richard (ACL) ; Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR); Lawrence,Courtney (HHS/ASL); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL); Hutchison, Lindsey (OS/ASPE); Lawver, Daniel A. (OS/ASPE); Finne, Kristen (OS/ASPR/OPP); O'Connor, Anne E. (CDC/OD/OCS) i Cheatham,Tina (HRSA); Schmidt, Terri (IHS/HQ) ; Recipient : Frazier, Francis (IHS/HQ) ; Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) i Balserak,Daniel (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Adams, Claudia (HHS/OS) ; Hargrove, Sherine (HHS/OGC); Polich, Jeffrey (HHS/OGC)i Berger, Mitchell (SAMHSA); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) ; Robinson,Wilma (HHS/1OS); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; ; i.1!2D fH\JPY~D ? < >; d < >; d; d ; d <">; /o=Exchangelabs/ou=Exchange Administra t ive Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=userfc8f8629 ; ; ; ; ; *-tfllifJJ '-iitrilS.x'.-ff-~1Jll!,)11li!{ffl'J f!!l?1~mijffJ/.(R)~~~llit?J:i~u~11l\l:~1!R ? J~r*~(tl\Wt~m1:'E~~ts~fE cc ~ u1fll ? ; Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; /o=Exchangelabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recip ients/cn=5c0919fe56454c2b8e7c59c38646ebec<~ ~Offi 00 ~? >; ?7. i 'o!JPY:ifftiJ""\Wmf\.1s#lfit!J"wmm.x'.-lf-ij1J~llil!{[WJrAm~~rJ'Kf.rl(R)lft~~llit? l'7~U~fi\t~rJR?l'7t i ~~(R) ,t;,rvtflli~ '~;l!l${f], ? ~o;:,,? ; Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); m1t: ? 2 's!/ ? .l'i~ ; ?(!tt ? ~ '?J! ? J!~ ; ?lltt ? 2 ~ ? ~JJI ; ?? Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/04/26 14:28:13 Start Date : 2018/04/27 14:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/27 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Driver: HHH lB, Dante Evans, l(b)(6) I Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/26 14:28: 13 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000123 Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) ; To: Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) ; Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) CC: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: (Room Change) ASPR/ACF Discussion Date: 20 18/03/02 14:53 :51 Start Date: 20 18/03/05 10 :00 :00 End Date: 2018/03/05 10:30 :00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room, 614-G Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS); Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (; Street, Attendees: Amanda (HHS/IOS); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); OS DSCR (HHS/OS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Good morning all, ADS Laura Caliguiri would like to meet with the below individuals regarding ASPR/ACFfor 30minutes. This is the best time that I could find for a majority of personnel to attend. PARTICIPANTS Laura Caliguiri Amanda Campbell Paula Stannard Matt Bassett Courtney Lawrence Jen Moughalian Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Caligu iri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Recipient: Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) ; Moughalian , Jen (HHS/ASFR) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 20 18/03/02 14:53:51 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000124 DeputySecretary(OS/IOS) DeputySecretary(OS/IOS) ; lrh)fn ) l(OS/IOS) V h\(~\ @HHS.GOV>; Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Keckler,Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE) ; Ghertner, Robin (HHS/ASPE); Chien, Nina (OS/ASPE); Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Shipley, Samuel (HHS/IOS) ; Graham, John (HHS/ASPE) Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; CC: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Subj ect: b )( JBriefing on Effective Marginal Income Taxes as Work Disincentives Date: 2018/03/13 15:09:26 Start Date: 2018/03/20 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/20 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Deputy Secretary'sConference Room, 607-G EDH (OS/IOS); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) (; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Graham, John (HHS/ASPE);Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE);Ghertner, Robin (HHS/ASPE);Chien, Nina (OS/ASPE);Agnew, Atten dees: Ann (HHS/IOS); Shipley, Samuel (HHS/IOS); Wagner, Steven (ACF); Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) {; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (;Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS);OS DSCR(HHS/OS) Event Na me: Effective Marginal Income Taxes as Work Disincentives: ASPE Briefing for the Deputy Secretary March 20, 2018 Location: Deputy Secretary's Conference Room , 607-G 3:00 - 3:30 Reason: As a follow up to discussion with the Acting ASPE at their regular meeting on February 26, the Deputy Secretary requested to be briefed on ASPE analyses on effective marginal income tax rates . EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000125 Given an earnings increase (e.g., due to increased work hours), marginal tax rates quantify the portion of that increase reta ined by famili es after factoring in taxes (federa l, state, and payroll taxes) on those earnin gs and the reduction of government benefits. ASPE has been working on this issue for the past year and recently contributed data ana lyses for a forthcoming White House Council of Economic Advisers report on effect ive marginal income tax rates. The ana lysis exam ined earnings increases among program recipients and how much of those new earnings would be retained when considering the subsequent loss of benefits due to the additional income. We would provide a briefing on this work, including potential ana lyses that would help to home in on wh ich HHS programs and populations have the greatest work disincentives, and the potential impact of legislative or administrative changes in reducing those disincentives. We would like to ensure that this briefing occurs prior to release of the CEA Report; we do not know the planned release date but have been told it is likely in March. We anticipate that we will be able to comme nt on a CEA draft prior to report release. Deputy Secretary's Role: Provide any desired feedback , guidance , and direction for future work. Briefing Participants: Deputy Secretary Eric Har gan Associate Deputy Secretary Charles Keckler Maggie Wynne, Counse lor for Human Services Policy John R. Graham, Acting Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) Brenda Destro, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Services Pol icy , ASPE Jennifer Bumszynski, Associate Deputy Ass istant Secretary for Human Services Policy, ASPE Robin Ghertner , Director, Division of Data and Technical Analysis , Office of Human Services Policy, ASPE Suzanne Macartney, Office of Human Services Policy N ina Chien, ASPE Office of Human Services Policy If available: Steven Wagner, Acting Assistant Secretary , Administration for Children and Famil ies Ann Agnew , Executive Secretary (ES) Sam Ship ley, Policy Coordinator , ES Lead: John R. Graham, Acting Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000126 Sam Shiple y, ~l (b_)(_6)__ ~l Samue l.shipley@hhs .gov Pr ess, Press Contact : NI A; this is an internal briefing Briefing Materials : ASPE will provide briefing ma terials two (2) business days before the meeting. Notes: o The Deputy Secreta ry also requested to be briefed on ASPE's coordinatio n of the HH S Welfare Refom1 Working Group and the Solutions Series of blog posts. We will submit a separate mee ting reques t for that briefmg. o ASPE an d ACF will also request to brief the Secretary on we lfare reform work, the effective margi nal tax rates analyses to be disc ussed in thi s briefing, and potentia l collaboration on Medica id commun ity engagemen t requiremen ts. o If desire d, any of these briefings could be combined . Draft Meeting Agend a: Overv iew of effec tive margina l tax rates 2. Fin dings from AS PE analyses 3. Opportun ities for fut ure research and policy ana lysis I. DeputySecretary(0S/I0S) DeputySecretary (0S/I0S) ; EDH (0S/IOS) < EDH6886@HHS.G0V>; Hargan, Eric (0 S/I0S) ; Keckler, Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Burnszynski, Jennifer (0S/ASPE) ; Ghertner, Robin (HHS/ASPE)<>; Recipient: Chien, Nina (05/ASPE) ; Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS) ; Shipley, Samuel (HHS/IOS) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/I0S) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/I0S) ; Moreno, Rafael (0S/ASA/IOS) ; Graham, John (HHS/ASPE) Sent Date: 2018/03/13 15:09:26 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000127 Carter, Clarence(ACF) Carter, Clarence(ACF) ; Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF) ; Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; To: Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC)<>; George, Jolleen Janelle (ACF) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Christian, Shannon (ACF) Onley, Ms. Kateecia(ACF) ; Sellers, Angela (ACF) ; Bell, Barbara (ACF) ; CC: Williams, Andrew (ACF) ; Ramsburg,Dawn (ACF) ; Henry, James (ACF) ; Smith, Andrew (ACF) Subject : 477 RemediationCall Date: 2018/04/26 14:49:59 Start Date: 2018/04/27 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/27 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Conference Line: l(b )(6) I ParticipantAccessCode: l(b ) (6) I Carter, Clarence(ACF); Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF); Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR); Wagner, Steven (ACF); Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC);George, Jolleen Janelle (ACF); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Christian, Shannon (ACF); Onley, Ms. Kateecia (ACF); Sellers, Angela (ACF); Attend ees: Barbara Bell (ACF)(;Williams, Andrew (ACF) (; Ramsburg, Dawn (ACF) (; Henry, James (ACF); Smith, Andrew (ACF) Meeting Server Main Number: I ~b)(6) Partidn;rnt ~b)(6) t.rr,:,55 Code: I Carter, Clarence (ACF) Carter, Clarence(ACF) ; Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF) ; Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR) ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC); George, Jolleen Janelle (ACF) ; Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Christian, Shannon (ACF) ; Onley, Ms. Kateecia(ACF) ; Sellers, Angela (ACF) ; Bell, Barbara (ACF) ; Williams, Andrew (ACF) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000128 Ramsburg, Dawn (ACF) ; Henry, James(ACF) ; Smith, Andrew (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/04/26 14:49:59 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000129 Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE) Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: OS - ASPE; OS ASPEHP HAC(OS/ASPE) Subject: FW: ASPEStaff Brown Bag Briefing: KY Waiver Date: 2018/04/11 16:59:32 Start Date: 2018/04/12 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/12 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OS ASPE443E, Conf6 (HHS/ASPE) / Conf Phone# l(b)( 6 ) Participant:l(b )( 6 ) I Would yo u want to attend th is? Brenda -----Original Appointment----From : Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE) Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 11:26 AM To: Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE); OS - ASPE; OS ASPE HP HAC (OS/ASPE) Subject: ASPEStaff Brown Bag Briefing: KY Waiver When : Thursday, April 12, 2018 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Whe re: OS ASPE443E, Conf6 (HHS/ASPE)/ Conf Phone#l(b)(6) Participant: l(b)(6) I I Please join us for a brown bag discussion on the Kentucky 1115 Medicaid waiver. The presentation and discussion will focus on their new community engagement requirements and opioid related services in the state . Slide deck attached. Conf Phone# .__ ~b_)(_ 6 )__ __, I Participant: l(b)(6) Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE) Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient: OS - ASPE; OS ASPEHP HAC(O5/ASPE) Sent Date: 2018/04/11 16:59:32 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000130 Peacock,Jessica(HHS/OS/OGA) Peacock,Jessica(HHS/OS/OGA); Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Healy, Jenifer (HHS/OS/OGA); To: Valdez, Mary Lou (FDA/OC) ; Abdoo, Mark (FDNOC) ; Bleimund, Emily (OS/OGA) ; Snyder, Anne (HHS/OS/OGA); Brooks, John (HHS/IOS) ; Lenihan, Keagan(HHS/IOS) ; Abram, Anna (FDA/OC) CC: Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/O5/OGA) Subject: Trade Council Meeting Date: 2018/03/13 17:07:30 Start Date: 2018/03/19 14:45:00 End Date : 2018/03/19 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 640H Peacock, Jessica(HHS/OS/OGA);Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS); Lenihan, Keagan(HHS/IOS); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Attendees: Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS); Healy, Jenifer (HHS/OS/OGA); Valdez, Mary Lou (FDNOC); Abram, Anna (FDA/OC); Abdoo, Mark (FDA/OC); Bleimund, Emily (O5/OGA); Snyder, Anne (HHS/O5/OGA); Brooks, John (HHS/105); Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA) We would like to convene the HHSTrade Council group to discuss the 2018 "Special 301 Report" on global intellectual property issues and market access (which will be published in late April) , as well as to provide some updates on the NAFTA negotiations . Peacock, Jessica(HHS/OS/OGA) Peacock,Jessica(HHS/O5/0GA) ; Adair, Geraldine (OS/105) ; Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Recipient: Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/105) ; Healy, Jenifer (HHS/OS/OGA); Valdez, Mary Lou (FDNOC) ; Abdoo, Mark (FDNOC) ; Bleimund, Emily (OS/OGA) ; Snyder, Anne (HHS/OS/OGA); Brooks, John (HHS/IOS) ; Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA); EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000131 Lenihan, Keagan(HHS/105) ; Abram, Anna (FDA/OC) Sent Date: 2018/03/13 17:07:30 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000132 Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Ith 11~ 1 r os /IO S) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=498725923aa949d284ac59a879fcde0b-Olson, Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/ IOS) ; Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA); Schaeffer, Alison (HHS/OS/OGA); Zebley, Kyle {HHS/IOS) CC: Smith, Christopher {HHS/ASPA) Subject: b ) ( l:o meet with OGA and WHO leaders Date: 2018/03/ 05 09:06:14 Start Date: 2018/03/05 13:15:00 End Date: 2018/03/05 13:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 325A Attendee s: AMA2 (OS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS); Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS); Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS); Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL);Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA); Schaeffer, Alison (HHS/OS/OGA);Zebley, Kyle (HHS/IOS); Smith, Christopher (HHS/ASPA); Wynne, Maggie {HHS/IOS) Topic : TBD lead; Garrett Grigsby Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) i Recipient: Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000133 Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA); Schaeffer, Alison (HHS/OS/OGA); Zebley, Kyle (HHS/IOS) ; Smith, Christopher (HHS/ASPA) Sent Date: 2018/03/05 09:06:14 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000134 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Hawk and Dove Date: 2018/03/14 17:05:42 Start Date: 2018/03/15 18:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/15 20:30:00 Sensitivity: Private Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 329 Pennsylvania Ave SE Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/14 17:05:42 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000135 From: Lahasky, Rosemary. ETA Lahasky, Rosemary. ETA ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/1O5) Subj ect : Maggie Wynne and Rosemary Lahasky Dat e: 2018/04/26 15:41:21 Start Date: 20 18/04/27 14:30:00 End Date: 20 18/04/27 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Jb )(6) Location: Maggie please ca11 I Attendees: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) From: Wynne , Maggie (HHS/1OS) Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 2:25 PM To: Lahasky, Rosemary - ETA Subject: RE : Connecting Hi Rosemary , Thank you for your message! Would you have time this afternoon at 4:30, or sometime tomorrow (I have various times available) to talk about the current state of affairs re 477? BIA has sent us some applications from Tribes for new plans , and there is not a uniform understanding of the intent of the Joint Statement agreed upon a couple of months ago, as well as the Dear Tribal Leader Letter from BIA in Februaiy. Best, Maggie kb_)(_6)___ ~ ~ 1(cell) D e l l'berative an d pre- dec1s10nal commumcatwn Sender: Lahasky, Rosemary - ETA Lahasky, Rosemary - ETA ; Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 20 18/04/26 15:41:21 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000136 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: meet with Catherine Date: 2018/04/1117:49 :48 Start Date: 2018/04/12 15:45:00 End Date : 2018/04/12 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/1117 :49:48 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000137 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Write to Jake and John and others about lack of outreach - identify Stan as POC Date: 2018/03/14 18:21:25 Start Date: 2018/03/15 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/15 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient : Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/14 18:21:25 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000138 Baresch,Virginia (HHS/OGA) Baresch,Virginia (HHS/OGA); To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: PLGHAFARcase chat Date: 2018/05/07 15:31:32 Start Date: 2018/05/07 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/07 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Maggie's Attendees: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Baresch,Virginia (HHS/OGA) Baresch,Virginia (HHS/OGA) ; Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/07 15:31:32 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000139 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; White, Jonathan (ACF) ; >; To: Moreno, Mr. Pedro (ACF) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Subject: Doe v. ORR- Case No. 1:18-cv-26 - SD Texas Date: 2018/03/05 13:04:11 Start Date: 2018/03/05 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/05 14:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Dial- in:l(b )(6) 11PC:l(b )(6) I White, Jonathan (ACF); Moreno, Mr. Pedro (ACF); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Bowman, Attend ees: Matthew (HHS/OGC) Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; White, Jonathan (ACF) ; Recipient: Moreno, Mr. Pedro (ACF) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/03/05 13:04: 11 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000140 From: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) I Date: 20 18/05/2110:13:47 Start Date: 20 18/05/25 00:00:00 End Date: 20 18/06/05 00:00 :00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Sender: Wynne, Maggie {HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/21 10:13:47 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000141 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Subject: meeting to discussoutstanding issues and requests Date: 2018/03/15 12:49:27 Start Date: 2018/03/16 15:00:00 End Date : 2018/03/16 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Brenda'soffice Brenda, if this time doesn't work, let me know Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient: Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Sent Date: 2018/03/15 12:49:27 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000142 Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE); Benton, Amanda (OS/ASPE); Acker Housman, Stephanie (OS/ASPE) CC: Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE) Subject: Pre-Social Capital Speaker Series Discussion Date: 2018/04/27 13:24:31 Start Date: 2018/05/01 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/01 12:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: OS ASPE422F, Conf2 (HHS/ASPE) Attendees: Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE);Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE); Benton, Amanda (OS/ASPE);Acker Housman, Stephanie (OS/ASPE);Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE) Attached is a draft of the annotated agenda and suggested talking points that we'll walk through during our meeting today. Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient: Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE); Benton, Amanda (OS/ASPE); Acker Housman, Stephanie (OS/ASPE); Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE) Sent Date: 2018/04/27 13:24:31 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000143 Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Smith, Andrew (ACF) ; Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) i O'Dell, Ben (OS/CFBNP)i Neale, Brian (CMS/CMCS); Lynch, Calder (CMS/QA) Keckler, Charles(HHS/IOS) ; Carter, Clarence (ACF) ; Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR); List, Deborah (ACF) i Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC); Oellerich, Don (HHS/ASPE); Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE); To: Burgess, Kimberly (HHS/ASPE); Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE); Robertson, Lance(ACL) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Antelo, Lauren (HHS/ASPE)i Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Marquita (ACL) (CTR) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Lewandoski, Mona (OS/ASFR); Duran, Mishaela(ACF) ; Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE); Royce,Shannon (OS/CFBNP); Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Hauan, Susan (HHS/ASPE); Baldwin PhD., Melinda (ACF) i Branham, Keith (OS/ASPE); EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000144 Frohlich, Lauren (ACF) ; Fairley, Kenya (ACF) ; Orsinger, Rachel (ACF) ; White, LeBretia (ACF) ; Kelvington, Areon (ACF) ; Kleinschmidt,Arthur (SAMHSA/CSAT}; Le, Minh (ACF) ; Hayes, Michael (ACF} ; West, Kristina (OS/ASPE); McLain,Ophelia M (ACL) ; Crossen, Larissa (ACL) ; Nicholls, Richard (ACL) ; Lazare, Mary (ACL) ; Nibley, Megan (OS/ASPE); Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Christensen, Heidi (HHS/CFBNP); Zakhour, Christine (ACF)(CTR) ; McDonald, Robin (ACF) ; Jones, David (ACF) ; Murray, James (ACF) ; Williams, Cameron (HHS/ASFR); Acker Housman, Stephanie (OS/ASPE); Mizoguchi,Ms. Carol (ACF) ; Washington-Thomas,Lisa (ACF) ; Benton, Amanda (OS/ASPE); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) Cargill-Willis, Katherine (ACL) ; Johnson, Jennifer (ACL) ; Cruz, Allison (ACL) ; Callaway, Shawn (ACL) ; Huerta, Clare (ACL) ; Newell-Perez,Sara (ACL) ; O'Brien, Pamela (ACL) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T}/ en=Recipients/cn = 7344745b2c5843b88c3d2ba12a87c890 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000145 Roberts, Wilma (ACL) ; Thomas, Carla (ACL) ; Wright, Melvenia (ACL) ; Snow, Catherine (OS/CFBNP)(CTR) ; Erickson, Laura (OS/ASPE); Ryan Streeter ; ; Winship, Scott (JEC) ; Myers, Justus (JEC) ; Connolly, Michael (Lee) ; Wubbenhorst, William (ACF) ; Vaseghi, Bardia (ACF); Golonka, Susan (ACF) ; Negri, Warren A. (ACF) ; Layton, Chris (OS/ASFR); Morris, Genevieve(OS/ONC/IO) ; Rancourt, John H. Jr. (OS/ONC); Traver, Christopher (ACF) ; Simcox, Edwin (OS/IOS) ; Koyani, Sanjay (OS/IOS) ; Morse, Jonathan D. (CMS/CPI) ; Chu, Rose(HHS/HP) ; Novak, Thomas (OS/ ONC) ; Henriksen, Maureen (ACF) ; Ghertner, Robin (HHS/ASPE); Dant, Christi (ACF) ; Moore, Kathleen (ACF)(CTR) ; Williams, Pamela M. (CMS/CPI); Brentzel, Ingrid (CMS/CPI) ; Morgan, Agnes M. (CMS/CPI); Simms, Bridget (CMS/CPI); Duran, Mishaela(HHS/ASPE); Pika, Joseph (HHS/ASFR); Johnson, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR); Craig, Kathryn (HHS/ASFR); Comeaux, Nicole M. (CMS/CMCS); Campbell,Thom (ACL) ; Stiles, Corinna (ACL) ; Hannan, Marylee (FDA/OC) ; Waters, Damon (ACF) ; Butler, James (ACF) ; Monteiro, Carol (ACF) ; Friedman, Eileen (ACF) ; Shelton, LaMonica(ACF) ; Mickens, Shantel (ACF) ; Dawdanow, Sanje (ACF) ; Schindler, Thomas (ACF) ; McDowell, Larry (ACF) ; Allen, Gary (ACF) ; Russell,Kisha (ACF) ; Fong, Julie (ACF) ; Shields, Frank (ACF) ; Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF) ; Siegel, Julie (ACF) ; Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR) ; Green, Angela (ACF) ; Fleischer,Erica (ACF) ; Duis, Melissa(ACF) ; Jackson, Mrs. Jacqueline (ACF) ; Young, Veronica (ACF) ; Scala-Foley, Marisa (ACL) ; Germanis, Peter (ACF) ; Meade, Erica (HHS/ASPE); Rathgeb, Colleen(ACF) ; Finegold, Kenneth (HHS/ASPE) ; Lacina, Barbara (ACF) ; Marks, Caryn (OS/ASPE); Williams, Andrew (ACF) ; Raymond, Meredith (ACL) ; OS - ASPEHSP; Dawson, Shawndell (ACF) ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Clairmont, Karen (ACF) ; Gwilliam, Rachel (ACF) ; Kitchen, Antoinette {ACF) ; Lee, Katy (ACF) ; Shwalb, Rebecca(ACF) ; Balenger,Juanita (ACL) Subject : *** (See RoomChange Below) Kickoff of the internal HHSSocialCapital SpeakerSeries Date: 2018/03/29 14:13:51 Sta rt Date : 2018/04/10 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/10 12:30:00 Prio rity: Urgent Typ e: Appointment Location: 325 A, Hubert Humphrey Building or Call in line: kh)(fl) I Smith, Andrew (ACF); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL);O'Dell, Ben (OS/CFBNP);Neale, Brian (CMS/CMCS);Lynch, Calder (CMS/OA);Keckler, Charles(HHS/IOS); Carter, Clarence(ACF); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR);List, Deborah (ACF); Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC);Oellerich, Don (HHS/ASPE);Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE);Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR);Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE);Burgess, Kimberly (HHS/ASPE);Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE);Robertson, Lance(ACL); Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA); Antelo, Lauren (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Stevenson, Marquita (ACL) (CTR); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Lewandoski, Mona (OS/ASFR);Duran, Mishaela(ACF); Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE);Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP);Wagner, Steven (ACF); Hauan, Susan (HHS/ASPE);Baldwin PhD., Melinda (ACF); Branham, Keith (OS/ASPE);Frohlich, Lauren (ACF); Fairley, Kenya (ACF); Orsinger, Rachel (ACF); White, LeBretia (ACF); Kelvington, Areon (ACF); Kleinschmidt, Arthur (SAMHSA/CSAT);Le, Minh (ACF); Hayes, Michael (ACF); West, Kristina (OS/ASPE);Mclain, Ophelia M (ACL); Crossen, Larissa (ACL); Nicholls, Richard(ACL); Lazare, Mary (ACL); Nibley, Megan (OS/ASPE);Powers, Mary (ACF); Christensen, Heidi (HHS/CFBNP);Zakhour, Christine (ACF) (CTR); McDonald,Robin {ACF); Jones, David {ACF); Murray, James {ACF); Williams, Cameron {HHS/ASFR); Acker Housman, Stephanie (OS/ASPE);Mizoguchi,Ms. Carol (ACF); Att d . Washington-Thomas,Lisa (ACF); Benton, Amanda (OS/ASPE);Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Cargillen ees. Willis, Katherine (ACL); Johnson, Jennifer (ACL); Cruz, Allison (ACL); Callaway, Shawn (ACL); Huerta, Clare (ACL); Newell-Perez,Sara (ACL); O'Brien, Pamela(ACL); Roberts, Wilma (ACL); Thomas, Carla (ACL); Wright, Melvenia (ACL); Snow, Catherine (OS/CFBNP)(CTR); Erickson, Laura (OS/ASPE);Ryan Streeter;;Winship, Scott (JEC); Myers, Justus (JEC); Connolly, Michael{Lee); Wubbenhorst, William (ACF); Vaseghi, Bardia (ACF); Golonka, Susan (ACF); Negri, Warren A. (ACF); Layton, Chris (OS/ASFR);Morris, Genevieve {OS/ONC/IO); Rancourt, John H. Jr. (OS/ONC); Traver, Christopher (ACF); Simcox, Edwin (OS/IOS); Koyani, Sanjay (OS/IOS); Morse, Jonathan D. (CMS/CPI);Chu, Rose(HHS/HP); Novak, Thomas (OS/ONC);Henriksen, Maureen (ACF); Ghertner, Robin (HHS/ASPE);Dant, Christi (ACF); Moore, Kathleen (ACF)(CTR); Williams, PamelaM. (CMS/CPI); Brentzel, Ingrid (CMS/CPI); Morgan, Agnes M. (CMS/CPI);Simms, Bridget (CMS/CPI); Duran, Mishaela (HHS/ASPE);Pika, Joseph (HHS/ASFR);Johnson, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR);Craig, Kathryn (HHS/ASFR);Comeaux, Nicole M. (CMS/CMCS);Campbell,Thom (ACL); Stiles, Corinna (ACL); Hannan, Marylee (FDNOC); Damon Waters; Butler, James (ACF); Monteiro, Carol (ACF); Friedman, Eileen (ACF); Shelton, LaMonica(ACF); Mickens, Shantel (ACF); Dawdanow, Sanje (ACF); Schindler, Thomas (ACF); McDowell,Larry (ACF); Allen, Gary (ACF); Russell, Kisha (ACF); Fong, Julie (ACF); Shields, Frank (ACF); Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF); Siegel, Julie (ACF); EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000148 Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR); Green, Angela (ACF); Fleischer,Erica (ACF); Duis, Melissa(ACF); Jackson, Mrs. Jacqueline (ACF); Young, Veronica (ACF); Scala-Foley,Marisa (ACL); Germanis, Peter (ACF); Meade, Erica (HHS/ASPE);Rathgeb, Colleen (ACF); Finegold, Kenneth (HHS/ASPE);Lacina, Barbara (ACF); Marks, Caryn (OS/ASPE);Williams, Andrew (ACF); Raymond, Meredith (ACL); OS - ASPEHSP; Dawson, Shawndell (ACF);!fn\f [ OS/IOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) (Kenneth.Callahan@hhs .gov); DeputySecretary(OS/IOS); Clairmont, Karen (ACF); Gwilliam, Rachel (ACF); Kitchen, Antoinette (ACF); Lee, Katy (ACF); Shwalb, Rebecca (ACF); Balenger, Juanita (ACL) Call in line:l(b)(6) . i.:.. -' ~ -'- - -' _ '- _ - _ - _- _- Access code: ~kb~)~{6~\ __ _- _- __, ~ ~ Room has been changed to 325A, see you there! Please join us for the launch of the internal HHSSocial Capital Speaker Series with distinguished guests, Dr. Scott Winship, Project Director of U.S. Senator Mike Lee' s Social Capital Proiect at the Joint Economic Committee andDr. Ryan Streeter, Director of Domestic Policy Studies at the American Enterprise Institute and moderator, HHS Associate Deputy Secretary Charles Keckler. About the series Over the course of the next th ree months, the HHSWelfare Working Group will host a speaker series to explore social capital. The series will feature a variety of researchers, policy experts, and practitioners who will share perspectives and programs on the ut ilization of social capital. This series will inform how HHSconceptual izes social capital and lay the groundwork for how HHS policy , program , and research work can leverage social capital and civil society to promote work and reduce dependence. About this session During this session, Dr. Winship and Dr. Streeter will offe r a policy perspective on social capital and explore the questions What is social capital? And why should we care? Additional information Session wi ll start promptly at 11 :00AM. This is an internal speaker series for HHS only. Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) ; Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; O'Dell, Ben (OS/CFBNP); Neale, Brian (CMS/CMCS); Lynch, Calder (CMS/QA) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000149 Keckler, Charles(HHS/ IOS) ; Carter, Clarence(ACF) ; Lawrence,Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR); List, Deborah (ACF) ; Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC); Oellerich, Don (HHS/ASPE); Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE); (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/en =Recipients/en=d lec6a59bae242e9afda4fe97135c4e9 Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE); Burgess, Kimberly (HHS/ASPE); Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE); Robertson, Lance(ACL) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/I EA) ; Antelo, Lauren (HHS/ASPE) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Marquita (ACL) (CTR) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Lewandoski,Mona (OS/ASFR); Duran, Mishaela(ACF) ; Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE); Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP); Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Hauan, Susan (HHS/ASPE); Baldwin PhD., Melinda (ACF) ; Branham, Keith (OS/ASPE); Frohlich, Lauren (ACF) ; Fairley, Kenya (ACF) ; Orsinger, Rachel (ACF) ; White, LeBretia (ACF) ; Kelvington, Areon (ACF) ; Kleinschmidt,Arthur (SAMHSNCSAT); Le, Minh (ACF) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000150 Hayes, Michael (ACF) ; West, Kristina (OS/ASPE); Mclain, Ophelia M (ACL) ; Crossen, Larissa (ACL) ; Nicholls, Richard (ACL) ; Lazare, Mary (ACL) ; Nibley, Megan (OS/ASPE); Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Christensen, Heidi (HHS/CFBNP); Zakhour, Christine (ACF)(CTR) ; McDonald, Robin (ACF) ; Jones, David (ACF) ; Murray, James (ACF) ; Williams, Cameron (HHS/ASFR); Acker Housman, Stephanie (OS/ASPE); Mizoguchi,Ms. Carol (ACF) ; Washington-Thomas,Lisa (ACF) ; Benton, Amanda (OS/ASPE); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Cargill-Willis, Katherine (ACL) ; Johnson, Jennifer (ACL) ; Cruz, Allison (ACL) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn= 1a9b6e9b0d36491387d431a500a9087c-Cruz, Callaway, Shawn (ACL) ; Huerta, Clare (ACL) ; Newell-Perez, Sara (ACL) ; O'Brien, Pamela (ACL) ; Roberts, Wilma (ACL) ; Thomas, Carla (ACL) ; Wright, Melvenia (ACL) ; Snow, Catherine (OS/CFBNP)(CTR) ; Erickson, Laura (OS/ASPE); Ryan Streeter ; ; Winship, Scott (JEC) ; Myers, Justus (JEC) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000151 Connolly, Michael (Lee) ; Wubbenhorst, William (ACF) ; Vaseghi, Bardia (ACF) ; Golonka, Susan (ACF) ; Negri, Warren A. (ACF) ; Layton, Chris (OS/ASFR); Morris, Genevieve(OS/ONC/IO) ; Rancourt, John H. Jr. (OS/ONC); Traver, Christopher (ACF) ; Simcox, Edwin (OS/IOS) ; Koyani, Sanjay (OS/IOS) ; Morse, Jonathan D. (CMS/CPI); Chu, Rose(HHS/HP) ; Novak, Thomas (OS/ONC); Henriksen, Maureen (ACF) ; Ghertner, Robin (HHS/ASPE); Dant, Christi (ACF) ; Moore, Kathleen (ACF)(CTR) ; Williams, Pamela M. (CMS/CPI); Brentzel, Ingrid (CMS/CPI); Morgan, Agnes M. (CMS/CPI); Simms, Bridget (CMS/CPI); Duran, Mishaela(HHS/ASPE); Pika, Joseph (HHS/ASFR); Johnson, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR); Craig, Kathryn (HHS/ASFR); Comeaux, Nicole M. (CMS/CMCS); Campbell,Thom (ACL) ; Stiles, Corinna (ACL) ; Hannan, Marylee (FDA/OC) ; Waters, Damon (ACF) ; Butler, James (ACF) ; Monteiro, Carol (ACF) ; Friedman, Eileen (ACF) ; Shelton, LaMonica(ACF) ; Mickens,Shantel (ACF) ; Dawdanow, Sanje (ACF) ; Schindler, Thomas (ACF) ; McDowell, Larry (ACF) ; Allen, Gary (ACF) ; Russell,Kisha (ACF) ; Fong, Julie (ACF) ; Shields, Frank (ACF) ; Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF) ; Siegel, Julie (ACF) ; ( FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en"'b27c4e9375c94c2aaceb Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR) ; Green, Angela (ACF) ; Fleischer,Erica (ACF) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn:ad4f21e 117aef4c89969dfb8a2218ab40-Ernst Duis, Melissa(ACF) ; Jackson, Mrs. Jacqueline{ACF) ; Young, Veronica (ACF) ; Scala-Foley, Marisa (ACL) ; Germanis, Peter (ACF) ; Meade, Erica (HHS/ASPE); Rathgeb, Colleen(ACF) ; Finegold, Kenneth (HHS/ASPE); Lacina, Barbara (ACF) ; Marks, Caryn (OS/ASPE); Williams, Andrew {ACF) ; Raymond, Meredith (ACL) ; OS - ASPEHSP; Dawson, Shawndell (ACF) ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Clairmont, Karen (ACF) ; Gwilliam, Rachel (ACF) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000153 Kitchen, Antoinette (ACF) ; Lee, Katy (ACF) ; Shwalb, Rebecca (ACF) ; Balenger, Juanita (ACL) Sent Date: 2018/03/29 14:13:51 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000154 Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL) Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Dept. of Education Date: 2018/05/08 13:27:41 Start Date: 2018/05/10 10:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/10 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Call Attendees: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ~-----__. Dial- In #: (b)(6) Part icipant : b)(6) ~~--~ Leader: kn) / R\ I Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL) Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 13:27:41 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000155 Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) ; Brennan, Patrick (OS/ASPA); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Kalavritinos,Jack (OS/IEA) ; Oakley, Caitlin B. (OS/ASPA); Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Murphy, Ryan (OS/ASPA); Paulus, Carl (OS/ASPA); Pelekoudas,Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA); Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Ecoffey, Stacey (HHS/IEA) ; Carr, Elizabeth (OS/IEA) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: AMA briefing/ prep for STACmeeting Date: 2018/05/09 09:47:32 Start Date: 2018/05/09 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/09 15:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Locatio n: 615-F AMA2 (OS/IOS); Brennan, Patrick (OS/ASPA);Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS); Kalavritinos, Jack (OS/IEA); Oakley, Caitlin B. (OS/ASPA);Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS); Ryan.Murphy!; Paulus,Carl (OS/ASPA);Pelekoudas,Kristina (HHS/IOS); Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA);Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS); Attendees: Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA); Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Ecoffey, Stacey (HHS/IEA); Carr, Elizabeth (OS/IEA); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000156 Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) ; Brennan, Patrick (OS/ASPA); Harrison, Brian {HHS/IOS) ; Kalavritinos, Jack (OS/IEA) ; Oakley, Caitlin B. (OS/ASPA); Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Murphy, Ryan (OS/ASPA); Paulus,Carl (OS/ASPA); Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA); Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Ecoffey, Stacey (HHS/IEA) ; Carr, Elizabeth (OS/IEA) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/09 09:47:32 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000157 GAO.ASLREGS GAO.ASLREGS ; Ratliff, Shaun (HHS/ASL); Baresch,Virginia (HHS/OGA); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Petruccelli,Anthony J. (HHS/ASFR); Schmidt, Leigh Anne (OS/ASFR); Alexander, Thomas (OS/OGA); Stewart, JessicaL. (HHS/OS/OGA); Park, Jin (OS/OGA) ; To: Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Ghosh, Sudevi (CDC/OCOO/OGC); Johnson, Brenda (SAMHSA/OFR); Brower, Christopher (SAMHSA/OFR); Passman,Dina (HRSA) ; 'HRSAGAOLiaison' ; Stein, Meredith (NIH/OD) [E] ; Mazzarino,Mary Anne (NIH/OD) [E] ; Grillo, Claudia V (FDA/OC) ; Israel, Stormie (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OPPC) ; CDCGAOIG Liaison Smith, Sarah B. (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OGS) ; Moore, Tracey (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OGS) ; CC: Casalott i, Adriane (FDA/OC) ; Grant, Leonard D (FDA/OC) ; Sullivan, PriscellaT. (FDA/OC) Subject: Entrance Conference Prep Meeting - (102698) Conditions on Global Health Assistance Date: 2018/05/09 09:06:04 Start Date: 2018/05/11 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/1111 :00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: b)(6) I GAO.ASLREGS; Ratliff, Shaun (HHS/ASL); Baresch, Virginia (HHS/OGA);Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Petruccelli, Anthony J. (HHS/ASFR); Schmidt, Leigh Anne (OS/ASFR);Alexander, Thomas (OS/OGA);Stewart, JessicaL. (HHS/OS/OGA);Park, Jin (OS/OGA); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC);Ghosh, Sudevi (CDC/OCOO/OGC);Johnson, Brenda (SAMHSA/OFR);Brower, Attendees: Christopher (SAMHSA/OFR);Passman,Dina (HRSA); HRSAGAOLiaison; Stein, Meredith (NIH/OD) [E]; Mazzarino,Mary Anne (NIH/OD) [E]; Grillo, Claudia V (FDA/OC); Israel, Stormie (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OPPC); CDCGAO JG Liaison; Smith, Sarah B. (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OGS); Moore, Tracey (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OGS); Casalotti, Adriane; Grant, Leonard D; Sullivan, PriscellaT. The purpose of t his prep meeting is to discuss the questions provided by GAO fo r the engagement ent itl ed, "Conditions on Global Health Assistance" (Job code 102698). This prep meeting will be with internal HHS staff only. The objectives for this engagement are as fo llow s: 1. To which U.S. assistance agreements and contracts are federal agencies now applying to 2. Mexico City Policy? What actions have U.S. agencies taken when non -govern ment al organizations have declined to accept the Policy's terms, and what have bee n the resu lt s of these act io ns? EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000158 3. What is known about the impact of the Policy on U.S. global health and family planning assistance? The call in number for this meeting is as follows: Passcode ~b_)(_6_) -~ Attached you will find the notification letter for your review and specific questions . Additionally, since the GAO question set references the State Department's "Six Month Review" of policy implementation that document is attached. Please forward this calendar invite as appropriate. GAO.ASLREGS GAO.ASLREGS ; Ratliff, Shaun (HHS/ASL); Baresch,Virginia (HHS/OGA); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Petruccelli,Anthony J. {HHS/ASFR); Schmidt, Leigh Anne (OS/ASFR); Alexander, Thomas (OS/OGA); Stewart, JessicaL. (HHS/OS/OGA); Park, Jin (OS/OGA) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Ghosh, Sudevi (CDC/OCOO/OGC) ; Recipient: Johnson, Brenda (SAMHSA/OFR); Brower, Christopher {SAMHSA/OFR); Passman, Dina (HRSA) ; 'HRSAGAOLiaison' ; Stein, Meredith (NIH/OD) [E] ; Mazzarino,Mary Anne (NIH/OD) [EJ ; Grillo, Claudia V (FDA/OC) ; Israel, Stormie (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OPPC) ; CDCGAOIG Liaison ; Smith, Sarah B. (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OGS) ; Moore, Tracey (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OGS) ; Casalott i, Adriane (FDA/OC) ; Grant, Leonard D (FDA/OC) ; Sullivan, PriscellaT. (FDA/OC) Sent Date : 2018/05/09 09:06:04 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000159 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Matt Bowmanl{b){6) I Date: 2018/05/21 17:37:26 Start Date: 2018/05/25 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/26 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/2117 :37:26 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000160 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Amanda farewell Date: 2018/05/2117 :48:45 Start Date: 2018/05/22 18:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/22 20:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Sonoma - 223 Pennsylvania Ave SE Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/2117:48:45 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000161 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/04/13 14:03:22 Start Date : 2018/04/16 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/16 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Driver: Charmaine Denny, l(b)(6) I Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/13 14:03:22 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000162 Wynne, Maggie(HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie(HHS/l05) Subj ect: SAVEDTHE DATE:Common Componentsof Youth Programmi'ng Forum Date: 2018/05/09 10:42:31 Start Date : 2018/06/07 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/09 00:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment lo cation: AJ,R, at 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, Washington, D,C. Dear Maggie, I'd like to invite you to the upcoming Common Components of Youth Programming Forum, which is funded through a partnership between the lnteragency Work ing Group on Youth Programs and the Office of Population Affairs, The meeting will be held June 1th and sth at the offices of the American Institutes for Research (AIR), located at 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, Washington, D.C. More details about the meeting, including the agenda and list of presenters and speakers, are provided below and in the attached materials. Sincere ly, Brenda On behalf of the lnteragency Working Group on Youth Programs, we would like to invite you to attend the upcoming Common Components of Youth Programming Forum. Staff from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation and the Office of Population Affairs within the Department of Health and Human Services, are bringing together a group of people (including academic experts and federal staff) to discuss the common components of successful prevention programs for youth across different disciplines and fields . We are convening a 2-day meeting in Washington D.C. in June to encourage conversat ions among those do ing th is wo rk, increase federal staff's awareness of this topic, and explore new avenues for buildi ng evidence. We've attached the preli minary agenda and speaker list. The Forum will be held Thursday, June 7, 12:00 pm to 5:30 pm (12:00-1:00PM registrat ion) and Friday, June 8, 9:00 am t o 4:00 pm ETat the offi ces of the Amer ican Institutes for Research (AIR), located at 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, Washington, D.C., 20007. EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000163 We will be sending additional informat ion in May, including an invitation to register for the meeting, hotel information, and other logistical details . Best, Cheri Hoffman, Ph.D. Chair, lnteragency Working Group on Youth Programs Director, Division of Children and Youth Policy Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105) Sent Date: 2018/05/09 10:42:31 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000164 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Senate Judiciary hearing: TVPRAand Exploited Loopholes Affecting UAC Date: 2018/05/21 18:07:04 Sta rt Date: 2018/05/23 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/23 16:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment COMMITTEE : Senate Committee on Judiciary, Subcommittee on Border Security and Immigration SUBJECT : TVPRA and Exploited Loopholes Affecting Unacco mpanied Alien Children DATE/TIME : May 23 , 2:30 p.m.; 226 Dirksen WITNESSES : Panel I o The Honorable Dean Heller , U.S. Senator , State of Nevada Panel II o Ms. Alysa Erichs, Acting Deputy Executive Associate Director, Homeland Security Investigations , Immigrat ion and Customs Enforcement , Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC o Mr. Matthew Albence, Execut ive Assoc iate Director , Enforcement and Removal Operations, Immigration and Customs Enforcement , Department of Homela nd Sec urity, Wash ington, DC o The Honorable Richard Hudson , Deputy Chief of the Operations Program, Law Enforcement Operations Directorate, United States Customs and Border Protection , Department of Homeland Security, Wash ington , DC o Mr. Steve Wagner , Acting Ass istant Secretary , Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services , Washington , DC Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/21 18:07:04 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000165 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/04/13 14:03:40 Start Date : 2018/04/16 11:30:00 End Date : 2018/04/16 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Driver: Charmaine Denny Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/13 14:03:40 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000166 From: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Maggie {b )(6) I Date: 20 18/04/28 21:22:54 Start Date: 20 18/05/11 12:00:00 End Date: 20 18/05/1117:30:00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Sender: Wynne, Maggie {HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/28 21:22:54 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000167 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: ACF presentation at STAC Date : 2018/05/09 10:43:33 Start Date: 2018/05/09 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/09 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/09 10:43:33 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000168 From: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Maggie Vb )(6) I Date: 2018/04/28 21:30:55 Start Date: 2018/05/10 16:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/10 19:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appo int ment Sender : Wynne, Maggie (H HS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/28 21:30:55 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000169 From: To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subj ect: Jallyn l{b)(6\ I Date : 2018/05/29 12:33: 53 Sta rt Date: 2018/05 / 29 00 :00:00 End Date: 20 18/06/12 00:00 :00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 12:33:53 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000170 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Senate Appropriations hearing: FY2019 Budget Request for I ndian Health Service Date : 2018/05/21 18:37:47 Sta rt Date: 2018/05/23 09:30:00 End Dat e: 2018/05/23 11:00:00 Priority : Norma l Type: Appointment COMMITTEE : Senate Comm ittee on Appropriations , Subcommittee on Interior , Environment and Related Agencies SUBJECT: FY2019 Budget Request for Indian Health Service DATE/TIME : May 23 , 9:30 a.m.; 124 Dirksen *WITNESSES : o Rear Admiral Michael Weahkee , Acting Director , Indian Health Service o Rear Admiral Michael Toedt, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Indian Health Service o Mr. Gary Hartz, Director of the Office of Environmental Health and Engineering, Indian Health Service o Ms . Ann Church , Acting Director of the Office of Finance and Accounti ng, Indian Health Service Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/2118:37 :47 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000171 Wynne, Maggie(HHS/10S) To: Wynne, Maggie(HHS/10S) Subject : RelmagineHHStown hall meeting Date: 2018/05/09 12:44:33 Start Date : 2018/05/14 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 16:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Please jo in Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan and other Relmagine HHS leaders for a Town Hall th is coming Monday marking the one -year anniversa ry of Relmagine HHS. The Relmagine HHSteam will be broadcasting live to answer your questions and provide a preview of what to expect from Relmagine HHS in the coming years. A year ago, we started this process by asking for your feedback - and once again, we want to hear from you! What questions do you have regarding Relmagine HHS?What are you most excited about? What would you like clarified? Please subm it your questions to by noon on Friday, May 11th, for the opportunity to have them answered by Relmagine HHS leaders during a live panel. For a refresher on what's going on with Relmagine HHS, please visit our HHS Intranet site here: https:/ / intra net. Logistics: o Who: All HHS Staff o What: Opportunity to hear from ReImagine leadership and learn about the way forwa rd for HHS o Where: In-person at the Hubert H. Humphrey Building (Room 800), or via virtual livestream broadcast (link to follow) o When : Monday, May 14th, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m . All HHS staff members who are available to attend are invited to do so. The event wi ll also be livestreamed online via a forthcom ing link. As always, email us with any questions or ideas at: We look forward to connecting with you! Regards, Priscilla Priscilla W . Clark, PhD, PCC Lead, Relmagine HHSTransformation Management Office Wynne, Maggie(HHS/10S) Recipient : Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S) (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=aab414d065764e13baf66a6f66b299ab-Wynne Sent Date : 2018/05/09 12:44:33 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000172 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; To: Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) Subject: Discusstrademark form for PBL Date: 2018/04/02 14:25:27 Start Date: 2018/04/03 09:30:00 End Date : 2018/04/03 10:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: SLSoffice Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient : Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/02 14:25:27 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000173 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: TENTATIVE- STACMeeting in Fairbanks Date: 2018/04/16 19:37:08 Start Date: 2018/09/23 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/09/27 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/16 19:37:08 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000174 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Anna Pilato - out of the office Date : 2018/04/17 10:00:47 Start Date: 2018/04/23 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/28 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 10:00:47 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000175 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Mandatory travel training Date: 2018/05/09 14:18:39 Start Date: 2018/05/21 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/21 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Auditorium Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/09 14:18:39 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000176 o Exit conference. Please direct any questions to Shaun Ratliff. Thank you, From: Jones, Pamela D [mailto:] Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 6:39 PM To: GAO.ASLREGS;CDC GAO IG Liaison Cc: Gootnick, David B; Holen, Leslie E; McAtee, Michael P Subject: HHS Notification Letter for 102698 Please see the attached notification letter and entrance form for processing. Sender : Olson, Susan P Olson, Susan P ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Petruccelli, Anthony J. (HHS/ASFR) ; Stewart, Jessica L. (HHS/OS/OGA) ; Alexander, Thomas (OS/OGA) ; Park, Jin (OS/OGA) ; Ghosh, Sudevi (CDC/OCOO/OGC) ; Recipient: Ratliff, Shaun (HHS/ASL) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) ; Achrekar, Angeli ; Agurkis, Julie ; Stoike, Jeffrey J ; Stone, Lesley A ; Ocheltree, Kimberly J < kocheltree@usaid .gov>; McLaughlin, Mary (GC/G) ; Baresch, Virginia (HHS/OGA) ; Nightingale, Vienna Rav DHA J-9 (US) (vienna.r.nightingale.civ@mail.mi l) Sent Date: 2018/04/30 11:45:21 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000177 Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Daniels, Jeff (ACF) ; Holloway, Christopher (ACF) ; Matthew, Resa(ACF) ; WallaceJr., Keith (ACF) ; Harrell, Margaret D. (ACF) ; Dixon, Frances (ACF) ; Randolph-Robinson , Caprisca(ACF) ; Deterding, Nicole (ACF) (CTR) ; Daly, Michelle E. (SAMHSA/CSAT); Derbes, Catherine (OS/ASPE); Brodowski, Melissa(ACF) ; Chappel, Andre (HHS/ASPE); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) ; Smith, Andrew (ACF) ; Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; O'Dell, Ben (OS/CFBNP); Lynch, Calder (CMS/QA) ; Keckler, Charles(HHS/IOS) ; Carter, Clarence(ACF) ; Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR); List, Deborah (ACF) ; Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC); Oellerich, Don (HHS/ASPE); Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE); Burgess, Kimberly (HHS/ASPE); Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE); Robertson, Lance(ACL) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Antelo, Lauren (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Marquita (ACL) (CTR) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Lewandoski,Mona (OS/ASFR); Duran, Mishaela(ACF) ; Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE); Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP); Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Hauan, Susan (HHS/ASPE); Baldwin PhD., Melinda (ACF) ; Branham, Keith (OS/ASPE); Frohlich, Lauren (ACF) ; Fairley, Kenya (ACF) ; Orsinger, Rachel (ACF) ; White, LeBretia (ACF) ; Kelvington, Areon (ACF) ; Kleinschmidt,Arthur (SAMHSNCSAT); Le, Minh (ACF) ; Hayes, Michael (ACF) ; West, Kristina (O5/ASPE); McLain,Ophelia M (ACL) ; Crossen, Larissa (ACL) ; Nicholls, Richard (ACL) ; Lazare, Mary (ACL) ; Nibley, Megan (OS/ASPE); Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Christensen, Heidi (HHS/CFBNP); Zakhour, Christine (ACF) (CTR) ; McDonald, Robin (ACF) ; Jones, David (ACF) ; Murray, James (ACF) ; Williams, Cameron (HHS/ASFR); Mizoguchi,Ms. Carol (ACF) ; Washington-Thomas,Lisa (ACF) ; Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR) ; Benton, Amanda (OS/ASPE); Wubbenhorst, William (ACF) ; Dawson, Shawndell (ACF) ; Cargill-Willis, Katherine (ACL) ; Johnson, Jennifer (ACL) ; Cruz, Allison (ACL) ; Callaway, Shawn (ACL) ; Huerta, Clare (ACL) ; Newell-Perez,Sara (ACL) ; O'Brien, Pamela (ACL) ; Roberts, Wilma (ACL) ; Thomas, Carla (ACL) ; Wright, Melvenia (ACL) ; Snow, Catherine (OS/CFBNP)(CTR) ; Erickson, Laura (OS/ASPE); Vaseghi, Bardia (ACF) ; Golonka, Susan (ACF) ; Negri, Warren A. (ACF) ; Layton, Chris (OS/ASFR); Morris, Genevieve(OS/ONC/IO) ; Rancourt, John H. Jr. (OS/ONC); Traver, Christopher (ACF) ; Simcox, Edwin (OS/IOS) ; Koyani, Sanjay (OS/IOS) ; Morse, Jonathan D. (CMS/CPI); Stephanie King ; Chu, Rose(HHS/HP) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn= Novak, Thomas (OS/ONC) ; Henriksen, Maureen (ACF) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000180 Ghertner, Robin (HHS/ASPE); Dant, Christi (ACF) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn = 727cbc92974e49e59ef16bfac5a5c6d2 Moore, Kathleen (ACF)(CTR) ; Williams, Pamela M. (CMS/CPI); Brentzel, Ingrid (CMS/CPI); Morgan, Agnes M. (CMS/CPI); Simms, Bridget (CMS/CPI); Duran, Mishaela(HHS/ASPE); Pika, Joseph (HHS/ASFR); Johnson, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR); Craig, Kathryn (HHS/ASFR); Comeaux, Nicole M. (CMS/CMCS); Campbell,Thom (ACL) ; Stiles, Corinna (ACL) ; Hannan, Marylee (FDNOC) ; Waters, Damon (ACF) i Butler, James (ACF) ; Monteiro, Carol (ACF) ; Friedman, Eileen (ACF) ; Shelton, LaMonica(ACF) ; Mickens, Shantel (ACF) ; Dawdanow, Sanje (ACF) ; Schindler, Thomas (ACF) ; McDowell, Larry (ACF) ; Allen, Gary (ACF) ; Russell,Kisha (ACF) ; Fong, Julie (ACF) ; Shields, Frank (ACF) ; Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF) ; Siegel, Julie (ACF) ; Green, Angela (ACF) ; Fleischer,Erica (ACF) ; Duis, Melissa(ACF) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000181 Jackson, Mrs. Jacqueline(ACF) ; Young, Veronica (ACF) ; Scala-Foley, Marisa (ACL) ; Germanis, Peter (ACF) ; Meade, Erica (HHS/ASPE); Rathgeb, Colleen(ACF) ; Finegold, Kenneth (HHS/ASPE); Lacina, Barbara (ACF) ; Marks, Caryn (OS/ASPE); Williams, Andrew (ACF) ; Raymond, Meredith (ACL) ; OS - ASPEHSP; EDH (O5/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Clairmont, Karen (ACF) ; Gwilliam, Rachel (ACF) ; Kitchen, Antoinette (ACF) ; Lee, Katy (ACF) ; Shwalb, Rebecca(ACF) ; Balenger, Juanita (ACL) Ortiz, Melissa(ACL) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn= 565d0ac1827c417893c82.15Safleb Phillips, Christine (ACL) ; Gottlich, Vicki (ACL) ; Dean, Sanzanna(OJP) (; Banks-Scheetz,Maia (SAMHSA/DSSI); Gross, Dorrine (SAMHSA/CMHS); Fernandez,Caroline (SAMHSA/CMHS); Crawford, Sheryl (SAMHSNCMHS); Atanda, Robert T. (SAMHSA/CSAT); Vasquez, Luis (SAMHSA/CMHS); Tarantino, Valerie (SAMHSA/CSAT); Manwar, Ali (SAMHSNCSAT); Salim, Onaje (SAMHSNCSAT); EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000182 'Lawrence M Berger' ; Osborne, Jonathan (OS/ASL) ; Jones, Kaitlyn (HHS/ASPE) Subj ect: HHSSocial Capital Speaker Series 4th Session: Practitioner Perspectives:Mentors and Allies Date: 2018/04/30 12:07:16 Start Date: 2018/05/22 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/22 13:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: ROOMUPDATE: Hubert Humphrey Building, Room 443E Daniels, Jeff (ACF); Holloway, Christopher (ACF); Matthew, Resa(ACF); Wallace Jr., Keith (ACF); Harrell, Margaret D. (ACF); Dixon, Frances(ACF); Randolph-Robinson,caprisca (ACF); Deterding, Nicole (ACF) (CTR); Daly, Michelle E. (SAMHSA/CSAT);Derbes, Catherine (OS/ASPE);Brodowski, Melissa (ACF); Chappel, Andre (HHS/ASPE);Stevenson,Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS); Smith, Andrew (ACF); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL);O'Dell, Ben (OS/CFBNP);Lynch, (alder (CMS/OA); Keckler, Charles(HHS/IOS); Carter, Clarence (ACF); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR);List, Deborah (ACF); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC);Oellerich, Don (HHS/ASPE); Burnszynski, Jennifer (OS/ASPE); Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE);Burgess, Kimberly (HHS/ASPE);Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE);Robertson, Lance(ACL); Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA); Antelo, Lauren (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Stevenson, Marquita (ACL) (CTR); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Lewandoski,Mona (OS/ASFR);Duran, Mishaela(ACF); Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE);Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP);Wagner, Steven (ACF); Hauan, Susan (HHS/ASPE);Baldwin PhD., Melinda (ACF); Branham, Keith (OS/ASPE);Frohlich, Lauren (ACF); Fairley, Kenya (ACF); Orsinger, Rachel (ACF}; White, LeBretia(ACF); Kelvington, Areon (ACF); Kleinschmidt,Arthur (SAMHSA/CSAT);Le, Minh (ACF); Hayes, Michael (ACF); West, Kristina (OS/ASPE); Mcla in, Ophelia M (ACL); Crossen, Larissa (ACL); Nicholls, Richard (ACL); Lazare, Mary (ACL); Nibley, Megan (OS/ASPE);Powers, Mary (ACF); Christensen, Heidi (HHS/CFBNP);Zakhour, Christine (ACF) (CTR); McDonald,Robin (ACF); Jones, David (ACF); Murray, James (ACF); Williams, Cameron (HHS/ASFR);Mizoguchi, Ms. carol (ACF); Washington-Thomas,Lisa (ACF); Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR); Benton, Amanda (OS/ASPE);Wubbenhorst, William (ACF); Dawson, Shawndell (ACF); cargill-Willis, Katherine (ACL); Johnson, Jennifer (ACL); Cruz, Allison (ACL); Callaway, Shawn (ACL); Huerta, Clare (ACL); Newell- Perez,Sara (ACL); O'Brien, Pamela (ACL); Roberts, Wilma (ACL); Thomas, Carla (ACL); Wright, Melvenia (ACL); Snow, Catherine Atte ndees: (OS/CFBNP) (CTR); Erickson, Laura (OS/ASPE); Vaseghi, Bardia (ACF); Golonka, Susan (ACF); Negri, Warren A. (ACF); Layton, Chris (OS/ASFR);Morris, Genevieve(OS/ONC/IO); Rancourt, John H. Jr. (OS/ONC);Traver, Christopher (ACF); Simcox, Edwin (OS/IOS); Koyani, Sanjay (OS/IOS); Morse, Jonathan D. (CMS/CPI);Stephanie King; Chu, Rose (HHS/HP); Novak, Thomas (OS/ONC);Henriksen, Maureen (ACF); Ghertner, Robin (HHS/ASPE);Dant, Christi (ACF); Moore, Kathleen (ACF) (CTR); Williams, PamelaM. (CMS/CPI); Brentzel, Ing rid (CMS/CPI); Morgan, Agnes M. (CMS/CPI);Simms, Bridget (CMS/CPI); Duran, Mishaela (HHS/ASPE);Pika, Joseph (HHS/ASFR);Johnson, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR);Craig, Kathryn (HHS/ASFR); Comeaux, Nicole M. (CMS/CMCS);Campbell,Thom (ACL); Stiles, Corinna (ACL); Hannan, Marylee (FDA/OC); Waters, Damon (ACF); Butler, James (ACF); Monteiro, Carol (ACF); Friedman, Eileen (ACF); Shelton, LaMonica(ACF); Mickens, Shantel (ACF); Dawdanow, Sanje (ACF); Schindler, Thomas (ACF); McDowell, Larry (ACF); Allen, Gary (ACF); Russell, Kisha (ACF); Fong, Julie (ACF); Shields, Frank (ACF); Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF); Siegel, Julie (ACF); Green, Angela (ACF); Fleischer, Erica (ACF); Duis, Melissa (ACF); Jackson, Mrs. Jacqueline (ACF); Young, Veronica (ACF); Scala-Foley,Marisa (ACL); Germanis,Peter (ACF); Meade, Erica (HHS/ASPE);Rathgeb, Colleen (ACF); Finegold, Kenneth (HHS/ASPE);Lacina, Barbara (ACF); Marks, Caryn (HHS/IEA); Williams, Andrew (ACF); Raymond, Meredith (ACL); OS o ASPEHSP; EDH (OS/IOS; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS); Clairmont, Karen (ACF); Gwilliam, Rachel (ACF); Kitchen, Antoinette (ACF); Lee, Katy (ACF); Shwalb, Rebecca(ACF); Balenger, Juanita (ACL); Ortiz, Melissa(ACL); Phillips, Christine (ACL); Gottlich, Vicki (ACL); Dean, Sanzanna(OJP) (;Banks-Scheetz,Maia (SAMHSA/DSSI);Gross, Dorrine (SAMHSA/CMHS);Fernandez,Caroline (SAMHSA/CMHS);Crawford, Sheryl (SAMHSA/CMHS); Atanda, Robert T. (SAMHSA/CSAT);Vasquez,Luis (SAMHSA/CMHS);Tarantino, Valerie (SAMHSA/CSAT);Manwar, Ali (SAMHSA/CSAT);Salim, Onaje (SAMHSA/CSAT);'Lawrence M Berger'; Osborne, Jonathan (OS/ASL); Jones, Kaitlyn (HHS/ASPE) EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000183 All of our presenters will be joining us in person. We look forward to seeing you in Humphrey 443E! **We highly encourage you to come in person, as we are having some problems with phone lines and can not guarantee the quality* * See you there! Join us for the interna l: HHSSocial Capital Speaker Series Practitioner Perspectives: Mentors and Allies Tuesday, May 22 nd from 12:00pm to 1:30pm in Humphrey 443GBP The present ers o Mr . Craig DeRoche - Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Public Policy, Prison Fellowship o Dr. Sarah Hemminger - Co-founder, Thread, lhc . o Mr . Jon Katov - Founder and CEO,The Open Table o Mrs. Shannon Royce - Directo r, Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives (moderator) About this session This session focuses on bridg ing social capital through mentors and allies. During this session, presente rs will provide tangible and compelling examples of how their programs build and leverage social capita l to imp rove opportun ity for low-income populations. Read more about the featured programs below . About the series The speaker series will explore social capital, featur ing a variety of researchers, policy experts, and practitioners' perspect ives and progr(lms on the utilization of social capita l. This series will facilitate learning among HHScolleagues, inform how HHSconceptualizes social capit al, and lay the groundwork for how HHS policy, program, and research work can leverage social capital and civil society to promote work and reduce dependence Featur ed Programs Prison Fellowship is the nation's largest outreach to prisoners, former prisoners and their famil ies. Founded in 1976, Prison Fellowship is also one of the longest servi ng and most influential voices in crim inal justice and prison reform. Our founder, Chuck Colson, served as Special Assistant to President Nixon and served time in federal prison for a felony conviction related to the Watergate investigation . He believed, and our ministry believes that no person is beyond redempt ion. Prison Fellowship today runs 78 Academies in 27 states, programming in 428 prison s and services in more than 1,000 prisons in America. Prison Fellowsh ip's Warden Exchange Program teaches wardens how to transform the culture of a prison from the inside out, to transform the people who live there . Prison Fellowship's Advocacy team is regarded as EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000184 one of the country's leading subject matter experts on public policy related to sentencing, in prison policy and post release issues. Thread, Inc. - Many people assume that at-risk students-with GPA's as low as 0.0, living in neighborhoods with concentrated poverty, and surrounded by violence and drugs-are a lost cause. Thread proves this notion wrong and demonstrates that even students living in the bottom of almost every statistical scale can thrive and transform their communities. Thread intervenes in the 9th grade and disrupts the pattern of isolation that leads to academic underperformance, enrolling students who rank academically in the bottom 25% of their class and who face an abundance of challenges outside of the classroom. Students remain in Thread for 10 years, surrounded by a group of up to 5 volunteers-a Thread Family-that provides the student with continuous support and increased accessto community resources while deeply enriching the lives of committed volunteers. Once enrolled, Thread commits to never giving up on a single student, and our students consistently defy the odds. The Thread Community Model achieves exemplary outcomes and also serves as a disruptor and model for creating systemic change by building endurin g relationships . The Open Table uses a faith and community-based, bottom-up, grassroots model to draw together the relational, intellectual and social capital of communities to transform poverty , Each Table is composed of a group of volunteers that make a year-long commitment to act - through reciprocal relationship-as a team of life specialists, encouragers, and connectors to social capital in the community. Over the course of a year, the Table and the participant/family develop friendships and together imp lement a participant -driven plan to build a bett er life. After participating in a Table, 95 percent of participants stayed in relationship with other members, 85 percent had a better job or were in college, and 95 percent felt optimist about their future ability to be self-supported. The Open Table has been trained in 30+ states and internationally. Feat ured Presenter s Craig DeRoche serves as senior vice president for advocacy and pub.lie policy at Prison fellowship, the nation 's largest out.reach to prisoners, former prisoners, and their families . He leads the organization 's efforts to advance restorative criminal justice reform at the state and federal levels. A recognized subject-matter expert, he has testified before Congress and confers with lawmakers to help them design legislation that prioritizes accountability, community partkipation, and second chances. DeRoche made front-page news when, at 34, he became the speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives. In 2010, he made national headlines again for two alcohol-related arrests, revealing a long-concealed addiction to alcohol. It was only after his arrests, the ensuing rehab, and a renewed focus on his Christian faith that he entered lasting recovery. He relates the story in Highly Functional, his 2015 memoir . Since joining Prison Fellowship, DeRoche has brought his polit ical acumen and personal experiences to the pursuit of restorative crimi nal j ustice , He pens op-eds for publications including The New York Times, The Washington Times, and The Christian Post. He serves on the Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections, a bipartisan body charged with making recommendations to Congress and the president about how to improve the federal corrections system. He is also a signatory to Right on Crime's Statement of Principles on conservative criminal justice refo rm . Right on Crime is a project of the Texas Public Policy Foundation in cooperation wi th Prison Fellowship and t he American Conservative Union Foundation . EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000185 Sarah Hemminger is a social entrepreneur, scientist, and ice dancer who co-founded Thread with her husband Ryan Hemminger in 2004. Equipped with the fundamental understanding that we all need deep interpersonal bonds to thrive, Sarah knows that caring relationships have the power to radically and permanently alter the social support structure of everyone involved. She has fourteen years of experience in nonprofit management and expertise in the development, expansion, and replication of innovative, paradigm-shifting models of forming relat ionships across lines of difference between high school students, volunteers and collaborators. Sarah was awarded fellowships from Ashoka, Echoing Green Foundation, Open Society Institute, and the Albert Schweitzer Fellows Program, which support social entrepreneurs with innovative ideas. In 2010, Sarah received her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University for her work on the role of the cerebellum and the primary motor cortex on the tirne scales of consolidation of motor memory. She received the prestigious Siebel Scholars Award for outstanding work in the field of technology and engineering. Her research was published in the Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Neurophysiology, and Cerebral Cortex and she has lectured internationally on her work. Sarah received her undergraduate degree from the Johns Hopkins University in 2002, and prior to pursuing her PhD, she worked as an engineer for Medtronic XOMED. Jon Katov founded Open Table after colliding with a homeless man on a church outreach mission in 2005. Jon joined with his congregation to build a board of directors around his "Brother" and develop a business plan to tap the abundant intellectual and social capital and personal networks of the faith community. This first and subsequent successes resulted in the founding of Open Table as a 501 c3 non-profit organization. Open Table has been trained to congregations and communit ies in 30+ states and internationally. It has become the foundation of a breakthrough community/government intellectual and social capital co-investment model now being practiced by the faith, business, legal and healthcare community sectors and government agencies. Through the Open Table co-investment model, ''boards of directors," now called Tables, are able to invest the abundant, sustainable intellectual and social capital of the community to support the life plans of participants/families experiencing poverty. Jon leads a team of staff, researchers, graduates and consultants, almost all whom have sat on Tables, to train the model. Shannon Royce, Esq, brings a wea lth of experience. to her role as Director of the Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Shannon' s profess ional background includes both government and private sector experience. In government , she worked for over seven years on Capitol Hill, includ ing serving as Counsel to Senator Chuck Grassley (now Chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee). In the private sector, Shannon worked in several faith-based non-profits , includ ing the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission {ERLC)and the Family Research Council. In leading the Center, Shannon sees her role as one of service and stewardship, carrying out the vision of the Admin istration. She received her Juris Doctor from the George Washington University School of Law. Shannon is married with two grown sons and enjoys running half -marathons forfun. Webe x Login o Join:,-l (b-)-(6_) _________ __, l(b)(6) EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000186 o Event Password: l~ tb_)_{6_)___ ~ Audio: Can access aud io through your computer when you logon to webex through the above link OR you can use the call in line: Call in toll number:l(b)(6) o Accesscode: K~ b_)_ (6~)--~ o o .-----==::::::; ---~ This is an internal speaker series for HHS only. Please forward invitation and invit e only oth er HHS staff as appropriate . Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Daniels, Jeff (ACF) ; Holloway, Christopher (ACF) ; Matthew, Resa(ACF) ; WallaceJr., Keith (ACF) ; Harrell, Margaret D. (ACF) ; Dixon, Frances(ACF) i Randolph-Robinson,Caprisca(ACF) ; Deterding, Nicole (ACF) (CTR) ; Daly, Michelle E. (SAMHSA/CSAT); Recipient: Derbes, Catherine (OS/ASPE); Brodowski, Melissa (ACF) ; Chappel, Andre (HHS/ASPE); Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/1O5) ; Smith, Andrew (ACF) ; Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; O'Dell, Ben (OS/CFBNP); Lynch, Calder (CMS/OA) ; Keckler,Charles (HHS/IOS) ; Carter, Clarence(ACF) ; Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kelley, Curtis (HHS/ASFR); List, Deborah (ACF) ; Hargan, Eric (OS/1O5) ; Balderston, Deirdre (HHS/OGC); Oellerich, Don (HHS/ASPE); Burnszynski,Jennifer (OS/ASPE); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE); Burgess, Kimberly (HHS/ASPE); Kinnison, Kelly (OS/ASPE); Robertson, Lance(ACL) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Antelo, Lauren (HHS/ASPE); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Stevenson, Marquita (ACL) (CTR) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Lewandoski, Mona (O5/ASFR); Duran, Mishaela(ACF) ; Delew, Nancy (HHS/ASPE); Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP); Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Hauan, Susan (HHS/ASPE); Baldwin PhD., Melinda (ACF) ; Branham, Keith (OS/ASPE); Frohlich, Lauren (ACF) ; Fairley, Kenya (ACF) i Orsinger, Rachel (ACF) ; White, LeBretia (ACF) ; Kelvington, Areon (ACF) ; Kleinschmidt,Arthur (SAMHSA/CSAT); Le, Minh (ACF) ; Hayes, Michael (ACF) ; West, Kristina (OS/ASPE); Mclain, Ophelia M (ACL) ; Crossen, Larissa (ACL) ; Nicholls, Richard (ACL) ; Lazare, Mary (ACL) ; Nibley, Megan (OS/ASPE); Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Christensen, Heidi (HHS/CFBNP); Zakhour, Christine (ACF)(CTR) ; McDonald, Robin (ACF) ; Jones, David (ACF) ; Murray, James (ACF) ; Williams, Cameron (HHS/ASFR}; Mizoguchi,Ms. Carol (ACF) ; Washington-Thomas,Lisa (ACF) ; Bathon, David (ACF) (CTR) ; Benton, Amanda (OS/ASPE); Wubbenhorst, William (ACF) ; Dawson, Shawndell (ACF) ; Cargill-Willis, Katherine (ACL) ; Johnson, Jennifer (ACL) ; Cruz, Allison (ACL) ; Callaway, Shawn (ACL) ; Huerta, Clare (ACL) ; Newell-Perez,Sara (ACL) ; O'Brien, Pamela (ACL) ; Roberts, Wilma (ACL) ; Thomas, Carla (ACL) ; Wright, Melvenia (ACL) ; Snow, Catherine (OS/CFBNP)(CTR} ; Erickson, Laura (OS/ASPE}; Vaseghi, Bardia (ACF) ; Golonka, Susan (ACF) ; Negri, Warren A. (ACF} ; Layton, Chris (OS/ASFR); Morris, Genevieve(OS/ONC/IO) ; Rancourt, John H. Jr. (OS/ONC); Traver, Christopher (ACF) ; Simcox, Edwin (OS/IOS) ; Koyani, Sanjay (OS/IOS) ; Morse, Jonathan D. (CMS/CPI); >; Stephanie King!th\t i:; \ Chu, Rose(HHS/HP) ; Novak, Thomas (OS/ONC); Henriksen, Maureen (ACF) ; Ghertner, Robin (HHS/ASPE); Dant, Christi (ACF) ; Moore, Kathleen (ACF)(CTR) ; Williams, Pamela M. (CMS/CPI); Brentzel, Ingrid (CMS/CPI); Morgan, Agnes M. (CMS/CPI); Simms, Bridget (CMS/CPI); Duran, Mishaela(HHS/ASPE); Pika, Joseph (HHS/ASFR); Johnson, Jeffrey (HHS/ASFR); Craig, Kathryn (HHS/ASFR); Comeaux, Nicole M. (CMS/CMCS); Campbell,Thom (ACL) ; Stiles, Corinna (ACL) ; Hannan, Marylee (FDA/QC) ; Waters, Damon (ACF) ; Butler, James (ACF) ; Monteiro, Carol (ACF} ; Friedman, Eileen (ACF) ; Shelton, LaMonica(ACF) ; Mickens, Shantel (ACF) ; Dawdanow, Sanje (ACF) ; EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000190 Schindler, Thomas (ACF) ; McDowell, Larry (ACF) ; Allen, Gary (ACF) ; Russell,Kisha (ACF) ; Fong, Julie (ACF) ; Shields, Frank (ACF) ; Koutstaal, Stanley (ACF) ; Siegel, Julie (ACF) ; Green, Angela (ACF) ; Fleischer,Erica (ACF) ; Duis, Melissa(ACF) ; Jackson, Mrs. Jacqueline (ACF) ; Young, Veronica (ACF) ; Scala-Foley, Marisa (ACL) ; Germanis, Peter (ACF) ; Meade, Erica (HHS/ASPE); Rathgeb, Colleen(ACF) ; Finegold, Kenneth (HHS/ASPE); Lacina, Barbara (ACF) ; Marks, Caryn (OS/ASPE)i Williams, Andrew (ACF) ; Raymond, Meredith (ACL) ; OS - ASPEHSP ; EDH (OS/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Clairmont, Karen (ACF) ; Gwilliam, Rachel (ACF) i (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/ en=Recipients/cn= 2ebf5cf4534f44b5a472cef3a5c6c212 Kitchen, Antoinette (ACF) ; Lee, Katy (ACF) ; Shwalb, Rebecca(ACF) ; Balenger,Juanita (ACL) ; Ortiz, Melissa(ACL) ; Phillips, Christine (ACL) ; Gottlich, Vicki (ACL) ; Dean, Sanzanna(OJP) (; Banks-Scheetz, Maia (SAMHSA/DSSI); Gross, Dorrine (SAMHSA/CMHS); Fernandez,Caroline (SAMHSA/CMHS); Crawford, Sheryl (SAMHSNCMHS); Atanda, Robert T. (SAMHSA/CSAT); Vasquez, Luis (SAMHSA/CMHS); Tarantino, Valerie (SAMHSA/CSAD; Manwar, Ali (SAMHSA/CSAT); Salim, Onaje (SAMHSNCSAT); 'Lawrence M Berger' ; Osborne, Jonathan (OS/ASL) ; Jones, Kaitlyn (HHS/ASPE) Sent Date: 2018/04/30 12:07:16 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000192 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Secretary at STAC Date: 2018/05/09 18:16:44 Start Date: 2018/05/ 10 14:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/10 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Room 800 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/09 18:16:44 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000193 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/04/17 15:15:21 Start Date : 2018/04/20 12:25:00 End Date: 2018/04/20 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location : Driver: Level 18, Charmaine Denny, Kb)(6) I Will meet Maggie on 1B, then pick up others at Switzer. Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/ 17 15:15:21 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000194 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/04/17 15:15:34 Start Date : 2018/04/20 14:30:00 End Date : 2018/04/20 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Driver: Gary Pratt,l(b )(6) !or l(b)(6) I Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 15:15:34 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000195 DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary(OS/IOS) ; l/h )fF\) (OS/IOSWn @HHS.GOV>; Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS); Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Oakley, Caitlin B. (OS/ASPA); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA) ; To: Althouse, Riley (OS/ASPA); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) ; Perez-Rivera,Diana (CMS/QA) ; Brookes, Brady (CMS/OA) ; CMSSVl ; Lynch, Calder (CMS/OA) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Johnston, Darcie (HHS/IEA) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ,r~, CMSAdministrator ; Kalavritinos, Jack (OS/IEA) ; CC: Reilly, Erin (OS/IEA) (CTR) ; Keane,Thomas (OS/ASA/IOS)(CTR) Subj ect: IHS/CMSIssue Date: 2018/04/30 13:58:49 Sta rt Dat e: 2018/05/02 08:00:00 End Dat e: 2018/05/02 08:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: 614--G;Conference #:Kb)(6) IParticipant #: l(b )(6) I DeputySecretary(OS/IOS); EDH (OS/IOS); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/1OS)(;Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS);Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS) (; Oakley, Caitlin B. (OS/ASPA);Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC);O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA);Althouse, Riley (OS/ASPA); Atte ndees: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS); Perez-Rivera,Diana (CMS/OA) (; 'Brady Brookes(';CMSSVl; Lynch, Calder (CMS/QA);Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA); Johnston, Darcie (HHS/IEA); CMS Administrator; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Kalavritinos, Jack (OS/IEA); Reilly, Erin (OS/I EA) (CTR); Keane,Thomas (OS/ASA/IOS)(CTR) Atte nde es: Deputy Secretary Hargan, Seema Verma, Jack Kalavritinos, Judy Stecker, Caitlin Oakley, Robert Charrow, Magg ie Wynne, Ken Callahan, Caitlin Oakley, John O'Brien, Calder Lynch Notes: The Secretary requested th is meeting take place ASAP Dial-In: l(b)(6) EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000196 Background: April 22: Politico: Trump challenges Native Americans ' historical standing Apr il 27: Politico: Senators rebuke Trump administration over challenge to Native .. April 27 : The Hill: lO bipartisan senators push back on Medicaid work requirements for Here's what we 've sent the press with input from OCR, IEA, Dcp. See's office, etc. For direct quotation to Caitlin Oakley, HHSspox: " Secretary Azar, HHS, and the Trump Administration have taken aggressive action and will continue to do so to improve the health and well -being for aH American Ind ians and Alaska Natives. In recent meetings of the Secretary's Tribal Advisory Committee, senior HHS officia ls have made it clear that HHS is open to consider ing other suggestions that tribes may have with respect to Medicaid community engagement demonstration ptojects. We look forward to continuing these discussions." On background : o .HHS bas determined, after a review by its Office of the General Counse l, that it will not grant a blanket exemption for Amer ican Indians and A laska Natives from Medica id community engageme nt requir eme nts. HHS believes that such an exemption wou ld raise constitutional and federal civil rights law concerns. o HHS has made a concerted effort to maintain the commitment of the Department thtough the important work of the Secre tary's Triba l Advisoty Committee {ST AC) and other Tribal advisory committees withjn HHS to gather feedback and input on the development of policies that impact Tribal comm uniti es. Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan in his role as Acting Secretary participated in the first STAC meeting of 2018 in Jan uary . o Additiona lly, HHS continues to hold in high regard the importance of tribal con sultation. In comp liance with the HHS Tribal Co nsultation Policy , HHS recent ly held the 20th Annual Tr ibal Budget Consu ltation and conti nues to host Regional Tribal Consultations across the counh)'. Senior Leadership from across the Depattment participated throughout daylong session . o As in past admini strations, the Deputy Secretary has taken a lead on tribal prioritie s. Deputy Secretary Hargan was scheduled to participate in tbe Annual Trib al Budget Consultation but unfortunately was ill the day of the session. In his absence , the Associate Deputy Secretary Laura Caliguri participated as the most senior HHS official. EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000197 o Furthermore, through our conversations with the STAC, we were informed and understood that the Annual Tribal Budget Consultation would occur too early following the release of the FY 2019 President's Budget for the IHS Budget Fo1mulation Team to review the FY 2019 President ' s Budget Request and formulate the FY 2020 request. In an effort to be collaborative and understanding of the tight deadline, we offered a separate meeting to the leadership of the IRS Budget Formulation Team to discuss their priorities later in the spring. On April 11, 2018 HHS hosted the IHS Budget Formulation Team where they were able to discuss their priorities w ith leadership from the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources, the Indian Health Service as well as Deputy Secretary Hargan . DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; Kb)( 6 ) t OS/IOS) kb )( 6 ) ~ HHS.GOV>; Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) < Eric.Hargan@hhs .gov>; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/105) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Caliguiri, Laura (HHS/IOS} ; Oakley, Caitlin B. (OS/ASPA) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE) < John.Obrien@hhs .gov> ; Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA) ; Althouse, Riley (OS/ASPA) < Riley,>; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/l05) ; Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) ; Perez-Rivera, Diana (CMS/OA) ; Brookes, Brady (CMS/OA) ; CMS SVl ; Lynch, Calder (CMS/ OA) ; Trueman , Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Johnston, Darcie (HHS/IEA) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; CMS Administrator ; Kalavritinos, Jack (OS/IEA) ; Reilly, Erin (O5/IEA) (CTR) ; Keane, Thomas (OS/ASNIOS) (CTR) Sent Date: 2018/04/30 13:58 :49 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000198 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/04/30 15:23:49 Start Date : 2018/05/01 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/0117 :00:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Driver: 1B, Gary Pratt,kb )(6 ) I Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/30 15:23:49 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000199 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Subject: DHSvisit Date: 2018/05/10 10:03: 12 Start Date: 2018/05/10 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 15:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 200 Independence Ave., SW - Suite 600E My office is on the 6 th floor in the northwest corner . Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Sent Date: 2018/05/10 10:03:12 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000200 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Travel Date: 2018/04/30 15:24: 19 Start Date : 2018/05/01 18:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/01 18:30:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Driver: Gary Pratt,l(b )( 6 ) I Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/30 15:24:19 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000201 Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: SLS in Lyon, France, for IARC Date: 2018/05/ 10 16:19:54 Start Date: 2018/05/ 14 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/ 19 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Attendees: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ( Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd(HHS/IOS) Stevenson, Sarah-Lloyd (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient : Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/ 10 16:19:54 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000202 Kalavritinos, Jack (OS/IEA) Kalavritinos, Jack (OS/IEA) ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Meet with Maggie Wynne Date: 2018/04/30 15:25:00 Start Date: 2018/05/01 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/01 10:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Jack's Office (620E.1) Attendees: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Kalavritinos, Jack (OS/IEA) Kalavritinos, Jack (OS/IEA) ; Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/30 15:25:00 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000203 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie(HHS/IOS) Subject: A-19 on certification Date: 2018/04/30 16:46:48 Start Date: 2018/05/04 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/04 17:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: call-in Hi Barbara and Maggie , DOJ has agreed to a 4:30 -5:30 pm conference call to discus s our proposed legislative language for this Budget proposal. I' 11send our folks a calendar invite for the call, with background materials attached. The DOJ participa nts on the call will be as follows: Micha el Frank Tara Helftnan Robert Moossy Karen Stauss Jim Felte Mary Thomas Lauren Gold schmidt Rana Wahdan Wynne, Maggie (HHS/JOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie(HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/30 16:46:48 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000204 From: Brown, Joshua H. (HHS/OGC) Brown, Joshua H. (HHS/OGC); Clark, Barbara(HHS/ASL); Wynne, Maggie(HHS/IOS) ; Chon, Katherine (ACF) ; Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Woolford, Llewellyn (HHS/OGC) Haran, Judith (HHS/OGC); Adair, Geraldine(OS/IOS) ; Burbank, Nick (HHS/ASFR) ; CC: Austin, Samantha(HHS/ OGC); Logan, Scott (ACF) ; Casterline,Rebecca(ACF) ; Hightower, carolyn (ACF) Subject: HHS-DOJ-DHS-OMB conferencecall to discuss HHSlegislative language to streamline determination of trafficking victims' eligibility for benefits Date: 2018/04/30 17:06:42 Start Date: 2018/05/04 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/04 17:30:00 Priority: Urgent Type: Appointment Location: b )(6 ) I passcoda(b)( 6 ) I Brown, Joshua H. (HHS/OGC);Clark, Barbara(HHS/ASL);Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Chon, Katherine (ACF); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC);Woolford, Llewellyn (HHS/OGC);Haron, Attendees: Judith (HHS/OGC);Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS); Burbank, Nick (HHS/ASFR);Austin, Samantha (HHS/OGC);Logan, Scott (ACF); casterline, Rebecca(ACF); Hightower, Carolyn (ACF) ( Per our discussion of last week, we've arranged a conference call for Friday , May 4 th from 4:30-5:30 pm with DOJ, DHS, and 0MB to discuss the HHSpropos ed legislative language to streamline the determ ination of trafficking victims' eligibility for public benefits. The call-in information is as follows: Dial-in number ._ l(b-)(-6)____ 6 __. I passcode ._ l(b_)<_)_ __. For reference, I'm attaching the following: o our proposed legislative language , in the form of a redline to the TVPA (U.S. Code version) as we ll as a bill section; o our response to DOJ' s I st set of questions on our propo sed languag e; and o our draft respon se to DOJ's second set of questions. EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000205 We clarified for DOJ and DHS that the HHS-proposed legislative language is intended to itnplement a proposal that was duly vetted and included in the President's FY 2019 Budget. As stated in the FY 2019 President's Budget request for the HHS Administration for Children and Families (ACF): "The current requirement that adult foreign victims of human trafficking receive certification from HHS prior to accessingfederal and state benefits and services is an outdated, inefficient, and bureaucratic process that is burdensome to trafficking victims and open to improper payment and fraud . The Administration will seek a more efficient approach that affords these trafficking victims better and faster accessto public benefits while also reducing the risk of improper payments and fraud. ". (See page 74 of the ACF Congressional Justification at https:ljwww.acf .hhs .gov/sites/d efault/f iles/o lab/acf master cj acf final 3 19 ___Q_,_QQf ) We want to work with DHS and DOJ to ensure that the legislative language developed by HHS to implement this President's Budget proposal won't inadvertently pose problems for then-respective programs. Given the constraints of the congressional legislative calendar, IOS and ASL are aiming to finalize this HHS-proposed language as soon as possible. lfyou have any questions, please contact me. Thank you. - Josh Joshua H. Brown Legislation Division HHS Office of General Counsel (202) 401-6097 J Sender: Brown, Joshua H. (HHS/OGC) Brown, Joshua H. (HHS/OGC); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Chon, Katherine (ACF) ; Recipient: Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Woolford, Llewellyn (HHS/OGC); Haran, Judith (HHS/OGC); Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) ; Burbank, Nick (HHS/ASFR); Austin, Samantha (HHS/OGC); EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000206 Logan, Scott (ACF); Casterline,Rebecca(ACF) ; Hightower, Carolyn (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/04/30 17:06:42 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000207 From: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: AMA presentation Date: 2018/05/11 09:43:48 Start Date: 2018/05/14 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 10:30:00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Location: Great Hall Today, Secretary Azar joined Pre sident Trump at the White Hous e where they unveiled the "American Patien ts First" Blueprint to lower drng prices and reduce out-of pocket costs. On Monday, please join Secretary Azar for atl event in the Great Hall where he will elaborate fmi her on how the Department will deliver on President Tnnnp ' s plan to lower prescription drug costs. WHO: Secretary Azar WHEN: Monday, May 14, 2018 at 10:00 AM ET WHERE: Great Hall, Hubert H. Humphry Building , 200 lndependence Ave. SW, Washington , DC 20201 Sender: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie { HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/11 09:43:48 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000208 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S) Su bject: Call with Andrew Veprek Date : 2018/05/1119:09 :52 Sta rt Date: 2018/05/14 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Maggie, Thanks. I'll stand by for your call at 1pm Monday, 5/14. My direct line is 202-647-5823. Sincerely, Andrew Offi cial UNCLASSIFIED From: Wynne , Maggie (HHS/1O5) Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 1:08 PM To: Veprek, Andrew M Subject : RE: Reception and Placement benefits Andrew , I don' t have any of my past write-ups of this from years past, but I'll pull together something for your review by Monday. Can we plan to talk at 1:00 on Monday? Maggie From : Veprek, Andrew M Sent : Friday, May 11, 2018 12:08 PM To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/1O5) Subject: RE: Reception and Placement benefits Maggie, Of course- I'd be happy to learn more. Would you be free to talk Monday? I'm free before 10am or noon-2 . Also, is there any previous correspondence on this I could review? Thanks. EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000209 Sincere ly, Andrew Official UNCLASS IF IED From: Wynn e, Maggie (HHS/105) Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 9:54 AM To: Vep rek, Andre w M Subject : Reception and Placement benefits Good morn ing, Andrew. I hope all is going we ll over at Stat e. (b)(5 ) Thanks, Maggie Wy nne Counselor for Human Services Policy Offic e of t he Secretary U.S. Depart ment of Health and Human Services (20 2) 868-9567 Marga ret.Wynne@ Deliberative and pre-decisional Wynne, Maggie(HHS/10S) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie(HHS/10S) (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=aab414d065764e13baf66a6f66b299ab Sent Date : 2018/05/11 19:09:52 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000210 Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; lfh VI':\ I(OS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; McGuffee,Tyler Ann (HHS/ASL) ; Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); To: Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Stimson, Brian (HHS/OGC); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Murphy, Ryan (OS/ASPA); Oakley, Caitlin B. (OS/ASPA); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); Cash, Lester (HHS/ASFR); Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR); Rice, Peggie (HHS/ASFR); EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000211 Cabezas,Miriam (HHS/ASFR) ; McMillen, Cheryl (HHS/ASFR); Palmer,Ashley (OS/ASFR); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Subject: (b)( t,lock Hearing for Senate LHHS Date: 2018/05/0112 :15:49 Start Date: 2018/05/08 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/08 17:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 610-F lfh ) /f; ) IOS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS); Olson, caro lyn (OS/IOS); Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS); Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS); Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL); McGuffee,Tyler Ann (HHS/ASL); Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL);Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); Attendees: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE);Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS); Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC);Stimson, Brian (HHS/OGC);Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC);Ryan.Murphyl; Oakley, Caitlin B. (OS/ASPA) ((aitlin .Oakley@HHS.GOV);Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR);cash, Lester (HHS/ASFR);Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR);Rice, Peggie (HHS/ASFR);Cabezas,Miriam (HHS/ASFR);McMillen,Cheryl (HHS/ASFR);Palmer, Ashley (OS/ASFR); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);Pence,Laura (HHS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler(OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Pelekoudas,Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL) ; Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; McGuffee,Tyler Ann (HHS/ASL); Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000212 Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE); Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Stimson, Brian (HHS/OGC); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Murphy, Ryan (OS/ASPA); Oakley, Caitlin B. (OS/ASPA); Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR); Cash, Lester (HHS/ASFR); Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR); Rice, Peggie (HHS/ASFR); Cabezas,Miriam (HHS/ASFR); McMillen, Cheryl (HHS/ASFR); Palmer, Ashley {OS/ASFR); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/0112:15:49 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000213 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Su bject: NPRMcall Date : 2018/05/14 13:12:40 Sta rt Date : 2018/05/14 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient : Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date : 2018/05/14 13:12:40 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000214 Bird, Catherine (O5/OGC) Bird, Catherine (O5/OGC) ; Flick, Heather (O5/OGC) ; To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Coquis, Roberto (OS/ASA) Subject: I HS Date: 2018/05/01 16:17:53 Start Date: 2018/05/02 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/02 14:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Heather'soffice Attendees: Flick, Heather (O5/OGC);Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Coquis, Roberto (OS/ASA) When: Wednesday , May 02, 2018, 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM. Eastern Time Where: Heather 's office *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Bird, Catherine (O5/OGC) Bird, Catherine (O5/OGC) ; Flick, Heather (O5/OGC) ; Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/105) ; Coquis, Roberto (OS/ASA) Sent Date: 2018/05/0116:17:53 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000215 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: call Catherine Bird Date: 2018/05/23 18:39:10 Start Date: 2018/05/24 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/24 10:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/23 18:39:10 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000216 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: MSLcl(b)(6) I Date: 2018/05/24 17:25:46 Start Date: 2018/05/25 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/26 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 17:25:46 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000217 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: MSLl,'h)fn\ I Date : 2018/05/24 17:26:01 Start Date: 2018/05/29 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/30 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 17:26:01 EXT-(EF)-18-1509-M-000218 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20201 Case No. 2018-00972-FOIA-OS Equity Forward v. HHS, Civil No. 18-1509 (D.D.C.) January 30, 2020 Mary Alice Carter Executive Director Equity Forward Sent via email: Dear Ms. Carter: This letter is the Ninth interim response to your May 9, 2018, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Specifically, you requested access to and copies of all calendars or calendar entries, schedules and/or travel itineraries for the months of March 2018, April 2018, and May 2018 for the following HHS officials: ? Alex Azar, Secretary ? March Bell, Chief of Staff for the Office for Civil Rights ? Matthew "Matt" Bowman, Deputy General Counsel ? Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health ? Brian Harrison, Deputy Chief of Staff ? Valerie Huber, Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary for Health ? Scott Lloyd, Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement ? Shannon Royce, Director of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships ? Roger Severino, Director of the Office for Civil Rights ? Paula Stannard, Counsel ? Heidi Stirrup, Deputy Director, Office of White House Liaison ? Peter Urbanowicz, Chief of Staff ? Steven Valentine, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary for Health ? Margaret "Maggie" Wynne, Counselor The Department processed approximately 302 pages of potentially responsive records captured in the agency's search for FOIA request 2018-00972-FOIA-OS. After a careful review of these pages, I have determined to release 230 pages to you in their entirety, and I am further releasing 59 pages in part, with portions redacted, pursuant to Exemption (b)(6) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. ?552 (b)(6)). Furthermore, I have determined that 12 pages should be sent for consultation to other agencies and returned to this Department for final disposition. Finally, I have determined that 1 page is non-responsive to your request. VERSIGHT Page 2 of 2 Case No. 2018-00972-FOIA-OS Equity Forward v. HHS, Civil No. 18-1509 (D.D.C.) FOIA exemption (b)(6) permits a Federal agency to withhold information and records about individuals in "personnel and medical files and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." The definition of "similar files" has historically been broadly interpreted to include a wide variety of files, and the United States Supreme Court has held that Congress intended the term "similar files" to be interpreted broadly, rather than narrowly. I have analyzed these records and find they meet the threshold requirement of this exemption. Additionally, I have reviewed and weighed the public interest in disclosure of this information against the privacy interest in nondisclosure, and found that the privacy interest outweighs the public's interest in disclosure. We will continue to review the remaining records as efficiently and expeditiously as possible, consistent with our available resources and the Order of the Court. Should you have questions or concerns regarding the Department's response and\or the processing of your request, any such issues should be communicated to your legal counsel and Department of Justice Attorney representing the Department in this matter. Sincerely yours, Brandon J. Gaylord Supervisory Government Information Specialist and HHS FOIA/PA Public Liaison Enclosure(s) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR) ; To: Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) Subject: Interview Date: 2018/03/06 12:06:50 Start Date: 2018/03/08 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/08 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR) ; Recipient: Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/06 12:06:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000001 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) Subject: Interview- l(b )(6) I Date: 2018/03/06 12:39:21 Start Date: 2018/03/12 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/12 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/06 12:39:21 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000002 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Subject: Interview-l(b )(6) I Date: 2018/03/06 14:31:52 Start Date: 2018/03/09 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/06 14:31:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000003 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR); To: Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Rinker, Verne (HHS/OCR) Subject: Interview Date: 2018/03/06 14:35:24 Start Date: 2018/03/08 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/08 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Rinker, Verne (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/06 14:35:24 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000004 Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; To: Bell, March (HHS/OCR) ; Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) ; Butterfie ld, Justin (HHS/OCR) ; Meszaros, Marie (HHS/OGC) Subject: Reg Status Update Date: 20 18/03/07 07:54:06 Start Date: 20 18/03/08 15:00:00 End Date: 20 18/03/08 16:00:00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Location: Roger's office Attendees: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Meszaros, Marie (HHS/OGC) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Recipient: Bell, March (HHS/OCR) ; Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) ; Butterfie ld, Justin (HHS/OCR) ; Meszaros, Marie (HHS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/03/07 07:54:06 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000005 Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; To: Bell, March (HHS/OCR) ; Butterfie ld, Justin (HHS/OCR) ; Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) ; Meszaros, Marie (HHS/OGC) Subject: Reg Status Update Part II Date: 20 18/03/08 15 :49 :02 Start Date: 20 18/03/08 17:00 :00 End Date: 2018/03/08 17:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger's Office Attendees: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Butterfield , Justin (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Meszaros, Marie (HHS/OGC) Noronha , Maya (HHS/OCR) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) ; Butterfie ld, Justin (HHS/OCR) ; Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) ; Meszaros, Marie (HHS/OGC) Ma>; R>; Sent Date: 2018/03/08 15:49 :02 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000006 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Householder, Donna (HHS/OS) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Hyams, David (HHS/OCR) Subject: David Hyams - meet with Roger Date: 2018/03/28 09:58:36 Start Date: 2018/03/28 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/28 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'soffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Householder, Donna (HHS/OS) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Hyams, David (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/28 09:58:36 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000007 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Arina Date: 2018/03/12 12:01:19 Start Date : 2018/03/12 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/12 16:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 12:01:19 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000008 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Marchesini, Kathryn (OS/ONC); Smith, Malikah (OS/OCPO); To: Mehta, Devi (OS/OCPO); Washington, Debra (OS/ONC); Buchele, Libbie (OS/ONC) ; Isaac, Peyton (OS/OCPO); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OGC); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) Subject: Meet and Greet Date: 2018/03/12 14:38:49 Start Date: 2018/03/13 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/13 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: RosaParks Conference Room - SlSF, Dial-in Kb)(6) IPasscode:l(b )(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Recipient: (FYDIBOHF23SPDL Marchesini, Kathryn (OS/ONC); Smith, Malikah (OS/OCPO); Mehta, Devi (OS/OCPO); Washington, Debra (OS/ONC); Buchele, Libbie (OS/ONC) ; Isaac, Peyton (OS/OCPO); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OGC); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 14:50:11 Delivered Date: 2018/03/12 14:38:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000010 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Kb)(6) I Date: 2018/03/28 10:19:23 Start Date: 2018/03/29 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/29 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/28 10:19:23 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000011 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : j{ b \(6) I Date: 2018/03/12 15:00:25 Start Date: 2018/07/19 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/07/21 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 15:00:25 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000012 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Meeting Tonight 2247R Date: 2018/03/12 16:35:36 Start Date: 2018/04/10 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/10 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 16:35:36 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000013 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); 'Chang, William' Subject: Lunch Date: 2018/03/28 12:23:56 Start Date: 2018/04/10 12:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/10 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Central Michel Richard, 1001 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); 'Chang, William' Sent Date: 2018/03/28 12:23:56 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000014 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) ; 'LPerez@OV.USDOJ.GOV' < LPerez@CIV .USDOJ.GOV>; Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Hyams, David (HHS/OCR)i Ancalle, Mandi (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Weigel, Gabriela (OS/OCR)(CTR) Subject: CRFTeam Meeting Date: 2018/03/12 17:34:28 Start Date: 2018/03/14 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/14 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: RosaParks Conference Room Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); 'LPerez@CIV.USDOJ.GOV' < LPerez@CIV .USDOJ.GOV>; Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Hyams, David (HHS/OCR); Ancalle, Mandi (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Weigel, Gabriela (OS/OCR)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 17:37:20 Delivered Date: 2018/03/12 17:34:28 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000016 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Reservecar/uber Date: 2018/03/28 12:26:47 Start Date : 2018/04/10 12:15:00 End Date: 2018/04/10 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/28 12:26:47 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000017 Mccance-Katz,Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS) Mccance-Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS); To: Altman, Brian (SAMHSA) ; Baldwin, Amanda ; Kim, Edward Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Tatem, Anne (HHS/ASL); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) ; Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Gordon-Nguyen,Marissa (HHS/OCR) Subject: FW: Dr. Mccance-Katz/ ChairmanBurgess re. MH and HIPAA/protectedhealth information Date: 2018/03/13 10:58:27 Start Date: 2018/03/15 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/15 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 2336 Rayburn Building Mccance-Katz,Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS);Altman, Brian (SAMHSA) (;Baldwin, Amanda; Kim, Edward; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Attendees: Anne Tatem (HHS/ASL)(;Severino,Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR) -----Origi na I Appointment----From: Mccance-Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS) Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 11:43 AM To: Mccance-Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS); Altman, Brian (SAMHSA); Baldwin, Amanda; Kim, Edward Cc: Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL);Tatem, Anne (HHS/ASL) Subject : Dr. Mccance-Katz/ Chairman Burgess re. MH and HIPAA/protected health information When: Thursday, March 15, 2018 10:30 AM -11:30 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: 2336 Rayburn Building From: Kim, Edward [mailto:Edward ] Sent: Thurs day, March 01, 2018 11:09 AM To: Altman, Brian (SAMHSA) Subject: Chairman Burgess M eet ing Request Importance : High Hi Brian, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000018 I hop e you've had a nice week. Dr. Burgess would like to meet with Dr. McCanceKatz to discuss mental health and HIPAA/protected health information, particularly in light of the recent Parkland , FL high school shooting incident. Due to th e gravity of current policy discussion s, he would like to sch edule thi s meetin g as soon as Dr. Mccance-Katz's schedu le would permit. I understand there are grea t demands on her time, so your assistance with this request is greatly appr eciat ed . If th ere are any questions or you would like to discuss, please don 't h esitat e to reach out. Thanks, -- Ed Edward S. Kim I Senior Health Policy Advisor Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) 2336 Rayburn HOB I Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-7772 I Mccance -Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS) Mccance-Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS) ; Altman, Brian (SAMHSA) ; Baldwin, Amanda ; Kim, Edward ; Recipient: Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Tatem, Anne (HHS/ASL) ; Severino, Roger {HHS/OCR) ; Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR) (CTR) ; Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) ; Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/13 10:58:27 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000019 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) Subject: Quick Discussion Date: 2018/03/13 14:54:34 Start Date: 2018/03/13 17:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/13 17:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Tim will call you Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/13 14:54:34 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000020 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Householder,Donna (HHS/OS) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Rhodes,Susan (HHS/OCR); Holland, Barbara (HHS/OCR); Colon, Linda (HHS/OCR); Mitchell, Steven M (HHS/OCR); Smith, Marisa {HHS/OCR); Oliver, Andrea (HHS/OCR); To: Leoz, Michael (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis {HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Nwigwe, Vaniecy (OS/OCR); Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR); Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR) Subject: Call with the Director Date: 2018/03/29 14:14:21 Start Date : 2018/04/05 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/05 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room 1Kb)(6) I pass code 1(b)(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR);Rhodes,Susan (HHS/OCR);Holland, Barbara (HHS/OCR);Colon, Linda (HHS/OCR);Mitchell, Steven M (HHS/OCR);Smith, Marisa (HHS/OCR);Oliver, Andrea (HHS/OCR);Leoz, Michael (HHS/OCR);Frohboese,Robinsue Attendees: (HHS/OCR);Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR);Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR);Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR);Meszaros, Marie (HHS/OCR);Novy, Steve (OS/OCR);Nwigwe, Vaniecy (OS/OCR);Mosley-Day, Serena (OS/OCR);Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000021 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Householder,Donna (HHS/OS) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Rhodes,Susan (HHS/OCR); Holland, Barbara (HHS/OCR); Colon, Linda (HHS/OCR); Mitchell, Steven M (HHS/OCR); Smith, Marisa (HHS/OCR); Oliver, Andrea (HHS/OCR); Leoz, Michael (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) ; Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Nwigwe, Vaniecy (OS/OCR); Mosley-Day, Serena (OS/OCR); Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/29 14:14:21 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000022 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) Subject: CRFDEnforcement Matters Date: 2018/04/02 10:00:39 Start Date: 2018/04/02 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/02 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/02 10:00:39 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000023 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Johnson, Kenneth D. (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Harris, Patricia (HHS/OCR); Carter, Carla (HHS/OCR) ; Thompson, John (HHS/OCR) ; Todd, Karmen (HHS/OCR) Subject: CFCLunch Date : 2018/03/14 15:56: 13 Start Date: 2018/04/04 12:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/04 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Holiday Inn Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn=57b8853f66da4cb99818c9e2632f77f8-Frohboese, Johnson, Kenneth D. (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Harris, Patricia (HHS/OCR); Carter, Carla (HHS/OCR); Thompson, John (HHS/OCR); Todd, Karmen (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/14 15:56:13 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000024 Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) Subject: Canceled:Weekly KANBANupdate Date: 2018/04/02 11:04:35 Start Date: 2018/04/09 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/09 11:30:00 Priority: Urgent Type: Appointment Location: March's Office Attendees: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR);Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR);Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR);Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/02 11:04:35 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000025 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Mccance-Katz,Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Encarnacion,Dolkie (SAMHSA/OA) Subject: Addressing Mental Health & Privacy Issues Date : 2018/03/15 17:02:44 Start Date: 2018/03/2113:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/21 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room, Hubert Humprey - SlSF Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Mccance-Katz,Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) ; Encarnacion,Dolkie (SAMHSA/OA) Sent Date: 2018/03/15 17:04:21 Delivered Date: 2018/03/15 17:02:44 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000026 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) Subject: HIP Meeting Date: 2018/03/16 10:47:07 Start Date: 2018/03/16 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/16 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/16 10:47:07 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000027 Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Prep for EOPca11on 1557 and T9 Date: 2018/04/02 19:30:49 Start Date: 2018/04/03 10:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/03 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: HHH 609 F Attendees : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)( Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date : 2018/04/02 19:30:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000028 Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR) ; Oliver, Andrea (HHS/OCR) Subject: Regional Staffing Follow-up Date: 2018/03/16 14:55:53 Start Date: 2018/03/22 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/22 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room, Dial-in i(b)(6) IPasscodel(b )(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Attendees: Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR);Oliver, Andrea (HHS/OCR) Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Recipient: Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR) ; Oliver, Andrea (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/16 14:55:53 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000029 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Call Susan Date: 20 18/04/03 09:00:39 Start Date: 20 18/04/03 16:30:00 End Date: 20 18/04/03 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment S d . Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 20 18/04/03 09:00:39 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000030 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: CAFOConference Date: 2018/03/20 11:36:21 Start Date : 2018/05/09 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/11 00:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Dallas, TX Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/20 11:36:21 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000031 Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; To: Murray, Claire M. EOP/WHO ; Dickey, Jennifer B. EOP/WHO ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; R> Subject: HHS/EOP Call on OCR Drafts Date: 2018/04/03 09:22:11 Start Date: 2018/04/04 16:00:00 End Date: 20 18/04/04 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: kb)(6) IParticipant Code : Kb)(6) I Talento, Kathryn F. EOP/WHO; Murray, Claire M. EOP/WHO; Dickey, Jennifer B. EOP/WHO; Attendees: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ( When: Wednesda y, Ajllil 04, .2018 , 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM . East ern Time Where: ~b)(6) Part icipant Code : l(b)(6) I *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Paula's Code : 2746448 Stannard, Paula {HHS/IOS) Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Talento, Kathryn F. EOP/WHO ; Recipient: Murray, Claire M. EOP/WHO ; Dickey, Jennifer B. EOP/WHO ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/03 09:22:11 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000032 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Call Katy Date: 2018/04/03 10:29:44 Start Date: 20 18/04/04 16:00:00 End Date: 20 18/04/04 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment S d . Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/03 10:29:44 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000033 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Speaking at CAFOconference Date: 2018/03/20 11:37:13 Start Date : 2018/05/10 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 12:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/20 11:37:13 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000034 Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR); To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Catch ups before my leave - Robinsue Date: 2018/03/20 11:39:01 Start Date: 2018/03/20 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/20 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Attendees: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR) Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/20 11:39:01 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000035 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR) Subject: HIP Enforcement Program update Date: 2018/03/20 17:12:44 Start Date: 2018/03/28 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/28 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/20 17:12:44 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000036 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Henderson, Harold (HHS/OCR) Subject: Harold's - Executive Assistant Interview Date: 2018/03/21 13:14:26 Start Date: 2018/03/26 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/26 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Henderson, Harold (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/2113:14 :26 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000037 Householder,Donna (HHS/OS) Householder,Donna (HHS/OS) ; Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR) Subject: Important Meeting with March and Roger Date: 2018/03/22 11:22:53 Start Date: 2018/03/22 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/22 12:00:00 Priority: Urgent Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room I ~b)(6) I pass code l(b)(6) I Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR);Balserak, Attendees: Daniel (HHS/OCR)(CTR); Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR) Householder,Donna (HHS/OS) Householder,Donna (HHS/OS) ; Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/22 11:22:53 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000038 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) CC: Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR) Subject: Regional Staffing ( continued) Date: 2018/03/23 10:59:01 Start Date : 2018/03/23 13:15:00 End Date: 2018/03/23 13:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Attendees: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) ; Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR) Sent Date : 2018/03/23 10:59:01 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000039 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Call w/ Ezra Young Date: 2018/03/23 16:44:18 Start Date: 2018/03/23 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/23 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/23 16:44:18 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000040 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Allen, Jane (HHS/OCR) CC: Caroline Gensheimer( ; Arman Shariati Subject: PIMSAssessmentBriefing Date: 2018/03/0110 :23:47 Start Date: 2018/03/19 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/19 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: RosaParks Conference Room Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Frohboese, Robinsue(HHS/OCR);Novy, Attendees: Steve (OS/OCR);Allen, Jane (HHS/OCR);Caroline Gensheimer(; Arman Shariati Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Allen, Jane (HHS/OCR); Caroline Gensheimer( ; Arman Shariati Sent Date: 2018/03/01 10:23:47 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000041 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Subject: The Hill Date: 2018/03/26 11:58:07 Start Date: 2018/03/28 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/28 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/03/26 11:58:07 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000042 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Twila Brase ; Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Twila ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Stimson, Brian (HHS/OGC); Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC); Schuham, Aaron (HHS/OGC); Wiggins, Audrey (HHS/OGC); Spiegel, Stacie (HHS/OGC) Subject: Meeting Date: 2018/03/0111:36:0S Start Date: 2018/03/20 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/20 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice, 515F Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);'Twila Brase'; Twila; Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR);Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR);Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR);Bell, Attendees: March (HHS/OCR);Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC);Stimson, Brian (HHS/OGC);Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC);Schuham, Aaron (HHS/OGC)(;Wiggins, Audrey (HHS/OGC);Spiegel, Stacie (HHS/OGC) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Twila Brase ; Recipient: Twila ; Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Stimson, Brian (HHS/OGC); Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC); Schuham, Aaron (HHS/OGC); Wiggins, Audrey {HHS/OGC); Spiegel, Stacie (HHS/OGC) Sent Date : 2018/03/0111:36:05 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000044 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: NY Times phone call- Katie Hafner Date: 2018/03/26 12:43:05 Start Date : 2018/03/27 11:20:00 End Date: 2018/03/27 11:50:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/26 12:43:05 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000045 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: DOJ Meeting Date: 2018/03/05 13:28:11 Start Date : 2018/03/16 15:00:00 End Date : 2018/03/16 16:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20530- OSGconference room, Room 5609 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/05 13:28:11 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000046 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR) Subject: Meeting Date: 2018/03/26 14:10:23 Start Date: 2018/03/26 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/26 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Alec will call-in Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/26 14:10:23 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000047 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: DOJ Meeting Date: 2018/03/05 13:29:52 Start Date : 2018/03/13 15:00:00 End Date : 2018/03/13 16:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Dial-in: l(b )(6 ) I passcodel(b )(6) I I I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/05 13:29:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000048 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Date: 2018/04/04 15:15:40 Start Date : 2018/04/20 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/21 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/04 15:15:40 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000049 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) ; Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR) Subject: HIPAASummit Date: 2018/03/26 15:16:47 Start Date: 2018/03/26 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/26 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) ; Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/26 15:16:47 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000050 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: car Reserved: Driver - Gary PrattJ(b )(6) I Date: 2018/03/05 13:30:52 Start Date : 2018/03/16 14:15:00 End Date : 2018/03/16 15:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/05 13:30:53 Delivered Date: 2018/03/05 13:30:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000051 From: Gopar, Minerva Esquivel Gopar, Minerva Esquivel; Samuels,Jocelyn ; To: Severino,Roger(HHS/OCR) Subject: Call RegardingPanelInvitation Williams Institute's DC Spring Reception(1:30PM-2:00PM(PST) [4:30PM-5:00PM(EST)]) Date: 2018/04/04 16:08:09 Start Date : 2018/04/09 16:30:00 End Date : 2018/04/09 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Via Teleconference:Pleasecall Rogerat 202-619-0403 Attendees: Samuels,Jocelyn; Severino, Roger(HHS/OCR) Via Teleconference: Please call the office main line 202-619-0403 and the call will be d'rrecte dR oger. Sender: Gopar, Minerva Esquivel Gopar, Minerva Esquivel; Samuels,Jocelyn ; Recipient: Severino,Roger(HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/04 16:08:09 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000052 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: car Reserved: Driver - Darnell GreenJ(b )(6) I Date: 2018/03/26 17:21:01 Start Date : 2018/03/28 09:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/28 10:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/26 17:21:02 Delivered Date: 2018/03/26 17:21:01 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000053 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ,,,n Subject: car Reserved: Driver - Gary Pratt; 1,.... I Date: 2018/03/05 13:31:18 Start Date : 2018/03/16 16:15:00 End Date: 2018/03/16 16:45:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/05 13:31:19 Delivered Date: 2018/03/05 13:31:18 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000054 Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Su bject : Meeting Date : 2018/03/26 18:03:32 Start Date: 2018/04/17 11:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/17 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Ty pe: Appointment Att e ndees: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/26 18:03:32 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000055 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Hyams, David {HHS/OCR); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Ancalle, Mandi (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Weigel, Gabriela {OS/OCR)(CTR) Subject: Improvements Meeting Date: 2018/04/05 10:05:20 Start Date: 2018/04/24 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/24 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Albrecht, Sarah B. {HHS/OCR); Hyams, David (HHS/OCR); Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR)(CTR) i Ancalle, Mandi (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Weigel, Gabriela (OS/OCR)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/04/05 10:05:20 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000056 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Holy Thursday Date: 2018/03/27 15:24:31 Start Date: 2018/03/29 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/30 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 15:24:31 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000057 Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR); To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: biology Date: 2018/04/05 12:02:24 Start Date: 2018/04/05 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/05 15:00:00 Priority: Urgent Type: Appointment Location: rog offioce Attendees : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/ OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date : 2018/04/05 12:02:24 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000058 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Good Friday Date: 2018/03/27 15:24:48 Start Date: 2018/03/30 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/31 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 15:24:48 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000059 Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); To: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Bird, catherine (OS/OGC); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Oakley, Caitlin B. (OS/ASPA); Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) Subject: oversight letter Date: 2018/04/05 12:30:14 Start Date: 2018/04/09 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/09 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: COSconference Room Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL);Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH);Stannard, Paula Attendees: (HHS/IOS); Bird, catherine (OS/OGC);Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Oakley, ca itlin B. (OS/ASPA) Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Kemper, laura (HHS/ASL) ; Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL) ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Bird, catherine (OS/OGC); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Oakley, Caitlin B. (OS/ASPA)<(a itlin.Oakley@HHS.GOV>; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) Sent Date: 2018/04/05 12:30: 14 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000060 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Call Date: 2018/03/27 17:23: 17 Start Date: 2018/04/03 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/03 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 17:23:17 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000061 Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Beck, Gary (OS/IEA) Subject: Talk to Neil Bradley Date: 2018/03/27 17:32:33 Start Date: 2018/04/03 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/03 15:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Kb)( 6 ) I Participant Codef b)( 6 ) I (for Laura, leadercodeis Kb)( 6 ) I Attendees : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Beck, Gary (OS/IEA) Call is to start at 3 :30. Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Beck, Gary (OS/IEA) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 17:32:33 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000062 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR); To: Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Sanches,Linda (HHS/OCR); CC: Marchesini, Kathryn (OS/ONC); Barber, Zoe (OS/ONC) Subject: ONC'sTrusted ExchangeFramework & HIPAAPolicy Date: 2018/04/05 14:19:36 Start Date : 2018/04/11 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/1117:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room, Dial in l(b)(6) k>asscode:~b)(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Gordon-Nguyen,Marissa (HHS/OCR); Attendees: Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR);Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR);Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Sanches,Linda (HHS/OCR);Marchesini, Kathryn (OS/ONC); Barber, Zoe (OS/ONC) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR)i Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Recipient: Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) i Sanches,Linda (HHS/OCR); Marchesini, Kathryn (OS/ONC); Barber, Zoe (OS/ONC); Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/05 14:22:22 Delivered Date: 2018/04/05 14:19:36 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000064 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Hyams, David (HHS/OCR); Ancalle, Mandi (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Weigel, Gabriela (OS/OCR)(CTR) ; Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Subject : CREFEnforcement Training Follow-Up Date: 2018/03/27 17:56:25 Start Date: 2018/04/03 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/03 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Hyams, David (HHS/OCR); Ancalle, Mandi (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Weigel, Gabriela (OS/OCR)(CTR) ; Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 17:56:25 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000065 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Call with stakeho lders Date: 20 18/04/06 10:52:09 Start Date: 20 18/04/12 09 :00:00 End Date: 20 18/04/12 10:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment S d . Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) < /o=Ex changelabs/ou= Exchange Adm inistrative Group en er. (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recip ients/cn=47bbbf66a9ec4d4b8b74ed8cb 2029b31-Seve rino, R> Sent Date: 20 18/04/06 10:52:09 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000066 Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Gerald, Mary (HHS/OCR); Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR) ; Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Subject: PMAPResults Date: 2018/04/06 15:30:51 Start Date: 2018/04/09 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/09 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room, Dial- in Kb)(6) Attendees: IPasscode.l(b)(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Novy, Steve (OS/OCR);Gerald, Mary (HHS/OCR); Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR);Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Recipient: Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Gerald, Mary (HHS/OCR) ; Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR) ; Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/06 15:30:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000067 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: I nvestiture Date: 2018/04/06 20:42:50 Start Date: 2018/04/27 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/27 18:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Dat e: 2018/04/06 20:42:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000068 From: Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Chandy, Sunu (HHS/OCR); Burgdorf, Molly (HHS/OCR); Hanrahan, Eileen (HHS/OCR); Thompson, John (HHS/OCR) Subject: Internal conversation on Joint Work Group on Group Homes Date: 2018/04/08 14:28:05 Start Date: 2017/07/19 11:30:00 End Date: 2017/07/19 11:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Directors Conference Room;lfh)(fl\ I passcodel(b)(6) I Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Chandy, Sunu (HHS/OCR); Burgdorf, Attendees: Molly (HHS/OCR);Hanrahan, Eileen (HHS/OCR);Thompson, John (HHS/OCR) Sender: Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR) Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Chandy, Sunu (HHS/OCR); Burgdorf, Molly (HHS/OCR); Hanrahan, Eileen (HHS/OCR); Thompson, John (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2017/07/18 18:45:12 Delivered Date: 2018/04/08 14:28:05 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000069 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Lunch with Becca Date : 2018/04/09 11:26:55 Start Date: 2018/04/09 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/09 13:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: SlSF Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/09 11:26:56 Delivered Date: 2018/04/09 11:26:55 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000070 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i OS . OCRALL NATIONAL; OS o OCRALL NATIONALContractors Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR); CC: Pope,Sarah M. ; Schreurs, Hyla (HHS/OCR)(Hyla.Schreurs@HHS.GOV) ; <> Subject: Voluntary All Staff Call Date: 2018/04/09 15:00:34 Start Date: 2018/04/12 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/12 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: RosaParks Conference Room, Dial- in Kb)(6) IPasscode:l(b)( 6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);OS o OCRALL NATIONAL;OS - OCRALL NATIONALContractors; Attendees: Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR);Pope, Sarah M.; Schreurs, Hyla (HHS/OCR) (Hyla.Schreurs@HHS.GOV); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); OS . OCRALL NATIONAL; OS - OCRALL NATIONALContractors ; Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR) ; Pope,Sarah M. ; Schreurs, Hyla (HHS/OCR)(Hyla.Schreurs@HHS.GOV) ; <> Sent Date: 2018/04/09 15:00:35 Delivered Date: 2018/04/09 15:00:34 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000071 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subj ect: UCLA- Williams Institute Event Dat e: 2018/04/09 16:36:14 Start Date: 2018/05/16 18:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/16 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/09 16:36:14 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000072 DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) ; To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Canceled: Pre-developmental Concepts Meeting for ONC (FY20 Budget) Date: 2018/04/09 17:23:01 Start Date: 2018/04/20 15:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/20 16:00:00 Priority: Urgent Type : Appointment Location: 607-G EDH (OS/IOS); Rucker, Donald (OS/ONC); Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR);Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS); O'Brien, John (HHS/ASPE);Cochran, Norris (HHS/ASFR);Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS); Palmer, Ashley (OS/ASFR); Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) (; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL);Arbes, Sarah Attendees: (HHS/ASL); Brady, Will (HHS/IOS); Keckler,Charles (HHS/IOS) (; Best, Daniel (HHS/IOS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Agnew, Ann (HHS/IOS); Cravens,Catherine (OS/ASPE); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); O'Keefe, Erin (HHS\ASFR); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS); Miller, Caitlyn (OS/ASFR); Cabezas,Miriam (HHS/ASFR);Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR);Peter, Brian (OS/ASFR);Bailey, Katherine (OS/ASFR);Bodden, Cheryl (OS/ASPE) (;Peoples,Sevetra (OS/ASPE) Topic: Pre-developmental Concepts Meeting for ONC (FY20 Budget) Background: As part of the legislative development process, the Deputy Secretary will hold pre-developmental or "concepts" meetings with OpDiv Heads to discuss high-level legislative priorities for FY 2020 and to focus your development of FY2020 A-19 legislative proposals. The PreDevelopment Decision Memoranda outlining at a conceptual level what is to be addressed in the A-19 legislative proposals should be emailed to Jen Moughalian (Jen.Moughalian@hhs .gov ) and Brenda Destro (Brenda.Destro@hhs .gov ) on April 11. Please copy Erin O'Keefe (erin .okeefe@hhs .gov ) and Catherine Cravens (Catherine on your submission email. Any policy-related questions can be directed to Jen Moughalian and Brenda Destro. Staff-level questions should be directed to Erin O'Keefe and Catherine Cravens. Attendees: Deputy Secretary Hargan, Dr. Rucker, Jen Moughalian, Brenda Destro, Peter Urbanowicz, Brian Harrison, John O'Brien, Norris Cochran, Amanda Street, Ashley Palmer, Mary-Sumpter Lapinski, Paula Stannard , AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000073 Maggie Wynne, Robert Charrow , Matthew Bassett, Sarah Arbes, Will Brady, Laura Caliguiri , Charles Keckler, Dan Best , Brett Giroir , Ann Agnew Notes: The Pre-Development Decision Memor anda outlining at a conceptual level w hat is to be addre ssed in the A- 19 legislativ e propo sals should be emailed to Jen Moughalian (Jen.Mougha ) and Brenda Destro (Brenda.Destro@hhs .gov ) on April 11. See the document s below for more information. DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) DeputySecretary(OS/IOS) ; Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date : 2018/04/09 17:23:01 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000074 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Leoz, Michael (HHS/OCR); I rwin, Jennifer Sam (HHS/OGC); To: Benevelli,John (HHS/OGC); Schuham, Aaron (HHS/OGC); Wiggins, Audrey (HHS/OGC); Heesters, Nicholas (HHS/OCR); lee, Yun-kyung (HHS/OCR); Brown, Alicia (HHS/OCR); Coronado, Laura (HHS/OCR); Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR) Henderson, Harold (HHS/OCR) Subject: Cottage Health Meeting Date: 2018/04/10 15:20:25 Start Date: 2018/05/01 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/01 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: RosaParks Conference Room, Dial in l(b)( 6 ) I, Passcode:ltn\/n\ I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR);Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR);Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR);Novy, Steve (OS/OCR);Leoz, Michael (HHS/OCR);Irwin, Jennifer Sam (HHS/OGC);Benevelli, John (HHS/OGC);Schuham,Aaron Attendees: (HHS/OGC);Wiggins, Audrey (HHS/OGC);Heesters, Nicholas (HHS/OCR);Lee, Yun-kyung (HHS/OCR);Brown, Alicia (HHS/OCR);Coronado, Laura (HHS/OCR);Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR);Henderson, Harold (HHS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Leoz, Michael (HHS/OCR); Irwin, Jennifer Sam (HHS/OGC); Benevelli,John (HHS/OGC); Schuham, Aaron (HHS/OGC); Wiggins, Audrey (HHS/OGC); Heesters, Nicholas (HHS/OCR); Lee, Yun-kyung (HHS/OCR); Brown, Alicia (HHS/OCR); Coronado, Laura (HHS/OCR); Mosley-Day, Serena (OS/OCR); Henderson, Harold (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/10 15:20:25 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000076 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Car reserved with Paula & Bob - Gary Pratt #202-321-5244 Date : 2018/04/23 11:44:50 Start Date: 2018/04/23 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/23 15:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/23 11:44:51 Delivered Date: 2018/04/23 11:44:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000077 Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR); To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: March at Doctor at 830 Date: 2018/04/11 10:44:15 Start Date: 2018/04/13 08:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/13 09:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Attendees: Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/1110 :44:15 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000078 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Car reserved with Paula & Bob - Gary Pratt ~(b)(6) I Date : 2018/04/23 11:45:07 Start Date: 2018/04/23 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/23 16:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/23 11:45:07 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000079 Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); To: Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR); Oliver, Andrea (HHS/OCR) Subject : FinalizeRegional Investigator Staffing Date: 2018/04/11 10:44:39 Start Date: 2018/04/19 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/19 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room, Dial-in Ith \ (R\ IPasscode:~b)( 6 ) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Frohboese, Robinsue(HHS/OCR); Attendees: Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR);Oliver, Andrea (HHS/OCR) Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR); Oliver, Andrea (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/11 10:44:39 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000080 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR) CC: Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) Subject: Good Faith (continued) Date: 2018/05/07 15:33:50 Start Date: 2018/05/1111:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/11 11:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'soff ic~(b)(6\ Attendees: I, Passcode:l(b}(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR);Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR)i Recipient: Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/07 15:33:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000081 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: 3pm WH meet ing Date: 2018/04/23 16:06:52 Start Date: 2018/04/30 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/30 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Se nt Dat e : 2018/04/23 16:06:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000082 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Enterprise - 1920 ELMST DALLASTX US 75201 Date: 2018/05/08 10:39:19 Start Date: 2018/05/09 17:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/09 17:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Enterpr ise Confirmation No. ,(b)(6) Phone: 800 325-8007 ~---------~ Pickup Locat ion: PHONE:214 9392192 / 800-736-8222 DOWNTOWN DALLAS 1920 ELM ST DALLASTX US 75201 Car Description: 2/4 Door Compact Automatic AC Daily Rate: $66 .00 .35MI Ml 22.00 HR 66 .00 DY .35MI Ml .35MI DY Corp Discount No.: FGTDYHH Driver: Severino Roger Thomas Total Rate: Estimated Total Price Is 80.25 USD Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 10:39:23 Delivered Date: 2018/05/08 10:39:19 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000083 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Subject: AP phone Interview (confirmed) Date: 2018/04/23 16:48:43 Start Date: 2018/04/24 15:15:00 End Date: 2018/04/24 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment I just want to get a basic understanding of what's going on. Is it a " rescission" of the entire rule, or a change by sections . Also look ing for a clearer understanding of the Texas case. Thanks, -r icardo Ricardo Alonso -Zaldivar Health Care Reporter Associated Press Washington Bureau Desk: 202-641-9442 CP:l(b)(6) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Recipient: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/04/23 16:48:43 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000084 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); To: Danley, Sarah (HHS/OGC); Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC) Subject: Ethics/ Contracting Rules Date: 2018/04/12 09:59:12 Start Date: 2018/04/16 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/16 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 515 - F, Dial in #l/h\fR\ rasscode: l(b)(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Danley, Sarah (HHS/OGC); Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/04/12 09:59:12 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000085 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Hampton Stes Dallas Allen Date: 2018/05/08 10:40:50 Start Date: 2018/05/09 17:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/09 17:30:00 Priority : Normal Type : Appointment Location : 830 West.Stacy Road Allen Tx 75013 Hampton Stes Dallas Allen Confi rmation No. ~fb_ )(_5_l __ ~ Address: 830 West Stacy Road Allen Tx 75013 Nigh ts: 1 (name : Seve rino Rogerthomas Mr) Guarantee Info: Visa ******6493 Other Info : Frequent Guest # !(b)(6) Nightly Rate: $107 .00 Total Rate: $120.91 I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/0 8 10:40:51 Delivered Date: 2018/05/08 10:40:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000086 Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); To: Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Ortiz, Melissa(ACL) ; Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) Subject: Shannon's Birthday Lunch *New Location Date : 2018/04/23 19:54:05 Start Date : 2018/04/27 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/27 13:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: 6th Floor Dining Room Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP);Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Meszaros, Attendees: Marie (HHS/OCR);Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR);Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR);Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH);Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Recipient: Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Ortiz, Melissa(ACL) ; Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/04/23 19:54:05 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000087 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : RegionalVisit Date : 2018/05/08 10:41:32 Start Date: 2018/05/09 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/09 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Dallas, Tx Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 10:41:33 Delivered Date: 2018/05/08 10:41:32 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000088 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Subject: CRFRegulation Date: 2018/04/13 11:02:12 Start Date: 2018/04/13 15:15:00 End Date: 2018/04/13 16:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/13 11:03:25 Delivered Date: 2018/04/13 11:02:12 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000089 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Buchele, Libbie (OS/ONC) Subject: Meeting with Libbie Date: 2018/04/24 12:07:28 Start Date: 2018/04/24 17:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/24 18:00:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Buchele, Libbie (OS/ONC) Sent Date: 2018/04/24 12:07:28 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000090 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Rental drop-off : Enterpriseat DFW Date: 2018/05/08 10:43:13 Date : 2018/05/10 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Enterprise Confirmation No. fb)(6) Drop Off Location : Dallas-Fort Worth International Stations I Airport Find nearby: Restaurants Gas Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 10:43: 14 Delivered Date: 2018/05/08 10:43:13 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000091 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : FLIGHT: IAD to DFW, departing at 8:45 am Date: 2018/04/16 09 :48:48 Start Date: 2018/05/09 08 :45:00 End Date: 20 18/05/09 11:09:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: !AD/Dulles Flight Washington , DC (IAD) to Dallas , TX (DFW) United 6026 OPERA TED BY /MESA AIR LINES OBA UNITED EXPRESS Departure : 08:45 AM Your flight is confirmed , but a seat was not successfully reserved . Seat: No seat assignment Select Seal Washington Dulles Intl Airport (IAD) Duration: 3 hours, 24 minutes Nonstop Arrival : 11:09 AM Dallas/ Fort Worth Intl Airport (DFW) Term inal:E I Confirm ation f b)(6 ) Status : Confirmed Air Frequent Flyer Number JPY~ b~)(~6~ ) --~I Additio nal Details Ai rcraft: E7W Distance: 1169 miles E-Ticket AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000092 Emissions: 455 .9 lbs CO2 Cabin : Economy (Y) Meal: Meal at Cost Sender: Severino,Roger(HHS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger(HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/16 09:48:48 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000093 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : FLIGHT:DFW to DCA,departing at 3:09 PM Date: 2018/05/08 10:45:49 Sta rt Date: 2018/05/10 15:09:00 End Date : 2018/05/10 19:09:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: DFW-Dallas/FortWorth Int. Flight Dallas, TX (DFW) to Washington, DC (DCA) American Airlines 2237 Departure : 03:09 PM Your flight is confirmed , but a seat was not successfully reserved . Seat:No seat assignment Select Seat Dallas/Fort Wort h Intl Airport (DFW) Terminal :O Duration: 3 hours Nonstop Arrival: 07:09 PM Washington D.C. Ronald Reagan National Ai rport (DCA) Terminal :C Confirmation : ""'<< b"-')"'"'(6,_..) _ ___. I Status: Confi rmed Additional Details Ai rcraft: 328 Distance: 1189 miles E-Ticket AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000094 Emissions: 463 .7 lbs CO2 Cabin : Economy (Y) Meal: Meal at Cost Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 10:45:50 Delivered Date: 2018/05/08 10:45:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000095 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Estrada,William (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Ancalle, Mandi (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Weigel, Gabriela (OS/OCR)(CTR) ; Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Subject: CREFTeam Lunch Date: 2018/04/16 11:52:01 Start Date: 2018/04/16 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/16 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: SlSF Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Recipient: (FYDIBOHF23SPDL Estrada,William (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Ancalle, Mandi (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Weigel, Gabriela (OS/OCR)(CTR) ; Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/04/16 11:52:01 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000097 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); To: Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Allen, Jane (HHS/OCR); Buchele, Libbie (OS/ONC) Subject: OCRSpace Redesign Date: 2018/04/25 10:11:07 Start Date: 2018/04/30 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/30 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Recipient: Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Allen, Jane (HHS/OCR); Buchele, Libbie (OS/ONC) Sent Date: 2018/04/25 10:11:07 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000098 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Clemmons, Zinethia (HHS/OCR) Subject: NIS contract Date: 2018/05/08 12:25:10 Start Date: 2018/05/08 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/08 14:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'soff ice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Clemmons, Zinethia (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 12:25:10 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000099 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Driver: Gary Pratt contact rb)(6) l(Paula to share ride) Date : 2018/04/25 13:25:11 Start Date: 2018/04/30 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/30 15:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/25 13:25:11 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000100 From: Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR) Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC)<>; Wynne, Maggie(HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; To: Brandon, Andrea (HHS/ASFR); Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Womack, Kimberley(ACF) ; Marriott, Brian (ACF) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) CC: Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Wolfe, Kenneth (ACF) Subject: Deviation Request Date: 2018/04/13 10:56:39 Start Date: 2018/05/03 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/03 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 514G Attendees: Sender: Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC);Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Stannard, Paula(HHS/IOS); Brandon, Andrea (HHS/ASFR);Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR);Wagner, Steven (ACF); Womack, Kimberley (ACF); Marriott, Brian (ACF); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Wolfe, Kenneth (ACF) Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR) Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Brandon, Andrea (HHS/ASFR); Recipient: Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Womack, Kimberley(ACF) ; Marriott, Brian (ACF) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Wolfe, Kenneth (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/04/13 10:56:39 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000101 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Driver: Gary Pratt contact 4il(b)( 6 ) l(Paula to share ride) Date : 2018/04/25 13:25:41 Start Date: 2018/04/30 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/30 16:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/25 13:25:42 Delivered Date: 2018/04/25 13:25:41 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000102 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: To: Householder,Donna (HHS/OS) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Louisl(b)(6) I Date : 2018/05/24 11:07:44 Start Date: 2018/05/24 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/24 17:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Householder,Donna (HHS/OS) Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 11:07:44 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000103 Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Canceled: Quick connect Date: 2018/05/08 14:04:27 Start Date: 2018/05/08 16:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/08 16:15:00 Priority: Urgent Type: Appointment Location: Roger'soffice Attendees: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 14:04:27 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000104 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); To: Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC); Danley, Sarah (HHS/OGC) Subject: Ethics/ Contracting Rules Date: 2018/04/25 14:23:20 Start Date: 2018/05/0111:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/0111 :45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: SlSF Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC); Danley, Sarah (HHS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/04/25 14:23:20 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000105 Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) ; Palmer, Ashley (OS/ASFR); To: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; McGuftee,Tyler Ann (HHS/ASL); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); Lawrence,Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Subject: Canceled:AMA ASFRprep for Senate LHHSHearing Date: 2018/04/16 13:42:51 Start Date: 2018/04/16 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/16 17:00:00 Priority: Urgent Type: Appointment Location: 607G II kb)(6) ,rR,I IPc jrh AMA2 (OS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS); Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS); Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS); Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS); Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR);Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS); Palmer, Ashley Attendees: (OS/ASFR);Stannard, Paula(HHS/IOS); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL); Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); McGuffee,Tyler Ann (HHS/IOS); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL);Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Aramanda, Alec AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000106 Icos/ASL); (harrow, Robert (HHS/OGC);Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Updated time Lead: ASFR Topic: Prepare AMA for Senate LHHSHear ing on 4/19 Conference line info: l(b)(6) Pck b)(6) Leader Code:l(b)(6) I Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler(OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (O5/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/1O5) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en==d Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL) ; Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient: Palmer, Ashley (O5/ASFR); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; McGuffee,Tyler Ann (HHS/ASL); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/04/16 13:42:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000108 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: To: Hudson, Dawn (OS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Memorial Day! Date : 2018/05/24 11:48:48 Start Date: 2018/05/28 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 00:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Hudson, Dawn (OS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 11:48:48 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000109 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR) Subject: ONC Detail MOU Date: 2018/04/25 14:37:40 Start Date: 2018/05/01 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/0111:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Dial in l/h \Ji::\ 1Passcode:Kb)(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/25 14:37:40 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000110 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: HIPAASUMMIT Date: 2018/05/08 16:45:04 Start Date: 2019/03/04 17:00:00 End Date: 2020/03/05 17:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 16:45:04 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000111 Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); To: Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Subject: Meeting Date: 2018/05/09 12:48:16 Start Date: 2018/05/10 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OCR(Humphrey 515F) Attendees: Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; Butterfie ld, Justin (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/09 12:48:16 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000112 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Mitchell, Steven M (HHS/OCR); Wiggins, Audrey (HHS/OGC); To: Schuham, Aaron (HHS/OGC); Lawson, Heather (HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Montoya, Luben (HHS/OCR); Atkinson, Angie (OS/OGC) LaCheen,Cary (OS/OGC); Johnson, Kenneth D. (HHS/OCR); CC: Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR); Murga, Maria (OS/OCR) Subject: ComplianceReview on MichiganState University Date : 2018/04/25 17:18: 19 Start Date: 2018/04/27 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/27 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment 6 Location: RosaParks Conference Room, Dial-in l(b)( ) I, Passcode:j(b)(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Frohboese, Robinsue(HHS/OCR);Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR);Novy, Steve (OS/OCR);Mitchell, Steven M (HHS/OCR);Wiggins, Audrey (HHS/OGC);Schuham, Aaron (HHS/OGC);Lawson, Heather (HHS/OCR);Noonan,Timothy Attendees: (OS/OCR);Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR);Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR);Montoya, Luben (HHS/OCR);Atkinson, Angie (OS/OGC);LaCheen,Cary (OS/OGC);Johnson, Kenneth D. (HHS/OCR);Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR);Murga, Maria (OS/OCR) Sender: lseverino,Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR) ; Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Mitchell, Steven M (HHS/OCR); Wiggins, Audrey (HHS/OGC); Schuham, Aaron (HHS/OGC); Lawson, Heather (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Montoya, Luben (HHS/OCR); Atkinson, Angie (OS/OGC); LaCheen,Cary (OS/OGC); Johnson, Kenneth D. (HHS/OCR); Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR); Murga, Maria (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/25 17:33:59 Delivered Date: 2018/04/25 17:18:19 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000114 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Hudson, Dawn (OS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Masters, Rebekah(HHS/OCR)(CTR) Subject: New Staff Meeting w/Director: Bekah Masters Date: 2018/05/24 11:54:40 Start Date: 2018/05/29 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 11:15:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Directors Office Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Hudson, Dawn (OS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Masters, Rebekah(HHS/OCR)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 11:54:54 Delivered Date: 2018/05/24 11:54:40 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000115 Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Palmer, Ashley (OS/ASFR); To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); McGuffee,Tyler Ann (HHS/ASL); Jilani, Shahla (HHS/IOS) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) Subject: Canceled:AMA mock hearing for Senate Labor Committee Date: 2018/04/16 13:43:21 Start Date: 2018/04/18 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/18 11:00:00 Priority: Urgent Type: Appointment Location: 610-F AMA2 (OS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS); Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS); Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS); Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS); Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR);Palmer, Ashley Attendees: (OS/ASFR);Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL);Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL); Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL);McGuffee,Tyler Ann (HHS/IOS); Jilani, Shahla (HHS/IOS); Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Lawrence,Courtney (HHS/ASL); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000116 IAramanda, Alec (OS/ASL); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) Pending schedu li ng request memo Secretary Scheduler(OS/IOS) Secretary Scheduler(OS/IOS) ; AMA2 (OS/IOS) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS) ; Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS) ; Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) ; Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) ; Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Palmer,Ashley (OS/ASFR); Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL) ; Morse, Sara (HHS/ASL); McGuffee,Tyler Ann (HHS/ASL); Jilani, Shahla (HHS/IOS) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Aramanda, Alec (OS/ASL); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/04/16 13:43:21 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000117 Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); To: Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Kanban Date: 2018/05/09 14:30:41 Start Date: 2018/05/14 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/ 14 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: March's Office Attendees: Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR);Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR);Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR);Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR);Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/09 14:30:41 Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); To: Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Type: OLE.CLASS.{00061055 -0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); EXT-18-1509-N-000118 Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Subject: Go to travel training instead of Kanban Type: OLE.CLASS .{00061055-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR)<>; Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); To: Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Type: OLE.CLASS.{00061055-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); R . . t. Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); ecipien . Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000119 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR) Subject: HIPAAcheck-in Date: 2018/04/26 11:56:08 Start Date: 2018/05/04 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/04 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'soffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/26 11:56:08 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000120 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Meet Heather 1:30 Date: 2018/04/17 10:26:12 Start Date: 20 18/04/17 13:00:00 End Date: 20 18/04/17 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment S d . Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 10:26:12 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000121 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Mandatory training on travel Date: 2018/05/09 14:41:17 Start Date: 2018/05/2111:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/2112:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Dat e: 2018/05/09 14:41:17 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000122 Mccance-Katz,Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS) Mccance-Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Richmond,Alicia (HHS/OASH); Jones, Christopher (SAMHSA); Zarnick, Rebecca(SAMHSNOSORA); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Ejims-Akarolo,Ada (SAMHSA/OA)(CTR) ; Owens, Arne (SAMHSNOAS); Campbell,Jennifer (SAMHSA); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Flick, Heather (OS/OGC); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; Collins, Francis (NIH/OD) [E] ; Gordon, Joshua (NIH/NIMH) [E] ; Gottlieb, Scott (FDA) ; Graham, John (HHS/IEA) ; Greenstein, Bruce (05/105) ; Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/O5/OGA) ; Hargan, Eric (O5/IOS) ; Kadlec, Robert (O5/ASPR/IO) ; Kalavritinos, Jack (FDA/OC) ; Khanna, Gopal (AHRQ/IOD) ; Koob, George (NIH/NIAAA) [E] ; Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Robertson, Lance(ACL) ; Rucker, Donald (OS/ONC); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000123 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Sigounas, George (HRSA) ; Verma, Seema (CMS/OA); Volkow, Nora (NIH/NIDA) [E] ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Weahkee, Michael(IHS/HQ) ; Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA) Robertson, Brian (SAMHSA/OC); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); Meyers, David (AHRQ/IOD) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; CC: Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) ; Bakos, Alexis (OS/OASH); Bui, Juliet (OS/OASH); DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) Subject: [Materials Attached] BHCCPrincipals Meeting Date: 2018/05/10 15:10: 17 Start Date: 2018/06/01 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/01 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: HHH, Room 705A callin -Kb )(6) I Passcode: l(b )(6) I Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);Richmond,Alicia (HHS/OASH);Jones, Christopher (SAMHSA); Zarnick, Rebecca(SAMHSNOSORA);Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH);Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH);Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);Ejims-Akarolo,Ada (SAMHSA/OA)(CTR); Robertson, Brian (SAMHSA/OC);Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH)(; Owens, Arne (SAMHSA/OAS);Campbell, Jennifer (SAMHSA);Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH);Flick, Heather (OS/OGC);Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC);Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL);Collins, Francis(NIH/OD) [E]; Gordon, Joshua (NIH/NIMH) [E]; Gottlieb, Scott (FDA); Graham, John (HHS/IEA); Greenstein, Bruce (OS/IOS); Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA);Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS); Kadlec, Attendees : Robert (OS/ASPR/IO);Kalavritinos,Jack (FDA/OC); Khanna,Gopal (AHRQ/IOD); Koob, George (NIH/NIAAA) [EJ; Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH);Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR);Robertson, Lance (ACL); Rucker, Donald (OS/ONC);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Sigounas, George (HRSA); Verma, Seema (CMS/QA);Volkow, Nora (NIH/NIDA) [EJ; Wagner, Steven (ACF); Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ); Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA);Meyers, David (AHRQ/IOD); Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL)(; Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD); Alexis Bakos (;Bui, Juliet (OS/OASH);DeputySecretary (OS/IOS) Sender: IMcCance-Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS) Mccance-Katz,Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS); Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Richmond,Alicia (HHS/OASH); Jones, Christopher (SAMHSA); Zornick, Rebecca(SAMHSA/OSORA) ; Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Ejims-Akarolo,Ada (SAMHSA/OA)(CTR) ; Owens, Arne (SAMHSNOAS); Campbell,Jennifer (SAMHSA); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Flick, Heather (OS/OGC); Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) ; Collins, Francis (NIH/OD) [E] ; Gordon, Joshua (NIH/NIMH) [E] ; Gottlieb, Scott (FDA) ; Graham, John (HHS/IEA) ; Greenstein, Bruce (OS/IOS) ; Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA); Hargan, Eric (OS/IOS) ; Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO); Kalavritinos, Jack (FDA/OC) ; Khanna, Gopal (AHRQ/IOD) ; Koob, George (NIH/NIAAA) [El ; Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Robertson, Lance(ACL) ; Rucker, Donald (OS/ONC); Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Sigounas, George (HRSA) ; Verma, Seema (CMS/OA); Volkow, Nora (NIH/NIDA) [ E] ; Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Weahkee, Michael (IHS/HQ) ; Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA); Robertson, Brian (SAMHSA/OC); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); Meyers, David (AHRQ/IOD) ; Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL) ; Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) ; Bakos, Alexis (OS/OASH); Bui, Juliet (O5/OASH) ; DeputySecretary(O5/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/10 15:10:17 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000126 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i carter, carla (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Roman, David (OS/OCR) Subject: Proposalfor a Public Education campaign Date: 2018/04/17 14:08:29 Start Date: 2018/04/30 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/30 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room, Dial- in Mb)(6) I Passcode:l(b)(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Carter, carla (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Roman, David (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 14:08:29 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000127 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Hudson, Dawn (OS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Nikitas, Maximos (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Subject: New EmployeesMeeting w/ Director: Max Nikitas Date: 2018/05/24 15:19:04 Start Date: 2018/05/3114:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/3114:15:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Director's Office Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Hudson, Dawn (OS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Nikitas, Maximos (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 15:21:16 Delivered Date: 2018/05/24 15:19:04 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000128 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); To: Holland, Barbara (HHS/OCR); Gerald, Mary (HHS/OCR) Subject: Timecards Date: 2018/04/26 13:56:51 Start Date: 2018/04/26 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/26 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'soffice, Dial-in i(b)(6) 1Passcode: l(b )(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Recipient: Holland, Barbara (HHS/OCR); Gerald, Mary (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/26 13:57:14 Delivered Date: 2018/04/26 13:56:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000129 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR) Subject: Good Faith PredevelopmentMemo Date: 2018/04/17 15:57:54 Start Date: 2018/04/18 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/18 14:45:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 15:57:54 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000130 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Hudson, Dawn (OS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Borzage,Julie (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Subject: New Employee Meeting w/ Director: Julie Borzage Date: 2018/05/24 16:03:17 Start Date: 2018/05/31 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/31 14:45:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Director's Office Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Hudson, Dawn (OS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Borzage,Julie (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 16:03:17 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000131 Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; To: Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) ; Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) ; Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) ; Meszaros, Marie (HHS/OCR) Subject: Kanban follow-up Date: 20 18/04/27 09:58:24 Start Date: 20 18/04/27 13:30 :00 End Date: 2018/04/27 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: March's office Attendees: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Butterfie ld, Justin (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Meszaros, Marie (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Recipient: Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) ; Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) ; Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) ; Meszaros, Marie (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/27 09:58:24 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000132 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR) Subject: HIPAA Breach& ComplianceReports to Congress Date: 2018/04/27 11:21:19 Start Date: 2018/05/01 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/01 15:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's ConferenceRoom, Dial in "11' b)(6) jPasscode:Kb)(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/27 11:21:19 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000133 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: To: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Arina Date : 2018/05/25 10:13:28 Start Date: 2018/05/25 11:15:00 End Date: 2018/05/25 11:45:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 10:13:28 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000134 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia : Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Estrada, William (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Subject: Meeting Date: 2018/04/18 11:07:32 Start Date: 2018/04/18 16:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/18 16:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Will & Sarah, Roger just received an invite to a 1:30 t hat he will be attending so I have moved your meeting to 4:00 pm (the next available time slot on your calendars). Thanks, Courtney Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Estrada,William (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/04/18 11:07:32 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000135 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); To: Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Stimson, Brian (HHS/OGC); Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Christopher Smith Kevin Nicholson ; Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) ; CC: Mary Ellen Kleiman ; Johnson, Kenneth D. (HHS/OCR) Subject: NACDSMeeting - Dial- i,1/hV ~ \ 1Passcode:~b)(6 ) I Date: 2018/04/03 10:35:07 Start Date: 2018/04/06 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/06 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Hubert H. Humphrey Building - 200 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 20201- Suite 515F, Rosa ParksConference Room Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR);Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Meszaros, Marie (HHS/OCR);Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR);Frohboese, Robinsue (HHS/OCR);Stannard, Attendees : Paula(HHS/IOS); Stimson, Brian (HHS/OGC);Albrecht, Sarah 8. (HHS/OCR);Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA); Christopher Smith; Kevin Nicholson; Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR); Mary Ellen Kleiman; Johnson, Kenneth D. (HHS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000136 Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Stimson, Brian (HHS/OGC); Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Christopher Smith ; Kevin Nicholson ; Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) ; Mary Ellen Kleiman ; Johnson, Kenneth D. (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/03 10:35:07 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000137 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Masters, Rebekah(HHS/OCR)(CTR) ( CC: Subject: Divine Mercy University 2018 President'sReception Date: 2018/05/10 19:00:57 Start Date : 2018/05/17 18:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/17 20:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Apostolic Nunciature Attendees : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR); Masters, Rebekah(HHS/OCR) (CTR) ( Divine Mercy University 2018 President's Reception Apostolic Nunciature 3339 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington, DC 20008 6 pm Cocktails Program at 7:30 pm Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Masters, Rebekah(HHS/OCR)(CTR) ( Sent Date: 2018/05/10 19:00:57 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000138 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); To: Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) Subject: HR/Hiring Date: 2018/04/30 10:17:47 Start Date: 2018/05/0110:15:00 End Date: 2018/05/01 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'soffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Recipient: Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/30 10:17:47 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000139 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Hudson, Dawn (OS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Tucci, Tom (OS/OCR)(CTR) Subject: Meeting with Tom Tucci Date: 2018/05/25 11:47:04 Start Date: 2018/05/25 12:15:00 End Date: 2018/05/25 12:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Office Roger, Good morning. I wanted to see if you can meet for a few minutes this morning . I know you are busy. The Front Office mentioned that you might have availability around 11:30am. Please let me know if this will work for you. Thank you for your time, Tom Tom N. Tucci, CISSP,CISA Security Rule SME / Technical Analyst HIPAA Privacy and Security Contractor HHS Office for Civil Rights 202-774-3077 (Office) Tom Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Hudson, Dawn (OS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Recipient: Tucci, Tom (OS/OCR)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 11:47:04 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000140 Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) ; Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR) (CTR) ; Eric Humpert ( Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Wi lker, Michael (HHS/ASPA) Subject: OCR Script pre-visualization Date: 2018/04/03 13:13:S2 Start Date: 2018/04/04 14:15:00 End Date: 2018/04/04 14 :45 :00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Room 119F From: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR) (CTR) Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2018 1:10 PM To: Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) Cc: Eric Humpert (; Wilker, Michael (HHS/ASPA) Subject: RE: OCR Script for 11am Ideate. I like that word. Sounds good! Cheers, Arina Arina o. Gros su Outreach Advisor (Contractor) Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 200 Independence Ave. S.W. Washington, D .C. 20201 Arina From: Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 1:09 PM AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000141 To: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR) (CTR) Cc: Eric Humpert ( ) ; Wilker, Michael (HHS/ASPA) Subject : RE: OCRScript for 11am Not really anything that would make sense - we should walk through together and ideate. From: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR) (CTR) Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2018 1:05 PM To: Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) Cc: Eric Humpert ( ); Wilker, Michael (HHS/ASPA) Subject: RE: OCR Script for 11am Is there something that he can send to us prior to our meeting so that we can consider? Cheers, Arina Arina O . Grossu Outreach Advisor (Contractor) Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 200 Independence Ave . S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201 Arina .Grossu@hhs .gov From: Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) Se nt : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 12:59 PM To: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR) (CTR) Cc: Eric Humpert ( ) ; Wilker, Michael (HHS/ASPA) Subject : RE: OCRScript for 11am Sounds good, Arina. Meet here again in Room 119F? From: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR) (CTR) Sent : Tuesday, April 03, 2018 12:57 PM To: Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) Cc : Eric Humpert ( ); Wilker, Michael (HHS/ASPA) Subject: RE: OCR Script for 11am Can you do 11 am tomorrow? I'll see if Roger can also make it. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000142 Cheers, Arina Arina 0. Grossu Outreach Advisor (Contractor) Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 200 Independence Ave . S.W. Wash ington, D.C. 20201 Arina From : Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) Se nt: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 12:54 PM To: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Cc: Eric Humpert ( ) ; Wilker, Michael (HHS/ASPA) Subject : RE:OCRScript for 11am Arina When could we have a brief pre-visualization meeting? Eric has an outline. Thank you! Best Ann From: Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2018 10: 15 AM To: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR) (CTR) Cc: Eric Humpert ( ); Wilker, Michael (HHS/ASPA) Subject: RE: OCR Script for 11am Arina Thank you very much for the final script . The length is much bette r. Now that we have a budget, did you have any feedback for us from the samples we sent? To keep the ball rolling - Eric and I would like to meet with you before Thursday's taping to discuss visual possibilities. Eric will bring a markup of the script and some sample images/frames. We want to talk through it, to be sure we are on track. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000143 We think the script as it stands lends itself to adding moving text, mixed with a few abstract symbols (such as a gavel or the Constitution or the like) and perhaps "paintings" (settlers, Revolution, Vietnam) to evoke history. There's not a centra l metaphor, or set of visual cues, from which to draw consistent iconography, scenes, or "characters" that would develop throughout the piece - correct? Also - do let us know how much time we have, as soon as you find out. Thank you! Best Ann From: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR) (CTR) Sent: Monday, April 02, 2018 6:32 PM To: Wilker, Michael (HHS/ASPA); Karen Foster; Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) Subject: RE: OCR Script for 11am Michael, Ann, and Karen, Here is the final script that has been reviewed by Paula and Roger. Also, what times do you have available for Thursday, April 5? Cheers, Arina Arina O . Grossu Outreach Advisor (Contractor) Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 200 I ndependence Ave . S.W . Washington, D.C. 20201 Arina.Grossu@hhs .gov From: Wilker, M ichael (HHS/ASPA) Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 4:50 PM To: Karen Foster ; Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000144 Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) Subject: RE: OCRScript for 11am Arina, please make sure we have the final script. I just saw something from Roger at 4:34pm. Thanks, Michael From: Karen Foster [ ] Sent: Monday, April 02, 2018 4:38 PM To: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR) (CTR); Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) Cc: Wilker, Michael (HHS/ASPA) Subject: RE: OCR Script for 11am Would tomorrow afternoon work? 4/3/2018? Afternoon of 4/4? Morning of 4/5? Is this the script? Or is it still being vetted? Thanks, Karen Karen Foster (CTR ) HHS TV Program Manager Room 119F E-mail : Kfoster@hhs .tv Desk : 202.205 .5639 Main TV Studio Number: 202.690.6076 TV Studio Location : 107G From: Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR) (CTR) [ ] Se nt: Monday, April 02, 2018 4:25 PM To: Ann Ramsey ; Karen Foster Cc: Michael Wilker Subject : RE: OCRScript for 11am Karen and Ann, What time works best for you to reschedule our filming? I'll check that with Roger's calendar. Thank you! AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000145 Cheers , Arina Arina O . Grossu Outreach Advisor (Cont ractor) Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Health & Human Serv ices 200 Independence Ave . S.W. Wash ington, D.C. 20201 Ar ina.Grossu@hhs .gov From: Wilker, Michael (HHS/ASPA) Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 11:00 AM To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR) (CTR) ; Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) Cc:Weber, Mark (HHS/ASPA) ; Ramsey, Ann (HHS/ASPA) ; Karen Foster Subject: Re: OCRScript for 11am We should reschedule this production. Ar1na, please work with Karen and Ann to find a time this week. Thanks , Michael Willrnr Director . Broadcast Communication s HHS/ASPA On: 02 April 2018 10:38, "Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)" wrote: I cut it down to 401 words. See below. We can reschedule if need be. Hello , my name is Roger Seve1ino and I am the Director of the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S . Department of Health and Human Services. My office is charged w ith enforc ing three types of federal laws: o o AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT Laws protecting patient infonnation privacy such as HIPAA ; Law s protecting access to health and human services witho ut discrimination on the bas is of race, national origin, age, sex, or disability; EXT-18-1509-N-000146 o and laws protecting conscience and religious freedom in health care [and human services .] In January of 2018, we announced the launch of a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within the Office for Civil Rights to make sure our existing conscience laws get the focused attention that they deserve . Conscience and religious freedom are fundamental , natural human rights that are protected in the First Amendment to the Constitution and in laws at the federal , state, and local level. The conscience protection laws that we enforce were passed by presidents and majorities in Congress of both parties over the last forty years . Indeed, conscience protection has been part of our national story since the founding, especially on issues dealing with life and death. For example, our laws have protected people morally opposed to taking life in war since the American Revolution, through the Vietnam War era, and up to present day conflict. America does not force doctors or pharmacists to help in the execution of criminals. And our laws protect doctors and nurses who refuse to participate in the taking of life through abortion or assisted suicide. [Patients, as well, should not be punished by the government for declining to receive treatments or undergo procedures that violate their conscience or religious convictions.] When we respect conscience we have a more diverse and free society with more health care options for people . We want to empower you to know and benefit from all of your rights under the law and to inform healthcare providers of all of their rights and obligations. If you believe that a covered entity discriminated against you or vio lated your (or someone else's) civil rights , conscience rights , religious freedom rights , or health information privacy rights , you may file a complaint with OCR at /ocr/complaints. To learn more about our new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, please visit us at /conscience. OCR is dedicated to protecting all of our rights under law. We are here to serve you and we are open for business. From: Wilker, Michael (HHS/ASPA) Sent: Monday , Apri l 02, 2018 10:37 AM To: Severino , Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu , Arina (HHS/OCR) (CTR); Stannard , Paula (HHS/IOS) Cc: Weber, Mark (HHS/ASPA) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000147 Subject: RE: OCR Script for J lam Importance: High Given the lat e clearance on this scrip t, I recommend that we reschedule the production . We can work with Arina to determine a new date and time. Regards , Micha el Michael Wilker Director , Broadcast Commun icat ions U.S. Dept of Hea lth & Human Services 0. 202.260.1315 ro. l(b)(6) michael. wilker @hhs. gov From: Severino , Roger (HHS /OCR) Sent: Monday, Apri l 02, 2018 10:29 AM To: Gro ssu, Arina (HHS /OCR) (CTR) ; Stannard , Paula (HHS /IOS) ; W ilker , Michael (HHS /ASP A) Cc: Weber , Mark (lffiS / ASPA) Subject: RE: OCR Script for 11am I'll send the upd ated script momentarily. From: Grossu , Arina (HHS /OCR) (CTR) Sent: Monday , April 02, 2018 10:28 AM To: Stannard , Paula (HHS/lOS) ; Wilker , Michael (HHS /ASPA) Cc: Weber , Mark (HHS / ASPA); Severino , Roger (HHS /OCR) Subject: Re: OCR Script for 11am Matt Bowman at OGC has reviewed as well as Ryan Mtu-phy and Matt Lloyd at ASPA . CC'ing Roger . On: 02 April 20 18 10: 15, ''Stannard, Paula (HHS /IOS)" wrote : I don't th.inkI have seen eitber the original script or the updated script. Paula From: Wilker , Michael (HHS /ASP A) Sent: Monday , Apri l 02, 2018 10: 13 AM AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000148 To : Gross u , Arina (HHS /OCR) (CTR) Cc: w .eber, Mark (HH S/ASPA); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) Subject : OC R Script for 11am Hi Arina, Has this script been re-cleared by Paula Stanna rd (OGC) and Mark Webe r (A.SPA) since it was changed from the original script you showe d us last week? Mic hael Mjcbae l W ilker Direc tor, Broadcas t Comm unications U.S. Dept of Health & Hum an Services 0 . 202 .260. 1315 m. Kb)(6) mi cha Ramsey,Ann (HHS/ASPA) Ramsey,Ann (HHS/ASPA); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR){CTR) ; Recipient: Eric Humpert ( ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Wilker, Michael (HHS/ASPA) Sent Date : 2018/04/03 13:13:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000149 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subj ect: Call with Williams Institute Dat e: 2018/05/11 10:15:56 Start Dat e: 20 18/05/11 12:30:00 End Date: 20 18/05/1113:30:00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Sender: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/1110:15:56 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000150 Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Subject: QSI Meeting Date: 2018/04/04 14:07:05 Start Date: 2018/04/04 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/04 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger's Office Attendees : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR);Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR); Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/04 14:07:05 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000151 From: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP) Subject: CAFODebrief Date: 2018/05/10 18:18:36 Sta rt Date: 2018/05/11 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/11 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 515F Attendees: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP) Does this work for you both? Sender: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Royce,Shannon (OS/CFBNP) Sent Date: 2018/05/10 18:18:36 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000152 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Subject: Guidance Date: 2018/0 5/11 12:14:24 Start Date: 2018/05/11 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/1117:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/1112:14:24 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000153 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: HOLDfor Dep. Sec. Listening Session Date: 2018/05/25 17:03:54 Start Date: 2018/06/06 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/06 18:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 17:03:54 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000154 Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) ; To: Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR) ; Butterfie ld, Justin (HHS/OCR) ; Buchele, Libbie (OS/ONC) ; Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR) (CTR) ; Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) Subject: Regulation comments Date: 2018/04/18 16 :48:46 Start Date: 2018/04/19 16 :30:00 End Date: 20 18/04/19 17 :30 :00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Location: Roger's Office Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya ( HHS/OCR); Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR); Attendees: Butterfie ld, Justin (HHS/OCR); Buchele, Libbie (OS/ONC); Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR) (CTR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Bell, March (HHS/OCR) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) ; Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) ; Recipient: Albrecht, Sarah B. (HHS/OCR) ; Butterfie ld, Justin (HHS/OCR) ; Buchele, Libbie (OS/ONC) ; Balserak, Daniel (HHS/OCR) (CTR) ; Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/18 16:48:46 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000155 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Noonan,Timothy (OS/OCR); Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR); Perez, Luis (CIV) Subject: Good Fait h (continued) Date: 2018/05/1112 :17:50 Start Date: 2018/05/ 14 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location : Director's Conference Room Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR); Perez, Luis (CIV) Sent Date: 2018/05/11 12:17:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000156 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); CC: Sherman, Brandon Subject: Meeting regarding Michigan State ComplianceReview Date: 2018/05/0110:49:12 Start Date: 2018/05/11 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/11 14:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's ConferenceRoom, ~h\/~\ Attend ees: Icode: tb )(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR);;Sherman, Brandon Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); ; Sherman, Brandon Sent Date: 2018/05/0110:49:12 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000157 Reilly, Erin (OS/IEA) (CTR) Reilly, Erin (OS/IEA) (CTR) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Subject: Phone call with Gregory T. Angelo Date: 2018/05/0113:11:14 Start Date: 2018/05/01 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/01 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: (b)(6) I Attendees: Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Executive Director of Log Cabin Republicans Greg would like to talk about Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act as well as PATCHA. Conference Number lb )(6) Passcodel b)(6 ) I .__ ____ ___. Reilly, Erin (O5/IEA) (CTR) Reilly, Erin (O5/IEA) (CTR) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/05/0113:11:14 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000158 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR) Subject: HIP updates Date: 2018/05/11 13:33:23 Start Date: 2018/05/14 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'soffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/1113:33:23 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000159 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Hudson, Dawn (OS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); To: Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Perez, Luis (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Subject: Passback Date: 2018/05/30 11:16:37 Start Date: 2018/05/30 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/30 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Office Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Hudson, Dawn (OS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Perez, Luis (HHS/OCR); Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/30 11:16:37 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000160 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: DiscussOASHissues Date: 2018/05/13 07:47:05 Start Date: 2018/05/14 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Attendees : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)( Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date : 2018/05/13 07:47:05 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000161 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: To: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : WSJ lunch Date : 2018/05/14 08:51:35 Start Date: 2018/05/15 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/15 12:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 08:51:35 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000162 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Strauss lunch Date: 2018/05/14 12:42 : 11 Start Date: 20 18/05/17 12:00:00 End Date: 20 18/05/17 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment S d . Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) < /o=Exchangelabs/ou=Exchange Admin istrative Group en er. (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=47bbbf66a9ec4d4b8b74ed8cb2029b31-Seve rino, R> Sent Date: 2018/05/14 12:42:11 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000163 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Request Uber: 101 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001 Date: 2018/04/19 12:27:07 Start Date: 2018/04/19 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/19 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/19 12:27:07 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000164 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: To: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : ConscienceDivision Presentation Date : 2018/05/14 14:42:35 Start Date: 2018/05/18 10:15:00 End Date: 2018/05/18 10:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 7 4th St. NE-- Need a car/Uber (6 min drive) Topics: OCR, New CRF Division Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 14:42:35 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000165 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Request Uber Date : 2018/04/19 12:27:40 Start Date: 2018/04/19 16:25:00 End Date: 2018/04/19 16:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/04/19 12:27:40 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000166 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Subject: NY Times call Date: 2018/04/19 12:59:36 Start Date: 2018/04/19 13:45:00 End Date: 2018/04/19 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Recipient: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/04/19 12:59:36 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000167 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); To: Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR) Subject: Enforcement Meeting Date: 2018/05/15 11:32:26 Start Date: 2018/05/17 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/17 11:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's conference room, Dial-in ~(b)(6) Ipass codel(b )(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Noonan,Timothy (OS/OCR); Mosley-Day, Serena (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/15 11:40:39 Delivered Date: 2018/05/15 11:32:26 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000168 Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Fulmer, Brendan Subject: Canceled: Brendan F. meEURting Date: 2018/05/02 15:03:08 Start Date: 2018/0 5/03 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/03 13:30:00 Priority: Urgent Type: Appointment Location: 515F HHS Attendees: 515F; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL);Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Fulmer, Brendan Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Fulmer, Brendan Sent Date: 2018/05/02 15:03:08 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000169 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Householder,Donna (HHS/OS) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); To: Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Buchele,Libbie (OS/ONC) Subject: AccessDatabase Date: 2018/05/02 15:03:50 Start Date: 2018/05/02 17:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/02 17:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: RosaParks Conference Room I j(b)(6) l pass cod~(b )(6) I Meeting requested by Justin . Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Householder,Donna (HHS/OS) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Buchele, Libbie (OS/ONC) Sent Date: 2018/05/02 15:03:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000170 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Bell, March (HHS/OCR); To: Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR) Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); CC: Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) Subject: E.O. 12866 Meeting on Nondiscriminationin Health Programs and Activities Date: 2018/05/02 15:46:05 Start Date: 2018/05/02 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/02 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Director's Conference Room, Call-in: l(b)(6) 1code ~b)(6) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR)i Noronha, Maya (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Brown, Louis (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) Sent Date : 2018/05/02 15:46:05 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000171 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); To: Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR); Colon, Linda (HHS/OCR); Musumici, Frank {HHS/OCR); Anderson, Lisa lee (HHS/OCR) CC: Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR) Subject: Dr. Bornstein Matter Date: 2018/05/03 10:53:27 Start Date: 2018/05/03 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/03 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment 6 Location: Director's Conference Room, Dial-in ~b)( ) Ipass code ~b)(5 ) I Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Frohboese, Robinsue(HHS/OCR);Novy, Steve (OS/OCR);Noonan, Attendees: Timothy (OS/OCR);Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR);Colon, Linda (HHS/OCR);Musumici, Frank (HHS/OCR);Anderson, Lisa lee (HHS/OCR);Meszaros,Marie {HHS/OCR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR){CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Frohboese,Robinsue(HHS/OCR); Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Noonan, Timothy (OS/OCR); Mosley-Day,Serena (OS/OCR); Colon, Linda (HHS/OCR); Musumici, Frank (HHS/OCR); Anderson, Lisa Lee (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie {HHS/OCR) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000172 Sent Date: 20 18/05/03 10:56:45 Delivered Date: 20 18/05/03 10:53:27 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000173 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Allen, Jane (HHS/OCR) Subject: Re-designapproval Date: 2018/05/03 14:36:11 Start Date: 2018/05/03 14:40:00 End Date: 2018/05/03 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger {HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Allen, Jane (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/03 14:36: 11 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000174 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) Subject: Car Reserved- Gary Pratt contact # l(b )(6) I Date: 2018/05/15 15:01:52 Start Date: 2018/05/16 17:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/16 18:00:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Garage level lB Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Butterfield, Justin (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/15 15:01:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000175 From: Greenstein, Bruce (OS/IOS) Greenstein, Bruce (OS/IOS) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); To: (FYDIBOHF23SPDL Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Simcox, Edwin (OS/IOS) ; Siddiqui, Mona (O5/IOS) Subject: OCR& HIPPAMeeting Date: 2018/05/15 13:52:18 Start Date: 2018/05/16 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/16 09:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Humphrey 300E Attend ees: Sender: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Meszaros, Marie (HHS/OCR);Simcox, Edwin (OS/IOS); Siddiqui, Mona (05/105) Greenstein, Bruce (OS/IOS) Greenstein, Bruce (OS/IOS) ; Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Recipient: (FYDIBOHF23SPDL Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Simcox, Edwin (OS/IOS) ; Siddiqui, Mona (O5/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/15 13:52:18 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000176 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: To: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Arina Date : 2018/05/04 13:35:37 Start Date: 2018/05/04 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/04 14:45:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/04 13:35:37 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000177 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: WH Lunch Date: 2018/05/ 15 22:01 :58 Start Date: 2018/05/23 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/23 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Dat e : 2018/05/15 22:01:58 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000178 From: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Lunch with Courtney Date: 2018/05/16 11:00:59 Start Date: 20 18/05/18 12:00:00 End Date: 20 18/05/18 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment S d . Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) < /o=Exchangelabs/ou=Exchange Admin istrative Group en er. (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=47bbbf66a9ec4d4b8b74ed8cb2029b31-Seve rino, R> Sent Date: 2018/05/16 11:00:59 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000179 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR) CC: Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Subject: Good Faith Date: 2018/05/04 16:01:51 Start Date: 2018/05/07 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/07 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/04 16:01:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000180 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Subject: ResearchAuthorization Date: 2018/0 5/04 16:03:34 Start Date: 2018/05/07 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/07 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Roger'sOffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Meszaros,Marie (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/04 16:03:34 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000181 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Denver RM conference- hold Date : 2018/05/16 14:31:43 Start Date: 2018/08/02 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/08/03 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/16 14:31:43 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000182 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: To: Grossu,Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : Arina meeting & phone call Date : 2018/05/17 11:15:16 Start Date: 2018/05/17 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/17 16:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Grossu, Arina (HHS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient : Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 11:15:16 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000183 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Subject: Contracting cards Date: 2018/05/07 10:49:01 Start Date: 2018/05/07 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/07 13:15:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Roger'soffice Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Novy, Steve (OS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/07 10:49:01 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000184 Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR) Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); To: Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Henderson, Harold (HHS/OCR); Householder,Donna (HHS/OS) ; Murga, Maria (OS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) ; Pope,Sarah M. Subject: Thank you and farewell lunch for Courtney Date: 2018/05/17 13:55:03 Start Date: 2018/05/18 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/18 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: TBD Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR);Bell, March (HHS/OCR);Novy, Steve (OS/OCR);Henderson, Attendees: Harold (HHS/OCR);Householder,Donna (HHS/OS); Murga, Maria (OS/OCR);Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Frohboese, Robinsue(HHS/OCR) Frohboese,Robinsue (HHS/OCR); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Bell, March (HHS/OCR); Recipient: Novy, Steve (OS/OCR); Henderson, Harold (HHS/OCR); Householder,Donna (HHS/OS) ; Murga, Maria (OS/OCR); Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) ; Pope,Sarah M. Sent Date: 2018/05/17 13:55:03 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000185 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Mandatory Hatch Act Training Date: 2018/05/18 09:55:43 Start Date: 2018/05/30 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/30 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)i Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 09:55:43 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000186 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) SentVia: Reed,Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) To: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject : hold- robinsue Date : 2018/05/18 10:40:38 Start Date: 2018/05/22 17:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/22 18:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Reed, Courtney (OS/OCR)(CTR) Recipient: Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 10:40:39 Delivered Date: 2018/05/18 10:40:38 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000187 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Presidents' Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2025/02/17 00:00:00 End Date: 2025/02/18 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000188 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Easter Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2025/04/20 00:00:00 End Date: 2025/04/21 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000189 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Administrative ProfessionalsDay Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2025/04/23 00:00:00 End Date: 2025/04/24 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000190 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Mother's Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2025/05/11 00:00:00 End Date: 2025/05/12 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000191 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Memorial Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2025/05/26 00:00:00 End Date: 2025/05/27 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000192 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Father's Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2025/06/15 00:00:00 End Date: 2025/06/16 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000193 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Labor Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2025/09/01 00:00:00 End Date: 2025/09/02 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000194 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Columbus Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2025/10/13 00:00:00 End Date: 2025/10/14 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000195 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Election Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2025/11/04 00:00:00 End Date: 2025/11/05 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000196 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2025/11/27 00:00:00 End Date: 2025/11/28 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000197 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Day After Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2025/11/28 00:00:00 End Date: 2025/11/29 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000198 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Martin Luther King Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2026/01/19 00:00:00 End Date: 2026/01/20 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000199 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Presidents' Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2026/02/16 00:00:00 End Date: 2026/02/17 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000200 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Easter Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2026/04/05 00:00:00 End Date: 2026/04/06 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000201 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: New Year's Day (Observed) Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 Start Date: 2021/12/31 00:00:00 End Date: 2022/01/01 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000202 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Administrative ProfessionalsDay Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2026/04/22 00:00:00 End Date: 2026/04/23 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000203 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Day After Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 Start Date: 2022/11/25 00:00:00 End Date: 2022/11/26 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000204 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Mother's Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2026/05/10 00:00:00 End Date: 2026/05/11 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000205 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: New Year's Day (Observed) Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 Start Date: 2023/01/02 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/01/03 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000206 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Memorial Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2026/05/25 00:00:00 End Date: 2026/05/26 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000207 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Martin Luther King Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 Start Date: 2023/01/ 16 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/01/17 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000208 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Father's Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2026/06/21 00:00:00 End Date: 2026/06/22 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000209 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Presidents' Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 Start Date: 2023/02/20 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/02/21 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000210 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Independence Day (Observed) Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 Start Date: 2026/07/03 00:00:00 End Date: 2026/07/04 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000211 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Easter Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 Start Date: 2023/04/09 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/04/10 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000212 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Labor Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:52 Start Date: 2026/09/07 00:00:00 End Date: 2026/09/08 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000213 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Administrative ProfessionalsDay Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 Start Date: 2023/04/26 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/04/27 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000214 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Columbus Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:52 Start Date: 2026/10/12 00:00:00 End Date: 2026/10/13 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000215 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Mother's Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2023/05/ 14 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/05/15 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000216 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Election Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:52 Start Date: 2026/11/03 00:00:00 End Date: 2026/11/04 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000217 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Memorial Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2023/05/29 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/05/30 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000218 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:52 Start Date: 2026/11/26 00:00:00 End Date: 2026/11/27 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000219 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Day After Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:52 Start Date: 2026/11/27 00:00:00 End Date : 2026/11/28 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date : 2018/05/22 07:24:52 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000220 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Father's Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2023/06/18 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/06/19 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000221 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Labor Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2023/09/04 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/09/05 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000222 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Columbus Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2023/10/09 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/10/10 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000223 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Election Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2023/11/07 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/11/08 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000224 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Veteran's Day (Observed) Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2023/11/ 10 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/11/11 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000225 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2023/11/23 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/11/24 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000226 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Day After Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2023/11/24 00:00:00 End Date: 2023/11/25 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000227 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Martin Luther King Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2024/01/15 00:00:00 End Date: 2024/01/16 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000228 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Presidents' Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2024/02/19 00:00:00 End Date: 2024/02/20 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000229 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Easter Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2024/03/31 00:00:00 End Date: 2024/04/01 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000230 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Administrative ProfessionalsDay Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2024/04/24 00:00:00 End Date: 2024/04/25 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000231 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Mother's Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2024/05/12 00:00:00 End Date: 2024/05/13 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000232 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Memorial Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2024/05/27 00:00:00 End Date: 2024/05/28 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000233 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Father's Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2024/06/ 16 00:00:00 End Date: 2024/06/17 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000234 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Labor Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2024/09/02 00:00:00 End Date: 2024/09/03 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000235 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Columbus Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2024/10/ 14 00:00:00 End Date: 2024/10/15 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000236 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Election Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2024/11/05 00:00:00 End Date: 2024/11/06 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/ 22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000237 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2024/11/28 00:00:00 End Date: 2024/11/29 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000238 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Day After Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2024/11/29 00:00:00 End Date : 2024/11/30 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date : 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000239 Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Subject: Martin Luther King Day Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 Start Date: 2025/01/20 00:00:00 End Date: 2025/01/21 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:24:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000240 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Date: 2018/05/17 09:51:41 Start Date: 2018/05/18 10:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/18 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 09:51:41 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000241 From: SentVia : To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Microsoft Outlook Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Invitations vetting w/Team & OGCPOC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/17 14:53:27 Start Date: 2018/05/23 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/23 15:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting.Request Location: OASHCR 729-G Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH);Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH)(; Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH);Huber, Attendees: Valerie (HHS/OASH)(; Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH);Welz, Andrew (HHS/OGC);Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/OASH) Exchange Server re-created a meeting that was missing from your calendar . sent bv M1crosoft Exchangeserver Sender : Recipient : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Microsoft Outlook Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent 2018/05/17 14:53:25 Date : Delivered 2018/05/17 14:53:27 Date : AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000242 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: HOLD: Call w/Laura Shelley re: Abstinence Grants/ International Date: 2018/05/ 15 14:10: 14 Start Date : 2018/05/23 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/23 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/ 15 14:10:15 Delivered Date: 2018/05/15 14:10:14 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000243 Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH) Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Debisette, Annette (HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH); Farrill, Tracy (HHS/OASH); Wharton, Melinda (CDC/OID/NCIRD); Sweis, Roula (HHS/OASH); Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH); Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Blakey, Carter R (HHS/OASH); Menikoff, Jerry (HHS/OASH); Kaneshiro,Julie A (HHS/OASH); Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH); Jimenez, Carol (OS/OASH); Kappeler, Evelyn (HHS/OASH); Downs, Tanette (HHS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Jones, Wanda K. (DHHS/OS/OASH); Moore, Scott (HHS/OASH); Wolitski, Richard (HHS/OASH); Hayes, Kaye (HHS/OASH); Feaster, Shannon (OS/OASH); Rosenfeld, Betsy F (HHS/OASH); Smith-Hirak, April (HHS/OASH/DRHA); Paxman, Dalton G (HHS/OASH); Lalvani, Mahak (OS/OASH); Ricks,Sharon L (HHS/OASH); Gonzales,Anna (OS/OASH); Massoudi,Mehran (HHS/OASH); Acker, Alisha R. (O5/OASH) ; Jones, Shary (OS) ; Konsella, Laurie (HHS/OASH); Bouvion, Renee (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); East, Janet (HHS/OASH); Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH); Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH); Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH); Hansen,Cynthia (OS/OASH); Howard, Sandra (OS/OASH); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Richmond,Alicia (HHS/OASH); Sohi, Gurpinder (HHS/OASH); Richmond, Holli (HHS/OASH); Montgomery, Christine(Huong) (HHS/OASH); McTall, Rebecca(HHS/OASH); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/cn = 18715f07beb749c68a9e6276c6d8f598 Subject: June Manager's Meeting Date: 2018/05/21 13:06:49 Start Date: 2018/06/07 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/07 14:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: TBD Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH);Debisette, Annette (HHS/OASH);Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH); Farrill, Tracy (HHS/OASH);Wharton, Melinda (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Sweis, Roula (HHS/OASH); Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH);Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH);Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH);Wright, Don (HHS/OASH);Blakey, carter R (HHS/OASH);Menikoff, Jerry (HHS/OASH);Kaneshiro,Julie A (HHS/OASH);Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH);Jimenez, carol (OS/OASH); Kappeler, Evelyn (HHS/OASH);Downs, Tanette (HHS/OASH);Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH);Jones, Wanda K. (DHHS/OS/OASH);Moore, Scott (HHS/OASH);Wolitski, Richard (HHS/OASH);Hayes, Kaye (HHS/OASH);Feaster, Shannon (OS/OASH);Rosenfeld, Betsy F (HHS/OASH); Smith-Hirak, April Attendees: (HHS/OASH/DRHA);Paxman, Dalton G (HHS/OASH);Lalvani, Mahak (OS/OASH);Ricks, Sharon L (HHS/OASH);Gonzales,Anna (OS/OASH);Massoudi,Mehran (HHS/OASH);Acker, Alisha R. (OS/OASH);Jones, Shary (OS); Konsella, Laurie (HHS/OASH);Bouvion, Renee (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH);Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH);East, Janet (HHS/OASH);Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH);Perrone, LaVonnia (HHS/OASH);Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH);Hansen, Cynthia (OS/OASH);Howard, Sandra (OS/OASH);Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH);Richmond, Alicia (HHS/OASH);Sohi, Gurpinder (HHS/OASH);Richmond, Holli (HHS/OASH);Montgomery, Christine(Huong) (HHS/OASH);McTall, Rebecca(HHS/OASH);Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000245 AG ENDA PREVIEW: Susan Witter , from FOH , will be presenting -- Employ ee Assistan ce and Worklife Programs : A n Orientation fo r Sup ervisors Presentation materials , detailed agenda , and webinar infonnation will be added to invite next week . Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH) Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Debisette, Annette (HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan {OS/OASH); Farrill, Tracy (HHS/OASH); Wharton, Melinda (CDC/OID/NCIRD); Sweis, Roula {HHS/OASH); Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH); Greene, Nicole (O5/OASH) ; Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Blakey, Carter R (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Menikoff, Jerry (HHS/OASH); Kaneshiro, Julie A (HHS/OASH); Lin, Matthew (HHS/OASH); Jimenez, Carol (OS/OASH); Kappeler, Evelyn (HHS/OASH); Downs, Tanette (HHS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Jones, Wanda K. (DHHS/OS/OASH); Moore, Scott (HHS/OASH); (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/en=Recipients/cn=592ce1c39a11440a9b01bceafa9086c2-Moore, Wolitski, Richard (HHS/OASH); Hayes, Kaye (HHS/OASH)i Feaster, Shannon (OS/OASH); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000246 Rosenfeld, Betsy F (HHS/OASH); Smith-Hirak, April (HHS/OASH/DRHA); Paxman, Dalton G (HHS/OASH); Lalvani, Mahak (OS/OASH); Ricks,Sharon L (HHS/OASH); Gonzales,Anna (OS/OASH); Massoudi,Mehran (HHS/OASH); Acker, Alisha R. (OS/OASH); Jones, Shary (OS) ~ Konsella, Laurie (HHS/OASH); Bouvion, Renee (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); East, Janet (HHS/OASH); Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH); Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH); Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH); Hansen,Cynthia (O5/OASH) ; Howard, Sandra (OS/OASH); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Richmond,Alicia (HHS/OASH); Sohi, Gurpinder (HHS/OASH); Richmond, Holli (HHS/OASH); Montgomery, Christine(Huong) (HHS/OASH); McTall, Rebecca(HHS/OASH); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/2113:06:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000247 From: Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); To: Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Thomas, Mark D Subject: Mitre Meeting Date: 2018/05/2113 :00:32 Start Date: 2018/05/23 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/23 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Lower LevelTower Building l(b )(6) ILeader CodeKb)(6) pc l(bl(6) I Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH);Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/OASH);Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Attendees: 'Thomas, Mark D' Sender: Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Thomas, Mark D Sent Date: 2018/05/2113 :00:32 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000248 Wagner, Steven (ACF) Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); To: Wubbenhorst, William (ACF) ; Powers, Mary (ACF) Doyal, Ruthie (ACF) (CTR) ; Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Sellers, Angela (ACF) Subject: SRAQuestionnaire Discussion Date: 2018/05/22 11:50:35 Start Date: 2018/06/01 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/01 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: ACF I Mary E. Switzer Building I 4th Floor (4026A) Attendees: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH);Wubbenhorst, William (ACF); Powers, Mary (ACF); Doyal, Ruthie (ACF) (CTR); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH);Sellers, Angela (ACF) Wagner, Steven (ACF) Wagner, Steven (ACF) ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Wubbenhorst, William (ACF) ; Powers, Mary (ACF) ; Doyal, Ruthie (ACF) (CTR) ; Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Sellers, Angela (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 11:50:35 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000249 Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Meeting with Rep. Hartzler Date: 2018/05/22 11:51:16 Start Date: 2018/06/05 17:00:00 End Date : 2018/06/05 17:30:00 Priority : Normal Type : Appointment Attendees: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) When: Tuesday, June 05, 2018, 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM . Eastern Time Where: Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) Recipient: Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 11:51:16 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000250 From: Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); To: Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Subject: Project Discussion- BRFSS Date: 2018/05/17 16:05:14 Start Date: 2018/05/24 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/24 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Small Conference room Attendees: Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH);Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH};Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH);Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) BRFSS,adding questions on contraception and unmet need for 2020 Sender: Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 16:05:14 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000251 From: Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Johnson, David M. (HHS/ OASH) ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Subject : Spend Plan Discussion Date: 2018/05/22 15:21:39 Start Date: 2018/05/24 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/24 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Sue Office Attendees: Sender : Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH);Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH);Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 15:21:39 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000252 Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Subject: PENDING: Conference Call w/ Kathryn Partin Re: Detail SCHDLR:Michael (202) 260-1281 Date: 2018/05/23 09:58:37 Start Date: 2018/05/24 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/24 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Dial-in-Number: l(b )(6) I PasscodeParticipant: ~b )( 6) I Attendees : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); Recipient : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Sent Date: 2018/05/23 09:58:37 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000253 From: Thomas, Mark D Thomas, Mark D ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH) ; To: Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/OASH) ; Warren, Kim ; Cusano, David L ; Sweeney, Nichole E ; Fischetti, Linda F < lfischetti@mitre .org>; Krotman, Allen S. Subject: Reconvening to discuss possible comment review and rule-making support Date : 2018/05/24 17:26:21 Start Date: 2018/05/25 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/25 13:00:00 Priority : Normal Ty pe: Appointment Location : Online Meet ing Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Valent ine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Attendees: Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/OASH); Warren, Kim; Cusano, David L; Sweeney, Nichole E; Fischetti, Linda F; Krotman, Allen S. Join online meeting Trou ble Joining? Try Skype Web App Join by Phone Find a local number Conference ID:l(b)(6) Forgot your dia l-in PIN? AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT I First on line meeting? EXT-18-1509-N-000254 Sender: Thomas, Mark D Thomas, Mark D ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH) ; Recipient: Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/OASH) ; Warren, Kim ; Cusano, David L ; Sweeney, Nichole E ; Fischetti, Linda F <>; Krotman, Allen S. Sent Date : 2018/05/24 17:26:21 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000255 Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH) Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Mendelsohn, Jocelyn S. (HHS/OGC); McGinnis,Mark (HHS/OGC) ; (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=2c13eb26388c4e05b20522f9125b4b0 Fuller, Robin (HHS/OASH); West, Eric (HHS/OASH); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH) Subject: Applications and SAMIssue Date: 2018/05/25 11:18:48 Start Date: 2018/05/25 12:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/25 13:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Teleconferencel(h HR) IPClrh \/1':\ I Mendelsohn, Jocelyn S. (HHS/OGC);McGinnis,Mark (HHS/OGC);Fuller, Robin (HHS/OASH); Attendees: West, Eric (HHS/OASH);Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH);Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) TOLL FREENUMBER:~l (b_)(_6 )___ ~1 (Domestic Callers) PARTICIPANTPASSCODE:~l (b_)(6_) _~ Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH) Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Mendelsohn, Jocelyn S. (HHS/OGC); McGinnis,Mark (HHS/OGC) ; Fuller, Robin (HHS/OASH); West, Eric (HHS/OASH); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 11:18:48 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000256 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Blase, Benjie ( Subject: lunch: Benjie & Valerie Date: 2018/03/27 05:04:33 Start Date : 2018/05/30 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/30 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: HHH Once at HHH, call OASH at 202 690 7694 . Someone will escort you up. Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Blase, Benjie ( Sent Date: 2018/03/27 05:04:33 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000257 Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA); OS - OPHSOPA <> Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Loyola Briceno, Ana carolina (OS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); CC: Frederiksen,Brittni (OS/OASH); Hall, Cynda (HHS/OASH); Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH)<>; Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH); Scholle, Robert (HHS/OASH) Subject: OPAStaff Meeting Date: 2018/05/25 11:50:43 Start Date: 2018/05/29 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Sheeran Conference Room Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA);OS - OPHSOPA; Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH);Loyola Briceno, Ana Carolina (OS/OASH);Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Frederiksen,Brittni (OS/OASH); Attendees: Hall, Cynda (HHS/OASH); Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH);Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH);Scholle, Robert (HHS/OASH) Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA); OS - OPHSOPA <>; Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Loyola Briceno, Ana caro lina (OS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Frederiksen,Brittni (OS/OASH); Hall, Cynda (HHS/OASH); Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH)<>; Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH); Scholle, Robert (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/05/25 11:50:43 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000258 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Womack, Kimberley (OS/ASFR) Subject: Policy Discussion Date: 2018/05/29 17:38:34 Start Date: 2018/05/30 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/30 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OGCLarge CR - 716A Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC); Womack, Kimberley (OS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 17:38:34 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000259 From: Ward, Carol Ward, Carol ; Sarah Lifsey ; Jodi Anthony ( ; Joneen Mackenzie ; Rico Figueroa ; Ben George ; To: Jason Herzog ; Schmidt, Stefanie R. ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Richmond, Alicia (HHS/OASH) Subj ect: Updated to include Valerie and Alicia: SMARTool update team meeting Date: 2018/05/29 08:25:55 Start Date: 2018/05/29 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment I, US access code:l (b )(6) Location : Skype Meeting - l(b )(6) I Sarah Lifsey; Jodi Anthony (; Janeen Mackenzie; Rico Figueroa; Ben Attendees: George; Jason Herzog; Schmidt, Stefanie R.; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Richmond, Alicia (HHS/OASH) Today's agenda is to discuss Valerie's comments on SMARTool 2.0 (attached). Weekly meeting to discuss activities related to the SMARTool update and technical assistance in using the ST. ? Join Skype Meeting Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App Join by phone I ______ b)(6) r .__ access code : ~ _. access code: L_J (US) English (United States) (US) English (United States) Find a local number Conf e rence 10JPYb)(6) Forgot your dia l-in PIN? !same as access code abov e ) l!:!g!Q Quick Tips: Three ways to Join Skype Meeting Audio AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000260 o o Join using computer - Join meeting audio by selecting Use Skype for Business Full Audio option in the Join Meeting Audio window. A Skype certified USBheadset is required to use this option. o o Join using computer &phone - Select the Call me at option in the Join Meeting Audio window. Enter your phone number including area code and the system will call you and join you to the meeting audio. o o Join using phone - Select Don't join audio in the Join Meeting Audio window. When dialing into the meeting audio, MITRE participants enter their work number and PIN (MITRE only FJ:UCPIN). Non-MITRE participants do not need a PIN. More information. How to ioin a MITRE meeting Sender : Ward, Carol Ward, Carol ; SarahLifsey ; Jodi Anthony (; Joneen Mackenzie; Rico Figueroa ; Ben George <>; Recipient: Jason Herzog ; Schmidt, Stefanie R. ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Richmond,Alicia (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 08:25:55 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000261 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Rosenberg,Jeffrey (OS/ASPA); Murphy, Ryan (OS/ASPA); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH); Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA); Kalavritinos, Jack (FDA/OC) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR) Subject: NPRMCoordination Date: 2018/05/25 10:02:49 Start Date: 2018/05/30 16:15:00 End Date: 2018/05/30 16:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 729-G Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Rosenberg,Jeffrey (OS/ASPA) ; Murphy, Ryan (OS/ASPA); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Recipient: Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) ; Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA); Kalavritinos, Jack (FDA/QC) ; Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000262 Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 10:02:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000263 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); To: East, Janet (HHS/OASH) Subject: Introduction Meeting: w/Janet East and Dr. Diane Foley Date: 2018/05/29 10:48:51 Start Date: 2018/05/30 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/30 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Valerie'sOffice -- 716G.5 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Recipient: East, Janet (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 10:48:52 Delivered Date: 2018/05/29 10:48:51 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000264 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: RebeccaSchimsa,PolicyAdv UN Ambassador, Date: 2018/03/14 21:40:39 Start Date: 2018/03/15 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/15 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment location: USUN Alma Golden, US AID Bethany K, US AID Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/14 21:40:42 Delivered Date: 2018/03/14 21:40:39 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000265 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: , Date: 2018/03/14 22:35:39 Start Date: 2018/03/14 23:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/14 23:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/14 22:35:40 Delivered Date: 2018/03/14 22:35:39 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000266 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: T Date: 2018/03/14 22:35:41 Start Date: 2018/03/14 23:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/14 23:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/14 22:35:42 Delivered Date: 2018/03/14 22:35:41 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000267 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HH5/OASH) Subject : Integrity report DUE 5/15/18 Date : 2018/03/25 19:39:49 Start Date: 2018/05/01 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/0 2 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Your 2018 An nual report is due on 05/15/2018 in Integr ity, Integ rity." . Click "Login to Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ( FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn =Recipients/en=382ed2bf5 l 144d19bbff4c0ee2b0367d-Hube Sent Date: 2018/03/25 19:39:49 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000268 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); To: Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) Subject: discussTitle X FOA Date: 2018/03/19 10:16:57 Start Date: 2018/03/19 14:30:00 End Date : 2018/03/19 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Valerie's Office Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) Sent Date: 2018/03/19 10:21:58 Delivered Date: 2018/03/19 10:16:57 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000269 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Michelle Cretella, American Collegeof Pediatricians Date : 2018/03/25 21:30:08 Start Date: 2018/03/28 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/28 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment location: (b )(6) I l Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/25 21:30:08 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000270 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/DASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); To: Wright, Don (HHS/DASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/DASH) ; Kluk, Michael (HHS/DASH) Subject: Cancelled: Prep Briefing for DEPSECPOC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/03/07 11:20:26 Start Date : 2018/03/09 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 16:15:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH);Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH);Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Yvonne Santiago (;Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) Attendees: (; Huber, Valerie (HHS/DASH)(; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IDS) (;Hunter, Joan (OS/DASH) (; Kluk, Michael (HHS/DASH) When: Friday, March 09, 2018 , 3:30 PM to 4: 15 PM. Eastern Time Where: OASH CR 7 16-G *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Steven will participate by conference call at 202-690-7694 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/DASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/DASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH) ; Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH) ; Kluk, Michael (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 20 18/03/07 11:20:26 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000272 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Berger, James J. (HHS/OASH); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Meeting w/Steve Moore Re: Blood Centers POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/03/26 12:30:48 Start Date: 2018/05/01 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/01 10:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Berger, James J. (HHS/OASH);Wright, Don (HHS/OASH)(; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)(;Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) Attendees: ( lentine,); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Berger, James J. (HHS/OASH); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/03/26 12:30:48 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000273 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Subject: 0------------Date: 2018/03/0110 :16:30 Start Date : 2018/03/01 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/01 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/01 10:16:30 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000274 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Steven Valentine (HHS/OASH)(; Lawver, Daniel A. (OS/ASPE) Subject: RIA Date: 2018/04/02 09:49:27 Start Date: 2018/04/02 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/02 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Valerie's Office 716G.5 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Steven Valentine (HHS/OASH)( ; Lawver, Daniel A. (OS/ASPE) Sent Date: 2018/04/02 09:49:27 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000275 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Honor of Women AmbassadorsReception- Hosted by the PermanentRepresentative USUN Nikki Haley Date: 2018/03/08 15:52:28 Start Date: 2018/03/13 18:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/13 19:30:00 Priority : Normal Type : Appointment Location: 50 United Nations Plaza, Penthouse37 - New York, NY Please plan to arrive between 6:00-6:15 p.m. You will be greeted in the first floor lobby by USUN staff and escorted up the elevators to the residence The Honorable Nikki R. Haley Permanent Representative United States Mission to the United Nations requests the pleasure of the company of Ms. Valerie Huber at a Reception Tuesday, the thirteenth of March from six to seven thirty 50 United Nations Plaza Penthouse 37 New York, New York entrance is located on 46th Street near 1st Avenue Please reply by Friday, the ninth of March USUNRespo or (212) 415-4063 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000276 Invit ation is non-transferable. RSVP is required for admittance. Matthew G. Miller Director of Protocol I Office of Ambassador Nikki R. Haley United States Mission to the United Nations 799 United Nations Plaza I New York, New York 10017 (212) 415-4063 I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/03/08 15:52:28 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000277 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Strategic CommunicationDoD w/Flag Officers Orientation POC: RADMJoan Hunter/Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/03/20 16:55:07 Start Date: 2018/03/21 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/2112:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: CR 305-A Attendees: Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH)(; Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH);Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH);Yvonne Santiago (;Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) (; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)( Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Hunter, Joan (OS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/20 16:55:07 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000278 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Garrett Grigsby Date: 2018/03/26 18:45:11 Start Date: 2018/03/27 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/27 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: will call my direct. His number iJ(b)(6 ) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/26 18:45:11 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000279 Weinburke, Matthew (OS/OASH) Weinburke, Matthew (OS/OASH); To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Flag Officer Orientation Training: OASH Briefing Date: 2018/03/21 09:54:42 Start Date: 2018/03/2111:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/21 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: GoToMeeting Attendees : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone . I l(b)(6) We will sched ule you for ll00am. You can also dial in using your phone. I United States: 1(b)(6) Access Code: f~b_ )(_6_ ) ---~ F irst GoToMeet ing? Let's do a quick system check : ~b_ ....)