Responsible RestartOhio Contact Sport Practices and Non-Contact Sport Competitions Contact practice and training may resume for all sports. Only intra-club/team scrimmages are permitted for contact sports and practices/open gyms should be limited in the same way wherever possible. Competitive games and tournaments are permitted for non-contact sports only. Mandatory Players, Coaches, Athletic Trainers, and Officials Spectators • Players, coaches, officials athletic trainers, and officials must conduct daily symptom assessments. Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.* • Athletic trainers must wear a face covering when attending to an injured player, preferably a medical-grade mask, except for one of the following reasons: • Facial coverings in the work setting are prohibited by law or regulation. • Facial coverings are in violation of documented industry standards. • Facial coverings are not advisable for health reasons. • Facial coverings are in violation of the business’s documented safety policies. • Facial coverings are not required when the employee works alone in an assigned work area. • There is a functional (practical) reason for an employee not to wear a facial covering in the workplace. (Written justification must be provided to local health officials, upon request, explaining why an athletic trainer is not required to wear a facial covering when attending to an injured player. At minimum, facial coverings (masks) should be cloth/fabric and cover an individual’s nose, mouth, and chin.) • Spectators must conduct daily symptom assessments. Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.* • Six-feet social distancing must be maintained between individuals. • No congregating before or after practices or games is permitted. Recommended Best Practices • Coaches, athletic trainers and officials should wear face coverings at all times and players should wear face coverings when not on the field or court of play except for one of the following reasons: • Facial coverings in the setting are prohibited by law or regulation. • Facial coverings are in violation of documented industry standards. • Facial coverings are not advisable for health reasons. • Facial coverings are in violation of documented safety policies. • There is a functional (practical) reason to not to wear a facial covering. • Promote good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. Flyers and signs are available at • Ask a parent/volunteer to help monitor/ensure social distancing on teams of young children. • Identify players at higher risk of developing serious complications from COVID-19, such as those with asthma diabetes or other health problems and take extra precautions to protect them. • Spectators should wear face coverings at all times except for one of the following reasons: • Facial coverings in the setting are prohibited by law or regulation. • Facial coverings are in violation of documented industry standards. • Facial coverings are not advisable for health reasons. • Facial coverings are in violation of documented safety policies. • There is a functional (practical) reason to not to wear a facial covering. *Per CDC, COVID-19 symptoms include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. Mandatory Recommended Best Practices • During practices, consider putting players into Practices, Games, and Tournaments • Six-feet social distance must be maintained between individuals except when on the field or court of play. • Physical contact is only permitted within the rules of the game during competitive practice. Players, coaches, and officials are not to physically contact each other before or after competitive practice (i.e. greetings, team huddles, high-fives, congregating, etc.) • Limit time spent on activities where players are in close proximity for extended periods of time (e.g. repeatedly practicing corner or penalty kicks in soccer or rebounding drills in basketball). • Facilities/clubs/teams must ensure that facilities have adequate space for social distancing for players, coaches, officials, athletic trainers, parents/guardians, and spectators off the field or court of play. • No congregating before or after practices or games is permitted. • Prior to competitive tournaments for non-contact sports, tournament organizers must alert the local health department. Equipment • Whenever possible, equipment and personal items (such as water bottles) should have proper separation and should not be shared. If equipment must be shared, proper sanitation should be performed between users. Water bottles, food, and drinks should not be shared. • • Facilities and Venues • • Time should be allotted between practice sessions to allow teams to exit fields/facilities prior to new teams arriving and for proper sanitizing for shared spaces (benches, equipment, etc.). Organizers of non-contact sports tournaments must follow applicable guidance for venues (including grandstands) in which the tournament is held. • Promote good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. Flyers and signs are available at • Make hand sanitizer available at convenient locations. • If playing inside, ensure ventilation systems or fans operate properly. Increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible, such as opening windows and doors unless doing so poses a safety or health risk. Non-Contact Travel Teams Confirmed Cases • • Immediately isolate and seek medical care for any individual who develops symptoms. Contact the local health district about suspected cases or exposure. small groups that remain together through practice stations rather than mixing groups for station to station. If possible, competing players/teams should not use the same equipment. Make sure there are adequate supplies of items and equipment to the extent possible to minimize the need for sharing (e.g. bats, protective gear, etc.) • • Traveling outside the local community may increase the changes of exposing players, coaches, and fans to COVID-19, or unknowingly spreading it to others. Consider competing only against teams in your local area. Limit use of carpools. Encourage players to only ride with others in their household if possible. • • • Work with local health department to identify potentially infected or exposed individuals to help facilitate effective exposure notification. Test all suspected infections or exposures. Following testing, contact local health department to initiate appropriate care and exposure notification. Revised 6/18