_(6_)_____________ My cell isj.... Weinburke, Matthew (OS/OASH); Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/21 09:54:42 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000280 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Gates/USAIDcontraceptive study release Date: 2018/03/21 10:39:23 Start Date: 2018/04/27 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/28 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/2110:39:23 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000281 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Aisha at PAHOmeeting Date: 2018/03/04 16:41:59 Start Date: 2018/03/07 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/08 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/04 16:42:00 Delivered Date: 2018/03/04 16:41:59 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000282 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Plastino, Kristen A Subject: call: Kristen A. Plastino, M.D Date: 2018/04/03 13:16:44 Start Date: 2018/04/05 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/05 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Valerie's Office 716-G.5 -- Dr. Plastino will call 202-690-7694 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Recipient: (FYDIBOHF23SPDL Plastino, Kristen A Sent Date: 2018/04/03 13:16:44 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000283 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Brittni, Carolina, Emily, Kate: ASPE- judge proposals Dat e: 2018/03/04 16:42:35 Start Date: 2018/03/12 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/13 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: ASPE Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/04 16:42:36 Delivered Date: 2018/03/04 16:42:35 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000284 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Sue's BD Date: 2018/03/04 16:44:30 Start Date: 2018/03/08 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/04 16:44:32 Delivered Date: 2018/03/04 16:44:30 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000285 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: call Katy Talento Date: 2018/03/2113:34 :30 Start Date: 2018/03/21 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/21 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: (b)(6) I Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/2113:34:30 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000286 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : ryan murphy and matt lloyd - TENTATIVE Date: 2018/03/27 04:44:58 Start Date: 2018/03/27 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/27 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment lo cation: TBD Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 04:44:58 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000287 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : NFPRHAMeeting Date: 2018/03/04 17:16:22 Start Date: 2018/09/23 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/09/26 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Atlanta Finally, I mentioned when we spoke that I wou ld welcome your speaking at a NFPRHA meeting in the future. Our next conference will be held on September 23-25 , 2018, in Atlanta. - Clare Coleman Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/04 17:16:25 Delivered Date: 2018/03/04 17:16:22 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000288 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: matt bowman will call me Date: 2018/03/04 18:42:05 Start Date: 2018/03/05 08:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/05 08:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: sometime before 9 am Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/04 18:42:10 Delivered Date: 2018/03/04 18:42:05 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-N-000289 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20201 Case No. 2018-00972-FOIA-OS Equity Forward v. HHS, Civil No. 18-1509 (D.D.C.) March 2, 2020 Mary Alice Carter Executive Director Equity Forward Sent via email: Dear Ms. Carter: This letter is the tenth interim response to your May 9, 2018, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Specifically, you requested access to and copies of all calendars or calendar entries, schedules and/or travel itineraries for the months of March 2018, April 2018, and May 2018 for the following HHS officials: ? Alex Azar, Secretary ? March Bell, Chief of Staff for the Office for Civil Rights ? Matthew "Matt" Bowman, Deputy General Counsel ? Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health ? Brian Harrison, Deputy Chief of Staff ? Valerie Huber, Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary for Health ? Scott Lloyd, Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement ? Shannon Royce, Director of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships ? Roger Severino, Director of the Office for Civil Rights ? Paula Stannard, Counsel ? Heidi Stirrup, Deputy Director, Office of White House Liaison ? Peter Urbanowicz, Chief of Staff ? Steven Valentine, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary for Health ? Margaret "Maggie" Wynne, Counselor The Department processed approximately 302 pages of potentially responsive records captured in the agency's search for FOIA request 2018-00972-FOIA-OS. After a careful review of these pages, I have determined to release 201 pages to you in their entirety, and I am further releasing 66 pages in part, with portions redacted, pursuant to Exemption (b)(6) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. ?552 (b)(6)). Furthermore, I have determined that 34 pages should be sent for consultation to other agencies and returned to this Department for final disposition. Finally, I have determined that one page is non-responsive. VERSIGHT Page 2 of 2 Case No. 2018-00972-FOIA-OS Equity Forward v. HHS, Civil No. 18-1509 (D.D.C.) FOIA exemption (b)(6) permits a Federal agency to withhold information and records about individuals in "personnel and medical files and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." The definition of "similar files" has historically been broadly interpreted to include a wide variety of files, and the United States Supreme Court has held that Congress intended the term "similar files" to be interpreted broadly, rather than narrowly. I have analyzed these records and find they meet the threshold requirement of this exemption. Additionally, I have reviewed and weighed the public interest in disclosure of this information against the privacy interest in nondisclosure, and found that the privacy interest outweighs the public's interest in disclosure. We will continue to review the remaining records as efficiently and expeditiously as possible, consistent with our available resources and the Order of the Court. Should you have questions or concerns regarding the Department's response and\or the processing of your request, any such issues should be communicated to your legal counsel and Department of Justice Attorney representing the Department in this matter. Sincerely yours, for Brandon J. Gaylord Supervisory Government Information Specialist and HHS FOIA/PA Public Liaison Enclosure(s) pVERSIGHT Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Brett, Paula, Peter, Valerie OASH Issues Date: 2018/03/27 04:46:45 Start Date: 2018/03/30 08:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/30 09:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Peter's Office? The meet ing has been schedu led for Friday, March 30th at 8:30am. Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 04:46:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000001 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: ADM Giroir All-hands Date : 2018/03/11 09:53:58 Start Date: 2018/04/04 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/04 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Auditorium - TENTATIVEtime frame for ending ADM Giroir is looking forward to the All Hands Meeting on Wednesday, April 4 at 11:30 a.m. Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/11 09:53:59 Delivered Date: 2018/03/11 09:53:58 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000002 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: lunch with sue for her BD Date: 2018/03/04 20:34:45 Start Date: 2018/03/08 12:00:00 End Date : 2018/03/08 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/03/04 20:34:46 Delive red Date : 2018/03/04 20:34:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000003 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Mary Powers Date: 2018/03/27 05:18: 14 Start Date: 2018/03/27 08:15:00 End Date : 2018/03/27 08:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/03/27 05:18:14 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000004 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Pain ManagementTask Force Meeting Date: 2018/03/05 07:53:08 Start Date: 2018/04/05 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/07 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/03/05 07:53:12 Delive red Date: 2018/03/05 07:53:08 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000005 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Reception for PrincessSabeeka Bint Ib rahim Al Khalifa, Bahrain Date: 2018/03/12 06:39:29 Start Date: 2018/03/12 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/1 2 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Delegates Dining Room: UN Headquarters Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 06:39:30 Delivered Date: 2018/03/1 2 06:39:29 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000006 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Murphy, Ryan (OS/ASPA); Lloyd, Matt (OS/ASPA) Subject: TPP Roll out Date: 2018/03/27 05:22:42 Start Date: 2018/03/27 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/27 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 716G - Valerie's Office Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Murphy, Ryan (OS/ASPA); Lloyd, Matt (OS/ASPA) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 05:22:42 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000007 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: sue M - ResearchProject Date: 2018/03/05 10:19: 18 Start Date: 2018/03/05 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/05 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: will call me Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/05 10:19:24 Delivered Date: 2018/03/05 10:19:18 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000008 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Oneika OOTO- AL Date: 2018/04/04 15:18:37 Start Date : 2018/04/11 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/12 00:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/04 15:18:41 Delivered Date: 2018/04/04 15:18:37 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000009 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Delegation Mtg: run of show for NGO Date: 2018/03/12 06:58:20 Start Date: 2018/03/14 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/14 10:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: USUN 11th floor Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 06:58:21 Delivered Date: 2018/03/1 2 06:58:20 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000010 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: NGO Meeting with US delegation Date: 2018/03/12 07:00:15 Start Date: 2018/03/15 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/15 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment l ocation: 805 3rd Ave , Suite 1440 Lisa C is contact Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 07:00:17 Delivered Date: 2018/03/12 07:00:15 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000011 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : OASH Comms - rollout discussion Date: 2018/03/27 12:37:42 Start Date: 2018/03/27 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/27 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 716G Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 12:37:42 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000012 Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Perrone, laVonnia (HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH)i Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH) Subject: Dinah out of the office Date: 2018/03/27 12:25:28 Start Date: 2018/04/02 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/03 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: xxxx Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)(;Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) (; Perrone, LaVonnia (HHS/OASH);Kretschmaier, Michon Attendees: (HHS/OASH)(; Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH);Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH); (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/cn =Recipients/en=16d266d3867b4599ac67778856079c50-Kretschmaie Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH)i Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/27 12:25:28 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000013 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : I nteractive dialogue among ministers Date: 2018/03/12 10:15:05 Start Date: 2018/03/13 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/ 13 13:00:00 Priority : Norm al Type: Appointmen t Location: CR4 Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 10:15:05 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000014 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : OMH Date: 2018/04/17 09:15:53 Start Date: 2018/04/17 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/17 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Great Hall Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health, Dr. Matthew Lin, invites you to join him today for the observance of National Minority Health Month. This takes place in the Great Hall of the Humphrey Building today between 1 PM to 3 PM. Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 09:15:53 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000015 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Ministrria l segment - officia l meeting Date: 2018/03/12 10:19:59 Start Date : 2018/ 03/ 12 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/ 12 18:00:00 Priority : Norm al Type: Appointmen t Location: CR 1 Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 10:19:59 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000016 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Date: 2018/04/05 16:28:50 Start Date: 2018/04/05 16:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/05 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/05 16:28:51 Delivered Date: 2018/04/05 16:28:50 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000017 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); To: Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Update Discussion w/Dr. Vanila Singh POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/03/05 12:31:46 Start Date: 2018/03/05 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/05 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH)(; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Attendees: (; Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH);Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Stevenson, Monica L (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/03/05 12:31:46 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000018 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH)(; To: Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH) Subject: DiscussProgram Review Training Date: 2018/04/17 09:23:05 Start Date: 2018/04/17 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/17 11:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment location: k'b)(6) jPARTIOPANTl(b )(6) I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH)(Susan.Moskosky@hhs .gov) ; Recipient: Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 09:23:39 Delivered Date: 2018/04/17 09:23:05 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000019 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i> fh\ti:::, Subject: Meeting w/William Jeynes Date: 2018/03/12 15:57:20 Start Date: 2018/03/2113:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/21 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location: Calltb)(6) ~ Valerie Will call William Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i> Ith \f&:\ Sent Date: 2018/03/12 15:57:20 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000020 Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Call with Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-TX) re: Title X Date: 2018/04/05 18:46:54 Start Date: 2018/04/06 16:30:00 End Date : 2018/04/06 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type : Appointment Location f h )( R\ I Participant Codel(b )( 6 ) I Attendee s: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) LeaderCod~= =b= < )(=6 \~~------~--~ (b_ )(_6)_ ___, ParticipantCode: 1._ Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) Recipient: Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/05 18:46:54 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000021 From: Funn, Sherrette (OS/ASA/OCIO) Funn, Sherrette (OS/ASA/OCIO); Cash,Amanda (HHS/ASPE); Smith, Adrienne M. (OS/OASH); Hamilton, Anthony (OS/WEBCOMM.); Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR); Farb, Amy (HHS/OASH); Smith, Cliffon (OS/ASPR/OEM); Cunningham, Darryl K. (OS/ASPA); Willis, Heber (HHS/OS/OGA); Clemmons, Zinethia (HHS/OCR); Lipinski, Michael (OS/ONC); Warner, Alexandra (OS/OASH); Allinger, Tania (HHS/OASH); Alexander, Stephanie (OS/OASH); Robinson, Jaime (OS/OCIO) ; Devine, Theresa (OS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); StithColeman, Irene E (HHS/OASH); 'Schneider, Julie A (HHS/OS' ; Artis, Shavon (OS/OASH); Kim, William (HHS/OS/ASA/OBMT); Sakalos, Lori (HHS/ASFR); Ritta, Theresa (PSC/RLO/RPM); Furukawa, Michael (AHRQ/CDOM); Posnack,Steven (OS/ONC); Rice, Tara (HHS/OPHS); Williams, Stacey L (HHS/OASH); Williams, Bob (OS/ASPR/BARDA); Karakcheyev,Olexiy (Alex) (OS/WEBCOMM.) ; Calderon, Susana R. (HHS/OASH); (OS) Dwayne S. Suwa ; AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000022 Bakos, Alexis (OS/OASH); Montgomery, Christine(Huong) (HHS/OASH); Bronson, Samuel (O5/ASPA); Anthony, Elise (OS/ONC); Mason,Thomas (OS/ONC) ; Pazinski,Seth (OS/ONC); Searcy,Talisha (OS/ONC); Marchesini, Kathryn (OS/ONC); Gettinger, Andrew (OS/ONC); Nelson, Rachel (OS/ONC); Brown, Jennifer E. (OS/ONC); Isaac, Peyton (OS/OCPO); Hughes, Penelope(OS/ONC); Messner,Kathryn (HHS/ASPA); Meklir, Samantha (OS/ONC); Stevens, Lee (OS/IEA) ; Rancourt, John H. Jr. (OS/ONC); Lee, Stephanie A. (OS/ONC); Stevenson, Christine (OS/ASPA); Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH); Frazier, Jennifer (OS/ONC) ; Charles, Dustin (OS/ONC); Harris, Debra (OS/ASPA); Henry, Jawanna (OS/ONC); Williams, Vanessa(HHS/ASPA); Bharmal, Nazleen (OS/OASH); Johnson, Ayanna (OS/OASH); Collins, Christine (OS/ASPR/OEM/NDMS) ; Trefzger, William (OS/ASPA); Griffin, Deborah (HHS/ASFR); Cronin, Kelly (OS/ONC); Baker, Alexander (OS/ONC) ; Roberts, Davonda (OS/OASH/OSG); Kimmel, Kathleen (OS/ONCIT) ; Howard, Rhonda(OS/ONC)(CTR) ; Clark, Terry (OS/ASNOCIO) ; Calimag, Ed (HHS/ASFR); Decker, Emily (OS/OASH); Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH); Loyola Briceno, Ana Carolina (OS/OASH); Frederiksen,Brittni (OS/OASH); Hall, Cynda (HHS/OASH); Perrotte, Brittany (HHS/OASH); Polacek,Aaron (OS/OASH); Adewunmi, Shantoyia (OS/ASPA); ''; '' ; Barnes,Gloria A (HHS/ASPA); Orton, Kristann (OS/ASPA); 'Lynsen, Annie' ; ''; Bennett-Barnes, Evonne(FDA/CTP) ; Bennett-Barnes,Evonne (IHS/HQ) ; Murraine, Shanae (HHS/OASH); Sancho,Alfredo (OS/OASH); Wittie, Michael (OS/ONC}; Johnson, Christian (OS/ONC); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); ''; 'Givens, Cherie [USA] ('; Berryman-Gordon,Melanie (HHS/OASH) ; Kramer, Debbie (OS/ASA) 'Minukas, Sarah [USA]' ; Kachay,Lolita (OS/ONC); 'Goodwyn, John [USA]' ; OS - OPHSOPA ; CC: Rucinski, Dianne (OS/OASH); Scholle, Robert (HHS/OASH); Brown, Torrance (O5/ASPR/OEM); AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000024 Harper, Sarah (OS/ONCIT) ; Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH); Silver, Karen (OS/OASH); Nelson, Keiva (OS/OASH); Singleton, Ursuline (HHS/OASH);>; 'Alfredo Sancho' fhVR\ Nixon, Emmett (HHS/OASH); Uddin, Sayeedha(OS/OASH); Rinker, Verne (HHS/OCR); Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR); Geiler, Christen (OS/ASPA); l?>; 'William Kim' i; Brooks, Rodney(HHS/ASFR) ; Pizzuto,Yema (O5/OASH) (CTR) ; Singh, Jenica (OS/ONC) Subject: OS_PRATraining/Meeting Date: 2018/03/22 17:28:23 Start Date: 2018/03/28 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/28 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: HHH Bldg. conference rm. 305 A Cash,Amanda (HHS/ASPE);Smith, Adrienne M. (OS/OASH);Hamilton, Anthony (OS/WEB COMM.); Blakeley,Alec (HHS/OCR);Farb, Amy (HHS/OASH);Smith, Cliffon (O5/ASPR/OEM); Cunningham, Darryl K. (OS/ASPA);Willis, Heber (HHS/OS/OGA);Clemmons, Zinethia (HHS/OCR); Lipinski, Michael (OS/ONC);Warner, Alexandra (OS/OASH);Allinger, Tania (HHS/OASH);Alexander, Stephanie (OS/OASH);Robinson,Jaime (O5/OCIO); Devine, Theresa (OS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH);StithColeman, Irene E (HHS/OASH);Schneider, Julie A (HHS/OS;Artis, Shavon (OS/OASH);Kim, William (HHS/OS/ASA/OBMT);Sakalos, Lori (HHS/ASFR);Ritta, Theresa (PSC/RLO/RPMS);Furukawa, Michael (AHRQ/CDOM);Posnack, Steven (OS/ONC);Rice, Tara (HHS/OPHS);Williams, Stacey L (HHS/OASH);Williams, Bob (OS/ASPR/BARDA);Karakcheyev,Olexiy (Alex) (OS/WEBCOMM.); Calderon, Susana R. (HHS/OASH);(OS) Dwayne S. Suwa; Bakos, Alexis (O5/OASH); Montgomery, Christine(Huong) (HHS/OASH);Bronson, Samuel (OS/ASPA);Anthony, Elise (OS/ONC); Mason, Thomas (OS/ONC); Pazinski,Seth (OS/ONC);Searcy, Talisha (OS/ONC); Marchesini, Kathryn (OS/ONC); Attendees: Gettinger, Andrew (OS/ONC);Nelson, Rachel (OS/ONC); Brown, Jennifer E. (O5/ONC); Isaac, Peyton (OS/OCPO);Hughes, Penelope(OS/ONC); Messner, Kathryn (HHS/ASPA);Meklir, Samantha (OS/ONC);Stevens, Lee (OS/ONC); Rancourt, John H. Jr. (OS/ONC); Lee, Stephanie A. (O5/ONC); Stevenson,Christine {OS/ASPA);Greene, Nicole (OS/DASH); Frazier, Jennifer (OS/ONC);Charles, Dustin (OS/ONC);Harris, Debra (OS/ASPA);Henry, Jawanna (OS/ONC); Williams, Vanessa(HHS/ASPA);Bharmal, Nazleen(OS/OASH);Johnson, Ayanna (OS/OASH); Collins, Christine (OS/ASPR/OEM/NDMS); Trefzger, William (OS/ASPA);Griffin, Deborah (HHS/ASFR);Cronin, Kelly (OS/ONC); Baker, Alexander (OS/ONC); Roberts, Davonda (OS/OASH/OSG);Kimmel, Kathleen (OS/ONCIT); Howard, Rhonda (OS/ONC)(CTR); Clark, Terry (OS/ASNOCIO); Calimag, Ed (HHS/ASFR);Decker, Emily (O5/OASH); Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH); Loyola Briceno, Ana Carolina (OS/OASH);Frederiksen,Brittni (OS/OASH);Hall, Cynda (HHS/OASH);Perrette, Brittany (HHS/OASH);Polacek, Aaron (OS/OASH);Adewunmi, Shantoyia (OS/ASPA);;john; Barnes, Gloria A (HHS/ASPA);Orton, Kristann (OS/ASPA);Lynsen,Annie;; AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000025 Bennett-Barnes, Evonne (FDA/CTP);Bennett-Barnes, Evonne (IHS/HQ); Murraine, Shanae (HHS/OASH);Sancho, Alfredo (OS/OASH);Wittie, Michael (OS/ONC);Johnson, Christian (OS/ONC);Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH);;Givens, Cherie [USA] (Givens_Cherie@bah .com); Berryman-Gordon,Melanie (HHS/OASH);Minukas, Sarah [USA]; Kachay,Lolita (OS/ONC); Goodwyn, John [USA]; OS - OPHSOPA; Rucinski, Dianne (OS/OASH);Scholle, Robert (HHS/OASH);Brown, Torrance (OS/ASPR/OEM);Harper, Sarah (OS/ONCIT); Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH);Silver, Karen (OS/OASH);Nelson, Keiva (OS/OASH); Singleton, Ursuline (HHS/OASH);Alfredo Sancho; Nixon, Emmett (HHS/OASH);Uddin, Sayeedha(OS/OASH);Rinker, Verne (HHS/OCR);Gordon-Nguyen,Marissa(HHS/OCR);Geiler, Christen (OS/ASPA);William Kim; Mayeaux, Rebecca[USA]; Brooks, Rodney (HHS/ASFR); Pizzuto,Verna (OS/OASH)(CTR); Singh, Jenica (OS/ONC); Kramer, Debbie (OS/ASA) Hello All OS-Staff Division's, You are invited March 28, 2018, Wednesday, at 10:00- 11:15 AM to attend the OS_ PRAmeeting in room 305A HHH building . Look for updated slides in email and calendar inv ite, which will be sent out closer to the date of the event. In this meeting we will be going over the elements stated below referencing PRAguidance in developing Information Collection Request, ICR.This is a time for you to feel free to address any questions you may have concerning the process of developing the ICR. If there are any particular questions you would like me to address, please inform me early so that I can be able to appropriately answer your questions. Below 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. are the hot topics that will be discussed: The timeline of ICR's 60-day and 30-day FRN's Program change and adjustment, explanation in section 15 Non-Mod ifications to an ICRvs. a Revision Justification for Incentives Fast Track Generics and Regular Generics Estimated Burden hour table Surveys and forms To better assist you in managing info rmation collection, I will continually set up meetings to correspond with the program office and contractors . Please note that everyone on your tea m is inv ited. If there's anything else you would like to discuss, please infor m me. I hope to see you soon, thanks! AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000026 Best Regards, Sherrette Funn Sherrette Funn Office of the Secretary, Report Clearance Officer, PRA The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Chief Information Officer, OSPG 200 Independence Ave. S.W. Suite 342-F, cube 58 Washington, D.C. 20201 Office no. 202-795- 7714 ***DO NOT DELETEOR CHANGEANY OF THE TEXT BELOWTHIS UNE************ * *************************************** Web Ex information for your meeting scheduled on Kb)(6) ~ ill replace this section after you save and send this inv itation. ***DO NOT DELETEOR CHANGEANY OF THE TEXT BELOWTHIS LINE*** Sherrette Funn has scheduled this WebEx meeting. OS_PRATra ining/Meeting Host: Sherr ette Funn When it's time, start or join the Web Ex meeting from here: Access Information Meeting Nutnber: I~ Funn, Sherrette (OS/ASA/OCIO); Cash,Amanda (HHS/ASPE); Smith, Adrienne M. (OS/OASH); Hamilton, Anthony (OS/WEBCOMM.) ; Blakeley, Alec (HHS/OCR); Farb, Amy (HHS/OASH); Smith, Clifton (OS/ ASPR/OEM); Cunningham, Darryl K. (OS/ASPA); Willis, Heber (HHS/OS/OGA); Clemmons, Zinethia (HHS/OCR); Lipinski, Michael (OS/ONC); Warner, Alexandra (OS/OASH); Recipient: Allinger, Tania (HHS/ OASH) ; Alexander, Stephanie (OS/OASH); Robinson, Jaime (OS/OCIO) ; Devine, Theresa (OS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); StithColeman, Irene E (HHS/OASH); 'Schneider, Julie A (HHS/OS' ; Artis, Shavon (OS/OASH); Kim, William (HHS/OS/ASA/OBMT); Sakalos, Lori (HHS/ASFR); Ritta, Theresa (PSC/RLO/RPM) i Furukawa, Michael (AHRQ/CDOM); Posnack,Steven (OS/ONC); Rice, Tara (HHS/OPHS); Williams, Stacey L (HHS/OASH); Williams, Bob (OS/ASPR/BARDA) ; Karakcheyev, Olexiy (Alex) (OS/WEB COMM.); Calderon, Susana R. (HHS/OASH); (OS) Dwayne S. Suwa ; Bakos,Alexis {OS/OASH); Montgomery, Christine(Huong) (HHS/OASH) ; Bronson, Samuel (OS/ASPA); Anthony, Elise (OS/ONC); Mason,Thomas (OS/ONC) ; Pazinski,Seth (OS/ONC); Searcy,Talisha (OS/ONC); Marchesini, Kathryn (OS/ONC); Gettinger, Andrew (OS/ONC); Nelson, Rachel (OS/ONC); Brown, Jennifer E. (OS/ONC); Isaac, Peyton (OS/OCPO); Hughes, Penelope(OS/ONC); Messner,Kathryn {HHS/ASPA); Meklir, Samantha (OS/ONC); Stevens, Lee (OS/IEA) ; Rancourt, John H. Jr. (OS/ONC); Lee, StephanieA. (OS/ONC) ; Stevenson, Christine (OS/ASPA); Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH); Frazier,Jennifer (OS/ONC) ; Charles, Dustin (OS/ONC) ; Harris, Debra (OS/ASPA); Henry, Jawanna (OS/ONC); Williams, Vanessa(HHS/ASPA); Bharmal, Nazleen(OS/OASH); Johnson, Ayanna (OS/OASH) ; Collins, Christine (OS/ASPR/OEM/NDMS) ; Trefzger, William (OS/ASPA); Griffin, Deborah (HHS/ASFR); Cronin, Kelly (OS/ONC); Baker, Alexander (OS/ONC) ; Roberts, Davonda (OS/OASH/OSG); Kimmel, Kathleen (OS/ONOT) <>; Howard, Rhonda(OS/ONC)(CTR) ; Clark, Terry (OS/ASA/OCIO); Calimag, Ed (HHS/ASFR); Decker, Emily (OS/OASH); Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH); Loyola Briceno, Ana carolina (OS/OASH); Frederiksen,Brittni (OS/OASH); Hall, Cynda (HHS/OASH); Perrotte, Brittany (HHS/OASH); Polacek,Aaron (OS/OASH); Adewunmi, Shantoyia (OS/ASPA); ''; '' ; Barnes,Gloria A (HHS/ASPA); Orton, Kristann (OS/ASPA); 'Lynsen, Annie' ; ''; Bennett-Barnes,Evonne (FDA/CTP) ; Bennett-Barnes, Evonne(IHS/HQ) ; Murraine, Shanae (HHS/OASH); Sancho, Alfredo (OS/OASH); Wittie, Michael (OS/ONC); Johnson, Christian (OS/ONC); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); ''<>; 'Givens, Cherie [USA] ('; Berryman-Gordon,Melanie (HHS/OASH); Kramer, Debbie (OS/ASA) ; 'Minukas, Sarah [USA]' ; Kachay,Lolita (OS/ONC); 'Goodwyn, John [USA]' ; OS - OPHSOPA ; Rucinski, Dianne (OS/OASH); Scholle, Robert (HHS/OASH); Brown, Torrance (OS/ASPR/OEM); Harper, Sarah (OS/ONCIT) ; Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH); Silver, Karen (OS/OASH); Nelson, Keiva (OS/OASH); Singleton, Ursuline (HHS/OASH); 'Alfredo Sancho'!fh\(fl\ ~>; Nixon, Emmett (HHS/OASH); Uddin, Sayeedha(OS/OASH); Rinker, Verne (HHS/OCR); Gordon-Nguyen, Marissa(HHS/OCR); Geiler, Christen (OS/ASPA); 'William Kimlb)(6)>; 'Mayeaux, Rebecca[USA]' ; Brooks, Rodney(HHS/ASFR); Pizzuto,Yema (O5/OASH) (CTR) ; Singh, Jenica (OS/ONC) Sent Date: 2018/03/22 17:28:23 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000031 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Transportation: Driver TBD Date: 2018/04/17 10:53:39 Start Date : 2018/04/25 14:30:00 End Date : 2018/04/25 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 10:53:44 Delivered Date: 2018/04/17 10:53:39 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000032 From: Amy Cowart Amy Cowart ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); To: Blakey,Carter R (HHS/OASH); ; Liz Boyles Subject: UPDATEDTIME: ORI Org AssessmentCheck In Date: 2018/04/06 10:27:42 Start Date: 2018/04/06 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/06 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location b)( 6) Attendee s: l;l(b)(6) I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH);Blakey, Carter R (HHS/OASH);cgarcia@visionconsu; Liz Boyles Agenda 1) Status of NDA 2) Update on OGC Interviews 3) Report Review Timeline 4) Schedu ling Meet ing with the AS H Sender: Amy Cowart Amy Cowart ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Blakey, Carter R (HHS/OASH); ; Liz Boyles Sent Date: 2018/04/06 10:27:42 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000033 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : interactive dialogue on women in media and ICT Date: 2018/03/13 07:21:05 Start Date: 2018/03/ 14 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/14 18:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: CR4 Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/13 07:21:07 Delivered Date: 2018/03/13 07:21:05 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000034 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Transportation: Driver TBD Date: 2018/04/17 10:54:38 Start Date : 2018/04/25 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/25 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 10:54:41 Delivered Date : 2018/04/17 10:54:38 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000035 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Attend Scheduling meeting in Sec Office Date: 2018/03/06 07:00:57 Start Date: 2018/03/07 09:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/07 10:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/03/06 07:01:02 Delive red Date: 2018/03/06 07:00:57 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000036 From : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Brett giro ir HELP hearing on Opiods Date: 2018/04/06 10:49:58 Start Date : 2018/04/ 19 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/20 00:00:00 Priority : Norm al Type : Appointmen t Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/06 10:49:58 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000037 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Rosenberg,Jeffrey (OS/ASPA); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH); Hall, Bill (HHS/ASPA); Murphy, Ryan (OS/ASPA); Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH) Subject: MPRRoll out Date: 2018/04/17 12:26:03 Start Date: 2018/04/17 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/17 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: ~b)(6) !Participant: l(b)(6) I Leader: kb)(6) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Rosenberg,Jeffrey (OS/ASPA); Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH); Hall, Bill (HHS/ASPA); Murphy, Ryan (OS/ASPA); Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 12:26:03 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000038 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Review CSWdocument - US AID Bethany Date: 2018/03/13 07:24:43 Start Date: 2018/03/13 08:30:00 End Date : 2018/03/13 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/13 07:24:44 Delive red Date : 2018/03/13 07:24:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000039 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Briefing w/Nicole Greene,OWH POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/03/06 09:37:59 Start Date: 2018/03/06 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/06 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G Attendees: Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH);Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) (;Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) (;Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Greene, Nicole (OS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/06 09:37:59 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000040 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Katie Doherty Date: 2018/03/13 11:09:54 Start Date: 2018/03/13 17:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/13 17:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: te afternoon is probably best (post 5 PM). Feel free to call my cell Kb)(6) I Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/13 11:09:55 Delivered Date: 2018/03/13 11:09:54 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000041 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: ORI Org AssessmentContract Ends Date: 2018/04/07 11:27: 13 Start Date: 2018/05/08 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/09 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/07 11:27:13 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000042 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Schimsa, Rebecca(USUN New York) Date: 2018/03/13 12:06:38 Start Date: 2018/03/14 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/14 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: USUN Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/13 12:06:39 Delivered Date: 2018/03/13 12:06:38 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000043 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : ORI Contract ends Date: 2018/04/07 15:58:44 Start Date: 2018/05/08 12:00:00 End Date : 2018/05/08 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/07 15:58:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000044 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : OGA-StateDept Date: 2018/04/ 17 15:40:06 Start Date: 2018/04/27 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/27 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment location: TBD Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 15:40:06 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000045 Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH) Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Acker, Alisha R. (OS/OASH); Aguilar, Karina (HHS/OASH); Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH); Altidor, Kedesch(OS/OASH); Austin, Brad (OS/ASPR/OEM); Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH); Bouvion, Renee (HHS/OASH); Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH); Decker, Emily (OS/OASH); Frederiksen,Brittni (OS/OASH); Fry, Alia (HHS/OASH); Fuller, Robin (HHS/OASH); Glass, Louis (OASH) ; Gonzales,Anna (OS/OASH); Gronseth, DickieLynn (HHS/OASH); Guevara, Natalia (HHS/OASH); Hall, Cynda (HHS/OASH); Hamlet-Collins, Cheryl (HHS/OPHS); Hansen,Cynthia (OS/OASH); Harden, Anthony (HHS/OASH); Harper, Stacy (HHS/OASH); Henderson,Gaylyn (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Jett, CandiceL (HHS/OASH); Jones, Shary (OS) ; Konsella, Laurie (HHS/OASH); Lalvani, Mahak (OS/OASH); Loyola Briceno, Ana Carolina (OS/OASH); Massoudi,Mehran (HHS/OASH); McTall, Rebecca(HHS/OASH); AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000046 Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Murraine, Shanae (HHS/OASH); Paxman, Dalton G (HHS/OASH); Pole, Traci (OS/OASH); Puertoreal,Anna (HHS/OASH); Reyna,Jesus (HHS/OASH); Richards, Edecia (HHS/OPHS); Ricks,Sharon L (HHS/OASH}; Rider, Dustin (HHS/OASH}; Rosenfeld, Betsy F (HHS/OASH); Runnels, Kellee M (HHS/OASH); SherwoodFabre, LieseA (HHS/OASH); Shields, Jessica(HHS/OASH); Shrimplin, Sarah (OS/OASH); Silver, Karen (OS/OASH); Smith-Hirak, April (HHS/OASH/DRHA); Strawder, Kay A (HHS/OASH); Turner, Lavern (HHS/OASH); Vargas, Antonio (HHS/OASH); Walker, Eleanor (HHS/OASH); Woolslayer, Christine (HHS/OASH); Wynn, Dewayne (HHS/OASH) CC: Edie Richardsl(b )(6) ~h\ / 1=:\ ~> Subject: March OPA HQ/ROconference call Date: 2018/03/06 10:59:33 Start Date: 2018/03/06 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/06 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: b)(6) I Acker, Alisha R. (OS/OASH);Aguilar, Karina (HHS/OASH);Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH);Altidor, Kedesch(O5/OASH);Austin, Brad (O5/ASPR/OEM);Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH);Bouvion, Renee (HHS/OASH);Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH);Decker, Emily (OS/OASH);Frederiksen, Brittni (O5/OASH); Fry, Alia (HHS/OASH);Fuller, Robin (HHS/OASH);Glass, Louis (OASH); Gonzales, Anna (O5/OASH); Gronseth, DickieLynn(HHS/OASH);Guevara, Natalia (HHS/OASH);Hall, Cynda (HHS/OASH);Hamlet-Collins, Cheryl (HHS/OPHS);Hansen, Cynthia (O5/OASH); Harden, Attendees: Anthony (HHS/OASH);Harper, Stacy (HHS/OASH);Henderson, Gaylyn (HHS/OASH);Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH);Jett, CandiceL (HHS/OASH);Jones, Shary (OS); Konsella, Laurie (HHS/OASH);Lalvani, Mahak (O5/OASH); Loyola Briceno,Ana Carolina (OS/OASH);Massoudi, Mehran (HHS/OASH);McTall, Rebecca(HHS/OASH);Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Murraine, Shanae (HHS/OASH);Paxman, Dalton G (HHS/OASH);Pole, Traci (OS/OASH); Puertoreal,Anna (HHS/OASH}; Reyna, Jesus (HHS/OASH);Richards, Edecia (HHS/OPHS); AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000047 Ricks,Sharon L (HHS/OASH);Rider, Dustin (HHS/OASH);Rosenfeld,Betsy F (HHS/OASH); Runnels, Kellee M (HHS/OASH);SherwoodFabre,LieseA (HHS/OASH);Shields,Jessica (HHS/OASH);Shrimplin, Sarah (OS/OASH);Silver, Karen (OS/OASH);Smith-Hirak, April (HHS/OASH/DRHA);Strawder, Kay A (HHS/OASH);Turner, Lavern (HHS/OASH);Vargas, Antonio (HHS/OASH);Walker, Eleanor (HHS/OASH);Woolslayer, Christine (HHS/OASH);Wynn, Dewayne (HHS/OASH);Edie Richardsl(b)(6) UPDATED PASSCODE HI all Please hold the date . Feel free to forward quest ions to be addressed on the call. I'll send the notes from Feb' s call and the agenda as we get closer to the March call David .. Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH) Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Acker, Alisha R. (OS/OASH); Aguilar, Karina (HHS/OASH); Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH); Altidor, Kedesch(OS/OASH); Austin, Brad (OS/ASPR/OEM); Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH) ; Bouvion, Renee (HHS/OASH); Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH); Decker, Emily (OS/OASH); Frederiksen,Brittni (OS/OASH); Fry, Alia (HHS/OASH); Fuller, Robin (HHS/OASH); Glass, Louis (OASH) ; Gonzales,Anna (OS/OASH); Gronseth, Diekielynn (HHS/OASH); Guevara, Natalia (HHS/OASH); Hall, Cynda (HHS/OASH); Hamlet-Collins, Cheryl (HHS/OPHS); Hansen,Cynthia (OS/OASH); Harden, Anthony (HHS/OASH); AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000048 Harper, Stacy (HHS/OASH); Henderson,Gaylyn (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Jett, CandiceL (HHS/OASH); Jones, Shary (OS) ; Konsella, Laurie (HHS/OASH); Lalvani, Mahak (OS/OASH); Loyola Briceno, Ana Carolina (OS/OASH) ; Massoudi, Mehran (HHS/OASH); McTall, Rebecca(HHS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Murraine, Shanae (HHS/OASH); Paxman, Dalton G (HHS/OASH)i Pole, Traci (OS/OASH); Puertoreal,Anna (HHS/OASH); Reyna,Jesus (HHS/OASH); Richards,Edecia (HHS/OPHS); Ricks,Sharon L (HHS/OASH); Rider, Dustin (HHS/OASH); Rosenfeld,Betsy F (HHS/OASH); Runnels, Kellee M (HHS/OASH}; SherwoodFabre,LieseA (HHS/OASH); Shields, Jessica(HHS/OASH); Shrimplin, Sarah (OS/OASH); (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T}/en =Recipients/en=9760b21238fl 49178d89adee9fc5b50b-Shrimplin, Silver, Karen (OS/OASH); Smith-Hirak, April (HHS/OASH/DRHA); Strawder, Kay A (HHS/OASH); Turner, Lavern (HHS/OASH); Vargas, Antonio (HHS/OASH); Walker, Eleanor (HHS/OASH); Woolslayer, Christine (HHS/OASH); Wynn, Dewayne (HHS/OASH) i Edie Richardsvh)fn\ Sent Date: 2018/03/06 10:59:33 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000049 Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Patel, Aster (OS/ASA/OHR/WRD) CC: Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH) Subject: Meeting w/Dr. Don Wright RE: ReimagingDiscussionPOC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/03/13 14:56:06 Start Date: 2018/03/16 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/16 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR729-G Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH);Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH);Kretschmaier, Michon Attendees: (HHS/OASH);Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH);Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH);Patel, Aster (OS/ASA/OHR/WRD);Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH) Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Patel, Aster (OS/ASA/OHR/WRD); Perrone, LaVonnia(HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/13 14:56:06 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000050 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : COOPExercise Date: 2018/04/07 22:31:02 Start Date: 2018/04/20 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/21 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: MD Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/07 22:31:02 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000051 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i To: Welz, Andrew (HHS/OGC) Subject: Discussionw/Andrew Welz re: COI related to MITRE Date: 2018/03/06 12:42:28 Start Date: 2018/03/07 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/07 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Valerie's Office 716-G.5 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Recipient : Welz, Andrew (HHS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/03/06 12:42:28 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000052 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Don out of country Date: 2018/03/23 08:58:21 Start Date: 2018/03/23 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/29 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/23 08:58:21 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000053 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: ASPEwill post EB review report Date: 2018/04/18 08:33:46 Start Date: 2018/04/23 00:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/24 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/04/18 08:33:46 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000054 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i To: Jilani, Shahla (HHS/IOS) Subject: 1: 1 w/Shahla Jilani Date: 2018/03/28 12:56:32 Start Date: 2018/03/29 09:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/29 10:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Valerie's Office - 716-G.5 - Hubert H. Humphrey Building Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Recipient : Jilani, Shahla (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/28 12:56:32 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000055 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Wanda - ORI Date: 2018/04/18 10:52:22 Start Date: 2018/04/19 12:00:00 End Date : 2018/04/19 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: VH Tower office Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/04/18 10:52:22 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000056 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) i Jones, Mary (HHS/OGC)(CTR) Subject: UN Trip Discussionw/Valerie Huber and Paula Standard Date: 2018/03/23 11:25:49 Start Date: 2018/03/26 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/26 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Valerie's Office - 716-G.5 - Hubert H. Humphrey Building Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) i Jones, Mary (HHS/OGC)(CTR) Sent Date: 2018/03/23 11:25:49 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000057 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Hatch Act Training Date: 2018/03/28 16:28:48 Start Date: 2018/05/02 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/02 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: 730B 1. May 2, 12:00pm All sessions are in Room 730B (Humphrey building) and may last up to one hour. A call in line for Hatch Act is provided: Kb)(6) lpasscodd Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/28 16:28:48 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000058 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Alice l(b)(6) I Date: 2018/04/28 07:01:28 Start Date: 2018/04/30 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/15 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment I w ill be out of the off ice beginn ing Monday, Apr il 30 and return ing Monday, May 14. The below ind ividuals will be operationally in charge of OGM in my absence. April 30 - May 4: Roscoe Brunson May 7 - May 11: Eric West I am hoping to not have to check email too often. Roscoe and Eric are both briefed on the TPPP lit igation next steps. Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/04/28 07:01:28 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000059 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH); Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH) Subject: OASHAll Hands Meeting POC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/03/14 11:00:11 Start Date: 2018/04/04 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/04 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: HHSSmall Auditorium Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)(; Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) (; Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH) Attendees: (; Wright, Don (HHS/OASH)(; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH)(;Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH);Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH)( Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH); Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Singh, Vanila (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/14 11:00:11 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000060 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: ROKUS Date: 2018/05/10 12:52:23 Start Date: 2018/05/17 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/18 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Tent Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/10 12:52:23 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000061 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG) Subject: DiscussOASHOpioid Messageto the Secretary POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/03/14 15:23:35 Start Date: 2018/03/15 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/15 10:30:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: OASHCR 716-G - Dr. Wright will participate by calling 202-690-4379 Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH);Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH);Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) (; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)(;Valentine, Attendees: Steven (HHS/IOS) (Steven.Valentine@hhs .gov); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH);Yvonne Santiago ( Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Carr, Nicole (OS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG) Sent Date: 2018/03/14 15:23:35 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000062 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: ROKUS Date: 2018/05/10 12:52:44 Start Date: 2018/05/18 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/19 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Tent Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/10 12:52:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000063 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH) Subject: Transportation Driver; Gary PrattKb )(6) I Date: 2018/03/23 11:39:42 Start Date: 2018/04/16 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/16 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Uniformed ServicesUniversity Valentine, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( (fd508090f8984blcaf04069bc6000dc2-Valentine,);Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Attendees: (;Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH);Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)i Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH); Santiago, Yvonne (HHS/OASH/OSG); Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH); Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/23 11:39:42 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000064 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); To: Steven Valentine (HHS/OASH)( Subject: RIA Date: 2018/03/29 18:26:30 Start Date: 2018/03/30 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/30 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: VH office Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Steven Valentine (HHS/OASH)( Sent Date: 2018/03/29 18:26:30 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000065 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Bird, Catherine (O5/OGC) Subject : Meet to discussOASHissues Date: 2018/05/02 07:46:39 Sta rt Date: 2018/05/02 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/02 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: valerie's office Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Bird, Catherine (O5/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/ 05/02 07:46:39 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000066 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Posted Date: 2018/05/10 12:53:12 Start Date: 2018/05/22 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/23 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Tentative Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/10 12:53: 12 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000067 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Call Debbie Powell Date: 2018/03/25 19:18:29 Start Date: 2018/03/26 08:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/26 08:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment location: call her Debbie A. Powell Deputy Associate Commissioner Family and Youth Services Bureau Adm inistration for Children & Families Department of Health & Human Services 330 C St., Southwest Washington , DC 20024 Work Ph.: 202-205-2360 Mob ile Ph :j._ (b_)(_ 6)__ ___. Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/25 19:18:29 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000068 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: fh)fn) I Date: 2018/05/02 07:48:28 Start Date: 2018/05/02 08:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/02 09:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location : Health unit Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/02 07:48:28 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000069 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH); To: Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH) ; Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH) Subject: Spend Plan Discussion- Michon and Team Date: 2018/03/30 14:18:29 Start Date: 2018/04/02 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/02 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Valerie's Office - 716-G.5 - Hubert H. Humphrey Building - 200 Independence Ave SW, Washington, D.C. Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH) ; Recipient: Thanh, Hoa (HHS/OASH) i Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/30 14:18:29 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000070 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OA5H) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) Subject: Meeting w/Mr . Charrow, Paulaand Valerie Date: 2018/0 5/02 14:14:00 Start Date: 2018/05/03 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/03 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Mr. Charrow's Office 713-F Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) ; Charrow, Robert (HHS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/05/02 14:28:42 Delivered Date: 2018/05/02 14:14:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000071 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subj ect : Sec Office meeting - Paula Date: 2018/05/17 07 :18:36 Start Date: 20 18/05/17 09:30:00 End Date: 20 18/05/17 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 20 18/05/17 07:18:36 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000072 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OA5H) Date : 2018/05/03 13:32:21 Start Date : 2018/05/03 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/03 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/03 13:32:21 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000073 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: COOP Call - TENTATIVE Date: 2018/05/04 08:57:49 Start Date: 20 18/05/04 10:45:00 End Date: 20 18/05/04 11:15:00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/04 08:57:49 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000074 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: FYSA--- Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine in Town Date : 2018/05/04 14:43:53 Start Date: 2018/06/22 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/23 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/04 14:43:57 Delivered Date: 2018/05/04 14:43:53 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000075 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Emily & Max Wedding Date: 2018/03/3115:01 :52 Start Date: 2018/10/13 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/10/14 00:00:00 Sensitivity: Private Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/3115:01 :52 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000076 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Vh\fn) I Date: 2018/05/05 16:03:12 Start Date: 2018/05/11 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/1113:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Falls Church Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/05 16:03:12 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000077 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : h)/R) I Date : 2018/03/31 15:02:50 Start Date: 2018/10/08 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/10/12 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/3115:02:50 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000078 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Lisa Correnti Date: 2018/05/13 07:45:44 Start Date: 2018/05/14 08:45:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 09:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: (b )(6 ) I Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/13 07:45:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000079 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subj ect: OPADay Date: 2018/05/05 16:02:13 Start Date: 2018/05/10 06:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Tower Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/05 16:02:13 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000080 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Michon in after 10 Date: 2018/03/31 15:09:27 Start Date: 2018/04/02 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/02 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/3115:09:27 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000081 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: COOP Exercise - Tower Date: 2018/05/05 15:59 :44 Start Date: 20 18/05/07 08:00:00 End Date: 20 18/05/07 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/05 15:59:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000082 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: COOP Exercise - Frederick MD Date: 2018/05/05 16:00 :35 Start Date: 20 18/05/08 08:00:00 End Date: 20 18/05/08 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/05 16:00:35 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000083 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Valerie - out of office Date: 2018/05/ 14 05 :22:03 Start Date: 20 18/05/25 08:00:00 End Date: 20 18/05/25 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 05:22:03 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000084 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Memorial Day Date: 2018/05/ 14 05 :23:06 Start Date: 20 18/05/28 08:30:00 End Date: 20 18/05/28 18:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 05:23:06 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000085 From: Ward, Carol Ward, Carol ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Richmond, Alicia (HHS/OASH) ; Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH) ; To: Fowler, Christina (cfow ; Koo, Helen (Contractor) ; Julia Rollison ; Nikita Malcolm (nma ; Schmidt, Stefanie R. ; Thaker, Samruddhi ; Ridenhour, Jamie Subject: OASH/OPATask 2 call (3:00 -4:00 pm) Date: 2018/04/23 17:11:10 Start Date: 2018/04/25 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/25 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Iaccess code:lrh)fn Location: Skype meeting l(b)(6) \ I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Richmond, Alicia (HHS/OASH); Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH); Fowler, Christina (cfow; Koo, Helen (Contractor); Julia Rollison; Attendees: Nikita Malcolm (nma; Schmidt, Stefanie R.; Thaker, Samruddhi; Ridenhour, Jamie The Task 2 call will sta rt at 3:00 today. A revised PowerPoint for today's call is attached. Proposed Agenda: ? ? o Protocol (Task 2.4) o o Addition of a fifth research question o o Sampling Strategy: Considerations Join Skype Meeting Troub le Joining? Try Sky pe Web App Join by phone (b) (6) l ______ ,___ I access code: 86871017 (US) English (United States) ___, access code: 86871017 (US) English (United States) Find a local number Conference ID:kb)(6) !(same as access code above) Forgot your dial -in PIN? I Help Quick Tips: Three ways to Join Skype Meeting Audio o AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT o Join using computer - Join meeting audio by selecting Use Skype for Business Full Audio option in the Join Meeting Audio window. A Skype certified USB headset is required to use this option. EXT-18-1509-O-000086 o o Join using computer & phone - Select the Call me at option in the Join Meeting Audio w indow. Ent er your phone numbe r including area code and the system will call you and join you t o the meeting audio . o o Join using phone - Select Don't join audio in the Join M eet ing Audio window. W hen diali ng into t he meetin g audio, M ITRE part icipants enter the ir wo rk num ber and PIN (M ITRE only FJ: UCPIN). Non-MITRE parti cipants do not need a PIN. M ore informa ti on. How to join a MITRE meet inR Sender: Ward, Carol Ward, Carol ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/CASH); Richmond,Alicia (HHS/CASH); Ahrens, Kate (CS/CASH); Recipient: Fowler, Christina ( ; Koo, Helen (Contractor) ; Julia Rollison (jrollison@atlasresea ; Nikita Malcolm (nmalcolm@atlasresea ; Schmidt, Stefanie R. ; Thaker, Samruddhi ; Ridenhour,Jamie Sent Date: 2018/04/23 17:11:10 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000087 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Azar: drug pricing Date: 2018/05/14 06:38:19 Start Date: 2018/05/14 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: great hall WHO: Secretary M. Azaz II WHEN: Monday, May 14, 2018 at 10:00 AM ET WHERE: Great Hall, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, Washington, DC Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 06:38:19 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000088 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: NPRM posted Date: 2018/05/29 10:20:44 Start Date: 20 18/05/29 16:15:00 End Date: 20 18/05/29 16:45 :00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment The Title X NPRM will go on display at 4:15 pm today, and will publish in the Federal Register on June 1, 2018. The comment period will close on July 31, 2018. Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 10:20:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000089 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Bobby Polito 111-.,1 ~ 1 ig,> Subject: Bobby Polito - Coffee Date: 2018/05/14 07:47:50 Start Date: 2018/05/23 07:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/23 08:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment location: Rise N Shine at 3rd and E SW Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Bobby Polito (, L " "' '> Sent Date: 2018/05/14 07:47:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000090 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Lawver, Daniel A. (O5/ASPE) Subject: RIA Date : 2018/05/07 10:31:24 Start Date: 2018/05/07 12:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/07 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Will call Dan at 202-260-6707 If you'd like to call me, 202-260-6707 works best Sender : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Recipient: Lawver, Daniel A. (O5/ASPE) Sent Date: 2018/05/07 10:31:24 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000091 From: ; ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; To: <>; ; Healy, Jenifer (HHS/O5/OGA) Subject: Updated invit at ion: WHA@ Mon May 14, 2018 4:30pm - 5:30pm (EDT) ( Date: 2018/05/14 10:12:39 Start Date: 20 18/05/14 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 17:30:00 Priority : Normal Type : Appointment Location: conference call Attend ees: AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT; Huber, Valerie (HHS/DASH);;; Healy, Jenife r (HHS/OS/OGA) EXT-18-1509-O-000092 This event has been changed . more details >> WHA When Mon May 14 , 2018 4 :30pm - 5:30pm Eastern Time Where Changed: conference call {map ) Calendar valerie .huber@hhs .go v agolde o organizer Who bkozma@usaid .gov jenifer Conference call info to come soon . Domestic l(b)(6) lnternation'.:" a ::;l;;:lr= h=H=R=, ===--__, Participant Cod Et =b=)"" (6~) -~ Leader Code !fb)(6) I Going? Yes - Maybe - No more options>> Invitation from Google Calendar You are receiving this courtesy email at the account valerie huber@hhs gov because you are an attendee of this event. To slop receIvIng future updates for this event, decline this event Alternatively you can sign up for a Goo9le account at hltps :1/www google .comlcalendar/ and control your notification settings for your entire calendar Forwardin9 this invilalion could allow any recipient lo modify your RSVP response . Learn More Sender: ; ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/GASH) ; Recipient: ; ; Healy, Jenifer (HHS/OS/OGA) Sent Date: 20 18/05/14 10:12:39 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000093 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) i Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Subject: Check In re: Working Project Date: 2018/05/18 12:26:35 Start Date: 2018/05/ 18 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/18 15:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Valerie's Office 716G.5 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Stannard, Paula (HHS/1O5) i Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 12:26:35 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000094 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: BG in Geneva Date: 2018/05/18 14:01:27 Start Date: 2018/05/20 00:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/25 00:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 14:01:27 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000095 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subj ect : At TOWER until need to go to APP Conference Date: 2018/05/29 13:12: 58 Start Date: 20 18/05/31 07:30:00 End Date: 20 18/05/31 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 13:12:58 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000096 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Jason Duncan Date: 2018/05/08 11:37:58 Start Date: 2018/05/08 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/08 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 11:37:58 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000097 From: Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Frederiksen,Brittni (OS/OASH); Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=e17cb2f0f7ea48e6aeb7894560b1673c-Moskosky, Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Subject: FW: Overview FocusGroup Questions- ASPE Date: 2018/05/17 09:27: 19 Start Date: 2018/05/17 09:15:00 End Date: 2018/05/17 09:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment I Location: VIA Phone -Kb)(6) -----Or iginal Appointment----From: Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 3:10 PM To: Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA); Frederiksen, Brittni (OS/OASH); Moskosky, Susan B (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Overview Focus Group Questions - ASPE When : Thursday, May 17, 2018 9:15 AM-9:45 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) . Where: VIA Phone - rb )(6) Sender: I Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Frederiksen,Brittni (O5/OASH) ; Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH)i Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 09:27:19 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000098 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Brett G Testimony Date: 2018/04/14 21:37:27 Start Date: 2018/04/19 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/19 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment *CO MMITTEE : Finance SUBJECT: Tackling Opioid and Substance Use Disorders in Medicare , Medicaid , and Human Services Programs DATE/TIME : Apri l 19, 10:00 a.m.; 215 Dirksen WITNESSES: o ADM Brett P. Giroir, M.D., Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health o Ms. Kimberly Brandt , Principal Deputy Administrator for Operations, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/04/14 21:37:27 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000099 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OA5H) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH) Subject: Comms Briefing: w/Dr . Foley Date: 2018/05/29 13:52:49 Start Date: 2018/05/30 10:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/30 11:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Appointment Location: Valerie's Office -- 716G.S Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Vafiades, Mark (HHS/OASH); Broido, Tara (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/29 13:52:49 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000100 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : SchedulingCatch Up w/Oneika Date : 2018/05/2117:15:48 Start Date: 2018/05/22 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/22 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/2117:15:49 Delivered Date: 2018/05/2117:15:48 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000101 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: PoliticalTravel Training; MANDATORY Date: 2018/05/22 07:07:02 Start Date: 2018/06/05 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/05 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location : tbd Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 07:07:02 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000102 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) SentVia: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OA5H) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH) Subject: FY18Spend Plan Update Date: 2018/05/09 10:14:00 Start Date: 2018/05/10 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: Valerie's Office - Tower Building Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) i Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH); Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/09 10:14:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000103 From: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; To: Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/ OASH) Subject: Meet and Greet w/Dr. Diane Foley, OPA POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/29 17:08:08 Start Date: 2018/05/30 09:00:00 End Date: 20 18/05/30 09 :30:00 Priority: Norma l Type: Appointment Location: OASH CR 716-G Attendees: Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) (Valerie; Nguyen, Tuan (O5/ OASH); Valentin e, Steven (HHS/IOS) ( Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) ; Recipient: Nguyen, Tuan (OS/OASH) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 20 18/05/29 17:08:08 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000104 From: Thomas, Mark D Thomas, Mark D ; Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) ; Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH) ; Mansdoerfer , David (HHS/OASH) ; To: Warren, Kim ; Cusano, David L ; Sweeney, Nichole E ; Fischetti, Linda F <>; Krotman, Allen S. ; Hammer, Jeffrey M ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Reconvening to discuss possible comment review and rule-making support Date : 2018/05/25 10:33:14 Start Date : 2018/05/29 08:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/29 09:00:00 Priority : Normal Type : Appointment Location: Skype Conference ID: ~h\ f R) I Wright, Don (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/OASH); Attendees : Warren, Kim; Cusano, David L; Sweeney, Nichole E; Fischetti, Linda F; Krotman, Allen S.; Hammer, Jeffrey M; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Join Skype Meeting Join by phone Find a local numbe r _)(_6_ ) _ __, Conference ID: Kb ..... Forgot your d ial- in PIN? First Skype Meeting? Sender: Thomas, Mark D Thomas, Mark D ; Wrigh t , Don (HHS/OASH) ; Recipient: Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH) ; Mansdoerfer , David (HHS/OASH) ; AMEf ICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000105 Warren, Kim ; Cusano, David L ; Sweeney, Nichole E ; Fischetti, Linda F <>; Krotman, Allen S. ; Hammer, Jeff rey M ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 10:33:14 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000106 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Title X FOAlawsuit Date: 2018/05/25 09:58:59 Start Date: 2018/06/2110:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/2110 :30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location : June 21, 2018 at 10 a.m. June 21, 2018 at 10 a.m. Oral Arguments Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 09:58:59 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000107 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Day After Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 Start Date: 2022/11/24 21:00:00 End Date: 2022/11/25 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000108 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/11/25 21:00:00 End Date: 2026/11/26 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000109 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: New Year's Day (Observed) Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 Start Date: 2023/01/01 21:00:00 End Date: 2023/01/02 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000110 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Day After Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/11/26 21:00:00 End Date: 2026/11/27 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000111 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Martin Luther King Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 Start Date: 2023/01/15 21:00:00 End Date: 2023/01/16 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000112 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Presidents' Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 Start Date: 2023/02/19 21 :00:00 End Date: 2023/02/20 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000113 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Easter Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 Start Date: 2023/04/08 21:00:00 End Date: 2023/04/09 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000114 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Administrative ProfessionalsDay Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 Start Date: 2023/04/25 21:00:00 End Date: 2023/04/26 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000115 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Mother's Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 Start Date: 2023/05/13 21:00:00 End Date: 2023/05/14 21 :00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000116 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Memorial Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 Start Date: 2023/05/28 21:00:00 End Date: 2023/05/29 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000117 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Father's Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 Start Date: 2023/06/17 21:00:00 End Date: 2023/06/18 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000118 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Labor Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 Start Date: 2023/09/03 21:00:00 End Date: 2023/09/04 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000119 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Columbus Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 Start Date: 2023/10/08 22:00:00 End Date: 2023/10/09 22:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000120 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Election Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2023/11/06 21:00:00 End Date: 2023/11/07 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000121 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Veteran's Day (Observed) Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2023/11/09 21:00:00 End Date: 2023/11/10 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000122 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2023/11/22 21:00:00 End Date: 2023/11/23 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000123 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Day After Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2023/11/23 21:00:00 End Date: 2023/11/24 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000124 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Martin Luther King Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2024/01/14 21:00:00 End Date: 2024/01/15 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000125 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Presidents' Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2024/02/18 21:00:00 End Date: 2024/02/19 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000126 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Easter Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2024/03/30 22:00:00 End Date: 2024/03/31 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000127 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Administrative ProfessionalsDay Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2024/04/23 21:00:00 End Date: 2024/04/24 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000128 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Mother's Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2024/05/11 21:00:00 End Date: 2024/05/12 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000129 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Memorial Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2024/05/26 21:00:00 End Date: 2024/05/27 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000130 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Father's Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2024/06/15 21:00:00 End Date: 2024/06/16 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000131 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Labor Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2024/09/01 21:00:00 End Date: 2024/09/02 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000132 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Columbus Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2024/10/13 22:00:00 End Date: 2024/10/14 22:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000133 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Election Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2024/11/04 21:00:00 End Date: 2024/11/05 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000134 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2024/11/27 21:00:00 End Date: 2024/11/28 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000135 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Day After Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2024/11/28 21:00:00 End Date: 2024/11/29 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000136 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Martin Luther King Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2025/01/19 21:00:00 End Date: 2025/01/20 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000137 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Presidents' Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2025/02/16 21:00:00 End Date: 2025/02/17 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000138 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Easter Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2025/04/19 21:00:00 End Date: 2025/04/20 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000139 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Administrative ProfessionalsDay Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2025/04/22 21:00:00 End Date: 2025/04/23 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000140 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Mother's Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2025/05/10 21:00:00 End Date: 2025/05/11 21 :00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000141 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Memorial Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2025/05/25 21:00:00 End Date: 2025/05/26 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000142 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Father's Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2025/06/ 14 21:00:00 End Date: 2025/06/15 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000143 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Labor Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2025/08/31 21:00:00 End Date: 2025/09/01 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000144 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Columbus Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2025/10/12 22:00:00 End Date: 2025/10/13 22:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000145 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Election Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2025/11/03 21:00:00 End Date: 2025/11/04 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000146 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 Start Date: 2025/11/26 21:00:00 End Date: 2025/11/27 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000147 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Day After Thanksgiving Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2025/11/27 21:00:00 End Date: 2025/11/28 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000148 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Martin Luther King Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/01/18 21:00:00 End Date: 2026/01/19 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000149 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Presidents' Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/02/15 21:00:00 End Date: 2026/02/16 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000150 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Easter Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/04/04 21:00:00 End Date: 2026/04/05 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000151 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Administrative ProfessionalsDay Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/04/21 21:00:00 End Date: 2026/04/22 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000152 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: New Year's Day (Observed) Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 Start Date: 2021/12/30 21:00:00 End Date: 2021/12/31 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000153 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Mother's Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/05/09 21:00:00 End Date: 2026/05/10 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000154 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Memorial Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/05/24 21:00:00 End Date: 2026/05/25 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000155 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Father's Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/06/20 21:00:00 End Date: 2026/06/21 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000156 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Independence Day (Observed) Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/07/02 21:00:00 End Date: 2026/07/03 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000157 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Labor Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/09/06 21:00:00 End Date: 2026/09/07 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000158 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Columbus Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/10/11 22:00:00 End Date: 2026/10/12 22:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000159 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Election Day Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 Start Date: 2026/11/02 21:00:00 End Date: 2026/11/03 21:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Appointment Location: United States Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/25 00:05:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000160 Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Declined: Monthly Meeting w/Valerie Huber and Brenda Destro Date: 2018/04/23 15:28: 11 Start Date : 2018/04/26 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/26 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location: Valerie's Office 716-G.5 -- 200 Independence Ave SW, Washington, D.C. -- Hubert H. Humphrey Building Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/23 15:28:10 Delivered Date : 2018/04/23 15:28:11 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000161 From: To: Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Accepted: Meeting w/David and Tynetta Date: 2018/05/04 11:35:05 Start Date: 2018/05/04 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/04 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Valerie'sOffice 716-G.5 -- Valerie's HumphreyOffice Sender: Recipient: Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/04 11:35:02 Delivered Date: 2018/05/04 11:35:05 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000162 From: SentVia : To: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Microsoft Outlook Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Meeting Forward Notification: Discussionre: WHA Negotiationsw/Valerie and Jenifer Date: 2018/04/26 15:48:20 Start 2018/05/02 13:30:00 Date : End 2018/05/02 14:00:00 Date : Priority : Normal Type : Schedule.Meeting.Notification.Forward Location: Jenifer Healy's Office -- 639H Your meeting was forwarded Grav, Oneika (HHS/OASH) has forwarded your meeting request to additional recipients. Meeting Discussion re: WHA Negotiations w/Valerie and Jenifer Meeting Time Wednesday, May 2, 2018 1:30 PM-2:00 PM. Recipients Healy, Jenifer (HHS/OS/OGA) Peacock, Jessica (HHS/OS/OGA) All times listed are in the following time zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &Canada) Sentby MicrosoftExchanqe Server Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Microsoft Sender: Outlook Recipient : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent 2018/04/26 15:48:19 Date : Delivered 2018/04/26 15:48:20 Date : AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000163 From: Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Subject: FW: Meeting w. ASPE Date: 2018/05/02 16:27:00 Start Date : 2018/05/03 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/03 10:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Request Location: Call in# : Kb)(6) I Participant:l(b)(6) I Do we have an agenda for the meeting? -----Origi na I Appointment----From: Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 4:10 PM To: Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA); Frederiksen , Brittni (OS/OASH); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Moskosky, Susan B (HHS/OASH) Cc: Trivits, Lisa (HHS/ ASPE) Subject: Meeting w. ASPE When: Thursday, May 3, 2018 9:00 AM-10:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: Call in# : l(b)(6) IParticipant : Kb)(6) I Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA); ADMINISTRATIVEGROUP Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Sent Date: 2018/05/02 16:27:08 Delivered Date: 2018/05/02 16:27:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000164 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH) Subject: Accepted: OPAStaff Meeting Date: 2018/05/08 09:26:00 Start Date: 2018/05/10 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Sheeran ConferenceRoom Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 09:26:02 Delivered Date: 2018/05/08 09:26:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000165 From: Johnson, Jessica(ACF) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Subj ect : FW: OASH-FYSB SRAQuarterly LeadershipMeeting Date: 2018/05/14 10:55:00 Start Date: 2018/05/14 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 15:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Request Locatio n: Switzer Room # 3603/WebExOnline Could you print these handouts for this meeting? -----Original Appointment----From: Johnson, Jessica (ACF) Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 12:01 PM To : Johnson, Jessica (ACF); Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); Wagner, Steven (ACF); Wubbenhorst, William (ACF); Powell, Debbie A. (ACF); Matthew, Resa (ACF); White, LeBretia (ACF); Bur rus, Barri Braddy ; Bornkessel , Alexandra ; Belizaire, Mona-Lee (ACF); Charles Holloway; Thomas , Veron ica; Lawson, Caroline; Powers, Mary (ACF); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Chamberlain, Seth (ACF); Blitz, Caryn (ACF); Mccoy, Kathleen (ACF) (CTR); Zeno, Tia (ACF); Woolverton, Ma ria (ACF); Goldstein, Naomi (ACF) Cc: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH); Sellers, Angela (ACF); Cheatham, Dionna (ACF) (CTR); Debra Strong; Heather Zaveri; Susan Zief; Southwell, Brian; Watson, Anjanette (ACF) (CTR) Subject: OASH-FYSBSRA Quarterly Leadership Meeting When: Monday, May 14, 2018 1:00 PM-3:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), Wh ere: Switzer Room# 3603/Web Ex Online ***DO NOT DELETEOR CHANGE ANY OF THE TEXT BELOW THIS LINE*** Jessica Johnson has scheduled this WebEx meet ing. OASH-FYSB SRA Quarterly Leadership M eeting Host: Jessica Johnson When it's t ime, start or jo in the Web Ex meeting from here: Access Information AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000166 I Meet ing Number f b)(6) Meet ing Password: This meeting does not requ ire a password. Audio Connection l(b_)(_6_ ...... ) __ ___,! (Meeting Server Main Number) Access Code: l(b)(6) Hosts need your host access code or key? Go to the meeting information page: b)(6) Delivering the power of collaboration The team Johnson, Jessica(ACF) ; ADMINISTRATIVEGROUP Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient : Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 10:56:41 Delivered Date: 2018/05/14 10:55:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000167 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Tentative: Invitations vetting wJTeam& OGCPOC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/08 14:02:00 Start Date: 2018/05/09 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/09 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Tent Location: OASHCR729-G Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/08 14:02:09 Delivered Date: 2018/05/08 14:02:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000168 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Liz Boyles Subject: Declined: ORI Organization Assessment: Project Check-In Date: 20 18/05/04 06:11:00 Start Date: 20 18/03/09 11:00 :00 End Date: 20 18/03/09 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting. Resp.Neg Location: (b )(6) Sender: I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Liz Boyles Sent Date: 2018/05/04 08:13:50 Delivered Date: 2018/05/04 06:11:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000169 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Wubbenhorst,William (ACF) Subject: Declined:Touching base on SRA Date: 2018/05/10 09:23:00 Start Date: 2018/05/14 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location: Humphrey Building, Room 716A Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Wubbenhorst, William (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/05/10 09:23:59 Delivered Date: 2018/05/10 09:23:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000170 From: To: Subject: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH) Accepted : FW: Bundled Payments - In-person meeting with TA consultant team (Debbie Sullivan and Gerry Christie) Date: 2018/05/10 12:14:00 Start Date: 2018/05/31 12:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/31 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting .Resp.Pos Location: Sender: Recipient: Small conference room; Conference call line for remote participants kb\( 6 ) code: ~b )(6) I Ipartic ipant Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/10 12:14:4 7 Delivered Date: 2018/05/10 12:14:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000171 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Jacobson, Jonathan E. (CIV) Subject: Tentative: F'N: Title X Call DOJ/HHS Date: 20 18/05/10 13:08:00 Start Date: 20 18/05/1113:00:00 End Date: 20 18/05/1114:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting. Resp.Tent Location: See Dial-in Info Below Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/CASH) Recipient: Jacobson, Jonathan E. (CIV) Sent Date: 2018/05/10 13:08:54 Delivered Date: 2018/05/10 13:08:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000172 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH) Subject: Accepted: Title X Grants Rollout Discussion Date: 2018/05/15 13:25:00 Start Date: 2018/07/25 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/07/25 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting .Resp.Pos Location : Tower Building or via phone Vb)(6) Ipasscodet(b)( 6 ) I Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Broida, Tara (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/15 13:25:38 Delivered Date: 2018/05/15 13:25:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000173 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) DeputySecretary(O5/IOS) Subject : Accepted: NPRMDiscussion Date: 2018/05/15 13:50:00 Start Date: 2018/05/15 18:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/15 18:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 614-G Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) DeputySecretary(O5/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/15 13:50:17 Delivered Date: 2018/05/15 13:50:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000174 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Stewart, Jessica L. (HHS/OS/OGA) Subj ect: Tentative: Interagency Readout and Discussion: Wor ld Health Assembly Date: 2018/05/09 09:29:00 Start Date: 20 18/06/14 11:00:00 End Date: 20 18/06/14 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting .Resp.Tent Location: Mary Switzer Building, 330 C Street SW, Rm 2322, Washington DC 20201 or Conference Line: r ln t ernat ional Number: lrh )( R\ Passcodelrh H R\ I Vh \/ ~ \ I Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Stewart, Jessica L. (HHS/OS/OGA) Sent Date: 20 18/05/09 09:29:22 Delivered Date: 2018/05/09 09:29:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000175 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Liz Boyles Subject : Accepted: ORI Organizat iona l Assessment Check-in Date: 20 18/05/14 16:15:00 Start Date: 20 18/05/18 11:30:00 End Date: 20 18/05/18 12:00:00 Priority: Norma l Type: Schedule.Meet ing.Resp.Pas Location: l(b)(6) Sender: I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Liz Boyles Sent Date: 2018/05/14 16:15:45 Delivered Date : 2018/05/14 16:15:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000176 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Szmyd, Natalie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Accepted: Hatch Act Training Date: 2018/05/14 16:16:00 Start Date: 2018/05/30 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/30 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location : HHH 730B or Dial-In Number Kb)(6) IPasscodel(b )(6) I Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Szmyd, Natalie (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 16:16:04 Delivered Date: 2018/05/14 16:16:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000177 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Subject: Accepted: Topic: Org Charts: PresCouncil& ODPHP Date: 2018/05/15 16:28:00 Start Date: 2018/05/17 12:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/17 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location : 716G Don's Office Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/15 16:28:25 Delivered Date: 2018/05/15 16:28:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000178 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Lalvani, Mahak (OS/OASH) Subject: Accepted: Region 3 SHO Meeting: Title X Family Planning Discussion Date: 2018/05/11 10:41:55 Sta rt Date : 2018/05/15 11:30:00 End Dat e: 2018/05/15 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: HHH Room 305A Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Lalvani, Mahak (OS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/1110:41 :55 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000179 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Subject : Accepted: OPAStaff Meeting Date: 2018/05/11 10:43:00 Start Date: 2018/05/17 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/17 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos location: OPA Small Conference room This event has been accepted for: 15-May-2018 The details of this event have been changed for: 15-May-2018 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Sent Date: 2018/0 5/11 10:43:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000180 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Palmer, Ashley (OS/ASFR) Subject: Accepted: Hill Call: TPP Date: 2018/05/1110 :50:15 Start Date: 2018/05/14 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 510G (ASFRConference Room) - lfh )(R) l(Leader: !{b\{ 6 \ !) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Palmer, Ashley (OS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/05/1110:50:15 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000181 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Nesseler, Kerry (HRSA) Subject: Declined: CSW and OGA Date : 2018/05/1110:51 :44 Start Date: 2018/05/14 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 15:50:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location: Conference Call:tb )(6) 1 ave a co nfflXt WI t Participant Password:l(b )(6) I 1s time. per haos tues day.? Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Nesseler, Kerry (HRSA) Sent Date: 2018/05/11 10:51:43 Delivered Date: 2018/05/11 10:51:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000182 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Subject : Accepted: FABMexpert work group discussion Date: 2018/05/05 19:56:00 Start Date: 2018/05/10 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/10 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: OPASmall Conferenceroom Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Sent Date: 2018/05/05 19:56:23 Delivered Date: 2018/05/05 19:56:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000183 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Subject: Accepted: Check-In w/ DASH/O Date: 2018/05/16 10:05:00 Start Date: 2018/05/2111:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/2111 :15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location : 730E Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/16 10:05:16 Delivered Date: 2018/05/16 10:05:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000184 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Bird, catherine (O5/OGC) Subject : Accepted: Mandatory Travel Training Date: 2018/05/1 4 17:51:00 Start Date: 20 18/05/2110:00:00 End Date: 20 18/05/2111:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting .Resp.Pos Location: Humphrey Building, First Floor Audito rium Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Bird, ca therine (O5/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 17:51:01 Delivered Date: 20 18/05/14 17:51:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000185 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Declined: Invitations vetting wJTeam& OGCPOC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/14 21:13:00 Start Date: 2018/05/16 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/16 15:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location: OASHCR729-G Feel free to delete me from t his invitati on series Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 21:13:20 Delivered Date: 2018/05/14 21:13:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000186 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Ward, carol Subject: Accepted: OASH Weekly Task 1 call Date: 20 18/05/14 21:17:00 Start Date: 20 18/05/16 15:00 :00 End Date: 20 18/05/16 15:40:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting. Resp.Pos Location: Skype Meeting Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Ward, carol Sent Date: 2018/05/14 21:17:26 Delivered Date: 2018/05/14 21:17:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000187 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Nesseler,Kerry (HRSA) Subject: Accepted: CSWFollow-up Date: 2018/05/14 21:25:00 Start Date: 2018/05/15 15:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/15 15:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Conf Call Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Nesseler,Kerry (HRSA) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 21:25:20 Delivered Date: 2018/05/14 21:25:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000188 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Subject: Declined: Weekly Huddle SCHDLR:MichaelSavitch (202) 260-1281 Date: 2018/05/17 11:10:00 Start Date: 2018/05/30 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/30 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location: HHH Bldg., CR-729G[face-to-face] I have a conflict with th is time. Any chance we could move it a little earlier? Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 11:10:22 Delivered Date: 2018/05/17 11:10:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000189 From: To: Subject : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Chamberlain,Seth (ACF) Accepted: OASH-ACFSRACollab - Youth Empowerment IDEAS National Surveys- Followup/Comment Date: 2018/05/14 21:27:00 Start Date: 2018/05/18 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/18 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: WebEx Online Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Chamberlain,Seth (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 21:27:25 Delivered Date: 2018/05/14 21:27:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000190 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Wubbenhorst,William (ACF) Subject: Declined: Santelli critique Date: 2018/05/14 21:34:00 Start Date: 2018/05/15 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/15 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location : Conferencecall Could we do 10-11? I have a conflict at 11-12 Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Wubbenhorst, William (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 21:34:38 Delivered Date: 2018/05/14 21:34:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000191 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Lawver, Daniel A. (O5/ASPE) Subject: RIA Date: 2018/05/07 10:31:00 Start Date: 2018/05/07 12:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/07 13:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Request Location : Will call Dan at 202-260-6707 Attendees: Lawver, Daniel A. (O5/ASPE) If you'd like to call me, 202-260-6707 works best Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Lawver, Daniel A. (O5/ASPE) Sent Date: 2018/05/07 10:31:26 Delivered Date: 2018/05/07 10:31:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000192 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Shelley, Laura Subject : Accepted: Abstinence Grants ca ll with Valerie Huber Date: 20 18/05/16 14:31:00 Start Date: 20 18/05/23 16:30:00 End Date: 20 18/05/23 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting. Resp.Pos Location: Conference Line: Kb )(6) Sender: I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Shelley, Laura Sent Date: 2018/05/16 14:31:12 Delivered Date: 2018/05/16 14:31:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000193 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Wubbenhorst,William (ACF) Subject: Accepted: Santelli critique Date: 2018/05/15 09:46:00 Start Date: 2018/05/15 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/15 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Conferencecall Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Wubbenhorst, William (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/05/15 09:46:21 Delivered Date: 2018/05/15 09:46:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000194 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR) Subject : Tentative: Ashley PalmerGoing Away Party Date: 2018/05/12 11:03:00 Start Date: 2018/05/14 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Tent Location: 510G ConferenceRoom Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/05/12 11:03:21 Delivered Date: 2018/05/12 11:03:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000195 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Wr ight, Don (HHS/OASH) Subject : Accepted: Community Preventive Services Task Force Departmental Briefing Dat e: 2018/05/12 22:50:00 Start Date: 20 18/06/07 13:00:00 End Date: 20 18/06/07 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting .Resp.Pos Location: CR 729G, Hubert H. Humphrev Blda, 200 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC; Call-in: (b)(6) l participants: l(b)(6) I I Sender: Recipient: I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Wr ight, Don (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 20 18/05/12 22:50:41 Delivered Date: 2018/05/12 22:50:0 0 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000196 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Palmer,Ashley (O5/ASFR) Subject: Accepted: Pre-brief: TPPca11 Date: 2018/05/14 06:54:00 Start Date: 2018/05/14 15:20:00 End Date: 2018/05/14 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location : 510G (ASFRConferenceRoom) Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Palmer,Ashley (O5/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/05/14 06:54:20 Delivered Date: 2018/05/14 06:54:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000197 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Bobby PolitO~h V R) ~> Subject : Bobby Polito - Coffee Date: 20 18/05/14 07 :47:00 Start Date: 20 18/05/23 07 :30:00 End Date: 20 18/05/23 08 :00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting .Request Location: Rise N Shine at 3rd and E SW Attendees : Bobby Polito Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient : Bobby Polito Kb)(6)> Sent Date : 2018/05/14 07 :47: 51 Delivered Date: 2018/05/14 07 :47:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000198 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Subject: Tentative: Overview FocusGroup Questions- ASPE Date: 2018/05/17 07:19:00 Start Date: 2018/05/17 09:15:00 End Date: 2018/05/17 09:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Tent Location : VIA Phone -~b)(6) I I have a meeting that begins at 9:30, so I'd only have about 10 minutes to join at this time. Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 07:19:49 Delivered Date: 2018/05/17 07:19:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000199 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Subject: Declined: Overview FocusGroup Questions- ASPE Date: 2018/05/17 08:59:00 Start Date: 2018/05/17 09:15:00 End Date: 2018/05/17 09:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location : VIA Phone -VhHF\\ I I have a 9 am mtg now and won't be able to join this call. Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 08:59:42 Delivered Date: 2018/05/17 08:59:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000200 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Subject: Declined:Topic: Org Charts: PresCouncil & ODPHP Date: 2018/05/17 09:34:00 Start Date: 2018/05/17 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/17 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location : 716G Don's Office I have an OPA conflict w ith this meeting Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/17 09:34:03 Delivered Date: 2018/05/17 09:34:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000201 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Subject : Accepted: Project Discussion- BRFSS Date: 2018/05/18 11:38:00 Start Date: 2018/05/24 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/24 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Small Conferenceroom Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Sent Date: 2018/05/18 11:38:54 Delivered Date: 2018/05/18 11:38:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000202 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Alma Golden Subject: UN discussion Date: 2018/03/07 07:33:04 Start Date: 2018/03/09 18:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 18:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Request Location: Woodward Table Attendees: Alma Golden Let's eat! I reserved a table for 2 at Woodwa rd Table: /restauran9cb)(6) When: Friday, March 9 at 6:00 PM Address : 1426 H Street NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 347-5353 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Alma Golden Sent Date: 2018/03/07 07:33:04 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000203 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To : Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) Subject : Declined: Bi-Weekly Catch Up w/Tina McIntosh POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/03/07 07:42:48 Sta rt Date : 2018/03/07 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/07 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg location: OASHCR 716-G - Tina will initiate the call 202-690-4379 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/07 07:42:47 Delivered Date: 2018/03/07 07:42:48 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000204 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) Subject: OASHissues Date: 2018/03/07 08:00:35 Start Date: 2018/03/07 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/07 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Request Location: Valerie's Office 716G.S Attendees: Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Trueman, Laura (HHS/ IEA) Sent Date: 2018/03/07 08:00:35 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000205 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Sarah Lifsey Subj ect : Accepted: Save the Date - Technical Expert Panel Meeting for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Date: 2018/03/05 21:47:09 Start Date: 2018/03/06 08:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/06 16:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Atlas Research(805 Fifteenth Street NW Suite 910, Washington, DC 20005) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Sarah Lifsey Sent Date: 2018/03/05 21:47:08 Delivered Date : 2018/03/05 21:47:09 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000206 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject : Accepted: Invitations vetting wjTeam & OGC POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/03/07 10:16: 19 Sta rt Date : 2018/03/07 10:30:00 End Dat e: 2018/03/07 11:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos location: OASHCR 729-G Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/07 10:16:18 Delivered Date: 2018/03/07 10:16:19 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000207 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Declined: Invitations vetting wjTeam & OGCPOC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/21 06:09:00 Start Date: 2018/05/23 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/ 23 15:45:00 Priority: Normal Type : Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location: OASHCR 729-G Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/21 06:09:25 Delivered Date: 2018/05/21 06:09:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000208 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: McGuffee,Tyler Ann (HHS/ASL) Subject: Accepted: FW: ASL Bassett 1:1 ASH Dr. Giroir Date: 2018/03/07 13:45:02 Start Date: 2018/03/07 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/07 14:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 716-G Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: McGuffee,Tyler Ann (HHS/ASL) Sent Date: 2018/03/07 13:45:01 Delivered Date: 2018/03/07 13:45:02 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000209 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Office of the Executive Secretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Subject: Accepted: Prep Call for Secretary Opioid Briefing Date: 2018/03/08 20:32: 16 Start Date : 2018/03/09 09:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 09:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: ExecutiveSecretary Conference Room (HHS); 614H; Call-in#: !th HF;\ b)(6) IPasscode: I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Sent Date: 2018/03/08 20:32: 16 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000210 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Silver, Karen (OS/OASH) Subject : Declined: Proposed Expert Working Groups under the TA Contract Date : 2018/03/09 05:01:47 Start Date: 2018/03/09 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location: Karen and Aisha call 202 690 7694 I have a conflict with this time as a meet ing with ADM Giroir was just added to my calendar . I'm so sorry Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Silver, Karen (OS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/0 3/09 05:01:45 Delivered Date: 2018/03/09 05:01:47 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000211 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Kretschmaier,Michon (HHS/OASH) Subject: Declined:June Manager'sMeeting Date: 2018/05/2113:10:00 Start Date: 2018/06/07 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/07 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting .Resp.Neg Location: TBD Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Kretschmaier,Michon (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/2113:10:03 Delivered Date: 2018/05/2113:10:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000212 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH) Subject : Accepted: HOLD: 0MB Brief - Special Pays Date: 2018/03/04 11:06:50 Sta rt Date : 2018/03/09 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 514G or Call in # jrh )fR) I Leader Passcode:l(b)(6) IParticipant Passcode: Kb)(6) ~ Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Trent-Adams, Sylvia (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/04 11:06:49 Delivered Date: 2018/03/04 11:06:50 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000213 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) Subject: Accepted: Mitre Meeting Date: 2018/05/2113 :10:00 Start Date: 2018/05/23 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/23 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location : 716 G PhoneCall l Wright, Don (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/2113:10:ll Delivered Date: 2018/05/2113:10 :00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000214 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) Subject: Accepted: Commissioned Corps Call with 0MB on Special Pay Date: 2018/03/04 11:07:00 Start Date: 2018/03/09 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 514G or Call in#: llh\/i::;\ 1Leader Passcode:lrh )(fl) !Participant Passcodefb )(6) I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/03/04 11:06:59 Delivered Date: 2018/03/04 11:07:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000215 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Chamberlain, Seth (ACF) Subject: Accepted: OASH-ACFSRACollaboration - Monthly Check-in Date: 2018/03/04 11:26:01 Start Date: 2018/03/05 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/05 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos location: ACF !OAS Conference Room - PleaseCome In-Person (WebEx as Last Resort) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Chamberlain, Seth (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/03/04 11:26:00 Delivered Date: 2018/03/04 11:26:01 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000216 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) Subject : Accepted: Concepts for Transforming the CommissionedCorps Date: 2018/03/06 15:00:45 Sta rt Date : 2018/03/16 16:30:00 End Dat e: 2018/03/16 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos location: Secretary's conference room 610F Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS) Sent Date: 2018/03/06 15:00:44 Delivered Date: 2018/03/06 15:00:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000217 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Subject: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Accepted: End of Day Scheduling/Logisticsw/Dinah, Valerie and Steven POC: Dinah Bembo 2/690-7694 Date: 2018/03/08 07:20:29 Start Date : 2018/03/08 17:00:00 End Date : 2018/03/08 17:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: OASHCR 716-G Dinah, Could you send along the number for the conference room, so I can call in on Thursdays? Thanks Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/08 07:20:28 Delivered Date: 2018/03/08 07:20:29 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000218 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) Subject: Accepted: Pre-Brief w/OASH anc CommissionCorps on Special Pay Date: 2018/03/04 19:07: 14 Start Date: 2018/03/07 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/07 14:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 514G or Call in#: ~b)(6) J_. eader Passcode:~b )(6) I Participant Passcode:l(b)(6) I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) Sent Date : 2018/03/04 19:07:12 Delivered Date: 2018/03/04 19:07:14 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000219 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Subject: FW: Weekly Check-In: Follow Up w/LeBretia White and Team re: Feedback Date: 2018/03/05 07:31:19 Start Date: 2018/03/05 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/05 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Request Location: Valerie's Office 716-G.5; ~b)(6) IPasscode~b )(6) I Since a number of people will be attending, can you find a larger meeting space? Also, given the change in attendance, could you also find out the primary topics they'd like to discuss? -----Original Appointment----From: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH)On Behalf Of Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 1:01 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH);Correa, Elisa (ACF)(CTR); Wubbenhorst, William (ACF); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Johnson, Jessica(ACF); Belizaire, Mona-Lee (ACF); Watson, Anjanette (ACF)(CTR); White, LeBretia (ACF) Subject: Weekly Check-In: Follow Up w/LeBretia White and Team re: Feedback When: Monday, March 5, 2018 4:30 PM-5:00 PM UTC-05:00 EasternTime (US & canada). Passcode:(b)(6) Where: Valerie's Office 716-G.5; (b)(6) Meet1nq: Weekl1vCheck I nw / WiJr1amWubbenhorst andS teven Va entine Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/05 07:31:18 Delivered Date: 2018/03/05 07:31:19 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000220 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) Subject: Accepted: Pre-Brief w/OASH and CommissionCorps on Reforms Date: 2018/03/09 09:55:25 Start Date: 2018/03/09 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 514G or Call in#: l{b)(6) I Leader Passcode:~h )/n) IParticipant Passcode:l(b )(6) I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/03/09 09:55:24 Delivered Date: 2018/03/09 09:55:25 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000221 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Alma Golden Subject: UN discussion Date: 2018/03/06 15:57:35 Start Date: 2018/03/09 18:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 19:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Request Location: Alma select a location and address Attendees: Alma Golden Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Alma Golden Sent Date: 2018/03/06 15:57:34 Delivered Date: 2018/03/06 15:57:35 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000222 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Subject: Declined: Follow-Up Call re: Prep for Secretary Opioid Briefing Date : 2018/03/12 21:20:00 Start Date : 2018/03/14 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/14 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location: HHH 614-H; Call-in # l(b )(6) IPasscode: rb) (6) I I'm traveling and will be unable to attend Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 21:19:59 Delivered Date: 2018/03/12 21:20:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000223 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Subject: Declined: F/U CommissionedCorps HR system Date: 2018/03/08 09:37:17 Start Date : 2018/03/15 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/15 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location: ExecSec Conference Room, 614H I will be a delegate at the UN that day. Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Sent Date: 2018/03/08 09:37:17 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000224 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Subject : Accepted: Invitation : CSW: Confirmed USUNCSOBriefing @ Wed Mar 14, 2018 1:15pm 2:45pm (EDD ( Date : 2018/03/13 07:19:35 Start Date: 2018/03/14 13:15:00 End Date: 2018/03/14 14:45:00 Priority : Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pas Location: US Mission, 22nd floor. Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Sent Date: 2018/03/13 07:19:35 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000225 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Alma Golden Subject: UN discussion Date: 2018/03/06 21:09:35 Start Date: 2018/03/09 18:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 18:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Request Location: Old Ebbits Attendees: Alma Golden Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Alma Golden Sent Date: 2018/03/06 21:09:34 Delivered Date: 2018/03/06 21:09:35 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000226 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Sliver, Karen (OS/OASH) Subject : Declined: ProposedExpert Working Groups under the TA Contract Date: 2018/03/09 13:21:46 Sta rt Date : 2018/03/09 16:15:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 16:45:00 Priority : Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg loc ation: Karen and Aisha call 202 690 7694 When: Friday , March 09, 2018, 4:15 PM to 4:45 PM . Easte rn T ime Where: Karen and Aisha call 202 690 7694 Aisha and I will call you . Should we use your desk number be low? We wil l also send you a one pager on each proposed working group to look over befo rehand . From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 1:26 PM To : Silver, Karen (OS/OASH) Cc: Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH) Subj ect: RE: Proposed Expert Working Groups under the TA Contract If it's open , let's do it! (with the caveat that I may be pulled into a meeting during that time) De liberative and pre-dec isional communication Valerie Huber Chief of Staff Office of the Assistant Secretary for Hea lth (OAS H) Acting Dep uty Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs (OPA) 200 Independence A venue, SW Washington, DC 2020 I 202 690 7694 Kb)(6) I From : Silver, Karen (OS/OASH) AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000227 Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2018 1: 14 PM To : Hub er, Va lerie (HH S/OASH) > Cc: Cody, A isha (HHS /OASH) > Subject: Proposed Expert Working Groups under the TA Contract Hi Vale rie, Ais ha and I are the leads on two pending Expe 1i Wo rkin g Group meetings slated to occur this fiscal year under the TA contract with Atlas. o Substance Use Disorders: Screening and Referral in Fami ly Planning Settings (June 2018) o Enhancing Fertility Awareness-based Methods in Tit le X Family Planning Counseling & Education Services (TBD, FY2018) As mentioned dw-ing our last staff meeting, we 'd like to meet with you to provide background and discuss the proposed working groups. Unfortunately , Ais ha and I bot h have standing meetings during the one time slot you have open on Thursday afternoon. So, how does a phone meeting on Friday afternoon at 2:30pm so und? Karen Karen Silver Senior Adviso r for Communicat ions and Outr each Office of Popu lations Affairs (OPA) Ema il: Karen.Silver @ I Phone: (240) 453-2802 Web site : www /opa/ 1 now rnve no ava 1.1a bik 1ty to day Huber, Valerie (HHS/CASH) Recipient: Silver, Karen (OS/CASH) (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn Sent Date: 2018/03/09 13:21:45 Delivered Date: 2018/03/09 13:21:46 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000228 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) Subject: Accepted: Pre-Brief w/OASH and CommissionCorps on Reforms Date: 2018/03/06 21:39:37 Start Date: 2018/03/09 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/09 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 514G or Call in#: l(b)(6) ILeader Passcode: l(b )(6) I Participant Passcode:l(b )(6) I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/03/06 21:39:36 Delivered Date: 2018/03/06 21:39:37 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000229 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: OS OASHASHNEWS(HHS/ OASH) Subject: Accepted: Save the Date: OASHALL-HANDSMeeting Date: 2018/03/15 09:21:45 Sta rt Date : 2018/04/04 11:00:00 End Dat e: 2018/04/04 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Humphrey Building 1st Floor Auditorium/Livestream Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: OS OASHASHNEWS(HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/15 09:21:44 Delivered Date: 2018/03/15 09:21:45 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000230 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH) Subject: Accepted: Practice session for Tit le X FOAtechnical assistancewebinar Date: 2018/03/09 13:33:30 Start Date: 2018/03/20 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/20 10:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: (b)(6) I leader passcodeKb)(6) participant passcodel(b)(6) I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/09 13:33:29 Delivered Date: 2018/03/09 13:33:30 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000231 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) Subject : Accepted: Meeting with Rep. Hartzler Date: 2018/05/22 12:36:00 Start Date: 2018/06/05 17:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/05 17:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 2235 Rayburn Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 12:37:00 Delivered Date: 2018/05/22 12:36:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000232 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Wagner, Steven (ACF) Subject : Accepted: SRAQuestionnaireDiscussion Date: 2018/05/22 12:37:00 Start Date: 2018/06/0115:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/0116:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: ACF I Mary E. Switzer Building I 4th Floor (4026A) Sender: Recipient : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Wagner, Steven (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 12:37:49 Delivered Date : 2018/05/22 12:37:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000233 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Bird, catherine (O5/OGC) Subject: Accepted: MandatoryTravel Training Make-up Date: 2018/05/22 14:44:00 Start Date: 2018/06/04 16:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/04 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Humphrey Building, First Floor Auditorium Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Bird, catherine (O5/OGC) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 14:44:58 Delivered Date: 2018/05/22 14:44:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000234 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Subject: Declined: Follow-Up Call re: Prep for Secretary Opioid Briefing Date: 2018/03/1117:18:05 Start Date: 2018/03/16 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/16 12:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location: HHH 611-E; Call-in #: ~b)(6) IPasscode:kb)(6) I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Sent Date: 2018/03/1117:18:04 Delive red Date: 2018/03/1117:18:05 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000235 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH) Subject : Accepted: INTERNALINVITATION: Title X ServicesFOATechnical Assistance Webinar Date: 2018/03/1117 :19:33 Sta rt Date : 2018/03/22 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/22 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Tower Bldg Suite 700 ~b)(6) I participant passcodef(b )(6) I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Cody, Aisha (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/1117:19 :32 Delivered Date: 2018/03/11 17:19:33 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000236 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Subject: FW: Meeting w/William Jeynes Date: 2018/03/12 06:40:00 Start Date: 2018/03/12 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/12 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Request location: Call: Kb)(6) I- Valerie will call Bill Please reschedule this meeting -----Origi na I Appointment----From: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) On Behalf Of Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 11:52 AM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH); William Jeynes Subject: Meeting w/William Jeynes When: Monday, March 12, 2018 3:00 PM-3:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: Call~(b)(6) I-Valerie will call Bill Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 06:39:59 Delivered Date: 2018/03/12 06:40:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000237 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Frederiksen, Brittni (OS/OASH) Subject : Accepted: DiscussASPEprojecct Date: 2018/03/15 23:06:27 Sta rt Date : 2018/03/16 08:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/16 08:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos location: h)fn\ IPasscode:~b)(6) I Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Frederiksen, Brittni (OS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/15 23:06:25 Delivered Date: 2018/03/15 23:06:27 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000238 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Subject : Accepted: OPAStaff Meeting Date: 2018/05/22 15:26:00 Start Date: 2018/05/24 11:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/24 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Sheeran ConferenceRoom Sender: Recipient : Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 15:26:44 Delivered Date : 2018/05/22 15:26:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000239 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Subject : Accepted: Spend Plan Discussion Date: 2018/05/22 15:26:00 Start Date: 2018/05/24 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/24 15:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Sue Office Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Snowden,Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 15:26:49 Delivered Date: 2018/05/22 15:26:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000240 From: Ward, Carol Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Subject: FW: OASH/OPAWeekly Task 1 / Task 2 call Date: 2018/03/12 06:46:32 Start Date: 2018/03/14 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/14 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Request Locat ion: SkypeMeeting Oneika, this is on my schedule for this week , but I'll be unable to attend. Could you reschedule , please? Thanks -----Original Appointment-- --From: Ward, Carol [mailto:ceward@m ltre .org ] Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2018 12:36 PM To: Ward, Carol; Huber , Valerie (HHS/OASH); Richmond, Alicia (HHS/OASH); Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH); Ahrens, Kate (OS/OASH); Scholle, Robert (HHS/OASH); Jodi Anthony (janthony@atlasresearc; Sarah Lifsey; Ellen Wilson (ewi ); Moran, Katie; Burrus, Barri Braddy ( ); Warrier , Anu; Julia Rollison (jrollison@a t; Nikita Malcolm (nma lcolm@at; Fowler, Christina (cfow ler@rt ); Schmidt, Stefanie R.; Me lanie Ogleton Subject : OASH/OPA Weekly Task 1 / Task 2 call W hen: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 3:00 PM-4:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &Canada). W here: Skype Meeting Please hold this time slot for weekly Task 1 and Task 2 calls. The times will be adjusted and an update sent week ly as needed to discuss specific tasks. An agenda will be sent prior to the call by Monday COB. ? Join Skype Meeting Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App Join by phone (b) (6) l ~-----~ I access code: E]b)(6) (US) English {United States) access code : (US) English (United States) Find a local numbe r AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000241 Conference ID:l(b) (6) I(same as access code above) I Forgot your dial -in PIN? Help Quick Tips: Three ways to Join Skype Meeting Audio o o Join using computer - Join meeting audio by selecting Use Skype for Business Full Audio option in the Join Meeting Audio window. A Skype certified USB headset is required to use this option. o o Join using computer &phone - Select the Can me at option in the Join Meeting Audio window. Enter your phone number including area code and the system will call you and join you to the meeting audio. o o Join using phone - Select Don't join audio in the Join Meeting Aud io window. When dialing into the meeting audio, MITRE pa1iicipants enter their work number and PIN (MITRE only FJ: UCPIN) . Non-MITRE participant s do not need a PIN . . : H ow to 10m a MITRE meetmg . M ore m . fiormation Ward, Carol ; Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 06 :46:31 Delivered Date: 2018/03/12 06:46:32 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000242 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Subject: Accepted: *Time Sensitive* - Confirmation of CommissionedCorps Authorities Date: 2018/03/16 12:03:54 Start Date: 2018/03/19 14:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/19 15:00:00 Priority : Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: HHH Building 614H Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Office of the ExecutiveSecretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Sent Date: 2018/03/16 12:03:53 Delive red Date: 2018/03/16 12:03:54 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000243 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Ward, Carol Subject: Meeting Forward Notification: OASH/OPAWeekly Task 1 / Task 2 call Date: 2018/03/12 06:46:33 start Date: 2018/03/12 07:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/12 07:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Notification.Forward Your meeting was forwarded Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) has forwarded your meeting request to additional peop le. Meet ing OASH/OPA Weekly Task 1 / Task 2 call Meeting Time Wednesday, March 14, 2018 3:00 PM - Wednesday, March 14, 2018 4:00 PM Recipients Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) All times listed are in the following t ime zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &Canada) Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) (FYDIBOHF23SPDL T)/CN= RECIPIENTS/CN =382ED2BFS Recipient: Ward, Carol Sent Date: 2018/03/12 06:46:33 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000244 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) Subject: Declined: CommissionedCorps Call with 0MB on Reforms Date: 2018/03/12 06:47:23 Start Date: 2018/03/13 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/13 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location: 514G or Call in # ~b)(6) 1.eader Passcodel(b )(6) I Participant Passcode:Kb )(6) I I'll be at the UN and unable to atten d Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Moughalian,Jen (HHS/ASFR) Sent Date: 2018/03/12 06:47:22 Delivered Date: 2018/03/12 06:47:23 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000245 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH) Subject: Accepted: April Regional/HQmonthly call Date: 2018/03/16 12:30:41 Sta rt Date : 2018/04/03 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/03 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: b)(6) I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/16 12:30:41 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000246 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) 'William Jeyne~(b \( 6) !>; To: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Subject: Canceled: Meeting w/William Jeynes Date: 2018/03/12 07:38:58 Start Date : 2018/03/12 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/12 15:30:00 Priority: Urgent Type: Schedule.Meeting.Canceled Location: Call: ~h\/ f; \ I- Valerie will call Bill Attendees: 'William Jeynes'; Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Bill, I' ve got a conflict with our meeting today, but Oneika will be in touch to reschedule . . .. Th anks GBPor un d ers t anctmg Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) 'William Jeynes' kb )(6) !>; Recipient: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date : 2018/03/12 07:38:58 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000247 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: OS - PHSCOTA Subject : Accepted: 2018 Flag Officer Orientation "OASH Briefing and HHS Initiatives by Valerie Huber Date: 2018/03/16 12:30:51 Start Date : 2018/03/21 10:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/21 11:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 200 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20201 - HUBERTH. Humphrey Building ; 3rd Floor ; Room 305 A. Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: OS - PHSCOTA Sent Date: 2018/03/16 12:30:50 Delivered Date: 2018/03/16 12:30:51 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000248 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Silver, Karen (OS/OASH) Subject : Accepted: Technical AssistanceWebinar for FY2018Title X Family Planning Services FOA Date: 2018/03/16 12:30:59 Start Date : 2018/03/22 14:00:00 End Dat e: 2018/03/22 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos location: OPAconference room, 7th floor Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Silver, Karen (OS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/16 12:30:57 Delivered Date: 2018/03/16 12:30:59 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000249 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Thomas, Mark D Subject: Accepted: OASHSenior LeadershipTeen Pregnancy Prevention Project Date: 2018/03/16 12:31:01 Start Date: 2018/04/03 13:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/03 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Skype Meeting Conference ID i ri..v i:::1 I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Thomas, Mark D Sent Date: 2018/03/16 12:31:01 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000250 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Zeno, Tia (ACF) Subject : Accepted: OASH-ACFCollaboration on SRAand Risk Cessation: 2nd Quarterly April meeting Date: 2018/03/16 12:31:06 Sta rt Date : 2018/04/20 12:00:00 End Dat e: 2018/04/20 14:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: TBD Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Zeno, Tia (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/03/16 12:31:04 Delivered Date: 2018/03/16 12:31:06 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000251 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Subject : Accepted: HOLD-Follow-up on OPA/Title X Reporting Date: 2018/03/16 12:31:43 Sta rt Date : 2018/03/20 15:00:00 End Dat e: 2018/03/20 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: TBD - Call-in Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Snowden, Terria (OS/OASH/OPA) Sent Date: 2018/03/16 12:31:43 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000252 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Wagner, Steven (ACF) Subject : Declined: FYSBSRA Deliverables Date : 2018/03/16 13:01:16 Start Date: 2018/03/29 12:30:00 End Date: 2018/03/29 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg lo cation: ACF I 4th Floor I IOAS Conference Room (4026A) 1.ub ea tOPA. m roe 1 eom thurs day. any oth er d aywor Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Wagner, Steven (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/03/16 13:01:15 Delivered Date: 2018/03/16 13:01:16 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000253 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Wagner, Steven (ACF) Subject: Accepted: FYSBSRADeliverables Date: 2018/03/16 13:06:06 Start Date: 2018/03/30 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/30 16:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos lo cation: ACF I 4th Floor I IOAS Conference Room (4026A) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Wagner, Steven (ACF) Sent Date: 2018/03/16 13:06:04 Delivered Date: 2018/03/16 13:06:06 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000254 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject : Accepted: Invitations vetting wjTeam & OGCPOC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/03/22 16:46:44 Start Date: 2018/03/22 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/22 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos location: ASH Private CR 716-G This event has been accepted for: 21-March-2018 The details of this event have been changed for: 21-March -2018 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/03/22 16:46:42 Delivered Date: 2018/03/22 16:46:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000255 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Subject: Accepted: Transportation to HHH - Driver: Francois'Ndiaye';Kb)(6) I Date: 2018/05/22 17:39:00 Start Date: 2018/05/23 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/23 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 1101 Wooton Parkway,Rockville, MD Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 17:39:04 Delivered Date: 2018/05/22 17:39:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000256 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Subject : Accepted: Transportation to Tower - Driver: Francois'Ndiaye';l( b)(6) I Date: 2018/05/22 17:39:00 Start Date: 2018/05/23 12:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/23 12:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 1B - GarageLevel Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Gray, Oneika (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/22 17:39:20 Delivered Date: 2018/05/22 17:39:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000257 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Accepted: Cancelled- Invitations vetting w/Team & OGCPOC:Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 Date: 2018/05/23 08:55:00 Start Date: 2018/05/23 15:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/23 15:45:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: OASHCR729-G Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/23 08:55:47 Delivered Date: 2018/05/23 08:55:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000258 From: To: Subject: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Accepted : OASH Senior Staff Meeting w/ADM Brett P. Giroir, ASH POC: Dinah Bembo 202-6907694 Date: 2018/05/23 09 :34:00 Start Date: 2018/05/23 13:00:00 End Date: 20 18/05/23 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting. Resp.Pos Location: OMH CR 600 -- Towe r Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 20 18/05/23 09:34:06 Delivered Date: 20 18/05/23 09 :34:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000259 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Subject: Declined: ConferenceCall w/ Kathryn Partin Re: Detail SCHDLR:Michael(202) 260-1281 Date: 2018/05/23 11:06:00 Start Date: 2018/05/24 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/05/24 11:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg Location: Dial-in-Number: l(b)(6) I PasscodeParticipant:l(b)(6) I I'll be at OPA and have a conflict at this time. Could we do it earlier? I'll need to join by phone. Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Mansdoerfer,David (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/23 11:06:50 Delive red Date: 2018/05/23 11:06:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000260 From: To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Kretschmaier,Michon (HHS/OASH) Subject: Tentative: June Manager'sMeeting Date: 2018/05/24 13:12:00 Start Date: 2018/06/07 14:00:00 End Date: 2018/06/07 15:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Tent Location: TBD Sender: Recipient: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Kretschmaier,Michon (HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/05/24 13:12:25 Delivered Date: 2018/05/24 13:12:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000261 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Liz Boyles ORI Organization Assessment: Project Check-In Subject: Accepted: RESCHEDULED: Date: 2018/03/30 11:03:44 Start Date: 2018/03/30 13:00:00 End Date: 2018/03/30 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: Kb)(6) I Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Liz Boyles Sent Date: 2018/03/30 11:03:44 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000262 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH)(; Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH) Subject: DiscussProgram Review Training Date: 2018/04/17 09:23:00 Start Date: 2018/04/17 11:00:00 End Date: 2018/04/17 11:15:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Request Location: b)(6) IPARTIOPANT: Kb)( 6 ) I Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH)(Susan.Moskosky@hhs .gov); Johnson, David M. (HHS/DASH); Attendees: Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/OASH);Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/OASH) Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Moskosky,Susan B (HHS/OASH)(Susan.Moskosky@hhs .gov) ; Johnson, David M. (HHS/OASH); Bettencourt, Alice (HHS/DASH); Kretschmaier, Michon (HHS/DASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/17 09:23:41 Delivered Date: 2018/04/17 09:23:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000263 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Thomas, Mark D Subject : Accepted: Reconvening to discuss possible comment review and ru le-making support Date: 20 18/05/24 20:33:00 Start Date: 20 18/05/25 12:30:00 End Date: 2018/05/25 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting. Resp.Pos Location: Online Meeting Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/CASH) Recipient: Thomas , Mark D Sent Date: 2018/05/24 20:33:28 Delivered Date: 2018/05/24 20:33:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000264 From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Thomas, Mark D Subject: Declined: Reconvening to discuss possible comment review and rule-making support Date: 20 18/05/24 20:43:00 Start Date: 20 18/05/25 12:30:00 End Date: 20 18/05/25 13:30:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule. Meeting. Resp.Neg Location: Online Meeting Sender: Huber, Valerie (HHS/CASH) Recipient: Thomas , Mark D Sent Date: 2018/05/24 20:43 :01 Delivered Date: 2018/05/24 20:43:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000265 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) Subject: Accepted: Call with Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-TX) re: Title X Date : 2018/04/05 19:39:41 Start Date: 2018/04/06 16:30:00 End Date: 2018/04/06 17:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: ( b)(6) I Participant Codei (b )(6) I l(b)(6) Leade r Code: b)(6) Participan t Cod e :~---~ b )(6) "---''-'-?------~ Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) Sent Date: 2018/04/05 19:39:40 Delivered Date: 2018/04/05 19:39:41 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000266 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: Mansdoerfer, David (HHS/OASH) Subject: Accepted: Meeting Date: 2018/04/23 10:55:00 Start Date: 2018/04/23 11:15:00 End Date: 2018/04/23 12:00:00 Priority: Normal Type: Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos Location: 716 - G (Valerie's Office) Huber, Valerie {HHS/OASH) Recipient: Mansdoerfer, David {HHS/OASH) Sent Date: 2018/04/23 10:55:58 Delivered Date: 2018/04/23 10:55:00 AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-O-000267 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES 330 C Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201 March 6, 2020 Sent via email: Re: ACF FOIA 18-F-0152 Dear Ms. Carter: This is a final response pertaining to Case No. 18-cv-01509 filed June 26, 2018, relating to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request 18-F-0152. FOIA request 18-F-0152 requested communications to or from Scott Lloyd and numerous individuals listed in the enclosed request. Previously, you were informed ACF had located records that originated with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and were sent to them for consultation. They have been returned to ACF for final release. Enclosed are 316 pages that are being released in part pursuant to FOIA Exemptions b(5) and b(6). Exemption 5, 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b)(5) protects inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency. The exemption protects agency deliberations, both internal and with agency contractors and consultants, draft documents, and attorney-client privileged records and attorney work product. In this case, the withheld information includes pre-decisional discussions within the agency and between agency staff and draft documents. Exemption 6, 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b)(6) permits a Federal agency to withhold information and records about individuals in "personnel and medical files and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwanted invasion of personal privacy." The definition of "similar files" has historically been broadly interpreted to include a wide variety of files, and the United States Supreme Court has held that Congress intended the term "similar files" to be interpreted broadly, rather than narrowly. I have analyzed these records and find they meet the threshold requirement of this exemption. In this case, the withheld information consists of cell phone number of federal employees and the identities of applicants for a federal position. Additionally, I have reviewed and weighed the public interest in disclosure of this information against the privacy interest in nondisclosure, and found that the privacy interest outweighs the public's interest in disclosure. VERSIGHT Mary Alice Cater 18-F-0152 Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. You may also contact the HHS/ACF FOIA Public Liaison for assistance at: Kenneth Wolfe, FOIA Public Liaison HHS FOIA Public Liaison U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ACF, Office of Communications, 4002A 330 C. Street S. W. Washington, DC 20201 If you are unable to resolve your FOIA dispute through our FOIA Public Liaison, the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS), the Federal FOIA Ombudsman's office, offers mediation services to help resolve dispute between FOIA requesters and Federal agencies. The contact information for OGIS is: Office of Government Information Services National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road - OGIS College Park, MD 20740-6001 Telephone: 202-741-5770 Toll-Free: 1-877-684-6448 E-mail: Fax: 202-741-5769 If you have any concerns regarding this release, please direct them to the Assistant United States Attorney who is handling this litigation. Sincerely yours, Carla C. Smith -A Digitally signed by Carla C. Smith -A DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=HHS, ou=ACF, ou=People, cn=Carla C. Smith -A, 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=2001380 247 Date: 2020.03.06 09:22:02 -05'00' Celeste Smith Director, Freedom of Information Office Office of Communications Administration for Children and Families Department of Health and Human Services A\11 ~ 11(,J\ PVERSIGHT Lloyd, Scott (ACF) To: " Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC)" Subject: Re: Ethics Follow Up Date: 2017/03/23 18:38:01 Priority: Normal Type : Note Thank you, Sara. Let's shoot for the afternoon of the 28th. I am wide open, and can come to you. Thank you, Scott On: 23 March 20 17 09:12, "Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC)" wrote: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000001 Good morning Scott, Thank you for your email. I have availability to meet the afternoon of 3/28, the morning of 3/29, and all day 3/30. Please let me know the dates/times that work best for you. Would you like to come to my office? I am also happy to come to you . Sincerely, Sara Sara T. Frattone Attorney Advisor HHS Office of the General Counsel Ethics Division HHH 711 E.2 (202) 260- 7198 sara .frattone@hhs .gov NOTICE TH IS E-MA IL MESSAGE FROM THE OFF ICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL (OGC), ETHICS DIVISION, IS INTENDED FOR THE EXCLUS IVE USE OF THE REC IPIENT(S) NAMED ABOVE AND MAY CONTAIN PROT ECTED , PRIVILEG ED, OR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION THAT SHOULD NOT BE TRANSMITTED TO UNAUT HORIZED ADDRESSEES . IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT , ANY DISSEMINATION , DISTRIBUTION , OR COPYING IS STRICTLY PROHIBIT ED. IF YOU HA VE RECEIVED THIS AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000002 E-MAIL IN ERROR , PLEASE NOTIFY THE SENDER IMMEDIATELY AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. EMPLOYEE RECIPIENTS ARE COUNSELED THAT DISCIPLINARY ACT ION FOR VIOLAT ING FEDERAL ETHICS REGULAT IONS MAY NOT BE TAKEN AGAINST ANY EMPLOYEE WHO HAS ENGAGED IN CONDUCT IN GOOD FAITH RELIANCE UPON THE PRIOR ADVICE OF AN AGENCY ETHICS OFFICIAL , PROVIDED THAT THE EMPLOYEE HAS MADE FULL DISCLOSURE OF ALL RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES. IF EMPLOYEE CONDUCT IS POTENTIALLY SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND RELATED STATUTES , RELIANCE ON THE ADVICE OF AN AGENCY ETHICS OFFICIAL IN INTERPRETING THE SCOPE OF SUCH STATUTES IS A FACTOR THAT MAY BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT BY THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE IN EXERCISING PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION. EMPLOYEES ARE CAUTIONED THAT DISCLOSURES TO AN OGC ETHICS ATTORNEY ARE NOT PROTECTED WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT BY ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE. ALL EMPLOYEES , INCLUDING AGENCY ATTORNEYS , ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS TO THE OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL. From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Wednesday , March 22, 2017 6:29 PM To: Frattone , Sara (HHS /OGC) Subject: Re: Ethics Follow U Hi Sara, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000003 Thank you for the email. I do have a matter I'd like to discuss, but there is no immediate need to do so. If you can suggest a couple times over the next week to meet , that would be great. Thank you , Scott On: 21 March 2017 10:41, "Frattone, Sara (HHS /OGC)" wrote: Scott, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000004 I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I am the ethics advice attorney for the Administration for Children &Families, working with Elizabeth Fischmann, the DAEO and Associate General Counsel for the Ethics Division, and Kathy Silbaugh , the Principal Deputy Associate General Counsel for the Ethics Division. I understand that you are the Deputy Director and Policy Advisor for the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Congratulations on your new position. In addition to introducing myself, I also wanted to follow up regarding a few ethics issues. First, thank you for signing a copy of the President's Ethics Pledge, Executive Order 13770. Second, I understand that you worked with my colleague, Leah Stromberg, during the preclearance process. (b)(S) 1. (b)(S) 2. b)(S) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000005 (b)(5) If you ever have questions regarding your ethics obligations, you should not hesitate to reach out. I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Sara Sara T. Frattone Attorney Advisor HHS Office of the General Counsel Ethics Division HHH 7 11 E.2 (202) 260- 7198 sara .fratton NOTICE TH IS E-MAIL MESSAGE FROM THE OFF ICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL (OGC) , ETHICS DIVISION , IS INTENDED FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE REC IPIENT(S) NAMED ABOVE AND MAY CONTAIN PROTECTED , PRIVILEGED , OR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION THAT SHOULD NOT BE TRANSMITTED TO UNAUTHORIZED ADDRESSEES. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, ANY DISSEMINATION , DISTRIBUTION , OR COPYING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HA VE RECEIVED THIS E-MAIL IN ERROR , PLEASE AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000006 NOTIFY THE SENDER IMMEDIATELY AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. EMPLOY EE RECIPIENTS AR E COUNSELED THAT DISCIPLINARY ACTION FOR VIOLA T ING FEDERAL ETHICS REGULAT IONS MAY NOT BE TAKEN AGAINST ANY EMPLOYEE WHO HAS ENGAGED IN CONDUC T IN GOOD FAITH RELIANCE UPON THE PRIOR ADVICE OF AN AGENCY ETHICS OFFICIAL , PROVIDED THAT THE EMPLOYEE HAS MADE FULL DISCLOSURE OF ALL RELEVAN T CIRCUMS TANCES. IF EMPLOYEE CONDUCT IS POTENTIALLY SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND RELATED STATUTES, RELIANCE ON THE ADVICE OF AN AGENCY ETHICS OFFICIAL IN INTERPRETING THE SCOPE OF SUCH STATUTES IS A FACTOR THAT MAY BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT BY THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE IN EXERCISING PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION. EMPLOYEES ARE CAUTIONED THAT DISCLOSURES TO AN OGC ETHICS ATTORNEY ARE NOT PROTECTED WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT BY ATTORNEY -CLIENT PRIVILEGE. ALL EMPLOYEES, INCLUDING AGENCY ATTORNEYS, ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS TO THE OFFICE OF THE INSPEC TOR GENERAL. Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Recipient: " Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC)" Sent Date: 2017/03/23 18:37:53 Delivered Date: 2017/03/23 18:38:01 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000007 Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Subject: RE: bio Date: 2017/03/24 15:43:34 Priority: Normal Type: Note If it's not too late, (b)(5) l(b)(5) I From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 3:15 PM To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: RE: bio (b)(5) From: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 3:08 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: RE: bio Overall, yes. Some minor edits below. Congra tulations! From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 1:16 PM To: Wynne, Magg ie (HHS/IOS) Subject: bio This sound alright? (b)(5) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000008 (b)(5) *** E. Scott Lloyd U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (202) 260-7387 Kb)(6) !(cell) Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/03/24 15:43:33 Delivered Date: 2017/03/24 15:43:34 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000009 Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC) To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Subject: RE: Ethics Follow Up Date: 2017/03/27 16:57:42 Priority: Normal Type : Note Hi Scott, How about we plan on meeting on Thursday? Do you have any availability? Thank you, Sara Sara T. Frattone Attorney Advisor HHS Office of the Genera l Counsel Ethics Division HHH 711 E.2 (202) 260- 7198 sara .frattone@hhs .gov NOTICE THIS E-MAIL MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL (OGG), ETHICS DIVISION , IS INTENDED FOR THE EXCLUS IVE USE OF THE RECI PIENT(S ) NAMED ABOVE AND MAY CONTAIN PROTECTED , PRIVILEGED , OR CONF IDENT IAL INFORMATION T HAT SHOULD NOT BE T RANSMITTED TO UNAUTHORIZED ADDRESSEES . IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIEN T , ANY DISSEMINATION , DISTRIBUTION , OR CO PYING IS STRICTLY PROHIB ITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS E-MAIL IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY THE SENDER IMMEDIA TELY AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS . EMPLOYEE RECIPIENTS ARE COUNSELED THAT DISCIPLINARY ACTION FOR VIOLATING FEDERAL ETHI CS REGULATIONS MAY NOT BE TAKEN AGAINST ANY EMPLOYEE WHO HAS ENGAGED IN CONDUCT IN GOOD FAIT H RELIANCE UPON THE PRIOR ADVICE OF AN AGENCY ETH ICS OFFICIAL , PROVIDED THAT THE EMPLOYEE HAS MADE FULL DISCLOSURE OF ALL RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES. IF EMPLOYEE CONDUCT IS POTENT IALLY SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND RELATED STATUTES , RELIANCE ON THE ADV ICE OF AN AGENCY ETH ICS OFFICIAL IN INTERPRETING THE SCOPE OF SUCH STATUTES IS A FACTOR THAT MAY BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT BY THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE IN EXERCIS ING PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION. EMPLOYEES ARE CAUTIONED THAT DISCLOSURES TO AN OGG ETH ICS ATTORNEY ARE NOT PROTECTED WITH IN THE DEPARTMENT BY ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIV ILEGE. ALL EMPLOYEES , INCLUDING AGENCY ATTORNEYS, ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT CRIM INAL VIOLATIONS TO THE OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL. From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Monday, March 27, 2017 4:51 PM To: Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC) Subject: RE: Ethics Follow Up Sara, Could we change it to 3:45 or another day? I've learned that I have a conflicting meeting. Thank you, Scott AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000010 From: Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC) Sent : Monday, March 27, 2017 7:44 AM To : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: RE: Ethics Follow Up Hi Scott, My pleasure. How about we plan on 3:00 p.m. tomorrow in my office? I am located in the Humphrey Building, Room 711E.2. I look forward to meeting with you soon. Sincerely, Sara Sara T. Frattone Attorney Advisor HHS Office of the General Counsel Ethics Division HHH 711 E.2 (202) 260-7198 sara. frattone@hhs .gov NOTICE THIS E-MAIL MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL (OGC) , ETHICS DIVISION , IS INTENDED FOR THE EXCLUS IVE USE OF T HE RECI PIENT(S) NAMED ABOVE AND MAY CONTAIN PROTECTED , PRIVILEGED , OR CONF IDENT IAL INFORMATION T HAT SHOULD NOT BE T RANSMITTED TO UNAUTHORIZED ADDRESSEES . IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT. ANY DISSEM INATION , DISTR IBUTION , OR COPY ING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS E-MAIL IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY THE SENDER IMMEDIATELY AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. EMPLOYEE RECIPIENTS ARE COUNSELED THAT DISCIPLINARY ACTION FOR VIOLATING FEDERAL ETHICS REGULATIONS MAY NOT BE TAKEN AGAINST ANY EMPLOYEE WHO HAS ENGAGED IN CONDUCT IN GOOD FAITH RELIANCE UPON THE PRIOR ADVICE OF AN AGENCY ETH ICS OFFICIAL , PROVIDED THAT THE EMPLOYEE HAS MADE FULL DISCLOSURE OF ALL RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES. IF EMPLOYEE CONDUCT IS POTENT IALLY SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND RELATED STATUTES , RELIANCE ON THE ADV ICE OF AN AGENCY ETH ICS OFFICIAL IN INTERPRETING THE SCOPE OF SUCH STATUTES IS A FACTOR THAT MAY BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT BY THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE IN EXERCIS ING PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION . EMPLOYEES ARE CAUTIONED THAT DISCLOSURES TO AN OGC ETH ICS ATTORNEY ARE NOT PROTECTED WITH IN THE DEPARTMENT BY ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIV ILEGE. ALL EMPLOYEES , INCLUDING AGENCY ATTORNEYS, ARE REQUIRED TO REPOR T CRIM INAL VIOLATIONS TO TH E OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL. From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 6:38 PM To : Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC) Subject: Re: Ethics Follow Up Thank you, Sara. Let's shoot for the afternoon of the 28th. I am wide open , and can come to you. Thank you, Scott On : 23 March 2017 09: 12, "Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC)" wrote: Good morning Scott, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000011 Thank you for your email. I have availability to meet the afternoon of 3/28, the morning of 3/29, and all day 3/30. Please let me know the dates/times that work best for you. Would you like to come to my office? I am also happy to come to you. Sincerely, Sara Sara T. Frattone Attorney Advisor HHS Office of the General Counsel Ethics Division HHH 71 1 E.2 (202) 260- 7198 sara . frattone @ hhs.go v NOTICE THIS E-MAIL MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL (OGC), ETHICS DIVISION, IS INTENDED FOR THE EXCLUS IVE USE OF T HE RECIPIEN T(S) NAMED ABOVE AND MAY CONTAIN PROTECTE D, PRIV ILEGED , OR CONF IDENT IAL INFORMATION THAT SHOULD NOT BE TRANSMITTED TO UNAUTHORIZED ADDRESSEES. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, ANY DISSEM INATION, DISTR IBUTION , OR COPY ING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED . IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS E-MA IL IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY THE SENDER IMMEDIATELY AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. EMPLOYEE RECIPIENTS ARE COUNSELED THAT DISCIPLINARY ACTION FOR VIOLATING FEDERAL ETHICS REGULATIONS MAY NOT BE TAKEN AGAINST ANY EMPLOYEE WHO HAS ENGAGED IN CONDUC T IN GOOD FAITH RELIANCE UPON THE PRIOR ADVICE OF AN AGENCY ETH ICS OFFICIAL , PROVIDED THAT THE EMPLOYEE HAS MADE FULL DISCLOSURE OF ALL RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES. IF EMPLOYEE CONDUCT IS POTENT IALLY SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND RELATED STATUTES , RELIANCE ON THE ADV ICE OF AN AGENCY ETHICS OFFICIAL IN INTERPRETING THE SCOPE OF SUCH STATUTES IS A FACTOR THAT MAY BE TAK EN INTO ACCOUNT BY THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE IN EXERCIS ING PROSECUTOR IAL DISCRETION. EM PLOYEES ARE CAUTIONED THAT DISCLOSURES TO AN OGC ETH ICS ATTORNEY ARE NOT PROTECTED WITH IN THE DEPARTMENT BY ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIV ILEGE. ALL EMPLOYEES, INCLUDING AGENCY ATTORNEYS, ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT CRIM INAL VIOLATIONS TO THE OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL. From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 6:29 PM To : Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC) Subject: Re: Ethics Follow Up Hi Sara , Thank you for the email. I do have a matter I'd like to discuss, but there is no immediate need to do so. If you can suggest a coup le times over the next week to meet , that would be great. Thank you , Scott On : 2 1 March 2017 10:41, "Frattone, Sara (HH S/OGC)" wrote : Scott, I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I am the ethics advice attorney for the Administration for Children &Families, work ing w ith Elizabeth Fischmann, the DAEO and Associate General Counsel for the Ethics Division, and Kathy Silbaugh, the Principal Deputy Associate General AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000012 Counsel for the Ethics Division. I understand that you are the Deputy Director and Policy Advisor for the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Congratulations on your new position. In addition to introducing myself, I also wanted to follow up regarding a few ethics issues. First, thank you for signing a copy of the President's Ethics Pledge, Executive Order 13770. Second, I understand that you worked with my colleague, Leah Stromberg, dur ing the preclearance process. Based on our review of your financial disclosure report, I wanted to reiterate the substantive restrictions that apply to the interests ident ified on your OGE-278e form: 1. Prior to entering government service, you resigned from your position at Knights of Columbus. For a period of one year after your resignation from Knights of Columbus, you will not participate personally and substantially in any particular matter involving specific parties in which you know Knights of Columbus is a party or represents a party, un less you are first authorized to participate, pursuant to 5 C.F.R. ? 2635.502(d). Pursuant to the Ethics Pledge, you will not, for a period of two years from the date of appointment to your permanent posit ion, participate in an official capacity in any particular matter involving specific parties that is directly and substantially related to Knights of Columbus, unless an exception applies or you are granted a waiver. 2. You have no problematic stockholdings now, but while you are at HHS, you (or any spouse or minor children) should avoid invest ing any further in the following sectors -- (1) research, development, manufacture, distribution, or sale of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, or medic al devices, equipment, preparations, treatment, or products ; (2) veterinary products; (3) healthcare management or delivery; (4) health, disability, or workers compensation insurance or related services; (5) food and/or beverage production, processing or distribution; (6) communications media; (7 ) computer hardware, computer soft ware, and related internet technolog ies; (8) wireless communications; (9) social sciences and econom ic research organizations; (10) energy or utilities; (11) commercial airlines, railroads, shipl ines, and cargo carriers; or (12) sector mutual funds that concentrate their portfolios on one country other than the United States. In addition, you should not acquire any further interests in sector mutual funds that concentrate in any of these sectors, or any entities that are listed on the FDA's prohibited holdings list at If you ever have questions regarding your ethics obligations, you should not hesitate to reach out. I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Sara Sara T. Frattone Attorney Advisor HHS Office of the General Counsel Ethics Div ision AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000013 HHH 711 E.2 (202) 260-7198 NOTICE THIS E-MAIL MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL (OGC), ETHICS DIVISION, IS INTENDED FOR THE EXCLUS IVE USE OF THE RECIPIENT(S) NAMED ABOVE AND MAY CONTAIN PROTECTED, PRIV ILEGED , OR CONF IDENT IAL INFORMATION THAT SHOULD NOT BE TRANSMITTED TO UNAUTHORIZED ADDRESSEES. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT. ANY DISSEM INATION , DISTR IBUTION , OR COPY ING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS E-MA IL IN ERROR. PLEASE NOTIFY THE SENDER IMMEDIATE LY AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. EMPLOYEE RECIPIENTS ARE COUNSELED THAT DISCIPLINARY ACTION FOR VIOLATING FEDERAL ETHICS REGULATIONS MAY NOT BE TAKEN AGAINST ANY EMPLOYEE WHO HAS ENGAGED IN CONDUC T IN GOOD FAITH RELIANCE UPON THE PRIOR ADVICE OF AN AGENCY ETH ICS OFFICIAL , PROVID ED THAT T HE EMPLOYEE HAS MADE FULL DISCLOSURE OF A LL RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANC ES. IF EMPLOYEE CONDUCT IS POTENTIALLY SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND RELATED STATUTES , RELIANCE ON THE ADV ICE OF AN AGENCY ETH ICS OFFICIAL IN INTERPRETING THE SCOPE OF SUCH STATUTES IS A FACTOR THAT MAY BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT BY THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE IN EXERCIS ING PROSECUTORIA L DISCRETION. EM PLOYEES ARE CAUTIONED THAT DISCLOSURES TO AN OGC ETHICS ATTORNEY ARE NOT PROTECTED WIT HIN THE DEPARTMENT BY ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIV ILEGE. ALL EMPLOYEES , INCLUDING AGENCY ATTORNEYS, ARE REQUIRED TO REPOR T CRIM INAL VIOLATIONS TO THE OFFICE OF T HE INSPECTOR GENERAL. Sender: Recipient: Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/03/27 16:57:41 Delivered Date: 2017/03/27 16:57:42 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000014 Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) "Trueman, Laura (HHS/IOS) "; "Jayd Henricks " CC: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Subject: Re: emails for Paula and Scott Lloyd Date: 2017/03/28 20:04:33 Priority: Normal Type: Note Copy ing Scott on his ACF email address. Paula On: 28 March 2017 19:36, "Trueman, Laura (HHS/IOS)" wrote: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS)_ Paula .Stannard I am having trouble finding Scott's. He must not have the standard one. From: Jayd Henricks [mailto:] Sent: Tuesday , March 28, 2017 12:16 PM To: Trueman , Laura (HHS/IOS) Subject: emails for Paula and Scott Lloyd AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000015 Laura, Thanks again for setting up the meeting with the Secretary for the groups. I thought it was a very good meeting. Can you send me the emails for Paula and Scott Lloyd? I promised Paula I'd follow up with her and Scott is a friend from his time with the Knights of Columbus and I'd like to connect with him as a friendly congratulations. Thanks. Jayd Henricks Executive Director Office of Government Relations U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) "Trueman, Laura (HHS/IOS) "; Recipient: "Jayd Henricks "; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/03/28 20:04:33 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000016 Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Subject: RE: Could you send m~(b)(6) tesume? Date: 2017/04/12 15:31:49 Priority : Normal Type: Note From : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 2:38 PM To : Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) ~-~ Subject: Could you send m~(bl(5l lresume? Thank you! Scott Sender: Recipient: Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/04/12 15:31:47 Delivered Date: 2017/04/12 15:3 1:49 From: Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) "Lagomarsino, Katie (0S/10S) " Subject: FWl(b)(6) !Resume To: Date: 2017/04/03 19:02:00 Priority : Normal Type: Note From: Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 2:38 PM To : Moreno, Rafael (HHS/ ASA) Cc: Munson, Aaron (OS/IOS) Subject: RE:l(b)(6) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT IResume EXT-18-1509-P-000017 Yes - an (b)(5) re also under consideration for ORR - I believe one is for ~P-ri_n_c-ip_a_l_D_e_p_u_ty_ D_i-re-c-to_r..,.,,..,. bl"(6,... "') _.,..... and the other is for Policy AdvisorjCbH6l I will attach both. I From: Moreno, Rafael (HHS/ASA) Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 2:35 PM To : Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) Cc: Munc;r Aarnn CQS/TOS);Moreno, Rafael ( HHS/ ASA) Subject: b)(5l !Resume Hey Heidi, I have another individual by the name o[fbl(5) I that Wade does not have a resume for. Do you happen to have that one as well. Thanks in advance . V/r Rafael Moreno Ill Office of the Deputy Secretary U.S. Department of Health &Human Services Ph: (202) 260-6394 Fax : (202) 619-1332 Sender: Recipient : Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) "Lagomarsino, Katie (OS/IOS) " Sent Date: 2017/04/03 19:02:05 Delivered Date: 2017/04/03 19:02:00 From: Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) To: "Clark, nmothy (HHS/IOS) " CC: "Cordova, Jon " Subject: FW: Cover letter and Resumefor Dir. of the ORR Date: 2017/03/10 14:30:00 Importance: High Priority: Urgent Type: Note I After conferring with Wade Horn, we both agreel(b)(6) should also be considered In for Principal Deputy Director for Office of Refugee Resettlement at ACF along with rb)(6) other words - two candidates to be considered for one position - both having different skill sets but each deserving of consideration. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT I EXT-18-1509-P-000018 I I spoke with fb)(B) today by phone. He is very interested in joining the Administration in the Office I of Refugee Resettlement l(b)(6) b)(6) I recommend that his candidacy advance to interview with Lance/Kris. From: Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 6:00 PM To: Horn, Wade (HHS/IO S) (CTR) Subject: FW: Cover letter and Resume for Dir. of t he ORR Importance: High __,! - when you have time. Let's discuss relative t cf._b_)(6 _)___ From: Powers, Mary (HHS/IOS) Sent : Thursday , March 09, 2017 11:54 AM To: St irrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS); Clark, Timothy (HHS/IOS) ; Pilato, Anna (HHS/IOS) Subject: FW: Cover letter and Resume for Dir. of the ORR Importance: High fb)(6) lcomes highly recommended for ORR. He is very experienced with immigration and the UC program. He's also ve ~(b)(6) I I recommend him to be interviewed for ORR Director. He could also be Senior Adviso d b)(B) who is on the (b)(6) nd works closely with b)(6) said he is an excellent manager. (b)(6) has run one o b)(6) rganizations for the past three years. From: fb ...._)(B ..., ),--...,....,..____,,,---e--=---=,....,,....,.=-=---=-"----=-=--=-------~ Sent: Monday, March 06, 2017 8:01 PM To: Powers, Mary (HHS/IOS) Subject: Cover letter and Resume for Dir. of the ORR Dear Ms. Powers , I informed me of the open ing for the position of Director of the My co lleaguej{b)(B) Office of Refugee Re settlement. I would like to submit my resume and a cover letter for your consideration . I thank you in advanc e and am at your disposal for any follow up information that you may reqmre. Sincerely , AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000019 (b)(6) I(cell b)(6) Sender: Recipient: Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/I0S) "Clark, nmothy (HHS/IOS) "i "Cordova, Jon " Sent Date: 2017/03/10 14:30:06 Delivered Date: 2017/03/10 14:30:00 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000020 To: "Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) " Subject: FW: Resume, etc. Date : 2017/04/13 12:22:24 Priority: Normal Type: Note HeidiThe promised second email. b)(6) Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Scott From:fbl(G) I[mailto :l~(b~)(6~)___] Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 9:46 AM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Resume, etc. Dear Scott, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000021 Per our conversation, my resume is attached. I look forward to hearing more about the position and what it would entail, and I certa inly apprec iate your thinking of me. Sincerely, ~b)(6) I Recipient: "Stirrup, Heidi (HHS/IOS) " Sent Date: 2017/04/13 12:22:27 Delivered Date: 2017/04/13 12:22:24 Message Flags: Unread Unsent AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000022 Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) "Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) "; "Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) "; "Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)"; " Flick, Heather (OS/OGC)"; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Brooks, John (HHS/IOS) " CC: "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) " Subject: RE: Catholic Prayer Breakfast Date: 2017/05/25 12:38:03 Priority: Normal Type: Note I'll call Confidentialpre-decisionaldeliberativeprocessand attorney client privilege Matt Bowman Deputy General Counsel HHSOGC 202.868.9791 matthew.bowman From: Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 12:36 PM To: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Flick, Heather (OS/OGC); Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Brooks, Joh n (HHS/IOS) Cc: Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Catholic Prayer Breakfast Hi All I reached out to find out if HHS was participating in the Catholic Prayer Breakfast in any 1goes every year and mentioned it to me this morn ing on the way in). way fb )(6) IEA likes to make sure we are at things like this, where poss ible. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000027 As I understand it, Maggie and Matt are planning to attend. Scott, not sure about you. They were open to having others at HHS in senior roles who might enjoy being part of this (ie Catholic) participate. I don't know folks religious ties, but Paula, Roger, Heather , John - would this be someth ing you might want to do? Laura Tuesday, June 6, 20 17 Marriott Marquis Hotel in downtown Washington, DC. (901 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC). 6:00 am - Doors open/ Exhibitor tables open 7:00 am - Program Begins: Welcome Recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet Invocat ion and Meal Blessing Pledge of Allegiance Breakfast served Special Guest Remarks - Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart Keynote Address - Archb ishop Timothy Broglio Benedict ion 9:30 am - Program Concludes From: Jayd Henricks [m ailt] Se nt : Thursday, May 25, 2017 10:58 AM To: Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) Subject: RE: Catholic Prayer Breakfast This from Tim at the Knights of Columbus. Let me know if you want me to have others invited . Jayd , I had reached out to Scott [Lloyd] and he said that HHS was "going to have a tab le." Right now, Matt Bowman and Maggie Wynne are registe red to attend -- didn't see Scott or Roger Severino (I think he's Catho lic ...a lot of vowels not to be ...) If you pass along some names, I'm happy to have them sit with us. I think we'll have the space . Tim AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000028 From: Truema n, Laura (HHS/IEA) [mailto:Laura.Trueman] Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 9: 11 AM To: Jayd Henricks Subject: Catholic Prayer Breakfast Hi Jayd Do you know if anyone from HHS has been invited to the prayer breakfast or is attending? Also, have not forgotten the request for Bishop Lori and we are looking over the next 2-3 weeks. Laura Laura Clay Trueman Principal Deputy Director Office of Intergovernmenta l Affairs Office of the Secretary U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Indepdendence Ave SW Washington D.C. 20201 (202) 260-6349 Office Laura. Trueman Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) "Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) 11; "Stannard, Paula(HHS/IOS) "; "Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)"; Recipient: "Flick, Heather (OS/OGC)"; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Brooks, John (HHS/IOS) "; "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) " Sent Date : 2017/05/25 12:38:03 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000029 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) To: "Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) " Subject: RE: Catholic Prayer Breakfast Date: 2017/05/25 12:42:00 Priority: Normal Type: Note Hi Laura, I plan on attending. THank you! Scott From: Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 12:36 PM To: Stannard, Paula (HHS/10S); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Flick, Heather (0S/OGC); Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Brooks, John (HHS/IOS) Cc : Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: Catholic Prayer Breakfast Hi All I reached out to find out if HHS was participat ing in the Catholic Prayer Breakfast in any way fbl(6) ~oes every year and mentioned it to me this morning on the way in). IEA likes to make sure we are at things like this , where possible. As I understand it, Maggie and Matt are planning to attend. Scott , not sure about you . They were open to having others at HHS in senior roles who might enjoy being part of this (ie Catholic) participate . I don ' t know folks religious ties, but Paula, Roger , Heather , John - would this be something you might want to do? Laura Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Marriott Marqu is Hotel in downtown Washington, DC. (901 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC). 6:00 am - Doors open/ Exhibitor tab les ope n 7:00 am - Program Begins: Welcome Recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000030 Invocation and Meal Blessing Pledge of Allegiance Breakfast served Special Guest Remarks - Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart Keynote Address - Archb ishop Timothy Brog lio Benediction 9:30 am - Program Concludes From: Jayd Henricks [mai lto:JHenricks] Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 10:58 AM To: Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) Subject: RE: Cat holic Prayer Breakfast This from Tim at the Knights of Columbus. Let me know if you want me to have other s invited . Jayd , I had reached out to Scott [Lloyd] and he said that HHS was "going to have a table." Right now, Matt Bowman and Maggie Wynne are registered to attend -- didn't see Scott or Roger Severino (I think he's Catho lic ...a lot of vowels not to be...) If you pass along some names, I'm happy to have them sit with us. I think we'll have the space . Tim From : Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) [] Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 9: 11 AM To : Jayd Henricks Subject: Catholic Prayer Breakfast Hi Jayd Do you know if anyone from HHS has been invited to the prayer breakfast or is atten ding? Also , have not forgotten the request for Bishop Lori and we are looking over the next 2-3 weeks. Laura Laura Clay True man AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000031 Principal Deputy Director Office of Intergovernmenta l Affa irs Office of the Secretary U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Indepdendence Ave SW Washingto n D.C. 20201 (202) 260-6349 Office Laura. Trueman Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Recipient: "Trueman, Laura {HHS/IEA) " Sent Date: 2017/05/25 12:42:55 Delivered Date: 2017/05/25 12:42:00 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000032 Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) "Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) "; "Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)"; To: "Flick, Heather (OS/OGC)"; " Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Brooks, John (HHS/IOS) " "Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC)"; "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) " Subject: RE: Catholic Prayer Breakfast Date: 2017/05/25 12:46:34 Priority: Normal Type: Note Thanks. I am already going - as I have in the past. Paula From: Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 12:36 PM To: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS); Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR); Flick, Heather (OS/OGC); Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Brooks, John (HHS/IOS) Cc: Bowman, Matthew (H HS/OGC); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject : Catholic Prayer Breakfast Hi A II I reached out to find out if HHS was participating in the Catholic Prayer Breakfast in any way f b)(6) goes every year and mentioned it to me this morning on the way in). IEA likes to make sure we are at things like this, where poss ible. I As I understand it, Maggie and Matt are planning to attend. Scott, not sure about you. They were open to having others at HHS in senior roles who might enjoy being part of this (ie Catholic) participate. I don' t know folks religious ties, but Paula , Roger , Heather , John - would this be someth ing you might want to do? Laura AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000033 Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Marriott Marquis Hote l in downtown Washington, DC. (901 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC). 6:00 am - Doors open/ Exhibitor tables open 7:00 am - Program Begins: Welcome Recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet Invocation and Meal Blessing Pledge of Allegiance Breakfast served Special Guest Remarks - Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart Keynote Address - Archbishop Timothy Broglio Benediction 9:30 am - Program Concludes From: Jayd Henricks [m ailto:JHen] Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 10:58 AM To: Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) Subject: RE: Catholic Prayer Breakfast This from Tim at the Knights of Columbus. Let me know if you want me to have others invited. Jayd , I had reached out to Scott [Lloyd] and he said that HHS was "going to have a table ." Right now, Matt Bowman and Maggie Wynne are registered to attend -- didn't see Scott or Roger Severino (I think he's Catho lic ...a lot of vowels not to be ...) If you pass along some names, I'm happy to have them sit with us. I think we'll have the space . Tim From: Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) [mailto:Laura.] Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 9:11 AM To: Jayd Henricks Subje ct: Catholic Prayer Breakfast Hi Jayd AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000034 Do you know if anyone from HHS has been invited to the prayer breakfast or is atte nding? Also, have not forgotten the request for Bishop Lori and we are looking over the next 2-3 weeks. Laura Laura Clay Trueman Principal Deputy Director Office of Intergovernme ntal Affa irs Office of the Secretary U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Indepde ndence Ave SW Wash ington D.C. 20201 (202) 260-6349 Office Laura. Truem Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) "Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA) "; "Severino, Roger (HHS/OCR)"; "Flick, Heather (OS/OGC)"; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Brooks, John (HHS/IOS) "; "Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC)"; "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) " Sent Dat e: 2017/05/25 12:46:34 Message Flags: Unread AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000035 From: DATTAGEJL@STATE.GOV "Coleman, Marquitt ia (ACF) " Subject: eCC - [INFO ONLY, NO ACTION] - Itinerary #1859776/Lloyd REQUESTGRANTED,ARRIVAL: 6/11/2017 Date: 2017/05/26 04:41:04 Importance: High Priority: Urgent Type: Note Request Summary Itinerary #: 1859776 Date Requested:5/25/2017 Request Summary Travel Itinerary Destination Country Destination Cities SWITZERLAND Geneva, Switzerland Start Date 6/11/2017 End Date Status 6/15 /20 17 APPROVED Travelers Name: Edward S Lloyd Agency: Department and Human Services Contact Info: 202-401-7269 Employment Country of Birth: USA Passport Type: Official Emergency Contact: Ann Lloyed l(b)(6) Clearance: Secret AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT I Interim/Temporary Passport #: of Health Type: Direct Hire ********* Passport Country: USA EXT-18-1509-P-000036 Request Unescorted Additional CAA Access: No Info: Other Group Members: None Carrier Carrier and# United 974 Request Departure Mode Point Air Washington, DC (IAD) Information Departure Date/Time Arrival Point Geneva, 6/10/2017 Switzerland 5:30:00 PM (GVA ) Arrival Date/Time 6/11/2017 7:40:00 AM Details SWITZERLAND Clearance From SWITZERLAND/USUN GENEVA Agency /Section/Othe r RA - REFUGEE AFFAIRS Other Posts & Sections Informed Post Departur e Date 6/15/2017 to be Section Destination Arrival Date 6/11/201 7 Access to Building No Required? Cities Geneva , Switzerland POC at post None VIP Visit? No Purpose of Visit The Annual Tripartie Consultations on Resettlement AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT Unescorted Required? No Access to PCC Fiscal Data: EXT-18-1509-P-000037 Status APPROVE[ None Other Comments/Remarks: None Hotel Reservations? No Airport Assistance/Transportation? No Accompanying Pouch? No Appointment Request? No Other Needed Assistance? No Hotel Accommodations Hotel Name . Intercontinental Geneve Street Address City Local Telephone Confirmation Rate # # 7-9 Chemin d P t't G 323 22-919eneva CHF 3939 u e I Saconnex 68265012 Control Officer: Michelle Prodromou Post: USUN GENEVA Email: prodromoumk @state .gov Phone: Airport AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000038 Assista nee / Transportation: Appointment Request: Expediter: Other Provided Assistance: Comments: List of recipients: [ACTION]-REQUEST APPROVER: prodromoumk@state .gov [ACTION]-REQUEST DRAFT RESPONSE: [INFO]-GROUP CC: nacegj@state .gov [INFO]REQUESTOR CC: Sender: DATTAGEJL@STATE .GOV "Coleman, Marquittia (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/05/26 04:40:49 Delivered Date: 2017/05/26 04:41:04 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000039 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR) "; To: "Gregg, Laura (ACF) " Subject: FW: Draft EthicsAgreement Date : 2017/07/10 16:46:00 Priority: Normal Type: Note Sarah, Please print this out and put in my inbox to sign. Thank you, Scott From: Olesh, Stanley D. (HHS/OGC) Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 5: 19 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Draft Ethics Agreement Hi Scott -Thank you for working with Leah Stromberg in our office when you came on board to finalize your OGE 278e (Public Financial Disclosure Report) and Ethics Agreement. I have attached a draft of the Ethics Agreement, which basically document s any restrictions /recusals that were discussed with you in the pre-appointment review phase earlier this year, and tweaked if necessary depending upon the nature of your new permanent position. Please look it over and, if you don ' t have any questions about it, sign, date, scan, and e-mail it back to me. Thanks very much. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Stanley Olesh Office of the General Counse l, Ethics Div. 202-690-7258 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR) "; Recipient: "Gregg, Laura (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/07/ 10 16:46:37 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000040 Delivered Date:ll?l?f0?f10 16:46:00 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) To: " Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR) " CC: "Gregg, Laura (ACF) " Subject: Fwd: Draft Ethics Agreement Date : 2017/07/24 07:20:08 Priority : Normal Type: Note Please pr int a copy of thi s fo r me. Thank you, Scott From: "Olesh, Stanley D. (HH S/OGC) " Subject: RE : Draft Ethics Agreement Date : 20 July 20 17 09:20 To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF)" Scott- AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000042 We haven't yet received a signed/dated copy of this. Please sign &date at your earliest convenience, scan &e-mail back to me. Thanks very much. Stanley Olesh Office of the General Counsel, Ethics Div. 202-690- 7258 From: Olesh, Stanley D. (HHS/OGC) Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 5: 19 PM To: Lloyd , Scott (ACF) Subject : Draft Ethics Agreement Hi Scott -Thank you for working with Leah Stromberg in our office when you came on board to finalize your OGE 278e (Public Financial Disclosure Report) and Ethics Agreement. I have attached a draft of the Ethics Agreement, which basically documents any restrictions/recusals that were discussed with you in the pre-appointmen t review phase earlier this year , and tweaked if necessary depending upon the nature of your new permanent position. Please look it over and, if you don't have any question s about it, sign, date, scan, and e-mail it back to me. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000043 Thanks very much. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Stanley Olesh Office of the General Counsel, Ethics Div. 202-6 90-7258 Lloyd, Scott {ACF) Recipient: " Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR) "; "Gregg, Laura (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/07/24 07:20:06 Delivered Date: 2017/07/24 07:20:08 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000044 Gregg, Laura (ACF) To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " CC: "Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR) " Subject: FW: an introduction Date: 2017/08/02 15:26:36 Priority: Normal Type: Note Scott - would you like us to schedule a meeting with Tamar? Thanks , Laura From: Destro, Brenda (HHS/ ASPE) Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 20 17 3:18 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Haro, Tamar Magarik Cc: Gregg, Laura (ACF) Subject: an int roduction Scott and Tamar, I want to make an electronic introduction and get you both acquainted. Scott , I have worked with Tamar during my time on the Hill on various issues related to children - most recently the Mental Health Reform Act. Tamar is the Assoc iate Director of Federa l Affairs at the Ame rican Academy of Pediatrics. Any time I have worked with her, she comes very prepared and always willing to help. She has worked on the issue of unaccompanied children and wou ld like to work with you and your office going forward. Tama r, Scott is the new Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. He is a lawyer and came back to government service having once served in the Office of the General Counsel at HHS. He mostly recently served in government affairs for the Knights of Columbu s that included refugee issues. Brenda Gregg, Laura (ACF) Recipient: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; " Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR) " EXT-18-1509-P-000045 Sent Date: 20 17/08/02 15:26:35 Delivered Date: 20 17/08/02 15:26:36 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000046 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) To: "Gregg, Laura (ACF) " CC: " Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR) " Subject: Re: an introduction Date : 2017/08/02 15:41:02 Priority : Normal Type: Note Yes please On: 02 August 20 17 15:26, "Gregg, Laura (ACF)" wrote: Scott- would you like us to schedule a meeting with Tamar? Thanks, Laura AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000047 From: Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Sent: Wednesday , August 02, 2017 3:18 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Haro, Tamar Magarik Cc: Gregg , Laura (ACF) Subject: an introduction Scott and Tamar, I want to make an electronic introduction and get you both acquainted. Scott, I have worked with Tamar during my time on the Hill on various issues related to children - most recently the Mental Health Reform Act. Tamar is the Associate Director of Federal Affairs at the American Academy of Pediatrics. Any time I have worked with her, she comes very prepared and always willing to help. She has worked on the issue of unaccompanied children and would like to work with you and your office going forward. Tamar, Scott is the new Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. He is a lawyer and came back to government service having once served in the Office of the General Counsel at HHS. He mostly recently served in government affairs for the Knights of Columbus that included refugee issues. Brenda AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000048 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "Gregg, Laura {ACF) "; Recipient: " Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR) " Sent Date: 2017/08/02 15:41:01 Delivered Date: 2017/08/02 15:41:02 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000049 From: Haro, Tamar Magarikrb )(6)> To : "Gregg, Laura (ACF) " "Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE)"; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Kurkjy, Brian (ACF) (CTR) " Su bject: Re: an introduction Date: 2017/08/03 11:15:24 Priority : Normal Type: Note Hi Laura, Thanks to Brenda for making the connection. Might Scott have any availability next week for a meeting? I leave for vacation the week of Aug 14. If next week doesn't work , what is his availability the week of Sept 4? Thanks and I very much look forward to meeting and working with you. Regards , Tamar Sent from my iPhone On Aug 2, 2017, at 5:36 PM, Gregg, Laura (ACF) wrote : AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000050 Brenda- thank you for introducing Scott to Tamar. Tamar- My name is Laura Gregg and I am the Director's Special Assistant . Scott would like to schedule a call or meeting with you to discuss the UAC program . Can you provide me with a few times that you are available the week of August 14th? Kindly, Laura Gregg Special Assistant ORR/ Office of the Director From : Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) Sent: Wednesday , August 02, 2017 3:18 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Haro, Tamar Maga rik Cc: Gregg , Laura (ACF) Subject: an introduction AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000051 Scott and Tamar, I want to make an electronic introduction and get you both acquainted. Scott, I have worked with Tamar during my time on the Hill on various issues related to children - most recently the Mental Health Reform Act. Tamar is the Associate Director of Federal Affairs at the American Academy of Pediatrics. Any time I have worked with her, she comes very prepared and always willing to help. She has worked on the issue of unaccompanied children and would like to work with you and your office going forward. Tamar, Scott is the new Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. He is a lawyer and came back to government service having once served in the Office of the General Counsel at HHS. He mostly recently served in government affairs for the Knights of Columbus that included refugee issues. Brenda Sender: Haro, Tamar Magarik "Gregg, Laura (ACF) "; "Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE)"; Recipient: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Kurkjy, Brian (ACF) (CTR) " AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000052 Sent Date: 2017/08/03 11:13:05 Delivered Date: 2017/08/03 11:15:24 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000053 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) To: "Kurkjy, Brian (ACF) (CTR) " Subject: FW: an introduction Date: 2017/08/07 11:02:00 Priority: Normal Type : Note Brian, If this week doesn't work out, it would be alright to do this sometime in the September 4 timeframe. There's not an immediate need to meet with her. THank you, Scott From: Haro, Tamar Magarik [] Sent : Thursday, August 03, 2017 1:r:!'3"AM To : Gregg, Laura (ACF) Cc: Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE); Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Kurkjy, Brian (ACF) (CTR) Subject: Re: an introduction Hi Laura, Thanks to Brenda for making the connection . Might Scott have any availability next week for a meeting? I leave for vacation the week of Aug 14. If next week doesn't work, what is his availability the week of Sept 4? Thanks and I very much look forward to meeting and working with you. Regards, Tamar Sent from my iPhone On Aug 2, 2017, at 5:36 PM, Gregg, Laura (ACF)w rote: Brenda- thank you fo r introducing Scott to Tamar. Tamar- My name is Laura Gregg and I am the Director's Special Assistant. Scott would like to schedule a call or meeting with you to discuss the UAC program. Can you provide me w ith a few times that you are available the week of August 14th? Kindly, Laura Gregg AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000054 Special Assistant ORR/ Office of the Director From : Destro, Brenda {HHS/ASPE) Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 3:18 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Haro, Tamar Magarik Cc: Gregg, Laura (ACF) Subject: an introduction Scott and Tamar, I want to make an electronic introduction and get you both acquainted. Scott, I have worked with Tamar during my time on the Hill on various issues related to children - most recently the Mental Health Reform Act. Tamar is the Associate Director of Federal Affairs at the American Academy of Pediatrics. Any time I have worked with her, she comes very prepared and always willing to help. She has worked on the issue of unaccompanied children and would like to work with you and your office going forward . Tamar, Scott is the new Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement . He is a lawyer and came back to government service having once served in the Office of the General Counsel at HHS. He mostly recently served in government affairs for the Knights of Columbus that included refugee issues. Brenda Sender : Recipient : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "Kurkjy, Brian (ACF) (CTR) " Sent Date : 2017/08/07 11:02:26 Delivered Date: 2017/08/07 11:02:00 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000055 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) "; "Haro, Tamar Magarik " CC: "Gregg, Laura (ACF) " Subject : RE: an introduction Date: 2017/08/08 06:51:00 Priority: Normal Type: Note Brenda Thank you for the introduction! Tamar, I look forward to meeting with you. Sincerely, Scott From : Destro, Brenda (HHS/ ASPE) Se nt: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 3:18 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Haro, Tamar Magarik Cc: Gregg, Laura (ACF) Subject : an introduction Scott and Tamar , I want to make an electronic introduction and get you both acquainted. Scott, I have worked with Tamar during my time on the Hill on various issues related to children - most recently the Mental Health Reform Act. Tamar is the Associate Director of Federal Affairs at the American Academy of Pediatrics. Any time I have worked with her, she comes very prepared and always willing to help. She has worked on the issue of unaccompanied children and wou ld like to work with you and your office going forward. Tamar , Scott is the new Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. He is a lawyer and came back to government service having once served in the Office of the General Counsel at HHS . He mostly recently served in government affairs for the Knights of Columbus that included refugee issues . Brenda Lloyd, Scott (ACF) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000056 " Destro, Brenda (HHS/ASPE) "; Recipient: "Haro, Tamar Magarik "; "Gregg, Laura (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/08/08 06 :51:30 Delivered Date: 2017/08/08 06:51:00 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000057 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) White, Laura (ACF) To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Subject: FW: Draft EthicsAgreement Date: 2017/09/27 08:49:39 I mportance: High Priority : Urgent Type: Note Did you sign this yet? Please let me know if you want me to autopen for you . From: Olesh, Stanley D. (HHS/OGC) Sent : Monday, September 25, 2017 11:07 AM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Cc: Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC) Subject: RE: Draft Ethics Agreement Importance: High Hi ScottI need to follow u on m below e-mail about from you . (bl(5l ned/dated Ethics A reement I have re-attached the draft '-----------------------' sent previously. Please sign/date it and return it to my office as soon as possible (b)(5) (scanning and e-mailing it is fine. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask . Thanks very much for your cooperation in this. Stanley Olesh Office of the General Counsel, Ethics Div. 202-690-7258 From: Olesh, Stanley D. (HHS/OGC) Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 9:20 AM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject : RE: Draft Ethics Agreement ScottWe haven't yet received a signed/dated copy of this. Please sign &date at your earliest convenience, scan &e-mail back to me. Thanks very much. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000058 Stanley O lesh Office of the General Counsel , Ethics Div. 202-690- 7258 From: Olesh, Stanley D. (HHS/OGC) Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 5: 19 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Draft Ethics Agreement Hi Scott -Thank you for working with Leah Stromberg in our office when you came on board to finalize your OGE 278e (Public Financial Disclosure Report) and Ethics Agreement. ~ b)(5) Thanks very much. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Stanley Olesh Office of the General Counsel, Ethics Div. 202-690- 7258 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ; White, Laura (ACF) Recipient: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/09/27 08:49:39 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000059 Page 060 of 3 16 Wiltltleld pu rsuant to exemption (b)(5) of tile Fre edom of Information and Privacy Act pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000060 _________ _ _____ J Page 061 of 3 16 Wiltltleld pu rsuant to exemption (b)(5) of tile Fre edom of Information and Privacy Act pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000061 _________ _ _____ J White, Laura (ACF) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; To: "Olesh, Stanley D. (HHS/OGC)" CC: "Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC)" Subject : RE: Draft EthicsAgreement Date: 2017/09/27 09:09:43 Priority : Normal Type: Note Stanley- On behalf of Scott (he is commuting to a meeting right now), I have attached his signed ethics agreement. Kindly, Laura From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 9:00 AM To: Olesh, Stanley D. (HHS/OGC) Cc: Fratto ne, Sara (HHS/OGC); Wh ite, Laura (ACF) Subject : Re: Draft Ethics Agreement Stanley, I'm happy to provide this. I am nearly certain I've signed it at least once, but perhaps it got lost in the shuffle. Please standby. Scott On: 25 September 2017 11:07, "Olesh, Stanley D. (HHS/OGC)" wrote: Hi ScottI need to follow up on my below e-mail about getting a signed/dated Ethics Agreement from you. It is im ortant to b)(5) b )(S) I have re-attached the draft sent previously. Please sign/date it and return it to my office as soon as possible (scanning and e-mailing it is fine. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000062 Thanks very much for your cooperation in this. Stanley Olesh Office of the General Counsel, Ethics Div. 202-690 -7258 From: Olesh, Stanley D. (HHS/OGC) Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 9:20 AM To : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subj ect: RE: Draft Ethics Agreement Scott We haven't yet received a signed/dated copy of this . Please sign &da t e at your earliest convenience , scan &e -mail back to me. Thanks very much . Stanley Olesh Office of the General Counsel, Ethics Div. 202-690-7258 From: Olesh, Stanley D. (HHS/OGC) Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 5: 19 PM To : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject : Draft Ethics Agreement Hi Scott -- (b)(5) Thanks very much. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Stanley Olesh Office of the General Counsel, Ethics Div. 202-690-7258 Sender: White, Laura (ACF) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; Recipient: (FYDIBOHF23SPDL "Olesh, Stanley D. {HHS/OGC)"; "Frattone, Sara (HHS/OGC)" Sent Date: 2017/09/27 09:09:42 Delivered Date: 2017/09/27 09:09:43 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000064 Date: September 27, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Ethics Agreement In order to avoid any financial conflict of interest in violation of 18 U.S.C. ? 208(a), or the appearance of a financial conflict of interest as defined in the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Bran ch, 5 C.F.R. ? 2635.502, and to adhere to the Ethics Pledge instituted by Executive Order 13770 issued on January 28, 2017 and entitled "E thics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees " (the Ethics Pledge) I am issuing the following statement. I under stand that as an appo intee I must sign the Ethics Pledge and that I will be bound by the requirements and restrictions therein even if not specifically mentioned in this or any other ethics agreement. Befo re beginning my cove red Federal position, I resigned from all non-federal positions listed on my OGE 278e (Public Financial Disclosure Report) . Pur suant to the Ethics Pledge, I will not, for a period of two years from the date of my appoint ment to my Federal covere d position , participate in an official capac ity in any particular matter involving specific partie s that is directly and substantially related to the Knights of Columbus , unless an exception applies or I am granted a waiver. Under most circumstances, the two-year Pledge prior-emplo yer recusal obligation will supercede the one-year prior-emplo yer recusal obligation under 5 C.F.R . ? 2635 .502; however, in the limited circumstances when the Pledge recusal would not apply but the regulatory recusal would still apply, then I agree to be disqualified, for a period of one year from the date of my resignation from the entity, or the date my services for the entity otherwise ceased, from participating in any particular matter involving specific parties in which the Knights of Columbus entitie s is a party or represents a party, unless I am first authorized to pruticipate, pursuant to 5 C.F.R. ? 2635.502(d). As required by 18 U.S.C. ?208(a), I will not participate persona lly and substantially in any particular matter that has a direct and predictable effect on my financial intere sts or those of any person whose interests are imputed to me, unless I first obtain a written waiver pursuant to section 208(b)(l ) or qualif y for a regulatory exemption, pursuant to section 208(b)(2). I understand that the interests of the following persons are imputed to me: any spouse or minor child of mine; any general partner of a partnership in which I am a limit ed or general prutner; any organization in which I serve as officer, director, trustee, general partn er or employee ; and any person or organization with which I am negotiating or have an arrangement concerning prospective emp loyment. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000065 In order to minimiz e the potential for conflict s of intere st durin g my appointment, I agree that I (and anyone whose financial intere sts are imput ed to me, such as a spou se or minor children) will not acquire any further fin ancial intere sts in entities li sted on the FDA prohib ited holding s list or in entities involved, direc tly or throu gh sub sidiarie s, in the followin g industries: ( 1) resea rch , development , manufa cture, distribution , or sale of pharma ce utic al, biotechnolo gy, or medical devi ces, equipm ent , preparation s, treatm ents, or produ cts; (2) veterinary produ cts or cosmetic s; (3) healthcare man age ment or deliv ery; (4) health , di sability, or workers compensation in surance or related serv ice s; (5) food and/o r beverage production , proc essing or di stribution; (6) communications media; (7) computer hardwar e, computer softwar e, and relat ed internet technologie s; (8) wireless co mmunication s; (9) soc ial sciences and economic resea rch organi zation s; ( 10) energy or utiliti es; ( 11) commercial airlines, railroads, sh iplin es, and cargo caniers; or ( 12) sec tor mutual funds that concentrate their portfolio s in any of these sec tor s or on one country other than the United Stat es . If I hav e a managed account or otherwise use th e servi ces of an investment profe ss ional during my appointment , I will ensure that the account manager or investment profe ssio nal obtain s my prior approval on a case-by-case ba sis for the purcha se of any assets other than cash, cas h equi valent s, investment fund s that qualif y for the exemption at 5 C.F.R. ? 2640.201(a) , or obligations of th e United States. A copy of thi s m emora ndum will be distributed to the appropriate person nel to ena ble them to assist in scree nin g matters th at may involve my particip ation and which ma y be implic ated by the above di sq ualification provi sions. Matt ers from which I am di sq ualified should be referred to my Dep uty without my knowl edge or involvem ent. In order to ensure that thi s ethic s agreement continues to be effective, I will take the follo wing step s in the future: (1) I will revi se and upd ate thi s memorandum whenever that is wananted by changes in my financial interests or other chan ged circumstances, and provide the OGC Ethi cs Divi sion with a copy; and (2) I will advi se my immedia te administrative staff of any such changes. Edward Scott Lloyd cc: Stanl ey Ole sh, OGC Ethics Divi sion Deputy Director, ORR AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000066 White, Laura (ACF) "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) "; To: "White, Laura (ACF) " i "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Subject: Re: Invitation to Speak: Policy Forum on RefugeeInteg ration and Religious Life at Princeton University Date: 2017/10/05 16:15:18 Priority: Normal Type: Note Thanks , Maggie. Are you oppos ed to another ORR staff going ? On: 05 October 2017 16:09, "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S)" wrote: Hi Laura, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000067 Given the low priority of this event and the likelihood Scott will be out of the office for a week or more mid-month right before it, I do not think the speaking opportunity is worth his time away from ORR and the expense. Maggie From: White, Laura (ACF) Sent: Thursday , October 05, 2017 2:39 PM To: Wynne , Magg ie (HHS/IOS); Lloyd , Scott (ACF) Subject: FW: Invitation to Speak: Policy Forum on Refugee Integration and Religious Life at Princeton University Hi Maggie, Hope you are doing well. Scott talked to you about the Princeton event yesterday and I am following up with new information. Adm iral Garry Hall of the National Secur ity Counc il and PRM DAS Mark Storella will also be attending . Please let us know if you have any issues with ORR sending a representative to this event. I have included our event write up below for your reference: The Office of Religious Life at Princeton University Event October 24, 2017 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000068 1. Event Sponsor: The Office of Religious Life at Princeton University is the sponsor of the event, with the International Rescue Committee and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Department of Migration and Refugee Services as co-chairs. 2. Event Title and Topic: Panel within the Interfaith Policy Forum on Refugee Integration and Religious Life: Challenges and Opportunities: Refugee Integration and the Role of Religion 3. Event Description: The policy forum on refugee integration and religious life is a small high-level policy forum with around 30 participants who span across disciplines , sectors and viewpoints. This forum will center on the religious and spiritual lives of refugees with the goals of deepening awareness of, identifying gaps in research on, and shaping action plans to improve policy affecting refugees and other migrants in the United States. -Considering religion as a focal point will add nuance and substance to existing conversations and work on refugee mental health, civic integration of migrants, and overcoming marginalization and its adverse community effects. By examining the relationship of policies that affect refugees to mental health and civic life, we will be in a better position to address pertinent political concerns about refugee integration. 4. Speaking role: We would like Mr. Lloyd to speak on a panel with other government leaders on the challenges and opportunities related to refugee integration and religious life. We would like Mr. Lloyd to brief, in 10-15 minutes , on ORR's current work on refugee integration and the role of religion. It is also an opportunity to engage in a moderated discussion with high-level participants as well as to hear from different stakeholders working at the intersection of resettlement, integration, and religious life. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000069 We would be interested in having an ORR representative talk about the various facets related to refugee integration policy, challenges and opportunities that ORR sees in this regard, and the role of religious and secular institutions in refugee resettlement and reception on the local level. We are confident Mr. Lloyd would also have unique insights into the role of religion in this process given his previous experience with the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal and charitable organization. 5. Other Invited guests/speakers : Ambassador Mark Storella has accepted and Admiral Garry Hall has expressed interest. 6. Audience makeup (attendees): The event will include representatives from a range of non-governmental organizations and faith-based institutions who are involved in refugee resettlement and integration, local organizations that engage refugees through direct service, and leading academics at affiliated universities. See in attached file the list of organizations currently represented. 7. Expected # of attendees: Approximately 35-40 people in attendance. 8. Press release about the event?: No 9. Will media be there?: No and the event is not for attribution. 10. Is this a state or federal event or will state or federal level speakers attend the event? This event engages leaders in NGOs and faith institutions working at the federal, state, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000070 and local levels. Additionally, we are inviting representatives from the Department of State, Nat ional Security Council, and the Office of Refugee Resett lement to speak on a panel on Tuesday afternoon , followed by a dinner. A representat ive from the Mayor of New York City will also be in attendance. 11. Is this event open to the public? No , this is a closed, invite-only event. 12. Will there be a Q&A session?: Yes 13. Will Q&A questions be vetted?: Yes Thanks, Laura From: l~ (b_)(6_)___ ~ll!Dill!!QJ c..: (b.:..:. )(6:..:.. ) _---1 t'41 "-"-'Pr~in~c~e t=on=. E=D ~U=... l Sent : Thursday, October 05, 20 17 2:24 PM To: White, Laura (ACF) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000071 Cc: Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR); Holt, Lydia (ACF) Subject: Re: Invitation to Speak: Policy Forum on Refugee Integration and Religious Life at Princeton University Dear Laura, I just wanted to notify you so that your team and Mr. Lloyd would know, that Adm iral Garry Hall of the Nationa l Security Council has also confomed to speak on this panel alongside Mark Storella of PRM, and Linda Hartke, CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, has confirmed to moderate the pane l. With thanks, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000072 6_l ____ ,....r b_)C ____.I Forced Migration Office of Religious Life Princeton University I 5l On Oct 3, 2017, at 2:34 PM, ICblC 'fbl(6) @exchange.Princeton.EDU>wrote: Yes , that should work, if it can be Tuesday morning that would be immensely helpfu l. Thank you! AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000073 6 lwrote : Thank you,~ We are still pending interna l clearances on this and should know by next Tuesday . Does that work? From: b)(6) mailto 1;:b':":: )(6 :::)---, ;,,::-;;:P ~rinceton .EDU Sent: Tuesday , Octo ber 03, 2017 11:50 AM To : White , Laura (ACF) Cc: Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR); Holt , Lydia (ACF) Subject: Re: Invitation to Speak : Po licy Forum on Refugee Integrat ion and Re ligio us Life at Princeton University AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000075 Dear Ms. White, I hope you are well. We are working to confirm the final program and are wonder ing if Mr. Lloyd will be able to jo in us. I wou ld be happy to answer any questions in the meantime. Please get back to me at your earliest convemence. With great thanks , AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000076 f._b_><5_> ____ _.IForced Migration Office of Rel igious Life Princeton University On Sep 20, 2017, at 11:50 AM,~ (b)(6) b)(6) U>wrote: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000077 Dear Ms. Wh ite, I hope you are well. We are trying to secure our program currently, and we are eager to talk with you abo ut any details or questions. We very much hope that Mr. Lloyd can come. We are wondering if if might be possible to have confirmat ion by the end of the week, or if you are still waiting for internal processes to clear? AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000078 With great thank s, ~ ~l (b_l(6_> ____ ~IForced Migration Office of Religious Life AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000079 Princeton University !(b)( 6) On Sep 7, 2017, at 1:35 PM,l(b)( 6) 1(b)( 6) @exchange.Pr inceton.EDU>wrote: I Dear Ms. White, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000080 My sincere apologies for the delay on this questionnaire. My colleagues working with me on the forum put together the answers wh ile I was on vacation and I am only now getting to sending you the answers . I hope this helps and please let me know if you need anyth ing else. With thanks, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000081 1. Event Sponsor: The Office of Religious Life at Princeton University is the sponsor of the event, with the International Rescue Committee and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops ' Department of AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000082 Migration and Refugee Services as co-chairs. 2. Event Title and Topic: Panel within the Interfaith Policy Forum on Refugee Integration and Religious Life: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000083 Challenges and Opportunities: Refugee Integration and the Role of Religion 3. Event Description: The policy forum on refugee integration and religious life is a small high-level policy forum with AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000084 around 30 participants who span across disciplines , sectors and viewpoints. This forum will center on the religious and spiritual lives of refugees with the goals of deepening awareness of, identifying gaps in research on, and shaping action plans to improve policy affecting refugees and other migrants in the United States. -Considerin g religion as a focal point will add nuance and substance to existing conversations and work on refugee mental health , civic integration of migrants, and overcommg marginali zation and its adverse community effects. By examining the relationship of policies that affect refugees to mental health and civic life, we will be in a better position to address pertinent political concerns about refugee integration. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000085 4. Intended ORR Speaker: Scott Lloyd 5. Speaking role (key note, panel/workshop, moderator, webinar, other): We wou ld like Mr. Lloyd to speak on a panel with other government leaders on the challenges and opportunities related to refugee integra tion and religious life. We would like Mr. Lloyd to brief, in 10-15 minutes, on ORR's current work on refugee integration and the role of religion. It is also an opportunity to engage ma moderated discussion with high-level participants as well as to hear from AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000087 different stakeholders working at the intersection of resettlement , integration, and religious life. 6. Other Invited guests/speakers: Ambassado r Mark Storella has accepted our invitation to speak , and Admiral Gany Hall has expressed interest. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000088 7. Audience makeup (attendees) : The event will include representatives from a range of non-governmen tal organ izations and faith-based institutions who are involved in refugee resettlement and integration, local organizat ions that engage refugees AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000089 through direct service, and leading academ ics at affiliated universities. See in attached file the list of organizations currently represented. 8. Expected # of attendees: There will be approximately 3540 people in attendance. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000090 9. Press release about the event?: No 10. Will media be there? No and the event is not for attribution. 11. Is this a state or federa l event or will state or federal level speakers attend the event? AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000092 This event engages leaders in NGOs and faith institutions working at the federa l, state, and local leve ls. Addit ionally, we are inviting representat ives from the Department of State, National Security Council, and the Office of Refugee Resettlement to speak on a panel on Tuesday afternoon, followed by a dinner. A representat ive from the Mayor of New York City will also be in attendance. 12. Is this event open to the public? AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000093 No, this is a closed , invite-only event. 13. Is there an agenda available (please attach)?: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000094 See attached. 14. Will the speake r be required to register, is there a fee associated with registering for the event? No fee is required. No official registration process is required beyond lettin (b)(5) b)(6) that a person will be in attendance at the event. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000095 15. Date: October 24, 2017' 16. Time: 3:00 - 5:00 pm, dinner 6:00-8:00pm 17. Location: Prospect House at Princeton Un iversity (Washington St, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000097 Princeton, NJ 08544) 18. What will ORR talk about? We wou ld be interested in having an ORR representative talk about the various facets related to refugee integration policy , challenges a nd opportunities that ORR sees in this regard , and the role of religious AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000098 and secular institutions in refugee resettlement and reception on the local leve l. We are confident Mr. Lloyd would also have unique insights into the role of religion in this process given his previous exper ience with the Knights of Columbus, a Catho lic fraternal and charitable organ ization . 19. Will there be a Q&A session?: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000099 Yes 20. Will the Q&A sessi on be moderated and questions vetted? Given the more intimate and closed setting of the eve nt, the questions wi ll not be vette d before hand. How ev er, the co nversation will be carefully modera ted and only high-le vel AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000100 participants will be attending the forum . The event is not for attribution , according to Chatham Hou se rules. 6 r~b-)( _) ----~I Forced Migration AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000101 Office of Religious Life Princeton University ~b)(6) l(b)(6) On Aug 25 , 2017, at 11:18 AM , White , Laura (ACF) wrote: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000102 Good morning , ~ Thank you for considering ORR to speak at the policy forum. We are honored you would con sider having us at your event. Can you please answer the following questions about the event: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000103 1. Event Sponso r: 2. Event Title and Topic: 3. Event Descri ption: 4. Intend ed ORR AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000104 Speake r: 5. Speak i ng role (key note , panel/ worksh op, modern tor, webina r, other): 6. Other Invited gue sts/ speake rs: 7. Audie nee makeu p (attend ees): AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000105 8. Expect ed#of attende es : 9. Press release about the event? : 10. Will media be there? : 11. Is this a state or federal event AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000106 or will state or federal level speake rs attend the event?: 12. Is this eve nt open to the publ ic? 13. Is there an agenda availab le (please attach) ?: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000107 14. Will the spea ke r be require d to reg ister , IS there a fee ass oc1a ted w ith reg ister ing for the even t?: 15. Date: 16. Time: 17. Locati on: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000108 18. What will ORR talk about?: 19. Will there be a Q&A session ?: 20. Will the Q&A session be modera ted and questio ns vetted? AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000109 We understand that these are a lot of questions , however , we have found that these questions help in alleviating the need to go back and forth on the details of the event. This will also expedite any internal proces ses that may need to take place in order to return a decision efficiently . AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000110 We thank you for your time , Laura White From: (bl( 6 l (b)(6) [mailto:mwa hrman @Prin ceton .EDU ] Sent: Monday, August 14, 2017 9:48 AM To : Laura.Gr egg@acf.hhs. gov Subject: Invitation to Speak: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000111 Policy Forum on Refugee Integration and Religious Life at Princeton University Dear Lloyd, Mr. You are cordially invited to speak on a panel discussion at an important policy forum on refugee integration and religious life on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 24 at Princeton University. This two day intimate forum is funded AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000112 through the generosity of the Herny Luce Foundation , hosted by the Office of Religious Life at Princeton University (ORL), and co-chaired by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Migration and Refugee Services (USC CB/MRS) and the Intemation al Rescue Committee (I RC). Your critical work and leader ship inspire s this invitation , to speak alongside other leading U.S. policymakers regarding challenges and opportunities in addressing the role of faith m refugee integration, followed AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000113 by a robust discussion with the forum's highlevel participants. We will work together with you and the other panelists to tailor the focus of the conversation. We would also be honored to host you for dinner on the evening of Tuesday, October 24. The idea for this forum is motivated by a need to better understand the role religion plays for refugees and the communities that welcome them. This forum will center on the religious and spiritual lives of refugees with the goals of deepening awareness of, identifying gaps in research on, and shaping action plans to AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000114 improve policy affect ing refugees and other migran ts in the United States. Conside ring religion as a focal point will add nuance and substance to existing conversat ions and work on refugee mental health, civic integratio n of migrants, and overcommg marginalizatio n and its adverse community effect s. By exam ining the relationshi p of policies that affect refugee s to mental health and civic life, we will be in a better position to address pertinent political concerns about refugee integratio n. To achieve these goa ls, in addition to AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000115 critical stakeholders m the U.S . government like yourself , other participants will include those responsible for policy m maJor faithbased and secular organizations responding to forced migration in the United States, academically and personally invested scholars, refugees themse lves, and voices from the field. Dialogue between diverse sectors is crucial to addressing some of the most challenging questions regarding refugees in the U.S. Ultimately , this forum will lay the groundwork for policymaker s AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000116 to advance these issues within their communities and for scholars to engage m sustained research that is relevant to policy together with their students. We sincerely hope you will honor us with your presence and expertise . (b)(6) at j(b)(6) I @princeton.ed !!- About the host: The ORL understands religious life to include intellectua l, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000117 moral , artistic, and civic life. In the past year m curating an international interdisciplina ry conference , Se eking Refuge : FaithBased Approaches to Force d Migra tion (cos ponsored by the Communit y_ of Sant' Egidio), the office has become invested in forced migration, and now serves as a nexus of interaction between scholars, faith leaders , policymakers , NGOs, and refugees themse lves. About the cochairs: USCCB /MRS oversees the work of the Catholic bishops in the arena of migration , and AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000118 engages in programmatic , educat ional, and advocacy efforts on behalf of migrant populations to ensure that their human dignity is protected and promoted. USCCB /MRS resettles approximately 25 percent of the refugees that arrive in the U.S. each year, and has a refugee resettlement network that includes over 100 diocesan offices across the country and in Guam and Puerto Rico. m Founded 1933 on Albert Einstein's request , the IRC responds to the world's worst humanitarian cnses and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000119 shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future. The IRC serves displaced people in 40 countries overseas , operates the Resettlement Support Center in East Asia, and helps refugees begin new lives in 28 communities across the United States. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000120 White, Laura (ACF) "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) "; Recipient: "White, Laura (ACF) " i " Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/10/05 16:15:17 Delivered Date: 2017/10/05 16:15:18 Message Flags: Unread AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000121 White, Laura (ACF) "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) "; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Subject: RE: Invitat ion to Speak: Policy Forum on RefugeeIntegration and Religious Life at Princeton University Date: 2017/10/05 16:34:34 Priority: Normal Type: Note Thanks~~ (b_Jc_si____________ ~ From: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2017 4:25 PM To: White, Laura (ACF); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: RE: Invitation to Speak: Policy Forum on Refugee Integration and Religious Life at Princeton University ~ From: White, Laura (ACF) Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2017 4: 15 PM To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/ IOS); White, Laura (ACF); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Invitation to Speak: Policy Forum on Refugee I ntegration and Religious Life at Princeton University Thanks, Magg i~.... (b-)(s_i_______________ _, On: 05 October 2017 16:09, "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/10S)" wrote: Hi Laura, 1~()5) Maggie From: White, Laura (ACF) Sent : Thursday, October 05, 2017 2:39 PM To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/ IOS); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: FW: Invi t ation to Speak: Policy Forum on Refugee Integrat ion and Religious Life at Princeton University AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000122 Hi Maggie , Hope you are doing well. Scott talked to you about the Princeton event yesterday and I am following up with new infonnation. Admiral Garry Hall of the National Security Council and PRM DAS Mark Storella will also be attending. Please let us know if you have any issues with ORR sending a representative to this event. I have included our event write up below for your refe rence : The Office of Religious Life at Princeton University Event October 24, 2017 1. Event Sponsor: The Office of Religious Life at Princeton University is the sponsor of the event, with the International Rescue Committee and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Department of Migration and Refugee Services as co-chairs. 2. Even t Title and Topic: Panel w ithin the Interfaith Policy Forum on Refu gee Integration and Religious Life: Cha llenges and Opportunities: Refugee Integration and the Role of Religion 3. Even t Description: The policy forum on refugee integration and religious life is a small high-level policy forum with around 30 participants who span across disciplines, sectors and viewpoi nts. This forum will center on the religious and spiritua l lives of refugees with the goals of deepening awa reness of, identifying gaps in research on, and shaping action plan s to improve policy affecting refugees and other migrants in the United States. -Considering religion as a focal point will add nuance and substance to existing conversations and work on refugee mental health, civic integration of migrants, and overcoming marginalization and its adverse community effects. By exami ning the relationship of policies that affect refugees to mental health and civic life, we will be in a better position to address pertinent political concerns abou t refugee integration. 4. Speaking role: We wou ld like Mr. Lloyd to speak on a panel with other gove rnment leaders on the challenges and opportunities related to refugee integration and religious life. We would like Mr. Lloyd to brief, in 10-15 minu tes, on ORR ' s curren t work on refu gee integra tion and the role of religion. It is also an opportunity to engage in a moderated discussion with high- AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000123 level participants as well as to hear from different stakeholders working at the intersection of resettlement, integrat ion, and religious life. We would be interested in having an ORR representative talk about the various facets related to refugee integration policy , challenges and opportunities that ORR sees in this regard, and the role of religious and secular institutions in refugee resettlement and reception on the local level. We are confident Mr. Lloyd would also have unique insights into the role of religion in this process given his previous experience with the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal and charitable organization. 5. Other Invited guests/speakers: Ambassador Mark Storella has accepted and Admiral Garry Hall has expressed interest. 6. Audience makeup (attendees) : The event will include representat ives from a range of non-governmen tal organizations and faith-based institutions who are involved in refugee resettlement and integration, local organization s that engage refugees through direct service, and leading academ ics at affiliated universities. See in attached file the list of organizations currently represented. 7. Expected# of attendees : Approximate ly 35-40 peop le in attendance . 8. Press release about the event?: No 9. Wi ll media be there?: No and the event is not for attribution. 10. Is this a state or federa l event or will state or federal level speakers attend the event? This event engages leaders in NGOs and faith institutions working at the federal , state, and local levels. Additionally, we are inviting representative s from the Department of State, National Security Cou ncil, and the Office of Refuge e Resettlem ent to speak on a panel on Tuesday afternoon, followed by a dinner. A representative from the Mayor of New York City will also be in attendance . AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000124 11. Is this event open to the pub lic? No, this is a closed, invite-only event. 12. Will there be a Q&A session?: Yes 13. Will Q&A questions be vetted? : Ye s Thanks , La ura From :! (b)(6) l[mailtoj (bl(6l t@Princeton.ED UJ Sent: Thur sday, October 05, 2017 2:24 PM To: White, Laura (ACF) Cc: Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR); Holt, Lydia (ACF) Subject: Re: Invitation to Speak: Policy Forum on Refugee Integration and Religious Life at Princeton University Dear Laura, I just wanted to notify you so that your team and Mr. Lloyd would know , that Admira l Garry Hall of the Nationa l Security Council has also confirmed to speak on this pane l alongs ide Mark Store lla of PRM , and Linda Hartke, CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, has confirmed to moderate the panel. Wit h thank s, I (b)(6) I I (b)(6) "=',,~~ ~ ~_. Forced Migration Office of Religious Life Princeton University (b)(6) (b)(6) On0ct3 ,2 017 ,a t2:34PM ,I (b)(6J I wrote: Yes , that should work, if it can be Tue sday morning that would be immen sely helpful. Thank you! I AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT (b)(6) I EXT-18-1509-P-000125 I (b)(6) ,_ ____ _. Forced Migration Office of Religiou s Life Princeton University /b)/6) (b)(6) On Oct 3, 2017, at 11:58 AM, White , Laura (ACF) wrote: Thank you,I (b)(6) ~ We are still pending internal clearances on this and should know by next Tuesday. Does that work? (b)(6) From : mailt (b)(6) mPrinceton.EDU Sent: Tuesday , October 03, 2017 I I :50 AM To: White , Laura (ACF) Cc: Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR) ; Holt, Lydia {ACF) Subject: Re: Invitation to Speak: Policy Forum on Refugee Integration and Religious Life at Princeton University Dear Ms. White, I hope you are well. We are working to confirm the final program and are wondering if Mr. Lloyd will be able to join us. I would be happy to answer any questions in the meantime. Please get back to me at your earliest convenience . With great thanks, I (b)(6) I I (b)(6) Forced Mi gration ..,,O'"" ffi,1c .... _e _of=R,,...e..,..,li ~gi-ou~s Life Princeton Univer sity b 6 (b)(6) rin On Sep 20, 2017, at 11:50 AM,~ I 1 (b)(6) (b)(6) I @exchange.Princeton.ED U>wrote: Dear Ms. White , I hope you are well. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000126 We are trying to secure our program current ly, and we are eage r to talk with you abo ut any details or questions . We very much hope that Mr. Lloyd can come. We are wondering if if might be possible to have confirmation by the end of the week , or if you are still waiting for interna l processes to clear ? With great thanks, ~ I (b)(6) .__ ____ _. Forced Migrat ion Office of Religio us Life Princ eton University I _ fb\(6\ @p rinceton.ed u (b)(6) I On Se 7, 2017, at 1:35 PM, (b)(6) (b)(6) e.Pr inceton.EDU>wrote: Dear Ms. White , My sincere apologies for the delay on this questionnaire. My colleagues working with me on the forum put together the answers whi le I was on vacation and I am only now getting to sending you the answers. I hope this helps and please let me know if you need anythin g else. With thanks , I (b)(6) I 1. Event Sponso r: The Office of Religious Life at AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000127 Princeton University is the sponsor of the event , with the International Rescue Comm ittee and the Un ited States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Department of Migration and Refugee Services as co-chairs. 2. Event Title and Topic: Panel within the Interfaith Policy Forum on Refugee Integration and Religious Life: Challenges and Opportunities: Refugee Integration and the Role of Religion 3. Event Description: The policy forum on refugee integration and religious life is a small high -level po licy forum with around 30 participants who span across disciplines, sectors and viewpoints. This forum will center on the religious and AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000128 spiritual lives of refugees with the goals of deepening awareness of, identifying gaps in research on, and shaping action plans to improve policy affecting refugees and other migrants in the United States. -Considerin g religion as a focal point will add nuance and substance to existing conversat ions and work on refugee mental health , civic integration of migrants , and overcommg marginalization and its adverse community effects. By examining the relationship of po licies that affect refugees to mental health and civic life, we will be in a better position to address pertinent political concerns about refugee integration. 4. Intended ORR Speaker: Scott Lloyd 5. Speaking role (key note, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000129 panel /workshop, moderato r, webinar, other) : We would like Mr. Lloyd to speak on a panel with other government leaders on the challenges and opportunities related to refugee integra tion and religious life. We would like Mr. Lloyd to brief, in 10-15 minutes, on ORR 's current work on refugee integration and the role of religion. It is a lso an oppo1tunity to engage ma moderated discussion with high-level participants as well as to hear from different stakeholders working at the intersection of resett leme nt, integration, and religious life. 6. Other Invited guests/speakers : Ambassador Mark Storella has accepted our invitation to speak , and Adm iral Garry AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000130 Hall has expressed interest. 7. Audience makeup (attendees) : The event will include representative s from a range of non-governmental organizations and faith-based institution s who are involved in refugee resettlement and integration, local organizations that engage refugees through direct service, and leading academ ics at affiliated universities . See in attached file the list of organizations currently represented . 8. Expected # of attendees: There will be approximately 3540 people in attendance. 9. Press release about the event?: No 10. Will media be there? AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000131 No and the event is not for attribution. 11. Is this a state or federal event or will state or federal level speakers attend the event? This event engages leaders in NGOs and faith institutions working at the federal, state, and local levels. Additionally, we are inviting representatives from the Department of State, National Security Council, and the Office of Refugee Resettlement to speak on a panel on Tuesday afternoon , followed by a dinner. A representative from the Mayor of New York City will also be in attendance. 12. Is this event open to the public? No , this is a closed, invite-only event. 13. Is there an agenda available (please attach)?: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000132 See attached. 14. Will the speaker be required to register, is there a fee associated with registering for the event? No fee is required. No official registration process isrequired , beyond lettin (b)(6) know (b)(6) t at a person will be in attendance at the event. 15. Date: October 24, 2017 16. Time: 3:00 - 5:00 pm, dinner 6:00-8:00pm 17. Location: Prospect House at Princeton University (Washington St, Princeton, NJ 08544) 18. What will ORR talk about? We would be interested in having an ORR representative talk about the various facets related to AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000133 refugee integration policy , challenges a nd opportunities that ORR sees in this regard, and the role of religious and secular institutions in refugee resettlement and reception on the local level. We are confident Mr. Lloyd would also have unique insights into the role of religion in this process given his previous experience with the Knight s of Columbus , a Catholic fraternal and charitable organ ization . 19. Will there be a Q&A session?: Yes 20. Will the Q&A sess ion be moderated and questions vetted? Given the more intimate and closed setting of the event, the questions will not be vetted beforehand. Howev er, the conversation will be carefully moderated and only AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000134 high-level participants will be attending the forum. The event is not for attribution , according to Chatham Hou se rule s. I (b)(6) ...,...,_,_..-- __ _. Forced Migration Office of Religious Life Princeton University (b)(6) rinceton.e du (b)(6) On Aug 25, 2017, at 11:18 AM , White , Laura (ACF) wrote: I Good morning, (b)(6) I Thank you for considering ORR to speak at the policy forum. We are honored you would consider havin g us at yo ur event. Can yo u please answe r the following questions AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000135 about the event: 1. Event Sponso r: 2. Event Title and Topic: 3. Event Descri ption: 4. Intend ed ORR Speake r: 5. Speaki ng role (key note , panel/ worksh op , modera tor , webina r, other): 6. Other Invited guests / speake rs: 7. Audie nee makeu p (attend ees): 8. Expect ed # of attende es : AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000136 9. Press re lease about the event?: 10. W ill med ia be there?: 11. Is th is a state or federal event or w ill state or federal level speake rs attend the event? : 12. Is this event ope n to the public? 13. Is there an agenda availab le (please attach) ?: 14. W ill the speake r be require d to register , is AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000137 there a fee assoc1a ted with register ing for the event?: 15. Date : 16. Time: 17. Locati on: 18. What will ORR talk about?: 19. Will there be a Q&A session ?: 20. Will the Q&A session be modera ted and questio ns vetted? We understand that these are a lot of questions , however, we have found that these questions help in alleviating AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000138 the need to go back and forth on the details of the event. This will also expedite any internal processe s that may need to take place in order to return a decision efficiently. We thank you for your time, Laura White ceton .EDU ] Sent: Monday , August 14, 2017 9 :48 AM To: Laura.Gr egg@acf.hhs. gov Subject: Invitation to Speak: Policy Forum on Refugee Integration and Re ligious Life at Prince ton University Dear Lloyd, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT Mr. EXT-18-1509-P-000139 You are cordially invited to speak on a panel discussion at an important policy forum on refugee integration and religious life on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 24 at Princeton University. This two day intimate forum is funded through the generosity of the Henry Luce Foundation , hosted by the Office of Religious Life at Princeton University (ORL), and co-chaired by the US Confe rence of Catholic Bishops Migration and Refugee Services (USC CB/MRS) and the Intemation al Rescue Committee (I RC). Your critical work and AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000140 leadership msp1res this invitation, to speak alongside other leading U.S. policymakers regarding challenges and opportunities in addressing the role of faith m refugee integration, followed by a robust discussion with the forum's highlevel participants. We will work together with you and the other panelists to tailor the focus of the conversation. We would also be honored to host you for dinner on the evening of Tuesday, October 24. The idea for this forum is motivated by a need to better understand the role religion plays for refugees and the AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000141 communities that welcome them. This forum will center on the religious and spiritual lives of refugees with the goals of deepening awareness of, identifying gaps m research on, and shaping action plans to improve policy affecting refugees and other migrants in the United States. Considering religion as a focal point will add nuance and substance to existing conversatio ns and work on refugee mental health, c1v1c integration of migrants , and overcommg marginalizatio n and its adverse community effects . By exam ining the relationship of policies that affect refugees AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000142 to mental health and civic life, we will be in a better position to address pertinent political concerns about refugee integration. To achieve these goa ls, in add ition to critical stakeholders m the U.S. government like yourse lf, other participants will include those responsible for policy m maJor fa ithbased and secular organizations respond ing to forced migration in the United States, academ ically and personally invested scho lars, refugees themse lves, and voices from the field. Dialogue between diverse sectors is crucia l to AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000143 addressing some of the most challenging questions regarding refugees in the U.S. Ultimately, this forum will lay the groundwork for policymakers to advance these issues within their communities and for scholars to engage m susta ined research that is relevant to policy together with their students. We sincere ly hope you will honor us with yo ur presence and expertise. Please RSVP (b)(6) to (b)(6) at (b)(6) @princeton.ed !!- Abo ut the host: ORL The under stands religious life AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000144 to include intellectual , moral, artistic, and civic life. In the past year m curating an international interdisciplina ry conference, Se eking Refuge: Faith-Bas ed Approaches to Forced Migration (cos ponsored by the Communit y of Sant'Egidio ), the office has become invested m forced migration, and now serves as a nexus of interaction between scholars, faith leaders, policymakers , NGOs, and refugees themse lves. About the cochairs: USCCB /MRS oversees the work of the Catholic bishops in the arena of migration , and engages m programm atic, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000145 educational, and advocacy efforts on behalf of migrant populations to ensure that their human dignity is protected and promoted. USCCB /MRS resettles approx imate ly 25 percent of the refugees that arrive in the U.S. each year, and has a refugee resettlement network that includes over 100 diocesan offices across the count ry and in Guam and Puerto Rico. m Founded 1933 on Albert Einstein's request , the IRC responds to the world's worst humanitarian cnses and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000146 survive, recover, and gain control of their future. The IRC serves displaced people in 40 countries overseas, operates the Resettlement Support Center in East Asia, and helps refugees begin new lives m 28 communities across the United States. White, Laura (ACF) "Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) "; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/10/05 16:34:33 Delivered Date: 2017/10/05 16:34:34 Message Flags: Unread AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000147 From: To: Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC)(ACF) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " "Biswas,Toby RM (ACF) "; "White, Jonathan (ACF) "; "Sualog, Jallyn (ACF) "; "White, Laura (ACF) "; "Swartz, Tricia (ACF) " b)(5) Subj ect: I Date: 2017/10/10 14:14:31 Priority : Normal Type: Note 1~)(5) From: DeSarbo, Lynne (OGC/CFAD) Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 1:52 PM To : Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC) (ACF); Biswas, Toby R M (ACF) Cc: Haron, Judith (HHS/OGC); Mestre, Lisette (HHS/OGC); DeSarbo, Lynne (OGC/CFAD) Subjectf b)(5) I (b)(5) Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions about the attached. Best, Ly nne Lynne DeSarbo Attorney Children, Families &Aging Division Office of General Counsel U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (202) 690-5754 AMEfHCA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000148 Notice: The contents of this message and any attachments may be privileged and confidential as attorney-client privileged/work product communications. Please do not disseminate without the approval of the Office of the General Counsel. If you are not an intended recipient, or have received this message in error, please delete it without reading it and please do not print, copy, forward, disseminate, or otherwise use the information. Also, please notify the sender that you have received this communication in error. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege. This document is for INTERNALGOVERNMENTUSEONLY and may be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.?? 552(b)(S), (b)(7). Sender: Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC) (ACF) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Biswas, Toby RM (ACF) "; "White, Jonathan (ACF) "; Recipient : "Sualog, Jallyn (ACF) "; "White, Laura (ACF) "; "Swartz, Tric ia (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/10/10 14:14:13 Delivered Date: 2017/10/10 14:14:31 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000149 White, Laura (ACF) To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " CC: "Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC)(ACF) " Subject: [for your follow up] l(b)(S) I Date: 2017/10/13 10:36:56 Priority: Normal Type: Note Scott, We will need your final edits on this today or Monday so we can push it to OLAB while you are gone. Thanks, Laura From: Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC) (ACF) Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2017 12:50 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Cc: Whit: Laura (ACF) Subject._lb_ lc5_l _____ __, Scott , AnnaMane White, Laura (ACF) " Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; Recipient: " Bena,Anna Marie (HHS/OGC)(ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/10/13 10:36:55 Delivered Date: 2017/ 10/13 10:36:56 Message Flags: Unread AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000150 Page 151 of 3 16 Wiltltleld pu rsuant to exemption (b)(5) of tile Fre edom of Information and Privacy Act pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000151 _________ _ _____ J Page 152 of 3 16 Wiltltleld pu rsuant to exemption (b)(5) of tile Fre edom of Information and Privacy Act pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000152 _________ _ _____ J Page 153 of 3 16 Wiltltleld pu rsuant to exemption (b)(5) of tile Fre edom of Information and Privacy Act pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000153 _________ _ _____ J Page 154 of 3 16 Wiltltleld pu rsuant to exemption (b)(5) of tile Fre edom of Information and Privacy Act pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000154 _________ _ _____ J Page 155 of 3 16 Wiltltleld pu rsuant to exemption (b)(5) of tile Fre edom of Information and Privacy Act pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000155 _________ _ _____ J Page 156 of 3 16 Wiltltleld pu rsuant to exemption (b)(5) of tile Fre edom of Information and Privacy Act pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000156 _________ _ _____ J Page 157 of 316 Wiltltleld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of tile Freedom of Information and Privacy Act pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000157 _________ _ _____ J White, Laura (ACF) To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " "Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC)(ACF) "i CC: "Tota, Kenneth (ACF) " Subject : [need your edits] NEWDATERE: POSTPONED House Judiciary Oversight Hearing on Refugees Date: 2017/10/16 14:44:20 Priority: Normal Type: Note Scott, Attached is the latest version of the testimony . Can you please make any update by tomorrow or we will need to push it forward to OLAB as is. Let me know if you can make updates. Thanks, Laura From: Logan, Scott (ACF) Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 2:00 PM To: White, Laura (ACF) Cc: Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC) (ACF); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: RE: NEW DATE RE: POSTPONED House Judiciary Oversight Hearing on Refugees Given the attached invitation was sent to Scott, ORR should continue preparing testimony for this hearing. Again, this only needs to be an overview statement of ORR's work . Scott Logan Director Division of Legislative and Regu latory Affairs Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 330 CST, SW Suite 5020D Washington, D.C. 20201 202.401.4529 From: White, Laura (ACF) Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:13 AM To: Logan, Scott (ACF) Cc: Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC) (ACF); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: RE: NEW DAT E RE: POSTPONED House Judiciary Oversight Hearing on Refugees AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000158 We will do our best. Scott is out of the country so he also won't be available for prep sess ions. We will need to prep q and a for him to send to him. Anna Marie and I will start on this next week. From: Logan, Scott (ACF) Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:03 AM To: White, Laura (ACF) Cc: Bena, Anna Marie ( HHS/OGC) (ACF); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: RE: NEW DATE RE: POSTPONED House Jud iciary Overs ight Hearing on Refugees Hi Laura, The testimony will need to be to the Committee on Oct. 25 - they ask for it 24 hours before the hearing. 0MB asks for 3 days to review. HHS asks for 2. Please send it to me by noon, 10/ 17. I'll need to have Steve review it the afternoon of 10/ 17 before sending it to the Department at the end of the day. Thank you, Scott Scott Logan Director Division of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 330 CST, SW Suite 5020D Washington, D.C. 20201 202.401.4529 From: White, Laura (ACF) Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 10:49 AM To: Logan, Scott (ACF) Cc: Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC) (ACF); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: FW: NEW DATE RE: POSTPONED House Judiciary Oversight Hearing on Refugees ScottScott will have the testimony to OLAB by next Friday . Please let me know if that is okay. Thanks, Laura From: Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 5:53 PM To: Logan, Scott (ACF); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Cc: Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/AS L); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ; Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); Wh ite, Laura (ACF) Subject: NEW DATE RE: POSTPONEDHouse Judiciary Oversight Hearing on Refugees AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000159 The House Judiciary Committee has rescheduled this hearing for Thursday, Oct. 26 th at 9:00AM . The committee staff said there is no special theme, just general oversight hearing and testimony should describe our program. From: Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 6:19 PM To: Logan, Scott (ACF); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Cc: Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); White, Laura (ACF) Subject: POSTPONEDRE: Hearing set for 10/3 TESTI MONY RE: October House Judiciary Oversight Hearing on Refugees Hearing has been postponed, no new date. From: Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 12:29 PM To: Logan, Scott (ACF); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Cc: Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL) Subject: Hearing set for 10/3 T ESTIMONY RE: October House Judiciary Oversight Hear ing on Refugees I just received this from House Judiciary, so we should stay on our schedule for testimony: The Subcommittee will hold a hearing on Oversight of the USRAP on Tuesday, October 3, 2017, at 2:00 p.m .. We will get witness invitation letters today or tomorrow morning. From: Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 10:19 AM To : Logan, Scott (ACF); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Cc : Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/AS L); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL) Subject: RE: TESTIMONY RE: October House Judiciary Oversight Hearing on Refugees Hi Scott, We don't have names because thev sent the notice to the 3 leg shoos but there's no invitation yet. l(bl(5l (b)(5) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000160 So for now we need to assume the hearing may still be the week of 10/2. Barbara From: Logan, Scott (ACF) Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 10:08 AM To: Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL); Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Cc : Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL) Subject: RE: T ESTIMONY RE: October House Judiciary Oversight Hearing on Refugees Hi Barbara, Do we know the names of who they have invited from State/DHS or can we find out? Thank you, Scott Scott Logan Director Division of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 330 C ST, SW Suite 5020D Washington, D.C. 20201 202.401.4529 From: Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 12:39 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Logan, Scott (ACF) Cc: Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS); Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL) Subject : T ESTIMONY RE: October House Judiciary Oversight Hearing on Refugees Looking at the calendar and with the holiday Monday of the first week in October , we need to start the testimony process now. ACF, please get draft testimony to us by next Monday, September 25 th . From: Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 5:5 1 PM To: Hayes, Sean (HHS/ASL); Lloyd, Scott (ACF); Logan, Scott (ACF) Cc: Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) (Marg aret. Subject: October House Judiciary Oversight Hearing on Refugees I received a heads up that the House Judiciary will be holding a refugee program oversight hearing during the first week of October. They will let us know the exact date and time as soon as they can, but wanted to put us on notice . They anticipate that they will invite a witness from PRM (Dept. of State) , one from USCIS , and one from HHS. Barbara AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000161 Barbara Pisaro Clark Act ing Ass istant Secretary for Legislation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (202) 690-7627 (202) 260-7193 (direct) Barbara.clark White, Laura (ACF) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC)(ACF) "; "Tota, Kenneth (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/10/16 14:44: 19 Delivered Date: 2017/10/16 14:44:20 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000162 808 GOOOlAlTI, Virginia CHAIRMAN JOHN CONYERS. JR. M ,ehigon RANKING MEMBER F JAMES SENSENBRENNER,JR., Wi$C0n!ln LAMAR S. SMITH, Te.lCas STEVECHABOT.Ohio DARRELLE. ISSA, C21Ulotn111 JERROLDNADLER. New York ZOE LOFGREN, California SHEILA JACKSON LEE, Texas ONE HUNDRED FIFTEENTHCONGRESS STEVE KING, fowa TRENT FRANKS, Arizona LOUIEGOHMERT,Toxas JIM JOROAN,Ohio TEOPOE,Texas JASON CHAFFETZ, Utah TOMMARINO,Pennsylv11ni11 TREY GOWDY, Soulh Caroline RAUL A LA8RAOOR,Ideho BLAKE FARENTHOLO,Toxoo DOUG COLLINS, Georgia AON DfSANTIS, Florida KEN BUCK. Colotado JOHNRATCLIFFE, TexH MIKEBISHOP,Michigan MARTHA ROBY, Alabama "Yoest, Charmaine (OS/ASPA)"; "Marriott, Brian (ACF) " "Skrzycki, Kristin (HHS/IOS) "; "Wagner, Steven (ACF) "; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; " Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC)"; "Lloyd, Matt (OS/ASPA)" Subject: FW: Undocumented pregnant girl in Texas tests Trump policy to stop abortions Date: 2017/10/16 19:01:21 Priority: Normal Type : Note Charmaine and Brian, b)(5) (b)(5) IS HHS or ACF prepared with statements when either of the two courts acts this week on this case? Maggie Deliberative and pre-decisional communication From: Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 6:27 PM To: Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Subject: FW: Undocumented pregnant girl in Texas tests Trump policy to stop abort ions AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000172 Confidentialpre-decisionaldeliberativeprocessand attorney client privilege Matt Bowman Deputy General Counsel HHSOGC 202.868.9791 matth ew .bowman @hh From: Bult, Nathan (O5/ASPA) Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 6:17 PM To: Lloyd, Matt (OS/ASPA); Oakley, Caitlin B. (OS/ASPA); Yoest, Charmaine (OS/ASPA); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC) Subject: FW: Undocumented pregna nt girl in Texas tests Tr ump policy to stop abortions Flagging From: POLITICO Pro Health care [ma ilto: politicoemai l@polit] Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 6:12 PM To: Bult, Nathan (O5/ASPA) Subject: Undocumented pregnant girl in Texas tests Trump policy to stop abort ions Undocumented pregnant girl in Texas tests Trump policy to stop abortions By Renuka Rayasam 10/ 16/2017 06:06 PM EDT AUSTIN , Texas - The Trump admin istration is preventing an undocumented, pregnant teenager detained in a Brownsville refugee shelter from getting an abortion in a pol icy shift with big implication s for hundreds of other pregnant , unaccompanied minors held in such shelters. She is not the first to be stopped, according to advocate s who work with undocumented teenagers. For the last seven months , the Health and Human Services Department has intervened to prevent abortions sought by girls at federally funded shelters, even in cases of rape and incest and when the teen had a way to pay for the procedu re. The agency has instead forced minors to visit crisis pregnancy centers , religiou sly affiliated groups that counsel women against having abortions , according to documents obtained by POLITICO , interviews with sources involved in the Brownsville case and those familiar with the agency's policy. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000173 In some cases, a senior HHS official has personally visited or called pregnant teens to try to talk them out of endin g their pregnancies. "There is a pattern of unconstitutional overreac h of power in a minor's abort ion decision," said the teen's lawyer, Brigitte Ami ri of the ACLU. The ACLU brought suit on Friday on behalf of the 17-year -old in the Brownsville shelter, conte ndin g HHS has barred the girl, now abo ut 14 weeks pregnant, from gett ing the aborti on even though she got a judge's permission to have it w ithout parenta l consent and has obtained the money to pay for it. Abortions after 20 weeks are illegal under Texas law. The girl, identifi ed in co urt papers on ly as Jane Doe , obta ined a j udge's permission on Sept. 25 and had an initia l abort ion appo intm ent sched uled for Sept. 28, at the end of her first trimester, Amiri said. But officials at the Office of Refugee Resettlement , which is part of HHS , refused to transport her to her abortion appointment, instead tak ing her to a cris is pregnancy center, and calling her mother in her home country to tell her about the pregnancy, according to the ACLU suit and Amiri. "What's especially disturbing for us about this case , is that the child is in the custody of ORR [the Office of Refugee Resettlement] , so she has no othe r choice , and she is stuck in a form of custody or detention ," said Michelle Brane of the Women's Refugee Commiss ion . The Trump policy represents a sharp departure from the Obama administrat ion, when the gove rnm ent reviewed an und oc umented teen's request for an abo 1tion when she sought federal funding to pay for it, said Robert Carey, director from Apr il 2015 until January of this year. The fun ds were approved in cases of rape or incest or when a mother's life was in danger , acco rdin g to the agency's guide lines. HHS didn't ge t involved if the teen got fundin g for the proced ure from another source, he said. "I wasn't approving their right to have the procedure ," Carey said. The ACLU estimates that several hundred pregnant minors are currently in federa l shelters throughout the co untry . Most are from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador and immi gration experts believe many are victims of rape and sexual vio lence, eithe r in their home countries or during the perilous jo urney here. If they are apprehended after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border , they are housed in HHS shelters separate from adults until they are reunited with relatives or othe r sponsors, or else deported. The Trump ad mini strat ion policy shift appea rs to have begun in ear ly March, in the weeks leading up to Scott Lloyd , a lawyer with Knights of Columbus , a Catholic charitab le organization , taking the helm of the refugee resettlement agency. On March 6, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000174 he and two HHS employees sent an internal memo detailing three cases of minors held in federal custody asking for abortion s, according to documents shared with POLITICO. They say that federally funded shelte rs must "provide immediate and cont inuing information" to the agency regarding abortion requests , that neither the agency, nor the facilities, may authori ze the procedure and that punitive action would be taken against facilities that violate the protocol. The email also said the girls in those cases had changed their stories about whether the pregnancies resulted from rape or conse nsual sex with a boyfriend. The document also had "talking points" but they were blacked out in the copy shared with POLITICO. Later, as director, Lloyd wrote in a March 30 email to another staffer: "Grantees should not be supportin g abortion services pre or post-release; only pregnancy services and lifeaffirming options counseling." Lawyers who work with the teens say the policy appears to have been disseminated inform ally through emai l, rather than being formally codified in the agency's policy guide. They also note that Lloyd has personally visited and called pregnant girls in shelters, directed them to a list of approved crisis pregnancy centers, instructed staff to block minors from meeting with attorneys and told shelter operators to call a minor's parents even if she receives permission to go to a judge to obtain authorization for an abo1tion without their consent. In many cases, parents are hundreds of miles away in their home countries, or minors worry that parents won't approve of the procedure. Susan Hays, an Austin attorney who helped the girl in the Brownsville shelter get a judge's permission to have the procedure, said that the girl was worried about telling her parents because they had beaten her sister when she became pregnant out of wedlock. Lloyd has also threatened to pull funding from shelters, which are under federal contract, for failure to comp ly, Hays said. "Shelters are scared," she added. Access to abortion has long been an issue for girls detained in refugee shelters, because many are religiously affiliated institutions that oppose the practice. But Amiri, Hays and others who work with refugees tell POLITICO that it's unprecedented for an ORR director to personally attempt to dissuade minors from ending a pregnancy. "Imagine you are an unaccompan ied minor and this bureaucrat from Washington , D.C., in a suit comes to visit you," Amiri said. She called it an "abuse of power to coerce and use immigration status as a bargaining chip." HHS did not to respond to questions about the agency's policy regard ing abortions among undocumented pregnant minors. Lloyd referred repeated calls and emai ls to the HHS communications team. Calls and emails to several ORR staffers were unanswered. In response to questions about the Brownsville case, a spokesperso n for HHS' Administration for Children and AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000175 Families said in an emailed statement "our paramount concern is the child's safety and well-being." "While the child is in our custody, our goal is to provide food, shelter and care to her under federa l statute," the spokesperson said. "We are providing excellent care to the adolescent girl and her unborn child, who remain under our care until the mother's release." The policy regardi ng what to do with undocumented minors in shelters that request abortions was first laid out in a 2008 Bush admini stration memo. That came at the end of the administration, so the Obama administration interpreted the policy. "A considerab le amo unt of time and energy was put into the development of that policy," Carey said. Carey estimated that he signed off about three or four times a month on the use of federal funds to help girls terminate their pregnancies in case of rape or incest or when her life was threate ned. "They were entitled to family planning services and left [on their own] to make those decisions to terminate those pregnancies ," he said about the decision of a pregnant minor in a federally funded shelter to have an abortion. The new policy could have far-reach ing consequences on all aspects of rules around pregnant unaccompan ied minors, from how long they are held in federal shelters to how they are coun ted, say lawyers and advocates who work with them. For example , HHS may keep girls until they can no longer legally get an abortion or release them to families that would also discourage abortions, rather than to family members or sponsors . In add ition, HHS is cons idering count ing fetuses as unborn children, which could change federal funding at shelters that house pregnant teens , according to sources. The emergence of the policy is documented in a series of emails between Lloyd and other official s and shelters since March. In one case , acting ORR director Kenneth Tota tried to stop a medication abortion, which involves taking two prescriptions in sequence. He asked that the girl be sent to the emergency room for an exam to determine if the fetus was still viable after she had taken the first pill, but before she took the secon d drug to comple te the procedure. In the end, the agency let the procedure continue. In another case, about 10 days before his official appointment , Lloyd visited a Honduran girl in a San Antonio shelter and sent an email to the shelter operator asking to accommodate her request for bananas and soup and a more comforta ble mattress, according to the emails. He added that if things get "dicey" with her sponsor , a relative in the U.S., he knew families that would take her in and see her through her pregnancy and AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000176 beyond. That potentially violates an agreement in which the government must quickly reunite the minor with family or other sponsor. In anot her case this spring, described in the emails, Lloyd said he spoke with a girl requesting an abortion at a Southwest Key shelter in Phoenix. He directed ORR staff to send the girl to a specific cr isis pregnancy center for an ultraso und and to keep her from meeting with an attorney regarding her desire to get a judge to give her permiss ion for an abortio n. Ne ither the shelter nor the crisis pregna ncy center responded to requests to comment over the weekend. Altho ugh the ACLU's lawsuit applies only to one teenager, Texas Attorney Genera l Ken Paxton said in a news release that he worries a dec ision in the case cou ld have broadranging implications. "No federal court has ever declared that unlawfully-present aliens with no substan tial ties to this country have a constitutiona l right to abortion on demand ," he said. "If 'Doe' preva ils in this case, the ruling will create a right to abort ion for anyone on earth who enters the U.S. illegally. And with that right, cou ntless othe rs undoubted ly would follow. Texas must not become a sanctuary state for abortions." To view online: https://www .politicopro.corn/health -care/sto1y/2017 / 10/undocumented -pregnant -girl-intexas-tests-trump-policy-to-stop-abortions-163418 Was this Pro content helpfu l? Tell us what you think in one c lick . o Yes. very Somewhat Somewhat I Neutral Not really Not at all You received this POLITICO Pro content because your customized settings include: Health Care: HHS; Health Care: Abortion. To change your alert settings, please go to https://www POLITICOPRO This email was sent to nathan.bult by: POLITICO , LLC 1000 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA, 22209, USA Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) Recipient: "Yoest, Charmaine (O5/ASPA) "; "Marriott, Brian (ACF) "; "Skrzycki, Kristin (HHS/IOS) "; "Wagner, Steven (ACF) "; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC)"; "Lloyd, Matt (OS/ASPA)" Se nt Date : 2017/10/16 19:01:20 De live red Date : 2017/10/ 16 19:01:21 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000178 Daravi, Kamran(HHS/O5/OGA) To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " FW: [MARKETINGEMAIL]POLITICOPulse,presented by PhRMA:HHSofficial personallyvisits Subject : pregnant teens, trying to talk them out of abortions - Most Americans confused, underinformed ahead of open enrollment - Trump wants an Obamacaredeal, Alexander says Date : 2017/10/17 10:18:28 Priority : Normal Type: Note From: POLITICO Pulse [mai lto:p ulse@politi] Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 10:05 AM To : Daravi, Kamran (HHS/OS/OGA) Subject: [ MARKETING EMAIL ]POLITICO Pulse, present ed by PhRMA: HHS officia l personally visits pregnant teens, try ing to ta lk t hem out of abortions - Most Amer icans conf used, under- informed ahead of open enro llment - Trump wants an Obamacare deal, Alexander says View online version POLITICO PULSE 10/17/2017 POLITIC< 10 :00 AM EDT By DAN DIAMOND ( ;~ UNDOCUMENTED PREGNANT GIRL TESTS TRUMP POLICY TO STOP ABORTIONS - The Tru teenager det ained in a Texas refugee shelter from getti ng an ab orti on, POLITICO's Renuk a Rayasa n It's a policy shift with big implications for hundreds of other pregnant, unaccompanied minors held month s intervenin g to prevent aborti ons sought by girls at fede rally funded shelters, even in cases o procedure, Renuka reports . The agency has instead forced minors to visit crisis pregnancy centers , 1 aborti ons . ... In some cases, a senior HHS official has persona lly visited or called pregnant teens to try to talk t Scott Lloyd, who was form erly a lawyer with Knight s of Columbus, a Cath olic ch arit able organizatio AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000179 attorneys and told shelter operators to call a minor's parents even if she receives permission to go tc consent. "There is a pattern of unconstitutional overreach of power in a minor's abortion decision," said the 1 HHS responds: "The Office of Refugee Resettlement is providing excellent care to this young worn, people. There is no constitutional right for a pregnant minor to illegally cross the U.S. border and gt for Children and Families said in a a statement. "We cannot cede our responsibility to care for mino groups." AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000180 20160627 _ Abortion_Ruling_3_MSl Texas has become the latest battleground in the fight over access to abortion, with an undocumented teen being denie, FIRST IN PULSE: MOST AMERICANS CONFUSED, UNDER-INFORMED AHEAD OF OPEN ENI Covered, which was conduct ed by Hart Research Associates between Sept. 28 and Oct. 3, before Pre regulations. Among the findings: - Most Americans don't know when ACA open enrollment starts or ends . Only 12 percent of ur and - in the 42 states where thi s is the case - just six percent knew that Dec. 15 would be the deadlin Insured respondents were somewhat more knowledgeable; 31 percent knew that Nov. 1 was when o: th e deadline to sign up. - Most Americans aren't sure whether the marketplaces will exist in 2018 . Nearly 60 percent o: and consu mers will lose their coverage next year or they are n't sure . ... Advocates say the polling shows the need to fund Obamacare-related ads and outreach, which thE "The tak eaways are pretty clear but overall, people are confused and awareness about Open Enrollrr Get America Covered, told PULSE. "[But] instead of doing the outreach that is necessary, they're do confusing." ** A message from PhRMA : DYK sharing negotiated discounts could save certain commerci, according to a new ana lysis, whi ch also found sharing all of negotiated discounts would increase prE http: // onph / 2hBVaib ** FIRST IN PULSE : Obamacare supporters launch effort to highlight Trump's 'sabotage' - Prott stopping President Donald Trump from "sabotaging" the Affordable Care Act, POLITICO's Paul De1 The effort includ es a new report showing th at in at least 20 of th e 28 st ates where final 2018 rat es a to Trump's actions. In addition, five other states indicated that rates would go higher if Trump folio' payments, as he did last week. The campaign also includes a website,, and Medicaid . ... "The President's repeated and blatant acts of sabotage are deliberately und er minin g th e law, and said Leslie Dach, chair of Protect Our Care, in a statement. "It is high time Republicans in Congress AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000181 restoring funding for CSRs and open enrollment." TRUMP WANTS AN OBAMACARE DEAL, ALEXANDER SAYS - Trump urged Republican Sen.1 encouragement that might help sway Republicans who are skeptical of a bipartisan agreement. Alexander said Trump told him by phone on Saturday that he'd like to see a bill that funds the Ohan return, he wants to see "meaningful flexibility for the states in providing more choices," Alexander t "He said he wanted to make sure that in this interim period while we're still arguing about the longhis words," Alexander said of Trump . ... The ongoing discussions between Alexander and Sen. Patty Murray, the top Democrat on the HE: Thursday said Obamacare's cost-sharing reduction payments would end as soon as next week, acco1 Montana health plans get go-ahead to raise rates. Both Montana Health CO-OP and PacificSom administration's decision to pull Obamacare cost-sharing subsidies last week. While Montana initia agency reversed its decision on Friday. More for Pros . ... State insurance commissioner Matt Rosendale said he wasn't happy by the insurers' requests to r: "I am extremely disheartened by these last-minute actions of both Pacific Source and Montana Hea: advised by both companies just months ago, that with or without CSR payments, they would be abh their actions, they inform me that was not true." MARINO OUT AS DRUG CZAR NOMINEE - President Donald Trump on Tuesday announ ced, tha1 Drug Control Policy has pulled out of consideration. "Rep. Tom Marino has informed me that he is withdrawing his name from consideration as drug cz, Congressman!" Marino was a focus of a Sunday Washington Post/CBS investigation that concluded Congress, aidec efforts to combat the abuse of opioids. Marino was one of the House's main proponents of the bill ai disqualify him from leading the drug control office. Marino was first tapped by Trump to be drug czar in the spring but withdrew from consideration th , HATCH, PhRMA DISPUTE WAPO/CBS STORY - Speaking on the Senate floor Monday evening, S signed off on the bill, but provided lawmakers with some of the key language now criticized by the n AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000182 President Barack Obama signed the bill into law on the advice of his DEA administration, Hatch adc The Utah Republican said opponents of the Trump administration rewrote the history of the bill to : a group of disgruntled ex-DEA employees. Hatch also dismissed the notion that lobbying from drug distributors or manufacturers influenced t sinister conspiracy at play," Hatch said. - PhRMA also pushed back on the story. The industry group said it did not support or lobby in fa Act, S. 483 (114). The Post/CBS story has a chart that lists $40.8 million in PhRMA lobbying expern if any, it spent on S. 483. THIS IS TUESDAY PULSE - Where you can find your author this morning on NPR's "lA," where he someone calls in with an NBA-related question; PULSE ha s thoughts on both CSRs and PERs.) Don't tank this open enrollment season: Send tips to or @ddiamond on Tv With help from Paul Demko (@PaulDemko ), Jennifer Haberkorn (@JenHab), Rachana Pradhan Karlin-Smith (@SarahKarlin ) MINNESOTA GETS ITS ACA WAIVER - Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton made it official Monday th a premium increases in the individual market for next year, despite a spat he had with the Trump ad1 Minnesota is set to receive roughly $1 billion in federal funds over five years for the Obamacare wai' also set to see money reduced for a separate health coverage program for low-income residents. "I maintain my position that Minnesota is entitled to the federal Basic Health Plan funding, which t: waived those rights by signing this waiver," Dayton, a Democrat, said in a statement about the optia 200 percent of the federal poverty level. ... Minnesota state Republicans also criticized the cuts to the Basic Health Plan, with Republican stc the belief that th e federal government should reward, not punish, stat es for bringing down costs thr The Trump administration's record on granting states Obamacare waivers has been mixed even tho earlier this year. Where the rest of the waivers stand: - Alaska: HHS and th e Treasury Departm ent approved the state's waiver in July, agreeing to send a AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000183 - Iowa: CMS deemed the state's application complete but has not made a final decision. Public com1 - Massachusetts: The state on Sept. 8 requested a waiver to set up a premium stabilizatio n fund in came a month before Trump ordered that the federa l government scrap those same subsidies natior - Oklahoma : The stat e withdrew its proposal on Sept. 29 afte r blaming th e federa l governmen t for 1 - Oregon: CMS deemed the state's application complete but has not made a final decision. Public cc IN CONGRESS Kaine, Bennet prepare to unveil 'Medicare-X.' The plan from Sens. Tim Kaine and Michael Benrn Medicare, initi ally in areas where there are few insurers or high health care cost s. But by 2023, "Me, to a joint release from the senators . "By 2024, the public plan would be added as another option on IN THE COURTS FIRST IN PULSE: Under-the-radar SCOTUS patent case could have big implications for drug Access, &Knowledge (I-MAK), which is out with a new paper on a constitutional challenge to the Pa as the PTAB, is essenti al "The Supreme Court's decision on whether the PTAB can continue to review and appropriately inva have long-term impact on drug pric es," th e group writ es. "Unme rit ed patents result in higher drug I them." Read the policy brief . NEW DATA SHOW: Sharing negotiated discounts could save patients more than $800 annually. ?"* AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT B~\A EXT-18-1509-P-000184 AROUND THE NATIO California: Health Affairs to devote an entire issue to the Golden State. The health policy jourr California-centric health themes including the state's progress under the ACA, lessons learned from the country's largest Medicaid program. The edition, which will feature some 20 peer-reviewed artic September. WHAT WE'RE READING By Jennifer Haberkorn Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital stayed open during the California wildfires to tr eat patients, includir Francisco Chronicle reports. More. The audio of 911 calls placed from a Florida nursing home that lost several patients in the aftermath reports. More. NIH plans to start recruiting for testing of a new male contrac eptive, a gel that is applied to men's s] Vox's Sarah Kliff says the problem with the U.S. health care problem is our sky-high prices, and she ' Maine voters will be asked in November whether the state should embrace Medicaid expansion und The Maryland health exchange is trying to counter confusion over Obamacare to encourage people 1 Obamacare plans in Pennsylvania will need to rise an average of 30.6 percent, nearly four times mo according to the state insurance commissioner, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports . More. - A message from PhRMA : A new Milliman analysis reveals providing access to discounted medi insured patients with high deductibles and coinsurance $145 to more than $800 annually. The data would increa se on average 1 percent or less if all of negotiated rebates were shared with patients. Ne result in significant rebates. In fact, more than a third of the list price for brand medicines is rebate< of more than $ 100 billion in 2015 and grow every year . Why not let patients benefit? Learn more at View online To change your alert settings, please go to /settings AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000185 POLITICO This email was sent to kamran.daravi by: POLITICO, LLC 1000 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA, 22209, USA Please click here and follow the steps to unsubscr ibe. Sender: Recipient: Daravi, Kamran (HHS/OS/OGA) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/ 10/17 10:18:28 Message Flags: Unread AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000186 Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) "Logan, Scott (ACF) "; " Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL)"; To: "Wagner, Steven (ACF) "; "Pilato, Anna (ACF) "; "Powers, Mary (ACF) " Subject: Politico blurb Date : 2017/10/26 11:38:01 Priority: Normal Type: Note Refug ee office chief deflects questions on abortion policy By Renuka Rayasam 10/26/2017 11:20 AM EDT The head of the HHS office that oversees unaccompanied minors deflected questions during a Thursday House hearing about whether he personally met with pregnant teens to talk them out of having abortions and whether undocumented immigrants have const itutiona l rights. Scott Lloyd, head of the Office of Refugee Resettlement , was pressed by the House Judiciary Committee about his agency's policy of blocking abortions among pregnant minors in its care. His appearance came a day after an unaccompanied minor in ORR custody, known as Jane Doe in court filings, obtained an abortion after a high-profi le legal battle that put the policy in the spotlight. "My abi lity to answer [those questions ] fully are limited to a number of factors," Lloyd told the pane l. "I'm out in the field in many of our locations and meet with dozens and hundred s of people we serve," Lloyd said. "Among them I am certain some of them were pregnant at the time." Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texa s) asked specifica lly about how the policy applies to pregnant minors in ORR custody who have been raped. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000187 "We work in the best interest of all the (unaccompanied minors] that come into our care," answered Lloyd . Lloyd stumbled when Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) pressed him about whether he has the medical training and counseling background necessary to advise pregnant teens about their options and also refused to discuss the Jane Doe case. "I'm not going to comment on any individual case, but any case that comes across my desk, I will look at a totality of considerations," said Lloyd . Separately the watchdog group Campaign for Accountability asked the Virginia State Bar to investigate whether Lloyd, formerly a lawyer with the Catholic charitable organization the Knights of Columbus, violated a professional code of conduct by contacting pregnant girls in ORR' s care. To view online: /story/2017 /1 0/orr-director-scott-lloyd-deflectsguestions-on-refugee-abo1tion-policy-16397 6 Courtney Lawrence Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (202) 619-1206 (Direct) Courtney .Lawrence Lawrence, Courtney (HHS/ASL) "Logan, Scott (ACF) "; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Clark, Barbara (HHS/ASL) "; Recipient: "Wagner, Steven (ACF) "; "Pilato, Anna (ACF) "; "Powers, Mary (ACF) " Sent Date: 2017/10/26 11:38:00 Delivered Date : 2017/10/26 11:38:01 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000188 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) To: Subject: "Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC)" Kb)(5) I Date: 2018/01/08 10:59:00 Priority : Normal Type : Note Per your request. From: Haron, Judit h (HHS/OGC) Sent : Tuesday, January 02, 2018 2:39 PM To : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Cc: Woolford Llewell n HHS OGC . Palacios Caitlin HHS OGC Subject: b)(S) b)(5) (b)(5) - Judy Haran Deputy Associate General Counsel Children, Famil ies and Aging Div ision HHS Office of the General Counsel (202) 690 8005 Notice: The contents of this message and any attachments may be privileged and confidentia l as attorney -client privileged/work product communications. Please do not disseminate without the approval of the Office of the General Counsel. If you are not an intended recipient, or have received this message in error, please delete it without reading it and please do not print, copy, forward, disseminate, or otherwise use the information. Also, please notify the sender that you have received this communication in error. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicab le privi lege. This document is for INTERNALGOVERNMENTUSEONLYand may be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.?? 552(b)(S), (b)(7). From: Tomlinson, Martin M. (CIV) [mailto :Marti] Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2018 1:50 PM To : Haron, Judith (HHS/OGC); Palacios, Caitlin (HHS/OGC); Woolford, Llewellyn (HHS/OGC) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000189 Judy, Lew, and Caitlin : (b)(5) Martin M. Tomlin son Trial Attorney ! U.S. Department of Justice Civil Division! Federal Program s Branch 20 Massachusetts Ave., NW , Room 6134 Phone: (202) 353-4556 Fax : (202) 616-8470 For overnight/courier deliveries: Martin M. Tomlinson Department of Justice Federal Programs Branch, Room 6134 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20530 From: Halli Goldman (mailto :hgoldman@transperfect .com) Sent : Thursday, December 28, 2017 1:43 PM To: Tomlinson, Martin M . (CIV) ;Phipps, Peter (CIV) Cc:Stephen Wilkes Subject : Final- American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California v. Hargan &USCCB-Scott Lloyd, Esq.-12 .18.17 Case: American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California v. Hargan &USCCB Witness: Scott Lloyd, Esq. Date: December 18, 2017 Good afternoon Counsel, Attached please find the transcript files pertaining to the deposition mentioned above. Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. Best Regards, Halli AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000190 Halli Goldman Production Coordinator TransPerfect Legal Solutions 216 East 45th Street Suite 903 New York, NY 10017 t +1 212-400-8845 If +1 646-219-1484 legal.transperfect .com Sender: Recipient : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC)" Sent Date: 2018/01/08 11:43:21 Delivered Date: 2018/01/08 10:59:00 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000191 From: Haron, Judith (HHS/OGC) To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Subject: FW: Deposition:j(b)(5) I Date : 2018/0 1/ 25 10:46:41 Priority: Normal Type: Note - Judy Haron Deputy Associate General Counsel Children, Families and Aging Division HHS Office of the General Counsel (202) 690 8005 Notice: The contents of this message and any attachments may be privileged and confidentia l as attorney -client privileged/wo rk product communications. Please do not disseminate without the approva l of the Office of the General Counsel. If you are not an intended recipient, or have received th is message in error, please delete it without reading it and please do not print, copy, forward, disseminate, or otherwise use the information . Also, please notify the sender that you have received this communication in error. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicab le privi lege. This document is for INTERNALGOVERNMENTUSEONLYand may be exempt from disclosure under t he Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.?? 552(b)(5), (b)(7). From: Haron, Judith (HHS/OGC) Sent: Monday, January 22, 2018 8:21 AM To : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: FW : Deposition: f...b_)(5_) __ _. b)(5) Notice: The contents of this message and any attachments may be privileged and confidentia l as attorney -client privileged/work product communications. Please do not disseminate without the approva l of the Office of the General Counsel. If you are not an intended recipient, or have received this message in error, please delete it without reading it and please do not print, copy, forward, disseminate, or otherwise use the information . Also, please notify the sender that you have received this communication in error. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicab le priv ilege. This document is for INTERNALGOVERNMENTUSEONLYand may be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.?? 552(b)(5), (b)(7). From: Haron, Judith (HHS/OGC) Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 5: 0 1 PM AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000192 To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) ____ Cc: Palacios, Caitlin (HHS OGC . Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Woolford , Llewellyn (H HS/OGC) Subject: RE: Deposition ,__ b)(5) _. (b)(5) Thank you! - Judy Haran Deputy Associate General Counsel Children, Families and Aging Division HHS Office of the General Counsel (202) 690 80 05 Notice: The contents of this message and any attachments may be privileged and confidentia l as attorney -client privileged/work product communications. Please do not disseminate without the approva l of the Office of the General Counsel. If you are not an intended recipient, or have received th is message in error, please delete it without reading it and please do not print, copy, forward, disseminate, or otherwise use the information . Also, please notify the sender that you have received this communication in erro r. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicab le privi lege. This document is for INTERNALGOVERNMENTUSEONLYand may be exempt from disclosure under t he Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.?? 552(b)(5), (b)(7). From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 1:04 PM To: Haran, Judith (HHS/OGC) Cc: Palacios, Caitlin (HHS/OGC); Bowman, Matthew (HHS/OGC); Woolford, Llewellyn (H HS/OGC) Subject: Deposition: l(b)(5) I Legal advice Judy, ~b)(5) Thank you, Scott *** E. Scott Lloyd Director Offic e of Refugee Resettlement U.S. Department of Health and Human Service s (202) 40 1-7269 I(cell) (202) !(bl(5l d . Haron, Judith (HHS/OGC) S AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000193 Recipient : "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date : 2018/01/25 10:46:22 Delivered Date: 2018/01/25 10 :46:41 From: To: Haron, Judith (HHS/OGC) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " "Woolford, Llewellyn (HHS/OGC) "; CC: "Palacios, Caitlin (HHS/OGC) " b)(S) Subject: I Date: 2018/01/02 14 :39 :00 Priority: Normal Type: Note b)(S) - Judy Haro n Deputy Associa te General Counsel Child ren, Fam ili es and Ag in g Divi sio n HHS Office of the General Counsel (2 0 2) 6 9 0 8 00 5 Notice: The contents of this message and any attachments may be privileged and confidentia l as attorney -client privileged/work pro duct commun ications. Please do not disseminate without the approva l of the Office of the General Counsel. If you are not an intended recipient, or have received th is message in error, please delete it w ithout reading it and please do not print, copy, forward , disseminate, or otherwise use the information . Also, please not ify the sender that you have received this communicatio n in erro r. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicab le priv ilege. This document is fo r INTERNALGOVERNMENT USEONLYand may be exempt from disclosure under t he Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.?? 552(b)(S), (b)(7). From: Tomli nson, Marti n M. (CIV ) [ma ilto:M artin .M.Tomlinson@usdoj .gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2018 1:50 PM To: Haron, Judit h (HHS/OGC); Palacios, Caitli n ( HHS/OGC); Woolford, Llewellyn ( HHS/OGC) Cc: Ph ip r,Peter/0;) Subject (b)(S) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000194 Judy, Lew , and Cait lin: Martin M. Tomlinson Trial Attorney! U.S . Department of Justice Civi l Division ! Federal Progra ms Branch 20 Massachuse tts Ave., NW, Room 6134 Phone: (202) 353-4556 Fax: (202) 6 16-8470 For overnight/courier deliveries: Martin M. Tomlinson Department of Justice Federal Programs Branch , Room 6134 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20530 From: Halli Goldman [mailto ] Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2017 1:43 PM To: Tomlinson, Martin M. (CIV) ; Phipps, Peter (CIV) Cc: Stephen Wilkes Subject: Final- American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California v. Hargan &USCCB- Scott Lloyd, Esq.-12.18.17 Case: American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California v. Hargan &USCCB Witness: Scott Lloyd, Esq. Date: December 18, 2017 Good afternoon Counsel, Attached please find the transcript files pertaining to the deposition mentioned above. Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. Best Regards, Halli Halli Goldman AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000195 Production Coordinator TransPerfect Legal Solutions 216 East 45 th Street Suite 903 New York, NY 10017 t +1 212-400-8845 If +1 646-219-1484 Sender: Haron, Judith (HHS/OGC) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Woolford, Llewellyn (HHS/OGC)"; "Palacios, Caitlin (HHS/OGC)" Sent Date: 2018/01/02 14:39:23 Delivered Date: 2018/01/02 14:39:00 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000196 From: To: Haron, Judith (HHS/OGC) "Lucas, Sarah (ACF)(CTR) " "Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC)(ACF) "; "Suh, Victor (HHS/OGC)(ACF) (CTR) "; "Biswas,Toby RM (ACF) "; "Furna, Julia (HHS/OGC)"; CC: "DeSarbo,Lynne (OGC/CFAD)"; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "White, Jonathan (ACF) "; "De LA Cruz, James(ACF) "; "Valdez, Eley(ACF) " Subject: Requestto Set Up Meeting on 2 New Litigations Date: 2018/02/23 17:47:10 Priority: Normal Type: Note Sarah, I'd like to set up a meeting for next week with Scott Lloyd, Jonathan White, Jim Delacruz, Eley Valdez, the URM program leader, and others who should be available to discuss litigations involving: UAC children arrested in the interior of the US by ICE(not at the border) and placed in secures/staff secure as well as a URM program issue in the State of Texas. Can you help with that? My calendar is searchable. While we are not sure exactly who is handling the Marouf complaint at this time, I think it would be a good idea to have an early meeting and explain the nature of the two cases, what the next steps will be from OGCand DOJ, and finally the litigation hold requirements that apply immediately to all individuals at ORRand HHSwhen litigation is filed (or even reasonably anticipated) . In particular, when litigation is filed, the agency is required to hold all documents relating to the litigation that may need to be discovered. Document has a very broad definition . It includes emails, drafts, voice mails (keep them saved electronically); text messages or any other messagesfrom a phone; individual notes (such as a notebook or record log). If personal devices (phones/emails) were used for work, then it would include those messages as well. If texting/messaging is used for official business, we recommend taking screen shots of the text or figuring out a way to print so the text can be preserved . While a formal litigation hold will be forthcoming, we should ensure that all materials relating to the following are preserved and not disposed of: LVM v. Lloyd case: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000197 LVM Secure/staff-secure procedures (such as placement, release, step-up, step-down) Flores bond hear ings The Community Safety Initiative or similar Operation Matador, Operation Raging Bull, or similar. Marouf v. Azar case: Info rmat ion on Texas exit ing the refugee program as a State grantee. Info rmation on the replacement designee(s). USCCBspecifically - app lication, rating, emails etc. Project officer information (reports, etc) Any information relating to Catholic Charities Forth Worth as subrecipient to USCCB Documents relating to the Marouf case We w ill be wanting from ORRa list of individuals who are likely to have responsive information for both cases, and I'll work with IT to put a litigation hold on their emails. Thank you so much. - Judy Haron Deputy Associate General Counse l Chil d re n , Familie s and Aging D ivisi o n HHS Office of the Gen eral Counsel (202) 69 0 8 005 Notice: The contents privileged/work of this message and any attachments product Genera l Counse l. If you are not an intended without may be privileged communica t ions. Please do not disseminate recipient, and confidentia l as attorney-cl ient the approva l of the Office of the or have received th is message in error, p lease delete it reading it and p lease do not print, copy, forward, disseminate, pl ease notify the sender that you have rece ived this communicatio intended to waive any applicab le privi lege . This document exempt from d isclosure unde r t he Freedom of Informatio Sender: without or otherwise use the information . A lso, n in erro r. Your receipt of this message is not is fo r INTERNAL GOVERN MENT USE O NLY and may be n Act, 5 U.S.C. ?? 552(b)(S), (b)(7). Haron, Judith (HHS/OGC) "Lucas, Sarah (ACF) (CTR) "; "Bena, Anna Marie (HHS/OGC) (ACF) " ; "Suh, Victor (HHS/OGC) (ACF) (CTR) "; Recipient: (FYDIBOHF23SPDL "Biswas, Toby RM (ACF) "; "Furna, Julia (HHS/OGC) "; "DeSarbo, Lynne (OGC/CFAD) "; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "White, Jonathan (ACF) "; "De LA Cruz, James (ACF) "; "Valdez, Eley (ACF) " Sent Date: 2018/02/23 17:47:06 Delivered Date: 2018/02/23 17:47:10 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000199 Cas e 1:18-cv-00378 Doc ume nt 1 File d 02/20/ 18 Page 1 of 26 IN THE UNITED STATES DI STRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRIC T OF COLUMBIA ) FATMA MAROUF and BRYN ESPLIN, a married couple, 1060 Cotton Depot Lane #640, Fort Worth, TX 76102; Plaintiffs, V. ALEX AZAR, in his official capac ity as Secretary of the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, 200 Indepe ndence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, 200 Indepe ndence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201; STEVEN WAGNER, in his official capac ity as Acting Assistant Secretary for the ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES, 330 C Street, S.W., Wash ington, D.C. 20201; ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES, 330 C Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201; SCOTT LLOYD, in his official capac ity as Director of the OFFICE OF REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT, 330 C Street, S.W., Wash ington, D.C. 20201; AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Civil Action No. l: 18-cv-378 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF AND MONETARY DAMAGES EXT-18-1509-P-000200 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 File d 02/20/ 18 Page 2 of 26 OFFICE OF REFUGEE RESETT LEMENT, 330 C Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201; and ) ) ) ) UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS, a non -profit corporation, 3211 Fourth Street, N.E., Wash ington, D.C. 20017 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Defendants. AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000201 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 3 of 26 Introduction Plaintiffs Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin br in g this action seeking 1. declaratory and injunctive relief and monetary damages aga in st Alex Azar, in his official capac it y as Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services; United States Department of Health and Human Services; Steven Wag ner, in his official capac ity as Act in g Assistant Secretary for the Adm ini stratio n for Chi ldr en and Fa mili es; Administration for Childr en and Fami lies; Scott Lloyd , in his official capacity as Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement; of Refugee Resettlement (together, "Federal Defendants") for un lawful funding of certain child welfare organizations relating to unaccompanied manner that that perform federa l taxpayer -funded services refugee children imp erm issibly discriminates 1 in federal care and custody in a aga in st same -sex coup les who are prospective foster and adoptive parents. The organizations regarding same-sex and Office relationships applying to be foster parents. to exclude use religious doctrine such coup les categorically By enabl in g federal taxpayer-funded from child welfare serv ices, for children in federal care and custody, to be performed in reliance on such doctrine, Fede ral Defendants are depriving childr en of the opportu nit y to be placed in eligible homes th at serve their best int erests. Federa l Defendants are also imp er mi ssib ly denying eligible foster and adoptive parent app lica nt s, such as Plaintiffs, the opportunity to provide loving homes to children in need on account of Plaintiffs use the term "unaccompanied refugee children" to refer to child re n served under either the Unaccompanied Refugee Minor Program or the Unaccompanied Alien Children Program. 1 1 AMFRICAf\.; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000202 Case 1:18-cv-00378 the organizations' Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 4 of 26 religious beliefs regarding the applicants' sexual orientation and sex and the sa me-sex cha r acter of their marr iage. Federal Defendants' contrary to the best interests act ions are of childr en , whose welfare Federal Defendants are charged with protecting, and violate the United States Constitution. Jurisdiction 2. and Venue This case arises under the Constitution of the Un it ed States, and presents federal quest ion s within this Court's jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. ? 1331. 3. This Court has jurisdiction to grant the requested declaratory and injunctive relief under 28 U.S.C. ?? 2201 and 2202, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 57 and 65, and the inherent equitable powers of the Court. 4. Venue is proper in this District because: o pursuant to 28 U.S.C. ? 1391(b)(l), Defendant United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is an entity incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia with its principal place of business in the District of Columbia, and the remaining Defendants are officers or employees of an agency of the United States in their official capacities or agencies of the United States; and o pursuant to 28 U.S.C. ? 1391(b)(2), Defendants condu ct a cont inuou s and systemat ic port ion of the ir business in this District, where a substantia l part of the events giving rise to the claims, 2 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000203 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 including the unlawful administration Page 5 of 26 of federal funds by Federal Defendants, occurred. Parties 5. Plaintiffs Fatma Marouf ("Fatma") and Bryn Esplin ("Bryn") , both women , are a married lesbian couple. Plaintiffs are residents of Fort Worth, Texas, a nd federal taxpayers . Their taxpayer dollars contr ibute to the adm ini stration of federal child welfare programs, in cluding those at issue in this action. In accordance with the United paymg for federally funded States child welfare Constitution, services that Plaintiffs are object to provided in a discriminatory manner, based on religious principles to which they do not subscribe, that fail to serve the best interests of children. 6. Plaintiffs suffered the add iti ona l harms alleged in this Complaint when organizations receiving federal funds denied them the opportunity to be foster pare nt s on the basis of the orga nizations ' religious beliefs regarding their sexua l orient at ion and sex and the same -sex character Defendants enab led such discrimination 7. Plaintiffs capac ity as Secretary aga in st Plaintiffs. bring suit aga in st De fendant of the United of thei r marr iage. Federa l Alex Azar in his official States Department of Health and Human Serv ices. In that capacity, Defendant Azar oversees the United States Department of Health and Human Services. 8. Plaintiffs br in g su it aga in st Defendant of Health and Human Services United States Departm e nt ("HHS") , which is headquartered in the District 3 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000204 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 6 of 26 of Columbia, and is charged with enhancing and protecting Americans' health and well-bein g via the provision of health and human serv ices. HHS is the federal agency that is responsible for oversee in g the Office of Refugee Resettlement 's funct ions and responsibilities inv olvin g the care and custody of chi ldren under the Unaccompanied Refugee Minor ("URM") Program and the Unaccompanied Alien Children ("UC") Program. 9. Plaintiffs bri ng suit aga in st D e fendant Steven Wagner in his official capac ity as Acting Assistant Families. Secre t ary for the Administration In that capacity, Defendant for Children an d Wagner oversees the Administration for Children and Families. 10. Children Plaintiffs bring and Families suit against Defendant Administration ("ACF"), which is h eadquartered for in the District Columbia, and is the division of HHS that is responsible for implementing of certain human serv ices programs, includin g those focused on foste rin g the economic and social welfare of youth and fam ili es, such as the URM Program and the UC Program administered by ORR. 11. Plaintiffs brin g su it aga in st D e fendant Scott Lloyd in his official capacity as Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. In that capacity , Defendant Wagner oversees th e Office of Refugee Resett lement. 12. Plaintiffs bring suit against Res ett le ment ("ORR ") , which is headquartered Defendant Office of Refugee in the District of Columbia, and is 4 AMFRICAf\.; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000205 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 7 of 26 th e office within ACF that is responsible for the care and custody of child ren in the UC Program and th e URM Program. 13. of Catholic Plaintiff s bring suit against Defendant Bishops United Stat es Conf ere nce ("USCCB"), a non-profit organizat ion incorporated Dist rict of Columbia with its headquarters in the and pr incipal place of business locat ed in the District of Columbia. USCCB h as a legal and financial int er est r elati ng to the subject of thi s act ion . Disposin g of this actio n in USCCB' s abse nce would necessa rily imp air th e int er ests it ha s by virtue of its grants, coopera tive a gr ee ment s, and funding from HHS. Beca use USCCB is subject to servic e and it s participation will not depri ve this Cour t of subject matter jur isdiction, its joinde r pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 19(a)( l) is re quired to permit this Court to accord comp lete r elief a mon g th e parti es, with out exposin g Federa l Defendant s to the risk of inconsistent obligations. Factual All e gation s The Unaccompanied Refug ee Mino r Program and the Una ccompan ied Ali en Children Program 14. The federal governm ent curr ently cares for thousa nd s of unaccompani ed r efug ee childr en, many of whom ar e fleei ng violence. 15. Federal Defend a nt s a dminist er th e URM Progr am, which provides for th e care of children who are under the age of 18, unaccompanied by an adult, and any of the following: r efugees, entr a nt s, asylees, victim s of trafficking, certa in minors with specia l immig rant juven ile status, or U visa holders. 5 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000206 Case 1:18-cv-00378 16. Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Federal Defendants also administer Page 8 of 26 the UC Program, which provides for the care of childr en who arr ive in the Unite d States unaccompanied by a parent or lega l gua rdi a n, a nd who lack lawfu l immigrat ion status in the United States. When such childr en ar e apprehended by th e United States Department of Homeland Security, they are assigned to the care and custody of ORR. 17. ORR's r espo nsibilities under both programs adm ini ster in g grants to and cooperat ive in clude awa rd ing and agree ments with child welfare organ iza tion s, which can includ e religiously affiliated organizat ions, to perform child welfare services on ORR's behalf, and ensuring that such organizations abide by applicable federal laws in providing such federa lly funded services. 18. Through grants to and cooperative agreements with child welfare organ izatio ns, ORR provides servi ces to the chi ldren in its custody, inclu din g but not limited to shelter, foster care and residential placement, and adoption services. ORR is cha r ged with gua r antee in g that the best interests para mount in implementing it s child of the children are welfar e prog r ams . The child welfare organ izat ion s to which ORR awards grants and cooperative agreements are charged with, among other things, matching childr en in their care with qua lifi ed fam ilies in accordance with ORR's standards of care . 19. Religiously affil iated organ izat ions are among the prov ider s of federally funded care for children under the URM Program and the UC Program. Although the orga niz ations that receive federal grants and cooper at ive agr eements under these programs may be faith-based organizations, they may not use federa l 6 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000207 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 9 of 26 funds to proselytize or for other sectarian purposes, such as restricting access to federally funded child welfare serv ices based on faith-based pr inci ples. 20. ORR has a n obligat ion to ensure that the organizations that receive grants or cooperative agreements to provide federal child welfare services relating to unaccompanied refugee children in its custody do so without discriminating against foster or adopt ive parent applicants based on their sexual orientation, their sex, the same -sex characte r of their mar ri age, or the religious beliefs of the organizations. 21. There are more children in the care of Federal Defendants under the URM Program and the UC Program than there are eligible foster or adoptive homes seeking placement or adoption of such children. 22. There is no valid bas is for the governme nt to prefer different-sex couples over same-sex couples when considering or approving would-be foster or adoptive parents or making placement or adoption decisions. The scientific community has reached consensus that childr en reared by lesbian or gay parents are just as likely to be well-adjusted as childre n of h eterosexua l parents . This conse nsus has been r ecogn ized by ever y major professional orga nizat ion dedicated to childr en's health and welfare, including: the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychological Association, th e American Medical Association, the National Association of Social Workers, and the Child Welfare League of America. There is no basis in social science or child welfare pr inciples for catego r ica lly barring same-sex spouses from being foster or adoptive parents. 7 AMFRICAf\.; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000208 Case 1:18-cv-00378 23. Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 10 of 26 When Federal Defendants enable organizations to turn away qualified foster or adoptive par ent applicants based on criteria unrelated to child welfare, such as the appl icants ' sexual orientation or sex or the same-sex character of their marriag e, or th e religious beliefs of the organizations, th e numb er of potential homes for children is reduced. 24. Such exclusions that r educ e the numb er of placement or adoption options for children can also r esu lt in placing children with less su it ab le parents who are unabl e to meet the children 's individualiz ed needs , causing harm to children in ORR' s custody and care. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 25. USCCB , a grantee of ORR, is one of the primary organizations that impl ement s th e URM Program and the UC Pro gram on behalf of Federal Defendants. its dete rmines USCCB , through affiliates and sub -grantees, appropriate placements for children under th e URM Progr a m and the UC Pro gram , among other r espo nsibiliti es . 26. USCCB receives millions of dollars in grants from ORR a nnually under the URM Pro gram and the UC Program. ORR authorizes USCCB to us e those fund s to award sub -grants to other organizations, includin g it s sub -gra nt ee, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth ("CCFW''), to perform services for childr en in the Fort Worth region of Texas under the URM Program and the UC Program. 27. USCCB is th e sole or primary sou r ce of funding for CCFW's services for children under the URM Program and the UC Program. 8 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000209 Case 1:18-cv- 00378 28. Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 11 of 26 In its URM grant application for the relevant period, USCCB informed ORR that "USCCB must ensure that services provided under this app licat ion are not contrar y to the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church, its moral convictions, or religious beliefs." 29. In its UC grant application for the relevant period, USCCB similarly inform ed ORR that "USCCB must ensure that services provided under this application are not contrary to th e authentic t eaching of the Catholic Church, its moral convict ion s, and religious beliefs in an approach that is consist ent with the ACF Policy on Grants to Faith-Based Organizations." 30. USCCB also notified ORR in its UC grant application that it would require sub-grantees to comply with an agreement provision entitled "Catholic Identity," under which sub -grantees : must ensure that services prov ide d to those served under this Agreement are not contrary to the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church , its mor al convictions , and religious beliefs. Accordingly, [USCCB] expects that th e Sub-recip ient will prov ide services under th is Agr eement within certain param eters in cluding, among other th in gs, that the Sub -recipient will not provide, refer , encourage, or in a ny way facilitate access to contraceptive s or abortion services. 31. When ORR awarded the URM and UC gra nt s to USCCB for the rel evant period , it did not prohibit USCCB from adm inist er in g the grants bas ed on religious con sid erat ion s, as set forth in USCCB's grant applications . Nor did ORR implement any oth er safeguards to preven t USCCB from doing so. 32. USCCB's URM and UC gra nt app licatio ns for prior per iods conta in ed similar statements of intent with respect to religiously motivated administration of 9 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000210 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 12 of 26 the grants, and ORR similarly did not implement any safeguards to preven t USCCB from carrying out such int ent. On information and belief, if unch ecked, this pattern will persist. 33. In numerous contexts, USCCB has publicly objected to providin g services to married applicants unless they are in a lega l union of one man and one woman. USCCB's website openly advocates against parenting of children by sa mesex couples. For exa mpl e, USCCB Fact Sheets concerning adopt ion and foster care servic es, which have appeared on USCCB's websit e sin ce at leas t 2013, state th at , "[w]hen placing children with couples, Catholic Charities enjoy the advantage Discrimination of having Against a mother Catholic and ensures those children a father Adoption who are Services, married." USCCB http://www. usccb .org/is sues-and-action/r eligious-lib ert y/discrimination-a gain st catholic-adoption-services.cfm 34. Another (last visited Feb. 16, 2018). section on USCCB 's website entitl ed "Freque ntl y Asked Qu est ion s About the Defense of Marriage" states, and stated at all times during the rel evant period, that "[p]lacing a child in the care of two men or two women ma y be well-intentioned, but ultimat ely deprives the child of that which best serves his or her int er ests - a moth er and a father." Frequently Asked Questions About the Defens e of Marriag e, USCCB, http://www.u sues -and- action /marr iag e-andfami ly/marriage/promot ion-and-de fense-of- marriage/freq uen tly-asked -questions-ondefense -of-marriag e. cfm (last visited Feb. 16, 2018). 10 AMFRICAf\.; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000211 Case 1:18-cv- 00378 35. Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 13 of 26 Additionally, as confirmed by a press release first posted on its website in 2015, USCCB has lobbied for the passage of laws that would allow child welfare organizations that receive federal funds for adoption and foster care services to declare overtly, without fear of adverse governmenta l action, that, based on their religious beliefs , they permit adoption by, and foster care placement with, only marri ed coup les comprising one ma n and one woman. 36. Wh en ORR awarded the URM and UC grants to USCCB for the r elevant period , it was on notic e that USCCB's r eligious beliefs disfavor ed same-sex relationships. 37. Federal Defendants unlawfully use federal taxpaye r dollars to finance grants to USCCB to implement the URM Program and the UC Program based on imp ermiss ibl e religious cri teria . 38. Federal Defendants are required to administer grants and cooperative agreements in a mann er so as to ensure that federal funding is expended , and associated federal programs are implemented , in accordance with the constitut iona l guarantees of equa lit y and liberty and th e str ictures of th e Establishm ent Clause, in addit ion to app licable statutory and r egulatory requirem ents, includin g but not limit ed to those proh ibitin g discrimination. 39. par ticipation administration HHS r equir es that no person oth erwise eligible be exclud ed from in, denied the benefi ts of, or subjected to discrimination in the of HHS programs and services ba sed on non-m erit-bas ed factor s such as sexua l orientation, sex, and religion. See 45 C.F.R. ? 75.300(c) (2018). HHS 11 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000212 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 14 of 26 grantees and su b-gran tees, including USCCB and its su b-grantees, with this requirement in the administration 40. must comply of pro gram s supporte d by HHS awards. HHS also requir es that , in accord a nce with the Supreme Court decision s in United States v. Windsor an d Obergefell v. Hodges, HHS grantees and sub-grantees, including USCCB and its sub-grantees, must treat as valid the marriag es of same-sex couples in th e ad ministration of programs sup ported by HHS awards. See 45 C.F.R. ? 75.300(d) (2018). Fatma and Bryn Seek to Foster an Unaccompanied Refugee Child 41. Fatma and Bryn marri ed in 2015 and moved to Texas in 2016. Fatma is a 41-year-old law professor at Texas A&M University Law School and director of its Immig rant Rights Clinic. She was born in California to Egyptian and Turkish immigrant parents. Bryn, age 33, teaches Bioethic s at Texas A&M University 's School of Medicine. Bryn was born in St. George , Utah and grew up there and later in La s Vegas, Nevada. The couple's wedding ceremony joyfully wove together customs from th eir diverse backgrounds and cultures - Fatma being rai sed Muslim and Bryn, Mormon. 42. The couple was eager to bring a child into their family. After their wedding, Fatma attempted attempts were unsuccessful, to get pregnant though r eproductiv e technology. Their and the couple began considering other options for bringing a child into their lives. 43. immigration Fatma became familiar with CCFW through her work at the clinic. The chief executive officer of CCFW sent Fa tma a personal 12 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000213 Case 1:18-cv-00378 solicitation Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 via e-mail , proposmg a stronger re lationship Page 15 of 26 between CCFW and Fatma's clinic. To advance that goal, CCFW invit ed Fatma to tour CCFW 's facility, writing th at "[i]t would be an honor to host you!" Fatma went on the tour where she lea rn ed about CCFW's work with unaccompanied r efugee children. 44. Fatma's visit sparked her and Bryn's shared interest in fostering an unaccompanied r efugee child. Th e couple sought more information from CCFW about their foster care programs and exchang ed mu lti pl e e-mai ls with a CCFW emp loyee about th e next steps for bringing an unaccompanied r efugee child into their home. In those e-mails, Bryn was iden tified as Fatma 's spouse. The coup le was thri lled when CCFW schedu led an initial te lephone interview for them with the Chair of the Executive Committee of CCFWs Board of Directors, Donna Springer ("Springer"). 45. On or about Februar y 22, 2017, Fatma and Bryn spoke with Springer. Springer described various r equ irem ent s to become foste r parents , as well as the population of children in nee d of foster hom es . During th e call, it became clear to CCFW that Fatma and Bryn are same-sex spouses. 46. Springer then told Fatma and Bryn th at foster parents must "mirror the holy family." To clarify whether their r ela tionship would be an issue, Fatma explicitly stated that she and Bryn are a same -sex couple. Springer r espond ed that they did not "qualify" to foster a child. 4 7. Shocked by Springer's r espo nse, Fatma then asked about lesbian , gay, bisexual, and transgender ("LGBT") chi ldren in CCFW's care , because LGBT youth 13 AMFRICAf\.; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000214 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 16 of 26 may quali fy for asylum. Springer responde d that none of the approximately 700 children th at CCFW serves is a m emb er of th e LGBT community. 48. On or about that sa m e day, February 22, 2017, th e Dir ector of Immi gration Services for CCFW recogniz ed Fatma 's expe rti se r elat ed to CCFW 's immigration work by sending Fatma and two of her colleagues an e-mail inviting them to deliver a ''Know Your Rights Pr ese ntation " at CCFW on March 4, 2017. Fatma accepted th e invitation attended, and gave the presentation. and th e dir ector wrote to Fatma afterward Hundreds to thank of p eople h er for the pre sen ta tion. 49. On or about February 22, 2017 , Fatma e-mailed the general e-mail address for ORR to report that CCFW had discriminated sex spouse by informing unaccompanied them that they were not eligible to foster an refugee child because they did not "mirror the holy family." Fatma's e-mail asked whether such conduct was permissible alternative against her and her same - organizations that and sought information abo ut would allow sa me-sex couples to b ecome foster parents. Fatma did not r eceive a r espo ns e to h er e-mai l unti l April 14, 2017, wh en the "ORR team" e-mail ed Fatma asking for the names of th e individuals at CCFW who "inform ed [her] that the age n cy does not licens e foster families who do not mirror th e holy family''. 50. Fatma provided the information that ORR requested on May 1, 2017. She r eceive d a r espo ns e on May 2, 2017, which only thanked h er for providing the 14 AMFRICAf\.; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000215 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 17 of 26 information. She has since received no further communication from either ORR or CCFW. 51. By working to ensu r e th at none of the children for which th ey ar e re sponsible are plac ed in hom es of sa me-se x spouses based on USCCB 's r eligiou s beliefs, USCCB and its sub -grantees not only discriminate against same-sex spouses, but also effect ively era se the non-C atholic identiti es and beliefs of many of the unaccompanied r efugee children for which they are r espon sible. This conduct potentially incr eases tho se children's alienatio n and vulnerability, them access to loving homes that could serve them best-all while denying at federal taxpayers' expense. 52. By working to ensure that none of the children for which they are r espo nsible be placed in homes of same-sex spouses based on USCCB 's r eligiou s beliefs, USCCB and its sub -grantees also disserve and demean the youth for which they are r espo nsib le who are LGBT , stigmatizing them as less deserving and worthy of r espect than others, and sendin g th em the message that, when they grow up to form families of their own , th ey and their families will not have a right to equal tr eat ment in the provision of government services. 53. Federal Defendants were on notic e at th e time th at they awarded th e URM and UC program grants for th e r eleva nt period to USCCB that USCCB and its sub-grantees, including CCFW, would administer the grants in a discriminatory mann er based on its r eligious beliefs, includin g it s r eligiou s beliefs disfavoring same -sex relationships. Yet Federa l Defendants did not implement any safeguards 15 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000216 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 to prevent USCCB or its sub-grantees, Page 18 of 26 including CCFW, from doing so. As a result, Federal Defendant s viol at ed the United States Constitution. 54. Federal Defendant s' failure to r eme dy the discrimination and it s sub-grantee in denying Fatma and Bryn the opportunity under the URM Program or the UC Program considerations, they of which by USCCB to foster a child based on impermissible ar e on notic e, compounds their religious constitutional violation. CLAIMS FOR RELIEF CountI (First Amendment - Establishment U.S. Const. amend I 55. Plaintiffs 56. Federal reincorporate Clause) the foregoing allegations as if fully set forth h erein. taxpayer Defen dan ts have provided and continue funds to USCCB and it s sub-grantees services for unaccompanied to provide federal to provide federal child welfare r efugee children in the Fort Worth region of Texas under both the URM Program and th e UC Program. 57. providing USCCB these and it s sub-grantees federally fund ed services prospective foster and adoptive di scriminate against prospective se xu al orientation apply when par ent s, including it s own r eligious accepting criteria applications in from r eligiou s r eq uir eme nts that foster and adoptive parents on account of their and sex and th e sa me-se x character of th eir marriage. 16 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000217 Case 1:18-cv- 00378 58. Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 19 of 26 Federal Defendants were on notice at the time that they awarded the URM and UC grants for the relevant period to USCCB that USCCB and its sub grantees, including CCFW, would administer the grants in a discriminatory mann er based on its religious beliefs, in clud in g its religious beliefs disfavoring same-sex relationships. 59. Federal Defendants USCCB or its sub-grantees, grants in a discriminatory 60. Defendants failed to impl ement any safeguards to prevent includin g CCFW, from admin istering the URM and UC manner based on it s religious beliefs. USCCB and its sub-grantee to discriminate used federal funds provided by Federal against Fatma and Bryn based on USCCB's religious beliefs. 61. Federal Defendants failed to take any correct ive action after Fatma and Bryn notified them that USCCB and its sub-grantee had engaged in sectarian discrimination aga in st Fatma and Bryn under federal programs administered by Federal Defendants. 62. Establishment Federal Defendants have violated and cont inu e to violate the Clause by enab lin g, sanct ionin g, ratifying, and failing to imp lement adequate safeguards aga in st USCCB's and it s sub-grantees ' use of federal taxpayer funds for it s own sectarian purposes, includin g categorically excluding certain members of the public from funded child welfare services based on faith-based princ iples. 17 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000218 Case 1:18-cv- 00378 63. By enabling Document 1 Filed 02/20/ 18 Page 20 of 26 grantees and sub -grantees to exclude members of the pub lic from fede r al ch ild welfare se rvic es based solely on the ir r eligious be liefs, Fede r al Defendants have disbur se d and con tinue to disburse federa l t axpayer fund s in a man ner that is not neutral with re spect to religion. 64. By enabling grantees and sub-grantees to provide federal child welfare se rvic es based on th eir r eligiou s be liefs, Federa l Defendants cont inue to disburs e federal taxpayer have disbur sed and funds in a m ann er th at pr efers USCCB 's Cathol ic identity and be liefs . 65. By funding USCCB with knowledge engage in se cta rian dis crimination establish adequate safeguards that it will use such funds to based on it s relig iou s beliefs, and by failing to to prevent such discrimination, Federal Defendants hav e improp erly acted with a r eligious pu r pose an d with a pr imary effect of advancing USCCB's Catholic identity and beliefs. 66 . By funding USCCB with knowledg e that it will use such funds to engage in sec tarian establish dis crimination adeq u ate safeguards based on it s r eligious be liefs, and by fa ilin g to to prevent suc h discrimination, Federa l Defend an ts hav e im prope rl y defin ed r ecipients of suc h funds by r efer en ce to r eligion and imp ermissibly effect ed govern me n ta l ind octr in ation. 67 . By funding USCCB with knowl edge that it will u se such funds to engage in se cta rian dis crimination establis h adequate based on its re ligiou s beliefs, and by failing to safegua rd s to pr eve nt su ch discri min at ion, Federa l Defend ant s have improperly endorsed USCCB's Catholic identity and beliefs . 18 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000219 Case 1:18-cv-00378 68 . Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 21 of 26 By enab ling USCCB's religious be liefs to be a precondition to receiving governm ent se rvices, Fede r al Defe n da nts h ave impe rmi ss ibly coer ced indivi dua ls, incl udi n g vu ln er ab le an d impr ess ionab le chil dr en in th e care of USCCB a n d CCFW, wit h respec t to t hose r eligiou s be li efs . 69 . As federa l taxpayers, Plaintiffs are harmed by Federal Defendants' use of feder al t axpaye r fun ds t o und er writ e an d en dor se r eligious b elie fs to wh ich th ey do n ot su bscrib e. 70. Fede r al Defenda nt s' act ions also harm LGBT ind ividua ls and cou ples who wish to become foster or adoptive parents, in cluding P laintiffs . 71. deprived Through the and continue actions to deprive described Plaintiffs above, Fe dera l Defendants of their rights protected have by the Est ab lishme nt Clause of t h e Fir st Amend men t to th e Uni ted St ates Constit uti on . Coun t II (Fi fth Amendment - Equ al P rotection) U.S. Con st . am e nd V 72. Pl ain ti ffs r ein cor por at e t he for egoing allegat ion s as if fu lly se t forth h er ein. 73. Th e Due Pr ocess Clau se of t he Fifth Am endment to th e Unite d States Con sti tut ion prohib it s th e fede r al governm ent fr om deny ing equa l pr otec ti on of t he laws . 74. Federal Defendants have discriminated an d continue to discriminate im pe rmi ssibly aga in st in dividuals, includi n g P lainti ffs, based on r eligion , th eir sexual orientation, their sex, and the same -sex character of their marriage, by 19 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000220 funding Case 1:18-cv- 00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 the of services administration administered that they Page 22 of 26 are on notice are being in a manner that disfavors same-sex relationships. 75. Federal Defendants have deprived and cont inu e to deprive individual s, includin g Plaintiffs, of equa l dignity, liberty, and autonomy, and brand them as inferior by discriminating against them based on religion, sexual orientation, and the exerc ise of the fundamental 76. Discrimination exercise of the fundamental based There is right to marry. on religion, sexua l orientation, sex, or the right to marry (including to a person of the same sex) is presumptively unconstitutional 77. sex, and subject to heightened scrutiny. no constitutionally adequate justification fail advance for Federal Defendants' actions. 78. Federal governmental antithetical interest. Defendants ' actions To the contrary, to any legitimate enabling the religious test at issue is to Federal Defendants' responsibility to ensure that the best in terests of the children in the ir care and custody drive their placement and adopt ion . 79. Federal Defendants' actions harm LGBT individuals and couples who wish to become foster or adoptive parents, includin g Plaintiffs. 80 . Through the actions described above, Federa l Defendants have deprived and continue to deprive Plaintiffs of their rights protected by th e equa l protection guarantee of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. 20 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000221 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 23 of 26 Count III (Fifth Amendment - Substantive Due Process) U.S. Const. amend V 81. Plaintiffs reincorporate th e foregoing allegat ions as if fully set fort h her ein. 82 . The Fifth Amendment 's Due Process Clause protects sub stantiv e ri ght s to be fr ee to make certain int egrit y, self-d efiniti on , governmental intim acy, and decisions central per sonhoo d individuals' to au t onomy, withou t intru sion. These decisions includ e the fundamental unjustified r ight to marr y, including the right to marry someone of the same sex. 83 . marriage, Married including persons also have a fundamenta l liberty interest a fundamenta l liberty interest in their in the federal government recognizing and r espec tin g marriages validly ente r ed in to under sta t e law. 84 . Additiona lly, all persons have a liberty interest in their fami ly privacy, int egrit y, and association. 85 . Federal Defend an t s enab led, sanct ion ed, and r at ified USCCB's and its sub -gran t ees' use of a r eligiou s test to deny Fatma an d Bryn the ability t o apply to be fost er or adoptive pa r ent s und er the URM Program or UC Pr ogram solely due to a judgment th at th eir famil y "does not mirr or the holy fa mily." In doing so, Fede ral Defendants' condu ct violated the substant ive due process compone nt of the Du e Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment Fa tm a and Bryn's libe r ty int er ests because Federal Defendants and penalized burdened th eir exer cise of th eir fundamental right to marry. 21 AMFRICAf\.; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000222 Case 1:18-cv- 00378 86. There is Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 no constitutionally adequate Page 24 of 26 justification for Federal Defendants' infrin gement of Plaintiffs' fundamental rights. 87 . Federal Defendants' act ion s harm LGBT individuals and couples who wish to become foster or adoptive parents , includin g Plaintiffs. 88. Through the actions described above, Federal Defendants have violated and continu e to violate the substa ntive due process protect ion s of the Fifth Amendment to the Un it ed States Constitut ion . PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs respectfully pray that this Court grant the following relief: Enter a declaratory A. judgment that Federal Defendants' failure to ensure that Plaintiffs may apply to be foster or adopt ive parents to a child under the URM Program or the UC Program through Federal Defendants' grantee USCCB absent religious or other criter ia that disfavor them based on the ir sexua l orientation or sex or the same-sex character of their marriage violates the First and Fifth Amendments to the United States Constitution. B. Enter a declaratory enabling, sanct ionin g, ratifying, judgment that Federal Defendants ' actions in or failing to impl ement adequate safeguards against the use of religious or other criteria disfavoring same -sex relationships to determine who may receive federal child welfare services under the URM Program and the UC Program violates the First and Fifth Amendments to the United States Constitution. 22 AMFRICAf\,; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000223 Case 1:18-cv-00378 C. Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Issue a permanent Page 25 of 26 injunction requiring Federal Defenda nts to ensure that Plaintiffs may apply to be foster or adoptive parents to a child und er the URM Program or th e UC Program through Federal Defendant s' grantee USCCB abse nt religious or other criteria that disfavo r them based on th eir sexual orientation or sex or the same -sex character of their marriage. D. enabling, Issue a perman ent injunction sanct ionin g, ratifying, prohibiting Federal Defen dants from or failing to impl ement adequate safeguards against th e u se of r elig iou s or other crit eria to exclud e foster or adoptive par ent applicants ba sed on their sexual orientation their marriage in the administration or sex or the same -sex character of of the URM Program and the UC Program, including, as necessary, prohibiting Federal Defendants from awarding URM or UC grants to USCCB. E. Award Plaintiffs nominal monetary damages. F. Award Plaintiffs their reasonable costs and attorney's fees. G. Grant any other and further r elief that thi s Court may deem fit and proper. Dated: February 20, 2018 Respectfully submitt ed, HOGAN LOVELLS US LLP By: / s I Jessica L . Ellsworth Jessica L. Ellsworth (DC Bar No. #484170) *Kenneth Y. Choe **Jennifer A. Fleury 23 AMFRICAf\.; PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000224 Case 1:18-cv-00378 Document 1 Filed 02/20/18 Page 26 of 26 *J ames A. Huang HOGAN LOVELLS US LLP 555 Thirteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004-11 09 Teleph one : (202) 637-5600 Facs imil e : (202) 637-5910 jessica.ellsworth @ho gan lovell ken .choe@hogan j ennifer .fleury @hoganlove lls .com *Ala li Dagogo-Jack HOGAN LOVELLS US LLP 4085 Ca mp bell Avenu e, Suit e 100 Menlo Park , CA 94025 Telephon e : (650) 463-4070 alali. dagogo-j ack @hog an lovells .com and *Cami lla B. Taylor *J amie A. Gliksberg LAMBDA LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATION FUND, INC. 105 West Adams, 26th Floor Chicago , IL 60603-6208 Telephone: (312) 663-4413 ctaylor @lam bd alega l.or g j gliks berg @lambdale *Kenn eth D. Upton , Jr. LAMBDA LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATION FUND, INC. 3500 Oak Lawn Avenue , Suite 500 Dallas, TX 752 19-6722 Telephon e : (214) 219 -8585 kupton @lambda lega Att orneys for Plaintiffs *admission pro hac vice to be sought **admi ssion to the bar of the Court pending 24 AMFRICAN PVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000225 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 1 of 25 UNITED STA TES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK L.V.M ., a minor, by and through his next friend EDITH ESMERALDA MEJIA DE GALINDO, on his own behalf and on behalf of others similarly situated, Case No . Plaintiffs/Petitioners, V. SCOTT LLOYD, Director, Office of Refugee Resettlement; JONATHAN WHITE, Deputy Director, Office of Refugee Resettlement; STEVEN WAGNER, Acting Assis tant Secretary for the Administra tion for Children and Families, U.S . Department of Health and Hum an Services; ALEX AZAR, Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; ELCY VALDEZ , Federal Field Specia list, Office of Refugee Resettlement; JEREMY KOHOMBAN, President and Chief Execut ive Officer, Children's Village. CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT AND PETITION FORA WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Defendants /Respondents. INTRODUCTION 1. This class action lawsuit challenges the government's pro longed detent ion of immigrant children across New York State. Thousands of children who make the long and perilous journey to the Un ited States each year are trauma survivors fleeing violence and persecution in their home countries. In recognition of this population's vulnerability, federal laws and policies offer special protect ions to these children and require that they promptly be reunited with loved ones in the United States while their immigration cases are adjudicated. 2. In a sharp break from the laws and policies intended to protect these vulnerable children, the Trump administration has vilified and targeted them. President Trump has said that large numbers of immigrant chi ldren are gang members and "animals;" Attorney General Sessions has described them as "wolves in sheep's clothing;" and both men have denounced the laws AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000226 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 2 of 25 that protect these children. On the day before the filing of this lawsuit, the administrat ion issued a statement attacking the federal statute that protect s immigrant children, characterizing its protections as "loopholes." 3. Under Scott Lloyd, whom President Trump appointed to head the agency responsible for the care of immigrant children - the Office of Refugee Resettlement - the process of reunifying the children in the plaintiff class has ground to a virtual halt, trapping these children in highly restrictive government-controlled facilities. Among other measures, Lloyd altered agency policy and practice in mid-2017 such that he now personally reviews and must approve nearly all reunification decisions involving children in the plaintiff class. In the six month s of implementing this new procedure (June to December 2017), Lloyd approved the release of only a handful of class members in New York. This marks a significant departure from years past where children like the class members in this case waited only one to three months for release. 4. Plaint iff L.V.M. is one of dozens of children in New York victimized by the Trump administration's new regime for handling immigrant children. L.V.M. had never spent a night apart from his mother until July 20 17, when federal officials removed him from his home on Long Island on false gang allegations. The only judge to review that claim soundly rejected it, ORR itself has moved L. V .M. to a placement reserved for children who do not present a danger , L.V.M. has not had a single disciplinary incident while in detention, and his mother has done everything requested of her to secure her son's return home. Nonetheless, L.V.M. remains in government custody seven months later with no end in sight and no explanation for why he has yet to be returned to his mother's care. And not only does his plight exemplify the unlawful and damaging delays in the reunification process, it also reveals the depth of Lloyd's role in AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 2 EXT-18-1509-P-000227 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 3 of 25 this process, as he personally interviewed L.V.M. shortly after he was detained, a remarkable step given that Lloyd heads an agency with thousands of children in its custody. 5. Given the specter of indefinite detention, L.V.M . now seeks the Court's intervention on behalf of himself and a class of minors similarly situated to him so that he can be reunited with his mother and so that immigrant child ren in custody in New York will no longer be subjected to endless and unexplained delays and to the grievous harms that children suffer when separated from their famil ies and left to langu ish in government custody . The defendants' actions violate the federal statute that governs the detention and release of immigrant children, the Administrative Procedure Act's prohibition on unreasonable delays and arbitrary and capricious agency conduct , and the Constitution's Due Process Clause. Defendants' actions are causing serious and irreparab le harm to L.V.M. and the other juveniles in the plaintiff class. The plaintiffs therefore seek declaratory and injunctive relief from this Court to end these violations and harms. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 6. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. ? 1331 (federal quest ion); 28 U.S.C . ? 220 1 (Declaratory Judgment Act) ; 28 U.S.C. ? 2241 (habeas corpus) ; and 28 U.S.C. ? 1361 (mandamus). 7. Venue is proper in the Southern District of New York under 28 U.S.C. ? 139l(b) because a substantial part of the events giving rise to these claims occurred in this district. Venue is also proper under 28 U.S.C. ? 224 1(d) because L.V.M. is detained within this district. PARTIES 8. Plaintiff L. V.M. is a 17-year-old boy from El Salvador who has been detained by the defendants since July 6, 2017. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 3 EXT-18-1509-P-000228 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 4 of 25 9. Plaintiff Edith Esmeralda Mejia de Galindo is L.V.M.'s mother. She lives in Bellport, New York, and prior to L. V .M. 's detention by defendants in July 2017 had resided with and cared for her son throughout his life. 10. Defendant Alex Azar is the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the department of wh ich ORR is part. Azar is a legal custodian ofL.V.M. and is sued in his official capacity. 11. Defendant Steven Wagner is the Acting Assistant Secretary for the Admin istrat ion for Chi ldren and Families under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Administration for Chi ldren and Fam ilies is the office within HHS that has responsibility for ORR. Wagner is a legal custodian of L.V.M. and is sued in his official capacity. 12. Defendant Scott Lloyd is the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement ("ORR"). ORR is the government entity directly responsible for the detention of L.V.M. Lloyd is a legal custodian of L.V.M. and is sued in his offic ial capac ity . 13. Defendant Jonathan White is the Deputy Director of ORR. White is a legal custodian ofL.V.M. and is sued in his official capacity. 14. Defendant Eley Valdez is the Federal Field Specialist for ORR who oversees Children's Village . Federal Field Specialists are ORR officials who act as regiona l approval authorities for the transfer and release of most children in facilities under their supervision. Valdez is a lega l custod ian of L.V.M. and is sued in her official capacity. 15. Defendant Jeremy Kohomban is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Children's Village, a government-contracted nonprofit facility in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y . where L.V.M. is currently in custody. Kohomban is a legal custodian of L.V.M. and is sued in his official capacity. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 4 EXT-18-1509-P-000229 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 5 of 25 FACTS AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK COMMON TO ALL PLAINTIFFS Legal Framework and Policies Governing Custodv and Release oflmmigrant Children 16. Each year, thousands of children come to the United States from foreign countries, some with relatives and some alone. In recent years, the U.S. has seen an influx of children from Mexico and Centra l America fleeing endemic levels of crime and violence that have made those countries extremely dangerous, especially for children and young adults. The United Nat ions estima tes that nearly two- thirds of immigrant children now coming to the U.S. from Mexico and Centra l America have suffered harms and persecution warranting international refugee protection. 17. In the 1980s and 1990s, immigrant children who arrived to the U.S. were routinely locked up for months in unsafe and unsanitary jail cells, in remote facilities across the country. These conditio ns prompted a federal lawsuit, Flores v. Reno , which resulted in a 1997 consent decree still effective today that sets national standards for the detention, release , and treatment of immigrant children in government custody. In addit ion to setting certain minimal detention standards, Flores guarantees that children shall be released "wi thout unnecessary delay" and requires the Government to undertake "prompt and continuous efforts" towa rds family reunification. The Flores consent decree also gives these children the right to a bond hearing before an immigration judge. 18. In 2002, Congress took further action to protect this vulnerable population when it passed the Homeland Security Act ("HSA") and transferred the care and custody of unaccompan ied immigrant children from the Immigration and Nationality Service to the Office of Refugee Resettlement , housed within the Departme nt of Health and Human Services. ORR is not a security agency; its mission is to "incorporate[ e] child welfare values" into the care and placement of unaccompanied immigrant children. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 5 EXT-18-1509-P-000230 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 6 of 25 19. Building on Flores and the provisions of the HSA regarding immigrant children, Congress passed the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 ("TVPRA"), which grants legal protections to children in ORR custody and tasks the agency with ensuring they are "promptly placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child." Senator Diane Feinstein, a sponsor of the bill that would become the TVPRA, explained that the legislation was intended to redress situations like one she had personally witnessed, where an unaccompanied child remained in custody for nine months after her initial detention. The text and legislative history of the TVPRA make clear that Congress enacted it to facilitate the speedy release and minimally restrictive placement of immigrant children. 20. ORR has never promulgated regulations under the TVPRA. The only public guidance on ORR's detention and release procedures is a guide that has existed for at least a decade but was not published online until 2015. 1 ORR edits and amends this guide as often as once a week and does so without any explanation or announcement of the changes. ORR also regularly advises its staff and service providers of nonpublic changes in policy by email or phone. 21. Reviewing ORR's placement practices in 2016, a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs found that ORR had "failed to adopt and maintain a regularized, transparent body of policies and procedures concerning the placement of UACs" and castigated the agency for what it called "[s]etting governmental policy on the fly" in a manner "inconsistent with the accountability and transparency that should be expected of every administrative agency." Despite this lack of public accountability and transparency 1 See Office of Refugee Resettlement , ORR Guide: Children Entering the United States Unaccompanied (Jan. 30, 2015), https://www. theunited-states-unaccompanied AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 6 EXT-18-1509-P-000231 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 7 of 25 over ORR's activities, the online guide does provide a set of procedures for the agency to follow when determining the placement and release of children in its care. 22. These procedures are applicab le to over 7,000 children in ORR custody nationwide. Approximately 1200 of these children reside in placements in New York. 2 These children are placed with one of nine nongovernmental organizations that house children pursuant to contracts with the Department of Health and Human Services. Children's Village, in Dobbs Ferry, New York, is one of the largest ORR-contracted shelters in the state and houses approximately 183 children. It also has the only staff-secure placement in New York, housing a total of28 children. Outside Children's Village, approx imately 430 children reside in shelterlevel placements across the state, including at shelters such as Lincoln Hall in Lincolndale and MercyFirst in Syosset. 23. Beginning when a child comes into ORR custody, the agency's online guide provides that ORR may place him or her in one of three levels of care based on an assessme nt of the level of security risk and harm to self or others that the child poses: "shelter care" is the least restrictive custodial setting, "staff secure" is the intermediate leve l, and "secure" care is the most restrictive level. 3 Secure facilities are like juveni le jails; there are only two such facilities in use nationwide, one in California and one in V irginia. Staff-secure facilities, while not using locked pods or cells, are still very restrictive in that children's movement inside the unit is contro lled; children are not permitted to leave the facility except to attend court; outdoor recreation is limited to one hour a day in a fenced in area; and there is a higher staff-to-child 2 Of the 1200, approximate ly half are in shelter placements and half are in transitional foster care placements. In addition to these 1200, there are severa l dozen children in long-term foster care in New York. 3 Children can also be placed in Residential Treatment Centers, given psychiatric or psyc hological issues, and in long-term or transitional foster care. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 7 EXT-18-1509-P-000232 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 8 of 25 ratio than in shelter units. Shelter-level placements, while less restrictive than staff-secure or secure custody, are nonetheless much more restrictive than a home environment. Children are not permitted to move between rooms or up and down the stairs without staff permission; external doors are locked; and time outdoors is limited. At Children's Village, children in shelter -leve l care are permitted only two outgoing calls a week. 24. ORR places children in secure or staff-secure settings (either initially upon entry into the ORR system or as the result of a "step up" once the child is already in ORR custody) for a variety of reasons, including disruptive behaviors, even those tied to mental health;4 an expression of a desire to leave ORR custody, which can be construed as making the child an "escape risk"; and other disclosures of behaviors or thoughts deemed to raise safety concerns, including ones made to mental health professionals or socia l workers contracted by ORR to care for children. 25. ORR's online guide also contains procedures governing the release of children in its care. The guide provides for ORR to "begin[] the process of finding fami ly members and others who may be qualified to care for an unaccompanied alien child as soon as the child enters ORR's care ." For children without a viab le sponsor in the U.S ., ORR has a long-te1m foster-care program through which children who have demonstrated "safe behavior in a non-secure setting" can be placed wit h famil ies in the community, rather than a shelter. ORR also has po licies and procedures that "require the time ly release of children and youth to qualified parents, guardians , relatives or other adults, referred to as 'sponsors ."' Once a custodian or sponsor has been identified, he or she must complete two forms-an authorization for release of information and a family reunification appl ication - and prov ide documentation of the identity of the child, the 4 ORR's ability to address mental-health linked behavioral issues in more therapeutic Residential Treatment Centers, see ORR Gu ide 1.4.6, is limited because there are on ly two nationwide. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 8 EXT-18-1509-P-000233 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 9 of 25 sponsor's identity and address, his or her relation ship to the child, and "evidence verifying the identity of all adults residing with the sponsor and all adult care givers identified in a sponsor care plan." 26. Once an ORR care provider and a nongovernmental third-party reviewer, called a "case coordinator, "conclude[] that the release is safe and the sponsor can care for the phy sical and mental well-being of the child," the care provider "makes a recommendation for release" to the ORR Federal Field Specialist (FFS), an individual who acts as the local ORR liaison with the facility. Historically, the FFS then either approved or denied release or requested more inform ation. Prior to 2017, children placed in staff-secure custody were typically released to a sponsor within 30 to 90 days. For children in shelter care, the average length of time in custody was 34 days, after which time the vast majority were reunited with a sponsor. But as described below , new changes to the long-standing policy of the FFS approving or denying release were instituted by Director Lloyd last spring and made public in June 2017 , resulting in the reunification process coming to a virtual halt. Changes to ORR 's Policies and Practices Under the Trump Administration 27. The Trump administration has repeatedly engaged in rhetoric and policies that demonize immi grant children and aim to subve1t the laws intended to protect them. Recent policy changes enacted by ORR reflect the Trump administration's rhetoric vilify ing immigrant children as dang erous criminals or gang members. The adm inistration has deployed this rhetoric despite the fact that ORR's own internal review has found that, even by its own flawed identification process, fewer than two percent of children in its custody have gang ties. 28. The Administra tion has taken particular aim at laws that protect imm igrant children. In his most recent State of the Un ion Address, President Trump described immigrant childre n as AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 9 EXT-18-1509-P-000234 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 10 of 25 violent gang members who "took advantage of glaring loopholes in our laws to enter the country as unaccompanied alien minors." Just this week, the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement denouncing the TVPRA and the Flores Settlement as two such "loopholes ." 29. In a rally held in Long Island in July 2017, President Trump declared that the "laws are stacked against us" and called out "a liens minors" as responsible for gang-related killings in the United States, referring to immigrant children accused of being gang members as "animals." "They're going to jai ls," he yelled, "and then they're going back to their country ." 30. Attorney General Sessions has also furthered this narrative, alleging that certain immigrant children who come to this country are "wolves in sheep's clothing." In an interview with Fox News broadcast on August 3, 2017, Sessions said: " [W]e need to be able to deport people rapidly who enter the country illegally, and we have to end this policy of taking unaccompanied minors ... and turning them over to the Department of Health and Human Services [the agency within which ORR is located], and then they take them to their 'dest ination city' .. .So thi s is a very bad and dangerous policy and it can be ended and it must be ended." On February 15, 2017 , the Department of Homeland Security released a statement describing the Flores settlement and the TVPRA as "loopholes" that invite illegal immigration and fuel gangs. 31. In addition to publicly denouncing protections for immigrant children, the Trump administration has called on Congress to amend the TVPRA and to strip children of many of the protections they are afforded under this legislation. 32. Though the TVPRA remains fully in place, the Trump Administration has actively worked to subvert its requirements in furtherance of its rhetoric portraying immigrant children as dangerous criminals and gang members. One such new policy ORR instituted under Lloyd's leadership was to place all children with gang allegations in secure care . Many of the se children AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000235 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 11 of 25 entered ORR custody after being detained during two Long-Island centered crackdowns against alleged gang members: Operation Matador , in May and June 2017, and Operation Raging Bull, in October and November 2017. But the gang allegations upon which the agency relied in making these placements have been debunked by virtually everyone who has reviewed them, both inside and outside ORR . 33. In late 2017, a federal court in San Francisco ordered that immigrant children previously released from ORR custody as unaccompanied minors, subsequently detained for alleged gang involvement and placed back in ORR custody receive hearings before immigration judges to determine if they truly pose a danger. In nearly every hearing (27 of29) , immigration judges found the government's claim of dangerousness unfounded and ordered the child's release. But children in the plaintiff class here, like L.V.M., who are not class members in the San Francisco case, still do not have any mechanism available to challenge their detention, even after they are stepped down from secure custody. 34. In spring 2017, Lloyd instituted a new policy that indefinitely stalls the reunification of children like L.V.M . with their families . That policy, reflected in a revision to the online ORR guide on June 12, 2017, imposes a new requirement for the release of children who are currently or have ever been held in secure or staff-secure facilities within ORR : personal approval by Scott Lloyd, or his designee, Deputy Director, Jonathan White. Lloyd is not a social worker, psychologist, or educator. Before being appointed as ORR director in March 2017, a position that does not require Senate approval , Lloyd was an attorney for the Knights of Columbus and served on the board of a crisis pregnancy center in Virginia. Yet, upon information and belief, nearly all of the requests for release elevated to headquarters for approval are personally decided by Lloyd. The result is that after a child's release is AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 11 EXT-18-1509-P-000236 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 12 of 25 recommended by the shelter staff; a third-party case coordinator; a home-study worker, if applicable; and the FFS, with voluminous accompanying documentation , that request is now forwarded to Washington D.C., where it languishes with defendants White and Lloyd, often for months. 35. Since the requirement of director approval for release was imposed, the release of children who are or have previously been in secure or staff-secure confinement has virtually ground to a halt. Prior to 2017, children in staff-secure custody typically remained detained for 30 to 90 days. Yet in the last eight months, it has become rare for children who require Lloyd's approval to be released at all (other than children ordered released as a result of litigation like the San Francisco case). In the six months after the requirement of Director-level approval was added to ORR's online guide, only four out of dozens of children at Children's Village impacted by the new requirement were released absent either judicial intervention or the threat of litigation. Most other children either turned 18 and were transferred to ICE custody or remain in ORR custody today. As of the week of the filing of this complaint, at least eleven children who, like L.V.M. , have been stepped down to shelter care at Children's Village remain detained despite having spent an average of over seven months in ORR custody. 36. In nearly every case, once defendant Lloyd finally acts on a release recommendation, it is only to request additional information, services or evaluations from care providers. The requests from the ORR director are unguided by any policy or fixed set of criteria and amount to constantly moving targets. In many cases, the care providers , who have already completed the full panoply of release procedures, believe these further requests or requirements are unnecessary and in some cases even harmful. Once care providers collect and relay the requested information , children again have to wait lengthy periods for yet another response. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 12 EXT-18-1509-P-000237 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 13 of 25 37. The requirement of Director-level review has also slowed other stages in the reunification process. For instance, case managers for class members in ORR shelters substantially delay forwarding release recommendations because they believe, given their experience with this new level of review, that they may need to collect information that is otherwise extraneous to the ultimate decision or even harmful to the child or may need to await developments (like Flores hearings) that should not otherwise delay the reunification process. 38 . The stepdown of children from staff-secure care to she lter care, often an essential precursor to release, has also slowed dramatically. Particularly for children alleged to have gang involvement, transfer to a less restrictive form of care often takes months longer than care providers believe necessary. This is true even if shelter staff or an immigration judge have already rejected the gang allegations against a particular child . On information and belief, this delay in stepdown is also the result of policies or practices put in place by ORR's leadership. 39 . For children, the devastating effect of these delays can include depression, deterioration in mental health , and behavioral problems associated with prolonged detention. Children like L.V.M. feel a sense of hopelessness stemming from their indefinite detention, particularly once they know that every ORR staff member or field professional with whom they have had contact has recommended release or stepdown and yet they remain detained in a highly restrictive environment. In some cases, children respond by misbehaving in ways that cause them to face progressively more restrictions on their movement in custody, exacerbating their already significant depression and hopelessness. In other cases, children who fear persecution in their home countries nonetheless opt to accept removal and return there, rather than endure further detention. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 13 EXT-18-1509-P-000238 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 14 of 25 40. The indefinite wait times for release approval from Lloyd also render release plans and postrelease services put in place by shelter staff obsolete , as the availability of those resources is often time-limited. Lack ofReasoned Explanation for Change in Policy and Resulting De/av 41. ORR's online guide gives no explanation for the new requirement that Scott Lloyd or his designee personally approve the release of all children currently or formerly in placements with heightened security, nor any information about the criteria used by the director or his designee or a timeline for completion of their review. 42. To the extent that ORR has offered any public explanation for this policy, those exp lanations have-l ike statements by the President and Attorney General- focused entirely on the specter of allegedly gang -affiliated youth. In Congressional testimony prov ided in June 20 17, Director Lloyd stated that because of gang concerns and the Administration's prioritization of safety, he had instituted "major policy changes" with a goal of ensuring that children "needing heightened supervision or that present a danger to other UAC(s] are appropriately placed," particularly those alleged to have admitted gang involvement. As part of this process, he exp lained, "[s]enior ORR leadership now reviews all releases from secure and staff-secure facilities, and I make the final release decision." He explained, in justifying this change, that he views "home land security and juvenile justice" as areas within ORR 's "mission." This is a far cry from the "child welfare values" intended to govern ORR's treatment of children in its care. 43. Contra ry to Lloyd's testimony suggesting that only those children currently in secure or staffsecurity facilities were subject to his review, the requirement for director approval now applies not only to those children but also to children who have ever been placed in those facilities, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 14 EXT-18-1509-P-000239 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 15 of 25 even if subsequently stepped down to shelter care because ORR itself has recogni zed they pose no threat. 44. In August 2017, ORR sent an "Information Memo" to the President's Domestic Policy Council regarding its "Community Safety Initiative for the Unaccompanied Alien Children Program. " The memo asse1ts that a review in June found a quarter of children in secure or staff-secure custody were "involved with gangs" and that, as a result, ORR has instituted a new requirement that defendants White and Lloyd now "rev iew and approve releases from secure or staff secure facilities." 45. In addition to its inaccurate statement of current policy, the August 2017 memo fails to offer any explanation of how ORR's "review" was conducted; what criteria were used to establish gang involvement; and what steps if any were taken to verify the underlying allegations, which-when the injunction in the San Francisco case was issued months later-immigration judges rejected as to dozens of children whom ORR had labeled gang-involved. The memo also offers no explanation for how review of a release recommendation by defendants Lloyd or White will supplement or differ from the review by the numerous local officials whose release recommendations already include an assessment of dangerousness and have previously been deemed adequate. Finally, the memo fails to acknowledge or address the impact of the Director-level review requirement on the large number of children currently or previous in secure or staff-secure custody who, by ORR's own estimation, have no alleged gang involvement. For instance, in December 2017 the New York Civil Libertie s Union challenged the four-year-long detention of a 15-year old boy, JMRM , whose release from ORR was stalled because he had spent time in a staff-secure facility a year and a half earlier; his placement there AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 15 EXT-18-1509-P-000240 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 16 of 25 was the result of behavioral issues that stemmed from poorly managed mental health and past trauma. Shortly after the NYCLU filed its lawsuit, ORR released him. 46. In May 2017, ORR's online po licy guide was amended to prov ide for the poss ibility of an "appeal" to the Assis tant Secretary of ORR if a reunification request is denied. But this process- at which sponsors have no right to call witnesses, includes no requirement of a reasoned decision , and uses a politically-appointed official as an adjudicator-i s ava ilable only once a final decision is rendered on a reunification request. FACTS PERTAINING TO L.V.M. L. V.M's Arrival in the United States and Subsequent Arrest 47. L.V.M. is a 17-year-old citizen of El Salvador who came to the U.S. in May 2016 with his mother and younge r brother. The family fled El Salvador after L.V.M. was targeted and threatened by gang members. Since their arrival in the United States, the family has retained immigration counsel, applied for asy lum and attended all immigration proceedings at the New York Immigration Court in Manhattan. 48. L.V.M. and his mother, Edith Esmeralda Mejia de Galindo, have an extremely close relationship. Prior to L.V.M.'s July 20 17 detention, he had never spent a night apart from his mother. L.V.M. has no relations hip with his biological father, and Ms. Mejia describes herself as having been both his mother and his father throughou t his life. 49. L.V.M. has never been arrested or cha rged with a crime. Prior to coming to the Un ited States at the age of 15, he had never had any disciplinary issues at school. 50. In April 20 17, while in the ninth grade and his first year at Bellpo1t High School on Long Island, L.V.M. was suspended after he was alleged to have flashed "gang signs" in the hallway. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 16 EXT-18-1509-P-000241 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 17 of 25 L. V .M. has never had any gang affiliation and did not use a gang sign but acknowledges raising both middle fingers towards another student, after the other student did the same. 51. L.V.M. was suspended for 39 days after a hearing at which he and his mother were not represented by counsel and not pennitted to be accompanied by a relative whom Ms. Mejia had brought to translate. The only allegation of gang-related activity in the paperwork the family received from the school was that L.V.M. had made the hand gesture towards another student in the hallway . 52. On July 6, 2017, L.V.M. was arrested at home by law enforcement agents who did not identify themselves. Ms. Mejia, phoned by a relative, rushed home in time to find her son being detained in the front yard. The agents would not give her any infonnation except that her son was being arrested because he is "illegal." Ms. Mejia told them that she and her sons had been attending immigration court, but the agents detained L.V.M. regardless. 53. Ms. Mejia did not know what government agency had taken her son. She desperately sought help in locating him-including from two immigration attorneys, an education attorney, and the New York Civil Liberties Union- and went herself to the federal courthouse in Central Islip. One of the attorneys was able to confirm late the next day that L.V.M. had been arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement ("ICE") as pait of a large-scale raid called "Operation Matador," conducted in Suffolk County targeting immigrant children, and that he was already being transported to an ORR-contracted facility, the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center , in Virginia. L. V.M's Detention by ORR 54. L.V.M. has remained in ORR custody ever since. From July 7 to August 18, he was detained in a secure facility in Virginia . During his time at the facility in Virginia , ORR Director Scott AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 17 EXT-18-1509-P-000242 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 18 of 25 Lloyd personally interviewed L.V.M., questioning him as to the reason for his detention and whether he planned to stay in the U.S. 55. L.V.M. 's behavior in Virginia was described as "excellent" and a dangerousness assessment on August 8 resulted in a recommendation he be stepped down to shelter care. On August 18, he was transferred to the staff-secure facility at Children's Village in Dobbs Ferry, New York, reflecting that shelter staff did not believe he posed a danger. After approximately a month and a half in staff-secure custody, his case manager informed L.V.M . that although his behavior has been "exem plary" and staff wanted to step him down to shelter-level care-meaning that he posed no danger and was not in need of close supervision- they could not because L.V.M . had been detained as part ofICE's Operation Matador. The source and scope of this prohibition or policy by ORR are not identified in L.V.M. 's records. On November 22, 2017, L.V.M. was finally stepped down to a shelter facility, the lowest level of security at Children's Village. 56. During his more than seven months in government custody, L.V.M . has never had a single disciplinary incident. In fact, L.V.M.'s ORR records describe him as "polite and soft spoken," and a psychologist who evaluated him in August 2017 noted that he is an "unusually nice kid." His behavior in ORR custody is variously described as "exemplary" and "excellent." 57. L.V .M. 's separation from his mother- with whom he had lived his entire life- has caused him significant anxiety and sadness. While L.V.M. was detained in Virginia, a caseworker there noted that most of his phone calls with Ms. Mejia devo lved into tears and that L.V.M. often began crying when discussing his separation from his mother. 58. Since L.V.M . returned to New York, his mother has visited him every other week for visits of approximately two hours. To do so, she pays a private taxi company $150 to drive her the two hours from Bellport to Dobbs Ferry and back. L.V.M. is allowed only two outgoing phone AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 18 EXT-18-1509-P-000243 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 19 of 25 calls of twenty minutes each a week. His mother calls him daily, during which they are allowed to speak for ten minutes. But since one line is shared by all 16 children in the unit, the two are at times unable to speak. Family visits are also not always poss ible due to lack of available staff to supervise them. 59. L.V.M. has experienced bullying and social isolation while in ORR custody. 60. L.V.M. and his mother believe he is receiving a lower standard of education than he would receive in regular school. The classes at Children's V illage are not part of a district-accredited program, and all children in a unit are taught together, regardless of age or grade level. Ms. Meiia and L. VM's Attempts to Reunite 61. Under the Flores Settlement, ORR is supposed to facilitate L.V.M.'s access to a custody hearing, upon his request, to determine whether he poses a danger or a flight risk. Yet it took L.V.M. and his attorney four months of effort to succeed in scheduling such a hearing. After L.V.M. was detained, his attorney filed multiple motions for a bond hearing to the immigration court , beginning as early as August 2, and called the court on numerous occasions to follow up. In early October, L.V.M. also requested a Flores custody hearing directly via his case manger at Children's Village, who then sought to schedule such a hearing through ORR. In mid-December, the hearing was finally scheduled for December 18, 20 17. 62. At that hearing, ORR filed two pages from his ORR file as evidence to justify LY.M's detention; L.V.M. via his attorney filed over 100 pages from the same file. ORR's subm ission consisted only of DHS 's referral notes from when L.V.M. was initially detained , which stated that L.V.M. has been "identified as an MS-13 gang member" by DHS Homeland Security Investigations based on his identificat ion as such by Suffolk County Police Department; his suspension from high schoo l for "gang related activities;" his appearance in a video "flashing AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 19 EXT-18-1509-P-000244 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 20 of 25 gang signs" (also the cause of his suspension); and his use of apparel and clothing associated with MS-13. The apparel and clothing are not described. On the second page, the form indicates L.V.M. 's gang affiliation was determined by "self-admission," "gang tattoos" and the summary appearing on the previous page. L.V.M. and his mother first learned of these allegations at the December 18 hearing. 63. L.V.M. has no tattoos and has never admitted to gang membership. He has never been arres ted or had any contact with the Suffolk County Police Depar tment. Neither he nor his mother has any idea what the offending clothing or apparel were that L.V.M. wore. In fact, other than the alleged gang sign he flashed in the hallway, it appears as though the form simply copies and pastes allegations made against other immigran t children alleged to be gang members. 64. At the custody hearing on December 18, after review of both parties' submission and test imony from L.V.M. and his mother, an immigration judge ruled that L.V.M. did not pose a danger or a flight risk. 65. Despite the fact that an immigr ation judge ruled L.V.M. not to be a flight risk or danger to the community, ORR cont inues to refuse to relea se him to his mother. ORR has no legal justification for refusing to release him unless it is continuing to evaluate the suitability of his mother as his custodian, a process that should have begun over seven months ago when L.V.M. was detained and should have been long since completed. 66. Since her son's detention, Ms. Mejia has complied with every requirement ORR has made to evaluate her suitability as her son's custodian-an issue that has never before been questioned, as she has had custody of her son since his birth. Ms. Mejia and her husband were fingerprinted on July 19, 2017. The other adults in the home were fingerprinted on August 7, 2017. All four adults provided valid government- issued identifications and release and background forms. Ms. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 20 EXT-18-1509-P-000245 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 21 of 25 Mejia also provided L.V.M's birth certificate; her birth certificate and marriage certificatewhich she had to ask a relative in El Salvador to get for her-and a completed and signed version of every form sent to her by case workers at ORR, includin g an Application for Family Reunification. 67. Ms. Mejia submitted the final set of documents - including the birth ce1tificate and marriage license which she had to obtain through a relative in El Salvador-on August 30, 2017. 68. Since August 30, Ms. Mejia was asked numerous times by ORR personnel to provide additional copies of documents provided earlier, such as her birth certificate, and to provide further documents, such as a letter from the Southport Country Central School District documenting L.V.M.'s enrollment. On February 15, Ms. Mejia was asked to provide school records for L.V.M. , although she already gave permission for ORR to request those records itself over six months ago. 69. On January 2, 2018, a home study was conducted to assess Ms. Mejia's suitab ility to resume custody of her son. The home study resulted in a positive recommendation on January 17, 2018. 70. On information and belief, L.V.M. 's release to his mother has now been recommended by his case manager at Children's Village , a third-party case coordinator , a home study worker , and the local Federal Field Specialist, defendant Eley Valdez, and has now been pending with Lloyd for several weeks. Also, on information and belief , staff at Children's Village believed L.V.M. to be ready for reunification seve ral months ago but were hamper ed in their ability to step him down to shelter-leve l care and to formally recommend his reunification due to barriers to stepdown and relea se that are applicable only to this class of children and due to shelter staff s knowledge of the prolong ed and arbitrary nature of case file review at ORR headquarters. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 21 EXT-18-1509-P-000246 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 22 of 25 CLASS ACTION ALLEGATIONS 71. The case is brought as a class action pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 23(a) and 23(b )(2), or in the alternative, as a representative habeas action on behalf of all children who are or will be in the custody of ORR in New York State and who are currently housed in a staff-secure facility or have ever been housed in a staff-secure or secure facility. 72. The proposed class is sufficiently numerous so as to render joinder impracticable. Upon information and belief, the class consists of at least 40 children. Moreover, additional child ren will enter the class in the future. 73. Joinder is also impracticable because the proposed class consists of children who are separated from their families and other adult caretakers, many of whom are indigent, have limited English proficiency, and/or have a limited understanding of the U.S. judicial system . 74. Common questions of law and fact affect class members, including (a) whether the Government is in compliance with its obligation under the TVPRA to promptly place children in the least restrictive setting possible; (b) whether the Government's practice of subjecting children to prolonged separat ion from their families or guardians and in overly restrictive placements in violation of its own policies and without adequate procedures violates the plaintiff s' right to due process; (c) whether substantial delays in deciding whether to reunify children with their families or sponsors are unreasonable under the APA; and (d) whether the change in ORR policy to require the ORR Director or his designee to approve release decisions for children in or previously in secure or staff-secure custody, a process that contains no known criteria or timeline and has resulted in delays throughout the ORR system, is arbitrary, capricious and not in accordance with law under the APA. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 22 EXT-18-1509-P-000247 Case 1:18-cv-01453 75. L.V.M.'s Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 23 of 25 claims are typical of those of the class with respect to the legality of the Government's policies and practices at issue. L.V.M. will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the class . He is unaware of any conflicts that would preclude fair and adequate representation. 76 . The prosecution of individual actions against the defendants will enable their practices to evade judicial review. 77 . Proposed class counsel have experience litigating similar matters . 78. The defendants' policy or practice of subjecting class members to prolonged detention without adequate process in violation of the TVPRA, the due process clause, and the Administrative Procedure Act apply to the entire class, making class-wide injunctive and declaratory relief appropriate . CAUSES OF ACTION FIRST CLAIM VIOLATION OF TVPRA (ALL PLAINTIFFS AGAINST ALL DEFENDANTS) 79 . The defendants' actions violate the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008. SECOND CLAIM VIOLATION OF THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE (ALL PLAINTIFFS AGAINST ALL DEFENDANTS) 80. The defendants' actions violate the plaintiffs' rights under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. THIRD CLAIM VIOLATION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACT (ALL PLAINTIFFS AGAINST ALL DEFENDANTS) 81. The defendants' actions violate the Administrative Procedure Act. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 23 EXT-18-1509-P-000248 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 24 of 25 PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE L.V.M. through his next friend Edith Esmeralda Mejia de Galindo respectfully reque sts that the Court: 82. Assume jurisdiction over this matter; 83. Order the defendants to release L.V.M. to his mother's custody immediately ; 84. Certify the proposed class; 85. Declare that the defendants' actions, including the prolonged detention of plaintiff class members, violate the TVPRA, the Administrative Proc edure Act, and the Due Process Clause; 86. Order the defendants to promptly reunify the plaintiff class members with their families and/or sponsors or, where appropriate, promptly place them in the otherwise least restrictive setting; 87. Order the defendants to provid e prompt decisions about applications for reunification of plaintiff class members and to provide a cons titutionall y adequate process to review denials of reunific ation, including a reasoned exp lanation for any denial and a hearing before a neutral adjudicator with the opportunity to call witnesses. 88. Set aside the ORR policy of requiring approval of class members' reunific ation applications by the ORR Director or his designee; 89. Award the named plaintiff and other members of the proposed class reasonable attorneys' fees and costs for this action; and 90. Grant any further relief that the Court deems just and proper. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 24 EXT-18-1509-P-000249 Case 1:18-cv-01453 Document 1 Filed 02/16/18 Page 25 of 25 Respectfully Submitted , Isl Paige Austin PAIGE AUSTIN AADHITHI PADMANABHAN CHRISTOPHER DUNN New York Civil Liberiies Union Foundation 125 Broad Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10004 Tel: (212) 607-3300 paustin apadmanabhan cdunn Counsel for Plaintiffs /Petitioners On the complaint: Scout Katovich Dated : February 16, 2018 New York, NY AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT 25 EXT-18-1509-P-000250 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Subject: RE: Invitation Date: 2018/03/22 17:52:50 Priority: Normal Type: Note Great. Will do From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 5:5 1 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: RE: Invitation Hi Valerie, I do know C-Fam-please share. Thank you, Scott From: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 5:49 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Invitation Hi Scott, See below. If you're not family with this group, I'm happy to give you some background. I'm happy to pass on your email to them, if you'd like, but will not do so without your OK. Best, Valerie Deliberative and pre-decisional communication Valerie Huber Chief of Staff Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs (OPA) 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201 202 690 7694 l(b)(6) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000251 From: Lisa Correnti (mailto:lisa@c-fam.org1 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 3:42 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Scott Lloyd Dear Vale rie, We are organi zing a UN event on migration and we would like to extend an invitation to Scott Lloyd who heads up Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Would you have an ema il for hi? Thank you, Lisa Lisa CoITenti Exec utive Vice President Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) NY: (212) 754-5948 DC: (202) 393-7002 Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Recipient: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 2018/03/22 17:52:49 Delivered Date: 2018/03/22 17:52:50 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000252 From: Lisa Correnti To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " CC: "Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH)" Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Date: 2018/03/22 18:07:58 Priority: Normal Type: Note Excellent, Scott. Wi ll do! Thank you, Lisa On Mar 22, 2018, at 6:02 PM, Lloyd, Scott (ACF) wrote: Hi Lisa, In the morning after 10:30 is best, on my cell (below) . Thank you, Scott *** E. Scott Lloyd Director Office of Refugee Resettlement U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (202) 401- 7269 (202) l(b)(6) Kcell) sco tt.lloyd@ac From: Lisa Correnti [ mailt o :lisa@c-fam.or g1 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 5:58 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Cc: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Thank you, Valerie. Scott, would there be a good time to call you tomorrow or Monday? Many thanks Lisa AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000253 On Mar 22 , 2018 , at 5:54 PM, Huber , Valerie (HHS /OASH) wrote : Lisa, I've cc'd Scott to this email, so you can both converse about the invitation . Best, Valerie From: Lisa Correnti (mail t o:lisa@c -fam .org ] Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 3:42 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Scott Lloyd Dear Va lerie , We are organi zing a UN event on migration and we would like to extend an invitation to Scott Lloyd who heads up Office of Refu gee Rese ttlement (ORR). Would you have an email for hi? Thank you , Li sa Lisa Con-ent i Executive Vice President Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) lisa@c -fam.o rg NY: (212) 754-5948 DC: (202) 393-7002 Sender: Lisa Correnti Recipient: "Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) "; "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 20 18/03/22 18:07:22 Delivered Date: 20 18/03/22 18:07:58 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000254 From: Lisa Correnti To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Date: 2018/03/23 10:42:31 Priority: Normal Type: Note Scott, My 1Oam call is going over. I' ll call you by 11. Thank you, Lisa On Mar 22, 2018, at 6:02 PM, Lloyd, Scott (ACF) wrote: Hi Lisa, In the morning after 10:30 is best, on my cell (below). Thank you, Scott E. Scott Lloyd Director AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000255 Office of Refugee Resettlement U.S. Department of Health and Human Serv ices (202) 40 l- 7269 (202),__K b.;..;. )(6-'-)_ _,!(cell) scott . Iloyd @acf. From: Lisa Correnti [mai lto:lisa @c-fam .org1 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 5:58 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Cc: Lloyd , Scott (ACF) Subject : Re : Scott Lloyd Thank you, Valerie. Scott, would there be a good time to call you tomorrow or Monday? Many thanks Lisa AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000256 On Mar 22, 2018, at 5:54 PM , Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) wrote : Lisa, I've cc'd Scott to this email, so you can both converse about the invitation. Best, Valerie From: Lisa Corren ti [mailto:lisa@c-fam.or g] Sent: Thur sday, March 22, 2018 3:42 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HH S/OASH) Subject: Scott Lloyd AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000257 Dear Valerie, We are organizing a UN event on migration and we would like to extend an invitation to Scott Lloyd who heads up Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) . Wo uld you have an email for hi? Thank you, Lisa AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000258 Lisa Correnti Executive Vice President Center for Family and Human Right s (C-Fam) NY: (212) 754-5948 DC: (202) 393-7002 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000259 Sender: Lisa Correnti Recipient: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 2018/03/23 10 :42: 18 Delivered Date: 2018/03/23 10:42 :31 Message Flags: Unread AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000260 "Tota, Kenneth (ACF) "; "Edwards, Lauren (ACF) "; To: "Dukes, Amanda (ACF) "; "Kurkjy, Brian (ACF)(CTR) " Subject: FW: Scott Lloyd Date : 2018/03/26 09:54:40 Priority : Normal Type: Note U 0 , MO, 5 XA::o:o *tHt+ OD 1 0 U USl O U U.S. Government! 0 U HHSl "O U Certification Authoritiesl$0" U HHS-FPKI-Inte1mediate-CA-ElO 1705301625072 l 80425 l 65507ZO - 1 0 U US 1 0 U U.S. Govemmentl 0 U HHSl 0 U ACFl O U PeoplelAO '&%0"6,d 20019820610% U Brian T. Kurkjy -E (Affiliate)O, "O *tHt+ , 0, , 6PCEr\EURGBP;Kyy E bt :-yj3 IE -tM (C)I_- 3/4 ,,RfiA P D l}iYk; 1GBP(R)(C)) 0] ?D+- GBP1GBP~7a; XqwA QA oYojaM - CEayaz 3/4 6~-6 he8-> .. . eY ~oI>xilo K6rPi,r?-0SCS(-AillAf<<"il A 2a2+-i { OI>yA+-;1.YO]E ; 'GBP I"'U<:u\ D ? (R)ii-,? -, aetm'{mGF}u'IEU->b) GBP,,ro, 2 0 U y O U 00 'tH e OE + 3/4 O >>OR + 0 t Fhttp: //hhspkic AWCertslssuedToHHSEntrustCA. p7 cO + 0 t http://ocsp.dhhs.gov0C + 0 t7http ://hhspkiocsp.managed /OCSP /HHSEntrustCAO U % 0 + + ,7 0# U O Brian.Kurkjy@acf.hhs.gov0, 1 U , (0, $0 I> -0 0t?http: // "O ' 1 0 U USI O U U.S . Government! 0 U HHSl "O U Certification Authorities1$0" U HHS-FPKI-Intermediate-CA-El 1 0 U CRL209 l OA ? =t; http ://hhspkicr s/HHSEntrustCA 1.crlO %o>i'6;.E +0=apayG%0Er ,,"k RBOoI 16,,@Uu7. W %oaafi+YfiITuU<I> :auii x:,1Qc GBP ... GA 7<<]@, o,p ] imne ~cY"'EaA"Yu >dpU6%iJZ 3/4 Afiz- t? 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D K]&JE'>.N,,hU 3 Sifik7a-.GBP0ZWl>hcM' -iJPY' ,,Zx"aoR8ZH O- afii Z 0'<:;9U- ?[H[ o@$a JE?80 Yc;:S -.- awa""7" _ :(TM)pxeRAy0iHl (C)U> ;APO- kii Ou'cc7* 1/2 e-3--JPY - eB(W 1/2 ' 2 9 i -a +J+3m' eU 23NN6Hiiy3 \sf o'o NACE6A E%oj?3R3zp~ec%t8 #GBPb60eu$ mH .uo {9 re 6 31JPY7I'iCriK ["0B+ oG6=o - r"i 1/4 yoiUJEdaE>' 0, yO, 9 .&O *tHt+ OYl O u USl O U U.S. GovemmentlO U FPKil!O U Federal Common Policy CAO 1507301318522 250730131242ZOnlO U USlO U Entrustl "O U Ce1tification Authoritiesl)O' U Entrust Managed Services Root CAO, "O *tHt+ , 0, , ~--GBPz(D8i,E,.~:A(R)Acloi:UY 0 6EURU@C U 'kre 3/4 E; "xpotadS6rU0 l ?n' * oz \ /C- a(C)rEI\4:uA- sAw-Ari:,. .u~ >F 83DhAx 6ai.i ? yEox-z #a e 1/4 sNfiu?D :6 +g"Ao'Dia -IGBPm /\ee FUX'Oi.i-s?iIU O(TM)y (C),Yav6Ypr-Y SMa 3<- '@+-# D87a+" ._D 3/4 ClE"[BE">aZ 0 r W,il>'p6N -eM DI IINMY E 3/4 Go $N,'- El "arS NI u Y .. o Y..oA u EURO~O GBP , 0 0 , .-ro II 'tH e 0 'tH e 0 ' tHe 0 ' tH e $0 'tH e 0 'tH e 0 'tH e 'O 'tH e (0 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000262 ' tH e )00 + COAO? + 0 , 0, OM + 0 t3http ://http /fcpca/caCertslssuedTofcpca.p7c0 , + t Ahttp://rootweb.managed /SIA/CertslssuedByEMSRootCA .p7c0 ? + 0 t -ldap:// %20Managed%20Services%20Root%20 CA,ou=Certification%20Authorities ,o=Entrnst ,c=US?cACertificate ;binary ,crossCertifica tePair;binaryO U 6 y O U $ y O O U y O U # OEUR - zu\ao~Ay~_,(y- 69 u05 U .0,0* ( &t$http ://http.fpki .gov/fcpca/fcpca.crl0 U (C)S 3/4 d,,/K]&.tE'> .N,,hU(C)1>3 00 vsii {eUitE +-P,,llLre :N 3 Meyitp = ! .q uz AL j>>U 1/2 AOAoN~ CYzi 1 <:A 3/4 kx- folJU @ a.JPY;a( a!]" -out.!-iaq +-oJPYvNv 0 DJ1>6eE0 e u>> ZU%oi-,Ceo6 @z Al;Qo 0 %o] 6x4,, >YyDGBP-,eG CE;- " Y $ 6 ,,q GBPeMCE0 aCyZo; hRE\~a 3/4 fi*' *iD@Iu 3/4 p.tEE- } 3/4 oi" a Sit +-0Ao ]os h 0, 'O, H 00 *tHt+ OYl O U USlO U U.S. GovemmentlO U FPKil !O U Federal Common Policy CAO 101201164527Z 301201164527ZOY1 0 U USl O U U.S . Government IO U FPKil !O U Federal Common Policy CAO, "O *tHt+ 0, , 0uu5 4ZAlZ '\ 0 -xDue&euaCi6y0 10 1/2 )QtY!ay<~0 m.tEyNX,i o*GBP6?!% =B.2AZ' 3#JPYaR 3 ]-e 0 ,AAY>>A n,@>>A' 6l6&'i 4 I'z* GBPA_ t/ auAA-,zi rDHA>u,,6 ,,,A At6. 1C62z02~6 (R)" 1CEPs!zp/;0~$aeA~I>i~C' SY[b/ ? 1/4 O ...o:yES? K"O <i' I>I S ? [Ma!-SDc2YU11 0?i'~se'D zpZ by 0 tcEYTEA VG 1/2 eAOi YaJPY B(R)(AuNE 0 Col>.e 1/2 s' o "Tota, Kenneth (ACF) "; "Edwards, Lauren (ACF) "; Recipient : "Dukes, Amanda (ACF) "; "Kurkjy, Brian (ACF)(CTR) " Sent Date: 2018/03/26 09:56: 17 Delivere d Date: 2018/03/ 26 09:54:40 Message Flags: Unread Unsent AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000263 C-Fam CENTER FOR FAMILY & HUMAN RlGH TS NEW YORK o W .\SHINGTON. DC March 23, 2018 E. Scott Lloyd Director Office of Refugee Resettlement U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201 Dear Scott, The Commission on Population and Development will convene at United Nations headquarters in New York April 9-13 addressing the theme of Migration and Urbanization . To inform the discussion a side event is being organized by 23 Member States that comprise the Group of the Friends of the Family. C-Fam is partnering with the Member States in the organizing of this event. The event titled "The Effect of Urbanization and Migration on the Family" is scheduled for Tuesday, April 10 from 10am-12pm. We would like to extend an invitation to you to participate as a panelist presenting on the Trump administration migration policy related to unaccompanied minors, the exploitation and challenges confronting these children and the assistance that needs to be provided. I am attaching a concept note to provide more detail of the event. Many thanks for your kind consideration. rb)(6) i Lisa Correnti Executive Vice President NY: (212) 754-5948 l "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Tota, Kenneth (ACF) "; To: "Dukes, Amanda (ACF) "; "Kurkjy, Brian (ACF) (CTR) " Subject : RE: Scott Lloyd Date : 2018/03/26 10:10:25 Priority: Normal Type: Note Hi Scott, Thanks for calling . We're still waiting on clearance for the consultation in Philadelphia the morning of Thursday, the 12th . I spoke with the PA SRCon Friday and we are planning for some refugee program site visits the afternoon of the 1ith. Right now we don't have any plans for the 11th , but the SoT provider knows we will likely be in town and so I can try to arrange for the SoT site visit for the 11th . It shouldn't be a problem for you to do both the NY engagement and the Philadelphia consultat ion and site visits . I'll keep you all posted as we firm up Philadelphia. Lauren From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent : Monday, March 26, 2018 9:59 AM To: Tota, Kenneth (ACF) ; Edwards, Lauren (ACF) ; Dukes, Amanda (ACF); Kurkjy, Brian (ACF) (CTR) Subject : FW: Scott Lloyd Hello Everyone, Pending approval from OA, I'd like to attend this event . That would have me in NYCon the 10th , which is close to our Philly trip . I wonder if it might be possible for us to move the Philly trip around a little bit so that we start on the 11th -that way I can take the train from NYCto Philly on the evening of the 10th . If I recall preliminary planning for Philly we were planning to be there on the 12th and 13th , but we would be doing the 11th and 12 th instead if I accepted the NYCinvite . I am not sure if I have that right. I am not sure how far along we are with planning for Philly-I Please let me know . AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT don't want to throw things into disarray. EXT-18-1509-P-000267 Thank you, Scott From: Lisa Correnti (mailto: lisa@c-fam.orq l Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 12:28 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Dear Scott, It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Attached please find an invitat ion to speak at the April 10 side event at UN headquarters. Also attached is a draft concept note. Many thanks for your cons ideration . Best , Lisa Lisa Correnti Executive Vice President Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) NY: (212) 754-5948 DC: (202) 393-7002 On Mar 22, 2018, at 6:02 PM, Lloyd, Scott (ACF) wrote: Hi Lisa, In the morning after 10:30 is best, on my cell (below). Thank you, Scott *** E. Scott Lloyd Director Office of Refugee Resettlement U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (202) 40 I-7269 (202](b)(6) cell) scott. Iloyd@ac f. hhs. gov I( AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000268 From : Lisa Correnti [mailto:lisa@c-fam .org 1 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 5:58 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Cc: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Thank you, Valerie. Scott, would there be a good time to call you tomorrow or Monday? Many thank s Lisa On Mar 22, 2018, at 5:54 PM, Huber, Valerie (HH S/OASH) wrote: Lisa, I've cc'd Scott to this email, so you can both converse about the invitation. Best, Valerie From: Lisa Correnti [] Sent : Thursday, March 22, 2018 3:42 PM To: Huber, Valer ie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Scott Lloyd Dear Valerie, We are organ izing a UN event on migrat ion and we would like to extend an invitation to Scott Lloyd who heads up Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Would you have an email for hi? Thank you, Lisa Lisa Correnti Execut ive Vice President Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) NY: (212) 754-5948 DC : (202) 393-7002 Sender: Edwards, Lauren (ACF) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Tota, Kenneth (ACF) "; "Dukes, Amanda (ACF) "; "Kurkjy, Brian (ACF) (CTR) " Sent Date: 2018/03/26 10:10:25 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000270 Edwards, Lauren (ACF) To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Subject: FW: Scott Lloyd Date: 2018/03/27 17:42:37 Priority: Normal Type : Note Hi Scott, Will you need help with talking points for this? Or someone on staff to go with you? Lauren From : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Se nt : Monday, March 26, 2018 9:59 AM To: Tota, Kenneth (ACF) ; Edwards, Lauren (ACF) ; Dukes, Amanda (ACF); Kurkjy, Brian (ACF) (CTR) Subject : FW: Scott Lloyd Hello Everyone, Pending approval from OA, I'd like to attend this event . That would have me in NYCon the 10th , which is close to our Philly trip. I wonder if it might be possible for us to move the Philly trip around a little bit so that we start on the 11th -that way I can take the train from NYCto Philly on the evening of the 10th . If I recall preliminary planning for Philly we were planning to be there on the 12 th and 13 th , but we would be doing the 11th and 12 th instead if I accepted the NYCinvite. I am not sure if I have that right . I am not sure how far along we are with planning for Philly-I Please let me know. don't want to throw things into disarray. Thank you, Scott From: Lisa Correnti [mailto: 1 Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 12:28 PM To : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Dear Scott, It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Attached please find an invitat ion to speak at the April 10 side event at UN headquarters. Also attached is a draft concept note. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000271 Many thanks for your consideration. Best , Lisa Lisa Corrent i Executive Vice President Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) NY: (212) 754-5948 DC : (202) 393-7002 On Mar 22, 2018, at 6:02 PM, Lloyd , Scott (ACF) w rote: Hi Lisa, In the morning after 10:30 is best, on my cell (below). Thank you, Scott *** E. Scott Lloyd Director Office of Refugee Resettlement U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (202) 40 I -7269 cell) (202*b)(6) scott. Iloyd@acf. hhs. gov l( From: Lisa Correnti [ ] Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 5:58 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Cc: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Thank you, Valerie. Scott, would there be a good time to call you tomorrow or Monday? Many thanks Lisa AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000272 On Mar 22, 2018, at 5:54 PM , Huber, Valerie (HHS /OASH) wrote: Lisa, I've cc'd Scott to this email, so you can both converse about the invitation. Best, Valerie From : Lisa Corrent i [mailto: lisa@c-fam .org] Sent : Thursday, March 22, 2018 3:42 PM To: Huber, Valer ie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Scott Lloyd Dear Valerie, We are organizing a UN event on migration and we wou ld like to extend an invitation to Scott Lloyd who heads up Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) . Wo uld you have an email for hi? Thank you, Lisa Lisa Corrent i Executive Vice President Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) NY: (212) 754-5948 DC: (202) 393-7002 Sender: Recipient : Edwards, Lauren (ACF) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 2018/03/27 17:42:35 Delivered Date: 2018/03/27 17:42:37 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000273 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "Dukes, Amanda (ACF) "; "Edwards, Lauren (ACF) " Subject : Fwd: Scott Lloyd Date: 2018/03/28 17:44:46 Priority: Normal Type: Note Amanda, Could you notify OGA and Global Affairs of this event and Anna's approval? Thank you, Scott Begin Forwarded Message: From: "Pilato, Anna (ACF)" Subject: RE: Scott Lloyd Date : 28 March 20 18 17:24 To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF)" Cc: "Dukes, Amanda (ACF)" , "Marriott, Brian (ACF)" Hi Scott, I approve on my end. As you said in the email chain below, I am confirming that you are sending to OGA and Global Affairs. l1 m not sure about the Mission to AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000274 the UN, do you have a specific contact name? If you feel that's necessary then feel free, but I'm not requiring that. Please keep me posted and we will look for submission of your remarks. Thanks. Best, Anna From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Monday, March 26 , 2018 10:19 AM To : Pilato , Anna (ACF) Subject: FW: Scott Lloyd Importance: High Anna, I'm just putting this at the top of your inbox-we'd like approval to speak at this event on the 10th in NYC, (will send planned comments through clearance) and then to attend a refugee consultation on the 12th in Philadelphia , which we submitted separately. Thank you, Scott AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000275 From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent : Friday , March 23, 2018 12:38 PM To: Holt , Lydia (ACF); Pilato, Anna (ACF) Cc: Dukes , Amanda (ACF); Wagner, Steven (ACF) Subject: FW: Scott Lloyd Anna, I've been invited to participate at a UN roundtable on April 10. I do not see anything preventing my attendance at this point, but we do need to run this through OGA, maybe Global Affairs, and also run it by the Mission to the UN . Please let me know how we should proceed - what you need us to do. Thank you, Scott From: Lisa Correnti [mailto: lisa@c-fam.orq l AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000276 Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 12:28 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Dear Scott, It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Attached please find an invitation to speak at the April 10 side event at UN headquarters. Also attac hed is a draft concept note. Many thanks for your cons ideration . Best, Lisa AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000277 Lisa Correnti Executive Vice President Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) lisa@c-fam .org NY: (212) 754-5948 DC : (202) 393-7002 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000278 On Mar 22, 2018 , at 6:02 PM , Lloyd , Scott (ACF) wrote: Hi Lisa, In the morning after 10:30 is best, on my cell (below). Thank you, Scott *** AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000279 E. Scott Lloyd Director Office of Refugee Resettlement U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (202) 40 I -7269 (202) ~fb_)(6_) -~tcell) scott . lloyd @acf.hh From: Lisa CoITenti [mailto :lisa@c-fam .org] Sent: Thur sday, March 22, 2018 5:58 PM AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000280 To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Cc: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Thank you, Valerie . Scott, would there be a good time to call you tomorrow or Monday? Many thank s Lisa On Mar 22, 2018, at 5:54 PM, Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) wrote: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000281 Lisa, I've cc'd Scott to this email, so you can both converse about the invitation. Best, Valerie From : Lisa Corren ti [mailto:lisa@c] Sent: Thursday , March 22, 2018 3:42 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Scott Lloyd AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000282 Dear Valerie, We are organ izing a UN event on migrat ion and we would like to extend an invitation to Scott Lloyd who heads up Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Would you have an email for hi? Thank you, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000283 Lisa Lisa Correnti Executive Vice President Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000284 lisa@c-fa NY: (2 12) 754-5948 DC : (202) 393-7002 Sender: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "Dukes, Amanda (ACF) "; Recipient: "Edwards, Lauren (ACF) " Sent Date: 2018/03/28 17:44:45 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000285 Delivered 1:444:45 Dukes, Amanda (ACF) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; To: "Edwards, Lauren (ACF) " Subject: RE: Scott Lloyd Date: 2018/03/29 08:50:48 Priority : Normal Type : Note Will do. From : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 5:45 PM To: Dukes, Amanda (ACF) ; Edwards, Lauren (ACF) Subject: Fwd: Scott Lloyd Amanda , Could you notify OGA and Global Affairs of thi s event and Anna' s approval? Thank you , Scott Begin Forwarded Mes sage: From: "Pilato, Anna (ACF)" Subject: RE: Scott Lloyd Date: 28 March 2018 17:24 To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF)" Cc: "Dukes, Ama nda (ACF)" , "Marriott, Brian (ACF)" Hi Scott, I approve on my end. As you said in the email chain below, I am confirming that you are sending to OGA and Global Affairs. I'm not sure about the Mission to the UN, do you have a specific contact name? If you feel that's necessary then feel free, but I'm not requiring that. Please keep me posted and we will look for submission of your remarks. Thanks. Best, Anna AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000287 From : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent : Monday, March 26, 2018 10:19 AM To : Pilato, Anna (ACF) Subj ect: FW: Scott Lloyd Import ance: High Anna, I'm just putting this at the top of your inbox-we'd like approval to speak at this event on the 10th in NYC, (will send planned comments through clearance) and then to attend a refugee consultation on the 12th in Philadelphia, which we submitted separately. Thank you, Scott From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 12:38 PM To : Holt, Lydia (ACF); Pilato, Anna (ACF) Cc: Dukes, Amanda (ACF); Wagner, Steven (ACF) Subject: FW: Scott Lloyd Anna, I've been invited to participate at a UN roundtable on April 10. I do not see anything preventing my attendance at this point, but we do need to run this through OGA, maybe Global Affairs, and also run it by the Mission to the UN. Please let me know how we should proceed-what you need us to do. Thank you, Scott From: Lisa Correnti [mailto: lisa@c-fam.orql Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 12:28 PM To : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Dear Scott, It was a pleasure speak ing with you today. Attached please find an invitation to speak at the April 10 side event at UN headquarters. Also attached is a draft concept note. Many thanks for your consideration. Best, Lisa AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000288 Lisa Correnti Exec utive Vice Pre sident Cente r for Fam ily and Human Right s (C-Fam) lisa@c -fam. org NY: (212) 754 -5948 DC: (202) 393-7002 On Mar 22, 2018 , at 6:02 PM , Lloyd , Scott (ACF) wrote: Hi Lisa, In the morning after 10:30 is best, on my cell (below). Thank you, Scott *** E. Scott Lloyd Director Office of Refugee Resettlement U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (202) 40 l- 7269 !(cell) (202) !(b)(6) scott. lloyd@acf.h From: Lisa Corrent i [mailto: 1 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 5:58 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Cc: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Thank yo u, Va lerie. Scott, wou ld there be a good time to call you tomorrow or Monday? Many thanks Lisa On Mar 22, 2018, at 5:54 PM , Huber , Va lerie (HHS /OASH) wrote: Lisa, I've cc'd Scott to this email, so you can both converse about the invitation. AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000289 Best, Valerie From : Lisa Corrent i (] Sent : Thursday, Ma rch 22, 2018 3:42 PM To: Hube r, Valer ie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Scott Lloyd Dear Valerie, We are organizing a UN event on migra tion and we wou ld like to exte nd an invitation to Scott Lloyd who heads up Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) . Wo uld you have an email for hi? Thank you, Lisa Lisa Correnti Executive Vice President Center for Family and Hu man Rights (C-Fam) lisa@c-fa NY: (2 12) 754 -5948 DC: (202) 393-7002 Sender : Dukes, Amanda (ACF) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; Recipient : "Edwards, Lauren (ACF) " Sent Date: 2018/03/29 08:50:48 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000290 From: Lisa Correnti To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Date: 2018/03/30 14:17:36 Priority: Normal Type: Note Scott, That is fantas tic news! You will have 15-20 min to present on the administrat ion policy and the challenges, dangers to unaccompanied minors. You can include how the administration addresses the needs of these children. Would you also be able to address how abortion advocates are using them to advance an agenda relat ive to the recent contro versy? We can have another phone call next week if helpful. Best, Lisa On Mar 30, 2018, at 10:11 AM, Lloyd, Scott (ACF) wrote: Lisa, I can make it. As part of the panel, should I have specific remarks prepared (if so, how long should they be), or is it more of a Q&A format? Thank you, Scott AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000291 From: Lisa Correnti [ma ilto :lisa@c-fam .org1 Sent: Friday , March 23, 2018 12:28 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Dear Scott, It was a pleasure speaking with you today . Attached please find an invitation to speak at the Apr il 10 side event at UN headquarters . Also attached is a draft concept note. Many thanks for your consid eration. Best , AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000292 Lisa Lisa Correnti Executive Vice President Center for Family and Human Right s (C-Fam) NY: (212) 754-5948 DC: (202) 393-7002 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000293 On Mar 22, 2018, at 6:02 PM, Lloyd, Scott (ACF) wrote: Hi Lisa, In the morning after 10:30 is best, on my cell (below). Thank you, Scott AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000294 *** E. Scott Lloyd Director Office of Refugee Resettlement U.S. Department of Health and Human Serv ices (202) 401- 7269 (202) ~~ b)_(6)_~ kcell) scott.lloyd @acf.hh AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000295 From: Lisa Correnti [ l Sent: Thursday , March 22, 2018 5:58 PM To: Huber , Valerie (HHS/OASH) Cc: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Thank you, Valerie. Scott, would there be a good time to call you tomorrow or Monday? Many thanks Lisa AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000296 On Mar 22, 2018 , at 5:54 PM , Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) wrote: Lisa, I've cc'd Scott to this email, so you can both converse about the invitation. Best, Valerie AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000297 From: Lisa Con-enti [mailto:lisa@c-fam .org] Sent: Thursday , March 22, 2018 3:42 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Scott Lloyd Dear Valerie, We are organi zing a UN event on migration and we would like to extend an invitation to Scott Lloyd who heads up Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) . Would you have an email for hi? AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000298 Thank you , Lisa Lisa Corrent i Execu tive Vice Pres ident AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000299 Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) NY : (212) 754-5948 DC: (202) 393-7002 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000300 Sender: Lisa Correnti Recipient: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " Sent Date: 2018/03/30 14:17:23 Delivered Date: 2018/03/30 14:17: 36 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000301 Pilato, Anna (ACF) To: "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) " "Dukes, Amanda (ACF) "; "Marriott, Brian (ACF) " Subject: FW: Scott Lloyd Dat e : 2018/04/ 06 17:41:14 Priority: Normal Type: Note Scott, My clearance is for ACF purposes, I don't know OGA or Global Affairs perspective of this event . Do you have a contact in those offices you could do a quick check in? In the email below, you said you were going to send for their clearance . From: Pilato, Anna (ACF) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 5:25 PM To : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Cc: Dukes, Amanda (ACF) ; Marriott, Brian (ACF) (Brian.Marr iott@acf. Subject: RE:Scott Lloyd Hi Scott, I approve on my end. As you said in the email chain below, I am confirming that you are sending to OGA and Global Affairs. I'm not sure about the Mission to the UN, do you have a specific contact name? If you feel that's necessary then feel free, but I'm not requiring that. Please keep me posted and we will look for submission of your remarks . Thanks. Best, Anna From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Mo nday, March 26, 2018 10:19 AM To: Pilato, Anna (ACF) Subject: FW: Scott Lloyd Importanc e: High Anna, AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000302 I'm just putting this at the top of your inbox-we'd like approval to speak at this event on the 10th in NYC,(will send planned comments through clearance) and then to attend a refugee consultation on the 12th in Philadelphia, which we submitted separate ly. Thank you, Scott From: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 12:38 PM To : Holt, Lydia (ACF); Pilato, Anna (ACF) Cc: Dukes, Amanda (ACF); Wagner, Steven (ACF) Subject: FW: Scott Lloyd Anna, I've been invited to participate at a UN roundtable on April 10. I do not see anything preventing my attendance at this point, but we do need to run this through OGA, maybe Global Affairs, and also run it by the Mission to the UN. Please let me know how we should proceed-what you need us to do. Thank you, Scott From: Lisa Correnti [mailto: 1 Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 12:28 PM To : Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Dear Scott, It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Attached please find an invitation to speak at the April 10 side event at UN headquarters. Also attached is a draft concept note. Many thanks for your consideration. Best, Lisa Lisa Correnti Executive Vice President Center for Fam ily and Human Rights (C-Fam) lisa@c NY: (212) 754-5948 DC: (202) 393-7002 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000303 On Mar 22, 2018 , at 6:02 PM, Lloyd , Scott (ACF) wrote: Hi Lisa, In the morning after 10:30 is best, on my cell (below). Thank you, Scott *** E. Scott Lloyd Director Office of Refugee Resettlement U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (202) 401-7269 (202)Kb)(6) [cell) scott. lloyd@acf.hhs .gov From: Lisa Correnti [mailto:lisa@c-fam .org 1 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 5:58 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Cc: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Thank you, Va lerie . Scott, wou ld there be a good time to call you tomorrow or Monday ? Many thanks Lisa On Mar 22, 2018, at 5:54 PM , Huber , Valerie (HHS/OASH) wrote: Lisa, I've cc'd Scott to this email, so you can both converse about the invitation. Best, Valerie From : Lisa Correnti (] Sent : Thursday, March 22, 2018 3:42 PM To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject: Scott Lloyd AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000304 Dear Valerie, We are organ izing a UN event on migrat ion and we wou ld like to extend an invitation to Scott Lloyd who heads up Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Would you hav e an email for hi ? Thank you, Lisa Lisa Correnti Exec utive Vice President Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) lisa@c-fam. org NY: (212) 754-5948 DC : (202) 393-7002 Sender: Pilato, Anna (ACF) "Lloyd, Scott (ACF) "; "Dukes, Amanda (ACF) "; "Marriott, Brian (ACF) " Sent Date: 2018/04/06 17:41:13 Delivered Date: 2018/04/06 17:41:14 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000305 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) To: "Lisa Correnti " Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Date: 2018/04/09 19:10: 18 Priority: Normal Type: Note Hi Lisa, No power point. I'll see you there! Scott On: 09 April 2018 08:07, "Lisa Correnti" wrote: Good morning Scott, Looking forward to your participation tomorrow. Should you have a PPT please send to us today as we run all from one laptop. To access the UN we have a pass for you. Please meet us outside the UN tomorrow morning at 9:30am at the 1st and 46th Street entrance. Here's my cell ... just text me when you arrive: lw rote: Lisa, I can make it. As part of the panel, should I have specific remarks prepared (if so, how long should they be), or is it more of a Q&A format? Thank you, Scott From: Lisa Correnti [mailto:lisa@c-fam.org1 Sen t: Friday , March 23, 2018 12:28 PM To: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000307 Dear Scott, It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Attached please find an invitation to speak at the April 10 side event at UN headquarters. Also attached is a draft concept note. Many thanks for your consideration. Best, Lisa Lisa Corre nti AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000308 Executive Vice President Center for Family and Human Right s (C-Fam) lisa@c-fam .org NY: (212) 754-5948 DC: (202) 393-7002 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000309 On Mar 22, 2018 , at 6:02 PM , Lloyd , Scott (ACF) wrote: Hi Lisa, In the morning after 10:30 is best, on my cell (below). Thank you , Scott *** E. Scott Lloyd AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000310 Director Office of Refugee Resettlement U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (202) 401-7269 (202)._f b_)<6_) _ _.tcell) scott. Iloyd@acf.h hs .gov From: Lisa Correnti [ ] Sent: Thur sday , March 22 , 2018 5:58 PM AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000311 To: Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) Cc: Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Subject: Re: Scott Lloyd Thank you, Valerie. Scott , would there be a good time to call you tomorrow or Monday? Many thank s Lisa On Mar 22, 2018, at 5:54 PM, Huber, Valerie (HHS/OASH) wrote: AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000312 Lisa, I've cc'd Scott to this email, so you can both converse about the invitation. Best, Valerie From: Lisa Correnti [mailto:lisa@c] Sent: Thursday, Marc h 22, 20 18 3:42 PM To : Huber , Valerie (HHS/OASH) Subject : Scott Lloyd AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000313 Dear Valerie , We are organizing a UN event on migration and we would like to extend an invitation to Scott Lloyd who heads up Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) . Would you have an email for hi? Thank you , AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000314 Lisa Lisa Correnti Execut ive Vice President Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) lisa@c-fam .org AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000315 NY: (212) 754-5948 DC: (202) 393-7002 Lloyd, Scott (ACF) Recipient: " Lisa Correnti " Sent Date : 2018/04/09 19:10:17 Delivered Date : 2018/04/09 19:10:18 AMERICA~ pVERSIGHT EXT-18-1509-P-000316